#tallest dava
messinwitheddie · 1 year
Did Dava have any love interests?
It was never really discussed in the data collected/ preserved about her (though such subjects are usually erased or heavily glossed over).
There was a lot of speculation among her subjects, but most of the drones/ fellow tallests she was rumored to be involved with were really just good friends and allies. (Tallest Tiag belong to @sketchydesertghost , left ) (Tallest Gout, "discoverer" of planet Vort, referred to by a different name in Dava's era, right). She was discrete when it came to her love life.
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The closest thing to a romantic companion Dava kept was her personal frylady, Sassa-Frass. She and Dava had been rival apprentices in their youth, when Dava was still in the culinary ops attempting to become a frylord.
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Sassa-Frass was highly respected by Dava. She remained close friends with Sassa-Frass after being measured. She was also Sassa-Frass's biggest critic, but the frylady expected no less from her ex rival. Sassa-Frass knew by heart the recipes used by the frylord who mentored them/ housed them/ their swarm mates and their coddle drones growing up.
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narlowemcfarlowe · 10 months
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"Wow, nice place. I really like your tastes in decor... Who's this?"
"That's Bunicuta, she's a famous name down here. She was an eccentric yet brilliant matriarch... the proud mother of 200 children from five swarms, can you believe it?"
"Wait, what? Is that even possible? From what little I know that had to have been awfully painful, an irken mother could rarely survive that many birthings, let alone even one!"
"You're partially true. When irkens reach mating age they're already relatively old and worn out. Due to this, along with nutrient deficiencies, stress, and overall low qualities-of-life that were common in earlier eras, the reproductive process was often painful and had a high death toll on both fathers and mothers. From an evolutionary perspective, many scientists have suggested the large number of offspring served as compensation for the lives lost. Granted, we have made great strides in medical advancements over tens of thousands of years thanks to the late Omanje, so deaths for smeets and mothers alike are rare, but no Irken was ever as hardy as her."
"She's awfully tall, how was she even capable of all of that, aren't taller irkens generally infertile? The only tallest I've been told to take on such a feat was Dava, but even then she only had three swarms before passing from exhaustion."
"Yes, but there's always exceptions in nature. Although she was a little over five feet she was a robust woman. We believe this could have been due to her pak, she came to us as a smeet, she must have been a runaway from your regime's smeeteries. Since she had spent her entire life down here her pak couldn't have been properly updated. However, she was an brilliant mechanic who constantly pushed the bounds while experimenting on herself. She managed to find a way for it to give her pain-killing medications whenever she was in great pain, she was usually high as a kite whenever she was ready to give birth. But hey, it worked! She managed to live a long and fruitful life, passing away in her sleep soon after her final swarm reached adulthood. Although lady Dava's still in her own league, many of us appreciate Bunicuta for her toughness and resilience. I'm actually hosting a festival in honor of her family's lineage pretty soon. I always try to gather up her children and grandchildren, but everyone's welcome to join in. I think we can all take a sense of awe on how she pushed the limits of what's possible"
"That's sounds amazing, but who's this Omanje you reference earlier?"
"That's a long story my friend"
From an Invader Zim au based off of @messinwitheddie's personal au, I got back in the mood to make more posts after seeing her recent post. This is just my self-indulgent nonsense, I wanted to make a "what if" scenario of something seemingly miraculous happening against all odds.
Anyways, I'm two exams down with two more to go, I'll have the rest of December off after next Monday, yay!!!
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aboutminniethejasmine · 10 months
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hush, when no one is around, my dear you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes spinning in my highest heels, love shining just for you hush i know the said the end is near but i'm still on my tallest tiptoes spinning in my highest heels love shining just for you
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001.   |   𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄   ﹆   basic info
nome completo: jasmine indra vishwanath
conhecida como: a espectro que um dia foi a princesa jasmine de agrabbah
local de nascimento: agrabbah
apelido: jas, minnie
pronome: ela/dela
idade: 27 anos
signo: touro
alinhamento moral: neutro
mbti: isfp (aventureiro)
profissão: detetive particular e caça recompensas
lealdade: neutra
sexualidade: bissexual
traços positivos: perceptiva, leal, inteligente e criativa
traços negativos: perfeccionista, teimosa, arrogante, rancorosa.
conto: aladdin
inspiração: inej ghafa (six of crows) + jessica jones + sherlock holmes
face claim: amita suman
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002.   |   𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄   ﹆   about her
por conta de sua vida no circo, jasmine foi uma criança sociável e brincalhona, sua atividade favorita era ajudar a cuidar dos animais, especialmente dos elefantes e dos leões e quando começou a se apresentar, o que mais gostava de ver era o brilho dos olhos do pai em orgulho. após sua primeira apresentação, seu pai a presenteou com um colar de ouro, com uma pedra de jade então nada no formato de uma flor de lótus, que pertenceu à sua mãe, zariah.
tw: abuso infantil, violência infantil e exploração de menores
aos seus 12 anos, ela foi sequestrada por um grupo de criminosos, levada para o centro da cidade onde ela foi vendida para um prostíbulo local, o "espírito de jade". pela pouca idade da garota, ela trabalhava como garçonete. a dona do local, noreen, acabou percebendo que jasmine passava despercebida e discreta, sendo capaz de recolher informações valiosas para ela, e desse jeito, ela foi treinada como uma espiã, se tornando conhecida como espectro
quando ela fez 14, noreen queria que além de ser sua espiã, jasmine começasse a dormir com clientes, e ela recusava sempre que a mulher tentasse, o que lhe garantiu punições físicas, além de privação de alimento. no entanto, para o alívio de jasmine, ela foi comprada por um dono de bar mais amigável, que a queria apenas como sua espiã.
se mudar do "espírito de jade" para o "renascença", o bar de seu novo proprietário, foi uma mudança bem vinda, amir, o proprietário do bar, dava-lhe toda a liberdade que ela desejasse, desde que ela sempre voltasse com segredos e com isso, ela acabou reencontrando seu pai, contando-lhe a verdade do que tinha acontecido e seu novo emprego.
algumas tragédias aconteceram na vida de jasmine de seus doze anos, até seus quatorze, mas a tragédia que mais a abateu, veio em seus dezesseis anos: a morte de seu pai, amon, contra um de seus inimigos, não podendo proteger o pai da morte, fazendo com que ela se sinta culpada até hoje.
jasmine se vingou e matou aqueles que tiraram a vida de seu pai, apesar de ter levado anos para acontecer, mas na mesma época que finalmente realizou seu desejo, acabou recebendo um convite para sair do príncipe de agrabbah, aladdin, que acabou recusando, não conseguia pensar em sair com alguém quando a perda do pai ainda a abatia.
quando jasmine decidiu sair de agrabbah, anos depois que seu pai faleceu, ela apenas levou poucas coisas consigo, além de seu gato, rajah: o colar que era de sua mãe, sua coleção de adagas que acabou ganhando de seu empregador anterior e algumas de suas roupas, ela não pretendia voltar para agrabbah tão cedo, ela não tinha mais nada lá que a prendia.
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003.   |   𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄   ﹆   extra info
ainda vou por algo aqui juro
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004.   |   𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄   ﹆   the disclaimers
ainda vou por algo aqui juro +2
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monsoonceroom · 2 years
Depictions of The Weaver
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The first picture of The Weaver is hundreds of thousands if not millions of years old. Since in Irk's creation story, she had given up most of her eyes, she was usually shown with only one eye. Silk is shown coming from her hands while being surrounded by celestial bodies above her & Irkens & animals below.
The first variation was the appearance of an Unraveler giving The Weaver silk. Other variants that followed included a multi-eyed Weaver & a pregnant Weaver. These differences were not mutually exclusive & several (or sometimes all) could be found on a single portrait. Pregnant Weavers were especially popular during fertility festivals & were frequently prayed to by expecting mothers in the hopes of easy births & large swarms.
During the First Era, The Weaver was shown not only using a loom, but also wearing clothes. This was because nudity became highly offensive around this time & to depict a divine being nude was seen as sacrilege punishable by death. The only time it was acceptable to show The Weaver nude was during fertility festivals. Other hives that still openly displayed nude Weavers outside of fertility festivals were considered barbaric.
Something that also started during the First Era were Presenting Weavers. This image showed The Weaver holding a smeet version of the reigning Tallest. This was a huge divergence from previous Weaver pictures which usually showed her creating. Around this time, many Tallests mythologized their births by claiming that they were The Weaver’s smeet & therefore had the divine right to rule. Some were successful in their efforts while many others were not.
By the late Second Era, pictures of The Weaver in some areas were replaced by Tallest Dava. The story of her birthing three swarms had some convinced that she was The Weaver in a mortal body. This idea was considered sacrilege by enemy hives & anyone caught worshiping Dava were executed.
When the late Third Era rolled around, The Weaver was seen as a myth by most hives, but there were still many others who worshipped her & her children. Images of her were still made but mainly for storybooks for smeets. Those that still saw her as a goddess had since gone back to her creating the universe & an Unraveler handing her silk. 
Pictures of The Weaver were mainly destroyed &/or lost due to constant wars & changes on how she should be presented over time. The few that remain were conserved by Tallest Kii after receiving Hive Litore following Tallest Ophelia’s death. Most of these images have since been locked away somewhere within Irk’s deepest vaults.  
Been wanting to do this for a while & finally got around to doing it. I just thought it’d be fun seeing how The Weaver changes over time. Hemm & her assistants do have a picture of The Weaver, but since this is supposed to be more academic-ish, I didn’t think mentioning a smuggled artifact would be appropriate. I also thought I posted this ages ago, but apparently not since I found it in drafts, so here it is now.
Dava & Kii belong to @messinwitheddie
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
I don't know if you know about this, but there's a tumblr blog called messinwitheddie & they have Invader Zim stuff. It's not strictly IZ, but that's mainly what I go for. They have an au set 18 years after the movie & have created their own history for Irk with tallest oc's. My personal favorite is Tallest Dava. Anyways, I thought it was neat & figured I'd share.
Its amazing how many fandoms still live and breathe. After Enter the Florpus I was really surprised at how many still active IZ blogs their were. Fans are really incredible, especially when they take the source material and develop it with such interesting results. I will def swing by and take a look thanks!
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messinwitheddie · 7 months
I wonder….are Dava, Kii and Miyuki self conscious about their stretch marks?
(Nudity? ahead. Irkens are featureless, so I'm not sure if this counts.)
Dava is actually very proud if her stretch marks. She considers them battle scars; which in old Irken culture they are. She personally modeled for thousands of drawing/ painting/ tapestry weaving students/ enthusiasts in her hive/ allied hives.
If you didn't include her stretch marks in your depiction of her, Dava took great offense.
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Kii started to become self-conscious of the stretchmarks on her stomach after her fourth or fifth jubilee. They were a painful reminder of her failed birth attempts.
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Modern tallests on average are especially self-conscious about their appearances. Miyuki was under a lot of pressure from the control brains in terms of job performance to begin with. She became overly critical of her body towards the end of her reign. Her flaws reflected the flaws of her empire; as the mentality was drilled into her.
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Dava, in all honesty, had the right attitude towards her stretch marks. ALL very tall drones end up covered in stretch marks. The measuring process leaves a drone covered in them.
Tallests tend to continue to grow as they age, which forms new stretch marks, even if skin care routines make the majority of them fade.
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messinwitheddie · 7 months
Well damn! Dava’s THICK thick! Was she always like that or did she gain weight after having her sworms?
Dava is a big, curved beatstick of a drone, isn't she? (compliment). She's the Marilyn Monroe/ Dolly Parton of Irken Tallests.
She has always been heavy, full of dimension and proud of this fact. She gained weight after her pregnancies, as anyone does, but lost it gradually after. Dava almost never bound and wore functional armor to most occasions. (Why many other tallests considered her trashy)
Her body has survived many battles, intimidated many rivals/ enemies, produced many future soldiers and gave her the capability to make great pastries in her culinary ops days.
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(Dava posing for a tapestry for local weavers with some of her second swarm)
She had the stature of a tallest and the bulk of a frylord. Mostly genetics. She inherited her mother's thick body frame and round, crystal blue eyes.
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She was born the same size as the rest of her swarmmates, but grew four times their size in half a year. Because Dava was the smeet of a lowly table drone, her and her swarmmates were born in the storage room of their hive's grand mess hall. She and her siblings were immediately put to work in the kitchen (mostly collecting garbage off the floor or sorting the plastic spoons/forks/ straws/ ect.)
Dava was expected to help with table busting duty because she was tall enough to climb onto the booths and benches on her own and strong enough to help gather dirty trays and cups. She was given extra snacks, but struggled to find room next to her mother on the armchair they rested on during breaks.
These high demands and expectations of her "made her tough" physically, but strained her emotionally. Luckily her mother was a patient drone and the two worked things out before Dava and her swarmmates were collected and drafted into the hive's basic training system.
Dava was sent out into the world with a strong sense of responsibility, ethics and confidence. Later, she made it a point to thank her mother/ original coddle drone for instilling these things in her.
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She loved her body and so did her loyal drones. All hail her thickness and curse you and your hive if you think differently. ^^
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messinwitheddie · 7 months
1:Whatever happened to Yeet after Tallest Purple died? Where was she?
2:Cini doesn’t it burn when you let smoke go through your eyes? Why not blow it out?
3:Does Tak have a scar on her abdomen? What happened there?
4:Who would look best in a two piece swimsuit? Tallest Dava? Kii or Miyuki?
5:Dib’s son had kids, right? The twin babies?
6:Hows the professor coming along?
All very good questions, which is why I feel obligated to warn everyone cringe, self-indulgent answers are ahead.
1. Yeet ends up deserting the Irken empire altogether for Mem's hive. She agrees to let Zim downgrade her PAK, severing herself from the CB's core collective. She stays in Mem's hive and continues to perform lookout/ guard duties as well as assist Purple with certain everyday tasks, as he is rendered disabled after being cut off from things like his hovor belts/ smart gauntlets (hence why he often walks with a cane after being de-measured. The measuring process is very damaging to the body.)
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Yeet also volunteeres to lead an exploration expedition across Mem's mystery planet to help gather information about the surface beyond Mem's hive's known territories. She helped Zim, Dib and Reg draw accurate maps and extensively document the flora and fauna of the continent the hive occupies and eventually the whole planet.
In between expeditions, Yeet volunteers to bodyguard the Resisty-serving Cantina Gir (or frylord “Gorr-May" as he is eventually knighted after earning the title of Frylord in his own right) secretly opens on Mem’s mystery planet. Gir/Gorr-May is only able to sneak away and cook at the cantina occasionally, as the CB full system takeover puts him/ his employees at a huge risk. His apprentice, Mem's daughter, Vicious, does most of the cooking for the cantina.
Yeet provides Mem's hive with a much needed boost in silk, as her “condition" never improves, so she volunteers her time to silk spinning, laundry and mending clothes. She makes dolls for the smeets/ other infant species in her spare time. Yeet enjoys much more meaningful enrichment after joining Mem's hive. She stays active, happy and very much appreciated there, even if her and Gir/Gorr-May never have a swarm of their own (a mutual agreement between the two if them.).
Where Yeet is exactly when Purple dies, is not yet determined. She is very upset when she discovered he had passed. She mourned him deeply; Purple was one of her best friends, despite everything. He even officiated her and Gir's union.
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2. Cini has a bad habit of holding in when he puffs on his amber pipe because he believes the old superstition that doing so will increase the effects of the amber (somehow smoke is able to pass through Irken tear ducts in my personal head canon. This is unhealthy and unnecessary. Do not hold in smoke. Don’t smoke in general, in case any minors are ignoring my blog boundaries lol).
3. Tenn (whispering) “That's just a prominent stretch mark from our pregnancies. She's a little bitter. Mine all faded before hers, so just don’t bring it up. She trained our swarms to attack on command.”
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Tak “I can hear you over there!”
4. Why do you have to pit 3 bad bitches against each other? ^0
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5.You know what? I cannot for the life of me find the drawing you are referring to. Slowly but surely , I'm organizing my drawing room, but have yet to come across it. It is lost in tumblr limbo for sure.
I changed the story around since drawing/ posting that.
Reg temporarily cuts ties with both the Membrane and Van Verminstrasser families while in college during his early to mid 20’s. He goes through a whole para-spiritual/ environmental extremist fase. Part of the reason he joins Dib on his second trip to Mem's planet is to dodge arrest for “acts of environmental terrorism" in several countries. At some point in that time frame Reg sires a daughter, Prisha, shortly after his baby sister, Wyn, is born. (Dib and Mabel struggle to have a child for years before Mabel agrees to use ML’s cloning facilities. It's a whole thing. Yes, Dib is VERY upset he missed the birth of his grandchild.)
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(Wyn and Prisha grow up to be close friends. Prisha regularly guest stars on Wyn's reboot of "Probing the Membrane of Science" show.
Reg and Prisha's life research/ field work is a major reason why Dib's great(s) grandson, Dro's generation of humans can still breathe clean air/ drink fresh water on Earth in the distant future.)
Dib is most likely holding both his daughter and granddaughter in that drawing. He and Reg slowly repair their bond, to the whole family ‘s/ Zim's relief.
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6. Prof Membrane is very much enjoying his retirement by living his lifelong dream of exploring/ researching the uncharted depths of the earth's oceans. Dib is proud of his dad and extremely happy for him, but at the same time is constantly nervous something will go wrong and personally checks in on the Prof's research team/ inspects the equipment involved in the expedition.
[Slowly but surely I will start answering asks again soon. Been working on other things. Sorry...]
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
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Footage of late tallest Dava being escorted to the birthening floor by her two most trusted frylords moments before giving birth to her third and final swarm.
The only video recording of a live Irken birthening documented and saved in the control brain's memory for educational purposes.
It's not pleasant to watch.
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messinwitheddie · 2 months
What would it have been like if Dava didn’t become the next tallest and instead proceeded her own carrier? Would her mother be proud of this decision instead of her daughter moving up the ranks as a leader?
Ooh! This is actually a very good question.
It's difficult for me to speculate on the exact impact this change in detail would have on the modern Irken empire.
But, if Dava hadn't been measured tallest, she would have most likely climbed rank through the culinary ops and been knighted frylord under her ruling tallest and therefore gave herself a new honorary kitchen name as per tradition. Therefore the name "Dava" would have never been recorded in Irken history.
In this scenario, during her years serving in her tallest-in command's grand messhall, she would have HATED her life, because her tallest was a miserable prick to the shmizz and cruel to all his underlings.
If she was lucky, that tallest would have died midway through his rule like in her original timeline and her culinary ops rival-lover would have been measured tallest instead of Dava.
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[Dava serving as a frylord under her newly measured ex culinary rival]
Dava would get to keep her frylord title and finally serve a tallest she adored and respected. Her new tallest would treat her with the respect she deserved AND constantly seek out her advice on important issues. So all the good Dava did for her hive and species as a tallest in her original timeline, she would have still accomplished, but in a indirect way. Her new tallest would have taken credit for all her accomplishments, except for Dava's impressive birth count as she would have either been unable to conceive or give birth as Dava had.
In this scenario, Dava would either have only given birth to one swarm [under force by her original prick-tallest] or, because her body was never forced through the harmful measuring process, she could have easily given birth to 3 even bigger swarms or given birth to a record breaking 4-5 swarms.
Her mother would have been just as proud of Dava if she grew up to be a a frylord as opposed to a tallest. Frylords are second in command in terms of political power in Irken society after all (A hive that goes un-fed will surely revolt and eat their tallest. Any tallest with half a brain cell knows this).
And, as a frylord, her mother would have been enlisted to work in Dava's kitchen, so she would have closely worked under her daughter's management. Dava's mother would have enjoyed much better treatment in the workplace plus enjoy her daughter's company on a daily basis.
Dava and her mother would have been perfectly happy with such an arrangement.
But as it turns out, Dava WAS measured tallest in her day and thus is our familiar history.
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messinwitheddie · 10 months
Have any tutorials of how you draw your tallest? (Or irkens in general?)
If Cini could wear any human casual clothing, what would he wear that is comfortable?
If he had it his way, would Cini change the life of Irken society?( you know with the whole tall and short thing.) or change everything with the empire expansion. We know their people must have many enemies with other alien races but if there was an alternative to that and not concur or go to war with them, would Cini be that one Tallest to break that cycles? I mean he looked tired of being tallest.
I'm not the best teacher. My drawings are pretty inconsistent. The best I can explain my process is, make a mark, erase a mark, rinse, repeat until it looks like a figure.
These were drawn super quick. Not sure how much help they'll be, but I tried to leave in as many reference lines in as possible.
These are some sketches on how I approach drawing a tallest with the typical JV bone-skinny body frame
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The torso is where I struggle the most. I probably draw them too tall, but that's how it comes out.
It's fun to experiment with different body types;
From left to right; Tallest Spittle, Greezee and Blitz
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From left to right: Tallest Miyuki, Dava and Kii
I have a tendency to draw women tallests with big hips (because that's fun for me), but Irkens really don't have gender dimorphism, and their fashion/ clothing styles are all unisex, so there's no need to follow that rule when you design your own ocs.
I would have to look through my blog to find any posts about how I draw smaller Irkens. Mostly same advice.
As far as Cini's choice in comfortable human clothing; his robes are very uncomfortable, so anything would feel comfy by comparison.
But I imagine he would immediately gravitate towards those flimsy tie dye sun dresses you see in those little hippie boutiques at the mall. Tie dye is something he would never have seen in the empire plus so many swirls and colors!
He would have a field day dress shopping. Most human male clothes would be too lacking in flair.
And to address the third question; Irkens are brainwashed at birth into believing their height based hierarchy is the natural and correct way for their society to operate and have been brainwashed into believing this for MILLIONS and millions of years.
I'm not sure if it's within the limits of his imagination to conceive a reality where Irkens did not serve a tallest who carried out the will and executed the design of the control brains.
BUT Cini wished from the moment he was measured someone, ANYONE else had been measured taller than him. His favorite partabout being tallest was lounging and smoking record breaking amounts of pipe amber.
His passion was his trapeze act and watching performances at the civilian theater. No "important" occupation really appealed to him when he was a cadet; too boring, not enough fun music and visuals. He only served in the military because all Irkens are required to go through basic training. His stats were a joke as far as his height bracket went. He stayed the same rank for almost 200 years.
Cini tried as hard as he could to be a good tallest, as much as his imposter syndrome made it for him. MOST of his reign was actually spent improving infrastructure within the empire's existing territories. He was a generous patron of the arts and sciences (beyond military research). Service drones legally received more off time and better medical benefits. Cini avoided brute force unless absolutely necessary. He loved to play ambassador. The Vortians, the Space Bees, the Inquisitorians, ect all became official allies of the Irken Armada during Cini's rule. He genuinely took the time and effort to listen to their concerns and compromise.
Cini was wise enough to know it's better to make friends than enemies in the long game, especially unnecessarily. The empire wasn't perfect, but Irkens and alien citizens alike enjoyed a higher quality of living under Cini's leadership methods.
It wasn't until the very end of his reign did he declare a war. He did so because of pressure forced down on him by the control brains, who were intimidated by the corrupting freedoms the lesser drones seemed to be enjoying and deeply concerned by the lack of new conquests that have been made over the centuries.
The Irken/ Planet Jacker war was bloody from the very beginning.
Cini would not live down the shame of his decision. Too many casualties on his conscience.
Every drone is worthy of dignity; Cini believed that. He would change A LOT about Irken society if he could. He tried. He wish he had tried harder.
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messinwitheddie · 10 months
Somehow this anonymous ask was deleted as I posted it?? So, hopefully whoever sent this asks sees it. Luckily I had the questions written down (helps me visualize sometimes)
1: Was tallest Red sick? If so, how long did he have it and did Purple see the signs? When did he die?
2: Hitz is the one out of the three whose upgraded vessel didn’t get destroyed during the last battle. Where is he now at the time?
3: I like to learn about tallest Spittle. He is one nicely built Irken. Confident enough to pose naked and loving how it intimidate his rivals.😆 what has he done for the empire during his reign? How did he pass away? Who was his closest staff workers?
4: How Was Hoola’s encounter with humans so far? What does he think of them and has he done any study of their world or at least learn form one?
5:How fond of Hitz and Soxx was of Dava? Enough to want to ally with her? Want her to be their life mate and have their sworms?(or was that towards Kii?)
6:Did Purple survive the battle against the control brains? Did he take back his throne or did he sit this own out? If the 6th era started, how is irk fairing after all this trauma over the years being led by each crazed, power tripping leaders and super computers?
7:If they can go back to the natural way of breeding, would they? If the irkens can find a way to limit the rick factors and death tolls. And only using the smeetiry method if it’s in dire need for population control. Surely there must have been a small amount of irkens who wish to have smeets of their own?
8: Out of all tallest, who’s reign was the least damaging to the empire and is more towards fixing itself from the inside while trying to gain Allie’s and trading partners on the outside? Any in favor?
9: When the time comes for them to die, will Zim and Dib see each other in the afterlife or will their paths be separated? Will they still watch over others?
10:What’s Cini’s favorite color? What would it be like if Lich was to be his personal guard? How would the interaction be between the two for the most part?
(Sorry this is all text. I will absolutely illustrate to these answers at some point... Catching up on other drawings this week. I like the numbering system; helps me stay focused. I is shit at focusing lol)
1. Red wasn't sick exactly. He and Purple suffered chronic joint and back pain, especially after their official measuring process which limited their physical activity. Red slowly developed a drinking problem after ID I, so his robes were a little tighter on him than Purple, even if on livestream that seemed unnoticeable. Red's reoccurring headaches started shortly after the Massive escaped the florpis hole.
The Massive's medical staff was OVERLOADED with emergencies at the time. Maybe something ailing late Red was misdiagnosed or overlooked in the chaos, but he was young and relatively healthy for his abnormal height. Nothing concerning showed on any of the maintenance tests Medic Hoola or the imperial PAK technician ran on his PAK. Late Red's death via aneurysm was unexpected. It shocked the empire. It nearly destroyed Tallest Purple. Purple didn't take Red's complaints seriously for a while. He will always blame himself for this. At the same time, a repressed part of him wonders if Red's death wasn't a freak coincidence. Tallests are telepathically/ wirelessly synced directly to the control brains. They often express displeasure with Red/ Purple's work performance... Maybe this was their way of punishing them? Their way of keeping Purple humble and in line...? He tries not to wonder. Outside his personal chambers, they can hear...
The exact date Red passed away, I honestly don't remember when I said originally or if I ever specified. I would have to look it up... In my AU Zim left earth a little under 2 years after the events of ETF. Red passed away some time between then and when Zim returned to earth (18 years after the events of ETF).
2. Self indulgent ending for Hitz (or his updated flesh vessel at least). The exact details have not been fleshed out. To sumarize, the one single surviving back-up flesh vessel, Purple winds up adopting the newborn updated Hitz and raises him as his own on Mem's mystery planet. New Hitz is a very big, very challenging smeet, but the evil, greed and hatred that infested his original vessel never infests new self. New Hitz is showered with love and friendship growing up. He has the same compulsive need to be orderly and follow rules and a logical routine, but he has no desire to enforce rules through violence and fear.
3. (Trying to gloss over this part, but… yeah) Spittle was the 21st tallest of the 4th era. He wasn't the brightest drone; he could barely manage the label on a nutrition shake. BUT, he had the good sense to surround himself with bright drones and listened to their counsel. He trusted the judgment of his staff, frylords and military nobles.
Spittle had a competitive streak and inferiority complex. He also had body image issues, if that wasn’t obvious. So in his efforts to build a strong, thriving empire and a flawless physique to match he invested large sums of monies and resources into medical research; improving the irken population's overall health.
Improving quality control and labor-drone's burnout on Producia, Foodcourtia and the other major snacking systems was advised by the frylords of his day, so he enlisted more service drones and made it mandatory for encoded full-time soldiers to work shifts for service drones due for a reprieve (vacation). For a soldier to refuse to show for service-drone duty or fail to perform the job correctly was considered a punishable offense. His advisor and battle pilot comrad, Blinx, cautioned him about declaring war until the armada was upgraded. So Blinx invested heavily in military research. Within the first century of Spittle's reign, he commissioned and mass produced three new battle crafts, the Spittle Runner (named after him), the shuvver and the ripper. Navigational tech upgrades were installed in all the Armada's ships. Maintenance on all crafts were performed more often and the regulations themselves were updated and reinforcedmore strictly.
Spittle had enlisted for battle pilot training when he was a cadet, so he especially enjoyed discussing battle crafts, space battles, racing stats ect.
Funding for Irken military and battle pilot academies was increased as was the number of training hours needed to graduate. Training improved exponentially and the stats of cadets across the board improved. The youth of his day confidentiality believed Spittle was leading them into a platinum age of Irken history...
He seemed untouchable, but Spittle had two character flaws; he had a habit of showboating and taunting his enemies and he never learned his limits. After declaring the only war during his short reign, Spittle started a strict body building regimen. He injured himself at the gym. In an attempt to rush his recovery and gain results, Spittle went against the advice of his medic. He took a cocktail of performance enhancers. His heart gave out.
His advisor, Blinx was measured the next tallest and the war Spittle declared lead to the pandemic that decimated the Irken population when Cini was a smeet.
4. The only two humans Hoola has interacted with so far is with Reg (Dib's oldest child) and Lyr (Gaz's only child). He is pleasantly shocked by how kind they are to him, considering how much these humans know about the Irken race and their endless warpath. He likes these young humans. They're funny creatures; very expressive and curious. Reg especially asks a lot of questions. Hoola knows giving away too much information may be a punishable offense, but he is sick of the injustices plaguing the empire and his life clock has been detonated, starting his 10 year retirement countdown to death.
He enjoys participating in Reg's interview. Lyr is especially fond of Hoola. He considers him their Irken grandpa. Lyr is deeply troubled when Hoola explains to him how retiring works in the Irken empire.
5. Dava was long dead when Hitz, Soxx and Kii ruled as tallests if their respective hives. Soxx and Hitz would have HATED Dava. Dava allowed her drones too many perks and freedoms. She encouraged disobedience. She spat on tradition. Kii ruled the same subterranean territories Dava and her allies ruled. She admired Dava or how her legacy described Dava, as a smeet but failed to honor her memory in the long run.
6. Purple survives several battles against the control brains. He dies long before the final battle. He lived a comfortable-ish life in Mem's hive. He did what he could to help the resistance.
7. I think it would take a few generations to get used to the idea of a natural/ smeetery option birthing system. The smeetery has been the only method of birth permitted in the empire for thousands of years. Most Irkens would choose to let the smeetery replenish the population, but if the alternative method is decriminalized eventually more drones might find the natural method appealing. It would be a huge win for drone rights if natural pregnancies weren’t a punishable offense.
8. Hmmm… Late Cini probably fits that description as far as my ocs go. Spittle is a close 2nd. But I haven't written lore fot 17 or 18 other late reigns of tallests.
9. I'm sure Zim and Dib will run into each other. Where and when I'm not certain. Zim is relieved Dib has kept tabs on his family / descendants. Otherwise, it would take Zim forever to recap.
10. Cini's favorite color is neon pink. He is also fond of iridescent silver or iridescent pink, and sequins of any color.
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
Sorry to bombard you with asks but I just had an epipany that your drawings of Miyuki (and honestly Dava as well) remind me of Charlotte from the 1973 Charlotte's web movie. I just got a tiktok of a clip from the movie and that thought just got into my head lol
That version of Charlotte was one of my first cartoon hyperfixations! I thought she was so pretty. As an adult I realize she looks more like a fuzzy ant than a spider, but I still think she's neat.
Maybe subconsciously Charlotte creeps into my drawings of Miyuki and Dava. Neither really resemble Charlotte personality wise.
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Both Miyuki and Dava were formidable soldiers before they were tallests. Both were successful and ruthless conquerors.
Miyuki was famous for her charm and social grace. She maintained a high-class persona even towards the rend of her reign when she really started to get power drunk.
Dava was the opposite. Much of her history is watered down to mentioning little other than her 3 successful births, but she was a mighty tallest in her own right. Dava had once aspired to be a frylord, but was measured tallest before completing her culinary ops training. She spent many stressful battles fighting on Irks surface in between shifts cooking in the mess hall. She worked and fought alongside the tiniest drones. She kept her hive's army fed. She stayed very grounded even after she was measured because of that.
Fellow tallests considered Dava to be "trashy" and disgraceful. Dava made little effort to learn or practice tallest etiquette. She usually showed to formal events in functional armor and war paint. She engaged in conversation with shorter drones, especially scientists, doctors and techs, much more often and openly than other tallests. She made her demands heard. Naturally this is covered very little in holo training texts.
The one oc I have that strongly resembles Charlotte's design is Dow, the Colossus's adopted coddle drone.
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Long post is long already, but I must include this, because it was a perfect excuse to use this dialogue. I love the book/ movie, but I think the story of Charlotte's Web may be a little more distressing to Irkens.
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Ms. Bitters "Zim! You're up. Present to the class your oral report on...oooh."
Dib "Ow!! Damn it, Zim!"
Ms. Bitters "Dib, don't curse. Zim! Don't throw the books. There's nothing in the budget to replace them. The board used it all on new baseball uniforms."
Zim "What was the point of that stupid book?!!"
Ms. Bitters "It's YOUR oral report, Zim. You tell me and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong according to the curriculum."
Zim "Charlotte DIES ALONE in a fairground? She sacrifices all of her time, energy, silk and health and she doesn't even live to see her smee-er- babies leave to spin their own webs?! Why?! To save a stupid pig?! The humans are just going to eat him next Christmas, Charlotte, you shmizz!!
Do we really need reminders that life is short and death is inevitable?!
That our efforts will have little impact on the universe?! That our hard work will most likely go unrewarded?! DO WE?!
Rot, E.B. White!! If you're going to make shit up, make it uplifting! Come on!!
Zita "But the book also reminds us that the friendships we make along the way make life worth living and the acts of kindness we do for each other gives us hope that the future may be a little brighter for future generations-"
Zim "You rot too, ZI-TA! You WOULD side with that dumb pig!! Typical!!"
Zita "Ms. Bitters!!"
Ms. Bitters. "ZIM, as much as I agree with your assessment, Zita's fits closer to the curriculum. You get a D. Sit down and be quiet for the rest of the day."
Zim "Sure! Who cares?! Earth fiction is STUPID! I'm never reading fictional earth literature EVER AGAIN!"
Ms. Bitters *sigh*
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messinwitheddie · 2 years
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"Greetings! I'm your guide and host, Div! I won late tallest Dava's miniature double three centuries running. If you're here, you have been encoded as an active FEMALE! YAY!!
That's a huge honor because YOU have the genetic responsibility to repopulate the mighty Irken military and labor force should ever our beloved mother brain become unable to carry the burden.
During this seminar, I will explain the mechanics of your feminine duties and--"
I had an idea that never really made it to paper concerning the lore behind Irkens and how small chunks of the population are "active" females, capable of conceiving/ giving birth to live swarms in case of a major disaster to the Irken smeeteries.
It's supposed to play out like one of those cheesy, uncomfortable and sometimes condescending educational videos they make you sit through in middle school health class.
Still thinking about writing/drawing out the video at some point.
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messinwitheddie · 3 months
I have 20 of my ocs available to attack during artfight.
I want to add at least 10 more. I have 8 locked down.
1. Tallest Dava
2. Head Harvester, Saa-Tiva
H.H. Saa-Tiva is subject to a slight redesign or just given an alternative outfit.
3. Hoop
Hoop needs a proper written profile.
4. Noise
5. Pixy Death; the Irken personification of death
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6. Troy Gluskin
7. Etta Gluskin
10. Wild Card (I make up an OC on the spot)
Does anyone want to suggest 2 of my ocs to fill the two remaining spots.
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narlowemcfarlowe · 1 year
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Third tallest design?
(a continuation from the previous two designs for the elusive hive.)
I don't have time to ink and color it now since it's 4 in the morning and I should get to bed. I based his outfit off of the clothing worn by the ancient Minoans, his thousand-yard stare is inspired by the draags from Fantastic Planet (a great movie which is turning 50 this December!), and I wanted to give him an antennae mutation giving him pseudo facial hair.
I wanted to give him a bit of an Omaje-esque appearance. Since I imagine Omanje as being a male version of Dava, or basically what Kii wanted to become but failed miserably at, (credits to @messinwitheddie for both Dava and Kii), he may have managed to spread his bloodline...
Despite his creepy appearance and eccentric behavior, he's a nice guy! His chambers smell like pond water because of all his amphibious pets though, yuck.
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