#talking w the husband abt how our attraction is just. really hard for us to put into words. also she is a different flavor than me
niqaboy · 5 months
is there a term for when ur aroace but only sometimes. and also only being one when ur also the other. like ik abt aceflux and aroflux n stuff! but is there a word for like. Attraction Machine Broke Come Back Tomorrow
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jewel-kr · 7 years
Women has rights too!
Quite a shocker that its not even a day i leave Tumblr but that’s what i am here for, To express.. so lets get started .
Firstable, by glancing at the title: I am clearly not a feminist (CLEARLY), i am much more a neutral-support (for everyone who questioned my stance) . Its just that i would be glad to share this to everyone who reads this and stay woke within these contexts (i can’t promise you either it will be a short one or the other way cause logically this is an impromptu encounter) Without further ado, Lets get started with what i’ve seen with my real eyes & sense in my whole life so far. As a guy myself.. I believe we’re created in pairs,a woman in my case: Its well proven& no argument necessary. But do they actually get the same receptions from society like how we (guys) received? Do they receive more than they should? Or.. do they receive worst? 
On the other hand, I owned several social account media’s logged in with my name , and clearly its mine and official hahaha. This is where my incubus theory gets real. Of course we have like 417,784(or more) populations here in Brunei , uncountably of how many males & females were here now.
A typical feelings i had when i actually have seen loads of virtual cyber bullying, sexually harassing, cat-fishing, body shaming... and oh why am i not suprised that it is in favour of woman, that gets the horn. Woman have been belittle, being assume despicable or even helpless to any guys (no offense cause its just my wild statement) or lets just say majority of guys who are not civilized and disrespectful towards them. YES , THEY ENCOUNTER WORST RECEPTIONS VIRTUALLY, mostly on the internet. In these era of sophisticated technologies all around the world, with girls being born mostly on 2000s had been pampered with smartphones or any other gadgets that can be use for socializing or communicating. Parents thought it would ease them, but it is exactly the opposite.. For parents who actually checked upon their daughters gadgets/phones: you guys did a heroic job . For those who don’t , start scanning their phones or even get to know who they socialized with. Not only i was talking abt 17y/o girls who actually has put a remarks on our life with their advanced socializing apps& healthy lifestyle (mainstream): Instagram famous, Tweet-famous or any other more, This is also for every females who felt discriminated, not safe even in your local country&home. No age limits
Socializing applications adds up year by year without noticing: Guys would login to find their prey, Girls would login to be devour (notice my phrase). As what i’ve said just now; I believe underage girls don’t actually ask their parents to actually supervise them on making account of some social network or parents wouldn’t bother knowing (either way) .. And when that happens, Lustful-ignorant guys whose hungry for girls would make their step to get to know their prey, It would typically started with sugarcoating, sweetalking where girls who couldn’t think straight would fall for it and there you go... An unwilling victim of cyber bullying, virtual sexually-harassed, threatening. I am not gonna lie, Pedophiles were scattered all around us these days, comes w two ways: Would actually unleash their evil-tricks or would use younger guys picture & attract their prey (woman).
I personally have witnessed these misbehaving situations regularly, I am not proud: Everyone has lust, But i do have some self-manner&respects like what my parents taught me towards my opposite sex. Tribe of guys sexually harassing helpless girl continuously.Body shaming less-confidence girls, Cat-fishing weak & narrow-minded guys. Is that what guys only good at? Do guys ever think what it felt like? Lust aside, Do you wanna feel that? Wait until you actually have a grownup daughter, That’s where you would realize how jerk&pathetic that action might affect them physically & mentally. For woman who actually can or did overtake this situation bcs you learned from your past or bcs you’re not shallow-minded; Congratulations you’re a strong&brilliant woman. For those whose still stranded being mocked or discriminated, Learn starting now. It won’t be that hard to start over. Just open up a new chapter of your life book.
Guys will be guys, some would still be pervert even they’re lawfully wedded to a loyal & strong wife that doesn’t know abt her husband’s dead-end tricks. Not only older guys, even guys your age. You don’t trust anything easily on the internet or applications; That’s one way to survive virtual discrimination or fatal humiliation. To all girls/woman who’ve been in this sticky situation; Hoping you ppls would be in good health right now& avoid these in the future if it may occurs. Its unfair, I know . But we’re in this together *High School Musical vibes*
Not only through the internet or applications, Scenario like this happens in real life where the scene of one girl or bunch of them passes by a group of guys and the guys went whistling, shouting, flirting or even irritating? They followed them wherever they go. If they’re at least acquaintance, I can relate . But if they’re not connected? Awful and demotivating for the girls, Disgusted . Imagine the girl as your sister , family member or your girlfriend, you would feel terrible cause you’re far away from reaching them but its them, The girls would be the one whose in disastrous.. They would feel that their pride&dignity has been ripped, Their reputation leaked & contaminate other samaritans. I don’t really get what they feel so on behalf of some guys, We are truly sorry of what women encountered day in and day out. We truly am.
Everyone has rights, INCLUDING all the women. They deserve a better treatments than this. We’re better than this. To all the women, STAY WOKE WITH SURROUNDINGS.. to the guys that feels that we’re better than this, Protect our queens . xx
p/s: Apologies for the hideous writing arrangements/Grammatical error/Spelling error. Will be improving on my next topic. TQ for your times xx , Joul
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