a-nexus-rpg · 9 months
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Clayton Cipher, calls Nexus his home. He is currently 25 years old. He works at PLACE as a JOB HERE. His family has been part of the community for XX years.
M E E T C L A Y T O N  
☼ 4 Positive Traits.
✴ 4 Negative Traits.
☼ Head cannon one.
✴  Head cannon one.
☼ Secret 1.
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senatushq · 1 year
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NAME. Magnus AGE & BIRTH DATE. 2500+ & Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Vampire BLOODLINE. Venus OCCUPATION. Social Media Influencer FACE CLAIM. Gavin Leatherwood
Magnus could never have said he had a bad life. He had loving parents that had never made him want for anything. In a place like Ancient Rome, he wasn’t considered rich or poor. He was simply right in the middle. He was normal. Everything about his life was just so damn normal, so bland. From the moment he was born to his childhood and then to his teen years, he was just a regular Roman child wandering the world with wide eyes and genuinely nothing else. Not wanting for anything meant nothing if he wanted so much more than he was given. It wasn’t until he actually reached adulthood that he started looking for better things to do. War was embedded within him, something that seemed to be a necessity. To be carted off and told to fight was all he had known. Somehow, even that left his life bland. He didn’t stick out nor did he fly under the radar. The young man was just stuck in the middle. 
Age had worn him down, a consequence of war, but it had also left him with opportunity. And that opportunity had come when he thought he would meet his demise. Bleeding out on the floor, he had surely thought himself dead and his life would have ended with absolutely nothing to remember him by. How pathetic would that have been? Luckily, he had been saved by an unknown face. It was one he would see when he closed his eyes, but he would never truly recall what they looked like. Magnus could only know what he was by the hunger in his throat. He had a craving that simply wouldn’t go away. The first time he bit someone, he drained them of every bit of blood in their body. Before he could be caught, he ended up vanishing into a cloud of mist without even realizing what had happened. There was strength in him that he hadn’t had before and it had him thinking his life, or his second life more like, wouldn’t be so mundane after all. 
When he found others like him, he had been ecstatic about the undead life he would soon live. It wasn’t a sense of normalcy that overtook his every thought this time though. No, it had been those fey. Every single time his gaze fell upon some eladrin that was simply wandering about, Magnus couldn’t help but feel lesser than. Vampires were supposed to be all powerful beings in his warped mind. How could they be so far above everyone else and still be so much farther below that of the fey that inhabited their space. It wasn’t that he hated the eladrin. That was far from it. He would come to despise them only for the fact that he wished he could be them. He wanted their power for himself. The Venus vampire wanted to know what it felt like to have magic flowing through his veins. It seeped into his every thought every time they were in his presence. One bite would be all he needed. That was all it took for the course of his species to steer in a dramatically different direction. He wouldn’t have regretted the choice to bite that fey. The high he had gotten from it was indescribable. Their blood filled his mouth and filtered through his bloodstream. He had wondered, just in that moment, if that was what having their magic felt like.
However, just as soon as it had been there, it was gone. And all Magnus was left with was a mistake and too many eyes on him. It hadn’t been something he regretted, but the only thing he wished he had done differently was not get caught. That moment had put him on the run and the only saving grace he seemed to have in that time was another vampire. He had spent an extended period of time with her tearing through the entirety of Rome and wherever else they wanted to dig their teeth into. It was an experience like no other for him. Where his life had been bland and meaningless before, it had been replaced by adventure and excitement. The feel of blood flowing down his throat and seeing the life leave someone’s eyes fed the darkest parts of him. Whatever light he could have had in his life before meant nothing now that he was that very beast that went bump in the night. 
It seemed things never worked out in his favor though. That one very dark night changed his life yet again. Maybe if he had been more careful, the Senate would not have been able to catch him. Magnus had not known what life would be like to be imprisoned, but he imagined he wasn’t supposed to like any part of it. Time seemed to move at a snail’s pace while he was in the Catacombs. There was no way to tell what day it was or even the year. He was just sat in his cell waiting for the inevitable demise that he was sure would be led to him. Except it wasn’t. The end never came and he was left to get his blood from whatever they threw his way. That was until that fateful Halloween night. His freedom was gifted to him on accident. He was not meant to get out of the prison of his own making, but Magnus couldn’t have been any more ready to sink his teeth into something new once he was free.
+ introspective, extroverted, ambitious – judgmental, unconstrained, remorseless
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edgewaterhq · 4 years
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[ THEO JAMES, MALE ] is [ EVAN SOMMERS ], they are [32], [DOM], [BISEXUAL]. You know the one who [ WRECKED HIS DAD’S CAR INTO THE CHURCH GATE FOR HIS EIGHTEEN'TH BIRTHDAY ]. They’ve been around [ HIS WHOLE LIFE ], and you can tell they are [ INTELLIGENT ], but kind of [ COCKY ], not everyone knows this but they are into [ DOMINANCE ] & [ HAIR PULLING ] but not [ VOMIT ] & [ SCAT ].  They are currently working as [ EDGEWATER PEACE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT’S SENTINEL ] and are frequent over at [ RED LAKE ]. If you see them, give them a holler!
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forgottenkingdomsrp · 4 years
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Lanius Aurelius || Human || Thief || Rahul Kohli
Lanius Aurelius was born to immigrant parents. They traveled to Istara for a better life. His parents are hard working laborers but, Lanius, didn’t want that life. Being raised a peasant, there was no way to move toward up in society. He fell into thievery and has become quite the thief throughout Istara. He is wanted in several cities but no one has been able to apprehend him. He is as sly as a fox and manages to escape capture.
Lanius is a charmer, and witty. He is illiterate but hopes to someday learn how to read and write.
~ Written by Amanda
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sweetserenityrp · 4 years
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“Don’t mess with Texas.”
John Martin is thirty years old. He/him is employed as  an artist/ gallery owner. 
Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, Death
John is the only child of parents who didn’t particularly want children. His dad was a severe alcoholic who did very little if anything to help raise John until he passed away when John was fourteen due to renal failure. John’s mother was a tough woman and worked two jobs to keep the house and put food on the table. For that reason, he was left at home to his own devices, but once John’s best friend’s grandparents caught wind of it, John was taken in on a regular basis by his best friend’s family. Growing up a somewhat happy kid in small-town West Texas, John and his best friend were inseparable until John’s dad passed away. As soon as that happened, John went from listening to emo rock and playing video games to being thrust into a world of dust and country music as he started working on a ranch at the age of fourteen. Over that summer, he went from a pudgy boy who was to be a lineman on the high school football team to a strong, slimmed-down teenager who walked around drawling his words and shoving his jeans into his boots. The girls went wild over John who was now a running back on the football team, a freshman on the varsity team, being on the ranch had taught him a lot about reading others and hard work. Unbeknownst to John, his best friend was in love with him and John put him through the wringer in terms of talking about what he got up to with girls. By the time they were seniors, John was one of the most popular kids in school while his friend was an outcast, but still, John’s best friend who John protected from bullying every way he could. However, John couldn’t quite explain his unusual need to be vehemently protective of the other boy, at least not until Senior Night after graduation. John was in the hayloft in a barn with his girlfriend on her daddy’s farm and peeling off clothes as they got sweaty and grabby with one another. His best friend was in the farmhouse, feeling lonely and went looking for John only to come across John and his girl. John and his friend met eyes before the friend scrambled back down the ladder and John started to follow after him, realizing there were feelings between them. The girl tried to stop John, threatened to tell the whole school that he was into guys, but John shoved her off him, grabbed his hat, and ran after his best friend, catching up to him in the parking lot where they shared their first kiss. The next four years were the best of John’s life. His smarty-pants boyfriend was gone to college but came home nearly every weekend to visit John and his family. John eventually saved enough money from working as a cowboy on the ranch to put a down payment on a trailer that he parked just outside of town. Everything was perfect, except that his boyfriend wanted to go to grad school in Houston which was twelve hours away. John insisted he could handle it, but as soon as the boyfriend was gone for more than two weeks, John fell apart. He started drinking and fighting at the bars.
By the time the semester was over and his boyfriend came home, John was unrecognizable. He was barely hanging onto his job and trailer and had many spills into the county drunk tank to his name. Upset, the boyfriend told John he couldn’t trust John at his word anymore. John lost it and ended up cheating on him that very night. In the coming days, the love of John’s life broke up with him and left him a broken man. John waited and waited for his ex to return but it never happened, so he decided to push himself into something by going back to work on another ranch. The problem was, John could never stay sober and he ended up further and further away from his mama and the small town of Hermosa. In fact, he ended up going so far he was nearing El Paso. He sold his trailer and started rooming in a cabin on another ranch with three other hands as he lived paycheck to paycheck. Realizing he had enough of that life, John entered vocational school, thinking he’d become a welder or HVAC man, something. What he really became put all that to shame. When John first started welding, he wasn’t very good, or so his teacher said. He was terrible at sticking to the rules. Some might say that sounded like John Martin. Always having a way with words, he convinced his teacher to let him have supervised space in the shop on nights without class. He started out with older students overseeing him as he played around with welding together magnetic metal scraps into nothing or so he thought. The man who oversaw John bought his creation and gifted it to his wife and it still sits in their yard today. By the third class, John was ready to start his apprenticeship and he had all kinds of wild-looking sculptures sitting around the school. About then, a man in a suit and ten-gallon hat came from El Paso looking to put John in their art school.
To this day, John feels like he never learned much about art in art school, but he thanks it for turning him on to glass blowing and lighting pierces, and damn sure credits art school with getting him a show at an art gallery. He won’t say proudly that art got him off the bottle and fighting, but he’ll acknowledge that it helped. Blows his boots off that somehow his worked traveled around the southern United States and ended up in a town just outside of Atlanta called Serenity. John’s come to this town with the promise from his own proud mouth that he’ll sell his work to townsfolk and tourists alike. He’d dare you if he wanted the competition, but just so happens he’s going to be fine.
The Role of John Martin is played by MICHAEL VLAMIS  and is currently TAKEN.
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utgleekshq · 4 years
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Have you seen Mike Chang on campus? Rumor has it that the twenty-one year old junior from New York, New York was born on May 28th and is currently studying International Business in the McCombs School of Business. His friends will tell you that he’s FRIENDLY and EASY-GOING, but they also say he can be STUBBORN and A PERFECTIONIST, so be careful. His endgame is Bike and fortunately for us, his role is CLOSED and unavailable for auditions.
Born the son of a businessman and Manhattan socialite, Michael Robert Chang Jr path was planned from the moment they announced a boy was on the way. No matter his stage in life, Mike was expected to overachieve in everything. Everything he did was with purpose, or it wouldn’t be allowed at all. Education was the top priority for the family. While other children were out on the streets, playing basketball or enjoying the bright sunlight, Mike was inside, going through extra lessons, important family function, or whatever sports activity that his mother brought him too. When Mike grew into his school age, his parents made it clear that anything less than the highest mark was unacceptable. Aside from the large amount of pressure, Mike found it easy to get along with others in school. Even though he was a bit quieter than his peers, Mike was fun loving and a bit of a joker and prankster. One day in middle school, a friend of his suggested that they would try out for football together. Seeing no harm in it and with the blessing of his dad, Mike tried out and was placed on the team. 
Being on the football team boosted Mike’s popularity in the school. He never had enough street cred to be the school’s all around football stud, but he found that he had a sway with most of the student population. Mike never had an issue finding a date while he was in school. Just like every adolescent, Mike bounced casually between being single and in a relationship. During his sophomore year, the football team was brought into the theater hall to do some manual labor for the theater kids. Mike started to mingle and soon he was dancing and messing around with them. Often, Mike would practice dancing in his room or during school dance functions. It was the first time that an audience got to witness his natural footwork. Mike was offered a place on the stage as somebody to show the theater kids a little bit of dance skills. Mike took up the opportunity with no hesitation. Among the theater kids, Kendra and Mike got closer. Rather than breaking up after a couple of months, Mike and Kendra’s relationship started in his sophomore year and continued on throughout junior and senior year.
Senior year was going to be busy. Even with the looming college applications, girlfriend, football, theater, and school, Mike was oddly relaxed. Even his father seemed to release his firm grasp over Mike’s life. That was until Mike received a B on an English test. Then it all came crashing down. Livid, his father demanded the end all to his outside activities. Mike fought hard to stay with what he could, but the only thing he could persuade his father to let him keep was his girlfriend. However with all the tutoring and extra lessons to make up for the faux-pas, it was hard to balance. It seemed that the only one who had his best interest was his girlfriend Kendra. While Mike was doing college applications, Kendra had casually suggested that Mike apply to school for dance. Mike knew that his father would never approve. Kendra took the liberty of taking films of Mike dancing and submitting them to dance schools across the states. When Mike started to get acceptances from the schools, he was absolutely blown away by his girlfriend’s kindness. 
Mike had his fair share of options. The tension in the Chang household released whenever Mike got his acceptances into both Harvard and Yale. Mike had returned to being his father’s pride and joy again, however Mike was less than excited. Out of all his applications, UT stood out to Mike. It was an odd school, considering that his girlfriend was the one that applied to it for him. UT was never really known for their dance program, but they offered not only a chance to show off his dance abilities in their up and coming show choir team, but a scholarship as well. It seemed like the choice; it was far from his family and it was a place where he could major in business to appease his father. Texas was no New York. During his freshman year, the long distance relationship had taken its toll and broke up the couple. Mike was heart broken over his high school sweetheart, but got over it as the college experience surrounded him. So far, Mike has had a successful tenure at UT. He hasn’t had one experience yet that would make him think otherwise.
Thanks to his parents’ planning of Mike’s life, when it came time to take the SATs, Mike was well-prepared and he went in with no worries, so it wasn’t surprising that he wound up getting a high score. Of course, the same couldn’t be said for some of his close friends in the choir, and some of them realized that they wouldn’t be able to get into a decent school because of it, and once they learned that Mike had an extremely high score, they asked him if they’d be able to help him out. He just didn’t expect them to have him take the test for him. At first it was only one friend, and then it was two, and then it was five. It was almost the sixth, but as he went in to sign up, the person that was taking the IDs recognized Mike from one of the exams he took earlier - as someone else - and turned him in. His parents were infuriated, and colleges began to rescind their acceptances and scholarships and soon Mike had nowhere to go. The only reason he is at the University of Texas is because out of all schools, Texas would accept Mike back - thanks to his father’s hefty donation that helped to build a new wing in the library. It’s something he’s ashamed of, and he doesn’t want anyone to think he’s only there because of his father’s money - so he’s determined to work hard.
Rachel Berry: It was easy to dislike Rachel; But that wasn’t really Mike’s style. While a lot of people found Rachel’s abrasive brash personality a turn off, Mike found it enduring and admirable. Mike and Rachel don’t have a whole lot of interactions outside of glee club. When Mike let’s loose while in Glee, he doesn’t hesitate to jump into action and play around with the other Glee members. Since Rachel is normally in the spotlight, Mike found himself working with her a lot to coordinate the group. 
Finn Hudson:  It wasn’t surprising that Mike’s father wanted Mike to join a fraternity. After all, the purpose was to make connections that you normally wouldn’t make. The best way to do it? Go to a party. Mike had met Finn Hudson at his first party. Finn, Sebastian Smythe, and Mike were all gone by the time midnight rolled around. By the time the next month came, Mike was a shoo in for one of the fraternities. Mike took his time deciding, seeing how he fit in with the house before making his decision. Later his freshman year, Mike joined Zeta Alpha Kappa. When Finn joined another frat, Mike was a tad disappointed but it didn’t stop Mike and Finn from partying together. 
Marley Rose:  Mike was always good in school, however he never minded getting a second look over for his work. When he heard that the school provided some free tutoring, he took advantage of this and went to the library. There, he met Marley Rose. She was a bit confused on why Mike was there, considering that his work seemed flawless and clearly above what usually comes in. They soon got to talking and became good friends within one session. It was a huge bonus whenever Mike first saw her in the first Glee rehearsal. Mike felt a lot more comfortable sitting in the room full of strangers when he met somebody he knew.
Sebastian Smythe: That first party was the wildest that Mike had experienced. Sebastian was a large factor in this as there was never a dull moment with him. Just like Mike, Sebastian was one of the ones up for grabs by the fraternities. It was interesting to Mike whenever Sebastian made the decision to opt out of fraternities, but it wasn’t his business. Still, Mike made sure to be in attendance whenever Sebastian was there. Mike has even gone to the point of joining Sebastian while he was going for a night on the town. The two very much enjoyed getting out and letting loose. Often while they were out, Sebastian and Mike would play wingman for each other, which ended up in some very successful nights.
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messagethegleeks · 5 years
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the basics:
↳ name: Blaine Anderson
↳ date of birth: April 6th 1995
↳ age: 24, Class of 2013
↳ current location:  New York City
↳ relationship status: Single (Divorced)
↳ occupation:  Student
the biography:
↳ The Wedding & the following years:
↳ The wedding was everything that Blaine could hope for. Six years ago, he stood in front of the love of his life and ready to begin a happy life. There was nothing that could get in the way. Together, he and Kurt walked down the red carpet to the rest of their lives.
↳ At first, Blaine was really feeling the marriage was a step in the right direction. And to share it with Kurt was everything. The first year of their marriage, they did everything that couples did. They shared dinners together, talking about their days, complaining about mundane things, even friendly couple bickering. Hell, Blaine was even going to school and doing better than he was the first time.
↳ It long before fife started to take its toll. Even though Blaine wanted to return to school as a full-time student, he still had duties to attend to. Paying for rent, keeping up with his job, maintaining a healthy relationship, and going to school. He had even made the decision to push back on his school, so that he could keep up with other parts of his life.
↳ Eventually, Blaine’s life became routine. School. Work. Home. Husband. School. Work. Home. Husband. Dinners started to become quiet. Things that Blaine used to talk about with Kurt seem to disappear into the abyss. The bickering turned into plain fights and Blaine started to slip.
↳ The Final Break Up:
↳ Finally, after failing one of his exams, Blaine had his first of many breakdowns. Again, Blaine dropped out of school, unable to complete the current semester. He thought maybe if he could just drop one thing and concentrate on other parts of life. But it never seemed to be enough. While Kurt succeeded in his own New York life, Blaine felt himself dragging more and more behind.
↳ After multiple attempts at couples therapy, Blaine and Kurt made the decision to break up. Just as fast as they started, they ended. Blaine wanted to try and work it out. Every day he would think if it was the right thing to do. After the panic attacks and the anxiety, Blaine decided that it would be for the best for him to finally move on.
↳ For the last nine months, Blaine dove into the things he stopped doing when he got together with Kurt. First, the songwriting. Something Blaine dreamed about when he was young. Surprisingly, his songs came back to him instantly. Most of them about his latest break up, others about his life from being bullied when he was young. Secondly, Blaine felt that he needed a change of pace with school. Originally he had gone for business and theater performance. Now, he switched his major to music production. He’s only just started the semester, but he has a feeling that this time, it’ll be different. Thirdly, exploring the world outside of being in a relationship. He had been together with Kurt for so long, now it was time for him to go to the clubs and hit up the New York nightlife. That, and reviving old friendships that he felt had been pushed aside for his relationship.
↳ Blaine’s spent enough time sulking over his past relationship and his first love. Now it’s time for him to get his life together. Hopefully, it isn’t too late.
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soapberryspringsrpg · 5 years
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Nathaniel Burke || selkie || taken || George Blagden
Nathaniel was born the youngest out of his three siblings on the coast of France. His family were a tight knit pack, who travelled the seas every summer. The seas were good to him, and even if he acted as the mediator a lot to not only sea creatures but to his siblings, Nathaniel he loved his family. There were even other selkies to visit on holidays. Though as time was spent in France, more and more poachers came to their waters. Word got out in their village of the growing numbers in sea lions. Fishermen made their waters dangerous to hunt and swim. Nathaniel was caught in a net and was nearly lost from his family.
When he woke up, Nathaniel was in his human form on a distant shore, and a man with him, and Nate passed out again. When he came to, his family had found him, and he was safe, but they had to leave their shore with the growing danger. Other selkies had told Nate’s family about Soapberry Springs, a safe haven for creatures such as they. Now Nate lives here, free to swim and follow a career as the French Professor. Now Nate only dreams of the mysterious man who saved him and who he was.
How well do you take criticism? “Well, I think it depends.. I like criticism on maybe my work or when I teach. But never my clothes or my cooking.”
What’s something you know you do differently than most people? “I’m a fantastic surfer. “Not a lot of people know, but I’ve actually won competitions.”
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Also Known As: Joytime
Hometown: Washington, DC
Gender: Cismale
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Bicurious
DOB: July 31st
Job on Tour: Videographer & Editor
Voiceclaim: Zac Efron/Marshmello
Scott St. James Jr had always had a lot to live up to since the moment he was born. The youngest was given his father’s name, a successful director within the foreign film genre. His other father was a renowned neurosurgeon, so the youngest St. James spent a lot of his time in waiting rooms or on film sets with a juice box and his head in a book. Childhood was just a lot of waiting around.
His parentage had never been something that bothered him as much as he was questioned and taunted by it during his school days. Other kids didn’t understand why he didn’t have a Mom and why two guys picked him up from school. It wasn’t something society was very accepting of in the early twenty-first century, so Scott often found himself in the middle of fights defending his family.
Through those long hours on set a passion fostered. He’d become more than familiar with the big camera equipment and when a producer gave him a few minutes of his time whilst on set, it led to a new door opening. Over the course of that movie his passion for technology and behind the scenes work on movies grew at a very fast rate. Over the years, he attended various summer camps to broaden his knowledge and quickly, amongst home movies and school projects, his own personal collection of hand-me-downs and repaired parts of camera equipment expanded. Growing up with the fastest change in technological advancement was exciting and addicting to the teenager.
High school hit and his attention left technology for a moment while it settled on the opposite sex. Admittedly, Scott developed into something of a player, never being able to hold down a girlfriend for long. This impacted his studies which were not to his fathers’ interests, it did not meet their expectations after always pushing him and his brother to succeed. There was a strong work ethic within the St. James’. So, a redirection by his father with a job as a local lighting technician caught his attention back to work. It was there, when he truly fell in love with music. The club he worked at always brought in guest DJ’s and Scott found himself stood on the balcony peering down at the set up whichever DJ was performing with. Taking it upon himself, he fixed up some of the old equipment and set about playing around with tracks on his laptop in any spare moment he had. The activity became addicting and he soon quit his job towards the end of high school. Thankfully his parents bought that he was ‘focusing on his finals’ rather than sitting up every night staring at a screen.
His first performance under the new name Joytime was at the same club he’d worked at for the past few years. Fearing his identity, he took inspiration and copied a few other DJ’s who valued their privacy. Looking back on it, playing a set in a hot and sweaty club with a black hoodie on, hood up and a black scarf wrapped over his mouth and nose, hadn’t been his best idea. Though, his set had gone down a storm, remixing popular tracks with his own spin on them bought him a monthly gig.
That summer saw him graduating with high honours and living the high life of performing to a crowd across Washington, every other night. Success came quickly and interest in collaborations opened a new door. It was a partnership with Selena Gomez on ‘Wolves’ that saw his first song in the charts. Through this, identity became an issue. He kept the same black hoodie and after a few trials an errors, he finally settled on keeping his face hidden with a personalised airinum mask.
The excuses became weaker and weaker and it wasn’t long until his parents learned of their eighteen-year-old’s secret life. A heated argument saw him banished from the house for a week, to which he was grateful for his brother’s support. It was that moment that he truly understood how naive and helpless he was. Within the first two hours he realised he had no food, no shelter, no security, no help. Jesse had been the one to help with the wake-up call that he couldn’t go charging at life full steam and have no support and nothing to fall back on.
After an apology and sat down discussion around the family table, Scott let himself be backed into a corner. His parents did have a point that they didn’t approve of a line of work where an underage kid was performing in a place surrounded by alcohol and drunkards. It was his father, Scott Sr, who he was most surprised at. The man going against his partner and promising to support his son if he put his focus to directing and placed the music on the backfoot. Scott had always had a keen interest in directing, it had been his destined path since a young age. Quickly, he agreed to the new terms.
Over the next few years after high school, he travelled the world with his father on different projects. Learning as assistant director of short films and producing and creating his own work. His name as a small-time director began to grow and Scott became invested in his projects.
Music drifted into more of a hobby, though when money was short he’d headline DJ sets at any club that would take him. His parents had money, they just believed that their children should earn their own and understand finance. After a year hiatus, Joytime released another single, something that had become more of a hobby than an addiction. Again, ‘Alone’ hit the charts though no publicity followed from the unnamed artist. At age 20, Scott had two short films under his belt and Joytime had two songs in the charts and appeared at a number of EDM concerts around the globe. It felt like he was living a life with a split personality, though he vowed he’d never let the two lives cross. Only a handful of people know the two are the same person and thankfully, for him, nobody has put the two together and questioned it.
Cordella Records was an opportunity handed to the youngster, as he was already growing (slowly) within the directing industry. Scott St. James wasn’t really a name people knew, he’d had a few modelling jobs and the odd role in his father’s films. This opportunity to edit the episodes was one that he took quickly. With the show going on an international tour, the travelholic was more than interested. Scott jumped at the idea to run around during the performances with a camera before compiling all the footage and editing it for the episode. He binge-watched the show before arriving and was rather thankful he wouldn’t be dealing with the ‘reality show’ aspect of it. Something about invading peoples lives with a camera doesn’t sit well with him and he’s happy enough keeping his head down as one of the smaller crew members on tour. Ideally for him, it allows him to dedicate more time towards an album which his other persona has in the works.
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humongousfallsrpg · 2 years
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“Thank you so much for all your help today.”
Full Name: Steven Sault-Piper Nickname(s): Steve Based On: Steve, Blue’s Clues Gender: Cis male Traits: Sweet, self-deprecating, easily distracted Occupation: Student at Crewe College Home Neighborhood: Town Square Face Claim: Nick Robinson Age: 21 Status: TAKEN
The Story
Mr. Sault and Mrs. Piper adopted Steve at a young age, like they did most of their children. For a long time, they thought they were incapable of having children together, so instead they turned their hearts to children already in need of loving homes. Eight of them, to be precise.
For a long time, the odd stares from strangers at the grocery store used to confuse him. Even hurt him a little bit. It never occurred to him it might be strange that his siblings don’t look anything like him, or that he doesn’t look like them, for that matter. They were just his family. His friends, his confidantes. Now he prides himself on those stares. His family is unique, and that’s what makes it special.
Steve hasn’t always been the best student. Not for a lack of trying, just that it’s hard for him to remember so much at one time. The struggle was a big weight on his self-esteem. For a time, he even deliberately hid his report cards from his parents. After he discovered his passion for music, however, everything changed. You rarely see him leave home without his trusty guitar strapped to his back. And when he’s not working on original material, he’s trying to pluck out some mnemonic song to help him study for class. He still has to work a bit harder than the average student, but his grades are improving every year.
Now the Sault-Piper household is changing once again, with the new miracle baby Patricia. Out of the blue, the child his parents never thought they could have finally arrived. All of the children are ecstatic about their new sister. However, Steve came to the hard realization that there might be too many cooks in the kitchen after all. He decided it’s finally time to move out of his childhood home and into a dorm in order to make room for the baby. It’s not like he’ll never see his family again – they do live close, after all – but it’s definitely a milestone to show he’s becoming an adult, and that makes him nervous.
BLUE SAULT-PIPER: Though Steve loves all of his siblings, there’s no mistaking his sister Blue has a special place in his heart. The two of them have been a duo ever since they met. She still laughs at his corny jokes, even if they don’t get to see each other every single day.
BECKY BRIGHTLY: Steve tried a couple of tutors before he found Becky, and it was more his fault that the previous ones didn’t work out. He just didn’t feel comfortable enough to whip out his guitar and start singing in front of them. Becky has more than enough quirk on her own, and doesn’t make him feel embarrassed.
OTTO SCHNEIDER: He’s ran into Otto at Subs & Tubs a handful of times, and he always seems scared of his own shadow. Steve can’t help but feel for the guy, and tries to offer some kind words where he can.
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themes-testers · 3 years
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Name: Christopher Jonas Sanders
FC: Casey Deidrick
Character gender: Cis Male
Character birthday: February 12, 1988 (32)
Birthplace: Turtle Bay, South Carolina
Neighborhood: Countryside
Length of residency: All of his life
Occupation: Owner of Sander’s Ranch
Song title: Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy - Big N Rich
Triggers: TW: Death & Drinking
In Turtle Bay the Sanders are well known, they were one of the first families to discovery the land, they settled in the Countryside. They opened a little ranch that was passed down throughout the generations. William Sanders inherited it from his father after the man passed away when he was twenty years old, he then met his wife Jessica and the two of them hit it off quickly. They married a year later and soon welcomed their first-born daughter and soon after him Christopher was born and then his sisters followed.
As he grew up, Christopher was taught the importance of the Sanders name and reputation. He started bull riding at an incredibly young age, and he was good at it. Much like football and basketball. But he absolutely loved the bull riding. Even if it was dangerous and his mother didn’t want him on the bull. Naturally, Christopher didn’t listen and did his own thing. At the age of eight he became the youngest bull rider, hanging onto one of the small calves for ten seconds. Soon he was attending other redoes and winning those. Becoming a young champion of bull riding, his parents were proud but his mother did worry. The only time she didn’t worry is when he played other sports.
But bull riding wasn’t something that Christopher was willing to give up. Not even when the bull tossed him around and injured him. He always just got back on that bull and the only way he could do that is if he got good grades as well. With the other sports that he played, he ended up as the captain in both football and basketball. All while still bull riding and helping out on his parents ranch. Needless to say he was a busy kid. Even in high school but at that time he also started to act out a little bit. Maybe it was the pressure of being a Sanders or maybe it was just all the pressure he put on himself. So it was nice to take the edge off from everything even if that involved some drinking and getting into trouble.
When his parents got the phone call to pick him up at the drunk tank, that was when they threatened to take away the bull riding. Chris realized they were serious and that was when he cleaned up his act once again. Getting back on track, that included with his grades and the other spots that he played. He continued to bull ride. It was the one thing that helped and made sense to him because the world would just fall away as he bull rode. Soon Chris would become the best bull rider in the state during his Senior year of high school. After he graduated, high school he made the decision to take some business courses at the local college next fall. During the summer he would focus on bull riding.
While his father and himself were away at a tournament, tragedy struck the family. They got into a car accident while on the way home from Christopher’s tournament which he won. His father died on impact and one Chris fractured his arm and had a mild concussion. The family buried his father, and the family fell into shambles. Christopher secretly blamed himself and he started drinking a lot. He blamed himself because they had gone to his tournament.  He did his best not to drink while working on the ranch. Last thing he wanted was his mother to realize that Chris might have a problem. Because he wasn’t ready to admit that.
It took him a month to get back onto the bull again but when he did it was like he never left. Yeah, he was still drinking but that didn’t matter. Those eight seconds on that bull made everything fade away that was going on in his life. Everything just disappeared and he got that rush again. So naturally he entered as many competitions as he possible could. He just needed the distraction from the drinking and his father’s passing. Between the bull riding, the drinking and the women Chris felt lost but did his best not to let his family see it. During this time he met someone named Izabela Sokolova, she was on a date with one of his rivals and well Chris could tell she wasn’t having the best time. He left it alone until he ran into her again at some bar. The two of them hit it off right away, Christopher never intended on falling in love with Izabela but he did. Chris couldn’t deny the instant connection that he felt towards her or the fact that he fell in love with her right away. Which prompted him to ask her to marry him and she accepted, the two were soon married.
During his last championship, Chris couldn’t hold on for that eight seconds, the bull was riled up and mean. It knocked him off, crushed his leg and he suffered a major head injury. The doctors gave him a choice, he could continue to bull ride and the next time he was thrown off he could die or he could give it up. It was an easy choice, Christopher choice to give it up because he wasn’t about to put Izabela through that. He loved her and he didn’t want to lose her. So it wasn’t really a choice. He gave it up without question or hesitation.
Nowadays Chris can be found running his family’s ranch and helping around town. He loves it because he grew up doing it besides bull riding. The ranch is also open to family events and town events, hell he offers bull riding lessons, and horse riding and hayrides. Chris supports the town but most importantly he supports his wife.  
Positive traits: Protective, Charming, Hard-Working
Negative traits: Impulsive, Complex, Sarcastic
Aesthetics: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Playlist: [x]
Christopher Sanders is played by Admin AJ
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themetesterr · 3 years
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Name: Christopher Jonas Sanders
FC: Casey Deidrick
Character gender: Cis Male
Character birthday: February 12, 1988 (32)
Birthplace: Turtle Bay, South Carolina
Neighborhood: Countryside
Length of residency: All of his life
Occupation: Owner of Sander’s Ranch
Song title: Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy - Big N Rich
Triggers: TW: Death & Drinking
In Turtle Bay the Sanders are well known, they were one of the first families to discovery the land, they settled in the Countryside. They opened a little ranch that was passed down throughout the generations. William Sanders inherited it from his father after the man passed away when he was twenty years old, he then met his wife Jessica and the two of them hit it off quickly. They married a year later and soon welcomed their first-born daughter and soon after him Christopher was born and then his sisters followed.
As he grew up, Christopher was taught the importance of the Sanders name and reputation. He started bull riding at an incredibly young age, and he was good at it. Much like football and basketball. But he absolutely loved the bull riding. Even if it was dangerous and his mother didn’t want him on the bull. Naturally, Christopher didn’t listen and did his own thing. At the age of eight he became the youngest bull rider, hanging onto one of the small calves for ten seconds. Soon he was attending other redoes and winning those. Becoming a young champion of bull riding, his parents were proud but his mother did worry. The only time she didn’t worry is when he played other sports.
But bull riding wasn’t something that Christopher was willing to give up. Not even when the bull tossed him around and injured him. He always just got back on that bull and the only way he could do that is if he got good grades as well. With the other sports that he played, he ended up as the captain in both football and basketball. All while still bull riding and helping out on his parents ranch. Needless to say he was a busy kid. Even in high school but at that time he also started to act out a little bit. Maybe it was the pressure of being a Sanders or maybe it was just all the pressure he put on himself. So it was nice to take the edge off from everything even if that involved some drinking and getting into trouble.
When his parents got the phone call to pick him up at the drunk tank, that was when they threatened to take away the bull riding. Chris realized they were serious and that was when he cleaned up his act once again. Getting back on track, that included with his grades and the other spots that he played. He continued to bull ride. It was the one thing that helped and made sense to him because the world would just fall away as he bull rode. Soon Chris would become the best bull rider in the state during his Senior year of high school. After he graduated, high school he made the decision to take some business courses at the local college next fall. During the summer he would focus on bull riding.
While his father and himself were away at a tournament, tragedy struck the family. They got into a car accident while on the way home from Christopher’s tournament which he won. His father died on impact and one Chris fractured his arm and had a mild concussion. The family buried his father, and the family fell into shambles. Christopher secretly blamed himself and he started drinking a lot. He blamed himself because they had gone to his tournament.  He did his best not to drink while working on the ranch. Last thing he wanted was his mother to realize that Chris might have a problem. Because he wasn’t ready to admit that.
It took him a month to get back onto the bull again but when he did it was like he never left. Yeah, he was still drinking but that didn’t matter. Those eight seconds on that bull made everything fade away that was going on in his life. Everything just disappeared and he got that rush again. So naturally he entered as many competitions as he possible could. He just needed the distraction from the drinking and his father’s passing. Between the bull riding, the drinking and the women Chris felt lost but did his best not to let his family see it. During this time he met someone named Izabela Sokolova, she was on a date with one of his rivals and well Chris could tell she wasn’t having the best time. He left it alone until he ran into her again at some bar. The two of them hit it off right away, Christopher never intended on falling in love with Izabela but he did. Chris couldn’t deny the instant connection that he felt towards her or the fact that he fell in love with her right away. Which prompted him to ask her to marry him and she accepted, the two were soon married.
During his last championship, Chris couldn’t hold on for that eight seconds, the bull was riled up and mean. It knocked him off, crushed his leg and he suffered a major head injury. The doctors gave him a choice, he could continue to bull ride and the next time he was thrown off he could die or he could give it up. It was an easy choice, Christopher choice to give it up because he wasn’t about to put Izabela through that. He loved her and he didn’t want to lose her. So it wasn’t really a choice. He gave it up without question or hesitation.
Nowadays Chris can be found running his family’s ranch and helping around town. He loves it because he grew up doing it besides bull riding. The ranch is also open to family events and town events, hell he offers bull riding lessons, and horse riding and hayrides. Chris supports the town but most importantly he supports his wife.  
Positive traits: Protective, Charming, Hard-Working
Negative traits: Impulsive, Complex, Sarcastic
Aesthetics: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Playlist: [x]
Christopher Sanders is played by Admin AJ
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edgewaterhq · 4 years
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[ CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS, CIS MALE ] is [ EZEKIEL CARLISLE ], they are [35], [SUB], [HOMOSEXUAL]. You know the one who [ DIDN’T TURN OUT TO BE A DOM]. They’ve been around for [ HIS ENTIRE LIFE], and you can tell they are [ INTELLIGENT ], but kind of [ OUTSPOKEN ], not everyone knows this but they are into [ ROUGH SEX ] & [ BREEDING ] but not [ VORE ] & [ TOILET PLAY ].  They are currently working as [ OWNER OF LA PETITE MORT] and are frequent over at [ BUTTER STICK BAKERY ]. If you see them, give them a holler!
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forgottenkingdomsrp · 4 years
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Edmund Anjou || Human || Count || Aidan Turner
Edmund is the younger brother of Duke Henry of Feladean. He was born to the former Duke and Duchess. Both are deceased, his mother died in childbirth giving birth to him and his father died from illness when he was just 4 years of age. Edmund is 16 years younger than his brother, so they have more of father/son relationship. He was named Count of Feladean when he reached the age of 15.
Edmund is a master swordsman, he has been educated in maths, sciences, philosophy and literature. He currently runs his own estate on the coast of Feladean, ruling over several villages. Unlike most nobles, he tends to interact with commoners and can be seen at the various taverns interacting with his people.
 ~ Written by Amanda
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sweetserenityrp · 4 years
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“I wanna be the one, when all is said and done, who lived a good life, loved a good wife, and always helped someone in trouble”
Travis LIDDELL is thirty-eight years old. He/him is the owner of Hattie’s Bar.
Travis was one of those rare families who seemed to somehow have their origin story take place in Serenity. He was born and raised in the small Georgia town as were his parents, and their parents, and so one and so forth until they seemed to conveniently lose track of their ancestry. The Liddell family name was one that many people knew but they were a modest family with a blue collar lifestyle. Travis grew up attending church every Sunday with his grandparents while his parents got a much-needed break from him and his four siblings. Since he was the eldest child, Travis took on some parental responsibilities from a young age and he took it upon himself to be a role model for his younger siblings.
Growing up, he loved and appreciated everyone in his family but his grandmother had always been special to him. The two of them had a bond others frequently told him was rare and unlike anything they’d seem before. His relationship with his grandmother was a point of pride he took with him wherever he went. She always screamed the loudest at his little league games, cussed out the referees when they made what she termed “bonehead calls” at his high school football games, and she was always his biggest supporter whenever he told her about wanting to try something new.
Both within and outside of his family, Travis was known as being a golden boy. He was great in school, great at sports, had the head cheerleader on his arm for most of high school, and everyone knew his future would be bright and promising. He played most school sports but baseball was his passion and it was the only way he was getting to college. He’d been offered a full ride scholarship as long as he could keep up his grades and batting average in college. His first year was beyond anything he could have imagined. He had a blast at school parties, joined a fraternity, had his pick of whoever he wanted to go home with at night, and above everything else, he was on the varsity baseball team his freshman year. That was a feat that hadn’t been accomplished in over fifteen years until he did it. Everything was perfect until it wasn’t.
His Major League dreams were ripped from his hands as soon as he suffered a massive knee injury while playing a game of pick up football on the front lawn of his frat house. One of the guys fumbled right onto his leg, forcing his knee to bend in a way it was never meant to bend and it caused irreparable damage to his muscle. The doctor said he’d be able to walk again but that baseball was out of the question. Without baseball his scholarship fell through and Travis had to drop out of school and move back home to Serenity.
Losing his scholarship and his dreams of being a professional baseball player was the hardest thing he’d had to go through. He counted himself lucky when he spoke with his Grandma Hattie about everything. He was depressed for a few weeks but she wouldn’t let him wallow. Instead, she helped him get back on his feet. She urged him to finish school, even if he had to go to a community college or take online classes. She wasn’t going to let Travis become a pathetic shell of his former self. It took some work on her end but eventually she had him seeing the bright side of life. He was slowly but surely coming back to the real world and he knew he couldn’t simply be done with life because of one unexpected hurdle.
He went back to school locally and graduated with a business degree. He’d picked up a job as a bartender to help pay his way through school and he’d enjoyed bartending so much that he started to think it could be his new passion. One thing led to another and, after several years of hard work and a lively appeal to the bank for a loan, Travis had his own bar in the middle of the town square. He named it Hattie’s after his grandmother who, unfortunately, passed on before the grand opening. He decorated one of the feature walls with old pictures of Hattie as a young girl, on her wedding day, holding Travis for the first time, and other mementos of her so that he’d have a daily reminder of why he was pushing through the hardship that came his way.
The Role of Travis LIDDELL is played by Chad Michael Murray and is currently TAKEN.
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utgleekshq · 5 years
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Have you seen Noah Puckerman on campus? Rumor has it that the twenty-two year old junior from Dallas, Texas was born on July 22nd and is currently studying Communication in the College of Communication. His friends will tell you that he’s CONFIDENT and CHARMING, but they also say he can be IMPULSIVE and LIBIDINOUS, so be careful. His endgame is Puckcedes and fortunately for us, his role is CLOSED and unavailable for auditions.
Life for Noah Puckerman had never been easy, to say the least, but it was made easier thanks to one Deborah Puckerman. Though he wasn’t hers biologically, just a result of one of her husband’s many affairs, she raised him as she knew that the home with his birth mother wasn’t suitable - and she raised the young boy as if she were his own and she tried to shield him from the cruelness of the world. Try as she might, however, she couldn’t shield him from everything… especially not her husband. When he was sober, the senior Noah was actually a fun dad to be around - he taught Puck how to throw a spiral and how to catch a ball mid-stride, how to play guitar and how to change oil in a car - but when he was drinking? The man could be verbally abusive, to the point where he would insult his young son, often telling him that he was garbage and that he wouldn’t amount to anything in life. And as a young boy, it was something that Puck took to heart… especially when his father wound up leaving. After all, if he was good enough for his dad, wouldn’t he stay?
The more that he watched his mother struggle to take care of both him and his baby sister, Sarah, the more angered that Puck got and the more that he became to resent his father. The anger bubbled up inside of him, causing him to lash out and get into trouble - no longer was he taking part in the things that interested him, like football, and instead he was seeking out ways to numb the pain. Get into fights, get drunk, have sex - anything to stop him from what he was feeling. It wasn’t until he wound up trying to steal an ATM during his sophomore year of high school that things started to change, the football coach that was there sensing something in Puck, and he wound up taking both Puck and his mother into his office. Suggesting that Puck needed an outlet for his anger, he brought up the idea of Puck rejoining football as well as seeing someone to get his anger management under control, and while Puck didn’t want to, his mother pleaded with him to change his ways. And seeing the desperate plea in his mother’s eye? It was enough to have Puck nod and agree to try.
Football came easily to him - he was fast and good with his feet and he was able to withstand tackles, often needing four or more guys to tackle him to get him to stop - but therapy didn’t. One thing that his therapist suggested was writing down his feelings, as he could tell that Puck wasn’t someone that liked to talk about them, and though Puck may not have been the studious bunch and he may have thought the assignment was lousy… He tried it. And as he wrote, he began to think about melodies that could go with it. Getting back in touch with football, and with music, helped Puck to realize that he didn’t need his father and that if his father wanted to turn his back on him? Good riddance. Instead Puck focused on himself, wanting to try to make his mother proud after everything he put her through, and eventually he wound up getting attention from some of the colleges in the South for his abilities as a running back. Wanting to stay close to home, Puck wound up signing with the University of Texas, taking their partial scholarship to help him out so that his mother didn’t have to worry about paying for college.
College was definitely harder than he was expecting, but he knew it was only a stepping stone. Like any boy born in Dallas, his dream was to play for America’s team - the Cowboys - and he knew to do that, he was going to have to turn heads while in college. Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun while he was there, and he found himself rushing Zeta Delta Delta and even starting his own band, one that quickly became a hit on campus. Now that he’s a junior, though, and he only has one football season to impress NFL scouts, he’s wondering if maybe his father was right and he’s not good enough. And while he enjoys the way it feels to hear people cheering his name when he’s on stage, he’s worried that if he tries to pursue music, he’ll fail because he’s not good enough. And that’s not something he really wants to learn, either.
Though his partial scholarship helped to pay for a good portion of his schooling, as did the financial aid he received, he still found himself in need of money - and even the tips and money he got from his gigs didn’t cover it all, so he looked around for various ways to make money. It wasn’t until he overheard someone at a party that he found something he knew he could do - fight. For the better part of a year, Puck has been competing in underground fighting - the location often changing on a weekly basis - and he has raked in enough money to help cover the rest of his costs and not worry about getting loans or falling into debt, and he’s even got a bit of money in his pocket that he can send back to his Ma, too. Sure, with the money comes a lot of bruises and sore muscles, but if that’s what it took to bring the big bucks in? He could deal with it.
Blaine Anderson: Rooming with a dude like Blaine wasn’t something that Puck expected, but it also wasn’t something he hated, either. Sure, the guy was a little too cheerful for his tastes, but he was a generally well-liked guy that Puck knew he couldn’t hate. And they even had some things in common, as he wound up finding out that Blaine liked to box - and he was always down to hang out with a guy that didn’t mind him throwing a punch or two his way. Ultimately, Puck doesn’t really mind that he’s got Blaine as a roommate, as one thing he likes about Blaine? He doesn’t ask too many questions.
Rachel Berry: With his Ma being Jewish, it was important to her that she raise Puck Jewish, and thus being Jewish is important to him - if only because it was one way that he was connected to his Ma. Going to the non-denomination house of worship for temple was something he needed to do to stay connected to his faith, and appease his ma, and while there, he ran into Rachel Berry. Or, rather, she ran into him. After helping her to her feet, he apologized and asked if she was alright - and to make it up to her, he gave her his jacket to help hide the stains on her pants. From there, the two of them became people that wound up going to temple with each other, and he sees her like a little sister - someone that grinds his gears and gives him tough love, but also someone that he knows has his back.
Sam Evans: After hearing Finn bitch about how there was a new recruit coming in, Puck hadn’t been sure what to expect but he figured that this was college - there was no need to worry about holding grudges and taking sides - so when Sam greeted him, he made sure to say hi. Eventually, the two began to notice that they wound up staying in the weight room the longest, and they wound up becoming spotters for one another, as well as hype-men to get the other guy in the zone. Even if he knows Finn doesn’t like it, Puck doesn’t mind having a friend in Sam as it’s a friendship that just comes naturally.
Quinn Fabray: With his friendship with Finn, it was only natural that Puck got to know Quinn, too. Of course, he happens to think she’s a bit stuffy sometimes, but she doesn’t seem to mind flirting with him and that’s not something he minds - as he’s someone that just likes to make a person feel wanted and desirable. Of course, Puck knows that nothing will come to this, because while Puck may be the type of guy to sleep around, he isn’t the type to wind up screwing his best friend’s girl, so the flirting is mostly harmless. But that doesn’t mean he can’t have a dream or two about her, either.
Finn Hudson: Riding the bench freshman year sucked, but it sucked way less since he rode it with Finn Hudson. The two were quick to befriend each other as they waited for their chance to hit the turf, usually when the score was high enough that the coach could afford to send in the rookies and give his veteran players a rest, and over time, the chemistry between Finn and Puck began to translate on the field. More completions meant more touchdowns and in time, the duo of Puckerman and Hudson became one that the Longhorn fans love. As far as Puck is concerned, Finn is his ride-or-die and he’d take a bullet for the guy if he had to.
Santana Lopez: If there were ever anyone that Puck would say was his kindred spirit, it was Santana. Sure, she was basically him but without a penis, but she understood the need to escape and how to have fun. And while most people would think that their relationship is mostly based on sex, that’s hardly the case. Sometimes the two of them just hang out to chill, without any sort of expectation about their reputation or anything, and it’s nice, really, to be able to do that. She gets him in ways that Finn and Sam don’t, and its just easy being with her. And next to Finn? She’s probably his closest friend.
Marley Rose: Like many of the players on the team, Puck was in desperate need of a tutor - something that was obvious considering he was a couple of years older than most of the juniors (as he had been held back once in elementary school and once in middle school) - and so they were quick to assign him with one. And Marley? Well, Marley was like hitting the jackpot. The girl was kind and smart, but she was also ridiculously hot and the fact that she didn’t see it only made her that much more endearing. And sure, he may spend most of the time flirting with her when he should be concentrating with what she says, but seeing her blush and smile? Totally worth it.
Sebastian Smythe: During his freshman year, Puck and his newly formed band had tried and failed to get the attention of some of the local party-throwers on campus and it wasn’t until Finn put in a good word with his roommate that Puck and his band wound up getting a gig. Playing for Sebastian’s New Years party was intoxicating, and with the crowd feeling the vibes of the music that he wrote, he was getting more and more pumped about this band thing. So much so that he wound up fucking the host of the party once his set was all said and done, and while he wouldn’t admit this to Sebastian, the guy is instrumental in getting Electric Glory recognition and praise in Austin. And though the first gig was two years ago, Puck still gets calls from Sebastian - sometimes for a gig, and sometimes for a booty call. And it’s not something he hates, either.
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