#tarquin x oc
littlest-w01f · 7 months
Siren song
Tarquin x Siren!OC (Euphonia)
Summary: When Tarquin hears a soft voice singing to him from the ocean, he follows, someone saves him.
Cw: Sirens (ig, the scary kind, nothing too descriptive)
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part one - part two - part three
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There were stories that the Summer Court Fae told their faelings, stay inside, or a siren might eat you alive. No one had seen a siren before, just heard in fae tales, how they would enchant you with a simple song, and they would decide whether to kill you or make you fall in love with them. No matter what they chose to do, you would never return to land again.
Tarquin stood by the shores of the ocean, inhaling the scent of the salty sea water, the 25-year-old heir had just hit another stage of growth, the beast inside him had grown, and a voice had grown in his alongside his beast form.
In recent weeks, there had been news, that many Fae fishermales lost their lives while out in the dark, and Tarquin had sneaked away from his home in the castle since his parents still had a curfew for the male, he had simply wanted to rebel.
But it was a big mistake, he realised too late when a soft voice of singing echoed through the seas, Tarquin's breathing hitched, trying to fight the urge to dive into the water, the song called to him, made him want to find the owner of the soft voice calling to him, he needed to get in the water, and he did. He dove in, his clothes instantly drenched in water, holding his breath as the Heir of Summer swam deeper.
He lost the last of his control over his body when he entered the sea, his eyes hazy with loss of control as he swam to the echo of the voice, trying to find the source of it. He was in control of the song, mind a shell for a Siren to control.
He had been foolish, he should've stayed home, but here he was, in the depths of the water, he swam in between some corals, his head moving around to try to find the Siren calling him.
Come to me... Find me... Come to me...
Tarquin's open white hair flowed around in a mess under the water, and his deep brown skin seemed lifeless under the musical voice. The song seemed to draw life out of him.
Find me... I call to you...
He looked around in the depths he had found himself in, everything was too dark for him to see, just he would hear the sing louder, like a lore on him, helplessly pulling him in.
He finally found the source of the voice, a long, scaly, colourful tail, leading to the face of a monster, a siren stood near him, but his mind was too empty to care as he got closer, the Siren stopped singing the second she saw him, Tarquin had stopped swimming to her, floating with his mind still in a haze.
The siren smirked, gills on her slender neck, breathing through them, and then she started to sing again, a different song, a song just as hypnotic.
Stay with me... Forget your land... Leave your land above...
Her voice sang again and the shade of Tarquin's eyes, his body was betraying him, feeling lust for the siren that floated in front of him, trying to get closer to the Heir.
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"Princess!" The panicked voice of Euphonia's guard came up to the cave she was in, combing her hair with a seashell, her hair the colour of her eyes and scales, "Princess, your sister is singing again, she's caught a High Fae."
Her eyes were wide, "What?" She gasped, her face outside the water more Fae than Siren, while the part of her that was in the water was pure Siren, "Does she not remeber this is the third time this week!" She was outraged, sure that her sister would cause a wave of concern with how often she had killed Fae, she might make the Fae wish to kill them, no matter how powerful they were.
She was cursing her half-sister as she submerged herself in the water, speeding fast through the water, stilling at the song she was singing, who was it...? She thought, that her sister would sing a love song to.
When she was in the water, her gills opened up in her neck, her pointed Fae eyes rounding in the water, her long tail making her move faster than normal sea creatures, she scouted the place for her sister, and soon her eyes landed on the male that her sister had coiled up in her tail, leaning closer to kiss him.
Euphonia growled, flashing fast between them, uncoiling the male out of her sister's clutches, and shoving her sister back, "Are you crazy, Ariadne?"
"Oh," Ariadne was uncaring, rolling her eyes, "Here comes the buzzkill..."
Before Euphonia could tell her sister off her eyes landed on the male floating down, his body nothing more than an empty shell. She swam down, her eyes wide seeing the clothes the male was wearing, the royal Court emblem on it, the male was a royal, an Heir.
It made sense now, her sister had caught the Heir of Summer in her net, hence the love song. Her sister had wanted the male, and the thought disgusted her, the thoughts of what the Siren half of her species did to those who lived on land, she wrapped her arms around the male, bringing him closer, and her mind raced as she thought of a way to break the spell.
There was only one way to break the spell, that she knew, she pulled the Heir in, not quite kissing him as she pressed their lips together and shoved her long tongue down his throat as if drinking him free of the poison that was the curse.
Tarquin gasped awake under the water, his colour returning to his skin, his hair slightly brighter, his eyes wide looking at Euphonia when he panicked, unable to breathe underwater, trying to call onto the young beast that was still growing inside of him, hoping for its help.
Euphonia shushed him, kissing him properly, cringing at herself as she did, when she pulled back Tarquin could breathe. Euphonia glared at her sister before she gripped his sides, and before Tarquin could question anything, she carried him away.
Euphonia soon reached the shore with Tarquin in her arms, resting him on the side of the sand, Tarquin was confused by the happenings, from the speed she swam, he had gotten lightheaded, and the last thing he remembered before being kissed was standing by the shore where the Siren that held him now had set him on.
"Please forget me," She covered his eyes, "Oh, by the Cauldran I hope you don't remember a thing." She sighed, not letting him see how she looked out of water, before spinning to dive back in, speeding away.
But Tarquin would remember, he would not forget her, the Siren that had claimed him, to save him from another, the female in the form of a sea monster that had let him live. He felt her splash water on him by the final flap of her tail, smiling to himself.
Sirens were real, just as dangerous as they were real, but not all of them were hurtful, some cared, just like the one that had brought him out of the trance the siren song had put him under. Tarquin exhaled and passed out from exhaustion.
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{General taglist: @nox-ceur}
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headfulloflettuce · 3 months
Fandoms I write for:
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian:
“I am going to become a fae.” “You what?!” “Not for real of course.” Cosette smiled, turning to look at Ophelia, “I am going to fake it.” “By the Mother you’re an idiot.”
Cosette expected a nice relaxing evening eating teriyaki chicken after a long day of grueling work. What she did not expect was to get human trafficked and sent on a fetch quest to try and escape Prythian. Were ACOTAR's characters always such jerks?
Chapter 1: Do You Have Teriyaki Chicken Wings?
Chapter 2: Bird in a Cage
Chapter 3: It Was in Fact Not Fine
Chapter 4: The New Routine
Chapter 5: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire
Chapter 6: Friends in Dark Places
Chapter 7: A Warm Blanket
Chapter 8: The Hunt
Chapter 9: Happy Birthday Fern!
Chapter 10: Get Me the Hell Out of Here
Chapter 11: Up-And-Coming Actress
Chapter 12: The Day Fern Died
Chapter 13: Welcome to Winter Court
Chapter 14: Petty Coins
Chapter 15: A Sweet Stench
Chapter 16: Open for Business
Chapter 17: All Things Magic and Mystic
Chapter 18: Family Meeting
Chapter 19: Memento
Chapter 20: A Party for Old Friends
Chapter 21: New Acquaintances
Chapter 22: A Very Polite Non-political Conversation
Chapter 23: I Present Thee With This Muffin of Friendship
Chapter 24: Pointy Stick of Doom
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animezinglife · 3 months
Gifts of the Sea
Acelia had never expected to be a High Lord's mate.
Genre: Fluff/General/Romance Post-canon, Tarquin x OC one-shot featuring the backstory between Tarquin and Acelia. This is a companion piece to Late Nights in Summer (recommended reading to provide context). Please do not re-post this anywhere. Special thanks to @lucienarcheron, @zenkindoflove, @crazy-ache, @teddyhoneybear, and all else who've offered such sweet support of my Elucien fics. I hope you don't mind me trying something new! Gifts of the Sea is now featured in the Summer One-Shots Collection on AO3! Click here to read. A bonus moodboard can be found here.
Acelia hadn’t missed the look in Elain Archeron’s eyes when the female had spoken about her mate. To call it enamored would’ve been an understatement: she’d been practically glowing every time she spoke of Lucien, and neither she nor Cresseida had missed it. 
The more Elain drank, the more amusing she had become.
Neither Acelia nor the princess had had any reservations about returning her to him in her state: Lucien was a good male, and she would’ve known it even if Tarquin had never confided his trust in the male with her. Though she knew her mate didn’t have a perfect track record when it came to trust, he had strong instincts when it came to character.
Any lessons he’d had left to learn where his easy confidence in others had once been concerned, Feyre Archeron had taught him otherwise.
Acelia respected the balance her mate ruled the Summer Court with: he believed in giving trust and chances, yet knew when to be firm and what boundaries needed to be set. He was far from an iron-fist ruler, instead a casual and respected High Lord who wore his youth as plainly as his kindness. 
She loved that about him. 
She might even appreciate it more if not for her own roaring headache. Unlike her new friend, Acelia was accustomed to Summer drinks, but still coming off the rush of her mating ceremony, she’d still had a bit too much.
She rested a hand against her head as Tarquin sat beside her on the chaise and handed her a goblet of water. She took it, swirling its contents and taking a deep breath of the cool, salty air. 
Acelia had never expected to be a High Lord’s mate; had never anticipated she might one day lounge on a palace balcony overlooking the ocean nursing an alcohol-induced headache. She breathed in deeply and took a small sip before downing the goblet’s contents and letting out a relaxed sigh. Silently, Tarquin took it from her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She turned slightly and kissed his hand, taking in his familiar, comforting scent of salt and citrus.
She had been born in Summer, too: shared many of the same characteristics of the court’s High Fae as her mate and Cresseida did. Though unlike them, she’d been born to a humble family: a fisherman father and a mother who ran their small market shop. She’d begun helping them with both as soon as she’d been old enough, assuming she’d one day sail the seas herself or run the shop alongside her mother.
Being a High Lord’s mate–loving and marrying him–had never been in the picture.
Acelia smirked slightly: her parents still didn’t know what to make of the ordeal either and had no idea what to even do with their new income. They’d opted to stay in their village but visited often, and while they’d insisted they didn’t need a more lavish shop, she was glad they’d at least invested in a newer, sturdier fishing boat, and that her father had even been able to hire some help. Most of all, she was glad they’d finally begun to indulge in vacations and rest.
Tarquin’s voice interrupted her thoughts, his voice as soft as the mist from the sea. “How are you feeling?” 
“Like I’ve been hit by a storm,” she replied, unable to resist smiling back as his lips curved into a smile. “I’m upright and coherent, at least.”
“I’m surprised you’re drunk at all.” He paused, his brow furrowing slightly. “My cousin didn’t pressure you, did she? I know she enjoys her fun.”
“Not at all.” It had been a running joke between them that despite her small stature, Acelia could hold her drink as well as any male. It often surprised others how well given how rarely she touched alcohol compared to most Fae–drinks in Summer didn’t run cheap, and Acelia had never quite shaken her frugal ways no matter how generous Tarquin was. “I really like them. Elain seems quite different than how you described her sister.” 
Tarquin’s blue eyes softened as he seemed to drift into thought. For a moment, he was quiet. “Feyre was in a difficult situation, and she wasn’t sure if she could trust me or not.”
“That didn’t stop you from trusting her.”
“No.” Tarquin smirked slightly, taking her emptied goblet and setting it aside. “But I’m glad to leave that mess behind us. Even if I’ll always have extra security when she and Rhysand visit. Just in case.”
“I’d question your judgment if you didn’t.” Acelia’s heart fluttered as his smirk turned to a smile: her favorite one of his, all softness and a subtle shyness she would almost call boyish. She felt their bond flowing through them like a current, pulling them to each other in a way that she imagined would be futile to resist. She had never imagined the Mother, the Cauldron, or whatever forces determined such fates would gift her such a thing: mating bonds were the sort of romantic fantasies she’d read about in books as a child or sung about in old sailors’ shanties. 
Such things certainly were not the fates of daughters of a village fisherman; of the keeper of a small, run-down shop. 
And yet she’d sensed it when the High Lord had visited their village; had spoken with every fisherman, every blacksmith, every sailor, and every shopkeeper. She had seen the way her mother had clutched her chest when Tarquin had spoken to her, as if aware of the same, unexplainable force Acelia had been feeling.
At the time, she’d assumed she’d merely been overwhelmed in the presence of a High Lord. 
But Tarquin had looked back as he’d been leaving the shop, his brow furrowed and eyes searching for an answer neither of them yet knew.
He had written to her. Their conversations had lengthened through letters, though there had only been so much a High Lord could say through such means. Acelia had found herself spilling aspects of herself she’d never shared with anyone: of her love of the sea, of the old myths and legends that filled her mind and heart as a child, and of her hopes to one day see Adriata with her own eyes. Somehow, she swore she could feel his quiet, shaking laugh when she'd shared the time a pirate had tried to rob her family's shop, and in her panic, she'd hit him over the head with a bucket and knocked him out cold.
To her surprise, Tarquin had shared with her, too: had spoken to her of his love of the sea at night when all was quiet; of the myths and legends that had scared him as a boy, and of his deepest fears that he might never be worthy of the role he’d found himself in. When he had visited their village again, she’d had the sneaking suspicion he’d had an ulterior motive despite his routine of speaking with every villager.
His eyes had lingered on her a bit too long, and that afternoon she had found herself sailing out with the High Lord of Summer in her father’s old, weathered fishing boat. He had been remarkably easy to talk to; his smile warm and his eyes making her heart race in ways it never had.
Acelia still had never expected the letter to come inviting her to visit the city, or how he phrased it so carefully.
I do not ask this of you as a high lord.
I hope we may always speak as friends.
She had arrived in Adriata only weeks later to a whirlwind: a flurry of introductions by a mutually excited and suspicious Cresseida, a humble if not somewhat comical introduction of Varian, whose hair had been partially singed off in what had only been described to her as, "an incident with the Illyrian bastards."
And all the while, Acelia had fallen in love with the city; its people. The people of Adriata, a peculiar mix of Fae and human refugees still lingering from the war with Hybern, lived vastly different lives than what she’d ever known. Yet there was a warmth to them, and a compassion and caring she’d both seen and felt in Tarquin that had begun to draw her to him.
In ways she hadn’t been sure would qualify as friendly.
She still hadn’t known what to call it the first time he’d kissed her. That had been during her third visit after a full year of communication through letters and Tarquin’s visits. She was sure she was beginning to love him–he was the sort of male who proved easy to love. Though Acelia had thought she’d loved males before: a young apprentice from her village when she’d been the tender age of forty, and another a sailor from the islands that dotted Summer’s seas.
It hadn’t been until she’d unceremoniously fallen into the water off the strange, standing board with sails that Tarquin and Varian had been trying to teach her to use that she’d understood. Tarquin had dived off his own board after her, his strong arms circling her waist as they’d drifted together beneath the surface. Acelia had taken in his beautiful features: his dark skin, white hair that flowed around him, and the eyes that seemed to see more of her than she’d ever known possible.
She wasn’t even sure which of them had closed the distance: only that his kiss had awakened something in them both that had lay dormant from the moment they’d met. Her eyes had snapped open to find him watching her in every bit as much shock, and when they’d finally resurfaced and felt the sun and salty air on them again, Acelia had understood.
The word echoed in her mind even now as Tarquin took her hand in his, leaning her in and placing a kiss against her white braids. She took in the hands that held each other: the shell, pearl, and sapphire ring that glimmered on her finger and folded her body against his, taking in his scent and the sound of his heartbeat. He held her close, his steady breathing as soothing and familiar to her as the waves below.
It wouldn’t have mattered if she’d been in the village or here with him now: he was her gift, and she was home.
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azrielsshadows42 · 10 days
I am considering participating in kinktober this year, and for a few of the prompts I'm using I can imagine writing with Tarquin, but I know that he isn't a very popular character for fanfics
Please reblog for a wider audience
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shi-daisy · 11 months
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I commissioned a piece from @felonius-glitch here on Tumblr and it looks unbelievably adorable!!! Look at the pretty colors and the light and the cuteness aaaa!!! 🥰 Thank you so much hon! It has been a delight to work with you and I absolutely love the end result. Everyone go commission this amazing bean they're the best!
So here we have Tarquin and Azalea being the cutest couple in Summer Court (no contest) felt like I needed art of them since all the art I've commissioned and made so far has been of Tamlin and Lucien. Secondary ships deserve love too y'know. Might update chapter next week if everything goes well so keep an eye out!
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tilseptemberends · 1 month
The most recent update for Sea of Stars, my ocxcanon fic starring Amalthea Thanatos (daughter of Lord Thanatos and Hewn City nobility) and Tarquin
The fic is critical of the IC due to one of the POV characters being from the Hewn City
Excerpt below <3
When she faced Tarquin fully she was not completely unguarded but she no longer seemed inclined to launch herself back down the hall. It wasn’t reassuring that she was more comfortable around a stranger than with a female of her court.
She cleared her throat quietly,
“I knew Morrigan would not have called a meeting with me. Can I ask why you did?” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, though he would certainly blame that on the form-before-function style of the furniture in this place. It was clearly meant to intimidate those who were not permitted a seat in this room.
“I heard about the conditions down here while I was still Under the Mountain. I wanted to see if it was true.” From what he could tell it was. Between Morrigan’s undisguised disdain for the Hewn City and what he’d seen in his dream, he couldn’t imagine a place here that promised anything but torment. Torchlight or no. Miss Thanatos considered the statement and then stood. “Come on, then.” Tarquin stood as well, though it was mostly out of confusion. “Where are you going?” Amalthea gripped the handle of the stone door and hefted it open. “ We are going to find an answer to your question.”
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thisblogisaboutabook · 7 months
Rainy Season - Part 3
Storm Warning
Azriel Eris x Reader
We’ve got a time jump and are swapping points of view for this chapter y’all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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3 months later
Eris Vanserra hated the Summer Court. The humidity anywhere outside of the temperature regulated zones of Adriata, the way his hair clung to his forehead and caused curls to form in his otherwise immaculate hair, but most of all it was just insulting to be so bothered by the heat itself when he quite literally had fire in his veins. He couldn’t get out of here fast enough.
Tarquin strode alongside Eris through the open air lower levels of his keep, three of his guards and two of Eris’ own flanking them several feet behind, one could almost forget they were there if not for the “click clack” of feet echoing through the halls. Eris would be lying if he said he didn’t have to try very hard to focus on the mundane talk of trade routes and port authorities instead of getting lost to the sounds of crashing waves and gulls outside.
Tarquin broached the riveting subject of tariffs on imports from the continent as the first rumble of thunder boomed in the distance. Now that - Eris enjoyed that aspect of the court. Autumn had no shortage of rain but the turbulence of storms often mirrored his own inner peril - made him feel less alone in the world. And truthfully, there was nothing like taking cover from the rain and listening to the rumble outside, watching the lightning dance across the skies as the loud cracks of thunder commanded the attention of anyone within earshot.
“Have your people felt the same effects, High Lord?” Tarquin broke Eris from yet another drift of his thoughts. He really should have brought a secretary or advisor along for this meeting.
Sparing Eris from the embarrassment of asking Tarquin to repeat his last three minutes of speech a cry broke through the hall. The battle cry of a…. Child?
Followed by a yelp of “ow!”
Eris’ head jerked as he found himself drifting toward the action.
Turning a corner he found a woman laying on the ground, curled into a ball - a child of no more than 10 with a large jagged stick standing over her with his chest puffed out, pure smug joy on his face.
Eris looked to Tarquin who only grinned with satisfaction. Eris gaped before Tarquin quietly whispered, “just watch.”
The woman didn’t move. The child’s look of satisfaction slowly turning to that of concern as she lay there. He bent over the woman placing a hand on her shoulder, his brows knit together. “Lady L/N?”
So focused on the woman on the ground before him, the boy didn’t notice her arm slowly sneak around him and “Oof!” The kid let out a startled breath as she grabbed his ankle, ripping it out from beneath him, effectively leaving the child on his behind.
The female lept up into a crouching position. Her tanned, muscled thighs pushing her up to stand effortlessly. “And that, little ones, is why you never let your guard down with an adversary.”
Eris turned, wondering how he could have missed the group of children sitting on the other end of the room watching the scene unfold.
The boy remained on his behind, hands resting on his forehead in defeat.
“Hey-“ She reached a hand out to help him up. “You did a great job. You quite literally swept me off my feet! Nobody has done that in quite some time.” She paused, sadness twisting her features as if her own words struck her before shifting back to that of a proud instructor. “In fact - I have something for you.”
She reached into the pocket of her calf-length, flowy pants and reaching handing him a shell. “Add this to your leather strap.” She tapped a leather bracelet on his wrist, one shell already strung on it. “You did great, kid.” The boy gave her a genuine smile as he returned to the rest of his classmates.
Eris shifted involuntarily. How much had he wished for someone to say those words to him when he was a child?
Tarquin chuckled “An excellent motivator. Shells. Who knew?”
Eris gave a small smile - brief but genuine before adjusting back into his usual mask. The instructor turned to face them and cauldron damn him if she wasn’t the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen. Radiant skin that came from plenty of time in the sun, silky hair that practically begged to have fingers run through it, a soft and curvy yet toned build. A body that told him she indulged herself in what she enjoyed but was active enough to define her plush features, likely blessed with great genetics - lithe yet perfectly squeezable in all his favorite places.
“High Lord.” Her voice carried to him like an ocean breeze. She bowed her head in a respectful greeting, long lashes fluttering. “How may I be of service?”
“Lady L/N,” Tarquin beamed. “It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court.”
Her brow puzzled for a brief moment before bowing her head again. “It’s an honor to meet you, High Lord.”
“A pleasure to meet you as well, lady.” Eris replied sincerely, meeting her bright eyes. “I didn’t realize Tarquin was hoarding such beauty within his keep.”
“We have many treasures in our court, High Lord. She is one of our brightest.”
Rather than blushing, the female held her head high, giving a polite “Thank you, High Lord.”
“We must be getting to lunch now. Have a pleasant rest of your class, Lady L/N.” He turned to the children with a stern look “And children, behave for her.” following the reminder with a smile and cheeky wink.
It was hours later that Eris was released from meetings for the day. Unfortunately, there was still more to be discussed that would have to wait for tomorrow. Making the way to his guest suite, Eris found himself wondering about the instructor from earlier. Something about her felt vaguely familiar but he couldn’t quite place it.
After changing out of his stuffy clothes into something more befitting of the climate, Eris paced his room. He’d forgotten how much longer daylight lasted here than in his own court, with several hours remaining before dusk. He supposed he could brave the heat and take a stroll through the palace grounds, preferably without his entourage of guards.
Relieving the pair from their duties, Eris wandered through the gardens and toward a small grove of trees on the other side of the palace grounds. He could hear running water from a garden tributary that likely connected into the river that emptied into Adriata’s harbor.
Sauntering through the grove, he was pleased to find reprieve from the heat, the cool air wafting off of the stream and shade from the trees turning the grove into a private oasis. It wasn’t particularly trekked through. “Finally.” he thought to himself. A moment of peace.
Situating himself on an iron bench, Eris looked up, only to find that through a thicket of cattails, Lady L/N was standing on a rock upstream, eyes closed and balancing on one leg. Given her steady, intentional breathing he supposed she was meditating. It was odd - seeing her like this - strangely intimate to see someone in such an isolated state of catharsis, unaware of his own presence before her. The sun rays shone through cracks in the leaves, shrouding her in tiny fragments of light that made her tanned skin near golden. Her hair was wind blown from the breeze winding through the grove off the ocean, and she’d changed into a thin cotton sundress. Gods, maybe the Summer Court wasn’t so bad after all. The way it effortlessly flowed over her body perfectly accentuating her ample curves, and those tanned, toned legs - yeah, he should probably leave.
After momentary internal warring he began to stand but before he could sneak off, she gasped. Clutching her arms to her rib cage. “MOTHER FUCKER!” she screamed. Vulgar words coming from such a pretty mouth.
What an interesting method of meditation.
She took several breaths before resuming her position. Another minute went by when she audibly growled. “Bastard!!” She clutched herself again, keeling over. Finally she sat down on the rock, the hem of her dress soaking in the stream’s rippling water, and pressed her head into her hands. Eris thought she was crying.
He really should leave but - memories of his mother crying over the years flashed into his mind. All the years that she only had he or Lucien to console her, kindered spirits brought together by Beron’s casual cruelty. His other brothers being the emotionally void carbon copies of their father they were, paid no mind to their mother’s plight.
Yet still, he didn’t know her. She didn’t know him. She likely didn’t want him bothering her.
Against his better judgement, he found himself drawn in by her familiarity and approached. As he drew closer, he realized her sobs were not sobs at all. She was muttering the raunchiest, most vile slew of curses that he’d ever heard. Lucien would enjoy this female.
As he approached, she jerked her head up. The lovely, collected face from earlier twisted into one of contempt. He wondered if she knew that, that face was, well, adorable like a fierce little kitten. Although, something told him to tread carefully. She may look adorable but he’d bet good coin that her bite matched that of a lions.
“What do you want?” She spat.
Eris only smirked. “And here I thought you were a lady.”
Baiting her. Genius idea, Eris.
“Only within the palace.”
“You’re still on palace grounds.” Shrugging with the statement, Eris put his hands in his pockets - damn these Summer Court linens really were comfortable.
“Well, I was alone until you intruded.” she murmured, not meeting his eyes.
“Did you win Tarquin’s good graces with such manners?”
Her expression filled with ire as she looked up at him. “Did you take your throne by being such a prick?”
Eris couldn’t help but laugh at her bravado. This female either REALLY didn’t like him or truly didn’t care about consequences. “Ah, so you do know who I am.”
“You’re a High Lord. Of course I know-“
Her words cut off as she clutched her ribs again, tighter this time. A shudder escaping her. This time the pain seemed to last longer. And this time he could have sworn her voice cracked as she swore.
“Hey” Eris stepped into the creek, not bothering to step out of his sandals. Before he could hesitate he crouched down before her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Breathe.”
The thing was, he recognized that pain well. It has been centuries but damn he remembered it so clearly.
“Breathe through it. Think of something that makes you smile.”
She clutched herself harder, shaking her head. “Think of the look on your student’s face when you gave him that shell today.”
She breathed in deeply this time instead of letting out another curse.
“Good. Hold for three beats.”
“Now let the breath out.”
She breathed out. “In again.” He instructed. She followed suit. “Now out.”
As her breath steadied, she met his eyes - momentarily soft, a little broken, before ire crossed them again.
“For fucks sake, High Lord.” She spat. “I came here to meditate. I know how to breathe.”
She sure as shit seemed to have forgotten how to for a moment there, but he kept that to himself.
He only let out a soft laugh.
“There she is.”
She scowled in return.
“So, Lady L/N” he began, standing and extending a hand to help her up.
“Y/N.” She interjected, taking his hand. “Call me Y/N.”
Y/N. Fitting, he thought. The kind of name a tropical storm would be given.
Wait. Y/N L/N. Oh, he knew exactly why she was so familiar now. No wonder she’d given him that puzzled look in the palace. And, if Eris recalled correctly, his brother actually was rather fond of her - in a friendly and platonic sort of way. Though in his tales of the Night Court he’d certainly never mentioned the fact that she looked like a gods damned deity.
He led her out of the creek, not quite ready to drop her delicate hand. “So, Y/N, tell me about this idiot mate that let the Summer Court’s brightest treasure go.”
She gaped, jaw dropping into a look of genuine shock. “How-“
“I had one too. I believe you know her.”
Eris and Y/N spent hours talking in the grove. He gave her all the details of his mate, Morrigan. How it killed him to leave her that fated day. Had he touched her, his mate, Beron would have claimed her as Autumn Court property requiring a Blood Duel for the Night Court to retrieve her. Though, Beron would have ensured she never left unharmed. That aside, Eris didn’t want that blood on her hands, the blood of a blood duel or any battles over her. He didn’t want it on his hands either. It killed him to feel her pain down the bond starting from their forced engagement and through the torture her father had inflicted upon her, and the trauma that lingered thereafter. The gut-wrenching, immobilizing pain that only a mate could feel shooting through to them.
He never wanted her to feel that pain. If it hurt him that badly to only feel it down the bond, he couldn’t imagine the strife she’d felt. He wanted to run to her, to comfort her, to tell her everything he couldn’t risk saying. He was too young to face the ramifications from his father and he had his mother and Lucien to protect in those days. So he protected her in the only way he knew how to at the time. Through cold, calculated indifference. He still regretted it.
As time went on, the mask he wore became heavier and heavier, burying that bond deeper within himself. It took him until after the war with Hybern to finally lay it all out to her. Y/N never knew any of that part of the story. She knew Mor and Eris had made amends but nothing of their bond, and she knew that Mor was happily committed to Emerie, an Illyrian female now. He was happy for his mate, as happy as a rejected mate could be.
Eris never claimed to have been in the right. In fact, what he did to Mor was wrong. The way he spoke to her as if she was no more than a common whore when facing her in front of his father at the High Lord’s meeting. Yes, it was an act but it was never okay. He’d live with that for the rest of his days. His apologies to her since never felt like enough.
Y/N empathized with Eris. He could see that she was torn but her gaze toward him softened although, never into that of pity. He liked that about her.
She shared the story of her mating bond with Azriel. And how the waves of anger and grief down the bond had increased in strength recently as she had continued healing. She laughed bitterly at the typical trajectory of females in her situation getting better over time while unfaithful males seemed to spiral as it went on. She didn’t say who he had cheated on her with but Eris had his suspicions. The Shadowsinger apparently had a thing for Vanserra mates. She laughed and cried over the hours they talked. They’d eventually ended up back in a palace seating area for a drink.
Eris hadn’t been so open with someone like this in so long that it felt foreign. Hell, opening up always felt unnatural for him. Perhaps he was stupid for sharing with her. After all, mating bonds could make people do crazy things. She could always take Azriel back and share the details of his little sob stories with the Night Court.
She’d occasionally let out a sharp breath as small jolts of emotion came rolling in. It was nearing dusk when she finally huffed, slapping her hands on her thighs saying, “Enough! This tea is weak. I need something stronger.” Pouring them each a glass of brandy, and another, and another.
As the conversation shifted from the heavier topics to lighter ones, Eris let it slip that he wasn’t fond of the summer court and found all of the sand and humidity to be unpleasant at best.
Her inhibitions were down and if Eris were being honest with himself, his were too. He hadn’t drank much since becoming a High Lord though he often felt the need for a stiff drink. No, there was too much work to be done and he was still getting his own inner circle acclimated. Trust was harder to give in the Autumn Court, especially after being under his father’s rule for so long. There were plenty of good people in the castle but just as many were corrupted under Beron’s rule. Weeding them out was consuming more of his time than anticipated.
Somehow, after their fourth drink, Y/N dragged him out onto the beach, determined to show him all the merits of the crusty, sand-infested shores.
Admittedly, her joy was contagious but he was going to make her work for any positive reaction.
“Okay!” She eagerly squealed. “First - sand castles! Have you ever built one?”
“I live in a castle.” Eris feigned boredom, inspecting his nails. “It seems unnecessary to build one out of… that.” his nose scrunched up, lip curling into a sneer as he gestured to the sand surrounding them.
“Ughhh.” Her eyes rolled back into her head as her little sun dress blew in the wind. And damn if he wouldn’t love to see her eyes going back into her head like that in other circumstances.
He was a gentlemale but a male nevertheless.
“Being High Lord doesn’t mean you have to be such a bore, but fine… No sand castles. Maybe next time!”
Next time. He liked the thought of that. My how far she’d come from practically snarling at him just this morning.
“Look!” She squealed, bringing her hands to her chest and clapping with excitement. “Dolphins! Now I know you don’t have those in the Autumn Court, Eris Vanserra.”
Fuck, his name sounded so good coming off of her lips.
He couldn’t resist smiling at her enthusiasm and then at the dolphins. They swam so peacefully in a pod through the harbor. One even let a young water wraith trail alongside it as a hand carefully gripped onto its dorsal fin as the creature pulled her along.
“The wraiths and dolphins coexist well together.” Y/N mused wistfully. “There’s a common misconception that they are territorial due to food supply but they have plenty in the harbor.”
She smiled softly. “The younger wraiths tend to bond with them and the dolphins have even been known to protect them from certain dangers.”
As the pair continued walking along the shore, the conversation occasionally faltered as Y/N would stare off distantly, as if looking for something that wasn’t there.
His heart ached for her. From what he’d gathered during their talk, she’d left the Shadowsinger, but the heart is slow to heal after losing a mate in any capacity.
Eris nudged her with his shoulder. “Hey little minx, where’d you go?”
Coming back to reality she halted. “Oh! Oh my gods. The sun is setting and you have to come with me! Hurry.”
She grabbed his wrist and he didn’t hesitate to follow along as she all but dragged him down the beach. “Hurry! We’ll miss them!”
They ran until reaching a secluded inlet of the bay. They climbed up a small rocky ledge where she sat, dangling her feet over the edge. “There’s an underwater cave-“ she breathed heavy, catching her breath. “here, beneath us and every night-“ another pause to breathe. “something magical happens as the sun sets.”
Eris, catching his own breath, waited patiently for more details but she only dropped a small pebble into the water and as she did, a rainbow of luminescent fish rippled to life below the surface. There had to be thousands of them, leisurely swimming out of the cave as if they were just waking up. Shades of bright pink, green, blue, orange, and purple lit up the small inlet. Eris was awestruck, so awestruck in fact that he didn’t hesitate planting his ass next to her on the crusty sand-coated ledge.
With a wave of her wrist she pulled a bottle of rum out from the pocket realm, tugging the cork out with her teeth and taking a swig, then handing it over to him.
They sat in silence as the remaining fish left the inlet and the remaining colors of the sunset disappeared into night. Clouds began rolling in as they drank and began chatting again. Much like that morning, thunder rolled in but this time he was disappointed to hear it. He didn’t want the evening to end, wasn’t ready to let her go quite yet.
He wished he’d had a warning before the ocean winds blew this wild, beautiful storm into his life that morning. Something to brace himself against the inevitable fallout of the precarious situation he found himself in. It was a storm he was prepared to ride out and he had a feeling it would be worth whatever debris she’d leave him with.
The base of the distant thunder rumbling, the cymbal-like crash of waves on the shore, and singing of the creatures of summer nights blended together into a beautiful melody that flowed through Eris. Quickly he stood, extending a hand to her. “Dance with me, Y/N?”
She froze, that distant look crossing her eyes again for a second. He braced himself for her decline but the life returned to her eyes as a smile graced her full lips. She accepted his hand and didn’t hesitate as he tucked her into his chest, her warmth and scent lulling him into a state of bliss.
No, Eris Vanserra did not hate the Summer Court at all.
This was a long one and I know it wasn’t from our girls POV but I hope you all enjoyed it 🥹 Stay tuned for more! Her story is not done yet.
@going-through-shit @kalulakunundrum @lisanna2000 @fxckmiup @sheblogs @emryb @one-big-fangirl @historygeekqueen @isa1b2h3 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @theravenphoenix26 @sidthedollface2 @i-am-infinite @caraaaaugh @evergreenlark @darkbloodsly @piceous21 @anxious-study
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sapchat · 7 months
Ways to add simple little details to Prythian in your stories!
For the Autumn Court this one is basic and many people use it: Males gift their fiancées, wives, mates fox kits as a symbol of their love and good luck with the relationship. To make it sadder, Beron never did this for Lady A, so when Eris found out about this tradition he got his mom one!
For the Dawn Court: Like how the night court Illyrians put the women down, what if the Dawn Court was the opposite and the Peregryn females would put the males down. In the real world male birds are held to a high standard for breeding, I feel like Peregryn instincts would cause this and it just gives more to a story than the females constantly being the abused. Also they’re stomach/side sleepers. I talk more about this below with the night court just to not repeat myself.
Day Court is full of bastards. You can NOT convince me that it isn’t. Helion is laying the fucking pipe like he’s discovered oil. And the reason I feel this is because of @florencemtrash ‘s story “The Shadow and the Inkbird” (also it’s really good go read it if you haven’t) where the MFC is Helions bastard, and meets Lucien and instantly realizes that they’re halfsiblings. And I was like ya know the Day Court is probably like Game of Thrones Dorne. Dorne is know for their bastards almost every persons name in that city is ‘Sand’ because they’re all bastards basically. So I just KNOW that Helion probably has other kids than just Lucien. And everyone in that court is fucking.
Summer Court has mermaids. It’s basic, it’s simple and it’s true. There’s mermaids.
Night Court, listen we already now a lot about the Nigh Court but this pertains to Illyrian’s so I feel it’s different. They’re stomach/side sleepers. They are. You can’t tell me that two massive wing sticking out of your back would allow you to lay on your back. It can’t be comfortable. Like have you ever tried sleeping with like a ponytail/claw clip in? It ain’t nice. Now imagine it with two that sit right beside your shoulder blades and the clips are like 3ft long? Idk how long the base would be but like probably pretty fucking long to allow actual flight capabilities. Also when they sleep on their side they just have their wings straight out, now like laying on one and the other out. They’ve got big ass beds for a reason spread out. (Cassian fully takes up a bed like star fish style just on his stomach. Nesta is sick of it.)
Spring Court, during the Spring Equinox the High Lord chooses someone to dress up and hand out spring gifts to family’s (usually kids). When Tamlin became High Lord he appointed himself to do so. During this time Tamlin also gives many of the less fortunate families something they can later use for the Tithe.
Winter Court puts on a celebration for the children called Three Kings Day. Family’s with children are welcomed to the castle(? Do they have castles…?) and the bakers leave a cake outside the doors of the family, inside the cakes (this is a real thing from Puerto Rico/France/Spain too btw, the cake is called la galette des rois (Kings Cake)) are toys/coins. Whichever children find them get to wear a crown for the day and called Kings/Queens (Kallias started the tradition that all kids get to do this, he’s a softy).
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dee-writes-smut · 2 months
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Lucien Vanserra x Female Reader
You run a flower shop in the lively hustle and bustle that is the center of the Autumn Court. Your dream has always been to travel the courts to meet new people and see new things. When Beron finally meets his end and a new High Lord steps in, you find yourself perfectly positioned to sell your shop and live your dreams. The plan was to go to the High Lady's coronation and then leave the next morning, unfortunately (or fortunately) the High Lady runs into you and takes a liking to you, offering you a position to be her traveling emissary when she finds out about your dream. You accept, only to find yourself paired with a more experienced emissary with a reputation for working for both the Spring and Night Court. Will love find a way to blossom along the way? Or will he never be able to let go of his mate who never returned his affections unless it was for show? 
Content Warnings Include: banter, aggression, descriptions of toxic relationships, violence, mentions of death and loss, Tampon interactions (Tamlin), and more to come as chapters are posted!
NOTE: this is a spin-off to the Flowers Series, if you are planning on reading that, then I highly recommend that you do that first before reading this series as there are spoilers to the ending of that fic. With that said, if you don't wish to read Flowers, then you do NOT have to for this story to make sense. Thank you and enjoy! -Dee
dividers for this series are made by the wonderful @/tsunami-of-tears
THE AUTUMN COURT | none (a hint of fluff?) | These last few centuries you have felt that your home court has become drab and all too familiar. In the rush of a new High Lord, you finally decide to follow your dream, but when meeting a certain High Lady, you're forced to ask yourself whether or not you wish to make your dream bigger than you could have ever imagined. Are you willing to take the risk and jump into the unknown? |
THE SPRING COURT | a, f, h/c | A conversation with the High Lady leaves you with a lot to think about, especially the odd tug you feel toward Lucien. It certainly doesn't help when you both set off on your journey and in between the rustle of the changing trees and the calls of the birds around you, you discover a soft side to Lucien that makes you feel warm in a terrifying way. |
THE SUMMER COURT | a (?), f | Tarquin's court is beautiful, so dazzling it takes your breath away. If only that were the only thing. |
WINTER | ??? | ??? |
DAWN | ??? | ??? |
DAY | ??? | ??? |
NIGHT | ??? | ??? |
super secret potential extra chapter?
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viktoriaashleyyx · 1 month
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Tamtam and Sky (oc) meet with Tarquin. I am not completely happy with this one, but I have come to the realization that these will always be dialog heavy. My desire with this fic is to uplift the characters who were treated like shit by the narrative.
Also this post by @msbrownwithacrown is cannon to me and I reference it.
This is a pro Tamlin, anti Rhysand self insert revenge fic. All characters belong to SJM, but she wasn't treating them right. Tam x reader, Tam x Rhysands Sister (OC), First person narrative. This will also reference Elucien and Neris in the future but we aren't there yet. No warnings apply, I just wanted to show Tarquin some kindness.
Ch4 > Ch6
Chapter 5:
I portaled us to the entrance of the Summer court castle in Adriata. The delicious smell of the salty sea water filled my lungs as I glanced up at the magnificent architecture that stood before me.
“You know, we were invited into the meeting room, we could've just winnowed straight in there.” Tamlin said, offering me his elbow to guide me inside.
“I never portal inside someone's home, I find it grotesquely rude.” I placed my hand on his arm gently, still admiring the beauty around me.
“We are here for a meeting with Tarquin.” Tamlin informed the guards as they led us inside and through the beautifully decorated halls. I bowed my head in thanks to them as they left us at the door to the office and we took a breath together as we entered.
Tarquin was already sitting there at the head of the magnificent table. His immaculate white locs hung down to the middle of his chest and his bright blue eyes sparkled like the sun shining off the sea. Why is every male in Prythia so damn gorgeous? He was young, not counting Feyre, Tamlin had told me he was the newest high lord, only rising to his position a few years ago, but that did not take any merit away from the power he held. A leader with a kind heart will always be more powerful than their counterpart.
“Welcome to the Summer court,” Tarquin smiled as he extended his hand to shake Tamlins, “it's good to see you getting back on your feet.”
“Thank you, friend, what wonders a woman's love can do for a broken heart,” Tamlin gushed as he looked to me. “This is my mate and other half, Sky.”
“It is nice to meet you, sir. I have heard good things about you. The Summer court is lucky to have a heart like yours leading them.” I complimented him earnestly as I turned the chair sideways to sit down.
“It is nice to meet you, Sky, but you must forgive me if I am a bit wary. The last few times a face like yours entered my court, it was left worse for wear.” He added cautiously. “I have come to realize that I handed my trust out far too easily, and it ended horribly for my people. I have been working to learn caution.”
“I understand fully. Your duty is to your people, and unfortunately I was cursed with sharing the face of an arrogant ass,” I giggled at the last part, lightening the mood.
“I will try my best to remain impartial to that,” Tarquin smiled. I, honestly, couldn't blame him for not trusting me. In his short reign he's had to rebuild his city three times. He has seen war and had precious heirlooms stolen from him.
“I appreciate it, but I have no issue putting in the work necessary to earn your trust.” I offered. He seemed pleased with my response.
“We are working hard to rebuild our court and welcome our citizens back home. I understand that the actions I took and decisions I made harmed your lands as well, Spring and Summer were hurt by the hands of the toxic relationship I was a part of, and for that I extend my most sincere apologies.” Tamlin began, Tarquin listening intensively. “And even after all of it, you welcomed my people to your lands with open arms. I can only hold hope moving forward that I can model even the slightest inch of the compassion you have in you.” I had heard him rehearsing this speech every morning since Tarquin agreed to this meeting and Tamlin was doing a beautiful job. A man willing to humble himself and give a sincere apology is so attractive.
“Yes Tarquin, we need help, we cannot rebuild the entire court on our own. We need carpenters, and supplies. We plan to pay well for these services and Spring will be forever indebted to Summer but we did not come empty handed.” I started, Tarquins gaze shifted to me, pondering our words. I pulled out the parchment I had prepared in my bag. On it wrote:
Animus meus est.
Ancilia dimittam
“Do you have a daemati that serves your court?” I asked as Tarquin studied the words on the page.
“Yes, Vili.” He answered.
“Would you please call for him?”
Tarquin sent his guard to find Vili. He looked back at me confused. “Are you not a daemati?”
“I am,” I responded, “but I think it best to have a man you trust for this demonstration.” I continued, “you see, for years, Tarquin, I have hated being a daemati. I believe your mind should be your own, and if someone wishes to change how you think, they should have to show you, in their actions. My brother has been abusing his daemati powers to control the other High Lords for his entire reign. Tamlin shared his memories of the past few years with me and I saw through his eyes at the High lords meeting. Rhysand was controlling the words expressed by Tamlin and I suspect he was doing it to you and Kalias as well. Him and his ladies stole a priceless artifact from you and you resended the blood rubies just like that?” Tarquin was invested. I assume it was Vili who entered the room and stood next to Tarquin, head held high, he didn't trust me either, with good reason.
“On the paper I have given you is a spell, I spent many years studying in the libraries of Aretuza, and that spell has been tested and shown to render daemati powers utterly useless.” Daematis were supposed to be healers of the minds, something incredibly necessary in Prythia especially after Amaranthas cruelty, but that kind of power being genetic instead of earned is how people ended up being terrorized instead of helped. I have tried for years to rid myself of the curse I feel daemati to be.
“You can use it on me. Vili, I request that you monitor my mind as Tarquin performs the spell.” Tamlin offered.
“The first line is the spell that applies a metal shield, protecting and encompassing the entire mind. The second line drops it.” I explained.
Tarquin looked at me hesitantly, then spoke the words, directed to Tamlin. “It's gone, no wall, no entrance. I cannot see anything. He might as well not even be here.” Vili noted aloud.
“I feel fine, great even. Like my head is clear.” Tamlin announced.
Tarquin then uttered the second line. “I can see it again, his walls.” Vili exclaimed, shocked.
“Why give me this information, I have yet to agree to help you?” Tarquin looked at me.
“It's not a payment, Tarquin, it is a gift. If the only thing I gain out of you having this information is that the Summer court is slightly more protected from my brother's antics, it will be payment enough.” I assured. “I do not expect a reply today, please, consult with your advisors, make a decision that you are comfortable with. I understand that this is just a stepping stone towards a hopeful friendship.”
“You have made a compelling case for an alliance, Sky. I do not wish to hold your brother's actions against you.” Tarquin consoled.
“I appreciate that,” I smiled at him, and Tamlin squeezed my hand. “I would like to spend some time this afternoon at the wonderful shops you have in the town square, but, if you would prefer us to head straight home we will.”
“You are more than welcome to enjoy the city, as long as what ever you happen to leave with is acquired honestly.” Tarquin said with a knowing smile. “However, I must warn you that my people might not be the most accepting of you, they have suffered great losses.” He added softly. “All I am saying is, if you want a true Summer experience, you might want to utilize that shapeshifter you have next to you. Just for right now.”
“Oh, that is a good idea.” I pondered and turned to Tamlin, “help me blend in, just for today.”
He was hesitant at first, but with a gentle hand I felt his magic encompassing me. I looked into the large mirror on the wall. I was still myself, just less Rhysand-looking. My wings were gone, and my violet eyes turned to a soft light brown. Changed, just enough, as to not worry the people of Summer.
“Perfect, let's go shopping.” I smiled. We both bowed to Tarquin as a sign of respect and made our way to the pier.
Tarquin had invited us to join him to dinner at one of the beach view restaurants on the pier. As the High Lord of Summer, him and his company naturally experienced certain perks amongst the restaurant owners.
We sat at a large table on the patio, and I was entranced by the view of the sea, the waves crashing into the shore and the various colors out where the sea met the sky. It was an effort to pay attention to the conversation taking place between the two High Lords.
“I'm glad you're enjoying the view, Sky. I can still sit and stare at it for hours myself.” Tarquin doing his best to include me, offering understanding at my fascination. “I was still young when my family and I were trapped under the mountain for all those years, as a child of Summer, being denied these sights was just one of the many tortures I endured.”
I offered him an understanding smile, and reached to squeeze his hand. Amarantha truly hurt so many of us. Tamlin had shared his memories of the few months he spent under the mountain, while I practiced the mental healing the daemati powers were supposed to be used for. Tarquin had lived that for 50 years. “To come out the other side, still holding softness and kindness in your heart, shows me just how powerful you truly are. There is so much strength in being gentle.”
“I can only imagine the experiences you've faced that have made you this wise.” Tarquin returned the smile, then turned to Tamlin, “You are a lucky man, Tamlin. I hope to have someone by my side someday that can match her beauty and grace, if the cauldron sees me fit.”
“My advice to you, don't wait on the mating bond. Tamlin and I fell in love a long time before it snapped. Put yourself out there, fall in love because you choose to, not because the cauldron thought you would make an interesting pair. Sure, you're gonna get your heart broken at times, love is messy and beautiful, painful and wonderful. That's what makes it worth it. A woman wants to know you've chosen her out of your own free will, not because some outside force tied you to her. She wants to feel loved because you want her to.”
Tarquin pondered my words for a moment. “To fall in love with the possibility it will fail is a scary thought.”
“Oh absolutely, but have the courage to do it anyway.”
The conversation ended as the waitresses brought out the feast Tarquin had ordered for us. Crawfish, shrimp, potatoes, corn, eggs, and crab legs boiled to perfection and seasoned perfectly and generously. I was happy enough that I didn't have to cook tonight, but this looked divine. I had always heard that Summer court had the best food. The rumors were true.
Tag list: @ladythornofrivia @rcarbo1 @rin-u-pos @knoxic
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littlest-w01f · 3 months
Siren song
Tarquin x Euphonia
Summary: When Tarquin hears a soft voice singing to him from the ocean, he follows, someone saves him.
Cw: None
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part one - part two - part three
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It was nearly sunrise when Euphonia returned to the depths of the water where she lived, not that it mattered since the sun couldn't reach there, she had set the heir on the waterside, on the wet sand, not wanting him to get a good look at her.
She felt horrible, no amount of wiping away at her lips would rid her of the feeling of kissing him while he was under her sister's spell, doing something she'd hated her own species of doing.
Gently paddling back towards her underwater grotto, Euphonia let out a sigh as she slipped beneath the waves. The cool, clear water washed over her skin, cleansing away the remnants of her recent encounter with the surface world.
As she swam, she couldn't help but dwell on the events that had transpired. She felt a pang of guilt for having kissed the prince, even if it had been under compulsion. But she consoled herself with the thought that her actions had ultimately served a greater purpose - saving his life and breaking her sister's spell. Despite this, a part of her wondered if there might be more to their connection than just the fulfilment of a love spell.
Reaching her grotto, Euphonia emerged from the water in the underwater cave, her skin glowing in the dim light. As she is outside of her water, her Siren self going back to Fae.
When she opened her eyes, wiping away the droplets of water, finding Kryqa, her Kraken friend, "Hello, aren't you early?"
Kryqa, the massive Kraken, loomed large in the grotto, he was one of the least high fae-like lesser faes, he was what one would consider a true monster, his many tentacles brushing against the walls and sending ripples through the water, some curled around the gold Euphonia had collected from many centuries and ships that had crashed, the treasure from all around Prythian. His enormous eyes glowed in the darkness as he regarded Euphonia. "I could say the same about you," he rumbled, his voice echoing throughout the cave.
"Where were you, Euphonia?" Kryqa growled, tentacles wrapping around her scaled hips almost so she wouldn't escape, but they both knew it wasn't to scare her, anger in his eyes, there was no denying where she had been.
Euphonia swallowed, expression solemn. "I... I was at the shore" She sank onto a rock, his tentacles letting him go, the weight of her actions heavy upon her shoulders as her tail wrapped around the rock, not looking at Kryqa to avoid his disappointment.
"I had to kiss the heir to break the spell of my sister. And then I swam him to the shore..." Her voice trailed off.
Kryqa studied her closely, his gaze intense. "you know you can't do that right?" He hissed, then his tone turned softer than before, "If someone had seen you..."
"I was careful." Euphonia said in an instant, "Besides, dawn was a few hours away, no one saw me."
His tone softened, clearly concerned for his dear friend, even though she was being reckless. "What are you doing? Do you remember what happened last time you interfered with affairs of land Fae?"
"Yes, I do," Euphonia sighed heavily, her slender fingers combing through her long, colourful hair. Her gaze drifted toward the shimmering treasure piled high near the ceiling of the cavern. "Our people had died..."
Kryqa nodded slowly, his gaze shifting to the pile of treasure. "That we did. And yet here we are, still living, still breathing. Still making the same mistakes." He turned his attention back to her. "So tell me, what happens now? Are you visit him again?"
"No... It's over with." Euphonia shook her head, "I just wanted to free him from my sister, nothing else."
Kryqa watched her intently, studying every nuance of her expression. "Your eyes betray you." he finally said.
With those words hanging in the air between them, Kryqa unfurled one of his immense tentacles and used one to gently caress Euphonia's Fae cheek. "Promise me you won't go near him again," he murmured softly, concern evident in his voice.
"I swear..." Euphonia nodded, not wanting to put her friends in danger
"Good." With that, Kryqa left her grotto, leaving her alone in the rather dark place.
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Darkness clouded his eyes, he was being shaken awake, and Tarquin opened his eyes with a gasp, eyes locking with a worried fishermale, his eyes cringed at the sharp summer sun as he was pulled up, the male fussing over him, cleaning his royal clothing of sand. he was surprised to feel himself dry, not remembering most of the night.
The last thing he remembered was diving off the shore and then drowning in a dark pit in the Summer oceans, his eyes were wide, his ears ringing as he was unfocused, he'd seen Sirens, they were real.
He placed a hand over his lips, almost remembering the kiss when the memory slipped away from him.
"My lord, are you alright?"
The words rang in his ears as he simply nodded at the male who held him stable, he simply nodded.
The fishermale helped the dazed prince to his feet, supporting him until he seemed steady enough to stand alone. The sun shone brightly now, casting long shadows across the sand and turning everything a golden hue.
"My mate has gone to altert the High Lord that we found you," the fishermale spoke. "We should get you back to the palace. The High Lord would be worried for your saftey."
Tarquin blinked slowly, nodding again. "Thank you," he murmured quietly, his gaze distant as he looked out to sea, trying to see any signs of the Siren he'd seen. "May I have a moment alone?"
The fisherman nodded, understanding the prince's need to take a moment to collect his thoughts. There was little they could do except wait, so he remained silent, merely a distance away by the prince's side in solidarity.
Tarquin stood at the edge of the shore, the water lapping gently at his feet. His mind was filled with images of the beautiful siren who'd saved him from certain death. He couldn't shake the feeling that their paths would cross again someday.
Tarquin spent a long time standing by the shore, his bare feet sinking into the warm sand as he stared out at the ocean. He couldn't shake the memory of those beautiful sirens from his mind, nor the strange sense of familiarity he'd felt when they sang.
Eventually, however, he was forced to turn away as the sound of approaching horses echoed across the beach. With a sigh, he made his way back to the waiting figures, climbing clumsily onto the horse provided without another word.
After what felt like ages but was likely only minutes later, the sound of hooves echoed in the distance. A carriage soon came into view, drawn by two white horses adorned with the crest of the High Lord. The fisherman waved at it frantically to catch its attention.
Soon, the carriage stopped beside them. Inside was none other than the High Lord himself, who gave Tarquin a stern look once he climbed out.
Tarquin had a guilt-filled look in his eyes as his mother stepped out after his father, his mother rushed to him, worry clear on her face as she cupped his cheeks, looking for injuries, "Oh, dear! I was so worried about you, you weren't in your bed, I couldn't find you anywhere..." She rambled on. His father came to yell at him for sneaking away but she shushed him.
Tarquin let his mother fuss over him, allowing her to check him for injuries despite the fact that he didn't have any. He was more focused on the guilt gnawing at him than anything else. Feeling as if he shouldn't have gone outside, kept in his bed like his parents had told him. As his mother finished speaking, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "I-I'm fine, Mother," he lied, forcing a smile onto his face. "I must have fallen asleep down by the shore."
As they rode back towards the palace, Tarquin found himself thinking once more about those sirens and their song. How he longed to hear that song again. He remembered the voice of the one who had gotten him to the shore, the gentle voice of her, hoping he wouldn't remember everything he did.
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot}
{Siren song Taglist - @slut4acotar}
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headfulloflettuce · 10 days
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
20. A Party for Old Friends
Note: I would like it to be known that I like drama in stories. Also, as I was writing this my 'i' key decided to get jammed. Cue me typing normally and every once in a while you just hear a loud clunk (me trying to get my key to work and actually print the letter).
“Love, please relax.”
“I am relaxed.”
“There’s frost on your furs.” Viviane sighed gently, brushing the snow off of Kallias as he observed the festivities from the top of the imperial staircase.
With the Winter Solstice in full swing all of their guests had arrived, staying at the main palace for the celebration. The ballroom was full of High Fae spinning across the dancefloor, or chatting on the sidelines, enjoying the refreshments.
“We prepared well for this so stop worrying.” Viviane gently kissed Kallias’s cheek.
Viviane rolled her eyes at his cold response, “Aquilo has reported everything is well with security.”
“No suspicious activity?”
“None that we haven’t agreed to sanction.” she winked.
Kallias took a deep breath, offering Viviane his hand, “Shall we then?”
She took her mate’s hand, descending down the staircase together. 
The two were the perfect image of an ice king and queen. Each wore a crown of ice; Kallias’s bearing the harshness of a glacier, and Viviane’s the coldness of frost. Their warm attire sparkled like snow on a sunny day, with Kallias wearing a royal mantle that went down to his knees, while Viviane’s trailed behind her, as per tradition.
Fae approached to greet them, wishing them a good Winter Solstice. Kallias and Viviane responded in kind, wishing their guests health and happiness. 
“Greetings High Lord and Lady of Winter.” a voice as dark as obsidian approached.
“Greetings High Lord of Night.” Kallias returned the greeting, smiling at Rhysand.
“I would have come here to greet you with my mate but she’s a bit preoccupied at the moment.” The High Lord of Night chuckled, glancing at Feyre who was chatting with Briar, “I hope you’ll forgive us, they haven’t seen each other in so long.”
“Of course Rhysand, we’re happy Briar and Feyre get along so well.” Kallias said, an unpleasant feeling curling deep in his stomach.
It would be nice if Briar’s savior could visit once in a while. Then we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.
“Viviane, when is your due date?” Rhysand turned to Viv, glancing at her large stomach.
“Quite soon.” The Lady sparkled, taking Kallias’s hand affectionately.
“It’ll be nice for Nyx to have a playmate.”
“Of course.” Kallias agreed, gently stroking Viv’s hand.
“Well, I shall leave you to the rest of your guests. I need to return to my mate.”
“It was wonderful seeing you again.” Viviane and Kallias bid the man farewell, watching as he made his way back over to Feyre.
 Kallias sighed, noticing Helion approaching them.
Oh, great. Here comes the life of the party.
“Just smile love.” Viv muttered under her breath.
Kallias forced a smile onto his face.
“On second thought don’t smile. You’ll make the kids cry.” 
Kallias looked at his wife, insulted.
“I’ll have you know I have a charming smile.”
“Of course you have a wonderful smile; some just do not appreciate it like I do.”
“Kallias, long time no see. Viviane, you’re beautiful as ever.” Helion approached the duo, smirking, a pretty fae hanging on his arm.
“Helion, always a pleasure.” Kallias responded coolly.
What do you want?
“Haha, why so cold my friend?” Helion laughed
“Why so flirty?”
You never interact with a person unless you want something from them.
“I am always like this.”
“Same could be said about me.”
“Boys, boys, let’s not fight. This is meant to be a peaceful gathering.” Viviane laughed.
“Right as always, Viviane.” Helion conceded, his eyes full of mischief like the sun’s rays.
The beautiful fae tightened her hold on Helion’s arm, pouting at his lack of attention. Kallias was honestly impressed by her lack of clothes considering Winter Court’s weather.
This one was really determined.
Helion spared the fae a side glance, his smile broadening, “Say Lorelei go get yourself a drink, I’ll see you in a bit.”
The fae looked upset but obeyed his command, leaving the group, and walking over to the table of refreshments. 
“Lady of Winter, could I have a moment of your time?” Evelyn approached Viviane, giving Kallias and Helion a small bow.
Viviane glanced at her husband who nodded.
I can handle him.
Kallias could tell she was unhappy leaving the two of them alone, but voiced no protest as she walked away with her sister.
“Wonderful party you’ve organized.” Helion complimented.
“Thank you.” Kallias said “We tried our best to make sure it would be memorable.”
Helion hummed, taking a swig of his wine.
“So…” Helion smirked, leaning against a nearby pillar, “Did you invite the High Lord of Spring, or is he no longer with us?”
Finally getting to the point.
Kallias smiled back, trying to maintain a professional tone, “I did, but unfortunately he couldn’t make it.”
Didn’t even say he wouldn't be coming. I truly wonder if that man still has any employees left at his manor. Perhaps I should visit-No. No, that would be a bad idea. Considering the number of visitors that Tamlin is already getting it would only add fuel to the fire to go there myself.
“Wow, how courteous of you.” Helion drawled.
Kallias’s expression remained unchanged.
I am not going to give you what you want Helion so knock it off.
“You know, Tarquin’s territories still have human refugees from the war.”
“Is that so?”
“Indeed, if only someone was doing their job, perhaps the process of returning them home would have proceeded much smoother.”
“Indeed.” Kallias grabbed a full wine glass from a passing servant, taking a sip.
I am going to need more than one glass to get through tonight.
“I do hope they get home safely.”
“Don’t we all hope for such a happy ending?” Helion toasted with his glass.
The two High Lords shifted their eyes on the individuals stealing the party’s spotlight; Nyx and Feyre. Viviane was practically drooling over the child, poking at his cheek and cooing at him. Kallias tensed at the far away look in his mate’s eyes as she gazed down at the small child with wings.
She never moved on from their deaths.
No matter what he did, it wasn’t enough. No matter what she did, it wasn’t enough for him either.
“I do have to say, if news were to ever come out that Tamlin passed away I will be expecting an invite to a celebration thrown by Rhysand and Feyre personally.”
“Haha, I highly doubt it will get to that.”
“You never know. With the way Tamlin is running his Court, there are many willing neighbors waiting for the perfect opportunity to stake their claim. I can think of one fiery individual in particular.”
You omit Rhysand.
Kallias merely hummed.
I am no idiot, Helion. Those Night Court soldiers we’ve been letting through with our eyes closed aren’t heading to Spring with innocent intentions. If this continues, we’ll have a full-fledged territory war on our hands. 
“You’re no fun to talk to.” Helion laughed, lightly hitting Kallias on the back, making the Lord of Winter scowl.
“Hard to be ‘fun’ when the company is subpar.”
“How you wound me, my gracious host. Though, I do have to admit, you and your wife are a lot more exciting when you let that tongue of yours do the talking.”
“You all would not be able to handle our honesty.”
“No, perhaps we wouldn’t.” Helion sighed, a hint of frustration tinting his playful tone, “Though your poise and dignified demeanor always grates my nerves.”
“Your nerves have my condolences.” Kallias quipped dryly.
“Ah-ha! There’s that spunk.” Helion laughed.
“On the topic of staking claims, I heard you got yourself a proper perfumer.”
Low blow.
“Yes, Miss Cosette of Serene Fragrances. She appeared recently within the capital.”
“You’ve got a new talent on your hands. Quite lucky.”
“She’s a new phenomenon, one should be careful.”
Helion hummed, “I must admit, I’m almost tempted to visit her myself. Unfortunately, all of us High Lords are busy with the solstice.” he smiled at Kallias, “Although, perhaps that’s fortunate for you.”
“What do you mean?” Kallias narrowed his eyes.
Day Court and their indirect language always left a sour taste in my mouth. The verbal sparring of Winter had always made more sense with its precision and bluntness. The more intricate dynamics had always been handled by Viviane, with her angelic smile and tongue of a viper.
“Well, it’s not every day you get a talented entrepreneur.” Helion said, “You never know who else might be interested in…recruiting?”
“Are you suggesting poaching?” Kallias stared at him in slight shock.
“A tactic as old as time. If I had the luxury to spare a few minutes I would honestly give it a go..” Helion confessed, swirling his glass, “I am sure I am not the only one who had that same thought.”
Kallias tensed.
Helion seemed to have noticed as his smirk widened, “But I am sure you have nothing to worry about. We’re all friends here after all.”
I need to have Aquilo send a guard to check in on that perfumery. 
“Oh would you look at that, I have taken up so much of your time Kallias.” Helion did a small bow, “Do forgive me, I am sure there are many others who would also wish to speak with you.”
“It’s no trouble, always happy to catch up with an old friend.” Kallias held back a scowl as Helion rejoined his group of fae from Day Court, with Lorelei returning to his arm.
Kallias took a deep breath, rejoining the crowd as well, conversing with the various guests, determination boiling in his blood.
Like hell was I about to let an asset go without a fight.
Kallias quickly made his way over to Aquilo who was mingling with the guests, his eyes scanning the perimeter for any potential dangers.
“Aquilo, a moment please.”
“Of course my lord.” Aquilo followed Kallias as he led him to the side of the dance floor, walking casually to try and not draw too much attention to themselves.
“You remember Miss Cosette right? The new perfumer?”
“Of course my lord.” Aquilo nodded curtly.
“I want you to send your men down to her perfumery ”
“Actually sir, they’re at the fair.” Aquilo spoke, his tone full of excitement before he coughed, returning to his stoic expression.
“The fair?” Kallias looked at his captain of the guard, “They managed to get a table? This late in the year?”
“I don’t know the details sir, I just know they’re in attendance.”
Kallias shook his head, “Regardless, I want your men keeping an eye on them. If any notable visitors try to approach them, please let me know. Don’t have them stop their patrol routes until I say so.”
“Right away my lord.” Aquilo bowed, quickly leaving to carry out his task.
Kallias nodded, turning back to look at the gathered fae, seeking out his wife. As expected, he found Viviane still with Feyre and Briar, coddling Nyx.
The High Lord of Winter approached the group, gently wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist as she played with the prince of the Night Court, trying to snap her out of it.
“I congratulate you once more Feyre, your son is beautiful.”
“Thank you Kallias.” Feyre smiled, taking Nyx from Viviane as Morrigan approached, handing the baby a bottle.
Kallias didn’t miss how Viviane’s hands clenched into fists for a moment, but quickly eased up as she smiled, the fog previously present in her eyes disappearing slightly.
“Who’s a hungry baby?” Feyre gave her child a smooch on the cheek, handing him the bottle he was desperately reaching for.
The music stopped, and couples moved off the dance floor as new ones took their place.
“Love, will you honor me with this dance?” Kallias extended his hand to Viviane.
“The honor would be mine.” she gave the traditional response, putting her hand into his, following him into the center of the room.
To the Mother she was beautiful. From her white hair to her perfect nose and eyes as mysterious as a frozen lake.
Kallias once more counted his blessings for his luck in having Viviane as his mate. From her ease in managing court affairs to her tantalizing charm, the High Lord felt like he was a young fae again, struggling to speak with the love of his life.
“You look perfect.” Kallias gazed down at Viviane, holding her hand, as they took their place on the dance floor.
“Well thank you.” Viviane smiled, placing her other hand on his shoulder,
Behind her Kallias could see the General of Night Court arguing with his mate, trying to get her to dance with him. He narrowed his eyes.
How unrefined, their arguments were hurting my ears.
The music started, and their bodies moved automatically, matching each other’s steps with precision that could only be honed after ages of knowing one another.
“You are the best dance partner I could have asked for.”
“In life, or for the waltz?” Viviane leaned in.
“I think both.” his nose touched hers, making her pale face blush.
“Ahem, onto more important matters.” she whispered, “What did Helion want?
“He asked about Tamlin, wondering if we had invited him. Then he proceeded to imply that courts neighboring Spring might try to assassinate him.”
“Okay, so nothing new.”
“Nothing new.” Kallias paused, “He also brought up Cosette.”
“Cosette? The perfumer? Why?”
Kallias’s expression hardened slightly, still perturbed by Helion’s disguised warnings.
Or threats.
“He talked about there being the potential of another court trying to poach her from us.”
“What?” Viviane glared.
“Said he and the other High Lords are too busy to visit due to this gathering.” Kallias elaborated, “I for once am grateful that all non-vital businesses are closed for several days after the solstice. It gives us time”
“No, we have to go see her immediately after this.”
“But all businesses are closed.”
“Kallias, that won’t matter if one of them decides they genuinely want to take her. Think how easy it would be for them to send an emissary or someone else to go and pressure her. Do several faes not come to mind that could be capable of such a task? If we truly want to keep her, and I think we should, considering everything we’ve seen from her thus far, shouldn’t we be more proactive?”
She was right. We couldn’t ignore the possibility that a High Lord’s dog might try and persuade our talent to move.
“You’re right, we can’t wait.” Kallias agreed.
We needed competent fae now more than ever.
Viviane nodded, relaxing slightly now that she had Kallias convinced.
“Should we go see her tomorrow then?”
It was technically against tradition to disturb a fae the day after the Winter Solstice, as it was meant for relaxation and rest.
“We have no choice.” Viviane sighed, “At the very least we should go check if she’s at the perfumery.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kallias wasn’t too keen on breaking tradition, but was willing to bend the rules this once, “I’ll have a courtier take note of each Court and their entourages to track who is actively attending the festivities and meetings. Then, I’ll have them cross-check that with the official guest list to see if anyone is absent.”
“That’s a good idea, it’ll give us a starting point for an investigation if need be.”
Out of the corner of his eye Kallias could see Beron reluctantly chatting with a boisterous Helion, a scowl permanently painted onto his features, the Lady of Autumn glancing nervously between the two fae males.
Well, now I have a visual for what I looked like when I spoke with the Lord of sunshine.
Beron’s brood had spread across the hall, chatting with various members of Courts, with Eris deep in conversation with a Dawn Court healer.
“Have you had a chance to talk to the other High Lords?” Kallias asked, “Apart from Feyre and Rhysand.”
“I spoke with Thesan. He had good decorum as always. Neutral to a fault.” 
“Careful Viv, with how you’re describing him some fae may think you don’t like him.” Kallias gently spun her, before placing his hand back on her waist, continuing their movements across the floor.
“I like Thesan, he’s a competent High Lord who cares for his people and neighbors. He's just extremely good at hiding what he feels, like someone else I know.” she shot him a non-menacing glare.
“Did he say anything in particular?”
“No, nothing in particular. As I said, perfect decorum.” Viviane relaxed a bit, “I briefly spoke with Eris who had approached me regarding potential trade deals but Beron quickly interrupted us.”
“Like Beron to insert himself into a conversation.”
Viv giggled, “Indeed. I obviously made no promises regarding trade, but really Kallias we might need to start thinking of scheduling a meeting with the High Lord of Autumn.”
“I know.” Kallias cringed, he had been putting this off for as long as possible, not wanting to deal with Beron.
Deals with him always felt slimy.
“So you haven’t spoken to Tarquin yet?” Kallias clarified.
“No, unfortunately, you?”
“No, but I’ll meet with him after this dance.”
The music swelled and stopped, with the two of them ending right on the last note, Viviane’s dress swishing elegantly around her.
“I’ll see you later, love.” Viviane gave him a curtsy.
“And I you.” Kallias bowed in turn, with them walking in opposite directions.
The High Lord of Winter quickly found one of his close advisors and tasked the fae with checking over the lists of invited and attending guests from various Courts, while he made his way over to Tarquin. 
The fae looked rough, his beautiful sea colored robes with swirling patterns doing nothing to conceal the dark eyebags.
“Greetings High Lord of Summer.” Kallias approached the man.
“Greetings High Lord of Winter.” Tarquin smiled.
“How are you feeling?”
“Oh I am doing well, thank you for asking.”
“Really? Because it looks like you haven’t slept in half a century.” Kallias joked gently.
Tarquin let out a low laugh, “Well, I am sure you’ve heard that things have been busy.”
“I have. How is the situation with humans?”
“To be honest? Terrible. Due to Spring’s current condition it’s hard to get people back across the border. Vassa and Jurian have been helpful but they don’t have the manpower or resources to truly organize anything, which means my soldiers need to go in and lead people through the maze that is Spring's forests. We have tried to winnow a chunk of the people home but we’re needed back in Adriata. On top of that I have the fae refugees from Spring.” he sighed, “You wouldn’t just happen to have some extra produce lying around? The overpopulation is starting to take a toll on our supply of food.”
“Unfortunately I don’t.” Kallias said, his voice grim, “Our harvests are terrible as well.”
“I don’t know if we’ll be able to feed everyone at this rate.” Tarquin rubbed the space between his eyes, “It doesn’t help that our fish population is dwindling for Mother knows what reason.”
Kallias wished he could help but his own Court wasn’t exactly prospering.
A distance away on the dance floor, Amren and Varian were dancing together. Kallias glanced back to the High Lord of Summer, trying to read his expression, but Tarquin gave nothing away.
You, my neighbor, were handed a difficult political deck of cards despite your neutral and friendly position amongst the Courts. Inter-court relations were always a hassle to deal with if not pre-planned and done for a political advantage.
Varian leaned down to give Amren a kiss.
Smart of them; spreading their members out across various Courts, having them visit us to play nice. Guess we all didn’t have anyone to blame but ourselves for letting the Night Court grow more powerful.
“Perhaps we should discuss this further.” Kallias proposed, “Come up with a solution?”
It seemed only fair that we got to play too if Autumn and Night were going to try and snag a piece of Spring.
Tarquin eyed him suspiciously before nodding, “I’ll be expecting an invitation back to your palace then.”
“I’ll make sure to send it within a reasonable time frame.”
Varian suddenly approached the two of them, with a bright smile on his face, Amren close behind.
“Good evening High Lord of Winter, may your Winter Solstice be going well.”
“Thank you for your good wishes Varian.” Kallias responded politely.
“What were you two discussing?” Varian glanced at his High Lord.
“Who’d pass out first from getting drunk, Cassian or Aurelius.” Tarquin lied, giving his cousin a smile.
“I am placing my bets on Aurelius.” Amren said, the dark red jewelry she wore complimenting her features, “Out of Beron’s sons he had always been the most unpredictable.”
“Easy to rile up.” the captain of Summer Court’s guard agreed.
The two High Lords chuckled as they listened to Amren’s and Varian’s theories about which fae male had the constitution to drink the most without getting sick, exchanging a knowing look.
Kallias picked up a couple shortbread cookies and placed them on the mantle of their personal fireplace. They made sure to leave offerings in any other place of importance, their bedroom being the last.
Viviane gently wrapped her arms around Kallias from behind, kissing his cheek. He relaxed, sighing deeply.
“What would I do without you?”
“What would you do indeed?” she giggled, stroking his hair.
The party had gone over without a hitch, with all the guests returning to their assigned rooms after a night of merrymaking and deal closures. The two rulers only got to return to their bedroom after everything had been taken care of. Kallias didn’t want to check what time it was.
Their bedroom was large, with a canopy bed in the center of the room and the furthest wall being an entire bookshelf. Although the two had a personal library accessible only to them and any important members in the Court, they preferred to keep their favorite books here.
The edges of the tall curtained windows looking out onto the capital were painted in slight frost, with the distant sound of music and cheers coming through them. 
Kallias took Viviane’s hand into his, slowly dancing with her to the quiet music.
“You’re beautiful.”
“Hm, and you are like the tundra.”
Kallias chuckled, leaning down and kissing Viviane. 
“How are you feeling?”
“I am alright, why do you ask?”
He paused, not wanting to push her, “I meant with Nyx…and all that.”
“Ah.” she avoided his eyes, finding the floor to be a much more interesting subject.
“Please look at me.” he spoke softly.
She met his soft gaze again, her eyes slightly misty.
“Every time I look into his or Briar’s eyes I see them again. Alive and well.” she took in a sharp breath.
“I know.”
For both of us Briar had unintentionally become a sore subject. 
He gently pulled her closer, stroking her white hair as they kept swaying.
The eldest of the bunch always tried to pull tricks whenever we or their parents hosted such events. If he had been here no one would have gotten a moment of rest until six in the morning.
Kallias took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm for Viviane’s sake.
It was hard; do you talk about the thing that makes your heart want to burst from pain or do you ignore it and hope for the best?
He put his hand on her stomach, feeling the child kick.
Kallias smiled.
My favorite part of any day.
“Hi little one, you’re going to be born soon, aren’t you?”
The baby kicked again, making Viviane put a hand on her stomach as well.
“You’re going to be such a beautiful girl.”
“Aww, do you want the baby to be a girl?” Viviane giggled, “You were always such a girl dad.”
“I will love the child regardless of gender.” Kallias’s tone turned indignant, “It's just if it's a girl I can spoil her.”
“And you won't spoil a baby boy?”
“Of course I will, but he'll need to be raised as the next High Lord I can't-” Kallias stopped himself before he could make Viviane's expression any grumpier than what it had turned.
“No no, continue.”
“That's not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“Love…” he spoke gently, “We both know that our Court expects more from the male in a family unit. I don't want him to be unprepared for the expectations that will be thrust upon him, regardless of what he wants.”
“I know.” Viviane leaned into his arms again, “I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t want you to ignore the baby’s education if she happens to be a girl.”
“Viv, I would never deny my child a proper education fitting that of a High Fae.” Kallias held his mate close, “Who do you take me for?”
“Sorry, I trust you. I am just worried.”
“Don’t apologize.” Kallias murmured, pressing a kiss onto her forehead, “If you happen to see me neglecting something in regards to our child you’re welcome to throw a book at me.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” she booped his nose, “Although, we already have Briar, so a baby boy would be a diverse addition.”
Kallias's face hardened, “Love, Briar isn't our -”
“Oh please, like you don't view her as family at this point.”
I couldn’t argue with that statement.
“You'd let her get away with treason if she committed it.”
“Well …”
She was right. Regardless of what reasons Feyre and Rhysand had for leaving her here I had to acknowledge my attachment to the human.
“I just wish she would attend her classes.” he sighed.
“To the Mother, you even sound like her father at this point.”
“So what if I do?” Kallias challenged, “I am concerned for this human’s future. She’s living amongst the fae with barely any understanding of our culture apart from that propaganda she has been fed. If she doesn’t start learning she won’t survive. We can’t exactly keep Briar away from social gatherings.”
“She loves learning Kallias, her strengths just aren’t in books and studying with stuck up tutors. For a human she’s good with a sword and she loves working with animals.”
Kallias nodded. He respected Briar’s strengths, but he feared it wouldn’t be enough.
Granted, I at least didn’t have to worry about protecting her. We would outlive her, so we would always be there to protect her, however, the Winter Court’s noble family had to maintain an image that Briar currently did not fit into. Whether we liked it or not.
“I don’t know Viv.”
“For Mother’s sake Kallias, the human grew up in a literal cult. She had been denied a proper childhood, let her live a little.” Viviane looked at him reproachfully.
Now I feel guilty.
“Right. I forget her age.”
“Exactly, she’s young, and even if she wasn’t, let her grow at her own pace. Perhaps we should change her tutors to see if someone else is a better fit?”
We have already gone through the best tutors Winter Court had to offer.
“Alright, we’ll change the tutors.”
Viviane looked into Kallias’s eyes, and he looked back into hers.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The snow outside turned into a blizzard, as if nature itself celebrated them.
Next: Chapter 21 - New Acquaintances
Back: Chapter 19 - Memento
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animezinglife · 3 months
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"She had never imagined the Mother, the Cauldron, or whatever forces determined such fates would gift her such a thing: mating bonds were the sort of romantic fantasies she’d read about in books as a child or sung about in old sailors’ shanties.  Such things certainly were not the fates of daughters of a village fisherman; of the keeper of a small, run-down shop." - Tarquin x Acelia (OC), Gifts of the Sea by @animezinglife / wyse_ink
14 notes · View notes
shadowqueenjude · 6 months
Hi, this is a lot of the stuff I have (completely) written; probably not all of it and I don't feel like searching through to find all of it but I'm trying to be organized be proud of me everyone. I suck at naming shit so I'm just writing the main ship and a general description of what it's about (click on ship name and there's a link attached).
Star Wars:
Anidala —> I saw a post about how Padme was way too calm in ROTS on Mustafar considering how stressful her pregnancy was and the added stress of all the hiding and I thought hey Ima write the Mustafar scene but with Padme’s pregnancy hormones kicking in!
Leia and Anakin —> I just think Leia deserved closure with Anakin too…
Throne of Glass Elorcan --> Elide brings home a cat, oneshot Elorcan --> Elide gets reading lessons, oneshot Elorcan --> Elide learns to fight, oneshot Lorcan's Backstory (NO ROMANCE) --> his life before the TOG events The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes/The Hunger Games Snowbaird --> What if Lucy hadn't run away into the forest? Coriolanus Snow x OC --> OC goes back in time to try and prevent the second war by ending the hunger games decades earlier. Snowbaird --> Faerie AU, Lucy returns from the forest a decade after she ran away, one shot Coriolanus Snow --> Murderous Coriolanus, post-Tbosas, canon compliant (Part 1) (Part 2)
Love Mockingjay, Sincerely Jabberjay —> Lucy Gray has returned from the forest and she is dying. Given the mayor who still hunted her, she had no choice but to reach out to the very person who had tried to kill her: Coriolanus Snow. One shot
The Snow Family Curse —> There’s some things all Snows have in common, including a phenomenon destined to repeat itself in every generation: disastrous love. One shot.
The Folk of the Air:
Madoc x reader
Madoc x reader
A Court of Thorns and Roses Completed Fics: Tamsand --> What if Tamlin had shapeshifted to take Feyre's place in the bargain in ACOMAF? Neris, Elucien, Feyre x OC --> Has ships but is mainly just Nesta destroying the Inner Circle because I find this amusing Neris, Elucien --> Has ships but is mainly just Lucien wrecking havoc and destroying the Inner Circle because I find this amusing Tamlin/Tarquin, Elucien --> Has ships but is mainly just Tamlin destroying the Inner Circle because I find this amusing Tamlin's Life Story (some angsty Feylin, tragic doomed Tamcien) --> basically I wrote Tamlin into a Greek tragedy. Canon compliant...mostly. Lady of Spring (NO ROMANCE) --> What if Tamlin's mother had left her husband? Exploration of a rejected mating bond. Neris --> After her terrible experience with mating bonds, Nesta is determined to stop her sister's wedding to her mate, Lucien Vanserra. Unfortunately for her, Lucien's brother Eris is equally determined to ensure the wedding happens. Eltamcien --> Super angsty, horny, gorey shit. I will probably never write anything remotely like it again but it's good...if you can handle it. Feytamsand --> What if when Rhys sacrificed his life for the Cauldron, he lost his High Lord powers? (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) One-shot/two-shots:
Elucien --> Lucien meets Elain when she's still human Lucien x Nesta (NOT ROMANTIC), Neris --> Lucien befriends Nesta and introduces Emerie to his mechanic friend Nuan Lucien and Gwyn (NOT ROMANTIC) --> Just Lucien and Gwyn being chaotic and pranking the bats because that's what they deserve That Calanmai scene --> Lucien's POV of his trauma with Ianthe Uncle Eris and Auntie Gwyn (NOT ROMANTIC): Gwyn and Eris babysitting Nyx, two-shot (Part 1) (Part 2) Baby bro Lucien and Big bro Eris --> exactly what it sounds like Elucien --> Elain speaks to Lucien about his scars Elucien --> Elain and Lucien discuss Ianthe Elain and Nesta (sisterly bonding) --> Elain is finally fed up with the Inner Circle. Nessian --> Post Hybern's death, Nesta fulfills a vow she made long ago. Azris --> When Eris caught Azriel snooping (link) When Azriel choked Eris HL meeting (link)
Eltamcien? --> Tamlin gives Lucien what he wants, but that's not him...
Rhysta —> That scene where Feyre and the IC visit the Archeron house in ACOMAF but with a twist.
Eris Vanserra —> Eris makes a deal with Keir, ACOSF, Eris POV
Tamlin —> Tamlin dragging Beron’s ass to battle
Crescent City
Ruhnlidia --> pregnancy AU post-CC3
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shi-daisy · 1 year
Clare Beddor bansee...Girl you are galaxy brained omg!!! Please tell me we're getting Clare and Nesta friendship and Feysand dunking!
I love how you didn't have the others hide the fact that Feyre was the one to give Clare's name but they didn't vilify her either even if they could've and all hate what she's done. Same thing with Rhysand. They tell Clare everything and she's the one who's allowed to be angry or grateful, and she's very angry! Love it so much and I can't wait to see her confront them.
Also Azalea x Tarquin is new otp those two would look soooo good 👀 I need more
Thank you anon! I'm so happy everyone is loving banshee Clare. Justice for my baby girl she literally did nothing wrong!
Yeah I've already had Feysand creepers arguing everyone is taking the Night Court in bad fate which like...They're allowed to?! Feyre destroyed Spring, indirectly caused Daphne's death and didn't stand up for Nesta, then Rhysand wants to be High King (hahahahahahahaha no), almost causes Tamlin to kill himself and locked Nesta up and forced her to help with his bullshit schemes. They're allowed to hate them and worst. But ya know if this was Sarah's book she'd say Spring are the villains for being mad. Though luck dudes my name ain't Sarah and I'm not excusing them.
I had the squad tell her everything upfront not only because she deserves to know but so that the Feysand crowd can't say they didn't tell her the truth that Rhysand 'helped' (would've helped more if you didn't tell Amarantha anything but you stupid fuck) and that Feyre didn't she would die. Clare gets the whole truth but she's still allowed to be mad and say 'Nah fuck them, their little oops cost me my human life and my entire family. They going down'
Confrontation will take a while but we shall get more Clare, both her being besties with Nesta learning about fae life and coming to terms with everything.
Oh glad to hear you like Azalea and Tarquin. It's one of my fave plot threads and I'm looking forward to writing them more. Sarah really made this gorgeous yet shy dude and did nothing with him because she was busy thirsting over Rhys *gag* I wanna change that, plus I feel he'd vibe with a smart yet flirty wife.
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achaotichuman · 3 months
For fun:
Hewn City MalexNyx
For chaos:
AndrasxRhys (like imagine the angst if Feyre killed his ex love)
Rhys DadxTamlins dad
You do not need to do all this just whichever ones spark your interest
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Gwyn x Tarquin
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Hewn City Male x Nyx
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Jurian x Amarantha
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LoA x Mor
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Andras x Rhys
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Helion x Eris
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Keir x Beron
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Rhys' dad x Tamlin's dad
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All of them sparked my interest
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