#tasertricks fanfic
nyxlaufeyson · 4 months
Gift from the Sky
Loki Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
POV: Third
Ship: Loki x Darcy Lewis
Type: Fluff... maybe a little crack as well? But that's just bc it's literally impossible to write this ship without just a bit of fun.
Warning: Lil bit of suggestive referencing but that's it
Wordcount: 1,769
Synopsis: It's not every day an angel ends up bleeding in your yard. But it did happen to Darcy Lewis.
A/N: This was originally part of my AU-gust shit last year, and well, yeah it just got finished. Slowly trying to crack my writers block. Tasertricks is so fun tho!!!
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“What the shitballs?” Darcy said, hearing a loud crash outside. Having some sort of self-survival skills, she grabbed her taser and headed outside, where she found a man laying on the ground. 
Darcy stared at the man for a second, who made no move to get up. “Uh, sir?” She called, but the man didn’t answer.
She contemplated calling the cops, as the man looked pretty beat up. He had several cuts and bruises adorning his face, and seemed to have taken a pretty big fall. Where he had fallen from, however, was not something Darcy knew.
“Are you ok?” She asked, and this time the man groaned in response. Baby steps, baby steps. “Do you want me to call the police?” She asked, and that seemed to get the man's attention. 
“No.” He responded, slowly sitting up. “No need for police. I apologize for the intrusion. I’m assuming I’m on Midg- Earth?” He asked, and Darcy stared at him. 
Maybe he she would need her taser after all. It was becoming increasingly clear that this man was either on drugs, or just batshit crazy. Darcy wasn’t taking any chances on either. “Yes, you are on Earth. New Mexico, to be exact.”
The man stood up, wiping some dirt off of his outfit. He was rather tall, and his black hair was loose around his face. He was dressed in some sort of white robe that faded to black at the bottom. 
Then it hit Darcy. There was a mental facility not too far from where she lived, and there was a chance that this man had somehow escaped.
“Look dude.” She said, still gripping her taser in the pocket of her jacket. “I don’t know where you’re from, or how you ended up here, but I don’t care. As long as you get off my property, I won’t snitch. There’s a gas station down the road you can go to if you want.”
He seemed to nod, and then he tried to rub his back with his hands. Darcy had no clue what he was doing, so she just stood there. “Got an itch or something?” 
He shook his head, frowning, before turning around so Darcy could see his back. “Is there anything there? Any pair of, perhaps, big objects on my back?” 
Darcy opened her mouth a little bit, confused as frick, before shaking her head. “Nope, just your back.” She said, before squinting a bit further. “Wait. You're bleeding.”
Darcy walked up closer to the man, still well aware of the heavy weight of her taser in her pocket, to get a closer look. “Holy guacamole, dude! What did you do to your back?” 
Blood was quickly seeping through the fabric of the man’s robes, and Darcy became increasingly concerned. “Ah.” He said, seemingly coming to a realization. “So that’s where the pain was coming from.”
Darcy contemplated her choices of actions before making a decision. Chances were, this guy wasn’t going to want to call an ambulance, for whatever reasons that might be. But, because Darcy was a decent human being, she didn’t want to send the man off to bleed out either. 
“Look, I’ve got some stuff I can bandage you up with inside, but you’ve gotta at least tell me who you are.” She finally said, and the man nodded. 
“I am Loki, angel of Alfheim.” He introduced, before tilting his head. “Well, was an angel of Alfheim. I suppose now I’d be considered fallen.”
“Right.” Darcy said, sighing. So this man was from the mental ward. Fantastic, really, since she had just offered to patch him up. 
She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, not letting her guard down, and helped him inside. She had him sit on a chair while she grabbed some antiseptics and bandages. “I’m going to need you to take the robe off your back, but please leave the bottom half on.” She said, and she heard the man laugh from the other room.
“So, how’d you get your black to bleed like that?” Darcy asked, taking in the two oddly shaped wounds. It was almost like… She chuckled to herself. “Let me guess, your wings fell off or something?”
Loki grimaced as Darcy began to wipe away some of the blood. “Something like that.” He replied, and Darcy silently shook her head as she applied some of the antiseptic to his skin. He hissed, but she continued her movements.
“I appreciate your hospitality…” Loki trailed off, and Darcy smiled. 
“Darcy.” She said, cutting off some of her bandage wrap to use. She had to walk around Loki, wrapping him up like a present. Luckily, the bandages managed to stop most of the bleeding, so that was good.
He grunted as the bandage rubbed up on his wound, but managed to pull off a tight smile. “Nice to meet you, Darcy.”
Darcy finished with the bandages and zipped them up in a first aid kit and put it up in the closet before tossing Loki a water bottle. “Drink this.”
Loki did as he was told, gulping down the water as Darcy checked the pantry. “You hungry?” She asked, digging around to find something she could offer him.
“Yes, actually.” Loki said, and Darcy pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup. 
“I have this.” She said, holding the can up. “I probably need to go grocery shopping, because I don’t have a whole lot.” 
Loki nodded, waving his hand in the air. “Yes, that will suffice, thank you.” He said, and Darcy threw the soup in the microwave, because she didn’t feel like waiting to heat it up in a pot.
Once it was done, she poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon, handing it to Loki. “Thank you.” He said, and Darcy grabbed a bag of chips for herself.
Once they were both done eating, they wallowed in silence for a few minutes before either of them said anything. Finally, Darcy broke the silence. “So who are you really?” She asked, catching Loki a bit off guard. 
“I am who I said I am. Loki, angel-fallen-of Alfheim.” He replied, but Darcy just raised her eyebrows.
“Right, so I’ve heard, but why have you fallen, or whatever you call it, to Earth?” She inquired, still convinced that this was probably an escaped patient. He didn’t seem to mean her any harm, though, so she figured it would be alright. She didn’t completely relax, since she wasn’t that stupid.
The man/angel shrugged. “I grew bored of such familiar scenes. After so long, there was nothing left for me there. Unfortunately, I could not leave without some,” he glanced at his bandages, “retaliation.”
Darcy nodded. She wasn’t believing his story one bit, but to humor herself, she popped a question to see what his response would be. “If you are who you say you are, can’t you prove it?”
Loki didn’t seem off put by her question. “How would you like me to prove it to you?”
This caused Darcy to stop and think about it. If he was really a fallen angel, what would she have him do? Then, she had it. “Summon me a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.”
This caused him to raise an eyebrow. “That’s how you ask me to prove my angelicness to you? A milkshake?” 
Darcy frowned. “Something wrong with that?”
Loki shook his head and held out his hand. Truth be told, he wasn’t entirely sure that his magic would work now that he was on Earth and his wings were gone. If he couldn’t summon anything, he would look like a major fool. Which, granted, wouldn’t be the worst problem he’d encountered, but still.
Low and behold, a chocolate milkshake appeared in his right hand, and he handed it to Darcy, who was dumbstruck.
“What the hell?!” She yelled, eyes wide. Maybe this guy wasn’t from the crackhouse. “How the hell?”
Loki chuckled. “From my realm, if you said that, they’d banish you.” 
Darcy, who had now grabbed the milkshake, rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, this is the United States. First amendment, buddy.” 
That did nothing but confuse Loki, but Darcy didn’t even notice that he was confused. She was still focused on the fact that she had a frickin’ angel in her house. An angel! Her friend Jane would be all over this right now.
Loki shrugged. “I did try to tell you, in all fairness.” 
“Yeah, well, forgive me for not believing you! It’s not everyday that a bleeding fallen angel appears on your doorstep.” Darcy said with a roll of her eyes. “What are you even planning on doing here on Earth? It’s not a great place, I’ll tell you straight up. Especially America. We’ve got a lot of shit going on right now.” 
He scratched his neck. “I didn’t formulate much of a plan past getting out of there.” 
Darcy took a long sip of the milkshake. “Yeah, I get that.” She realized that the poor angel/guy was still halfway dressed in a weird, blood-stained gown. “Hey, do you want some clothes? I probably have something that will fit.”
Loki nodded. “That would be excellent, thank you, Darcy.” 
Okay, she could not have been getting butterflies from someone who literally fell from the sky. But she definitely was. Since when had her body ever listened to her?
She looked through her drawers and found one of her super-oversized shirts and a pair of sweatpants that one of her exes had left at some point. 
She went back into the living room and handed him the clothes. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. Uhm, look, do you need a place to spend the night? I mean, it’s getting kinda late and I don’t want you to be wandering the streets. Especially if you’re not from… around here.” Darcy said. Great, go and offer him your home. That won’t be weird at all. Cohabitation with an angel.
He smiled. “I appreciate your hospitality, but I do not wish to be a burden on you. Surely such a beautiful woman has perhaps a… housemate? I do not wish to disrupt anyone else's realities more than I have here today.”
Housemate? And, hold on, did he just call her beautiful? “Ha! Nope, just me here.”
Loki tilted his head. “Well then, we must find a way for me to repay your hospitality…” 
She smirked. “Well, there is one thing I can think of, if you’re up for it.”
And that was the story of how Darcy Lewis fucked a fallen angel.
TAGS: (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream @iceeericeee
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getinthehandbasket · 3 months
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thatsolacegirl · 3 months
AO3 Masterpost (Tasertricks)
At the End of the Time
She was his Valhalla, and he will find her. Even if he had to crawl out of this hell. A mosaic of memories of our favorite President and his campaign manager from his perspective. Inspired by Time After Time by wilhelmina_murray. Can be read independently.
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
We’re so sad, we paint the town blue, Voted most likely to run away with you. Where they elope. Non-serialized.
but for a fortnight there we were forever
When the multiverse-ending apocalypse is brought on by the Kang Dynasty, Darcy Lewis schemes. They might lose a few battles but they will definitely win the war. Title inspired by: Fortnight (Taylor Swift).
push & pull
"Laufeyson's a master manipulator Darcy, be careful where you tread with him."   Darcy Lewis is an overworked cop who's given the case of Loki Laufeyson, a suspected drug lord. With a (probable) promise of a vacation, she accepts albeit hesitatingly. Too bad that fate is a bitch and her case is her soulmate.
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justheretoread-ao3 · 8 months
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There's a Tasertricks April Fools' (not themed) exchange on ao3! Read the FAQ and sign up!!! GOGOGOGO!
Run by @gyoroandururun Banner by moi!
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noprobllama92 · 5 months
chapters: 1/1
words: 3,263
fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
rating: Mature
warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki
characters: Darcy Lewis, Loki
additional tags: Fluff and Humor, Established Relationship, Loki Being a Little Shit (Marvel), POV Darcy Lewis
summary: Darcy is feeling self-conscious. Loki isn't much help.
Rated for a brief mention of smut and Darcy's potty mouth.
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bjorkshire-pudding · 3 months
Hey Val ^.^ 6, 7, 9 and 15 for the writer ask game! Have fun!
Hi Luna! Thanks for dropping by.💙😌
6. What ship(s) captured your heart? Hmmm... this is a difficult one, because most of my recent work has been written with either Character x OC or Character x Reader. But a long, long time ago when I used to write for the Marvel fandom, I was really into Tasertricks and ShieldShock. (If you're interested in reading any of my old works, you can follow the links.)
7. What character(s) captured your heart? This motherfucker right here. He just... yeah.
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The thing about it is, I was warned about him. Years ago, my brother told me: "I feel like you'd like Captain Levi." I told him he was a fool. He's laughing now.
9. What fic meant the most to you to write? This answer goes hand in hand with the previous question, I think. Near the end of last year, I realized that there were some feelings of grief I hadn't fully processed yet in regards to my dad's sudden death a few years ago. I wrote something called Where the Sky Hangs, where I got a chance to explore those feelings and find catharsis in writing about them (and Levi is the male lead in it).
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023. This recommendation comes with a bit of a caveat - the story was originally written and posted in 2022. I decided I didn't like how it had ended, however, and decided to do an almost-complete rewrite in 2023. It's one that was very recently finished called Against the Tide. It's an Ikemen Prince x Bleach crossover adventure fic featuring my Black OC, and you can read it here.
Ask me things!
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twistedlittlecritter · 2 months
"He was a meteor gravitating towards her, wondering if he’d get the chance to reach her surface before he burnt up entirely." -- AnonymousMink
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pennywaltzy · 1 year
9. Write about a heated debate -- Jane and Darcy about Darcy's love life (you can pick the ship).
I decided to put this in my "Just Pieces On The Board" series with Jane and Darcy discussing her relationship with Loki (because I don't think Darcy dating Steve or Stephen would upset Jane that much...Bucky would probably be forgiven more easily because of his brainwashing, but Loki would draw more incredulity).
Differing Opinions - Darcy and Jane have differing opinions on Darcy's budding relationship with Loki.
“I can’t believe--” Jane took a deep breath. “You and Loki?”
“He’s changed,” Darcy said. “I mean, you’ve been around him since the trip to Asgard. It’s not like it was a surprise. We spent nearly a week in bed before I moved here to New York!”
“Yes, but a fling I can see. An actual relationship? No way.”
“I don’t need your permission to date him,” Darcy said, bristling slightly. She and Loki had just figured out that a relationship was what they had, and it was something they wanted to keep. Thor had been happy for her and his brother, but here was Jane, on her high horse about it. “And besides, Thor is happy for us, and Loki said his mom is too. They know him better than you or I do.”
“And that’s the point. He’s only been back on Earth for, what. A few weeks now? How long did he leave you alone?”
“I could ask the same of Thor. No one seems to be giving you the third degree.”
“My boyfriend didn’t launch a full scale invasion of New York!” Jane said exasperatedly, throwing her hands up in the air.
“And he’s paid for it. Thor said he’s paying his debt, and the world governments made Thor his babysitter. He’s changed!” Darcy turned away from her friend. “Why can’t you just be happy for me? I’m happy with him.”
“You’d be happier with someone less megalomaniacal,” she said.
“Get out,” Darcy said quietly.
“What?” Jane asked, her eyes wide.
“You don’t get to dictate who I date and I don’t want to continue this conversation, so go before I say something I’ll really regret.” Jane, smartly enough, said no more, grabbing her knapsack and leaving Darcy’s apartment.
I’m not going to cry, Darcy thought to herself before a tear dropped down her face. She dashed it away and stood up, going into her kitchen and pulling down ingredients for...something. She’d figure it out depending on what she had.
An hour later there was a pan of Better than Sex brownies cooling on the counter and another one in the oven. She’d make a bunch and plate them up and leave them in the common room for everyone to enjoy. Except Jane. She doesn’t deserve to enjoy the gooey goodness of my brownies, she thought to herself as she started to make her third batch.
There was a knock on the door and she set her spatula down before going to the door. Jane stood there, looking sheepish. “I’m sorry, Darce. You’re right. I shouldn’t try dictating who you date. You’ve always had good judgement in the men you associate with.”
Darcy leaned against the doorjamb. “You talked to Thor?”
“Actually, I talked to Loki,” she said, and Darcy’s eyes widened. “He’s totally smitten. Maybe already in love with you. But...I don’t think he’d hurt you, at least not on purpose.”
“Come on in,” Darcy said, moving out of the way.
“He didn’t get angry, though he had every right to. I was basically questioning both of your judgment when I should have at least trusted yours. I mean, I’m in the wrong, and I hope you can forgive me.”
“Of course I can. Come ’ere,” Darcy said, opening up her arms. Jane grinned and gave her best friend a tight hug which Darcy eagerly returned. “Come on, you can have some of the first batch of brownies I made. They’re still warm.”
“Better Than Sex brownies, I take it?”
“You know it.”
“I can’t resist,” Jane said, moving to the counter. Darcy grinned and knew that whatever Loki had said it spoke well for them, and for him too, and she was glad. She was absolutely smitten with him, too, and she wanted them to be together for as long as possible.
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nowamamamia · 6 months
AO3 is down for maintenance?! You mean I have to go back to my WIP instead of reading that tasertricks fic for the 15th time?!? What is life
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womanof-1000-faces · 1 year
going on a fic hunt
I've never done an ask like this before, but my own research has been in vain. I need Help.
Some time ago, I remember reading a one-shot fic on (sigh) ff.net, which was about Harley Quinn leaving Gotham and remaking herself into Darcy Lewis, and then winding up in NYC during the Battle of New York, and the Avengers walk in on her impromptu therapy session with Loki.
Unfortunately, I don't remember the title, or whether it was under the Avengers fandom or Batman or Thor or some unknown crossover, or whether it was marked with Darcy or Harley as a character, and since (I'm 95% sure) this is on ff.net, there's not really a good way to search for it. Does anyone on here happen to know what I'm talking about, to point me in the right direction?
Information will be rewarded with my eternal gratitude.
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illicien · 2 years
A Crown of Frost (Snippets)
Let’s be clear, this is the real reason I’m back on this site. I have begun chaos and I refuse to post it yet, so instead I must scream into a void as I shake everything around me violently.
This idea has been burning in my head for a little bit and I am utterly obsessed with Jotun Loki at the moment (which is the whole point of The Frozen Branch series). So what did I do? I decided to play a little “Everyone Loves Loki!” ... Sort of.
Let’s be honest, I’ve been around reading fic absently for years before I even made an Ao3 account. At the time I looked at my past writings and went “oh dear god, no, I should never write fanfiction again” so that took a good five-ish years to get over. But I’ve seen a lot of Loki’s changes through fandom, particularly with regards to ships, and man! I love ships! I love all the ships! So many ships!!
I haven’t even decided how this one will end, frankly. But I have a couple little snippets from a couple of different chapters to share, since I’m planning to break it down... sort of by ship.
Not all of the ships involved have snippets for sharing, yet, so this isn’t all there is to expect. ❤
Below the cut for snippets!
Intro Snippet:
On the branch of frost was born the snowflake of Jotunheim, with skin the colour of Midgard's daylight skies and hair darker than the coals of Muspelheim.
From a realm known for its unforgiving climate and brutal people emerged whispers of a beauty unrivalled in all the realms - and naturally, such a thing was coveted. For many years the whispers grew, truths and fictions weaving into a tapestry of an idea.
So when it was announced that the heir to the throne of Jotunheim - the very tapestry woven into the minds of the nine realms - would be meeting with potential suitors from across the realms, it was no surprise to find each realm well represented.
(A/N: This fic, as you may have noticed, began with intentions of being a fairytale. And... then I added Darcy and it went off the rails really quickly. I love you, Darcy.)
Darcy and the Giant Snippet:
"Alright, lay it on me. What are you looking for here? There's some stuff going on, and you kinda called three of them out about not loving you or something so… what's the political situation?"
"Thor is the biggest political situation." Loptr sipped their drink, looking thoughtfully at it.
"Oh yeah, big guy, gorgeous hair? Oh who am I kidding, everyone has gorgeous hair here…"
“You would consider Thor to be… big?” Loptr responded with clear confusion.
“Right, talking to a giant. Duh.”
(AN: When you’re the human in a land of non-humans, things get kind of weird. And Darcy didn’t bring a shovel to this snowy world.)
Thor’s Grand Proposal Snippet:
“I meant what I said before. I want peace between our people, Your Highness. We’ve been in conflict as long as both of us have been alive. For the sake of our people, and our children.”
“That isn’t what I asked,” Loptr chuckled, their lips quirking upwards. “I understand what you want from marriage. But what do you want from me, Prince Thor? And what do you require from a spouse?”
“Oh, yes of course!” Sitting back as food was placed in front of him, Thor rubbed at his leg under the table briefly in an attempt to reorient himself. “I require a bride if only to mother children - though, I believe-”
Before he could even finish speaking, the figure across the table shifted some in shape, chest filling out and a somewhat more feminine curl of hair managing to fall over her shoulders.
"Yes, I do believe I can fulfil that purpose just fine."
(A/N: I love Thor a lot, and Thorki is about as classic as Loki ships get! But oh gosh, I’m not used to writing this big softie. I’m getting some practice in elsewhere, and hopefully this whole segment will tighten up better!)
Tony’s Adventures in Bartending Snippet:
“You can just call me Tony. Anthony is a little overly formal, don’t you think?”
“Says the one who keeps calling me ‘Your Highness’.”
He tilted his head at the other before Loptr snagged his drink right out from under him, taking a sip. He sat up, giving the heir a surprised look, before smirking.
“Okay. Point. Am I getting that glass back?”
“No. You were going to bartend for me, Tony. And you may call me Loki when we are alone.”
Well, that was another surprise. Shrugging, he got to his feet and made his way around the bar, bowing teasingly.
“As you wish, Loki.”
(A/N: Hello, I love them friends. Any time Loki and Tony over in Collared start hurting my heart, I pop back over to this segment because this is the energy I love from these two. I feast.)
The Secrets Stephen Seeks Snippet:
"You seek a spouse to fill a void in your soul, Stephen?"
"A spouse?" Stephen leaned forward in his seat to look at Loptr, watching them intently. "I didn't come seeking a spouse. I came seeking you, Loki."
Loptr looked slightly taken aback by that and the sorcerer couldn't help but smile softly.
"You came seeking the rumours," Loptr responded, collecting themself again.
"Mmm, yes. But not the rumours of Loptr. As you've pointed out so astutely, I seek knowledge in all things. What need do I have for beauty and power?"
(A/N: Oh. Yeah. The ship that inspired me to finally pick up an Ao3 account and WRITE. Working on both IronFrost and StrangeFrost separately in one fic has been fun, it feels like it really breaks down what I love about IronStrangeFrost!
But this is all I’ve got for you for blips for now. Back to trying to finish up the next chapter of Collared, no more procrastinating... probably.)
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nyxlaufeyson · 9 months
Sticky Tape
Winter Masterlist - Loki Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
POV: Third
Ship: Loki x Darcy Lewis
Type: Fluff with a sprinkle of crack because c'mon, it's Darcy!
Warning: Lil bit of suggestive referencing but that's it
Wordcount: 729
Prompt: "Wrapping tape" (Or something along those lines)
Synopsis: Darcy wrestles with the tape.
A/N: Idk if you know this but I freaking love tasertricks. I just don't always write for them which is crazy so here.
Banner by @jiyaxedits
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Darcy cursed as she wrestled with the present. The wrapping paper was not cooperating, per usual. She had picked out a green gift wrap that had little reindeers on it. She thought that Loki would not appreciate it, but she sure would.
Wrapping presents was not an easy feat, but she was determined. She got out her heavy duty tape, and circled around the present like she was a wrestler. “Now listen here, buddy, if you don’t fricking work with me here, I will rip you to shreds! And I don’t care that you cost me $24.99.”
Darcy reconsidered her statement. “Well, okay, maybe I do care, and maybe I won’t rip you to shreds, but I’ll do something gosh darn it!”
She carefully approached the present and did her best to fold and tape the peculiar-shaped item. As she was in the middle of taping, a knock sounded at her bedroom door, making her lose her focus. 
Without even waiting to see who it was, she yelled, “No!” She heard someone scoff from the other side, and she knew who it was. “You can’t come in right now, I’m, uh… changing.”
She could practically hear his smirk. “Is that supposed to keep me out?” Now it was her turn to scoff. 
“Yes! And I’m not changing, so don’t come in you perv!” Loki sighed, but didn’t come in. Darcy was grateful for her small victories.
The present was only halfway concealed, so she brought it to her closet and hid it under some loose articles of clothing. She then opened her door, greeting Loki. He took in her out-of-breath form, and his eyes glanced at her bed.
His eyes widened, eyebrows raised. “Oh dear,” he said, “did you try to kidnap someone with scotch tape? You could have asked me for help. I know much better ways to-”
“No! I did not kidnap someone.” She huffed, and Loki walked further into her room so she could shut the door. She didn’t want to say that she had been wrapping presents for him, because then he would try to figure out what it was. She wanted it to be a total surprise come the holidays.
He arched his eyebrow. “No? What were you doing then?” Darcy weighed her possible responses.
She settled with distraction. “Hey! You know, I was looking for you earlier. I wanted to ask you for your opinion on this new dress I bought. Want to help me put it on? The zipper’s a little tricky.”
Loki was a lot of things, but he was no idiot. He quickly picked up on Darcy’s tactic of defense. “As much as I would love to see you in a state of undress, darling, I know that you are deflecting the question I asked.”
Darcy huffed. “Okay, fine, I was wrapping a present.” Loki’s eyes lit up. “And no, I will not give you a single hint as to what it is. I want this to be a surprise, so don’t you dare try and peek or anything.”
He held his hands up in defense. “Darling, how could you think that I would ever do such a thing! I am very patient.” 
“Uh, no you’re not. You practically throw a fit every time we have to wait in a line somewhere. Remember causing a scene at Panera?” Darcy asked.
Loki frowned. “I am a god, and a prince. I am above doing such trivial things like waiting in line amongst you mortals.” 
Darcy rolled her eyes. “Kay, whatever. Point is, I will tase your ass if you ever try to look and find out what it is.” Loki groaned, but did not object.
“Fine. I came to get you because Steve has assembled everyone to the living room for some reason.” Darcy nodded, getting up.
She turned to Loki, helping him up off the bed. “Did he say what for?”
Loki shrugged. “He did, but it went in one ear and out the other. I try not to pay too much attention to what he says. Most of it is unimportant.”
Darcy rolled her eyes, but made her way to the door and opened it. She could see his eyes searching her room for whatever she was wrapping. “Uh-uh, get out here.” She pulled him through the door and shut it, dragging him to whatever Steve had planned.
TAGS: (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream @iceeericeee
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getinthehandbasket · 2 months
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dreaminonao3 · 2 years
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2022
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open the door for December 15th
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noprobllama92 · 5 months
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chapters: 1/1
words: 8,087
fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
rating: Explicit
warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki
characters: Darcy Lewis, Loki
additional tags: Shameless Smut, Snark, Explicit Sexual Content, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Humor, Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark's Daughter, Tony Stark is Darcy Lewis's Parent
summary: Darcy is wallowing, Loki seems hellbent on provoking her, and well - a little mischief may be just what she needs.
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rennemichaels · 4 months
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Who all is going to DragonCon this year? I hope to meet up with some of the authors and artists in my favorite FanFics
Marvel, FrostIron, WinterFrost, FrostShield, TaserTricks, Georgette Heyer, Vorkosigan, Lexx, ect...
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