#tbb scenarios
writing-reaper · 2 years
Bad Batch Reacts…
S/o asking: “Can I kiss you?”
Description: you’ve been dating for a short while and in the transition between friends to dating, kissing always seems to slip your minds. So, in a moment of pure attention to your bad batcher, you just have to ask…
Note: I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been extremely burnt out. If you’ve sent a request I promise I’m trying my best to get things done. Hopefully, with the release of season two this burnt out will turn to inspiration. This has been sitting in my drafts for a bit, so i finished it up to let everyone know I’m still alive. I hope you enjoy! And happy new year!
Warnings: fluff, kissing, maybe suggestive, bit of insecurity
Spending time away from the others was always nice…
Even if it was only 10ft away from the ship.
The two of you stand by the lake attempting to skip the little acorns on the ground across the water.
You’re both talking about the latest mission and he can’t stop teasing you about how you had slipped in the mud which somehow managed to mask you from the droids, but also need to head back to the ship without the boys.
Pretending to be annoyed at the admittedly hilarious event, you throw one of the acorns at him.
“You want to try that again?” He asks, his harsh voice edged with a playful tone you would’ve missed if you didn’t know him so well.
You stick out your tongue as you toss another acorn at him.
Suddenly, he moves toward you, earning a shout as you bolt away from him.
He chases you along the water, throwing the acorns he had at you, trying not to laugh as you squeak at each hit.
Suddenly lost for breath from laughing and squeaking, you stop and suddenly you runs straight into you.
He pulls you on top of him so he doesn’t crush you on the way down.
A loud splash is heard as the two of you become drenched in the cold water of the lake.
The two of you can’t help but to break out into laughter, not making any motion to get up.
As he’s still chuckling to himself, you feel your gaze drift to his laughing mouth and your hand finds purchase on his cheek.
He raises his brow at you, a small smirk on his lips, only you had the privilege to see.
You feel your breath catch as you quickly glance to his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, a sudden wave of confidence overcoming you as you lean closer to him.
He’s almost caught off guard by the question, but he doesn’t let you know that as he pulls your face to his and locks his lips to yours.
Soon, you separate, and he pushes your face away from him, smirking to yourself as you whine.
“We need to get out of the water.” He states, but truly, he just wanted to hide his face from you.
He felt like his skin was on fire as he thinks of that look in your eyes and just how focused you had become on him and only him.
All he wanted to do was kiss you again, just… somewhere a lot more private.
“Watch! You’re not looking! Watch!”
You can’t help but laugh at his eager tone as he tries to draw your attention away from your work.
“Alright! Alright! I’m watching!”
You watch as he picks up a tree that had recently fallen
He lets out a grunt as he holds it above his head.
It was silly, and slightly worrisome, the way he always tried to impress you by lifting such heavy objects.
“Tsk Tsk! Always showing off, Wrecker! Yet you never pick me up.” You scoff with a playful tone, turning your head, pretending to be jealous of the tree.
“I can carry you!” Wrecker counters, dropping the tree with a loud thud before he rushes over to you.
“W-wait Wrecker I was just playing—!”
Your feet are no longer touching the ground as Wrecker scoops you up.
From your surprise, you wrap your arms around his neck before he starts spinning in place.
You let out a squeal, as the world blurs, squeezing him tightly as he laughs.
When he finally stops, he stumbles, earning another startled squeak from you at the idea he was going to fall.
The two of you fall into a fit of laughter as soon as the world steadies once more.
“I could hold you like this all the time!” He declares, gripping your thigh and arm as he uses you as a weight to curl.
“Wrecker!” You squeak once more before laughing as he holds you properly once more.
Brushing your thumb along his cheek, you sit up further in his arms and he responds by adjusting his grip.
Leaning your head on his shoulder, you pop the question: “Can I kiss you?”
“Heh, Heh…” he’s flustered as he laughs. “Is that even a question?”
“Mmm, I just wanted to make sure.” You hum, pressing your lips to his.
He gets all giddy as he kisses you back, adjusting the way he’s holding you in order to kiss you better.
When you pull away, you feel his grip on you loosen before he adjusts his grip on you once more.
“Can I— c-can I kiss you? …again?”
There he goes again on one of his information dumps.
Oh how you loved listening to him talk for hours on end of the most random things.
For now, he was talking about the nexu.
How this topic came to rise was beyond you as all you could do was stare at his lips, making your best attempts to make eye contact.
But it was just so difficult.
So many clever and intelligent words spilled from his mouth everyday, you just wanted to praise and reward him for how smart he was.
Not that any of his brothers would appreciate you boosting his ego.
“The nexu has four excellent eyes, the second pair, in fact, allows them to track their prey through their infrared vision. They also—”
“Tech,” you hum, wanting his eyes to meet yours again for the first time in the hour he’d been working on his latest project.
“Yes?” He asks, his eyes meeting yours, but you can’t find yourself able to hold their gaze as you continuously glance down at his lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
For the first time, since you confessed your feelings for him, you see him visibly buffering as his cheeks and the tips of his ears turn a light red.
“You want to kiss me? I-I mean— Ahem, yes, of course.” He stammers, his eyes suddenly looking everywhere except at you.
A giggle leaves your lips as you hold his head in your hands, bringing him closer to you.
He squeezes his eyes shut tightly and his lips pucker ever so slightly, waiting for your to meet his.
You couldn’t help yourself, as you grin widely, brushing your lips lightly across his lips before kissing the side of his mouth.
Almost looking offended, his eyes open in surprise and he slightly pulls back.
That is, until you pull him back in and kiss him right on the lips.
He returns your kiss, his shoulders relaxing in relief that you actually kissed him on the lips this time.
“You’re so cute when you ramble.” You mumble after pulling away, only a mere centimeter away from his lips.
“Perhaps I should ramble more often…” he trails before kissing you once more, holding the back of your head in his hand.
“As long as I can shut you up with a kiss, you talk as much as you please.”
It wasn’t often you two found yourself alone with each other.
In fact, the only time you ever found yourself alone together was in your bunk as you cuddled away one of his headaches.
Unfortunately, there was no avoiding the loud sounds of Tech fixing the ship on this random moon.
The buzzing sounds sent a throbbing pain through his head as he makes his best attempt to just focus all his senses on you, in an effort to tune it out.
“This isn’t working.” He grunts into the skin of your neck, attempting to pull you closer to him despite already being skin tight to himself.
“I’m sorry, love.” You answer, brushing your hand beneath his hair, lightly scratching his scalp as you cover his ears. “I have an idea, if you’d like to try?”
“It can’t hurt anymore than this.” He sighs, lifting his head up as he grimaced once more as Tech drills something into the shop once more.
Even if whatever you did didn’t wind up helping him in the end, he just appreciated that you were with him.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, glancing between his surprised eyes and lips.
Suddenly he’s very in tune to you.
Your steady breath, your trailing eyes.
The sound of your heartbeat and the warmth of his face combatting against the warmth of your hands.
“Kriff, cyare, do you even need to ask?” He answers, pressing you down on the bed as he kisses you deeply.
The sounds were suddenly way easier to drown out as he worked his lips against yours, only pulling away to catch your breath.
Well, at least now he was distracted.
It was often Echo found himself feeling insecure.
Ever since the two of you got together, he feels as though his confidence has taken a step backwards.
He’s constantly questioning why you would ever want to be with him, that you deserve someone better.
The two of you find yourselves sitting together, reading.
Echo, as usual, going over the reg manual for the 170th time.
You were just glad he could focus, because you certainly couldn’t.
You find yourself staring over the top of your datapad, the book you were reading was irrelevant to the focused man sitting before you, using your legs as an arm rest after you’d stretched yourself out over him.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky you were.
You were so scared to tell him how you felt, so afraid to ruin your friendship over your once seeming forbidden crush.
But now here you were, sitting with the most amazing guy in the galaxy.
He looked so focused, it was undeniably attractive.
The problem now was, you were starting to become very jealous of that reg manual.
“Hey, Echo?” You address, your heart seemingly slipping a beat as he meets your gaze.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, shifting closer to him, sitting on your knees, settling one between his mechanical legs, pushing the reg manual down so his gaze was completely on you.
He stutters your name with a deep red flush.
“I asked you a question, Corporal.” You tease, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Of course you can kiss me.” He answers, a sudden spike of confidence in his voice.
You kiss him sweetly, sitting yourself down as his arms wrap around you.
“How did I get so lucky?” He asks when you separate for a breath.
“You deserve the best in life.” You answer, kissing him again like her life depended on it.
“ I’ll have to start asking for kisses more often.”
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juliberrylive · 5 months
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"I'm not going to lose you too!"
in the scenario where crosshair tries to sacrifice himself to save omega and the kids from tantiss. but omega wont let him go without a fight
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waywardsou2 · 4 months
Shirtless Cuddles with The Batch
Tags: Trans!Reader/M!Reader, masculine terms, AFAB reader, romantic but fluffy, cuddles, just general nice fluff, gayness
A/N: This is a scenario for all of my trans fellas out there. Or anyone that was born AFAB but isn't necessarily comfortable with their chest. How the Batchers would react if you wanted to sleep without your shirt on.
Basically, for context I am trans, and I am AFAB. I have not had top surgery yet but find it uncomfortable to sleep with my shirt on most nights. I've been stuck in the Bad Batch brain rot at the moment and was wondering what it would be like to cuddle with the Clones for the first time without a shirt on. In a fluffy romantic context tho. (I don't even know if any of this is making sense but if it does then please read on. Also I wanted to include Omega but didn't really know how to make that work so she unfortunately won't be in this one)
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Scenario: You and your Clone are settling down for bed, it's been a long day and the missions have been rough recently. The two of you make your way to your shared quarters and you both begin changing for bed. You go to change out your shirt for another more comfortable one but you stop before you can even pull it over your head. You've been with your partner for a few years now and they know about your identity, they accept it wholeheartedly, but you've never taken the step to show them your body. You never felt ready, but something feels different tonight. "Hey, I want try something tonight?" Your Batcher turns to you and waits for you to respond looking slightly confused "I don't really want to wear my shirt tonight; it gets irritating sometimes. But I didn't know how you would react to my chest"
Hunter turns to you and gives you a soft smile, he's knows that you toss and turn a lot of the night not being able to find a comfortable way to place your arms with your t-shirt twisted around you body. It the exact reason why he hardly wears a shirt in bead. He reaches forward and slips his fingers underneath your shirt, he looks at you for consent to keep going and when you nod, he gently pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. His hands rest on your hips, and he looks at you, he doesn't even bother to look at your chest. It doesn't matter to him, he loves you for you, not your body, he loves the handsome man standing in front of him.
The two of you walk over to the bed and settle under the covers, you turn inwards, so your chest is facing his and curl up, he wraps his arms around you, stroking the exposed skin of your back and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead before looking back into your eyes, softly he says, "You will always be my handsome man, no matter what."
And with that you rest your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as his torso rises and falls with each steady breath.
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Crosshair looks at you with a small question on his furrowed brow "Why are you asking me? It's your body so it's your choice"
Knowing that's as about as good as a response you are going to get from him you turn around and pull your shirt off, discarding it.
He looks at the floor as you do so but when you turn back around he looks up, he looks at your chest briefly but only for a moment, your arms are crossed over it, but doesn't think much of it. Your chest doesn't change his image of you. He gives you a wry but reassuring grin and pulls you over to the bed and the two of you climb in.
He isn't wearing a shirt either so as he rolls over and pulls your back into his chest you can feel his breathing and his heartbeat and his warmth, the feeling very calming. He wraps his arms around your stomach careful to not touch your chest and pulls you closer to his so your spine curves into his chest.
He traces patterns into your stomach and lower chest, he traces a line up in the small space between your ribs in your upper chest, he does it slowly, creeping up ever so slightly and when you don't protest he lays his hand there, feeling your heartbeat. He sighs contentedly and so do you.
He gives you a kiss on the back of your head and mumbles "Love you" so quietly you almost don't hear it. You hum in response "Love you too Cross" and the two of you drift off to sleep.
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Wrecker is a little slow on the uptake and doesn't quite understand what you are getting at, at first.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I wasn't born the same as you, remember? My chest isn't flat like yours"
He thinks for a moment and then it dawns on him what you are getting at "Oh?! Yeah, I did kinda forget, you are just so manly it's hard to remember that sometimes"
You laugh, he's so endearing and his blunt honestly makes your heart thrum with happiness. Even if he doesn't realise his comments about blatantly stating how "manly" you are always fill your heart fit to bursting.
"So is it ok?" you ask again
"Yeah?! Of course!" he cups your face in his hands and gives you a big kiss on the forehead.
You take a step back to take of your shirt and then you step into his space again and he gives you a massive bear hug, you let out a laugh as he throws you onto the bed. He dives after you and you are both a laughing mess. So much for going to sleep.
He pulls you over so you are laying on top of him and he wraps his arms tightly around you "You are amazing you know that?"
You giggle and reply "You're amazing too Wrecker" and with that you lay there together, humming and laughing softly, an endless loop of uncontainable happiness. You felt so lucky to be loved by someone like Wrecker.
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Tech also doesn't quite understand, he looks at you quizzically and says "Yes? That is fine? Why do you ask?"
"Because it's important?" you respond a little upset by his blunt response
He thinks for a moment and studies your face as he does so, he seems to come to a conclusion and opens his mouth again "Would you like me to close my eyes or turn away?"
You shrug your shoulders noncommittally and Tech considers you for another moment, then his face lights up slightly, like a lightbulb going off in his head. He removes his goggles and places them beside your shared bed "There. This way I can't see and you know that I won't be able to see"
You chuckle at him, he's not wrong but it still feels a little bit silly. He seems to understand there is still some hesitancy and he takes your hand "You should only do what you are comfortable with, and you should know that I would never judge you for your body. No matter what"
He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before he nods his head towards the bed. "Do you wish to cuddle or should I give you some space"
In response you scooch over to him and lay an arm over his side placing your head on his palm, which he turns over to cup the side of your face.
"Maybe one day you can ask the Kaminoan's to help alleviate your chest dysphoria. But you should know by now that your body will never define your gender."
His statement makes you tear up a little and you smile at him "Thank you Tech"
"It is no problem my dear"
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Echo looks a little taken aback "Yes, that's fine" he doesn't really seem to know what to say, and neither do you.
Instead, you slip your shirt off and he looks away politely. You touch his arm to grab his attention and turn back but he continues to look at your feet.
"Can I look?" he asks shyly
"Yeah, that's the point silly" you say with a chuckle
"That's not exactly what I meant" he says even more quietly than before. "I mean can I look at you, all of you?"
You feel warmth creep up your neck and cheeks as he says this
"Y-yeah" you stutter out and he looks up at you.
He looks into your eyes first and then drops them to your chest, he doesn't say anything but he also doesn't look for very long. You stand there a little shy and a little self-conscious but he looks away quickly enough that you don't feel uncomfortable.
He takes his one good hand and raises it to your cheek, cupping it gently and you nuzzle into it humming.
"You are a very beautiful person. I feel like the luckiest Clone alive to be with someone as amazing as you. Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share your body with me. I know that couldn't have been easy"
You smile back at him, a grin stretching its way across your face "You can't be the luckiest man alive because I have you, and that makes me the luckiest" He blushes in return, the deep red a stark contrast to his pale skin.
You both crawl into bed and you wrap your arms around each other and slowly doze off, never letting go of one another.
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Hope you enjoyed! This one goes out to all my trans brothers out there!
!Feel free to request any other ideas that you would like me to write!
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mae-lou-ron · 10 days
Back to Sleep
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Summary: After some bad dreams interrupt your sleep, you find some unexpected comfort in your beloved partner, Tech.
Pairing: Tech x gn!reader
Word Count: ~800
TWs/Tags: pretty G rated, hurt/comfort, waking from bad dreams (no details), fluffy practical Tech in a newish relationship
A/N: AHHHHHH okay okay okay so the plot goblins absolutely infested my brain after I saw THIS ✨incredible✨ artwork of our darling Tech by @ghostymarni 🫶🏻
This is completely self indulgent because, well, I love him, your honor. I was also inspired by the scene in the episode of Schitt’s Creek where Alexis tells David about her breakup with Mutt and realizes she needs a hug 😂
"Hey, Tech?" you murmured into the room he was occupying.
Tech hummed softly in acknowledgment. "It is late and I am in the middle of repairs—what do you need?" he asked quietly, not looking up from his project.
You didn't take offense to his demeanor when interrupted; it was just how his brain worked. His mind never ceasing its search for information and solutions. Sometimes that meant extracting himself from your sleepy cocoon to pursue whatever pathway his incredible mind had opened up to him in the middle of the night. But when you didn't respond for a moment, it shifted his unwavering attention to you, immediately noticing your slightly disheveled state.
"I just…" You paused again. "Maker, this is so stupid," you muttered under your breath, unsure if Tech heard you or not.
There was no room for anxiety in your gut now that the mortified butterflies had taken over. Things were still fairly new with you and Tech. You appreciated that he wasn't one who typically relied on physical affection to convey his feelings—and neither were you, really, but right now you were still a human with a rattled nervous system.
You heard the sound of tools being set down gently and the quiet thump of his approaching footsteps.
Your face was burning with embarrassment. You weren't a child, clearly, you should be able to console yourself and go back to sleep, but you were here now and had his undivided attention. Something that made your chest flutter wildly whenever you had it.
The toes of his boots came into your view as he stopped in front of you. "Sarad?" Tech inquired, his voice softening. "Is something the matter? You seem… unsettled." He offered. The warmth he always radiated displaced some of the chill that had set into your bones, and you instinctively leaned forward into him a little more. "Did I wak—"
"I had a nightmare—" you blurted out, inwardly groaning. Your eyes flicked up to his briefly before focusing on the middle of his chest. “I woke up and you…”
"I see," he said softly after a moment, adjusting his goggles as he regarded you. "You were seeking comfort after your bad dreams had woken you?"
"It's nothing—I was just a bit anxious when I woke up, but it's… it's nothing," you said again, standing on your tiptoes and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. "I'm fine, I really should go back to sleep…and don’t to stay up too la—" you rambled, still talking yourself out of what you weren’t even sure you needed. You took a few steps back the way you came, but Tech’s hands on your shoulders stopped you.
"Your heart rate is elevated," he said plainly, peering at you. "You are flushed and speaking more quickly than usual." Tech lifted the back of his hand to gently run along your heated cheekbone. "…and you are avoiding eye contact with me, so I can deduce that you are, in fact, not 'fine’, my dear," he said softly, his fingers trailing down your chin before he pulled them away.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" he asked genuinely. “I know that helps you sometimes,”
You shook your head, furrowing your brow. "It's just the same one I told you about," you confessed, biting the inside of your cheek, trying to determine yourself what it is you were seeking. His hand was back at his side, but you wished it was still caressing your face.
"I think I might need a hug…" you said warily, as if you were unsure of the words that came out of your own mouth. "…or something?" You added, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Ah," he said, his eyes darting back and forth processing this information. He did that sometimes. You couldn't help but smile at seeing the brain you adored at work for you. "I understand," he added before walking back to his workbench—making it seem as though he didn't actually understand at all. You took a few steps in his direction as he pulled over a nearby chair and sat down.
Confusion was visible on your face. You told him you needed a hug, or something, and he immediately went and sat down? Possibly to continue the task you had just interrupted? But he didn't start working; he just looked at you expectantly.
"Come here, sarad," he said gently, shifting in the seat and patting his legs.
You smiled slowly, now understanding, and tiptoed over to him, gingerly taking a seat in his lap. He pulled you to him tightly, encouraging you to relax and lounge fully on him. He kissed the top of your head and ran his hand up and down your spine as you curled into the crook of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent of clean soap and mechanical ozone.
"This is nice," you sighed contentedly, feeling the tension in your chest releasing.
"Good," he quipped, brushing your face with his fingers again. "Rest. Fall asleep if you wish… I shall be here."
"Thank you," you murmured, curling your arm around his waist and closing your eyes. Tech's hands eventually left you to resume his task, but he pressed his lips into the top of your head every so often, reminding you he was still right there with you. His warmth and the steady thrum of his heart soothed you, while the sounds of his gentle tinkering and even breathing lulled you back into a peaceful sleep.
When you awoke, you found yourself back in Tech's bunk, but this time he was wrapped around you, snoring softly into your shoulder.
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archivistofnerddom · 6 months
My preferred Bad Batch ending is that the band of clones rock up to Tantiss to save the day . . . and find out that they’ve been beaten to the punch.
Omega used all the skills she learned from her brothers, went savage, and busted out herself, the Force-sensitive kids, and the captured clones. She’s gotten Emerie on her side too. CX-2 is Tech, and he’s broken through his brainwashing. (He’s fine. He’s totally fine, you guys.) Tantiss is on fire (maybe a few people are toasting marshmallows over it). Hemlock is desperately clinging to a rope as he dangles over a random pit (and quaking in his boots).
When asked what is going on with Hemlock (because the clone boys are Confused), Omega just sweetly goes, “He knows he had to be on his best behavior. If he doesn’t, he’ll get fed to the Zilo.”
And Hemlock (still shivering like a chihuahua), looks at the Bad Batch and goes, “Please take your daughter. She’s absolutely feral. I will be traumatized and have nightmares for the rest of my life.”
(And the Batch is just so proud of her.)
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
Let's play Worst Case Scenario! (Bad Batch edition)
Remember how Rex was telling Hunter that to keep Omega safe, he needed to find out why the Empire wanted her? worst case scenario, this leads to a Force-sensitive Hunter revelation and he turns himself in to the Empire so they won't need Omega anymore for their experiments
The clone assassin is Tech. worst-case scenario, he kills all of them except Omega and returns her to captivity, where she lives until the Empire is destroyed
Tech is actually dead
Crosshair dies and we have to put up with the world's worst trope: Death=The One True Redemption, instead of him getting to heal and have a better life
Feel free to add more if you have them!
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lilacjunimo · 7 months
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this moment is gonna live in my head forever actually
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clone-whore-99 · 2 years
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The end of episode 2 got me thinking of this meme
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euphoriacafe · 6 months
I made a playlist on Spotify
And I’m actually super proud of it!
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clownery-and-fuckery · 10 months
I just know that if Krell had been given an assignment with the Bad Batch it would've been the worst.
Not because they instantly despise him like Fives did(though let's be honest they DID so hate him when he barked orders at them) BUT i have to admit it, the way Krell worked strategically lined up with how the Bad Batch rolled. Full offensive bombardment. I think they would've gotten along great, actually.
Outside of the field, when they actually have to speak to him. Hunter's pretty snippy as it is, speaking when he's not technically spoken to, making little remarks here and there- Krell is NOT in the mood to deal with him. He also has zero patience for Wrecker and Crosshair- Crosshair specifically he tries his hardest to ignore, while he's 24/7 telling Wrecker to shut up- it only spurs Crosshair on more though, they're a horrible duo when they don't like someone
I think the tipping point would be when it came down to having to leave someone behind. Krell has no interest in data or extractions- a thing he leaves to Echo and Tech, so when they end up in a pinch because Krell's horrendous inability to adapt, Krell just tells the others to walk away.
Obviously this goes down bad with the others. They ignore him, help their brothers, and get back to Krell in one piece- I just KNOW Tech is sarcastically "thanking" Krell while Echo just glares at him in the background. Hunter and him would have a little standoff because Hunter's older brother of the year award was at stake bc of this little prick
All in all they don't like Krell and I'm here for it
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rummikubcube · 6 months
Ok but the fucking DEPTH those first 5min of conversation between the brothers had. Like we all had our theories (Hunter going ballistic, thinking Crosshair betrayed them etc) but I think what they’ve given is actually better, unexpected, but really appreciated.
1. It gives us a real insight into the trauma Tantiss left on Crosshair: We know he has a moral conscience and the fact that he chose to avoid going the extra mile to get those coordinates despite the heavy weight leaving the rest of the test subjects to suffer probably means to him, shows us just how truly terrified he is of going back.
2. It also sheds light on how hard he actually tried to heal and start over with his siblings on Pabu.
3. And it gives us a whole new level of understanding of the depth of his relationship with Omega, from the moment that going back to Tantiss to rescue Omega is on the plate, there’s no hesitation from him. He’s willing to go back and burn the place to the ground if it means rescuing his sister. To the point it actually backfires, because he’s never had to deal with a mission where he was so emotionally compromised; and he panics and misses.
4. Finally; I found it interesting that out of the two left it is Wrecker the one who sort of voices out his hurt (always the king of emotional intelligence and speaking out) while Hunter just listens and watches without interrupting while Crosshair comes clean. I wasn’t fully on the “Hunter realises Crosshair could potentially step up and become the new leader/father figure to Omega and dies” boat but I think they’re REALLY setting it up now. Crosshair being open and vulnerable is actually what makes Hunter realise his brother really has changed for the better.
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leavingkamino · 5 months
at this point i'm starting to think that he's actually dead and i'm literally delusional for finding parallels in so many of the eps this season literally what the hell even were those then like hello????
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greenflower21 · 6 months
Ok just hear me out:
Omega’s Bat Mitzvah
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waywardsou2 · 4 months
Waking from a Nightmare with The Bad Batch
Tags: Nightmares, comfort, bed sharing, fake character death, tw: techs death
Scenario: You and your Batcher are sleeping together when you start having a nightmare, a nightmare that you lose them. You bolt upright as you scream their name and they wake up beside you.
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"Hunter!" You scream his name as you wake from your dream, the covers being yanked off of the both of you as you sit up.
Your heart is pounding, and tears are spilling from your eyes creating rivers down your face. Hunter sits up beside you, places a hand on your shoulder and coos at you softly
"Hey, hey. Shh. It's ok" He pulls at your shoulder slightly and you lean back into his chest, soft sobs escaping your lips as you remember your dream.
"Oh my sweet baby boy" Hunter pulls you closer and begins to stroke your hair. You continue to sob, you can't help it.
The scene replays in your head, over and over making you cry harder. He simply holds you letting you cry it out until you can take in enough air to speak.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" Hunter asks tentatively you sniff and attempt to wipe away the trail of tears, but they continue to flow.
"It was a Separatist ship, we had been stationed there and Grevious showed up, he...you...I watched him...put his blade through you" You begin to cry more as you recount your dream to him.
He holds onto you tightly still lightly shushing in your ear and brushing his hands through your hair.
"I'm not going anywhere, it'll take a lot more than a laser sword to bring me down" he squeezes your shoulder and plants a kiss on your neck, he continues to hold you tight until you completely calm down again.
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"Crosshair!" you reach out and clutch at his sleeping figure beside you.
You grip onto his arm with such strength your knuckles crack. He wakes up beside you and grabs your arm in return, in your hazy state you don't notice as he tries to pry your hand away.
"Hey" he shakes you lightly to bring you out of your frightened hazy state.
You look down at your hand that was clutched around Crosshair's wrist. You let go like his skin burned you and gasp.
"I'm- I'm sorry," you say through sobs, you can see the red marks you left on his wrist and guilt now floods your being alongside terror.
"I'm sorry" you struggle to say again but he stops you.
He takes your shaking hands in his placing his thumbs on your palms rubbing small circles into your skin.
"Breathe, follow me" and so slowly he breathes in and out and you follow with him. Bringing your heart rate down to its usual pulse.
"Better?" he says quietly, and you nod in response.
It's all you can manage right now. Tears still fall here and there dripping into the space between the two of you. He wipes away the stray tears from your face.
"Another nightmare?" he asks and you nod again "What was it this time? Friendly fire or a Sith?" he says it jokingly, but you scowl at him and shake your head
"Neither you fell from the ship. It was a fire fight and we had to swerve out of the way...and you fell" You gulp trying to stay calm, but the fear rises in you again.
The small grin that was on his face fell instantly. Yeah, not the time for jokes. He brings your hand to his lips and places a soft kiss to it.
"I'm never going to leave you, not willingly"
You almost believe him. Almost.
You lay forwards and place your head on his lap taking his hand and bringing it to your mouth to kiss the marks you left behind.
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"Wrecker!" you must've been yelling in your sleep before you came to your senses because Wrecker already had both his hands on your shoulders and was shaking you relatively forcefully.
You gasp when you fully awaken and realise the situation you are in. Your face feels wet. You're crying?
"Oh, kriff, I didn't know how to wake you" Wreckers voice shook as he says this, worry laced in his voice.
"What's wrong?" he asks. You open your mouth to speak but all that comes out is a shuddering breath
"Hey, you know what, forget that. Just c'mere" without waiting for you to move on your own he picks you up bridal style and holds you to his chest as if you weigh nothing. To him you probably do.
You hide you face in the crook of his neck, tears dampening his shirt collar
"Do you uh, wanna try and talk to me about it again?" without removing your face from his neck you mumble
"You died" your breath hitting his neck as you spoke.
"What?" he asks disbelievingly
"You died" you say again bluntly "The droids swarmed you and backed you off a cliff. I didn't get to you in time"
You start crying again, rough breaths leap from your throat and choked gasps follow with them. Wrecker puts a hand on the back of your head holding you close.
"That is never going to happen, okay? I can fight off swarms of Clankers all day, every day, you don't have to woryr about that one bit. You hear me? And I know you'll always have my back. I trust you"
"But I didn't save you-"
"Nah that's just a dream, you always have my back during missions. I got you and you got me!"
You look up at him and give him a kiss on the shoulder. He returns the affection with a kiss on your head.
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"Echo!" your eyes fly open and you gasp, you toss from side to side looking for Echo but he wasn't in the bed next to you
"Oh, kriff. Echo!?" you shout louder this time, and you hear quick footsteps getting closer and suddenly the door slides open. Echo was by your side in an instant.
"I'm here, I'm here. I'm sorry" you look into his golden eyes, full of light and colour. You put your hand on his face and chest, feeling his warmth and his heartbeat. It's still strong still thrumming with the essence of life.
"Thanks the stars" you sigh.
He places one of his hands over your own, the one on his heart
"Are you alright?" you take in a shaky breath, closing your eyes.
"I'm fine now. But...I wasn't...you. You died, in my dream and then I couldn't find you"
Echo exhaled sharply and a look of sadness creased his brow "I'm so sorry, darling. but I'm here now. I won't leave" he pulls you towards him and wraps his arms around your back.
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"Tech!" you roll over abruptly and reach for Tech, he wakes up abruptly and reaches for his goggles, pulling them on.
"Please remove your hand and calm down"
You take you hand away from his shirt where you tangled it the material "Kriff sorry"
"That is alright" he curls your fingers over and places his hand on top them.
He extends two fingers and presses them to your wrist, his fingers cold against your skin. He looks at your face, but you look away, you can feel tears welling in your eyes and you don't want him to see
"Were you having a nightmare?"
"How could you tell?" you say sarcastically
"Well judging by your pulse, your lack of eye contact and the rate in which you inhaling and exhaling, that is what lead me to my conclusion"
You look at him now, a dead panned expression on your face
"Oh you weren't being genuine" you sigh and look away again
"I'm sorry, I just- yeah it was a nightmare" you rub at your eyes trying to clear your vision and your tears, but they keep flowing.
You continue to rub at them, irritated you sigh heavily. He takes your other hand and holds that one in the same fashion as the first.
"Would you care to tell me what it was that you dreamed of? Perhaps I can help ease the emotional distress?"
You sigh once more and begin to tell him of your dream "We were on Eiradu, I think, I recognised the rail car. You were hanging from a broken one, I could see you but you fell, there was nothing for me to do, I couldn't reach you, and then you were gone"
Tech hums thoughtfully "Well that is highly improbable, I don't see a scenario where that would be the outcome"
"Improbable but not impossible?" you clarify
"Well...considering all that has happened and could happen in a universe as vast as ours nothing is impossible"
You smile, it amazes you how clearly logical Tech can be but its soothing in away, almost like he has all the answers, or close enough to give you comfort.
"I can see you are feeling better. Do you wish to try and sleep or perhaps a round of Dejarik?"
You chuff at him "I could go for around of Dejarik"
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This was very spontaneous and for some reason gave me a huge headache but it's fine. I really like these :) Hope you enjoyed too!
!Feel free to request anything else you can think of in the mean time!
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acruelerdonut · 1 year
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● Pages 1/2 - 3/4 - 5/6 - 7/8 - 9/10 - 11/12 - 13/14 - 15/16●
Hello! This comic is based off my personal headcanon that Emerie was given to Hemlock years ago by Nala Se when she was creating Omega or just because.
Which then became an idea for a comic lol.
So if you're interested, enjoy? 🥸
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fandomsniper · 10 months
imagine Crosshair going crazy
like, completely insane
let's say that Rex and the rest of the Batch raided that prison (forgot the full name of it, started with T 100%), but they only took Omega and maybe some other people who were there or something like that, either way, they leave Crosshair behind and something just snaps inside of him, after all that torture, all that pain he went through he's watching his brother's backs turned towards him as they abandon him in that hell hole
and he just lets everything go, he doesn't give a flying fuck anymore and he goes on a bloody rampage
got this scenario in my head while listening to this(⬇️) cause imagine Cross just laughing maniacally while he kills everyone else alive in that prison, brutally, blood everywhere and all that shit
I just have a thing for insane characters who go on a killing spree, I do this to every single one I like lol
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