#taps him on the shoulder to cue him in to turn around for dave's line
shout out to the guy tapping on scott's shoulder to cue him in on his line while making out with him and shout out to that guy only
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platonictales · 5 years
Goodnight Moon
Perigean Tide — The tide that occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the earth during its orbit. These tides are higher than normal.
Your name is Dave Strider, and you aren’t going to die. You aren’t, no matter how much it feels like a half-starved, claustrophobic chipmunk with knives for teeth is gnawing on the inside of your stomach in a two for one lunch/escape attempt.  You’re used to this, as much as anyone can be. Sweat pours off you like a cold drink in a hot shower and your wrists and neck burn where the metal touches it.
You are not going to die here. Bro is too careful for that. You don’t deserve death, rest, and besides, he wouldn’t risk the bait, live bait is always the best, why eat a burger when you could gore the entire cow with your teeth, get the blood on your face and your claws, and though you are sick and shivering in the middle of the fucking woods two hours before the full moon rises, dirt and blood in your mouth, tied up in silver cuffs and trying not to make any humiliating noises, you know better than to hope for an end to it. It’s not the first time, and it will not be the last.
Earlier that day he’d checked the two of you out of the shitty motel the two of you had been staying in and passed you the plant to chew raw. Down the hatch, lil’ man, he’d said and you complied. It’s bitter, always is, but you prefer the clamminess and the palpitations to the transformation and beating you know will come later if you don’t choke it down now. Then, the two of you do what you always do the night of the full moon: drive to whichever forest or desert or dump he has decided on this month, tie you up in case you can’t hold the transformation back, and dump you somewhere upwind, somewhere out in the open.
It’s this time of the month that it’s impossible to forget the fact that you’re a monster. You’re not sure if Bro makes it worse or better, but at the very least he makes you useful. The person you once were was gone, but Bro will make sure you take as many beasts down with you as you can.
It’s no good to show weakness, even while playing bait, but if you’re too quiet you’ll be accused of hiding, fraternizing with the enemy and that hurts just as bad. In the end, you don’t have to play much of anything. Silver is nothing more than a mild irritant most days, but this close to the full moon it fucking burns like bleach on roadburn and it’s all you can do to keep from howling.
As the sun begins to set, (you aren’t changing, not yet, not at all if you can help it, the cuffs slide off of your wolf form but not the collar and the wolfsbane poisoning hurts ten times more) the sweating picks up. You can’t smell Bro, you never can, he knows how to mask that shit, there’d be no point otherwise, and anything that catches his sweaty, bloody, half-teenager half something else scent is going to be downwind so you just twitch defenseless and half blind and watch the shadows change as the sun sets, slowly, slowly, slowly-
You hear a branch crack and still. Bro does not step on branches unless he’s in the trees, and even then they are never branches that break. He is silent to human ears, to wolf ears even, though you’re drugged up but he’s never been caught before has he and the pain is making your mind drift. You can hear breathing and careful steps, (not careful enough), and the sweaty animal-human smell as the monster who is not you falls for the bait, hook line and sinker, and comes over to investigate.
This is the part you like the least. (You don’t like any of this, not at all.) You curl up, small, and there’s a part of you that wants this to be a real rescue, even though you’re fine, you’re cool, you’re in on it, it’s nothing but moon sickness and a stomach cramp, and there’s a part of you that feels like you should be proud, that you’re doing good, and then there’s the part of you that wants to warn whoever has fallen for the good old teenager tied up in the middle of the forest trap like a chump, tell them to run fucking run.
You just curl up tighter.
“Karkat, we have to go. It’s almost moonrise we don’t have time for this.”
“Shut your food hole, Kankri,” another voice hisses. “Don’t you smell that?”
Two of them. Not much older than you are, from the sound of it. As if on cue, pain lances through your stomach and you are forced to let out a cry. One pair of footsteps breaks into a run.
“Karkat, come back,” the first voice says but the kid, were, you smell it on him, he’s already in your sight, crouching down and eyes wide, red eyes like yours. Like yours but nothing else about him looks the same as you, he’s all tan skin and dark hair and a soft face and he’s got his hands on your forehead and it feels so nice.
Everything is bad, and it is about to get worse.  
“This is extremely inadvisable,” the other voice says, but it sounds a little hesitant. “We need to call someone. An adult.” You can see a pair of grey sneakers and the bottom of jeans from the other guy but not much else, because the boy’s face is in your face and his eyes are wide with shock and concern. You can smell it wafting off of him, feel the tremor in his hands and he pushes your bangs off your face and pulls off your sunglasses and no, that’s bad, that’s very bad, and you flinch away but he looks worried, not disgusted, not scared, or maybe scared but not of you and you try and reach for him.
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Call dad.” You feel fingers on the silver-plated cuff around your neck and the boy draws his fingers back and hisses before he goes back to stroking your hair. It feels. So nice. You can’t stand it. “Help’s on the way. You’re going to be ok, fuck, what kind of fucking creep would do this to a kid?”
The other guy, Kankri, pulls out a cellphone, and despite the wolfsbane your senses are keyed up enough to hear the fingers tapping and you know that Bro is about to strike. The boy above you looks so worried and beautiful and kind and when was the last time someone was kind to you? The last time someone showed concern, it was the last hunt, and he’d ended up dead for his trouble and this guy is just a kid. Just two kids. So you grab onto his sleeve and pull him down and you do something that will probably get you killed.
“Run,” you cough out. “It’s a trap.”
“What?” says the boy who’s holding you.
“Get the hell out of here,” you hiss, but it’s too late. You hear the gunshot and it’s only because of the split-second warning that the stranger is able to duck.
“Fuck,” he growls and tries to pick you up with him. You struggle. He can’t take you with him, that’s not the point. You won’t die, as much as you might want to, but he will and who will help Bro? A half-feral noise rips itself from your mouth without your permission.
“Karkat, leave him!” says the older boy, and he grabs Karkat by the arm. “No time to shift, just run!”
The split-second Karkat hesitates is forever in your head but he puts you down in the end. He doesn’t have a choice; Bro is shooting again, and though he’s crouched, taken as much cover as he can, he has to leave. Now.
“Fuck,” he says again. “I’ll come back,” he promises in a low growl. You can’t help but laugh at that, hysterical and sharp. But by the time Bro makes it out of wherever he was hiding, Karkat the werewolf and the other guy are gone. He curses, shoots some bullets in the direction they’ve vanished in but nothing, and the laughter continues to overwhelm, you’re a monster and monster bait, a child killer who saved a kid who’s just as bad as you probably and Bro hauls you up by your T-shirt and pins you against the tree, getting real close to your face, all up in your personal space, so close you can see through the sunglasses into his eyes and they’re pissed, so pissed, you’re in deeper than the Mariana Trench, the Rockies are an anthill compared to the mountain of shit you’ve hiked up and buried yourself beneath.
“You little fucker,” Bro hisses and no matter how you struggle, there’s no way to escape so you go limp and submissive as you can and pray that he grows bored quickly. “You’re going to wish you were dead by the time I’m done with you, gave it away, you little piece of shit.” He’s holding you by the neck now and bashes your head against the tree trunk. It’s worse than a wall, because the bark is rough and the wood doesn’t give way. You know there’s blood. You can feel it, smell it, hot and sticky in your hair and on your neck. It’s just a matter of how much at this point.
“Please.” Begging never helps, but it’s instinctual. Submit. All you’ve got are your instincts this close to sundown, moonrise.
Bro lets go and you drop to the floor like a stack of stones and when he kicks your ribs you can hear the crack and feel a sharp pain blooming. He gets a few more hits in, his boots are steel toed, as if a kick didn’t hurt enough, and when you can manage to do nothing but shiver in a ball and hold back your whimpers he tosses you over your shoulder.
The walk to the van is an eternity and too short all at once. Each step jostles your bones but when you get there and he tosses you into the trunk, you wish you were still outside. Sold metal, cold and hard as hell, and, worst of all, isolated. There’s no way to get to the front, to the warmth of family just feet away, in the driver’s seat and turning the key. The engine starts, you drag yourself to the barrier.
“Bro, please,” you beg, despite yourself. Moon sickness, you know, but right now the loneliness hurts as much as the physical pain, a cold knife in your heart to match the hot crack in your ribs. You’re scared and you’re isolated, packless and trapped and vulnerable.You’ve got a bit more time until you’re forced to change, don’t even bother to pretend you’ll be able to hold it back at this point. Any energy you have is being used to cling to consciousness. And you are very rapidly failing.
Dirk used to sit with you when you got like this, (like this, you can’t even think it, coward, when you were mid-turn), cross-legged in the trunk with you or basement or wherever Bro tossed you to stick it out. It still hurt, the wolfsbane, the silver, but Dirk would rub your back and brush your hair out of your face and did his best to keep Bro away from the two of you. You weren’t so lonely, when Dirk was around, even if you were no safer. He had stayed with you every change, every month, every year.
But that was why he died, wasn’t it?
You try and stifle your cries, howls, with your fists and it’s embarrassing as fuck and all it does is make Bro slam the dashboard with his.
“Shut up,” he growls, and you can only hear it through the metal and the engine because of your moon sharpened ears, but Bro knows that. “Shut the fuck up, lil’ man, or I’ll make you.”
Even though you can’t see it, you know the moment the moon crests because every sensation you’ve been feeling gets ten, twenty, thirty, times stronger. Your eyes roll back in your head. Everything goes bright, and then, everything goes dark.
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Off The Beaten Path I Reign:
Chapter 11: Nothing Else Matters
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Warnings: SMUT, literally all of the smut, with wedding feels thrown in. We got oral (male and female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, face riding, semi-public sex. Also fluff, angst and feels. 
A/N: MUAHAHA, it’s baaaack!!! This chapter took some TIME to write, but I hope you guys enjoy it! This sotry is FAR from over, I have so much material to work with, I can even....like, seriously! Per usual, unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, pics ARE NOT. This is another LONG chapter so get a drink, a snack and get comfy ya’ll!
Confused? Think you missed something?
Catch up HERE!
“Never opened myself this way, life is ours, we live it our way. All these words I don't just say. Trust I seek and I find in you, every day for us something new, Open mind for a different view, and nothing else matters.” ~ Metallica
After the proposal, Kat had convinced Dean to go home to the bunker. At first, he and Sam were icy toward one another, both still angry and hurt. But, Sam had softened up once Kat shared their mutual good news.
“About time.” Sam had said with a smirk and hugged her tightly.
Two months later; it was time for the wedding.
"I don't want a three-ring circus," Kat had said the moment she started planning "I want this to be is like and elegant, but simple at the same time, can we do that?”
“We can just do the traditional hand fastening ceremony,” Shannon said “and then party after that.”
“Short, sweet and to the point.” Kat had told her.
The ceremony was to take place in a park just outside Lebanon that owed Sam and Dean a favor after they'd gotten rid of some pesky werewolves in the area. The couple that owned the place were delighted to host the wedding and even offered to decorate their dining hall for the occasion.  
When the time for the wedding came, Kat was waiting for her time to walk in, nervously looking around the room. A knock came at the door and she stood.
"Come in" she said 
The door opened and Sam walked in, his eyes wide.
"Well?" She asked "How do I look?"
She was wearing an ivory sleeveless knee length lace dress with a white ribbon tied in the middle.
She had a silver headband with jewels on it, wedge heels, her hair tied in a low bun and red lipstick.
"Oh my god," Sam said "He's going to pass out."
"Don't you let him faint," Kat teased as he came into the room and closed the door behind him.
"You okay?" He asked
"Nervous," she said "Like an excited nervous."
Sam smiled and hugged her.
"I've never seen my brother this happy" he said "You're incredible and you'll make an amazing wife."
She hugged him back and said
"Good thing I wore waterproof mascara" and he laughed as they parted.
"Thanks for letting me be part of the family; I know how close you two are and I love you both so, so much." Kat said
"He gets out of line, you call me." Sam said
"You are number one on my short list" she told him.
Another knock came and Kat told whoever it was to come in. It was Dave, dressed in his finest Scottish attire, including a kilt, he was ready to walk Kat down the aisle in place of her own father.
“Dave,” she breathed, he looked handsome and she told him so.
“Oh sweet girl,” he said as he tried not to cry “you look so beautiful.”
Sam joined Dean to wait for their cue to walk in.
"I just saw her," Sam said "She climbed out a window and ran."
"That's not funny Sammy." Dean said, he looked like he was sweating bullets.
"Why are you freaking out?" Sam asked.
"I'm not freaking out, are you freaking out? Why would I freak out?" Dean asked quickly as he started pacing.
"You need to calm down," Sam said "You'll be fine."
"I can't go in there." Dean said, looking at the doors.
"Yes, you can and you will," Sam said "Even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming. You love her right?"
"Yes, I love her," Dean said "I wouldn't be standing here sweating like a whore in church if I didn't."
"Then what are you worried about?" Sam asked
"What if this marriage thing isn't all it's cracked up to be?" Dean asked, still pacing "We didn't have the best role models for that. Dad was gone all the time and constantly letting Mom down. I can't let Kat down."
"You won't" Sam said "The only thing that would let her down is if you stood her up today."
Dean took some deep breaths and finally stopped pacing.
"I need liquor," he said "That's your job best man."
After a couple of shots of whiskey, Dean managed to get himself together enough to walk down the aisle. It was a small ceremony, taking place by a huge fire place inside a stone hall. There were flowers and candles placed around, and the twenty or so guests sat in white chairs. After Sam walked down the aisle and stood between Dean and Castiel, the doors closed. The music started up again and the doors opened as Claire walked in as Kat's bridesmaid, wearing a deep purple dress. Jody walked in next, serving as maid of honor, her dress was also a deep purple. The doors closed again as Shannon, who was their officiant, stood at the front said
"Please rise" and all the guests stood up as the music changed and the doors opened.
There stood Kat, arm in arm with Dave, her face splitting into a huge grin when she saw Dean. All synapses that commanded him to breathe seemed to stop as she made her way down the aisle, smiling at him. She and Dave stopped a foot away from Dean, who stayed rooted in his spot. Sam elbowed him and he came to his senses and stepped forward. Dave placed Kat's hand in Dean's, clapped Dean on the shoulder and walked over to take his place in one of the front row seats.
"You may be seated" Shannon said and the guests sat down "We are gathered here on this gorgeous day," she said, albeit sarcastically. It was raining cats and dogs outside. "To join Katlynn and Dean into the bonds of marriage. Please step forward and join hands."
They stepped forward and Kat handed her bouquet to Jody.
"Today these two halves of a life will join to make one; full of love, happiness and many cherished memories. Who has the rings?"
Kat turned to Jody and Dean turned to Sam, who each handed them a ring.
"Katlynn, place the ring on the fourth finger of Dean's left hand" Shannon said
Kat did and Shannon continued
"Katlynn, do you take this man to be your husband? Will you comfort him, honor him, love him, keep him in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" Kat said and slid the ring on to Dean's finger.
"Dean, place the ring on the fourth finger of Katlynn's left hand" Shannon said
Dean did, his hands shaking.
"Dean, do you take this woman to be your wife? Will you comfort her, honor her, love her, keep her in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." Dean said and slid the ring on her finger. Kat squeezed his hands, giving him a reassuring look.
Shannon reached in her pocket and pulled out two lengths of ribbon, one red and one blue, representing Kat and Dean's favorite colors.
"In the presence of your friends and family I now bond your hands together to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship" Shannon said. Dean and Kat held up their hands and the judge wrapped the ribbons loosely into an infinity symbol around their hands.
"Look upon one another and say the words" Shannon said.
Kat and Dean looked at each other and in unison said
"Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger."
"I am his, and he is mine." Kat said
"I am hers, and she is mine." Dean said
"From this day, until the end of my days." They finished together.
"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife" Shannon said and untied their hands "Dean, you may kiss your bride." he said
They met in the middle and kissed, while their friends clapped and cheered. They parted, grinning like crazy.
Kat turned to Jody and got her bouquet then she and Dean faced their friends.
"It's my pleasure" Shannon said with tears in her eyes "To introduce to you of the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Winchester."
Their friends clapped and cheered as they walked back down the aisle and out the door. Once they were out of sight, they hugged and kissed.
"We did it," she said "You're stuck with me now!”
"Please, YOU'RE stuck with ME," he said and kissed her again. "Now what?" He asked
"Well, there's only one thing to do now." she said.
Were the words Dean and Kat were screaming at each other in the bar.
After the ceremony, everyone met up at a bar to celebrate the Winchester Wedding.
"I don't understand the complexity of this song" Castiel said "Bad medicine can kill someone."
Sam, who didn't feel like deciphering the finer points of Bon Jovi lyrics, said "This is the song they blare in the car Cas, nothing deeper than that."
When the song ended, Dean banged a butter knife on his beer bottle.
"A toast!" He said and they all raised their glasses
"Thanks everyone for being here today," Kat said "We love that we could share this with all of you. Thanks to everyone that helped us plan and pull this off in two months, you guys and girls are the real heroes."
"To my new wife," Dean said "I love you."
"I love you too new husband." Kat said and they kissed while everyone jeered and took a drink from their glasses and bottles. With that, Sam stood up and tapped a utensil on his glass. Kat and Dean looked at him and he said
"It's tradition for the best man to make a toast to the groom and tell embarrassing stories about him. But today, as usual, I'm not following tradition. This toast is for the bride."
Kat's eyes went wide.
"When two people care about and love each other each other as much as my brother and Kat do, it's usually expressed through mushy cards and long sappy glances at one another." Sam went on, which made Kat and Dean laugh
"With them, it's different" Sam said "I've watched Kat pull an all nighter to search for lore even I couldn't find, she works her ass off to improve all of our gear, I've lost count of how many times she has gone above and beyond the call of duty and saved our asses. But none of that compares to how she looks at Dean."
Kat's eyes welled up
"When Kat looks at Dean, you see beyond the attraction between them. You see the respect, the friendship, the love and admiration and when he looks at her, you see the exact same thing. Though all of the places Dean and I have been, the things we've seen and experiences we've had together; I can honestly say that everything pales in comparison to that look between them. So, here's to the bride." Sam said, raising his glass "Kat, welcome to the family."
"Here, here!" Jody yelled and everyone took a drink from their bottles and glasses. Kat rushed forward and gave Sam a big hug, tears running down her cheeks.
"Thank you Sam." she said, her voice cracking and she gave Sam a kiss on the cheek.
That night, Dean and Kat went to a cabin the park was letting them use for the weekend. They wouldn't be able to take a long honeymoon, but a weekend alone they had decided, was better than nothing. They pulled up in front of the small cabin, which had a log exterior, a wide front porch and green shutters. Above them, dark, thick clouds had gathered, the distinct rumble of thunder could be heard once the Impala's engine had been cut.
"Oh, it's cute!" Kat said.
"Cute?" He asked "It's a cabin in the woods."
"You hush and let me enjoy this." Kat said as they got out, the cold night air biting at her exposed skin. "I get you to myself for two and half days, let me just have this." she said
They grabbed their bags out of the backseat, shut their doors and walked up to the front door.
"Okay, fair enough." Dean said as they walked up the stairs. He unlocked the door and then bent down and picked her up, bridal style.
"Put me down!" She half yelled and half laughed as he opened the door.
"If we're gonna do this, we're doing it right" Dean said "I'm carrying you over the threshold."
"Oh my god" Kat said as he opened the door and they walked through it.
He kicked the door shut
"You loved it, admit it." Dean said and set her down. She playfully slapped his chest and said
“Yeah, yeah,” she said as she sighed dramatically “I did.”
He took her hand and pulled her up the stairs and into the dark bedroom.
"Okay, close your eyes." he said
"Can I take my shoes off first?" She asked
"Yes, you can take your shoes off, and I'll take that bag." he said.
She handed him her bag, took her shoes off and set them to the side.
"No peeking." he said
Kat covered her eyes and waited. She heard, their bags being put off to the side, a lighter be struck and him fiddling with something.
"Okay, give me your hand, but don't open your eyes yet." Dean said.
Kat kept her eyes closed and extended her right hand. He pulled her a few steps closer and she heard him tap something close by.
"Okay, open them." Dean said
Kat opened her eyes and he had lit a few candles around the room and she could hear the first few chords of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" playing.
"What're we doing?" She asked
"This" he said and spun her in a circle.
She laughed
"Are we seriously slow dancing to Metallica on our wedding night?" She asked and laced her hands together on the back of his neck.
"Yep, we sure are." he said, putting his hands on her hips.
She shrugged
"This is so us and I love it" she said and they turned in a slow circle. She rested her head on his chest, absorbing everything around her, hoping that this would be saved somewhere in her memory where she's never, ever forget it. The love she felt was more intense than anything else she'd felt in her life, she knew it would overwhelm her if she thought about how much she loved him and how much she knew he loved her in return. Outside, the clouds opened up and it began to softly rain as thunder and lightning split the sky.
"You okay?" He asked
"Yeah," she said "Just thinking."
The song ended and he pulled back.
"About what?" He asked
She sighed, content
"This is everything I've ever wanted," she told him "I don't like admitting this; but I always wanted the fairy tale romance. I never thought that would happen to me and in a weird, twisted way, it kind of did."
He raised an eyebrow at her
"I got my Prince Charming," she said "Only instead of a shining suit of armor and a white horse; mine has a plaid shirt and a black Chevy Impala."
This made him laugh and smile.
"I got the beautiful princess," he said "but mine has a foul mouth and good aim. I wouldn't have it any other way."
They both laughed and she said
"Me neither" and kissed him.
When they pulled back, she couldn't help but admire him. He had the slightest trace of a smirk on his lips, his green eyes shining in the candlelight as he ducked his head down for another kiss. Where the last one had been sweet and playful, this one was full of lust and passion. She ran her hands through his hair, placing them on the sides of his head to hold him in place as their mouths worked in sync. His strong tongue brushed gently over her bottom lip, asking to be let in, which she did. His tongue worked with hers, making a tingle go down her spine. Once his tongue returned to his mouth, the song was almost at its end. He swiftly dipped her, making her laugh and as he brought her back up right, she was grinning.
“You're amazing, you know that?” she asked as she backed him up toward the bed.
“No, tell me all about it.” he said without a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
“You go from drop dead sexy to goofy and back again without it being weird,” she said as the backs of his knees hit the edge of the mattress “you always know exactly how to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world.”
“You are the only one.” he told her as he kissed her. He picked her up and sat down on the bed as she straddled him “The only one that really matters.”
She took his face in her hands and kissed him sweetly, then she kissed down his chin and neck.
“You're kind, sweet, big hearted,” and she said between kisses as she undid his tie and slung it off of him “romantic, thoughtful,” she unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, giving her better access to his neck as he struggled to keep it together “patient, wonderful and best of all,” she added as she gave him a love bite, making him moan and then looked him in the eyes, his fingers digging into the meat of her ass “all mine.”
“Forever and ever baby.” he said and snapped his arms around her as he unzipped her dress, the straps falling off her shoulders. He pulled them down as the dressed pooled around her ample hips and he rolled her on to her back.
“And you, moon of my life,” he said as he got up on his knees, removing his jacket and pulling her dress the rest of the way off of her, leaving her in a matching light pink and blue bra and panty set as he growled “are all mine.”
She nodded as he crawled on top of her, pinning her hands above her head as he covered her neck and collar bone in kisses, his beard deliciously scratching her skin.
“Mh, Dean!” she moaned as she squirmed under him “Let me touch you, please.”
“Not until I make you come all over my mouth,” he said as he picked his head up and gave her a wink “Mrs. Winchester.”
She grinned and asked
“You've been waiting to say that haven't you?”
“Since Shannon pronounced us man and wife.” he said and kissed her deeply. He hovered above her as she quickly unbuttoned his shirt and dragged it off of him along with his under shirt as he kicked off his shoes, the quickly thudded to the floor as they heatedly kissed, her fingernails dragging slowly down his bare shoulders and back.
“Fuck,” he moaned “you keep that up and this is gonna be over a lot quicker than I planned.”
“Like that's ever stopped you.” she told him
“Excuse me for wanting to take my time with my new wife.” he said with a smirk as they kissed.
He knew exactly how to stop her in her tracks, damn him.
“Okay, I'll quit.” she said
He gave her a last sweet kiss before he kissed down her neck and chest, stopping to unhook her bra. Once the article was removed, he lavished her breasts with kisses and licks, making her moan loudly. He sucked her right nipple into his mouth as the left one got taken between his thumb and forefinger. He licked and rolled her nipples as she arched her back off the bed.
“God Dean,” she moaned “keep that up and I'm gonna come!”
“Come for me then.” he said as his mouth and hand switched breasts and he repeated the motion, switching off every so often until the ache between her legs became too much.
“I'm gonna, god, fuck! I'm gonna come!” she whined and when she let go, she was immediately ready for more. He kissed down her torso, his hands skimming down her sides as he licked and sucked on her skin, loving the taste and smell of her. He tugged her panties off and marveled at his work for a second, she was shining with arousal. He licked his sinful lips and ducked his head down, his tongue winding through her slick folds. Her back arched again as he worked the tip of his tongue over her bundle of nerves, two of his fingers easily sliding inside of her.
“Damn,” he said as she whined and twisted under him “all that from me playing with your nipples? Sweetheart, you have no fucking idea how bad I want you.”
“Take me,” she cried “please, I want it, I want you!”
“Fuck me,” he moaned and ducked his head down, sucking her clit into his mouth and then lavishing it with his tongue “say that again sweet girl.”
“I want you!” she moaned out, her brain getting foggy as she reached her peak “I want you so bad!”
He hummed in approval, his tongue lapping over her opening and his fingertips working her clit in a slow circle. A stream of swears and cries left her mouth as she rocked her hips into his face.
“Fuck,” he said and rolled onto his back, bringing her up so that she was basically sitting on his face “that's it sweetheart, fucking ride my tongue.”
“JESUS!” she screamed as she gripped the headboard for support, her hips seeming to move on their own “Oh god, Dean, Dean, like that, FUCK!” she cried out incoherently as his fingers worked her clit in a harsh circle with the other gripped the meat of her ass. He moaned in approval as she chased her high, reaching it and falling over the edge with a scream of his name. He worked her through the high, easing her down and on to the bed next to him. He licked his lips of her arousal as she laid beside him, a panting, strung out mess. He grinned and pushed her hair out of her face as he kissed her; she could still taste herself on his mouth.
“Gorgeous,” he murmured between kisses “and all mine.”
“Dean please.” she begged as she tugged him on top of her “Please make love to me.”
He nodded and quickly undid his belt. Too impatient to wait for him, she practically ripped his pants and underwear off as she lined him up with her waiting hole.
“Eager for me?” he asked as she flicked the head of his cock through her folds to slick him up.
“Yes, god yes.” she moaned as she lined him up and he slid inside her, bit by bit.
“Say it.” he said as he pushed into her, his not so secret kink was hearing how badly she wanted him, her moaning his name, anything that reassured him how much she craved him.
“Fuck,” she moaned “oh god, I want you so bad Dean.” With one swift thrust, he was full inside her and brushing against her sweet spot, which only made her cry out louder. “Ah, Dean!” she yelled
“That's it,” he said as he moaned and began to move “let me hear you.”
She moved with him, wrapping one leg around his waist and her arms around his shoulders.
“Love feeling that hard cock deep in me,” she murmured in his ear “making me feel so fucking good.”
He groaned and kissed her as he picked up speed, his hands supporting his weight above her.
“That's it,” she moaned as he hit her sweet spot hard enough to make tears spring into her eyes “oh fuck, just like that Dean, just fucking like that!”
“You like that huh?” he asked he got up on his knees and wrapped her legs around his waist as his hips snapped into hers. She grabbed the bars on the headboard and let out of lust filled scream.
“Yes!” she yelled “Oh fuck me, just like that!”
Spurred on by her reaction and his own pending climax, his movements became erratic as he gripped her hips, drilling into her as she screamed louder.
“That's it sweetheart,” he yelled “fucking scream for me.”
“DEAN I'M GONNA-AH!” she yelled as she let go, the tidal wave of pleasure smashing over her and shattering her into pieces as he shot his seed deep inside her, his hips finally stilling as he collapsed on top of her. They laid there for a few seconds, both slightly shaking as they caught their breath. He looked up at her and she'd closed her eyes for a second as she breathed hard.
“You okay?” he asked quietly his fingers playing over her hypersensitive skin.
She nodded and opened her eyes, sated.
“Perfect.” she said as she pushed his damp hair off of his forehead. He gently pulled out of her and crawled up to lay beside her. She quickly dozed off, laying on her stomach and her hair all around her. Dean laid there, his head propped up on his elbow as he gently traced the lines of the ferocious, majestic looking phoenix on her back.
“I love you.” he murmured as he kissed her shoulder blade and dozed off himself.  
      The next day when Kat woke up and checked the time on her phone, it was nearly 10:30, which was pretty late for her to sleep in. She looked around the bedroom and didn't see Dean anywhere. She sat up and listened but she couldn't hear him in the cabin anywhere. She yawned and got out of bed. After tugging her pajamas on, she went downstairs. When she went to the kitchen, she found a note on the coffee maker.
Just hit brew. Went to the store, be back soon <3, Your Husband
Next to the coffee maker was a box wrapped in pretty paper that he had written "OPEN ME!" on. She grinned and tore off the paper. Inside was a coffee mug; she pulled it out and on the black mug was a House Targaryen sigil, a red dragon with three heads. Under the dragon was the word "khaleesi" in a lighter shade of red. He had put out some sugar and creamer for her. She smiled and hit the brew button on the coffee maker.
When Dean got back, about 45 minutes later, he found Kat on the back porch of the cabin.
"There you are." he said when he found her.
"Hiya handsome." she said with a smile. He came over to her and gave her a kiss.
"I got stuff for breakfast," he said "and dinner."
"Oh?" She asked
"And I have something planned for this afternoon." he said
"What do you have planned?" She asked
"It's a surprise." he said
"You're taking to this husband thing like a duck in water, I'm loving it!" She said
He smiled
"It's my job." he said
"Thanks for the mug by the way," she said and nodded to it
He chuckled
"I have a matching one that says "khal" on it, they're a wedding present from Sam." Dean told her.
"That is so fucking cute." she said
"Sit tight, I'm making breakfast." he told her.
She looked at him, surprised "I love you." she said
After having pancakes for breakfast, Kat went to go get dressed.
"There's going to be a bit of a walk to get where we're going, so dress appropriately" he had told her. The air outside was cool and crisp with a light breeze, the rain from the night before had left behind a clear blue sky. Kat wore a tank top with a blue plaid shirt over it, shorts and ankle boots. She pulled her long hair into a fishtail braid, put on a little bit of makeup and some Chapstick on. When she was satisfied, she met Dean downstairs and they set off.
Once they were driving, she asked
"Where are we going exactly?" She pulled one leg up and rested the other on top of it so they made a shape like a 4.
"Can I surprise you?" He asked and glanced at her.
"I'm just curious!" She said
"Cut that out." he said and placed a hand on the inside of her knee.
When Dean stopped the Impala, they parked near an entrance to one of the lakes in the park. There was a good amount of people around, cooking out on the grills the park provided and kids playing in the lake.
"We're going for a walk in the woods?" She asked as they got out and shut the doors.
"Close." he said and went to the trunk.
When he opened it, he pulled out one of her gear bags.
"Come on Dean," she said exasperated "It's our honeymoon, do we REALLY have to hunt?!"
"Oh ye of little faith." he said and shut the trunk. She walked over as he opened the bag, she looked inside and saw an insulated bag, a bottle of wine and a blanket. "We're going for a picnic." he told her
"Oooooo!!!!!" She said, excited "You're good!"
He smiled, zipped the bag closed and slung it over his shoulder.
"Ready?" He asked and offered her his hand. She took it an answered
"Let's go."
They walked for a while, away from the noise coming from the other people at the lake.
"Do you know where we're going or are we just walking?" Kat asked
"I know where I'm going," he told her as they kept walking "The ranger told me about this spot, he said it's a lot quieter in case the missus is feeling frisky."
She rolled her eyes and laughed
"He didn't really say that." she said.
"Well, not in so many words." Dean admitted "He said it was off the beaten path and romantic."
"So, he didn't say anything about getting busy in the woods." Kat said as she stepped over a branch.
"Well he may have," Dean said "After talking shop." he had a silly grin on his face
Kat raised an eyebrow
"Let me guess, locker room talk?" She asked and Dean shrugged
"Maybe" he said.
They walked toward the bank of the lake and Dean said
"This looks good, what do you think?"
Kat looked around, the lake lapped gently against the bank as a steady breeze blew in. The sun shone above them, its light coming through the leaves on the trees casting a greenish yellow glow upon them.
"It's perfect." she said
Dean set the bag down and opened it. He handed her a blanket. Kat took it and spread it out and sat down. He joined her, handing her the insulated bag. She opened it and inside were two sub sandwiches and a piece of cake.
"Oh man, this looks good!" She exclaimed as he handed her a sandwich.
"This one is yours, turkey on wheat with all the good stuff" he said "This one is mine, meatball sub."
"Nice." she said and tore the wrapper off of her sandwich and dug in.
When they finished their subs, Kat opened the bottle of wine and poured each of them some.
"A toast." she said and held her glass up
"To what?" He asked
She thought for a second and said
"I could be cliche and go with love, laughter and happily ever after."
He smiled
"We'll make up our own." he said
"Shot gun shells?" She asked
"Loud music." he added
She thought about the next one for a few seconds.
"And hot sex." she said
"I'll drink to that." he said and she laughed
"To shot gun shells, loud music and hot sex." she said and they clinked their glasses together.
The weather warmed up as they sat there eating, so Kat took off their plaid shirt she had been wearing over her tank top and her boots. They laid on the blanket, him on his back and her on her belly, talking and drinking. They snapped a few pictures together and then decided to dig into the cake.
"I'm surprised you grabbed cake and not pie." she said as he handed her a fork wrapped in plastic; she sat up with her legs crossed.
"I was going to but they were out of apple pie." he said, clearly disappointed. He was up on his knees as he grabbed the piece of cake out of the bag.
"This is why we can't have nice things." she said
"Right?" He asked "And I figured we could do at least one wedding tradition with cake."
"If you're going to feed me cake, you better be nice." she cautioned as she unwrapped her fork.
He did the same and said
"I will if you will." with a smirk
"Deal." she said and he opened the plastic lid on top of the cake slice.
"Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache filling and chocolate icing" he told her as she looked at it.
"I'm drooling." she said, her eyes lighting up. They each took a fork full and Kat held her hand under her fork.
"Be nice remember?" She asked
"Yeah, I remember" he said
"Okay, ready?" She asked
"Ready" he said
She moved her fork toward his mouth, and he moved his fork toward her mouth. They each took the bite at the same time and pulled their forks out of each other's mouths.
"Mmmhhh, that's good." she said after chewing for a bit. He swallowed and said
"You have icing on your face."
"Where?" She asked as she swallowed.
"Hang on," he said. He put his fork and the cake to the side and moved closer to her.
"Right here." he said, putting a hand on her cheek and kissing her lips. He tasted like chocolate and wine. He playfully bit her lip, making her laugh.
"Mhhh," she said and pulled back "That's one way to get icing off a person's face" she said as they parted.
"There was no icing, I just wanted to kiss you." he said, wearing that bad boy smirk she loved.
"Well in that case." she said and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer and kissing him. They laid down side by side as they kissed over and over, their hands all over each other's bodies. Dean slid his hand up her tank top when they both heard a twig snap. They stopped what they were doing and Kat asked
"You heard that right?"
"Yeah, I heard it." he said. He took his hand out of her shirt and they sat up to look around. They trained their ears, listening for any sound that didn't belong. They heard birds chirping, the lake lapping up against the bank, the breeze rustling the leaves in the trees. Their eyes searched for anything that could be out of place, but there was nothing.
"Maybe it was an animal or something?" Kat asked, looking at Dean but he didn't look convinced.
"Maybe." he said, his eyes still searching for something.
"Relax," she said, her hand running from his stomach up to his chest "we're on our honeymoon." and started kissing his neck. He inhaled sharply as she made her way around to his throat and then the other side of his neck. He wrapped and arm around her and laid her on her back, one of his legs draped over hers, his torso laying up against her side. She smiled as they kissed. His full lips on hers, she ran her left hand up and down his back. Their tongues met and he nipped her lip again.
"You know what that does to me." she warned him as she kissed him.
"Oh, I'm aware." he said. He cradled her head in the crook of his arm and laced his fingers with hers. His free hand slid down her chest and belly, he pulled up her tank top a little bit and went to the waistband of her shorts. He undid the button and pulled the zipper down.
"Dean!" she cautioned
"We're fine," he assured her, looking into her eyes "we're on our honeymoon remember?" and gave her a devilish grin.
"You're bad." she said, her left hand on his shoulder as she kissed him. She felt his hand slide into her shorts and she parted her legs slightly. His fingers gently touched her slit over her panties and she let out a sigh. He pushed his fingertips into her clit, working them in a circle on her. Her lips left his
"Ahhh!" she cried, tilting her head back. He used this to his advantage and started kissing her throat. His fingers then slid up and down her length, her fingernails pressing into his shoulder blade. She bit her lip and whimpered as he kissed up her neck and up to her lips.
"Faster." she commanded when they parted, but he shook his head.
"I'm going to take my time." he said and kissed her as she started moving her hips back and forth.
"Mhhh." he said as she let out a low moan. She tried to take her hand away from his to reciprocate, but he squeezed her fingers tighter.
"No." he said
"That's not fair." she insisted.
"You can take care of me later," he said in a hushed tone "Right now, I'm taking care of my wife."
Flabbergasted into silence, she kissed him. He slid his fingers up and inside her panties, making her gasp. She pressed her nails into his shoulder, kissing him harder. He worked his fingers slowly, tantalizing her. Her heart pounded as the passion built up between them. She pulled her mouth away from his and pressed her forehead into his chest, moaning quietly. He sped up his fingers just a little bit, making her squirm under his touch. Goosebumps raced all over her skin as she absorbed everything; the smell of his cologne, the feeling of his body against hers, his free hand holding hers, the feeling of his touch that made her knees weak.
"Mmhhhh!" she called out as she bit her lip, grinding her hips into his fingers as her body begged for release. He looked down at her, her chest and cheeks were flushed pink as her breath quickened. He kept his pace steady.
"Dean, Dean!" she said quietly; as the breeze picked up around them. He quicker his pace just a little more. She whimpered as she climbed higher and higher. She couldn't hold on any longer, cried out into his chest as she finished; the sweet release sending a high through her body like she'd never felt. She shook in his arms as the aftershock went through her. She caught her breath and looked up at him and he was grinning.
"What?" She asked
"Like being a teenager but better," he said, sliding his hand out of her shorts "Because at least I know you'll call me the next day."
This made her laugh, the high still coursing through her body. "God that felt good. I mean it's always good but holy shit!"
He laughed
"The element of danger," he said as he licked his fingers "We could've gotten caught so that's what makes it so good."
She shrugged and caught her breath
"Not that getting caught would've stopped us but you're right." she told him. Surprising even herself, Kat rolled over on top of Dean, pinning him down by his wrists; he was ready.
"Mmh, hello." he said and they kissed. She rolled her hips into his and he growled below her.
"Katlynn!" he warned
"What?" She asked innocently, as she kept on.
"Quit. Teasing." He said firmly.
"I'm not teasing." she told him, she ran her hands down his arms, over his chest and to his torso where she braced herself, rolling her hips. His breath hitched and he bit his lip.
"Fuck." he said quietly. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He moved his hips up and she pulled down his jeans and underwear.
"Someone's frisky." he said
"You started it," she told him "I'm also a little hammered."
Dean sat up and in one fluid motion flipped her on to her back and kissed her hard.
"Oh, come on, I wanna be on top." she complained as he kissed all over her collar bone.
"One; it's bad enough we're doing this in the woods in broad daylight," he said and then looked up "two; if you think I'm going to let anyone see your bare ass, you have another thing coming"
"You're hot when you're all possessive." she said as she slid her shorts down. She pulled one leg out, and left her shorts and underwear on one leg.
"Damn right," he said "My wife, my rules."
She laughed
"I have some say in this you know." she said and kissed him, she bent one leg to give him better access.
"Who else do you plan on seeing you naked exactly?" He asked as he easily slid inside her. She sighed and trembled below him.
"No one." she moaned, her hands on the back of his neck.
"Good." he told her and kissed her as she moaned against his mouth. Their tongues intertwined as he pulled in and out of her.
"Oh god!" she moaned in his ear.
"Mhhhh." Dean growled, his hand running over her hair. He kissed her collar bone and shoulders, he pushed the straps of her tank top down over her shoulders, her bra peaking out.
"Dean, Dean!" she cried out breathlessly, she hooked her leg around him, her foot running up and down the back of his thigh, pushing him deeper into her. Her nails dug into his shoulder, spurring him on. He went in harder and she let out a moan. His fingers tangled in her hair; his strong chest just above her and his free arm by her head holding himself up, she was completely enveloped in him. The heat rolling off his body, his scent; a mix of sweat and cologne, his pleasure filled moans in her ear. She moved her hips, matching his rhythm, making him grind his teeth.
"Mhhhh, that's it sweetheart." he said quietly, tugging on her hair. He kissed and bit her earlobe making a high pitched moan come out of her mouth. She threw her head back, close to her tipping point.
"Kat, I'm gonna-" he said, he couldn't finish the sentence
"It's okay, come." she told him, arching her back. He pushed into her harder and then came undone around her. She shook as she finished, biting her lip hard so she wouldn't scream out loud like she really wanted to. He breathed hard into her and then looked up at her.
"You're horny when you're hammered." he said with a laugh as he sat up. She laughed too as he pulled his jeans up and she pulled up her shorts.
"Can't help it," she said "I don't have crippling anxiety when I'm hammered and I have a sexy husband. Total package right there."
He smirked as they got dressed and he said
"You don't have to be anxious with me." he told her once she had buttoned up her shorts.
"That's like telling a tiger not to have stripes." she told him.
"Kat, look at me." he told her and she did. He held her chin in his fingers and said "I love you just the way you are. As much as I love having sex with you, I don't want you to feel like you have to do things you're uncomfortable with to please me."
"But I just-" she said and he shushed her
"It isn't all about me you know," he told her "we're partners and this is what we do; we communicate. It isn't my strongest point, but I'm working on it and I want you to do the same thing."
"This is gonna sound weird," she said, her mind fuzzy from the wine, but she had to say it "I want to try stuff with you. Sexual stuff."
"That isn't weird," he assured her "You want to experiment? We can do that."
"Really?" She asked
"Who is better to experiment with than me?" He asked with a laugh. Her mind still fuzzy, she blurted out
"I want to try because I know I can trust you. You mean what you say and say what you mean. I admire that."
He smirked
"One of my few good qualities." he said
"You shut your face Dean Winchester," she told him "That's my husband you're talking about and I won't hear a word of it. Sure, you're a stubborn jackass and I want to punch you in the nose when you won't listen, but you're mine." She watched his jaw tense up and she went on "You have no faith in you, but I do and my vote automatically counts twice."
"Why's that?" He asked
"Because I'm small and therefore get more votes." she said and he laughed
"You're a mess." he said
"You married me!" She exclaimed
"I'm well aware." he said and they kissed.
That night in the cabin, Dean made a chicken dish for dinner. Kat walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle.
"Can I help?" She asked as she stood on her tip toes and kissed the back of his neck.
"You can help by holding down the seat over there," he said, pointing at one of the bar stools at the end of the counter with a knife.
"Okay, I figured I'd at least offer." she said, resting her head on his back.
"And I appreciate it, but I am making YOU dinner." he said
"You're going to spoil me rotten." She told him and kissed his shoulder.
"That's my job isn't it?" He asked
"Sure, why not?" She asked and released him. She went over to the fridge "You want anything to drink?" She asked as she opened it.
"Any beer left in there?" He asked.
"Yep." she said, spying a six pack
"I'll take one." he said
She grabbed two and opened one for each of them. She set his by the stove and he thanked her as she sat down.
"What're you making?" She asked as he chopped up sweet potatoes.
"Chicken and roasted vegetables" he said "The sweet potatoes are easier to mash when they cook like this."
"Kind of like regular potatoes?" she asked and took a sip of her beer.
"Exactly," he said "But I'm not going to boil these, I'll roast them because it brings out the flavor better."
"Nice" she said. She got up and put her phone in the docking station that was situated in the kitchen. "Music?" She asked
"Sure" he said as he chopped vegetables. She opened up Pandora and pressed play. "Do You Love Me?" by The Contours came up and Kat smiled as Dean looked up to see her start dancing. She looked over at him and started lip syncing the words while she danced and he laughed.
"Very nice" he said "I cook and you provide the entertainment."
"You won't let me help so I have to contribute how I can." she said
"Hey, you got me a beer, so that counts as helping." he said as she danced around the breakfast bar. He tried to go back to chopping vegetables but couldn't.
"How am I supposed to chop when you're dancing like that?!" He asked with a laugh as he set the knife down and took a sip of his beer.
"What?! They said do the twist!" She exclaimed as she did the twist. He shook his head, put his beer aside and chuckling.
Once he was finished chopping vegetables, he tossed everything into the oven and set a timer. By this time, Kat had sat back down on the bar stool.
"How much longer?" She asked
"Thirty minutes, give or take" he said, making his way over to the docking station "What's on this playlist?" He asked
"I don't know, it's random." she said, taking a sip of her beer. He switched over to Amazon Music and scrolled, he found a station with a similar music vibe and clicked on it. The first song was "At Last" by Etta James and he turned to look at Kat who was grinning. He walked over to her and offered her his hand.
"Seriously?" She asked, looking at it.
He shrugged
"What? A man can't dance with his wife?" He asked
"I love it when you call me that." she said and set her beer down. She got up from the bar stool and took his hand. He spun her in a slow circle and when she was facing him again, he cradled her in his arms as they turned in a slow circle. She laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes. This felt almost too perfect; but even in her wildest dreams, she hadn't pictured anything this sweet and tangible. Never. She squeezed his hand and smiled to herself. He rested his chin on the top of her head, recording this moment in his head. Everything he had ever wanted was right here in front of him and he still had a hard time believing it.
"It's weird isn't it?" He asked
"Hmm?" She asked
"From what we came from to now; it seems like a dream." he told her
"Absolutely," she said "I mean, think about our childhoods, our adulthood and now."
He smirked
"I guess when you see things that shouldn't be real for a living; you open up your mind," she said "and then you have something in front of you that you didn't think we real, it's jarring at first. Then you give in, and it's the best decision you've ever made."
"Completely agree." he said
As nice as the day had been; the night was windy and cool, bringing another storm with it. It was just the perfect temperature where they could sit outside and eat without being too hot or cold. The cabin had a screened in porch with a table on it, so they turned on a Pandora station and ate their meal.
"Man, this is GOOD" she said as she devoured her food "Keep cooking like this and I'm gonna be nice and fattened up for winter."
"Like that's a big deal," he said as he dug in.
They finished up dinner on the back porch, listening to music and talking. Right after they finished eating, Kat got up from her seat and went over to Dean's.
"Can I help you?" He asked
"Nah, I can help myself." she said and crawled into his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.
Suddenly, the sky opened up, dumping rain on to the woods behind the cabin luckily, they were protected by the roof that hung over the porch.
"You wanna go in?" Dean asked
Kat shook her head.
"Nah, this is good." she said
The rain pounded overhead as the Pandora station they were on pulled up "Nothing Else Matters"
"I think this is our song now." Kat said with a laugh as she picked her head up.
"I'm good with that." he said.
She kissed his cheek and laid her head back down.
"Can we just stay here forever?" She asked after a long few moments of silence.
"That'd be nice, wouldn't it?" He asked "A cabin in the woods, just the two of us?"
"No more hunting," she said "and just leading regular lives."
"What would you do if we lived a regular life?" He asked
"Good question," she said and thought about it "In a perfect world? I'd be a kindergarten teacher"
"Really? A teacher?" He asked
"Yeah," she said "Little kids like that just absorb everything, they're so happy and full of life. Getting to teach them would be a lot of fun. What about you?"
He thought for a little while and said
"A mechanic or a bartender."
"Oh, we could own our own bar." she said
"That would be good, we could cater to hunters since we know the life." he said
"I could still make weapons, fake IDs and badges." she said
"You'd be a bad ass kindergarten teacher." he said and she laughed
"A parent would see me in the bar and I'd be like "yeah, this is what I do on the side" and they'd have no idea."
"Best part? I get to make hot for teacher jokes." he said
"Of course, you would." she said with an eye roll.
This made him chuckle and then he said
"If it ever happens where we don't hunt any more, that's what we'll do. We'll open a bar, you'll teach little kids their ABC's and I get to live out my fantasy of banging a teacher." he said.
This made her laugh
"It only counts if you do it on the desk." she told him.
"Like that's an obstacle." he said.
She laughed again.
"Promise?" She asked
"I promise." he said and kissed her forehead.
Dean got ready for bed before Kat did that night. Once he was settled in bed, she went into the bathroom and closed the door. She then went into the cabinet and found the lingerie she'd hidden earlier that day. It wasn't anything too fancy, just a skimpy, pink baby doll dress and probably the smallest pair of shorts ever made that matched. She changed out of her clothes and into that and brushed her hair into a ponytail. She took off her makeup, washed her face and brushed her teeth. She smiled at herself in the mirror and then headed for the door.
When she emerged from the bathroom, she found Dean sitting in bed flipping through a book. She watched him for a few seconds, his face intense with concentration. He sat with his back against the pillows and his legs stretched out in front of him, wearing a t-shirt and boxer briefs. Rather than bring attention to herself; Kat turned off the bathroom light and walked over to her side of the bed. She got in, laid down on her side and asked
"What're you reading?"
"It's this book about," he said and turned to look at her, his eyes going wide "hellooo." he said
"I've never read a book about hellooo," she said twirling her ponytail between her fingers "What's that about?"
He didn't say anything, he put the book aside
"That can wait," he said and kissed her "This? Not so much." he said
"Good answer." she said. She straddled his lap and kissed him, holding his face in her hands. He slid his hands up and down her back and over her backside. She let one hand trail down his body and into his lap, he was ready. She internally smiled and she took him into her hand, over his underwear.
"Mhh," he said against her lips as she moved her hand up and down. His hands gripped her hips. He moved his hands up to slide off the baby doll dress but she pushed his hands away.
"No," she told him as she pulled away from him "Hands to yourself"
"Come on Katlynn" he said as she kept moving her hand up and down on him.
She shook her head
"It's my turn to take care of you." she said and she pinned both of his hands above his head. She moved both hands up his body, taking off his shirt and throwing it aside. She slid her hands down his chest and stomach, marveling at the man below her. Her eyes met him, his head was tilted back slightly as she slid her hands back up to his shoulders. She kissed all over his chest and made her way down his body with her mouth. When she reached the waistband of his underwear, she easily slid them off. Inside, she was nervous, as the last several times she had done this, she had been forced to. She hadn't attempted in several years, but she knew she could trust him. She shut the fear in her mind behind an iron door and braced herself. She then took him into her mouth and hand, moving both in sync. He moaned, the flames of passion rolling up his body. He moved his hand down and placed it on the back of her head but she swatted his hand away with her free hand. She took him out of her mouth and looked up, their eyes meeting
"No." she told him, a look of warning in her eyes, the fear behind her mental iron door threatening to break through. He nodded and placed his hand back above his head. She took him back into her mouth, she slowly swirled her tongue around him. He groaned out loud as she did it again.
"Kat!" he called out and moaned again.
She moved her head up and down and she slid off the baby doll dress. She picked her head up to take it all the way off and he sat up.
"Lay back down." she told him as she flung the baby doll dress across the room, leaving her in just the matching shorts. “I'm not through with you.” she pressed her hand on to his shoulder.
"Are you sure?" He asked, studying her face.
She nodded
"I can do this." she told him.
He laid back and she resumed, taking him deep into her mouth. He sighed as she licked and sucked on him, moving her hand and mouth simultaneously.
"That feels good." he said, moaning. She moved her head and hand up and down a little bit faster, sucking hard on him. He called out and she took her hand and mouth off of him. He looked down at her to see her slowing peeling off the shorts and casting them aside. She crawled on top of him and sank on top of him. She took him all the way into her and slowly moved her hips back and forth on top of him.
"Mmmhhh," he said, his hands gripping her thighs. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself as she moved on top of him, sighing as she did. He watched as she tilted her body back; giving him a nice, long view of her naked torso. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her hard. His hand gripped her hair tightly as he pushed into her hard.
"Dean," she warned
"Sorry, I'm sorry" he said and slowed his pace, loosening his grip on her hair. He flipped her on to her back, pushing in and out of her. He kissed all over her bare neck, shoulders and chest as her hips met his. She arched her back and cried out.
Kat woke up in the middle of the night and felt around for Dean, but he was gone. His side of the bed was cold so he had been gone a while. She sat up and didn't see the bathroom light on but she could hear him talking in a hushed tone somewhere else in the cabin. Kat quietly slid out of bed, tugging on one of Dean's shirts and her underwear. She crept over to the door and opened it quietly.
"Crowley, it can wait until tomorrow," she heard Dean say "This is the only time I get with Kat."
She didn't hear Crowley's response and deduced Dean was on the phone with him.
"Yeah, I know. You wouldn't have called if it wasn't important," Dean said, she could hear him walking around. His tone was a mixture of relief and apprehension "We'll talk tomorrow when I get back.”
She heard him start walking up the stairs and she opened the bedroom door. She found him coming up the stairs and he set his eyes on her.
"Hey, what're you doing up?" He asked in a gentle tone when he saw her.
"I should ask you the same thing." she said with a yawn. He met her at the door of the bedroom and kissed her forehead.
"It's nothing," he said and shut off the light "Let's go back to bed."
They walked through the doorway of the bedroom as Dean closed the door behind them. He wrapped an arm around her as she wrapped both of her arms around his torso. They got into bed and curled up next to each other.
"Everything okay?" She asked, yawning again.
"Yeah, everything's fine," he said "Go back to sleep."
Kat nodded off, she knew he was lying but was too tired to try and figure out why.
"Kat," she heard Dean call. She turned around from the window she was looking out of to see Dean coming through the door, holding a bundle of blankets in his arms. She smiled softly at him.
"What cha got there?" She asked as he walked closer to her. He was grinning with pride.
"Someone's awake." he said, holding up the bundle a little bit. She met him in the middle and saw what was in his arms, looking back at her was a teeny baby with whips of hair the same color as Dean's, big green eyes and pink, chubby cheeks.
"Aw!" she grinned
"Here." he said and handed the baby to her. She took the baby in her arms. The baby cooed and grinned at her.
"Hello there sweetheart" she said and kissed the baby's cheek.
The rude light of day awoke Kat from her dream.
"Hey sleepy head," she heard Dean say. She rolled over and saw him packing up his bag.
"Hey," she said with a yawn. She laid down and stretched as he walked over to her. "I was having the best dream" she said when she was done stretching.
"About what?" He asked as he sat on the bed by her. She told him about the dream and when she had finished, he was smiling the kind of smile that made his eyes crinkle.
"That'd be nice, wouldn't it?" He asked and she nodded.
"Not now, but eventually" she said with a sigh "This life, what we do? It's not meant for kids."
He nodded in agreement.
"Eventually." he said and reached out to squeeze her hand.
Later that day, Kat packed up her things from the drawers and felt Dean come up behind her, he pushed her hair over her shoulder and kissed between her shoulder blades.
"Mhh," she sighed "hi." she said
He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her back so that she was flush against him.
"What's something you want to try?" He asked, he had that husky tone in his voice that made her knees go weak. He kissed all over her neck and she said
"It's hard for me to think when you're doing that."
"Hm," he said "funny because I'm so hard I can't think."
"You did not just say that." she said and tried to squirm away from him, but he tightened his grip on her.
"Oh, but I am." he said, pressing his hips into her butt, he wasn't lying. She bit her lip and asked
"Have you ever tied anyone up?"
"Yep," he said "And been tied up."
"Wait, you let someone tie you up?" She asked and turned around.
"The girl wanted to try it, so I obliged." he said with a shrug.
"Would you tie me up?" She asked him
The corners of his mouth went up
"And what else?" He asked Suddenly shy, she looked away from him, her cheeks flushing "What sweetheart?" He asked
"Don't laugh at me," she said and looked back at him, her cheeks turning more and more red "I read this thing in Fifty Shades of Grey."
"Okay, so?" He asked and then what she said sank in "wait, you were reading porn?"
"It's not porn!" She exclaimed "It's erotic fiction!"
"That's just a fancy way of saying porn without pictures," he said "but continue."
"Well he ties her up and he," she fidgeted, her ears going as red as her cheeks "goes down on her and stuff, with an ice cube in his mouth."
A wicked grin spread across his face and he said "Okay." with a shrug.
"Really?!" She asked, surprised
He shrugged
"If that's what you want to try, I'm at your disposal," he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it "Mrs. Winchester."
Kat briefly wondered if she’d ever get tired of hearing that.
With the playful, sexy grin on his face and the lusty look in his eyes, it was all she could do not to dissolve into a puddle of giggles. She nodded and he took her over to the bed. He sat on the edge of it and pulled her shirt up, kissing her belly. He peeled the yoga pants off of her and she stepped out of them. He pulled her panties down just a little enough to where she was exposed to him. He closed his mouth around her clit, making her inhale sharply. He lightly sucked on it and then flicked his tongue across it, her hands in his hair, she moaned loudly.
"Keep doing that and we won't make it to ice cube thing." she told him.
"Oh, we will," he said, picking his head up "but I get to have my fun too."
"And what kind of fun is that?" She asked
That wicked grin crossed his mouth again and his eyebrows quickly shot up and down
"Making you come until you can't walk straight." he said.
Any witty retort she had was completely wiped from her brain, her mouth dropped open as he dipped his head back down. He worked his tongue in a slow circle around her clit while his hands pulled her panties down the rest of the way. They landed in a puddle at her feet, his hands holding her hips in place as he gently sucked on her, her breath hitching in her throat. She gripped his hair tightly as he flattened his tongue, going up and down the length of her. He pressed one hand flat on the small of her back to hold her in place with the other skimmed her inner thigh, making a shudder run through her body. He took his mouth off of her, his middle and fore fingers running up the length of her.
"Mhhh, you're wet." he said, biting his lip. She looked down to see him suck the slickness off his fingers. Her knees nearly gave way as his hands ran up her body, sliding under her shirt and pulling it off. He tossed it aside, leaving her in just her bra. He quickly unhooked it and it fell to the floor, she was naked in front of him. He lightly licked his lips as he looked her up and down.
"All mine." he said
"Jesus fucking Christ," she thought "He could make me come just talking like that."
He gripped her hips and pulled her closer. He took her left nipple into his mouth and gave it a light suck. The pad of his thumb found her clit and he moved it in a slow circle. His tongue flicked back and forth over her nipple.
"Dean!" She cried out loudly, white-hot pleasure rolling up her back. He lightly sucked on her nipple, her head lolled back and she cried out again. He kissed his way over to her other nipple and did the same thing, he pulled his thumb away from her clit, taking this middle and forefingers and running them up and down the length of her again. He kept doing this while his tongue made circles around her nipple. He used his free hand to cup her free breast, the nipple still slick from his mouth. He used his thumb and forefinger to roll her nipple between his fingers. She closed her eyes, letting all of the sensations wash over her. His fingers slipped inside her and she cried out and mix of a moan and his name, her body begging for release.
"Oh god!" She cried out, a pleasure filled scream threatening to rip through her as he pushed and pulled his fingers in and out of her. His thumb found her clit again and he moved it in sync with his fingers inside of her. She couldn't help it, she screamed loudly as she came hard over and over again. She breathed hard as he released her, a satisfied grin on his face. A stupid grin crossed her mouth as he sucked the slick off his fingers again.
"So," he said "tying you up and going down on you and stuff with an ice cube in my mouth?" he asked. She nodded, unable to form words. "Okay," he said and got up "Lay down on the bed."
She limped over to the edge of the bed and practically fell into it, still catching her breath. She laid on her back and watched as he went into his bag and grabbed the tie he had worn on their wedding day out of it. He walked over to the side of the bed and asked
"Were her hands tied in front of her or was she tied to the bed?"
"I don't remember," she said "he ties her up a lot."
He smirked, "Well, then you decide." He asked
She thought for a second and said "Tied to the bed, please."
"Yes ma'am." he said and made quick work of binding her wrists together and tying them to the head of the bed. He checked the knots and stood back to admire his handiwork. He bit his bottom lip and let it slide out of his teeth.
"This is something I could get used to" he said with a satisfied smile.
"What? Tying up your wife?" She asked.
He shrugged, "And having my way with you" he said and she laughed.
"Yeah, yeah." she said playfully. He leaned over and kissed her forehead
"I'll be right back" he said and left the room. She sighed as she waited, it sounded like he was making himself a drink while he was down stairs. This was confirmed by the glass of whiskey in his hand when he came back into the room. He took a sip and then walked over to her.
"Want some? This is a good one." He asked
"You know I can't drink it straight." she told him
"Trust me, this one is smooth and doesn't burn." he told her.
She shrugged "Sure" she said. He tipped the glass up to her lips and she took a sip, he was right, this one went down easily. "That's good" she said
He took another sip, set the glass on the night stand by her head and got on the bed.
"Dean?" She asked and he looked at her.
"Yes dear?" He asked.
"Can you take your shirt off?" She asked.
"Sure." he said and did as she had asked. Another stupid grin crossed her face as she took in the sight of a shirtless Dean, the sunlight hitting his defined chest, arms and stomach.
She sighed and he laughed
"What?" He asked
"THAT’S something I could get used to” she said, which made him laugh even more.
He parted her legs and sat on his knees between them. He lowered himself over her, he kissed her forehead, temple and cheek. He kissed the tip of her nose and then her lips, he tasted like whiskey. He pulled back and asked "So by "and stuff" what does that mean?"
"Use your imagination," she said "No butt stuff though."
He laughed "I can't seduce you if you keep making me laugh." he told her
"I'm pretty well seduced at this point," she told him "you've got me naked and tied up on the bed."
"Just how I like you." he said and kissed her again.
He kissed down her chin and throat, then to her chest. He sat up, grabbed the glass of whiskey and took a sip, bringing a bit of ice into his mouth. He dipped his head down to her belly and felt him open his mouth, the cold ice touching her hot skin. She tilted her back, inhaling sharply. Using his lips, he dragged the ice up her body, leaving a trail of water behind. He took her nipple into his mouth, the ice touching it and making it instantly harden. She cried out, the cold from the ice and the heat from his mouth were driving her insane. She felt the ice melt and he sucked on her nipple to keep the water from falling out of he mouth and on to the bed, making her cry out again.
He picked his head up
"Like that?" He asked and she nodded furiously "Okay." he said and grabbed the glass again.
He took another drink and then offered her one, which she took. He took another ice shard into his mouth and went to her other breast, repeating what he had done on the other side. By the time that one had melted, he had the technique down. He held the whiskey glass in his hand while he flattened his free hand against her skin, running it down her belly, thigh and knee, then back up again. He scooted back, still on his knees, and got a third ice shard in his mouth. He set the whiskey glass down and dipped his head down. He closed his mouth over her clit, the hot and cold hitting her at the same time. She tilted her head back and cried out loudly as he dragged his lips down her inner thigh, bringing the ice with it. He did this on the other side as well. She squirmed under him, her head felt like it was spinning.
"Deeeeean!" she moaned
"What sweetheart?" He asked sweetly.
"I want you now, please!" she begged
Not needing to be told twice, he took off his pants and underwear. "You want me to untie you?" He asked and she shook her head.
"No, I'm fine." she said
He slid up her body and parted her thighs. He easily slid inside of her and he moaned.
"Mhhhh," he said gripping her hips and pumping into her. She lolled her head back and then side to side as she cried out, her wrists straining against the knot he had tied.
"Fuck this." he said and quickly untied her.
"What?" she asked as the tie fell away "What did I do?"
"It isn't you," he said and picked her up so that she was straddling his lap. With her hands on his shoulders he said "it's me"
She kissed his lips, her arms wrapping around him. He craved her touch, having sex without it just wasn't the same. She thrust her hips into him, his hands on her waist.
"Yes, yes!" he said quietly in her ear.
"Dean, Dean.” she said breathlessly. His hands slid up her back, and he planted open mouth kisses all over her chest and shoulders. She tugged on his hair so that he would look at her.
"Get behind me." she told him
He nodded and she pulled off of him. She got on all fours and he came up behind her. He pushed inside of her, grabbing her hips and pumping into her. She gripped the sheets and tightly and called out loudly.
"That's right," he said "let me hear you."
She couldn't even warn him that she was about to come, she cried out incoherently, raw ecstasy ripping through her. He grabbed her shoulder and finished in her with a low moan. They collapsed against the pillows, breathing hard. Kat shuttered, her body twitched, every nerve seemed to be alight with raw pleasure.
After a few moments she said "That was-"
"Wow." he said
"My thoughts exactly." she said
"Hey, high five for experimenting" he said and lazily raised his hand up. She gave him a high five and they both laughed.
They laid in bed for a long time and then got up to take a shower. When they were done, Kat sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a towel. Her wet hair hung around her shoulders and she looked out the window. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow on the trees outside.
"You okay?" Dean asked
She looked over at him; he was wearing jeans, dark socks, red flannel with a black shirt under it. She smiled at him
"Is it bad that I don't want to go home?" She asked him "Don't get me wrong; I miss Sam, Cas and all our friends, but" she looked around "this is just so," she searched for the right words
"Normal?" He asked "Uncomplicated?"
"No monsters to hunt." she said with a shrug. She looked away, feeling shameful for wishing that. He walked over to her and crouched down by her. He placed a hand on her knee and she said
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't say stuff like that, but-"
He shushed her and squeezed her knee
"You and I," he said "we weren't born into this. We remember a life outside of hunting. You were, what, eight when your parents died?"
She nodded
"I was four when Mom died," he told her "and since then, I had to be not one but two parents to Sam because that was my job. You had to rely on yourself and your wits because that was your job." She sighed and he went on "but this," he looked around "this is easy, this is normal, well what we consider normal."
"I wanna stay" she told him "And make that dream happen"
He smiled, his eyes crinkling by the edges
"Me a bar tender slash mechanic and you a kindergarten teacher slash gear maker right?" He asked and she nodded
"Maybe one day," he said "But today isn't that day."
He got up and kissed her forehead then walked away.
Kat wondered if the day would ever come, as she watched him walk away, where they could do as they said they would. A world free of monsters and horrible things that go bump in the night, then they wouldn't have to hunt any more. She looked out the window again and watched as the sun sank down further and further, the golden glow becoming pink and then purple. She looked back at Dean, who was still packing up, his back to her. He reached for something and his wedding band caught the light for just a second. She looked down at her own wedding rings. The diamond in her engagement ring sparkled. Her wedding bands; one had a half row of diamonds, the other had their birthstones inlaid in it. Then, she decided, even if they never got their picture perfect happily ever after, at least they had each other. Their unbreakable bond symbolized in the rings around their fingers. She got up from the bed and walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his shoulder and laid her head on his back.
"Yes?" He asked with a smirk
"Even if we never get to make that dream happen, I have one good thing in my life." she told him
"And what's that?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at her.
"You." she said and squeezed him tightly.
"Anyone who knew me then would say I loved you far too much. Like a wild fire or a sharp edge of a knife.
Anyone would have told you I stopped being the person I was the second you walked into my life.
They would've said love wasn't supposed to drive you crazy, make you want to scratch your skin.
And they were right.
Because there was love, and then there was you." - Lang Leav
I hope you guys liked that!!! As always, your kind feedback is always welcomed! Don’t forget to share, like and comment (interaction keeps me fueled), please consider hitting that “follow” button if you wanna see more content from me!! All tag lists (including The Squad, which is my forevers list) are open as are all my boxes!
See ya’ll for the next chapter!!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​​​ @girlborninstorms​​​​​​ @dacleverfox​​​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​​​ @deanscarlett​​​​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​​​ @animerose96​​​​​​ @l8nit-l0vr​​​​​​ @drakelover78​​​​​​​ @curly-haired-disaster​​​​​​​ @roonyxx​​​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​​​ @mirandaaustin93​​​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​​​ @emilyshurley​​​​​ @atc74​​​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​​ @biawol​​ @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​
Off the Beaten Path I Reign:
Dean/ Jensen:
@spnbaby-67​ @akshi8278​
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 47
The show seemed to drag on with each joke worse than the last and painfully awkward winners speeches. By the time Liz and Josie had finished their champagne, the intensely sought after awards were about to begin. Josie whispered in Liz’s ear and bounced a little in her seat.
“What’s wrong?” Johnny asked, eyeing Liz’s friend.
“Josie has to pee and I’m starving,” she clenched her teeth and forced a smile as he laughed.
“Okay, hang on,” he laughed and shook his head while the host finished a segment.
Liz lazily clapped as the host finished speaking and the theater was queued for a commercial break when Johnny suddenly pulled her to her feet. She followed him into the aisle, making sure Josie was behind them as he held her hand tightly the entire way up the carpeted ramp. Several people turned to stare at them and Liz noticed a camera man swing around to get a shot of them just as the usher opened the door to the lobby. 
“Whoa,” Liz breathed, the bright lights of the lobby causing her to blink.
Johnny watched her a moment as she swayed on her heels. “What did you eat today?”
“I had a coffee at six and then like four Altoids when I was getting my hair done. Plus that champagne…”
“You have five minutes,” Johnny warned as Liz shook her hand free from his.
“Yeah, okay,” she whispered, rushing after Josie down a hallway.
Once inside the ladies room, Liz leaned against a plush settee and pulled her phone from her clutch. She sighed when her text notifications were empty, then realized she never wrote Dave back. She squinted at the phone’s screen as she tapped out her text.
 “Oh shit, Josie,” she giggled and hit send. “I think I’m a little drunk.”
Josie laughed loudly from a stall, “Girl, me too! Do you think they have food here?”
A few moments later, they were sneaking down a back hallway, trying to avoid running into Johnny who was waiting for them by the door to the ladies room. Josie held Liz’s train as they slid along the wall and into the main lobby which was now mostly empty.
“That guy has pizza!” Josie cried and they both broke into a dead run after him.
“Two minutes,” a stage hand warned.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be so excited to play during the dead people video, but I totally am,” Taylor laughed and bumped his shoulder into Dave’s. They stood just off stage, gripping their acoustic guitars and waiting for their cue to sit on the black wooden stools at center stage.
“I’m warning you, T. Once everyone sees that you can handle a guitar, someone is going to try and poach you from me,” Dave pointed in his best friend’s face.
“Oh shit! Maybe Rush will change their minds and ask me to be their lead!”
Dave felt his phone buzz just as they were called onto the stage. He knew they had precious few seconds before the host introduced them and he pulled his phone out of his tux pocket just enough to read the notification bar. All he read was ‘I miss you’ before the lights went up and he shoved the phone back, trying not to smiled as he turned to Taylor to begin the song.
Liz and Josie laughed and held giant slices of pizza as they walked back up the hallway to an annoyed Johnny.
“I got you some!” Liz called when he saw them, his face only slightly less pissed off now.
“I’m so glad you’re taking tonight seriously,” he muttered.
“Oh come on,” Liz whined, “We’re not missing anything! A commercial break and some painful stage banter. Big deal.”
They walked out into the lobby and Johnny glanced up at the monitors before taking Liz’s hand again. “You’re absolutely right, Lizzy. We’re fine here until the next break.”
Dave closed his eyes as he sang into the microphone, feeling much better about agreeing to do this a second time since Taylor was with him. They had decided on Wild Horses months ago, but he couldn’t help but think of Liz’s version as he worked through the lyrics. They followed the original mournful and melancholy tone that Jagger and Richards had written, only prolonging a few bars to match the In Memoriam slideshow that was broadcast behind them on a massive screen. As soon as they finished and the stage lights dimmed Dave scanned the first few rows for Liz, but couldn’t spot her in the crowd.
“That was good!” Taylor sighed once they were safely backstage again.
Dave stepped aside as the next presenter rudely rushed by them, “Yeah…”
“I’m gonna go find Ally,” Taylor called, heading back towards the green room, “You coming?”
Dave nodded, but didn’t move to follow.
Liz, Josie and Johnny made it back to their seats just as the lights dimmed to resume the show. Liz was feeling much less dizzy after finally eating, but her nerves began to creep up on her the closer the show came to the Best Actress category.
“Maybe pizza wasn’t the best idea,” Liz whispered to Josie, thinking she would probably puke if she were called to the stage.
“Pizza was the only idea, Liz,” Josie whispered back, “You would have slurred your entire acceptance speech.”
“Oh my god,” an idea suddenly popped into Liz’s head, “What if I just don’t accept? Can I do that?”
Josie burst out laughing, earning a glare from an actress in front of them, “You’ll need a good reason.”
“There’s starving people all over the planet and the amount of wealth in this one room alone is grotesque?”
“That’s perfect. Use that,” Josie shook her head, “You’ll be fine, Liz. Act your way through it.”
“I-,” Liz was interrupted by the host announcing the best actor winner from the year prior and felt Johnny’s hand on her knee.
“Ready?” he asked, leaning close to her when the camera man reappeared in the aisle.
Liz didn’t respond, just discreetly shoved his hand off her thigh and plastered on a smile. Act your way through it, she thought, Act your ass off. The actor on stage stumbled painfully through his lines and Liz felt her nerves crash into her chest. If he couldn’t make it through the lines that were literally being broadcast in front of his face, how was she going to get through a speech? A speech that she hadn’t even bothered to write? The screen behind him illuminated with clips from the best actress’s films with Liz’s being second to last. Once she saw herself on screen in the blue calico costume with itchy lace collar and pearl choker, her ears began to loudly ring. Well… shit, she thought, feeling herself laugh a little, this is convenient. She leaned into Josie as the ringing suddenly subsided and felt her clutch vibrate against her leg. Pulling her phone out from the purse, Josie elbowed her hard.
“Liz!” Josie whispered, “Not now!”
“But-,” Liz looked up in surprise when Josie squealed and everyone around her sprang to their feet. She slowly stood with them and clapped, craning her neck over their heads to see who was approaching to stage.
“Lizzy,” Johnny gently took her arm and pulled her to his chest making sure the camera next to them was angled perfectly to capture the kiss he planted on her cheek, “Congratulations.”
She felt her heart in her throat when she realized everyone was applauding and staring at her. She stepped out of Johnny’s arms so quickly that her hip bounced off the seat next to her and she stiffly walked up the aisle towards the stage. Pausing for a moment to consider the best way up the stairs without falling, she felt an arm at her elbow and looked up at the man who had played John Adams alongside her.
“Breathe, Liz,” he laughed and helped her up the steps before retreating back to his seat and beaming wife.
She greeted the presenting actor as a surprisingly heavy award and torn envelope were shoved into her hands. Then she was suddenly alone in front of a microphone, staring out into a silent and packed theater. It felt a little like a nightmare, the kind where one shows up to their high school science class in nothing but their underwear, but this was palpable, this was real. She dropped her eyes to the envelope to gather her wits and spied the Uno wild card tucked into the red card stock.
“Oh my god Liz, say something,” Taylor urged, staring wide eyed at the monitor in the green room. The moment he finished, Liz began to speak and Dave let out a relieved sigh.
They watched her deliver her speech which despite her rough start was eloquent, intelligent and funny. She thanked her parents, some friends, and a short list of people that Dave didn’t recognize, told her boys she loved them and she’d see them tomorrow, then stepped back a bit before remembering her dress had a train and turned quickly to the side to avoid falling.
“That was close,” Ally whispered under her breath.
Dave stepped away from the monitor and turned to them, “I’ll be right back,” he said and hurried out of the green room.
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Can you imagine?
Request: You’re reading for Maria at the Hamilton workshop, but you’re far more interested in Eliza than Alexander.
Pairing: Phillipa Soo x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,733
A/N: here’s day six of the @hamwriters‘ writeathon a bit late- also known as first time day! I know Pippa wasn’t actually part of the workshop cast but I’ve fiddled with it bc reasons. I’ve not written pippa x reader before so here goes
The room was empty except for a circle of chairs and a piano. You paused awkwardly in the doorway, checking the room number you had hastily scribbled down again. It definitely said room twenty, but what if you had heard wrong over the phone?
You wiped your hands on your jeans and walked in. “Hello?” you called apprehensively, peering around. You had had the call last night- Lin-Manuel Miranda of ‘In the Heights’ fame wanted you to read for a part in his new musical.
Which was apparently a rap musical about Alexander Hamilton. Okay.
Since no one else seemed to be there, you sat down in one of the chairs and fiddled with your phone, debating the merits of downloading an inane game to pass the time. You started to hum the song that had been on the radio in the taxi that had brought you there. 
Almost ten minutes later, just as you were halfway through singing What the heck I gotta do, someone appeared in the doorway. “Hello, hello, hello!” Lin-Manuel Miranda grinned as he walked in, “sorry I’m late.”
You looked around at the other empty chairs. “It’s alright- you’re not the only one.”
He frowned, as if he’d only just noticed that the two of you were the only ones there. “That’s weird.” He pulled out his phone and fired off a text. 
“I’m Y/N,” you said, half-getting out of your chair, “I’m reading for-” you checked your notes, “Peggy Schuyler and Maria Reynolds?”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Lin held up his own script, which was covered in scribbled annotations in messy handwriting, “I’m your Hamilton.”
You raised an eyebrow and were about to respond when the doors open again and a couple of people arrived- you recognised Chris Jackson from In the Heights and Daveed Diggs, whose music you had started to listen to as soon as you found out he would be in the show. 
You stayed sat in your chair as everyone started to settle down, some stopping to say hi to others before they made it to their seats. You looked to your right and felt your jaw drop. A beautiful girl, her dark hair pulled back in a high ponytail, and wearing a flowery scoop-neck and knee-length skirt, had taken the seat beside you.
She looked up and met your gaze. You hastily smiled. “Hi,” you said, voice higher than usual from nerves that made your heart thump particularly hard.
She smiled back and you knew you were lost- her smile was soft and gentle, her eyes kind and a dark brown. “Hi,” she said, “I’m Pippa.”
“Y/N,” you returned, throat dry, “Nice to meet you.” 
Before you could make a fool of yourself, Lin clapped his hands and stood up. “So,” he grinned, “you’ve all heard my admittedly terrible demos, you’ve all got scripts. I’m Lin and this,” Lin gestured to Alex, who stood up from behind his keyboard and waved, “is the genius behind the music, Alex Lacamoire.”
Everyone murmured a hello as Lin took a seat. Alex cleared his throat. “We’ll run through the songs in order,” he said, “starting with Alexander Hamilton.” He sat down again and played a couple of scales. “Is everyone warmed up?”
You nodded, having done some exercises before everyone else arrived. Everyone else nodded too, and you wondered if that had been why they were late. 
Scanning the lyrics for Alexander Hamilton again, you remembered that you only had the one line in it: “Me? I loved him”, so you settled back to hear everyone else. 
Utkarsh grinned and introduced the musical as Burr, looking as if he wanted to be moving about the room even though it was a read-through. Chris, Javier, Joshua, and Daveed joined soon after. It felt somehow tense but freeing to be in the room- it felt like the beginning of something, you realised.
Then Pippa started to sing- quietly, soprano- and you saw her face change with real emotion. Too quickly her part was over and you joined in with the others to sing the ensemble part. 
Alex gave feedback after you finished running through the first two songs and Lin scribbled furiously all over his script and sheet music, muttering about tempo and line changes as he did so. He asked Chris to try some new lyrics, got Daveed to swap a line with Joshua, and asked Pippa to sing her line with a crescendo instead of diminuendo and a slightly different inflection.
The next two songs went much the same, except that you only sang the ensemble parts, watching Lin rap his way through My Shot  with impressive speed. Then you moved onto Schuyler Sisters. You, Pippa, and Anika all got up so Lin could see your dynamics, standing in the middle of the circle of chairs. 
Utkarsh narrated again from the sidelines and your stomach did a flip when Pippa took your hand to ‘tug’ you into the circle properly. You bumped your hip against hers when you sang your first line, almost stuttering when she returned the gesture. Everyone sang the ensemble part and you stepped forward.
You put your hands on your hips and turned to face your ‘sisters’, “Daddy said to be home by sundown-”
Anika shrugged. “Daddy doesn’t need to know.”
You pouted. “Daddy said not to go downtown-”
Pippa raised an eyebrow and pointed towards the door, "Like I said you're free to go-"
After Schuyler Sisters you didn’t have much to do beyond singing the ensemble part. Instead you sat on your chair and watched Pippa perform Helpless, something twisting tightly in your chest when she kissed Lin at the end.
You wondered if you could change Satisfied to be about Eliza instead.
It was lunch time before you reached the end of the first act. “Well done,” Lin called to everyone after the end of Non-Stop, “you can all take an hour or so for lunch and afterwards we’ll work on Act two.”
“After we try some changes to Non-Stop,” Alex interrupted firmly, making everybody grin. There hadn’t been a single song that hadn’t been followed by Lin scribbling on his script and Alex on his sheet music, followed immediately by calls for corrections or alterations. 
You grabbed your bag, wondering where to go. You didn’t know many places around the are but surely there’d be a Starbucks or something nearby. As you stuffed your jumper into your bag, you heard someone clear their throat. 
You straightened to find Pippa standing there, a nervous smile on her face. “Do you have plans for lunch?” she asked, adjusting the strap of her bag, “I was wondering if you wanted to grab something- there’s a nice café around the corner-”
You were so surprised that you did nothing but gape for a moment. Pippa’s smile faded. “If you don’t want to-”
“No I do!” you found your voice and interrupted her, “I’d love to.”
Pippa’s smile returned full-force and she fell into step beside you as you headed out, waving goodbye to Lin and Alex where they were hunched over Lin’s script, whispering and scribbling. 
You and Pippa settled down in the corner of the café, hot drinks and sandwiches cluttering up the tiny table. “So,” Pippa said as she pulled her hair out of its ponytail, “how did you end up here?”
“I worked with Lac on a project a couple of months ago,” you explained. You took a bite of your sandwich, “I wasn’t singing for him, just managing some stuff- but he heard me in the break room.”
Pippa laughed and raised her cup. “To what a little break room singing can do,” she suggested. You giggled and raised your cup too, tapping it against hers. You both took a sip, wincing when you realised it was still a little too hot to drink.
“Broadway, huh?” Pippa gazed dreamily out of the window in the direction of the Richard Rogers, “Can you imagine?”
You could see Pippa up there, inspiring joy and sadness and astonishment. “Yeah,” you murmured. Her hand was resting on the table and you wondered if it would be too soon to take it.
The first song after you came back was ensemble time for you again. Pippa joined you as you welcome Daveed, cocky and enthusiastic as Jefferson, home again. Then you sat back to watch Lin and Daveed spit their arguments to each other and then watched Javier and Pippa try to persuade Lin to take a break.
Javier knelt down to be Philip, miming the piano tune that Lac played in the intro. You stifled a smile and bit back a laugh when Pippa tried to beat-box. “I’ll learn,” she promised Lin in the feedback session. He gave her a hard look but nodded.
“For this one, Y/N,” Lin said, “your job is to be sexy.”
You felt your cheeks heat up and stammered out your agreement. You saw Pippa grin out of the corner of your eye and steeled yourself to try your best. Lin had reassured you that you didn’t need to kiss him, even though it was scripted.
Utkarsh introduced the scene again, handing over the narration to Lin after a moment. You stared at your line and anxiously calculated your cue. “I know you are a man of honour,” you sang, meeting Lin’s gaze. He was giving you his best smoulder and you fought back a grin, “I’m so sorry to bother you at home.”
You gathered your things, ready to leave. Lin and Alex had praised everyone’s efforts and reminded you to return next week to work with any changes that they might have made during the week. You shouldered your bag and turned to go, only to find Pippa standing there.
“This is starting to become a regular thing,” you laughed, stepping back a little.
Pippa laughed. “I was wondering...” she looked uncertain, poised on the balls of her feet as if she was about to run for it, “if you wanted to grab dinner with me.” She flushed a pretty pink and lowered her gaze, “you know, as a date.”
You took her hand hesitantly and squeezed it. “I’d love that,” you said quietly, relieved when she squeezed back. 
The two of you headed out, hands hesitantly linked between you. You could have sworn you saw Lin wink at you as you passed him, but brushed it off. You’d rather have Eliza.
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No Secrets (Daveed x Reader) Platonic
WC: 1394
A/N: Hope everyone’s having a great day!
“I was asked to do a Late Night interview,” Daveed said one night after you had finished watching a movie in his apartment. You were packing up your backpack, getting ready to head out and begin your walk home.
“That’s awesome, D. When?”
“Next week, you wanna come?” His eyes rounded out, pleading ever so slightly. You laughed your agreement, nodding.
“I’ll forward you the email with the information. I’ll pick you up at your apartment night-of, and then we can go together,” Daveed was grinning, pleased that you wanted to go with him. You left his apartment, heading back to your own.
“What am I wearing? What are you wearing? You’re the one going on Late Night TV,” you said into your phone, which was on speaker as you finished pinning your hair in place. You could hear Daveed sigh on the other end of the line.
“I’m just wearing a suit. People are still going to see you though, in the green room. You can’t be wearing sweatpants,” he teased, knowing your preference for comfortable clothes.
“Relax, Diggs. I’m wearing a dress and sandals. My hair is braided and tied back. Happy?” You shot back at him.
“Yes I am. I’m outside your building now. Get your butt down here,” he said lightheartedly. You grabbed your keys from the table and exited your apartment, doing your best not to trip down the stairs. You were almost successful up until the stairs that led down to the street. Your sandal got caught on the cement, and you felt yourself falling forward. Luckily, a pair of strong arms caught you.
“If we weren’t friends, you would be dead, I swear (Y/N),” Daveed was stifling a laugh. You rolled your eyes.
“Let’s just go, you’re gonna be late if I keep almost dying.”
Personally, you didn’t like it when Daveed did interviews. Your best friend was shy and awkward when put into situations like this, traits not many people knew. You felt like the world didn’t get to see the real Diggs that you were friends with.
“Aw, look at our boy all grown up,” Rafa pretended to wipe away a tear. You joined his jest, pulling a tissue out of your pocket and dabbing at your eyes.
“Soon he’ll be out in the world on his own, leaving me with you,” you teased. Rafa had met Daveed first, in California. You had met Daveed in New York, at the bar that you worked at. You had bartended one of the cast parties, and Daveed immediately took a liking to you after you gave him sass. Daveed later ended up inviting you to a party a week later (not bartending), where he introduced you to Rafa. The three of you became an inseparable group, though Daveed always joked that one day you and Rafa wouldn’t need him to be the mutual friend anymore.
“So Daveed, I noticed you brought some friends with you, would you like to introduce us?” The host asked. Daveed laughed casually, as cameras were brought into the green room.
“So the fine looking fella on the left is the great Rafael Casal. If you aren’t a fan of his work, you should be. He’s amazing. And the woman on the right is the beautiful, wonderful, (Y/N),” Daveed answered.
“Can we get (Y/N) out here please?” The host asked. The cameraman waved for you to follow him. Rafa gave you an encouraging smile, so you did as you were asked. You walked out onto the stage, in front of the audience, and took a seat on the couch next to Daveed.
“I just wanted to show you guys this tabloid article,” the host pulled a magazine out from under his desk. The image of the article was shown on the screen behind you. Reading the headline, Daveed let out a loud laugh.
“HAMILTON STAR DAVEED DIGGS’ SECRET GIRLFRIEND” The host read aloud. There was a photo of you and Daveed out for lunch attached. The host began reading out bits from the article.
“Hey Diggs, guess what?” Daveed turned to you after the host had asked about your thoughts on the matter.
“Apparently we’ve been dating for 3 months!” You said, feigning surprise and excitement. Daveed cracked a smile, lifting his hand for a high five which you gladly accepted.
“I’m glad someone finally told us!” The host and the audience were laughing along with you and Daveed.  
“Just to dispel the rumors, (Y/N) and I are not dating. Never have, never will. And she’s not pregnant with my child either,” he added for good measure.
“I thought we had something special,” you pouted. Daveed’s eyes flickered with worry before he realized you were joking.
“Just kidding, Diggs and I are just best friends.” You confirmed. The host seemed satisfied with your answer, sending the show to commercial before talking to you and Daveed. Rafa came running out onto the set, throwing his arms around you and Daveed’s shoulders.
“Thank you for being on the show,” the host said. Daveed gave him a kind smile, but Rafa interrupted his response.
“Thanks for having us, we’ve had a great time. Now I have to get these crazy kids home,” he teased. You left the studio with your boys, happy they were in your life.
“Will you come over after the show?” You asked Daveed as you stood in his dressing room a day later, getting ready to go to work.
“Of course. I’m going to Stage Door first, so I might be later than normal. Then I’ll have to sneak out so the paparazzi doesn’t see me and get any ideas,” he winked. You straightened out his costume, then left his dressing room saying goodbye to the other cast members on your way out.
As predicted, Daveed entered your apartment late, grinning at the sight of you wrapped in a blanket and curled up on your couch. Your eyes were shut gently and your mouth was slightly agape, your breathing slow and steady. An empty mug of tea was on the coffee table in front of you and the TV flickered with reruns of Friends, signifying your desperate attempt to stay awake for him.
“Wake up, weirdo,” he said, tapping your knee as he sunk down onto the couch next to you. You blinked quickly as you came to, taking a deep breath as your eyes focused on your curly haired best friend.
“Hey,” you mumbled, sitting up straighter. You threw an arm lazily across his abdomen, giving him one of your signature smiles.
“How was the show?” you asked. Daveed laughed heartily, grabbing the TV remote and flipping through the channels.
“Show was great, except I missed one of my cues to move in the Reynolds Pamphlet. Anthony ended up ducking underneath my legs to get to his spot. You would have died laughing. The boys wanted to go out for drinks after too, but I told them I had prior obligations,” he tickled your side to emphasize his point.
“No wonder the world thinks we’re dating. Get it together, Diggs” you teased, pushing his hand away.
“What? I can promise to hang out with you same as I can promise to hang out with the boys!” Daveed defended his actions.
“Whatever. Are you sleeping over tonight?” You asked. Daveed had a tendency to crash at your place when he came over after the show. He always said something about your apartment being closer to the theater than his own, though you weren’t quite sure that was true.
You made your way sleepily into your bathroom and began brushing your teeth. When you finished, you went into your bedroom, seeing Daveed already passed out on your mattress. You climbed under the covers trying not to wake him, though you were unsuccessful. Daveed wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his warm body.
“You ever think about dating me?” He mumbled into the darkness.
“Why are you asking me such a deep question when I’m trying to sleep?” You retorted. Daveed breathed an apology.
“Yeah, I have,” you answered his question anyways.
“Me too.”
“You’ve thought about dating yourself?” You laughed.
“No you weirdo, I’ve thought about dating you,” he said.
“You tell me first,” Daveed defended. You were nervous.
“Same time?”
“3, 2, 1.”
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literary-chaos · 6 years
1. My Trip to Wrongway Revision One
Written by S.H.
I woke up with a yawn, silencing my alarm as I slid out of bed. 5am comes earlier every day, I thought to myself. I began my morning routine with feeding my tabby cat, Nibbles, who wound himself around my legs like yarn around a crochet needle. I made some coffee and toast, brushed my teeth, and left for work on time (for once). As I waited for my regular 102 bus to work, I sighed at the humdrum routine my life had become. I wistfully remembered being so carefree and enjoying life in college. Now it just seems like all I’m meant for is working my 9-5 and still only being able to afford a tiny apartment in a not-so-great side of town. Oh well, I thought, at least I know what to expect.
I always listened to my iPod on the bus, but today I guess I fell asleep… I tapped the bus driver on the shoulder and asked him,
“Sir, where exactly am I?” He looked bewildered and stammered,
“I-I thought everyone was off! Nobody comes out here, not to Wrongway.” Wrongway? What in the world is Wrongway? I had never heard of this place before.
“I’m sorry, is that the name of the town?”
“Well unofficially, yes. Nobody remembers what it’s really called anymore because it’s been abandoned for so long. I honestly thought they’d torn the whole place down before I started driving this route.”
I was confused, but at least I could call a taxi to come get me.
“No chance I can stay on and catch a ride to work from you, is there?”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I’d lose my job if I didn’t go through my route properly. Here’s the number to a cheap taxi. Good luck.” He handed me a basic business card with the name of a taxi service I’d seen commercials for once.
“Thanks…” I said, confused as to why he wished me luck. It’s not like I will be here long.
 I called the taxi service, only to discover they had never heard of anywhere named Wrongway before and without an address there was no way to send a driver out. I felt hopeless, but called a friend of mine hoping he had his car.
“Dave, I need help man. I’m lost. I have no clue where I am and I’m supposed to be at work in an hour. Can you come get me? Swear I’ll buy you drinks this weekend, all on me.”
“Sure man no problem. Do you see anything familiar?”
“No, the bus driver said I was somewhere called Wrongway? I’ve never heard of it before.”
“Yeah I have. Once. I haven’t heard that name in a long time. Look, now’s actually not a good time for me. Can you call someone else?” Dave sounded terrified. Like even hearing the name of this place was too much for him.
“Don’t leave me out here bro, I need you. I don’t even know where I am! Please Dave, I’m desperate. ”
“I’m sorry. I can’t.” And the line went dead. I couldn’t believe my best friend would just ditch me like this. How the hell am I supposed to get home? I started walking in the direction the bus went, hoping to find someone to ask for directions. As I walked, I observed my surroundings. The town was older than most of the surrounding developments. Most of the buildings were faded and decrepit, beams collapsed and crumbled in messy heaps. I didn’t see anyone for the first 15 minutes of my walk. Odd, even for a remote side of town. Right then, I heard a scuffle of footsteps behind me and whipped around, startled.
“Hello? Is anyone there? Please, I’m lost and I need help!” Another scuffle followed, and I walked in the direction of the steps. “Please help me! I won’t hurt you, I really am lost! I’m begging you!” A head poked around the corner suddenly.
“Don’t beg. Not here, no! Follow me.” The gravelly voice of an older man, maybe early 60s, answered and beckoned to the alleyway where he hid. I hesitated, but the sense of urgency in his voice wiped away any common sense I had left. I followed him into the alley, and he rushed on ahead of me. He’s fast for his age. I could barely keep up, even being in my early 30s. He’s so hunched over; it really is a miracle he can walk at all. He stopped suddenly by a weathered door and gestured for me to come inside. I followed, heart pounding, and was thrown into complete darkness.
“Hold on, let me find the light sw- oh there it is.” A single bare light bulb illuminated the room. Everything was old, broken, and/or dirty. Kind of like the old man, I thought.
“D-do you live here?” I stammered, not wanting to offend the possibly crazy man I’d just followed into God-knows-where.
“For now. None of us stay in one place for long.”
“Us? Where are the others? What happened here? How do I get home?” All the questions I had came spilling out all at once like a flash flood rushing into a valley.
“Slow down, sonny. Do you want something to drink?” I looked around the room, but didn’t see a refrigerator. Actually, the room was more bare than I’d noticed before. Save for the sleeping bag on the floor and a lone dining chair, there was no furniture. I saw what looked like a bathroom door in the corner, but no closets or rooms I could see. The carpet was stained and threadbare, like it had been walked on for decades without a good cleaning. The walls were in a similar state, streaked and cracked like an oil-filled parking lot. I shook my head, not wanting to know what sort of drink he would offer.
“Can you please show me how to get home?”
He grinned, almost toothless save for a couple teeth holding on for dear life.
“All you have to do is go see Her.” He giggled ominously. “But she’s not helpful to outsiders, no no… You’ll have to take Her magic if you want to leave.”
“Magic? What are you talking about? Magic doesn’t exist.”
“Not in the right world, but it does in Wrongway. It’s always wrong here. Always wrong…” He trailed off into a muttering frenzy, his stammering fit turning into to him pleading with an invisible force and starting to scream. He glared menacingly at me as he threw the chair where I was standing. I took this as my cue to leave, and bolted out the door into the alleyway and didn’t stop running until I was sure I’d left him behind. I leaned against a dilapidated building, breathing deeply. “What was that? Oh man. I am so screwed. Oh my god.” I entered into a momentary panic. How was I going to get out of here? I called my boss to let her know the situation. She sounded confused, but told me I could have the day off to collect myself. I wasn’t even upset at her condescending tone, I was just glad someone believed me.
I walked in the direction the old man had gestured when he mentioned Her. I wasn’t sure what else to do, but even then, this seemed crazy. Taking an old psychotic man’s advice to steal magic from someone named Her was the last thing I thought I’d be doing today. Be careful what you wish for, isn’t that the saying? I couldn’t help but chuckle myself.
 I had been walking for almost an hour and hadn’t seen sign of anyone. I leaned against another building, slumping to the floor. I sighed and hung my head, convinced I’d never find my way out of here.
“Psst, you… Hey, you! Over here, hurry! RUN!” I looked where the masked figure was pointing and saw three huge… I don’t even know. Things? Monsters? I didn’t stick around to find out. I got around the corner just in time for my new companion to push my head down and fire three times in the things’ direction. The masked person sighed and pulled off the black ski mask they were wearing. A rugged, scarred face greeted me from underneath. He was about my size, tall and lean with brown hair and dull, forest green eyes. He sized me up as I did him, then we shook hands to introduce ourselves.
“Name’s Peyton. You ever seen one o’ them before?” I shook my head, his hand and mine still gripping each other.
“Can’t say I have. I’m Trey. Thanks for saving me from those things. What were they?” Peyton grinned, his top lip disfigured from a short, small scar. He chuckled a bit, then shook his head in awe.
“Can’t believe you never ran into them. How long ya been in Wrongway?”
How long had I been here? My phone was dead and I had never picked up the habit of wearing a watch.
“Only half the day, I believe. I’m not sure what time it is.” His smile faded, replaced by sadness and a bit of fear.
“Oh kid, you better find a way to get back from where you came. But that’s what all us outsiders do, try to escape. ‘Fraid once Wrongway has ya, she has ya for good.” He hung his head for a moment, then perked back up. “Well I guess I can teach ya a bit about the fauna ‘round here. Those there were Stingers, like a giant wasp with a worse attitude. You can usually hear ‘em coming before you see ‘em, if ya know what to listen for.”
I gawked at this Crocodile Dundee wannabe, not registering what he’d just said. GIANT wasps? What the- man, this day just keeps getting worse. I guess he realized I was in over my head and grabbed my forearm, pulling me up and through yet another alleyway. “Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe. Then you can meet the others.” Others?
         Their hideout was modest, but not so much as the old man’s was. There were several cots strewn around what looked like an old high school gymnasium. They even had a depressing living area, complete with couches and bean bags. Their kitchen table had been turned into an armory of sorts, different weapons strewn about with their corresponding ammunitions. I barely saw the others before they converged on Peyton, asking him different questions about supplies and which creatures he discovered. He brushed them aside, and they noticed me for the first time. They all grew quiet, staring at the newcomer.
“Everybody this is Trey. He’s new here, so I want y’all to be accommodating, ya hear?” They all nodded, one of the bigger men coming up to me first.
“I’m Arnie. How long have you been here?” Arnie was tall and broad, but had a kind face and round glasses that made his eyes look beady. I liked him instantly.
“Uh, about half a day I think.” He looked saddened by this, nodding understandingly.
“Well welcome aboard. This is a good bunch of people, once they warm up to you.” I nodded at him, and the next group member came up to me. She was a woman, about 45 or so, with blonde hair and brown eyes. Her face was worn from the sun, but that didn’t diminish her beauty. She introduced herself as Muiri, Arnie’s wife. They seemed like a nice couple. The next member was Dahlia, dressed in all black with ridiculous combat boots on. Her face was pierced in a few spots, and she had tattoos everywhere but her face. She scowled at me as she introduced herself, and I began to see what Arnie meant about them needing to warm up to me. The final member of this ragtag little team was a skinny boy of maybe 20, a messy mop of mousy hair and a permanent stutter. They called him Mouse, even though his name was Gerald. Mouse smiled kindly, and shook my hand (literally. He couldn’t sit still).
         After I’d been introduced to everyone, they gave me a can of beans and soda for lunch. Peyton explained after lunch they usually go scavenging for supplies, and asked if I’d like to come along to get the lay of the land. Before this point, I hadn’t considered staying here long-term. The thought horrified me, but I thought I’d be better off if I at least knew the surrounding area and agreed to tag along with the scavenging party. Muiri stayed behind to hold down the fort. The group set off down the road, the opposite way Peyton had brought me. The walk was quiet; nobody said a word until we heard some clattering in a nearby building. I wished I had a gun, but nobody had offered. Peyton signaled Mouse and Arnie to go around back to look for an alternate escape route. When they came back and said the back was sealed, Peyton told us all to proceed into the building slowly and quietly. I was so afraid. I’d never been one for extreme sports or scary movies; I actually found myself wistful for the mundane life I had led just this morning. We went inside, fanning out once the hallways allowed it. The building appeared to be an old diner, torn and faded booths sandwiching small diner tables. Plates covered the counters, broken and in no order. The clattering got louder as we crossed the serving counter. Peyton motioned for Arnie and Mouse to take the left entrance while he and I took the right. It was then that Peyton handed me a revolver, giving me the thumbs up and a grin. He inched closer to the doorway, peeking in slightly. I looked over him, and was completely blown away by the scene. There were two humanoid figures leaning over a human body, ripping and tearing into the corpse. The clattering came from a form of makeshift armor one of them wore, pans bent to cover its form as much as possible. They were greenish gray, kind of a vomit color. Just as we started to lean back away from the doorway, the one with the pan clothing lifted its head and began to sniff. It had a longer snout than I’d imagined, almost like a dog’s. His eyes were small and beady, hands exaggerated with long claws. Its feet were large as well, but devoid of the deadly claws it had on its hands. It whipped its head around, blood and saliva dripping from its mouth. It saw us and screeched, alerting the other creature to our presence.
“Run!” Peyton shouted to Arnie, Mouse, and me. We took off over the counter, and ran for our lives.
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