#tbh he's coerced into sex an awful lot
necromancy-savant · 1 year
More people should watch Conan the Barbarian so I can share my thoughts on it
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Do you think the discourse about abuse in the Loustat relationship would be very different if they were both whites?
Yesterday I was following the latest discourse and i saw a tweet mentioning how the sex scene in ep 6 ,the one with Louis dissociating,someone said how Louis coerced Lestat using sex to make him less suspicious while they are plotting to kill him.
I'm really late i know but it's really the first time i saw how people are not objective with Louis to the point of distorting the meaning of a scene and i am really disgusted right now.
Once you see how vile people are in this fandom everything is so...
Now i remember what Sam said about what he saw on twitter and i can't help myself wondering what Jacob or Assad (Delainey seems to be quite loved and safe probably because she is a woman) but imagine what they see daily here and there?
Did you know Jacob started following his fan page few days ago and it make me think he is very aware and online.No one seems to care for this ,no PSA,no ''poor Jacob''...sorry i'm really bitter right now because it's like discovering everything,i was really naive all this time (I'm still new to the fandom 5months).
"Do you think the discourse about abuse in the Loustat relationship would be very different if they were both whites?"
yes. it already was different before the show aired. I can't say how ppl would react to the drop between white men, but I *can* say the focus on lestat's "innocence" in it all would not be done as hard if it was another white guy and white girl who were mad at him. ppl doubled down on the racist shit purely bcuz louis and claudia are black now and were angry at the abusive, white guy. can't have that!! didn't u know louis is lying and this is all fake and lestat has trauma?? :( ppl literally never talked about lestat's backstory in relation to his actions in iwtv that much at all before the show aired. ppl had fun laughing at what a stupid asshole he was and how awful they were as a couple. now suddenly it's "lestat did no wrong" forever.
"Once you see how vile people are in this fandom everything is so..."
ur gonna see this a lot now tbh, having awareness of it now, and the more u learn about antiblack tropes and dogwhistles and whatever else, the deeper it goes. it's in everything. that's part of why this account is here too, so it's harder for them to hide from ppl, and also so ppl can get educated about it.
"Delainey seems to be quite loved and safe probably because she is a woman"
she's actually the most at risk for being a woman tbh, bcuz she's not just a woman, she's a *black* woman. if ur not aware of the term "misogynoir" then look into that. here's a video to start. look into colorism too bcuz she got a lot of comments stemming from that when she was cast as claudia, being darker than bailey is.
tw here for abuse and rape topics
"Did you know Jacob started following his fan page few days ago and it make me think he is very aware and online.No one seems to care for this ,no PSA,no ''poor Jacob''...sorry i'm really bitter right now because it's like discovering everything,i was really naive all this time (I'm still new to the fandom 5months)."
ya, I saw. and ya I've commented on that before too, especially when ppl were extra coddling sam for his comments about why he's offline. obviously nobody should be having to deal with any of this, but sam as a white man is gonna have a *vastly* different experience and level of protection for his feelings than any actors of color are gonna get, especially black actors.
what ur feeling is normal for starting to have awareness of these issues. stay outraged and stay locked in to helping say something about it bcuz this is not just a fandom issue and it's neverending.
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there-must-be-a-lock · 11 months
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (jason!)
🥺 — Aw man, yes. Any moment where a character expects rejection and gets softness instead tbh. When they admit something they’ve been scared to admit and the other person *doesn’t* look at them like they’re a monster. When they find the courage to be a little bit more themselves because they start to trust the people around them to stick around.
Also, any moment where a formerly-depressed or hopeless character realizes that they’re happy to be alive. That’s the good shit.
🧠 — idek where to start, I’m just gonna throw a bunch out there.
Not sure I can count this as a headcanon when it’s more like the thesis of most of my Jason-centric fics? But pre-death he never got much experience with sex that wasn’t transactional and performative, if not outright coerced, and he has a really complicated relationship with the entire concept of consent and agency and feeling the need to please.
He uses tattoos and piercings as a way of reclaiming and reconnecting with his body when he comes back.
His favorite band is MCR, and when he was a kid it was in a very sulky edgy teenage way, but then he gets older and the concepts of Revenge and Black Parade hit almost too close to home. See also: “how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying.”
It takes him a while to figure out how to be comfortable in his home and how to make it his own, once he settles down and stops moving from safehouse to safehouse all the time; he’s got a lot of hang-ups about spending money on himself and about putting down roots, but once he gets there he loves nesting.
His love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. @noxnthea and I had a whole talk about this when we were writing the Marshmallows, especially his birthday fic! He’s so used to taking care of himself that he’d be beyond touched by anybody taking the time to do things for him — it’s one of my favorite dynamics with him and Slade, because Slade is the kind of person who could gently bully him into allowing himself to be taken care of. And then as far as words, he’s really bad at saying stuff out loud (obviously) but with the right person/people, those rare occasions when he could make himself say it out loud would be treasured and encouraged… and he also puts a whole lot of stock in written words, because lit nerd. I think he’d be the kind of person who would absolutely swoon over a good old-fashioned love letter. Nox and I came up with this idea of him sorta borrowing romantic quotes and lyrics to start with, copying them on post-it’s and leaving them around the apartment or whatever, and then as he started to get more comfortable (and when he could trust that his vulnerability wouldn’t be shot down) he started writing his own words instead. Like all those books were practice.
(Writer asks!)
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
I always wanted you to do a noorhelm ranking, especially since all them are officially over ?
Hi 🌻 First off I have another ask of yours I haven’t forgotten about. I just want to do another post before I get to your ask. And hopefully organize my tumblr a little.
Second! I don’t think I’m qualified to rank noorhelms because I’ve only watched the Noora season in Skam, Skam España and Skam Austin. And even when it comes to these three I don’t think there’s a cut and dry way to rank them, because Skam was doing so much more than the other Noora seasons even attempted.
So, I’m just going to post some thoughts on each couple, unless I’ve watched the season, in which I will post about the season itself:
Skam España, Nora/Miquel and Nora/Alejandro: Nora’s is the only Noora season I’d feel comfortable showing to teenagers. In fact, it should be mandatory viewing in high schools tbh. I think the story they told really suits the format, because during a binge watch, a viewer would just breeze past the red flags and subtle manipulation techniques in order to get to the cute content. When it comes to pomenora, I’m almost shocked that Skam España teased us with their relationship for so long, only for them to agree that it wasn’t their moment. I’m not mad, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that happen on a teen show before. In some ways I feel like the writers preferred for fandom to come up with their version of pomenora, rather than writing it themselves lol.
Skam, Noora/William: I think Noora’s season fails in its goal of educating viewers. I don’t think it’s realistic in terms of how the characters behave, it sacrifices believability in favor of highkey dramatic moments out of a cheap teen drama. At the same time, the Syrian refugee crisis and Norwegian national identity are two ideas that are present throughout the season and keep coming up, and I think William (who represents a more sexist, violent side of Norway) and Noora (the feminist, open-minded side) coming to the conclusion that Norway’s national identity isn’t threatened by refugees, but rather enriched by them, is a hugely powerful message to have on a show that was watched by 2/5 of the country. I don’t think any remake team had the range or balls to put that in their most cliched “bad boy is redeemed by the love of a good woman” season.
Skam Austin, Grace/Daniel: I mean, I’m just going to be honest here. The only reason Noora/William even remotely work is because of Julie Andem, and Josefine Pettersen’s insane charisma. Yes, Daniel has an emotional range, unlike William. And Grace was told off by Jo, unlike Noora. But this is still the story of a guy coercing younger girls into sex without protection, who zeroes in on the one girl who presents a challenge, and who makes his girlfriend’s sexual assault all about him. The different teams will change details here and there, but this story needs a serious rehaul to be palatable. What Austin has going for it, is that the writers realized the side characters are all much more interesting than the Grace/Daniel drama, and they gave them storylines of their own.
This is getting long, so everyone else goes under the keep reading.
Manon/Charles: What they have going for it are steamier scenes than Noora/William, being the first Noorhelm remake, and the actors being together in real life. I don’t think any Noorhelm fan would care about them otherwise. Manon and Charles are a toxic relationship that the writers haven’t even realized they’re writing as toxic and harmful. Manon at Imane’s Eid party looked like the protagonist of one of those 19th century novels where the women are trapped in awful marriages.
Mia/Alex: I don’t really have an opinion on them as a couple. All my opinions are confusion about how the writers chose to shoehorn them in s4. Another Noora/William ship where all the characters do after their season is argue and cause drama. At least the arguments aren’t about the Noora’s sexual assault though. A plus!
Eleonora/Edoardo: Are they interesting, or are people just thirsty for Giancarlo Commare? I have to say Eleonora reminds me of a teenie Laura Pausini, and that makes me a tiny bit fond of her ngl. 
Liv/Noah: These two actually frustrate me, because I think a good writer could’ve really made them shine. Both of them are given a more attractive persona, the whispery singer and the unwashed artist, but then the writing keeps forcing them into Noora and William’s scenes/characterization. To this day I have no idea if Noah is meant to be moc like his actor, or whether he’s a Blaine Anderson case where his actor is biracial, but the show gives him a white last name and white relatives. And when it comes to Liv, one thing I’ve noticed on twitter is that a lot of Noora/William fans are (imo, not accidentally) woc who relate to Noora and want a William. And it just feels like a missed opportunity that Skam NL didn’t focus on the parts of Noora that these fans relate to, such as her choice to wait to have sex, or her image as the perfect girl (the model minority) which hides a lot of insecurity, curiosity for/interest in the things she rejects, and more work than people guess it takes to be that Perfect™.
Zoë/Senne: Wtfock really said, “oh, you’re telling everyone within earshot that these are a good Noorhelm and they fixed all the dodgy shit in Skam? Lemme take care of that real quick by having Senne make Zoë’s sexual assault all about himself yet again, then date a woc while clearly still pining over Zoë. Everything shall be ruined in the name of realism!” But anyway, I think Zoë is a parody of Noora in looks, lines and jfc that cringy ass instagram bio. And Senne has all the edge of a fluffy kitten, the bad boy persona doesn’t suit him at all. 
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thedeliverygod · 6 years
Breakdown of my thoughts while reading Chapter 75. Warning that this post is very image heavy.
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First off, Yato thanking Daikoku and Kofuku for being the best aunt and uncle ever. tbh it’s kinda funny he still doesn’t say thanks in regards to all the things they do for HIM too (mostly because of Yukine).
Also lol at Kofuku & Daikoku being like whaaa?? and he’s like C’MON I CAN BE GRATEFUL TOO. 
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I laughed a lot when I saw this whole panel in Japanese because I knew Hiyori’s thoughts were going to automatically jump to the flash mob when she was wondering what happened. How she thinks that would cause him to sting Yato, I haven’t got a clue. But in this chapter of pain, I definitely needed the laugh.
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I love that Yato figures out what’s bothering Yukine and then continues to pester him and make Yukine sting him until he’s practically near death again (and then his head literally just disconnects from his body after he finds out it’s Nora lmao). But really, Yato is really observant of Yukine. It’s adorable. He knows his body language well enough to figure out what’s going on without Yukine saying a single word about it.
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Halfway just posting this because bless half naked Yato. But also Hiyori is holding his yukata/robe/whatever you wanna call it. So I’m just gonna believe he basically got dressed in front of her while she held his dirty clothes and wow are these two close. 
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when I read this in Japanese, I died. A lot of us already made this connection after chapter 74, but to have Yato realize it too lol omg. Poor boy has had both of his closest people “tainted” by his father and sister. Of course Hiyori and Yukine suffer the worst for it, but both kisses were also kind of like a shot at Yato.
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Yato continuing to air Yukine and Hiyori’s private details about their lives in front of Take and his shinki. I low key agree with Yato though, Yukine is also my precious baby boy and I also want him to continue the life of abstinence lol. Take is right though, it definitely makes sense to teach shinki not to feel guilty about those sort of things. But, I’m pretty sure Yukine was already stinging Yato before he even lectured about it for the first time so I feel like it’s more of a self thing that Yato kind of enforced (because Yukine is still a kid forever in puberty and relationships are complicated).
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And I just had to add this because Yato is VERY very fatherly during this whole entire thing. Including the beginning of the chapter with him and Kofuku talking about taking to Yukine to shrine visits after he turns 3. I love it so much. I feel like the birthday party just really solidified Yato’s want to protect and treasure this lil boy.
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Kiun being a heart breaker really surprised me, I must say. Maybe it’s because I’m asexual, but despite Yukine’s urges as a new shinki, I guess I never really thought about shinki in general wanting relationships/sex. I’m not really surprised, especially since I have considered it in terms of some of the main characters (Daikoku & Kofuku, Kazuma & Bishamon). Kiun being the one to guide Yukine in this matter is definitely unexpected, but I guess he needs a senpai shinki since Kazuma is MIA. 
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I’m honestly really in awe that Trash Dad was somewhat intimidated by Yato. Even if it was just for a brief moment. It gives me hope that Yato will indeed kick his ass one day and be free from the shackles he has had on for so long.
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this panel is why I honestly feel no sympathy for Nora. She’s being making her own moves in terms of taunting Yukine for a while now, I’m not sure why people are surprised. Like, yeah, I understand she’s a victum of abuse like Yato. But she is also toxic as hell herself sooooooo..... until she makes a change for the better or even just for a second manages to see how messed up some of the things she does are... yeah, no sympathy from me. Yato has tried to talk with her about some things but as he said, she never changes. “No matter who lives or who dies, you just keep smiling. But I’m not smiling with you anymore”.
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Yukine, my baby, no. No. I will love you no matter what, but please, do noootttt crush on Nora. It will only bring bad things, and I know you know that but ;-;
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I love Yato + stray cats. Also I love how Yato is always creeped out when other gods are like “oh yeah we shared Nora so we’re like bonded for life or something” and he’s like “plz no we’re not that close”. Also, Yato butt. you’re welcome.
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Excuse me, sir. What exactly is this pledge!?? I also wonder if Yato did it of his own volition or if he was coerced into it after the covenant as a sort of payback for not being murdered for treason.
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Hiyori, your imagination never ceases to amaze me. I love this and everything about it. Pretty boy Kiun lookin’ his best. 
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This is so adorable. If only it weren’t followed by pain. But also Hiyori thinking about love and Yato just poppin’ up in her face ;) good stuff.
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doki doki doki doki doki doki. Hiyori has caught the feels and she realizes it. And looking at Yato’s lips, no less. If only a kiss was what followed this, but nah. Adachitoka prefers pain.
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A few more doses of cute before we have our hearts trampled, thanks.
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I love that Yato is becoming so selfless and caring about others much more than himself but........... boi. you’re causing so much pain the way you’re going about doing this. Though reading Hiyori’s journal probably wasn’t uh.. the best/most polite thing to do, I do love that like reading about himself through her eyes sort of makes him see things in a different light.
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Here’s where we go down hill. I’m glad that Yato has managed to get past that whole lifeline thing but... sigh. As I already pointed out in my other post, Yukine is going to be absolutely wrecked once he realizes Yato has left again. Hiyori is already a wreck currently, both she and Yukine are like possible time bombs (Hiyori only if she’s in her half-ayakashi form, but still.) But worst of all, YATO YOU JUST HAD SO MANY FRIENDS SHOW THAT THEY WERE WILLING TO FIGHT FOR AND WITH YOU. WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB. 
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Hiyori finally confesses to Yato that she forget him once. And this is the response. I... cannot. He’s (seemingly) at peace with everything and it’s.. I don’t know, I don’t really have words. For all we know, he has a little break down after this conversation, but I guess we’ll find out. He seems earnest in this chapter, though.
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My heart, my soul, my everything. It all hurts. Yato, she’s realizing she loves you and YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW?? IT’S SO PAINFUL. 
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Honestly my worst fear for so long now. I’ve been so terrified of anything happening to the shrine and whoop, there it go. From Yato’s hands, no less (I’m sure he expected Hiyori to have a good grip on it but I mean obviously she’s more concerned about Yato than the shrine). also... I took the shrine that I made to animazement for the first time after years of considering it and being too afraid I would break it. I was still terrified for the bit I carried it around, but nothing happend to it. I just somewhat find it ironic that this is basically what I was visualizing like all weekend just 2 weeks ago.
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Hiyori is too good to go through this much pain and my heart hurts so much for her. All I can say is I hope Yato truly does have a good plan.
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