#tbb Tech x oc
moonstrider9904 · 8 months
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Chapter 2 of Moonwalker: The Flame
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Summary: As Sarah keeps trying to avoid Hunter and the others, a mission on Serenno brings notions into the air that will move the squad forward and makes Hunter aware of feelings brewing between Sarah and Tech.
Tags/Warnings: Mature. Allusions to polyamory. Angst, canon-typical violence, description of wounds.
Word count: 7.7k
Songs: Nocturne
A/N: This chapter is well over a year late and it makes me so happy to finally post this baby. I hope y'all enjoy some angst.
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The sound of the training bolt echoing around the walls of the landing bay faded as Sarah stood still, remaining in firing position with her hereditary rifle in her hands. On rare times when she was alone, she’d sneak off and train with it in the landing bay, the one place she could be alone under the condition she never used live fire.
She figured she could make that shot a tad more perfect and, gazing down the scope and aiming directly at the tiny reflector disk she’d stuck to one of the walls, she fired again. The training bolt hit it better than it had last time, and the bolt bounced once, twice, and then a third time before finally hitting the ground.
When it did, the unwanted memory of the first time she saw Crosshair doing that invaded her mind—the audible smirk in his voice, the way her knees shook at how good he was with his rifle, the way she smiled at his cockiness and at how he was obviously pleased to have finally impressed her.
With a heavy sigh, Sarah lowered the Firepuncher and returned to the present. She walked over to the barrel she’d placed a few feet to her right where the holo image of Tech’s calculations rested. It seemed she’d finally gotten the angles right, but it was only a calculation made for three disks. For some reason, Sarah never saw herself using as many disks as Crosshair would, not by a long shot.
Then, in an abrupt rapture of the silence that surrounded her, her comm began to beep.
“Come in,” she answered, hesitant.
“Sarah, you are needed at the cantina,” Tech’s voice came from the other end.
A brief rustling came from the comm, a sign that it was being shifted from possession, and then Wrecker’s voice came in.
“We need you to convince Hunter to do something,” he said, his tone somewhat shy.
“What makes you think I can do that?” Sarah rolled her eyes as she reached for the holo-image and began to pack her things up. “I’m on my way, but I can’t promise anything.”
“If you coerce him, he just might do it,” Tech answered. “I predict he will be left vulnerable against your big eyes.”
“And your hips,” Wrecker cut in. “Maybe do that thing where you squeeze your arms at the sides of your chest and it makes your tits—”
“Please tell me Omega can’t hear you,” Sarah interrupted.
“She cannot,” Tech confirmed. “Are you on your way here?”
“You want me to manipulate him?” Sarah couldn’t help but chuckle. “Damn. Stay put, I’m heading there.”
“Interacting with you should be enough to lighten his tension,” Tech replied. “All of ours, frankly.”
Sarah sighed and cut the comm connection, heading straight for the cantina. When she arrived, she noticed Tech, Wrecker, and Echo huddled around a table with Cid. Of all of them, Cid was the first one to lay eyes on Sarah, directing at her a dim smile.
“Hardly see ya around here anymore, Strider,” Cid said.
“Sorry,” Sarah answered, her tone gentle and sincere towards Cid, who’d never once questioned Sarah for how she felt. “What’s going on here?”
“Dark and broody doesn’t want to go on the next mission I’ve arranged for ya,” Cid answered.
Sarah was mad at Hunter and that wouldn’t change for a long time, but she also knew him enough to know that whenever he didn’t want to go somewhere, he had a good reason for it. She figured convincing him of anything would be more difficult than swaying hips and batting her eyelashes at him, that was, if she didn’t agree with him for the first time in months.
“Where to?” Sarah asked.
Tech looked at her, solemn. “Serenno.”
Sarah scoffed, the disbelief knocking on her as well as the dismal memories that name invoked of the war and every person Dooku somehow managed to torment in its duration.
“Yeah, even I can see why he doesn’t want to go,” Sarah said.
“Which is saying a lot,” Cid muttered. “But the loot you can get from this mission will be enough to set you for life, and I’m not even exaggeratin’. We all agree you guys should go for it, all we have to do is convince bandana.”
“Convince me of what?” Hunter’s voice drew everyone’s attention onto him. Much as he had the currents against him most of the time, Hunter was still their leader, and the way his presence commanded dominance and respect made Sarah’s heart squeeze briefly.
But she managed to hustle through the feeling when Hunter’s gaze landed on her, partly upset at her, partly begging her to speak to him.
“I take it they’ve told you about Serenno,” Hunter told Sarah.
“They have,” she said.
“And are you going to try to convince me?” He asked.
Sarah sighed, rubbing a hand over her forehead. “I don’t know. I hate the idea of Serenno, but if pulling this mission off will make us safer in a way, then I think we should do it.”
“We won’t be safe if we put ourselves in the way of the Empire after staying off their radar for so long, and I’m not willing to—”
“That’s the problem, you’re not willing to do many things you should do,” Sarah bit back.
The group fell silent with all eyes either on Hunter or on Sarah, each member expressing their own form of disdain from the argument. Finally, Cid cut through the tension by clearing her throat and looked at Hunter with understanding eyes.
“You’re never too late to want to protect your squad,” Cid told him. “And I care about you guys too even if it’s mushy to admit it, but hear me out. The loot from just one of those containers could help you buy your freedom. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“We’re already free,” Hunter told her, secure.
“Then you’re not payin’ attention,” Cid said. “The way the Empire was on Raxus, Ryloth, soon they’re gonna be here, and that means no more work for me, and no more work for you. You’re gonna have to move eventually and unless you start pullin’ off heists like this one, I won’t be able to help ya when that time comes.”
Sarah looked at the hologram projection of Castle Serenno and the freighters spotted around it, her thoughts swarming across many different fronts. It wasn’t long before she felt gazes on her and she looked up once more at everyone expecting an answer from her, as though anything she said would define their course of action.
As if what I want even mattered.
Sarah gave a soft sigh. “She’s right. With the way the Empire’s spreading, pretty soon we won’t be able to live like this, and we need to prepare.”
“We need to do more,” Echo told her.
“Perhaps,” Sarah looked at him. “But whether we like it or not, we’ll want to have some resources on our hands before we can even decide on what ‘doing more’ actually means for us.”
“We’re not in the position to do more. We’re fugitives, all of us,” Hunter said. “And the moment the Empire spots us, all the running away, all the hiding from planet to planet returns. I’d rather not be constantly running.”
“All the more reason for you to do this now, bandana,” Cid persuaded. “If you wanna go to a distant planet and live in peace, this is the way to start it. Think of it as buyin’ your ticket there.”
Sarah watched as Hunter turned his gaze towards Omega, who was sitting by herself at the bar reviewing study material Tech had given her. Watching him, Sarah felt her chest aching, a heartache that was uncomfortably common whenever she was around Hunter. She thought back to what she wanted to do when the war ended, and how she’d lost sight of it. She thought of how attractive the idea still sounded, to live on a far-off planet, forage for food, live in peace, forget about weapons and sorrow and loss and fear.
But after being torn from Crosshair and suffering Hunter’s betrayal, Sarah had stopped believing that was possible.
Hunter then looked back at the group and gave a short nod. “Alright. We’ll do it. We’ll ship out at first daylight.”
Around her, everyone seemed victorious and celebrated the fact that they’d go on the mission after all, but Sarah couldn’t feel that same resolve. Her heart sank; she knew that, despite having been asked to, Hunter hadn’t made his decision because of her.
The group scattered to make their preparations for the mission, and as Sarah made her way towards her room, she felt Hunter reaching out for her wrist, stopping her before she could get away from him. She hadn’t repelled him immediately like she normally would have, but Hunter wouldn’t get his hopes up too much because of it.
“I…” Hunter sighed. “I wanted to make sure this was okay with you.”
Sarah sighed. “Better late than never, I suppose.”
“I don’t care if we go to Serenno so long as we all return alive,” she said. “That’s how I feel about every mission now.”
“But you don’t deserve to feel like that,” he said.
Sarah scoffed at him and curved her lips in a smile riddled with disbelief. She then turned to look at Omega, who still sat at the bar, oblivious to most of the tensions that the adults in her family held between them.
“Ultimately, you decided because of her,” Sarah said softly.
“Yes,” said Hunter.
Sarah landed her gaze on Hunter again. “I envy her.”
Every glimpse of hope Hunter felt vanished from his eyes.
“You decided thinking of what was best for her,” Sarah added. “You made this decision because it’s what’s best for her. And ultimately, you will do for her what you wouldn’t do for me.”
“It isn’t like that—”
Sarah yanked her wrist from his grip. “I’m glad to know that’s where we stand.”
She walked off to her bunk room without looking back and resolved not to speak another word to him until it was absolutely necessary.
On the quiet flight to Serenno, Sarah sat in front of the Marauder’s left holopanel with her arms crossed, utterly silent. Opposite from her was Hunter in front of the other holopanel, his back turned on her as he scanned a planetary map for worlds that hadn’t yet been touched by the Empire, and probably wouldn’t be.
While it had been just the two of them avoiding each other in a ship that didn’t give either much freedom to escape, Echo soon walked into that section of the ship, his gaze heavy, yet somehow pleased that he’d caught Sarah and Hunter in the same place. Sarah knew her best friend well enough to know when something was on his mind, and this was clearly one of those occasions when Echo looked like he wanted to speak up. Sarah met his gaze, raising her eyebrows softly, prompting him to speak.
Hunter, who had felt Echo coming in, turned around to see why he’d taken so long to begin speaking. Once Echo had both of their attentions on him, he gave a sigh.
“Maybe we ought to talk about why we’re on this mission,” Echo lowered his voice. “And what we’ll do with the payment.”
“Hide,” Hunter replied.
“With the galaxy in its current state, you really think it’s sensible to take off and hide?” Echo said. “With the amount of people in need around the galaxy?”
“We can’t risk ourselves for everyone the rest of our lives,” Hunter added, “and living in constant war isn’t the life that kid deserves.”
“You should know, Echo,” Sarah spoke up, her gaze darting into Hunter. “He wouldn’t risk himself for his brother even if being oppressed by the Empire isn’t the life he deserves.”
Hunter looked at Sarah, his patience finally wearing off. “You want to talk about something?”
“No,” she replied, cynical. “I’m just taking every chance to remind you why we are the way we are.”
“Well, this isn’t the time to do that,” Hunter told her.
Sarah sighed and looked over at Echo. “When we get to Serenno, I’m finding a cliff to snipe from. I have the range.”
“No, I’ll need you with me,” Hunter told her.
“Wow, you’ve decided that already too,” she remarked with fake shock, shifting into a more regular tone afterwards. “Hunter, we’re stepping into Count Fucking Dooku’s home planet, and it’s laden with Imperials. The less blind we can walk in, the better, and you need an eye in the sky for that.”
“We have to stay as together as possible,” Hunter explained. “Two of us alone on different fronts will leave two members vulnerable, and we can’t risk that. Besides, we already have a shooter.”
Sarah scoffed. “Really?”
“What?” Hunter asked.
“You’re going with that?” She was practically mocking him.
“Going with what, Sarah?” Hunter asked again, exasperated at her.
Sarah stood up from her chair and in no time she stood in front of him, looking up with angry, hurt eyes. “She’s a child and therefore she shouldn’t be our shooter.”
“Lower your voice,” Hunter said through gritted teeth.
“You talk a lot about this not being the life she deserves, and I agree,” Sarah obliged, talking in a lower tone. “Then why are we still bringing her along when we already have a marksman?”
“I get it, you’re the one with the rifle—”
“I don’t mean me,” Sarah growled as a low rumble could be heard around her.
Eerie silence fell on the ship, and soon, the rumbling around Sarah ceased. She took a breath, centering herself; she didn’t want the ship being thrown out of hyperspace because of her.
“The rifle isn’t mine,” she continued, hushed. “I won’t bother you by saying his name out loud, but we both know he should be here, and he could be if you hadn’t been so selfish.”
“You could have stunned him. We could have dragged him back onto the Marauder and figured it out, but instead, you’ve let a child replace him as your marksman,” Sarah finished. “You let her replace him.”
“I think it’ll be better for all of us if we focus on the bigger picture for once,” Echo cut in, stepping between the heated pair, turning to Hunter. “Our lives are like this because of Omega. Getting her out of Kamino was the right choice, and now we have to think about how we can do more against the Empire.”
Echo then turned to Sarah, his best friend, whose frown softened when she looked at him. Though Echo wouldn’t always condone the amount of direct hits she was capable of launching at Hunter whenever they fought, he sympathized with her. She’d lost Fives and it had nearly destroyed her—he knew that only from what she told him. He hadn’t been there with her when it happened. And since then, she’d lost her way of life, she was unable to return to her home planet because of the risk of being spotted in the one place she’d be expected to hide in by the Empire, and she’d lost Crosshair, the only one who came close to being the love of her life after Fives.
“Getting Crosshair out of Kamino would have been the right choice as well,” Echo’s tone softened at her. “But that isn’t how it turned out, and as much as it hurts you, there is an entire galaxy outside of him. You can’t let your anger keep you from doing the right thing, Sarah. I know you, and I know you’re bigger and better than that.”
As Sarah looked at Echo, she thought of the amount of times he’d hinted at wanting to do more. It then dawned on her that she had a very clear image of what life would be like after the war, and now, she had no clue. She didn’t know what she wanted, and she couldn’t see any sort of future while Echo seemed to know clearly what his calling was. After Kamino, she figured her life would be drifting through the galaxy, returning to Ord Mantell every so often, and she then realized she wanted anything other than that. What her heart truly yearned for wasn’t possible, and now she had to find something she’d be able to live with.
But at that moment, as she felt the emotions bubbling inside her too much for her to conceal them, all she wanted to do was hide. All Sarah wanted to do was run into the arms of someone who could keep her safe, someone who could protect her, who’d care for her while she cried and mourned everything she had to mourn.
This isn’t freedom.
Before her eyes could fill with tears, she took a step back and breathed in deeply, forcing herself to be stoic a few more seconds. She spoke in a whisper, unable to trust in her own voice, “I’ll be at the cockpit.”
She missed her Y-Wing more than anything at that moment; at least she’d be alone and bothering nobody. Instead, her feet carried her to the cockpit behind the pilot’s chair where Tech was sitting. He didn’t remove his gaze from his datapad while the autopilot was engaged there in the middle of hyperspace, but Sarah knew he was aware of his presence. And with Wrecker asleep in the chair next to him, it felt like enough privacy for her.
Sarah rested her chin on top of the back of the seat and let her body sulk down, lips pouting to silence her sobs as her eyes finally filled with tears. Whether Tech realized she was crying or not didn’t matter to her, in fact, the less questions she had to answer, the better.
But soon, Tech’s hand reached across his body to the left side of the chair where one of Sarah’s hands rested and gently pressed his fingers over hers.
She finally began to silently weep.
Staring into the ruined cities of Serenno would fill any bypasser with dread and drain them of all hope they could feel. The sight of ashen buildings and the eerie silence that emanated from the city forced one into staring at it, much like Sarah had caught herself unable to tear her gaze away.
How many innocent people had perished? And for what?
A tiny hand nudged the side of Sarah’s arm and managed to bring her attention back to her team, her gaze now falling on the young girl who’d brought her back to reality. Sarah managed a soft smile at Omega; whatever else was happening, Omega’s big brown eyes would always be enough to remind her there was still light in the universe even in the face of something so dire. After all, Omega wasn’t to blame for the galaxy, for Crosshair, for Hunter’s choices—that much would always be clear to her. If there was anything that pained Sarah, it was that Omega still had to be in battle, even if it was usually the kid herself who refused not being there.
After Omega returned Sarah’s smile with a sad one, Sarah looked up at the squad. “Sorry. Got distracted.”
“Yeah, I don’t blame ya,” Wrecker said lowly, his frown audible through the modulators of his helmet. “It looks like hell’s ruins down there.”
“We’re splitting up,” Hunter said similarly.
She looked over at him, remembering what he’d said on the ship. “Right.”
Before heading off with Hunter, Sarah walked over to Tech and met his gaze—it was one of the many times she was grateful that his helmet didn’t cover his eyes with a pitch-black visor, but rather left them visible. Those brown eyes of his had become a source of comfort whenever all she wanted to do was disappear.
She had to acknowledge how fond she was growing of those goggled brown eyes.
“Take care, will you?” Sarah spoke softly.
“You as well,” Tech responded and powered up the holopad in his hands, ready to set out in the direction his part of the squad would take.
On the spot, Sarah turned around trying to acknowledge Hunter. But she found that, for once, he wasn’t already looking at her. Instead, Hunter seemed to be looking over in Tech’s direction, his gaze lingering on the team’s engineer for a while before he looked back at Sarah briefly before turning around and leading the way down into the forest.
Sarah braced for the awkwardness of being left alone with him.
Radio silence. That was the course of action after things, as usual, went sideways for Clone Force 99.
Sarah had heard the last transmissions Tech had sent of how they’d been trapped in the cargo container, how their escape was uncertain, how they’d been in a crash-landing. Thinking about it all made her feel cold, with her marks feeling like swirly trails of ice on her skin. A part of her regretted having listened to Hunter and staying with him throughout the mission, now accompanied by Wrecker; and though Omega and Echo were in the same situation, much as she worried about them, she couldn’t help it when Tech was at the top of her worries. She had one of her gut feelings about him, and it wasn’t a particularly good one—if it weren’t such a foolish idea and she didn’t risk her transmission being intercepted, she’d be dialing Tech’s frequency on the spot to check on him.
Sarah was never good at losing touch with those she cared for—it was why she hated splitting up in the first place. And now it was only worse—the mission had gone from going mildly according to plan to having derailed completely, and now, Sarah, Hunter, and Wrecker were scurrying around the ruined streets of the city on Serenno hoping not to be spotted on every corner they turned. The sun was going down and the ruins got darker by the minute. Pretty soon, it would become difficult to see anything.
The trio stopped at the sound of whirring gunship engines approaching. As quickly as they could, they hid under whatever large piece of rubble they could find and waited it out, until the sound of the ships flying over them became louder and then faded once more. That had been the third time they’d had to pause to hide from air forces, and at that point, it was clear that the Empire wasn’t going to rule out the possibility of them being in the city. On the contrary, they were onto them and they knew it.
A modulated sigh came from Hunter as he glanced through his helmet’s visor over at Wrecker and Sarah. He then got down on one knee with his hand brushing the ground only to look up at his two teammates again. “They’re less than one klick away.”
“And we might need more than two blasters and one rifle to hold them off?” Sarah asked.
“It’s a whole platoon, so my answer would be yes,” Hunter said as he got back up. “Wrecker, spot anything we could use?”
Wrecker had begun laughing with excitement when Hunter stopped talking. He then pointed his large hand out eastward saying, “That. That right there. That’s what I want!”
Just as Sarah pulled the scope of the Firepuncher rifle to get a better look at what Wrecker was pointing at, the large clone ran off in a childlike manner. She finally got a better look at the Separatist tanks piled over rubble and debris and understood why Wrecker had been so cheerful about spotting them.
“Do they even work?” Sarah questioned.
“Oh, I’ll handle that!” Wrecker lunged himself into the first tank he reached.
“I’ll stay with him,” Hunter told Sarah. “Can you pick them off from above?”
“I was hoping you’d ask,” she nodded before turning around and heading for the nearest cliff. After the climb, she had a perfect view of the platoon that was headed their way, and she quickly managed to spot Wrecker and Hunter messing with the tanks, most likely hoping to get one of them to function. She knew that if they didn’t succeed, their bright plan would be a total failure, meaning that was her cue to begin sniping the army of imperial clones.
One by one, with the Firepuncher set to stun, Sarah took down the clones from the front lines to the rear, managing to buy Hunter and Wrecker at least some more time while they figured out what they were doing on their front. It wasn’t long before Wrecker got hold of not one of the tanks, but its cannon. Even being at the top of a cliff sniping, Sarah could hear Wrecker’s laughter booming, preceding the first of the cannon blasts.
And then chaos reigned over the scene. Wrecker steadily advanced, his laughter filling the gaps between the blasts from his new favorite toy—he even made Sarah smile. She would have loved to sit back and watch him, as he clearly wouldn’t need her help anymore, but that was when she heard clone chatter coming up from behind her.
Sarah didn’t have enough time to react. If she had, she probably would have been able to dodge the blaster bolt headed towards her, and in a sloppy attempt to move out of its way, it wound up hitting her on the shin. She cried out as the laser burned through the surface of her skin, the pain searing through her leg as she tried not to fall to the ground. She hooked the rifle onto her back and unholstered her hand blaster instead to stun the first troopers to emerge from the darkness.
“Sarah!” Hunter cried out from below invaded with worry after hearing her cry in pain.
Sarah registered the sound of his voice and the sound of the marching that approached, and she realized her blaster efforts wouldn’t be enough. Too many of them were heading her way, and the same could be said for the troopers down there. They were outnumbered and one marksman down; Sarah wouldn’t be much help in a wounded state. With the amount of troopers cornering her, Sarah looked over her shoulder and realized there was only one way out of that one.
She leapt off the cliff, bending the Force around her hoping to lessen the impact of her fall. While not fatal, the pain from the blast on her thigh worsened when she hit ground level, and it was enough to knock her down with her back against the floor. There, she could process the vibrations of the army through the earth: the platoon in the east, the fraction of it on the cliff, with another pack of reinforcements heading in from the north, not far behind the cliff Sarah had just fallen from.
If they didn’t act fast, they’d be done for.
All Sarah wanted to do was lie on the ground and see the stars plastered on the night sky, but as she did that, she found a couple of rocky vertices on the cliffs that surrounded the area. From that angle, she spotted one she could blast away with her own rifle on the cliff next to her, but for the other one, she’d need Wrecker’s help. They couldn’t take all of those troopers just the three of them, but they could easily stop them from coming with a couple of carefully placed blasts.
“Wrecker,” Sarah spoke into her comm. “See that large spike on the cliff towards the east?”
“Yeah,” Wrecker answered.
“I need you to shoot it,” she said.
“Negative,” Hunter entered the comms. “Where are you, anyway? I can’t see you.”
“I’m safe from whatever debris may fall, if that’s what worries you. I have a plan,” Sarah told him. “Wrecker’s going to take that cliff down, I’ll handle the other one close to me.”
“We don’t know if that’s really going to work,” Hunter debated.
“Will you two stop fighting for once?!” Wrecker boomed into the comm. “Sarah, tell me when.”
“Now!” Sarah cried out.
The next thing she heard was another cannon blast being fired, and she saw the ray of light rising up to the cliff she’d told Wrecker to fire at. When it hit, the rocky cliff exploded into hundreds of rocks and boulders and began making its way downward onto the platoon that cornered Wrecker and Hunter. It was Sarah’s turn after that, and with the strength she had, she pulled through the burning on her shin and stood up, aiming the Firepuncher at the weak point on her own cliff. She set the rifle to kill, figuring the blast would be stronger that way, and focused the crosshair on the medium rock that seemed to hold the cliff in place. Sarah breathed out, steadying herself, and when even the pain of her blast wound disappeared she fired the rifle.
The blast hit exactly where she had intended to, and she sent the cliff collapsing down on the army that had tracked her down, but it created a lot more rubble than she had intended at first—rubble that was now crashing down on her. Quickly as she could, Sarah ran for cover, but she wouldn’t get far in her current state. When the debris nearly hit her, she raised her hands and used the Force to shield herself from any of the rocks, levitating them away from her.
Eventually, the debris stopped falling and it settled around her. Sarah waved her hands in front of her, coughing up all the dirt that had made its way into her lungs.
“Sarah?” Hunter inquired through the comms. “Sarah, come in!”
Sarah finished coughing and pulled her comm up near her lips as she examined the pile of rubble she’d just created, her heart sinking.
“I’m here, I’m alive,” she said. “Though I’m afraid I just created a wall between us, quite literally.”
“Stay put, I’ll go and get you,” Hunter said.
“No,” Sarah replied. “I’m injured and I’m only going to slow you down. You and Wrecker get to the ship, I’ll rendezvous after that.”
“Sarah, no—”
“Hunter!” She raised her voice, caring little for who or what would hear her. “I am telling you this because it’s the best option. For once in your life, listen to what I want and do as I say.”
Silence filled the comms for a moment until she heard him sigh.
“Alright, Wrecker and I will get to the Marauder. But we might need to go radio silent again,” Hunter agreed.
“You know how to find me,” Sarah replied, her tone much softer. She turned her comm off, knowing it would be safer not to use it anymore, and she turned around on her spot to find that she was at the edge of the forest.
Sarah took a few paces and kneeled on the ground, her fingers digging into the soil beneath her. Like she’d done many times before at that point in her life, Sarah began to absorb the life Force of the planet, and slowly, she felt the wound on her shin beginning to close and the pain easing off from her. She let out a long exhale, finally able to release the tension she’d been feeling until that moment, and even her mind cleared.
Now thinking straight and with her hands still pressed to the ground, there was something Sarah could feel through the earth. It was someone close to her, someone dear to her, but he was slower. Weakened. Vulnerable.
She knew better than to not pay any mind to it, and if she could feel him that clearly, he couldn’t have been that far from her. If he was injured too, she’d have to hurry. Through the earth, Sarah focused on him until she was able to know exactly where he was. With that clear, Sarah prepped the rifle in front of her and set off running in his direction.
No troopers or traps were found as she ran through the forest, and though it felt like she’d been running for ages, it finally wasn’t long before she heard the sound of blasters and speeder bikes. She could still feel Tech’s presence—as long as she could feel him there, everything would be alright—and when she felt she was close enough to still remain hidden, she stopped and aimed the rifle.
Through the scope, she could see Tech. He was standing, but his posture was slightly hunched over. It wasn’t until she saw him moving that he noticed he was limping, and he pulled his blaster out to stun a trooper before hiding behind the trunk of a tree. Sarah then located the troopers that were cornering, and without thinking about it, she aimed the Firepuncher at one of them and fired.
She didn’t bother changing it back to stun.
When the trooper fell, she fired at another one. The last one that crept up on Tech did so a tad too quickly, but Sarah saw through the scope that Tech fired his blaster at the trooper, stunning him to the ground. After that, Tech wobbled and fell down to the ground himself.
“Tech!” Sarah cried and pulled the rifle down and ran the remaining distance between her and him. When she reached him, she collapsed to the ground next to him and took him in his arms, and even in the darkness of the forest, she saw his brown eyes glistening with the faint light as he looked at her.
“Sarah…” Tech sighed. “I am hurt.”
She then looked at his leg and noticed the swelling and the unnatural angle it had. She felt her blood going cold at the sight of his broken leg, but more than that, her heart broke for him. She’d never fathomed the idea of Tech being hurt before, and it felt wrong, like it should never even be a possibility.
“Tech…” Sarah whimpered, her hand reaching for the cheek of his helmet. “Let’s get you out of here. Where are Echo and Omega?”
“Over the cliff,” Tech grunted in pain after speaking the words. “Omega went to the chest and Echo followed her.”
“And where is the chest?”
“Over the cliff,” Tech repeated. “At a very inconvenient precipice, might I add.”
“I could help with that,” a third, unfamiliar voice filled the area.
Sarah didn’t hesitate to react. She pulled the rifle and aimed it at the stranger, but she kept herself from pulling the trigger when she saw it wasn’t a soldier or anyone who even looked Imperial. It was an old man, a friendly-looking one, at that, who raised his hands above his head when she aimed the Firepuncher at him.
“Sarah, he’s a friend,” Tech told her.
“Ah,” said the old man. “So this is the famous Sarah.”
She lowered the rifle, releasing any tension she held. “Who are you?”
“Romar Adell, at your service,” the man lowered his hands. “Don’t worry, I mean you no harm.”
Sarah lowered the rifle, humbled by the fact that Tech had mentioned her in the short time they’d been apart. “Can you help me get him up?”
Romar paced towards her and secured Tech’s left side while she took the right, and together they helped him up to standing.
“I told you that you wouldn’t get too far in your current state,” Romar told Tech. “Now stay here, Ace.”
Sarah’s features softened and she looked at Tech. “Ace?”
Tech locked eyes with her, and beneath his goggles, his gaze softened at her as well. The tenderness in her voice was undeniable, as was the vulnerability in the word she’d spoken.
“A coincidence,” Tech told her.
“Excuse me?” Romar inquired.
“Someone we care about used to call her that,” Tech explained.
Before Sarah could allow herself to feel any more emotion, the loud roaring of engines filled the area around the forest. What was alarming about that was that it was not the sound of the Marauder. Sarah recognized it as the sound of V-Wings.
“There’s a speeder bike and a cable we can use to get your friends out of the chest,” Romar looked at Sarah.
“Why don’t I give some cover, and you can get them out?” She said.
“I don’t mean to disrespect you,” Romar hesitated, “but how are you going to cover us against fighter ships?”
Sarah held the Firepuncher up. “Target practice.” She then looked over at Tech. “You stay here, I don’t want your leg getting any more hurt than it already is.”
“I suppose telling you it cannot get much worse will not change your mind?” Tech asked her.
“Stay here,” Sarah reaffirmed, and with a look over at Romar, she gestured it was time to follow through with their improvised plan.
The two ran nearer to the cliff where the trees cleared out; Romar attached the long cable coiled at the edge to the lonely speeder bike and got on it, putting its thruster in reverse at max speed. While Sarah felt hopeful she’d see Echo and Omega again soon and safe, she locked her sights on the first of the V-Wings that approached at a daunting speed.
Keeping track of the fighter ship seemed more difficult to do through the Firepuncher’s scope, and steady as she was, Sarah fired and missed up to three bolts.
Focus, she told herself. Planting her feet more firmly on the ground, Sarah inhaled deeply and looked down the scope once more. Much to her fortune, that first V-Wing seemed to be approaching her directly, making it easier for her to aim at the ship’s cockpit. Before giving it the chance to move anymore, Sarah pulled the rifle’s trigger, sending the bolt straight through the middle of the cockpit.
The ship spiraled out of control and crashed on the ground in flames, and upon impact, Sarah felt the icy cold sensation returning to her marks. Though unpleasant, she paid no mind to it at the moment. She couldn’t when there were another two V-Wings threatening her and her family.
Just as Sarah was aiming for the next ship, she heard the familiar whirring of the Marauder approaching. The modified Omicron-class attack shuttle rarely looked so beautiful as it did at that moment, and it quickly outmaneuvered the V-Wings enough to give the rear turret a clear shot, sending the second one crashing down.
Only one remained.
“We need to go now,” Hunter said through comms. “Can you take the other one down while we make an approach?”
Sarah pulled the comm near her lips. “I sure hope so. Make your move.”
Being so focused on the last V-Wing, Sarah hardly even noticed when Echo and Omega emerged safely from the cliff. They grouped behind her and waited for the Marauder to approach as well as for Tech to emerge from the forest aided by Romar, and now that they were all together, there was only one priority left. The Marauder made the approach and its platform opened, revealing Wrecker.
“Sarah?” Hunter spoke through the comms again, audibly worried.
“Hang on…” Sarah whispered, aiming for the ship.
It was moving directly towards the Marauder. At that angle, she wouldn’t have a clear shot like she did with the first one, and it was too close a call to mess it up. She’d have better odds of taking it down if she aimed for the engines. She calculated the speed at which it moved, angled herself, and when the time was right, Sarah fired the rifle and the blue bolt flew through the air until it impacted the ship’s engine, and it spiraled down crashing into the war chest below, and a heap of rubble, smoke, and flames fell down to the lower levels of the forest.
“Nice shot,” Hunter said.
Sarah put the rifle away and turned around as Echo and Omega climbed onto the Marauder. Sarah supported Tech as he tried to stand, and the two faced Romar, realizing it was time to say goodbye.
“Thank you for helping him,” Sarah told him with a slight bow of her head.
“Don’t mention it,” Romar answered. “You’ve got some skill and decent firepower despite that just being a rifle. Do me a favor and make it count.”
The words resonated with Sarah, and for a moment, she thought back to what Echo was saying about doing more. Seeing that Romar lived on Serenno, she figured he of all people had cause to hate the Empire, to be tired of tyranny and destruction. She thought of her own reasons to hate the Empire, and with resolve, she nodded.
“I will,” she said.
Romar then looked at Tech. “Take care, Ace. Or I’ll ask her to take care of you.”
“Don’t worry,” Sarah smiled. “He’ll be safe on my watch.”
Romar nodded at her and Tech, and finally, it was time for them to go. Echo and Wrecker held their arms out to help Tech onto the ship, and once he was safely in, Sarah jumped in. As the Marauder took off, Sarah managed one more salute at Romar before the ship’s platform closed, and wishing him well, they were now on course to leave Serenno.
Sarah rested the Firepuncher rifle on the wall after locking its safety pin, and quickly, she ran over to one of the passenger seats in the cockpit where Tech was sitting and getting his leg examined by Echo. She kneeled on the durasteel floor and reached for his hand, giving him a gentle squeeze with her fingers.
“I’m here,” Sarah told him.
Tech grunted in pain, but he managed a smile. “You know, seeing you emerge from the forest like that, I figure that’s what other clone captains and commanders would feel when seeing their Jedi general amidst battle… before the end of the war, at least.”
Sarah grinned. “Yeah, well, you could never hurt me.”
The slightest hint of a smile appeared on Tech’s lips before he groaned in pain, squeezing Sarah’s hand even harder.
“This will just last a bit,” Echo reassured.
“It is customary to provide painkillers before making any limb adjustments,” Tech began. “Although, given the urgency of this fracture and the need to provide treatment, I would understand the lack of reason behind waiting for painkillers to set in, though I certainly wouldn’t complain. After all, it’s not as if I have not waited long enough already. Several hours have already passed since the incident.”
“You should have given him the painkillers first,” Wrecker nudged Echo.
“Leave him alone,” Sarah defended. “I think the infodumping as a pain management technique is adorable.”
“You think droids are adorable,” Wrecker pouted.
Echo, Tech, and Wrecker continued to bicker, and all the while, Sarah realized she hadn’t let go of Tech’s hand. There was no problem. She found that she didn’t want to let go of his hand anyway.
Sarah did, however, notice a set of eyes looking at her hand in Tech’s, and rather than focusing on flying the Marauder, they were laden with sorrow and with jealousy. Then, Hunter finally looked Sarah in the eyes. She maintained eye contact with him before finally averting her gaze and gave Tech’s hand one last squeeze before getting up.
“I’ll look around the ship and see what we can use to stabilize that let,” Sarah said. She then walked away from the cockpit and made her way towards the back of the ship, where Omega was sitting with her trooper doll in her hands. Her big eyes looked at Sarah, and the usual warmth of her smile made Sarah realize how cold her marks still felt.
“That was some really good shooting, Sarah,” Omega said. “I…”
Omega looked over at the Firepuncher resting on the wall, and then she looked at Sarah again. “I think Crosshair would say the same too.”
The hole in Sarah’s chest deepened at the mention of his name as multiple thoughts swarmed through her mind. Crosshair, Tech, Tech’s injury, the fact that Sarah had just ended the lives of multiple troopers. Still, the sight of Omega smiling at her eased some of that. If a child as pure and kind as Omega could still look upon Sarah and smile, she maybe didn’t have anything to feel terrible about.
Eventually, Sarah found it in herself to chuckle. “Nah, Crosshair would be teasing the hell out of me. It’s his way of showing love.”
“Well, then…” Omega continued. “We should find him and tell him about today. See how he reacts.”
Sarah looked straight at Omega. She refused to use the child to convince Hunter to go after Crosshair again—she wouldn’t open that can of worms again. However, after Kamino, Sarah hadn’t really thought of seeing Crosshair again.
It had really felt like the end at one point.
“We should,” Sarah agreed.
Omega smiled and put her doll aside. “Can I help out with Tech?”
“You sure you want to do that?” Sarah asked her. “It’s not going to be a pretty sight.”
“I know, but I can handle it,” Omega replied. “I was in the medical wing before we met, remember?”
Yet another reminder that hit Sarah like a training bolt. Sometimes, all she wanted to do was think of Omega as a child, not as anything else.
Sarah gave as cheerful a smile as she could manage. “Right.”
Omega jumped off her chair and went to look for a couple of steel rods she knew happened to be lying about the ship, and with excitement, ran off to the cockpit to aid Tech. Sarah stood in the empty midsection of the Marauder thinking about what would come next.
But, for now at least, Tech needed her with him. She’d have more than enough time to begin her own quest when they returned to Ord Mantell.
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shallowcoffin · 9 months
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It’s 5:00 am and Tech is still rambling about schematics. Kongo’s on her third cup of Kaf, listening to his every word.
She may be tired, and hasn’t slept in over 40 hours, she still listens to Tech’s rambles no matter what.
Her cup says “#1 Co-Pilot” because Tech never lets anyone else pilot The Havoc Marauder, but he’ll let her co-pilot. Tech isn’t the one who got her the cup though, Wrecker made it and had to ask Tech how to spell pilot. 💀
Yes this is a ship, i ship Kongo and Tech with my whole heart and i’m not sorry. I’ll eventually post the ship art i have of them, because it’s so cute- but i don’t wanna post everything i have all at once.
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valemya · 2 months
Where Threads Entwine
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Pairing: Tech x Vale Bridger (OC/DRself) Words: 1,613 Summary: "Garia had been a lovely planet, all things considered. The scenery would’ve been holo-worthy had it not been for the makeshift separatist stronghold erected dead centre on the horizon, conveniently obscuring their view of the planet’s lush, grassy hills on approach. Vale would’ve taken the opportunity to snap a holo *after* the ensuing battle, but there wasn’t much beauty in the patches of scorched grass and upturned soil littered with the carcasses of battle droids, if you could call those scrap heaps anything resembling a formerly living being. Nonetheless, the mission objective had been completed. Now she could use the downtime to get some relaxation of her own; the source of it no doubt tapping away at the various consoles in the cockpit just out of sight from where she was leaning against some precariously stacked crates." --- Tech and Vale have a quiet post-mission conversation in the cockpit of the Marauder.
Cross-posted on Ao3 here.
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Garia had been a lovely planet, all things considered. The scenery would’ve been holo-worthy had it not been for the makeshift separatist stronghold erected dead centre on the horizon, conveniently obscuring their view of the planet’s lush, grassy hills on approach. Vale would’ve taken the opportunity to snap a holo after the ensuing battle, but there wasn’t much beauty in the patches of scorched grass and upturned soil littered with the carcasses of battle droids, if you could call those scrap heaps anything resembling a formerly living being. 
Nonetheless, the mission objective had been completed. She thought it best not to think about the environmental damage left behind in the aftermath of such conflicts. 
She hadn’t been with her own battalion for this one, the 501st staying behind on Coruscant for some well earned rest and relaxation while she jetted off to assist Clone Force 99 in their specialised mission. They hadn’t needed her assistance, not really, but she figured the request for her “necessary expertise” on the mission had been a half-sincere, half-banthashit attempt to make a routine op just a bit more entertaining for them all. Not like she was going to complain- it beat sitting around on Coruscant doing fuck all waiting for the next directive. 
Besides, she was certain she’d find the time to get some relaxation of her own; the source of it no doubt tapping away at the various consoles in the cockpit just out of sight from where she was leaning against some precariously stacked crates.
After the mission she’d let him be for a while, giving him time to sit in the cockpit and decompress in his natural element. No better way to unwind than rewiring some finicky gadget, or whatever he was up to in there. After boarding she’d taken to some light conversation with the rest of the batch as they began to unload a few of their belongings, nothing really having much of a designated home amidst the clutter. She didn’t have anything of her own to put away, let alone her own space to deposit it, but she opted to unclip her lightsaber and place it on Tech’s bunk. Sure, she liked having it on her at all times, but it felt a bit awkward standing there doing nothing while everyone else was putting things away. And if she happened to forget it on the ship, well, that was just as good an excuse as any for her to come back around and see him later.
Vale had been standing and quietly chatting with Hunter and Echo for a while, engaged in idle conversation as they prepared for their sleep shift, graciously offering up a bunk for her to rest too. Besides the fact she questioned the dubious cleanliness of the sleeping mat, she didn’t care all that much for sleeping in this present moment. Not when she hadn’t been able to spend much “alone time” with Tech for the past weeks because of their continually clashing schedules. 
Her conversation with the two of them reached a lull, and Vale left them to go off to bed with a polite “Goodnight, and good job today” before heading up to check in on her boyfriend. 
Tech was deep in focus, giving all his attention to the multiple screens in front of him displaying detailed star charts and hyperspace routes, likely running his own calculations on the most efficient route to Coruscant. It was a very standard planet to navigate to, considering it was the core. Virtually every hyperspace route led to it in some way, interconnected by a mass of lanes you could enter at any point and follow along until you reached your destination, or the end of charted space. 
Vale thought of her connection to the force in a similar way; every living being a destination along the expanse of a thread, a thread that loops and crosses over, and doubles back, that she could locate and traverse until she found the being she was trying to reach. Similar to the hyperspace routes indeed. Yet, unlike the bounds of wild space, the end of the line for charted territory, she held no concept of a definitive “end” to her thread. What she had discovered in recent years was that, much like the galaxy had a centre, a certain marker for the core of the known universe, she too, had a centre. She had, perhaps against her philosophy, expected that centre to lie within herself, but it was now abundantly clear to her that this was not the case. It was not her at the centre of this thread- it was him.
And she always seemed to find herself the most grounded at her centre. 
It didn’t appear like he’d noticed her presence yet, she had a habit of walking a bit too quietly and unintentionally scaring the living daylights out of people. Lingering off to his side, she waited a moment and watched as he tapped away at his datapad before placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to unobtrusively announce her arrival. Solid plastoid met her fingertips and she instinctively gave a reassuring squeeze, the muscle memory paying no mind to the physical barrier that separated him from her touch. 
Not redirecting his attention too far from the screen, he offered her a quick glance before readjusting his goggles that had begun to slide down the bridge of his nose slightly. Vale thought that half the amount of times he reached up to adjust them they hadn’t even budged from their position on his face at all, he just fiddled with them purely out of habit. 
“We will be on track to Coruscant shortly,” he said, “I am just double checking I have planned the most efficient route for us to take. Garia is not situated in a major hyperspace lane… I have concluded we will actually save time by diverting our course to Bacrana and entering the Corellian Run from that entry point, as opposed to following the lesser-known path directly from here.”
Her hand removed itself from his shoulder as she casually leaned against the backrest of the pilot’s seat, humming a quick “ah” in agreement as if she knew anything about the minor hyperspace routes surrounding the planet. 
“And you figured this out yourself? If only you were as good at judging the appropriate speed to come in for landings as you are at calculating hyperspace routes…” she trailed off, purposely avoiding his annoyed gaze and laughing to herself about the playful tease.
It wasn’t a genuine rile up, of course, but some of his rougher landings across various bases came to mind; like that time on Anaxes he’d sped toward the landing strip a little too close for comfort, practically bowling over some of her men on the ground and managing to upturn dozens of newly delivered storage crates.
Of course she was the one who copped her head supply officer’s lengthy complaint, not Tech. 
“My landings are adequate.” He replied, finally putting the datapad down to rest on his lap as his hands moved deftly across the ship’s controls, preparing for the jump to hyperspace. 
Vale couldn’t help but smile at that. “Really? I can think of a few occasions you’ve come in too hot and nearly taken out a communications array or two.” 
That earned her a faux-death glare as he sat hunched over the panel, briefly pausing his taps on the buttons and switches to hold the look for a few seconds before he broke, a mischievous glimmer curiously rising in his eyes and dissolving his frown. 
But he wouldn’t admit defeat, as much as he knew her comment about his landings was mostly true. 
“I have never taken out a communications array,” he retaliated, “I happen to have very good piloting skills, actually. My landings are completed with incredible accuracy.”
It was true of course, but Vale was committed now.
“I don’t know… You’re a bit wobbly with the steering at times. Could be a little smoother.” she said, crossing her arms and purposely avoiding looking in his direction.
“Not me though.” she added. “Being a good pilot is in the Bridger bloodline.” 
Being a good pilot was definitely not in the Bridger bloodline- she recalled her parents being decidedly average pilots, if she was being honest. The only thing giving her a bit of an edge when she flew was the fact she had the force. She imagined a lot of those close calls in her starfighter would’ve been totally fatal had she not had the innate sense that alerted her to impending danger.
She could pretend she was born to be a good pilot though, for the sake of acting like she had anything over Tech. 
He sat back in his seat for a second, momentarily straightening his posture out a bit after he finished readying the ship’s controls.
“I’ll be a Bridger when we get married. That will count.” He said nonchalantly, pushing forward the lever to send the Marauder into hyperspace like he hadn’t just delivered the smoothest line Vale had ever heard. 
A sudden warmth spread across her face at that, an accompanying sensation of butterflies arising in her core and settling into a new home in the very essence of her being. 
“You’d better get some more practice in before then.” she replied, unable and unwilling to reign in her adoring smile as she looked down at him. 
He huffed out a quick laugh and turned the seat to look at her fully for the first time in their interaction, a small smile on his face at Vale’s easy response. She knew he meant it.
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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Imma not sit here and pretend that the whole reason i made this blog is because of Tech and this scene were he is literally about to get eating by the Zillo beast and just stands there mesmerized because hes a fucking nerd and I wanted to give him a space deity gf ever since
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techs-assistant · 1 year
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A little smooch break :) a finished sketch commission for a user on twitter :3
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Let Me Take Care of You
Summary: Amber is injured; Tech just wants to look after you.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I wrote this for @eclec-tech since she was a little under the weather. It just a quick blurb. Enjoy love.
Love oo.
Warnings: Domestic fluff, cute, injury mentioned, I think that's it. If I miss anything let me know.
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“Amber, I told you to stop using your arm” Tech mumbled from his seat as he focused on his datapad. 
“I’m not using my arm” she mumbled.
“If you’re not using your arm, then why are you whining in pain.”
“That’s just your imagination.”
He placed the datapad down, and stood, shifting to stand behind Amber, he took the jar out of her hand turning it, as he tilted his head at her, “What were you wanting, cyar’ika?”
She let out a deep sigh, “I wanted to make myself a sandwich.”
“Then you tell me what you want, and I’ll make it” he placed a kiss on her temple as he shifted towards the conservator pulling out various items. “Want some tea as well?”
“Please” Amber sat there watching as Tech moved around the kitchen, making her a snack as a smile donned his lips, her head was propped on her right hand, as her left arm was in a sling. She couldn’t help but feel loved and taken care of. 
Ever since she injured her left arm, Tech had been doting on her since they came back from the doctors. He wouldn’t let her open any doors, made sure to have dinner ready, and breakfast the next day. Even brushing her hair after their shower together, which he had logically and charmingly stated was for her safety only, he’d been gentle doing his best not to pull too hard.
He walked over placing the sandwich which had been cubed and cut in front of her, each cubed piece had a toothpick pierced through to keep it together, making it easier for her to pick up and eat. She couldn’t help but smirk at the display before her. 
“You really do take care of me, don’t you”
“Anything for you, cyar’ika” he placed another kiss on her temple as he took the seat beside her grabbing his datapad focusing on his work again. 
She leaned into his side as she chewed another piece of the sandwich, “You’re the best, love.”
“I know” he smirked as he focused on the article he was reading. 
She just shook her head as she took another cubed piece.
“You know why I’m the best, don’t you?”
“Because you read and study all the time?”
“Nope” he turned to look at her, smiling as his eyes locked on to hers, “I’m the best, because of you. Now, all you need to do is let me take care of you while your arm is healing. You worry me when you’re injured, so please allow me to take care of you. It’s my way of showing my love for you.”
She smiled as she placed her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck, “Alright, love. I promise - - the next inju…” he cleared his throat, “the next time I need something, I’ll ask you for help. Deal?”
“Yes, cyar’ika.”
“You know this goes both ways you know.”
“Yes, cyar’ika. If I need your help the next time I’m injured and you’re well, I will ask you to assist me.”
“Deal” she placed a kiss on his lips, promising to always be there to help each other. 
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Tag List:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24 @spicymcnuggies @lady-ren@firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika@monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian
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501st104th212th99s · 6 months
I am once again appealing to the fandom in help of finding a fic. This time it’s a Tech x oc/reader one. I’m pretty certain the nickname for the OC is Dot as she’s a journalist back on coruscant. She originally meets Tech undercover while trying to find out what the clones really feel about the war. They meet get together and complete a few missions together. The chancellor puts out a hit list on journalists and tech thinks she’s dead as her name is on the list of deceased. However they meet on ord mantell when passing through a market and reunite. Hunter also hooks up with her friend a twilek. I’ve been searching for days and have had no luck and my pregnancy mind is making me go crazy so any help would be much appreciated. Much love 👌🏻
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nerys-vost · 9 months
Tech: I have feelings for you. Nerys: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay?
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thecoffeelorian · 6 months
Presenting, At Long Last...Lyn!!
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(As I'm editing the most recent chapter of "The Past Is Another Land", here's a little preview for the chapter that comes afterward.
In other words, I'm presenting my OC Lyn Innsur to you all in a special POV edition, and I hope she makes a good impression! Thank you so much! :D :D )
No Pressure Tags:: @apocalyp-tech-a @theosb0rnway @talesfrommedinastation @littlefeatherr and anyone else interested in more Tech x OC content! 😎
I can already hear them. Two loud sets of feet tramping through the underbrush, one larger than the other, and their voices sound both annoyed and confused.
No, not just that—they sound like a pair of nervous babysitters, if not also a bit more.
Still, I can only guess what’s bothering them at this moment, though it might certainly have a lot to do with the girl and her friend who just came through this part. Especially considering that, at least for most of these, they’re wearing a certain combination of family colors.
If anything, they’re certainly not scared to be seen in public with one another.
This is probably why I waste no time moving in their direction, even as my hiking companion has to stand still for a minute before allowing himself to turn and walk upon a different trajectory. We’re going in the same direction regardless, so I don’t think I should have ANY trouble speaking to any of the others if the problem here is exactly what I think it is.
Not when I have firsthand knowledge of what DOES happen to young girls who suddenly don’t make it back home.
This is why I’m not afraid to meet them out here upon this very path, my head upright and my lekku at rest. I know for a fact that they have no reason to fear me, so in return, I can only hope that they don’t give me any reasons to be afraid of them.
Or…that’s my main thought, until I see the largest of the bunch crash through a few trees first.
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moonstrider9904 · 4 months
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Brown Eyes
Chapter 5 of Moonwalker: The Flame
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{crossposted to Wattpad} {crossposted to AO3}
Summary: Now that the race at Safa Toma is done and everyone's safe, Sarah and Tech catch some time alone together.
Tags/Warnings: Explicit, SMUT 18+ adults only. Unprotected vaginal sex, creampie, oral sex, fingering.
Word count: 4.3k
Songs: Body Gold by Oh Wonder
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After taking in Tech’s triumph, the squad was joined by Cid, who made her best attempts at lightening the mood now that it appeared Sarah wouldn’t be taken by Millegi after all.
No thanks to Cid, of course. Sarah still avoided eye contact with her as much as possible.
They had really gone from having Cid give Sarah the authority to call the shots during the mission, to Cid striking a standard wage with Millegi, to Cid offering Sarah as collateral to save her own skin—behind Sarah’s back. In the corners of her mind, Sarah thought of Hunter, who always had some sort of wariness around Cid. Maybe Hunter wasn’t wrong about everything.
But when Sarah and the others made it to the empty dive bar where Millegi and his crew were waiting, Sarah decided she could put that aside for now if only to set the matter straight and finally be on her way out of there.
Millegi got up from his chair and spread his arms, seemingly welcoming the winning team, though behind him, his crew wasn’t as happy. One gesture of his hands took care of the matter, and the henchmen stood down, even in spite of how disgusted they seemed with the entire team, particularly with Tech. Still, if anyone understood business, it was Millegi, and though he and his gang were reckless, he wasn’t a cheater.
“A deal’s a deal,” Millegi finally said and extended a hand forward to Tech. “That was some impressive racing out there.”
Tech hesitated for a fraction of a second, but he reciprocated the handshake. “It was all strategy.”
“Motivation, too, no doubt,” Millegi said as he let go of Tech’s hand and glanced over at Sarah. “You would have made a fine addition to our team.”
Sarah did her best to hide her disgust, but she still understood the importance of not messing anything up even at the very end of the ordeal. Offending Millegi now wouldn’t help anyone.
“Oh well,” Sarah said. “I guess I’ll remain with my team.”
Cid was the first one to leave the room, followed by Wrecker and Omega. Tech remained next to Sarah as she gave one final nod at Millegi and began to turn away, but the pair hadn’t given three steps forward when Millegi called at them again.
“I wouldn’t have betrayed you like that, Adhara,” he said.
Sarah stopped in her tracks. Tech glanced over at her, his eyes filled with concern, silently trying to convince her not to engage. Sarah, however, decided that was a remark she wanted to hear developed further, and she turned around and stared at Millegi with a stern gaze.
“And neither would Hondo, for that matter,” Millegi continued. “You should probably reconsider your place in all this. All of you.”
“My place is with my family,” Sarah stated.
Millegi smirked discreetly. “Indeed. Then I suggest you and your family watch your backs. With Cid, it never goes both ways. But I’m sure you realize that by now.”
A sudden twinge of fear pierced into Sarah’s chest, rendering her unable to accept the words Millegi had said. If the facts were all that mattered, she could focus on the fact that she would be returning safely to Ord Mantell, not ending up in Milleg’s crew due to a bet gone wrong. But Sarah also knew that in that world, warnings weren’t to be ignored. A warning was a favor, not a threat.
Sarah remained quiet and nodded at Millegi one more time, and finally, she and Tech left the dive bar and silently walked the corridors of the racing dome, the silence between them tense and eerie even as the crowds in the upper levels of the racing dome were going wild with another race.
“We are set to leave in a couple of hours,” Tech finally broke the silence, his tone cautious. “Perhaps… you would like to grab some sustenance in that time?”
Though Millegi’s warning still weighed in Sarah’s mind, she found it in herself to chuckle at Tech—his beautifully brilliant mind always sending words to his mouth, prompting him to speak even when no one else would… the warmth returned to her marks, flushing over to her cheeks and making the roundness of her face take on a shade of scarlet at the mere fact of being in his presence. It was no surprise to her anymore, though. Those days, the only one capable of washing away any other feelings to substitute them with his own essence was Tech.
“If by sustenance, you mean fried street food, then yes,” Sarah smiled. “Yes, I do believe I could use some of that.”
“The cheesier the better, as Wrecker put it earlier,” Tech added.
“He’s a genius, you know?” Sarah chuckled.
“Yes, in his own way, I will admit it,” Tech replied.
Sarah directed a small smile at him and turned around, walking forward, but Tech remained with his feet glued to the ground, watching Sarah as she paced. Her hair, cut to the length of her shoulders, bounced with every step that she took. Her clothes magnificently embraced her silhouette, enhancing the inwards curve of her spine and how it changed its direction outwards into a pronounced curve on her backside, and when his gaze slid over to her gloved hands, he pictured what it would be like to remove them and expose her skin, feeling her touch him in all the ways she knew… he could only bask in the possibility.
“Sarah,” Tech called out.
She came to a halt and turned around, her eyebrows raising as she noticed he hadn’t moved at all. Without questioning, she paced back towards him and stopped barely inches apart from him, and she looked up to him with a wide-eyed gaze.
“Before you say anything,” Sarah spoke softly. “Thank you… for being so reckless.”
Tech chuckled softly at her remark.
“Reckless enough to save me,” her voice fell into a whisper, and her colorful irises faltered in their gaze, falling from Tech’s brown eyes to his plump lips.
He took notice and, figuring it was as good a time as any while finding themselves in a deserted corridor, his hands went up to Sarah’s waist and found their rest there, his grip steady as she inched her body closer to his. The space between them was sealed, and with a swift movement, Sarah’s arms snaked up around Tech’s upper back. Their lips crashed onto each other, and like a chemical reaction releasing heat, they wasted no time to raise the passion between them. Tech’s arms enveloped the circumference of Sarah’s waist and clutched her, pressing her silhouette to his in an attempt to bring her impossibly closer, and the long wait to be in each other’s arms finally paid off.
The countless moments of flirting, the witty remarks and lingering stares that had evolved into nights of comfort and time spent in silence, their presence complementing one another, piqued in the plenitude of that kiss, bursting all the tension and raw desire that had built up between them for over a year.
The pair stumbled through the corridor until at last they found it within themselves to separate for enough seconds to find a place that was even more private. Meals, leaving Safa Toma—all of it could wait. With their fingers interlaced, Tech and Sarah ran down the corridor and peeked into each door they could find, until at last, with his best instincts, Tech came across the door to an empty cellar. He helped Sarah and, and no sooner did the door close and lock behind them than they were on each other again, kissing hungrily with their hands roaming over the other’s body, clutching and pulling and squeezing, rendering their breaths fast and desperate.
The cellar wasn’t fully dark, but rather, there was a dim light that was just enough for them to see the gleam of each other’s eyes. Tech found his place on top of a large crate, removing his gloves and taking a seat while bringing Sarah up with him, with her legs pressed together and draped down the side. Their kiss didn’t break until Sarah’s hands traveled down to Tech’s chest and she pulled back, panting, gazing at him. Slowly, and almost shyly, Sarah took her hands upwards, letting her fingertips softly graze the sides of Tech’s face until they found the band of his goggles.
Sarah hadn’t been able to get the image of his bare brown eyes ever since he showed her the sight of them before the race, and she knew that, even in the dim light, she had to see them again. She needed Tech to be naked in front of her in more than one way, and now that she’d gotten a glimpse of the unfiltered glow of his gorgeous brown eyes, she needed all of it, plainly, excessively, until she was no less than drunk on it. And so, Sarah clutched the band of Tech’s goggles and slowly tugged until they slipped off his head and she could behold his image, sighing at his beauty.
With a wanton whimper, Sarah quickly shifted her body so that she was now straddling Tech, and the new position allowed her to feel him hardening even through his codpiece. One of her arms draped down Tech’s waist while the other one circled the outside of his shoulder, letting her fingers play with his hair while she kissed him. Her hips began to grind softly on his codpiece, letting drops of her own wetness bleed through, and the sweet friction drew a whimper from her. The sound sent Tech reeling, and he let out a soft moan of his own, his voice drenched with desire as his hands traveled down to clutch Sarah’s ass with a generous squeeze. She continued grinding her crotch against him, and it was clear to Tech how much she wanted more, and with one hand still securing her plump backside, he took his other hand and circled it around Sarah’s hip flexor, making its way to her front side. His expert fingers found the rim of her pants, and with a silk touch, they slipped underneath the fabric, tracing their way dangerously down to the heat pooling between her legs.
Sarah spread her legs even farther apart, and at last, she felt Tech’s fingertip brushing up against her sensitive, drenched clit. With a hungry whimper, Sarah let her head fall back in instant pleasure and sent her hips bucking against Tech’s touch as she ached for more of the delicious sensation. Her mind spiraled at Tech’s choice of touch—applying pressure while letting a single fingertip rub quick and precise circles over the nerve-packed bud—perfect for slowly and torturously building a fire that would have the most shattering release. As the seconds wore on and turned into minutes submitted to Tech’s luscious handiwork, Sarah felt like she would break in his grip. She could feel how close her orgasm was, and she ached for waves of pleasure, expecting them to be better than anything she’d experienced until then, hoping they would heal the innermost parts of her.
And they were as delicious and enticing as she’d built them up to be, even more. Even her wildest fantasies of Tech’s touch on her didn’t match the white-hot ecstasy that expanded to the corners of her body, emanating from her clit as Tech’s antics gave no indication of slowing down. Conscious that this wasn’t the place to openly scream his name, Sarah clung with all her strength to Tech, her fingertips fisting his hair as she rut her hips onto his hand, enhancing her orgasm. She filled his ears with short, sweet whimpers, strained in an attempt to be quiet, an act that made them far more endearing to Tech and caused him to shiver with desire as his codpiece pressed harder onto Sarah with the growing, pulsating confinement underneath. When Sarah’s body began to go soft in his grip, Tech knew it was time for him to stop—he didn’t want her fainting on his watch, even though he was confident he could bring her to such a point. Sarah gave a heavy sigh at the absence of his touch, and she regained herself quickly enough to bring herself to her feet only to scurry down to her knees.
Tech realized there were multiple possibilities as to why Sarah could be heading towards the ground, and each had him smirking with enticing anticipation.
“Care to elaborate why you are adopting that position?” Tech uttered.
With dexterous movements, Sarah removed Tech’s codpiece and freed his length, slowly lowering her face near the glistening tip as her big eyes found Tech’s, her gaze widening with seduction as her warm breath fanned over Tech’s erection and sent raw electricity down his nerves.
“To the victor, the spoils,” Sarah whispered.
Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and brushed lightly, almost teasingly, along Tech’s upper shaft and the start of his tip. Tech’s body gave a light quake and his hand flew to Sarah’s hair, fisting it, while she took in more and more of his length with each bob of her head. Tech growled and threw his head back, and now it was his turn to attempt to contain his own expressions of pleasure—Sarah was certainly skilled at what she was doing. Even the tiny moans she gave into his skin enhanced the experience with the sweet vibrations of her voice traveling through the thin and sensitive skin of Tech’s cock. Shudder after shudder made the pleasure pool within Tech, until at last, he too was at the very edge of his climax.
“Come here,” Tech said just before he reached his peak.
He didn’t have to tell her twice, nor did he have to verbalize what he was thinking. Sarah rose to her feet and shimmied out of her trousers and panties, and she climbed on Tech once more, straddling him as he positioned his vertical erection at her entrance. Sarah sank on him, taking a seat on his thighs once more with a deep moan emerging from both of them. She rested her forehead on his and looked directly into his gorgeous brown eyes without breaking contact with them even as she bounced on his cock. They locked gazes for as long as it was possible, until the overwhelming pleasure burst inside Tech and he could no longer control his expressions. With a strong grip, he helped Sarah bounce faster on him, the friction uniting them both in ecstasy, until Tech at last released inside of her.
Sarah whimpered at the warmth and the fullness inside of her, moaning through closed lips at how utterly good it felt, and she stayed in her same position, straddling him, for as long as she could possibly enjoy it. The two panted, attempting to reach recovery, and when they regained enough of their composure, Tech helped Sarah off him and made sure she could stand properly, after which he handed her clothes to her. She took them with a smile and decided she could dress on her own, and when her trousers were on her again, Tech felt compelled to reach out to her and rest his hands gently on her hips as he pulled her closer. In a brief moment of vulnerability, Tech rested his forehead on Sarah’s shoulders, and he could hear her exhale softly as she turned her head in his direction and nuzzled his temple.
They shared a moment in silence, and when Tech lifted his face, he gazed into Sarah’s eyes with his own, and finally, he pulled his goggles back on top of his eyes and placed his codpiece where it corresponded.
“Now I’m hungry,” Sarah broke the silence with a smirk.
Tech smirked back—he’d heard Wrecker hinting at the fact a couple times before, that “if you’re doin’ it right, you get hungry afterwards.” As such, he took it as a compliment.
“Cheesy street food it is,” Tech offered his arm out to Sarah as he clenched his helmet with the other one, and the two made their way out of the cellar and into the seedy streets.
The way back to Ord Mantell was uneventful. During the journey, Sarah was able to put aside any tensions and resentments and instead focused on the fact that nothing had gone wrong—that time spent alone with Tech had truly worked wonders for her. And it also helped tremendously anytime Tech would sneak a glance or a stare over at Sarah; how very exciting it was for both of them to know what had just happened, without any indication of it to the external world.
Anytime she found his brown eyes already on her, Sarah couldn’t help but wonder, fantasize, daydream…
At last, they were all back on Ord Mantell, and the squad seemed to part ways. Cid headed back to the saloon, and Wrecker went off with Omega to get their traditional cartons of Mantell Mix—now offered in a new and mind-blowing three limited edition flavors that they had no intention of missing. And Sarah had planned to head back to the cantina too, maybe pour herself a glass of her poison of choice before sealing the mission and calling it a day.
But when Tech’s hand was suddenly on hers, she knew her plan would have to change, and she’d welcome it.
She looked at him, smirking with her brows raised. “Yes?”
“If I am not mistaken, there is a spare bedroom in the Ace Auror’s landing bay you have been using lately whenever you want to get distance from the others, correct?” Tech said.
“Nothing escapes you,” Sarah grinned with seduction flashing through her eyes.
“Well then…” Tech paced closer to her, his voice lowering. “Shall we?”
Words weren’t necessary, and no stops had to be made prior to that. Sarah and Tech rushed through the streets and made their way to the landing bay, past the beautiful Y-Wing stationed at the center of it, until they at last found the room where it would happen. Sarah went in first, and when Tech followed, he closed the door with a lock and pulled the blinds over the windows, concealing them from prying eyes.
As Tech finished pulling the blinds over the windows, Sarah had already climbed onto the bed and lay on her side, with her arm draped over her curves. She gazed over at Tech, inviting him as she smirked and lightly patted the mattress under her, and for a moment, Tech felt himself hesitate. He pushed the feeling aside, though—he reminded himself he knew what he was doing. Tech walked himself over to the mattress and set his helmet on the nightstand, and he removed the plastoid of his upper body until he was down to the shirt of his blacks.
Sarah bit her lower lip and smiled hungrily at the way the black fabric hugged Tech’s body. Every line of his muscles was visible, and she could just run her fingertips over each one of them as she felt the wetness pool between her legs all over again. Tech shivered at her touch and he caged her to the bed, tugging lightly at her clothes until he helped her remove them and toss them aside. Sarah reciprocated, and she helped Tech out of the rest of his armor, his gadgets, even the thin fabric of his undersuit, and finally, they both lay naked on the bed.
Tech’s lips crashed down on Sarah’s and he kissed her with fervor. He moaned softly as she ran her fingers over his back and traced soft patterns on his skin, causing him to shudder when her touch traveled to his lower back. The excitement prompted Tech to fully press his body to hers and brush their skins together, and he slowly made his way down until he was between her legs. He still had plenty of theories to test.
When his lips hovered over her glistening cunt, Sarah expected his tongue to brush over her folds lusciously. Instead, she felt Tech slipping two fingers down her entrance, curling them expertly and letting the tips brush repeatedly against the sensitive, spongy tissue. Her eyes widened, and an embarrassingly wanton moan escaped her, pleased that he would get right to it. Tech’s touch inside her was dangerous, and if he kept that up, he’d have her screaming and moaning his name out for anyone to hear.
She didn’t care who heard.
Tech’s fingering was already delicious, but Sarah had a habit of always wanting more when it came to him, and she rut her hips towards him seeking more blissful friction. Tech understood her wordless request and bent down closer to her, and at last, he brushed his lips on Sarah’s pussy, exchanging between licking and kissing, making love to her sensitive flesh while his fingers continued their work inside her. With her body squirming and her figure pressed back towards the mattress, Sarah’s hands traveled up to her breasts and she massaged her hardened nipples, sending even more sensations down her body as she moaned out Tech’s name in a high, desperate pitch. Tech knew by the sound that she was close, and he didn’t relent. His fingers inside her were precise, and his lips on her clit were passionate. He could have her squirming within seconds.
And just as he’d predicted, in less than half a minute, Sarah whimpered helplessly at his antics. Her entire body quaked with each wave of raging pleasure that coursed through her body, and with her eyes rolling back, she lost all ability to form words in her mind. It was pleasure in its most vivid form, unhinged and making her sink further and further until there was no more knowledge or reason, and even with how much it had already lasted, Tech didn’t stop. He was determined, and with each second that passed, Sarah discovered a new level of her orgasm until at last she released between her legs, squirting warm and transparent all over herself.
“Oh… my… stars,” Sarah huffed at the realization of what Tech had just caused.
A satisfied chuckle escaped Tech, rumbling low in his chest. “I am not done, my dear.”
Tech grabbed Sarah’s knees and pushed them into her shoulders, positioning himself at her eye level, close enough that he could whisper to her.
“Unless of course, you need to rest,” he said as consideration flashed through his gaze.
“Oh, I’m fine,” Sarah replied, breathless in all her most genuine softness, smiling up at Tech. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
With a smirk, Tech leaned down to kiss Sarah, and she reached for his goggles and removed them once more, casting them carefully on the nightstand next to his helmet. Without breaking the kiss, Tech pushed himself down her walls, and due to her previous intense orgasm, Sarah was still all too sensitive, instantly squirming and moaning at his movements. With her knees pressed close to her chest and her calves hanging down Tech’s back, the angle of thrusting was nothing short of delicious, and Tech knew how to pace himself. Starting off slowly, then building up speed—and by then, it was obvious in more ways than one that Tech was a very good friend of speed.
Sarah dug her nails into Tech’s back as her back arched with another orgasm, and though Tech thought it impossible, the moans she graced him with hearing that second time around were far more delicious than the first.
“Fuck, keep doing that,” Tech whispered. “Keep making that sound for me…”
And Sarah obliged, her walls clenching at her own pride. She loved that Tech adored the noises she made, and riding out each and every wave of her own orgasm, she didn’t need to hold any of them back. Tech sped up, and the hammering of his skin against Sarah’s set a rhythm for the music of her moans to accompany. During his last moments of composure, Tech looked into Sarah’s eyes, fascinated by the glow of stars that her irises held, humbled by the fact that such an astonishing pair of eyes could be so amazed at his own brown eyes.
Regardless, it was true, and with that realization, Tech finally released inside her once more with a low grunt. Following that, Tech’s body fell limp over Sarah’s, and the pair panted heavily, both dazed, hot, and sweaty, clinging to one another and entwined, without an iota of intention of letting go.
Sarah never wanted to leave that room. If she could stay there with Tech, she would be happy. With her gaze glued to the ceiling, Sarah replayed the events that brought both of them to that bedroom, to the position they were currently held in, and she couldn’t help but smile as a quick aftershock ran through her body, letting her relax even more into the mattress.
“How did you get so good at that?” Sarah asked, breathless.
Tech chuckled and lifted himself just enough to press a kiss to Sarah’s temple. “I am quite the master of bringing theory to good practice.”
“You sure are,” Sarah said as she found the strength to shift her body sideways to face Tech, and she brushed her fingers up his forearm and his bicep. “Say, um… I’m kinda hungry again.”
Tech laughed and he let the pride go to his head, if only for a bit. After the mission they’d had, they both deserved some of that.
“Let me get dressed, I’ll fetch something and bring it back here,” Tech got up.
“Oh,” Sarah said. “Well that’s fine, but… if you bring food back here, I’m never gonna want to get out of here. I might even get creative with some of it.”
Tech chuckled and leaned in close to Sarah as he put his shirt over his upper body. “I encourage creativity.”
Sarah blushed and watched as Tech finished dressing himself, and just as he made his way to the door, he looked back at her.
“I’ll be sure to bring something I can lick off you, then,” Tech said, and with that, he was out the door.
Though Sarah was shocked at his final remark, it was not unwelcome, and she lay with her back on the bed, squealing as she hugged the pillow close to her, grinning like the enamored, dazed girl that she was.
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purplefangirl42 · 2 years
Plant Yourself in My Heart
Summary: While doing research at the Jedi Temple, Tech meets someone that makes him realize that he is not alone in his passion for knowledge.
Pairing: Tech/Jedi! OC (Anaj Rotz)
Warnings/Tags: First Meetings, Plant Related Adventures, Mentions of a Bar Fight
A/N: This is the Star Wars half of my follower celebration, which was voted to be the Tech/OC piece by my lovely followers. This takes place within the same fic verse as all the rest of my Star Wars fics, sometime after chapter 8 of Bad Timing. Thank you to @juniper-sunny for beta-reading! Divider by @djarrex.
AO3 Link
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“You would think the holonet would have more information on things you should avoid,” Tech grumbled as he scrolled through the limited results his datapad had given him. “It is essential for people to know these things.”
“Most people probably just stay away from the jungle,” Hunter offered, twirling his knife in a circle.
“Can’t say I’m too fond of them myself,” Crosshair said, not looking up from his rifle cleaning project. “Hard to get a good vantage point with all the vines hanging in the way.”
“Especially when you’re hanging from them!” Wrecker shouted from the back of the Marauder.
Crosshair shot a glare towards his larger brother before focusing on his rifle again. Tech threw his datapad onto the co-pilot set in disgust before turning to the control panel in front of him. They were nearly to Coruscant after spending many hours in hyperspace. He needed to get access to a place that would have information on the plant life he was researching. Surely there would be somewhere on Coruscant that would hold the knowledge, or at least someone that could point him in the right direction.
Just as they exited hyperspace, the indicator light on the control panel lit up, telling them they had a message. Tech pressed the button to acknowledge it, starting a hologram of Commander Cody. Hunter sheathed his knife and walked to the front of the cockpit.
“What can we do for you, Commander?” he asked.
“I was calling to let you know that your mission details have been finalized and to see what your ETA was.”
“We have just arrived in the space above Coruscant,” Tech said. “We will begin our landing as soon as we are given clearance.”
“I guess I’ll see you when you arrive then,” Cody said. “See you soon boys.”
The transmission cut off and was replaced by the call for landing clearance from one of the towers near the military port. Tech entered the correct code and then followed the directions he was given to an open hangar. Once the landing cycle was complete, he shut everything down and gathered his datapad off the seat, placing it back in its correct location in his pack.
“Maybe Cody can tell you where to look for that information you need,” Hunter suggested. “We aren’t supposed to leave for our mission until tomorrow, so I’m sure you’ll have time to find it.”
Tech made a humming sound and adjusted his goggles.
“It’s not likely that Cody would know where to find it, but I’ll ask anyway.”
The four of them descended the ramp from the ship and made their way across the hangar. Cody would be waiting for them in the briefing room he had sent his transmission from. When they arrived, they found not only Cody waiting for them, but also General Kenobi.
“Gentlemen,” the Jedi said in greeting. “It’s been a while.
“General,” Hunter said, bowing his head respectfully. “Always a pleasure.”
“Speak for yourself,” Tech heard Crosshair mutter quietly behind him.
Tech glanced over his shoulder, giving Crosshair a warning look. Ever since their mission with General Orim and their chance encounter with her afterwards, Crosshair had been sour towards General Kenobi. He hadn’t offered any explanation other than “I don’t have a good feeling about him”. Tech had a feeling it had to do with how upset Lena had seemed in the hallway that day. She seemed to be the main thing on his brother’s mind as of late.
Crosshair being smitten was unexpected, and his bitterness towards Kenobi even more so.
Tech shook his head in annoyance and focused his attention back on Cody and Kenobi. They were talking to Hunter about the mission they had just completed.
“You won’t be leaving for your next mission until the day after tomorrow. I trust you got the mission brief I sent you?” Cody asked.
Teche grabbed his datapad and held it up, indicating that he had the information.
“There are a few things that will require some research before we depart,” he said. “I understand there is some flora that would be best to avoid, but I could not find sufficient information on it on the holonet.”
Kenobi rubbed his hand over his beard, as if he was thinking deeply about what Tech had said. “There is a rather extensive research division into plantlife at the Jedi temple that may have the information you require,” he said. “I can grant you access to the Temple so you can consult with them.”
Tech was surprised and excited by the General’s offer. Having access to the vast stores of knowledge within the Jedi temple was something that he longed for. There were things compiled there that not even the greatest academies in the galaxy had access to.
“I would greatly appreciate it, General.”
“I will give Cody the clearance codes and have him pass them along to you,” Kenobi said. “I will leave you gentlemen to the rest of your briefing.”
With a final goodbye to the Commander, General Kenobi left the briefing room. Cody turned his full attention to the men before him.
“Since Tech already has the mission brief, I’ll only summarize and add the things that have been added since it was issued. Then, you are free to go until your departure time. Hopefully, you’ll be able to have some fun while you’re here on Coruscant.”
Tech knew that he would enjoy himself at the Temple and he had no doubts his brothers would take the time to visit 79’s for some drinks. 
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Later in the afternoon, Tech was ready to head for the Jedi temple. Cody had given him the necessary clearance codes and had made a list of things that he intended to research. As he exited the cockpit and headed for the ramp, Wrecker called out his name.
“Where you goin’? Aren’t you gonna come to 79’s with us?” he asked.
“First of all, it’s the middle of the afternoon. A bit early to be going to a bar. Secondly, as much as I’d love to spend time dragging you back home after you’ve had entirely too much to drink, I have more important things to do.”
“Like what?”
“He’s got research to do, remember?” Hunter cut in.
“Boring!” Wrecker shouted before returning to lifting their helpless GNK droid onto his arm.
Tech rolled his eyes and descended the ramp, Hunter following close behind. Crosshair stood outside, leaning against the side of the Marauder.
“Off on your plant mission?” he asked.
“Unless you would like to be digested by an unknown plant rather than just hanging from one like last time, it is vital that I know what we’re getting into.”
“It’s not my fault I fell into the vines,” Crosshair said, pointing his toothpick at Tech. “The tree branch already wasn’t stable before the herd of whatevers stampeded by.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Cross,” Hunter said before patting Tech on the shoulder. “Enjoy yourself, but don’t get buried too deep. We might need you later.”
“Do try to keep Wrecker from getting into another drinking match with any regs. I know he can drink a lot, but he can still get hungover.”
Hunter let out a soft laugh and shrugged.
“I’ll try my best, but you know what he’s like.”
Tech shook his head as he thought of the mess that he would likely have to deal with in the morning. He walked away from his brothers in the direction of the speeder bikes at the edge of the hangar, stopping when he heard Crosshair call his name. He looked up and saw him walking towards him, looking over his shoulder at Hunter as if to see if he could hear him or not.
“If you see Lena…” he started.
“If I happened to run into a specific Jedi in a giant building full of them, I will be sure to tell her you said hello. The chances of that happening are low, but I will keep it in mind.”
Crosshair scowled at him for a few seconds before turning around and heading back to the Marauder.
He could at least say thank you.
Tech climbed on the speeder bike and started in the direction of the temple, following the instructions he was given to the hangar when he arrived. He proved his clearance codes and flew into an empty spot. As he turned off the bike, his attention was grabbed by the presence of a person he knew across the room.
Apparently the cosmic forces of the universe are aiming to prove me wrong.
Despite only knowing her for a short time, he would recognize the long, orange, striped lekku of Lena’s padawan, Keebo, anywhere. He crossed the hangar in her direction, calling out her name as he approached. She turned at the sound of his voice and gave him a wide smile.
“Tech? What are you doing here?” she asked.
“General Kenobi gave me permission to come speak with the members of the research division about plant life from a planet we are heading to.”
“Oh! I can take you to where you need to go!” she said, gesturing for him to follow her.
Tech and Keebo walked together down the hall, passing many Jedi. Some of them gave him strange looks as he passed, while others simply smiled or bowed their heads in greeting. Keebo talked to him as they walked, asking after the well-being of his brothers and if they had been on any interesting missions lately. 
Tech was pleased that someone actually wanted to talk to him for longer than a minute and listened to him when he spoke. Keebo had been kind to him before, but it was still nice to experience. He could understand why the 394th valued their Jedi COs.
Eventually, they came to a door that consisted mostly of a frosted window. He could see quite a bit of light coming through, which led him to believe they had reached a greenhouse of sorts. Keebo turned to look at him, gesturing toward the door.
“This is where most of the plant study happens. I’m not sure who’s around right now, as things have been a little mixed up with the war, but I’m sure whoever is here would be happy to help you.”
“Thank you, Commander.”
Keebo gave him another wide smile and turned to walk away.
“It was good to see you, Tech!”
Tech turned to face the door, but suddenly remembered his other mission. He quickly turned around again and called out to Keebo. She paused, giving him a questioning head tilt.
“When you see your master, could you pass along a message?”
Keebo smirked at him in response.
“Let me guess, Crosshair says hello?”
Tech felt his eyes widen. He cleared his throat before speaking again.
“How did you know what I was going to say?”
“Lucky guess. I’ll pass along the message,” she said. “I hope you find what you’re looking for in there!”
Tech watched as she walked away, her long lekku swaying behind her. He wondered if she had read his mind and known what he was going to say or if his brother’s infatuation with her master was just that obvious. It must be if Tech had noticed it himself. He shook his head and moved to swipe his hand across the entry pad.
As soon as the door opened, Tech was hit by a blast of warm air. He stepped into the room, allowing the door to slide closed behind him. He found himself in a small entry, which held a few desks with chairs placed haphazardly around them. Datapads and plant pots were scattered over the surfaces of the desks.
Would think Jedi scholars would be a bit more organized.
Tech walked further into the room, his eyes scanning the immediate area for any people that could offer him assistance. He saw another door, this one transparent as the windowed walls around it. The room beyond was a riot of colors and foliage. He crossed the space to open the door, wondering if there was someone in the main greenhouse. As soon as he entered, he heard someone shout.
“Close the door!”
Tech rushed to follow the instructions, stepping through and closing it. Just as he did, a small furry creature appeared in front of him. The top of its head was just below his knees, and it was covered in brown fur. Big black eyes stared up at him as the large ears above them twitched nervously. The creature squeaked at him and flicked its fluffy tail.
“Hello there little one,” Tech said, remaining very still so as to not spook the creature.
With the creature focused on him, it didn’t see the person sneaking up behind it with a net. A woman with dark skin and a head full of braids appeared from the nearby row of plants and scooped up the creature before it could escape again.
“Aha! Got you!” she exclaimed.
The creature squeaked loudly as it thrashed about in the net. The woman that had caught it smiled triumphantly and nodded at Tech.
“Thank you for distracting it so I could capture it.”
“My pleasure,” Tech replied.
“I caught the Bogling!” she yelled to someone else further down the row of plants.
“Oh, thank the Force,” a second feminine voice said. “I was afraid it would eat something it shouldn’t.”
A second woman appeared from behind the plants, a tall Nautolan with purple skin and yellow markings. Some of her long head tendrils were twisted together in front of her, held together with braided bands of red, green, and white that matched a larger one resting above her forehead. As Tech scanned her form with his eyes, his gaze drifted to her feet, which were bare.
“Hello,” she said, causing his gaze to lift back to her face. “I wasn’t aware I had another visitor.”
“I’ll leave you two to your business,” the other woman said. “Sorry about the Bogling. I’ll be sure to talk to Master Cordova about it.”
“See you later, Cere!” the Nautolan woman called after her departing companion.
Once the door closed behind the woman named Cere, she turned to look at him again. Her large dark blue eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at him. She extended her hand to him for him to shake, but Tech didn’t return the gesture. She simply shrugged and lowered her hand.
“Welcome to my sanctuary,” she said. “I’m afraid you came in a rare moment of chaos. My name is Anaj. What can I help you with, trooper?”
“My name is Tech. I was given permission by General Kenobi to make use of your vast knowledge of plant life from different planets.”
“What were you hoping to learn about?” she asked.
Tech pulled out his datapad and tapped on the screen. He brought up his previous search results that hadn’t gotten him very far before handing it to Anaj. She took a quick look at the screen before handing it back to him.
“I know exactly what plant you are looking for. They can be quite dangerous and are known for eating unsuspecting victims if they get too close.”
“That is exactly what my squad hopes to avoid. I thought that if I was able to thoroughly research them and the surrounding flora, I could be more prepared.”
“Wise choice,” she said. “I’m afraid that I won’t have much more information for you on the plant itself as they are very difficult to study as they are so dangerous. But I can help you learn what to avoid.”
“That would be sufficient.”
Anaj gestured for him to leave the greenhouse and return to the office space. Once they were back in the cluttered room, she grabbed one of her multitude of datapads and began scrolling through its contents. Once she found what she was looking for, she handed it to him to look at.
“This is what the roots look like. They are usually exposed and rest on the surface of the ground. You would be wise to avoid touching them, as that would alert the plant to your presence.”
“Much like certain vines on Umbara and Felucia,” Tech said as he scanned the information she had shown him.
“Precisely. It is possible the plants could be related,” Anaj said. “From what we’ve gathered, it seems that the plant is not native to some of the planets it has been found on. We think that some spores had been transported from other planets and taken root.”
Tech looked up from the datapad and met her gaze. While her smile remained, he could hear an annoyed tone in her voice.
“I imagine that is not a good thing?”
“The invasion of non-native plant life is never a good thing, no matter the planet. It leads to so many local species dying out as they compete for resources with the invaders. Not to mention the effect it has on animals that come across it…”
Tech watched Anaj’s face as she animatedly talked about the dangers of invasive species, both flora and fauna. The way her nose scrunched up in annoyance as she spoke of the irresponsible actions of the ones that transported the invaders made the corner of his mouth tick up in a half smile. 
“I’m sorry, I’m rambling,” Anaj said, stopping mid tirade. 
“That’s quite alright. You seem to care a great deal for life of all forms.”
The smile she had before returned to her face and she nodded.
“Yes, I do. I have a strong connection to all kinds of life, sentient or not. The Force flows through it all.”
“I’m afraid my experience with the force is limited,” Tech said. Until very recently, the only Jedi I knew personally were General Kenobi and General Shaak Ti.”
Anaj placed her hand on her chest and sighed softly.
“Shaak Ti was my master,” she said. “I don’t get a chance to see her often with her placement on Kamino.”
“She is well respected by everyone on Kamino, I assure you,” Tech said. “She has always been kind to us. Something that you have in common, I see.”
Anaj looked down, a shy giggle escaping her. Tech could see her cheeks darken to a deep shade of purple as she blushed. He felt a light flutter in his stomach at the sight, which he didn’t understand. 
“Do you have any more information that could be useful?” he asked, trying to avoid thinking about the strange feeling.
“I can send you pictures of the plant life that can usually be found in the areas the dangerous ones grow. They like dark shady areas with a lot of tree cover, so those would be your first sign that you may come across them.”
“That would be appreciated.”
Anaj sent him the information, pointing at his screen to a small message that accompanied it.
“I included my comm frequency. If you have any questions about anything plant or animal related that you can’t find on the holonet, you can call me.”
“I will be sure to make use of that should the need arise.”
Tech stood from his seat and returned his datapad to its home in his pack. 
“Thank you for your assistance, Master Jedi.”
Anaj stuck out her hand again for him to shake. This time Tech reciprocated and gently shook her hand. 
“It was nice to meet you, Tech. I hope I see you again some time.”
Tech released her hand and left the room after bidding her farewell. He followed the path he had previously traveled with Keebo until he reached the hangar. Only once he arrived beside his speeder bike did he realize that he had been hoping to visit the library as well while he was in the temple.
Perhaps I can ask Cody to get me permission to use the library another time. It would make sense for me to have access to knowledge that could help us on our missions.
Tech filed that thought away, making a mental note to ask the Commander next time he saw him. He climbed on his bike and flew out of the hangar, heading back to where the Marauder was parked. The sky overhead had turned dark, the city around him full of bright lights. Tech had no doubt that his brothers would be gone when he returned, so he would have the ship to himself.
As he descended towards the hangar bay, he could see no lights coming from the Marauder and the ramp wasn’t extended, which confirmed his suspicions. Just as he landed, his wrist comm beeped, indicating that someone wanted to speak with him.
“Yes?” he answered.
“Can you swing by 79’s?” Hunter’s voice said from his wrist. “We need a pickup.”
Tech lowered the screen on his helmet to check the time. 
“It’s still early. What could have happened so soon?”
“Crosshair…”Hunter started.
Tech sighed, interrupting his brother before he could say anything else.
“Say no more. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
Tech hung up on Hunter and climbed off the bike. He made his way over to a bigger speeder that could hold all of his brothers.
“Typical,” he muttered as he took off.
Leave it to Crosshair to start a fight less than an hour into the evening.
Soon enough, he arrived outside the bar to find his brothers waiting for him. Wrecker was holding Crosshair steady as the man in question held a wad of napkins to his bleeding nose.
“What did you do now?” Tech asked. 
Crosshair’s response was muffled by the napkins, prompting Tech to turn to Hunter for a clearer answer. 
“A reg said something rather crude about a short Jedi with a long braid. Crosshair felt it was his duty to get in said reg’s face. When he was told that ‘he had less chance than an ice cube on Mustafar’ when it came to having a shot with someone like her, Crosshair took it personally.”
Tech saw Hunter give Crosshair a look that was half disappointment and half pity. They all knew the reg was right, but no one wanted to say it. 
“Just take us back to the ship,” Hunter said tiredly.
Tech did as he was told, bringing them all home. As he flew he thought about the Jedi he had met. Before, he hadn’t truly understood why Crosshair had been so besotted with Lena, having never experienced something like that himself. As he pictured Anaj’s smile and the way she had talked so passionately about the thing she cared about, he felt like he could possibly understand. 
Even though he hadn’t been around to hear the reg speak the words that had riled Crosshair up so badly, Tech could still hear them in his head. They screamed at him loud and clear.
You would never have a shot with someone like her.
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A/N: Give this a like, comment, and reblog and let me know what you think!
Tags: @monako-jinn-stories
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moonpeachtea00 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/?
Neither Tech nor Usagi had planned to fall in love, not with each other and definitely not with the self-proclaimed liberator of ancient wonders, Phee Genoa.
But they had and they did.
And it wasn’t as complicated as they assumed it would be.
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leenabb104104 · 2 months
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POV: You’re good friends with your Ex, and she still knows exactly how to annoy you, but it’s all good ☺️💚💕
(Happy Sniper Sunday! 😘)
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nightskyfoxyy · 2 months
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I remember seeing someone claim she "hates kids" a while back. Yeah sure thats probably why Lyana came running to hug her and yell "Auntie Phee!!!!! :D" the moment she landed and Omega thinks shes the coolest around lmao.
Live Tech Reaction:
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nerys-vost · 9 months
Tech: You have to apologize to them Zip. Nerys: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
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thecoffeelorian · 6 months
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Fanfic Preview For: The Past Is Another Land
" 'A Brief History of the Ignoble House of Innsur'
'I Was Curious About You, so I Put Your Name Into the Holosearch One Day, And...'
...Please, if you will, let me explain.
For one thing, I am well studied on the subjects of dealing with the populace; consent of companionship; its opposing lack of consent; and the inhumanity of stalking, for no legitimate Trooper of the GAR is permitted into battle until he--or, in just one currently reported instance, she--agrees to a series of training modules pertaining to the treatment and protection of the civilian population. Through them, the vast majority of soldiers, be they enhanced or not, are made to understand that no 'messing around' will be tolerated by their commanding officers; their respective Jedi; and any others that they could end up reporting to in the near future.
So far this particular rule has not, to the best of my knowledge, been violated in any way.
At this same time, however, I cannot ignore the amount of exposure my squad could incur from meeting someone with ill intent, or in simpler terms, 'the bad guys'. "
@eclec-tech @apocalyp-tech-a @talesfrommedinastation @theosb0rnway
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