#tagging all groups who may be on my wagon . .
pulsar-ray · 5 months
shoutout to Everyone who cannot Read books. i cannot read books.. Have not willingly since i was 12, it was warriors. Cannot read 'adult' books because my cognition is ASS!!!.. so be it then!!!! i need not to read to be worthy . Get over it
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moeitsu · 6 months
The Tie Which Linked My Soul To Thee
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Summary: Welcome to Horseshoe Overlook
Ao3  Wattpad Masterlist - All Chapters Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
Tags: Arthur Morgan/Original Female Character, Widowed, Original Character, Mutual Pining, Slow Build, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, High Honor Arthur Morgan, Friends to Lovers, Child Loss, Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence, Arthur Morgan Does Not Have Tuberculosis, Arthur Morgan Deserves Happiness, Chubby Arthur Morgan, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Ch 3 - The Suns Low Down The Sky
Arthur escorted Kate to Dutch’s tent first, where the other gang members looked on curiously. Jack leapt into his mother's arms, as she eyed the mystery woman who rode in with her son. Arthur explained the situation to Dutch, introducing Kate as a traveler heading west, planning to stay for only a few days.
“Nonsense!” Dutch laughed heartily. “Drifter, outcast, or outlaw, whatever you may be, Miss McCanon, you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. We only ask that you pitch in with meals and chores.” He smiled, taking a puff from his cigar.
Kate nodded gratefully. “That's very kind of you, Mr. Van der Linde,” she replied.
“Please, call me Dutch,” he insisted. Kate reciprocated the informalities.
Dutch continued, “Arthur, show our new friend here where she can settle her things. Then come find me afterward; I’d like to discuss these Pinkertons you’re so worked up about.” He spoke casually, as if discussing the weather. 
 Arthur led Kate to a small clearing next to the ladies' tents, where they whispered among themselves. Though Kate felt like an outcast among the group, she hoped to get to know them better, especially the other women. It had been a long time since she’s had the company of fellow girls. Even though she was still unsure about just how long she would remain here. 
“You get yourself settled,” Arthur said warmly, “I’m gonna go speak with Dutch. I’ll come find you for dinner.” He bid her farewell, Kate nodded and set to work unpacking her few belongings—a tent cloth, bedroll, and a small bag of clothes. She chose to travel light, since she had no wagon to pull. 
From the adjacent tent, two heads peeked out with nervous giggles. One woman had a head full of curls and a face full of freckles, while the other was dark-skinned and wore a vibrant yellow dress. They whispered amongst each other before addressing Kate.
“Hello,” Kate said, feeling a hint of sudden nervousness, it really had been awhile since she was around so much company. 
“Hi Miss,” said the curly-haired girl, “are you Arthur’s new mistress?” She asked with a giggle.
Kate’s eyes widened in surprise and her cheeks tinted red, she hadn't thought about what the situation looked like to the other members. A strange woman riding in with one of the men, of course they would think she was a prostitute. Yet she was a little flattered, she did not feel nearly as pretty enough to be considered as such. 
Kate used to be all “ladylike” back in the days when she was tending to her husband and daughter. But she's always been more on the rugged side, she stood about 5 foot 10 inches, and had wide shoulders and thick thighs like sturdy tree trunks. All the years on the open plains she's gained muscle in places she didn't even know she had. But the beginning of her journey west is what really hardened her, she shuddered at the memory. 
“No, no, I assure you it’s nothing like that,” she clarified. . 
“Oh, quit it, Mary-Beth,” the girl in yellow scolded, stepping out from the tent. “My name's Tilly. Nosey Nelly over here is Mary-Beth.”
Kate chuckled softly, relieved by Tilly's playful interruption. "Nice to meet you both," she said, offering a warm smile. "I'm Kate. And no, I'm not Arthur's mistress. Just passing through, like he said.” She restated, taking a good look at the two girls, she noticed they were incredibly young. Tilly couldn't be much older than 18, and Mary-Beth only looked a handful of years older. The faces were full of youth, and eyes still bright with hopes and dreams. She wondered how two beautiful young women ended up with a gang of outlaws. She prayed it was nothing nefarious. 
Mary-Beth blushed, realizing her bluntness. "Sorry about that," she mumbled sheepishly.
Tilly waved off the apology with a grin. "Don't mind her. She's a hopeless romantic always jumping to conclusions," she explained, shooting a teasing glance at her friend.
"It's alright," Kate assured them, continuing to unpack her belongings. "I'm just grateful for a place to rest for a few days."
"Well, you're welcome here," Tilly said warmly. "We might be a ragtag bunch, but we look out for each other." The girls smiled in unison. It was clear they were eager to make a new friend.
Kate nodded, feeling a sense of security and camaraderie with the girls already. "Thank you Tilly. I really appreciate it."
“Can we introduce you to the others?” Mary-Beth inquired. Kate put down the bed roll she was spreading out and wiped her hands. She took a look around the camp and saw people milling about doing all sorts of activities. Some were cooking, some cleaning, others sat by a fire while two played dominos at a nearby table. She couldn't see him, but she knew Arthur would be inside the large canvas tent with Dutch and Hosea discussing the encounter by the river. 
“That would be nice,” she answered with a nod. Mary-Beth lept at the opportunity and linked her arm with Kates, the gesture took her by surprise. 
“Oh, it's so nice to have another woman around here. C’mon, I’ll introduce you to the girls first,” Mary-Beth exclaimed, her excitement infectious.
Kate couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm; this was slowly becoming exciting for her too. Together, the three of them strolled a short distance to a larger tent near a crackling fire. Jack sat on the ground, drawing shapes in the dirt with a stick, his eyes lighting up when they approached. Kate recognized the woman beside him as his mother from their earlier encounter. She wore a worn blue dress covered by a long plaid-brown trench coat, busy sewing Jack's sleepwear.
“Hello, Miss,” Kate greeted politely, acknowledging Abigail's tired smile. “I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your boy already. He's a wonderful kid.”
Abigail nodded gratefully, the weariness evident in her eyes. “Jack told me all about his adventures,” she paused her sewing to shake Kate's hand. “I’m Abigail.”
Kate returned the handshake warmly. “It's a pleasure, Abigail.”
As they moved on, Mary-Beth leaned close to Kate's ear, her voice hushed. “Abigail’s been under a lot of pressure lately,” she confided. “Her husband, well, I guess they're not technically married. Anyways, John hasn’t been the best father to Jack. She worries about her boy a lot.”
Kate's sympathy for Abigail deepened. Motherhood was challenging, even under the best circumstances, and she couldn't imagine the strain of raising a child in their risky situation. She wondered if this had anything to do with why Arthur took Jack fishing. Maybe he was trying to give his mother a break. She hoped to offer her support to Abigail when the opportunity arose.
Approaching the tree line, they encountered a blonde woman holding a rifle, evidently on guard duty. Kate noted the caution in her stance, understanding their wariness toward strangers.
“Well, who do we have here?” the woman greeted, her tone wary.
Mary-Beth took the lead in introducing Kate. “This is Kate, she’s our newest member!” she announced.
Karen eyed Kate suspiciously, her grip on the rifle tightening slightly. “Newest member, huh?” she said bluntly.
Kate raised her hands in a friendly gesture. “I’m just passin’ through, only staying for a night or two,” she explained. “I’m uh - a friend of Arthur’s.” She wasn't sure why the words came out so strange. 
“I’m Karen,” she replied tersely. “Sorry if we don't take kindly to strangers. It's been real hard these past couple weeks.” Mary-Beth nodded in agreement. “I best get back to my lookout, holler when dinners ready.” She added, turning around and heading back into the thicket of trees.
As they returned to camp, the aroma of meat stew filled the air, and the fire crackled brighter with the encroaching darkness. People began claiming their seats by the fire's warm glow. Kate scanned the camp but saw no sign of Arthur, she figured he must still be with Dutch. She hoped he was alright after his encounter with the Agents, though she understood his agitation. If he truly was an outlaw, then any government official would probably trigger his flight or fight. She wanted to ask him about it, and ask him what happened.
She longed to hear his side of the story, but she knew it wasn't her place to pry. If he chose to confide in her, she would listen eagerly. After all, sharing stories was what kept her journey alive, each encounter offering a new perspective and enriching her travels. In return, she kept their memory alive, as they lived on through her.
As Mary-Beth led her to a spot by the fire, a formidable older woman with a head full of gray hair strode over, her voice carrying the weight of authority.
“Mary-Beth, I swear to the Lord above if those clothes aren’t washed by tomorrow morning I will—” she halted mid-sentence, her gaze landing on Kate. “Oh, hello dear. Who might you be?” Straightening her dress and tucking a stray hair behind her ear, she composed herself before the stranger.
“Miss Grimshaw, this is Kate McCanon. She’s going to be staying for a few days,” Mary-Beth introduced, a hint of hesitation in her voice.
Kate realized that Miss Grimshaw must be the matriarch of the camp, responsible for keeping things in order. She offered a warm smile. “It's a pleasure, Miss Grimshaw,” she said, extending her hand for a shake. “I’m very grateful to be welcomed here. Whatever you need me to do will be done, be it cleaning, cooking, hunting—you name it. Anything I can do to repay the kindness.”
Miss Grimshaw seemed pleased by Kate’s graciousness. “Well, my oh my, if only the other girls had as much responsibility as you, young lady, then maybe we wouldn’t be living in this dump,” she chuckled. “Well, enjoy your evening, dear. The work can wait until tomorrow.”
Kate nodded her thanks, noting Mary-Beth's subtle eye-roll as Miss Grimshaw walked away. As the dinner bell rang, a heavyset man by the chuck wagon announced that dinner was ready. Mary-Beth informed Kate that he was Mr. Pearson, the camp cook.
The two of them lined up and filled their bowls, then settled by the fire. Kate found herself between Mary-Beth and Tilly, enjoying the warmth and the chatter of the camp. As the commotion continued, she spotted three men emerging from Dutch’s large tent. Among them was Arthur, making his way over to join them at the fire.
Arthur left Dutch’s tent feeling irritated. He laid out the entire situation to him and Hosea—the Pinkertons, Milton’s offer, everything. He stressed that they were being watched, that danger lurked closer than they might realize.
Dutch had questioned his decision to refuse the offer, which Arthur found absurd. Why would he betray his own for a deal with the devil? He was raised not to trust the government and this camp was the closest thing he had to a family, and he’d sooner face down the law than betray them.
The conversation echoed in his mind, “ What's our move, Dutch? ” Arthur had asked, desperation creeping into his voice. Dutch's response was predictably vague, “ We do nothing, son, ” he asserted, “ They want us scrambling, like headless chickens, but we will stand our ground. We just need a bit more cash, then we’ll set sail east. ” Hosea sighed in resignation—“ Have faith ,” Dutch added, as if it were a magic word.
Arthur had never once doubted Dutch or Hosea, they were the people who clothed him, fed him, and protected him from a very young age, but he was beginning to wonder when the robbing and running would end. They had already lost Mac, Davey, and young Jenny. This life was not a safe one, and everyday he wonders if it will be his last. 
He bid them farewell and exited the tent, he made his way towards the fire and spotted Kate eating dinner and integrating herself with the gang. He noticed her smile as he tipped his hat in greeting, and sat on a log opposite from her. 
“Looks like you've made yourself at home, Miss McCanon,” Arthur remarked with a friendly grin, not revealing any of the stress that weighed heavy on his shoulders.
“Kate,” she corrected him, casual and warm, “and yes, everyone's been lovely. I’m grateful for the company,” she replied, spooning up some stew.
“So, where is it you come from?” Lenny chimed in, initiating the conversation. 
“I was born up north, near Boston. I lived there for about 20 years before traveling southwest,” she answered truthfully. Arthur noted this must be why her accent was different from most people around these parts.
“Long way from home!” Javier exclaimed, joining the conversation, “I’ve always wanted to see the north, I hear it's beautiful,” he looked up, picturing the image in his head. 
Kate nodded and hummed an answer as she remembered her home, “it's very green and mountainous.” 
Lenny’s voice chimed in again, “what brought you out this way? If ya dont mind me asking.” He said politely.
Kate inhaled a breath and shook her head slightly, “it's quite a long story. Suffice to say, there’s nothing left for me up there. Ain't got no family, no land or property.” She said as her expression darkened briefly. 
“How come a pretty thing like you ain't married eh?” The Irish man, Sean, quipped from his seat across from her, his voice lubricated with ale. He was more than a little tipsy, already on his fourth beer of the night. Arthur tensed at his comment, Sean had a knack for stirring trouble with his loose tongue. To his surprise Kate laughed and met his banter with her own. 
“Well, you see Sean, I’m just waiting for a man who can match my charm. But they seem as rare as a sober Irishman in a pub.” She shot back with a playful wink. Arthur couldn't help but chuckle. 
Sean let out a whooping laugh and slapped his leg, “oh she’s a feisty Lass!” he hollered, “what’s a woman like you doing with a grumpy old bastard like Arthur? Maybe you’d like to take your chances with a handsome young gentleman such as myself.” Sean shimmied his body insinuating something nefarious. Kate only laughed and shook her head. 
Arthur couldn't help but join in, “I shoulda let you hang,” he said with a snicker, masking his annoyance, “and we met on a job a few weeks back. Ran into her again down by the river when I was fishin’ with the kid.” He explained, taking a swig of his drink, he didn't want Kate to think he had any ulterior motive based on Sean’s comment. 
They continued to chat together, but the conversation shifted from being about Kate to whatever absurd tale Uncle was telling. Arthur’s peace was interrupted for the third time that day by the sound of hooves approaching.
Kate leaned back against the log and placed her empty bowl beside her. Content after a warm hearty meal. She listened with content as the other members of the camp shared stories amongst each other. 
Her gaze lingered over to Arthur, who seemed lost in thought whilst looking deep in the fire. He wrung his hands together and Kate noticed he did not grab dinner for himself. Before she could offer to fill him a bowl they all turned to the sound of hooves. 
Three men were returning to camp, with a woman following behind them. She noticed, unlike the other ladies of the camp, the woman was wearing trousers, and carrying iron on her hip, she made a note to introduce herself later. Next to her, Tilly pointed out the new arrivals. The one with shaggy black hair was John, Jack’s father and Abigail’s not-so husband. He dismounted and immediately went to his tent, where Abigail was eating with Jack. The other two men were heavier, and rougher looking. Tilly said their names were Bill and Micah. The one called Bill helped himself to the stew, while the one she called Micah caught Dutch’s attention and they entered his tent together. That just left the woman, Tilly explained that she was a widow they rescued in the Grizzlies. O’Driscoll’s had killed her husband, and Micah accidently set her cabin aflame. She dismounted and pulled a white envelope from her satchel. 
Approaching Arthur she held out the paper, “for you.” She said handing him the letter, “from a woman, uh, Mary Linton, I think.” He nodded and took the envelope, opening its contents. Kate was suddenly curious about this Mary woman. 
The woman, Sadie, tipped her hat at Kate and Tilly before grabbing a bowl of stew and retreating back to her tent. A woman of few words, Kate recalled. 
She tried to watch the fire and go back to listening to the stories, but her gaze lingered on Arthur, whatever this woman said in her letter gave him a sorrowful expression. Abruptly he stood up, shoving the paper in his back pocket, and walked away. Kate was a little disappointed he didn't say goodnight, or give any acknowledgement. She had the idea to bring him some food later to cheer him up. 
Over an hour had passed and Kate was confident she knew all the camp members now, after everyone shared tales and fun memories of one another. The only people missing were Charles, who Tilly informed her he often went out hunting, and Kieren, who hasn't really integrated himself with the others yet. It was getting late, and she needed to feed and tend to her horse before resting herself. She bid her farewell to everyone and made her way over to her beloved mare Lorena. Briefly stopping by her tent to grab an apple for her, and a peach for Arthur. She would have to pass his tent on her way, so she figured she would offer the food then, if he wasn't already asleep.
To her surprise he wasn't on his cot, perhaps he went for a ride she thought. She continued on to find her mare with the other gang's horses near the entrance to their camp. Lorena greeted her excitedly, it had only been a few hours since she last saw her, but her baby had always been clingy. 
“How ya doin’ girl,” she cooed, scratching her snout. She reached around and undid the saddle strapped to her back, “let's get this heavy thing off ya so you can rest properly.” She said pulling the saddle down. Lorena let out a happy huff in response. 
Kate reached into her satchel pulling out a small blade, she tenderly cut small pieces from the apple and fed them to her horse. While she fed her she sang a soft tune, almost like a lullaby, to ease her mares nerves and settle her in for the night. 
This house, she’s holding secrets.
I got my change behind the bed, 
In a coffee can I can throw my nickels in.
Just in case I have to leave. 
She sliced another piece of the apple and Lorena lapped it from her hand, nudging her snout into Kate’s hair, making her laugh. She continued on with her song as the quiet of the night sang its own gentle tune. 
I will go if you ask me to,
I will stay if you dare.
And I go, I’m goin’ shameless.
Let my hunger take me there. 
Lorena let out a soft, breathy whinny, her body growing visibly relaxed. Kate watched the other horses as she sang, most of them paid her no mind, lazily grazing on the little tufts of grass that the overlook had to offer them. She noticed Arthur’s mare, Belle, standing near a tree about a yard away. She watched them wearily, probably interested in the apple Kate was feeding. She was a beautiful white Arabian, and a stark contrast to her own black beauty, as Arthur had called her. 
She paused her tune and clicked her tongue, inviting his horse to join her. Lorena stomped a hoof in protest but Kate ignored. She wanted to feed his beautiful horse, and get to know her. 
“Nice to see you again, pretty girl,” she said when Belle came around the tree she was hiding near. She cut another slice of the apple and Belle sniffed her palm before gently taking the piece from her. 
While feeding the two horses and gently running her fingers through their manes, she finished her song. 
I will go if you ask me to.
I will stay if you dare.
And if I go, I’m goin’ crazy.
Let my darlin’ take me there. 
Kate doesn't remember how she discovered it, but since the day she’s had Lorena her voice always had an effect on her horse. Maybe it was because she was the first to show her mare kindness, being rescued as a young filly taken from her mother too soon. Kate had always been a bit of a singer, her father taught her to play guitar, and her mother would often sing lullabies to her siblings when they were little. She picked it up somewhere along the way in life, it was a comfort for her. One of the last things she has of her family was their love for music, and she always carried that with her. 
“That was real pretty,” a rugged voice said from the ground, a few feet away from where Kate stood. She yelped and jumped back, in the moonlight she could just barely make out Arthur’s figure resting against the tree that Belle had been standing by. 
“Arthur, you scared the shit out of me! I’m surprised Lorena didn’t take off again!” She scolded. Grabbing her mare’s reins as if she were about to bolt. 
He chuckled and stood up, brushing his jeans, “well Lorena already knew I was here,” he said in a hushed voice, almost teasing. 
Kate blushed and realized he was right, the horses knew he was there, she was the one who didn't look down. “Sorry,” she admitted, “but you really did scare the daylight out of me,” she laughed, feeling less embarrassed now. “I um, noticed you didn't have dinner with us tonight,” she said changing the subject. 
Arthur sighed and scratched the back of his neck, “uh yeah, just wasn't hungry is all.” He said bluntly. 
“Are you alright?” Kate asked flat-out, Arthur blinked in surprise at her question, “the letter you received earlier, I noticed it made you upset.” She explained. 
Arthur let out a breath, “oh that, it’s…complicated,” he admitted.
“I see. I won’t pry if you don’t want to talk about it,” she said, reaching into her satchel and pulling out the fresh peach she had brought him. “I brought you a snack, in case you were hungry. I was gonna bring it to your tent but you weren’t there,” she smiled handing him the treat. 
Arthur’s heart leapt at the gesture. It had been a long time since someone paid attention to him like this. Sure everyone at the camp always asks how he is or how his day went, what he’s up to and what not. Aside from his short talks with Tilly and Mary-Beth. The rest of the gang never seemed to notice when he doesn't eat, or when he’s not at camp. When he was in a sour mood they avoided him like the plague, and when he was upset Dutch would just say, “chin up, boy.” He was the right hand man of the gang leader, but he always felt invisible. Like he was nothing more than a big dumb strong arm.  
“That really for me?” He said, unable to hide the smile in his voice, “peaches ain’t even in season, where'd you get this?” 
“A man from Georgia came through Emerald ranch the other day, he was selling a bunch of fruit so I bought some peaches,” she explained. She went back to cutting slices of her apple and feeding them to Lorena. 
Arthur held the peach in his hands as if he were admiring the plushy soft flesh, “thank you,” he said sincerely. 
“Don't mention it,” she replied warmly. Arthur held the peach and watched Kate feed her horse while he stroked his mare with his free hand. 
“I meant what I said earlier, ‘fore I scared you,” he said quietly, “the song, well, your voice, is real pretty,” he complimented again. 
Kate laughed quietly, “thank you Arthur, It's something I've always found comfort in.” 
“I heard you singin’ for her when we was back at Emerald ranch,” he continued, “you must have a special bond with that horse.” He looked at Lorena who was breathing quietly and closing her eyes as Kate scratched under her jaw. 
“Lorena and I have a complicated history,” she began, “she was just a filly when I got her, scared and alone, and I was, well I was pretty much the same,” she added quietly, not wanting to reveal too much emotion in her tone, “I guess her and I needed each other more than we realized.” 
Arthur sensed her discomfort and began telling her about his own mare, “well that's more than I can say about Belle,” he started with a half laugh to ease the tension, “She found me in the Grizzlies about a month ago, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place when,” he paused a moment and looked somber as he reflected on the memory, “when my old horse Bodasia didn't make it through the snow storm, I thought I was going to die too.” He patted Belle affectionately. “That's when she found me, I could barely make out between her white coat and the snow. But she wasn't scared of me, came right up to me as if she was sayin’ follow me, I’ll get you out of here .” 
Kate watched as Arthur nuzzled his horse lovingly, it always warmed her heart to see people have such deep bonds with their horses. They were incredible animals, and very in tune with their owners' own emotions. For Belle to trust Arthur from the beginning, and stand by his side since, he must be a very special man. 
“That's beautiful, she chose you Arthur. That bond is stronger than anything you could have bought from a stable or caught in the wild.” She said somberly. 
Arthur nodded in agreement, the two tended to their horses in a comfortable silence. The sound of the night’s chorus around them. 
After a moment, Arthur spoke up again, “the letter was from my old flame, Mary,” he began, his voice tinted with quiet sadness. Kate realized he was comfortable enough to open up to her about it, she dared not interrupt. “She's….she's askin’ for my help.” 
“What kind of help?” Kate asked softly. 
Arthur sighed and shook his head, “She's in a tough spot,” he explained, his gaze distant as he recounted Mary's plea for assistance. "Her family's facing trouble, and she's desperate for someone to turn to."
"Sounds like she trusts you," Kate remarked, offering him a sympathetic look.
Arthur nodded, his expression conflicted. "We had our moments," he admitted, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "But things didn't end well between us."
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she spoke.
He sighed heavily, his gaze drifting to the ground. "Yeah, well, sometimes things just don't work out the way we hope," he replied, his voice tinged with regret. 
Kate could sense the weight of his words, the burden of past regrets bearing down on him. She reached out a hand, placing it gently on his arm in a gesture of comfort. "You can't blame yourself for everything, Arthur," she said softly. "People change, circumstances change. It's just a part of life."
For a moment, they sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts as the night enveloped them in its embrace. After a while, Arthur spoke up again, his tone more subdued. "I don't know what to do, Kate," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Part of me wants to help Mary, but another part...well, another part just wants to leave the past behind and move on."
Kate nodded sympathetically, understanding the internal struggle he was facing. "It's not an easy decision to make," she acknowledged. "But whatever you choose, just make sure it's what's best for you."
Arthur let out a weary sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Yeah, easier said than done," he muttered, his brow furrowed in contemplation.
"You'll figure it out, Arthur," she reassured him, her voice filled with conviction. "If life didn't give us second chances, then we would all be alone. We rely on each other, lean on each other, to make it through the tough times. Helping others isn't a weakness, it's a testament to our humanity. Even if they've hurt us in the past.”
Arthur offered her a grateful smile, "Thanks, Kate," he said softly, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I appreciate that more than you know."
With a nod of understanding, Kate squeezed his arm reassuringly before returning her attention to Lorena. Together, they sat in companionable silence, the sound of the forest as their backdrop. After a moment, Arthur retrieved the peach from his satchel, its juicy aroma filling the air as he bit into its sweet flesh. Lost in thought, his mind wandered to the woman who had unexpectedly entered his life and stirred emotions he thought long buried.
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bucky-h0e · 7 months
A/N: The start of Bucky and Alpine's adventure in the 40s! I hope you all enjoy, please interact with the post if you do! I am always open to feedback
warnings: canon level descriptions of violence and injury, minor character death, illegal activities (Alpine is lying to everyone), Bucky and Alpine having a rough relationship tbh, Alpine bullies Peggy in the beginning, grieving Alpine is sad
Pimp My... Buzz Wagon? | Masterlist
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Alpine Joins The Howling Commandos
Peggy knew as soon as she met the other Howling Cammandos that they would be a rag-tag group of troublemakers for the SSR
as soon as she saw them in that bar
drunk off their asses and singing like the drunkards they are, not a care in the world
she just knew
so when Steve put together this team and she had gone for her own little investigation and seen there was no medic on said team
she realises that although Steve is courageous, brave, loyal and trust worthy
a good man
he was also a bloody idiot
so, she another little investigation and found a medic for the team
Steve can heal as fast as he likes but he still has teammates with regular healing abilities that may require medical assistance
now Peggy des have a little crush on America's Golden Boy (fucking understatement of the decade) so she's a little particular about the medic she chooses
she wants them to be well read, keeping up to date with all medical advancements that had been happening throughout the war
she wanted them to be quick on their feet and not scared to improvise - lord knows they'd have to do a lot of that with the new weaponry being built by HYDRA
so when she hears of Doctor Andrew Doe, a Korean-American doctor making a name for himself in the front lines by experimenting and sharing his findings with the allied forces
she knows that this is the guy
imagine her surprise when she gets to the bases records show he's supposed to be in to find him gone
she'd managed to get a hold of someone, a young man looking as if he were in a rush but not wanting to be rude to the pretty lady who had ordered him to stand at attention
"Where is Dr Doe, I need to speak with him."
"I'm sorry ma'am, he died a few days ago."
well shit
there goes that plan
"His daughter has taken over his research and then some. Names Miss Alpine Doe. She's young looking, but the document's are legitimate."
oh great
so now her option is a young looking girl who needed her documents checking
just fantastic
how could it get worse?
"How young?"
"Certificate says 18 years ma'am."
a fucking child
"Well then. Do you know where she is?"
"Yes ma'am, she was called out to one of the nearby bunkers, they got wound-"
a buzzing interrupts them, the unmistakable sounds of a siren and a vehicle honking as men surrounding them rush to the open area
the truck skids to a halt and the back doors burst open, a young girl climbing out and beginning to pull a stretcher out
"Get me plasma, bandages and morphine. I need as much as we can spare, poor bastard got shot to bits, lucky to be alive right now. Let's get him stable and home to his ma."
surprise was not the word Peggy would use to describe her current emotions, watching this definitely not 18 year old girl work and order the much older men surrounding her
and they listened
"Miss Doe has worked on all of us, ma'am"
it's the young man she'd caught before hand, she turns to look at him and he's got an awestruck look on his face
"Most of us came here wounded, Miss Doe saved most of our lives or at least stabilised us so we could get home to a hospital. She's a fine medic, if that's what you're looking for."
Peggy watches as Alpine and a few of the other men begin to walk back into one of the many tents which held beds for the injured
she can't get far though, before another two trucks come blaring through
perhaps this would be the perfect test
Peggy watches as Alpine assesses her situation, getting a nearby medic to hold the wound she had been previously, running to the first of the trucks
"GSW, left shoulder, straight through."
she turns to the second
"It's bad miss, explosive went off nearby, leg's basically gone."
tutting, she turns back to the tent just as two teams of three come racing out
"Philips, take the first one. Multiple GSW's, three exits. Find the shrapnel, get it out, get him stitched. Taylor, take the second. You,"
She turns to Peggy, a hard look in her eyes
"Get lost or start helping."
the fucking audacity of this kid, does she know who she's talking to
no absolutely not
does she care
fuck no
is Peggy equip to be a medic?
no, but does that mean she'll sit and let men die?
definitely not, so, she shucks off her coat, rolls up her sleeve and let's alpine guide her into help
and boy is that girl fucking bossy
and mean
"Press harder Carter, jesus do you want this man to bleed out?"
"The man's just lost his leg, give him the bloody painkiller!"
"They should make basic first aid a mandatory skill to learn when you become an agent. Oh wait, they do."
"Carter you're not wrapping a Christmas present for gods sake, faster!"
by the end of it, Peggy is pretty sure she's picked the right person for the job
if anyone was going to be giving medical aid to a group of sarcastic, stupidly cheery and sometimes grumpy men then it should be at least someone who could hold their own
so when all is said and done, they'd managed to get the poor man stabilised and Alpine was organising his immediate transfer out of the unit and to an actual hospital, Peggy approaches
"Miss Doe, I have a proposition for you."
"Unless it's to do with shipments of morphine, plasma, bandages, gauzes, tunicates and all the other supplies I've been badgering everyone about, I'm not intrested."
"I'd like to offer you a position in the Howling Commandos. You'll be working with Captain America, Steve Rogers and his team."
Alpine blinks at her
not moving
before she gestures to the space around her
"I've got men dying as we speak and you want me to drop them just to work with a lab rat and his crew?"
"They need a medic, you are the only one qualified enough. I didn't know about your father, I'm sorry for your loss, but please do not let this be a wasted journey."
Alpine's eye twitches
"You helped save a man and it's a wasted journey?"
Peggy sighs and shakes her head, clearly she's approaching this girl wrong
"I'm simply saying- this isn't the opportunity to skip out on, especially for someone like you."
Alpine knows she's speaking of not only her age but also gender
this was the 1940s after all, not exactly the golden era for women in the military
or medical services
"You're incredibly talented. Captain Rogers and his team need someone like that to keep up with their absolute stupidity."
Alpine laughs, signing the papers she'd been working on and handing them to one of her colleagues before looking at Peggy and offering a smile
"I'm sorry Agent Carter. I made a promise to my eldest brother. No working with Captain America. After what happened with the 107th and the other forces, he's been a bit protective - as much as he can from the front lines. I'm afraid I can't go against my promise to him."
Peggy nods but takes a slip of paper and writes the details she'd need to contact her and hands it to her
"Please, if you change your mind before the war is done, don't hesitate to contact this number."
Alpine nods and the two separate, Alpine returning to her work in the bloodied clothing she'd arrived in and Peggy feeling like she needed a bath after helping remove a man's leg and stitch it up again
it's weeks later when Alpine contacts the number, she'd refused to give any details to the receptionist who picked up but instead managed to organise a way to their base in London
to say Peggy was shocked was an understatement
The Howling Commandos had all come into the meeting room for their first debriefing after destroying the first HYDRA base on Steve's list
and the need for a medic had never been more obvious
Dum Dum had a large gash on his arm and had refused to seek medical assistance, instead stating that it was 'just a graze, it'll heal over night'
absolute bullshit
even Bucky had told him to get help but the man refused, Steve had suggested getting it checked out before the briefing, just to get Peggy off their back (to ease her concerns) and again Dum Dum had refused
imagine the absolute rage on Peggy's face
honestly, these men were the reason's she'd found a grey hair that morning she was sure of it
not that she'd ever mention anything to anyone
She was about to order the man to seek help when the door to the briefing room opened to reveal a worn out Alpine
covered in less blood than when Peggy had left her, eyes darkened with loss and large bags settling in her undereye
her hands were dirty, holding tightly onto two letters, and she looked frailer
"Sorry for the interruption Agent Carter, but she said she had an appointment and insisted-"
"It's quite alright. Miss Doe is a friend."
as she moves closer to the girl, the rest of the men surrounding them take the opportunity to study her
and bucky is in shock
what the hell is a child doing in their briefing room?
seriously, she was what 16? (15 - but he didn't need to know that)
she's there, blood splattered on her sleeves, dirt in her nails and her hair thrown up in a ratty bun
she looked like she came straight from the front lines
but she should have been at home
with her parents
why the hell, was she here?
"I'd like to take you up on your offer, Agent Carter."
Jesus even her fucking voice was a tell-tale sound that she was underaged
and Peggy had made her an offer?
for what?
"I take it your brother changed his mind?"
ah so she had a guardian at least
"My brother died, ma'am."
"Miss Doe.... I'm sorry."
there's a shared moment of silence for the loss before Alpine is looking up and trying to smile at her
"So, if your offer still stands, I'd like to take it."
Alpine spies Dum Dum's arm and thanks god that she carries a satchel of supplies with her everywhere
she'd sold rations for them and was sure she got some odd looks off of people for it but she didn't care
better safe than sorry
Peggy gives her arm a gentle touch before turning to address the men who had been staring at her, a pissed off Bucky included
"Gentlemen, this is Alpine Doe. A little younger then you're all used to-" bucky scoffs, Steve elbows him "-but a great medic nonetheless! She'll be joining you, no arguments."
her words are final and the rest of the team seem fine with it
they jump up, everyone greeting and shaking her hand
normally she'd love meeting people who weren't screaming in her face, but she can't bring herself to truly enjoy the moment, despite the pleasant smiles and pats on her shoulders
Steve offers his hand and she takes it, smiling at him
"Good to have you. We'll take good care you you, like you will us I'm sure."
Bucky is glaring at all of them
they're all idiots
he knew that but jesus
are they truly THIS stupid?
"Are we ignoring the fact that she's an actual child?"
he didn't realise he spoke
he thought he'd spoken to himself
but it came out
and it came out harsher than what he would have liked it
no stopping now, someone had to stand up for the kid
her brother obviously didn't want her here
"I'm 18, Sergeant Barnes."
"And I'm the King of England."
they stare at each other, glaring really
Bucky can see the tears building in Alpine's eyes
he didn't think he was pushing too much
but then again
he doesn't push too hard after seeing the tears, actually takes a minute step to comfort her before she's turning her attention to where Dum Dum had sat, now tending to the gash on his arm
distracting herself from the overwhelming frustration building in her stomach
Bucky turns to Phillips
"You're signing off on a kid working with us? Going into HYDRA bases? With their weapons, what's the use of a medic?"
Phillips sighs and shakes his head, frustrated with the entire situation to be honest
"You're still using regular explosives, regular bullets. They ricochet, debris exists, you get a cold, she's there to keep you healthy and on your feet."
"Now, because she's a medic, she'll be a non-combatant member of the Howling Commandos, the only one."
the world has gone to shit at this point
"So let me get this straight. She's an underaged girl-"
Alpine goes to correct him, but he points an accusatory finger at her that shuts her up because it reminds her of her brother
"-that you've let become a medic in the army and now, you're putting her, unarmed, up against weaponry that quite literally vaporises whoever it hits?"
"She's done it before Sergeant, now one more outburst from you and I'll be forced to take disciplinary action!"
Steve elbows him again and he shuts up
he wants to fight for this girl but can't let Steve go out there alone
he hates the fact that this girl is clearly in over her head
and everyone is just letting her
it reminds him of the Steve he knew before the serum
the one who would stop at nothing to get into the war
the one who faced prison for lying on his enlistment papers
was he truly the only person who saw this all for what it was?
the leading of a lamb to slaughter for their own goddamn advantage
that much was shown when they moved out to their next base after the debrief
Alpine had avoided them all after patching up Dum Dum, whose arm had healed beautifully
she went straight home after the meeting and only saw them all again when they were meeting for the plane back abroad
even then, she kept to herself and refused to speak
Bucky would glance over occasionally from where they sat on the plane, watching her read and re-read the same two letters in her hands which she carried in her pockets when her hands were busy working
Steve had sat next to her, trying to coax her into a gentle conversation but she'd answered with little words and left not room for the conversation to continue
when she wasn't reading the letters or working on someone, she was writing in a little blue journal, with a black journal open and glancing between them both
she'd scribble in the black one occasionally but for the most part, the blue journal was the only one she wrote in
what she was doing Bucky didn't know
but it was clear it was important to her
occasionally the others would tease her, trying to get her to open up
but again, they were being blind to the truth about this girl
she was a child and she was grieving
he could see it in the way she's hold her breath when she read the letters
wiping away unshed tears and pulling at her hair
Bucky sighs, nodding to Steve and making him swap seats with him in the tight aircraft, causing everyone to glance up at them
he settles next to Alpine, nudging her when he sat and played it off like he hadn't noticed
if no one else was going to support her
then he'd have to do it himself
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coltermorning · 2 years
The Hat (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur Morgan x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You’ve taken a liking to a certain hat as well as to the rugged gunslinger who wears it. When you impulsively risk your neck to get it back for him, his anger at your foolish act turns into something surprising.
Author’s Notes: This was the first fic I ever wrote, and wow is it amazing to see how far I’ve come! This one will always have a special place in my heart though. Set during Chapter 3 in game.
Tags: Arthur Morgan x reader, smut, low honor Arthur Morgan, rough sex, rough oral sex, spanking
AO3 Link
The Hat
Word count: 6319
“Please let me go with them, Dutch. I can handle myself just fine,” you begged the gang leader as he assigned his men a lead he had been scoping out.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that, miss. I don’t doubt that at all-”
“Then let me go. I’ll keep my head down and be a good extra hand. Hell, they may need me,” you said, gesturing to the men Dutch had just handpicked for the job.
You had been with the Van der Linde Gang for over a month now, fitting right in with your rough, dangerous lifestyle. Because of this, you had quickly found friendship in some of the men as well as Sadie Adler who was one of the first women you knew to dress like you and shoot like you and keep up with the rest of the men with ease like you. Well, almost all of the men. A certain handsome cowboy named Arthur had proven to be the most talented gun you had ever met, and he caught your attention early on because of it. Unsurprisingly, he was one of the men Dutch asked to go robbing. Part of you wanted to join the outing simply to watch the broad-shouldered man in action, although you would never admit to that. You couldn’t fall for someone you hardly knew when your lifestyle didn’t allow for such things.
Dutch pondered your request and finally relented. “Fine. Arthur, watch her, would you? Make sure she doesn’t get herself killed.”
“Now, Dutch, I ain’t babysitting on a job,” the rugged gun responded.
Dutch had already turned to walk back to his tent and waved Arthur’s words away, making his request final. Your blood boiled a little under the surface, mad at continually being called a kid. You stomped toward the camp’s hitching post where your horse was tied, stopping to make your anger known with Arthur. “I ain’t a baby. You look out for yourself and I’ll be just fine.” You turned to walk to your horse, not even waiting for a response.
He let out a big sigh of annoyance in return. “If you say so.” He followed you in walking to his horse, barking orders along the way. “John, Javier, let’s go. We don’t have much time if we wanna do this right.” The other two guns jogged over to their horses as well, and by the time all of you were saddled, Arthur led the group out of the Clemens Point camp and toward the latest score for the gang.
Not long into the ride, Arthur laid out a plan for the three of you to follow, telling you to stay toward the back of the wagon you were going to rob to keep an eye out. He was going to do the actual robbing and needed good protection in case anyone bold decided to show up and attempt to pick him off. Javier was to help you keep watch, and John was to hold up the driver. You were nervous about your first outing with the gang but excited too and ready to prove yourself. You were a good shot, especially with a rifle, so as long as you relied on your talent everything would turn out fine.
After a ride that lasted longer than you thought it would, Arthur spoke up. “Let’s wait under these trees here. Should be hidden well enough to wait for the wagon to pass.” The four of you turned your horses off the trail and into the woods to wait. After about ten minutes, the wagon came idling along the path. “Masks on. Here she comes,” Arthur said. You pulled up your dust-colored bandana (the damned thing used to be white, the Rhodes dirt having ruined it) to hide your face as you readied your gun. “You sure you ready for this, hotshot?” Arthur asked you. You looked over at him and nodded, not allowing him any room in your mind where your focus needed to be. “All right then. On my mark.”
The wagon crept along just past the trees where you were hidden, and Arthur waited a few seconds before barking the order, “Ride!” The four of your barreled out of the woods and toward the wagon, startling the driver enough to make him immediately stop and put his hands up.
John played his part well, riding up directly beside the driver. “That’s right, not one move or I’ll shoot you dead!”
Arthur quickly jumped into the back of the wagon to look for the money Dutch said would be hidden in it. “Javier, Y/N, keep an eye out. No guards don’t sit right with me,” he said as he searched through a trunk.
Javier looked toward the road ahead of the wagon and to the left while you took the rear and the right. You spotted movement in the wood line just in time to line up your sights. Through the crosshairs, you saw four or five mounted men hiding there, waiting to pick you off—one of them had a long-scoped rifle. “Guards!” you yelled, taking a shot at the man with the most deadly gun. You were a second too late though, as he fired just before you and came within inches of Arthur’s head, making Arthur’s hat fly off.
“Goddammit,” Arthur muttered as he ducked down into the wagon. “John stay with the driver and make sure he don’t run!”
Your first shot hit the guard right in the jaw, killing him and knocking him clean off his agitated horse. Shots rang out all around you as the remaining guards pursued and Javier and Arthur fired back. You were well-seasoned in this and took a breath, spurring your horse to move. A moving target was much harder to hit than a still one. You fired again and again, hitting one more guard. Either Arthur or Javier finished off the rest, and a silence rang out in the large space that gunshots had just filled. The two drafts pulling the wagon reared and stomped, only held from bolting by the terrified driver. “Get down from there,” John ordered him. “Get down from there now and get out of here and maybe I won’t kill you!” he yelled. The driver did as he was told, and John quickly replaced him. “I’m getting this thing out of here, Arthur. That won’t be the last of them.”
“Find a secluded spot and keep your head down then,” Arthur said as he jumped off the side of the wagon. “Don’t draw any attention. Go!” He slapped the side of the wagon and John flicked the reins hard, lurching the wagon away. “You two, be ready. He’s right, there’ll be more guards headed our-”
Before Arthur could finish his sentence, more gunshots rang out. Mounted men spilled out of the trees toward the three of you. Arthur was stuck too far away from his horse, so he jumped on John’s instead, grabbing his gun to shoot back at the men and whistling for his own mount to follow. You joined Javier in making a run for it while shooting your pursuers, but something near a big bush on the ground caught your eye—it was Arthur’s hat. “Arthur, your hat!” you yelled to him, knowing how important it was to him.
“For christ sake, leave it!” he shouted as he unloaded his sidearms.
Against all logic and rationalization, you turned your mount into a wide circle, doubling back to retrieve the hat. You loved that hat something awful, especially on the cowboy who donned it. You also weren’t scared of the mediocre guns pursuing you in the slightest. The guards in pursuit split, half following Javier and Arthur, half following you. You aimed your rifle at one of them and breathed out, firing a shot that took him down easily. As far as you could tell, that only left two more. You spurred your horse again, keeping your head low and riding in an erratic pattern as gunshots flew around you. You turned to line up your shot again and fired, taking out the second guard.
As your one pursuer continued after you, you neared the black hat on the ground. You decided (impulsively and somewhat stupidly) to grab the hat off the ground while riding. You used to practice tricks like this off of your horse all the time when you were younger, but this one would have to count or it could cost you your head. You kept your feet firmly in the stirrups, glad that you had cinched your horse up so tight, and began to lean as you neared the hat at full speed. You leaned down more and more, stretching your arm out as far as it would go, and just before you reached the hat, another gunshot split the air and skimmed across your left arm that was away from the ground. You instinctively moved away from the splitting pain and even closer to the ground, finding the hat with your fingers and picking it up. You slammed it on your head, turned angrily around to the guard who had shot you, and cut his pursuit short with a bullet between the eyes. You didn’t let up one second in case any more pursuers came and bolted back toward camp with a small grin at your triumph.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Arthur yelled as you reentered camp at a trot.
As you passed him, you tipped his own hat to him, deciding not to give it back just yet. You had earned it, goddammit, not him. “Survived, didn’t I?” You stopped your horse just shy of the hitching post and dismounted, tying him and giving him loving pats down his broad neck for doing so well under pressure.
“That ain’t the point.” The angry outlaw was hot on your tail, towering over you when you turned around. “You could have gotten yourself killed. I told you to leave the damn hat.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t. And I killed the rest of the guards for you. You’re welcome.” You put your hand over the hat and ducked around him, deciding to rub some salt in the wound and keep it for yourself, at least for the day.
You saw Dutch walking your way and felt a tiny bolt of panic. The job really could have gone better, and now you knew Arthur wouldn’t vouch for your talent. “What’s going on?” the gang leader asked.
“She nearly went and got herself shot up all for that stupid hat,” Arthur answered, following behind with plenty of impatience in his voice.
Dutch let out a sharp laugh. “Well, we have a brave one on our hands, don’t we? For future reference, miss, Arthur couldn’t lose that hat if his life depended on it. It always finds its way back on his head.” Dutch had a small grin on his face, and it was a little off-putting. Why wasn’t he yelling at you?
“Yeah she’s brave. Brave or stupid,” Arthur replied.
“Watch your mouth, would you?” you said, rounding on the cowboy. “I killed five of those guards with ease, no problems. Isn’t that all that matters? That we got the money and came out with our lives?”
“It ain’t about winning, it’s about being smart enough to live another day and not risk our necks unnecessarily.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he was right but refusing to admit it. “Yeah, well, don’t get your hat shot off your head next time and maybe I won’t have to risk my neck.” Dutch let out another bark of a laugh at Arthur as you stormed off toward your tent.
You heard Dutch mutter “She’s got a point. It all turned out all right, Arthur, now don’t go worrying yourself into the grave,” before you reached your bedroll.
You heard Arthur reply, but his voice was too low for you to pick up words. His anger made you angry, made you want to punch something. You swiftly took the hat off your head and slammed it down on the ground beside you as you sat. The sharp movement made you wince as you remembered the graze from the bullet on your arm. You looked at your wound and saw that blood had seeped into your shirt, so you unbuttoned a few of the top buttons and brought the fabric down over your shoulder to reveal the wound. It wasn’t bad and could have been a lot worse, you decided, knowing that it would end up healing just fine. You reached over into your trunk where you kept all your belongings and pulled out a canteen and another shirt, soaking the shirt with water and pressing it to your wound to clean it out. It hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable. You’d need to get your hands on a health cure to make sure it didn’t get infected. As you poured more water onto your shirt, Tilly passed by and saw the blood on your arm. “Didn’t go exactly as planned, did it?” she asked.
“Not exactly,” you said through a chuckle. You loved Tilly’s bluntness in everything she did. It kept all the boys in check. “Could have been worse, though.”
“Story of our lives.”
You let out another laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
“Well anyway,” she said, moving to get back to her work, “Keep on those men. They need it.” She smiled over her shoulder and you returned it.
After you finished tending to your wound and buttoned your shirt back up, you noticed Arthur eyeing you from across camp with a gaze full of anger. You had neglected to mention the graze on your arm on purpose, and knowing that he had seen it made you a little embarrassed. He would definitely bring it up later. He always had to have the last word, that much you knew about him.
You elected to ignore him and picked up his hat instead, knowing he was watching. You put it back on your head and wiped your wet hands off on your pants as you stood. You needed to go ask Strauss for a health cure. You would much rather ride into Rhodes and buy one from the general store there, but the gang members were finicky about who got to leave camp whenever they pleased. You hadn’t earned the right to do that yet. So, you made way to Strauss’ wagon, keeping a wide berth between you and Arthur. You didn’t feel like arguing anymore lest you end up boiling over with anger and saying something you didn’t mean, as you tended to do. Luckily, you saw his tall frame move from the spot where he had been leaning and retreat toward his holdings, away from you.
“Mister Strauss,” you said, making him pull his newspaper down from under his nose. “I’m afraid I find myself in need of some medicine.”
“Are you all right?”
“Fine, just need a health cure. Got grazed by a bullet.” You stopped in front of him and tilted the too-big hat up out of your eyes.
“Oh, I know the agonies of a graze,” he said, scrambling to pick something out for you. He pulled a tiny bottle from his wagon and handed it to you. “That should work well. It certainly helped me.”
“Thanks,” you said, nodding his way and retreating. “I appreciate it.”
“No trouble at all,” he said, seemingly happy to be of use. You made your way back to your tent, drinking the bitter liquid down and trying not to wince at the taste. Once again, you caught the angry outlaw’s eyes. You stopped and thought about confronting him but decided against it. No point in raising hell. Instead, the two of you stared with harsh, set gazes, locking imaginary horns without a word.
Night fell over camp, and after staying up and talking with Sadie for a while, you decided to retire to your bedroll. You always had trouble falling right to sleep, but the medicine had relaxed your tense muscles, and unconsciousness fell over you with ease.
That is, until you were startled awake by someone nudging you with their boot. You quickly flipped over and reached down for the sidearm you kept near while you slept until you realized nothing was wrong and it was just Arthur. “Jesus, what the hell?” you said with a grogginess from being ripped from sleep. You slumped back down on your back.
“Get up.” You opened one eye and looked up at the handsome figure that towered over you, but you didn’t move a muscle. “Don’t make me sling you over my shoulder.”
“For god’s sake, Arthur,” you said as you rose with reluctance. “What’s so important that I gotta get up in the middle of the damn night?”
“You’re coming with me. Grab my hat and your boots, we gotta ride ahead of us.”
You groaned in annoyance at the request, stretching the sleep out of your frame. “A ride? What kind of twisted punishment-” You stopped talking when you noticed Arthur had already stalked off toward the horses. “Hmph.”
You grabbed his hat and put it on your own head, disoriented and wondering why he hadn’t just taken it back already. You grabbed your two guns, holstering the sidearm and resting the rifle over your shoulder by the strap, and followed the broody bastard. When you slung your leg over your sleepy mount, Arthur made a request that only confused you further. “No questions on the ride, you got me?”
“Yeah, that. None of those until we get there. You don’t like to listen do you?”
He turned his horse to leave camp, and you followed suit. “Where is ‘there’ exactly?” He shook his head, his sandy hair swaying in the moonlight, but neglected to answer you. You rolled your tired eyes, unhappy about the situation you found yourself in. You showed his back your middle finger, making you smile in triumph.
After a few hours had passed and you were sure the sun would be rising soon, you found yourself crossing the Dakota River with a very tired horse and a very grumpy outlaw. You had relented to his request and hadn’t spoken another word, not because he asked but because you were too drained of energy for any conversation. The pair of stallions stepped high through the rushing water, giving every bit of energy to your and Arthur’s spurring. Finally, you spoke up for your mount’s sake. “We best be stopping soon or we’ll have to walk on foot.”
Without turning to look at you, Arthur replied. “The horses will be fine. Not much longer.”
Sure enough, he held true to his word. After less than a half hour, he stopped in front of a small cabin and stepped off of his horse to hitch it. Your exhaustion had begun to wear off and give way to suspicion. What was he planning? Did he know someone here? He looked over to you still on your horse with a questioning gaze. “You want me to come with you, or...”
“Come on,” he nodded, stepping onto the cabin’s small porch. You got off of your horse and stretched your aching legs before hitching and following Arthur.
He opened the door and let you walk through only for you to discover that it was empty. Now you were really suspicious, almost to the point of fear. “Okay, just what the hell is going on? Look, I know I screwed up but this is really starting to get-”
You turned to meet his gaze as he shut the door behind him and immediately lost your words. He was looking at you like an animal would, pupils blown wide, predatory. It turned you on slightly, but you were still a little scared of him. “You told me you wouldn’t cause any fuss on that score we took.”
He slowly stepped toward you, eyes devouring you. You were, quite frankly, scared out of your wits and just as turned on by his display. “I- I know I did, but-”
“Just had to get my hat, didn’t you? Why is that?” he said, still approaching you in such an intimidating manner that you gave a little ground and started to back up.
“I like your hat,” you said, reaching up to grab it.
“Nah, that ain’t it.” He held your eyes locked as he moved close enough for you to back into a nightstand behind you. “See,” he said, stopping to lean over you, placing his forearm on the wall above your head—trapping you. “I know you ain’t an idiot. You wouldn’t risk your life all over a hat you liked, one that ain’t even yours.”
You began to tilt your head down to escape his gaze, but he used his calloused finger to tilt your chin back up to him. Your heart pounded as you began to understand why he was such a good enforcer. You also wanted him to have you right then and there, but that was another thing entirely—a wild fantasy of yours that was uncalled for at the moment. “Maybe...” you said, gaining a little confidence again. “Maybe I knew I wasn’t risking my life to get it. Knew I would come out unscathed.”
“Unscathed?” he asked in a deep growl that made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. “You call this unscathed?” He reached for your arm where the bullet had grazed you and gripped hard, making you wince in pain.
“Quit! Please, Arthur, I-”
“Nah, you better tell me the truth right now.” He ceased his firm grip but kept his large hand on your arm as a reminder of what pain he could cause. You began to panic. He was obviously interested in punishing you being so far away from civilization and from any other human being, and the feeling of being trapped with a very overpowered and very predatory man was making your breathing quicken. Should you tell him that you went back for it because you favored its owner so much or would that make him even angrier, gaining you worse punishment for being so impulsive? He suddenly slammed his hand on the wall behind your head, making you jump out of your skin. “Tell me!”
“Fine! I- it’s, it’s you! I grabbed it because it’s yours! Because I, well...”
“Go on,” he said with a grimace, lip curled over his teeth like a wolf. He had gotten so close to you it nearly made you turn your head away.
“Because I know how much it means to you. Being your father’s hat and all. I’ve seen the picture on your wagon.” You hoped this was a good enough excuse for him, as it wasn’t the whole truth.
He almost seemed to sense the guilt coming off of you. “You lie.” The growling words made your blood run cold. They would mean worse punishment. “You better tell me the goddamn truth right now,” he said in a voice barely louder than a whisper.
You felt a heat begin to build between your legs at his closeness and his voice and his harsh way. Fuck it, you thought, what was the worst that could happen? “I grabbed the hat because I want to gain the favor of the man who wears it,” you said calmly, holding his gaze. His expression didn’t change in the slightest, and you decided, again impulsively, to throw all your chips in. “Because I want him to fuck me.”
That was all it took. He snapped, pushing you up to sit on the nightstand and pressing his lips to yours with such force it hurt. Your head hit the wood behind you as he pushed against you, and his hat got pushed up off your head as a result. You grabbed it to keep it from falling off, suddenly very glad to have it on. His tongue immediately pushed past your teeth and into your mouth, all hot and dominant, and his hips pushed right between your legs. His hands ravished your body and began to work the buttons of your shirt as you brought your own hands around to his broad, muscled back. He distractedly and sloppily kissed you as he yanked your shirt apart, pulling the bottom two buttons clean off the shirt. You wanted to scold him for it but were too lost in the heat of his mouth to care.
You moved forward to get the shirt out from behind you and took it off completely. He stopped and looked down, realizing you had nothing on underneath the shirt. He had a dark hunger in his eyes as they raked over your body, and he reached his hand up to feel your breast and flick his thumb across your nipple. The sensation made you suck in a breath, and the sound drew his attention back to you, making him continue the pursuit of devouring your mouth.
You began to undress him then, taking off his familiar brown jacket he always wore and tugging his suspenders off his shoulders. Every touch he gave you was like fire licking your skin, and you suddenly couldn’t have enough of him. You pulled him in impossibly closer by his shirt collar, letting him continue claiming every inch of your mouth and using what little room you had to unbutton his shirt and take it off.
Just as suddenly as you had pulled him into you, you shoved him away, making him stumble a few steps backward. You had the overwhelming need to see him, that body he was hiding beneath all those layers. And you were met with quite a sight—his wide chest and chiseled torso were unfairly attractive. He flexed his muscles involuntarily as he heaved in breaths, watching your mouth part in desire at the sight of him.
He stepped back toward you and picked you up with ease, cupping your backside and crashing his hips to yours as he moved to lay you down on the small bed the cabin had to offer. You both kicked off your boots, stripped each other’s socks, and fought to undo the other’s gun belt and pants buttons. You remembered just as he shoved your pants down your legs that you had neglected to put anything on under your pants either. He pulled them completely off of your legs with what could be mistaken for anger but you knew to be desire, stepping back to admire your nearly completely naked form (apart from his own hat) for only a moment before he slammed his mouth against yours again. You sat up as best you could between his arms and slid his pants off as well, taking his undergarments off along with them. His cock sprang out of them and to attention, and the sight of it alone made you let out a low sound of arousal. He had more girth than any man you had ever seen, and you knew it would stretch you wide in a way you had never felt before. He stood just by the bedside and right in front of you, and when he saw how close your mouth was to his length, he put his hand on your hatted head and shoved you toward him.
Just before you took him into your mouth, you began to try to pull the hat off, as it was starting to get in the way. He swiftly caught your wrist, and you looked up at him in surprise. “Leave it on,” he growled with a dark gaze. You were again reminded of a predatory animal. “Gonna watch you take every inch of me with that hat sat right on your head. Teach you a damn lesson about obeying.” His words made you breathe heavier, made the heat between your legs form a rising pressure.
“Yes sir,” you said as you took him into your mouth, making him emit a long breath of pleasure as he rolled his hips a little to get used to the tightness. You used your tongue like you knew how, twisting and licking around his thick cock, running it over his head, licking down the underside. You looked up to see him tilt his head back with an expression of pure pleasure, then you began to move. You held one hand at his base and the other under his balls, taking him slowly at first to get used to him, then deeper as your throat relaxed. Arthur brought his head back down and placed his hand on the back of your head under the brim of his hat, suddenly snapping his hips forward, making his cock push at the back of your throat. The sensation made you gag, but you continued your work anyway as he started to fuck your mouth harshly, using you like a toy. Tears formed in your eyes at being used like this, but it turned you on something awful. You continued to work on him as best you could before he suddenly withdrew from your mouth, pulling you up and turning you around so that you were on your hands and knees on the bed, presented to him all glistening wet.
“All ready for me ain’t you? Want me to fuck you, girl?” He gently placed one hand on your hip just above your backside.
You weren’t embarrassed in the slightest about wanting to beg him. You had never wanted anyone more in your life. “Yes, please, Arthur. Please fuck me, I- oh!”
He spanked you hard, the sound resonating in the small room. You hadn’t expected the harsh slap and were sure that his strong hand had left a mark. “Remember what I said about obeying?”
“Yes, I remember. I’ll do it from now on, I’ll be good-” He spanked your ass again right in the same spot, leaving a stinging burn on your skin.
“That’s not why we’re here, is it? Why are we here?” You pondered his question, and because you hesitated, it gained you another sharp slap. “Answer me,” he said in his low growl.
“Because I need to be punished!” you yelled, hoping the quick answer would be enough to make him stop.
Sure enough, he rubbed circles on the skin that had grown irritated instead of spanking you again. “Good. You’re right, a little minx like you needs to be punished for not following direct orders.”
“I do. I need to be taught a lesson,” you begged, hoping you would feel his thick cock pushing into you instead of his calloused hands punishing you.
“A lesson, huh? Tell you what, for every minute I was waiting, worried sick that you had gone off and gotten yourself killed, earns one slap.” You hated to hear it. The spanking turned you on, but you didn’t think Arthur realized how strong he was and how much it hurt. He spanked you again, and you let out a soft moan of pain. “That’s one. The first minute I realized you were gone.” He spanked you again, even harder, making tears prick at your eyes. “Two. When I pondered going back to find you.” He spanked you again. “Three. When I realized going back would probably mean finding you dead.” He spanked impossibly harder, making you yelp in pain. “Four. When I knew that it could be a trap for me to go back and I would just have to wait.” He gave three slaps in quick succession, not as harsh as the others. “The three minutes waiting in camp for you.”
Then, he gave you one last slap across the ass, so hard that you cried out in pain. “Arthur, please!”
“That one was for your sorry ass riding into camp like you owned the place with that hat on your head, mouthing off to me like you knew better.” You waited in silence, hoping he was finished. “And then,” he said, rubbing circles into your raised, abused skin again. “You had the bright idea to parade my hat around camp like a trophy for the rest of the day, showing everyone just who was in charge.” His words worried you, knowing you would probably get another spanking for that, but Arthur didn’t move his hand from your backside. Instead, he leaned over you enough that you could feel his cock rest against your skin, and he used his hand to grip your jaw and force you to look at him. “I’ll tell you who’s in charge girl,” he growled. You watched as he took his hat from your head and placed it on his own before digging his fingers into your hips and ramming his whole length into you, making you cry out in pleasure.
“Arthur!” You didn’t have a second to adjust to his girth as he started to move, slowly but completely and filling you up so much it hurt. The anticipation of him fucking you was enough to put you close to your climax before he even entered you, but his movement slowed your build back down, making you want to be completely ravished by him first.
He didn’t give you long to experience this though, as he held his grip tight on your hip with one hand but reached down with the other to brush against your clit. His touch lit your nerves on fire, and your back caved in response, giving him a better angle to hit your sweet spot. He began to run circles around that bundle of nerves, still fucking you slow and steady but fully. It drove you mad. You thought about how he had taken his hat off your head and put it back on his own, the hottest fucking image that would ever be burned into your memory, and he suddenly flicked his finger harshly across your clit, making you emit a sound so obscene that it would make anyone blush. “That’s right. Easy, girl.” His drawn out words made you pant. You were in such a deep pleasure that you were almost scared to feel how harshly your orgasm would rip through you.
Arthur didn’t give you any time to recover, speeding up slightly as he hit a perfect spot within you over and over again, circling his thick finger on your clit faster and faster until you knew you were doomed. “I’m close,” you panted.
“Look at me,” he said in a breathless voice. “Wanna see your face when I make you fall apart. Make you submit to me.” His words pushed you further, and with one last circle of his finger, he slammed into you hard, and you yelled out loud, being pushed over the edge by the most intense orgasm you’d ever had. It crashed into you in waves, and every nerve in your body rang out in pleasure. Your muscles tensed around Arthur’s length, making him groan too. His noise only stretched your pleasure out further, and your whole body went taut with it. It was a wasteland, the after effects thrumming through you.
Your audible panting finally slowed, and Arthur cooed at you. “That’s my girl.” He didn’t give you long though before he started chasing his own high. He placed both hands back on your hips and dug his fingers in so harshly you knew there would be bruises left behind. He quickened his pace that grew more and more brutal, and you grew overly sensitive as he started to snap his hips and bury his cock deep inside of you. His breathing began to be audible now, as it was his turn to use you up and lose himself. He went impossibly faster. He leaned over you then and changed his angle, and the sensation along with the overstimulation made you come for the second time and moan the same loud obscenity as before, a sound that began to push him over the edge. You could feel his movement start to stutter and lose rhythm as your muscles tightened around his cock again. He sat up suddenly and slammed into you, stopping dead as he came deep inside of you and yelled out his pleasure. You turned to see the most bliss-filled, erotic face beneath the brim of that hat. It made you want him even more, all over again. He breathed heavily as he came down from his high, leaning over you. “You’re mine,” he panted. He slipped out of you, and as his come dripped out of your entrance and slowly ran down your inner thigh, you knew he was right. “You gonna obey me now?” he asked as he moved you with him to lay on the bed.
“If that’s my punishment, maybe not,” you said with a smile. “Then again, I think you look better in that hat than I do, so I’ll think twice next time about sticking my neck out for it for my own sake.”
“Good. Don’t ever do that again,” he said, looking deep into your eyes to make his seriousness known.
“I won’t,” you replied, knowing that somehow, the words rang true—you were willing to obey him now.
He turned over and rolled on top of you, catching your gaze with a playful one of his own. “You’re wrong about the hat. You look better in it.” He reached for it again, placing it back on your head. “Saw you ride in with it on and knew I had to fuck it right off of that pretty little head.”
“Arthur Morgan!” you chided. “So crude.” You flashed him a teasing gaze.
“Mmm. Can’t resist.” You didn’t know what he was referring to resisting, but as he moved forward and gave you another long, deep kiss, pushing the hat backward on your head once more, you ceased to care.
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colter-morning · 2 years
The Hat (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur Morgan x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You’ve taken a liking to a certain hat as well as to the rugged gunslinger who wears it. When you impulsively risk your neck to get it back for him, his anger at your foolish act turns into something surprising.
Author’s Notes: This was the first fic I ever wrote, and wow is it amazing to see how far I’ve come! But this one will always have a special place in my heart <3 Set during Chapter 3 in game.
Tags: Arthur Morgan x reader, smut, low honor Arthur Morgan, rough sex, rough oral sex, spanking
AO3 Link
The Hat
Word count: 6319
“Please let me go with them, Dutch. I can handle myself just fine,” you begged the gang leader as he assigned his men a lead he had been scoping out.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that, miss. I don’t doubt that at all-”
“Then let me go. I’ll keep my head down and be a good extra hand. Hell, they may need me,” you said, gesturing to the men Dutch had just handpicked for the job.
You had been with the Van der Linde Gang for over a month now, fitting right in with your rough, dangerous lifestyle. Because of this, you had quickly found friendship in some of the men as well as Sadie Adler who was one of the first women you knew to dress like you and shoot like you and keep up with the rest of the men with ease like you. Well, almost all of the men. A certain handsome cowboy named Arthur had proven to be the most talented gun you had ever met, and he caught your attention early on because of it. Unsurprisingly, he was one of the men Dutch asked to go robbing. Part of you wanted to join the outing simply to watch the broad-shouldered man in action, although you would never admit to that. You couldn’t fall for someone you hardly knew when your lifestyle didn’t allow for such things.
Dutch pondered your request and finally relented. “Fine. Arthur, watch her, would you? Make sure she doesn’t get herself killed.”
“Now, Dutch, I ain’t babysitting on a job,” the rugged gun responded.
Dutch had already turned to walk back to his tent and waved Arthur’s words away, making his request final. Your blood boiled a little under the surface, mad at continually being called a kid. You stomped toward the camp’s hitching post where your horse was tied, stopping to make your anger known with Arthur. “I ain’t a baby. You look out for yourself and I’ll be just fine.” You turned to walk to your horse, not even waiting for a response.
He let out a big sigh of annoyance in return. “If you say so.” He followed you in walking to his horse, barking orders along the way. “John, Javier, let’s go. We don’t have much time if we wanna do this right.” The other two guns jogged over to their horses as well, and by the time all of you were saddled, Arthur led the group out of the Clemens Point camp and toward the latest score for the gang.
Not long into the ride, Arthur laid out a plan for the three of you to follow, telling you to stay toward the back of the wagon you were going to rob to keep an eye out. He was going to do the actual robbing and needed good protection in case anyone bold decided to show up and attempt to pick him off. Javier was to help you keep watch, and John was to hold up the driver. You were nervous about your first outing with the gang but excited too and ready to prove yourself. You were a good shot, especially with a rifle, so as long as you relied on your talent everything would turn out fine.
After a ride that lasted longer than you thought it would, Arthur spoke up. “Let’s wait under these trees here. Should be hidden well enough to wait for the wagon to pass.” The four of you turned your horses off the trail and into the woods to wait. After about ten minutes, the wagon came idling along the path. “Masks on. Here she comes,” Arthur said. You pulled up your dust-colored bandana (the damned thing used to be white, the Rhodes dirt having ruined it) to hide your face as you readied your gun. “You sure you ready for this, hotshot?” Arthur asked you. You looked over at him and nodded, not allowing him any room in your mind where your focus needed to be. “All right then. On my mark.”
The wagon crept along just past the trees where you were hidden, and Arthur waited a few seconds before barking the order, “Ride!” The four of your barreled out of the woods and toward the wagon, startling the driver enough to make him immediately stop and put his hands up.
John played his part well, riding up directly beside the driver. “That’s right, not one move or I’ll shoot you dead!”
Arthur quickly jumped into the back of the wagon to look for the money Dutch said would be hidden in it. “Javier, Y/N, keep an eye out. No guards don’t sit right with me,” he said as he searched through a trunk.
Javier looked toward the road ahead of the wagon and to the left while you took the rear and the right. You spotted movement in the wood line just in time to line up your sights. Through the crosshairs, you saw four or five mounted men hiding there, waiting to pick you off—one of them had a long-scoped rifle. “Guards!” you yelled, taking a shot at the man with the most deadly gun. You were a second too late though, as he fired just before you and came within inches of Arthur’s head, making Arthur’s hat fly off.
“Goddammit,” Arthur muttered as he ducked down into the wagon. “John stay with the driver and make sure he don’t run!”
Your first shot hit the guard right in the jaw, killing him and knocking him clean off his agitated horse. Shots rang out all around you as the remaining guards pursued and Javier and Arthur fired back. You were well-seasoned in this and took a breath, spurring your horse to move. A moving target was much harder to hit than a still one. You fired again and again, hitting one more guard. Either Arthur or Javier finished off the rest, and a silence rang out in the large space that gunshots had just filled. The two drafts pulling the wagon reared and stomped, only held from bolting by the terrified driver. “Get down from there,” John ordered him. “Get down from there now and get out of here and maybe I won’t kill you!” he yelled. The driver did as he was told, and John quickly replaced him. “I’m getting this thing out of here, Arthur. That won’t be the last of them.”
“Find a secluded spot and keep your head down then,” Arthur said as he jumped off the side of the wagon. “Don’t draw any attention. Go!” He slapped the side of the wagon and John flicked the reins hard, lurching the wagon away. “You two, be ready. He’s right, there’ll be more guards headed our-”
Before Arthur could finish his sentence, more gunshots rang out. Mounted men spilled out of the trees toward the three of you. Arthur was stuck too far away from his horse, so he jumped on John’s instead, grabbing his gun to shoot back at the men and whistling for his own mount to follow. You joined Javier in making a run for it while shooting your pursuers, but something near a big bush on the ground caught your eye—it was Arthur’s hat. “Arthur, your hat!” you yelled to him, knowing how important it was to him.
“For christ sake, leave it!” he shouted as he unloaded his sidearms.
Against all logic and rationalization, you turned your mount into a wide circle, doubling back to retrieve the hat. You loved that hat something awful, especially on the cowboy who donned it. You also weren’t scared of the mediocre guns pursuing you in the slightest. The guards in pursuit split, half following Javier and Arthur, half following you. You aimed your rifle at one of them and breathed out, firing a shot that took him down easily. As far as you could tell, that only left two more. You spurred your horse again, keeping your head low and riding in an erratic pattern as gunshots flew around you. You turned to line up your shot again and fired, taking out the second guard.
As your one pursuer continued after you, you neared the black hat on the ground. You decided (impulsively and somewhat stupidly) to grab the hat off the ground while riding. You used to practice tricks like this off of your horse all the time when you were younger, but this one would have to count or it could cost you your head. You kept your feet firmly in the stirrups, glad that you had cinched your horse up so tight, and began to lean as you neared the hat at full speed. You leaned down more and more, stretching your arm out as far as it would go, and just before you reached the hat, another gunshot split the air and skimmed across your left arm that was away from the ground. You instinctively moved away from the splitting pain and even closer to the ground, finding the hat with your fingers and picking it up. You slammed it on your head, turned angrily around to the guard who had shot you, and cut his pursuit short with a bullet between the eyes. You didn’t let up one second in case any more pursuers came and bolted back toward camp with a small grin at your triumph.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Arthur yelled as you reentered camp at a trot.
As you passed him, you tipped his own hat to him, deciding not to give it back just yet. You had earned it, goddammit, not him. “Survived, didn’t I?” You stopped your horse just shy of the hitching post and dismounted, tying him and giving him loving pats down his broad neck for doing so well under pressure.
“That ain’t the point.” The angry outlaw was hot on your tail, towering over you when you turned around. “You could have gotten yourself killed. I told you to leave the damn hat.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t. And I killed the rest of the guards for you. You’re welcome.” You put your hand over the hat and ducked around him, deciding to rub some salt in the wound and keep it for yourself, at least for the day.
You saw Dutch walking your way and felt a tiny bolt of panic. The job really could have gone better, and now you knew Arthur wouldn’t vouch for your talent. “What’s going on?” the gang leader asked.
“She nearly went and got herself shot up all for that stupid hat,” Arthur answered, following behind with plenty of impatience in his voice.
Dutch let out a sharp laugh. “Well, we have a brave one on our hands, don’t we? For future reference, miss, Arthur couldn’t lose that hat if his life depended on it. It always finds its way back on his head.” Dutch had a small grin on his face, and it was a little off-putting. Why wasn’t he yelling at you?
“Yeah she’s brave. Brave or stupid,” Arthur replied.
“Watch your mouth, would you?” you said, rounding on the cowboy. “I killed five of those guards with ease, no problems. Isn’t that all that matters? That we got the money and came out with our lives?”
“It ain’t about winning, it’s about being smart enough to live another day and not risk our necks unnecessarily.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he was right but refusing to admit it. “Yeah, well, don’t get your hat shot off your head next time and maybe I won’t have to risk my neck.” Dutch let out another bark of a laugh at Arthur as you stormed off toward your tent.
You heard Dutch mutter “She’s got a point. It all turned out all right, Arthur, now don’t go worrying yourself into the grave,” before you reached your bedroll.
You heard Arthur reply, but his voice was too low for you to pick up words. His anger made you angry, made you want to punch something. You swiftly took the hat off your head and slammed it down on the ground beside you as you sat. The sharp movement made you wince as you remembered the graze from the bullet on your arm. You looked at your wound and saw that blood had seeped into your shirt, so you unbuttoned a few of the top buttons and brought the fabric down over your shoulder to reveal the wound. It wasn’t bad and could have been a lot worse, you decided, knowing that it would end up healing just fine. You reached over into your trunk where you kept all your belongings and pulled out a canteen and another shirt, soaking the shirt with water and pressing it to your wound to clean it out. It hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable. You’d need to get your hands on a health cure to make sure it didn’t get infected. As you poured more water onto your shirt, Tilly passed by and saw the blood on your arm. “Didn’t go exactly as planned, did it?” she asked.
“Not exactly,” you said through a chuckle. You loved Tilly’s bluntness in everything she did. It kept all the boys in check. “Could have been worse, though.”
“Story of our lives.”
You let out another laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
“Well anyway,” she said, moving to get back to her work, “Keep on those men. They need it.” She smiled over her shoulder and you returned it.
After you finished tending to your wound and buttoned your shirt back up, you noticed Arthur eyeing you from across camp with a gaze full of anger. You had neglected to mention the graze on your arm on purpose, and knowing that he had seen it made you a little embarrassed. He would definitely bring it up later. He always had to have the last word, that much you knew about him.
You elected to ignore him and picked up his hat instead, knowing he was watching. You put it back on your head and wiped your wet hands off on your pants as you stood. You needed to go ask Strauss for a health cure. You would much rather ride into Rhodes and buy one from the general store there, but the gang members were finicky about who got to leave camp whenever they pleased. You hadn’t earned the right to do that yet. So, you made way to Strauss’ wagon, keeping a wide berth between you and Arthur. You didn’t feel like arguing anymore lest you end up boiling over with anger and saying something you didn’t mean, as you tended to do. Luckily, you saw his tall frame move from the spot where he had been leaning and retreat toward his holdings, away from you.
“Mister Strauss,” you said, making him pull his newspaper down from under his nose. “I’m afraid I find myself in need of some medicine.”
“Are you all right?”
“Fine, just need a health cure. Got grazed by a bullet.” You stopped in front of him and tilted the too-big hat up out of your eyes.
“Oh, I know the agonies of a graze,” he said, scrambling to pick something out for you. He pulled a tiny bottle from his wagon and handed it to you. “That should work well. It certainly helped me.”
“Thanks,” you said, nodding his way and retreating. “I appreciate it.”
“No trouble at all,” he said, seemingly happy to be of use. You made your way back to your tent, drinking the bitter liquid down and trying not to wince at the taste. Once again, you caught the angry outlaw’s eyes. You stopped and thought about confronting him but decided against it. No point in raising hell. Instead, the two of you stared with harsh, set gazes, locking imaginary horns without a word.
Night fell over camp, and after staying up and talking with Sadie for a while, you decided to retire to your bedroll. You always had trouble falling right to sleep, but the medicine had relaxed your tense muscles, and unconsciousness fell over you with ease.
That is, until you were startled awake by someone nudging you with their boot. You quickly flipped over and reached down for the sidearm you kept near while you slept until you realized nothing was wrong and it was just Arthur. “Jesus, what the hell?” you said with a grogginess from being ripped from sleep. You slumped back down on your back.
“Get up.” You opened one eye and looked up at the handsome figure that towered over you, but you didn’t move a muscle. “Don’t make me sling you over my shoulder.”
“For god’s sake, Arthur,” you said as you rose with reluctance. “What’s so important that I gotta get up in the middle of the damn night?”
“You’re coming with me. Grab my hat and your boots, we gotta ride ahead of us.”
You groaned in annoyance at the request, stretching the sleep out of your frame. “A ride? What kind of twisted punishment-” You stopped talking when you noticed Arthur had already stalked off toward the horses. “Hmph.”
You grabbed his hat and put it on your own head, disoriented and wondering why he hadn’t just taken it back already. You grabbed your two guns, holstering the sidearm and resting the rifle over your shoulder by the strap, and followed the broody bastard. When you slung your leg over your sleepy mount, Arthur made a request that only confused you further. “No questions on the ride, you got me?”
“Yeah, that. None of those until we get there. You don’t like to listen do you?”
He turned his horse to leave camp, and you followed suit. “Where is ‘there’ exactly?” He shook his head, his sandy hair swaying in the moonlight, but neglected to answer you. You rolled your tired eyes, unhappy about the situation you found yourself in. You showed his back your middle finger, making you smile in triumph.
After a few hours had passed and you were sure the sun would be rising soon, you found yourself crossing the Dakota River with a very tired horse and a very grumpy outlaw. You had relented to his request and hadn’t spoken another word, not because he asked but because you were too drained of energy for any conversation. The pair of stallions stepped high through the rushing water, giving every bit of energy to your and Arthur’s spurring. Finally, you spoke up for your mount’s sake. “We best be stopping soon or we’ll have to walk on foot.”
Without turning to look at you, Arthur replied. “The horses will be fine. Not much longer.”
Sure enough, he held true to his word. After less than a half hour, he stopped in front of a small cabin and stepped off of his horse to hitch it. Your exhaustion had begun to wear off and give way to suspicion. What was he planning? Did he know someone here? He looked over to you still on your horse with a questioning gaze. “You want me to come with you, or...”
“Come on,” he nodded, stepping onto the cabin’s small porch. You got off of your horse and stretched your aching legs before hitching and following Arthur.
He opened the door and let you walk through only for you to discover that it was empty. Now you were really suspicious, almost to the point of fear. “Okay, just what the hell is going on? Look, I know I screwed up but this is really starting to get-”
You turned to meet his gaze as he shut the door behind him and immediately lost your words. He was looking at you like an animal would, pupils blown wide, predatory. It turned you on slightly, but you were still a little scared of him. “You told me you wouldn’t cause any fuss on that score we took.”
He slowly stepped toward you, eyes devouring you. You were, quite frankly, scared out of your wits and just as turned on by his display. “I- I know I did, but-”
“Just had to get my hat, didn’t you? Why is that?” he said, still approaching you in such an intimidating manner that you gave a little ground and started to back up.
“I like your hat,” you said, reaching up to grab it.
“Nah, that ain’t it.” He held your eyes locked as he moved close enough for you to back into a nightstand behind you. “See,” he said, stopping to lean over you, placing his forearm on the wall above your head—trapping you. “I know you ain’t an idiot. You wouldn’t risk your life all over a hat you liked, one that ain’t even yours.”
You began to tilt your head down to escape his gaze, but he used his calloused finger to tilt your chin back up to him. Your heart pounded as you began to understand why he was such a good enforcer. You also wanted him to have you right then and there, but that was another thing entirely—a wild fantasy of yours that was uncalled for at the moment. “Maybe...” you said, gaining a little confidence again. “Maybe I knew I wasn’t risking my life to get it. Knew I would come out unscathed.”
“Unscathed?” he asked in a deep growl that made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. “You call this unscathed?” He reached for your arm where the bullet had grazed you and gripped hard, making you wince in pain.
“Quit! Please, Arthur, I-”
“Nah, you better tell me the truth right now.” He ceased his firm grip but kept his large hand on your arm as a reminder of what pain he could cause. You began to panic. He was obviously interested in punishing you being so far away from civilization and from any other human being, and the feeling of being trapped with a very overpowered and very predatory man was making your breathing quicken. Should you tell him that you went back for it because you favored its owner so much or would that make him even angrier, gaining you worse punishment for being so impulsive? He suddenly slammed his hand on the wall behind your head, making you jump out of your skin. “Tell me!”
“Fine! I- it’s, it’s you! I grabbed it because it’s yours! Because I, well...”
“Go on,” he said with a grimace, lip curled over his teeth like a wolf. He had gotten so close to you it nearly made you turn your head away.
“Because I know how much it means to you. Being your father’s hat and all. I’ve seen the picture on your wagon.” You hoped this was a good enough excuse for him, as it wasn’t the whole truth.
He almost seemed to sense the guilt coming off of you. “You lie.” The growling words made your blood run cold. They would mean worse punishment. “You better tell me the goddamn truth right now,” he said in a voice barely louder than a whisper.
You felt a heat begin to build between your legs at his closeness and his voice and his harsh way. Fuck it, you thought, what was the worst that could happen? “I grabbed the hat because I want to gain the favor of the man who wears it,” you said calmly, holding his gaze. His expression didn’t change in the slightest, and you decided, again impulsively, to throw all your chips in. “Because I want him to fuck me.”
That was all it took. He snapped, pushing you up to sit on the nightstand and pressing his lips to yours with such force it hurt. Your head hit the wood behind you as he pushed against you, and his hat got pushed up off your head as a result. You grabbed it to keep it from falling off, suddenly very glad to have it on. His tongue immediately pushed past your teeth and into your mouth, all hot and dominant, and his hips pushed right between your legs. His hands ravished your body and began to work the buttons of your shirt as you brought your own hands around to his broad, muscled back. He distractedly and sloppily kissed you as he yanked your shirt apart, pulling the bottom two buttons clean off the shirt. You wanted to scold him for it but were too lost in the heat of his mouth to care.
You moved forward to get the shirt out from behind you and took it off completely. He stopped and looked down, realizing you had nothing on underneath the shirt. He had a dark hunger in his eyes as they raked over your body, and he reached his hand up to feel your breast and flick his thumb across your nipple. The sensation made you suck in a breath, and the sound drew his attention back to you, making him continue the pursuit of devouring your mouth.
You began to undress him then, taking off his familiar brown jacket he always wore and tugging his suspenders off his shoulders. Every touch he gave you was like fire licking your skin, and you suddenly couldn’t have enough of him. You pulled him in impossibly closer by his shirt collar, letting him continue claiming every inch of your mouth and using what little room you had to unbutton his shirt and take it off.
Just as suddenly as you had pulled him into you, you shoved him away, making him stumble a few steps backward. You had the overwhelming need to see him, that body he was hiding beneath all those layers. And you were met with quite a sight—his wide chest and chiseled torso were unfairly attractive. He flexed his muscles involuntarily as he heaved in breaths, watching your mouth part in desire at the sight of him.
He stepped back toward you and picked you up with ease, cupping your backside and crashing his hips to yours as he moved to lay you down on the small bed the cabin had to offer. You both kicked off your boots, stripped each other’s socks, and fought to undo the other’s gun belt and pants buttons. You remembered just as he shoved your pants down your legs that you had neglected to put anything on under your pants either. He pulled them completely off of your legs with what could be mistaken for anger but you knew to be desire, stepping back to admire your nearly completely naked form (apart from his own hat) for only a moment before he slammed his mouth against yours again. You sat up as best you could between his arms and slid his pants off as well, taking his undergarments off along with them. His cock sprang out of them and to attention, and the sight of it alone made you let out a low sound of arousal. He had more girth than any man you had ever seen, and you knew it would stretch you wide in a way you had never felt before. He stood just by the bedside and right in front of you, and when he saw how close your mouth was to his length, he put his hand on your hatted head and shoved you toward him.
Just before you took him into your mouth, you began to try to pull the hat off, as it was starting to get in the way. He swiftly caught your wrist, and you looked up at him in surprise. “Leave it on,” he growled with a dark gaze. You were again reminded of a predatory animal. “Gonna watch you take every inch of me with that hat sat right on your head. Teach you a damn lesson about obeying.” His words made you breathe heavier, made the heat between your legs form a rising pressure.
“Yes sir,” you said as you took him into your mouth, making him emit a long breath of pleasure as he rolled his hips a little to get used to the tightness. You used your tongue like you knew how, twisting and licking around his thick cock, running it over his head, licking down the underside. You looked up to see him tilt his head back with an expression of pure pleasure, then you began to move. You held one hand at his base and the other under his balls, taking him slowly at first to get used to him, then deeper as your throat relaxed. Arthur brought his head back down and placed his hand on the back of your head under the brim of his hat, suddenly snapping his hips forward, making his cock push at the back of your throat. The sensation made you gag, but you continued your work anyway as he started to fuck your mouth harshly, using you like a toy. Tears formed in your eyes at being used like this, but it turned you on something awful. You continued to work on him as best you could before he suddenly withdrew from your mouth, pulling you up and turning you around so that you were on your hands and knees on the bed, presented to him all glistening wet.
“All ready for me ain’t you? Want me to fuck you, girl?” He gently placed one hand on your hip just above your backside.
You weren’t embarrassed in the slightest about wanting to beg him. You had never wanted anyone more in your life. “Yes, please, Arthur. Please fuck me, I- oh!”
He spanked you hard, the sound resonating in the small room. You hadn’t expected the harsh slap and were sure that his strong hand had left a mark. “Remember what I said about obeying?”
“Yes, I remember. I’ll do it from now on, I’ll be good-” He spanked your ass again right in the same spot, leaving a stinging burn on your skin.
“That’s not why we’re here, is it? Why are we here?” You pondered his question, and because you hesitated, it gained you another sharp slap. “Answer me,” he said in his low growl.
“Because I need to be punished!” you yelled, hoping the quick answer would be enough to make him stop.
Sure enough, he rubbed circles on the skin that had grown irritated instead of spanking you again. “Good. You’re right, a little minx like you needs to be punished for not following direct orders.”
“I do. I need to be taught a lesson,” you begged, hoping you would feel his thick cock pushing into you instead of his calloused hands punishing you.
“A lesson, huh? Tell you what, for every minute I was waiting, worried sick that you had gone off and gotten yourself killed, earns one slap.” You hated to hear it. The spanking turned you on, but you didn’t think Arthur realized how strong he was and how much it hurt. He spanked you again, and you let out a soft moan of pain. “That’s one. The first minute I realized you were gone.” He spanked you again, even harder, making tears prick at your eyes. “Two. When I pondered going back to find you.” He spanked you again. “Three. When I realized going back would probably mean finding you dead.” He spanked impossibly harder, making you yelp in pain. “Four. When I knew that it could be a trap for me to go back and I would just have to wait.” He gave three slaps in quick succession, not as harsh as the others. “The three minutes waiting in camp for you.”
Then, he gave you one last slap across the ass, so hard that you cried out in pain. “Arthur, please!”
“That one was for your sorry ass riding into camp like you owned the place with that hat on your head, mouthing off to me like you knew better.” You waited in silence, hoping he was finished. “And then,” he said, rubbing circles into your raised, abused skin again. “You had the bright idea to parade my hat around camp like a trophy for the rest of the day, showing everyone just who was in charge.” His words worried you, knowing you would probably get another spanking for that, but Arthur didn’t move his hand from your backside. Instead, he leaned over you enough that you could feel his cock rest against your skin, and he used his hand to grip your jaw and force you to look at him. “I’ll tell you who’s in charge girl,” he growled. You watched as he took his hat from your head and placed it on his own before digging his fingers into your hips and ramming his whole length into you, making you cry out in pleasure.
“Arthur!” You didn’t have a second to adjust to his girth as he started to move, slowly but completely and filling you up so much it hurt. The anticipation of him fucking you was enough to put you close to your climax before he even entered you, but his movement slowed your build back down, making you want to be completely ravished by him first.
He didn’t give you long to experience this though, as he held his grip tight on your hip with one hand but reached down with the other to brush against your clit. His touch lit your nerves on fire, and your back caved in response, giving him a better angle to hit your sweet spot. He began to run circles around that bundle of nerves, still fucking you slow and steady but fully. It drove you mad. You thought about how he had taken his hat off your head and put it back on his own, the hottest fucking image that would ever be burned into your memory, and he suddenly flicked his finger harshly across your clit, making you emit a sound so obscene that it would make anyone blush. “That’s right. Easy, girl.” His drawn out words made you pant. You were in such a deep pleasure that you were almost scared to feel how harshly your orgasm would rip through you.
Arthur didn’t give you any time to recover, speeding up slightly as he hit a perfect spot within you over and over again, circling his thick finger on your clit faster and faster until you knew you were doomed. “I’m close,” you panted.
“Look at me,” he said in a breathless voice. “Wanna see your face when I make you fall apart. Make you submit to me.” His words pushed you further, and with one last circle of his finger, he slammed into you hard, and you yelled out loud, being pushed over the edge by the most intense orgasm you’d ever had. It crashed into you in waves, and every nerve in your body rang out in pleasure. Your muscles tensed around Arthur’s length, making him groan too. His noise only stretched your pleasure out further, and your whole body went taut with it. It was a wasteland, the after effects thrumming through you.
Your audible panting finally slowed, and Arthur cooed at you. “That’s my girl.” He didn’t give you long though before he started chasing his own high. He placed both hands back on your hips and dug his fingers in so harshly you knew there would be bruises left behind. He quickened his pace that grew more and more brutal, and you grew overly sensitive as he started to snap his hips and bury his cock deep inside of you. His breathing began to be audible now, as it was his turn to use you up and lose himself. He went impossibly faster. He leaned over you then and changed his angle, and the sensation along with the overstimulation made you come for the second time and moan the same loud obscenity as before, a sound that began to push him over the edge. You could feel his movement start to stutter and lose rhythm as your muscles tightened around his cock again. He sat up suddenly and slammed into you, stopping dead as he came deep inside of you and yelled out his pleasure. You turned to see the most bliss-filled, erotic face beneath the brim of that hat. It made you want him even more, all over again. He breathed heavily as he came down from his high, leaning over you. “You’re mine,” he panted. He slipped out of you, and as his come dripped out of your entrance and slowly ran down your inner thigh, you knew he was right. “You gonna obey me now?” he asked as he moved you with him to lay on the bed.
“If that’s my punishment, maybe not,” you said with a smile. “Then again, I think you look better in that hat than I do, so I’ll think twice next time about sticking my neck out for it for my own sake.”
“Good. Don’t ever do that again,” he said, looking deep into your eyes to make his seriousness known.
“I won’t,” you replied, knowing that somehow, the words rang true—you were willing to obey him now.
He turned over and rolled on top of you, catching your gaze with a playful one of his own. “You’re wrong about the hat. You look better in it.” He reached for it again, placing it back on your head. “Saw you ride in with it on and knew I had to fuck it right off of that pretty little head.”
“Arthur Morgan!” you chided. “So crude.” You flashed him a teasing gaze.
“Mmm. Can’t resist.” You didn’t know what he was referring to resisting, but as he moved forward and gave you another long, deep kiss, pushing the hat backward on your head once more, you ceased to care.
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dcbbw · 1 year
Sneak Peek Sunday 7.23.23
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Hi, Tumblr! Anyone remember me? If you don’t, I completely understand. For sure, I am more out than in nowadays, but rest assured I have not packed my tumblr luggage yet, nor been jailed or hospitalized, and I am not dead. All I’m going to say is I thought life was supposed to be easier as you get older, and definitely get better post-Covid.
I have been working on a couple of WIPs and have something to share with anyone who may be interested. Going to use my current tag list, and please … DM me if you want on or off. No hard feelings if you want off; I realize that readers want/need content, and I have seriously fallen off the wagon there.
Only two sneak peeks this time around, but hopefully it’ll be enough to whet your appetite for more (which is coming soon, I promise). As usual, everything is in a state of rough draft and final/posted product may vary. Everything is below the cut; hope you like it!
Content Warning: Mature themes
Sins of the Father, PB Mashup (TRR x PM x VoS)
Father Joseph approached the lone teenager shooting hoops on the basketball court slowly, thoughtfully. The lad was tall, his long brown hair up in a manbun. Although only 16, his frame was impressively muscular due to his part-time job at the Dockyard. The priest licked his dry lips as he discreetly adjusted himself through his pants.
The teenager seemed to be paying Father Joseph no mind, intent on shooting three-pointers, but when the cleric was less than three feet away, Drake Walker spoke.
“Don’t come any closer, Father,” he warned. “Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it from there.”
Father Joseph stood still, his eyes surveying the recreation area. Drake was alone at the basketball hoop; on the other end of the asphalt a group of boys were playing an impromptu game of soccer, their eyes uneasily watching the priest. Further to the left, in the grassy area known as the Big Field, younger children played on seesaws, swings, and slides. A group of older girls popped bubblegum while pointing excitedly to the pages of a magazine.
Delighted shrieks and yells were interspersed with the stern admonishments of the nuns who were watching over the charges.
Father Joseph’s eyes went back to Drake who was now standing on tiptoes as his long arm arced through the air, the basketball rolling off his fingertips before it whooshed through the air and basket. It hit the ground with a thwack, rebounding back into Drake’s palms.
“I summoned you to my office. You never showed. That’s insubordination,” Father Joseph chided in a soft tone.
Drake turned to fully face the elder. “I will NEVER come to your office again! I have rights, I have boundaries and you respect NONE of that!”
“Never say never, Drake. Insubordination is grounds for dismissal from St. Joan’s. How do you think your poor, widowed mother would take that news?”
“I’ll tell her what you did to me,” Drake threatened.
“She won’t believe you. I’m Father Joseph. It is because of my benevolence that you AND your sister are here tuition free. She gets her groceries to feed you two from the church’s pantry. The clothes she wears to work come from our donation boxes.”
“I’m her SON!” Drake’s voice was raised, his cheeks flushed. “And you RAPED me!”
“I infuse your soul with the essence of God. Children are vessels waiting to be filled with the sins of the world. I provide a barrier of protection.”
Drake shook his head in disbelief. “You’re a sick sonofabitch.” He dribbled the basketball.
Father Joseph smirked at the insult. “Then report me.”
“You know no one will believe me or my mother if I did.”
The priest clasped his hands behind his back as he began to rock on his heels. “This is not a negotiation, young Walker. You WILL meet me in my office directly after the dismissal bell, or you WILL be removed from this school and barred from the property. And who will protect that pretty little sister of yours then?”
Without thinking, Drake shoved the basketball from his palms, aiming at the Father’s chest. “You WOULDN’T!”
With lightning speed, the priest’s arms and hands outstretched, catching the sporting apparatus before tucking it in the crook of his elbow.
“Are you willing to chance that? I love all of God’s children, you know.” Father Joseph turned on his heel, walking away.
At 3:05 pm, Drake knocked on the closed door of Father Joseph’s office, tears streaking his cheeks.
Dead in the Water (Rewrite Challenge, TRR AU)
The figure, dressed completely in black, including balaclava, traipsed easily up the ladder that led to the building’s rooftop despite the plastic bag slung over one shoulder. The person was certain they hadn’t been seen or followed but surveyed the duchy below before heading towards the water tower.
With a grunt, they carefully shifted the heavy package to their other shoulder; it was literally dead weight. Their head tilted upwards, staring at the ladder that led to the tower’s catwalk. With a heavy sigh, they trudged lightly to the steel staircase and began the long climb to the top of the water tank. The person maneuvered more slowly; one misstep and there would be two bodies found.
The goal was no body be found.
Their breathing grew heavier and was an outright pant once they reached the catwalk. They carefully placed the bag down before gloved hands began unwrapping and unrolling the plastic away from the body. As the dead woman was revealed, the person’s eyes took her in impersonally. Her once shapely body was swollen with putrid gases, her flawless skin mottled and bruised from long-settled blood. Lipstick still stained her lips, and her uncombed hair looked to be the texture of straw.
Reluctantly, their eyes pulled themselves away from the subject of a country-wide manhunt and focused on the door; a combination lock kept the door sealed. Their hands went to the tool bag hanging from their leather belt, fingers extracting a pair of 12” bolt cutters. Eyes narrowed in concentration, they neatly cut the lock off before fully opening the door.
Scooping the dead woman from the catwalk, and cradling the body next to his chest, the person entered the facility; it was pitch-dark and filled with the humming of pipes and pumps regulating the flow of water throughout not one, but two duchies. Operating by feel, the person came to a stop when they bumped the guardrail. With another grunt, they outstretched their arms and heaved the body into the tank of water.
There was a loud splash, then nothing. The person stood for a few moments more, thinking they should say a prayer for the dead or themselves, but they left without a word for either of them. Outside, they pulled the door shut, gathered the broken lock and sullied plastic, and made their way back down to the street where a rental car was parked in a darkened, dead-end alley.
At the dumpster approximately six feet from the car, the person stuffed the plastic bag, the broken lock, the face covering, and the gloves inside. As they strode towards the car, they fished a cellphone from their shirt’s breast pocket and quickly dialed a number.
The call was picked up, but there was no greeting.
They didn’t expect one.
“It’s done,” they said tersely before hanging up, and climbing into the vehicle.
Tagging:  @jared2612​​ @ao719​​ @marietrinmimi​​ @queenjilian​​ @indiacater​​ @kingliam2019​​ @bebepac​​ @liamxs-world​​ @mom2000aggie​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​ @twinkleallnight​​ @umccall71​​ @superharriet​​ @busywoman​​ @gabesmommie1130​​ @tessa-liam​​ @beezm​​ @gardeningourmet​​ @lovingchoices14​​ @mainstreetreader​​ @angelasscribbles​​ @lady-calypso​​ @emkay512​​ @princessleac1​​ @charlotteg234​​ @alj4890​​ @yourfavaquarius111​​ @motorcitymademadame​​ @queenmiarys​​ @walkerdrakewalker​​​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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artsycervidae · 5 months
Moksha: Chapter 5
Hinata shares advice with Tetsuya. Daki offers the tea house owner one last warning.
Word Count: 4.8k
Visit the masterlist for chapters and tags.
Tetsuya happily took his lumps for Yasumoto's begrudging assistance: despite having claimed nobody present was a repairman, they were fantastically flexible with the idea of 'repair.' "What a... talented young woman," the patriarch of the group in need had commented, appreciating the reinforced wheel spokes: a quick fix meant to get the family cart to its destination, rather than something long-term. "Are there carpenters in your family or something? Your... sister had that taken care of so easily." Judging by the tone, this was unusual-- perhaps even bad, given how Hinata hadn't spoken a single word to anyone other than Tetsuya.
"Oh, uh," Tetsuya stammered. "We're not related."
"Hmm. I didn't think so," the man said before amending, "my daughter figured you two were related. But you don't look anything alike."
"Let us escort you to the nearest stop," Tetsuya offered, pressing his luck and hoping to change the subject.
Yasumoto, who had been taking hopeful steps away with the horse, turned and bore their silver-dagger eyes into Tetsuya.
The man hesitated. "Well... why not. I guess I would feel better knowing you're somewhere safe, too."
The stranger's kindness was unwarranted but made the boy smile regardless. "Yasumoto," Tetsuya called, but the kinoe was sulking, dragging their feet and slinking off. "Hey, come on--" Tetsuya shrugged apologetically to the man before jogging towards his 'sibling,' catching them by the sleeve. "What's with you?"
"We're going to be late," they complained, voice low so as not to be heard. "At this rate, we won't make it until nightfall and our horse will be overworked."
"It's a small detour," Tetsuya pressed.
"It's a nuisance and a waste of time."
"What's your hurry? The profile said that the target wasn't going anywhere... unless this isn't a simple extraction," Tetsuya ventured and saw Hinata's eyes drift away from him.
How had he not suspected this sooner? "Yasumoto," he murmured, more warningly. "Is there something you're not telling me?"
Rather than answer directly, Yasumoto looked over the small cart then examined their horse. Their lips parted slightly to reveal their tongue tracing the mountain ridge of their sharp teeth, their attention glazing elsewhere. Tetsuya frowned as they determined, "We have to change our approach, then. If you really want to escort these people, we'll arrive by night. We can take a break for our horse, but after that, the poor thing is going to get worked to death."
"Who exactly is this person we're fetching?" Tetsuya asked.
Hinata glared-- Tetsuya stepped back, not expecting such a cold, biting look. His hand had settled on his sword unconsciously; he only realized when Hinata stared openly at the gesture of misgiving. They drew in a heavy breath and exhaled. The frustration in their expression eased away, and they flexed their jaw.
"He's a groom-to-be," they informed without looking at him. "He's going to marry into the Ubuyashiki family, and he's going directly to one of their protected homes. Time is of the essence."
This gave Tetsuya pause and Hinata saw it. "Still want to help these people?" they asked, which felt like a trap. They had agreed to lend aid but resented the decision. Their idea of playfulness bordered on bullying. They were a walking contradiction, and if Tetsuya learned anything by now it was to allow things to happen as they may. So long as Hinata didn't escalate things, Tetsuya was fine with tolerating their hypocrisy.
"Yes," Tetsuya said.
"Alright. You're dragging the cart with me then."
Hence taking lumps, side-by-side with Hinata, their horse taking up the caboose at a leisurely trot while the Slayers each gripped a prong of the wagon and hauled it: family and cargo and all. With distance between them and the civilians, Hinata comfortably discussed the change in plans with Tetsuya: the circumstances of the escort, the risks behind it, and the extent of their presence. "If anyone asks, we're hired escorts for his family. Don't let anyone take your sword from you; say whatever you need to."
"I hate lying," Tetsuya pouted
"It's not a complete lie! We'll have the suitor's luggage delivered to a safehouse first, then to his address. We can't let anything be smuggled to one of the Ubuyashiki homes; when we ride into town, we'll take the heavier bag. The other one is for the horse. He can't leave the way we came, either. No backtracking, unless it's necessary-- are you listening?"
"Of course."
"Good. Do you know how to redirect killing intent?"
This question threw Tetsuya off his stride and he tripped, nearly falling if it weren't for the cart handle catching him by the ribs. "What?" He strained.
"Killing intent," they repeated. "When you confront a demon, they tend to emit some kind of energy field. An atmosphere, the primary function of which is to paralyze their victims."
"I know that," Tetsuya grumbled, "what do you mean by redirect?"
"Avoiding the paralysis part," they went on, "Humans react unconsciously to the sense of danger. Some swordsmen have trained for years to overcome their instincts, which is the usual route. Lower ranking Corps members that haven't learned to redirect killing intent are less likely to survive demon encounters."
"Redirect it onto the demon?" Tetsuya had to angle his mouth to the side, craning his neck and keeping his eyes on the road so that he could speak and work simultaneously. Hinata hadn't even broken into a sweat.
"You can try," Hinata coughed a laugh, "but I don't think humans or demons can control the way a subject reacts to killing intent-- not entirely, at least. And I doubt a human proves any intimidation against a demon nowadays. Chances are, most humans will freeze up under that kind of pressure. Exposure makes it easier to handle." Tetsuya knew the concept, but he hadn't heard it presented so objectively before, as though it were a field of study. "Have you undergone torture training this year?"
Torture training? This year?!
"No, never." And a beat. "I can break through a demon's killing intent, though. I'm not afraid."
Tetsuya did not need to turn his head to know Hinata was making some face-- that twitch of the brow indicating annoyance or that slightly-ajar mouth in consideration, and neither helped the boy know what they were thinking. "It's more than being too scared to move, Tetsu. It's instinctual. Like a wolf finding a rabbit." And then, as though remembering why they brought it up to begin with, "Want to know how to redirect it? It's a shot in the dark, but it may save your life."
Rather than accuse Hinata of wanting to torture him, Tetsuya considered it. It hadn't been lost on him, the bizarre nature of this team-up and the timing. A week ago, the Water Hashira's crow returned alone to report her untimely demise. The details had been few, save for that her disappearance happened around Tokyo-- there was very little evidence to narrow down what happened further. She was simply gone. With the recent promotion of her tsuguko, it made little sense why Nobutoshi would let Tetsuya go somewhere with the demon fanatic being his only company... except that it was a desperate measure.
"You think we might run into trouble."
"The chances are high."
"What kind of trouble? I know my Hashira wouldn't want you to tell me anything based on conjecture. But if this was a simple escort, I don't know why you would be here: you're either on front lines or demon-catching, aren't you?"
"Ouch," Hinata responded, and then they laughed-- "Ha ha ha," -- when Tetsuya's ears turned red. "I'm not upset. Don't worry. You're a quick study when you want to be. You know about our new leadership changes... one of the Hashira disappeared in this area recently. Another one about five years ago. The one before then was over ten years. The pattern implies a demon with direct access to the Demon King's blood, growing stronger. Not to mention, people slip through the cracks here all the time. Debt, suicide, trafficking, kidnapping," Hinata shrugged so casually that it made Tetsuya queasy, legs trembling with effort. "There have been a couple missions, targeted patrols to check things out. But we've never found solid proof of demons."
"So what do you think?"
Hinata's chest rumbled in appreciation that Tetsuya would ask. "I think there's a good possibility that Kibutsuji Muzan was here. And that, perhaps, we'll find a strong demon."
"One of the Twelve Kizuki?"
"Maybe." And, to tie the subjects together, "have you felt the murderous focus of a Kizuki?"
The answer to this question made Tetsuya feel incredibly inadequate. He had been behind his teacher every step of his career as a Corps member. Nobutoshi had taken the boy on three Lower Rank operations, which sounded impressive given the mortality rates of facing Kizuki, were it not for the unfulfilled reality. Each time Tetsuya arrived, it was to have found his Hashira standing in an ashen demon's remains, already slain at Nobutoshi's feet. "I haven't."
"Hmmm... well," Hinata considered, eyes drifting to the distance, "It's as if the demon is trying to bring out the worst in you. Not consciously, but your mind or body will betray you by invoking your most vulnerable intuitions. Most of the time it's fear, admiration, or anger. A demon that's eaten lots of people will be able to invoke a more raw feeling. It's," and a pause before helpfully concluding, "unlike anything else you've ever felt."
"Even torture?"
"This year's torture training specialized in drowning. Drowning is easier," Hinata said thoughtfully.
Tetsuya tried not to let it get to him. He knew Hinata was trying to scare him, in the same way a cat played with a shocked mouse. There was less malicious intent in their doing it, but Tetsuya wished they would knock it off regardless. "What should I know, in case we meet a demon with potent killing intent?"
"You'll do things you can't control," Hinata warned. "Some people scream and they can't stop, even if they cover their mouths. But if it makes you feel better, scream with anger, make yourself angry, make yourself move. If you're scared, then run-- get help, get a better advantage. If you can shake a demon off your trail, you've survived with valuable intel." Hinata politely stopped there.
"How will I know what to do?"
"You won't. Not until it happens."
"What do you do when you're stuck?"
Hinata hesitated once more and Tetsuya couldn't tell what that meant. You don't want to know, or I don't want to say. Then they nodded ahead. "There's our stop. Looks like an inn."
A shabby roadside shack came into view-- and yet, it was boarding of sorts, judging by the way a young man came out to greet them. The family clambered out of their cart, making arrangements for the night and unpacking their things. Hinata had disappeared, collecting their horse and walking it away from the cart so they wouldn't be expected to socialize.
"Thank you, young man," the father returned to tell Tetsuya, who had gone so far as to help carry their things inside. "We don't have much to give as far as payment--"
"Oh no!" Tetsuya insisted, blushing again at the positive attention, "it's okay, really. It's reward enough to know your family will be safe." This was, after all, the entire reason Tetsuya fought demons.
"No, I insist. Without you, who knows how long we would have been out there. You and your," a stumble over his words, "your friend, you're both very strong and you're very kind. Is there anything we can do for you to return your generosity?"
"Just take care and stay safe," Tetsuya suggested, to which the man's countenance lit up.
Once goodbyes were made and the flush from Tetsuya's cheeks subsided, he had sought Hinata, who was spending the time assessing their packs and-- judging by a stray grain of rice on their chin-- snacking on their hidden treats. The horse snorted as Hinata straightened its reins and looked to Tetsuya. They bent their knees and offered the younger Slayer a boost onto the horse-- which was nice of them, though ruined by a nasally impression of the man going, "Oohhh, thank you child, dear sweet baby, our samurai in shining armor. Why, we would have had to make that trip all our own, which was our intent to begin with!"
Tetsuya prickled at the sound of their sarcasm and the sight of their cloth-swaddled left hand as a foothold. "You're just jealous because they liked me. If you weren't such a jerk, maybe they would have appreciated you to your face." He didn't need their help getting on that high horse and Hinata hefted their weight behind his once he was settled, swinging their legs over one side of the horse as if they were at all sophisticated or dainty.
"Oof," they responded, "that smarts. What will I do without the approval of a stranger whom we will never meet again?"
"Be bitter and mean all your life?"
"Right back to business as usual," was Hinata's pseudo-chipper comeback. "I hope you're ready. No breaks until the objective is complete."
Tetsuya scoffed and took up the reins. The horse didn't respond, instead dipping its neck to investigate the sparse grass at its feet. Tetsuya waffled, tugging at the rein, and the horse grunted and tossed its head suddenly.
Hinata leaned past Tetsuya, pressing their flesh hand into the long, muscular neck with a comforting pat. "Easy, old man. He didn't mean that. For goodness' sake, Tetsu, now who's bitter and mean?"
"What? I didn't--"
"Ha ha ha, it's alright, I know." They briefly placed their calloused hand on his, tucking their heel into the horse gently and clicking their tongue for its attention. The horse seemed to understand what they wanted somehow, and began to move. As the three headed off, Tetsuya cast a final wave to the family. Hinata didn't even bother; they looked forward to reaching Yoshiwara with more alacrity than anyone Tetsuya had seen before.
A year ago, shortly after passing Final Selections, Tetsuya witnessed Nobutoshi transfer all his access privileges onto his tsuguko; he introduced the student to archivists, Kakushi leaders, trainers, and doctors that would answer his beck and call. Hashira were permitted to grant this equal access to whomever they deemed responsible.
Had Hinata been accessing all the knowledge the Demon Corps had to offer using Nobutoshi's name, such as at the stables? Did the Mist Hashira know? If Hinata had been Nobutoshi's ally, it sounded like something his generous teacher would allow... at least, until those benefits were revoked on bad behavior. Hinata likely had only one resource available to them regarding demonology: first-hand experience on the field.
"Yasumoto?" Tetsuya spoke up after some time, eyes ahead to the changing horizon.
The person behind Tetsuya didn't answer. "... Hinata?" By the time he had craned his head back to check on them, they squeezed his shoulder.
"Yes, Tetsu?"
"Are you okay?"
"I was only resting my eyes. You had a question?"
"Earlier, you said killing intent spurs admiration."
"Correct," Yasumoto said, "that is one option. It is also often the way demons manage to recruit humans into doing their bidding." They set their chin on Tetsuya's shoulder to say, "Demons have a lot to offer. Power. Wealth. Safety. Your life. People will offer their left hand if it means they walk away for another day."
'Don't take the bait,' he calmed himself. They were so obviously lying, trying to get a rise out of him. "And for you, that's information. So you indulge your curiosity."
Hinata snickered. "Absolutely." He was getting better at diffusing Yasumoto's taunts. They were, after all, just a person. "It's a dangerous method, though. You're better off conditioning your immediate reaction into either anger or fear."
"Not everyone can look at something that wants to eat you and decide to chase it back," Tetsuya agreed. "At least, not someone who expects to live long." And he wished he hadn't said it, because it played right into Yasumoto's hands-- an ice knife stabbed into Tetsuya's stomach and he felt the corners of his mouth flex into a grimace. He didn't want anyone to die.
"Hey," a tender, softer voice said. Couldn't be Yasumoto's, though deep as a crevice it was, because this noise sounded sincerely sympathetic. "It's alright. I don't intend to let you die on this mission. Whatever demons we meet, I'll handle it myself. You can learn by example. How's that sound?"
"I can fight," Tetsuya argued, wounded by how easily his anxieties could be read. "You don't need to protect me." Because although he was a child, he didn't want to be underestimated. 'Don't ask them to protect you,' was his teacher's warning, after all.
"Well, alright," came Yasumoto's resignation and they sat in uncomfortable quiet save for the horse's rhythmic canter.
    Daki, Gyutaro's thoughts intruded, you've been fixing your damn hair for hours now. It looks fine.
     "No. No, no, it's all wrong," she muttered to herself, slapping her comb down on her desk and staring hard at her reflection. 
     Get one of the brats to help you then.
     "I've got it handled!" She hissed, beginning to unpin the long, raven sheets of hair and start from scratch.
     Whatever, her sibling groaned from the back of her head and then he was quiet. After she had combed her hair out again, she looked deep into her own eyes, so vitriolic green in the candlelight they nearly glowed predator amber. There were no tells that Gyutaro was still awake, but she was sure if he was, he would have gotten annoyed with her staring. This was her sign... she was finally alone. She just needed to kill enough time, and wait...
    But Daki had waited. She waited and waited all day, and this was how she was treated for her patience and generosity. Kazuko had stood her up. Even worse-- Daki knew somehow that it was the doing of that old biddy. It simply didn't make sense otherwise why Kazuko was avoiding her, why so many changes were happening under Daki's nose. When several other girls came by her door (as replacement attendants: appeasing and meek and terrified), Daki lashed out on them. The first girl received a sharp comment about the ugly birthmark on her neck. The second received a smack on the cheek-- practically a love tap-- but it had raked four neat little lines across her cheek anyway. Not deep enough to draw blood, but the homely girl left in a panicked wailing. Gyutaro hadn't even cracked a giggle, which affirmed to Daki that he was sleeping.
     The third and fourth were smart enough to stand outside Tsubakihime's door silently before retreating. Rather than calm her, this made Daki boil in her skin. Gyutaro would have commented on her inability to keep the humans in line, and of course, there was nothing she could say to sway his languid apraisal. It was mortifying to have his unfavorable assessments living in her head.
     Where was Kazuko? How dare she?
     Someone rapped their knuckles on the wooden frame of her door before the bloodlust could be settled. Unlucky number five. Daki had drawn another breath but choked it back down before she turned her thoughts back to her mirror. Her ferocious eyes sharpened, her maw of knife teeth pressing a zig-zag into her lips, and her brow was tense. She let the breath go, relaxed her shoulders, and felt the raised hairs on her neck settle. She nestled into place to brush her hair down, ignoring the irritated knocking in favor of pampering herself. Swipes of cream by the hairline, powder to mask a popping cranial nerve-- another insistent knock.
     Daki was happy to ignore it. She could feel the human behind the door prickle with tension and sweat. The visitor muttered, "Unbelievable," soft enough that only the demon girl's ear could pick it up. The oiran noted the register, tone, and affectation of the girl-- Sayako. The cleaning girl was meant to be one of Daki's assistants tonight? No thank you. But it was cute that she found herself brave. And she did have delicious muscle definition. Lovely curves. She was barely pretty, and only when her face wasn't visible, Daki supposed. Not beautiful enough to get away with her behavior.
     Tsubakihime hummed as she fixed herself up-- loud enough so that it was clear she was inside, refusing to acknowledge any disturbances. The passivity it took to rile Sayako filled Daki with smug superiority. She listened to the shuffling feet move down the stairs, through the hall, and towards the cluster of humans buzzing about the main floor. 
     Everyone was preparing for a new evening. Kazuko was none among them. Daki listened carefully, but if the girl was in the House, she was being very very quiet or someone was keeping her away... 'This will not do,' Daki decided.
     She ascended to her full height and admired her visage, pleased with the specificness and beauty of her work. As she glided across the floor to her wardrobe she made certain to pause by the window, sneaking a glance out to the other windows in the courtyard. All boarding made up the highest floor. The second floor was saved for their balconies, dining halls, and assorted entertainment rooms. The ground floor was where customers were received, but also where most of the back-of-house business took place. Despite the distance between them, Daki could track the nasty Sayako by the beating of her heart and the stink of her skin.
     Sayako had gone down to the ground floor, lingering by the front where the brothel's guests were received and processed. No doubt, she was tattling about their oiran's inaccessibility. Daki's nostrils flared as she assessed her kimonos and obis, trying to find the most saturated colors that wouldn't clash. Once her clothes were picked out, she hung them up on the wall.
     First, she needed to eat. In his rudeness, Gyutaro hadn't said anything about breakfast or dinner. She didn't need to wake him for that anyway. She could handle it.
     Daki climbed out of her bedroom window. Across the courtyard and on the other side of the building, Sayako had stopped in the kitchen back door, griping to her friends about a girl who thought herself so supreme that she could refuse a meeting with the lady of their House. She moaned at her misfortune of having to tend to the ungrateful cow who thought she could disrespect a wealthy patron just because she was beautiful. The bitches inside all laughed, so assured in their safety in numbers, so totally at ease with their perceived camaraderie.
     When Sayako stepped out into the back alley to dispose of their garbage, hesitating in the dark, Daki sneered down at her. "A cow, am I?"
    Sayako barely had the time to jump and step back, eyes bulging out in horror at the woman perched atop the three story building. Daki took a single step, swinging down perfectly parallel with the ground. Shocked, Sayako's open mouth emitted a silent scream, but Daki fell on her like a punishment, brushing down the alley and back up the wall, leaving only a smear of gore in her morbid artistry.
    The whole process was easy. She didn't know why Gyutaro had to make such a big deal of killing sometimes. She slipped back into her own room, her less extravagent clothes besmirched and stained by her ravenous meal. She shed the damaged kimonos, placed them in her usual hiding place, and slipped into her new attire. 
     By the time anyone had thought to check on Sayako, Tsubakihime's alibi was accounted for. She had moved swiftly to Madam Tamaki's office door, flawless in her presentation. She didn't announce herself: she simply slid open the doors.
     "Tsubakihime Oiran," Madam Tamaki jumped but composure settled quickly-- too prepared for Daki's liking. She had been writing and nervously shuffled the papers and utensils around the table, feigning innocence as she cleared her throat. "Thank you for making the time in your day to meet with me. I hope we can expect your participation in the procession tonight. Many customers have been hoping to see you. Some of them sound rather concerned for your well-being." These were distractions. She was putting off the inevitable. 
     "Why should I do anything for you?" Daki asked coolly, stepping in to close the door behind her, hovering there. Humans always became agitated when their easy exits were limited. Madam Tamaki's wrinkled eyes darted to the gesture predictably. "You've been meddling, old lady... have you forgotten the way things run around here already?"
     "Meddling?" Madam Tamaki echoed before sighing and reaching to move aside her abacus, velvety fingers tremoring oh-so-subtly. "I don't know what you mean, Tsubakihime Oiran."
     "Don't you?" Within the same breath, Daki appeared at the human's side, seized one of those shuffling hands, and squeezed it in her grip. Needlepoint nails punctured the paper-thin flesh and Madam Tamaki gasped with painful confusion before screaming. Daki yanked her to a sharp silence-- reminding her of who she was dealing with-- then warned in the woman's ear, voice slithering with malice, "Your husband always ran his decisions through me. I was the only one he listened to. All you need to do is keep the place operational. I choose the girls, I choose the guests, and I choose who helps me get ready. The more you fight back, the worse things get."
     The woman whimpered, muffled by her own rapid animal breathing as though she could keep her wrist in one piece by sheer force of will. 
    "Are we clear?"
    "Yes," was the sniveling reply, "yes, yes Tsubakihime Oiran. I'm sorry for going above your head. I-I don't know what I was thinking." Words were pushed out all at once in a near-whisper.
     She didn't release the bird-boned wrist yet, instead nudging the papers aside to expose one Madam Tamaki had been scrawling upon when Daki interrupted. "And what's this?" she quizzed. 
    "A letter to the doctor," the chaperone hiccupped, lips excruciatingly thin and twisted. "So that no questions are asked about your recent absences... I was going to s-suggest a house call..."
     Daki scanned over the handwriting, scrutinized every last word before determining there was little harm in allowing it. "Wonderful," she chirped, the iron clench of her fingers lightening to a brush. She felt the old lady shaking, barely restrained herself from snatching her arm back, tongue darting to her dry lips as she breathed in tiny, agonized huffs. "But please don't bother sending the doctor to my room, Madam Tamaki, whenever he arrives. Also, send Kazuko to me so I can get her ready to join me in my procession."
     Once released, the woman clutched the wrist to her chest, gingerly testing the bruise to make sure the bones weren't mangled. A distinct, pitched rhythm of rasping rang out from the back of Daki's mind as Gyutaro appreciated his sister's display, chuckling at the human's pain. She couldn't help the small thrum of excitement in her chest-- to have her pissy big brother's approval so quickly again gave her hope that he was done with his tantrum, that he would understand her worth as an ally. 
     "Oh don't cry, Madam!" she taunted in that honeyed voice, "It was just a disagreement. All is well that ends well." To which Madam Tamaki had no comebacks. She thanked the oiran in trembling half-coherency, but by then Daki had turned on her heel and left the weaker creature to nurse itself, stalking down the hallway.
     Before she could properly appreciate the victory, the critic piped up: Ought to have broken it proper. She's right-handed, after all. Doesn't need her left hand for writing letters.
     "Who asked you?" Daki muttered, her neck prickling with agitation. "I handled it perfectly."
     This was met with a throaty sound-- a scoff. Whatever. Don't ask me for any advice then, he grumbled, rolling over and slinking away from her perception. 
     "I'm sorry, Tsubakihime Oiran!" Daki hadn't noticed the younger woman a meter or two down the hall, bowing her head in fervent apology. "I-I'm sorry for my rudeness, it was unthinkable. Please for--"
     "Shut up, I wasn't talking to you!" Daki snapped and the girl shrank into herself, hugging an empty tray to her chest as if it made her less vulnerable. The wretch didn't even know what she was apologizing for-- she was just pathetically desperate for her own life. It wasn't about Tsubakihime, much less Daki.
     With a furious growl, the domineering oiran swept her layers around her and fluttered back to her room, all other pedestrians pressing their bodies into the wall to avoid crossing her path.
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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Thank you for the tags, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @palimpsessed, @artsyunderstudy, @basiltonbutliketheherb, @confused-bi-queer, @urban-sith, @captain-aralias, @fatalfangirl, @ivelovedhimthroughworse. I'm so excited for all of y'all's stories, I don't know what to do with myself. Can't they all just jump from your brains fully formed like Athena from Zeus?
I'm wrangling with a difficult bit in Playing With Fire, Treading Thin Ice, so I'm not ready to share there yet, but everything else has something decent. So, on to the snippets!
Below the cut:
A little action from Westward Son:
I thrust the ropes I’m holding blindly behind me, and to my relief, somebody takes them from my hands. I spin to face the river. Nearly out of sight I see two black heads. Dante, flailing wildly in the water, and Baz, swimming after him. Between the two, a monstrous red-furred head lifts out of the water, the black hairs of Dante’s tail between its jaws. 
“Oh Merlin, no!” I hiss, and then I’m off, running for the wagon, for Agatha and my sword.
Some angst from Careful What You Wish For:
I may not be the most emotionally aware person, but I can tell that learning this has broken something in Baz. Up to now, I’ve seen him wary, pining, cautiously happy, serious, cheerfully mocking, but I’ve never seen this. He’s completely despondent. 
He lets Simon cuddle into his side, but the light has gone out of his eyes. Even as Simon and I talk over what to do with what we’ve learned, he remains silent, staring off into the distance. 
“I think we’ve got a clear picture now of how our worlds are different, but I don’t know how this helps us restore your timeline” I’m saying, when Baz comes to life again. But not in any way I’ve seen him before. 
“It doesn’t. Because we’re not going to restore my timeline,” he says, and his voice is ice. 
Some Fluff from Raising Dragons:
I’m snickering to myself, because Baz didn’t notice my latest prank before he left the house. He tends to be less than perceptive first thing in the morning, which is why he usually avoids morning classes. But today he had a study group, and the morning was the only time everyone in his group could agree on. So he rushed through his usual beauty routine without even sparing his reflection in the mirror a glance. 
So he’s probably finding out right now that I mixed body glitter into his facial moisturiser. 
I wonder how many Twilight jokes I can get in tonight before he kicks my arse?
And a little tease from a new project:
Who am I, in this time and place?
I close my eyes again, but this time I’m not analysing any external stimulus. I’m shifting through centuries of memory, thousands of different times and places. The answer slowly filters up out of the depths of my memory. I know who I am, here and now.
I am Simon.
It's a bit earlier than my usual, but still too late for most people. So if you read this on Monday, feel free to call it a tag for WIP Wednesday:
@angelsfalling16, @annabellelux, @bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @fight-surrender, @facewithoutheart, @frjsti, @johnwgrey, @krisrix, @moodandmist, @nightimedreamersghost, @otherworldsivelivedin, @prettylightsbigcity, @raenestee, @tea-brigade, @whatevertheweather
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
He’s A Keeper
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Summary: Working as an artist hired by Durrell Zoo, you spend your days sketching the day to day life of the animals and the keepers. One keeper in particular catches your eye.
Pairing: AU Zookeeper Henry Cavill x Female Reader (no race or size mentioned)
Fandom: Henry Cavill
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Friends to Lovers, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Fingering, Safe Sex/Use of Condoms, Realistic Sex/Relationship discussion, Vaginal Sex.
Typo’s are allowed to run wild and free, only the finest organic free range fuck ups for me.
I do not operate a tag list, but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and hit ‘notifications’, you’ll get an alert every time i post something new. Back catalogue/masterlist can be found there and also on AO3
He’s A Keeper
Working the pencils over the sketchpad you quietly captured the beauty of the animals the zookeepers had nursed back to full health, the Ruffed Lemur currently hanging off the keepers arm as he spoke through the headset to the group of excited school children watching through the glass. 
You’d been hired by the zoo to capture day to day life at the zoo throughout the summer season, drawing the animals and the humans, however there was one particular human you had found yourself drawn to numerous times, and that was the rather tasty zookeeper by the name of Henry. He also had one of the sexiest voices you’d ever had the pleasure to listen to, so as he explained about the Lemur’s your mind wandered, as did your gaze;
“... originally from Madagascar, and have been part of Durrell zoo since 1982 where they have been essential to the breeding program…”
Your mind fell even further into the gutter at the word ‘breeding’, your eyes raking down Henry’s body, taking in how the branded t-shirt clung to his chest before tapering down to a narrow waist where it was neatly tucked into cargo pants that did little to hide how thick his thighs were and a pert arse you could bounce a satsuma off of. Biting the end of the pencil you had all but given up drawing, only realising that the talk was over when the group of school children were being herded onto the next exhibit by their tour guide and teachers.
When the kids had disappeared you finally got back to drawing, watching as Henry finished up feeding the Lemur’s before he met your gaze and smiled at you. Tapping your pencil on the glass he frowned and shook his head, before smiling and pointing to the sign in the corner of the window that said ‘do not tap the glass’, getting closer you tried to mouth your words to him, but was surprised when his eyes went wide in almost shock, before looking down and realising you had pressed your chest to the glass, your low cut cami top helping to accentuate your cleavage. When you looked up again he was gone and you let out a sigh of disappointment, before he appeared through a door to the side of the viewing area;
“Hi” he had a smile that could charm the panties off a nun; “Did you want me?”
“God yes…” Oh fuck, did you say that out loud?; “Sorry, i mean, you’ve dropped the foam bit off your headset...”
He glanced into the enclosure just at the moment one of the larger Lemur’s picked up the small round piece of foam and staring straight at Henry, proceeded to rip it into tiny pieces.
“Furry little fucker…” he cursed under his breath before turning back to you, but before he could say anything a group of other keepers came walking in and soon you were hanging onto the periphery of their conversation where they were discussing going for drinks after work. Moving to pack your stuff up as you presumed they weren’t including you, but a call of your nickname drew your attention;
“Hey Da Vinci, you up for a few beers after work?”
You hesitated to answer, glancing at Henry who had a smile across his face and a hopeful look in his eye;
“We’re all going…”
“Ok, yeah sure, that’d be great” you agreed. 
An hour later you were sitting on the wall outside the main entrance waiting for the rest of the keepers to finish their shifts, smiling as you saw them coming out of the doors, and the ensuing 10 minutes that followed as people sorted out who was driving and how many people could fit into just a couple of small cars. As spaces were allocated Henry laughed and shook his head;
“I am NOT riding five up in a Renault Clio, i’m too tall, i’ll have to fold myself in half! Where are we going anyway, i can take my bike and just walk home after”
Waiting as everyone discussed location and finished off seat allocation, they’d finally decided when Henry turned to you;
“Hey, i think the last seats are in the stoner wagon…”
“Oh…” you didn’t have anything against anyone smoking pot, but didn’t fancy being in a car you could barely see out of the windows of.
“But you can ride with me on my bike?”
Looking to where Henry was pointing, you saw a fairly large trails bike, the kind that could go 50mph over rough land and through forests;
“I… I don’t have a helmet…”
“Wait here, let me run into the locker room and grab the spare i keep here”
Everyone else pulled away as Henry ran into the zoo, and you glanced at the bike. You’d never been on a motorbike before, so this would be a first. Stowing everything loose in your backpack, you hooked it over both shoulders just as Henry reemerged from the building, swinging his keys from one finger as he came to stand in front of you;
“Hey, thanks for waiting”
“No worries! So, where are we going again?”
“The pub in Rozel does good food and pulls a great pint” he nodded to his left and you saw a row of motorbikes; “You ever ridden?”
Shaking your head you laughed; “No, never”
He carefully helped you put the helmet on, his nimble fingers helping to secure the strap beneath your chin before putting his own on and climbing onto the bike, pushing it off the kick stand and nodding for you to climb on. You tried to sit back, but he wrapped his arm behind his back and pulled you flush to his body;
“Gotta hold on tight, otherwise you’ll throw the balance off. Lean when i lean and just squeeze a bit harder if you’re scared, the ride won’t take long” he shouted over the thrum of the noisy engine idling.
The ride down to the small village of Rozel had been exhilarating, from the vibration of the motorbike between your legs to the way you were able to wrap your arms around Henry’s waist and cling to him as he hurtled around the country roads at what seemed like warp speed, when in fact it was little more than 30mph. By the time you arrived in the small fishing cove your heart was racing and you actually let out a reluctant moan at the thought of removing your arms from around Henry’s waist.
“C’mon” he grinned as he helped you off the bike; “I’ll buy you a vodka and coke to calm your nerves”
“It wasn’t nerves” you muttered to yourself, smirking as you know he heard you.
The group had managed to find a cluster of small tables chairs and benches in the corner of the pub beer garden, and as the sun had set behind the hills to the rear of the pub, the cold Atlantic sea had glowed in pale blues and pinks. You were squashed into a bench with Henry on one side and another enormous hulk of a keeper on the other, and as the temperature had dropped you’d found yourself thankful that Henry had casually rested his arm behind you so you could leech some of his warmth, but it didn’t stop a violent shiver involuntarily running up your spine.
“Cold?” Henry asked quietly, before gently wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close; “Any better?”
You nodded and let out a very quiet whine as you smiled at him, completely surrounded by his scent and warmth. It made your stomach do a flip and you clenched your thighs together, something that didn’t get past Henry as your leg twitched against his thigh. Before either of you could say anything an enormous bowl of cheesy fries was set down between you, your stomach growling at the aroma’s that wafted around you as it turned out someone had ordered sharing bowls for the whole table.
With the meal mostly devoured as you’d sat side by side on a small wooden bench in the pub garden, laughing as you fed each other and strings of cheese hung from your fingers. As the giggles of a joke faded away you glanced at Henry’s almost finished pint;
“Hey, you aren’t planning on riding that bike home are you?”
“Nah, i’d never drive after a pint, let alone three… my place is just behind The Navigator restaurant…” he paused; “Oh god, where are you staying, do i need to call you a taxi?”
“No no, i’m renting a studio up the hill, on the hairpin bend”
It wasn’t a bad ‘oh’ and there was definitely something loaded in the subtext, so when people had started to leave and arrange ride’s back to St Helier and St Johns it felt natural for Henry to stand with his arm around your shoulders as you both waved everyone off.
“Can i walk you home?” he asked, his voice low and full of promise, and you nodded as he slid his hand into yours, leading you along the low coast road that skirted the harbour.
You hadn’t gotten far before the evening turned even better, a brief suggestion of a walk along the beach as the tide was out soon had your feet in soft sand as you were pressed to the weathered stone of the sea wall, Henry’s lips on your neck as your fingers dug into his back, his teeth nipping and biting at whatever exposed flesh he could find. You hadn’t even realised he was going lower until he was on his knees in front of you, those sea blue irises staring up at you as he pressed kisses to your legs where your shorts ended. His fingers softly rested on the button and he finally spoke, his voice low and thick with lust;
“May i?”
Nodding fervently you bit your lip as you watched him slowly unbutton you, pulling the garment down your legs until you were able to step out. Never breaking eye contact he lifted your leg and gently rested it on his shoulder, pressing open mouthed kisses up your inner thigh until his face was pressed against your panties and his wide tongue worked against the soaked cotton and lace. His finger crooked beneath them and tugged the scrap of fabric to the side, seeking out your clit before tracing down to your cunt and tenderly teasing the entrance.
“Henry… please…” you whined, desperate for more
“Don’t you worry, i’m gonna make you see stars…”
Pushing his head forwards his lips caught your clit as he slowly slid two fingers into your soaked channel. You let out a long groan at the feel of his lips and fingers finding the right spot immediately, his other hand cupping the back of your thigh before he ran it around your hip and caught your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours as he quickly drove you closer and closer to the edge with that added touch of intimacy. Suddenly he hummed against your clit and the world exploded, making you cum so hard you truly did see stars as a white heat bloomed in your belly and you rode Henry’s fingers until you were spent.
As you rested against the wall behind you he carefully withdrew his fingers, licking them clean as he tugged your shorts up your legs. You couldn’t help but to notice the obscene bulge in the front of his cargo pants, your hand rubbing over the smooth curve of it;
“You keep doing that and i’ll cum in my boxers… “ he panted out, his lips inches from yours; “What’s your room like?”
“Its a little summer cabin studio right at the end of the garden, away from the other holiday rentals and the main house… what about you…”
“Shared flat with two other guys from the zoo. They’re probably drinking in the lounge right now… so, your place?”
Unlocking the door you stepped inside and turned on a small lamp, standing aside so Henry could come into your small summer living space.
“Mmm nice” he nodded and looked around; “Wanna give me the tour?”
You snorted out a laugh at the formality, and held your arm out;
“Well this is the kitchen area, right next door we have the smallest shower room in Jersey, and here’s the bed” you didn’t need to take a single step for the ‘tour’, the room seeming even smaller as Henry took a single stride and wrapped his arm around your back, pulling you flush with his chest. Never breaking eye contact he gently trailed a single finger over your cheek, his thumb brushing your plump bottom lip;
“Are you going to be good for me?”
Your legs almost buckled at the deep baritone of his voice, igniting something within you that you hadn’t even known existed, eagerly nodding;
“Yes Sir”
Lowering his lips to yours he kissed you, his tongue pushing past your lips as he took control, walking the pair of you back until your legs hit the bed and you fell back onto the soft unmade covers. Covering your body with his, he quickly stripped you of your clothing, his mouth trailing behind his hands so every inch of you was gifted with a kiss. 
Standing between your legs he pulled his t-shirt over his head and you couldn’t help but to moan at the sight of his body; toned and just the right amount of hair on his chest and a treasure trail on his abdomen that surely led to untold riches. Quickly sitting up your hands joined his on his button to his cargo pants;
“May i?”
Henry released his hands and nodded, watching as you carefully plucked the button before lowering the zipper painfully slowly, his boxers tented obscenely and you couldn’t help but to cup him in your palm, the searing heat of his engorged cock a welcome feel in your hands, the wide mushroom head clearly visible through the stretched fabric. Unceremoniously tugging the rest of his clothing down, you felt yourself getting wetter as his beautiful cock was finally revealed; big, thick and uncut, you had to taste him and quickly ducked your head forwards, swallowing his head between your lips as his hands flew to your hair to steady himself.
Now it was your turn to drive him crazy with your mouth, taking him as deep as you could even though it was barely half of his length, you wrapped both hands around what was left, the thick root of his shaft filling both palms. A few more pumps and he pulled his hips back with a gasp, a trail of spittle hanging from your lips to his bulbous tip;
“If you keep doing that i’m gonna cum far too soon…” he said, his voice shaking; “Lay back and let me treat you right…”
Scooting up the bed you settled against the pillows as you watched Henry shed himself of the rest of his clothing, his boots and socks hooked off, cargo pants and underwear all left in a messy pile at the side of the bed, before he crawled up the mattress like a Panther stalking its prey.
Capturing your lips for another searing kiss, you felt his hot shaft against your belly, burning against your skin and you so desperately wanted to feel him inside you. Pulling away just slightly you were already breathless;
“Just a second…” reaching for the small drawer at side of the bed you pulled out an unopened box of condoms, Henry sitting back on his knees as you ripped the box’s cellophane open with your teeth and pulled out a small foil packet, tearing it open before smoothing the latex over Henry’s shaft. Looking up to his face he wore a rather sheepish smile;
“Sorry, shoulda’ thought of that”
“S’ok, a girl’s gotta keep sharp these days…”
“Right…” he met your gaze; “But you know, if you had gotten pregnant, i would have stood by you”
“Umm thanks? But its for STD’s. I’m on the pill”
“Oh… good thinking…”
A tense pause hung over the pair of you, before you reached up and rested your hand on his chest;
“Shall we continue?”
At your words the tension in the room suddenly dissipated, Henry kissing you as he slid a hand between your bodies so he could position himself at your entrance, groaning as he pushed in slowly breaching your body. Your tight channel hugged him tight, unfamiliar with such a size splitting your walls so he paused, pressing light kisses to your face as your body grew accustomed with his size and the heavy weight of his dick in your pillowy soft embrace. Finally you moaned out his name;
“Henry… please…”
“What do you need?”
“Move… please move. Fuck me, please”
Pushing up on his forearms he started to fluidly move his hips, slow and steady, each thrust was gentle but firm, your body yielding to him as he started to increase the pace, the sound of hot bodies meeting filling the small wooden cabin as the gentle sounds of the sea not far away filled the rest of the night. Soft moans spilled from your lips at the feel of his body playing yours like a delicate instrument, waiting for the chorus and the inevitable crescendo. But he was going to play the entire symphony first, knowing how to get you to sing the high notes as the thrum of your bodies were in tune with each other completely.
With the stretch of his girth and the way the curve of it meant he was able to find your g-spot with every thrust you were fast approaching your orgasm, your body trembling as your lips found a life of their own;
“Henry… please, so good… keep doing that… oh god, i’m gonna cum…”
“That’s it, my good girl, cum on my cock, let me feel you squeezing me so tight… feel so amazing right now… that’s it, you can do it…”
With a cry you came, your legs wrapped around his waist as you pulled him deep whilst your body shook with a fierce orgasm, triggering his own as he pumped a heavy load into the condom.
Finally spent, Henry settled on top of you, his weight a heavy comfort as your sweaty bodies lay skin to skin, the gentle roughness of his chest hair against your naked breasts a tender reminder of his virility. When he started to soften he finally shifted, holding the condom at the base as he pulled out and staggered the few steps to your small bathroom;
“I’ll be back in a second, gotta sort this out…”
The door closed and you shifted on the bed, pulling the duvet back and sliding between the sheets, listening as you heard the tell tale sound of a man urinating and the high pitched, double barrelled squeak of a fart. The flush of the toilet and water running soon after meant you knew the second he would reappear, a flannel in his hand and he stopped dead, his cheeks suddenly bright crimson;
“You heard that didn’t you?”
“It's a small wooden cabin… yes i did”
“Sorry” he approached the bed and with a warm flannel he carefully cleaned between your thighs, pressing a kiss to your lips as he did. When finished he sat on the side of the bed; “Can i stay the night, or did you want me to go?”
“Have you got work tomorrow?”
“Nope. You?”
“Nope. Please, stay”
He quickly threw the flannel into the sink in the bathroom, before with a giggle climbed under the duvet and pulled you into his arms;
“So, how many more condom’s you got?”
The morning light broke softly through the trees that surrounded your cabin, your body sore but sated, knowing every bruise and ache came from soft lips, sharp teeth, or skilled fingers, apart from that one ache deep inside that you knew exactly what had caused that delicious soreness, and the owner and cause of all of it still softly slept in your bed. Climbing out you quickly used the bathroom, and as you came back into the room the artist in you couldn’t help but to admire how the dappled morning light cascaded over Henry’s body. Slipping his work t-shirt over your head you pulled your sketchbook from your backpack and settled onto the only chair in the room, quietly working carbon to paper.
Henry woke 45 minutes later, the gentle scratching of your art making him squint at the bright daylight, before laying back on the pillows with his arms spread;
“Still life class?”
Setting your sketchbook down you padded across the room and climbed onto the bed;
“Sorry, i couldn’t help myself… the way the sun was hitting the muscles of your back and shoulders, you were like an anatomy masterpiece”
With a laugh and moving much quicker than you thought he was possible of, he grabbed you by the waist and turned you, his body atop of yours;
“Well that’s enough of that, i would like to become better acquainted with your anatomy… and as we’ve both got the day off i suggest we make the most of it”
Laughing you fell into his embrace, sighing with happiness. Henry really was a keeper, as you were for sure not going to let him go. 
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littlesolo · 3 years
5 Books to Read This Year...
I was tagged by @disappointingcroissant to list five books I want to read this year.
This is where you all learn that I get really excited about a book, am thrilled when it arrives, and then put it in a pile on my desk. I might have time to read them at some point?? Only one of these I've actually gotten around to starting. That one is:
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Four Past Midnight by Stephen King. I heard about this one through Kingcast, the Stephen King podcast for Stephen King obsessives. They have actors, writers, directors, all sorts of people come on and talk about Stephen King movies/books. Kate Siegel talked about The Library Policeman. The Library Policeman is one of the four novellas in this large book. I started it and got hooked, but then had to put it down for a while and haven't gotten back to it yet. Kate Siegel called it terrifying, but the beginning doesn't seem that way at least. It's written in a sort of casual way you can relate to. I got to where things are starting to seem off, but I'll have to pick it up again to find out more.
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Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Book Summary - Esther is a stowaway. She's hidden herself away in the Librarian's book wagon in an attempt to escape the marriage her father has arranged for her - a marriage to the man who was previously engaged to her best friend. Her best friend who she was in love with. Her best friend who was just executed for possession of resistance propaganda.
The future American Southwest is full of bandits, fascists, and queer librarian spies on horseback trying to do the right thing.
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The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix.
Book Summary - Lynnette Tarkington is a real-life final girl who survived a massacre. For more than a decade, she’s been meeting with five other final girls and their therapist in a support group for those who survived the unthinkable, working to put their lives back together. Then one woman misses a meeting, and their worst fears are realized - someone knows about the group and is determined to rip their lives apart again, piece by piece.
But the thing about final girls is that no matter how bad the odds, how dark the night, how sharp the knife, they will never, ever give up.
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This one I heard about somehow and in the middle of all my love for Dani/Jamie from Haunting of Bly Manor, I had to have it.
Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village by Maureen Johnson & Jay Cooper.
Book Summary - A weekend roaming narrow old lanes, touring the faded glories of a country manor, and quaffing pints in the pub. How charming. That is, unless you have the misfortune of finding yourself in an English Murder Village, where danger lurks around each picturesque cobblestone corner and every sip of tea may be your last. If you insist on your travels, do yourself a favor and bring a copy of this little book. It may just keep you alive.  Brought to life with dozens of Gorey-esque drawings by illustrator Jay Cooper and peppered with allusions to classic crime series and unmistakably British murder lore, Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village gives you the tools you need to avoid the same fate, should you find yourself in a suspiciously cozy English village (or simply dream of going). Good luck! And whatever you do, avoid the vicar.
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Saw this and had to have it!!!
Encyclopedia of Goddesses & Heronies by Patricia Monaghan, PhD.
Book Summary - Groundbreaking scholar Patricia Monaghan spent her life researching, writing about, and documenting goddesses and heroines from all religions and all corners of the globe. Her work demonstrated that from the beginning of recorded history, goddesses reigned alongside their male counterparts as figures of inspiration and awe. Drawing on anthropology, folklore, literature, and psychology, Monaghan’s vibrant and accessible encyclopedia covers female deities from Africa, the eastern Mediterranean, Asia and Oceania, Europe, and the Americas, as well as every major religious tradition.
Realizing I didn't include a summary on the novella The Library Policeman from Four Past Midnight. Um... I dunno how much to tell? I googled it and it sort of tells too much? But I guess that's okay because the real stuff is in the story itself.
With a whole year ahead of me, I hope to tackle all of these! Wish me luck!
I'm tagging... hmm... @please-return-to-villanelle @hatchetation @werewolf914 and @theoppositeofhero
14 notes · View notes
What If...? III // Alive!Luke Patterson
Summary: The aftermath of both the car accident and the proposal is something Luke struggles with dividing you two for the first time. With an ultimatum in place Luke finds himself standing in front of his childhood home but can he open the door he had locked and shut?
Warning: Swearing, talk of injuries, self-guilt, angst, Unsaid Emily (I’m a terrible person), and fluff (I SWEAR THERE IS FLUFF IN THIS)
Words: 4.0k
Requested: By @beautifulblogsblog . There will be two more parts at least.
A/N: Grammarly estimates that this will take a little over 15 minutes to read. I also almost made you not get an answer to a make or break question somewhere in here but I wanted to make up for the cliffhanger in part one.
*Bobby’s last name in this is Willis, it will come clear why soon.
Masterlist (other parts for What If can be found in the masterlist)
(This goddamn shirt is also a warning holy christ)
Hollywood 1996
Life after the car accident was strange, to say the least. You lived with the guilt that your father couldn’t pick up a guitar. He had severely broken his arm in the crash in the instinctive moment to protect you. Your mother hovered, and Luke was there, but something changed since his hospital proposal.
There was a weird tension between you and him that concerned Alex because Luke wouldn’t talk about it. He would change the subject whenever Alex inquired about that empty ring box he found. Luke hadn’t told the guys he planned to propose and being rejected wasn’t something he wanted to share. However, one night he finally did.
“You could propose at the Eiffel Tower!” Reggie suggested having seen a commercial with the tower in the background. His excitement was visible to the band members in the living room.
 “Too cheesy.” Luke grumbled, rolling his eyes slouching down on the couch, “I’m not proposing.”
“I understand it’s a big step b-“
“I’m not proposing because I already did.” Luke snapped running hand through his messy hair with a glower. Alex was quiet, taking in the news and watching Luke’s body language.
“Oh congrat-“
“Read the damn room.” Luke snapped, slamming his pen on the coffee table as he stalked up the stairs to his bedroom. The resounding slam of his door marking his anger more prominent. Alex flinched at the sound.
“Was it something-“
“Seriously man?” Alex groaned, shaking his head at the bassist standing up from the armchair leaving the bassist the lone sitter, “You are so lucky you can play bass.”
Alex left Reggie downstairs to enter Luke’s room where he was throwing darts at the board harshly. Luke didn’t need to turn around to know Alex was in his personal place with one goal in mind, to cheer his bandmate up.
“What happened?” Alex asked, sitting in the second-hand office chair with a hole in the seat. His blue eyes watching the jerky movements from the obviously frustrated guitarist.
“She said no.” Luke whispered, rubbing a hand over his weary hazel eyes, more of a blue with the sadness he felt, “I proposed, and she said no.”
“I’m sorry. Did Y/N say why?” Alex hesitated to ask the question fearing Luke would fully snap as he had down a few times in the past. The one time was when he found Alex crying as an asshole overheard Alex admit to his crush on Jonathan Taylor Thomas after seeing him on Home Improvement. Courtesy of Luke, that asshole never breathed a word about it.
“An ultimatum. She won’t say yes until I fix things with my parents.” Luke sighed collapsing onto his bed, staring at the blue ceiling. Going back home after hurting his mom was something hard to do.
The night he left had been filled with a lot of words he regretted saying, he can’t even remember the last time he told his mom he loved her. The last time dinner hadn’t been tense and filled with anger. There was a pang of deep guilt for running out on his family, his mother and seeing the missing person posters further hammered the guilt in.
“She has a point.” Alex admitted, “We made it. We proved to our parents that this band was worth it. Take it from me. I would give anything for my parents to be the way they were before I told them I’m gay.”
Luke was quiet.
“You have a chance to fix things and Luke, that’s something you’ll regret. Remember the night of The Orpheum? We were gonna get street dogs? If we had, we would have died man.”
“I guess we got lucky?” Luke half-smiled remembering when they had been walking near the Orpheum a few days after performing.
The guy that sold the street dogs was arrested, and an ambulance was taking a couple to the hospital. The couple died, and it made the guys think how close they could have come to dying all the times they ate out of the Oldsmobile.
“We did. She loves you, Luke, but if you love her. You’ll reach out to your parents. I know they would love it.” Alex spoke, squeezing his best friends’ shoulder before he let himself out of the bedroom.
Alex joined Reggie in the living room watching a VHS they had rented from Blockbuster this morning. A smile appearing on Alex’s face as the muted familiar sound of a guitar came from upstairs. The sad melody Luke had taught his band playing.
“So, what year do you think we should release a country album? I can play the banjo.” Reggie asked, looking over at Alex with a thoughtful expression, “I’ve been writing this wicked song. I’m thinking of calling it ‘Home is Where My Horse Is’? How long would it take you to learn how to fiddle?”
“Reggie. I love you man, but I am not gonna be barefoot in overalls fiddling.” Alex spoke, shaking his head at his bandmate who pouted softly.
Alex and Reggie fell asleep on the couch that night while Luke worked tirelessly through the night on Unsaid Emily. It was by far the most personal song he had ever written, but it was the only way he could release the feelings he had. By the time morning came, his eyes had turned bloodshot and swollen.
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Luke’s hands trembled at the sight of the childhood home he hadn’t been inside in months, not since that cold December night he left. The car was parked in the very same spot with the front bumper still dinged from when Luke was practising for his license.
Luke had developed a streak to avoid the bitter taste of disappointment from his parents. He would sneak out to gigs or little known locations with Alex; either for the band and his secret relationship. Luke never breathed a word of the relationship for the safety of Alex and avoid anything that would spike his boyfriend’s anxiety. The guilt died down when he and Alex mutually decided to be friends instead, but the band topic was different. At fourteen it was becoming apparent to Luke’s parents that this band wasn’t a hobby to him anymore, the first time his parents regretted buying the guitar.
“C’mon!” Bobby hissed from the safety of the curb. Luke was behind the wheel of his family’s station wagon in the dead of night. Reggie stationed in front of the car and Alex behind it, “This is stupid guys!”
Luke shakily took a breath in putting the car in drive to align with Reggie before he placed the vehicle in reverse. Learning to parallel park seemed to be going well as Luke did okay pulling into the parking spot. He got ahead of himself; however, when he moved to drive forward to center between Reggie and Alex. He may have hit the gas too hard.
“Ah!” Reggie screamed as the car bumped in him in the leg. The boy went down shuddering while his three friends hurried to his side.
“Are you okay?” Luke asked not minding the sting of the asphalt on his covered knees seeing as he just hit his best friend.
“I’m good.” Reggie raised one thumb in the air. Each boy leaned back in relief confirming the bassist was as good as Reginald could be.
 “Why the hell didn’t you move out of the way?” Luke demanded helping the boy up from the ground with a deep frown.
 “I was a traffic cone. Cones can’t move unless they get moved.” Reggie proudly announced with his typical oblivious attitude. Reggie wasn’t stupid, he was definitely the comedic relief in the band and prided himself on it.
“I-what. Okay..” Alex whispered to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Sometimes I don’t know Reg.”
Reggie shrugged it off while a familiar girl jogged down the road with a furrowed brow, a girl that had lived in Luke’s neighbourhood for a while. She was moving to a bigger house soon, but she was an acquaintance that had never acknowledged the group.
“Are you okay?” The girl, you, questioned the bassist scanning him over as Luke stared dreamily at her. His ever-changing eye colour turning a soft mossy green at the girl that had held his heart for years; only temporarily vacating it for Alex.
“Oh, totally. This doesn’t hurt as much as the amp.” Reggie supplied waving it off whereas you were more worried the guy hit his head. Your gaze scanned the boys of Riot Curve. A deep developing on the pale cheeks of the Patterson boy.
“Aren’t you guys in my grade?” You questioned pursing your lips together, “You’d be like thirteen. Why are you driving? Aren’t you a little short to see over the steering wheel?”
A bark of laughter fell from Bobby Willis’ mouth, earning him a glance from you, closing his mouth as Luke’s look of disgust.
“I’m not short!” Luke shouted, “I’ll have you know I grew!”
You snickered at his offended expression, “Dude, I’m joking. You’ll get a growth spurt soon. Besides, I think you have bigger issues than your vertical challenge.”
A question fell from Luke’s lips before he followed your view. The bumper of his parent’s car had a small dent that his father would most definitely discover at some point.
“Oh, I am dead meat.” Luke sprouted just before the guys started brainstorming explanations that didn’t include four fourteen-year-old boys out after curfew driving.
“Hey, I have a little experience with bands and whatnot. Just a suggestion, maybe consider changing your band name from Riot Curve to something else.” You suggested starting to jog back to your house, “See you in class!”
Luke once again stared dreamily after your form forgetting what he should be worried about.
“Our name is already-“
“Sunset Curve.” Luke shouted, earning weird looks from his bandmates at the rather uncharacteristic change of mind, “We are renaming the band.”
“Why?” Bobby scoffed, “We agreed on Riot Curve!”
“Uh, no. You two did. Reggie and I weren’t there.” Alex raised one his eyebrows facing Bobby, “I was sick with the flu, and Reggie was at his aunt’s second wedding.”
“Why the name?” Reggie asked his pining lead singer flicking his gaze between Luke and the empty place where you had been.
“Because that was the first time, she talked to me. A sunset behind her brightening the pretty curve of her smile.” Luke sighed scrambling when the front step light at his house turned on. Each boy running for the safety from the Patterson windows.
“I like the name! I didn’t like the violence in the other name!” Alex shouted, rushing towards his bicycle to head back home. 
That was also the last time Luke saw you until 1993 at that concert as you moved to the medium-sized mansion by then.
Luke grinned at the memory of how he actually spoke to the girl of his dreams before everything went full to shit. Reggie’s parents started fighting, Bobby grew more into girls than music, Alex told his parents he was gay. Luke finally sat down with his parents telling him that he wouldn’t go to college and didn’t want to finish high school. He did finish high school to appease his parents even after running away.
“Luke?” The breathless question brought the guitarist back to the present time and to the blue eyes of his father. The shock on the man’s face preceding the tears building up, “Son.”
“Hon?” Luke’s knees collapsed as he heard the soft voice that had read him stories and sung lullabies when he was a child. Emily gasped as she saw the one person she had wished to find for so long, “Luke.”
“Mom.” Luke choked, raising his hands to press them to his face, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t-“
“Sh. Baby.” Emily wasted no time in scooping her son into her arms, so thankful nothing terrible had happened to him. She didn’t care where or what he had been doing as long as he in her arms again.
A hand clapped his shoulder to squeeze, announcing his father silently thanking whatever God there was for bringing his son home. That they didn’t have to worry blue and red lights would precede news no parent wanted to hear.
“Can I come in?” Luke asked tentatively. A soft hand brushing his hair away from his eyes for his parents to finally see the unique eye colour their son had inherited.
Emily ushered her son into the kitchen that hadn’t changed in the time Luke had been gone, the only difference being the Christmas decorations put away. They would reappear the last week of November; Emily wouldn’t have to struggle to put the ornaments on the tree without her son.
“I don’t know how to say what I want. Could I…could I sing please?” Luke murmured to his parents. It was a question he wasn’t sure he wanted to be answered. He hadn’t brought his guitar just in case it was the wrong move. His parents regretted buying him that guitar.
“Of course.” Mitch spoke, climbing to his height, “Just one moment.”
Luke watched his father leave the kitchen only to shortly return, holding a beautiful acoustic guitar. He had never seen it in his life either. He was confused when Mitch set the guitar into Luke’s lap.
“You’re like your mom. When she worries the only thing that can help calm her is knitting. I figured the guitar is your way of knitting.” Mitch calmly told his son choosing to not bright attention to tears in either of the Patterson men’s eyes.
Luke settled on the couch in the living room while Mitch and Emily took to their respective long known spots. Ones that faced the windows perfect for knitting and reading with natural light. Emily reached over to hold her husband’s hand while Luke started strumming.
First things first
We start the scene in reverse.
 All of the lines rehearsed.
 Disappeared from my mind
When things got loud
 One of us running out
 I should have turned around.
 But I had too much pride.
No time for goodbyes
 Didn’t get to apologize
 Pieces of a clock that lies broken
Not a dry eye in the Patterson home as Luke gave the best performance of his life. Performance didn’t build a bridge between him and his parents, why make a new bridge when the first one only needs repairs.
“Please record that.” Emily choked wiping her face of tears, “I want that on your first album, I loved it. I’m going to buy the first CD it’s on.”
Luke Patterson smiled a piece instead of healing at her words and the acceptance he had craved. Now he just had to propose again.
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The cosy soft knit blanket Emily gave you at Christmas the first time you met Luke’s parents when it became clear that the relationship was serious. It was one that you cuddled into for a sense of comfort, eyes focused on the demo the song was waiting. Fingers itching to put in the CD player and listen to the finished product.
“Hey. Sweetheart you gotta stop blaming yourself.” Lance spoke coming to sit beside you on the piano bench. The bench you had learnt how to play directly across from the couch that you spent hours with him on learning the guitar.
“How can I? I asked for a ride, and you might never play again.” You scoffed, bringing your knees to your chest. Lance’s heart broke, hearing the guilt leaking from your words and the slump on your shoulders.
“I picked you up because I love you. You’re my daughter, my baby and I’m gonna tell you something that hope knocks some sense in that head.” Your Dad sternly spoke, taking your hand to place on his cast, “This? This doesn’t matter. If I hadn’t done this, you would be dead, and I wouldn’t be able to hold a guitar because you wouldn’t get to hear me play. I’d rather not be able to play and have my daughter alive.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks as your hero wiped your tears tugging you in his arms, “Besides I’m a Y/L/N, we don’t let other people tell us how to live.”
Lance leaned over to insert the CD into the machine before pressing play bringing a soft melody in the room. You snuggled into his side as his rich voice broke through into the most beautiful song you had ever heard. Unbeknownst to you, Luke stood in the doorway with his bandmates listening to the gorgeous record.
“I love it.” You whispered glancing over your shoulder, feeling the gaze of someone, and while you expected your mother, the sight was welcome. Not a dry eye in the room as the last chord rang with the joyful voice of a little girl; your voice from a family video.
“That’s beautiful.” Luke breathed grinning when you swiftly made your way into his open arms, “I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you like I should have been. I was hurt, and I didn’t want you to see that.”
“Was that the song that was playing- OW!” Reggie exclaimed rubbing the back of his head that Bobby had thumped. The bassist grimacing at the pain clueing that it wasn’t the greatest question he had said.
“Bittersweet was the song playing. This is the finished product.” Lance confirmed standing to his full height, “How about I let you see some unreleased songs?”
Lance ushered everyone but you and Luke from the room for privacy only winking before closing the door. Luke breathed out, leading you back to the couch with his hands squeezing your own.
“You were right,” Luke announced brushing the pad of his thumb under your eye to swipe an eyelash. His hazel eyes showing more of the green with the adoration gleaming from them, “It hurt being rejected but you were right about it. I hurt my parents by running out one them, especially my mom. I don’t want to hurt her more by excluding her from the biggest moment of my life.”
Your own hand raised to cup his cheek heart bursting when Luke turned his head to press a chaste kiss to the palm.
“You couldn’t guess how much it ached telling you no. I wanted to so badly, but your mom was always so good to me. I didn’t want her to miss out on anything.”
“She won’t miss out.” Luke replied, tugging you to your feet, “I went home, and we talked it through.”
Your feet cemented to the floor, “You went to see them?”
“I did. I was no sure Mom and Dad hated me for running away, for choosing music over them.”
“You didn’t choose music over them, Lu. You made a decision that they didn’t like, but you did what you were raised to do. They taught you to stand up for yourself, never second guess or quit.” You passionately told him, “They love you with their whole heart, they just didn’t understand how important music is to you at the time.”
“God, I love you so much. I would do anything for you.” Luke tugged you into his arms, bringing your attention to his different outfit choice.
He was wearing his best black jeans with no holes but still the chains, but his wallet wasn’t on display. His lucky blue rabbit’s foot was clipped to his necklace laying over the long sleeve purple corduroy shirt. The shirt he wore a lot when he wanted to be wanted to a little more dressed up.
“You’re wearing that shirt.” You stated glancing up to the boy, “And your lucky rabbit’s foot is not on your chains.”
Luke smirked, leading you through the house to the backyard where Luke had asked Nancy to be. Your mother sat at the piano with your father beside her, Nancy and Lance Y/L/N hadn’t sat at a piano together since you were tiny. Tears built up as Luke gently brought you into his arms entirely in time with the notes that Nancy began.
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
 “Are you trying to make me cry?” You choked as he used the dance lessons he took with his mom twirling you around. As if you couldn’t cry more your gaze found Reggie strumming the acoustic guitar. Alex waiting at his drums with a grin at Luke and you.
I have died every day, waiting for you.
Darling, don’t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years.
I’ll love you for a thousand more.
Everything faded as you two gazed into each other’s eyes, in his you swore you saw every moment with Luke play. The sweaty palms shy to hold each other to the first kiss, the second kiss, sharing the most vulnerable time at sixteen, his serenading at seventeen after signing with a label and everything between those precious moments.
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away.
What’s standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this.
Bobby made his presence known harmonizing with you mom so low you barely heard, but it was Luke singing that enthralled you. Everything about this moment you would remember for the rest of your life.
The music faded as Luke took a step back to kneel down in front of you with the ring he had yearned to give you. The ring his mother had held on to for the girl Luke would fall in love with. She had given it a few days previous so thoroughly happy she got the opportunity to pass it down.
“Luke.” You breathed cupping your hands, one still in a brace, over your shocked face. His expression softened into the most loving one you had ever receiving in the years you had been together.
“My life has been leading me to this very moment. I believe that I was guided into music because of this absolutely perfect moment. Surrounded by the people who cheered us on and gave wisdom. The people that gave us a look at what true love is supposed to be.” Luke began keeping his entire focus on the love his life, “I knew about you before you knew me. I was ten when I saw you during recess sitting up against the tree with your walkman. I fell for you at that moment, but it wasn’t until I hit Reggie with the car that I got to talk to you.”
You giggled as you remembered running to a group of guys after seeing one get hit. If only you knew who they were at that time.
“Our first real conversation was at a concert, and I fell in love at that moment, and I am so thankful you gave me a chance. There isn’t anyone else, sorry, Alex!” Luke teased over his shoulder, earning a chuckle in response, “There isn’t anyone I want to spend my life with. You are my muse, the person I share every lyric with, my love and my soulmate.”
“Luke.” You choked reaching up to cup his cheeks so close not a single sheet of paper would move between you.
“Will you marry me? In front of our parents and our friends?” Luke shakily questioned begging for his rabbit’s foot to work with it being close to his heart.
“Yes.” You answered, reaching up to pull his face down to yours. The most passionate kiss of your life he wrapped his arms around you waist lifting you in his arms; he twirled around with you.
This was his most significant moment ever. The Orpheum could never live up to this.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc​ @arianagrandes-things​
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anjalis-ennui · 3 years
emeralds and steel. (pt. 1)
                                       ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a/n: hi! this is my bucky barnes x reader series! reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns in this! she is also born indian as i myself am indian and i don’t see enough indian representation, especially in fics. however, she knows many languages, so feel free to interpret her ethnicity as you see fit. i’m sorry for not posting anything over the past couple of days, as i was working on this! i hope you enjoy!
warnings: canon-typical violence, sexism, racism, implied racial slurs
tags: none so far, but if you would like to join the taglist, please fill out the taglist form!
summary: reader is a sorceress who was prophesized to be the host of the time stone. she has been alive since ancient greece and has been wandering the earth since. she cannot age nor die since she is now the body of an infinity stone. she was in the british royal military during the second world war, but didn’t see her strengths used well, so she signs up for the ssr: being shipped out to project rebirth with peggy carter.
                                      ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“With all due respect, sir, I have been part of the British Royal Military far longer than you have had a job. I wish to join the Strategic Scientific Reserve, for which my resume is--to be honest--overqualified.”
“What would an Indian woman have to do with the British Royal Military? I find your story ineffably false.” The snooty man pushed his glasses up his nose and narrowed his eyes at her. Her tie was askew, her hair was all over the place, and her papers were in a bunch: only held together by her hands.
Just then, another woman walked by the desk, raising her eyebrows at the pair. “Don’t tell me you don’t recognize Lieutenant (l/n), Mr. Lowe. She’s got not one, but two doctorates in the sciences. I’d think she’s rather qualified for the SSR, regardless of her gender or race.” The man huffed and got up, storming off to who knows where. The woman smiled and held her hand out. “Agent Peggy Carter from the SSR. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lieutenant.” 
(Y/n) smiled, furrowing her brows, and shook Peggy’s hand. “I’m surprised you know who I am.”
“Nonsense, I’ve followed your career since I joined the military. You’re somewhat of a legend around these parts. Now, the head of the SSR heard of your application and is assigning you to Project Rebirth as a supervisor alongside myself. Your doctorates in chemistry and neuroscience will help us quite a lot.” She started walking towards a side door, motioning for (y/n) to follow. “There’s a plane waiting to take us to Camp Lehigh. Do you have luggage with you?”
She shook her head as she followed the woman. “I’m a light traveler. When you’re a lieutenant with no family you tend to have no roots in society.” (Y/n) gave Peggy a half-smile, waving away her concerned look. “I’m fine, Agent Carter. I’ve survived this long, haven’t I?”
“Indeed you have,” she said pensively. How could someone so strong have no one to rely on? The lieutenant was the first woman to hold such a high rank in the military and have so many degrees for her age. She was young, beautiful, and smart: everything a man could want. She would be expected to have a husband and kids, and yet she had no family. The woman had seemed to hold a sense of sadness as she said this, but she seemed empathetic and lively. Peggy intended to be her friend, whether (y/n) wanted her to or not. Maybe then she could find out what made her tick...
(Y/n) stepped into place beside Peggy as they observed the candidates. The men looked buff and ready to charge into battle, that is, all but one. The scrawny man, sorry, boy that trailed after the others seemed like he belonged in a toy wagon playing with the other children rather than Camp Lehigh. “Ready to scare them, Agent Carter?”
“Always, Lieutenant.” Peggy walked forward, revealing herself to the men. “Recruits, attention! Gentlemen, I’m Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division.” (Y/n) smiled serenely at them as she walked forward and stood next to the agent. “For those of you who may not know me, I am Lieutenant (l/n), the assistant supervisor for this division.”
“What’s with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army.” The soldier internally rolled her eyes at the remark. Men, the bane of her existence. “And what’s with this...lieutenant? Didn’t know we were letting ni-”
(Y/n) shot forward and put him into a chokehold. “I dare you to finish that sentence, soldier. I am not to be discriminated against just because my skin is darker than yours, and if such foul words are going to come from your mouth, I daresay that we should wash it out and string it up on a clothesline.” She let him go and turned to Peggy, giving her a closed-eyed smile. “Would you like to do the honors, Agent Carter?”
“Certainly, though I think you’ve scared him enough.” The agent punched him, sending him straight to the ground. “That’ll teach you to respect women and especially women of color.”
"Faster, ladies! Come on. My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul. Move it!”
“You’re not really thinking about picking Rogers, are you?” Colonel Phillips walked beside Dr. Erskine and the lieutenant, frowning at them. They couldn’t possibly be thinking of picking the runt of the group for the experiment of the decade, could they?
“I am more than just thinking about it. He is the clear choice.”
“When you brought a ninety-pound asthmatic onto my army base, I let it slide. I thought, what the hell? Maybe he’ll be useful to you, like a gerbil. I never thought you’d pick him.”
“Steven has character, Colonel, something that most of our recruits don’t,” (Y/n) cut in. “Dr. Erskine is right. He is the clear choice.”
The colonel sighed as he watched Steve fail to catch up with the rest. “Look at that. He’s making me cry.”
Erskine’s thick German accent was tinged with fatigue, as if he had run a marathon. “We are looking for qualities beyond the physical.”
“Do you know how long it took to set up this project?”
“Yes, we know, Colonel--”
“All the groveling I had to do in front of Senator What’s-His-Name’s committees?”
“Brandt. And yes, we know.”
“Then throw me a bone. Hodge passed every test we gave him. He’s big, he’s fast, he obeys orders. He’s a soldier.”
“Let me stop you there,” the lieutenant held out a hand, effectively stopping him in his tracks. “Not only is Hodge racist and sexist, he is also arrogant and rude. He is a bully.”
“You don’t win wars with niceness.” He fished a grenade out of a box, holding it out so they could see. “You win them with guts.” Phillips threw the grenade at the recruits, yelling, “Grenade!” and standing by to watch.
To the trio’s amazement, Steve jumped onto the grenade, willing to sacrifice himself to save others. The two doctors looked at the colonel, each hiding a smile. “It was a dummy grenade,” he informed. “All clear. Back in formation.”
“Is this a test?”
Colonel Phillips ignored the soldier, and grumbled, “He’s still skinny.” To his chagrin, the two doctors were proven right. Steve would become the new super soldier, even though he was far too weak.
                                      ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a/n: this was a lot of fun to write! expect a part 2 come up in a couple days to a week! oh, and if you’d like me to create a playlist for this series, i’d love to! in the meantime, i have another special surprise~
© jades-tea-shop 2021. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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snowdice · 4 years
Big Bang (Sort of) Editing Story [Day 32]
I started writing this fic while editing my Big Bang story, but am going to continue doing it for other things now that Kill Dear is out. I will write and publish 100 words of the story every time I finish doing whatever task I’m doing. If you’d like to block these proceedings, please feel free to block the tag proofread stories. I will reblog this post with the parts of the story I do today. Edited chapters are linked; everything else I’ve done so far is under the cut.
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Tomorrow and Friday will be a bit study day as I have a takehome midterm. Therefore, today I am getting my life together. (Or at least attempting to.) So, we’ll be doing this story instead of the study one!
Chapter 12
Logan had needed to spend some time performing royal duties today which left Patton and Virgil alone after breakfast. Patton had started out trying to teach Virgil different board games. He’d seemed intrigued at first, but after a few games of checkers seemed to grow bored. Patton had gotten a blank stare when he’d asked if Virgil had any ideas about what to do for fun, so now he was trying to figure out something else they could do. He cast his eyes around at what Logan had in his bedroom.
“How about I read you a book?” he suggested.
 Virgil seemed very intrigued by that idea. “Sure,” he said.
“Okay!” Patton said cheerfully. “He popped to his feet and glanced through the small shelf of fiction books Logan kept in his room. He decided to choose one of the lighter ones that Logan and he had liked to read when they were younger. “This one is called The Never-ending Garden,” Patton said. “It’s about a group of four children and their adventures in a garden. It’s full of magic and adventure and friendship! Is that alright with you?”
“It sounds good,” Virgil answered.
Patton happily walked back over to sit next to him. “It is!” he said.
 First, he showed Virgil the picture on the cover of a wild looking garden with four kids roaming through it. One of the children was in a little red wagon being pulled by another one wearing a fancy hat. One of the others was walking, looking at a map while the last had a wooden sword. After giving Virgil a couple of moments too look at the picture, Patton cracked it open.
“We start with Lydia’s perspective,” Patton said. “She’s one of my favorites!” He pointed to a picture of a girl in a raincoat at the beginning of the chapter and Virgil leaned slightly closer to see. Then, Patton cleared his voice.
 “It had been raining that day,” Patton began, “but Lydia had been so bored that she still begged her father to go out and play when the storm lightened into a sprinkle. He made her change from the yellow dress she had been wearing into the one she often used to help him garden because he knew she was certain to get herself muddy. Her younger brother Marcus asked if he could come too and though part of her wanted to say no because she wanted to explore on her own without her baby brother slowing her down, her father had taught her to be a good big sister, so she agreed to let him come.”
 Patton watched Virgil out of the corner of his eye as he read about Lydia meeting up with the neighbor boy, Al, and the three children started to explore the garden in Lydia’s backyard. Virgil leaned in slightly to look at the pictures and listen to the story intently as the three children traveled deeper and deeper into the garden, but never made it to the back fence. They’d just made it to the part where they heard rustling behind the blackberry bush which Patton knew was the last main character, Melly, when Patton felt the need to adjust his posture a bit. Virgil moved in kind and ended up leaning further into Patton.
 Without even really thinking about it, Patton brought his arm around to touch the top of his head. Virgil flinched the second Patton made content and Patton drew the hand away immediately. “Sorry,” he said with a wince. Patton was a naturally touching person and he’d been having trouble battling his instincts to cuddle everyone and everything while around Virgil, but he knew most touch was not welcome. The poor thing startled every time Patton went to touch him unannounced and even sometimes when he’d said something before doing it.
“I-it’s okay,” Virgil said.
Patton gave him a tight lipped smiled and turned back to the book.
 He stilled a second later when Virgil leaned back in and their shoulders brushed. He blinked over at him. “Oh,” he said softly. “Do… do you want me to touch your hair?”
Virgil curled up into himself a little bit but then nodded.
“Okay,” Patton said. “I’m going to put my arm around you and do that then, okay?” He drew upon his years and years of convincing easily startled cats to allow him to give them pats as he slowly moved his arm back to where it had been before and gently touched the side of his head. He tensed, but didn’t startle this time, and so Patton gently ran his fingers through the hair a couple of times. Eventually, the tension bled out of him and he sort of slumped against Patton’s shoulder. Patton just barely restrained a coo before going back to reading. He continued to stroke the side of Virgil’s hair as he described the gang meeting up with Melly and them being told she was a fairy that lived in the garden.
 He'd only gotten to the part about them finding the wagon when Virgil started to shift a bit uncomfortably, his neck craned in an awkward angle. Patton kept reading as he brought the hand in his hair down to his shoulder and pushed lightly. There was the slightest bit of resistance as Virgil didn’t know what he was trying to do, but then he allowed Patton to move him. Patton leaned back a bit and picked the book up off his lap before continuing to push him down. Virgil did not help at all, seeming confused about what was going on.
 Patton had to poke him around until he was on his back laying across Patton’s lap. He grinned down at the boy who was looking at him in blatant bewilderment and propped the book up on his chest. He held it there with one of his hands and stretched the other out to resume messing with his hair. Virgil relaxed into the new position after a few minutes of reading, eyes shutting as he enjoyed the attention. His eyes would flicker open every time Patton moved to show him a picture, but other than that, he seemed content to not move.
 Eventually, he stopped responding when Patton moved to show him the pictures.
“Are you asleep?” he asked quietly. When he didn’t get a response, he bookmarked the last picture Virgil had responded to, and then continued reading to himself.
Eventually, there was a knock at the door. It was the one he and Logan had decided on to tell the other one that it was just them and not to panic when the door opened. The door opened to Logan a moment later.
He paused, taking in the sight of the assassin sprawled across Patton’s lap like a sleepy kitten. He shook his head fondly and walked over to them on silent feet. He bent and pressed a hand to the top of Virgil’s hand. Virgil stirred just barely, but didn’t open his eyes, pressing into the touch a bit.
Logan smiled. “He wanted to learn how to make protection charms today. I assume you’d like to join us?” Patton perked up and nodded happily, making Logan chuckle softly. “I will go set it up then. Would you like another book for the time being?”
“Just the one I was reading last night would be nice,” Patton said.
“Of course.” Logan stepped away to grab it and handed it to him. Then, he disappeared into his potion’s lab. Patton smiled down at Virgil’s sleeping face and settled the new book onto his chest to replace the children’s book. He didn’t even stir.
  Chapter 13
Logan was able to quickly set up the station for making protection charms. Patton had always liked making them, though he often used his more as fun accessories than for protection. The one he was going to show Virgil how to make was a very simple low level one used for little more than to keep bugs off of yourself and, in the event of a well made one, alert one to imminent danger by changing temperature. It was a nice thing to hold in the middle of the night if one was frightened by real or imagined threats. It would be warm to the touch when your environment was safe; he thought Virgil might appreciate it.
 He and Patton decided to wait until Virgil woke up naturally which only took about 30 minutes. Then, Logan brought him to his set up supplies. He explained briefly the process for making a protection charm. “I will be the one performing the enchantment for today,” he told Virgil. “I will show you how to make your own later, but I thought seeing how to make them would help with the learning process.”
“Plus, it’s fun!” Patton said.
Logan flashed a smile at him. “And that as well. I’ve prepared a small number of possible pendants for you to choose from. You can choose the shape and color, then we will put on a custom engraving, as well as decorations.”
 “Glitter! Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!”
“Yes, Patton, everyone knows you’re going to choose glitter,” Logan said, amused, “but why don’t we let Virgil decide for his own pendant?”
“Fine,” Patton said, “but mine will be glitter.”
Logan grabbed the box of blank pendants and offered it to Virgil. “Choose whichever one feels right,” he suggested. Virgil moved forward and looked over the box. “You can touch them,” Logan said. “In fact, I would suggest it as it is meant to be held when it’s done and you may as well get a feel for it.”
At his prompting, Virgil did. He reached into the box and shifted a few to the side. Eventually, he started picking a few up. “I like the crescent shape for holding the most he said,” holding a blue one up, but I don’t know.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Patton asked.
“Oh, um,” he mumbled. “I dunno.”
“Well here,” Patton said, reaching for the box. He dug through it and pulled out every single crescent moon shaped pendant and lined them up. “What do you fancy?”
Virgil considered them all for a long moment and then tentatively pointed the purple one out.
“Great!” Patton said. “Then, we’ll use that one.”
Virgil nodded and Patton picked up the pendant to drop it into his hands. His fingers curled over the shape and he seemed satisfied by the choice, so Logan turned to Patton. “Your turn,” he said.
Patton happily grabbed out a heart shaped blue one, but then paused and exchanged it for a purple one. “We match!” he said.
Virgil smiled slightly at his enthusiasm, and Logan dug out a blue crescent moon shape for himself. “Now that you have your base, you get to choose the engraving.” He opened up the instruction book to the correct page and showed it to him.
Virgil looked over the two pages of designs with carful focus. He wavered between the spiral sun and the flames for a moment, but eventually settled on the flames. Patton chose the interlocking hearts design as anticipated; it was his favorite, and Logan chose the spiral sun design for himself.
“Now, I’m going to engrave this design onto yours,” Logan said getting out the thin pen like instrument and dipping it into the slightly glowing bottle of potion he’d set out. “In the meantime, Patton will show you what we have for decorations.”
He was careful to get the symbol as perfect as he could and then started on Patton’s. Patton apparently managed to corrupt the boy because both of them came back with brushes and glitter to add as decoration.
Logan shook his head and handed them their freshly engraved pendants. “Apply the glitter how you like,” Logan said, moving on to his own engraving. Once he was finished, he selected some glow in the dark paint to decorate his own.
 Once he’d finished decorating his own pendant, Logan looked up. “Are you finished?” he asked.
“Yep!” Patton said, shoving his pendant at Logan while Virgil nodded. Virgil had been far less enthusiastic than Patton, having carefully brushed glitter into the flame design only whereas Patton had haphazardly covered his own all over with glitter. Logan took both pendants.
“This,” Logan said, bringing over a different potion, “is used to make sure the decorations never fall off. It basically allows the other substances to become a part of the stone. “It isn’t too dangerous, but I’d suggest you stand back for the moment.”
 Virgil stepped back farther back than was strictly necessary and gave the potion bottle a wary look. Logan moved all three pendants to the prepared surface (else they ran the risk of also getting stuck to the table) and put on gloves, having learned that magically gluing rocks to ones hands was not fun years ago. Then, he carefully drizzled a bit of the potion onto each rock. The rocks fizzled loudly, and Virgil gave off a startled yelp before toppling over flat on his face with his wrist glued to his sides.
“Oh no, honey,” Patton said immediately crouching next to him. “I’m sorry. We should have warned you about the noise.”
Logan wasn’t sure what type of action he’d tried to take when the sound started up, but whatever it was, it had caused him to move his arms fast enough that he’d activated the binding potion and it snapped his wrists to his side, overbalancing him.
 Patton’s hands hovered over the startled boy, but he didn’t touch. After a few moments, it was clear that the magic keeping Virgil’s hands at his side released because his hands slowly crept forward to push himself up, so his face wasn’t planted against the ground. His eyes still looked incredibly startled.
“Are you alright?” Patton asked.
Virgil blinked. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said.
Logan took his words as permission to move without risking startling him more. Virgil’s eyes bopped back and forth between him and Patton a few times as he crossed to his wall of potions and grabbed one.
 He also selected a clean cloth from a basket on his way over to them. “A light healing potion,” Logan explained as he knelt in front of Virgil. He uncorked it. “May I?”
“I’m fine,” Virgil said with a frown. “I’m not even bleeding. It’s barely anything.”
“Which is why it’s a light healing potion,” Logan said. “You are sure to bruise with the way you hit. This will prevent it and make it stop hurting.”
“Okay,” Virgil agreed after a moment. Logan dribbled a bit out onto the rag. After a moment of thought, he touched the damp part of the cloth with his own finger, just to quash any fears that it would harm him.
 “It will tingle slightly,” Logan warned. Virgil tilted his face to let him dab it onto his nose and the light scrape on his face. His nose scrunched up and he moved to rub the sensation away quickly only to have his arms slam back to his sides.
Patton caught him so the sudden involuntary movement didn’t cause him to fall back, and then giggled when Virgil titled his head to what could only be described as pout back at him.
“Aw, poor thing,” Patton cooed, reaching forward to rub a hand across the top of his nose and then his forehead where the potion had been applied for him.
 “Better?” Patton asked.
“You’re really bad at this being captors thing,” Virgil commenting, willingly leaning back into Patton. Patton just smiled happily.
Logan took the bottle and got to his feet, before returning it, and then glanced at the pendants as Patton helped Virgil to his feet. The pendants had stopped fizzing, so Logan felt okay reaching in and grabbing them all.
He handed both Patton and Virgil their pendants when they walked closer to the table.
“And now for the actual enchantment,” Logan said. “For today, I already prepared the potion up to the last step as it has to sit for a few hours, but I will show you the last step and eventually teach you everything if you are still interested.”
 Virgil nodded, but said. “No more noises?”
Logan smiled. “No more noises,” he confirmed. Then he pushed forward all of the ingredients he was about to put in the pot for Virgil to study one by one before putting them each in it in the correct order. Then he demonstrated how to stir it correctly and told him how many times, though he doubted he’d be able to retain all of the information from this one demonstration. “There,” he said, setting down his spoon. “Now we just all put our pendants into the pot, and they should be ready in 25 minutes.”
 Logan showed Virgil around his potion’s lab while they waited, explaining what certain pieces of equipment did and a bit about his organization system. Virgil followed him around, looking at the things he pointed out curiously. He, however, got very distracted when Logan showed him one of the experiments he’d concocted. It was a thick liquid that was super attracted to itself and would form a small ball that could be disturbed by touching it. He seemed to like the sensation of squishing it down onto a table… over and over and over again.
“We should get him a ball of yarn,” Patton said out of the corner of his mouth. He may have been enjoying watching Virgil play with the substance more than Virgil was enjoying playing with it himself. And that was saying something.
Eventually, however, the pendants were finished, and he dragged Virgil away from his new toy to show him the finished product.
“What do you think?” he asked.
“Is it supposed to be warm?” Virgil inquired.
“Yes,” Logan replied. “It’s temperature changes based on if the magic on it senses a threat or not. Warmer temperatures mean you are safe.
“Oh,” Virgil said softly, hand squeezing around it. “I like it.”
Logan found himself smiling. “I’m glad. It’s yours.”
“Thank you,” he said.
“If you would like, I’m sure Patton has some suggestions if you’d desire a way to keep it attached to your person. He in particular likes to make them into necklaces or clip them to his clothing.”
Virgil looked over at Patton and nodded shyly. Patton immediately perked up. “I’ll go get some supplies!” he said.
  Chapter 14
“So then,” Patton was saying. “We ran to the stables.”
“We went to gazebo first,” Logan cut in.
“Right, we tried to go to the gazebo first,” Patton corrected, “but Mr. Deknis was over there tending to the tomatoes, and we knew he’d tell Mama the second he saw us. So, then we turned around and went to the stables.”
Virgil tilted his head, listening to the story Patton was telling. Patton was not the best storyteller. He tended to get lost in the middle and embellish, though Logan always corrected him. It was still very entertaining to watch though because he got incredibly animated. He’d even toppled himself over in excitement a couple of times.
 Virgil squeezed the small pillow he had in his lap. He… wasn’t 100% sure what was going on. Logan and Patton had settled him on the blanket covered ground near Logan’s bed and proceeded to feed him snacks and talk about a lot of different things. It had started with them talking about what they’d done that day, and when Patton had made reference to something Virgil hadn’t understood, the two of them ended up talking about things from their childhood.
Virgil found himself entranced by their stories about playing in and running around the castle. It was all so different from what Virgil had experienced.
 “…but, right as we were about to get to the ladder to climb up into the hay loft, Logan tripped!” Patton said, arms whipping around him. “He fell into a container of grain for the horses and it spilled all over the place. He tried to get up but grabbed the edge of the water trough and apparently it wasn’t very secure because it fell over and soaked him. So, then he was wet and covered in grain. He looked hilarious.”
“I did not!” Logan protested, but it did not sound like all of the other times he’d corrected Patton’s stories that night.
 Patton looked over at him. “You did! You woke up the cute stable hand and he laughed himself silly at you, and by the time we got you even partially cleaned up, your dad had already found us. That’s how we got caught.”
“I have no recollection of these events,” Logan clearly lied, his cheeks a bit flushed.
“Liar,” Patton claimed. “You complained about picking grain out of your sheets for weeks.”
“No,” Logan growled.
“Yes! It’s okay. It was a good laugh.”
Logan’s eyes narrowed on him, and he looked pissed, but a second later, his expression lightened up. “You know what else was a ‘good laugh’?” he asked.
 There was a second of silence before…
“Don’t you dare Logan.”
Logan looked him directly in the eye. “Patton was thirteen,” Logan started, but was interrupted the next moment when Patton lobbed a pillow at his head. Logan grabbed the pillow and leaned forward to smack Patton back with it. “He was thirteen and had just ‘discovered boys’ as his mother and my father called it when they attempted to explain his behavior to me. The focus of said ‘discovering’ at the time was the son of an ambassador from Lamir” who was staying for the summer, a seventeen-year-old boy by the name Bernardo.”
 Virgil flinched back as Patton suddenly threw himself across the semicircle they’d made with their bodies to tackle Logan to the ground. He watched as they ineffectually wrestled on the ground for a few seconds before Logan, voice strained continued to speak, while battling Patton’s hands away from his mouth.
“Patton’s only knowledge about flirting… ow… at that point was laughing at everything someone said and touching their arms and shoulders.” Logan managed to flip himself onto his stomach which was a horrible move as far as Virgil was concerned. It put him at a disadvantage to get out of the pin. However, Patton just kept reaching for his mouth and didn’t bare down on his neck to try to cut off his oxygen like Virgil expected. So, perhaps it was a rational move. “Our parents were speaking leaving Patton, Bernardo, and I in the garden,” Logan mumbled into the ground. “Bernardo said something ‘funny’ and Patton went to slap his shoulder while laughing, but shoved too hard… Patton did you just lick my face?!”
 “And I’ll do it again if you don’t shut up!” Patton threatened. That was a… weird fighting strategy.
Logan paused to consider his options. “He shoved Bernardo into the fountain and when Bernardo asked him why he did that, he ran away and wouldn’t talk to him the rest of the summer!” Logan rushed out.
Patton reached over and grabbed the nearest pillow, proceeding to whack him viciously in the back of the head. Logan was lucky the nearest object was a pillow and not something any sturdier. “It’s not funny!” Patton yelled, smacking him even more, which was when Virgil realized Logan was laughing despite the pinning and pillow pummeling. “It’s not!” Patton said. “I really liked him!!”
 “He was seventeen!” Logan said. “It was never going to happen!”
Patton groaned and rolled off of Logan to lay on his back and stare at the ceiling. “But he had so many muscles,” Patton said. “He probably could have thrown me 10 yards.”
“And that is… a benefit?” Logan asked, rolling over onto his side to face him.
“You don’t. Get me.” Patton tilted his head to look at Virgil. “Anyway,” he said. “That is the story of how I died at 13.”
Virgil stared at him, and Patton’s forehead crinkled looking at him.
“Is something wrong, honey?” he asked.
 “What was that?” Virgil asked.
“What was what?”
Virgil just blinked at him. Patton seemed to think for a moment.
“Oh, did you think we were fighting?” Patton asked. “Like, really fighting?”
“You weren’t fighting?” Virgil asked.
“No, sweetie,” Patton said. “We were just playing.” He popped up into a sitting position. “Well, play fighting, but emphasis on play!”
Virgil looked over at Logan for confirmation. “No one is harmed nor was there any intention to harm each other,” he assured.
Patton grabbed the pillow he’d been smacking Logan with. “Like this!” he said. “Bap.” Unlike how he’d smacked Logan ruthlessly, he basically just touched Virgil’s shoulder with it.
 Virgil squinted at him.
“Bap!” Patton said again, smacking him again, this time with a little bit more force and on the cheek. Virgil’s nose scrunched up. “Pillow fight!”
“Pillow fight?”
“You try,” he said, pointing to the pillow in Virgil’s lap.
Virgil glanced down at the bands around his wrist. “Um…” he said. “I don’t think I can?”
“Oh, right,” Patton said with a frown. He bit his lip and glanced over at Logan. “Maybe…”
“Ill-advisable,” Logan said.
“But…” Patton said. “Pillow fight.”
“We would have to be very cautious and make sure there were no weapons in the area.”
“No weapons but pillows!”
 “Fine,” Logan relented to whatever was going on. “Let’s clear the area.” Virgil watched them with mounting confusion as they removed everything within a few meters radius of him except for pillows and blankets.
“There!” Patton said after a minute. “All done!”
“What are you doing?” Virgil said.
“We’re going to have a pillow fight,” Patton said.
“But I…”
“We’ll temporarily allow your restraints to be in the third setting like when you’re in the closet.”
Were they serious? Were they stupid? Virgil could have killed them dozens of times with the second setting and now they were giving him even more range of motion?
 “You have to promise not to try to hurt anyone though,” Patton said. Virgil stared at him dumbly, as Patton held out his pinky finger. “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise?”
Patton nodded solemnly. “We lock pinky fingers and make a promise. It’s the most binding promise in the universe.”
Virgil looked at his finger, confused. He’d never heard of that type of deal. “What kind of magic is it?”
“No magic,” Patton said. “Just friendship.” Virgil tilted his head but brought his hand up so Patton could twine their fingers together. “Now, promise you won’t hurt anyone.”
“I promise I won’t hurt anyone,” he said.
“It’s a deal!” said Patton, squeezing Virgil’s finger with his own briefly before drawing away. “I trust you.” Virgil felt a rush of something that was no type of magic he’d ever come into contact before but was definitely far more powerful.
 Logan came over to them and waved his hand over the restraints on Virgil. They buzzed slightly and Virgil looked between them. “So, I just hit you with pillows?”
“Try not to hit too hard near the face, and Lo and I should probably take off our glasses before we start, but yeah,” Patton said, taking his glasses off as he said it. It was yet another foolish move on his part. “It’s fun, and it doesn’t hurt.”
“Okay…” Virgil said.
“I will demonstrate,” Logan said as he took a pillow and smacked Patton in the stomach.
“Hey! No fair!” Patton giggled. “We haven’t started yet!” This did not deter Logan however, as he continued to smack Patton with a pillow.
“On the contrary,” he said. “It has started, and we’re getting you first.”
 “No,” Patton whined, but the way he crumpled to the ground under the onslaught seemed far too staged to make Virgil worry. He didn’t even try to curl up into a ball or to protect his head, just taking the hits and giggling.
Logan looked up at Virgil and motioned with his head. Virgil inched over and looked down at Patton. Logan slowed for a few moments. “Go on,” he urged.
Virgil bit his lip and reached forward to smack Patton lightly with his pillow which seemed to do nothing to him but renew his peels of giggles. From there, it was easy to continue. Logan picked up the pace of his strikes and he and Virgil proceeded to ‘fight’ Patton until he couldn’t breath through his laughter and pushed the pillows away, curling up on his side to recover.
“No what?” Virgil asked when Patton sat up.
“Now I get vengeance!” Patton said, popping to his feet and smacking Logan in the face. “Help me Virgil!” So, Virgil turned on Logan and he and Patton gave the prince the same treatment. Then, because it was only fair, it was Virgil’s turn, though they were a lot more careful with him then they’d been with each other, and really Patton spent more of the time checking in on Virgil then actually hitting him with the pillow. It was nice. Fun. And when Virgil pushed them away, they pulled back. Then, it was Patton’s turn again and they went around teaming up on each other and sometimes just smacking at each other at random.
  Eventually, they slowed, and all ended up laying near each other on the floor.
“Well, that made me hungry,” Patton said, sitting up and stretching. “I asked Mama to make us a bunch of mini sandwiches with different flavors. I’ll go get them.”
He hopped to his feet to walk over to where they’d stored the food earlier in those little glowing magical balls Logan had for food preservation.
Logan and Virgil sat up too, and Virgil offered him his wrists.
“Right,” Logan said with a blink. He made a motion and Virgil could feel the magic weighing down his hands once again. He’d almost forgotten, Virgil thought with an internal sigh. They’d given an assassin free range of motion, had a pillow fight with him, and almost forgotten to restrain him again. What was Virgil going to do with these idiots?
  Chapter 15
Patton strolled up to the doors to the royal wing, his arms crossed casually around his middle.
Kalani raised an eyebrow as he approached and gave her the most innocent expression he could. “Whatcha got there, Pat?” she asked.
“Hmm?” he asked, as his sweater squirmed. “What do you mean?”
She considered him for a moment. “Well, I see nothing suspicious here,” she said. “Do you Owen?”
“Nothing,” he replied without hesitation.
Patton grinned at them both.
Kalani leaned in like she was going to tell him a secret. “Who is it?”
Patton made a show of glanced around like he was hiding it from anyone passing by. Then he shifted around to pull up just the bottom of his sweater.
 A small black paw reached out from the depths of his sweater and swatted at the air.
“Ah, I see,” Kalani said, reaching out to touch the little paw. “Hello, Mittens.”
Patton giggled as Owen poked the cat’s stomach gently through the sweater, making her wiggle a bit and try to bite him.
“Well,” Patton said. “I better be off with my totally normal sweater.”
Kalani nodded and stepped to the side, and Patton was free to head down the hallway to Logan’s room. Patton knocked on the door with their new extra secret knock and Logan all but ripped open the door. “I’m late. I have to go,” he said, darting past Patton.
 Patton smiled, happy that his plan to be running a little late to come watch Virgil had worked so well, even though he felt a little bit guilty about it. He hoped Logan wasn’t late to his meeting, but he also knew that if Logan had noticed Mittens, he wouldn’t have let her into the room.
Virgil was already out of the closet, sitting on one of the chairs. Patton came in and smiled at him. Unlike Logan, Virgil’s attention was immediately drawn to the oddly shaped lump in Patton’s sweater.
“You’re not very good at hiding things,” Virgil said.
 “It worked on Logan,” Patton defended himself.
“Logan was about to rocket into space if you didn’t show up in 5 seconds,” Virgil pointed out. Patton just shrugged, and Virgil tilted his head. “What do you have?”
Patton grinned wide and carefully pulled Mittens out of his sweater. She did not resist this maneuver at all, simply purring. He held her up for Virgil to see. “Ta da!”
“A cat?” Virgil said.
“This is Mittens,” Patton said. He then turned to Mittens. “Mittens, this is Virgil. I thought I’d introduce the two of you!”
Virgil blinked at the cat. Mittens blinked back. Patton thought maybe he should have let them sniff each other from under a door before doing this.
 He didn’t need to worry though, as Mittens started purring after a moment. “You can pet her,” Patton offered. Virgil looked up at him. “Just…” he said.
“She likes chin scratchies!” Patton prompted.
Virgil reached out a hand to scratch under her chin and that was the end of it. Mittens stretched out her chin happy to get the attention and Virgil’s eyes widened at how soft her fur was. It was a work of minutes before Virgil was sitting down on the floor and Mittens was happily kneading his thighs and spinning around in circles to make sure he pet every inch of her.
“I did not understand why people like cats,” Virgil commented. “All I’ve seen of cats is people coming back with bloody scratches from trying to pet them, so I never even tried.”
“Well,” Patton said. “Cats are just like people. If you’re nice to them, they’re more likely to be nice to you.”
 Virgil’s hand paused briefly on the cat’s head, but then continued with the petting a moment later. Patton wondered what he was thinking about, but didn’t press.
“She seems to like you,” Patton said.
“Don’t know why.”
“Hey, don’t be mean.” Patton scolded.
Virgil hands jerked away from the cat he’d been petting and then were forced abruptly to his side in reaction. Mittens meowed, seemed very unhappy with the jostling as well as the sudden lack of petting.
“Sorry,” Virgil said, eyes wide. “What did I do wrong. I didn’t mean to be mean to her.”
It took Patton a moment to sus out what he was talking about and felt a pang in his chest when he did. “Oh, no honey. You didn’t do anything wrong. I meant don’t be mean to yourself.”
 Virgil gave him a confused look. Mittens bumped her head against his chin and with a blink, he cautiously went back to petting her.
“Of course, she likes you sweetie, you’re a good boy.”
“I came here to kill the king. I’ve killed before.”
Patton smiled sadly. “I don’t think you ever wanted to,” he said. Virgil seemed to grow very interested in mitten’s ears. Patton scooted over so he was sitting beside him and carefully brought a hand up to touch the top of his head. Virgil sort of curled into him, pressing his face against Patton’s shoulder, but continuing to pet the cat.
 “It’s fine. You’re going to be okay now,” Patton said softly.
Virgil shook his head against Patton’s shoulder.
“Yes,” Patton insisted. “You’ll be okay. You won’t have to go back.”
Virgil didn’t respond for a long moment. “You can’t keep me in Logan’s closet forever,” he said softly. “When his dad comes back, you’re going to have to turn me in.”
Well, that was true, but… “It’ll be okay. No one will hurt you.”
“The kings would be assassin?” Virgil asked skeptically.
“Thomas is nice. He’ll understand.”
“He’s nice to you. He’s nice to Logan. Maybe he’s even nice to the people he rules over, but what am I? An enemy assassin who would have slit his throat if I hadn’t gotten the wrong room.”
 It…it did sound bad when he put it like that, but, but… “Thomas will understand,” he promised, hugging him tight. “He will, and we’ll keep you safe and I’ll introduce you to every single cat in the castle. In fact, we’ll get you a cat to keep as a pet if you want and he or she can snuggle you as much as you want. I’ll show you all around the gardens and introduce you to Mama and help you figure out what your favorite type of cookie is. You’ll never have to hurt anyone again and no one will ever hurt you again.”
 Virgil drew away a bit and shot him a half smile. He clearly didn’t believe him, and it made Patton’s stomach twist a bit. Patton knew. He knew Thomas would be nice. There was no way he’d hurt Virgil. Virgil was just a kid and with Logan and Patton on his side, there was no way anything bad would happen to him. He could see it from Virgil’s perspective though.
“I like her feet,” Virgil said, touching Mittens’ little black paw that contrasted her otherwise white coat. Mittens purred and began kneading his legs again with those paws. “I’m guessing that’s why she’s named Mittens?”
“Yeah,” said Patton softly. “‘Cause she looks like she’s wearing mittens.” Virgil leaned forward to kiss her little head and that little action made Patton’s heart ache for him. He deserved so many kitten kisses. So many.
Patton was determined to make sure he got them.
  Chapter 16
“Well done,” Logan complimented when Virgil looked up at him for approval. It was the first time Virgil was trying to make the protection charms without Logan’s instructions. Logan was of course still in the room in case he had questions and the boy had a written set of instructions next to him, but for the most part Virgil was doing it on his own.
“Now,” Virgil said squinting down at the paper next to him, “we wait for 35 minutes.”
“Fifty actually,” Logan corrected offhand, focused on his own potion.
“Oh, yeah, right,” Virgil said. He grabbed the timer and set it for the appropriate time.
 Then, he stepped away from Logan’s nontoxic potion station. Logan saw him edge a bit closer to peak at what Logan was working on, though he was careful to maintain a distance. Logan wasn’t sure if this was because he’d been warned of the possible harmful substances Logan sometimes used at his experiment table or because he was worried Logan might not want him to approach.
Logan looked up at him. “You can come closer. Nothing here is very dangerous.”
Virgil nodded and walked over to peer at the boiling pot. “What are you making?” he asked.
“I am once again attempting to invent a potion that will reliably remove cat hair from surfaces,” Logan said, glancing over at Patton.
 Patton looked up from the bracelet he was making and stuck his tongue out at Logan.
“I can never seem to find an adequate solution,” Logan said.
“The solution is to accept all parts of kitty love!” Patton insisted.
“Or maybe the solution is to exile you from my room for the rest of time,” Logan muttered. Patton chose to ignore him and go back to working on the bracelet.
“Do you want any help?” Virgil offered Logan.
Logan smiled at him. “I’m actually almost finished with this step and there isn’t much left to do but thank you.”
Virgil nodded. “Oh, okay,” he said. He shifted back and forth a few times.
 “You’re well on your way to mastering this potion,” Logan said. “I was thinking that next I could teach you how to make a tracking charm. I marked a passage about it in the book on that shelf.” He gestured to one near the station Virgil had been working at. “Why don’t you go ahead and read that while you wait?”
“The…” Virgil said. “The green book?”
“Yes,” Logan said. “I left a bookmark in the correct page.”
“Um… yeah, sure. I’ll go… read that.”
Logan nodded and turned back to put the finishing touches on his own potion as Virgil walked away.
 Logan finished up his potion up after a few minutes and covered it to let it simmer. He looked over to see that Patton had flopped onto his back, still working on the bracelet and Virgil had sat near to him with the book on his lap open. Logan walked over to them.
“What do you think?” Logan asked.
Virgil glanced up at him. “Erm,” he said. “Looks good.”
“Which option do you like better?”
“…The second one.”
“Really?” Logan asked, surprised.
“Uh… yes?”
“I’m surprised,” Logan commented. “I figured you would shy away from the ones that required a blood sacrifice.”
Virgil’s eyes widened. “Oh,” he said. “I… didn’t notice that. I would like to not do that one, please.”
“You didn’t notice?” Logan asked. “Half of the entire first page is dedicated to a discussion of it.”
There was a beat of awkward silence.
“Virgil,” Logan said. “Can you read the first paragraph on that page?”
 He grimaced.
“You can’t read?!”
“Logan, tone,” Patton snapped when Virgil flinched.
Logan took a breath. “I am not upset that you cannot read, but what have you been doing for the past week when I have given you written instructions for the protection charm potion?”
“Not… read it.”
“How have you been making the potion?” Logan asked.
“I just remember the steps, and if I’m not sure I ask. You’re usually distracted enough that you barely notice.”
“If I had known this, we would have done a completely auditory explanation.”
Logan sighed. “You didn’t need to pretend, Virgil.”
 Virgil blinked up at him. “Sorry.”
Logan just shook his head. “There is nothing for you to be sorry for. In fact, you are the one who is owed apologies from many people in your life for a multitude of reasons.” He knelt down to take the book from him. “Here,” he said. “For now, I will read this passage to you while we wait for the potions to finish brewing. Later we can talk about changing my lesson plans in reference to the potions as well as adding reading lessons into your schedule.”
“You… want to teach me how to read?” Virgil asked.
 “If you are willing,” Logan replied. “It’s a useful skill to have and opens up many doors.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it,” Virgil said with a frown.
“If you can memorize an entire potion recipe from start to finish with inadequate vocal instructions, I’m sure you can learn the alphabet perfectly well.”
“Okay,” he replied sounding a bit doubtful.
“And once we get you to an appropriate level, I’ll let you read a book about stars I enjoyed in my youth.” He seemed pleased with that prospect, and Logan smiled at him. “For now though, let’s read this together.”
 “Okay,” Virgil said. Logan opened the book in his lap and started to read. He noticed that Virgil was leaning over to look at the page despite the fact that he couldn’t read it, and so he began to point to the words as he read. His reactions to the words on the page were honestly quite funny when Logan caught them. His nose would scrunch up in confusion every time he thought an instruction nonsensical, and he’d squint his eyes at the words as though willing the sounds and letters to connect in his head. Logan wouldn’t be surprised with his memory if he had parts of it memorized by the end.
After a few minutes of reading, a light weight descended on Logan’s shoulder. Virgil had settled his chin on Logan’s shoulder to peer at the words. Logan did his best not to draw attention to this fact and shot a glare at Patton when he clearly noticed, sitting up to smile widely at them. Luckily the boy was sensible enough not to squeal as he oh so clearly wanted to. Logan pointed out a picture while explaining what the caption said and then giving a personal antecedent. Virgil touched the page curiously and asked a question about the story before laying his head back down on Logan’s shoulder. They continued in this way until the potion was finished.
  Chapter 17
Virgil’s suspicion was growing. Logan and Patton seemed to have something planned. Luckily, whatever it was didn’t seem to be malicious, at least, Virgil hoped it wasn’t. He truly didn’t think that Patton had it in him to be so clearly excited about anything cruel. He also didn’t think Logan had it in him to be cruel, he was just was better at masking his excitement.
“What?” Logan asked innocently when Virgil gave him a pointed look the second Patton left to do ‘something’. Virgil would almost believe he truly wasn’t planning anything if it wasn’t for the way his lips twitched just a bit at the corners. Virgil glared harder.
 Logan dared to laugh lightly at the expression on his face. “Come here,” he requested. “Patton wanted me to make you pick out a book for him to read to you tonight since, I quote ‘You’ve gotten to read him all sorts of stories the last few days.’ I attempted to explain that it was not purely for fun, but he insisted.”
Virgil grumbled, but wandered over to look over at the books laid out on Logan’s bed, settling his chin on Logan’s shoulder. “What do they say?” he asked.
Logan pointed to each in turn. “Five Dragons and a Flame. The End of May. A Stone in the Meadow. Or you can continue to read The Never-ending Garden.”
 “I want to finish The Never-Ending Garden,” Virgil decided.
“Good choice.”
“Now will you tell me what you’re doing?” Virgil asked.
Logan just chuckled. Honestly, it was like he didn’t know that he had an assassin right next to his carotid artery. “Why do you think something is happened?”
“Patton’s a shit liar.”
“Be careful,” Logan said. “I might just have to tell him you said that.”
“Then I’ll tell him what you said when you accidently dropped the lavender into that potion,” Virgil threatened back.
“Hmm,” Logan said. “Truce?”
“On that,” Virgil agreed, “but you still need to tell me what’s going on.”
 “It is a surprise. A nice surprise,” Logan informed him. He looked at Virgil’s face. “Don’t pout at me.”
Virgil had not been aware that what he was doing was pouting, but he did whatever it was harder.
“Patton would murder me,” Logan claimed, “but I suggest you try that on him the next time you have a chance. You will certainly get whatever you want.”
Virgil sighed and gave up, figuring he’d learn whatever the surprise was soon enough. He chose to flop down on top of the pile of pillows on the floor that had been laid out already. It was his fourth ever slumber party and the first had only been a week ago. He did not know much about slumber parties, but that felt like a lot.
 Goodness, it had already been two weeks. He looked up at the ceiling. He felt safe here. He felt like he didn’t need to watch Logan’s every move as he organized things in his room, but it wasn’t going to last, was it? The king was set to be back in a week. Virgil needed to actually attempt to escape soon. He hated that fact. He didn’t want to leave, and he certainly didn’t want to go back. Maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he’d figure something else out, but no mater what, he did have to escape, and soon. He looked over at Logan who was slotting the books Virgil hadn’t picked back into place on the bookshelf. Not tonight.
 There was a knock on the door in a familiar pattern, and Logan walked over to open it for Patton. Virgil sat up to shoot a confused look at the giant thing that Patton rolled in.
“Ta da!” Patton said excitedly.
Virgil blinked at him.
“It’s food,” Logan explained.
Virgil perked up immediately. That must be a lot of food if he needed that to carry it.
“I know you haven’t gotten a chance to try a lot of different foods, so I asked Mama if I could use the kitchen earlier today and made a bunch of different type of food samples for you to try.”
 That sounded like literally the best idea in the universe. These people were very good at surprises and Virgil would not question them again ever for the rest of his life (or, well, the next couple of days he was around them before he tried to escape and either managed it or died a bloody and painful death).
Patton seemed to feed off of Virgil’s excitement, practically vibrating himself as he gestured to different parts of the cart. “We have a bunch of types of cheese and crackers, mini sandwiches, different smoked meats, six types of pasta, and every leftover I could find on this shelf. On this shelf, we have things with hot sauce, things with spicy dry rubs, curries, and things with a lot of peppers. I’ve ordered them by spiciness level so we can what you can handle, and we’ll only go as far as you want. Then this shelf is a bunch of types of cookies, mini cakes, pies, and ice cream!”
 “We are not starting with the sweets,” Logan said firmly.
“But Lo!” Patton whined.
“We do not want to make him sick, do we?” Logan asked.
Patton pouted. Virgil honestly had no preference. All food was good food in his experience.
“Fine,” Patton said. “We’ll start with the cheese.”
They had him sit back in the center of the blanket pile and handed him little portions of things. Some of the cheese tasted weird at first and Patton would giggle at the faces of surprise he made, but Virgil managed to if not like, then tolerate almost all of them.
 Then came the different sandwiches, some hot and some cold and all of the pasta and leftovers. Virgil eyed the plate of fettuccine alfredo long after they had moved on.
“You can have some more at the end if you still have room,” Logan promised with a fond smile. Virgil frowned at him. “You want to try all of the food, don’t you?”
“Then you can’t eat an entire plate of fettucine alfredo.”
“Maybe you can’t,” Virgil said darkly.
Logan just rolled his eyes and passed him another plate.
Eventually they moved on to the next shelf full of what was deemed ‘spicy food.’
“Part of this is figuring out what level of spiciness you can handle,” Patton said. “So, tell us when it gets to be a bit too much and we’ll move on two the deserts. Also, milk helps wash the spicy stuff that so drink some if you need to!”
Virgil nodded and accepted the first dish on that rack.
Virgil, it turned out, liked what they called “spicy” food even though some of it made his nose run a little bit. It was kind of fun to eat them, honestly. Some of them hurt a tiny bit, but they also tasted really good. It was strange.
“I am impressed and horrified,” Logan said when he finished that shelf. “Do you… have nerve endings in your mouth?”
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starfirette · 4 years
Chapter Three: Attack On Trost
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You reminisce your old passions and dreams when you meet an old friend–but the peace quickly ends.
tags: @kuxredere | @luvelyxp | @fan-g0rl | @levisbrat25 | @a-dream-is-reality 
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a/n: Levi makes his grand arrival soon! Thanks to those who commented, liked, and reblogged the last chapters, as well as the Armin x Mother! Reader fic. Yall are so sweet! 
Connie Springer’s entire family is quite alive. 
You learned this unexpectedly when you were working on your assigned duties of the day. Every new graduate was taken to Trost to ‘celebrate’ their new found ‘freedom.’ The new cadets were to do the dirty work for the next three days while assignments were being made. 
In Trost, assigned with five others you didn’t even know the names of, you were on the ground transporting wagons of dry solider feed and blades to the supply center, or, for Garrison soldiers, headquarters. 
You wouldn’t have had any qualms with this job. It was nice to be outside among actual people, breathing fresh air. Trost is a little bubble village along the southern mouth of Wall Sina. Since the breach five years ago, Wall Sina served as the only defense against the titan beyond. Everything beyond it, including your old home, would now be ridden with them. 
You’d half hoped you’d be assigned to the suppliers along the top of wall. Not because you wanted to see Titans, but because you would have wanted to look out to the vast fields that you had once lived amongst. But Shingashina wouldn’t be at all visible to your naked eye, not even from the highest point of the world. The idea that you’d never again see Shingashina did hurt your heart more than you cared to admit. 
But that pain was naught compared to that which you felt when you watched Connie Springer, a younger boy apart of your corps, become embraced by a group of people you could only presume to be his family. A woman had him wrapped in a motherly embrace. 
He looked entirely surprised, and while he acted embarrassed, you could see in his body language that he was over the moon with joy. Who wouldn’t be? 
After over a year of spending time sharing showers in the community sauna with the other cadets that regularly kicked your ass, being with your family is much like being in Heaven. 
Your stomach ached as you turned back to your duties. You lifted bags of wheat and grain to the carts that would soon be taking off for HQ. You realized through the blurred vision of tears and sunshine that you were trembling all the way down to your knees. 
Now more than ever, you wish desperately for Annacka. Even just a letter from her in her swirly script would be enough. You half hope that she’s lingering somewhere, trying to catch a glimpse of you so she could make her grand, surprise visit. Maybe at any moment little Freda would attach herself to your legs, crying your name with that angelic lilt the way she used to.
You wiped your eyes quickly with the back of your jacket sleeve. The scratchy material was clearly made to protect a body, and not to soothe one’s skin.
You and the rest of your squad seemed to notice the surplus of family members gathering about the village center. It is the village center, but you can’t help yourself from getting annoyed. How could they just stand around and watch you all work? They were mostly in the way.
With some annoyance gathering as a scoff in your throat, you hoisted a large sack of dry feed over your shoulder. As you walked to the transport wagon about a yard away, you were suddenly stopped by a person.
You tried to keep yourself from expressing your discomfort as you averted your eyes. You walked around her, but she stepped in front of you again.
You couldn’t avoid her any longer, so you dropped the dry feed from your shoulder into your arms, holding it like an oversized baby.
“You’re Y/n L/n!” The young woman gasped. Her eyes were wide as plates, and they stared at you with such confidence and familiarity that you were a little bit frightened.
“I don’t know you,” you tell her cautiously.
Her ginger lashes fluttered like butterflies as her bow of a mouth shaped into a thin smile. “My name is Fable Rippley. We grew up at the orphan house together.”
The dry feed slipped out of your arms, falling by your feet with a thump.
“My god,” you say. “You’re so tall now!”
Fable Rippley held her freckle arms open for a hug.
Though you recognized her, and were of course happy to see her, you hesitated to accept her hug.
As her arms wrapped around you, you felt how bony and thin she was. You lightly touched her back with your hand, using the bare minimum of a hug to get by.
“I had no idea you—!” She exclaimed, but she quickly pressed her lips flat. “The other girls never responded to my letters. Eventually they were being returned, so...”
"So you figured that I had died,” you assumed for her. 
Her thin mouth smashed into a pale line. “I did,” she admitted, the words sounding as though they were being ground from her throat. “I always felt as though it should have been me rather than the others,” Fable continued on a trail of thought. 
“That’s not your fault,” you note to the tall girl. “It’s a blessing that you were adopted when you were. How old were you then?” 
“I was ten,” she said with a faint lilt of happiness as she recalled the simpler times. “I’m sixteen, now. My birthday’s just passed.” 
“Happy birthday,” you tell her with a half of a smile. “What brings you to Trost?” 
“I am only visiting. My parents have relatives who’ve just had a child. The little boy survived, and so we are all shopping the market to celebrate.” 
“Oh,” you said. You didn’t know how you were supposed to respond to such a  broad statement. ‘Glad the kiddo didn’t die,’ you could say, but she might not appreciate such humor. 
“I’m so, so happy to see you,” Fable suddenly burst out. “I never thought that I could see anyone from my past ever again. And to see you, now, to see that you’ve gotten so much older...it makes me so painfully happy that you could carry on the legacies of our sisters.” 
Fable’s sudden outpour of emotion struck you like a bolt of lightning. 
The blood rushed to your face as you looked up at the taller girl with a feeling of queasy-ness crossed with embarrassment. “I suppose so?” you worded very carefully. 
Fable just chuckled-a light little noise like that of a pixie. 
“We all loved you so much. That’s what I mean. The other little girls bickered for your attention, and somehow, you managed to spend quality time with all of them. All of us. Do you remember the shoe shine box? Oh, it was that special box with the expensive balms to treat leather. And one Yule, every girl got her own pair of real leather Mary-Janes. There was only one shoe shining box to go around. You found a way to split the balms amongst all thirty girls and even yourself! You were a sister to us. Even a mother to the littler girl, what was her name...Freda? Yes, yes, Freda. Oh that child clung to you or to Annacka, and she wouldn’t accept anyone else. Don’t you remember the time when-”
Fable’s voice had risen to a giggle, but she cut herself off shortly when she took a stern frown to her mouth and examined your face. 
“I’m sorry,” she said softly. 
Tears poured down your face like damn waterfalls, and you couldn’t get it to stop. You did remember the shoe shin box. You remembered trying to use it so sparingly between all the children. You remembered panicking when the balm ran out and scrounging together all of your spare change to buy more. 
You even remembered having none left over for yourself. 
And you did remember little Freda. Her shoes were purchased many sizes to big so that she could grow into them. She sat on your lap at the tender age of three, swinging her legs as she didn’t pay attention to your lecture on how to care for leather. 
She wanted to wear them as soon as you were done, and vehemently insisted the shoes would fit miraculously when you informed her they wouldn’t. She had to take such careful little steps around the place so she wouldn’t trip or fall. 
“I shouldn’t have mentioned her at all,” Fable murmured. “Or any of them.”
You wiped your eyes with the mounts of Venus, shaking your head negatively. “Freda didn’t die that day,” you said, your voice sounding dreadfully thick with sorrow. “Freda is very much alive. She lives with Annacka now. Annacka, Freda, and I, we were the only survivors from the orphanage. And also you. Annacka is her mother. I doubt Freda remembers me at all.” 
“How couldn’t she?” Fable asked. “You were such an important part of the house to all of us girls. It’s strange...strange to think that you were only fifteen, then. You gave up your childhood to help raise children. And now you’re a solider!” 
You stifled an informal chuckle. “That’s one way to look at it,” you agreed. 
“You know,” Fable said with a eye crinkling grin, “I remember how badly you wanted to be a doctor.” 
The words made your heart flutter. “You do?” 
“How couldn’t I?” Fable laughed. “You were always talking about the hospital in Calaneth. You wanted to go so badly to be a nurse. Somehow, being a solider suits you more...”
Fable drew you in close for another tight hug. Her boney arms were strong, and her finger tips may have even bruised your back, but her embrace was the most comforting. 
“I should find my family now,” Fable said with a shy gleam in her eyes. “I live in Fairkelt. It’s a little village near Stohess. I’d like to write to you.” 
“Then I will write to you,” you assured her. 
“Amazing! I live in Fairkelt,” she repeated. “But I guess you could just mail the letters to Stohess. The disctrict’s messenger can bring the letters out to our farm. But, you could just label it to Fairkelt if you’d like that more. I really don’t mind. But what do you think would work better? Maybe a letter to Stohess, marked with a note to deliver to Fable Rippley, would be more clear and concise. It couldn’t get lost that way.” 
She titrated on with her childish charm and rant. 
“I’ll write two,” you amused yourself. “Both letters couldn’t get lost, could they?” 
Fable went red in the face as she laughed. “I’m sorry for ranting on. You have duties to attend. I’m so happy we’ve bumped into one another. I’ll look out for your letter.” 
As Fable skipped away, further into the marketplace of Trost, you looked after her, her red hair swinging back and forth like a lick of fire in the air. She was white as a ghost. She must never get any sun, you think as you bend down to retrieve the dry feed you’d dropped earlier. 
Fairkelt, just off of Stohess. The mental image of the map in mind led you to pinpoint Fairkelt somewhere along the forest. Perhaps she lived in a secluded little cottage under the shaded canopy of trees. 
You carried the feed to the heavy carts mounted to four large horses. 
The Garrison solider that supervised your squad chastised you as you set the sack down. “I ought to write you up for idle chatter while on duty.” 
You tucked your chin downward. “Apologies, sir,” you echoed the template you’d been so dutifully taught by Sadies. 
He seemed to considered saying something else; another set of lecturing words, perhaps, but he didn’t. He waved you to continue. 
You and your squad continued the painful march back and forth, over the same dirt and stones of the two 1/2 yards. 
“Why can’t the damn wagons be closer together?” a girl of your squad grumbled. 
“Maybe cos thee Garrison don’t wan’ no pussies in thur ranks,” someone retorted. 
The girl mocked his words in the same thick accent he spoke with. “Wut makes yu think the Garrison gun wan a dumbo like yu?” she fired back, her hands on her hips. 
Well maybe Fable just doesn’t get outside much, you were thinking again of her wispy white skin, as if she were a ghost. 
You’d read a wonderful story, though long ago, about a ghost coming to warn the village of a coming attack. The attack came every century on the same night, and only one boy in the whole village believed the ghost.
Wouldn’t that be exciting? 
To know a ghost? To be that bridge of life for them? 
Oh, but how painful it must be for ghosts, for they can watch forever what they can never have. 
You hoisted another sack of dry feed over your shoulder. Turning on the balls of your feet, you looked at the full wagon that would be making it’s way to the Garrison’s supply center. Your final bag would be it. 
The sun blazed down across you, the heat beating past the thick material of your uniformed jacket. 
You tossed the final sack of dry meal onto the wagon, and your squad cheered at the sight of their chore being completed. 
“So we get to see the center now, right?” one of the girls from your squad politely asked the supervisor. He gave her a stern look over his thin glasses. 
“Yes,” he said, finally. 
You collapsed against the side of the cart as your squad cheered. You could feel the sweat that saturated you underneath your clothes and uniform. 
The leather straps and belts seemed to slide around easier than they had this morning, which made you feel better. The harness usually made you feel bloated. But with all the sweat, you were like butter on a hot griddle. 
You looked down at your own knees. Sweat stains formed at the joints of your white pants. 
You began to shrug out of your jacket when, all too suddenly, a group of cats ran past you. 
It was a strange sight, to be sure, for these cats did not only run-they sprinted. They went bolting as if they were hiding for their lives. You looked after them, counting them each in your head. 
The CRACK of the thunder quaked through the earth you stood upon, jolting even the wagon. There had been a brief, brief flash of light, one that you doubted you’d even seen. 
The entire village came to a standstill. People muttered, asked questions, looked about for signs of storms. But you just looked after that group of alleycats whose tails were upright and haunches were breaking past their fur. 
The sweat dribbled down your neck as you spun around to look up in the air, which itself had a fresh smell of smoke. The sort of smoke that was layered with hot, raw meat. The scent made your eyes water. You looked to the sky. It’s emptiness filled your stomach with violent anxiety and just when you’d began to comprehend what was happening, the screaming started. 
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waywardprincessmia · 4 years
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Media lack female representation, and especially women from all around of world. But we can show, that there’s many different females from every country! So all you need to do is to create or use already existing female sim, that represents your culture in any way! Tag me and use #women of the world challenge tag, so i could see you!
I really love the idea of this challenge. After seeing everyone’s Sims (and another Indian Sim!!) I decided to hope on the band wagon myself. Meet Rhea. A creative, daydreamer who just wants to be able to find her own path in life. 
I think media representation of Indian women is interesting. On one hand, for a long time, Indian representation on TV was relegated to social awkward but intelligent characters. And sure, some people can be like that (and there’s nothing wrong with that except those characters were usually the butt of jokes). Generally, Indians are a diverse group of people, each having their own set of strengths and virtues, so it would be nice to show that on screen.
My own relationship with my Indian roots is kind of complicated. While I was born in India, I’ve lived in the US since I was 2yrs old. For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt a little trapped in that place between being an Indian and being an American (I’m sure most immigrants have felt this at some point). It’s interesting, as unlike many of my friends, my parents have never been controlling or restricted me from going out with my friends, so sometimes I wonder why I’m not more... interesting/bold/outgoing. Instead, I cling to this feeling of traditionalism, one I don’t actually wish to embrace, and shy away from doing anything that might, eventually, come back and disappoint my parents. (Am I trying to enforce stereotypes on myself? Maybe...) 
That may also stem from my parents’ fears that coming here would lead their children to not being “Indian enough”, a fear they never quite verbalized but I definitely internalized. So I strived to stay “Indian enough” for them, enough so that I still don’t feel like I belong in the environment I’ve lived in my entire life, while simultaneously knowing I wouldn’t feel comfortable in India. 
Still, being Indian is part of who I am, and I wouldn’t change that for the world. My heritage has given me a deep love and appreciation for color, music, and family (by blood and by choice). There’s so much to love about the culture, and in terms of Indian women I look up to, my mom’s strength and courage to keep breaking “traditional” boundaries really paved the way for me to be here and have this post on Tumblr so thanks mom <3
Thank you @cherries-jubiles for this lovely challenge. I think I may have just journaled some thoughts here but I appreciate that you shared your wonderful challenge with us all!
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365days365movies · 3 years
Western August V: Broken Arrow (1950) - Recap (Part Two) and Review
Where’s Jay SIlverheels, by the way?
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This is, like, one of his most acclaimed roles, and he hasn’t shown up anywhere yet. Well, before he does, I should elaborate on why I care so goddamn much.
As I said last time, Silverheels was cast as Tonto in 1949, and became the most recognizable Native American or First Nations face in the United States. At the same time as him, another actor was working. His name was Iron Eyes Cody, and he actually also appears in Broken Arrow...somewhere. Cody made his career as a makeup artist...who specialized in redface. Yeah, that’s a weird-ass thing for a Native American actor to take part in, right?
Silverheels and Cody worked together on Broken Arrow, but Jay thought something was off. Still, the two went on in their respective careers. But they would go in two completely different directions.
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During the time of Jay’s rise to fame, the Native American Civil RIghts Movement also began. This culminated in 1969 when Richard Oakes, LaNada Means, John Trudell (pictured above) and the Indians of All Tribes protest group occupied Alcatraz for 18 months. Yeah, the prison in the San Francisco Bay. It was originally native lands, so they took it back...until the government stepped in and ended the protest. But that’s a WHOLE other story. The point is, shit was changing. And suddenly, Jay Silverheels was enemy number one.
Like I said before, Hollywood and Native Americans never had the best relationship. Or even a good one. Hell, there’s a 1915 article written by a film executives that said they stole from film sets, but were trustworthy if provided tobacco and firewater, which is NOT AN EXAGGERATION AT ALL OF WHAT THAT DUDE SAID. And extending to Jay’s role of Tonto, Native American depictions in film were quite stereotypical. Broken and simplified English, savage behaviors and a misunderstanding of Western technology, headfeathers and hollering...you know, real racist shit. And since Jay was kind of the face of that to America...his career didn’t go well. And it REALLY didn’t help that he leaned into it.
Look, Jay was a massive advocate for the Native American Civil Rights movement, and he made that well-known on every possible occasion. However, he also treated Tonto as more of a parody of himself, performing the role for talk shows and commercials, like this above commercial for pizza rolls. And yeah, people were NOT FUCKING HAPPY about that. Native Americans labeled him an “Uncle Tomahawk”, and he was shunned in the community. Meanwhile, Jay’s career was absolutely tanking, barely getting any rolls after 1970. To make things worse, he has a stroke that year. And to make things EVEN worse...let’s get back to Iron Eyes fucking Cody.
In 1971, Iron Eyes Cody was cast by the Keep America Beautiful organization as the “Crying Indian” in their Earth Day commercial. This is the most successful commercial in the history of television, and it launched Iron Eyes Cody into fame as the most recognizable Native American face in the country, if not in the world. He met three Presidents, the Pope, got a stamp, was nominated for statehood...just, ludicrous amounts of acclaim and fame. When asked what his tribal lineage was, he would claim that he was of Cherokee and Cree descent. Just like Johnny Depp did! Which is fitting, because just like Johnny Depp... 
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Born Espera Oscar de Corti, he was an Italian kid from Louisiana. Yeah. This guy, this motherfucking guy, made his career playing pretend as a Native American. Remember when I said he was a makeup artist for films, making people look more authentically redface? Yeah, he did that as his job AND AS HIS LIFE. He would also always wear his Native American costume in public, which even Native Americans thought was fucking weird.
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And Jay Silverheels KNEW this, by the way. He found out while the two were working together...on Broken Arrow. Which, of course, is why I brought this up. So this must’ve been a goddamn gutpunch for the poor guy. He’s labeled Uncle Tomahawk, while Cody’s being lauded as the best Native American actor ever, AND HE ISN’T EVEN NATIVE AMERICAN. Jesus Christ, this sucks.
Jay Silverheels died of a second stroke in 1980, at the age of 67. Iron Eyes went on to be on Mister Rogers, got even more film roles, and died a successful man in 1999, at the age of 94. There was an attempt to expose him in 1996, but that attempt got backlash from a fuckton of people, including within the Native American community. Only after his death was he finally revealed as the son of Sicilian immigrants who played a fake Native American for the cameras. And to be fair, he did give to Native American charities and causes, he was an advocate for Native American rights, and he at least raised the awareness of Native Americans to people who may not have known or cared about them otherwise. And yet, despite that...
Fuck Iron Eyes Cody. He’s still a dick.
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Time to get back to Broken Arrow, huh? Here’s Part One if you missed it!
Recap: Part 2
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After the gross-ass flirtation between the two the next day, Cochise arrives to tell Jeffords that he’ll allow the mail through, but nobody else. Jeffords takes the news back to Tucson, and nobody believes him. He’s given resistance specifically from John Lowrie (Robert Griffin), who bets Jeffords money that five mail riders won’t make it through. Jeffords takes the bet, and Milt Duffield is the first to volunteer to ride.
Duffield and four other riders make it through. But in the process, a military wagon train is ambushed by Chochise and his men and slaughtered. This seeming dichotomy leads the men of Tucson to believe that Jeffords is a traitor and siding with the Apache. In response, after a tence-ass altercation in a bar, the men mob together and IMMEDIATELY TRY TO LYNCH HIM JESUS CHRIST
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He’s saved at the last minute by General Oliver Howard (Basil Ruysdael), who asks Jeffords to ask for a meeting with Cochise. He agrees to arrange it, if the peace-seeking General agrees to come alone. He does, as the General is actually a decent-ass dude. He’s not racist, and he believes that the Apache should be allowed their territory as well. Sick.
Also sick is the fact that the romance between Jeffords and Sonseeahray is going ahead towards marriage! Gross! Fucking gross. Cochise approves of this, and arranges it with the parents, despite warning them of the troubles ahead. However, that night, Jeffords is almost killed in his sleep by one of the tribesmen. Jeffords stops it, and Cochise intervenes, ashamed by the actions of one of his people. This is Nahilzay (John War Eagle), a rival suitor of Sonseeahray, and a traitor to Cochise’s word. So, to act upon his honor, Cochise kills him. Whoof.
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The General comes for the treaty, while Sonseeahray prepares for their wedduuuuuuchh. Sorry, threw up in my mouth a little just then. Anyway, four days pass, and the men of the Apache Tribes have gathered to attempt a peace negotiation with the General. After a round of questions by the generals, the two Americans leave. And at this point, a dissenting voice rises. This voice does not believe the Americans. He says that the Apache don’t need this treaty, but need a new chief who is not softened to war.
But Cochise rightly notes that the Americans are growing in strength, and the Apache are shrinking. He puts it to a vote, and while some men leave, the majority of the Apache agree to peace. The leader of these men takes a new name: Geronimo (Jay SIlverheels). Sick. Geronimo and his new allies leave, ready to continue the war in the stead of the other Apache. But still, overall, there is a tentative peace that’s been struck.
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But, of course, Geronimo doesn’t care about peace. He and his men ambush a stagecoach party, accompanied by Jeffords. But Jeffords is able to put out smoke signals that bring Cochise’s Apache to their aid, chasing off these renegades. Looks like the treaty’s working after all! I’m sure that it’s not gonna backfire even a little bit.
Anyway, the wedduuuuching between Jeffouuuughrds and Sonseeeewahray takes place and I stop myself from vomiting all over my computer.  There, a wedding prayer is said, and that prayer has been mistaken for being an authentic Apache Prayer for 71 years. It comes from THIS FUCKING MOVIE.
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Sixteen days pass, and the peace treaty is still intact. Jeffords and Sonseeahray wax poetic about their love, and I feel like burying my head in the couch pillows to GET AWAY FROM THIS. But that’s interrupted by the arrival of Bob Slade (Mickey Kuhn), the son of racist farmer Ben Slade. He claims that the Apache have stolen their horses, which Cochise doubts. Still, on Jeffords’ suggestion, they go to investigate. And of course...it’s an ambush by Ben Slade, John Lowrie, and their compatriots.
The men fire away, aiming for Cochise. They miss him, and instead hit Jeffords and Sonseeahray, who tagged along for some reason. Slade is killed by Cochise, who escapes with his life. The men realize how severely they’ve fucked up, and they take off for Mexico. Fuck you guys. Jeffords lives, only to see that Sonseeahray is dead. When Cochise returns to find Jeffords and the survivors, they also notice a still-living settler. Jeffords wants to kill him, but Cochise stops him, now fully believing in peace.
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Although he grieves, he also recognizes that Sonseearray was a Girl in the Refrigerator all along, and her death has inspired TRUE peace between the settlers and the Apache. And...that’s it.
That’s it?
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That’s...one of the most sudden and anticlimactic endings I’ve seen in a while. I’m a little disappointed, to be honest. But OK, before I get on a tangent, let’s do a full review, huh?
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Short preamble! I did like this movie...mostly. It’s kind of haunted by the whole underage love interest and the redface. Hard for me to see past that, BUT IF I TRY...I can acknowledge that this is a good movie. I didn’t even mention that it’s loosely based off of a true story! Yeah! Tom Jeffords and Cochise actually did have a relationship. It’s a VERY different story, but their friendship really did exist.
If I was gonna guess my rating ahead of time...I’ll go with a 76%-80%. But let’s see how that holds up in the breakdown.
Cast and Acting - 7/10: Despite the position he’s in, Jimmy Stewart still turns out a great performance in this movie. Sure, watching him kiss Debra Paget make me cry on the inside and outside, but he was good in the role of Jeffords, especially when up against the racist settlers. Jeff Chandler also manages to be good, despite the fucking redface. And Jay Silverheels...Jay was great, even though I thought his role would be more than a single scene. As for the rest...Paget was bad. She was not good in this movie, sorry. And everybody else was basically just OK. Nothing to write home about.
Plot and Writing - 9/10: This was a solid-ass story, and I liked almost every part of it...save the underage romance. Which, no, I AM NOT FORGETTING ABOUT. Dude, Jeffords didn’t do that in real life. So, for the love of GOD, why make his fictional bride fucking 15? Guys...gross. Really fucking gross, Albert Maltz. Other than that, you did a great job, I just wish that wasn’t a part of it. Ugh.
Directing and Cinematography - 10/10: Yeah, Delmer Daves is a legend. I thought of writing the into to these recaps on him, but I really wanted to talk about Jay Silverheels and Iron Eyes Cody. But I’ll get my chance; Delmer Daves also directed 3:10 to Yuma, so I’ll bring him up one of these days. Anyway, Delmer Daves does a great job with this movie, and it’s gorgeously shot. Ernest Palmer is cinematographer, and he also does an excellent job.
Production and Art Design - 9/10: Sure, the settlers look generic, but the Native Americans? Excellent costume design, with a lot of authenticity packed in there. Credit where credit’s due, here.
Music and Editing - 7/10: Well, the music is great here, if not extraordinarily memorable. Hugo Friedhofer does the composition, and he does a great job. But is it iconic? Eh. Not really. I don’t remember it having a massive impact on me, unfortunately. And the editing...is also OK. That ending is weirdly paced for me, and very abrupt. But J. Watson Webb Jr. does a decent enough job, I think.
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That’s an 84%. Huh. Genuinely thought it’d be lower.
This is a good movie, don’t get me wrong. But it’s...complicated. I would recommend it with warnings, I’ll put it that way. Good, great even...but complicated. Outside of that, I have to admire the stance to put Native American tribes on a equal stance, respect-wise. For the time, and for the genre, that’s a rarity. So, as always, credit where credit’s due.
Next up, we continue our foray into the classic Western...but stick with Jimmy Stewart. I wanna give him a second chance. And hopefully, this one doesn’t include a romance with a fifteen year-old. Hopefully.
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Next: The Naked Spur (1953); dir. Anthony Mann
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