#taloned highlands
mehoymalloy · 8 months
Since Mr. Mercer won't tell me shit about the Taloned Highlands, I made it up myself!
(ie: I spent my long weekend fleshing out some of the my world-building for the Moon Moms series, and I regret nothing).
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southern-gothic-comic · 5 months
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(Author Notes)
Panel 1: Laudna sits up. A few dislodged wildflowers cling to her hair.
Laudna: Oh, darling. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you. But I -- I can’t go with you, to Jrusar. I fear . . . I -- I fear you may be better off without me.
Imogen: No! I’m not! I need you. 
Panel 2: She looks at Imogen sincerely.
Laudna: Whatever lies ahead for me, it won’t be easy. It never has been. What happened back there, in Gelvaan, it . . . wasn’t a unique experience. I’ve been chased from place to place, never able to take root anywhere, for th-- for many, many years. I don’t want that kind of life for you.
Imogen: Then let me make it easier for you. Whatever’s out there waitin’ for you, you don’t have to go alone.
Panel 3: Imogen casts her eyes downwards, as they're starting to well up with tears.
Imogen: I can’t . . . I can’t go back to the way things were, before you came to town. I just can’t. All the noise and awfulness of everyone else’s thoughts. I was . . . drownin’ under it, until I heard yours. Your brightness . . . your way of lookin’ at things, the music of your thoughts . . . it’s the best part of my life. You saved me, Laudna.
Laudna: (softly) Oh, Imogen.
Panel 4: Imogen takes her face in her hands, leaning in close. Something about her words makes Laudna smile.
Imogen: So you listen to me. We did not wait our whole lives to find each other just to let go now. Wherever you’re goin’, I’m comin’ with you. All right?
Laudna: All right.
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immult · 7 months
Taloned Highlands mention!!!!!! and imogen said it was beautiful there. 🥹
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ariadne-mouse · 1 month
Thinking today about Liliana, and my(1) evolving(2) thoughts (3) whether she would flip for Bell's Hells, and how it revolves more around her relationship with Imogen than truly rejecting Predathos or the principles of the Ruby Vanguard. I think we are now in an interesting nebulous place where Liliana clearly wants to flip, and has materially helped Bell's Hells (the escape, intel about the feywild meeting, offering to disrupt the memory orb broadcast), but hasn't hit a crux point where she materially MUST choose and solidify her position (openly defy Ludinus and run, reject Predathos, etc). Of course it makes sense to wait for the right moment for that due to the danger involved, and staying where she is may prevent Ludinus from looking to Imogen as a backup vessel for Predathos, but Liliana continuing to play her role - however reluctantly - is ultimately still in line with Ludinus's overall plan.
The most recent shared dream in e105 has some very hopeful symbolism. Instead of Imogen fleeing through the field from the nightmarish red storm as her mother says run, they stand together under a clear blue sky: a moment of clarity and a possibility they could return to. When asking whether to broadcast the Aeor memory, Liliana says "I don't want to do it if it will harm you", to which Imogen replies, "It will harm everyone." Her focus is still 100% on her daughter as opposed to the broader implications, but it's still meaningful that at the moment, her connection to Imogen is more powerful than her connection to Ludinus or the cause.
At the same time, Imogen is right to continue to be wary that her mother might not be able to resist the pull of Predathos when it came down to it - all those times Liliana was telling Imogen to run and instilling that instinct in her, Liliana herself was leaning into the communion. When she last spoke about Predathos itself, she did seem very deep in the sauce and there hasn't been new information to refute that. In e105 she notes that the closer they get to Predathos's cage, the more the Ruidusborn feel the pull, and she is not exempt from that.
In sum, Liliana is moving in the right direction but on uncertain footing, and I think that while she loves Imogen and very much wants to protect her, it remains to be seen exactly how she will actualize that drive, and how much agency she believes she has and will actually have once Predathos is more present. I hope she is able to find her way! It would be powerful for Imogen's efforts in reconnecting to pay off, and cool to have a super awkward family reunion in the Taloned Highlands under that big blue sky. But I also think it's possible any redemption could take a tragic turn with how all the game pieces are set up, and/or the will of Predathos could remove the question entirely. We'll see!
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bestiarium · 4 months
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Am Fear Liath Mór, or the Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui [Scottish cryptid]
The high passes of Ben MacDhui – the second largest mountain in Scotland – are haunted by tales of a mysterious creature that supposedly stalks hikers. Usually it is described as an impossibly tall, grey spectre, thereby earning it the name ‘Am Fear Liath Mór’, meaning ‘the big grey man’.
The story starts in 1891 with professor Norman Collie of the Royal Geographic Society, who happened to be a passionate hiker as well. The professor had just climbed the cairn on the summit of Ben MacDhui when he heard something that vaguely sounded like footsteps. I should mention that this area is notoriously misty, so you can imagine how easy it is for a lone hiker to get anxious when hearing strange noises.
The footsteps continued, but they were oddly spaced: for every ‘step’ the professor heard, he himself took three or four. It was as if this mysterious spectre was taking giant leaps or had huge legs. Eventually the professor was overtaken by panic and fled. Much later, in 1925, he recounted his tale and shared it with the newspapers, who were eager to publish and often exaggerate the story of a supposed monster or cryptid living in the Scottish mountains. At the time, the mystery creature was dubbed ‘the Ben MacDhui Ghost’ in the media.
Afterwards, multiple people came forward with claims about the mountain ghost, some of which were believable (hearing unidentified sounds) and some were more fantastic (Richard Frere and Peter Densham claimed to have had a conversation with an invisible, psychic creature).
Richard Frere would later claim that while he was hiking on the top of the Ben MacDhui, he had an unshakeable feeling that someone else was there with him, and he would hear a strange high-pitched noise that seemed to come from the soil beneath his feet.
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Frere also gave a physical description of a creature he claimed to have seen (but it is difficult to verify whether this is the oldest actual ‘sighting’ of the supposed ghost): a large, brown creature was seen swaggering down the mountainside. It stood about 20 feet (6m) tall, was covered with short brown fur and had a disproportionally large head supported by a thick, muscular neck. It had broad shoulders but walked upright and did not resemble an ape.
Interestingly, only a single sighting happened on a nearby mountain, rather than on the Ben MacDhui itself: in the 1920’s, Tom Crowley, the president of the local Moray Mountaineering Club, claimed to have seen an apparition while descending from Braeriach to the Glen Eanaich. It was a very tall, misty grey figure with a humanoid shape, albeit with long legs that ended in strange talons (described as resembling fingers more than toes) and a head with pointy ears.
Dr. A. M. Kellas, himself a famed mountaineer, also claimed that a giant grey humanoid creature haunted the mountain. Among the many supposed sightings, I am uncertain which one is actually the oldest description of the ‘Grey Man’ as a tall, grey spectre, but it is certainly the most popular one. The grey apparition had cemented itself as a local cryptid and urban legend and many more supposed sightings followed.
Though it is often claimed that the creature is connected to ancient Scottish or Celtic mythology, this is most likely false. Gray Affleck, the author of ‘The Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui’, attempted to research this link but could not find a single connection with actual Highland mythology.
In 1958, the June edition of ‘Scots Magazine’ told the story of Alexander Tewnion’s 1943 expedition to the mountain. While he was descending the mountain, a giant grey shape suddenly loomed over him. Having none of this bullshit, Mr. Tewnion immediately pulled out his revolver and fired three bullets at the thing. The mysterious apparition seemed not to notice, however, and kept walking towards him, upon which Tewnion fled.
Sources: Barrie, A., 2005, Sutton Companion to the Folklore, Myths and Customs of Britain, The History Press, 480 pp. Gray, A., 2013, The Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui, Birlinn, 183 pp. (reviewed edition, first edition published in 1970) (image source 1 : Attila Nagy on Artstation) (image source 2: ManthosLappas on Deviantart, ©Fear Liath)
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mintywolf · 6 months
Far away in Gelvaan, amid the Taloned Highlands of Marquet, the birth of Liliana and Relvin Temult’s baby girl is overshadowed by misfortune. The poor thing is thrust into the world under a flare of the unlucky moon, and covered in dead poppy flowers. The dead blooms crumble away as she’s cleaned up and swaddled by the midwife, falling from her ears, in scattered patches all over her little body, a ring of them around her neck. These ones are the last to fall, and the impression of them remains like a scar, a band of poppies on her throat. -- In all her life, Matilda has never found a single flower on herself, which must mean that she has no soulmate. Imogen is born in withered blossoms, which must mean that hers is already dead. When a first bloom appears on Laudna five years after her death, she sets out to find the person destiny has bound her to, no matter how long it takes.
A Southern Gothic soulmate flowers AU!
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encyclopediacr · 1 year
What fine tender meats are in this dish?
I hope you're hungry because today is the release of the Exquisite Exandria cookbook! To commemorate, there's a selection of food-related articles at Encyclopedia Exandria:
Black moss cupcake, dessert in Uthodurn with an earthy, matcha-like taste
Dyolet fruit, only grows in the Velvin Thicket of Wildemount and can be imbued with healing enchantments
Fusaka, zesty cooking spice in Marquet and the Menagerie Coast used to season meat
GoFiBePo, meat salad of goat, fish, beef, and pork invented by Grog Strongjaw and Varon in Whitestone
Haluh, dessert made of shaved ice and sweet milk popular in the Taloned Highlands of Marquet, based on the real-life halo-halo
Moonlight Glycerin, cocktail that is a specialty of the hag Morrigan and grants darkvision
Pother fruit, grows on a metallic tree planted in Pandemonium and was once used for vision quests and rituals
Sandkheg's Hide, very potent alcohol in northern Marquet created from the acid of a desert species of ankheg
Yuyo, cucumber-like vegetable grown in the underground gardens of Rosohna
Cuisine of Exandria, describing other dishes and drinks found throughout Exandria
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talonabraxas · 20 days
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Temple of Kukulcan 🐉 Talon Abraxas
The word Quetzalcoatl is a combination of Nahuatl words. Quetzal is the magnificent bright green bird that is native to the Guatemalan highlands, and coatl means snake. Thus Quetzalcoatl is depicted as a snake adorned with feathers. The ancient Mayans called him by the name of Kukulcan. Ancient myths describe Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan as revered throughout Central America and Mexico for his gentleness, intelligence, and his patronage of arts. The Aztecs believed that he “created the world,” and they dedicated temples to him.
Sometime around 987 AD Tula fell victim to internal conflicts and invading armies. It is believed that at this time Quetzalcoatl took a stand against the god of human sacrifice called Tezcatlipoca. Unfortunately, his side lost and they were forced to leave Tula. Quetzalcoatl led his people to the Yucatan city of Chichen Itza. It was here that they joined the Putun-Itza. Before long the Chichen Itza began to look like Tula. The Toltec influence would soon become part of almost every aspect of Mayan culture. We see Toltec styled buildings and monuments in every aspect of Chichen Itza architecture. The principle building in Chichen Itza is called the Temple of Kukulcan.
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beedreamscape · 8 months
I ended up exploring a bit of that Reddit community of critical role fans (not the main one) where they basically gather together and commiserate how much they hate C3. It's frustrating to read because at some point you can tell they make no effort to engage positively with the campaign and have a penchant for hating anything about it.
But, from the perspective of someone with very little emotional connection to the past campaigns, I kinda get why C3 feels so different and, in my opinion, it's all about personal stakes for the characters.
As writers, we constantly hear that we must give the characters something personal to care about so that the reader may care about the plot - yeah city-destroying laser beam is a big stake, but if main character's loved one will be used as a sacrifice to the aliens to activate the laser beam unless they do something, the tension doubles.
And with a shallow look over the arcs of the past campaigns, especially the fans' favourites, a pattern I find is of those with heavy personal stakes:
People often point the Briarwoods arc as a favourite. It's not just about bringing down the powerful Briarwoods, it's about avenging Percy's family and bringing his beloved Whitestone back to its past glory, all mixed with the fighting of personal demons.
We also got Vax'ildans overarching arc with the Raven Queen and Scanlan's with Kaylie and his self-worth/discovery in the party.
In campaign three, the struggle of Fjord getting over Uk'otoa's influence and turning to the Wildmother, rediscovering himself. Bright Queen's Favor with freeing Yuza, uncovering Nott's past, grappling with their preconceptions of the empire and the dynasty, and meeting Essek. Losing then Recovering Yasha from Obann. Traveler Con.
This post about the first third of the C2 comparing it to C1 explains quite well how M9 is driven by the party's personal stakes over any obligation to any institution.
Not only personal stakes that build the value of the campaign, but places that grow as their own: Whitestone, Emon, Zephrah, Xhorhas, the Menagerie Coast, Zedash, etc.
That's what's missing from Campaign 3: anchors and personal stakes.
Bells Hells doesn't really care about anything! We're entrenched in the Ruidus plot ever since we learned what ruidusborn means in the beginning of the campaign and yet, what does that mean to them? It was the subject of Imogen's dreams and afflictions but what else? The main victims of it will be the gods, but they repeatedly state how much they don't care for the gods and are in doubt if losing them would be bad anyway.
In a certain perspective, I don't blame them - the plot has grown so massive and subjective, while they haven't - they're still level 10 nobodies against a god-eating moon-shaped monster and the insanely powerful guy that wants to free it.
Bells Hells doesn't care for the places they walk through! Only two members of the party are actually from Marquet! Imogen and Dorian. And both are running from their past! so they don't even want to be there! Ashton hates everything about it and all the others have no reason to cling to it.
Jrusar was such a great city with great dynamics that were only half explored and they don't seem to care to return to it even though so much goes unexplored. Yios meant nothing nor did Heartmoor or the Taloned Highlands (and its apparently juicy political intrigues nobody cared to explore) and barely a mention of Ank'harel or the Silken Squall.
WHY do we keep going back to Taldorei???
Marquet as a whole goes mostly unexplored and underused in the campaign and it's so upseting.
Bells Hells have nothing to lose! They hold no personal stakes to the plot, most of them don't have families and those that do feel like something so distant and impersonal, no place or city they love or feel connected to, the only thing they owned (the very valuable skyship rip) they destroyed with barely any consideration. Their morals feel like the only thing at stake and even that feels already lost.
C3 is pulling too much from past campaigns. From the moment they first contacted the VM people, it felt like a mistake, and every appearance since has felt so much like fan service (especially bc specific fan favourites are the recurring appearances, no variety). The time spent in Whitestone, the connections to Delilah, everything with Keyleth, etc.
This last one, in particular, contributes to that group of NPCs feeling, always revolving around some other character struggle - who cares what is going on with Bells Hells when Vax's trapped in an orb and Keyleth is half dying, and Caleb is in an anti-magic collar, and Trent is probably loose, and this character and that character...
We haven't spent proper time with C3-exclusive NPCs excluding Nana Morri since episode 50! No Lord Eshteross or Xandis or Ira or Jiana Hexum or the Green Seekers or Milo. It was so special to me having Dancer and Imahara Joe around even if briefly.
And Lord Eshteross death left such a huge gap in the dynamics of the party with the world. I think it was premature, especially because the thirst to avenge him (which I suppose was meant to fuel their hate and intention to kill Otohan) lasted so little and from there on out began the heavy and meta-gamey (and personally, OOC) relying on VM characters.
The ticking clock on the apogee solstice strained much of the campaign and brought this looming fear of 'if we don't take care of it nobody will so we can't waste time', therefore the alternative paths and personal arcs fell to the sidelines in favor of the elephant in the room, so it felt like several episodes of dragging towards this event, then the peak of ep 50-51, to re-start the drag of post moon beam.
Guest PCs are a whole other can of worms I'm not ready to explore also bc it entails a lot, but it's a shared sentiment that people miss Dorian and what he brought to the table.
On a personal view, the Hellcath Valley was my favorite arc. Bassuras felt so tactile and real and gritty, we had a clear objective of infiltrating the Paragon's Call and retrieving Armand Treshi, Deathwish Run, the mystery of Dusk unveiling into Yu, Fearne's parents encounter, Ira, Imahara Joe and reveals about Dancer and D., first FCG nervous attack, Otohan battle and Laudna's death. SO MUCH.
Special mentions to everything Jrusar and Shade Creepers, Heartmoor and the Museum, Savalirwood, and the time spent on the Silver Sun.
I miss these small-scale objectives, I miss the C3 NPCs, I miss Marquet, I miss turning our eyes to these character tensions and exploration, I miss the one-on-one talks, the unity they shared in those dire moments.
I can't wait to leave the Predathos plot and all the repetitive discussions within it behind.
This doesn't cover everything (interpersonal relationships are a whole other spectrum of discussion) but a few things I feel puts an obstacle towards people liking this campaign when comparing the past ones.
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secretsalute · 11 months
Have you noticed how the 3 main Exaltant Ruidus born from Campaign 3 - Imogen, Liliana, and Otohan - are from Taloned Highlands? I wanna know more about the Highlands and Stratos Throne in particular.
It's highly unlikely at this point, but I hope we visit it for more than 1 episode one day. I feel like there's some big lore reveal there we don't know about yet.
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mehoymalloy · 8 months
Y'all already know I'm a nerd but I wanted to emphasize just how much of a nerd I am by bragging on something I'm really proud of: the Moon Moms section of my writing program. It's got it all, folks!
[Receipts! Proof! Timelines! Screenshots! Fucking Everything!]
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From researching potential geography, climates, and crop cycles for the Taloned Highlands, to planning birthdays based on the lunar cycles, I've had a stupid amount of fun creating this AU.
Also, shoutout to @inomakani for recommending Obsidian (writing program), using her techy wizardry to customize it to fit my needs, brainstorming all the details of the Temult cottage with me, and then literally creating the entire floor plan to boot just cause.
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lilbittymonster · 14 days
Day 12: Quarry
Read on AO3
The herd of steinbock grazed peacefully in the meadow below, unaware of the young girl above. She had been tracking them for the better part of the morning, the sun sliding over the highlands as she followed their muddied footsteps ever higher. Now, she was hidden behind a rock fall several yalms above, and was watching the movements of the herd for any signs of weakness or slow-footed members.
There. An older buck, limping on a hind leg. Slowly, carefully, so as to make as little sound as she could, she nocked an arrow and took aim. The bowstring thrummed in her ear as she released, and the arrow struck her target, but not true enough. The steinbock reared and screamed in pain, and the rest of the herd followed suit. Cursing under her breath as they ran once again, the girl skittered down the hillside to follow after them.
There was a trail of bright red blood mixed into the churned mud. She blew a stray lock of hair from her face as she tried to calculate just how far the buck would be able to get before it bled out, assuming that no other predator got to it first, when overhead a large shadow blocked out the sun. It was there and gone again in an instant, resolving itself into the shape of a white dragon soaring above.
The thought of her quarry all but vanished in her excitement at seeing a dragon. They were nowhere near one of the sky cities, and she didn’t see a rider on its back, so it must be on its own hunting foray. She picked up her pace, eager to try and get at least one kill before the day was out and the dragon devoured the whole herd.
It disappeared over the horizon line as she ran. It was difficult to tell but it might have been going in the same direction as her target. There was no way the entire herd wasn’t visible from the air. Hoping against hope that there would be no charred mass of burned hide and meat waiting at the end of the trail, the girl pressed on with the sun beating down from its zenith.
She crested a ridge in the trail, and out in the middle of a spread of churned earth was the dragon. In its claws was a steinbock, and as she drew nearer she could see the arrow still stuck out at an awkward angle from its side. It was much smaller with its wings folded. There was no way to tell how old it was. She paused, unsure if perhaps she had strayed into the children of the First’s territory on accident in her haste.
“It is dangerous for one so young to be hunting alone, daughter of the land,” said the dragon. “Wherefore dost thou stray so far from thine elders?”
“Someone has to put food on the table,” the girl said. “Mother is sick and Father twisted his leg.” She looked to the dead steinbock still locked in ivory talons and back up to the dragon. “Have…..I hunted in the wrong part of the mountains by mistake?”
It shook its head. “Nay, young one, these lands are for all to partake of. Though I must ask; how didst thou intend to bring your prize to your people alone?”
“Er-I, uhh….” She hadn’t actually thought about that part until now.
The dragon chuckled, a low sound like distant thunder.
“Come. ‘Twould be no great burden to carry both thee and thy prey.”
The girls’ eyes widened as she processed the words and their implication.
“I get to ride on your back? Like a real dragoon?!”
The dragon nodded, crouching low to the ground as it gathered the legs of the steinbock in its claws.
The girl carefully scrambled up the scaly hide, careful not to step too hard on any joints, and settled best she could between the spines along its back. She was going to remember this day for the rest of her life.
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immult · 3 months
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can i say something.
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for the prompt ask: Making. either making toys, making do, or making time is up to you <3
Here’s a seasonal one of these two being soft freaks during their early days together in the Goneworld Universe <3
The days shorten.
Emeralds shed their skins for bronze.
The ground transforms underfoot – what only a few mornings ago would have been sinking muddy pathways is now lace-trimmed in ice and delicate shards that splinter through the cracks in ornate patterns, crunching beneath Imogen’s weight.
Shatters, compacts, crunch, crunch, crunch. She walks back and forth, turns in a circle, tip-toes and waddles. She feels guilt at leaving such visual disturbance, repeats her actions again regardless, too entertained by the interaction and feedback between floor and foot.
It didn’t snow back in Gelvaan, though Imogen could see the snowy caps the taller mountains that pierced the sky of the Taloned Highlands wore on a clear day (most days were clear, was just mostly in her dreams that the air was so thick from turbulence that the atmosphere around her was obfuscated into a dust-heavy maroon).
The seasons were subtle, marked by the rotations of the crops, or when the livestock fields were suddenly denser with clumsy little galloping hooves, or the change in shape and hues of the wildflowers that tickled her cheeks as she rested with her head against Flora’s saddle or ribcage.
Not that it was snowing here, either, but the frost was new; the sparkle of it and the sound of it and the smell of it – that felt something special for sure – earthy in a novel way, cleaner, fresh, quenching almost, her nostrils tingling on a scent somehow nostalgic even though she was being greeted by it for the first time.
She takes a small leap, when a particularly pleasing area of ground with a fallen rotten branch splits her path, covered in moss that is now mostly white and tethered to the floor with a spider web that looks like it has been fattened from a dusting of icing sugar. She had never paid much attention to the ground before Laudna, save for looking out for snakes and such - another instance of Laudna resurrecting her lust for life - small - maybe. It’s in the small things. She doubles back on herself to crouch and appreciate them.
“Found something?” the aforementioned woman catches up to her side, shadow casting over her.
“Just lookin’. The webs look real pretty like this.” (you can read the rest here)
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hai2700 · 2 months
Design Differences:
First, I'll discuss the variations in dragon designs, which can be influenced by factors such as gender, race, and status.
Gender differences in design can vary depending on race, but there are general factors that distinguish males from females across most races. The primary distinction lies in their scales and fur. Male Hylian and Zonai Dragons have fur instead of scales, except for the scales near their spines. On the contrary, Gerudo Dragons always have scales, even if they are male, due to the female-dominant nature of their race. Gorons are similar to the hylians but instead of fur, the males have lava scales. It's worth noting that the Rito have feathers, so this rule doesn't apply to them. Another key gender difference if female Dragons are always larger than males from their own race. This results in a significant size difference between the two genders. Additionally, females will have more clublike tails with spikes, while males will have straight, pointed tails without the extra spikes. This distinction, again, does not apply to the Gerudo.
The six races of Hyrule each have distinctive characteristics that make them unique.
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For example, the Hylians, the smallest dragon type, are known for their long triangular snouts with long eyelashes. They have extra smooth fur that matches their hair color on their necks, animalistic horns, and crystallized spines. Their scales or fur typically range from tan to gray and their underbelly is darker than that of most other races.
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The next biggest dragon is the Rito. They have long and eloquent tails, with feathers covering their body instead of fur or scales. Their six pairs of talons are the most bird-like out of all the races. Additionally, they have small feathery wings attached to each limb that aid in maneuvering through the air. Extra feathers on their head and neck provide additional warmth, and they also have a small beak on their snout. Feathers adorn the end of their tail, and their coloring can range from blue to pink to gray to white, typically matching their previous coloration.
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Next up is the Goron race. They are medium-sized and have rock-like features of various shapes and sizes on their head instead of horns. They have big circular eyes and their square snouts are very sweet and gentle despite their appearance. Additionally, they have rock-like spines running down their backs, which differ in appearance. The Gorons' bodies are either made of stone scales or lava, giving them distinct appearances depending on their gender. In both genders, their limbs are stone-like, and their tails are typically very thick.
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The Zonai, who are not much bigger than the Gorons, are quite animalistic, with short curved snouts and big long ears resembling a goat. They also have quite goat-like horns and soft, bulky fur running down their necks. Their limbs are also quite long compared to most of the other races. The spikes going down their back resemble fur and even feel soft. Also one thing to keep in mind is that the zonai dragons are different from the goddess dragons. I will cover that more in the three goddesses.
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The Zora, being the aquatic race, possess unique underwater adaptations that set them apart from other races. Unlike the Highlands, they lack fur on their necks; instead, their necks extend into whale or fish-like fins. They have gills for breathing underwater, as they spend most of their time there. Their spines resemble shark or fish fins, sometimes with membrane-like structures between the spines. Their tails will fan out, resembling various fish or shark tails. Their fins, replacing talons, and tan or gray underbelly further distinguish them, and they notably lack horns. Their color will match the color they were before the dragonification process.
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The largest dragon race is the Gerudo, known for their bulky, pointed snouts, big eyes, and horned heads resembling sharp vines with thorns. They also have fur running down their necks and their scales typically feel sandy and rough. The Gerudo tribe shares similarities with the Hylians, as they are both people, and their spines exhibit distinct features. A difference, though, is the Gerudo tribe’s tails fan out with lots of fur.
This concludes the design portion. You can click here to view the other sections.
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mintywolf · 5 months
A Long Road Home - Page 62 Author Notes
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Whew! So there’s the first chapter. Two (?) more to go!
I thought I’d share my early character notes from back when I was getting ready to write the script, mid-late 2022, compiled from observation, what extra facts we had at the time from 4SD, and my own headcanons. Not everything made it into the comic but it helped me codify my interpretation of them.
Physical Traits: Recently 26 at the beginning of the story. Long, light purple hair in soft, wavy curls. Often wears it braided when she’s working on the farm or riding. Violet eyes. Fair skin with a dusting of freckles across her cheeks, shoulders, and arms. Tendency to sunburn. Sweet round face and a soft figure. Around 5’4”. Slight gap between her front teeth. Dimples. Always looks a little sleep-deprived. Glowing purple lightning-shaped scars starting on the inside of her wrists and extending over her hands and wrapping over the back of her wrists. Prefers light-colored, soft, flowy clothing. Light Taloned Highlands accent that becomes more pronounced when she’s angry or being deliberately charming.
Personality Traits: Shy, thoughtful, reserved. Uncomfortable in crowds because of the strain on her psychic energy and social situations are physically and emotionally exhausting for her. Can nevertheless exude Southern charm when the situation calls for it. Genuinely kind and caring towards people she trusts but it takes a while for them to earn that trust. Her passive access to everyone’s thoughts makes it hard for her to see the good in people, which can lead her to be cynical or even cruel. Hidden tendency for destructive, remorseless anger that belies her “innocent” appearance. Can hold a grudge. Enjoys the company of animals more than humans (with the single exception of Laudna). Secretly struggling with very deep doubts about her own worth, especially since she has become progressively more emotionally distanced from people since the beginning of her psychic powers 8 years ago. Before Laudna’s arrival the pain and loneliness caused by her powers (as well as her bleak outlook on the rest of the world from everyone else’s terrible thoughts) have pushed her to the brink of despair. Staunchly insists that she is Fine even when that is clearly untrue.
Quirks: The lightning markings grow a little bit up her arms whenever she exerts her powers in a significant way. Needs glasses but she’s never had her eyesight checked so she doesn’t have them. Tugs on her earlobes when she’s stressed. Prone to headaches and panic attacks when the presence of a lot of other people overwhelms her psychic abilities. Uses Mage Hand creatively and for convenience in a variety of situations. Summer birthday. Likes strawberries and lemonade. Afraid of heights, or more specifically, afraid of falling from a great height. Smells faintly of sun-warmed grass and ozone. Has a good singing voice but almost no one has heard it. Likes to be clean, hates the feeling of being sweaty/sticky/grimy. Enjoys having her scalp massaged or her back scratched, especially by Laudna’s long fingernails.
Terms of endearment used: honey, darlin’, sugar, sweetheart
Physical Traits: Actually 51 but became ageless a few weeks shy of 20. Has been dead-ish for 31 of those years, so while she hasn’t aged much she has deteriorated over time. Corpse-pale and skeleton-thin, covered in old scars, significantly a faint rope scar on her neck under her chin. Long, bony fingers. Wears gold ear jewelry for elves to hide the fact that her ears were cropped into points. Around 5’9” but her thinness and general mien makes her appear taller than she is. Long, scraggly black hair with a white forelock. Kind of wavy with tighter curls towards the ends. Her features are doll-like and delicate but slightly too big for her face in a way that is charming but a little off-putting. (Protuberant eyes, long nose, wide smile.) Big, dark eyes with dilated pupils. (Apparently permanently, so she is sensitive to light but can see very well in the dark.) Very wide smile with uneven teeth. Cold and clammy to the touch. Thin, fragile skin. Her blood moves slowly and is very dark (although still red). Cries inky black tears. Knows Mending as a cantrip but evidently does not apply it often to her own clothes. Speaks with an elevated posh Whitestone accent, except when she’s being serious. Her “natural” voice is more subdued, with a huskiness to it from an old throat injury that comes out more when she’s upset. A little too loose-limbed. Moves in a peculiarly graceful/graceless, jerky fashion, like something being puppeted by unseen strings. Dislikes wearing shoes.
Personality Traits: She is simultaneously a world-weary middle-aged woman and a child who was frozen on the cusp of adulthood and will never age. Over the years her persistent optimism has become less the product of naiveté and more of determination; she has made the best of every awful situation she’s been put in because what else is she going to do. Like Imogen she has seen a lot of the worst of people, and before she meets her she is timid and twitchy from many years of loneliness and being a general object of distrust and mistreatment wherever she goes, but once she finds her, her vivacious, excitable, and affectionate personality starts to emerge. Very earnest -- not much disconnect between what she thinks and what she says, and not much filter, either. Eager to be useful. Has some trouble picking up on social cues or knowing how to behave appropriately in certain social situations. Tends to stand too close to people when trying to talk to them. Desperately wants to love and be loved. Very protective of Imogen but secretly afraid she’s undeserving of her affection. Worries about being a burden or a danger to her. When overwhelmed or uncomfortable she will sometimes speak through Pâté about herself rather than for herself. When very deeply upset she withdraws into herself and seems to become inanimate.
Quirks: Very rarely still -- she’s always in motion, fidgeting, picking things up to look at or fiddle with, reaching out to touch things in the environment, fluttering her hands when talking, lacing her fingers together, swaying or rocking when sitting or standing. (She is only completely still when she’s asleep, unconscious, or very deeply withdrawn, and then the difference between that and her usual animated self is unsettling.) Tends to stutter when agitated or excited. When thoughtful or anxious she fidgets with her hair, and can pull it out without meaning to when particularly upset. Puts her fingers in her mouth regardless of how clean they are. Has a habit of collecting things that look like trash to other people but she thinks might be useful, with a particular fondness for broken, discarded objects. Sometimes she mends them, sometimes she just loves them as they are. (Also has a hard time letting go of things past their usefulness, e.g. expired vegetables that Imogen is begging her to be allowed to compost but Laudna is insisting parts of them are still good.) Winter birthday. Likes apples and sweet baked goods, gingerbread in particular.  Her joints dislocate easily, in particular her right shoulder, but pop back into place just as easily. (She was dragged by the arm either from the dining room or to the tree.) Smells like wet earth and decaying leaves. Experiences occasional dizziness from low blood pressure and is vulnerable to motion sickness. Vehement dislike for the feeling of rough fabric against her skin. Can’t wear necklaces or any clothing with a tight collar.
Terms of endearment used: darling, dearest, my love
Physical traits: When alive, she still had pale skin and black hair, although of a more human complexion and her hair was fuller with better-defined curls. (Still a little stringy though.) Still thin from hard times in Whitestone but of a more willowy sort than gaunt. Naturally kind of cold but still of a human body temperature. Dark brown eyes. Big smile. Still fidgety. Larger than average ears.
Personality: Still a weirdo! Eager to have friends but had trouble making and keeping them and so was often lonely, with a very imaginative inner life. Kind of vague and dreamy, in part from being frequently dosed with laudanum to suppress her weirdness and make her sit still. Never outgrew playing with dolls, and secretly always kind of believed they have feelings.
Quirks: Liked to collect things: rocks, bones, feathers, discarded trinkets. Made some of her own toys out of odds and ends. Had a pet frog that she carried around in her apron pocket. The kind of child who would disappear all day and return covered in dirt with holes in her clothes. Because of her inherent shadow powers she had a tendency to startle her parents by accidentally sneaking up on them, and was always a little hurt when they reacted in alarm to see her there.
When Laudna is scared or distressed, particularly after an upsetting experience, she will sometimes regress into who she used to be. She drops her posh accent, and her mannerisms become smaller and timid. She will seek reassurance in childlike things, playing with her dolls and wanting the comfort of someone else’s closeness. If she can’t get that comfort from Imogen, she will seek it from Delilah.
Relvin Temult
Physical traits: Broad-shouldered and sturdy, with a tendency to stoop. Dark blond, longish hair & a scruffy beard. Tanned from outdoor work. In his mid 40’s. (So Imogen was born when he and Liliana were in their early 20’s or even late teens. It is possible that Liliana’s powers manifested around the same age as Imogen’s did.)
Personality: Taciturn, somewhat dour. Dearly loves Imogen but can’t help feeling some resentment for the exile her powers forced on them and he’s a little afraid of her psychic ability. Rightfully suspicious that she could be eavesdropping on his thoughts, he has distanced himself from her. Still calls her “Genny” and “butterbean” as nicknames. Misses the closeness they used to have, and despite the distance between them he is desperate to hold on to her since she is all the family he has left.
He is literally Just A Guy. He wanted to live a normal small town life raising horses with his family but unfortunately his wife and then his daughter turned out to be cursed by the moon with devastating psychic powers.
Dolores Garrod
Physical traits: Early middle-aged, dark blonde hair, narrow green eyes, stocky build. Narrow scar on the left side of her face. She’s probably of an age that she could have served in the Apex War.
Personality: Former sheriff, resents losing her position of power and feels she could do a better job for the town than the current one. Not afraid to resort to violence to protect the town. Very protective of her young son. She does not place much faith in the gods, particularly since they don’t seem to be doing anything about either the witch walking around town or the plague she is believed to have brought down upon it, and puts her faith in the law instead.
Thank you for reading!! Whether you’ve come across my comic recently or whether you’ve been with it since the beginning, I’m so happy you’re here. <3
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