#tbh in this kirby verse i think i want to go with the theme of ''your past doesnt define you''
vaugarde · 1 year
in my kirby verse im trying to figure out how taranzolor can work (because i cant get over ships i liked when i was 14 lmao) since in this taranza finally makes progress in moving on after the events of TKCD (which is a LARP session gone wrong here) and in that game and star allies they bond while magolor is trying to improve himself as a person and i imagine it was initially formed on a shakier foundation? bc magolor was a better person by TKCD albeit traumatized from the events of RTDL, but yknow he still was a fuckhead and liked to mess with people and a part of him did still crave to be something more and felt aimless and meaningless without something like the master crown to run after, and i think taranza would have seen sectonia parallels in that and basically just went “i can fix him”. and its like taranza trying desperately to keep his new friend/crush from destroying himself with power and greed and an outside force tearing his body apart like sectonia did (even though ironically he is also carving out his own destruction by focusing so hard on the past).
except they both need to be fixed they both need a therapist but like AFTER they get the therapist magolor learns to be satisfied with where he is and how to cope with what happened, taranza learns to move on and not punish himself constantly for what happened with sectonia and not focus so hard on the past when he has his whole life ahead of him. and they realize they still have their futures and decide... maybe they can figure it out together if they don’t have much else (at that specific point)
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miasma-of-fear · 4 years
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[ anonymous ]
[ Yeah, definitely! They're pretty much the same across all my blogs tbh. ]
🧡 Mun is 20, NB, uses she/he/they, and goes by Kirby.
🤎 I don’t care much for extensive plotting, rather preferring a basic idea for the beginning and going from there.
💚 As far as my style of formatting goes, I write how I would a story- both for comfort and keeping the theme, sometimes with actions and sometimes without- and rarely use icons outside of memes. That being said, I have no problem if my partner uses them, or formats considerably different from me, so long as I can read their reply.
🧡 I’m not too terribly picky about partners, but I am a bit of a stickler for literacy. Not multiple page long replies, of course- brevity can be used just as well in some scenarios- but I lose interest in poorly written one liners quickly. Spelling and grammer aren’t too much of an issue for me- I make my own fair share of typos and I’m usually good at filling in the blanks or making mental corrections- but again, it can become frustrating if my partner doesn’t seem to be making an effort.
🤎 I’m relatively experienced in RPing (~5 years), but I haven't been doing "serious" roleplay on Tumblr for long (less than a year.) I’m learning as I go, and I welcome any feedback or tips, but I’m also prone to doing things my own way. This blog is for fun, after all.
💚 I’m not comfortable with NSFW RP - dirty jokes and asks about such topics that aren’t too graphic or invasive are fine, as are fade to blacks (though I ask that you ask me first before your muse makes any advances.) I’m fine with sexual headcanons and will post some (along with related memes) every now and again. All will be tagged suggestive or nsfvv depending.
🧡 Duplicates and AUs/different universes are welcomed! I think it’s to be expected, given this is my personal version of Scarecrow. Subsequently, other DC characters will be regarded as separate Earth’s (i.e. Earth-3 Riddler versus Earth-1, etc.) Additionally, while I do have Jon already with my version of Bookworm in my main verse, I am 100% willing to fudge the timeline for a different ship with our muses. Feel free to hit me up and we can discuss!
🤎 Please refrain from godmodding. I know it’s sometimes necessary to briefly take control of another’s character (in the sense of anticipating their movements, timeskips, or their being somehow unconscious), but try not to be too controlling.
🧡 Always feel free to contact me OOC. Communication is important. It may take me a while to respond, and I may forget- which goes for threads as well- but I always try to. Granted I can be a little awkward and shy, but I don’t mean to come across rude.
🤎 That being said, I don’t mind and even appreciate a reminder every now and again if I haven’t replied to a thread in a while, but please don’t pester me incessantly about it.
💚 As with any Batman rogue no matter how prone to levity, there will be dark themes- not constantly, but certainly on occasion. I’ll do my best to tag appropriately, but don’t be afraid to give me a gentle heads up in the event I overlook something. I can say upfront that needles, religious (mainly Christian) themes, demons, violence/murder, drugs, alcohol, smoking, death, past child abuse, psychological abuse, manipulation, physical/mental torture, and blood/gore will be common.
🧡 I hope this goes without saying, but Jon's thoughts and opinions are not indicative of my own. If he’s being a horrendous, cruel bastard, that doesn’t necessarily mean I hate your character, etc.
🤎 As of the present, I will not be taking any m!as unless I reblog a meme, and I might veto some of the given options for my own comfort.
💚 Though he may acknowledge time based events like birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries, Jon exists in a purposefully vague point in time because, frankly, I’m horrible at timelines. I’m always willing to do threads that take place in the past or future, or even seperate timelines, but outside of those Jon will always be 38 regardless of what time has passed.
🧡 I don’t mind if you want to torment or attack Jon- physically, mentally, etc.- but I ask that it not be an all the time thing. Angst is lovely, but it becomes draining when it’s the only thing I do.
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