#tbh best present
celestialowlryx · 2 months
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Rayla + being told how a m a z i n g she is
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
I feel like sw as a whole puts a decent amount of effort into making sure charecters are out of the picture for major events (Ahsoka being presumed dead during tot, Ezra vanishing into wild space, all of rouge one, etc) it mostly happens with force users for obous reasons but...
Idk I feel like they don't nessacarally need to do that? Like there's an easy answer to "if x was alive why didn't they show up during y event" and it's "they were busy" they don't need to be dead or presumed dead to be otherwise preoccupied. We didn't even see all that much of the rebelion in tot (at least as far as named characters go) and there was other stuff to do even with the death star.
"Where were all thease people during tot why didn't they help?"
Maybe they were doing other stuff off screen, or running other mishions? I really don't get why this question is such a big deal?
this is a lowkey insane take i love it, like "why weren't you helping destroy the planet-killer?" "oh you know, my hamster needed a haircut"
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plounce · 6 months
elle and emmett from the legally blonde musical are one of those m/f couples that i think work best as a woman and a man purely because their relationship and how elle wouldn't stay at harvard for him because she has grown to want true respect & success more than a man she loves' approval/desire is like so important to the themes of the story and it's the whole point and it's part of what makes them so good. on the other hand emmett could be such a hot butch lesbian it's crazy i want to eat drywall when i think about emmett forrest but a butch lesbian BUT it simply would not improve and in fact would detract from the themes of the story. they have to be m/f
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20001541 · 7 months
I wish the anime hadn't cut this part out. It really highlights how afo presented himself as a savior to those who felt lost during the dawn of quirks which was how he was able to get such a huge following.
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we see him do that during present day too as we see how he exploits those, particularly children, who society forgot about by taking them in and caring for them so they'll remain grateful and loyal to him.
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quaranmine · 27 days
On Wednesday before I gave my presentation I confessed to a new employee that I was worried it would be too long and she brightly told me her life hack was to just let AI rewrite things for her. She said I should put in all my talking points and ask ChatGPT to give me a five minute exactly presentation. I was like....how is the most polite possible way (since this is a new colleague I shouldn't get off on the wrong foot with) that I can express that I will Not be taking this advice. Ever. I told her that I didn't think we were allowed to use ChatGPT at this job (we most certainly are not, it is a nightmare for any type of protected information) and also that I prefer to write all of my own work. Despite my best efforts the last part of that was still passive aggressive, lol.
Something about being a writer makes it so that it's almost offensive to me for someone to suggest I use AI to do my work instead? Like, the day I reach the point where I let AI write something for me is the day y'all need to be checking me for brain damage because clearly I'm losing it
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months
the best miraculous au is the one where marinette accidently enters the paris olympics and somehow manages to win an absolutely staggering amount of gold medals in a variety of sports while also having absolutely no clue as to what the fuck she's doing.
side note: kagami is also there; yes, she does win gold in fencing, and yes, she does not have a clue in regards to whatever bullshit marinette's pulling or how marinette even got there, but she is definitely going to support her all the way.
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jestroer · 1 year
One of my favourite fun things to do related to Hermitcraft fandom is going around on AO3 playing with filters to find the weirdest most uncommon rarepairs out there. Or just finding them in the wild.
If you could think about one, there is a real chance there are at least like 2 fics of any random ship you can think about. And i think this is beautiful.
Like, idk who thought first about like Jevin/Bdubs(Jdubs?) or Cub/Mumbo (...cumbo) but i love that they did, that's what fandom is all about
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shaniacsboogara · 10 months
imagine if the new season of two many spirits is all christmas themed, ryan and shane are dressed up all festively, everything's merry and jolly... and steven is an alien again
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j-femmescoli · 3 months
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happy pride
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black-and-yellow · 2 years
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It was the death of a rude boy
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toasteaa · 1 month
Rambling because I want to put the thoughts down somewhere and these are thoughts that will probably be disproven the second I look back at the genshin wiki but WHATEVER, I'm having a thought -
Something about the idea of visions putting an elemental stream inside of their wielders or a way for them to connect with the elemental flow of the world around them...like yes, I know the visions are physical manifestations of their holder's ambitions and dreams, but it's never really addressed how this actually works. We know if someone's vision is taken away or destroyed, it's like a physical part of them is also removed/destroyed. We also know that when a vision holder dies, their vision also fades. It can be understood then that visions are more like conduits for their holders to connect with an elemental stream and channel elemental abilities.
But that doesn't explain *where* the elemental energy is coming from.
I like to think all beings - human or otherwise - are able to connect to the elemental energy flowing throughout Teyvat, but there's a difference in having the ability to do so versus gaining the means to do so. Beings that are native to Teyvat - which are, without going into extreme detail, literally all elemental beings and creatures except humans - are inherently in tune with the waves of elemental energy that makes up their world. It's why they don't need visions to use elemental abilities. Think of creatures like slimes, regisvines, vishaps, etc.
Humans on the other hand can gain the ability to tap into this greater pool of elemental energy, but aren't inherently able to connect to it from birth. But just like each elemental being has a specific element that they can connect to, visions grant humans the ability to connect to one specific elemental stream of energy - which is why you have seven different vision types. When a human is given a vision, it's also like a door is opened or a pipe is unclogged and allows the elemental stream to pour inside of them. When they use their elemental abilities, the pool empties and has to take a short amount of time to refill - such is the same with native creatures of Teyvat on a similar but different scale (see pyro slimes that go out for a bit vs a pyro user having to wait a recovery period before using their elemental skill again).
Remove someone's vision and you remove their ability to connect to this elemental stream. However, it does not close the door that was already opened - once the vision is returned, the vision holder can resume using it as if it was never lost. Though I also think, unlike elemental creatures that constantly have an inward and outward flow of energy, this can cause a buildup of excess elemental energy that the human body cannot regulate. Overabundance of any form of elemental energy in a human body runs the risk of driving them mad, turning them into a "lesser" elemental being or, potentially even worse, cause them to be reabsorbed into the elemental stream as a whole.
We, of course, have never seen this happen to anyone in game but...idk, it's just something I'm thinking about at the moment and needed to get out of my system for now.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
ngl i really wanna see the Tripitaka vs Macky beef. i wanna see the ugly jealousy. i wanna see how pissed Macky was. I want to see him argue with Tripitaka about their idea of “what’s best for swk” they care about him but one is “i can fix him” and the other is “i can accept him” and both are right but also wrong but also—
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imogenkol · 11 months
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tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch
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onthehighwaytomel · 2 months
I admit I haven't been super on top of the news lately (moving next week, work stress, recent birthday plans, protecting my mental health, etc.)
But isn't it a good thing that Biden stepped down? He's clearly not fit for four more years (or even one more election cycle) because of his age, health, and mental capacity. And he would be extremely unlikely to win against Trump, even more so after 7/13.
I'm no Harris stan by any means; I'll be holding my nose and voting for her, just like I did with Biden and Hillary. And I know it's not ideal to change candidates less than four months out. But at least she's not decrepit and seems to be mentally present and engaged enough for this kind of thing. It was the right decision, one that needed to be made for a while now. We didn't need Senator Feinstein 2: Electric Boogaloo.
The bar might be in hell, but I'd rather have the only actually viable candidate against Trump clear that bar.
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lunasilvis · 3 months
My soul feels on fire (as in: positively energized 🌞🟨) with the life yet to be lived, and the increasing tangibility of it now
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randomnameless · 11 months
I think the "Billy should ditch the boar" takes comes from AM being the one route that breaks their self-insert fantasy. Flamey and Emile doing their stuff and the Jerry thing etc do not matter bcs its not being directly mean to YOU, the player, in YOUR story. Edel-chan is a very sad and traumatized girl that will ALWAYS love YOU no matter what you do and she will doodle YOU and squeak about rats n stuff, but you don't have to actually deal with any of her supposed trauma in a realistic way (+)
(cont) She will always be fine and ready to gush after you, the trauma is only a plot device to make her wary of other people that aren't you, and be attached to only you. What she does to randoms doesn't matter as long as she's nice to you. But the evil european barbarian boar dares to actually show his trauma and negative emotions around you, and make you uncomfy, and bring any sort of realism to your fantasy! how dare he! Not only that, but he admits he didn't like you at the beginning!!!(+) (cont) you, the player, isn't above other characters when it comes to him being rude because of his trauma and mental illness, and the story dares to show your avatar feeling sad and powerless instead of badass and cool. He won't listen to you until another character opens his eyes first, and even if you marry him he's still hearing voices and struggling with his issues, your love won't cure him!! Not only that, but AM is his story, not yours! (+) (cont) It relegates your self-insert to a supportive deuteragonist instead of the main hero the plot centers around. He will become The King and you will be just a religious leader, following the footsteps of the Evil Lizard Lady!! Obviously you don't want that!! this is your story, where you can dump all your anti-church IRL arguments into, and be a super cool baddass mercenary who never has to deal with negative emotions!! And that's why AM is the only FE16 route where I actually like Billy.
Sorry anon for the tardiness of the reply!
Yep, I feel like for both Dee and the evil lizard lady, at one point, they are unhappy/upset/angry and more or less negative at Billy - who is, in this situation, taken as the player.
I remember during the heights of 2020-2021 discourse people sending asks to other asking how can they like Rhea bcs she was meant to "u" and whatnot, and it's just... Self-insert at its finest?
But Billy - the character we see in Nopes, FEH and FE17, wouldn't feel like the player in those instances (because Billy the character would never pick the "uwu" option in the Holy Tomb, and Billy the character would understand and/or at least get how Dimitri doesn't want to talk right now) - so again, it's the same old question, who is Billy? An empty self insert who feels a lot of sad uwus when Rhea threatens to rip their heart out as they assist and support who swore to kill her because her ears are pointy and cries whenever Dimitri doesn't want to talk to them, or is Billy the character we see in other games, who shows more empathy and tries to understand people, and thus, wouldn't have been able to pick a certain route in FE16?
Lol I just remember now how some people didn't like Cyril or even Seteth because they didn't slobber over Billy - as the self-insert - in their first 5 lines unlike the rest of the cast ^^
Granted, this "YOU must be the most important person EVER" comes back in full force with the S-supports (tfw seteth doesn't mention his family to billy when they hold hands) and it reiterates something I always knew : Avatars were a mistake.
Parasocial maybe saved the franchise from turning into another F-Zero like saga, but damn if it nuked a lot in the process (and by, a lot, i mean coherence and characters networks).
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