thompsborn · 4 months
tbaf parkner vs wanting to say i love you but not letting themselves say it before they're eighteen bc of their promise to each other vs the relief of finally saying it: two 5+1 fics, one from each pov.
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whocanitbenow23 · 9 months
What the flip!!
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adamparrishdyke · 1 year
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acerathia · 5 months
oh no, you're seeing something you don't like? move on!! block or scroll away!! it's that easy
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shortansweet · 11 months
Bandaids don't fix bullet holes
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kotlc-rp-official · 6 months
in case anyone wants to know what we do on the kotlc rp discord
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-red, made tbaf channel as a joke which became a tradition so now there’s 1000+ messages saying idk bro
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fallenclan · 10 months
-🐈 I love cherry
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scilou-mdr · 10 months
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lacedspine · 4 months
my (autistic btw) dad's favorite friendship / relationship dynamic in star trek is GEORDI AND DATA i win forever ♾️‼️🫡💖
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kusundei · 5 months
chat somethitb baf is happening.
no bcuz i had tbaf feeling this mornjng a little. i assumed it was me recovering from what i had said last night and grieving slightly but as the hours pass im slowly getting mire and more scared. i feel. sick.
i just i pdnt know god forbid the shower isnt helping. i think its the hot water its makinf it hard ti breathe but i know i wont have a panic attack no more how hard id wish it jnto existance. god how i wish i cohld have them still but im doomed to recovery even if it makes me more ill. im shaking and the water is boiling but i fesl cold. my throat is closing in on itself and j cant breathjkiuhwe? and i just feel so. so. torn? confused? doomed?
i. just. theres so much going in i think and god let it be the homework looming over me or the threat of the job or just home or eli and kira or god ajax. let jt be any but not all at once i am sick
i just i feel os. so. so. so. ? i cnatn even explain it i feel too mich right now and i cant pinpoint what im feelifn exaclty im jsut i cant
the most horrible bit abo this is that eight now like ysual im thinking about her. shes pipped into my mi today and she wont leave me alone and its been looming ovee me more than usual i just i dont know ehat is happening i feel strange nad insecure and i want to have a panica ttaxk so fuckinf abd but i cant because i hate when it just sticks okto me i feel sick
i genuinely cant im jjst so. fucking. i dokt knowni just i keep thinking about everything for no reason and its freakinf menkht and god forbif i just i .? i??, i want ajax so bad right njow?,? do nkt miscontrue my words i hhst i want to tely on someone and i want to let myself be vulnerable and i want to cry and i want someone to hug me and tlel me everyhtjng will be okay and that im nkt a burden and i can take up space and i can feel my own feeling snad j dont have to leep bearing others and keep doing thigs flr lther people and i want somekne to tell me im not selfish and im not a horrible person and god what the fuc is happenjnf tl me
i jsht god i cannt. the teason jd is looming so badly over me and gkf forbid i thjnk about bella too right now bht j jsut i cant? im taunting by mysrlf. consemning myself. i can commhnicate i am good at thag i can help myself but i juet i dont know what im doinfg. i feel strange and matbe thats what it is from yesterday because i said that and i regret it because i teel like ive just dumped all my feelings out for no reason i let mtself be vulnerable becahse i wasnt thiking straight and now im scared. im scared in the same wag hes scared i dont like change. i dont like jt and im thinking abkut it now and in scared? and jdotn know why??? i want change with you but im also horrified i wont be enlufh and i cant help. god forbid jd mindset rekindles inside of me but i jjst im so scared to be vulnerable. ii want to rely on someone j want to bevulnerabme i want to tell you im not feeljng good right now and i want you to know eberythint about me and i want you to understand but . but. but. theres so much stopping me. you are not mine but i am yours heh webweaving but i jhst i cant chat? ,? i an not your issue. you have your own issues you vocalized them with me and i just feel so. broken.? i dont confess that i feel the same way becahse i will not soeak into the truth that i am also doomed that i am broken and i am lying and i am a horrible person truly at heart and i wanted to help yu and put you first becaushe you mean soso much to me but i am not the good version of you i am the version of yoy that is lying to make themself feel better and victimize themself and hurt. hurt peiple hurt people. i an fuckijng ill andi an talking aboth so many things rifht now i jsut god jd i cant i mjss her but i dont i miss the wway felt with her thag i felt like i could be comfortable and talk to her and be broken but i cant do that with you because im not lile that. i an not rhat gersion of me anymore and god i just icantn fucking im ill and theres sp much . i am thinking ablht all the time god forbid your ex and the others and i am ill and sickened and selfish and horrible. and i didnt eben respond to eli and im horriblr and i keep trying to distract myself but tis nlt working and GOD you keep texting me and i jsht want to talk to you and cry i want to crt so bad i want to tell you that i need you but why do i need you why am i so attached to oyou am i already codependent from this many months? am i broken? am i still sick? i have healed in the least jmpprtant points i jjst i im sp. I cant. injsjt i need to calm down and think i feel so horrible ans so selfish i want someone to hell me but i want to be doomed but i want spmelone and i want thag to be you but im selfis h and im sorry
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thompsborn · 10 months
looking back and rereading the tbaf series so far for funsies and what the fuck there are SO many typos like i know i posted all of tbaf without proofreading or editing or having a beta reader or anything but also like. jesus christ. i swear i know how to form sentences and words properly please don’t use tbaf as a judgement on my ability to function as a writer
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gl00mymoon · 6 months
Toss me some design ideas for Tord's robot buddy. It's a small robot, think of like Jorg from TBAF (I don't support them btw) But my Tord has a small robot assistant/buddy named Kompis, which is Buddy in Norwegian. He can speak, is a surveillance bot and is Tord's personal Assistant, he highly smart and advanced AI. He helps Tord with documents, and Medical assistance when Tord is bedbound in the med ward.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[ pt: TBAFlia ]
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[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: light grey, lightest grey, grey, darkish grey, black-blue. over the first flag is a light grey snow effect. End ID]
TBAFlia: an isololia gender connected to the story To Build a Fire by Jack London.
Etymology: “TBAF” for to build a fire, lia
Pronounced: T-B-A-F lee-a (TBAF lia)
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @ut3ro , @ut3ro-term-systems
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[ID: a green and blue line divider with a blue infinity sign outlined in green in the middle. End ID]
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babyloveparkner · 1 year
realized while plotting out the sequel that i never explicitly stated harley’s birthday in primer and had to scour through drafts and notes only to realize i chose the same birthday as tbaf harley, which is june 23. hey yall remember summer child by conan gray??
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dumnslut · 4 months
vent below the cut
being bipolar is so fucking exhausting
feeling fucking on edge then so emotilnally disconnected then rolling over in bed and bursting into tears with no actual connection as to why
i feel like my brain is just randomly playing russian roullete with how hard and fast these mood swings r
and ive been getting so manic and jm always sk scares after the fact tbaf i was talking tok mhch or said ths wfkng tbjng and that everhkne is acfuallg so annoyed by my presence
i wish my partner was home
FJCKK and lol i basically have 2 choose rn between having kids and like being properly medicated and obviously i have 2 b medicated bcs it would b fucking evil to subject my children to me without meds no matter how brief of time it would be ESPECIALLY since i would have to go off tbw meds to have kids and its like no matter how slow they take me off i know that i would be a fucking nightmare and would krill myself. Like i already am so on edge now like that wluld be insane so yea very cool just u knkw skmetbjnf jmportant rk me that cant happen anymore lkle i know we can adopt still but i hear thats sk fucming exlensive
anyways jm gojng 2 sleep.
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dyke1 · 6 months
how much longer am I going to live like this how much longer. my body is fighting against itself and its always trying to heal from my own stupid decisions I'm so sorry I really am and to think I've been ruining myself like this for longer than a decade tbaf I stumbled over this by accident
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