#tarp and plastic etc
Thinking about those vids of ppl using those. Window cleaning things (I don't know what they're called and too lazy to look up) to get hair etc out of rugs... does it really work?
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Hi, sorry, I know it’s been a few weeks but it really hasn’t felt like it, I haven’t got out of my house much. Oh, to be clear, this is the guy with cracks in his wall, except they’re not cracks or something, I dunno.
Anyway, on what you mentioned, no, there were been no other potential communication attempts if my house was alive. Considering the age of the place and the weirdness happening recently, I wouldn’t have been surprised if my house was alive, but I did a few tests and nothing came up positive sadly.
On to more important stuff though, there’s a reason I got distracted. Mainly because these cracks are really weird. I think I’ve figured out what was going on with the bleeding, or more accurately, why it would start bleeding. Oh yeah, bleeding is a pretty accurate term for the fluid, it’s like it’s coagulating when exposed to air, except it’s not the air it’s reacting to.
That’s probably confusing, so I’ll start about a week after my last message: It’d been a while and I was mostly beginning to forget about the cracks to be honest, what with the big, plastic tarp hiding them. There has been a storm the night previous and my power had gotten knocked out, so when I got up early to head to work I let instinct take over and accidentally stepped badly on the new addition to my home, the tarp. Stepping on it pulled at its bindings and revealed the cracks again, but they were kind of different. The cracks were bigger, obviously, but the main thing was the tar-fluid-stuff. See, the tar only comes when it’s raining, which it had been, and intensely at that, which meant that now there was a big build up of this tarry gunk that was messing up the walls even more than the cracks were! I was already late for work, so I decided to clean it off when I got back.
After finishing work, I ended up getting a paint scraper and a metal brush to get it off. At that point I was more worried about it permanently sticking the tarp to the wall than any damage I would do to the wall, so I was really going at it. I started using the paint scraper as a chisel is what I’m getting at. Anyway, a bit after doing that, I noticed that there was one part that was way easier to clean off, the parts where the cracks were. It took some close looks, but when I was using the paint scraper as a chisel, I was pushing the stuff back into the cracks, and when the tar went back into the crack it turned back into a fluid.
I did a few more tests with stuff I scraped off, and it all turned back into water, flowing into what ever was on the other side of the cracks. While I was doing that, I also poked the paint scraper in, and the part that was put in became floppy. And then I pulled it out and it solidified in the new position.
I’m serious, these cracks are weird, but I’m way way more fascinated by them now than freaked out. I’m still at least a little worried by how they’re growing to be honest, but this was something I could poke! And that’s what I’ve been doing for a while now. Poking the cracks with stuff. And I think I’ve figured it out somewhat.
Stuff that comes through the cracks seem to invert in some way. Water becomes a room temperature solid, stiff metal becomes bendy, hot air becomes cold (that one’s really nice to be honest, nice cool breeze on a hot day), etc. I want to see what happens if I put an active exothermic chemical reaction through it and see what happens, but I have no idea what that could do. Would it become an endothermic reaction? Implode? Change chemical composition and cease reacting? I have no idea, but I gotta be honest, I really want to try.
I have no idea where these cracks are coming from, but they’re really fascinating. It feels like there’s something on the other side, and I can’t tell if it’s a dimension with different conceptual or physical laws, or a being watching me who’s unzipped the wall and has been poking back. Or something else.
Kinda got off track there, whoops. Anyway, I don’t mind if you send help anymore by the way, I kinda just want to about this stuff to someone, it’s really cool.
Yeah, that is not what I expected.
I think we are seeing a sort of break in reality here, but not like I was describing last time. This isn't a "living" home. This is a special case.
We call these Rulebreakers. I'd wager that at some point in the past of the structure, something was done to create a series of tears to a hypothetical pocket dimension that operates differently than ours. And I do mean "hypothetical" - as far as many of our tests are concerned, a lot of times these things are only conceptual. Your seems...frightfully realspace. And it's not often that it's directly, conceptually "opposite" - that suggests a level of human-adjacent intelligence that I'm concerned about.
These are pretty rare - I sent this over to Ambrose and he's very interested in this. Is your place wheelchair accessible?
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broodsys · 23 days
garden updateee (long post lmao)
peach tree first:
have harvested upwards of 50 peaches from it. have invited the neighbors to freely take peaches (don't think they have tho). have given peaches to my brother. so many are getting partly eaten by critters (i don't mind this)
probably have an additional 30-40 in the worm bin (partly eaten ones, gloopy ones, ones that were seriously damaged early on, etc)
ended up with two gallon bags full - and i mean full - of frozen peach slices and a good bit of peach sauce (well, i call it that, but it's really just cooked down/pureed peaches and a bit of sugar. it's good!)
could i have been more productive with it? yeah! however! wasn't expecting this at all! i cannot stress enough how much of a surprise this has been
after all the peaches have been harvested im gonna trim this poor tree down so hard. bc at present it isn't just bowing a bit under the weight, the main trunk goes up and up... and then starts coming sharply back down. roughly like so:
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except with a lot more branches and all but yeah not actually drawing this lmao.
gonna try to espalier it a bit. there are lower branches that i'm going to be keeping and hopefully i can get some wire or something to give it some support, bc clearly during growing and harvest seasons it's gonna need that support. but i'm taking the height off... again, lmao. i've already done this!!!! it is growing so much
however, i think i know why. about midway through last year, we moved the worm bin over near it. and the worm bin has holes drilled in the bottom. so all those nutrients have been sinking into the soil and i think the peach tree was just like oh? nutrience? for me??? and went apeshit lmao
other garden news:
although i've mostly been talking about the peach tree, many things are going above and beyond. the rose bush out front is covered with rose hips that are probably about as wide as a half dollar? and it's grown to about halfway up the second floor. ridiculous. some of the canes are easily as wide as a quarter
we also have a grape. idk what type bc like the smartest person imaginable, i lost the tag. also i don't think it's ever gonna fruit but that is okay bc it is a sprawling beast and beautiful and it is sending vines up that are on the first floor roof
a lot of plants i have mostly to control temperatures indoors. so the rose bush covers the front of the house and some of the dark roof shingles, while the mystery tree and grape cover another part of the house. i was letting the peach tree get a bit taller to become a shade tree since it wasn't seeming to bear (but still not ridiculously tall!) but uh. A Mistake 😂
currently in the process of getting one of the many many manyyyy marionberry canes to root so that i can plant some in the backyard. it's very well established along the side yard and we get a ton of fruit from it, so why not just keep it going?
and we have a nectarine tree out back that's in its.... hmm. second or third year, but i think second. it's older than that, but in terms of being in our garden. so it's not bearing yet, no real surprise, and it's having some of the same issues the peach tree originally had, but the peach tree is no longer afflicted so i suspect the nectarine will end up okay as well
gonna be repositioning the metal gazebo frame (canvas top long since destroyed) into the center of the yard so that we can safely hang a new tarp from it and provide some central shade. looking forward to that, altho it'll be a lot of work. been using the water i saved up all during the rainy season and so far i still have a lot, which is nice - been doing a lot of water-wise planting and letting things get their own water and all. i've managed to keep the bucket pond going even tho the plastic is starting to crack and i'm dreading the eventual day the whole thing goes... sm life in there
but it's cracking bc the winters are getting so cold that the water freezes several inches down and expands, so it's like... rly tricky to deal with? debating about getting a solar powered water bubbler for it. just smth to keep the water moving a little bit and hopefully prevent it from freezing sm
i have mulched a tremendous amount this year, as i usually do. countless cardboard boxes - only plain ones, or ones with dyed parts removed, and always removing all the tape. forever trying to reuse stuff. there are still problem areas in the back and front yards, but some can't really be dealt with - like we have a lot of stray cats in the area and they sure do like to use yards as litter boxes 🙃like they're just gonna be here, it's a thing, but it does mean taking that into consideration wrt what/how we grow things
i keep getting frustrated and sad with how many things are dying out there but like. yeah. it's gonna happen. a) transplant shock is a thing, no matter how careful i try to be, b) it's hard to tell how heavily i should water things tbph, c) our soil is different all over the place, and the soil out front is very poor - which some things prefer! but definitely not all, and d) climate change. even hardy natives aren't necessarily hardy anymore, and over time native ranges seem to be shifting, so it's difficult
but i'm trying to not focus sm on what's dying and more on what's thriving, bc a bunch of stuff is :')
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impishdullahan · 3 months
My old scout troop one time had a camp over Halloween weekend. It was kind of at like a public community centre that happened to also be an old farm? There were a few buildings on the property, a corn field, a small lake, and a barn. Part of our camp events was helping to set up and run the public Halloween events. Some of the older scouts were tasked being actors in the adult haunted house in the barn, and others manned the hay ride. At the time I was one of the 2 youngest scouts; we were mostly eagles/rovers that year, and I think I must've been 14 or 15 at the time? Anyhow, the other young'n and I were saddled with running the junior haunted house.
The junior haunted house was in a rec. building for kids with a large main room, a large bathroom, and a kitchen, I think. We only had to run it, and it was already set up for us, though it was a little lacklustre. Tarps had been hung from the ceiling to partition the main room into something a little more interesting. All the equipment, toys, furniture, etc. normally in the room had been shoved into a tarped off area, and the remaining 3 quarters were split into a hallway and 3 rooms. The important parts about the layout are that the hallway lead to/from the entrance/exit, one of the tarped off rooms was off the hallway immediately by the entrance/exit, and the storage area shared a tarp with the central space through which the rest of spaces connected. All the decorations were also your usual tacky Halloween fare: plastic spiders, fake cobwebs, peeled grapes, cheap animatronics like a Target witch's hand, you get it. There was also a fog machine abd LED strips for ambience~~.
To run the junior haunted house, my partner C and I were told we could make use of whatever we happened to have brought with us, whatever was in the storage area, and whatever we could scavenge off anyone else, provide it's nothing actually scary from the adult haunted house. Now, we wanted to actually scare someone: we didn't want to just set a mood and make kids feel a little anxious, we wanted fright! This isn't to say we were assholes about it: parents with small kids were safe; it was the cocky 12 year olds we were after, the 12 year olds who weren't allowed in the adult haunted but felt they could handle it. Thing is, between the tacky decorations and the limited equipment at our disposal, this would be no easy feat, and we had to be creative.
Our plan involved a phone, a bowl, a cheap drum, plastic chain, some PVC pipes, and the head of a cheap halloween scythe. First we selected our music on the phone, specifically Thresh's log-in music from League of Legends. The first verse goes like
Cling clang go the chains
Someone's out to find you
Cling clang go the chains
The warden's right behind you
We used the bowl as an amplifier, and I was stationed in the storage area beating the drum and shaking the chain to augment the music. I also had some long PVC piping set up so that I could poke the tarp of the central area from my seat. I should also note and can do a voice effect I call my dragon voice, and that featured as some timely deep rumbly growls. C meanwhile affixed the scythe head to a small PVC pipe to make a sickle, and posted up in the first small room. He specifically was stood in the corner facing into corner, hood up, and arms crossed over his chest, with the sickle in hand peaking up over his shoulder. He chose this strategically so that he'd look like a prop, a mannequin with a spoopy scythe if he stood still and reactionless enough, but also so that he could get a vibe check on whoever entered the haunted house since it was the first room.
Between the music, violently poking the tarp, and my growls, I managed to get a couple of jumps and gasps. The real kicker, though, was C's work. He'd try his absolute darnedest to look like a mannequin, and it usually worked. If it was a younger kid, he'd turn around as they left the room to spook them. A small kid he'd wait for them to leave and then chill, assuming the role of another haunted house goer on their way out. For the older kids, though, those cocky 12 year olds, he'd step it up a notch.
First, though, to frighten the 12 year olds, I had my part to play. I'd intentionslly overdo it slightly so that they'd go "You're not scary you know, mostly kinda just annoying." I'd break the 4th wall at this and say something to the effect of "Yeah, you're right, you just take a look around." This was all in a bid to lull them into a false sense of security, though. On their way out, C, who had been loudly proclaimed as "Oh, it's just a mannequin, not even that scary" by the 12 year olds just minutes before, would step out the doorway from the side room, hood drawn tight over his face with just his nose sticking out, twirling his little sickle, and rah-ing. Given the ambience putting the 12 year olds on edge, however much they tried to hide it, but also because they were so sure there wasn't anything actually scary in this tacky haunted house for 6 year olds, they were in for a real fright.
Most times it was a good jump scare, but there was one 12 year old who streaked outta there screaming "JESUS CHRIST" at the top of his lungs. Whilst we would've been happy with a few gasps and startles, it was at that moment we knew we had accomplished what we set out to do and had done so with flying colours.
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whywishesarehorses · 2 years
RAW Mustangs has a gorgeous girl up for adoption:
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•Titled BLM Mustang
•Bay overo pinto
•15.2 hands
•Paisley Desert HMA, OR
•Located in Scio, Oregon
Are you looking for your next trail horse? Well, check this beauty out!
Amaani is a gorgeous pinto titled BLM mustang mare from the Paisley Desert HMA. I picked her up from the corrals a year and a half ago as a 12 year old untouched mare. Since getting her, she has learned the basics and much more!
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Here is a list of some of the things she knows in hand.
•TIP requirements. (catch, halter, lead, tie, groom, pick up all four feet, and load in a trailer)
•Polite ground manners
•Fly spray
•Round pen
•Lunges nicely even in a large area
•Walk/ trot/ canter off of voice commands
•Forehand turns in-hand
•Haunch turns in-hand
•Side passes in-hand
•Lateral flexion
•Lower head
•Backs softly 3 different ways
•Trots in hand
•Obstacles in hand and riding: tarps, bridges, poles, flags, plastic bags, brush, ropes, pool noodles, crosses water, etc.
•Follow nose to untangle (not sure exactly what they call it. Lol)
•Rope and leads by front feet
•Stands for the farrier and vet
•Stands to be saddled
•Pick you up at the mounting block and fence.
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List of some of the things she knows under saddle.
•Colt started at Mustang Matt clinic
•Walk/ trot/ canter under saddle
•Forehand turns under saddle
•Haunch turns under saddle
•Side passing under saddle
•Round pen/arena riding
•Obstacles in hand and riding: tarps, bridges, poles, flags, plastic bags, brush, ropes, pool noodles, whips… etc.
•Out on the trail. Cross water, go though ditches, climb hills, go though thick brush, and anything else, the trail has to throw at her.
•Hauled out to arenas and trails
•Trail rides
•Gone to clinics and workshops
•Carries a flag
•Throws a rope off of
•Rides in snaffle bit or halter
•Easy keeper
•Up to date on vaccines and dewormer
Feet trimmed every 8 weeks
•Used to kids, dogs, cows and farm equipment.
•Very respectful of fences even hot fencing
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Amaani is a horse that anyone can go out and catch, do the simple tasks that every horse should know and saddle up and go for a ride. She has been ridden by inexperienced and experienced riders. Though I would not recommend her for a beginner rider, because she will take advantage of the riders lack of experiences.
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She has a lead mare mentality, she will be the lead mare in every group she’s in. Since she’s older and does have the mare “attitude”, she can be defiant and strong willed at time. So, a confident and experienced handler/ rider is recommend. She is a confident horse and will excel out on the trail. She is a slow going trail horse, or a giddyup and go trail horse, with your command.
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Check out her album for more pictures and videos on RAW Mustangs.
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mountainmaven · 2 years
It's just been a lot.
I was so proud of myself for handling all that I did last week...until I reached my limit and broke down on Friday. My husband wasn't home yet (he'd be home that afternoon). We had the neighbor plow the driveway and while that was helpful, it wasn't quite the stress reliever I thought it was going to be. It was good, don't get me wrong, I just thought I'd feel more relieved than I did.
I was going into the workroom to put some trash out there (until I could get to that trash cans that were still buried in snow outside) and I saw that we had several drips coming from the ceiling/beams. The side deck of the house is above the workroom (we think the workroom used to be a garage that was converted (and not well)). But a couple of years ago we had the deck resurfaced with that cool decking stuff that they use around pools. We did have one small drip in that room last winter. But this was way more. So I dried what I could and covered everything with a plastic tarp - well not even a tarp, but a plastic drop cloth that you use for painting because that was the only thing I had that was appropriate. This was when I lost it, I just started to cry and I video called my oldest and told her "I just needed to talk to someone who loved me." LOL It was helpful just seeing her face, and hearing her voice.
In the meantime I was waiting for an inspector to show up as we have to do radon mitigation in our house. We recently discovered that we have high levels of radon in our home. So he was coming to look at the house so he can write up a proposal and tell us how things would go during the process etc. (That went fine by the way, and so far the estimate is significantly lower than we had anticipated - though we still will have to factor in travel, lodging, and Per Diem expenses as they are from up north in the state, but it still should come in at less than what we had anticipated which is really good news).
So while I was waiting I was doing some dusting in the living room and that's when I noticed that one of the ledges in there was wet. So this is where the a-frame roof meets the half wall. This particular spot on the outside is currently covered with plastic tarp from the siding project because they didn't have roof tiles to replace the ones they had to remove to redo the flashing. Well with the amount of snow we've gotten it's gotten behind that plastic and is now seeping into the living room (there is one other small spot on the other side of the room - again same issue - siding messed up flashing).
The inspector showed up, we walked the house, he told me about mitigation etc. Then hubby came home while the inspector was still here (thankfully so I didn't have to try to remember all the details he told me).
We spent this past weekend working on massive snow removal on the side deck and the roof. (the seepage/drips in the workroom are also from the roof/flashing issue). My husband had to chip through approx 8 inches of ice on the roof, after taking the snow off.
I've said this before and I'll say it again this is a learning year for us for sure. And I truly hope we do better next winter - I mean how could we not??
But also when I had my breakdown I was so upset with myself because I automatically felt like a failure. Like my breakdown completely negated my successful 4 days prior to that. Which I know it didn't, but that was the feeling and that was the first thought that entered my mind. And that sucks.
My Jeep is still buried under snow (more so now obviously) and it still isn't going anywhere anytime soon - even if it wasn't buried. Because my battery that is less than 6 or 7 months old is dead from the cold weather and lack of use. So we ordered a car battery charger, but we haven't been able to use it yet because of the snow LOL. But once we do we can get it started so I can get it back down the mountain and back to the Jeep garage and have them look at it. And going forward we'll have to address that issue as well. We know the things that will help, but they don't help us at the moment. Again - hopefully we'll do better next winter.
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Your stuffs so cool! Im just getting into doing this stuff myself and im wondering how you'd set up a prep area? would you just do it outside or inside at a clean area should I put a tarp down or newpaper? Sorry if its a long ask.Thanks if you do answer!:D
You have the right idea pretty much! Tarps and newspaper work fine, sometimes I work on bin bags/ plastic bags since you can easily wrap up any parts of the animal you’re throwing away. If you’re doing it inside on any kind of surface just make sure you disinfect it thoroughly afterwards.
It also helps to organise a little space for everything, tools on one side, bags on another, waste parts somewhere else etc etc. It just helps the process be a little tidier and more streamlined imo.
Good luck with your VC journey, if you have any more questions I’ll try to answer them as best as I can :)))
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unisexobject · 2 years
Chapter VIII. Sirens (Part II).
Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Summary: After finding Eddie and learning about Hawkin's hidden world, you share an intimate moment with your bestfriend, revealing your inner most feelings.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of abuse, domestic violence, alcoholism, drug use, lil bit of fluff, two dumb dumbs who don't know how to communicate, etc...
A/N: Part 2 baby!
The car rolled to a stop with a hiss. As all five of you hopped out of Steve's car, panic struck you hard. You had explained on the way over that you were at Eddie's trailer in the morning, only to find police and media crew nestled in every goddamn nook and cranny, like an infestation of flies lining the inside of a rotting corpse.
Whatever you couldn't explain, Dustin did. And while you were albeit confused at his extensive knowledge, you noted his words carefully. You were surprised that Robin and Steve would even listen to Dustin, considering that he was a child and that they barely knew Eddie.
You sensed some sort of undercurrent of knowledge that you did not possess. The knowing glances they exchanged and lingering stares that arised between the four of them, filled you with anxiety and discontent.  
You clicked on your flashlight to illuminate the dark night as Dustin used the pad of his thumb to ring the doorbell of Reefer Rick’s house. Apparently it was an address found in the Family Video computer and because he was in prison, it could be a possible hideout for Eddie. You always wondered who supplied his drugs or how he could even fund his endeavour, but always found it best not to ask - "the less you know the better, sweetheart" he'd say.
When no one answered, Dustin splayed his palms flat and banged on the door loudly.
"Eddie!" He exclaimed wildly. "We just want to talk!"
To Steve's dismay, he didn't stop his unrelenting bangs and bellows. 
You peered your flashlight through the window, hoping to see his rigid form illuminated through the dusty glass. All you could see was dated furniture and the swirling of kicked up dust.
"Rick! Reefer Rick!" Dustin continued, adamant that someone would answer his frantic roars.
As Steve tried to pry Dustin away from the old and dilapidated house, you walked around to the side, noting a boathouse in the distance. Max followed suit, her blinding flashlight casting you in a shimmering radiance.
You turned toward her, motioning to the light which shone arch at the front of the dark boathouse.
"Hey guys?" She called out, gaining the attention of Steve, Robin and Dustin.
The whole group of you decided to walk toward it carefully, peeking through windows once more in hopes of seeing your best friend.
Robin pushed open the door first.
"Hello? Is anyone home?" She posed to the cold night air.
Everyone followed behind her.
"What a dump." Steve remarked, focusing on spots where streams of light from his torch brightened.
You wandered around thinking of nothing but Eddie. You were desperate to find him. Whatever happened, you knew it wasn't in Eddie's nature to hurt anybody - let alone kill. Hell, he wouldn't even throw a punch back to Jason when he was being pummelled into concrete oblivion. 
The thought of him murdering someone felt so far away and illusory. Like a horrible fable told to scare children, but grown adults learn that it was a lie and know never to believe.
As the five of you kept inspecting and searching for signs of Eddie, Steve flicked off his torch with a click. He picked up an ore and started stabbing a plastic tarp that was bundled up in an abandoned boat.
"What are you doing?" Dustin questioned impatiently.
"He might be in here."
You quietly smirked at Steve's incredulousness as the two of them bickered like an old married couple. It was the first thing to make you slightly soften all day. 
"Hey, look over here." Max remarked, pulling you and Robin out of your reverie.
She started to cast her flashlight onto open wrappers and empty glass bottles.
"Someone was here." She muttered, noting the amount of food wrappers that were scattered across the table.
You came up behind her, hoping to find some sort of evidence of Eddie in the rubbish, but saw nothing. Your shoulders deflated as you looked over to Robin solemnly.
She regarded you with pity.
"Don't worry, Steve will get them with his ore." Dustin remarked playfully, teasing Steve and his choice of weaponry.
He continued to poke the bunched up tarp aggressively.
"Well, considering most of us in this room have almost died a hundred times, I don't think it's funny to-"
Suddenly, Steve was cut off as a large black shadow erupted from the tarp and rammed Steve against the shed wall with an echoing thud.
"Woah, woah, woah, Steve!" Dustin yelled, as the four of you backed away from whatever or whoever was attacking Steve. 
As if your heart knew before your brain did, you recognised Eddie.
"Oh my God, Eddie." You exclaimed breathlessly, eyes never leaving his feverish form.
You took in his frantic state as he held a jagged bottle edge to Steve's throat. His hair was unkempt and he was still wearing the same clothes you saw him in on Friday. Eddie's chocolate eyes were widened in fear, his whole body shaking with tremulous convulsions.
He snapped his head to the right, making direct eye contact with you after hearing your voice. Steve squirmed under his forceful grip, writhing against the shed wall where Eddie had him pinned.
Desperation filled Steve's eyes as he struggled to breathe with such a sharp edge near his throbbing throat vein.
Eddie whispered your name in bewilderment, still shaking and manic.
You nodded your head slowly, stepping a little closer. You watched as he followed your figure disbelievingly, almost certain that you were a figment of his imagination.
You looked over at Steve, who appeared as if he were about to pass out any second.
Eddie couldn't believe that you were here, standing before him. He wished for you desperately as soon as Chrissy floated and crumbled before his eyes. In the aftermath of what he was certain was her death, he sobbed violently, afraid of what you would think of him - a murderous deadbeat just like his namesake.
"Eds, you gotta let Steve go. He won't hurt you, isn't that right?" You implored, begging Steve to play along with your implicit glare.
Eddie looked away from you, his dark eyes trained on Steve. He didn't trust him, that is if the past Eddie had with king-of-the-school jocks meant anything. But he didn't want to hurt anyone, especially not someone you seemed to speak of fondly and so often, even if he was a little suspicious.
"Yep." Steve strained. "That's right."
"Why don't you drop the ore Steve?" Dustin suggested.
The loud clank of wood hitting the harsh concrete floor made Eddie push into Steve further.
You took another tentative step closer, standing merely inches apart now. Eddie watched you with a pained look on his face as glistening tears began to escape his chocolate button eyes.
"We're here to help, we swear on Dustin's mother."
"Yeah, on Dustin's mother." Robin hummed in agreement.
He clenched his jaw tight and against his own trepidation, let go of both Steve and the bottle.
The brown sticky glass smashed to the floor with a piercing clink, shards of glass scattered across the concrete like a shattered mosaic. The moonlight peering through the boathouse windows glimmered in the shards.
Eddie huffed a deep breath, almost collapsing directly into your arms as you held the weight of him in a comforting embrace. In unison, everyone had let out a deep sigh, a moment of relief swirled through the air.
You stroked Eddie's wild mane and encouraged him to breathe in time with you, hoping to fall in sync with the boy who had you so desperately worried for the last 24 hours. Eddie buried himself into your neck, breathing your scent in and clutching at the shirt adorning your body.
Dustin rushed over to Steve, who practically collapsed onto the floor from both lack of oxygen and fear of teetering on the edge of death. You liked to think that it was because he had been in such close proximity to Eddie, he seemed to have that effect on people - especially you.
"Eds, it's going to be okay." You crooned, rubbing a circular motion on his back. He didn't dare to let you go. For someone so deprived of touch, Eddie took it willingly.
"We just want to talk." Robin suggested, voice void of interrogative interest.
In the moments between seeing Eddie in such a fractured state and the news on TV, you grew unsettled at the idea of what happened. But that's all it was, an idea. You had no clue as to why Eddie was so perturbed, why there was a dead body in his trailer and why he was currently taking shelter in a boathouse as old as time.
You would be lying if you didn't say that you were slightly worried.
"You..you wouldn't believe m-me." He replied shakily into your neck.
You ruminated on his words. You've always known Eddie to be the most soft hearted boy, a reputation that wasn't entirely indicative of his kindness toward people. Despite being stunned by a mysterious death, you were mostly certain that Eddie was not capable. Of course you were worried, but never afraid of him.
"Try us." Max remarked.
After regrettably peeling Eddie off of your now cold skin, Dustin, Robin, Max and Steve all gathered around patiently waiting for him to explain. You kept a comforting hand on his lower back, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by the observant members of your group.
Chrissy’s death was more of a shock, a horrendous reminder of the frailty of existence. That life is like a chess game and one wrong move is enough to force us to resign, to lay down our pieces and never return.
You had only spoken to her yesterday, her words of wisdom still ruminated deep within you.
"Her body...just like, floated into the air. And uh, she just...hung there. In the air. And her bones, her bones..."
Eddie clenched his eyes shut, momentarily unable to speak about what he saw. He took a second to gain purchase back into reality.
"Her bones started to snap. Her eyes man...it was like, there was something inside her head, pulling."
Dustin's eyes widened in horror as he watched Eddie's hand movements.
"I didn't know what to do, so I uh...ran away."
Eddie disappeared into his mind, festering on the horror of seeing Chrissy die in such a horrific way, let alone how he reacted afterward.
"You all think I'm crazy, right?" He muttered, running a stressed hand through his wild mane.
"No, we don't. Not at all." Dustin replied comfortingly.
Eddie furrowed his brows and looked at Dustin as if he were insane. A few more wayward tears escaped his eyes and trickled down his flushed cheeks.
"Look, don't bullshit me man. I know how this sounds." He exclaimed, working himself up again.
"We believe you." Both Robin and Max asserted, much to Eddie's dismay.
You pulled him in close, unsure as to what you should say. It wasn't that you didn't believe Eddie, you just found it hard to wrap your head around the whole ordeal. To see Eddie wounded and hysterical somehow rendered your brain unable to comprehend anything at all - let alone the goddamn rapture in his living room.
"You know how people say Hawkins is...cursed? Well, they're not way off. There's another world, hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes, it...bleeds into ours."
Chills started to run through your body, the same chills that traveled up your spine the second you crossed city limits. The sense of dread which permeated the late night air and the feeling of something otherworldly beneath the pavement that you and Eddie would roam.
"Like, ghosts and shit?" Eddie posed, trying to understand what Dustin was attempting to articulate.
"There are some things worse than ghosts." Max replied.
"Like monsters." You retorted, sounding like a statement more than a question. It made you think of your horrible dream the other night.
 He wasn't Matt, it was a monster.
"If these monsters are back again, we need to know."
Initially you found it terribly difficult to believe. You gawked at Steve, Dustin, Robin and Max confusingly, waiting for them to elaborate on these monsters. The way they looked so serious and spoke about this world in such earnest filled you with dismay.
"That night, did you see anything?" Robin asked carefully. 
You turned to face Eddie.
"No man, there was nothing you could see. Or touch. I tried to wake her, but she couldn't move. Like she was under some kind of spell..."
"Or curse." Eddie reaffirmed, looking to Dustin for confirmation.
Both you and Eddie sat in silence, ruminating on the discovery. The idea of an "upside down" interfering with Hawkins through Vecna's curse made your head spin. To think that your day had started so causally, only to finish with a catastrophic end was triggering.
After Eddie's storytime, everyone had decided it was best to keep Eddie's hiding spot a secret, so that they had time to figure everything out and prove his innocence. Instead of going with them, you remained with Eddie to keep him company and stay as a lookout. You planned tonregusely bring him food to sustain him, not caring how long the whole process of clearing his name would take. Eddie hated the idea of you having to babysit him, afraid that you would grow to resent him. But you implored that you could never hate him - let alone for something he had zero control over.
When Dustin, Steve, Robin and Max left, you still remained silent, unwilling to speak about the events of the night.
You and Eddie had also been fighting just before everything happened, and even though you felt that didn't matter now, the tension was still very much present.
You ended up next to Eddie in the boat, curling into yourself and falling asleep for the night.
You awoke to a gentle nudge.
"Hey." Eddie whispered softly above you. "It's a little lonely up here, do you mind?"
You hummed quietly, inwardly thankful that Eddie had decided to break the tacit tension.
"Not at all." You muttered in reply, stretching out your stiff limbs - not caring to mask your exhaustion.
You had somehow fallen asleep sprawled across Eddie's lap, with the two of you squished together against the creaky bow of the boat.
Even though you were awake, neither of you made any effort to move. Instead, Eddie played with the loose strands of hair around your ear as you slowly drifted back to consciousness. His touch was feather light and you were melting beneath the soft movement of his fingers.
You forgot that you left the radio on, as I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen began to play softly in the background.
"I was really worried about you, Eds." You mustered, teetering the edge of sensibility.
"I know." He replied softly.
"I'm also really sorry about our fight."
You turned over so that you were flat on his lap, with your face gazing directly up at his. Eddie's hands hovered above you as you adjusted, waiting until you had settled again before tangling his fingers in your strands once more.
"S'okay, I'm sorry too. I was being an idiot. Thought I was invincible...but I guess not." He muttered, caught between this moment with you and his harrowing memory of last night.
He chuckled dryly at the juxtaposition.
"You weren't an idiot Eddie." You replied, catching his hazel gaze. You had been the one to push him away, always keeping him at arms length.
Eddie's movements halted.
"I feel like one."
You peered up at Eddie through your eyelashes, watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest. It was hard to see him in this state - eyes rimmed red, hair a mess, lips pressed into a flat line.
It took everything in you not to shake the boy back into reality, to implore that everything will be okay even if it didn't feel true now.
"Whatever this...curse is, it has nothing to do with you, Eds. Just wrong place, wrong time. You should have been with me, but I pushed you away like a big fat idiot."
Eddie's soft chuckle brought a smile to your plush lips. He enjoyed the moments where you let your guard down and acted silly. He cherished them like a dried flower pressed firmly between two pages of a favourite book.
He knew cared for you too much to bring you into this. Whatever on earth was going on in Hawkins right now was far too dark and dangerous for someone as precious as you. Despite whatever past you might have, he knew that you shouldn't be subjected to this - especially not for his sake.
A small part of him worried that you were far too kind to actually believe him when he spoke about what he saw that night. He wondered if you were just too much of a good person for you own good, lonely but caring in the aftermath of something so impossible.
His insecurities latched onto the thought.
"Can I ask you something?" He questioned, voice gentle and laced with insecurity.
You nodded your head slowly, hair catching on the knee of his ripped jeans.
"Do you believe me?"
Eddie's question pulled you out of your laxened state. You sat up, twisting your body so you could sit beside him properly.
You noted his pained expression, like he were an illustration painted with the vivid colours of fear and shame.
"Of course I believe you, Eds. I just...don't know what's real anymore."
The last few days had been awful. From the fucking rapture occurring in the living room of the Munson residence, to your unrelenting nightmares of Matt taunting you - your life had begun to grow less black and white. Anything could happen at the drop of a hat, including the threat of interdimensional monsters destroying the innocent youth of Hawkins.
It felt as though your life was currently taking place somewhere else and terribly far away. Almost as if you were a helpless spectator suspended behind a film screen, forced to remind yourself that this is in fact your life and not the projections of a crazed mind. You weren't an audience member at all, but might as well be with your unimaginable lack of control over the unravelling narrative.
"I didn't hurt her." Eddie whispered.
"I know. You'd never hurt a fly, Eds." You replied, leaning in and pressing a comforting hand on the small of his back.
With your words, he leaned into your touch and turned to face you.
The boathouse was cold, dark and damp, and the thought of Eddie spending the next few nights in this surrounding made you shiver.
"I said that I'd never be like him." Eddie mumbled in the low light.
His round hazel eyes bored into yours, articulating a feeling that wasn't tangible.
"Like who?" You asked softly, before your mouth formed a silent oh in understanding.
Eddie never really spoke much about his father, not that it was a touchy subject, but rather something that didn't come up very often between the two of you. And it if did, it was always fleeting and sometimes in a joking manner.
Except one night Eddie mentioned how his father dropped a curly headed 8 year old on Wayne's doorstep, clutching a hastily scribbled note scarcely explaining why. The same night while Eddie was fast asleep and probably comatose from sampling his own product, Wayne explained how they both didn't know if Eddie's father were dead or alive, and how he used to drink and often physically abuse Eddie and his mother.
While you sat on the couch opposite from Wayne, he explained how she left in a hurry, driven away by the man who was supposed to love and care for her. Your gut twisted at how she left Eddie behind.
You didn't know what was worse - being abandoned or not knowing why.
Wayne's eyes drifted to a far away place when he mouthed the cruel words that his father would use against Eddie - and if you didn't know any better you'd think that the term "freak" was coined by him.
"My nephew looks tough, but he's gentle."  Wayne had said afterward, taking a long drag of his cigarette.
You were grateful that Eddie had Wayne in his life. He seemed to always have such infinite wisdom, putting things quite plainly in his gravelly voice. He was such a stark contrast to your own parents who had been through a tragic ordeal and hadn't been the same since. You wondered what advice he'd give you if you explained what happened to you before Hawkins.
He appeared to be a man who wasn't phased by very much.
You thought Eddie's chaotic upbringing was why he was kind to the outcasts and took them under his makeshift wing. You were surprised that someone with such a fucked up childhood could possess such love and compassion for those around him. It made your heart soar.
"I'm scared that I'm going to end up just like him." Eddie muttered, voice wavering with each word.
"Why would you think that? You're absolutely nothing like him."
If anything, Eddie was like Wayne. The absolute antithesis to the violent unsympathetic asshole that was Eddie's father.
You scooted imperceptibly closer until your side was firmly pressed up against his. Maybe it was the cold night air or the looming threat of uncertainty, but you wanted to be close to Eddie. You wanted to treat him with care, articulate that you weren't and couldn't ever be afraid of him.
He wasn't a monster, he didn't have it in him.
"He was always on the run, wanted by cops. Look at me now. Aren't I just like him?" Eddie posed, voice dripping with a sincerity the likes of which you couldn't believe.
You winced at his words, you couldn't take it anymore. Gripping both of his hands tightly, you gazed deep into his hazel eyes.
"Listen to me, Edward Munson. You are nothing like your father. You may share a name and a face, but nothing more. I would never look at you and see someone violent or unkind, because you are the best person I know." You started, plaving an emphasis on each word.
You hated how Eddie thought such terrible things about himself. You could only guess how he wouod lay awake each night, tossing and turning as he tortured himself with untrue and fallacious thoughts. A habit that must have gone into complete overdrive since Chrissy's mutilations and subsequent death.
Eddie might look inconquerable, but on the inside he was regrettably insecure.
"Eds, when I first met you, you took one look at me and saw right through. You knew straight away that I wasn't okay, and I think that you're the only person on this planet that makes me feel like maybe one day it could be."
Your conviction was so strong that you hadn't even noticed how close you were to him in that moment. Your hands were still holding his, with your side soft and warm. Eddie momentarily forgot how to breathe, suddenly intoxicated by your lush words and inviting proximity.
"I take it back, this is the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He mumbled, clenching his eyes shut momentarily like he were in pain. In reality he was thinking back to the moment you first met in the woods, where your icy demeanor slowly thawed the longer he spent around you.
He lightly giggled at how far away and illusory that memory felt. Like none of it were even real and the golden sunlight you bathed in on top of the table, was just the imaginings of a terribly sleep deprived Eddie.
When he opened his eyes, his glowing black irises wavered between your eyes and your lips. He studied your face like his life depended on it. Hoping to find some sort of evidence or inclination in your expression that suggested whether or not you were also a crazed imagining. When he realised that you were right here with him, he decided to move in closer.
You didn't move away when his forehead rested against yours, or when a delicate hand made its way to the tender flesh of your neck. Your breaths were intermingling and you could see every fine line and wrinkle in Eddie's soft skin.
There was something so innately boyish about Eddie that you could only see by being this close. He smelt of cigarette, cedar and an undercurrent of thick musk.
He tilted his head to the side a little, his nose brushing yours with the gentle movement. Your eyes fluttered closed in a half lidded haze. His thumb traced the hard front of your throat.
You felt like you had died and awoken in heaven to the desperate touch of your best friend.
"Eddie." You whispered - more of a prayer than anything.
"Sweetheart." He mumbled in return.
And there it was, that nickname that made your eyes heavy and knees weak. You were like clay beneath him, and his clever hands could mold you however he desired.
You wanted to close the distance and feel his lips with your own, but you were afraid. Eddie had just been through hell and back. The whole town was ready to hunt him down like he were the monster in Frankenstein, all they needed were pitch forks and burning torches.
Of course Eddie would be lonely, having a moment of weakness and craving the physical touch of whoever was closest.
It just happened to be you, right? It doesn't mean anything.
He just wanted to be held and you couldn't blame him for that. If anything, you wanted it just as bad. You'd do whatever Eddie needed to feel better about the previous night. But you were too afraid to tell him that he could have whatever he wanted, even if it meant that it would be all over before it had ever started.
Instead, you did what you do best. You pushed him away.
"We should get some rest." You mumbled, tucking a stray coil behind his ear. Your hand trailed down to his chest, lightly pushing him to create some distance.
And oh how you rued sleep and wanted to settle your mouth on his instead. How you wanted to crawl into his lap and kiss his world apart. How you wanted to let Eddie lay you down in that rusty old boat and do whatever he wanted, however he wanted.
The revelation was sobering, you were in love with your best friend.
"Yeah, okay." He affirmed, retracting his affectionate hand from your collarbone.
Eddie tried his best to act like his heart wasn't crushed by the weight of a double decker bus when you pulled away. But what was he even thinking in the first place? What came over him?
Springsteen's words mocked him softly in the background, as he inwardly set himself alight at his ill thought attempt at trying to kiss you. Of course you wouldn't want to kiss him, especially after becoming a fugitive wanted for Chrissy Cunningham's murder.
He tried to stifle a wince as he retracted himself from you, shifting away so he could lay down in the boat and go to sleep. He begged that you didn't see his physical affection for what it was, an invitation to be his and only his.
The rest of the night you slept back to back, far too afraid to approach the inevitability of your misguided interaction. You lied next to Eddie, reeling over your feelings for him and running through a million possibilities of what could happen if you both made it out of this kerfuffle untarnsihed. Deciding to stay silent for Eddie's sake and for the sake of your lives and futures, you drifted off to sleep, imagining a world where Vecna's curse didn't exist, Chrissy was still alive and you could hold Eddie in your arms without the barrier you so miserably upheld.
A world far sweeter than the one you and Eddie were about to face. 
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mega2wheellife · 2 years
there were meetings in the flesh
on zoom whatsapp etc
working through questions who will bring what
how much money is needed
plastic cards as emergency to back that up
& in the rear mind the ole hippocampus
you know none of this matters
because when you meet up
in the flesh on the road
that early morning coffee stop
he will have brought extra shit he don’t need
cookers kettles pots & pans
while this one has decided alone in the night
to travel light
& this one hasn’t brought any tools
tho’ two of them do have tyre pumps
one has brought a tent big enough for troops
while the rest have tarps in case of rain
& this one will not wash until the journey is done
wondering why the gap around him grows
as he moans on & on about hard miles done
all of those to come even harder up front
but still you set off high spirits
the road is yours & yours alone to be won
neil benbow
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catboypuss · 2 years
I think we should normalize the idea of neurotypicals/non-autistics “stimming”
Feel free to like stop me if I am just totally off base cause I am not autistic, but I feel like there are only some stimming that is (somewhat more) socially acceptable for people to do (often because they are associated with anxiety, to a certain extent), like nail biting, finger tapping, humming and pacing to name those that come to mind (all of these are “acceptable” with a grain of salt it really depends on the social situation which sucks)
But there are plenty others which are actively repressed in children and disapproved of in adults, like skin-rubbing/scratching, repetitive blinking, hand-flapping, spinning, jumping, rocking, sniffing, licking, etc. (and the more “excessive” use of the aforementioned “acceptable” stimming)
For example, I like to spin in my rollable chair at my desk occasionally, and I often roll it back and forth across the plastic tarp it’s on when I’m bored. But I don’t do that when I’m in public because it’s not “acceptable”. (I don’t do a lot of things in public that I usually do alone, but I think that’s everyone)
Why not freely let everyone who wants to jump and spin around when excited? I’m not saying take the word “stimming” away from autistics, but I just think if we normalize a few of the more “unacceptable” behaviors we can begin to normalize or at least accept non judgmentally the others
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thetarpco · 14 days
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firewoodservices · 4 months
Easy Guide on Storing Hardwood in the Outdoors
Some families have to work with hardwood all day, but they still have no or very little idea about storing the wood and dealing with it. This becomes very troublesome for people who don't have a woodshed or a dedicated space to store the lumber. In this situation, the first question arising in everybody's mind is how to store the wood outdoors. Let us find the answer in this post.
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The first thing to understand is that it is best not to store your wood outside. Yes, exceptions are always made for firewood and unseasoned wood because natural factors like moisture, cold, heat, etc., can affect the quality of the boards and planks. In some situations, it is unavoidable to store the wood outside, and this is where the tips discussed here can be very useful.
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According to hardwood suppliers, unseasoned wood can be stored outside easily, as it is already full of moisture. Staying exposed to air will only remove the moisture and it will be released slowly and completely. Storing them outside is important for one more reason - if stored with the dry hardwood inside the hardwood company's warehouse, the dry wood will absorb the moisture from unseasoned wood.
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Lumber racks are long L-bracket-shaped shelves used for storing hardwood. Hardwood suppliers space these brackets 40- 45 cm apart, and keep the wood off the ground and in a horizontal position. Horizontal storage is recommended for hardwood as wood stored upright has a higher tendency to warp.
Storing hardwood also means not stacking the wood directly on top of other wood pieces. Doing this will not give any breathing space, and as a result, the wood will start decaying very soon. The best way is to use lumber racks and keep the hardwood 40 to 45 cm apart. You have to ensure that logs don't touch each other and there is sufficient room to breathe.
Another recommendation from hardwood suppliers is that if possible, cover the wood placed outside to prevent it from direct contact with air and moisture. This can be done with a tarp or some heavy plastic cover. Another option is using industrial insulating blankets to protect hardwood from extreme temperatures.
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portlandnet · 4 months
The 10 Essentials for Survival While Recreating in the Outdoors:
NAVIGATION: A USGS or equal topo map, a properly declinated (14 degrees east locally) base plate compass, along with the knowledge of how to use them together. A simple GPS can also be quite useful if you’re familiar with how to use it and the batteries aren’t dead. A watch and fully charged cell phone should also be carried.
SUN PROTECTION: Sunglasses, sunscreen, hat (for hot OR cold, summer or winter weather)
INSULATION: The MOST important consideration: NO cotton clothing! Carry synthetic or wool layers, waterproof/windproof rain jacket/ pants; extra gloves/hat, and extra socks as required. Wear layers of clothing to adjust insulation to activity level and current weather. Stay dry to decrease the risk of hypothermia (which can be life-threatening).
ILLUMINATION: Headlamp or flashlight, with extra batteries.
FIRST-AID SUPPLIES: Basic supplies such as Band-Aids, gauze pads, triangular and compression bandages, etc. Include any medications you may currently be taking and a bee sting kit if you are allergic.
FIRE: Waterproof matches, butane lighter or candle stubs, plus fire-starting materials (paste, etc.). Do NOT depend on making a fire in bad weather!
REPAIR KIT/TOOLS: Multi-tool (Gerber®, Leatherman®, Swiss Army knife, etc.), Duct tape. Don’t carry what you don’t need.
NUTRITION: High energy, no-cook foods, such as high-carb energy bars. Carry at least 200 calories for every hour you will be out.
HYDRATION: Extra water; take at least (1) liter for short outings and at least 2.5 liters for all-day excursions. Remember that extra water will be needed for hot or cold weather, drink continuously during your outing. Don’t wait until you are dehydrated!
EMERGENCY SHELTER: A Space blanket or bright plastic tarp (9’ x 12’) and a few large plastic trash bags. Bring something to insulate you from the ground, regardless of the time of year. You cannot dig a snow cave without a shovel, and you should not sit/sleep on snow without an insulating pad.
There are vast areas within Deschutes County where cell service is limited to the point that cell service is non-existent.  Always carry alternative Satellite Communication Device such as Spot, Garmin In-Reach, Zoleo, ACR Bivy Stick in case of an emergency without cell service. 
Remember if you’re traveling in a vehicle, travel in pairs, carry the above items, and also bring with you tow straps / recovery rope, self-recovery gear (a winch / a come along tool) shovel, axe, and have a plan if you get stuck in the snow or mud. Always remain with your vehicle, until help arrives.
Thanks to Zeke Gunther for the post.
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pax-thuban · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to Power Wash wood decks and Fences
A Beginner Guide to Pressure Washing Wood Decks and Fences
Pressure washing is an extremely effective way to clean and restore the appearance of exterior surfaces such as Power Wash wood decks and Fences. When done right, this intense pressure washing can remove years of accumulated dirt, grime, mold and mildew and make the underlying material look new again.
A Brief Definition of Power Wash Wood Decks and Fences
Pressure washing involves the use of a specialized pressure washer and nozzle attachments that deliver an intense jet of water. This concentrated jet, which can be 30 to 80 times more powerful than a normal garden hose, cleans surfaces by forcibly removing contaminants.
why clean wood decking and vinyl fencing with a pressure washer?
Over time, wood decking and fencing become soiled with dirt, pollen, grime, mold, mildew, spilt food and drink, etc. These stubborn deposits can penetrate deep into the microscopic pores of the material and are difficult to remove with conventional cleaning.
Pressure washing is an effective solution that cleans worn exterior surfaces with less time and effort than hand scrubbing, giving them a like-new appearance.
The intense water pressure removes stubborn stains and loosens deeper stains from the crevices of wood or vinyl, leaving you with a refreshed surface ready for a new stain or sealer.
In addition to the aesthetic benefits, pressure washing your deck or fence provides important maintenance that will prolong its life by preventing rot and decay.
Main reasons for Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Removes surface dirt and debris such as pollen, leaves and soil
Removes mold and mildew caused by damp weather
Removes food stains such as grease, oil and wine
Refreshes faded color caused by sunlight
Prepares the surface for a new protective coating
Top reasons to pressure wash vinyl fences
Removes chalky oxidation and UV damage
Removes exhaust fumes, rust stains and dirt
Removes mildew deposits
Restores vivid colors hidden under dirt and grime
Makes the vinyl fence look new
Preparing to clean your Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Careful preparation is crucial for effective and safe cleaning with a pressure washer. Depending on your exterior structure and the degree of soiling, you'll need to do the following:
Evaluate the material of the deck
Before cleaning, determine what material your deck or fence is made of, as some materials have special requirements:
Wood: teak, cedar, pine, redwood, composite
PVC vinyl
Wood and vinyl can usually tolerate pressure washing, but you should be careful with softer woods and use lower pressure. Masonry may need chemical cleaners to avoid burns.
Check for existing damage
Check for cracked boards, wraps, chips, loose nails/screws or other defects that may be aggravated by pressure washing. For best results, make minor repairs first.
Remove surface debris before Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Remove everything on top of the deck, e.g., deck furniture, flower pots, rugs, and toys. In the case of fences, remove vegetation and other objects leaning against the fence. Removing obstacles allows for systematic cleaning.
Cover nearby areas Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Protect areas around the pressure washer with tarps and tarpaulins that you support with weights. This will prevent water spray from causing damage.  Also cover exterior walls and windows if you are working near the house. Consider using covers such as plastic tarps if you want to contain water mist over a wide area
Get the necessary pressure washer equipment
Cleaning is much easier with the right equipment:
Pressure washer: gas or electric
Nozzles: different spray nozzles for different tasks
Extensions: extensions for hard-to-reach areas
Cleaner: pressure washer concentrate for patios or fences
Broom: for surface pre-cleaning
Garden hose: for rinsing
Scrub brush: for spot cleaning
Protective equipment: at least safety goggles and gloves
Choosing the right pressure washer
Pressure washers are available in both electric and gas models. Choosing the best appliance for cleaning yards and fences depends on several factors.
Gas vs. electric pressure washers
Gas-powered pressure washers generate higher water pressure due to their powerful engines. They are best suited for larger cleaning jobs. However, they produce loud noises and exhaust fumes. They are also less mobile due to the weight of the engine and fuel.
Electric pressure washers plug into a standard electrical outlet. They have smaller motors that produce less pressure and are suitable for medium-intensity cleaning jobs, such as fences or patios. Electric models are much quieter, more environmentally friendly and easier to transport than gas units. Just make sure your circuit amperage allows for it.
Gas pressure washerElectric pressure washerPowerMore powerfulLess powerfulNoise levelNoisierQuieterPortabilityHeavier appliancesLighter appliancesEmit exhaust gasesEmits exhaust gasesDoes not emit exhaust gases
PSI and GPM requirements for yard and fence cleaning PSI (pounds per square inch) measures the intensity of the water pressure supplied
PSI(pounds per square inch) measures the intensity of the water pressure delivered. Higher PSI means higher cleaning power. Most power washers produce 1300 to 1800 PSI, while gas models reach 2000 to 4000 PSI.
GPM (gallons per minute) indicates the volume of water flow, the more gallons per minute moved, the faster larger areas are cleaned.
An average garden hose has a pressure of about 40 PSI. Pressure washers used for decks typically have a pressure of 1300 to 3000 PSI, while fences only require 500 to 2000 PSI. Exceeding the material limits risks chipping wood or shredding vinyl.
The following are general guidelines for cleaning decks and fences:
SurfacePressure (PSI)Volume (GPM)Wood decks1800 – 30002.5+ GPMVinyl Fencing1200 – 20001.2+ GPMConcrete2500 – 4000+3-4+ GPM
Nozzle Selection for Different Cleaning Tasks
Pressure washers use quick-connect nozzles to provide different water jet patterns that are optimal for different applications. Choosing the right nozzle increases cleaning efficiency and reduces the risk of surface damage.
Nozzle TypeWater jetCleaning tasks0.5″ pencil tipNarrow jetPaint or stain removal, stubborn soiling15″Fan jetGeneral cleaning of large surfaces25″Wide fan jetCleaning of delicate surfaces such as wood decks40″Flood blastingApplication of cleaning or rinsing solutions
Rotating nozzles also provide a wide spray area in a concentrated zero-degree stream when rotating continuously, allowing larger areas to be cleaned more quickly.
Some pressure washers also have special soap nozzles, so having a range of nozzles on hand can streamline cleaning tasks.
Preparing for safe and effective cleaning by Power Wash wood decks
Once you have all the necessary cleaning products, carefully prepare the work area:
Work in manageable sections
Don't try to wash the entire yard or long sections of fence at once. Break it up into smaller, systematic sections to allow for effective cleaning from top to bottom. By working in sections, you can reduce drying time (to avoid potential mold and mildew and check each area to make sure no dirt or chemicals remain.
Start with a low-pressure pre-wash
Before scrubbing with detergents, first rinse the entire surface with clean water. This will wet the material and loosen loose dirt, making cleaning easier. Use a wide fan nozzle with an angle of about 40 degrees and a low spray pressure of 1100 PSI.
Methodical Washing
Repeated up and down passes over each section using a nozzle with a suitable angle, gradually increasing the pressure intensity to between 1000 and 2500 PSI depending on the surface and level of soiling. Overlap the strips a few inches to make sure you don't skip any areas. Change nozzles routinely for different needs.
Maintain the correct distance
If you place the nozzle too close or too far away, cleaning performance will be compromised. 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) distance usually provides the best results. If you notice damage, increase the distance between the nozzle and the surface.
Allow to dry between passes
Allow surfaces to dry for 15 to 20 minutes between rinses. This will prevent moisture from being trapped beneath the surface, which can cause warping or discolouration. Proper drying also prevents the formation of mold and mildew.
Applying protective coatings
When the deck or fence appears clean after the final rinse, allow 24 to 48 hours to dry completely before applying a protective sealer or stain. This will allow any remaining moisture to evaporate and the coating to adhere well.
Safety tips for Power Wash wood decks
While pressure washers are extremely useful, they also pose certain hazards due to exposure to pressurized water, electricity in wet areas and chemicals. Follow these precautions:
Wear protective equipment
At a minimum, always wear ANSI-approved safety glasses and rubber gloves. Waterproof boots and clothing provide additional protection from standing water. Face masks also limit the inhalation of atomized droplets.
Make sure you have a safe foothold
Set up ramps or work from ladders to clean fences safely. Choose a dry, flat surface that offers good traction. Mark smooth areas with high-visibility tape. Take regular breaks, as power washing requires repetitive arm movements that can cause fatigue.
Proper handling of power cords
Use grounded extension cords for outdoor use to avoid tripping hazards and short circuits. Keep cords away from standing water and check periodically for damage.
Be careful on elevated surfaces
Avoid leaning too far over railings when washing from high terraces or balconies. Move slowly and make sure you have a safe foothold. Consider hiring a professional for multi-story jobs.
Follow chemical safety guidelines for Power Wash wood decks
Keep cleaning chemicals in a safe place and out of reach of pets and children. Check product labels and dilute concentrates properly before use. Rinse surfaces thoroughly after washing to remove all soap residue.
After Power Wash wood decks: finishing and maintenance
Proper execution of your cleaning project will ensure a great end result and lasting surface appeal.
Wood deck sealer application
Apply two thin, even coats of a high-quality penetrating sealer to the entire deck surface. This will condition the wood and provide waterproof protection against future weathering and wear. Popular choices include stains, paints or natural clear oils. Always test the product's compatibility with wood debris first.
Checking and touching up the final appearance
Check for any remaining stains and clean them by hand, sanding or lightly repairing if necessary. Finally, clean off any dust. For fencing, straighten bent vinyl slats and fix loose pieces.
Clean equipment and work area
Properly dispose of used soap containers following local regulations. Clean the work site by picking up tarps and brushing/blowing down surrounding plants, walkways and walls. Empty, clean and safely store the pressure washer.
Determine maintenance frequency
To maintain cleanliness longer after pressure washing, typical Power Wash wood decks need to be cleaned every 6 to 12 months.
More durable vinyl fences only need to be washed every 2 to 3 years. An annual light cleaning of the surface without chemicals is also sufficient for ease of maintenance.
Signs that it's time for a new cleaning
Recognize when your deck or fence needs a facelift with a pressure washer. Warning signs include visible dark spots of mildew, excessive chalky oxidation on the vinyl, heavy soiling that makes the surface slippery or dull, and green algae buildup. Catch the buildup early and the surface will stay new longer.
Prevent mildew between washes
To prevent mildew between full washes, regularly sweep away debris, such as leaves, that interferes with drying. use a leaf blower to clean fences. also spray surfaces with a mildew remover or weak bleach solution if you notice dark spots. allow the surface to dry completely. consider using fans or dehumidifiers after wet weather.
Frequently asked questions about Power Wash wood decks
Cleaning experts and professionals receive many frequently asked questions about pressure washing, including:
should I rent or buy my own pressure washer for my yard/fence project?
Renting allows you to try the equipment without a large upfront cost, but frequent rentals over the years will cost you more in the long run than buying your own. Buy basic electric models for less than $150.
is it better to do it yourself or hire a professional for cleaning?
Do-it-yourself is fine for simple small decks if you are careful about heavy spraying, but for large/elevated decks or long multi-piece fences, it is better to have professionals do the job with commercial equipment.
what pressure is safe so I don't damage my wood deck or vinyl fence?
Vinyl fences require a maximum of 500-2000 PSI, depending on the level of stain. For softwoods, start with 1000 PSI and then gradually increase to 1500-2500 PSI if necessary. Too much pressure will cause splintering.
how can I prevent my wood decking from quickly turning moldy again after pressure washing?
After the pressure-washed decking has completely dried for 2 days, you should apply a high-quality sealer/varnish that is rated mold resistant, sweep up any organic residue regularly and spray an antifungal agent between washes at the first sign of mold growth.
If you still have questions about pressure washing your exterior, contact  484-881-2713
Read more here https://marketing-tutor.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-power-washing-decks-and-fences/
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theblackconfederacy · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to Power Wash wood decks and Fences
A Beginner Guide to Pressure Washing Wood Decks and Fences
Pressure washing is an extremely effective way to clean and restore the appearance of exterior surfaces such as Power Wash wood decks and Fences. When done right, this intense pressure washing can remove years of accumulated dirt, grime, mold and mildew and make the underlying material look new again.
A Brief Definition of Power Wash Wood Decks and Fences
Pressure washing involves the use of a specialized pressure washer and nozzle attachments that deliver an intense jet of water. This concentrated jet, which can be 30 to 80 times more powerful than a normal garden hose, cleans surfaces by forcibly removing contaminants.
why clean wood decking and vinyl fencing with a pressure washer?
Over time, wood decking and fencing become soiled with dirt, pollen, grime, mold, mildew, spilt food and drink, etc. These stubborn deposits can penetrate deep into the microscopic pores of the material and are difficult to remove with conventional cleaning.
Pressure washing is an effective solution that cleans worn exterior surfaces with less time and effort than hand scrubbing, giving them a like-new appearance.
The intense water pressure removes stubborn stains and loosens deeper stains from the crevices of wood or vinyl, leaving you with a refreshed surface ready for a new stain or sealer.
In addition to the aesthetic benefits, pressure washing your deck or fence provides important maintenance that will prolong its life by preventing rot and decay.
Main reasons for Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Removes surface dirt and debris such as pollen, leaves and soil
Removes mold and mildew caused by damp weather
Removes food stains such as grease, oil and wine
Refreshes faded color caused by sunlight
Prepares the surface for a new protective coating
Top reasons to pressure wash vinyl fences
Removes chalky oxidation and UV damage
Removes exhaust fumes, rust stains and dirt
Removes mildew deposits
Restores vivid colors hidden under dirt and grime
Makes the vinyl fence look new
Preparing to clean your Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Careful preparation is crucial for effective and safe cleaning with a pressure washer. Depending on your exterior structure and the degree of soiling, you'll need to do the following:
Evaluate the material of the deck
Before cleaning, determine what material your deck or fence is made of, as some materials have special requirements:
Wood: teak, cedar, pine, redwood, composite
PVC vinyl
Wood and vinyl can usually tolerate pressure washing, but you should be careful with softer woods and use lower pressure. Masonry may need chemical cleaners to avoid burns.
Check for existing damage
Check for cracked boards, wraps, chips, loose nails/screws or other defects that may be aggravated by pressure washing. For best results, make minor repairs first.
Remove surface debris before Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Remove everything on top of the deck, e.g., deck furniture, flower pots, rugs, and toys. In the case of fences, remove vegetation and other objects leaning against the fence. Removing obstacles allows for systematic cleaning.
Cover nearby areas Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Protect areas around the pressure washer with tarps and tarpaulins that you support with weights. This will prevent water spray from causing damage.  Also cover exterior walls and windows if you are working near the house. Consider using covers such as plastic tarps if you want to contain water mist over a wide area
Get the necessary pressure washer equipment
Cleaning is much easier with the right equipment:
Pressure washer: gas or electric
Nozzles: different spray nozzles for different tasks
Extensions: extensions for hard-to-reach areas
Cleaner: pressure washer concentrate for patios or fences
Broom: for surface pre-cleaning
Garden hose: for rinsing
Scrub brush: for spot cleaning
Protective equipment: at least safety goggles and gloves
Choosing the right pressure washer
Pressure washers are available in both electric and gas models. Choosing the best appliance for cleaning yards and fences depends on several factors.
Gas vs. electric pressure washers
Gas-powered pressure washers generate higher water pressure due to their powerful engines. They are best suited for larger cleaning jobs. However, they produce loud noises and exhaust fumes. They are also less mobile due to the weight of the engine and fuel.
Electric pressure washers plug into a standard electrical outlet. They have smaller motors that produce less pressure and are suitable for medium-intensity cleaning jobs, such as fences or patios. Electric models are much quieter, more environmentally friendly and easier to transport than gas units. Just make sure your circuit amperage allows for it.
Gas pressure washerElectric pressure washerPowerMore powerfulLess powerfulNoise levelNoisierQuieterPortabilityHeavier appliancesLighter appliancesEmit exhaust gasesEmits exhaust gasesDoes not emit exhaust gases
PSI and GPM requirements for yard and fence cleaning PSI (pounds per square inch) measures the intensity of the water pressure supplied
PSI(pounds per square inch) measures the intensity of the water pressure delivered. Higher PSI means higher cleaning power. Most power washers produce 1300 to 1800 PSI, while gas models reach 2000 to 4000 PSI.
GPM (gallons per minute) indicates the volume of water flow, the more gallons per minute moved, the faster larger areas are cleaned.
An average garden hose has a pressure of about 40 PSI. Pressure washers used for decks typically have a pressure of 1300 to 3000 PSI, while fences only require 500 to 2000 PSI. Exceeding the material limits risks chipping wood or shredding vinyl.
The following are general guidelines for cleaning decks and fences:
SurfacePressure (PSI)Volume (GPM)Wood decks1800 – 30002.5+ GPMVinyl Fencing1200 – 20001.2+ GPMConcrete2500 – 4000+3-4+ GPM
Nozzle Selection for Different Cleaning Tasks
Pressure washers use quick-connect nozzles to provide different water jet patterns that are optimal for different applications. Choosing the right nozzle increases cleaning efficiency and reduces the risk of surface damage.
Nozzle TypeWater jetCleaning tasks0.5″ pencil tipNarrow jetPaint or stain removal, stubborn soiling15″Fan jetGeneral cleaning of large surfaces25″Wide fan jetCleaning of delicate surfaces such as wood decks40″Flood blastingApplication of cleaning or rinsing solutions
Rotating nozzles also provide a wide spray area in a concentrated zero-degree stream when rotating continuously, allowing larger areas to be cleaned more quickly.
Some pressure washers also have special soap nozzles, so having a range of nozzles on hand can streamline cleaning tasks.
Preparing for safe and effective cleaning by Power Wash wood decks
Once you have all the necessary cleaning products, carefully prepare the work area:
Work in manageable sections
Don't try to wash the entire yard or long sections of fence at once. Break it up into smaller, systematic sections to allow for effective cleaning from top to bottom. By working in sections, you can reduce drying time (to avoid potential mold and mildew and check each area to make sure no dirt or chemicals remain.
Start with a low-pressure pre-wash
Before scrubbing with detergents, first rinse the entire surface with clean water. This will wet the material and loosen loose dirt, making cleaning easier. Use a wide fan nozzle with an angle of about 40 degrees and a low spray pressure of 1100 PSI.
Methodical Washing
Repeated up and down passes over each section using a nozzle with a suitable angle, gradually increasing the pressure intensity to between 1000 and 2500 PSI depending on the surface and level of soiling. Overlap the strips a few inches to make sure you don't skip any areas. Change nozzles routinely for different needs.
Maintain the correct distance
If you place the nozzle too close or too far away, cleaning performance will be compromised. 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) distance usually provides the best results. If you notice damage, increase the distance between the nozzle and the surface.
Allow to dry between passes
Allow surfaces to dry for 15 to 20 minutes between rinses. This will prevent moisture from being trapped beneath the surface, which can cause warping or discolouration. Proper drying also prevents the formation of mold and mildew.
Applying protective coatings
When the deck or fence appears clean after the final rinse, allow 24 to 48 hours to dry completely before applying a protective sealer or stain. This will allow any remaining moisture to evaporate and the coating to adhere well.
Safety tips for Power Wash wood decks
While pressure washers are extremely useful, they also pose certain hazards due to exposure to pressurized water, electricity in wet areas and chemicals. Follow these precautions:
Wear protective equipment
At a minimum, always wear ANSI-approved safety glasses and rubber gloves. Waterproof boots and clothing provide additional protection from standing water. Face masks also limit the inhalation of atomized droplets.
Make sure you have a safe foothold
Set up ramps or work from ladders to clean fences safely. Choose a dry, flat surface that offers good traction. Mark smooth areas with high-visibility tape. Take regular breaks, as power washing requires repetitive arm movements that can cause fatigue.
Proper handling of power cords
Use grounded extension cords for outdoor use to avoid tripping hazards and short circuits. Keep cords away from standing water and check periodically for damage.
Be careful on elevated surfaces
Avoid leaning too far over railings when washing from high terraces or balconies. Move slowly and make sure you have a safe foothold. Consider hiring a professional for multi-story jobs.
Follow chemical safety guidelines for Power Wash wood decks
Keep cleaning chemicals in a safe place and out of reach of pets and children. Check product labels and dilute concentrates properly before use. Rinse surfaces thoroughly after washing to remove all soap residue.
After Power Wash wood decks: finishing and maintenance
Proper execution of your cleaning project will ensure a great end result and lasting surface appeal.
Wood deck sealer application
Apply two thin, even coats of a high-quality penetrating sealer to the entire deck surface. This will condition the wood and provide waterproof protection against future weathering and wear. Popular choices include stains, paints or natural clear oils. Always test the product's compatibility with wood debris first.
Checking and touching up the final appearance
Check for any remaining stains and clean them by hand, sanding or lightly repairing if necessary. Finally, clean off any dust. For fencing, straighten bent vinyl slats and fix loose pieces.
Clean equipment and work area
Properly dispose of used soap containers following local regulations. Clean the work site by picking up tarps and brushing/blowing down surrounding plants, walkways and walls. Empty, clean and safely store the pressure washer.
Determine maintenance frequency
To maintain cleanliness longer after pressure washing, typical Power Wash wood decks need to be cleaned every 6 to 12 months.
More durable vinyl fences only need to be washed every 2 to 3 years. An annual light cleaning of the surface without chemicals is also sufficient for ease of maintenance.
Signs that it's time for a new cleaning
Recognize when your deck or fence needs a facelift with a pressure washer. Warning signs include visible dark spots of mildew, excessive chalky oxidation on the vinyl, heavy soiling that makes the surface slippery or dull, and green algae buildup. Catch the buildup early and the surface will stay new longer.
Prevent mildew between washes
To prevent mildew between full washes, regularly sweep away debris, such as leaves, that interferes with drying. use a leaf blower to clean fences. also spray surfaces with a mildew remover or weak bleach solution if you notice dark spots. allow the surface to dry completely. consider using fans or dehumidifiers after wet weather.
Frequently asked questions about Power Wash wood decks
Cleaning experts and professionals receive many frequently asked questions about pressure washing, including:
should I rent or buy my own pressure washer for my yard/fence project?
Renting allows you to try the equipment without a large upfront cost, but frequent rentals over the years will cost you more in the long run than buying your own. Buy basic electric models for less than $150.
is it better to do it yourself or hire a professional for cleaning?
Do-it-yourself is fine for simple small decks if you are careful about heavy spraying, but for large/elevated decks or long multi-piece fences, it is better to have professionals do the job with commercial equipment.
what pressure is safe so I don't damage my wood deck or vinyl fence?
Vinyl fences require a maximum of 500-2000 PSI, depending on the level of stain. For softwoods, start with 1000 PSI and then gradually increase to 1500-2500 PSI if necessary. Too much pressure will cause splintering.
how can I prevent my wood decking from quickly turning moldy again after pressure washing?
After the pressure-washed decking has completely dried for 2 days, you should apply a high-quality sealer/varnish that is rated mold resistant, sweep up any organic residue regularly and spray an antifungal agent between washes at the first sign of mold growth.
If you still have questions about pressure washing your exterior, contact  484-881-2713
Read more here https://marketing-tutor.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-power-washing-decks-and-fences/
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psychoheu · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Power Wash wood decks and Fences
A Beginner Guide to Pressure Washing Wood Decks and Fences
Pressure washing is an extremely effective way to clean and restore the appearance of exterior surfaces such as Power Wash wood decks and Fences. When done right, this intense pressure washing can remove years of accumulated dirt, grime, mold and mildew and make the underlying material look new again.
A Brief Definition of Power Wash Wood Decks and Fences
Pressure washing involves the use of a specialized pressure washer and nozzle attachments that deliver an intense jet of water. This concentrated jet, which can be 30 to 80 times more powerful than a normal garden hose, cleans surfaces by forcibly removing contaminants.
why clean wood decking and vinyl fencing with a pressure washer?
Over time, wood decking and fencing become soiled with dirt, pollen, grime, mold, mildew, spilt food and drink, etc. These stubborn deposits can penetrate deep into the microscopic pores of the material and are difficult to remove with conventional cleaning.
Pressure washing is an effective solution that cleans worn exterior surfaces with less time and effort than hand scrubbing, giving them a like-new appearance.
The intense water pressure removes stubborn stains and loosens deeper stains from the crevices of wood or vinyl, leaving you with a refreshed surface ready for a new stain or sealer.
In addition to the aesthetic benefits, pressure washing your deck or fence provides important maintenance that will prolong its life by preventing rot and decay.
Main reasons for Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Removes surface dirt and debris such as pollen, leaves and soil
Removes mold and mildew caused by damp weather
Removes food stains such as grease, oil and wine
Refreshes faded color caused by sunlight
Prepares the surface for a new protective coating
Top reasons to pressure wash vinyl fences
Removes chalky oxidation and UV damage
Removes exhaust fumes, rust stains and dirt
Removes mildew deposits
Restores vivid colors hidden under dirt and grime
Makes the vinyl fence look new
Preparing to clean your Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Careful preparation is crucial for effective and safe cleaning with a pressure washer. Depending on your exterior structure and the degree of soiling, you'll need to do the following:
Evaluate the material of the deck
Before cleaning, determine what material your deck or fence is made of, as some materials have special requirements:
Wood: teak, cedar, pine, redwood, composite
PVC vinyl
Wood and vinyl can usually tolerate pressure washing, but you should be careful with softer woods and use lower pressure. Masonry may need chemical cleaners to avoid burns.
Check for existing damage
Check for cracked boards, wraps, chips, loose nails/screws or other defects that may be aggravated by pressure washing. For best results, make minor repairs first.
Remove surface debris before Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Remove everything on top of the deck, e.g., deck furniture, flower pots, rugs, and toys. In the case of fences, remove vegetation and other objects leaning against the fence. Removing obstacles allows for systematic cleaning.
Cover nearby areas Power Wash wood decks and Fences
Protect areas around the pressure washer with tarps and tarpaulins that you support with weights. This will prevent water spray from causing damage.  Also cover exterior walls and windows if you are working near the house. Consider using covers such as plastic tarps if you want to contain water mist over a wide area
Get the necessary pressure washer equipment
Cleaning is much easier with the right equipment:
Pressure washer: gas or electric
Nozzles: different spray nozzles for different tasks
Extensions: extensions for hard-to-reach areas
Cleaner: pressure washer concentrate for patios or fences
Broom: for surface pre-cleaning
Garden hose: for rinsing
Scrub brush: for spot cleaning
Protective equipment: at least safety goggles and gloves
Choosing the right pressure washer
Pressure washers are available in both electric and gas models. Choosing the best appliance for cleaning yards and fences depends on several factors.
Gas vs. electric pressure washers
Gas-powered pressure washers generate higher water pressure due to their powerful engines. They are best suited for larger cleaning jobs. However, they produce loud noises and exhaust fumes. They are also less mobile due to the weight of the engine and fuel.
Electric pressure washers plug into a standard electrical outlet. They have smaller motors that produce less pressure and are suitable for medium-intensity cleaning jobs, such as fences or patios. Electric models are much quieter, more environmentally friendly and easier to transport than gas units. Just make sure your circuit amperage allows for it.
Gas pressure washerElectric pressure washerPowerMore powerfulLess powerfulNoise levelNoisierQuieterPortabilityHeavier appliancesLighter appliancesEmit exhaust gasesEmits exhaust gasesDoes not emit exhaust gases
PSI and GPM requirements for yard and fence cleaning PSI (pounds per square inch) measures the intensity of the water pressure supplied
PSI(pounds per square inch) measures the intensity of the water pressure delivered. Higher PSI means higher cleaning power. Most power washers produce 1300 to 1800 PSI, while gas models reach 2000 to 4000 PSI.
GPM (gallons per minute) indicates the volume of water flow, the more gallons per minute moved, the faster larger areas are cleaned.
An average garden hose has a pressure of about 40 PSI. Pressure washers used for decks typically have a pressure of 1300 to 3000 PSI, while fences only require 500 to 2000 PSI. Exceeding the material limits risks chipping wood or shredding vinyl.
The following are general guidelines for cleaning decks and fences:
SurfacePressure (PSI)Volume (GPM)Wood decks1800 – 30002.5+ GPMVinyl Fencing1200 – 20001.2+ GPMConcrete2500 – 4000+3-4+ GPM
Nozzle Selection for Different Cleaning Tasks
Pressure washers use quick-connect nozzles to provide different water jet patterns that are optimal for different applications. Choosing the right nozzle increases cleaning efficiency and reduces the risk of surface damage.
Nozzle TypeWater jetCleaning tasks0.5″ pencil tipNarrow jetPaint or stain removal, stubborn soiling15″Fan jetGeneral cleaning of large surfaces25���Wide fan jetCleaning of delicate surfaces such as wood decks40″Flood blastingApplication of cleaning or rinsing solutions
Rotating nozzles also provide a wide spray area in a concentrated zero-degree stream when rotating continuously, allowing larger areas to be cleaned more quickly.
Some pressure washers also have special soap nozzles, so having a range of nozzles on hand can streamline cleaning tasks.
Preparing for safe and effective cleaning by Power Wash wood decks
Once you have all the necessary cleaning products, carefully prepare the work area:
Work in manageable sections
Don't try to wash the entire yard or long sections of fence at once. Break it up into smaller, systematic sections to allow for effective cleaning from top to bottom. By working in sections, you can reduce drying time (to avoid potential mold and mildew and check each area to make sure no dirt or chemicals remain.
Start with a low-pressure pre-wash
Before scrubbing with detergents, first rinse the entire surface with clean water. This will wet the material and loosen loose dirt, making cleaning easier. Use a wide fan nozzle with an angle of about 40 degrees and a low spray pressure of 1100 PSI.
Methodical Washing
Repeated up and down passes over each section using a nozzle with a suitable angle, gradually increasing the pressure intensity to between 1000 and 2500 PSI depending on the surface and level of soiling. Overlap the strips a few inches to make sure you don't skip any areas. Change nozzles routinely for different needs.
Maintain the correct distance
If you place the nozzle too close or too far away, cleaning performance will be compromised. 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) distance usually provides the best results. If you notice damage, increase the distance between the nozzle and the surface.
Allow to dry between passes
Allow surfaces to dry for 15 to 20 minutes between rinses. This will prevent moisture from being trapped beneath the surface, which can cause warping or discolouration. Proper drying also prevents the formation of mold and mildew.
Applying protective coatings
When the deck or fence appears clean after the final rinse, allow 24 to 48 hours to dry completely before applying a protective sealer or stain. This will allow any remaining moisture to evaporate and the coating to adhere well.
Safety tips for Power Wash wood decks
While pressure washers are extremely useful, they also pose certain hazards due to exposure to pressurized water, electricity in wet areas and chemicals. Follow these precautions:
Wear protective equipment
At a minimum, always wear ANSI-approved safety glasses and rubber gloves. Waterproof boots and clothing provide additional protection from standing water. Face masks also limit the inhalation of atomized droplets.
Make sure you have a safe foothold
Set up ramps or work from ladders to clean fences safely. Choose a dry, flat surface that offers good traction. Mark smooth areas with high-visibility tape. Take regular breaks, as power washing requires repetitive arm movements that can cause fatigue.
Proper handling of power cords
Use grounded extension cords for outdoor use to avoid tripping hazards and short circuits. Keep cords away from standing water and check periodically for damage.
Be careful on elevated surfaces
Avoid leaning too far over railings when washing from high terraces or balconies. Move slowly and make sure you have a safe foothold. Consider hiring a professional for multi-story jobs.
Follow chemical safety guidelines for Power Wash wood decks
Keep cleaning chemicals in a safe place and out of reach of pets and children. Check product labels and dilute concentrates properly before use. Rinse surfaces thoroughly after washing to remove all soap residue.
After Power Wash wood decks: finishing and maintenance
Proper execution of your cleaning project will ensure a great end result and lasting surface appeal.
Wood deck sealer application
Apply two thin, even coats of a high-quality penetrating sealer to the entire deck surface. This will condition the wood and provide waterproof protection against future weathering and wear. Popular choices include stains, paints or natural clear oils. Always test the product's compatibility with wood debris first.
Checking and touching up the final appearance
Check for any remaining stains and clean them by hand, sanding or lightly repairing if necessary. Finally, clean off any dust. For fencing, straighten bent vinyl slats and fix loose pieces.
Clean equipment and work area
Properly dispose of used soap containers following local regulations. Clean the work site by picking up tarps and brushing/blowing down surrounding plants, walkways and walls. Empty, clean and safely store the pressure washer.
Determine maintenance frequency
To maintain cleanliness longer after pressure washing, typical Power Wash wood decks need to be cleaned every 6 to 12 months.
More durable vinyl fences only need to be washed every 2 to 3 years. An annual light cleaning of the surface without chemicals is also sufficient for ease of maintenance.
Signs that it's time for a new cleaning
Recognize when your deck or fence needs a facelift with a pressure washer. Warning signs include visible dark spots of mildew, excessive chalky oxidation on the vinyl, heavy soiling that makes the surface slippery or dull, and green algae buildup. Catch the buildup early and the surface will stay new longer.
Prevent mildew between washes
To prevent mildew between full washes, regularly sweep away debris, such as leaves, that interferes with drying. use a leaf blower to clean fences. also spray surfaces with a mildew remover or weak bleach solution if you notice dark spots. allow the surface to dry completely. consider using fans or dehumidifiers after wet weather.
Frequently asked questions about Power Wash wood decks
Cleaning experts and professionals receive many frequently asked questions about pressure washing, including:
should I rent or buy my own pressure washer for my yard/fence project?
Renting allows you to try the equipment without a large upfront cost, but frequent rentals over the years will cost you more in the long run than buying your own. Buy basic electric models for less than $150.
is it better to do it yourself or hire a professional for cleaning?
Do-it-yourself is fine for simple small decks if you are careful about heavy spraying, but for large/elevated decks or long multi-piece fences, it is better to have professionals do the job with commercial equipment.
what pressure is safe so I don't damage my wood deck or vinyl fence?
Vinyl fences require a maximum of 500-2000 PSI, depending on the level of stain. For softwoods, start with 1000 PSI and then gradually increase to 1500-2500 PSI if necessary. Too much pressure will cause splintering.
how can I prevent my wood decking from quickly turning moldy again after pressure washing?
After the pressure-washed decking has completely dried for 2 days, you should apply a high-quality sealer/varnish that is rated mold resistant, sweep up any organic residue regularly and spray an antifungal agent between washes at the first sign of mold growth.
If you still have questions about pressure washing your exterior, contact  484-881-2713
Read more here https://marketing-tutor.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-power-washing-decks-and-fences/
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