#takaya funa x reader
honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: Just you and Funa being an adorable uni couple <3
Warnings/Notes: reader is taller than Funa, both reader and Funa are the same age, reader is a sport major, Funa is a business major, soccer captain x popular girl
A/N: did this after fighting my mentality because Funa deserves the world and all my love
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“Are you even listening to me? Hello?! HWANG Y/N!!” Ruka had to rip out your right AirPod.
“Ow, what?” You grumbled at the shorter girl.
She returned the AirPod before sending you a stink eye. “Sometimes when I’m with you, I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall”
“I would’ve noticed your presence if you only grew a couple more inches, midget”
Ruka gasped dramatically and started throwing ‘hard’ punches at your shoulder, in which she had to go on her tip toes because of the height different.
“Quit picking on her, Y/n. You know she can’t fight” Moa came and slung an arm around Ruka who shoved her off.
“You both are unbelievable, and stop touching me!” The shortest hissed, fixing her hair that Moa ruffled.
“By the way Ruka, you’re still coming to me and Y/n’s soccer game tonight right?” Moa asked which sounded more like a plea.
“Yeah duh! I’m there to cheer on Iroha actually so cry about it”
“As long as you’re there” Moa shrugged. “Probably won’t even see you with your 4ft ass-OW!”
“I hate you!”
As the two continued to argue, your eyes drifted off to where your girlfriend was. Funa was sitting with Jiwoo, Moka, Yunah, and Youngseo at a table in front of the Uni’s cafe.
She had her hair down and curled at the ends, wearing a cropped v neck sweater and mini skirt, and paired with the white and pink dunks you gifted on her birthday. Her makeup was light but she still looked as beautiful as ever.
The morning light shone on her face like an angel, and although people don’t see it themselves, you do feel proud of being Takaya Funa’s girlfriend.
You met her last year when you found the poor girl sulking because the vending machine didn’t give her the KitKat bar, let alone return the cash. After admiring her adorable pout, you approached her and gave the vending machine a hard punch, thinking it would give her the beloved chocolate.
You didn’t expect the rest of the snacks to fall down AND the cash to be spat in your face. It was an embarrassing moment, especially in front of a pretty girl, but it was definitely memorable for Funa.
Turns out she was mutual friends with Jiwoo and you two got to see each other more outside of campus when Jiwoo organised outings.
That’s when you realised you fell for Funa and worked up the courage to confess to her after a movie date. To your surprise, Funa admitted she liked you back.
Funa was also super popular on campus, always volunteering in events despite her studies, getting great scores on all her assessments, and even being the leader of a fashion club where she used you as a model for her designs.
You on the other hand, you don’t really scream approachable. You kept this emotionless look on your face that scared a lot of students. Unlike Funa, you were somewhat known by others because of the Uni’s soccer team which you were the captain of and took very seriously.
Sometimes people question how you and Funa even click but that didn’t matter to her. She always told them she loved you no matter what people think. You appreciated her for that.
What you didn’t appreciate though was the guy that stood in front of your girlfriend’s table, holding a bouquet of lillies in one hand while the other scratched his ear shyly.
Your feet immediately started moving faster. Ruka and Moa looked at you confused mid argument. “Hey Y/n where you going?”
“Good morning Funa” The man bowed.
“Good morning Jake” Funa responded sweetly.
“You look so beautiful today and I bought these flowers earlier for you too”
“Oh…thank you!” Funa smiled but made no movement in grabbing the flowers.
“Are you free to go out on a date sometime? You and me?”
Jiwoo snorted. “Um, sorry she’s not interested”
“I wasn’t talking to you” He spat, surprising the group.
Yunah didn’t take that lightly. “What she meant was, Funa is not interested nor available” She fired back with darkness in her eyes.
“Funa can answer for herself”
“Jake seriously, I’d leave if I were you—“ Youngseo started speaking but she cursed under her breath when she saw your figure approaching closer.
“What’s going on here?” You asked in your usual blunt tone.
Jiwoo smirked while crossing her arms.
“U-Uh Jake was just leaving. Bye Jake!” Moka waved but the man did not move a muscle.
He pointed the bouquet at you. “And you are?”
“Sport major and Soccer captain, Hwang Y/n. Also, Funa’s girlfriend. And you are?”
Jake’s smile faltered. “You’re Funa’s girlfriend?”
“Is there a problem?” You tilted your head with a squint.
“I-I was just giving these flowers to her, nothing else I swear”
“She’s allergic to lillies” You deadpanned.
“I-I’m sorry! Goodbye!” Jake ran off while your eyes continued burning the back of his head.
“Must you scare people like that?” Ruka snapped at you.
Funa stood up from her seat and hooked her arms around your neck before pecking your lips. “Good morning baby”
“Good morning indeed” You grumbled and looked away.
“Hey don’t be like that, he’s gone now” she smiled and kissed your lips again.
“Ugh gross. Anyways, you ladies coming to watch our soccer game right?” Moa leaned her elbow on the table.
The girls nodded.
“Of course! I promised Chanelle” Moka smiled.
“Does no one wanna watch me?” Moa feigned hurt and clutched her heart.
“I’ll throw tomatoes at you, how about that?” Ruka teased, earning a hard pull on her cheek by Moa.
“You’re coming right?” You asked your girlfriend.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe. I’m your #1 fan”
And just like that, your mood got a little better.
The first match hasn’t started yet but you and your team stood by your bench, waiting for your coach to discuss formations. You took the time to look at the crowd and saw your girlfriend at the front waving a huge cardboard sign that read ‘NUMBER 1 IS MINE <3’
She referred to the number on your shirt which you specifically chose because Funa always claimed you were her number 1. It was extremely cheesy but if it kept Funa smiling crazy like that, you wouldn’t change it for anyone else.
You gave her a small wave but she returned it with a blow kiss, making you go red.
“Why are you red? We haven’t even started playing” Moa frowned.
“Whatever. Be right back!” You said and jogged to where your girlfriend was.
Unfortunately the bleacher’s fence was in between you two so you could only hold onto it when finally standing in front of her. “Hi, Princess”
“Hey cutie” She winked. “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in your soccer uniform?”
“All the time actually”
Funa smirked and bit her lip.
“D-Don’t look at me like that. I’m gonna get distracted” you looked away, going red again.
“It’s so funny how people are scared of you yet you’re all soft for me”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s because you’re my girl, baby”
Funa smiled at your words but noticed a group of girls within the crowd staring at you, being all giggly while whispering things to each other. Funa could see one of them mouth ‘number 1 is so hot’ to her friends, erupting a sudden feeling of jealousy within the business major.
Putting down her sign, she placed a hand on your nape and the other held onto your shoulder.
Your thoughts went out the window when you girlfriend pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn’t just the usual soft kiss she always gave you, but this one was sloppy, hot, and aggressive.
“Oh for god’s sakes, can you two not make out like your life depends on it?!” Ruka yelled, trying to cover Youngseo and Moka’s eyes.
Jiwoo cringed and screwed the cap of her water bottle. “You two make my water taste bad”
Hearing your friends’ complaints, Funa pulled away but kept her eyes on yours.
“What was that for?” You whispered, letting Funa cup your face.
“Sorry, these girls were just looking at what’s mine”
“Who are you and what did you do to my soft business major girlfriend?” You chuckled, placing your bigger hands on her’s that held your cheeks.
“Let me mark you just in case more girls look”
Your eyes widened while looking around to see if anyone heard. “Babe, we’re literally in public”
Funa slapped your shoulder. “I meant a lipstick mark you idiot!”
You nodded and released her hands so she could apply a thicker amount of lipstick before leaning in to place one on your neck and then on your cheek.
“Good?” You questioned.
“Hmm, not quite. Come here” she smirked and attacked the rest of your face with lipstick marks, surprising you and your friends.
“Alright, enough!” Jiwoo scolded, having to grab Funa’s shoulders.
You felt a bit dizzy, not used to your girlfriend’s possessive side but it’s something you definitely wanted to see later.
“If you win this game, I’ll give you a reward” Funa whispered in your ear.
Yeah there was no way you were letting that opportunity slide. “I’ve never lost a game, Princess”
“Looking forward to tonight then”
“Hwang get in here!” Coach called out.
You sighed and looked at your girlfriend once more. “See you in a bit, babe”
Funa pecked your lips. “That’s for good luck. Break a leg, baby. Not literally though”
“Oh wait!” You exclaimed and took off your necklace before putting it on Funa. “Wear this. Bye bye!”
Funa fiddled with the necklace and smiled like an idiot.
“I still question how you and Y/n managed to get together, considering she has a stick up her ass all the time, but I can really see she loves you” Ruka wiggled her eyebrows.
“People just don’t see how she really is with me” Funa giggled, reaching for her sign to wave around.
“You look stupid” Chanelle commented on the lipstick marks all over your face and neck.
“You’re just jealous” You chuckled
“Jealous of looking stupid? Not really”
“I hate you”
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vex91 · 3 months
R U Next? Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Son Jiwoo:
Nothing yet...
Takaya Funa:
Nothing yet...
Premyuda Meeboonrod:
Nothing yet...
Chanelle Moon:
Nothing yet...
Noh Yunah:
Nothing yet...
Park Minju:
Nothing yet...
Choi Jeongeun:
Nothing yet...
Sakai Moka:
Nothing yet...
Choi Jihyun:
Nothing yet...
Shimazaki Haruka:
Nothing yet...
Bang Jeemin:
Nothing yet...
Shin Hyewon:
Nothing yet...
Lee Youngseo:
Nothing yet...
Lee Wonhee:
Nothing yet...
Hokazono Iroha:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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xoxoxoz · 1 year
Takaya Funa x F!reader
📝: Funa has a nightmare that you cheated on her, and her dramatic ass decided to give you the silent treatment for the entire day
⚠️: comedy, cute, mentions of cheating
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Funa gasped as she woke up, feeling the sweat cover her forehead like she ran a marathon. Everything felt too real.
Although her heart was beating rapidly fast, she remembered the nightmare clearer than the day: You just finished going through the choreo for Bad Boy with Jiwoo when she suddenly dragged you out the studio and into an empty room.
Funa had to follow and she found you pinning Jiwoo against the wall and making out with her. You even had the audacity to look into Funa’s eyes while doing it.
But that’s when it ended.
Maybe if she slept a bit longer, she could’ve had a few more minutes to beat both of your asses with a chair.
Funa took a few deep breaths before looking behind where you were still spooning her tightly. Scowling, the Japanese girl pushed your hands away aggressively that it woke you up.
“Good morning, my Princess” you greeted sweetly but Funa was not having it.
She sat up, lifting your upper body by your shirt collar, and punching you in the jaw. “Jerk!”
You grunted and fell off the bed, earning a huge gasp from the other contestants in the room. Jihyun and Moa helped you stand while Funa took the rest of the blanket and continued to sleep like nothing happened.
You were still leaning into Seoyeon’s arms while holding your jaw. “What the hell just happened?”
“Funa Unnie we have to get up soon” Jihyun called and Funa threw the covers off her body like a button was pushed.
She brushed her fingers through her hair and strutted off, not even giving you a good morning kiss like usual.
“Bro what did you do?” Seoyeon asked with a bit of fear.
“I don’t know! I said good morning and she punched me!”
Jiwoo walked in with a big yawn. “What’s all the fuss?”
Not even two seconds later, Funa returns to grab her phone. She death glared Jiwoo who started to feel small from such rare cold eyes.
“Um good morning, Funa-chan” Jiwoo awkwardly smiled.
Funa took slow steps towards the eldest contestant and leaned her face closer that the tips of their noses touched.
“You stink” the Japanese girl whispered and then strutted off.
Jiwoo blinked and smelt her own armpit. “Do I? I took a shower last night”
“Funa Unnie is in a sour mood, we just don’t know why” Jihyun explained.
But all heads turned to you.
“You clearly did something to piss her off that bad” Seoyeon spoke, earning a frown from you.
“I swear I didn’t do anything!”
“Look, let’s give Funa some space for now. We got rehearsing to do” Jiwoo sighed, ordering everyone to wash up and get dressed.
Within 20 minutes, all contestants were in the dance studio waiting for the choreographies they’ll be learning at the next performance. Since your girlfriend was still avoiding you, you decided to stay with Jeongeun while Funa stood by Moa.
“Any luck with your girlfriend yet?” Jeongeun asked, fixing her boredom by playing with your fingers.
You sighed deeply. “No. I’m still trying to figure out what I could’ve done to make her mad. Was it because I beat her in the Roblox obby last time?”
“You’re like 21 and you play Roblox?” The girl snorted.
You flicked her forehead. “Anyone can play Roblox. You’re just scared I’d beat you in most of those games”
“Fine I’ll make an account later and make you eat your words”
You rolled your eyes and scanned the room, but your eyes remained on your quiet girlfriend. She was leaning her head on Chanelle’s shoulder while holding Moa’s hand. Her pout was so cute, you just wanted to kiss it.
“I have a crush on her”
Jeongeun frowned and followed your eyes. “Y/n, that’s literally your girlfriend”
“I said what I said”
“You’re unbelievable. Just talk to her! She can’t be mad at you forever” Jeongeun pushed.
“Everytime I do, she walks the other way” you pouted.
“I think she’s scared. Funa Unnie is a shy girl”
Right on cue, Funa walked out the room after telling some of the girls that she needed a drink of water. Jeongeun slapped your shoulder. “Go after her! This is your chance”
“Why do I feel like I’m confessing to her again?”
Jeongeun laughed and continued pushing you. “Go go!”
Sending a thumbs up, you jogged out the room and saw your beautiful girlfriend staring at the vending machine.
She jumped at your voice but crossed her arms and turned her head the other way. You approached closer and held her face in your hands, making her look at you. “Stop ignoring me please baby”
Her eyes softened and she wrapped her hands around your neck. “I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry, Princess. I just want to know why you’re so angry. Did I do something?”
“You did”
“What did I do?”
“You cheated on me”
Record scratch.
You made a comical face. “Say that again?”
“You. Cheated. On. Me”
“Baby, when the hell did I do that? Why the hell would I do that? Did you hit your head?” You said while squishing her cheeks.
“Yes you cheated on me!”
“In my dreams!”
Record scratch x2
While Funa’s face remained cold, you bursted out into a fit of laughter, sliding your hands around her waist and hugging her tight. “You’re such a dork!”
“Dork?! You’re really saying that when you cheated on me?!” Funa whined.
“In your dreams babe! It wasn’t real and it will never be real. I love you forever and ever” You cooed, swaying her side to side.
“You kissed Jiwoo”
“Ew I’d never kiss that roach”
Funa giggled. “Don’t be mean”
“She is a roach! She ate all my ice cream”
Your girlfriend sighed and leaned up to peck your lips. “Sorry for being dramatic. That was the worst nightmare i ever had”
“Hey that’s okay, baby. Everyone gets nightmares. But I promise you that I’d never ever cheat on you, okay?”
Funa nodded and kissed your lips again. “It was hard avoiding you”
“I missed you a lot even though we’re in the same room. When something’s bothering you, please tell me instead of keeping it to yourself. I don’t want you carrying that burden” you stroked her soft cheek.
She leaned her face into your palm. “I’ll remember that for next time”
“Good. Can we go back now? The girls are worried about you. And also, apologise to Jiwoo Unnie please”
Funa face palmed once she remembered the words she said to the eldest. “You’re right, I forgot about that. Can you buy me those chips first and then we can go? I skipped breakfast”
“Maybe if you didn’t sulk so much about the dream, you could’ve eaten the pancakes I made for everyone”
The Japanese girl pinched your sides. “I won’t hesitate to ignore you again—“
“Noooo I’m kidding! Which flavour did you want, baby?” You said while rushing to pull out your wallet.
“I love you so much” she giggled and kissed your cheek.
The gesture made you drop your wallet. “L-Love you too”
A/N: send requests plz!!🫶🏼
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xoxoxoz · 1 year
Just some housekeeping on my page hehe😗✌🏼
- I write for wlw/gxg
- I only write for R U Next contestants: nsfw asks are only allowed for the adult contestants
- You can either request for contestant x f!reader OR contestant x contestant
- any nsfw asks for minors will be ignored
- I mostly write G!P but can also do non-G!P👌🏼
- You can request!! But possibly won’t be able to answer all🥺
That’s all! Thank you and see you in my upcoming posts✨💕
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