#talk tv drama
chaneajoyyy · 2 years
A life insurance policy!?
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inafieldofdaisies · 7 months
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Shōgun (2024) | Chapter 4: “The Eightfold Fence” (vol. 2-2)
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alphaclxwn · 4 months
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getting my nosé on guys
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demigod-of-the-agni · 5 months
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Sephiroth but if he was desi... he is not beating the pretty boy allegations
"Desiroth" coined by my dearest bestie @nyatimesthree 🫶 thank you babes. anyway silly video I made and posted to instagram at 5am is under the cut
he estuans on my interius until i ira vehementi (sephiroth !!)
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4thwallbreakerdraws · 5 months
Hey guys!
A not so happy post this time.
As you may have guessed from my past posts, I am a Property of Hate as well as a SMG4 fan.
So let me tell you that I was surprised when I found out that the fans of both sides have been harassing each other. But not only the fans of the other side, but also the creator of a comic that I consider one of the best pieces of art in the internet.
What the actual hell are you guys doing.
RGB is not Mr. Puzzles and Mr. Puzzles is not RGB.
Yes, they have similarities, it happens. It happened with other characters before. Does that give you guys any right to go and harass the fans and creators of either side? It sure as hell doesn’t. Both characters may look similar in design, but at core they are completely different characters with different personality and designs. RGB being a dapper gentleman trying his best to find a hero and Mr. Puzzles being an obsessive but oddly charming show host.
Honestly, the second I saw both of these characters I just had the wish to make them interact with each other. Put them in funny situations that let their differences as well as the aspects shine that I love about them both. But apparently not everyone thinks like this.
So please, guys. Get a grip. Stop causing drama. It’s not a personal offense if someone points out the similarities, it’s not an excuse to spread hate.
If anything you’re just ruining both characters for everyone and making the creators of said characters feel like their work that they put so much time and love in, is getting only associated with this pointless drama.
Thank you.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 4 months
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"Explosives? This is a scientific expedition, Major." "I know that." "But you want us to become arms dealers." "Have you ever tried to clear a stump by hand?" "Yes. As a hobby." "They are taking a chance by giving us so much of their crop this year." "Plus the medicines I already agreed to? I think in the future, Major, I should do the negotiating." "I did say I had to ask you first." "Uh-huh…To terms you already agreed to." "Yes." "Do you see why I have a problem with this?" "Do we need food or not? We are on the verge of rationing and as much as I'd like to devote every off-world mission to the pursuit of Tava beans—" "I get your point. Tell them we agree."
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drrav3nb · 11 months
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notdamien · 3 months
HI FELLOW TORCHWOOD FANS!!!!! i have a question for thee...... if i were to hypothetically start listening to some torchwood audio dramas... which would you recommend and where should i start? looking for beginner friendly stuff but also highlights/your favourites!!! thank you :3
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chillaxland · 3 months
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tobisiksi · 8 months
saiki really enjoys TV drama, rumors abt famous? yes, fights between contestants of a program? yes, reality shows? yes, novels?? yes yes YES
he's so into it, he also knows a lot abt tv culture, he is those type of guys whom only way to express themselves are thought tv references
I can't say an example bc I only know about argentinian tv culture but he would often reference some phases from his favourites shows
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
it its anniversary time??????????????????
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
can we have submissive Thena and Dominant Gil? (Ten things I hate about you AU) 🫶🏼
Her head was tilted to the side as she laughed at what he said. Her stance was relaxed, leaning against the doorway. Her hand floated in the air, swirling around the last of her fruity low-percentage cooler. He was continuing his story, soaking up her laughter, gesticulating and posing. He flexed his arms in his tight purple t-shirt.
Gil didn't know who the fuck this guy was, but he was way too close to his Thena.
His girl--his woman! And she had even agreed to it! She wasn't calling herself his girlfriend, sure, but they were hanging out together more, she let him pick her up from practise and drive her home. He was allowed to hold her hand sometimes and she'd even kiss him in public if no one was blatantly watching them.
Gil thought that counted as being an official couple! It was pretty big to him, at least. And yet here she was, chatting up some guy he'd never seen before. He was tall, handsome, obviously worked out. Maybe he was older--maybe he was some college jock. If that was the case, Gil was going to march right over there and call him a creep for coming to a high school party.
Thena laughed again, and the guy laughed too, even putting his hand on her shoulder.
That was more than enough. Gil tossed down his empty solo cup. All he'd had in it was soda anyway. He had to drive his princess home, after all. Someone bumped into him in the crowded kitchen but he shoved the younger student out of his way.
"Gil," she smiled at him like everything was peachy. She extended her hand, just about ready to pat her new friend on the chest, "this is-"
"C'mere," Gil rumbled, grabbing her hand before she could feel up the beefcake in front of her. He swept her sharply around the corner and into the bathroom. "Look at me."
"What?" she gave him a look for his manhandling of her. Her eyes were clear though, so she wasn't drunk. "I was trying to-"
He pulled her to him, searing their lips together. She moaned into him, her hands already under his hoodie and squeezing the material of his t-shirt. His tongue demanded entrance, and she granted it.
"Gil," she whimpered as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She fit against him so perfectly, it never ceased to amaze him. She tugged at his shirt, guiding him away from the door.
He put his hand against the wall beside the mirror. Fuck, this was a tiny room! The sink was behind them, him keeping the porcelain edge from digging into her back.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, although she was the one still kissing him.
"What am I doing?" he growled, sliding his hand up her back. "I'm watching some beefcake chat up my girlfriend."
"Oh," she made a cute but also infuriating little sound. "Your girlfriend, am I?"
Little minx--his little shrew, rather. He pressed closer. He was getting a little too worked up over all this, and he didn't give a fuck. "Didn't you say you were mine?"
He felt her shiver in his arms. Their hips kept bumping together from the sheer lack of space. His jeans were getting tight, and she just had on some pretty white skirt and a cardigan she liked.
He had never believed cardigans could be the sexiest article of clothing in the world before this enchantress, and yet here he was dying to get a peek of her bra clasp in the back of it.
"Did I?"
He kept himself close, his breathing was heavy and loud. But it wasn't the only heavy breathing in their little chamber. "Tell me now."
Thena liked getting him a little worked up. She bit into her lower lip, grinning like they were playing a game. Such a wicked woman he'd chosen to fall in love with. "Why should I?"
He breathed out so roughly it made a sound. She pressed closer to him, letting him feel her boobs against his chest and rubbing her thigh against his crotch. He grunted.
"What will you do?"
He reached beside him, fumbling for the door's lock. It clicked, and he held Thena's eyes as he reached down for his belt. "Whose bed were we in last night?"
"Yours," she whispered, her eyes going from their bright green to a dark forest colour. She bit her lip again as she watched him pull himself out.
He moved his hand around her waist and in front of her, only to flip her position, making her brace herself against the sink. "Who do you kiss after practice?"
"You," she repeated, her voice growing higher and thinner as he inched her skirt up her legs.
"Whose girl are you?" he groaned as he finally got her skirt up around her hips. He hooked his finger in the back of her thong and delicately pulled it out of his way.
"Yours," she gasped as he touched himself to her completely bare.
"Whose?" he repeated, running himself along her wetness first. She arched her back and pushed her hips more towards him. He grasped her buttocks, spreading her more.
"Yours, Gil, fuck."
He pushed into her slowly. His head tipped back and his eyes slid closed. This was the most anything he had ever felt ever. He held Thena's hips, barely able to register that he was still living and breathing.
She trembled, but he gripped her tighter, refusing to let her fall. She leaned heavily over the sink, her shoes scraping on the tile floor.
"Shit," he cursed, his hips beginning to move without any need to be told. He had never acted so purely on instinct in his life. He kept his hands on his hips. "Thena."
"Gil, yes, more," she panted as he moved. She wasn't in the best position, but she did what she could to match his thrusts. She kept her head down, not up to the task of seeing her expression in the mirror. He had gotten just a glimpse of it.
Her mouth was dropped open with pleasure.
"Tell me," he grunted, picking up speed. This was not what one did with the girl they loved--fucking in a bathroom at a party. But they would only be young once, and this felt nothing if not...urgent. He gripped one of her thighs and lifted it, letting him get closer (deeper). "Tell me!"
"Yours, I'm all yours," she offered, her body responding completely differently as he held her leg. She made a new sound as he lifted it even higher, holding it close to him. "Shit, Gil, I'm so yours, fuck!"
That was what he wanted to hear. He wanted to hear that he was the only man for her, that he was the only one privy to this side of her, this feeling of being with her.
"Fuck," he growled, "I-I'm so close, I gotta--I-I gotta-!"
Thena moaned directly into the bowl of the sink, it even echoed faintly as he came in the blink of an eye. His hips were still moving, and she followed, her muscles tightening around him. Her leg spasmed.
"Okay, okay, I got'cha," he panted for breath as he lowered her leg, gripping her hips against his as she shook. She all but melted into the sink, her hair spilling like the faucet was the one letting her golden curls get everywhere.
He leaned forward, pulling her hair away and nuzzling the back of her neck. "Babe?"
She made some kind of noise in response. He wasn't sure if it was a grunt or a moan or a whimper, but it sounded somewhat displeased.
"Princess?" he tried again, more sweetly. Things might have gone...too far. "You okay?"
She definitely groaned this time, pointing at the towels against the hand rack on the back of the door.
"R-Right," Gil blinked, he grabbed the softest one, pressing it into her hand gently. He stepped away only slightly, worried she would collapse onto the ground. He stuffed himself back into his pants sheepishly. More laundry to do. Gramps was gonna start getting suspicious.
Thena quickly brought the towel between her legs, moaning faintly as she pressed her thighs together. She pulled it away and tugged her skirt down again, finally picking herself up from the edge of the sink.
Gil cleared his throat, "uh, honey?"
She turned, glaring at him, although there was a distinct flush in her cheeks and down her neck. "You are unbelievable."
He really couldn't help but feel a little proud of that, even if she didn't mean it as a good thing. He grinned, although she slapped him on the chest for it. He chuckled, "sorry."
She rolled her eyes at him, fluffing out her hair again and making sure she looked like they hadn't been fucking. She raised her eyebrows at him, asking in not so many words.
He held his thumbs up and smiled at her; back to being a dork, great. "Looks great!"
She jabbed the towel into the center of his chest. "I thought you would be above feelings of possessiveness."
He grasped her hand, refusing to let her pull away. He wrapped his arm around her again, and she did let him. "I don't need to possess you."
She eyed him, but it was a sign to continue.
And she did seem to appreciate when he said things he really meant. So he leaned in close again, hovering just short of a kiss away. "You're the one who possesses me, Thena. All the time, every waking moment."
Her breath caught, and her skin was still flushed a pretty shade of pink.
"I just need to know you're mine," he finished in a whisper before kissing her. It was a proper kiss this time, soft and tender, the way he preferred to kiss her perfect lips.
Her hands slid up his chest, although it reminded him of the beefcake probably still lurking around. She pulled away and put her hands on his cheeks, "then consider it done."
It wasn't a 'I am yours', but he would take it with gratitude. He smiled and she offered a faint one back. She kicked the towel that had fallen to the floor out of the way. "All this over an old friend."
He bristled, all of his pent up frustration rising again in a flash. "Old friend?"
But Thena gave him that smug look that she got any time she was talking circles around someone. He had fallen for that look at the movies the first time he met her. "Kingo dropped out last year to pursue acting. He's in a film coming out next year. That's why he's so pleased with all his personal training results."
That was why he was flexing in her face, she meant.
Gil pursed his lips. "So he's a childhood friend who's all hot and cool?--that's supposed to make me feel better?"
"Gil," she rolled her eyes, laughing.
"You were laughing!"
"Gil," she said a little more affectionately, leaning on him completely now. "Kingo is a dear friend. One who has absolutely no interest in matters of the flesh, or the heart, for that matter."
"Oh," he blinked, taking in the look she had for him. It wasn't even that they were friends, but he didn't consider her like that apparently--he didn't think of anyone like that, rather. "Uh, well, that's-"
She threw her head back in a full and complete belly laugh.
His cheeks burned as the last embers of his jealousy ate themselves to death. "Okay, okay, yeah, get it all out."
She did. She laughed for a long time. Maybe she was having a little too much fun with it, he thought, but she did eventually quiet again. She lifted her head from his chest and kissed him. "You have nothing to fear from him...nor anyone."
She reached through his arms to flick the door unlocked again. This was the end of the conversation for her ladyship. Gil sighed, "if you say so."
"He is a very good friend, Gil," she made a point of telling him again as they both prepared to show their faces again. She pulled the door open a crack, "exemplified by his loyalty."
As soon as the door was open Gil could hear the guy's voice, louder than even the blaring music that would definitely drown them out unless ears were pressed to the door. And even if they had been, as soon as the door was open, all he saw was his back.
"Sorry, my friend isn't feeling well. But there's another bathroom upstairs!"
"Kingo," Thena raised her voice to be heard. It was easy to forget how loud it was in the mix of things. She patted his shoulder, "thanks for guarding the door. I'm feeling better."
"Oh good!" he beamed at her as if nothing at all had taken place. He waved off those he had been holding off. Once without an audience, he leaned down closer to her face again. "What the hell, T?!"
"Sorry, sorry!" she giggled at his exaggerated expression. "But thank you."
He gave Gil a completely unreadable look before turning back to Thena, his thick arms crossed at her. "He was holding back your hair, huh?"
Gil blushed, since he obviously knew what they were doing in there. But Thena just slapped his chest, which he guessed was fine, now that he knew more about the guy.
"Shut it!" she hissed at him, a full scarlet red, now.
But Kingo ruffled her hair, like he would a young sister. She only hissed at him more, but he laughed. "Relax, T, my mouth is shut and I didn't see anything!"
Gil blinked as a heavy - heavy - hand was slapped onto his shoulder. "Uh-"
"I've heard a lot about you, Gil," he said with a smile, but it sounded an awful lot like a threat. When he opened his eyes again, Gil could swear they could glow like a demon's. "Nice to meet T's boyfriend."
He didn't sound like he meant that.
"Leave him alone," Thena defused him, tugging at his t-shirt, only for him to immediately scold her for creasing its expensive material.
It was a t-shirt.
"You go, be with your precious Gilgamesh," Kingo waved her off like he was dismissing a student. "I'll come find you tomorrow."
"Fine," she sighed as if exasperated, but their familiarity and affection for each other shone through. She waved as he made his way into the other room. "Find me after practice!"
"Not right after though, right?" Kingo winked at her. "You'll be busy kissing a certain someone?"
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Sick again/the same time but longer
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buddiekinard · 12 days
tumblr dot com loves to explain to me in condescending ways how platonic love is just as important as romantic love and how platonic relationships shouldn’t be put on the back burner for romantic ones but boy oh boy are they also quick to tell me how it’s time for x to learn not to depend on y for abc now that y is in a romantic relationship.
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I forget sometimes you guys have not watched half the shows I have,
you guys would EXPLODE if I tried to explain mort lore.
(from yk dream works's Madagascar?? yeah that guy? little brown lemur? yeah fucked up, almost completely crazed fever dream lore.)
anyway I was thinking about the cinematic parallels with chef and Chris from total drama and how it's literally the same fucking thing that happens in Hannibal mostly.
murderous eccentric loved by many: Chris
manipulates, doesn't care how many he kills because it's exciting: Chris
mutilates and disfigures people for his own enjoyment: Chris
wealthy: Chris
gets sent to jail because he's a fucking murder: Chris
pulls a good guy and turns him evil and is gay for him: Chris
I can go on and on, uh you may be saying
"what the fuck?? that happens in this show??? what's it even rated??"
it's PG, guys.. it's a kids show. total drama is surprisingly dark, it's awesome I suggest it if you like weird shows that are a spoof of survivor.
but my god is the show literally just Chris being fucking murderous and gay for chef the entire time.
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(mostly it was the show getting another season, idk how they got him out of jail. 100% it was chef tho)
like they are full on murder husbands, this show is so chaotic and cringe but mostly just "CHRIS WTF" it's fucking great.
literally inlove gay murder husbands, it's fucking crazy how similar it parallels Hannibal (2013) while being older than it.
I love this show it's awesome.
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alderaans · 2 years
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Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (2016) – Episode 5
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