#take that one guy who was mad at lizzo and jack black for being in star wars
cherrysnax · 1 year
I think it’s rlly interesting when u can tell someone was bullied as a child and instead of working thru that trauma they take that anger and point it at anyone who dares reminds them of it
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trenchcas · 3 years
ok what if i dropped my fancast for the greek gods for the pjo show 😳 Disney if you see this hire me (jk)
Zeus: I think they should just bring back Sean Bean bc I love sean bean (maybe hugh jackman idk OOH or jeff bridges)
Poseidon: Logan Lerman should play Poseidon and this is the hill I will die on. Please. Otherwise, I would want an Pacific Islander to play him. I think Poseidon’s casting depends heavily on Percy’s so, (maybe Jason momoa, but it feels too basic)
Hades: okay I heard Mads Mikkelsen and Luke Evans and ngl I’m kinda invested in those (update someone said Tom Hiddleston and I- I don’t know)
Hera: I really want to say Angelina Jolie bc she gives me big Hera vibes but
Hestia: Lily Collins for an older Hestia, but PJO Hestia is a little younger. She’s like 8 years old or something.
Demeter: okay hot take but either Beyoncé or Lupita Nyong’o or a little older Demeter as Angela Bassett , because I’ve always pictured Demeter as being dark-skinned. For lighter skin: Keira Knightley
Persephone: I’m not sure who played her in the original movies but that was a really good fit and she should come back (just maybe not with the same character writing). For a new Persephone casting, idk
Ares: someone really buff like the rock
Athena: Brie Larson. That is it. I want Brie Larson to play Athena. (Or Zoe Saldana, I love both of them)
Apollo: this one was kind of hard, because in my mind Apollo was always tan with golden hair, but he was never actually white. I heard Lucas Till and it’s not a bad fit, but I want him to be tanner. Also, I cant look at Lucas Till and see anyone else except the guy from YBWM, which makes watching X-Men very fun. (Someone said Sam Claflin and sixth grade me is literally sobbing because we had the biggest crush on Finnick)
Artemis: Artemis, I feel like as goddess of the moon would be a little paler than her brother. I heard someone say Keira Knightley, and she does sound like a good fit. Only Artemis in PJO is a teenage girl, so it doesn’t work out. I think they should cast an unknown kid like they did for the demigods.
Hephaestus: I really want a disabled actor to play Hephaestus, because in the myths he’s got kind of disabled legs, and I think it would be great representation for children watching. I don’t know many disabled actors, but after some research I found Robert David Hall. He’s a little bit on the older side but I would want someone with a walking disability to play Hephaestus. (I heard Peter Dinklage once)
Aphrodite: I think she should be played by a bunch of different women, but none of them should be a “blonde bombshell”. For example, she should change forms from a plus sized black woman, to a dark skinned East Asian woman, to a dark skinned Indian woman with body hair, etc etc. if i had to settle for one person, Lizzo. Why? I don’t know. Anyway no one playing Aphrodite should fit the “blond hair blue eyes” beauty standard. DIVERSITY IS IMPORTANT.
Hermes: I would love to see Jake Abel play Hermes, honestly. He’s old enough to do that now so I wouldn’t complain if he did. (Someone said Misha I’m literally crying)
Dionysus: normally for Dionysus I’d say someone young like Timothee Chalamet, because that’s how he’s described in the myths, but since PJO Dionysus is a middle aged dude, Jack Black. He would be a good Bacchus and I think PJO’s Dionysus and Bacchus are close enough for it to work.
That’s really all I have so thanks for reading this far if you did lol and feel free to add on in the notes!!
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