becdecorbin · 7 months
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Tarrare explorations.
some details are inspired by descriptions of him in AK Blakemore's "The Glutton" (a sort of fictionalized character study of how Tarrare may have been as a person).
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photos-de-france · 7 months
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Rue de Paris et le viaduc, Tarare, Rhône.
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troquets · 4 months
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Café, Rue J. J. Rousseau, Tarare, Rhône.
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muclunga · 1 year
“If my dog were a person they’d be this person”
“If my dog were a person they’d be that person”
If my dog were a person he’d be Tarrare. He eats shit that puts other dogs in the hospital. We dont know why, or even how. Like not to push the bully-breeds-eat-children stereotype but my dog does in fact have a maw that could swallow a french infant whole and idk if being a human would change that.
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Factory in Tarare, Beaujolais region of France
French vintage postcard
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vieillesboutiques · 7 months
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Le petit journal, Maison Cl. Gaynon, Tarare, Rhône.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
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POV, it's 1794 and you're a nurse in a French hospital checking on a patient with a weird eating disorder.
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ihateyouvishal · 1 year
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Love is such a dreadful thing. You make a stranger your master by giving all of your being in their hands. the power to hurt you, to give you joy, to make you sad.
-Mustansar Husain Tarar
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kindercelery · 2 months
Og big-backs
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fredericbrumby · 1 year
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Les couleurs de la ville.
Rue de Tarare II
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multibestie004 · 1 year
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no current works…
no current works…
no current works…
no current works…
no current works…
How Did I End Up Here...!
no current works…
no current works…
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photos-de-france · 8 months
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Rue Baronnat, Tarare, Rhône.
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post-futurism · 2 years
i was at a pub the other night and this bi guy was raving about crimes of the future being the best sci fi he has seen this year if not all time and he raved about it so much that i had to get it to watch it and i have to say i am extremely disappointed. it is once again a sci fi made by a man with what could have been a thoughtful critique on a post-pain society but instead became a gratutious, violent sex film that objectifies the bodies of young women fawning over the ‘genius’ older man. the gore/body horror was disturbing and after reading a roger ebert review, was not even novel? apparently cronenberg has used similar if not the same violence in his previous films which is actually so funny like not only is this film’s name a duplicate of one of his 1970s films, it also re-uses body horror scenes that would be recognisable to those familiar with this work. it’s just so wild like the audacity to have the opportunity to say something quite interesting about a post-pain society and then do it in such a tired and honestly boring way is just so sad lol. 
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
OC Tag Game!
 (I was tagged by @a-master-procrastinator , thank you! :D Likewise, I’ll be doing just SWTOR characters for these answers as they’re who I’m most active with rn and who I have info out and about for hahha No pressure tags, if you feel like it! : @actualanxiousswampwitch , @serenofroses , @darkshadeless​ @mercurypilgrim​ and anyone else who feels like joining in! <3
Favourite OC - Saarai
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*covers everyone else’s ears* I’m sorry everyone but it’s true. She is my favourite child. I care her very much (both the twins tbh, but Rai is just ever so slightly ahead of her sister - based on the number of songs in their playlists alone p much SJKHJSKGDJGD). She and her family started out literally as a filler side-character for a Zephyrverse plot arc, but then I just found her so much fun to play that I kept piling more lore on to their family and now look what I’ve done /lh Yep, they technically existed in the Zephyrverse first, I just loved them so much I wanted to include them in Subterfugeverse as well and here we are owo. I have no regrets tbh. She is a good girl. There is a lot of me in her backstory but also not at the same time. It’s complicated. I guess you could call it a power fantasy of sorts idk, I just really like her a lot. Best girl.
Newest OC - Vris and Berla
These two girls are so new that I don’t even have pictures of them yet! Vris is gonna be my new Jedi Knight - I completely lost muse for yet another JK so I yeeted him a while back. I think I will probably stick with her this tme, atm all I have on her is she’s a Chiss who ended up being given to the Jedi once her parents found out she was Force sensitive as they didn’t know how to deal with the Force-outbursts and wanted her to be safe and have proper training. She’s gonna end up with Kira in the end and proooobably not quite join the Alliance but be a representative for the Jedi Council and act as the liason between the Republic and the Alliance when the time comes.
Berla’s a togruta gal who’s an Imperial Lieutenant in the reverse!Zephyrverse AU. Since we broke Jask and Kas up for this AU and they’ve decided they want to stay split up, Berla’s gonna end up being Jask’s partner eventually but that’s still very early days atm and we haven’t done much with them just yet so I haven’t done much with Berl just yet either <3 She’s a sweet girl, not the biggest fan of fighting but has a strong stomach and absolutely will do her bit to defend her friends and squad. She works under the command rotation of Jask’s cousin which is how the two met, and that’s all I’ve got on her for now!
Oldest OC - Aria
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The tiny gremlin gal! She was actually my first ever SWTOR OC. Originally an extra character after I decided to change my Exile headcanons, so I made her her own thing, and then transferred her over to SWTOR once I got into it. Again her backstory started out super simple and I kind of made it up as I went along until I got enough plot beats to string a whole family and a bunch of stuff together. She’s still a favourite of mine to write even if the twins have overtaken her for the top spot, I stilll am very fond of Aria and she’s not going anywhere, fear not! haha
Meanest OC - Maîyun
Now hide me bc she’s gonna kill me if she finds out I said that /jk. I haven’t drawn her just yet either, but she’s a part of the reverse!Zephyrverse AU RP. She’s Nial’s younger half-sister (making her Kas’s sister-in-law. and she is....yeah, a bitch. LMAO)This was...honestly a hard one to pick between (I’m lowkey surprised that I don’t feel the need to put D’leah here but I genuinely do thing Maîyun is worse than D’leah. At least D’leah does still love her family (even if she’s terrible at showing it) - Maîyun pretty much likes their other brother Arne, and her birth mother, and that’s it. Everyone else is collateral to them and she could care less what she has to do or who she has to hurt/kill to get what she and Arne want - she’s the reason Kas has that big set of claw marks across her face in this AU. She’s a nasty lady o.o
Softest OC - Ty and Kissai
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I’ve really gotta get better screenshots of these boys, but these will do for now :P
He!! the best boy!! he is the softest of beans and just wants everyone to be friends and not fight ;-; Also, his grandpa, Kissai. Ty gets his soft’n’sweet nature from grandpa even if he didn’t get the muscles :’3 -also fun fact now that I have an excuse to put them so close together so you can actually see it; yes Ty doesn’t look a lot like Rai (apart from his eye colour) but you know who he is almost a spitting image of? Kissai :D
Most aloof/standoffish OC - D’leah (and Abaron)
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(art by Varjopihlaja)
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D’leah absolutely gets the #1 spot for this category. She’s aloof by default, doesn’t like to “give away” her emotions by emoting or making a lot of facial expressions and while it does make her harder to read if you’re her enemy. It also serves to hinder it if you’re a family member for example. You gotta learn to “speak” D’leah to figure her out or you’ve gotta really wear her down (Kissai managed this and she’s also pretty close with Paa, and both of her brothers, but aside from them you won’t get much of a reaction from her unless she’s mad) D’leah’s got too modes, “resting bitch face” and “pissed off homicidal Sith” /hj
Putting Abe in here too as an honourable mention since he is....teeeechnically kind of an OC but also kind of not at the same time? I mean pretty much all thats the same from canon is his name, voice and appearance and I wrote everything else so xP
Dumbest (affectionate) OC - Saarai again, and also Merak
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Big of heart, dumb of ass. It’s her. It’s gotta be her. XD Honourable mention to Merak tho, he’s a pretty close second (but y’know...he’s a smuggler, are we surprised? :P) Pretty much the only reason Merak is still alive is sheer dumb luck. Dude is Han Solo levels of lucky hahaha
Smartest OC - Ni’kasi
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I’d be insulting Kas if I didn’t give her this one. Rai’s the brawn, Kas is the brains, and they both know it. She might be as emotionally constipated as her mother sometimes, but in terms of intelectual smarts and knowing how to read people? Kas is “evil genius” levels of smart. She knows how to figure out what someone wants so she can tailor her responses to get the best outcome out of an interaction with them, she might not be the most (openly) empathetic person but it’s absolutely not because she doesn’t notice and understand people’s emotions - she does. She just prefers to keep detached and logical, certainly around the beginning of her story especially, because that means no-one is likely to catch her by surprise and get her off guard. There’s very little that Kas can’t figure out if given enough time to consider all the available options and anyone who’s spent any amount of time with her will tell you that.
Horniest OC - Aria (and honestly I gotta put both Kas and Rai in here as a close second. )
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Ik that’s like three but genuinely I cannot pick between these three they ALL need to go to horny jail and stay there LMAO Kas is so bad that essentially all of her emotional character development happens during smut scenes. Girl. Please. Find another way to grow as a person its kinda bad js /lh
Aria used to work the red light sector at Nar Shaddaa to make ends meet, so that says a lot about why she’s here. Andddd one of Rai’s trauma responses is “hypersexuality” so there ya go *shrugs* XD
OC you’d bang - N/A
Too ace for that. I’d rather write about them banging eachother, y’know? XD
OC You’d Be Best Friends With - Vano
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As much as I’d like to put Rai here again, I think realistically she’s too extroverted for me to actually enjoy hanging out with her often enough to be her best friend. I’d get on much better with Vano I reckon, we could start a book club or something, it’d be fun :D
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Street scene in Tarare, Beaujolais region of France
French vintage postcard
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