#tal’dorei reborn
breathalyzerfail · 2 years
LOLTH: Mmm… I feel them here. The Children of Malice…
MORRIGHAN: (I look out at the mountains and just sit quietly for a moment.)
DORIAN: Opal’s getting a little dark. Little busy at the moment.
ORYM: Listen, what’s happening over here is pretty bad. Get the group. Go underground. Stay there. Miss you.
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Sources: Tal’dorei Campaign Setting Reborn map by Andy Law; Ruhn-Shak, TCSR p. 111.
(Please, please. It has nearly been a year since EXU: Kymal so I need a follow-up bad.)
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quinn-of-aebradore · 1 month
hey wait y’all I’ve had the most important thought about the potential for a Vox Machina oneshot; it would mean new character art for them for the first time in like five years
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sidleyparkhermit · 2 years
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Okay. Okay. Okay.
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luckthebard · 1 year
Heads up, the Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn is now available on DnD Beyond, if that’s of interest to anyone who uses it for their campaign!
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charismaquark · 2 years
It’s fine, Vax will respawn in 1d4 days
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ilikefandom · 10 months
Our Sunshine Weeps in the Evening
(I wrote this inspired by my Tal’Dorei Campaign (All of us are huge fans of Critical Role), where, inspired by the love story of the Briarwoods, my Warlock accidentally made a pact with them (yes both of them) to work with the tools of Vecna, keeping him alive, in exchange for magic, up until the day she finds somebody who will love her in the way she deserves, 4 Nat 20s in a row Charisma checks (was online on Roll20) and 3 DC 22 Wis Saving throw successes, means that they are genuinely falling in love with my character, I was surprised, my DM was surprised. I hope Matt Mercer doesn’t hate me for what Calliope has done. Yes this is HEAVY Goth/pastel princess energy because it is.)
Our Sunshine Weeps in the Evening - A Love Letter From a Patron to a Warlock
Our Sunshine weeps in the evening,
As the day it turns into night
Her grace and her magic combining
As tears fall quick out of sight
Our Sunshine weeps in the evening
Alone in a tavern so fair
She has sapphire eyes and wears no disguise
As brine drips into her hair
Our Sunshine weeps in the evening
Of a love she has never had
No family nor friends, her pain never ends
No wonder our Sunshine is sad
Our Sunshine weeps in the evening
And there is not much we can do
We sit here in vain on a different plane
And her woe seeps into us too
Our Sunshine weeps in the evening
As she thinks of her desperate day
We wish her hands were in ours, her light it outpours
Don’t take our Sunshine away
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omenarchive · 3 months
Braius Doomseed Analysis
Sam Riegel is back, and he’s brought with him—forgive us—a real beefy boy!
How many levels does Braius have in Bard vs. Paladin? What are his subclasses? Exactly how big a punch does this minotaur pack?
While we wait to learn more, there's a lot we're able to infer from Episode 98.
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Braius Doomseed is a minotaur Bard/Paladin multiclass, wielding a drippy black double flail. We have not yet been made aware explicitly how his 14 levels are distributed between the two classes. We can, however, extrapolate a fair bit of information about his build from the gameplay in his debut, Episode 98: The Nox Engine.
Let’s start with the easy stuff. We know that he is at least a 3rd level College of Tragedy Bard, as Braius used the Sorrowful Fate feature to change the save Dominox had to make against Dorian’s Otto’s Irresistible Dance spell to a Charisma save (03:09:43) (confirmed by Sam to be this feature at 03:11:57).
Sorrowful Fate does the following:
When you or an ally you can see forces a creature to make a saving throw, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to change the type of saving throw to a Charisma save instead.
Sam did, however, forget to use the secondary part of that feature, which would allow him to do psychic damage equal to the value of a Bardic Inspiration die roll when a creature fails the associated save. Also, if Dominox had reached 0 hit points within 1 minute of failing the save, he would have been magically compelled to “utter darkly poetic words before succumbing to their injuries.”
Level 3 in College of Tragedy also confers the following feature, called Poetry in Misery:
Whenever you or an ally within 30 feet of you rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to soliloquize and regain one expended use of your Bardic Inspiration feature.
Information on this subclass can be found on page 167 of Tal’Dorei Reborn. This particular subclass does not confer any additional spells beyond the standard Bard fare, so cannot account for any spells Braius has that fall outside of the Bard or Paladin spell lists.
That brings us to the next thing we can suss out: Braius’ possible Paladin Oaths. We know that Braius has both the Misty Step (03:12:47) and Moonbeam (03:13:07) spells. There are only two known Paladin Oaths that give access to Moonbeam: Oath of the Ancients and Oath of the Watchers. Oath of the Ancients seems like a likely option, as it also gives access to Misty Step at paladin level 5; however, that on its own cannot act as definitive proof as to Braius’ Paladin subclass, as we don’t yet know what feats Braius may have on board and—as Imogen , Chetney, and Orym know well—Misty Step can also come from the Fey Touched feat. Another point in favor of Oath of the Ancients is the fact that Braius did not make use of the Aura of the Sentinel initiative bonus conferred by Oath of the Watchers at paladin level 7. However, since this is a new character with quite a lot of features to juggle, it is entirely possible that Sam simply forgot this feature. We know, however, that he must have whatever features are associated with level 7 in his Oath because of his use of Blinding Smite (02:37:12), a 3rd level Paladin spell. Paladins do not get access to 3rd level spells until they reach level 9 in the class.
All of this points to Braius having at least three levels in Bard and at least nine levels in Paladin, which leaves two levels unaccounted for (as Braius, unlike the rest of the party, is already at level 14). This is where things get a little tricky.
Unfortunately, Sam did not give out any Inspiration during Episode 98, so we can’t use his Bardic Inspiration die as an indicator. This moves from a d6 to a d8 at Bard level 5, so if in future episodes Braius’ inspiration die is revealed to be a d8, we’ll know he is a level 5 Bard. For now, though, we’ll instead take a look at his use of Lay on Hands to inform our speculation.
Braius used this Paladin class feature twice during Episode 98: once on himself, and once on Orym. A Paladin has points in their Lay on Hands pool equal to 5 times their Paladin level. Based on our previous analysis that he is at least Paladin level 9 and Bard level 3, that means Braius has a minimum of 45 and a maximum of 55 points in his pool. Orym’s healing was stated outright to be 30 points (03:40:10), leaving Braius between 15 and 25 points to have used on himself previously. In another bit of poor luck for our analysis, however, Sam did not state the exact amount of healing Braius did to himself. Since he said that Dorian’s 24 points of Cure Wounds healing got him “halfway” (01:05:07), it seems reasonable to assume that it was more than 15 points, since calling 24 and 15 approximately equivalent halves seems like a bit of a stretch. 20 and 25, indicating Paladin levels 10 and 11, are much closer. If we were to take Braius’ comment about Dorian getting him halfway completely literally, then we could definitively call him a level 11 Paladin. However, there’s one more wrinkle.
When Braius used his Blinding Smite spell on his melee weapon attack, he rolled 4d8 (02:38:11). The base damage for a flail is 1d8, and Blinding Smite adds 3d8 radiant damage. However, a level 11 Paladin has the feature Improved Divine Smite, which means that all melee weapon attacks gain an additional 1d8 radiant damage. That means that if Braius were a level 11 Paladin, he should have rolled 5d8 damage on the attack (02:37:46), as initially stated before Matt let Sam know that Dominox would be immune to the additional poison damage granted by Braius’ weapon (02:37:59).
This leaves us with two possible options: either Braius is a level 4 Bard/level 10 Paladin and Sam rounded up when saying 24 damage got him halfway there, with Braius healing himself for 20 points of Lay on Hands, or Braius is a level 3 Bard/level 11 Paladin and Sam either misunderstood Matt’s reminder not to add Poison Pen’s extra poison damage or forgot about the level 11 Improved Divine Smite. Either mistake would make quite a bit of sense with a new character in a high stakes situation! However, because of the uncertainty here, we cannot say definitively which it may be. We also do not yet know what Braius’s Paladin Fighting Style is. We’re looking forward to seeing more of him and finding out for sure.
All told, here is what we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, barring any homebrew changes:
Braius’s race is Minotaur, which (assuming the class is drawn from its most recent iteration in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse) conveys the following racial traits and bonuses:
His walking speed is 30 feet
Using his horns to make an unarmed strike does 1d6 + 5 piercing damage
Goring Rush: After taking the Dash action and moving at least 20 feet, he can make an unarmed strike with his horns as a bonus action
Hammering Horns: After hitting a creature with an attack, he can use his bonus action to attempt to push the target 10 feet; the target must make a DC 18 strength check
Labyrinthine Recall: He always knows what direction is north, and has advantage on any Survival check he makes to navigate or track
It’s hard to imagine Sam won’t use this internal compass to poke fun at Liam for Caleb’s Keen Mind feat at least once
He is a paladin of Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells
He is at least a level 3 College of Tragedy Bard, which grants him at least the following:
Two Bard cantrips and six Bard spells, with four level 1 slots and two level 2 slots
Bardic Inspiration using 1d6, with a total of 4 uses per long rest
Jack of All Trades, which adds half his proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check he makes that doesn’t already include his proficiency bonus
Song of Rest, conferring an additional 1d6 of healing to the party on a short rest
Expertise in two skill proficiencies
The Sorrowful Fate feature, which can be used once per short/long rest
The Poetry in Misery Feature, which can be used any number of times as a reaction
He is at least a level 9 Paladin, of either the Oath of the Ancients, Oath of the Watchers, or a homebrew Oath subclass, which grants him:
Divine Sense, which allows him to sense any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of him that is not behind total cover, a total of 5 times per long rest
At least 45 points in his Lay on Hands healing pool
Divine Smite, allowing him to expend a spell slot to pump up to an additional 4d8 damage (circumstantially 5d8) into a melee attack—that is, 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 4d8 given that his highest spell slots are 3rd level. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend.
An unknown Fighting Style
Immunity to disease due to Divine Health
Two attacks per round
Aura of Protection, granting any ally within 10 feet of him a +4 bonus on saving throws
Sacred Oath features from levels 3 and 7 in either the Oath of the Ancients, Oath of the Watchers, or a custom Oath subclass
He has a Battering Shield, which confers a +3 bonus to AC (an additional +1 over the base shield bonus of +2), and has 3 charges that can be expended when a target is pushed 5 feet to push that creature an additional 10 feet, knock it prone, or both. It regains 1d3 charges at dawn (03:16:16, with details from page 266 in Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount)
His signature weapon, the dual flail “Poison Pen,” confers additional poison damage when it strikes a target (02:37:59)
He really, really wants to date somebody and he’s not real choosy about who
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blorbologist · 2 years
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can i hang this on my wall actually? they kinda look like the Tal’Dorei Reborn portraits too! PERCY HAS HIS STUPID BEARD
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scattergoriesofevil · 3 months
I adore Ashley’s depiction of Sarenrae. A goddess of mercy and hope who adamantly opposes the option to destroy Aeor in the first episode. I am very much looking forward to seeing how what she experiences in Aeor potentially changes her perspective. Never forget Pike was a war cleric.
Whenever the gods are involved I find it helpful to refer to their commandments. They all have three. In this case, her third one carries a lot of weight for me in the context of this story.
Commandments of the Everlight
(from Tal’dorei Reborn, wiki link)
Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship.
Aid those who are without guide. Heal those who are without hope.
Those who are beyond redemption, who revel in slaughter and remorseless evil, must be dispatched with swift justice.
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ailustrarte · 2 years
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Piece I painted to celebrate both the release of Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn and the premiere of The Legend of Vox Machina earlier this year.
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Final Round
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Nicodranas, Wildemount: Nicodranas is a bustling port city on the Menagerie Coast. It is the hometown of The Mighty Nein's Jester Lavorre, and the party visited multiple times. C2 NPC Yussa Erennis lives here.
image is official art by adragonswinging, from explorer's guide to wildemount
Zephrah, Tal'Dorei: Zephrah is the home of the Air Ashari. It is situated in western Tal’Dorei. It is the hometown of Keyleth of Vox Machina, and Orym of Bells Hells. Both parties have spent time there during their adventures.
image from tal'dorei campaign setting reborn / link
Rosohna, Wildemount: Rosohna is the capital of the Kryn Dynasty in Xhorhas. Due in part to the sunlight sensitivity of its majority-drow population, the city’s mages maintain a blanket of eternal night in the sky above the city. This magical effect is seen as a hallmark of the Kryn Dynasty, especially as it is also cast at contentious points along the Dwendalian border to reduce the disadvantage to drow soldiers fighting during the day. Rosohna is built on the ruins of the calamity-era city Ghor Dranas, the capital of the betrayer gods’ alliance during this conflict. Sometimes Rosohna is still erroneously called Ghor Dranas, especially by political opponents of the Dynasty. Rosohna is the centre of the Dynasty’s secret religion worshiping the Luxon.
image from the postcard merch by pretty useful co
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tiefbeef · 2 years
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Can we all take a moment to appreciate the dream sequence of Scanlan’s? From the Tal’Dorei Reborn inspired group portrait to the troll dick, sex toys, wanted poster, purple flute and framed image of a chair on display, it’s just so good!
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copperhawkthoughts · 8 months
Dressed to the Neins - Keyleth
I had an entire post written out and then this hellsite ate the draft, so now we get to experience the Cole’s Notes version together:
I mostly don’t work with specific reference images in mind, it’s a more vibes-based process than that - by which I mean I draw from my own understanding of the character that is formed as an amalgamation of canon and non-canon sources - offical art, other fan works, personality, backstory, significant moments in canon, etc.
This project is pretty heavily influenced by the Keyleth portrait by Jonah Baumann from the Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, though - particularly the use of turquoise as the background colour, and the leaf shades, especially the oranges.
Fun fact: the turquoise and the reddish orange yarns were surprisingly hard to find!
Also I like the way the black shows in the corners, with the stitches fanned out a little like the ‘finger’ feathers ravens have, you know?
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
Perc’ahlia Week Countdown - Day Four!
I also feel like I should apologize for how late every day these go up, whoops. Late night Tumblr gang how we feeling??
Day Four — Shoot / Reborn
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This moodboard topped day 3 with difficulty, but the @percahliaweek mod team helped me out!! They also helped me with these:
Sharpshooting contest, long-distance combat banter, Percy making arrows for Vex
“Shooting their shot” trying to ask the other out on a date, modern AU photoshoot, Cupid’s arrows (AU or concept)
Stargazing/shooting stars, “shoot” to replace swearing around the kids, darts or slingshots
Campaign 1 episode 68
Reincarnation AU, time loop AU, dead family lives/comes back to life AU
Reincarnate (the spell), aasimar or divinity AUs, came back wrong AUs, vampire/other undead AUs
Moments of great change in their lives, resurrection rituals, their kids being named for dead relatives
Modern AU - waking up from a coma situations, being revived in video games
Bonus!! Drawing inspiration from things from the Tal’dorei Reborn campaign setting guide :)
Halfway through the week countdown!! And I’m still a day behind, whoopsie. That doesn’t mean that I’m not super excited though!! Day 4 of Perc’ahlia week is Wednesday, September 27th!!
Remember, you can tag any posts or discussion about Perc’ahlia week, even before the content gets posted, with #percahliaweek !! We love to see that people are getting excited!!!
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💖 The Reaching Bluff 💖
An overview map painted for Tourist’s Guide to Tal’Dorei project from @artists-guild-of-exandria
Reaching Bluff is featured in the Tal'Dorei Reborn setting by @criticalrole and Mathew Mercer
#criticalrolefanart #CriticalRole #TGTT
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saintdollyparton · 2 years
Something I just realized is Vex and Percy’s oldest child is probably around Imogen’s age now. Vesper was shown to be 23 as of 836 PD in Tal’Dorei Reborn. It’s now 843 PD in the Bell’s Hells campaign. I wonder if she’s off adventuring or if she is a mature, responsible adult instead lol.
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