#tbh I don’t know for certain if that helped BUT WE’RE GONNA HOPE
midnighthybrid2 · 1 year
(Ok random thing that you’ll leave up to interpretation!)
The welcome home characters as professors at hogwarts basic headcanons? Like what kind of class would each of them be teaching? (Frank would be the next Snape there you cannot say that wouldn’t happen.)
(Maybe if you would like to what kind of house would each of them be in, again leaving that for you to make the user’s interpretation).
Helllloooo! This was an incredibly fun prompt to think about, thank you for sending it in! I’d love to do some more Welcome Home-Harry Potter crossover stuff in the future, actually, if you have any more ideas!
There’s no particular order to these, but I tried to make them make as much sense as I could.
Enjoy! This is gonna be real long, so strap yourself in!
Welcome Home Characters as Professors/Staff at Hogwarts
Julie Joyful - 100% Herbology (Hufflepuff). Julie would 100% be the Herbology professor- she’s described as having a garden of her own and able to talk to plants, after all. I imagine this would translate to her having a very close connection to the plants- students are unsure if she’s actually talking to them, or if she’s just really good at telling when a plant needs more water or new soil. I imagine she’d be a little bit of an airhead at times, probably misplacing any physical homework assignments (like essays) or even sometimes forgetting to lock up the greenhouses at night! She’s probably found a magical creature inside, eating some of her plants, on several occasions. Definitely has had to call Professor Frankly over to help her get them out! She’s better with hands-on assignments, and I imagine she'd be a very encouraging and kind professor.
Frank Frankly - Care of Magical Creatures (Ravenclaw). Oh I agree 100%, he’d be the Snape of this cast. This reminded me of the Potter Puppet Pals Snape puppet- he even has the unibrow and nose- and now I can’t get that voice out of my head when I picture Frank. Frank would be the harshest of the teachers and would be incredibly strict during all of his lessons. His class would be a mixture of hands-on learning and note-taking (so.. much… note taking…). It’s clear to anyone with eyes just how passionate Professor Frankly is about his subject, especially with how he tends to go into passionate, verbose speeches about the biology of the Bowtruckle (for example). This, unfortunately, tends to make him the target of the more rambunctious students who find his overreactions to disrespect quite funny. He’s the professor that sends most students to detention. Despite his grouchy demeanor, Professor Frankly is known to be good friends with Professor Joyful, much to every student’s surprise. They gossip in the teacher’s lounge.
Eddie Dear - Groundskeeper (Hufflepuff). Okay okay hear me out. Despite having a whole arts and crafts teaching segment, Eddie doesn’t entirely strike me as a teacher type. He’s the type that’s used to running around, delivering Mail and such to his neighbors. I can picture him being a very nice if a little clumsy, groundskeeper of Hogwarts. His favorite duty would be to care for the owls in the Owlery- putting him on good terms with the care of magical creatures professor- because he’s always had a bit of a passion for the Mail service. He could often be seen running around the school, taking care of incidents, and trying to reason with the ghosts (if Peeves still exists, Peeves would 100% take advantage of Eddie’s clumsy nature for his own amusement). Eddie would also probably be a lot easier to manipulate than Filch would, and would probably more often than not let students off with a warning rather than a very harsh punishment.
Wally Darling - Defense Against the Dark Arts (Ravenclaw). Before I get into his teaching style, hear me out with his house- Ravenclaw is described as being highly creative and curious individuals. Wally, despite not being the smartest, is quite the creative individual, and he’s described as being the one to learn with the viewer during episodes of Welcome Home. He gives me… Luna Lovegood vibes, in a way, where the way he thinks and looks at the world may be a little different from how others do, but in the end that doesn’t make him stupid. In terms of how he’d behave as a teacher, I picked Defense Against the Dark Arts because of his fandom-agreed tie to very dark themes and such. I imagine in a Harry Potter AU he’d have had many run-ins with dark creatures in the past, and now he uses his experiences to help others in the present. Like Lupin, most of his classes would be very hands-on and he’d be a very professional, maybe a little eccentric sort of teacher who’s very patient with all of his students. Outside of the class, however, he’s still quite patient but also gives off a much different sort of energy. It’s not unusual, for instance, to find the professor lying on the stairs for several minutes at a time after having- yet again- missed stepping over the disappearing step. He’s quite the oddball, but many students do enjoy him as a teacher overall.
Poppy Partridge - Not a professor, would work in the Hospital Wing in Madame Pomfry’s place. (Hufflepuff). There’s no way that Poppy would be a professor- all of those spells and potion ingredients make her much too nervous, no no no. Poppy would instead work in the hospital wing as Madame Partridge and would help cure students and staff of their ailments. Don’t get me wrong- the sight of a boneless arm or a bloody werewolf wound would certainly make her faint from fright at first. Once that initial shock has passed, however, I imagine her practically squawking with worry as she works to patch her patients right up! She might overdo it at times, such as bandaging up sprains so thickly that the limb resembles more of a bowling ball than a limb, but she means well. I imagine she’s not that great at magic, but very knowledgeable on different healing potions and herbs.
Howdy Pillar - Either a Hogsmeade Salesman or Transfiguration (Slytherin). So… Howdy, to be honest, I don’t picture being a teacher in the Harry Potter Universe. Rather, I can see him being the owner of a General Store/Bodega down in Hogsmeade. His store would include general foods and stuff, but he’d also sell plenty of magical touristy items, such as ‘Limited Time - Spellchecking - Quick Quotes Quill - 50% Off Today!’ Or postcards featuring moving images of a snowy day at Hogsmeade or the Hogwarts grounds. However! For the sake of this post, I shall choose a job at Hogwarts for him- and that job would be the Transfiguration Professor. The main- and really, only- reason for this would be that… he’s a caterpillar… and… and caterpillars turn into (‘transfigure’) butterflies… I didn’t say I was clever when I was making these aight? Maybe he’d even be an animagus and could turn into a Butterfly, that’d be a fun nod to that. Anywho! As a teacher, Howdy would be the type to do pop quizzes- not in the traditional sense, however! He’d be like an auctioneer- saying stuff like “Name the Incantation for Fiend Fyre- am I hearing Pestis? Pestis what?- Did I hear it over here- aaaand correct, Miss Granger, Pestis Incendium! Ten Points to Gryffindor!” As for his House, I chose Slytherin because of the natural ambition that comes with being a Slytherin- Howdy’s a business and salesman, he’s quite the ambitious fellow. Not all Slytherins are evil, after all.
Sally Starlet - Astronomy (Either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, I’m 50/50). Sally was difficult to choose- I wanted to pick something theater-related, but there aren’t any very important classes related to that. There are a few elective classes, but those felt rather boring. When I remembered the astronomy class, however, I was immediately like “HAHA! YOU!” Sally’s incredibly passionate about her subject- some may say even a little too passionate. Somewhat like Trelawney and her passion/beliefs in Divination, Sally cares a whole lot about the planets and both what they can teach you and just what they are in general. The way she talks about them at times makes it sound less like she’s talking about planets and more so talking about old friends. It’s quite strange, especially to those who aren’t a fan of her subject and/or her very flamboyant ways. Like Frank, some students purposely mess with Sally to get a dramatic reaction out of her, more so because her ego tends to get irritating than because she’s unfair in class. Sally’s generally a pretty decent professor, being split pretty evenly between hands-on work and homework, she’s just very boisterous about herself often enough that it gets on some students’ nerves.
Barnaby Beagle - Charms (Hufflepuff). Charms for some reason always struck me as a more ‘chill’ sort of magic- at least compared to a lot of the others. I imagine that as the Charms professor, Barnaby is most definitely an incredibly laid-back sort of teacher. He’s the type that doesn’t stress much about deadlines and homework- quite frankly, he could care less about homework and dislikes having to grade it. He generally would only give students the bare minimum required homework, and then the rest would all be taught in class. Though his class would teach the students more or less streamlined charms and such, if you meet him after class he’d 100% teach you what he refers to as the ‘funner’ charms and their many uses. This includes more prank-like charms, such as how to bewitch snowballs so they focus on a target and continuously throw themselves at them. Basically, he’d be the Weasley Twins of the staff.
Hope you enjoy my drabbles, I somewhat wanna mess around with these ideas more in the future but I’m unsure what I’d do lol
If you liked these and have any ideas, please feel free to send in some asks! I’d love to hear y’all’s thoughts on the matter
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
Bojunyixiao’s Weibo night 2023/2024 🎉🎉
can you believe we’re here again. no matter how problematic sina weibo is as a platform, their awards night is a day cpfs look forward to because our boys will be attending. even if we know they won’t interact or anything, the fact that they get to attend the same event is enough for us.
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i will just include the recap for the past years on here, the 2019/2020 being very short cause i feel like that has been widely speculated and talked about already. then 2021 and 2022. this post will discuss the event and stuff that happened + some commentary + cpn clownery. enjoy!!!!!
I. CPFs team building and showing strength
It would not be fair to exclude this feat that cpfs achieved with the free tickets for Weibo night. Even if we had no idea if both of them will attend, cpfs tried to grab tickets just in case it happens so we will be prepared. In the first round, we surprised all other fan groups with how we dominated and it set the rhythm for the next rounds. Trust cpfs to set the trend and make other fandoms “wake up”. lol. They can say what they want about cpfs but we all know that part of the hate is because they do not understand why we’re still here. They don’t get why we are this strong and a happy group.
My favorite thing that happened was when the top profile photos spelled out BJYXSZD + heart with a mole. It doesn’t stop there tho, the next week/round, we still dominated so Sina Weibo tried to save face by doing some tactics to suppress us. Nevertheless, every week, more of us got tickets because of the help of our little turtle fandom.
There were also efforts to get top comments on Weibo Night posts but I won’t get into that anymore cause we usually do that. But the thought of showing strength “online” as what the boys advertised is sweet.
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Years later, we are still as strong as ever and shall remain that way. and that’s all thanks to each and every turtle out there who chooses positivity & makes sure our community remains a safe space.
II. The anticipation and announcements
It’s safe to say that this year, XZ is a sure attendee cause he always tops the voting at this event. However, some were still not sure cause he did not attend other public events last year like 10c starlight or NYE events cause he is busy with filming his projects. On 1/10 evening tho, a rather unsavory rumor made it on HS which was a signal that weibo night was getting desperate and wanted some noise for their event. lol. maybe there are other parties involved, but the intent is the same. I will also just mention the issue that happened on 1/9 with Chunzhen and them withdrawing lottery tickets supposedly won by certain fans. But the next day, Weibo lottery decided to honor the win and gave the tickets. I have no reaction to this tbh, and that’s why i didn’t talk about this separately and at length on my blog. It’s the brand / fandom that i have nothing to do with’s issue. As a turtle, we all know how CZ is with certain things so i’m not surprised that this happened. LOL.
I honestly feel for XZ, he is out there working hard and minding his own business but people and circumstances keep dragging him into irrelevant incidents.
As for WYB, everyone thought he wasn’t gonna attend. This is the same energy as last year. People are busier with grabbing tickets for his SDC6 finals and completely ignored weibo night ( as they should ). There was still some hope tho, cause if you think about it, he attended a lot of platform events. Tencent, IQIYI, GQ MOTY and 2 NYE shows. So why not Weibo Night? I have said it before, but one thing that I loved about WYB attending multiple events by the end of last year was it’s a show of his position and professionalism in the industry. He can go anywhere and be welcomed — he has good relations with almost everyone and that is important in their industry.
I know he is not fond of public events, but i’d like to think he says yes because of his professional relationship with these platforms/companies. I was never a fan of when people flex that their fave “will not go to xx because they did something to him etc.” LOL. That’s not how any industry works. You can’t burn bridges and I’m happy that WYB doesn’t do that. It’s also a testament of how much of a good boy he is 🤍
Anyway, back to the timeline. On 1/10, Weibo announced some winners and the boys are on there. I guess One & Only winning was a clue that WYB will go. Then a so/o account gave a tip that WYB will announce his attendance to an event on 1/11 @ 13:00. So by the evening of 1/10, it was mostly confirmed that WYB will be going.
The next day, 1/11, Weibo Night account started posting emoji clues for the remaining celebrities to be added in their guest lineup. A few hours later, both the boys announced their attendance. What’s different this time tho is aside from the usual copy-paste caption, there is a reminder for everyone to not do any fan activities at the venue. more details was also added in the comment. I guess they don’t want a repeat of what happened last year with the crowds. It caused a delay & cancellation of the red carpet. Both XZS and YBO reposted with more guidelines to follow like no gatherings and light signs etc.
i know weibo dictated the posting time but the 13 kadian is sending me! yizhan! 🫶🏼
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The BJYX ST mods also sent out a message to not do any offline support.
There are more fandom drama after the announcement with other groups but i won’t add that here anymore cause it will only rot our brain. && it’s so much better to focus on the boys!
III. Pre show discussion
On the eve of Weibo Night, GG attended an awards show and it gave us some sweet candy. The most interesting to me is the choice of Alexander McQueen and the first two celebrities tagged by the brand on their weibo in 2024. This is giving me Dsquared vibes. Also how it almost mirrors the wedding-ish vibes they had last Weibo night. I know we as cpfs are somehow programmed to seeing connections but honestly, they don’t make it hard.
Late at night too, Weibo started showing opening screens of attendees and of course they didn’t put them in the same group/frame. This is understandable cause they wouldn’t put the top male celebrities together and knowing how both their fandoms hate each other. Also, how the grouping went, WYB’s was more of the “movie group”. That won’t stop me from being a bit better tho. lol. Cause if they can’t put them in the same frame like that, there is just no way they will be on the same stage or even sat remotely close to each other.
A photo from inside the venue also showed the projected commercial on stage is WYB & Chunzhen 😂😂😂😂😂
I can just imagine XZ smiling when he sees.
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There were also talks of the both of them being on the second row. XZ was already seated way before the ceremony started, and their names are so close but cpfs were anticipating since WYB was not inside yet. We were all waiting to see if it will happen. WYB is supposedly next to YZ but then we see that Jackson sat there. We joked that he should stay there so WYB’s place will be taken and he will have no choice but to sit next to XZ 😂😂😂
IV. Red Carpet shenanigans
🟢 WYB’s red carpet walk
I honestly didn’t get the whole look tho when some people pointed out that it’s the glam version of what he wears when he plays golf — i kinda got it. For his past platform events like GQ, IQIYI & 10C, his red carpet were really casual. I guess that’s what he wants — to be comfortable walking the carpet. There were also some praising him for going against the norm. Well, I have to say tho that his face really stood out. Minimal to no make up look. He was so handsome! 🫶🏼
🔴 XZ’s red carpet walk
I love his outfit! It’s black but still got that something special to make him stand out. &&& I honestly love the hair! I thought I would cry because of how short it is now but it suits him. I mean, he looks gorgeous in anything but you know what I mean ☺️
CPN: XZ signed his name beside/very close to WYB. granted, there are so many signatures there but i’m wondering if he recognized his husband’s signature. lol. In this simple way, they can be next to each other!
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V. Weibo night links
Photoshoot for red carpet look
Photoshoot for second outfit
Xiao Zhan winning Outstanding Actor of the Year
Photoshoot for red carpet look // Photoshoot BTS video
Yibo winning popular filmmaker of the year
Yibo-Official post for Weibo Night
* This is incomplete cause we still don’t have ( at the moment of posting ), the BTS for XZS photoshoot + their photos while receiving the awards.
• WYB’s personal post of him and the caption. The freakin caption. Look, i know that WYB’s brand is all about being the “cool guy” so maybe that’s why he said in the caption that he likes the HS about him. But the thing is, it’s totally out of character. How many events did he attend with him going so high up the HS with much more interesting tags but he chose this? Also, he really needed to do so that he used his own account??? For a couple of years now, yibo-official is the one that posts for him when he is at an event. So the speculation is this one is personal and amused him so much, seeing that their HS for the same event they are both at matched! Also, when WYB posted that, CPFs flooded the top comments! Understandably so. 💛
• The signed photos which i’m not sure about. I actually saw someone post that earlier and people were clowning about how it can’t be real.
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But then, an account posted a giveaway with all the other attendees and it included the couple photo. I’m putting this down as clownery, cause on their end there will always be deniability. The autographed photo was also deleted by the account a bit later, which is actually expected cause it will bring trouble. lol.
• XZS and YBO matching again! Look at how they arranged the photos. How a few of the snaps are not in theme with the rest. Nothing new here!
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• The same song and dance of them missing to see each other. As soon as XZ was gone, WYB came in to sit down. Good thing he had Jackson to talk too a bit and he was gone again after 10 mins! Hopefully they could spend time together backstage away from the cameras. 📷
People are pointing out that XZ was checking his phone lol. probably checking if WYB is giving him a signal to leave so they can do their usual operation. These two! Honestly!
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• Not really CPN, but a similarity. In the red carpet, both of them didn’t do the “activities” that others were supposed to. If you watched the red carpet, there is a point where they have to choose something from a wall with numbers. there is also a choice to take a photo from one of the “themes” by they both bypassed it. I was rolling my eyes cause a WYB anti was trying to make a big deal out of it, but then XZ did the exact same thing. Some people just don’t understand how celebrities like them operate. Not to say that they are above everyone else, it’s just that they do things differently.
• ZSWW fake rumor account posted at 19:21. At this time the red carpet was already finished. It doesn’t say who is saying which line. I’m interpreting this incident to be something that happened today backstage 🤡🤡🤡
"A kiss, a kiss...
"Oh, okay, let's talk about it later when we get back.”
"There will be a surprise when I go back 😏”
“You'll know when you go back”
Then they posted again, at 21:05 with a much longer one but it doesn’t seem be pertaining to today’s events.
• There is a photo/video of XZ talking to Huang Bo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and now we’re thinking about how they haven’t cooperated with each other but seem familiar. Yes, we don’t know all their relationship and friends off camera but my mind immediately went to the SDC 3 clowning. That’s most likely when they became close. lol.
• Heaven’s choice cause WYB was sat at #23 ( Love Zhan )
• This time, both of them left the venue after they received their awards. XZ didn’t stay like he did the previous years. Good for them! It’s better to spend time together 🤍 I know that most of us expected what happened today, them not being in the same place at the same time. Tho some may see that in a negative way, I actually see this as an example of trying to keep their private life separate from the public. Tho a big part of their lives are on camera and that’s how they met. I think what they are doing is really to reserve the time they have & are seen together in private. Maybe some can’t see it that way and will be frustrated but at the end of the day, we have to respect their choice.
• XZ’s 2nd outfit is by Balmain! He tends to wear this at events that they both attend 🥹🥹🥹
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• It’s now XZ’s turn to see the cpf headband light signs! Lol. I hope he saw it. We all know that he is near sighted sooooo….
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If there are post event CPNs, i will do a separate discussion. See you in the next Weibo Night! ✌🏼
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loveshotzz · 11 months
not your canon world but here’s an airwiy steve present for my new job bf:
“Happy first daaayyy,” his voice lingers in a soft song song while your sleepy form emerges into the kitchen. You didn’t both putting pants on; still in a big oversized t-shirt and some cozy socks from last night. That’s Steve’s favorite sleep wear on you.
“My first day was last week,” sleep soaks your voice while you yawn and rub your eyes; squinting into the morning light of the kitchen like a grouchy teenager.
“I know, but last week was your first day ever, this is your first day after training,” he smiles, flipping the bacon on the stove top onto a paper towel covered plate, “And so I figured you should get a second round of my diner breakfast.”
You laugh, air huffing out of your nose when you can’t help but smile. You got a new job, leaving the restaurant business long behind and finally getting to sit in your own office — though, it’s not as nice as Steve’s by a long shot.
You don’t know who was more excited, you or your boyfriend, when you got the call and offer. It was nice to finally get to spread your wings and do something that felt new and fresh; it had been too long serving tables and writing shifts.
For your first day last week you came downstairs to a full spread, a lunch packed, and Steve in an apron that did a little something to you that you weren’t expecting. He told you it was his famous ‘Steve’s Diner’ breakfast — he was so used to nursing Eddie’s hangovers in the past that he got pretty good at making comfort breakfast food. And to his honor, nobody makes French toast like Steve Harrington.
“That’s very sweet,” you smile, approaching him in quiet shuffles while you press a kiss to his cheek. It’s never enough — big palm coming up to cup your face so that you can’t escape the kiss he plants on your lips.
“I’m so proud of you,” he murmurs, “I really am.”
“Thank you,” you murmur back, giving him a few more kisses before you both settle down at the table. He serves, he always does, knowing what you do and don’t like on your plate. That you only like orange juice without pulp (which he can’t understand ‘Babe, the pulp is the best part.’), that you prefer slightly more butter to syrup on your french toast, that you like your bacon a certain type of crispy.
At first it was hard to let him dote on you like this, but you’re used to it now. He likes to feel helpful as much as he can, and who’re you to deny seeing those arms and that chest and neck hover over you while he fusses.
“I was wondering,” he offers with a soft pink in his cheeks while cleaning off his wire rim glasses, “Maybe when you’re having lunch you can FaceTime. I’ll take my lunch too. It’ll be like we’re having lunch together.”
He pops his glasses on and looks at you with the same hopefulness that Bandit has at your lap right now, begging in soft whines for a piece of bacon. You give the pup a comforting scratch while your smile stretches across your cheeks even bigger than before.
“Yeah, we can have FaceTime lunch together,” you nod back at him. You can tell by his face that he’s so excited you said yes; even though you know he’ll spend the first fifteen minutes giving you a mid-day pep talk before actually eating anything.
“It’s gonna be such a good first day, babe,” he says through a half swallowed mouthful of coffee, “I feel it.”
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I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t know who I love more, you or him tbh. God, he’s so cute in his apron wanting to facetime lunch together 😩
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euyrdice · 2 years
hi !!! im happy to see ur response n dw about taking ur time school has just started for me too so i dont anticipate being too free myself!! btw i loved ur izuki hes very cute regardless ^O^ im gonna reply kinda out of order hope its ok!! also dw at all i feel ur personally very insightful too n as for writing u shdnt avoid ur personal taste n opinions !!
i think since u know what direction u want u shd definitely lean into this angle of having a morally grey villain or someone who portrays them as such or may not even be aware of either extent or their morality! either ways its a rlly good thing to know what u want and how u want to express ideas!! ^W^ no matter what type of writing clarity is important
also mm yea personally i dont read a lot of stories w villains i realised? i like tokusatsu where theres a lot clearer good vs bad but i havent watched a lot of the recent entries w more moral ambiguity so i couldnt offer much on a personal front. i guess i like them because theyre evil n nasty n interesting sometimes n like also i like magneto too!! :D i find i pesonally agree w his ideas but i also think how different writers portray magneto, his beliefs, background and try to skew them rlly reflects interestingly on how they view the ideas he represents, just off topic but neat stuff.
although i do think yea in writing n commentary villains can serve actually a rlly important role in reflecting peoples opinions, biases ect. back on them ah but thats getting off topic
in response about the enemies to friendsish thing actually i encountered the same issue!!! :DDD albeit it was cough a knb ship (i dont think anyone knows what it is) so if i may offer my personal insight i think having obv similarities always works. for me i found my two characters were more similar than theyd liked to admit but when in their usual environments surrounded by their peers they were super unlikely to interact so i put them in a different environment! sometimes what u need is smth to kickstart their interest in each other! an encounter that exposes smth worth talking about. like for me the more villainous character realises the more "heroic" character is actually more than a boring farce n finds an opportunity to corrupt him n the heroic character wants to resist this but himself returns because of the villains intelligence n their similar points. it leads them to enter a sort of cat n mouse game into each others minds. but thats cuz my characters i was working w were more intellectual
BUTTT the gist is basically ur allowed to do a little deus ex machina or have smth thats out of their control give them the opportunity to choose to interact n stuff. not all the time ofc important advancements n influence shd be made frm autonomous actions of the characters but a little coincidence never hurts!
ive briefly dipped my toes in writing before but ive never had enough clarity to write anything good tbh!! but i do like helping others edit if i can!!
anyways it means so much that i can give u something to chew on tbh!! ^w^ ur inquisitive nature is lovely! also yes itll always be okay to pop in !!
hi lab!!!! how r u!!!! thank u for this reply!!!! 
i for sure get that about liking clearer bad/evil characters!! i really can’t think of any i also don’t read a lot of villain stories i realize! but for knb hanamiya is so hard for me to look away from he’s so funny and i really wanna know why he’s the way he is dhjdshfj. magneto!!!! love that ur a comic fan!!!!! my last url was eriklehnsherrgf hes the best heh. ooo that’s really interesting about different ways writers portray him and his beliefs representing their own views… i also think our writing and thoughts on characters and which we’re drawn to and which we dislike can reflect a lot, especially biases. i really like talking about it; why myself and others are drawn to certain characters and dislike others… what do we find in them and what are we looking for. and our own art we create is so often a self-portrait, right?
a knb ship oooooo! are you writing a fic for them? so u ARE a writer!!!!! or a future writer!!! fdjfdfgjh but that sounds so cool lab! i really like the detail about how in their usual environments w friends they’re unlikely to interact despite being quite similar… i don’t know how to articulate it but i really find this interesting in fiction/media… two people who could have a close relationship if they were just to go outside of their usual environment, and the significant role being surrounded by their peers in said environment plays. and then something pushes them out of the familiar, often by force, and our story begins, right? i love the “an encounter that exposes something worth talking about” line, so lovely. something worth talking about!
much of it is about change, and putting your characters in situations that force change, and thus character development? it’ll be fun to see what the new situation/environment brings out in your characters, what they bring out in one another when they’re finally able to interact alone. i wonder if there are things only the other person can bring out in themselves. 
i love characters seeing one another in a different light, realizing there's more to the person they disliked then originally thought. ESPECIALLY when its the more villainous character seeing something that draws them into their heroic counterpart. OO THE OPPORTUNITY TO CORRUPT HIM im getting nervous nd excited!! so theres a unignorable interest there on the villianous characters side!! i wonder what makes them want to corrupt the “heroic” character!! a more sort of twisted, self-interested and self-indulgent desire to bring out something darker in them or more genuine interest in the heroic character.. or both or something else?… hm!!!!
wait wait is one of them hanamiya? the intelligence and want to corrupt part made me think of him. teppei and hanamiya? dfjhjsdf anyways u dont need to tell me anything this just sounds so so cool and i love how deeply and intentionally you’ve thought about their relationship. thank you for sharing your plans with me, really wonderful and im excited for how it comes along!!!!
yeah!!!! you've given me a lot to think ab!! giving them a little push to interact.....
really love talking with u, i genuinely feel like i learn a lot from you wow. as always, thank you for your thoughts and kind words!!! and thank you for your encouragement ab my work!!! always value your feedback and opinion on things, you’re so very articulate and open-minded. 
i hope u’ve had/have a good day!!!! 🌟💌
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legacy playlist
it’s that time again. I have made another playlist and everyone must see it. like glade’s playlist, a lot of this is vibes only, but there’s also reasoning in there. to be played in no particular order! have fun! lyrics/descriptions under the cut!
1. Metaphor by The Crane Wives
I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors I've gotten good at living on someone else's page I cut my teeth on secondhand sentiments You can't trust a single thing I say
I keep my closet free of skeletons 'Cause I'm much better at digging graves But I always dig up bones in your sympathy I can't trust a single thing you say
One of the first things that I thought about Legacy was that she is a liar. For fun and pleasure. And also a little bit for necessity but don’t worry about that. She’s genuinely kind of gotten used to just not telling the truth about herself, because why would she? She’s at three people TOTAL who know EVERYTHING (mostly probably), and she kinda hates it, and isn’t used to it, and will one day be forced into getting used to it. But for now she’s a lying liar who lies, which works for her! And no one else.
2. What’s a Devil to Do? by Harley Poe
I was born from an angel And she raised me properly I knew what I wasn't to do I knew what I wasn't to see But when you reach a certain age Your destiny, it comes to life So don't you bite the hand that feeds you Or it may cut you with its knife It permeates all through my bones I let it live, I help it grow I said my cup, it runneth over? Well I'm gonna let it flow So I shot a man in Kokomo Just to watch him die My mother asked me if it pleased me And I couldn't tell a lie
This is a song about being a devil and not being able to deny or change your nature. I like the impermeability of both the roles of “angel” and “devil” in this song, and you better believe I think about it with respect to legacy A Lot. like you are born from an angel! she raised you properly! you can’t tell a lie! it pleased you to kill him!!! what’s a devil to do!!!! like. tbh even without legacy i’d be a little obsessed with this song. what is a devil but the rigidness of an angel with the “wrong” moral code?? thank you! lawful good and lawful evil still have lawful in common! food for thought!
3. Devil Devil by MILCK
Devil, Devil Clever Devil, Devil How quickly they do sell their souls For the feast and the promise of gold But devil that won't be me Devil, Devil Bones of metal metal You torture saints with a single glance Make them think they ever stood a chance
Won’t you believe it I have more than one song about devils on here. Anyway this is like. I see this as Legacy seeing the Evil of her grandmother, like she knows there’s something evil there, and going “but that won’t be me.” Because it isn’t!! Baba may be evil, may be a devil, but she’s only ever been kind and good and generous to Legacy. (at least. as far as legacy knows.) Legacy isn’t ignorant of devils and what they/baba do. She just doesn’t really care. You won’t make a fool of her! She’s sold her soul and it was actually a really good deal! Rip to the other contract-bargainers in hell but she’s different, thanks!
4. Fire With Fire by AlicebanD
Which is why the music died And we're living out our lives in this hope one day our lives will straighten out And we will leave town And we'll get down to business now will someone tell me who I am
It's always been a little hard I wish that you could meet her This woman that you have become, you know that she's a keeper Except you keep her under wraps in case someone should break her It's dirty in this world, it's true I wish I could and she does too
There’s a couple of songs on here about Legacy’s inner machinations. Maybe not actually that many? Considering? And there’s a reason for that. Legacy doesn’t really. know. who she is? And that’s something I’ve actually talked to Lily a little about especially at start of campaign, because I didn’t know Legacy well and she didn’t know herself well either. She still kinda doesn’t, though she’s gotten better and I’ve definitely learned her way better too. Anyway this song is partially about not knowing who you are, and keeping the part of you you DO know under lock and key. and I think that fits legacy very well. There’s this core of Badness to her that she knows her way around and knows she has to keep quiet from the good people she’s surrounded herself with, and then there’s this confusing Goodness that isn’t even so much Good as wanting-to-be, and legacy doesn’t even know the SHAPE of that yet. she’s not even sure if it’s her or just the influence of her friends who ARE good.
5. Stars and the Moon by Sutton Foster
I met a man without a dollar to his name Who had no traits of any value but his smile I met a man who had no yearn or claim to fame Who was content to let life pass him for a while And I was sure that all I ever wanted Was a life like the movie stars led And he kissed me right here, and he said
"I'll give you stars and the moon and a soul to guide you And a promise I'll never go I'll give you hope to bring out all the life inside you And the strength that will help you grow I'll give you truth and a future that's twenty times better Than any Hollywood plot" And I thought, "You know, I'd rather have a yacht"
So the narrative of this song is about how this chick gets offered the stars and the moon and says no and is finally offered what she thinks she wants, and she accepts it, and then she never dreams again, and then she wakes up and realizes she’ll never have the stars and moon. Which makes me feel normal in relation to Legacy. Most days, Legacy is okay with having sold her soul. Like, she wasn’t doing anything with it, and honestly it’s probably better off with Baba accruing Hell Points than it would be if it was just Legacy’s, who would still be accruing Hell Points but like. in a much shittier tier. But. but but but. Legacy sold her soul....... pretty young, actually? I don’t think I’ve ever decided on an age but it was.... low double-digits. Maybe 12 or 13, even if I don’t think she actually took advantage of that pact until older. So Legacy kind of kneecapped her options early on. She doesn’t know who she’d actually. Be. if she’d said no to Baba back then. maybe she’d have the stars and moon! probably not, but who would ever know?
6. Mile Magnificent by molly ofgeography
Plants with singing petals, women with long, long legs Demons drinking water and angels drinking kegs The light behind the buildings as we sip sunlight to the dregs We are animals of love, the city never makes us beg And it feels like a good, good omen Never been much of a good, good woman But good things are coming Good, good things are coming
For one, I like this song, it fucks. For another it mentions demons and angels sometimes. Anyway, this one’s sort of celebratory, like, partying with the angel and devil on your shoulder, enjoying yourself doesn’t mean good things won’t come to you, etc etc. This one’s mostly vibes, there isn’t a whole lot behind it.
7. Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Holy water Cannot help you now See, I've come to burn Your kingdom down And no rivers and no lakes Can put the fire out I'm gonna raise the stakes I'm gonna smoke you out Seven devils all around me Seven devils in my house See, they were there when I woke up this morning I'll be dead before the day is done
This song is evil AU legacy. so just regular legacy, you ask? depends. The idea here is like. I’m giving into my devils, it’s a little bit of revenge it’s a little bit of sexy, in my head this is evil legacy going on a righteous cleansing fire type rampage. and it’s awesome.
8. Jackseye’s Tale by Daniel Pemberton
This one’s an instrumental, and came recommended as one of the songs GD plays to inspire legacy!!! I like it for friends reasons but I also really like the energy behind it!
9. Kill Of The Night by Gin Wigmore
The street's a liar I'm gonna lure you into the dark My cold desire To hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart The danger is I'm dangerous And I might just tear you apart, oh, woah-oh I'm gonna catch ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh-oh I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh You're my kill of the night
I think Legacy should get to bite people in a sexy way. Also, there’s a lot of jokes in the server about like. I/Legacy is like “legacy’s evil” and I get sent messages such as “no she’s not” and “[screenshot of legacy telling her friends she loves them]” and the like. but what I/Legacy don’t think people get is like. That’s just people legacy likes. In another world she WOULD just bite and kill. It’s only the luck of the draw that she was born to a family/society with a moral code and that she was raised, like, Normal, because she SO EASILY could have been an aleksandra. she can’t do anything WRONG. she doesn’t care that much about randos! she just knows the rules of her society and follows them, when they’re not in the way of things she Wants.
10. The Devil In The Kitchen by Ashley MacIsaac
Another instrumental! Another GD inspiration song!!! Sometimes you just need to get DOWN to the bangers your friends associate with you!!
11. Devil’s Dance Floor by Flogging Molly
Well she took me by the hand I could see she was a fiery one Her legs ran all the way Up to heaven and past Avalon Tell me somethin' girl, what it is you have in store She said, "Come with me now On the Devil's dance floor"
Well swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o Swing a little more, little more next to me Swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor
This is another rec! And if I remember correctly another GD inspiration song! This one doesn’t have a lot behind it beyond MAYBE the fact that legacy once danced her way into the bed of a princess. that’s fun.
12. Confessional by Janet Devlin
There’s a secret on the tip of my tongue And it’s burning a hole between my lungs There’s no grace for what I have done But I must face what I’ve become Hiding six feet under has always been my way And though the honesty hurts The lying was worse Can’t take it to the grave This is my confessional Of things that I have buried low
Legacy HATES telling the truth about herself. It’s just not fun and sexy and mysterious. But unfortunately. To have friends. They kind of have to know who you are. And like. Legacy doesn’t like that! That’s why she lies! but she also wants to be known! because she knows these people and loves them! does it suck that in order to be loved you have to be known??? yes. do you have to put on your big girl pants and do it anyway? unfortunately,, yes. She’s doing her best.
13. Trust by Neon Trees
You, you got your head in a sling Yeah, and I, I'm trying to give you salvation You appear as a devil Like a wolf in the woods But you're acting exactly as we expected you would I said you, you hear the words that I sing, it's a shock to the system Falling down can feel strange No one remembers your name You’re losing the game That’s the thing about trust It’s always the same Sad story again You lose all your friends That’s the thing about trust
So okay. So. The thing about trust. The THING about trust. is that Legacy doesn’t really do it. She has to try SO hard. She knows better than to think that people will like her if they knew everything. Her friends notwithstanding, mostly, because they’re weird, people don’t. LIKE. to hear about these things with legacy. like if devils were real, you wouldn’t WANT to hear that one of your besties had sold her soul to one. like that’s just true. So Legacy’s trying very hard to trust that her friends still like her like they say AND trust that they’d STILL like her if they knew everything. and that’s why we got into the whole brouhaha about her lying about her old friends. because she never trusted Those friends, and look at what happened there.
14. Temptress by S. J. Tucker
Fallen angel, beautiful thief, pretty little vampire cuttin' her teeth; regardless of the lady or her level of disgrace, you just can't say no to a pretty face. The city is sleepin' safe and sound. "Nevernever" never had it so fine. As for me, I can be patient 'cause some day, you are gonna be mine.
Oh, honey, I know that it's been a long time. Your cloak's gone a little bit gray. I can help you out with your troubles, but you have to let me stay. You already gave me permission to slip beneath your skin. Why bear the weight of the whole damn world when all you gotta do is let me in?
So this isn’t exactly how Legacy’s deal went down. the song is about vampires so it’s sexier than it perhaps should be to fit legacy and baba well. HOWEVER. the idea is here about like. further tempting into some sort of Power and there’s an idea too about like. “wouldn’t it be so much Easier to just go along with me?” and the answer is yes. it’s so much easier to just. not pay the price of goodness. baba would love legacy either way. and yet. and yet.
15. Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae
I was born with lightning in my heels Set a spur onto my ankle Bit a horse under the steel And I lost hope when I was still so young Had an angel on my shoulder But the devil always won So kiss me now This whiskey on my breath Feel the lives that I have taken What little soul that I have left And oh, my God I'll take you to the grave The only love I've ever known The only soul I ever saved
More angel and devil imagery. It’s a disease. Anyway this is Legacy leaving home young to do whatever, trying to figure out who and what she is, and she doesn’t know until she’s lost probably most of her soul who she is, or at least who she wants to be. plus also it’s a vibes song.
16. Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
I've been down with a broken heart Since the day I learned to speak The devil gave me a crooked start When he gave me crooked feet But Gabriel done came to me And kissed me in my sleep And I'll be singing like an angel Until I'm six feet deep
I found myself an omen and I tattooed on a sign I set my mind to wandering and I walk a broken line You have a mind to keep me quiet And although you can try Better men have hit their knees And bigger men have died
Love the vibe here of like. Right now for me the best thing is to be bad. it’s vibes but it’s also kind of how Legacy is thinking!!! she is keeping her pact, not because of power anymore, but because she doesn’t think she has another choice! Barring the idea of Baba being redeemed, because that’s far in the future, like... Legacy isn’t changing. Legacy isn’t giving up her pact. She’s gonna raise hell!!!!
17. Take Me to War by The Crane Wives
All of the fire I've swallowed All of the sparks that went dark in my gut I am always burning up Dress me in red and throw your roses And I'll rankle the beasts with words It's a graceless dance of epithets We learn to make someone hurt They will consume your sweet resistance And they'll carry your heart in their teeth But I am always feeding them The ugliest parts of me
Another crane wives due to my diseases. The idea here is kind of wolf in sheep’s clothing, kind of hidden depths, stuff like that. And it’s very vibes.
18. Shake It Out by Doll Skin
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat 'Cause looking for Heaven, found the devil in me Looking for Heaven, found the devil in me But, what the hell, I'm gonna let it happen to me, yeah Shake it out, shake it out Shake it out, shake it out, oh-woah Shake it out, shake it out Shake it out, shake it out, oh-woah And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back So shake him off, oh-woah
Haha shake the devil off... yeah I bet you can’t guess what this one’s about. If it was about Legacy and Baba you’re right! This is a hopeful song in a way! Devils can be redeemed!! waugh!!!
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chippedaxe · 3 years
Hi, how are you? You literally write so well. Can i pls request Karl trying to get the female reader pregnant maybe? Like they were both talking about it and they say that they're reader and Karl literally just gets to work lmao also dom! Karl pls?
Title: Baby Making
Warnings: NSFW (Minors DNI), cursing, breeding, pregnancy mentions, no protection, sub reader, pet names?, hair pulling, praising, soft sex
Pronouns: She/her Afab
Synopsis: The reader gets bred by Karl Jacobs.
Word count: 1.5k
Note: I don’t know a lot about pregnancy tbh, I’ve never been pregnant before.
- idk if this story actually makes sense, I didn't proof read (or edit)
*I'm good ty for asking (and ty for the compliment) ! Altho i wrote this when my fingers were cold :(
You sat across the room from your loving boyfriend, twiddling your thumbs together as you tried to think about what to say next. You had no idea how to bring this concept up with him, you felt as if he wouldn’t be ready and would shut you down and you were worried as fuck. Karl leaned back in his chair and sighed “I know something’s on your mind, you wanna spit it out baby?” he asked you with a hushed voice.
“Y- yes actually, I’ve been wanting to bring this up with you for some time now but uh.. I just could never find the right words..” you lowered your head and tried to figure it all out “Oh uh- this isn’t gonna be something bad is it? I promise I’ll be better- If this is about my reluctance towards my chores than I swear I’ll drop it!” he exclaimed “No- no!” you couldn’t help letting out a little laugh at his silliness.
“Karl darling, I love you so so much.. And I was thinking..” you glanced away from him. “You were thinking what, sweetheart?” Karl got up from his chair and walked over to you, grabbing your hands and forcing you to look him in the eyes “Oh don’t look at me like that Karl!” your face heated up and you pushed him away gently. “Like what?” he smiled at you and you smiled back, many thoughts rushing through your head as you knew exactly what you wanted.
“I want a family with you.” you had finally blurted it out, lost in Karl’s eyes as you stared back at him. “You want what?” Karl was taken back “I want a baby- is that too much? I can wait if you’re not ready..” you started to apologize “I didn’t mean to make you-” he stopped your talking by shutting you up with a kiss “Of course I want that! I’d love to have little me’s running around- I just never would’ve thought that you’d.. You know..” he blushed a bit.
“You never thought I’d what?” you teased “I never thought you’d actually bring it up! I thought the thought of pregnancy would terrify you!” Karl explained “It did at first but then I saw how happy other couples were with their children and I just knew that was what I wanted..” you reached out and cupped Karl’s face “You mean the family we saw yesterday at the supermarket? I thought the same thing..” Karl leaned in and kissed your face all over.
“No matter what gender our baby is- I want them to have a gender neutral name” Karl explained “Of course if you had a specific name in mind then I wouldn’t care but-” he shrugged “Anything is fine with me, I love you” you wrapped your arms around him and brought him into a tight hug. “So- we should get started then, huh?” Karl whispered in your ear, you didn’t have much time to process what he’d actually said until you replied with “Yeah- we should.”
Your clothes were torn off in a matter of seconds, underwear thrown somewhere on the floor and your bra nowhere to be seen. “Oh wow!” you gasped as Karl towered over you “This okay? You want me to go slower?” Karl asked you but you shook your head “I love this new energy in you!” you smiled up at him “yeah, you do?” he leaned down and placed a quick kiss on your lips. You leaned your head back onto the pillows and then smiled in delight as you watched Karl slip his shirt off, tossing it behind him and then working his way to getting his belt undone.
Karl unbuckled his belt and began to pull at it, keeping eye contact with you every moment as he got undressed. You lowered your eyes and watched him take off his belt, noticing a very noticeable bulge growing in his pants. Karl straddled your body, legs on either side of you as he began to kiss your body. He nipped and sucked on the soft parts of your skin, hands rubbing up your sides and groping your soft mounds of flesh.
You squirmed a bit, writhing in pleasure and pure bliss. Karl kissed down your neck, biting it gently every so often just to keep your attention. Karl’s hands groped your breasts, fingers pinching your soft nipples “ah..” you gasped. Karl licked them, leaving his warm saliva on your nipples and watching them harden as the air grew colder.
"Oh this is new.." you smiled "Gotta get used to this, hun" Karl winked back at you. Your hand flew to his head, fingers running through his brown locks, tugging a bit on accident when your fingers found a knot in his hair "ah-" Karl let out a soft moan. "Oh you like that, do you?" you grinned as you repeated your action and pulled his head back away from your chest.
Karl bit his lip as he stared at you, admiring your face and body with his eyes. "Oh you're so gorgeous, darling" he jumped on top of you and pressed his lips against yours, teeth grazing against your lip as he was desperate to get his tongue in your mouth "mm-calm down!" you gasped as his desperation. He had never been so hungry for you in his whole life.
Karl grabbed your hips, sliding his hands down to squeeze and grope at your thighs. His tongue glided around the inside of your mouth, the sensation making you groan and clench your thighs together. Karl slapped your leg at your reaction, causing you to jolt a bit and open them back up again. Karl pulled away for a moment "Keep them open, love" he told you before going back in for another kiss full of heat and passion.
Your hands found themselves sliding up Karl's chest and feeling his warm skin. You pulled your head off Karl to breathe, huffing and puffing while trying to catch your breath "Breathless already? But we've only just begun, Darling do you need a break?" Karl rubbed your back gently and looked you in the eyes.
"I'm fine, baby- just finding it hard to keep up with your fast pace!" you admitted "I can get a bit carried away- should I slow down?" he asked again "no way! And if you ask again then I'm gonna slap you!" you joked around "And what if I want you to?" he smirked. You met his smart remark with a slap, stunning him for a moment "oh you sure are strong, darling- I hope our child is as tough as you.." he leaned in.
"I hope they're as caring as you, my love" you caressed his cheek and nuzzled his face. Karl started to massage your thighs gently as you two longingly gazed at each other, his hand somehow finding its way between your legs and rubbing your clit gently. "mm.." you hummed in pleasure, feeling yourself melt away in his touch. "This feel good, hun?" Karl asked "very." you gave him a quick kiss.
You slid your legs open a little wider so Karl could slide in between them "Think you're ready for me, darling?" Karl asked "Always ready for you, my love.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again. You nipped at Karl's bottom lip in surprise as he suddenly thrust inside of you "Oh I'm so sorry, dear!" you apologized "Don't worry, just kiss it better" he smiled and kissed you again.
You kissed him a lot, you couldn't help it, his face was too adorable to be left unkissed! Karl's cock stretched against your walls, your vagina squeezing around him "ah- that feel's so good.." you grasped onto his shoulders and yelped when Karl suddenly pushed himself in deeper. His cock head was prodding deep inside of you, the sensation making you squirm "feel's weird- and good" you exclaimed.
"Where? Here?" he asked as he kept rubbing up against that certain spot, making you wiggle around on the bed "Darling. Stay still" Karl sighed and pinned you down. Your hands came off of Karl, now gripping onto the blankets to try and keep you from moving around too much.
"Love- I think I'm gonna cum. Are you ready for this?" Karl placed a hand over yours, looking deep into your eyes "Y-yes- I'm ready!" you nodded your head. Karl burst his load inside of you, his hot seed coating the inside of your vagina and leaking out a bit down your legs "oops- looks like we're gonna have to fill you up again, what do you say?" Karl smiled sweetly. You groaned and leaned back on the bed "Round 2 it is." you replied as you got comfortable, you were gonna be here a while.
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hee4won · 4 years
cuddles + kisses w/ en-
requested by @jihyosg4rden (thank you btw <3 i hope you like it!!)
warnings: very cute + sweet enha 😞
a/n: i have a feeling i will get very carried away with this one whew [edit: i got carried away lol]
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right off the bat i’m just gonna say he has the most tender kisses okah
LIKE.. everyone says it but it’s so true
and i can imagine him being super affectionate when he’s really sleepy or tired
he’ll come home from practice or a performance just completely worn out but once he sees you on the couch or bed..
he just flops on you like he’s a dog no kidding
he’ll be big spoon most of the time even if he’s super fatigued
i think he gets more comfort from holding someone rather than being held??
hee just really seems like the type to hold and hug you while humming the both of you to sleep
i think he’s bigger on cuddling than kissing
BUT! if he does kiss you it would be on the cheek or forehead
and if you initiate a kiss on the lips he’s literally gonna act like a child goodbye
“awww u like me so much”
then you chase him around and he’s squealing like a kid
10/10 couple good for you good for you
jay is most definitely the type to kiss a lot
i don’t even think he has a certain spot he likes to kiss the most he will kiss you anywhere
dont get carried away 😑
he will smile so hard.. he’s so in love with you
if you guys are running late he would give you a peck on the lips and tug at you a lil’
but if you have time 🥺🥺
he’ll wake you up by planting kisses all over your face
i can imagine him starting at your forehead and going clockwise until the last place he kisses is your nose
then when you wake up he either smiles at you like an idiot in love which he is btw
OR... he’ll play it off like you had something on your face .. which backfires lol
“so you had to kiss off whatever was on my face? yeah okay”
you would call him a simp but you’re a big one for him too so where do we go from here 🤔
jake is the most affectionate guy ever
i also think he would like to cuddle more than kiss
only because he’s huge on physical affection and sometimes holding you close is all he needs
he alternates between little spoon and big spoon quite often actually
when he’s tired he’ll hold you because he loves the feeling of your body up against his
he likes to say you’re his personal heater ?
take that how you’d like
OH BTW when he’s the big spoon he’ll have his head in the crook of your neck and just whisper to you about how much he loves you and how grateful he is to have you in his life
bye i tjink i have romantic feelings for him
he’s just the sweetest most intimate boy ever
did i mention he definitely giggles/smiles into kisses
more of a kiss and hand holding kind of guy
but i feel like hoon’s kisses are the type to linger.. if u know what i mean
like he’ll pull you close and kiss your nose and kinda stay there for a bit
it’s just so intimate AWWW
and he’ll pick your hand up and kiss it
if he’s just seeing you after a while then he’ll DEFINITELY take your hand in his and kiss your knuckles then pull you into a warm embrace
“you’re laying your head on my shoulder on the way home btw 😇”
he’s so sweet you just have to give him time to open up ok be patient
also his cuddles are the warmest
and you savor them bc they don’t happen often
he probably just pulls you super close and tight first thing in the morning and you’ll just kinda
lay there
basking in each other’s presence 🥺🙁😞💓
we’re really racking ‘em up today huh
sunoo just.. he reallt gives the best cuddles
he will cuddle you any and everywhere
no kidding
the boys will invite you to come hang out with them and sunoo will make sunghoon get on the floor
he’s the warmest ever i can FEEL IT
just so you can sit with him and cuddle
“i’m literally older than you sunoo what are you doing” he’ll just deadpan until hoon moves 😭
hm.. kisses with him are very rare
if you’re crying he would totally pepper your face with light kisses
dont get me wrong they’re still full of love !!
just rare :D
oh boy.
i will try to make sure my bias does not jump out on this 😊
jungwon is a good mixture of both tbh
he definitely cuddles in the bed though
like you guys might be watching something or you’ll be scrolling through your phone and bam!
there’s a jungwon attached to you
if he’s tired and you’re still up he’ll probably push your phone down then lay on his stomach with his arm around you and his head in the crook of your neck
i hope i explained that well AHH it’s cute though
you on the way to kitchen? hug. you on the way to the bathroom? hug.
he just can’t help himself
oh and for the kissing
he would definitely be a cheek and ear kisser
and sometimes when you’re cuddling he’ll blow strawberries(?) into your neck
you guys will turn into a giggling fit. i loev this boy so much
he just LOVES to baby and take care of you for sure
you’re both really mature and professional when doing things you’re passionate about so having the chance to lighten up and just love on each other is so wow
cuddle boy number... 4
because riki is young kisses just seem so eh.. save it for prom at least
have you seen how much he hugs on the members
he’s so affectionate and cute i ❤️ him
would see you and get that adorable smile on his face and proceed to tackle you while shouting your name
he loves hugging and cuddling you
he gives bear hugs
like he’ll just engulf you and you’re trapped until he wants food or something
“riki.. i can not breathe like this”
“it’s okay! my undying love for you should be enough 😁” cheesy alert sheesh
on the rare occasion that he does kiss you though
it’ll be when you’re sleeping (or so he thinks)
he’ll creep into your room and make his way over to you + kiss your temple then run out like a CHILD
i mean he is one, however.
riki cutest boy ever? yeah i do believe so.
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kerasines · 3 years
GIF Tutorial for Beginners
People keep asking me to teach them how to make gifs and I end up writing them long confusing messages, so I figured maybe it’s time to just write up an actual clean tutorial instead! This is supposed to be for total beginners! (Or people who want to switch to a new process that I’ve curated and streamlined over 8 years of making gifs.) I’ll try to keep this as barebones as possible, and won’t include all the advanced stuff I usually add. I hope it’s easy enough to follow, and I’ll include some links at the end for more stuff. I really do think it’s better to make a few simple gifs before doing more complicated stuff though, just to get used to it!
There will be three sections in this tutorial: #1 Basics - How to make a gif in PS at all #2 Sharpen - How to use sharpen/denoise filters in an easy way #3 Colouring - Just a few very basic adjustment layers
What you need:
A video (most common formats should work, although .mkv doesn’t always)
Photoshop (I use PS CC 2018 - this one because I'm morally opposed to Adobe’s subscription model - but versions aren’t super different from each other)
In the end, you should hopefully be able to make something like this:
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This is gonna be so long. Sorry. You can make a gif with just part #1! The rest is just to make it look better.
#1 Basics
If any of the tools/functions aren’t where they should be for you, your best bet is googling it, you might need to change something in your preferences!
Make sure to save your PS file... often. PS has a tendency to crash, especially on laptops.
First, you need to get the video file. I recommend a shorter video, a few minutes long, if it’s longer you might want to cut it into shorter parts beforehand. This is just because PS’s video import tool sucks.
I chose the Butter MV, specifically Jungkook’s body roll at 1:24 because that’s what I want to look at for the duration of this tutorial. No further questions, thanks.
1. Open PS, go to File > Import > Video Frames to Layers
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2. In the little pop-up, choose the part of the video that you want to gif. This will import every frame of the video into PS as a layer, so it has to be a relatively short part, or it’ll take ages (and gifs can’t be that big anyway). Now you can also see why it’s almost impossible to select the correct part if the video is too long.
The little controls at the bottom are for trimming, the one in the middle just for the preview. Make sure “Make Frame Animation” is selected! Then click OK.
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3. Now you have your layers, and you have a frame animation! On the right are your layers, that’s where we’ll apply the colouring etc. later on. On the bottom, that’s your timeline or frame animation - that’s what the gif will be in the end! So if you delete frames, the layers will still be there, but they won’t show up in the gif. If you click on a frame, you can see the little eye checkmark on the layer that’s currently visible.
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4. The timeline controls at the bottom that are relevant right now: set to “forever” so the gif will loop, you can play the animation with the play button, and you can delete the selected frame(s). The number on each frame is the speed of the gif, depending on the video I usually set it to 0.05 or 0.06 (photoshop lies to you when you play the animation, the only way to test this is to open the finished gif, preferably on tumblr or wherever you want to upload it).
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5. As you can see, the animation starts a bit before the actual part that I want, so go ahead and delete all the frames in the animation that you don’t want! You can delete the corresponding layers too if you want, to make the PS file smaller, but it has no influence on the gif. (Hold Shift to select multiple frames as usual)
6. Next, we’re gonna crop the gif however we want! You can do this with the crop tool in the left sidebar, but with gifs like this where there’s a lot of moving parts, I sometimes just use the selection tool in the left sidebar, like so:
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When you click on different frames, the selection stays, and you can check to make sure Jungkook doesn’t suddenly go out of frame if you crop it like that!
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At this point, make sure the selection/crop isn’t smaller than you want the gif to be! For tumblr, what matters is the width (in pixels) of gifs. In the end, the width dimensions on tumblr should be 540px (1 gif per row), 268px (2 gifs per row), or 177/178px (3 gifs per row). Anything else will lead to very shitty resizing!
For this gif I’m going full sized, meaning 540px wide, so I made sure my selection isn’t smaller than that.
Then just go to Image > Crop, and it’s done!
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7. Check to see if this is what you want, then resize: go to Image > Image Size to resize the picture. Make sure the little “link” between Width and Height is active (to keep the same aspect ratio), then set the width to 540px or whatever you chose. I always set the resample option to Bicubic.
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Once that’s done, set the zoom to 100% right above the timeline, to see what it really looks like.
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Almost done! A little note about the sizing: width is the important part for tumblr, but if you want to make a whole gif set (especially with more than 1 gif per row!!!) make sure to make all the gifs the same height, otherwise they won’t line up and tumblr will do whatever it wants.
I ended up making mine 540 x 400 and ended up with this:
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8. Time to save the gif!! Go to File > Export > Save for Web (OR just use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S) (or whatever it is on Mac).
In the pop-up, you can change things about the gif, but most things should already be the way you want it (Image size, Looping option forever). Selective should be the default, just like the rest.
You can choose between Pattern and Diffusion, some gif makers swear on one or the other, I go back and forth.
On the bottom left, you can see the size of your gif. Keep an eye on that! I believe Tumblr allows every single gif to be up to 10mb, but I try to keep mine under 5mb or close to it, because I think tumblr adds compression if it gets closer to 10mb?? Anyway back in my day you couldn’t upload anything over 1mb. You’ll never know our struggles.
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Then just save it, and that’s it, you made a gif! Well done!! Here’s the end result:
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#2 Sharpen
There are countless ways out there to make gifs as smooth and clean as possible! Here I’ll show you the easiest way, but it also provides a good basis for other methods. The main difficulty is that you you need to sharpen the layers, but you don’t want to 100 layers one by one. So what we’re gonna do is convert the layers into a Smart Object, which functions as one layer!
1. Convert the frame animation timeline to a video timeline with the little button right underneath on the left:
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It should look like this, and I’m sorry but I can’t explain this one because I’m not an expert here, but you can just ignore it:
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2. Select all layers: Select > All Layers, or just manually. 
Then right click on the layers > Convert to Smart Object. Now there’s only one layer left, but don’t worry, the frames are still there!
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3. De-noise! It reduces noise, takes away some of that grain. More necessary in some videos. It also makes it less sharp, so I do this one first. Filter > Noise > Reduce Noise
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My default settings are, Strength: 6, Preserve Details: 60, Reduce Color Noise: 45, Sharpen Details: 25, Remove JPEG Artifact: No. But you can play around, especially with the strength, and see how the little preview looks. Don’t apply too much of it! Or it will look weirdly smooth with no details in the end.
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4. File > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. 
Settings: I usually have mine at Amount: 500, Reduce Noise: 5, and Radius at either 0.2 or 0.3, depending on the video. I’ll actually do 0.3 here, because I find it a bit blurry otherwise. If you sharpen more, it can quickly get grainy.
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The difference isn’t huge, but here’s a little before and after denoise & sharpen:
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5. Technically you can just save it as a gif (save for web) as shown above now, or you can convert it back to a frame animation, which I’d recommend especially if you use certain other sharpening methods (I’ll show you how to convert it back at the end of the colouring part), but for now, let’s go straight to the next part:
#3 Colouring
Now, you CAN do this part right after part #1, still in frame animation, without a smart object. I prefer it like this because sometimes PS acts weird, but if you want to skip the smart object stuff: select all frames, and add the adjustment layers at the very top, above all the other layers. (It only affects selected frames; and it only affects the layers under it.)
The adjustment layers should be above the layer tray, and these are the ones we’ll use today: Brightness/Contrast, Curves, Vibrance, Color Balance, Selective Color.
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All of these are optional! You can do one, or all, or any combination. This is just the very most basic for me to get a gif to a point that I like. I’d recommend sticking to these for a start, but once you get the hang of it, definitely feel free to play around! It’s fun! Every gif maker has different preferences here, too, so there’s tutorials for everything.
1. Curves: Just click Auto, tbh. You can play around, but Auto works fine for me as a start, just to brighten or darken some parts as a base.
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2. Brightness/Contrast: Usually videos are a bit dark, and contrast can help to make it seem sharper AND cut down on gif size, so I usually just up both of them a bit (but not too much! Or it’ll look cheap). Here I put them at B: 19, C: 23
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3. Vibrance: I love very vibrant and colourful gifs, so I usually up the vibrance (and sometimes the saturation). This one is already very vibrant, so I only put +5, but if you try to colour, say, a very moody tv show, this can help wonders, especially if you want to work with the colours more later.
If you prefer less vibrant gifs, you can also lower the values here!
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4. Color Balance: getting a bit more complicated now. Often, videos will have a slight yellow or green or blue tint, and this is where you can correct that. This video is a bit yellow, so I added +17 Blue. It was still too warm, so i added -11 Cyan as well. This neutralized the yellow tint, but I wanted some of the reddish tone back, so I added -5 Magenta. I usually do a similar process like that, depending on the tone. 
Instead of Midtones, you can also do this for Shadows and Highlights individually.
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5. Selective Color: now this is the most complicated, but also the most fun to play around in my opinion! Be careful here, if you do something too extreme it’ll look like shit or make the gif super grainy. I some rough goals in mind here: make the blue hair as blue as possible, make their skin tone a bit less pale, and enhance the black and white (which I always do).
You choose a colour at the top, and then add or subtract cyan/magenta/yellow/black values for that colour.
Skin tone: yellow and red. For this gif, I just added black to both, making them darker. Sometimes, if you change one or both those colours for a different part of the gif (for example, if I wanted to make the background less yellow, I’d subtract yellow from the yellows - but then I’d add yellow to the reds, to make the skin tone natural again.)
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Blue hair: Just ramp up the cyan for the blues. Be careful with putting anything to +100, but here it’s already so bright that it should be fine. His roots are more purple, so I changed the magentas by adding cyan and black, and subtracting magenta and yellow. It’s not super clean, but fine for our purposes.
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Black/white: depending on the gif, I often either add or subtract black to the whites. Adding makes the highlights less blinding, a bit darker, and flatter (I like to do that if one side of the face is bright white in the sunlight, for example). Subtracting creates contrast, makes it brighter, can wash it out. It can also lessen the gif size, and here it’s mostly just the tracksuit instead of important details, so I subtracted black. For the blacks, I almost always just add a bit of black, to make it more intense. Just like adding contrast, this can make the gif seem sharper and less grainy.
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And done! 
6. You could just save it as gif now, but as I said, I prefer to convert it back to frame animation timeline first, if only because I like to let it play through before I save it, and it works better for me there than in the video timeline.
Select all frames, then click the little menu on the top right of the video timeline > Convert Frames > Flatten Frames into Clips
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7. When you scroll down to the bottom of the layers now, the old smart object + adjustment layers should be at the bottom, under all the new layers. Delete the old ones, we don’t need them anymore.
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8. Convert the timeline back to frame animation, by clicking the little button at the bottom left of the video timeline:
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9. Click on the menu top right of the timeline again > Make Frames from Layers
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10. Now, just some potential cleaning left to do. Sometimes, there’s a doubled or empty frame or layer at the beginning or end, just delete those as necessary. The timing of the frames is probably off, too, just select all frames and set the delay time to 0.05 (or whatever).
Now your done! Save as gif, and you should get this:
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I included some bonus links and tips after this but tumblr ate that whole part so I guess it’s going into a separate post. (Here is is)
Anyway, I tried to make this as easy to follow as possible for beginners, but feel free to send me an ask for clarification anytime. Hope this helps, now go make gifs and have fun!!
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theseerasures · 3 years
Re: that anon who asked about the shuffle step of the themes of sacrifice
I also found the ideological shift in the volume very interesting, and I think she most interesting bits are with Team RRAYNBOW. Like I think the dynamic between Yang and Ruby and their respective missions this volume is very interesting (if maybe a bit underdeveloped, atm at least). You said a little about it with Team JOYR in Chapter 7. Do you have anymore thoughts about the "shuffle step" in regards to that?
i’m gonna admit upfront that i find this question kind of perplexing, because i don’t know what “ideological shift” it could be alluding to when imo our heroes didn’t so much pivot (or shift, or shuffle step) ideologically so much as make a series of context-specific decisions according to what they felt in the moment they could live with, or would die for (don’t make me tap the sign, etc).
what i DO think might be helpful, though, is to lay out what was at stake in each of the weighty choices/discussions our heroes took part in, from the very beginning of the Long Night to the end of volume 8, to see what (if any) throughlines persist or change. so:
Cordially Invited (7.8) to Out in the Open (7.10): our heroes are all in accord. transparency (telling the truth to Robyn) and collaboration (working with/helping Mantle) are paramount, and Ruby specifically takes steps to remedy her own wavering in that earlier in the season, by letting Oscar tell the whole truth to Ironwood. what’s key about this run, though, is that our heroes aren’t calling the shots yet. they advocate for certain actions when advising Ironwood, but they still trust him to take charge of deciding Atlas/Mantle’s fate.
Gravity (7.11): the Big Shift in terms of status quo. our heroes (JNR more implicitly) remain in accord--abandoning Mantle is the line in the sand they refuse to cross. but what does RWBY advocate for, if not Ironwood’s plan? they all agree that the best thing to do is to stand their ground, but for what? Blake and Weiss are comparatively silent on that front, but Ruby and Yang are more explicit. Ruby makes her plea about Amity--that if they hold out long enough, they can do what they always planned, and unite the world, and get help. Yang’s argument is that Huntsmen and Huntresses don’t back down from a fight. (she’s also the first person to suss out that Amity isn’t ready for launch.) this difference is going to come up later.
The Enemy of Trust (7.13): Oscar makes his last individual plea to Ironwood. his reasoning, much like Blake’s (and presumably Weiss’), is simply that abandoning Mantle is a sacrifice of such magnitude that it becomes unconscionable. it’s wrong because it’s wrong, and Ironwood’s rebuttal that it’s pointless to argue about philosophy when Salem’s right on their doorstep, is dickish, but not incomprehensible. Oscar is still looking to retain the advisory capacity that Team Unwieldy Acronym has had for the entire season, and guide Ironwood to making the right call, but that bridge has already been burned. they have to decide the fate of Atlas/Mantle now if they want to save both.
Divide (8.1): The team is no longer in accord. Ruby and Yang recognize that though they agree about Ironwood, their reasons for not abandoning Mantle are different. Ruby’s looking at the big picture, both in terms of what they have to do for the world, and what the world can do for them. Amity looks to be the only obstacle to getting both and saving everyone. Yang thinks it’s pointless. Yang didn’t want to abandon Mantle because that’s just not what you do, but she has no expectation of fighting toward any good outcome. she’s gonna do what seems more readily achievable, which is saving whatever lives can be saved. Ren and Nora split along similar lines more acrimoniously, because Ren at this point is desperate for tangible success and Nora is...just as desperate for total consuming optimism. Blake throws her lot in with Ruby, Weiss abstains, remaining the most quiet on the fate of Atlas/Mantle despite being Atlesian. Jaune and Oscar, though they go with Yang, mostly go for pragmatic reasons.
Refuge (8.2) to Midnight (8.6), Yang’s Team: the plan to help with Mantle is almost immediately derailed when the Hound kidnaps Oscar. i’ve talked about JYR’s plea to Winter in War, but that of course is not the first time that team chooses the few over the many; they do that IMMEDIATELY after Oscar is kidnapped, when Fiona calls for their help and they--without even verbally consulting with each other--go for Oscar instead. in that moment the more proximal thing they can and need to achieve becomes rescuing their friend, whose captor was still in view. but crucially: as soon as they lose Oscar in Fault, and especially after they discover the Grimm River in Amity, JYR had been on their way back to Mantle, and presumably, back to the less impossible thing to do, the thing they promised the Happy Huntresses they’d help with. running into the AceOps and Salem’s invasion throws a monkey wrench into that plan. suddenly rescuing Oscar becomes possible (though not probable)...
War (8.7), Yang’s Team: but not if Ironwood blows up the Whale, whereupon the equation changes again because now doing nothing for Oscar means leaving Oscar to certain death. tbh the confrontation on the airship is about like fifteen different things at once, because the variables keep changing and everyone is having their own argument over whether to rescue Oscar, and why. Yang’s response once she hears about the bomb is mostly you can’t; it is once again just not what Huntresses do, with some personal stakes thrown in. for the AceOps it is about the weighing of lives, and how they can’t put the mission to save Atlas on hold for one life. Jaune is the one who thinks of an idea where they might be able to do one without delaying the other (the second time this season Jaune has suggested the “go for both” option), where they would be the only ones risking their lives, and no harm comes to the greater good. only then does Ren jump in and shift the argument to caring and friendship; that is to say, after the stakes have been lowered so it’s not Oscar vs. Atlas anymore. i don’t think it takes away from his big moment, though: we know from Fault that Ren has taken Yang’s challenge of “let’s do what we can do” and run with it, and come up with “and what we can do is nothing because we’re not ready and we get everything wrong,” so him vowing to do whatever we can here is important. the point is clear: Team Hero draws their strength from their friends, and they’re willing to die for each other...but the question of if they’d let the world burn for their friend is put off for now.
Strings (8.3) to War (8.7), Ruby’s Team: in contrast to Yang’s plan faceplanting at the first hurdle, Ruby’s plan...works. they accomplish their primary objective! but they had to pay a steep price, and the only immediate consequence of that victory was entirely negative. Nora threw so much of herself into Ruby’s optimistic gamble that she now has lasting scars, and if they had never gone to Atlas Command Penny would not have been hacked (so easily; she might have been regardless). Ruby successfully put the ball in the world’s court, but that the problem: the ball is in the world’s court, and the longer it stays there the less sure she is that help will come. and it IS just about the help they’ll receive by War; Salem batting away Atlas’ hard light shields has shifted the goalposts from “hope the other Kingdoms can prepare :/” to “BLAKE’S PARENTS CAN YOU PICK US UP???” the question of Atlas or Mantle rears its ugly head for the first time since Gravity, and this is the first time Weiss is the first one to advocate, and she says we can’t leave--which, not coincidentally, is also what RWBY said to Ironwood in Gravity. May’s argument, of course, is driven by far more compassion: the need in Mantle is greater, and having finished facilitating Ruby’s (and Robyn’s) plan she’s going to do what Yang decided to do, what Joanna wanted them to do, which is fight for every last life. there’s no longer any big wheels to turn, nor any big powers to convince; all they have to do is decide what they themselves will do, and who to fight for. and Weiss finally shows her hand here. she believes in not leaving Mantle behind, but when it comes to the faces she’d fight and die for, Weiss’ are still in Atlas. Blake and Ruby are the ones to abstain this time, and notably when Ruby tries to argue that they’re all in this together it’s much less effective, because...there’s nothing left for them to do together. Ruby is out of concrete solutions.
Witch (8.9): what goes easily missed here that in retrospect is very important is...Oscar kills Hazel. (which means that an Ozcarnation killed BOTH of the Rainart twins.) we all thought he doubled back to make a sacrifice play, and he did, but not for himself. he received Hazel’s verbal consent, and Hazel would have died regardless, but the point still stands. he had to kill Hazel to neutralize Salem, to buy them the time they desperately needed. an unsettling portent for what comes later, innit? it highlights what his own kidnapping, Nora’s injuries, and Penny’s hacking already illustrates, which is that they are now risking every inch of their body and souls in this fray, and it also illuminates the other part of that, which is that by continuing to throw themselves back into this conflict, they now control the fates of other people as well. Hazel trusted Oscar to make the right call, but Oscar had to make the call.
Risk (8.11): where we ultimately land with the splitting of teams is that: Yang’s team went out to achieve the easily graspable, and they ended up forging alliances they never anticipated and dealing a devastating blow to Salem. Ruby’s team went out to achieve what should have been much more difficult, and they did, but with little palpable impact beyond the negative. what comes out and blends exquisitely with their conversation about Summer is that yes, Ruby sent out the call to warn the world, because she believed in humanity and unity, but Ruby sent out the call because she wanted help. she wanted people--say, parental figures--to save her and tell her things would be okay, and she wanted back the innocence to believe them. Ruby didn’t ask to be the face of the war against Salem, and she most certainly does not want to be in charge of it; she has lived with the material consequences of her family being the centerpiece of that war for her entire life. the Hound reveal is the final twist in the knife of Ruby’s childhood, because now the figure on the highest pedestal in Ruby’s mind has been perverted to a malevolent specter, and if that’s the case there are no more adults. THEY have to be the adults now, and look what a terrible job she’s done with that. Yang’s response is that Ruby is not alone--either in her traumatic fall into adulthood, or in her choices not panning out as expected. all they can do is the best they can in the moment, and Yang’s probably going to keep defaulting to what feels more tangible to her, but that doesn’t mean she wants Ruby to stop going for pie-in-the-sky options, either. Summer is still Yang’s hero, which means Ruby is too. what matters most is that they remain responsive to the moment, and don’t get bowled over by despair when something inevitably go off the rails.
so given all these developments, what are we to make of the plan from Creation (8.12) to The Final Word (8.14)? we start with the archetypal Third Option, as championed by Ruby and Jaune: use the Staff to save Penny and Mantle, and Atlas along the way. but the priorities of the plan--civilians first, presumably even before the Relics or the Maiden powers (though the question of one of them or a Relic is really only answered by Winter, who does not speak for Team Hero)--have Yang all over them. we have to do this for Yang isn’t just because Yang’s gone, it’s because they know it’s what Yang would have wanted, and they will respect that. they made a Ruby n Jaune style Big Plan, but when that plan fell to pieces there was no time to think of a fourth, or fifth, or sixth option that would get everyone out, so they had to improvise and double down on what they all agreed was most important. the choice between their friends or the people could no longer be deferred, or augmented, so they chose. civilians, then the Relics and the Maiden powers, then each other. and when any of them wavered--Blake, Ruby, Jaune--someone else checked them, reminded them to trust and respect what they all committed to. they’re still drawing strength from each other, still dying for each other, but they acknowledge that they are not directing just their fates with their decisions anymore. they took a huge desperate gamble to save Atlas/Mantle, and it worked, but what they gambled with was their own lives. and they made themselves make peace with that--that they’d have to do what they can, everything they can, without hoping for salvation for themselves, even from friends or family.
in the end, what comes across just from doing a close reading of these moments is that RWBY’s views on sacrifice, logic vs. sentiment, the greater vs. the few, etc can’t really be plotted on a solid line. that’s why i can’t really think of what happened this volume as a palpable shift--because so many of these choices were context and character dependent. what i DO think happened with our heroes’ ethical beliefs (or “ideology” ig) is that they were tested across a sequence of stressful and traumatic situations, and as a result they had to compromise on a few things they hoped to never have to compromise in order to shore up defenses on what they were certain they could not live without, or would die for (or both! in the case of six of them). if they have to die like every other Huntsman in history so be it, but they refuse to be so cavalier with the lives of others. none of that is meant to be definitive, however: in-universe RWBY is far from over, and Team Hero is going to get to re-litigate and reexamine these questions from lots more angles, out-of-universe...RWBY is far from over, and the point of the show is not to provide an ethical rubric against which the audience can judge themselves and the characters. there are things--like y’know. genocide--that this show will always consider to be beyond the pale, but in terms of grayer complex questions it is content to simply feel out what is and is not allowable in each particular instance, without trying to resolve all options into One Correct Option.
because sometimes you do just have to sit with the discomfort of there not being one right choice or one golden rule, and sometimes you are awash in the consequences of not only your own actions but the actions of others. and then you have to keep going.
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mid year book freak out tag
thanks @bloody-wonder!
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2022? it’s a toss-up between the robber bride by margaret atwood and in the dream house by carmen maria machado. I'm leaning more towards the former because I just can’t stop thinking about it.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2022? Ruin and Rising, by virtue of being the only sequel I’ve read this year. I liked it! I think it’s the best one in the trilogy. I love a good team dynamic, love a globe-trotting (country-trotting?) adventure, love all the saint stuff. I have a lot of feelings about the ending, some good, and some…I wouldn’t say bad, I think I was just really broken up about it.
3. New Releases You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? I don’t even know if the ophelia girls by jane healey is good or not, but “psychological female character study about girls who are obsessed with the pre-raphaelites” is 100% in my q-zone and I am obligated to check it out.
4. Most Anticipated Release for Second Half of 2022?
5. Biggest Disappointment? I was gonna say Ariadne, but tbh that would’ve required me to have had high hopes for it in the first place. Female-centric mythology retelling are like trashy romance novels to me; I know they will be formulaic and low-quality, but they scratch a certain itch. Sometimes you get a Til We Have Faces or even a Circe, but other times…well, you get Ariadne. An actual disappointment might be The Tiger’s Daughter, even though I’m not done with it yet. I read the first couple of chapters a few years ago and was pretty excited about the concept of an Asian-inspired epic fantasy centered around wlw, but after picking it up again I can’t quite get invested in it. Maybe it’s the second-person past-tense narration resulting from the framing device – I might connect to the characters and story more if I could actually experience them happening in real time instead of killing any sort of dramatic tension (the fact that I’m supposed to care about Shefali and Shizuka’s relationship before I even know who they are is bad enough; even worse is that it sets up Shizuka’s uncle as a major villain and then not even halfway in just off-handedly mentions that she already overthrew and banished him in the present day. stakes!) But maybe it’ll surprise me by the end.
6. Biggest Surprise? Honestly, the robber bride surprised me as I read it. I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions throughout; midway through (I think around tony’s portion) I became concerned about the way the book would turn out. Was this a commentary on the ways women tear each other down while at the same time absolving men of any wrongdoing, or is it just doing exactly that? I think at the time, I wasn’t really catching on to the unreliable narration from all three women, but the ending did really well to re-contextualize all the disparate ideas into coherent themes.
7. Favorite New Author? I wanna look into other stuff by carmen maria machado; she managed to write about her own life in such an imaginative manner. her being on you’re wrong about only makes me like her more. also shout out to ocean vuong, I’m not done with on earth we’re briefly gorgeous yet, but by god is it tugging at my heartstrings.
8. Newest Favorite Character? I went from thinking “god, zenia from the robber bride is such a two-dimensional caricature of misogynistic stereotypes” to by the end being like “zenia is an ever-shifting narrative mirror. zenia is everyone and no one. zenia is a secret mentor helping the three protagonists to become truer versions of themselves. zenia is a dealer of hard lessons and ugly truths. zenia is a guardian angel protecting women from shitty men by exposing how inadequate they really are. zenia is the other woman, both in the traditional relationship sense and in the sense that she represents the Other, cast out by her fellow girls for being the “wrong” type of woman. zenia is a martyr, allowed back into the bonds of female friendship only after her death. I am zenia. we are zenia.”
9. Newest Fictional Crush? If I were toni, charis, and ros, I would have simply seduced zenia myself. rip to them bu
10. Book That Made You Cry? on earth we’re briefly gorgeous is getting me very close and I’m afraid every time I pick it up again bc I’ve been on vacation the past few weeks and I don’t want my family to see me cry fichxjdjd
11. Book That Made You Happy? I don’t read happy books…..maybe the ending of the robber bride where the three women sort of accept zenia for the mystery she is after she dies and spread her ashes in the toronto harbor. that’s the closest I got ashddhshs
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? I haven’t seen an adaptation of anything I’ve read this year, but I did finally knock bram stoker’s dracula (the coppola film) off my list. iconic. it understood the assignment. the crimson peak of the 90s
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year?
14. Most Beautiful Cover? I found a lovely leatherbound edition of the aeneid at an antique store. I’d upload a photo but I’m not at home now, so take my word for it
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By the End of the Year? I was gonna say on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, but the tiger’s daughter was boring me so much I already started reading it to cleanse my palate between chapters. god knows what else I’m gonna read this year; future sophia is an unpredictable creature. I probably should finally read six of crows and the rest of that series. beyond that, well I’ll see.
tagging @illuminaticns, @betweenironyandsilver, @antema, @trckstergods, @borispavlikovskys, and @palamedesthesixth, if y’all wanna!
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
hot cocoa and cuddles part two (spencer reid/reader)
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Title:  hot cocoa & cuddles (part 2) Request: no Couple: Spencer Reid/Gender Neutral!Reader  Category: fluff Content Warning: swearing (if any), mentions of a case/s, mentions of illnesses, tbh idk what else to tag Word Count: 2,348 Summary: the team returns back to maryland/dc after the case in alaska. reader discovers they still can’t warm up, even after everything they do. spencer tries to help out, again A/N: the long awaited part 2 of hot cocoa and cuddles. this is for the people who want to read part two and those who were looking forward to it… o.o thanks for all the love and support! Check out my masterlist! 
part one
I pulled my sweater cardigan tighter around my body and shivered slightly. I pulled my hands away from my sweater and wrapped them around my hot mug, which was just hot tea. My eyes de-focused on the desktop in front of me. Anything Penelope and Aaron were saying went in one ear and out the other.
“You okay there, Honeybee?” Derek asked, looking over at me. I shivered and looked over at him. All eyes were on me as I tried to make myself not shake from my freezing-ness. “We’ve said your name like 6 times.”
“We’ve been home for 2 weeks and I am still freezing,” I spoke through clenched teeth. I wrapped my hands around my mug, which was slowly getting colder. “I have done literally everything to keep warm, and I’m still freezing.” I shook my head. 
“Maybe you should get a cat,” Emily spoke up. I looked over at her and furrowed my eyebrows. “Sergio keeps me pretty warm at night.” She smiled at me. I laughed lightly and shook my head.
“My apartment doesn’t allow pets,” I mumbled and stared at the table. I shrugged and shook my head. “I guess I just live in this constant state of forever being cold.” I frowned.
“Maybe you should get your blood check. You could have low iron,” Spencer spoke up, tapping his fingers on the tabletop. I looked over at him and shook my head. “Being cold can be a symptom of low iron… You could be anemic... hypothyroidism is always a possibility,” he continued on his ramble/.
“Hey, Spence?" I asked as I looked at him, my hands wrapping tighter around my mug, which at this point was starting to get lukewarm. 
“Yeah." He looked over at me with a smile. 
“I don’t think I need you to tell me of my impending doom because I’m cold. I went to Alaska, not a hospital filled with a bunch of sickly people,” I whispered. Spencer lifted his finger to retort but failed when I shot him a glare. 
“Get a boyfriend.” JJ smiled at me. I looked at her, trying to hide my smile but clearly failing. “Like your own personal space heater in bed. Body heat is a wonderful thing,” she mused as she flipped her file open. I shook my head as I glanced at Spencer. 
“Yeah, I’ll look into getting a boyfriend or my own personal space heater. Although, I’m not entirely sure if my apartment will allow those,” I pouted. JJ laughed and shook her head.
“Hey, Honeybee, I’m always free if you need a personal space heater.” Derek smirked at me. I laughed harder than I should have and looked at him.
“You seriously expect me to sleep in the same bed as you, Derek Morgan?” I cackled and shook my head. Spencer shifted in his seat and kept his eyes down on the file in front of him. 
“You shared a bed with Pretty Boy over there.” Derek nodded to my friend beside me. I tensed up slightly and glared at him.
“Better him than you, to be honest.” I flashed him a teasing smile. 
“Guys, let’s get back on the task at hand. Garcia,” Aaron spoke up as he looked back at Penelope. I stifled my laughter as I looked back at Derek. He grumbled something under his breath as he looked back at his file. 
I swear my heater was up so high (or as high as my bill would allow), I had my fluffiest and coziest pair of socks on, and at least 3 different sized hoodies on… The Alaska case was several weeks ago, I’ve been home ever since then… So why am I as cold as I am? And why can’t I warm up? Maybe I should take Derek up on his offer. Though, I think that’d be a whole new line I’d cross. Hard pass, thank you very much.
I should be asleep right now. 1:30 in the morning and I was sitting in bed with a hot water bottle pressed to my body. Something is wrong and I don’t know what. Crap, what if Spencer was right? What if I do have low iron or anemia? Or that hydro… Hypothyroidism, whatever that could be… I should ask him what that means. I wonder if he would be willing to be my personal space heater again. I mean, I know I kept him warm every bit as he kept me warm when we were in Alaska. And, he knows I’ve been cold. Listen, I’m just trying to rationalize wanting to cuddle Spencer Reid. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t stopped thinking about that. And, I wouldn’t be upset if it happened again.
“Screw this,” I muttered as I climbed out of bed with a blanket around my body. I shook my head as I muttered profanities under my breath. My body shook as I walked towards the front door of my apartment. I slipped my shoes on and left the house, freezing as I left my warm home. 
And then I found myself standing just outside of Spencer’s apartment. Better him over Derek, I kept repeating to myself. I have a better relationship with him than Derek. Derek is more of an older brother to me. Spencer... I don’t know what he is to me. But he definitely isn't an older brother...
“Just… knock,” I whispered as I brought my fist to the door. It’s nearly two in the morning. I hope he wasn’t asleep. Although, knowing Spencer he was probably awake, reading over some old files. 
“What… What are you doing here?” Spencer’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. I blinked before staring at him. He was wearing a black t-shirt and red and black checkered pj pants. Though his hair was messy and disheveled, he was definitely not asleep.  
“Just… Just coming to see how you’re doing,” I lied and shrugged. Spencer looked at me, raising an eyebrow. It was clear he wasn’t so sure of my answer. But to be fair, I wasn’t sure about my answer either.
“What’s really going on?” he asked, stepping to the side, silently inviting me in. I looked around his apartment and took a deep breath. His home always smelled like cinnamon and spice. I probably enjoyed it too much. Although, it made me feel warm… Which I was okay with. Answering Spencer’s question didn’t even cross my mind until I turned back and looked at him. “Is everything okay?” he asked again once I was facing him. I took a deep breath as I tugged on the ends of my sleeves.
“Uh, I was just… I was just thinking about the Alaska trip.” I wrinkled my nose as I looked anywhere but Spencer’s face. I was only mildly embarrassed that I was here… asking Spencer if he would want to cuddle with me… because I’m so cold. Man, I’m happy Spencer isn’t the teasing type. Not that he’d tease me about this. I know that anyone else would though… 
“What about the Alaska trip?” Spencer looked at me, his tone telling me he was very wary about my statement. I looked at the ground and shrugged.
“Just something you said, I guess,” I started as I looked at him, “Well, something you said earlier today,” I shrugged as I looked back down at the ground. I really wanted my blanket and hot water bottle. Even though I was warmer in his apartment, I was still cold. “Could I really be sick? Is that why I’m so cold?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest as I looked back at him. A shiver worked its way down my body and all the way to the tips of my toes and fingers. 
“Come on, I’m gonna make you hot chocolate, and then we’re gonna go lay in my bed, under the covers.” He held a hand out for me to take. I stared at it for a moment before carefully resting my hand in his. He clasped his fingers around mine before leading me to his kitchen.
“You didn’t answer my questions, Spencer. You know more than anyone that avoiding a question means your keeping something from someone.” I watched as he made two large mugs of hot cocoa.  
He still didn’t answer my questions as we walked towards his bedroom. And, in fact, he was silent up until I was sitting beside him on the bed, holding my mug of hot chocolate close to my body. Even though I was now in a warmer home, with a hot drink, several blankets, and the warmest person I know (despite his sometimes icy hands), I was still very cold. So, I looked over at him, watching as he flipped through the pages of his book.
“Are you going to answer my questions?” I asked, reaching over and placing my mug on the side table. Spencer looked over at me with a raised brow, slightly closing his book. “Am I actually dying?” I asked, feeling a certain fear grow in my tone. 
“You’re not dying,” he said as he folded the corner of the page in his book before closing it. I watched as he set it on his side table. 
“You don’t sound very convincing.” I shrugged, pulling one of my several blankets tighter around me. Spencer looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. He carefully gestured for me to move closer to him, and when I hesitated, he pulled me closer to him.
“You’re not dying. You’re not sick. You’re just cold. Everyone knows you’re probably the one who gets cold the most. Even when we were in Florida, you were cold,” Spencer said as he kept his arms around my body, holding me close to his. His body temperature was definitely warming me up, just like it had a few weeks prior.
“Hey! That’s because the stupid officers had the A/C on 65! It was freezing!” I moved away from him and looked at his face. I could feel a giggly smile grow on my face as I kept my eyes on him. “You giving me your sweater was like a gift from God.” I looked down at him. 
“I think that’s the fourth sweater that’s gone missing?” He copied my smile before laughing. I looked away from him, trying to play innocent. “And the only common denominator is you.” Spencer poked my nose before he pulled me back closer to him. I rolled my eyes before curling back into his side. The goosebumps that were once on my arms and exposed skin, were now fading away the longer I stayed beside Spencer.
“If it makes you feel any better, they were quite warm.” I smiled. I left out the part that I enjoyed that they smelled like him. “And, I’ll return them washed,” I added, again leaving out that I’ll be sad that they won’t hold his scent. 
“If they weren’t my favorite sweaters, I would say keep them. But I’m rather fond of two of those.” Spencer looked down at me with a warm smile. I laughed.
“Thanks for letting me in. I know it’s late. I promise I won’t make this a habit,” I laughed as I looked out onto the blankets in front of me. Part of me wondered what temperature Spencer had his furnace on, and how it was so warm. Mostly because my furnace was on pretty high and it was still like an icebox in my apartment. 
“It’s okay, really. You should work on getting a portable heater for your house and desk just so they warm up faster,” Spencer suggested.
I almost, very nearly, said “But then that’d mean I can’t come over anymore,” But I didn’t. So, I just stayed silent.
“Like Garcia said, your own personal space heater,” Spencer laughed. Though, I cringed, remembering what Derek had said.
“Yeah? Or I could just get a Derek Morgan.”
“Who would want him as a boyfriend,” he scoffed, sounding mildly hurt with my joke. I looked up at him with furrowed brows before sitting upright. 
“I never said I wanted him as my boyfriend. I was joking that he said he could be my space heater or a boyfriend. I was saying… What I meant was I could get a boyfriend instead. Because, you know…. Cuddling is a good way to-” 
“What if it was me,” he asked, cutting me off so swiftly. I had to look at him to make sure he actually said what he said, because he was so quiet and he said it so fast, I almost wasn’t sure.
“You want…” I furrowed my eyebrows, again, as I stared at him. Spencer was looking down at the blankets, probably wondering to himself if he actually said what he said. “Spencer, if you wanted to ask me out all you had to do was ask.” Okay, I was definitely warming up a lot faster now, feeling my blood rush from a sudden secondhand embarrassment that I didn’t really want to feel.
“It’s a lot more than that,” he muttered as he looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows before reaching a hand up to his face. I carefully guided him so he was looking right at me. 
“It really isn’t… Like, ask me a question, any question.” I smiled, feeling my fingertips warm up under the warmth of his skin.
“Can I kiss you,” he asked, his voice very soft. I smiled before nodding, feeling a newfound excitement flood my body. Spencer lifted his hands and cupped my face, warming my cheeks instantly, before leaning closer to me. 
As his lips connected with mine, I finally felt warm for the first time in weeks. His arms holding me close to his body, like he became my own personal space heater, again. I could sense that he knew I was warming up because when he pulled away from me and looked down at me, he was smiling.
“I’d be okay if I made a habit of this.” Spencer nodded as he carefully ran a hand through my hair. I couldn’t help but laugh again.
“Good.” I smiled before pressing my lips to his for a moment, “Because I could too.”
if you want to be a part of a taglist or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here
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djarinbarnes · 4 years
Nothing Personal - Dave York (1/2)
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summary: after finding out data from the CIA’s security sector has been stolen, the Director finds you to be the perfect fit to find out who the mole inside the office is. 
pairings: Dave York x female reader
word count: 3.5k
warnings: 18+, smut, oral sex (a little bit of both), vaginal sex, anal sex, (wrap it!) age gap, drinking, cheating... 
a/n: helloooooo! I got this idea one night after watching the equalizer 2. it just popped into my head tbh. there will be one more part of this! :D enjoy!
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Slow days at the office made your head spin. After two full weeks of looking for decent information and not coming up with anything remotely interesting, you considered chucking everything into the bin by your side.
You knew there had been a breach in the CIA security sector, and that vital information holding the locations of enemies of the state had been stolen. You just didn’t know how it was possible.
Rumors around the office suggested a mole buried somewhere between the agents and everyone thought they knew who it was. Nothing had been confirmed, though, and that made you uneasy.
”Agent Y/N?” Your head shot up from your folder, taking in the Director standing with her arms folded over her chest, waiting for your vocal confirmation.
”Yes?” You close the folder in your hands, getting up from your seat while buttoning the blazer you’d undone earlier that morning.
”A word in private, please?” She nods toward an office and you nod, following behind her as she leads you into the booth and close the door after her. She turns to you, arms folded over her chest yet again, before taking a look up and down your body, inspecting you.
“I can trust you, am I right?” She’s the first to speak, and you look at her with wondering eyes, nodding your affirmative, urging her to continue. She’s looking for the words but ends up simply telling you. “We suspect the mole is Agent York.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise, truly taken aback by her revelation. David York was one of the best agents the agency possessed, and here you were told that he was the one who possibly leaked the information that was so important to the agency, leading more than 10 people losing their lives.
You sigh as you watch her approach you, her hand coming to rest on your upper arm, just under your shoulder. “I think this is a job for you.”
A few moments pass in silence, before you nod subtly. “What do you want me to do?” you ask carefully, and she sighs deeply.
“Whatever deems necessary.” You nod again, eyes trained on a speckle of dust on her jacket collar. “I’m gonna make an office announcement that we have a lead in the case. I want you to find a way to plant a bug on York. Just so we’re sure.”
The office was swarming with voices when the Director let it be known that there had been certain leads in the case. She thanked you, making all eyes fall on you, including the set of chocolate orbs you were now supposed to get a bug on. Your eyes met his and you offered him a smile, getting one back in return.
You had no idea how to plant a bug on him. He was reserved, yet cheery at the office, and you knew he cared a great deal about the three people situated on his deck in a frame. You had a shitty gut feeling about the whole ordeal, but you knew the Director was counting on you.
“York!” you approach his desk, pushing through the crowd of agents congratulating you on finding the lead. “How about we go out and celebrate?” You lean over his desk with a smile, his eyes coming up to meet yours. “On Friday?”
You watch him, his eyes scanning over your face, thinking over the possibilities. If he was the mole, he certainly wasn’t going to bite the bait you had thrown out into his pond. His lips tugged into a smile before his hand lands on top of yours.
“Already told you to call me Dave.” His smile is warm as he rests his chin on the palm of his other hand. “Alright. Friday. It’s a deal.”
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The conversation is flowing between the two of you, his laughter filling the space in between the two of you. It’s weird to see him so carefree, when he’s always so serious at the office.
You catch him watching you as you bring your martini to your lips, sucking the gin in between your lips, your lipstick leaving a red stain around the rim. You swiftly grab the olives resting on the toothpick, bringing it to your lips, your eyes finding his as you wrap your lips around the fruit.
The drink hiding within the fruit drips down your chin as you bite the fruit in half, giggling as his hand grabs a napkin off the bar, wiping your chin gently. You look at each other for a few, short moments, before he turns and takes another sip of his beer.
“You know…” you subtly trail your hand up his thigh, watching him as an intake of breath gets stuck in his throat. “We could always continue this celebration somewhere else?” Your hand comes to a rest on top of his crotch, the bulge noticeable under your palm.
“Y/N… I…” you watch as he struggles to find the words, uncertainty clouding his face. “I’m married. I have two daughters. I…” He sighs as you move your hand slightly, the friction delicious against his straining erection.
“If you change your mind…” you lean in and leave a soft kiss against his lips, “You know where to find me.” You get off the bar stool and make your way out of the bar, making sure to swing your hips to satisfy the hungry gaze you’re feeling on your ass.
Just before leaving you wrap your coat around yourself, taking one last look over your shoulder, admiring in the man at the bar, beer back to his lips, watching you as you take your leave.
You couldn’t help but lay your fingers against your lips when you’re finally on the street, the tingling of the kiss still lingering. You sigh and make your way home, occasionally looking over your shoulder, but finding nothing.
You get back to your apartment and lean your back against your door with a sigh, hopeful that your advances would bear fruit. You shrug your coat off, hanging it on your hanger before taking your heels off, sighing when you finally set your bare feet against the floor.
You saunter into your bedroom, pulling off the tight dress before walking into your bathroom. You take your appearance in, looking at yourself in the mirror. You bite your lip, looking over the garter belt tight around your waist, matching the underwear you had put on.
Your head whips around when you hear your doorbell, shocked for just a moment before you make your way through your apartment, finding your robe and putting it on. One look through the door spy has your grin widening.
You cover yourself just a bit before opening the door, revealing the brunet agent in front of you, lips parted as he takes you in. “Dave?” your voice is low, watching him as he pushed his hand through his hair.
“I don’t know what I’m doing here.” He sighs, wringing his hands before letting his eyes fall.
“I know.” You whisper, stepping one step back into your apartment. You let the fabric of the robe loosen slightly, watching him as he gulps. “Come in.” You motion with your hand. He makes his way into your apartment, closing the door before coming to a halt in front of you.
“I shouldn’t,” His hands are warm on your hips as they caress you softly, fingers opening the robe slowly, letting you have a moment to change your mind. “Shouldn’t be here.” His eyes trail over the skin he’s revealing, hands swiftly letting your robe fall to the floor.
“But you are.” The second the words leave your mouth, his lips are against yours, his hands grabbing at your skin. He pushes the tailored jacket off his shoulders, letting it land on the floor with a thud. He lifts you by your thighs, turning and pushing you against your front door, his hips grinding into yours as his lips continues the assault on yours.
“Bedroom, Dave.” You whisper against his lips, pushing at his shoulders for him to let you down. He doesn’t, he simply continues the movement of his lips against yours, walking you both through your apartment and into your bedroom. He turns as he comes to a halt in front of your bed, sitting himself down on the edge.
You pull back slightly, taking in his swollen lips, his hooded, lust blown eyes, his heaving chest. You push him back, his back flat against your sheets as you straddle his hips properly. He watches you as your hands caress your thighs and your stomach before sliding around the rounding of your breasts.
You slide your hands between your breasts, unclasping your bra, letting the fabric slide off your arms. You watch as his eyes widen just a bit, biting your lip as his hands, previously limp by his side, comes up and caresses the skin under your breast, making you shudder slightly.
You move your hips over his slowly, grinding your crotch against his, erection painfully hard under his pants. His fingers pinch your nipples, drawing a wanton moan from your lips, goosebumps rising on your skin.
You lean down and press a sinful kiss to his lips before your hands undoes his tie and unbutton his dress shirt. You whimper as his strong hands tighten on your ass, the pulp flesh giving in slightly underneath his hands. His hands urge your hips to keep grinding against his, drawing moans from your lips as the trail down his chin to his neck.
Your hands pull off his tie and opens his shirt before you scoot down, trailing kisses against his chest, circling one of his nipples with your tongue. Your lips tug into a smile when he groans. You slide down further, unbuckling his belt while your tongue is dipping into his belly button. His hand comes to rest under his head, bringing his head up to watch you.
He groans as you finally get his dress pants open, getting off his lap and situating yourself in between his legs. You bite your lip as you grab both the hem of his pants and boxers, pulling them down his hips to his knees when he lifts them slightly.
You salivate when you take in the erection now laying against his stomach, the revealed tan skin turning you on. You slide your hand up his thighs and catch his eyes from where you’re crouching, his eyes urging you to go along. “Come on. My cock isn’t going to suck itself.”
You bite your lip and oblige, grasping his cock in your hand, giving it a firm tug. You situate yourself on your knees closer to him, bringing your lips to the tip of his cock, watching his face as you place a chaste kiss upon it.
You slowly engulf his cock within the heat of your mouth, relishing in the whimpers spilling from his lips with no remorse. “Fuck, your mouth is so…” a strained groan embeds itself in his throat as you open your jaw, forcing your head down to take in what you could of his hardness.
“Jesus Christ,” you look up from between his legs, your eyes meeting the bare skin of his chin, his head thrown back against your sheets. You slide your hands up the inside of his thighs, raking your nails through and over the hairs on his skin.
You feel his hands tangle in your hair, helping you give him pleasure by guiding your head up and down his legs. “Fuck, wife won’t suck me off,” the words falling from his lips are rough, the arousal deeply embedded into his vocal cords. “Knew you’d suck my cock well.”
You moan against his length, pulling back slightly to swirl your tongue around the head. You cast a look at his face before straightening your back, hands around his cock to pump it in the absence of your mouth.
“Do you wanna fuck me, Dave?” you whisper sultrily. “Fuck me like your wife doesn’t let you fuck her?” You let go of his length, rising to your feet as you undo the garter belt, letting it fall to the floor behind you, your panties following soon after.
“Ain’t ever seen something as sinful as you.” The words leave his lips before he can restrain himself, quickly coming to sit on the edge of your bed yet again. His hands grasp your hips, pulling you close to him yet again. “So young.”
His mouth trail kisses against your stomach, down the space between you belly button and your pelvic bone. “So beautiful.” You look down at him, your fingers coming up to slide their way through his locks, pulling him closer. He looks up at you, pupils blown wide with lust.
“Hands and knees. Now.” He orders and you oblige, walking around him with your hand sliding against the hairs littering his chest, turning his body as you climb on to the bed, letting him get the full view of your most private parts.
You hear him muttering under his breath as he takes you in, feeling the bed give in under his weight as he situates himself behind you. Whatever deems necessary, is all that fills your head as you hear him lean down, feel his tongue against your cunt before he’s sliding into you with no restraints.
A wanton moan leaves your lips as his cock fills you, his hands everywhere, exploring your body like it’s the first one he’s ever laid his eyes and hands upon. You whimper as his thrusts rapidly increase in speed, his hips slamming against yours with brutal force.
“Gonna fuck you so good,” the words are gritted out through his teeth, fingers grasping your hips tightly, his wedding ring cold against your heated skin, sure to leave marks in their wake. You cry out when he hits your g-spot, your fingers tightening in the sheets beneath them, your lip stuck in between your teeth in attempt to keep yourself quiet.
“No, no, let me hear you…” he groans, his hand pulling your hair into a ponytail before he tugs it back, making you arch your back, his thrusts picking up the pace even more. You whine out, pushing yourself up to rest against his sweaty chest.
His fingers tug on your nipples, emitting more moans from your lips as he continues the punishing pace of his thrusts. His lips land against your neck, sucking a deep bruise into your skin, his grunts filling your ears.
“Fuck, Dave!” you whimper as his fingers pinch your clit before drawing tight circles against your sensitive bundle of nerves, pulling you over the edge into an earthshattering orgasm. You fall forward, cunt convulsing around his cock violently.
“Atta girl,” you can hear the playfulness in his tone as one of his hands leave your body, your ears ringing too much to hear whatever he’s doing. You feel a drop of saliva land against your ring of muscle, a wet finger circling the hole soon after. “You want me to fuck you like a whore?”
His thrusts have slowed, and you whimper out a please before you feel his finger sinking into the last knuckle, emitting a guttural moan from him and you urge him to continue by grinding your hips back into his.
“Can I fuck you here?” he groans, his finger wiggling around experimentally before you move away from him, opening your nightstand drawer to pull out lube and a condom. You throw it toward him and watch as his cock twitches, his balls hanging heavily under the thick length.
You get back on your knees, waiting patiently for him to do whatever he wishes with you. You hear the foil package rip open, a short moment passing before the cap of the lube comes undone, the cold liquid soon after sliding down the crevice of your ass.
“Please,” you moan as his fingers make their way back into your ass, two digits this time. You cry out as he curls his fingers inside of you, biting your lip as he inserts another. The loss of his fingers is short-lived as they’re soon replaced by the head of his cock, breaching your tight ring ever so deliciously.
“My god.” He groans out as he slides into you fully, his balls coming to rest against your cunt. You whimper out, the feeling of his cock stretching you unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. It’s warm and comforting, just feeling him take a few moments to relish in the feeling of you.
He moves slowly, groaning as your tightening ring of muscle milks him every time he thrusts into you, hips rutting against yours. “God damn it.” He whispers out, his eyes surely trained on the back of your head, the length of your spine down to where he’s deeply buried within your ass.
You feel your second orgasm approach slowly but surely, and you know he feels it too. Your muscles are clenching, your vision is blackening and before you know it, you’re thrown over the edge again. You feel his cock pulsating inside you as his hips rests snugly against yours, cock buried inside your ass to the hilt.
You’re exhausted by the time he finally pulls out, his lips peppering kisses on your back gently. You hear him get off the bed and find the bathroom, the sound of him moving around a bit, possibly cleaning himself off bringing you back to earth.
“You’re amazing.” The words are spoken softly behind you, and you hiss slightly when a wet cloth comes into contact with your used holes, cleaning any remains of your actions. You giggle softly, sensitive from what the two of you had just done.
“Stay the night.” You whisper as you finally lay flat against your bed, crawling up and under your covers. You smile when you feel him lift the covers, getting in behind you, his arms gently coming around your middle.
“I can’t stay, no matter how much I want to.” He whispers into your ear, a kiss landing against your shoulder as his fingers glide across your stomach. “Do you mind if I take a shower?” You turn your front to him, your hands coming up to clasp his face in them.
“Not at all…” you whisper before attaching your lips to his, your tongue gliding over his bottom lip, trying to get him to stay as long as possible. Even if you want him out of your apartment after what the two of you just did, you still have a mission to complete.
You sigh against his lips as his arms pull you closer, before he reluctantly lets you go, getting out of your bed and into your bathroom. You wait a couple of seconds before you hear the shower running, making your way out of your bed as well, scrambling around the floor to find his pants.
You search his pants, coming up with nothing. You sigh and sit back on your feet, chugging your lip in between your teeth, buried in thoughts. You quickly make your way out to your front door, picking his jacket off the floor before searching the pockets.
You grin when your fingers come in contact with his phone, and you pull it out, walking the short distance to your purse to pull the bug out of your purse. You listen for the shower, letting out a breath when you hear it still running.
You quickly slide the bug into the headphone jack, knowing that he would never look there. You quickly place it back into his jacket when you hear the shower turn off, making your way into the bedroom again. You lean against the doorframe of the bathroom, watching Dave as he wraps a towel around his waist.
“I don’t want this to be a one-time thing.” He turns to you as he sees you appear in the mirror. A smile tugs on your lips as you approach him, your arms coming up and around his neck. You lean in and place a kiss on his lips, his arms coming around your body, pulling you close.
“Me neither.” You whisper against his lips as you pull back from him, laying your forehead against his. He places another kiss on your lips before pulling back, giving your ass a firm squeeze. He leaves you in front of the mirror, lips tingling from the memory of his.
He comes back a few minutes later, fully dressed. You turn and spit into the sink, washing off your toothbrush before putting it back into its place, approaching him slowly. His eyes rake over your still naked body, and you feel yourself relish in the way he’s eating you up with his eyes.
You slide your hand over his jacket before straightening his tie, pulling him down by the fabric to place another kiss against his lips. “I’ll see you on Monday.” You whisper between the two of you, watching him as he takes his leave.
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
part two
let me know how you like ittttt! 🥺♥️
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 years
dex, team bicycle
the following bullet fic has been in my drafts for over a year now and tonight i remembered it existed, read it, and decided to post it. why? who knows. don’t ask questions. just ~enjoy~
so i got an ask about how anon trusts me implicitly when it comes to writing bc they believe that dex is the team bicycle and eventually ends up with nursey and thinks i’m down with that too and tbh they ain’t wrong so like
here’s a bullet fic instead of me doing any of the work i SHOULD REALLY FUCKING BE DOING okie
first things first here’s the dealio this is crack-ish but also not so crackish that my dumbass couldn’t see it happening so let’s just suspend some disbelief and have a good time
first time dex hooks up with a teammate it’s not at a kegster
maybe a little later he’s a little too tipsy at a kegster not really knowing his own tolerance for tub juice yet and he’s dancing, a little more white boy than maybe one would like but he’s having fun with it and that’s half the game, and he’s sweaty and maybe some glitter from other dancers has rubbed off on him and he’s glittery and shining and he catches someone’s eye across the room (holster, i’m thinking holster) and holster sees him and thinks fuck and dex is maybe really into how big holster is and just like follows him up to the attic when holster grabs his wrist and pulls because why not--
but this is not about that (at least not yet) this is about how dex, new to samwell and ncaa hockey and everything, wants to be the best he can be in everything so naturally he goes to the best person to help him with every thing (for school he gets tutors and goes to tutorials and goes to all the profs’ office hours, for social stuff maybe he trails ransom around idk (that’s for later)) but for hockey he obviously goes to the person you go to when you need help with hockey
jack likes hockey. jack likes people who like hockey. jack likes when people are really into hockey
so when the little angery frog that seemed real appreciative of his butt on hazeapalooza comes to him with this frowny face determination asking how he can be the best player he can be, a part of jack’s brain that’s very quiet and seldom acknowledged goes “huh.”
and maybe they start meeting up for their own practices, practicing drills and plays so dex can get his speed up and reaction time down and just get better and jack’s benefiting from it too in a way, like trying to help a defensive player makes him have to switch up his thinking about things a bit and it’s helping his defensive play on the ice
and so this goes on for a bit and maybe they build up some inside jokes in between all the intensity and maybe there’s some playful moments in the locker room when they bump arms or throw a few chirps around and it’s cute okay and not too serious, jack isn’t in love with the kid (he’s a kid, lord, okay a lil problematic but if y’all know anything about my oc luke dex has Problems with Authority figures so whatever)
but the truth is jack doesn’t really have many people he’d be comfortable “relieving some stress” with, like there’s shitty but he’s ridiculously straight, and Camila went and got herself a girlfriend so that’s no longer a thing, and dex is there and eager and fun and
and long story short they end up fucking in the locker room oops
it doesn’t happen too many times after that, maybe once on a roadie, a few times at the haus. it’s fun, not in a laughing way or whatever, but it’s casual and it’s nice to get off and it doesn’t make jack any more anxious and dex is probably working through some issues he has with tall dark haired captains and they both get something good out of it, which is the point, anyway
and it ends maybe before winter break, either jack decides to focus on the nhl and his thesis and dex totally understands or dex realizes that maybe his thing with dark haired captains isn’t completely healthy and ends things but either way it’s nbd and no one on the team ever really knows, though it’s not like they lie about it either but who’s gonna ask, right?
and so dex and jack were fuckbuddies. for a time. noice.
now let’s return to that kegster scene, hmm?
so the way i picture it is dex hooks up with holster at a kegster, realizes it probably wasn’t the smartest idea he’s ever had but doesn’t completely freak out because holster’s a relaxed kind of guy, dex is sure it won’t get nuts
meanwhile holster wakes up freaking out because he just fucked ransom’s frog and that is so not cool so then he panics and avoids ransom and dex for like a week and then decides okay okay it’s not a big deal he just won’t tell anyone, it won;t happen again, it’s fine
and then he walks in on dex hooking up with ransom and he’s like Wow Okay So the Fine Thing Didn’t Work Out Huh
turns out while holster was freaking out ransom was really mopey about it and dex, not really knowing how to fix it, tried to comfort him and ended up... in bed
look this version of dex is a little thotty and knows like two ways of comforting people and he didn’t think getting drunk in the middle of the day was a good idea
and so long story short after some brief HUHs going around dex ends up hooking up with both ransom and holster for a bit (sometimes both at once!) and eventually the both-at-once-stuff makes ransom and holster actually acknowledge the feelings they’ve mostly been ignoring since their frog year and they explain this to dex who’s like okie bc he’s really only there bc they’re both hot and so ransom and holster get together and dex sometimes helps them out on date nights and that’s about it
lbr tho they never tell anyone how they actually got together bc they would never live it down so they say nothing and dex doesn’t either bc it’s not his relationship and the world goes on never knowing
so now we’re getting into the middle of spring term dex’s frog year and he’s kind of maybe sort of acknowledged that he has some kind of emotions about nursey that aren’t helpful so he’s attempting to repress real hard, but he’s also learning to repress less about other things, specifically his enjoyment of baking.
yup. you guessed it.
so he starts helping bitty in the kitchen A Lot, and sometimes they talk and sometimes they don’t and sometimes they talk about important things but most of the time they don’t, but at this stage in bitty’s life he is crushing very hard on a certain dark haired captain and that’s kind of really apparent in, like, everything he does so it takes dex maybe two weeks to realize what’s going on
and okay so it’s a little awkward bc 1-the fuckbuddies thing but also bc 2-dex knows how it feels to have feelings for a friend and it kind of sucks like a lot and he wants to make bitty feel better and yeah maybe this is another case of dex being bad at comforting people with his clothes on
but maybe also one day they’re talking about relationships/being gay idk something and bitty maybe casually (southern euphemistically) mentions that he’s never, erm, never quite, uh, never  done the dirty with a boy and maybe he sounds a lil embarassed about it idk and dex’s I Can Fix That brain switches on and he says, “I can help.”
and bitty’s like. what.
dex blushes and clears his throat and says it again. “i can help. i’ve, uh, done it before, and i can, like. show you.” then he pauses and, very uncasually, says, “casually.”
bitty, also pink at his point because he’s a sweet southern boy who doesn’t speak of such things, asks, “you’d be willing to do that?”
dex nods. he does not say that he’s done something like that before. he very pointedly does not say that.
and bitty, well, he’s pining and he’s been at college for a year and a half and the most action he’s ever gotten was with that boy who puked on his shoes and, you know, he came to samwell so that he could be who he is and maybe this is a way he can prove to himself that he is being true to himself.
it also doesn’t hurt that dex is v pretty, okay, bitty loves a boy with big shoulders and freckles.
and so dex and bitty start hooking up.
it’s somewhat like my The Arrangement fic where dex is sort of “showing bitty the ropes” but bitty, lbr, he’s a quick learner and he did his research so it very quickly just becomes hooking up for the sake of it
and it’s good. like. really good and both of them are benefiting from having someone to escape from their ~feelings~ in and bitty’s more comfortable in sexuality (like, his sexuality not his gayness ya feel me?) and everyone’s having a great time
then they lose the playoffs and emotions run high and bitty realizes how decimated he’s going to be by jack leaving and they don’t really have a conversation about it (let’s be real, neither of these boys talk about their feelings, at least not at this point) but dex goes home that summer with the understanding that he and bitty are no longer doing the thing, and that’s okay with him, really, because maybe now his feelings for nursey are becoming More of A Thing Than He Was Hoping They Would
of course bitty gets with jack at this time, so he’s kind of through the roof, and if, maybe, they have a conversation about their ex’s/past lovers and find they have.. more things in common than expected, well, at the least it’s a bit of a laugh and at the most well. let’s just say sometimes a ginger is mentioned in their bed WHATEVER OKAY MOVING ON
dex comes back in the fall ready to suppress the fuck out of his emotions and play some damn good hockey and who appears but this super eager tadpole
this now plays out as the first two chapters of my The Arrangement fic, though i guess now for canonical reasons whiskey ends up with lax bro and not tango, but that’s alright, we’re good at working on our feet here
for those who haven’t read the fic, dex shows whiskey how to gay sex while simultaneously gaining his trust and encouraging him to bond with the team and for personal reasons whiskey is a little shit but not as much of an asshole as he was in canon (look i love the guy but he’s a dick) and anyway go read my fic it’s good i promise #selfspon moving on
the latter half of dex’s sophomore year is spent mostly Not Pining for nursey and getting closer to him, friend wise, until the whole dib-flip, living together situation occurs, dex has a Freak Out, and ruins things a little
..this is getting off track, but long story short, his captains kiss each other on live tv and dex’s family starts to suspect that all those rumors that drifted around him in high school may have more truth to them than they’d been hoping and dex has a less than great summer break, coming back to school in the opposite of a good mindset
nursey also has a not great break (his parents are fighting, then he comes to school and breaks his wrist and can’t play hockey) and well we all know where this ends up
this leaves dex in a very mopey gross state and who to help someone feel better in their time of need than the sweetest little waffle you’ve ever seen in your life?
yes, it’s time for Hops.
now, this is a rather short lived affair, but over thanksgiving break, the entirety of the haus goes home to their families except for dex (who says he can’t deal with bus fare, and begs off any offers of help) and hops, who technically isn’t in the Haus, but stays there for the break while his parents are on a work trip during the holiday
dex ends up finding out just exactly how College Hockey Boy hops is when he almost burns the kitchen down trying to make a grilled cheese and dex decides then that he has to help this boy learn how to human, so they spend the first two days together with dex teaching hops all the basic skills dex thinks someone should know
this is included but not limited to: how to cook without making fire, how to change the oil in your car, how to hotwire a car, how to fix various different appliances, how to take the optimal notes, how to basic code, and how to sort and do your laundry
hops is enjoying the crash course (kid is just grateful to finally know where the detergent goes in a washer) but also, like, lbr. watching someone be competent in a thing--esp a thing you are yourself not good at--is a giant turn on, and so after two days of watching dex be really good at adulting, they settle onto the couch after doing the dishes and hops just gets on his knees and--
we aren’t smutting here on good christian tumblr but boy. hops is an eager kid.
anyway they spend a week fucking and then stop because hops falls in love with a girl in his intro class and then spends the next two months asking dex for advice on how to woo her, even though obviously chowder would be a better bet.
then comes the playoffs and everything is heating up and they’re on roadies nearly every weekend, still keeping up with their coursework, and it’s A Lot, and dex is really feeling it this year, especially with all the shit bitty’s been getting, and one night, on a roadie, he and bully get back to their room and dex collapses with a groan on the bed and bully, chill as anything, is like. “you seem pretty stressed. wanna fuck?”
and, you know what? dex is still his thotty (though more mature) self and he’s like, life sucks a little right now, why not get off
and so he does.
he and bully hook up through the playoffs and into the post-season (that post-final game sex is A Lot my dudes lemme tell you) but then dex gets elected captain and something twisty in his chest tells him that he should not be fucking someone on the team, especially not an underclassman, when he’s got that authority over him, and so he breaks it off with bully
who is pretty chill about it, since he’s bully, though he does miss the sex. the sex was p good.
and, to be quite honest, that’s it. dex wouldn’t fuck any of the baby frogs for the same reason he broke it off with bully (also ngl the senior-freshman thing doesn’t do it for him anymore) and so dex goes through his senior year of college without having any fuckbuddies--his first year of college so far, actually, where he doesn;t
the end
lol jk he and nursey start hooking up and it’s a Whole Bundle of emotions
in keeping with the rest of the fuck buddies, dex thinks that this is just like all the other times and nursey has no reason to think dex wants anything more and like. the sex is good, like very good, and neither of them are complaining per se but they’re also in love and haven’t said anything, and i imagine there are some ill-timed confessions prior to the final game of the playoffs and then they win another ncaa championship title and have sex in a janitor’s closet (but like,, emotional sex) and they live happily (thottily) ever after
i also like to imagine that there’s a point somewhere down the line when they all meet up for a reunion and something happens-- probably ransom and holster get a lil tipsy and finally tell the truth of how they got together-- and everyone basically does the spider-man meme but with “wait-you had sex with dex? i had sex with dex” and nursey--who knows bc dex told him when they finally got together-- is just sitting there all smug with his arm around a steadily reddening dex bc he’s fucking proud of the fact that everyone knows exactly how good his boyfriend is in bed
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yuckydraws · 4 years
A writing prompt, hmm? Why don't you try writing some fluff with horror sans? (he's one of your favorites right?) Maybe going on a picnic?
He very much is one of my faves<3 thanks for the prompt bro!!
Okay so this is mostly fluff but I threw the tiniest bit of angst in there, but it’s very mild (tbh I’m not sure I could even call it angst). Just to give it some plot;)
Also sorry for the awkward spacing I pasted this from Google docs and tumblr is being difficult >:(
“Hey, how willing would you be to put on this blindfold and come with me?” You ask your skeleton boyfriend as you lounge on the couch, blindfold in hand.
“.... huh?” Sans blinks at you in confusion. He was on his way to sit on the couch when you spring the question on him. It stops him in his tracks, leaving him to stand awkwardly in the middle of the living room.
“I said, how willing are you to put on this blindfold and come with me?” You repeat yourself, holding up the blindfold excitedly. Yeah that might not be the best way to phrase it, but hey, you’ve made it this far - might as well commit. He stares at the offending object, squinting a bit with his one eyelight.
“... no.”
“C'mon, please?”
“Why not?” You pout and he gets a twinge of maroon on his cheekbones.
“... why do i need… to wear a blindfold?” He asks while averting his gaze from your pout. You take it in stride and instead shift your position on the couch to meet his gaze again, smiling up at him.
“Because it’s a surprise!”
“don’t like surprises…” Despite his words, it’s obvious you’re wearing him down.
“It’s a good surprise!”
Sans doesn’t look entirely convinced. You stand up and grab one of his large hands in both of your small ones (at least small compared to his), and give him a reassuring squeeze.
“I promise.” You both don’t use this word lightly.
Sans stares down at you.
You stare back.
“... ok.” He caves.
“Yay! Now lean down big guy, I need to be able to tie this.” He complies, staring at you until his sockets are eventually covered. You’re careful of the gaping hole in his skull and make sure not to tie it too tight - to avoid potentially irritating his dead socket. When you finish you take advantage of his close face and kiss him on the cheek, causing him to purr and lean into the kiss.
“Pfft- you dork! C’mon, you’re gonna love it!” You say as you pull away and grab his hand to start leading him out of the front door. He was wearing his slippers, so thankfully you didn’t have to awkwardly attempt to put shoes on him. You hold back a snort at the mental image of yourself sliding shoes onto his gargantuan feet like a princess. Though you are quickly sobered when you almost trip on a porch step, leaving you to focus on helping Sans down the porch steps and leading him to your shared vehicle.
You help him get situated in the seat. In hindsight, perhaps the blindfold could’ve waited until your huge skeleton boyfriend was already in the car? Ah well, guess you both could be scatterbrained sometimes.
You smile, amused, as you remember how you both had to buy this huge van just so Sans could sit comfortably.
It’s a struggle but he’s eventually in his seat, buckled and relaxed, while you start the van and back out of the driveway. As your drive begins you turn the radio on low - hoping to ease any nerves he may still have by giving him something to focus on, while not being loud enough to give him a headache. You glance at him, feeling a bit nervous.
You guys have been dating for about four years now, and you couldn’t be happier! After three years of dating (and Papyrus going off to medical school) you both bought a small little house in the outskirts of Ebott city, and the past year had been domestic bliss for the two of you. Of course, you’ve had your ups and downs, but overall Sans has been the sweetest boyfriend you’ve ever had. He may not be much of a conversationalist, but he makes up for that with his actions. That one game you had mentioned you wanted to play once? It was on your shared nightstand a few days later. That snack he knows you like? The house is always stocked with them. Having a bad day? He will not hesitate to draw you a nice bath, pamper you, and/or initiate cuddles and kisses.
No matter what, he always finds a way to express his love for you, and lately you’ve been feeling undeserving of this almost? No that’s not the right word. You just felt like you could be doing more. Because you, on the other hand, are amazing with your words. You enjoy watching his face turn that beautiful deep maroon and hearing his purrs stutter the more he’s flustered by your words. You love to see him relax in your arms as you give him words of affirmation and assurance on bad days. You remind him of your love for him everyday and you give him all the sweet nothings he could ever want, but acts of service has always been a struggle for you. Of course, Sans never seems bothered and he’s never given you the impression that he wants more from you, but you want to try because he absolutely deserves it.
You also may have found his little pocketbook full of notes he takes throughout the day full of notes about you, your jokes, your stories, and little things you had mentioned. Due to his unfortunate head injury, he wasn’t always the best at remembering certain little things. You knew he was working on getting better, but you never pressured him to tell you how - it seemed like he didn’t want to share. You honestly felt bad you had found the book and snooped, but seeing just how much he writes about you in the notes more than anything else was just too sweet. It almost made you cry. Almost.
Ah who are you kidding? You definitely teared up.
So, you planned a little surprise date, full of his favorite things combined. The outdoors, food, and you - a picnic by the lake a little bit away from your home. After the hell monsters went through underground, most of them have a deep appreciation for the sky and full bellies (or what would be akin to a belly for them). Sans is no different, so you were hoping he’d take a liking to it.
“... how long... will the surprise take?” The question surprised you a bit, not only because it pulled you out of your musings, but because he’s usually very patient. That is, until you take in his stiff posture and realize the issue. Dinnertime is soon and he doesn’t quite know when you both will be eating.
“Don’t worry hon, we’ll have food soon,” You feel okay letting that bit of the surprise known. Despite being on the surface for almost seven years, Sans tends to get very nervous when you guys don’t stick to a schedule with meals. No need to keep him anxious. Especially considering you were pulling into the clearing of the lakeside. “In fact, we’re here!”
You put the van in park and tell Sans to wait for a second. Hopping out, you walk to the back of the van and open the back doors to grab the picnic basket you had packed. Once you make your way closer to the lakeside you quickly lay out the picnic blanket as well as place a folded blanket nearby in case it got a bit chilly. You then set up the food for a cute presentation, leaving the last part of the surprise you had for Sans in the basket. Jogging back to the van, you open Sans’ door to see he had already unbuckled himself. Guess he’s a bit more excited for the surprise than he let on earlier.
“Come on big guy, you’ve waited long enough” You grab his hand, help him out of the van and start leading him to the blacket set up.
“Can you lean down again?” You ask when you get to it. He does so and you gently take off his blindfold, making sure the fabric doesn’t catch on his skull injury or the rough bone near his dead socket. Once it’s off you gesture dramatically to the blanket. “Ta da!”
Sans stands straight up again and blinks a bit, overlooking the blanket at first, expecting something more near his sightline. Following where you're gesturing however, his eyelight eventually lands on the picnic blanket below. He still looks a bit confused. You were prepared for this type of reaction, many human activities such as picnics can be completely foreign to monsters - same for some monster activities being completely foreign to humans. You guys have had your fair share of these moments where you both have had to do a bit of explaining.
“what…?” He looks at you for an answer.
“It’s called a picnic. You pack food, take it to a scenic area, lay down a blanket, sit down, and eat. It’s sort of considered a cheesy romantic date idea, but I like them and I thought you would too... in fact I should’ve thought to take you on one of these sooner in our relationship! I actually had this idea last month, but it was too cold… also, most of the time picnics are a lunchtime date, but I like them during the sunset. It’s been awhile since our last date, huh?” You look up at him after your question to see him looking at the blanket with his face slightly red.
“... yeah i guess it has.” He has a small smile on his face and he stares down at the food.
You remember him getting very flustered when you would give him or buy him food at the beginning of your relationship. Since it was a scarcity down below, being willing to share food had a deeper intimate meaning for monsters. It meant that you loved them enough to offer a lifeline - food - that they so desperately clung to in its rarity. He still gets a little flustered now, but he’s been exposed to food sharing and he’s even come to enjoy it as a normal gesture. Though he seems a bit flustered now? Maybe because of the romantic undertone? Hmmmm, or maybe it’s because-
Your stomach decided to make itself known, growling loudly. You laugh, but Sans gives you an anxious look of concern, leading you to say:
“Well come on! Let’s eat!”
You don’t have to tell him twice, you’re both quickly seated and indulging on the yummy food you had made earlier today.
Sans makes sure you eat a good few bites before he digs in. There was a lot of it because, unsurprisingly, your mate has quite the appetite. But he still likes to wait for you to eat first no matter how much food there is. You didn’t even notice when he did that at the beginning of your relationship and when you finally did question him, he just said it was polite to wait for your mate to eat first. He didn’t elaborate more than that. When you researched into the topic you found that when there was a significant appetite difference and on the off chance there was access to food, it was polite for those with the bigger appetites to wait for the ones with smaller appetites to eat a bit first. Then it went into monster rankings, common folk monsters, boss monsters, different magic levels, etc. to which you got confused and pretty much gave up on the issue with a simple “fine, keep your secrets then” to your computer screen. You figured if Sans thought it was important for you to know he would have told you.
You both quickly fall into your normal dinner routine of you talking Sans’ nonexistent ears off about anything and everything and him listening closely, chuckling at your jokes and stories. You ended up telling him a story from highschool about your babysitting experiences.
“- and I mean she was freaking out. I was too. We were both responsible for this kid we were babysitting and we lost him. It was also super stressful because we had taken the kid all over town doing fun stuff like going to the zoo, the park, getting lunch - this kid could be anywhere! So we both decided after searching all over the house that we would drive and retrace our steps, starting at the last place we were.” You were telling your story with animated hand gestures, and Sans follows the movements with his eyelight. The sun was setting at this point, all the food was eaten, and you both were just enjoying each other's company.
“So, we get in the car - still freaking out mind you - and I asked my friend ‘should we just call his mom?’ and before my friend could answer I heard a little voice say, ‘why would you call my mom?’ I whipped my head around to see the kid just chilling in his carseat. Turns out we just forgot to unbuckle him and he had fallen asleep during the car ride! We were flipping the house upside down trying to find him and we hadn’t even taken him inside!” Sans broke out laughing at your dumb story, leaving you to grin.
“Oh sure it’s funny in hindsight, but I about peed my pants when we thought we lost him! I was so scared, what was I gonna tell his mom? ‘Hey Lisa, um it’s going great! Uh just thought you should know, we can’t find your kid and we may have lost him?’” Sans couldn’t stop laughing. You egged him on.
“Oh yeah, and wanna know the worst part? The little shit was old enough and clever enough to figure out what happened and we had to bribe him with ice cream to keep him quiet.” Sans let out boisterous laughter and fell back so that he was laying on the ground. You couldn’t help but join in at that point. You didn’t particularly think the story was all that funny but when Sans laughs like this, it’s infectious.
After you both calm down a bit, you look at Sans to see him gazing at you lovingly. You love this content expression he makes, when his eyelight gets all fuzzy and dilated, it makes you feel so special and loved. It’s his expression reserved only for you (and maybe that stew you made last week, he seemed to be pretty taken with that as well).
“... thank you, for tonight.”
“Dawww you big softie! Of course! It was the least I could do for you, you always make sure I’m happy and content. I wanted to give you something like that.” He blushes, but he also furrows his brows a bit.
“you don’t need to feel… like you owe me more, i do it because… i love you.” Of course, you knew this, but hearing him say it? It had you tearing up a bit. He reaches for you and you lean into his embrace, leaving you both cuddling on the ground. You sniff a bit, trying to stop the crying before it really starts.
“I know, I’ve been trying to drill that into my head, but you deserved tonight and I’m glad I went through with this. It was fun! I might plan more dates in the future. In fact I think I’m pretty good at it!” You jokingly say with all the unearned confidence in the world. Sans chuckles and pulls you closer and despite your efforts, a few happy tears do fall, leaving him to make a concerned noise.
“you okay?” He asks, and you wave away his concern.
“I’m fine, I just love you too.”
“heh… now who’s the softie?” He gently teases, pointedly ignoring the fact that he’s blushing again.
“Pfft- I guess you’re right. Literally too, I’m the one with the flesh and skin!” He erupts into laughter again.
“Easy crowd tonight.” You joke, causing him to laugh harder and you chuckle with him.
Once he calms down, you both lay in comfortable silence, before you remember your last surprise. You shoot up into a sitting position, making Sans - who was resting his eyes comfortably - let out a surprised growl. You laugh at his reaction, reassuring him that everything is fine.
“I just have one more surprise that I thought would be fun.” You dig into the picnic basket, pulling out the surprise and grabbing that extra blanket. You lay back down with Sans and pull the blanket over you guys.
“I think it should be dark enough for this,” You hand him the surprise - a handheld telescope. “It’s not as nice as the big one you have at home, but it’s a lot easier and lighter to carry around, plue we don’t have to stand.”
Sans smiles at you.
“... do you want to learn some more… constellations?”
“Absolutely I do!”
He begins to show you the visible constellations, and you proceed to make him laugh with the made up stories for them that you swear are the true origin stories. Just relaxing and goofing off, it’s moments like these where you remember just how lucky you were to be with your gentle giant, Sans.
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Yandere! Jeon Jungkook- You’re My Prey
Why Hello there! ANON ASKS
Greetings! I hope all is well with you! Could I please request a smutty angsty predator Jungkook x Prey Reader with sprinkle fluff at the end? like jk is the readers bully and realizes that he likes her but she avoids him like covid lmao. so he protects her from someone or something and she starts to trust him? oml that sounds like a lot🤣🤣 U are an amazing writer!!
Sooooo I didn’t touch on the smut part, and I’m very sorry! Tbh I was a bit overwhelmed writing this one and I kept getting stressed because I hated every draft I made before the final draft.
So this contains a bit of sensitive material, proceed with caution
You sat in front of the vanity as your mom styled your hair. She hummed as he took your strands in her hands.
“I saw this style in an issue of Vogue...I know you’ll love it.” she commented.
Tonight was perhaps the biggest event of your mom’s career. She has been a avid participant in the entertainment industry for years and she was invited to some crazy event with her celebrity friends and wanted you to come as her plus one. People knew she had a daughter, but they had never really seen you before. You stayed out of the spotlight when you could.
Except for tonight. Your mom had stared as the lead in a huge show, and a party was being thrown to celebrate it’s popularity and final episode. You were honored but nervous.
“Look at you!” she winked at you in the mirror. “Come on, we’re running fashionably early.” she ushered you out the chair.
Ugh, how much longer was this gonna last. Your feet were killing you! Your mom seemed to be having the time of her life though. She was drinking and dancing and carrying on as if she was a young college student.
“She seems to be having fun.” a voice said from behind you. 
“Don’t get any ideas. That’s my mother.” you seethed. You were protective of your mom, going as far as to curse out anyone who set their sights on her whether it was positive or negative. While people didn’t know you as a celebrity, they knew you as the one who knocked the living daylights out of an ex idol who tried to touch your mother’s ass on a variety show backstage.
“Don’t worry, pet. I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Once you recognized the voice, you froze. Of course he would be here! You slowly turned around, seeing Jungkook standing there with a sick smile on his face. “Missed me?”
“No!” you said a little to swiftly. You should have asked if anyone you knew was gonna be there. You felt like an idiot. Jungkook literally sang half the soundtrack for her show, of course he’d be here!
“Oh how rude.” he cooed. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.” he shrugged. 
“You though wrong.” you looked him up and down. “I swear it’s like you’re following me sometimes.”
“You could say that...but just know I’ll always be there for you...watching.”
 “J-just stay away from me!”
To say he had some sort of infatuation with you as an understatement. Everywhere you went, he somehow turned up. It was like he could smell you from miles away. 
“Dear Y/N, don’t make a scene.” he stepped forward just so he could whisper in your ear. “Wouldn’t want to cause a disturbance.” you could feel the smirk on his face and all you wanted to do was slap it right off.
“Stay back.” you stepped away. “Leave me alone.” you pointed warningly. You attempted to walk away, only to feel him grab your hand. 
Tingles shot up your spine as you touched. You shuddered, his skin was hot. You took one look at Jungkook. He seemed to be in a trance, he was staring at your hand, following it up your arm, passing over you shoulder and up your neck to stare at your face. 
When you finally came to your senses, you yanked your arm back. “Don’t touch me.”
“Okay alright.” he rolled his eyes, seemingly going back to normal as well. “Just don’t get into any trouble, pet.” he scoffed. “By the way, you look good in that dress.” he drank you in. You felt exposed, very exposed. You could almost feel a draft. You glared at his back as he stalked off. That’s how it was, Jungkook was nothing more than an arrogant tease that made you wanna strangle somebody. 
“Alright, I’m done.” you groaned, holding your head. You looked for your mom in the crowd. She was busy laughing with a whole bunch of her friends. You didn’t wanna leave without telling her. You’d just leave her a message.
From across the room, Jungkook watched you leave. He hated to see you leave, but watching you walk away was so gratifying. He knew you didn’t really hate it. In fact, it was amusing to watch you lie to yourself. You were lying about not wanting him, about hating him.
He knew you were lying because he would feel if you hated him. Just like he could feel the want dripping off your body. You were simply lying to yourself.
... (A few days later)
Your mom had left for another show, which left you home alone for a while. She would be filming in Japan, which meant you would have the house all to yourself. That meant you were left to your own devices when it came to fending for yourself. You hated calling your mothers assistant, he had his own family and your mom to worry about. You could handle going to the convenience store by yourself.
“Thank you for shopping with us!” the cashier waved you off as you left the store. You threw your trash in the nearby bin and began walking back. It was cold out, which prompted you to hug yourself.
What you didn’t know, is that you were being followed.
You were walking on the empty street. It was late and all the major shops had closed for the night. Your only source of light were the dimly lit tiny restaurants that were still open, and street lights that flickered as you passed. 
You kept walking, ignoring that feeling in your stomach that told you you were in trouble. You just had to speed up, it was like something in you was screaming at you. A few seconds passed and you couldn’t help but turn around.
A man was standing a few feet behind you. It was way too dark to see.
“Wha-...” you began walking away, praying it was just a coincidence. You turned a corner, he followed. You turned another corner, he followed.
You were now certain he was following. You couldn’t help cut cut through the street to get to the other side, but he followed then and there. You couldn’t help but begin to run, now scared out of your mind.
You turned behind you one more time to see him speed-walking. In your haste you didn’t see Jungkook walking out of an alleyways. You rammed into him, only to scream bloody murder.
“Y/N?” Jungkook grabbed your shoulders. You were practically crying. This was the first time you were actually happy to see Jungkook of all people. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Someone’s following me!” you pointed down the street. Jungkook took one look in the direction where you were pointing.
You were way too scared to see his gaze harden into a glare. His blood practically boiled. 
“Stay here.” he grunted, storming in the direction towards the man. “Hey buddy!” he barked, strutting over. 
Jungkook glared in the direction of the sorry idiot who dared try and apprehend his catch. 
Jungkook took you back to his place, your home would be empty for the night and you didn’t wanna be alone in that moment. You sat on the sofa, hugging yourself. 
If he hadn’t been there, something bad would have happened, you knew that much. It was the first time you were grateful. 
Jungkook had to gather himself. Rage shot through his body in his attempt to protect you. His senses were still in overdrive and he was sure he looked crazy. He watched you as you got comfortable, still hugging yourself.
“T-thank you.” you said for maybe the third time that night. 
“Y/N. You really don’t have to thank me.” he laughed. “I told you I’d be there for you every minute, or every day.”  He walked over and sat down next to you.
You finally studied his face. His smile that never reached his eyes looked very different now than it ever did. His eyes were dark with something you couldn’t really read. 
“Even after I’ve been so horrible to you?”
“You may think of it that way, but I don’t.” 
“How do you think of it?” you tilted your head to the side. You were genuinely interested in how Jungkook perceived your declaration of hatred towards him.
“You shouldn’t make that face.” he giggled, glossing over the subject. “I might have to ruin your innocence.” 
“Ruin my-” you trailed off. It was only then you realized how close he was. Jungkook towered over you, so it was easy for his body to cast a shadow over yours. “You’re really close.” you mumbled.
“Hm, isn’t that the point?” he winked. “Your skin is so soft.”
To Jungkook’s delight, you didn’t pull away when his lips ghosted over yours. You shuddered at the mere tickle of his touch. It was like a batch of pheromones had gone out into the air because all you wanted in that moment was him. In some way or another. However it surprised him when you were the one to go for it, pressing your lips gently against his. 
A low growl ripped through his throat as he rested his hand on the side of your neck. He returned you affections just as quickly as you gave it. 
You tasted better than he thought. Your innocence was like a drug. It was heavy. He hummed with delight as you reached your hands up to run through his hair. He was happy, you didn’t know it in that moment, but you were accepting it. Your fate as his. After tonight it would be set in stone. 
As you pulled away from Jungkook, you inhaled sharply. “W-woah.”
“Surprised, babe?” he began crawling over you, sending you back against the plush surface. “I knew you’d fall for me sooner or later.” 
You were too consumed by the sight of him above you. The lights casted a halo over him. He almost looked like an angel. “I could eat you up right now Y/N.” he whispered. “Your soul is exposed to me right now.”
He drew his tongue down your neck. Leaving opened mouth kisses along your skin. You were warmed up in an instant despite being cold moments earlier. You practically squeezed your legs together in an effort to ease what you were feeling, but Jungkook was no fool.
Finally he’d get what he’d been yearning for. After so long.
It was the dead of night when you woke up. Your naked body was flush against Jungkook’ in what you assumed was his bed. Jungkook was practically atop you, laying his head on your chest. You tried to shimmy out of his grip and when you successfully did, you sat up.
Aches and pains shot through your body as flashbacks of moments before flooded your body.  You could hear his shallow breaths in your ear telling you how much he adored you. Every bite and scratch he had left burned, but in a good way. 
Words couldn’t describe how it felt enough. 
“You weren’t thinking of leaving me, were you?” You looked down at Jungkook who tiredly wiped his eyes. “Fuck.” He glossed over your naked body. You were practically marked from head to toe.
“No.” you replied. “My arm was falling asleep because you were laying on me.” you replied, laughing dryly. He sat up himself, only to trail his fingertips up your arm. He shifted behind you and began placing kisses along your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and practically pulled you back down onto the bed with him. 
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portwellmakesmeweep · 3 years
i was very underwhelmed by this episode as a whole but i’ll break down the things i liked and didn’t like
PORTWELLS ENDING. come on guys. it was good. i’m not mad about it. it was cute. now we know for certain they are clear about how they feel about each other and they can be cute couple goals next season (i’ll make a full post about portwell later)
JENNZARRA. they acknowledged their chemistry. i’m happy.
EJ HELPING MR. M. continues the streak of ej’s sweet gestures (which apparently isn’t exclusive to gina)
GINI FRIENDSHIP. this was by far my favorite part of the episode. they are so precious and i can’t wait for them to become besties in season 3
MISS. JENN AND RICKY. that was a super cute convo. quite enjoyed. bestie vibes.
KOWIE. they super cute. “you make me nervous” 🥺
LILY AND RICKY. i’m sorry but no. boy needs therapy, not another unreliable girl.
HARNESS. they didn’t even mention it. wtf
MISS. JENN COMPLETELY IGNORING THE MENKIES. wtf this was literally her whole personality the whole season and in the last 10 minutes of the season she said “i actually don’t care, friendship for the win.” (literally everyone became seb in this episode)
SEBLOS. we just got nothing so, idk not really disappointed because i didn’t expect anything but i hope they have a larger role next season
RINI. waste of screen time tbh. (the just for a moment line kinda hit tho)
SECOND CHANCES. the song is great, don’t get me wrong. but it was so random. it just didn’t...fit
I WANTED TO SEE IF EJ GOT NOMINATED FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP (tho we didn’t see kourtney burn it so i feel like that envelope is coming back next season)
anyway, i think the beginning of next season will be the end of the school year and wrap up all of these things. i don’t actually think we’re gonna get any new huge storylines
alright, goodnight.
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