#talk to me on discord or wire in the meantime!
stillness-in-green · 2 years
Chapter 358 Thoughts
Shamefully little to say this week, I'm very sorry to say. More AFO villain monologuing, more heroes preaching a moral about how they've come to understand the darkness and human frailty in the world while still doing exactly nothing that indicates a willingness to truly reach out a saving hand to villains. Better luck next chapter, but in the meantime, here's what I got:
Shigaraki and Jeanist surfing around on things is fun.  In the same way that a truly untethered aerial battle was fun, the high wire acts are also a visual treat.      
I remain ever eager to watch someone, anyone, hand Edgeshot a defeat.  Cripes, I'm so tired of that guy.      
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I feel like you can see the hints of Shigaraki's nihilism underscoring Vestige!AFO's words here.  The idea that the world of quirks is one doomed to schism and discord echoes Destro's ideology, save that Destro saw it as something that was only set in stone if discrimination and oppressive laws were allowed to rule over the populace, whereas AFO-filtered-via-Shigaraki thinks it's just inevitable no matter what you do.      
Original Flavor AFO once talked about bringing "order" to the world; he certainly wanted to be in charge, but he saw it as a way to stabilize a world gone mad, not something he was doing solely for the pleasure of using and exploiting others.  Which is not to say that he ever felt particularly altruistic, but at least it was a small motivation beyond, "Because I just so love hurting people lol."       While I suppose the "true" explanation is that this is just how Hori writes AFO these days, I think we could also say that, in V!AFO's honesty here, we also see hints of Shigaraki.  Shigaraki, after all, never prevaricated about his goals or motivations, and disliked people who did.  So while there's still a measure of AFO's needling sophistry in proclaiming that all will be equally exploited, it's got Shigaraki's bald-faced candor, too.      
Bakugou's making a very game attempt this week, but I remain largely unmoved by it until anyone tries to fold people who have actually been pushed out of society back into it, rather than healing a rift between heroes and civilians who were doing just fine and dandy before Jakku.  As it is, civilians welcoming back heroes while acknowledging their frailties is nominally an improvement from the old status quo, but it's not a real change because it doesn't address the villains those heroes are fighting against.  Until Hero Society finds a way to substantively address why people turn to Villainy, that battle remains unresolved, unending.      
Also, it remains somewhat difficult for me to see bringing Deku back to a place he himself willingly chose to leave as some remarkable step forward.      
And this is frustrating!  Because I feel like the first part of Bakugou's response to AFO here is right on the money.  Like, he's so very close to getting it.  Lack of understanding leading to dread and rejection: yes, that's exactly it!  That's what led to Spinner's problems, to Twice's, to Toga's.  The League's "lineage trio" (Mr. Compress, Shigaraki and Dabi) are in a slightly different boat, but you can still find those elements--lack of understanding, fear, rejection--in their stories, as well as those of most of the other villains, at least the ones who are allowed any modicum of interiority.        At least judging by what we're seeing in the flashbacks, though, Bakugou fails to apply his insight to the villains. He reserves his understanding of the places a person can be pushed by fear and rejection only for his own development and the ways in which he's seen his issues replicated in other people who are on his side, chiefly those heavy-handed plot device civilians.  The villains, as always, don't get the benefit of that empathy, despite being far more drastically impacted by the lack of it.       If this is going to be a step towards pushing forward and confronting the lack of understanding as it impacts villains, that's great! But I find it difficult to see that in the manga past a hail of gunfire, a floating coffin, and the ongoing presence of professional heroes who have never given a single sign that they're on-board the Understanding Villains train.
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rcdfcxr · 3 years
Activity notice : all blogs. Under a readmore because it pertains to health situations that people might not be comfortable with. Gist is - sporadic. Energy levels low.
In the meantime I’m available through IMs, discord or wire. That goes for new friends, old friends and those I have yet to talk to / interact with. Wires — ( noct - inscmnus Reno - rcdfxcr Rufus - wrxckfear) d.iscord ( nocturnal 🌙#9621 ) copy and paste it without the brackets because of the moon symbol.
— Kay
I know some of you already know I’ve been struggling this past year with my mental health. My job working in the healthcare sector doing between 60-90 hours a week hasn’t helped in the slightest and I’ve had zero support off management, despite their numerous promises. A reduced work load, didn’t happen. I even changed my own shift patterns in the hope this would change and yet they still change it to suit them. I had a mental break back in January and they said that they’d sort out in house counselling to help. We’re now nearing October and I’ve heard nothing.
I started this year weighing in near 12 stone. I weighed myself today and I now weigh less than eight stone. I’m not well, I’m definitely not healthy and surviving off maybe two slices of a toast a day and a thousand cups of coffee isn’t doing me any good. I knew I wasn’t well, but today hearing my daughter tell me she’s scared of seeing me really poorly made it really hit home just how bad I actually am. But I also know it’s not something I can manage without help (yes, ive been down this road before) so I’ve made the decision to finally get the help I need.
Naturally the way I’ve been living and my health has had a serious impact on my energy levels, though I struggle to sleep, I have no energy for anything. Because of this my activity on the IN CHARACTER front on tumblr will be sporadic for the time being until I get myself on an even keel. Please be patient with me. I adore every single one of you. I still come on the dash daily to just watch you all living your best lives and it gives me a perk I need.
In the meantime I’m available through IMs, discord or wire. That goes for new friends, old friends and those I have yet to talk to / interact with.
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macktm · 5 years
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          WHEW! hey angels. i’m really out here taking the time i could be using to work on my essay to write this huh. love this for me. anyway though, i’m bri ( or aubs or aubrianna or whatever! ), i’m twenty, i live in the midwest ( est ), and i’m playing the actual love of my life, mack. we love a good harry styles clone. SMFSLDFM  more on that later though. under the cut is a mini-bio to get you up to date with his intricate backstory in as little words as possible, some statistics, some headcanons, and some connection ideas! feel free to give this post a LIKE, though, and i’lll come to you to plot!
discord: spencer reid stan#8320
aesthetics: clean-cut suits hiding button-downs that are never buttoned all the way up, playing a competitive & shoulder-jabbing game of soccer outside the studio between takes, and handmade fresh fruit & champagne basket arrays. 
mack is from glencoe, in scotland. there, he’s the middle child of three, and the youngest of two boys. his big brother is a brute and his younger sister could serve mack up for dinner if she wanted to. 
when he lived in scotland ( which was up until about six years ago, when he was eighteen ), you could always find mack playing a brutal game of shinty in the hills. he was a boy’s boy for sure, and still is ldkfmgdflkgm. he loves goofing off and having a good time and generally being immersed in the company of people he loves. he’d spend way too much time with his family, in the kitchen pretending to help with dinner when he was actually just eating and talking and distracting his father and sister ( the bred cooks in his family ). 
mack always found himself compensating for his drunk of a big brother. his brother, graham, is four years older than him, and constantly caused the family strife before he was kicked out. mack, being the heartfelt clown he is, was the beating heart of the family. he kept everyone in love with each other, he made sure there wasn’t a day in which each of his family members were wanting--of attention, of quality time, of someone to fetch the groceries while laney ( his sister, five years younger than him ) was at school. so when mack decided to leave glencoe and start traveling on his own, his family definitely felt winded.
mack is so kind and loving and takes decisions that’d affect his loved ones so seriously that his parents looked to him, rather than to his big brother, to be the heir of their manor. but mack is also..... fickle and fleeting and can’t understand why people want to tie him down and put those good qualities to work to save his life. so instead of agreeing, he broke his family’s heart and decided to follow his own--throughout europe, and then to asia, and finally to america, where he has been setting down for four years as an actor in xoxo. 
full name.    mackinley damien ross.
aka.    mack, mickey.
occupation / show & role.     xoxo, damien lafferety.
age.    twenty-four.
pronouns.    he/him.
orientation.    bisexual.
physical appearance,
hair.    curly & brown.
eyes.    blue.
build.    muscular & slim.
scars.    an appendix scar on his abdomen, and a scar down his right bicep from when he cut his arm open on wire on the ground outside as a kid.
tattoos.    n/a.
zodiac.    virgo.
alignment.    chaotic good.
hogwarts.    gryffindor.
positive traits.    nurturing, ardent, benevolent, fun-loving, & compassionate.
negative traits.   selfish, fickle, fleeting, & hedonistic.
how they’re portayed.     abrasive, promiscuous, selfish, hedonistic, & withheld / reticent.
medical record,
mental.    n/a.
physical.    has broken a lot of bones playing sports over the years. once had asthma, and still carries his inhaler around for the sake of nostalgia.
phobias.    ladders & terminal illnesses.
eyesight.    no glasses necessary.
drug use.    occasionally. isn’t big on them, but isn’t opposed to doing anything non-addicting.
alcohol use.    recreationally.
diet.    his diet consists of intricate and carefully handled homemade meals.
birth place.    glencoe, scotland.
parents.    isla macintosh & alexander ross.
siblings.    graham ross ( 28 ) & laney ross ( 19 ).
pets.    n/a.
education.    n/a. 
languages.    english, french, italian, & russian.
mack is for sure what harry styles is to the press of the music world. every fic written about him is based on this bad boy heterosexual image of him that the world loves to flaunt and daydream about. it doesn’t help that he loves to play the part he knows everyone else loves to lay out for him. he finds it a little fun to pretend that he was typecast for his lothario, bad boy role in xoxo. but he definitely wasn’t. mack, beneath that tabloid gossip, craves real & true love, would be the first to give his life for the people he loves, gives far more than he receives, etc. he’s just... lowkey about it. his clownery doesn’t really help dial down his frivolous press image either but.... oh well. LMDLGKMFG
mack still keeps in touch with his little sister, who thinks he’s an idiot and hates his acting ( lovingly <3 KDLMFG ). he doesn’t keep in touch with his older brother, though, who’s still a drunk and now has inherited the ross estate after their parents died three years ago.
he lives in a gated la community in a house he bought. it’s the first house he has ever had since he began traveling at eighteen, and the not moving around gig is making him a little antsy.
he loves being surrounded by people. he loves throwing cast parties at his house, drinking wine with friends all night, playing stupid party games, and making people laugh until they cry. between takes he’s never in his dressing room. that thing is probably barren. he’s always goofing off, always kicking a ball outside the studio, always playing pranks on cast members, etc. mack is rarely not interacting with people. 
so when he is at home alone at the end of a long day... you can bet he’s wishing he had company. this urge for “something, always” has definitely gotten him into trouble before.
connection ideas,
traveling friend. someone he met when he was out in the world for a year? someone who took his hand and played the responsibility-free game with him? maybe they’re the one who led/pushed mack to pursue acting ( with them? ) in america?
ex. someone who broke mack’s heart because they didn’t want to be serious in the way he wanted to be, someone mack let down when they were just about to get serious because he wanted to keep their relationship private, someone who wanted to used mack for fake relationship clout but quickly realized that mack--once he realizes you don’t actually want him--will make it a point to make you look like a fool while he continues to sleep around openly.
line-buddy. someone who’s always going over lines with mack and/or getting frustrated when their studying inevitably gets sidetracked by mack’s need to drag them out to a gross karaoke bar or something.
on-again-off-again. someone mack is always with, and then fighting with, and then making up with, and then going back to, and then leaving, and then realizing he can’t leave because he wants to give them his attention and he wants their attention in return, etc.
hateship. literally just people who hate mack and think he’s a reckless, brainless idiot. because he is. maybe him and these people have fucked before. u know. MDGVLDFKGM
pr-esque relationship / party friend. someone who is literally always matching mack’s energy, going out all the time, singing karaoke drunk at the top of their lungs together, etc. they’re always realizing they’re being watched and inevitably make out or are all over one another in the meantime to publicly boost but also lowkey make fun of the images the tabloids like to dress up for them. it’s like... these two people ( mack and the mystery muse ) know their reputations are beyond their control, so they live up to them instead, only to go home at the end of the night completely platonically.
caretaking relationship. oh mack loves to nurture. so someone who nurtures and looks out for him right back? we’re eating good tonight.
literally so many more. i’m a vessel. DKLMVKDMFG
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wuunderstruck · 5 years
hello..... obligatory mobile ugly disclaimer. i just wanted to say i am alive and very sorry for disappearing. my muse has been super iffy for replies and ive also just been in a shitty headspace the past few days, so that + work have led to me not getting online. i hope to get on tomorrow and get some replies done but we shall see if my muse cooperates. 👀 in the meantime, feel free to ask for my discord or wire accounts, im more than down to chat ooc, whether it's sharing hcs or talking abt life, and i also have wire for my muses if ic chatting is more your speed. finally!!! big thank you to all my partners for being so patient with me, ily all so much ❤️
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 20 Roundup!
As for badges, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Tisfan for earning her Blackout badge!  That is AMAZING!
Just a reminder, our last Discord party will be on June 20th, and the round ends with masterposts due on July 4th.  Keep those fills coming, and don’t forget to claim your badges!
Title: One Man's Trash Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Squares Filled:     S3 - Remote Control (Chapter 1)     T4 - Artificial Intelligence (Chapter 2)     T5 - Fabrication (Chapter 3) Ship: Bucky & Tony Rating: Gen Major Tags: AU: Post-Apocalypse, Android Bucky Barnes, Finders Keepers Summary: Mostly, when the ‘bots went out scavenging, they brought back junk. Circuit boards melted to slag, coils of wire that had fused together, bits of broken glass and charred remnants of furniture. Tony managed to find uses for it all -- in the wake of the War, there was no such thing as trash; everything got repurposed somehow -- but that didn’t change the fact that it was junk. But once in a while, they happened across something good. A crate of transistors that had been miraculously shielded from damage. A handful of protein bars still sealed in their packages. Lengths of rebar. Tools, sometimes. This time, they’ve really hit the jackpot. Word Count: 2708
Title: Stark Tech Vs. Wakandan Tech Collaborator: phoenixmetaphor3000 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: adopted prompt - vibranium Ship: M’Baku/T’Challa/Bucky/Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: tech “war” turns into love (not really a war, just teasing), moodboard Summary: four really adorable men being gay and talking about technology
Title: The Cat's Meow Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Interspecies Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Animal Empathy, Animal Abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Tony can hear animals' emotions, but he doesn't have the best experience with that ability. So, he ends up hating animals and banning pets from the Tower. Then Steve finds a bedraggled kitten and brings it home... Word Count: 1360
Title: Fertile Ground Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 -  KINK: Sex Pollen Ship: Phil/Bucky/Loki/Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Sex pollen, implied/referenced mpreg, implied/referenced abortion, panic attack, dub/non-con due to aforementioned sex pollen, Jurassic Park-style science, implied/referenced past alcohol+drug use Summary: Of all the things he’d expected from this fight, the sight of Loki gyrating around a streetlight like a two-bit pole dancer hadn’t been one of them. Word Count: 6834
Title: The Defense Rests Collaborator: betheflame Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - A Pairing You've Never Done Ship: IronWidow Rating: Gen Major Tags: Lawyer AU Summary: As a citizen of the world, she admired Stark. As someone who sometimes had to tango with him in court, she loathed how good he was at his job. Word Count: 931
Title: Poster Boy Collaborator: shakespeareanqueer Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - AU: 80s Popstar Ship: Tony Stark/Reader, Pepperony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Uhhh alcohol & drunkenness, I may have cursed I forget? Summary: In 1989, Tony attends the concert of an 80s pop star. 15 years later, that pop star attends his party. Word Count: 1886
Title: The Tower Collaborator: hereandnowwearealive Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T1 - Picture of Stark Tower Ship: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags: Art Fill Summary: Image of Stark tower, with Iron Man about to land Word Count: N/A
Title: does your skin ever melt into the mirror Collaborator: DixieHellcat Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - On the Run Ship: IronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: Imposter Syndrome, IM1 Revisited, BFFs, Nick Fury is a Sneaky SOB, Skrulls, Cameo Appearance by Goose the Cat, Military Red Tape, Brother Feels Summary: Tony’s joking reference to a past conversation leads him and Rhodey on an all too serious hunt for an imposter. Word Count: 3027
Title: Small Collaborator: Soul Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Confession in a Desperate Situation Ship: Stony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Some Violence Summary: It had only taken him until the age of five to begin believing his father’s words, and he has repeated this mantra to himself for years in this very same spot. Yet, he had never grown desensitized to them. Words weren’t like the colors of sweaters. They wouldn’t fade away. Word Count: 1374
Title: Plug Me Up! Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Kink: Uniform Kink Ship: Rhodey/Steve/Tony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, A/B/O Dynamics, PWP Summary: Tony's a slut for his husbands in their uniforms. He'd be okay with that, if being horny didn't mean he went into heat sooner than he should.But he doesn't really mind that either, come to think of it. Word Count: 1071
Title: The Cat’s Meow - Chapter 2 Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Attacked by a Creature Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Animal Empathy, Animal Abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Tony can hear animals' emotions, but he doesn't have the best experience with that ability. So, he ends up hating animals and banning pets from the Tower. Then Steve finds a bedraggled kitten and brings it home... Word Count: 3976
Title: Hadid - Chapter 2 Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Cave Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: Dragon Riders, Iron Man 1 AU, Mutual Pining Summary: An AU of Iron Man 1, now with added dragons. Word Count: 3086
Title: Drug of Choice Collaborator: abrighterdarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Truth Drug Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: None Summary: He couldn’t explain it. There were no precise calculations that he could run, no simulations, no hard data to back up any findings. Tony wanted to pin it on an unforeseen side effect of the serum. Perhaps there was something in the man’s altered DNA that pulled lovers under his thrall, drawing out the unfiltered honesty.  Word Count: 1000
Title: Bungled Birthday Collaborator: FestiveFerret Link: AO3 Square Filled: Chapter 1: R2 - Workshop Troubles Chapter 2: R4 - Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Established Relationship Summary: There's an entire birthday party of people - including cake, presents, and Tony's favourite thing: Bucky - waiting for him upstairs, but Tony won't get any of it. Because he's trapped in the damn workshop. Word Count: 1645
Title: Time May Change Me Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: Time Travel (to the past)  Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame, Endgame Fix-It, Friends to Lovers Summary: A slight shift in timing during the time heist mission leaves Tony and Steve trapped in 1970. Stuck together while they try and work out a new plan, they start to see each other in a whole new light. Word Count: 13,609
Title: Switching It Up Collaborator: JacarandaBanyan Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Strawberries card Ship: Stony, Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Cock Warming, RACK, Spanking, Hand Feeding, Beating with a Belt Summary: Steve and Bucky had always approached sex differently. Where Bucky enjoyed talking sweet to his partner and focusing on their pleasure, Steve had always preferred it rough. But Bucky's off in another country for a few weeks testifying with Sam at an important trial for a villain they helped bring in, and Tony's starting to miss the softer sex he usually had with Bucky. Steve's willing to switch it up in the meantime. Word Count: 4012
Title: Aromatic Arc Reactor Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Smell Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Crafts, Arc Reactor Summary: The original arc reactor, made out of felt & filled with rice and cloves Word Count: N/A
Title: As the Spirits Guide Us Collaborator: 27Dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: Chapter 1: Adopted - AU: Caveman Chapter 2: T1 - Cat!Tony Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Prehistoric Summary: The Clan of the Hydra value’s Bucky’s skill as a flintknapper but despises him for being a crippled outsider. The Clanchief, in particular, seems to enjoy watching Bucky suffer. Bucky dreams of escaping, of finding a home with a new Clan, one which will treat him kindly.A talented maker and only child of the Keeper of the Way, Tony has only to complete this last rite before he can fully assume his place as an adult of the Star Clan. On this journey, the spirit-talker assures him, the spirits will bring him to meet his destined mate. Tony is pretty sure the selection of his mate has less to do with the spirits than with the machinations of his mother and the clan chief.Little do either of them know what the spirits have in store. Word Count: 5713
Title: Aww, Virus, No Collaborator: thudworm Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Truth Drug/Spell Ship: IronHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: Deaf Clint, Clint’s in Quarantine, Mutual Pining, Truth Serum Summary: On what should have been a routine mission, Clint is exposed to a pathogen which has the wonderful effect of making him tell the truth, and only the truth. Which is bad news when he's been trying to keep his crush on a teammate a secret.  Word Count: 3538
Title: N/A Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr  Square Filled: T2 - Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen (fic it links to is explicit) Major Tags: N/A Summary: [Fanart] Tony puts Bucky’s hair up for him as they’re trapped in the jungle.  Word Count: N/A
Title: Arboreal: Songbird Protocol Moodboard Collaborator: Menatiera Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 - Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Arm Maintenance Summary: Moodboard for the fic Songbird Protocol by Arboreal. Fic summary: Tony apparently has a thing for musicians. It’s brand new information for him, but Bucky is irresistible. Word Count: N/A
Title: Heroes Are Made Collaborator: periwinklepromise Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Resolve Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: “Team,” Tony announces in his usual, grandiose manner, “May I introduce you to myself?” Word Count: 2313
Title: DUM-E's Drawings - Chapter 11: TON-E and PET-R: or, I-N Man and SPID-R Man Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Peter Parker/Spiderman Ship: Tony Stark & Peter Parker & DUM-E Rating: Gen Major Tags: DUM-E’s drawings, puns Summary: DUM-E meets PET-R, TON-E’s new young friend, and has fun with their superhero names. He also discovers how to improvise a ruler. Word Count: N/A
Title: Showing up to save the day Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - I’ll sleep when I’m dead Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: One-Shot, Depressive Thoughts, Mission Gone Wrong, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Written for the prompt Someone turning up in the nick of time to save the heroes in a car/plane/spacecraft/etc and asking “Need a ride?” I got from Rebelmeg on Tumblr. Word Count: 1988
Title: Ten Days Collaborator: Juulna Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - whump Ship: Bucky/Pepper/Steve/Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: mild whump, kidnapping Summary: How long does it take for two to fall in love with two? -- “She deserves to be loved like this,” Tony murmured for Steve’s ears alone, looking him square in the eye. It was such an odd statement, and yet it made perfect sense to him. He and Bucky had always known they were poly, and it looked like Tony was familiar with the feeling that sometimes overwhelmed Steve when taking in everything Bucky was—the thought that he wanted to share his feelings for Bucky with someone else who knew exactly what it meant to love Bucky, because they loved him too. Someone who knew exactly what it meant to want to share that love with another, letting it bubble up within them until it made them squirm with the desire to touch and love and hold and care for them. To care for your loved one with you, not instead of you, and relishing in the beauty of their love reflected. Word Count: 7487
Title: Rocky Rhodes Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - Convenience Store Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: art, Rhodey, ice cream  Summary: Colored pencil drawing of a carton of Rocky Rhodes ice cream (with a bonus platypus enjoying a scoop!) Word Count: N/A
Title: The Befriending of Tony Stark Collaborator: violettavonviolet Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R5 - Teenage Tony Ship: IronBros Rating: Gen Major Tags: Tony Stark & James 'Rhodey’ Rhodes at MIT, MIT Era, Implied/ Referenced Child Abuse, Howard Starks A+ Parenting, Friendship, Teenage Tony Stark  Summary: Rhodey’s roommate has got to be crazy.That was the conclusion he had come to after the first week of living with him. Granted, he has never really met his roommate, but that just makes him even weirder.or;How Rhodey lives with the greatest of all teenagers for a year, surprisingly doesn’t die and instead finds the greatest of all best friends. Word Count: 4319
Title: Your Fate is Mine Collaborator: Soul Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: Stony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: When Steve Rogers was cursed with vampire powers, he accepted his fate as a damned creature and decided to walk the world alone. He lost his best friend, left behind his home, and traveled from town to town, never settling down lest he hurt an unsuspecting stranger. For years, his body weakened and thinned before his very eyes and he became a shell of the man he used to be. One fateful day on a lone dirt road, he meets Tony. The man had a dazzling white smile and lured Steve in with his kindness. But what was this warmth in his heart, this tickle in his throat? It couldn't simply be love. No, it was something much deeper and more problematic than that. Word Count: 3190
Title: Inspired By You Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - AU: Artist/Muse Ship: James “Bucky” Barnes & Tony Stark (sort of) Rating: Teen Major Tags: AU Artist/Muse, Smutty Inspiration Summary: It was very hard work being a muse. Especially when the person being inspired absolutely refuses to be around the source of that inspiration. Word Count: 1004
Title: Only got one Collaborator: Feyrelay Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Crossover: Marvelverse/Non-Marvelverse Ship: Starker Rating: E Major Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Aged-Up Peter Parker, Batman Crossover Summary: The moment Peter hears from Stephen Strange that there’s a resurrected Tony Stark in the Sanctum, he cancels his transportation back home to Gotham. He tells Grayson that if it’s so important, they can take a vacation out to New York for all he cares, that it might do them both some good to step outside the umbrella of that awful city.“Hey, that’s my awful city you’re talking about,” is the sort of reply he gets, and Peter manages a small smile before he remembers that holy shit his mentor is maybe-alive, maybe-dead but also amazingly, shockingly here, in the city. He has to go.Before he tells Grayson as much, he hears Batman's low chuckle in the background, on the other end. “It’s my city, Robin. I just allow you to play cops and robbers with the riffraff around the place.” Word Count: 18,729
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