#tank drones
tomorrowusa · 1 year
Ukraine is not just sitting around waiting for aid to arrive. It is developing its own arms industry that is taking a toll on Russian aggressors.
Warbirds of Ukraine is a company which makes innovative cutting edge drones.
Ukraine puts MacGyver to shame. When they experienced supply chain issues for foreign components for UAVs, they simply started manufacturing their own.
The name Warbirds of Ukraine reminds me of the Romulans in Star Trek. Don't be surprised if they develop cloaking technology for their UAVs.
Most people know that Ukraine sunk the Moskva, flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, with a Ukrainian-made Neptun R-360 missile. It is not the only homegrown ingenuity put to use by Ukraine.
In addition to the UAVs and missiles, here are other examples of Ukrainians developing technology to push back Putin's invaders.
Ukraine is developing what amounts to compact tank drones.
Ukrainian versatile unmanned combat vehicle undergoes frontline testing
Ukraine is manufacturing custom self-propelled howitzers called the 2s22 Bohdana which can fire NATO-standard 155 mm caliber shells. They have a range of 40 km.
Bohdana self-propelled gun is produced in several versions - Militarnyi
Ukraine is doing a lot for its own defense. And NATO countries may be interested in some of these technologies for their own defense needs.
But when you're under attack by a country with 3.5 times your population which holds vast oil reserves and is led by an irrational dictator bent on restoring the hegemony of a defunct empire, you need some outside help to survive.
So if you're in the United States, contact your House member in Washington and demand that aid to Ukraine, which was left out of the measure to keep the government running through mid-November, be approved ASAP.
Representatives | house.gov
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October 7, 2023 - Palestinian freedom fighters take out weapons of the Israeli occupation using drones. [video]/[video]
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multiversal-pudding · 2 years
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When the yeah. (Idk, expression practice Went Places)
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shellyflowerfury · 1 month
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Thomas, Percy and James (Thomas and friends) In the fandom Murder Drones (AU)
Maybe I'll draw them on the full body, but that's on the weekend.
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inkandpaintleopard · 9 months
Oh wow I filled almost an entire page with drawings
I feel like a real artist
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Guess what show I watched
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2. To that one person who suggested that Caine and Bubble take the place of Skid and Pump: I didn’t think it would work but actually it did and it worked great and thank you
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Although I did use their B-Side Redux versions because they fit better design-wise
3. I was bored and had time in class a few days ago so I watched Thomas and Gordon because it’s iconic and all the fun sites are banned on our laptops
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4. Who wants to hear me rant about my idea for a Julius/Ms. Minutes dynamic for 7 hours
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Oh yeah and Mickey’s there too
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hollowonesblog · 16 days
I know your location...
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You can try all you want... uzi is coming for you...
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blueiscoool · 4 months
Scrap Metal
A teeny tiny little drone hits a Russian main battle tank resulting in it becoming instant scrap metal.
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w1tchcr4ftt · 6 months
My final version of (recently named) Buster for @burrotello 's digital fight club au!!!!!!
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Hes still in the works but hes a high dexterity intermediate boxer who also goes by "Fuse" Hes a fairly unpredictable yet precise fighter but falls like a giant! Hes also fairly quick to tire due to the amount of punches he can pull, so he often holds off to do offensive damage
Im still working on details (plus making him a manager who i may base off pauly from Rocky) but im rly proud of him!!!
I love this au so much its grabbed me by the throat and wont let go
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honestlyobsessed · 6 months
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 3rd Dec 23
In the 3rd Dec 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Heroic action by Israel’s first all-female tank crews.
In clinical trials, new Israeli treatment cures liver cancer patient.
14 Israelis awarded European research grants.
Israeli pen reads handwritten text to the visually impaired.
Israeli startups improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion.
Israeli soccer players won’t take “no” for an answer.
The IDF prepare to celebrate Hannukah in Gaza.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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American Israelis (and other Anglos) celebrated Thanksgiving just over a week ago. In Israel last week there was much to be thankful for - the release of many hostages, temporary respite from running to shelters, and more reports of heroic rescue actions on Oct 7, from a farmer, a foreign asylum-seeker and all-women tank crews. Please read the rest of this newsletter for many more positive news stories that we can all be thankful for. The photo of flags flying on our balcony is our personal thanks just for having the blessing and protection of our own State.
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duckkin08 · 4 months
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Idk what to post so have this I found on TikTok
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nachosncheezies · 10 months
I can't find the post where you've rambled about Kurt Crawford before! Please ramble to me about Kurt Crawford!
Hi hello and thank you for your patience as I answer this one month to the day from when you sent it!!!! 🙈 oops
The Crawfords was my original answer to @perpetually-weirdening's question "what character do you wish we learned more about" but I'm so happy to expand on that, I have a lot of feelings!!! xD
The thing about the Kurt Crawfords is that (unless I'm forgetting something big) they're the first clones we've seen that are explicitly said to be the progeny of abductees/the MUFON women. We've met other clones before including the Samanthas in Colony/End Game but those were rogues trying to figure out how to hybridize themselves into some kind of genetic variability that would let them look different and blend in. (they used discarded tissue from abortion clinics rather than stolen ova) The bounty hunter was after them for simply existing outside The Project.
The Crawfords are different. They're part of The Project. The first one that Mulder and Scully meet is the one they track down after finding someone is remotely copying Betsy Hagopian's computer files. This Crawford claims to be a member of Betsy's MUFON chapter, and he tells them there's a conspiracy to cover up the women's deaths. He leads them to Penny Northern, who (unfortunately) directs Scully to Dr Scanlon and her first attempt at treatment. The bounty hunter comes for Crawford #1 in Betsy's basement the minute Mulder steps away.
Crawford #2 turns up at the fertility clinic where Betsy and some of the others had been treated. This Crawford is dressed differently but Mulder doesn't know yet that there's more than one, and accuses him of having run off with the files they'd been working on in Betsy's basement. Between them and the Gunmen, they track down Scully's name in a research lab directory, which leads them to data on the branched DNA they'd already identified after Scully's abduction. But if someone's looking at this as a possible cause for her illness, maybe they're also looking for a cure, so the Gunmen help Mulder break into the Lombard facility where he finds a whole room of Kurt Crawfords.
And this is where IMO it gets so complicated and so bittersweet and so REAL. We learn very little about the Crawfords in the few minutes Mulder is with them but what we do learn is pretty significant for something that's never really talked about again. They recognize Mulder, they welcome him. They lead him straight to the drawer containing Scully's stolen ova (the first time we learn what the project did to her when she was abducted). They tell him how they were harvested, that the radiation used in that procedure caused her (and the MUFON women's) cancer. They tell him that the men who are claiming to treat this rare cancer are the same ones that caused it, that those men are actually working to hasten the women's deaths.
But!!!! what gets me most is this exchange:
Mulder: You're trying to save them. Crawford: They're our mothers.
What a thing to think, to feel, to say. The Crawfords came from fucked up circumstances and they're not really human. They're complicit in perpetuating it all by making more of themselves, but this is their life cycle, this is their job, this is what they know. From what we're shown we have no reason to believe that any of them has ever experienced what it is to have a mother in any sense other than a genetic donor. They're grown in tanks from tampered genetic material taken from tampered women without either party giving consent.
But they recognize that they owe their existence to these human women, who were violated and now suffer and die for it. And in those very few words he says: they don't want that. They recognize it's wrong. They're trying to stop it. (They are risking their lives; their subversion sends the bounty hunter after them.) It's their chance at redemption for the crime of being alive and that alone is painfully human.
They want Mulder and Scully to know the truth. The fact that they lead Mulder directly to where Scully's stolen ova are kept. That they let him take from that drawer without comment. They let him take the truth in his hand, surely aware that he might return it to her. (I like to think they hoped he would.) Because she, and the other women, are their mothers.
IMO one of the biggest elephants in the room for this whole show, although we don't learn about her until well after this, is Emily. How many others like her might there be? It's fucking TRAGIC to think about. But she's not the only thing to come from those stolen ova. The Crawfords are not the children Scully or any of the other MUFON women wanted. But they exist. They are grateful, in whatever way a hybrid clone can be. They recognize the sacrifice and suffering that brought them to life. They are doing what they can, in their own way, to set it right. Because to them, those are their mothers.
Knowing about the Crawfords and their subversion of The Project could never undo what was done to Scully or the others. But as gross and shocking a revelation it would be to know that inhuman things are being made in place of the children they can never have, what the Crawfords show us is that not everything that came from those violations are tragedies in the way of Emily and any other children like her. I wonder if it might have been a comfort for Scully to know that out of one of the worst things to ever happen to the abducted women, These Men Who Would Create a Life Whose Only Hope Is To Die have also accidentally created lives whose greatest hope is to save people, to save her and others like her. That these inhuman children the women never wanted have somehow grown to have a sense of empathy, a sense of justice, a moral compass, a desire to do what's right. Things a mother would want for her children, things a mother could be proud of. That they may not be human, they may not know what it is to be children, but they know that somewhere out there they have mothers, and they care.
I wonder if Mulder ever told Scully. I hope someday he did.
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dashofweak · 3 months
New rule for myself:
No more reading Space Marine novels just because they have Tau as antagonists. No matter how desperate for new Tau lore/action scenes I am.
It's just going to piss me off with the blatant favoritism. I'm not asking for every book to be the Tau version of Storm of Iron but ffs if Chaos can put up a damn good fight can the Tau be written with them putting up some damn resistance using their strengths for once?
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inspiredwriterstory · 5 months
I just realized how much of a insane internet culture combo I am. I love Thomas and friends, Cars, Nascar, Fast and Furious, Sonic, Mario, Pokemon, Murder Drones, The Amazing Digital Circus, Friday Night Funkin, Amphibia, The Owl House, Fortnite, Roblox, and thats not even getting into all the physical things like hot wheels, model trains, the types of drawings I have stacked in my room, and so much more.
Its fucking insane.
You wanna know the best part about it? I've made some of my closest friends like this. For instance: @maskofmetal , @mondsee-the-cr-engine-118 , @lizard12323 , and so much more.
So yeah, thats what's going through my head right now.
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boeing747 · 7 months
Tbh like I dont think we should. Make weapons illegal I think it's pointless but what we should do is make weapons impossible to profit off of. Have them be sold at loss or not be sold at all.
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