#tbh she probably gets a few hours before she’s woken up by nightmares and that’s it
akuzeisms · 1 year
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  CONTINUED     ⤷ @grownpale
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Lately, it feels like they don’t get much time to do… anything, really. Everything was happening rapidly, before they could even process it; they were flying from system to system, with new war data coming in by the second, her team organizing it, her coordinating back and forth with Hackett and the rest of their allies… There was no such thing as a break for her. Even sleep was hard to come by; any time she tried, she’d find herself plagued with nightmares fueled by her own uncertainty about every decision she made.
But shore leave meant a reprieve. She was beginning to understand why Anderson had strong-armed her into taking the apartment off his hands; there was a certain atmosphere to it, one she found more relaxing than she’d expected. Maybe it was enough for her to fall asleep; maybe it wasn’t, but at least resting wouldn’t hurt.
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That kiss was enough to get her attention, though; her cheeks visibly pinkened at the gesture, the shyest of smiles crossing her features. What better way to spend it than with him? She was more than grateful to have him her. He kept her sane, kept her grounded through everything, even when things became more and more strained. “I’m just… glad you’re here.” Shaking her head, her thoughts turned momentarily somber. “If we’d left you back on Earth… god, I can’t imagine. It’s bad enough Anderson’s down there, but…” She wouldn’t have been able to think straight if he’d been left down there, too.
Heaving a sigh as she tried to push the thoughts away, she snuggled down further, tugging the sleeves of her sweater down over her hands as she tucked in against him, closing her eyes. “Just wish I wasn’t so damn tired. I should at least be allowed to have fun on shore leave. Not… sleep.”
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 38 - Hea-T Go Home
Heat helps you with a painful problem, and Kid pulls his head out of his ass
Word Count: ~3.5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055 @eyes-ofhell
A/N: uh.. had to add lactation kink to the tags cos of this one. Sorry/you're welcome?? Also don't deal with mastitis this way lmao, it's an old wives tale, some people swear by it but new research suggests other methods are safer. Probably just see a dr, tbh.
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You could see the body of Dawn's mother laying on the rocks, red pouring from her body, limbs in unnatural positions, her eyes staring straight at you, boring into your very soul, making your blood run cold. The waves lapped at her misshapen body, her blonde hair almost glowing against the dark water under the half moon. “THIEF!” she suddenly screamed up at you, making you almost fall to meet her as you lost your footing for a moment, dirt and stone falling from the tall cliff and dusting her body. “YOU TOOK MY BABY! YOU STOLE HER, YOU KILLED ME AND YOU STOLE HER! YOU'LL NEVER BE HER REAL MOTHER! BARREN WHORE, NO WONDER HE DOESN'T WANT YOU!”
Her body flickered, as though it was hologram, and suddenly you were looking down at your own body, lilac strands stained scarlet as they bobbed in the rise and fall of the ocean. “It should have been you,” you spoke, cold pink-grey eyes filled with fury, “you should have died, they're all better without you”
Heat hovered over you as your eyes opened, a strained gasp escaping you as you struggled to catch breath. He was straddling your waist, careful not to put any weight on it, your wrists held firmly against your chest by his warm hands. The skin on your chest under them stung like you'd been clawed by a feral cat, your lungs heaving with every inhale and exhale that came hard and fast. You were hyperventilating, you realised. Heat made exaggerated movements with his mouth, trying to get you to follow his breathing pattern, trying to get you to slow your rapid breaths. You focused on his perpetually sad face, his dark eyes full of concern as they stared down at you, his expression relaxing as you finally synced your breathing with his. He let go of your wrists, flopping back to lay beside you and pulling you in close to his chest as a sob wracked through you, followed by more as tears began to spill. He held you close throughout, pressing kisses into your hair and rubbing soothing strokes up your back till you found the strength to calm down.
“You're okay now, Yin,” he soothed, “I'm right here. You're safe, you're loved, you're held”
You nodded in affirmation against his chest, his skin bare but wet with your tears. Your chest was burning, not just from what you realised were self inflicted scratches, but from the sheer pressure of milk in your breasts.
“Heat, it hurts,” you whimpered. He let you fall back a little so he could examine you. Your chest was red with grazes, but you hadn't drawn blood. Your tits were another problem on their own though, the left one entirely swollen and inflamed, almost solid under the pressure. He pressed the back of his hand to your breast and pulled it away quickly.
“You're burning up,” he replied, full of worry, “fuck, hang on”
He practically leapt from the bed, taking one moment to glance at Dawn and check she was still soundly asleep, before rummaging through his shopping bags. It'd only been a few hours since he'd gotten back, you'd barely both been asleep before your pained whines had woken Heat, finding you clawing at yourself and weeping in your sleep as the nightmare plagued you.
He found a book he'd been searching for and started flicking through it as he returned to the bed, brows furrowed in concentration as his finger ran down the index page in search of a relevant term before turning to the indicated page. “I think it's mastitis,” he told you after a moment of silent reading, still scanning the page, “it says it could happen if you didn't fully drain the milk or uh bacteria from baby's mouth or stress, there's other causes but I think those are most likely. It says we should drain it to relieve the pressure but you probably need antibiotics.” He sighed and put down the book, pinching the bridge of his nose, “we're gonna have to go see Mohawk. We can't just go back to the hospital here, the sudden baby is too suspicious and you can't walk there on your own while I stay with her, you're too delicate right now. It'll have to be Mohawk”
“Maybe we just start with draining and then see how it goes?” You suggested. You didn't want to go back to the ship till at least Kid apologised, maybe you could wait it out and he'd crack before you absolutely needed to see Mohawk.
“Okay,” he said nervously, “um… it says the best way to drain is with a pump or baby, but uh..”
“We don't have a pump, and baby is asleep and not hungry,” you realised, finishing his train of thought.
“Well, we do have a pump, the store clerk told me you'd need it,” Heat explained, “but it has to be charged, and all the parts need sterilising”
“I can't wait any longer,” you whined, “it hurts so much”
Heat could see the pain all over your face, and it broke his heart. He had to help you. Was it something he desperately wanted to do anyway? Perhaps, but he wasn't going to just steal from a starving kid. But you needed it, so he was allowed, right? Anxiously, and doing his best to not seem overeager, he brought his mouth down to your breast. You let out a gasp as he took it in his mouth, groaning around it as he suckled and the first warm spurts of sweet, thin milk coated his tongue. With a hand on the back of your head, he guided you to lay flat, the hand moving to caress your other breast, just breezing over it, he didn't want any of your milk to escape unless it was for his consumption.
He felt suddenly possessive of you, making small satisfied growls as he suckled, his hips rolling against the bed almost on their own as his erection grew. His eyes had fluttered closed as he drank you, hand sliding down your front over your bandages, running over the front of your panties. He knew he couldn't enter you, but fuck did he want to. He wanted to be deep inside you, pistoning you with his throbbing cock and feeling your cunt squeeze around him while you came, all the while drinking down your warm life giving liquid. You'd made it for him, he thought greedily, only him. Killer hadn't tasted you like this, it was all for Heat. You whined as his hand ran under the waistband of your panties, touching you with every bit of care he could manage, you back arching as his tongue lathered your breast and nipple, pulling every drop of milk you had. He wondered if this feeling was why you were always so keen to swallow his cum, the lewd and arousing notion of consuming fluid made by another. No wonder he loved eating you out. Fuck, that made him wonder what other kinks he didn't realise he had.
He almost choked as a thick glob of solidified milk hit his tongue, his eyes growing wide as you let out a whine, and suddenly it was like a dam wall had broken, your milk practically gushing into his mouth now that the clogged milk duct was open, milk escaping the corner of his mouth and dribbling down his chin as he greedily suckled. He ground his cock hard against the mattress, his peak so close, but you quickly found a way to break him, running your hand through his hair and moaning “good boy”.
He came with a deep groan, mouth unlatching from your breast to take a heavy breath, face pressed to your collarbone as his hips rolled and he rode out his high. All he could manage were stuttered curses, his pants soiled and sticky with cum. You pulled his hand from your pants, it'd felt nice but the doctor had told you strictly no sexual activity, warning that the strain of an orgasm on your muscles could cause injury. Quietly he returned his mouth to your breast, draining you completely before moving to the other. It wasn't swollen like the first, but what kind of man would he be if he didn't drain it anyway, just to be sure, for the good of your health of course. You happily let him continue, laying sleepily against the pillow as he suckled, your eyes heavy with sleep thanks to your nightmare and the contented feeling of Heat's mouth lavishing your chest. At some point you drifted off, Heat still fondling and suckling from you, a far more pleasant dream taking you this time.
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Hours had past when you woke, and you sat up with a startle, on one part immediately concerned that you'd neglected Dawn, on the other confused that Heat was no longer beside you. Soft splashes of water and singing in a deep, scratchy voice caught your attention, coming from the bathroom where the light was on and the door was open. You didn't recognise the song, but you recognised Heat's voice. You'd only ever heard him sing a few times, when he was drunk enough to not care how hoarse he sounded, but it was definitely him.
You quietly slipped out of bed, taking wobbly steps to the bathroom door where a soothingly domestic scene was unfolding. Heat had some sort of pop up bucket thing setup on the bathroom counter, holding Dawn carefully in it with one hand so she wouldn't slip below the water, the other hand carefully tipping water over her hair with a cup to wash away soapy suds, the blonde tuft of hair slicking down with the water. Dawn was content trying to eat her fist, Heat's singing pausing for a moment so he could giggle at her and say “is that a tasty widdle hand?”
“You two look the picture of a family,” you said softly as you walked up behind them, wrapping your arms around Heat's waist.
“I didn't know you were awake,” he blushed, doing his best to finish washing Dawn but entirely distracted by the way you were nuzzling your cheek against his back. It was still bare, you guessed that was probably by design so he wouldn't get his shirt wet, though there was a small towel slung over his shoulder.
“Mmm, thanks for letting me sleep,” you mumbled, “does she need feeding?”
“Nah, gave her a bottle of formula,” he replied, “I hope that's okay, I was gonna ask but you looked so exhausted and the book said the mastitis was probably making you even more so. How are you feeling?”
“A little tender, but mostly okay,” you replied, “formula is fine, I never had much chance to think about it anyway, I just went straight to breastfeeding cos it's all I had”
“I got everything washed and sterilised, and the pump should be charged by the time you next feed,” he reported as he opened the towel a little and lifted Dawn to his chest, wrapping her in the soft white fabric. You let his waist go so he could move and giggled as he turned and revealed the towel was in fact hooded, with a tiny embroidered animal face and little bear ears.
“Cute!” You squeaked, absolutely overcome by how sweet Dawn looked with the little ears and her little wide eyes.
“She should be awake a little longer if you wanted to spend time with her,” Heat said as he moved back to the main bedroom where you saw now he'd laid out a padded changing pad on the dresser, nappy and clothes already set next to it, “She's been awake for a little bit. I fed her and changed her nappy, and we had some tummy time, the book said she needs a few minutes on her tummy a couple times a day, and then she did possibly the most explosive shit I've ever seen in my entire life, so we had a bath didn't we Dawn?”
“Ah, the infamous blow out,” you laughed, getting comfortable back in bed so Heat could hand her to you when he was done dressing her. You weren't supposed to lift anything, baby included, for another week or so. “Thanks for dealing with it, baby”
Heat blushed almost neon pink at the pet name, quickly finishing dressing Dawn and bringing her over to you. He was still pink as you took her, and you squinted playfully at him. “You okay babe?”
“Yup! I'm great!” He quickly replied, fleeing to the bathroom before the pink on his face could spread any further. You heard water draining as he emptied the little collapsible baby bath, and you realised from where you were that you could see his reflection in the mirror. You couldn't help but smile fondly at the goofy grin he had on his face, before his eyes flicked up to the mirror and met with yours. You stayed like that for a moment, just staring at each other, and it made you feel warm. You could feel his love, even from there, even through a reflection, and it made your smile grow even wider, his own grin reflecting yours.
A knock at the door ruined the moment, Heat's head perking up and looking at the door suspiciously as he approached it.
“Heat, I know you're in there, open up,” a gruff, frustrated voice came from the other side. Heat looked at you with a scowl, the sour expression not for you but for the man on the other side of the door. “I'm not here to fight, I just wanna talk” the voice continued.
“Unless you're here to apologise, you can get fucked,” Heat spat back. The uncharacteristic reply caught you off guard.
There was a heavy sigh from the other side, and a small thunk like a forehead was being rested against the door. “I am,” the voice replied, “I fucked up, please let me in. I can't just sail out of here without you, you're family, both of you. All of you, I mean”
Heat let out a sigh of his own and looked to you for confirmation. You gave him a short nod and readjusted your hold on Dawn, making sure she was held firmly in case the temper of your visitor changed. He threw on a shirt, and there was a click as Heat unlocked the door, opening it slowly to reveal Kid, his head hung in shame as he looked back at the firebreather.
“Package deal, Kid,” Heat reminded him as he stepped aside for the captain to enter, “her and the baby come with us, or I don't come back at all”
“I know,” Kid replied softly, “please come back. I know I said some fucked up shit, but I was just angry, I didn't mean it. I'm- I'm sorry Yin. I failed you as a captain. It's my job to keep you safe, nobody should be hurting you, not even the first mate, certainly not yourself. I should have been there too. I know I'm not your boyfriend or whatever but I'm your captain and your friend and I should have been there to support you when you were hurting. If you want this baby, I'm not gonna fight you on it. I know it's… I know it's not his but she's still yours so I'm still gonna treat her like any uncle should. If you can forgive me, and come home. The ship doesn't feel right without you guys”
You stared blankly at him for a moment. You hadn't honestly expected him to apologise, you were prepared to leave the ship for good. He had his soft side, you knew that, but he was also stubborn and arrogant and pig headed. It shook you a little, to hear him be so genuine and forlorn.
“And… Killer?” You asked hesitantly.
“He wants you back, needs you back,” Kid sighed, “but he knows it's not gonna happen overnight. He knows he fucked up, he's doing what he can right now to make things right for when, if you come home”
“He pulled his head out of his ass then?” Heat tsk'd.
“I think you did a pretty good job of pulling it out for him,” Kid replied, “he told me what you said. It was all true, and he needed to hear it”
“You talked to him?” You asked Heat.
“More like chewed him out,” Heat sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you, “I bumped into him when I went for your mask”
“I know it means fuck all coming from me, Yin,” Kid continued, “but he's sorry, he really is. He probably would have come here with me but he's busy moving all his shit to your old room so you and the baby can have his”
Now that surprised you. “He's… giving me his room?” You asked, confused as to why he would do that.
“You can't fit a cot in that shoe closet,” Kid shrugged, “he said he's gonna keep good on his promise to turn that cupboard in the nav room to a nursery but for now you need the space his room offers. Wire already picked up a crib and he and Double are putting it together. We're just waiting for you three to come home. Mohawk managed to snag an eternal pose to the next island, so we can raise anchor whenever we want, but we didn't want to leave without you all”
It touched your heart to hear they could have already sailed away, but had chosen to stay. That in itself spoke volumes about the situation when you knew Kid was always eager to move along. Every day wasted was just another delay on his plans, and he was a highly impatient man.
Kid stood quietly while you thought about it, awkwardly shifting his weight between his feet. Heat looked at you discerningly, waiting to hear your decision. He would follow you to the end of the earth, he knew that now, so whatever you wanted would be what he went with, even if it meant abandoning the men he'd known as family for the last decade and a half. He'd leave them, for you, such was his love. His eyes widened hopefully though as you took his hand.
“Let's go home,” you smiled softly. He smiled and nodded back, relief washing over him. Kid let out a heavy, relieved breath.
“Thank fucking god, I thought I was gonna have to knock you both out and drag you back to the ship,” he admitted.
“You know you're no match for me,” you tutted. Heat was already up, packing all your things. He looked at the pile, then at you, then he forcibly pulled Kid's metal arm away from his body and started threading shopping back handles over it.
“Oi!” He protested.
“You want us home or not?” Heat scowled, continuing to pile bags up on Kid's arms, “she can't walk that far, she's still recovering from surgery. One of has to carry her, and it ain't gonna be you, you're not gentle enough”
Kid huffed indignantly but stopped his protesting, letting Heat load him up with bags till his arms were at capacity and he had to hold the last few against his chest. Heat really had bought a lot of baby shit.
He did one last check of the room before helping you into some loose pants, sticking your mask on your head and picking you up bridal style, Dawn held securely in your arms. Kid stared awkwardly at Dawn as Heat approached, seeing her in daylight for the first time, her blonde hair now dry and fluffy, her blue eyes wide and alert.
“Why does she look like him?” He asked, almost too quietly to hear, but you heard, and your face turned to anger.
“Do not say that again,” you growled, “she is not his”
“S-sorry,” he stuttered, using his devil fruit to unlatch the door and opening it with his foot so Heat could carry you past. He followed behind you, staring at Heat's back, his mind swimming and busy but at least a little lighter with the promise of bringing you all home.
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Killer was on deck as you all returned, watching silently from the sidelines as Heat carried you to his your room, followed by Kid carrying mountains of bags. Just another way he felt he'd failed you, Heat had even had to provide for your baby, that should have been Killer's job. He sighed as he sunk back underdeck, returning to his room, still decorated in purples and yellows as you'd left it, and collapsing onto the dusty, long unused mattress with a heavy sigh.
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revswanson · 3 years
I always wished that Uncle had gotten a more peaceful and somewhat happy ending so here it is, in a perfect world, in an alternate universe, whatever you want to call it. I belted this one out at 1 am and definitely did it through tears so take it as it is or not at all, tbh.
"Old man," The gentle hand on his shoulder woke him up. "You going to sleep here tonight, or?" He'd fallen asleep in his chair by the fire. It must have been midnight or later judging by the sky and the sleep in Abigail's eyes. She usually went to bed earlier than this- she must have stayed up knitting and came to check on him.
He stood up and fought back a lament about how much his back was hurting: it always started to ache badly as the sun set. Made it tough to sleep. Finding trouble sleeping wouldn't be an issue tonight, Uncle thought. He was feeling sleepy already when he sat by the fire and sung some songs with Jack and Abi but he hadn't realized how tired he was until the warmth and the crackle lulled him.
John was standing on the porch finishing up a cigarette when Uncle started to make his way inside. "Sleep well, you old bastard," he said, with his classic smile.
"You too," Uncle chuckled, "You know, you're getting old too. If I keeled over right now I'm not so sure you could keep this farm running without me."
Abigail came and stood by John and placed her arm around him and laughed breathily. "I don't know what we'd do without you." She sounded only slightly sarcastic and so was Uncle's reply.
"Probably die yourselves."
Passing through the door and the hallway, he could see into Jack's room with the door slightly ajar. Sometimes the boy liked to sleep with the door open as he had nightmares and it made it easier for them to check in on him. Tonight, it appeared, he wasn't asleep yet.
"Goodnight, Jackie boy," Uncle grunted. "You better get some sleep. You've got big shoes to fill, John keeps buying shoes a few sizes too big and your momma's gonna kill him for keeping you up so late letting you read those stories."
Jack was reading a book in the dim light and Uncle could just imagine his mother nagging about him hurting his eyes and his father nagging about him ruining his brain with stories. On that note, he decided to head to bed faster before he could witness it.
"G'night, Uncle," Jack looked up at him with the same sleep in his eyes that his mother had. They're too alike. Uncle knew the boy would stay up at least two hours more reading that dang book which he has certainly read many times already. "Maybe tomorrow you can finally tell me about your days as the One Shot Kid."
Uncle had to laugh at that one. "Maybe I won't, Jack, that story will definitely rot your brain." He stepped away and walked slowly to his room in the attic, admiring the home that he called his now and for the last couple of years. It was a shitshow and everything else terrible but he loved it.
As he laid in his bed, he thought about all of the times that he had no bed to lie in. He thought about all of the times that he hadn't eaten in days and he fell asleep to the sound of his stomach rumbling, trains passing, and men fighting. He thought about the times he was woken from sleep in the dark of night or the earliest of mornings to screaming, to blood, to unimaginable violence and pain that he was so, so incredibly glad to be away from now. Instead of crying for the past, Uncle smiled as he fell into sleep. He had a home now, a family. A bed, food. He had everything he had needed in life and more. Arthur and many others died to give him this and he was very grateful.
He woke once more as the sun began to gently shine through the windows and he smiled again sleepily, thinking of his loved ones also sleeping in the house below him. He watched a light beam roll across his raggedy rope on the wall as he thought that John would be waking soon to tend to the animals and Abigail to begin her cleaning and cooking. He fell back into sleep imagining what kind of stew she'd make today, and what kind of insults John would lovingly throw his way.
He dreamed of the plains and wild horses, he dreamed of his parents, he dreamed of Arthur kicking him awake with a laugh, he dreamed of singing a song with his old friends late at night by a warm fire, and then he dreamed of nothing.
He did not wake again. John found him after Abigail started to wonder about him- usually he got up and around about noon or so and it was getting past that. "Get up, Uncle. It's time to do some work-"
John's eyes focused on Uncle's unmoving chest and the peaceful look on his face. The slight smile. His eyes were still closed- it could not have been very long ago. He sighed. He sat on the bed next to his Uncle and he began to cry. "I'm so sorry." It was all he could say.
He sat there for a long time before he started down the ladder to the kitchen where Abigail was standing with a worried look on her face and Jack was entering with a confused look. "What is it, Pa?"
John shook his head. Abigail silently walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and… and then she laughed. "He did say we'd bury him here." Jack quickly looked at John with tears in his eyes.
"Uncle is dead, Pa? When? Why?" he started to walk towards the kitchen like he wanted to go up the ladder towards the attic. John gently stopped him and pulled him into a hug and held him with the love only a father can.
"He's gone, son, and I don't want you to see him yet." John had stopped crying before he came down to them but now he felt more tears dripping down his face. "I've got to get him down here and get him ready to be buried. We'll have a hell of a time breaking soil to get him buried in this weather but we have to get it done."
Jack let out a horrible noise and sobbed into John's chest and in that moment a million words were said. John remembered finding Jack tickling Uncle's nose with a feather while he slept. He remembered reprimanding Uncle for asking Jack to get him some booze. He remembered finding Jack and Uncle both asleep at separate ends of the living room couch, and he remembered wondering how they could possibly fall asleep in such uncomfortable positions. He knew that he needed to be strong in this moment for his son.
Abigail came and stood by him and asked him what she could do to help. "Grab me a shovel and find me a couple of pieces of scrap wood for his marker, sweetheart. Jack, stay here for now, we'll come get you in a while. I want to put him under one of the trees he liked to sleep under."
"You big softie," Abigail chuckled through tears. She left to do what she needed to do and so did John. He walked up the ladder again and he laid eyes on Uncle again. Life and death and everything in between happens so incredibly fast, and John couldn't help but find anger in his heart at all of it. But, he shook away the negativity as he looked again at his beloved friend. He found joy in the fact that Uncle had died here in the safety of a house rather than in many of the places he once could have. He found joy in the fact that he could be and do that for him.
He struggled to do so, physically and so very much emotionally, but he carried him down through the kitchen and the back door and met Abigail up the hill near a large tree. She was crying but she always looked so beautiful and he spoke a silent thank you to the late Uncle for bringing her into his life. For reminding him constantly to be good to his wife. For helping him rebuild his life and bring her back into it.
He laid Uncle down on the ground and began to dig. His body racked with sobs with every motion and Abigail stood and watched and said a few things about how she met Uncle in the worst time of her life and she could never repay him for what he did for her. He agreed, and he agreed, and he agreed, and he dug, and he dug, and he dug. And finally the hole was deep enough, and the hole in his heart was greater. He had lost so much. He knew Uncle had too, and he again found joy in the fact that Uncle was finally free from that pain. All of the pain.
He had gotten to die at home like every old man deserves. Humbly, at peace, in a mostly warm bed in a mostly clean and happy house with a… somewhat normal family. "I'll go get Jack now. I'm afraid I'll need his help lowering him down there gently. I want him to be able to say something as well, and he needs to see this part of life, Abigail."
"Go," she turned her head and looked to the sky. When they returned, she had picked some wildflowers from nearby and was tucking them into Uncle's shirt pockets.
Jack looked upon Uncle and wiped his face and tried to look brave. He had seen dead people before despite his parents every efforts to keep him from seeing it, but Uncle looked different. There was no blood. He did not look afraid. He looked happy and like he was sleeping. "Did Uncle die while he was sleeping, Pa? Why didn't he wake up and tell us he was sick?"
"That just isn't how it works, son," John said and held his boy. "I'm sorry you have to see him like this."
"I'm not. He looks happy."
They all stood there under the sun which was now just beginning to set. They stood there for longer than John had sat by Uncle's side, they stood for long enough that the sun nearly left the sky completely. They talked about all of their memories with Uncle, the good and the bad, too. "Help me lower him down, boy," John's face hurt from crying and Jack came and stood by Uncle and looked at his father for more instruction.
"Just… Just grab his feet and I'll carry most of his weight. He's heavy, son, and I'm not making a mean joke. This is the truth of life and death."
"I know, Pa, I understand. I've got him." They lowered Uncle into the cold ground and they began to cover his body with the earth. John almost wished he had chose to give him some kind of warrior's send-off, with fire and a ceremony and everything: Uncle had been a fighter. He fought hard. And John was so sorry that he hadn't given him more credit.
"Goodbye, Uncle. We love you." Abigail's body moved violently with sobs, no tears came at this point but the sobbing did not stop. She walked into the house. John and Jack stood there for a few moments more and then John sent his son inside too.
He set up the marker for Uncle. A simple cross with simple engravings. For a simple man. One of the simplest and one of the best. He would never forget him until the day he died himself. He cried and he cried and he sat by his Uncle's grave until he fell asleep.
A rush of wind came and John felt a tickle on his ear, like a feather. It woke him up. He thought he heard Uncle's laugh in the wind, which smelled slightly of booze.
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pikachu78109 · 5 years
If your galar headcanons are still open, may I ask how the gym leaders and Leon would react if their s/o woke them late at night to ask if they could sleep with them after having a nightmare?
Thanks for the question!
-Milo is a pretty light sleeper and he feels himself being woken up by you, he suddenly gets the feeling that something is wrong. When you tell him that you had a nightmare, Milo would make some extra room in his bed for you to crawl in. He’ll turn on his lamp and cuddle you, while quietly saying that everything is going to be alright and that he’ll be here to protect you! At times, Milo will get up and make some nighttime tea to soothe your nerves and would bring Wooloo and his Eldegoss to help comfort you. He’s all about comfort and, tbh, Milo is pretty good at it whenever you are having a bad dream.
-Nessa would wake with a jolt and suddenly sees you in tears, saying that you had a bad dream. Nessa would hardly go back to sleep after hearing that and would turn on the light immediately. She would spend a good couple of hours talking to you, asking questions, and comfort you until you’ve calmed down. Nessa would gently stroke your hair, kiss your forehead, and reassure you that your bad dream was just dream. She’ll stay up for as long as you need, because she wants to make sure that you’re taken care of first.
-Allister would stay up a bit later than most kids his age, so when you enter his room and say that you have dealt with a bad dream, Allister doesn’t hesitate to let you in. He would gather all the pillows and blankets that he could find and make a makeshift fort for the two of you to burrow yourselves in. Knowing that you had a bad dream, Allister wouldn’t read any scary stories because that wouldn’t do you any good. Instead, he would ask for the details and try to help by interpreting what your nightmare might mean. That is to say, Allister would reassure you that your nightmare wouldn’t last and that whatever happens, he’ll be there to help you.
-Normally, you wouldn’t wake Bea up because of your nightmares, but this particular one really has you upset. After waking Bea, she‘ll be annoyed at first, but after you explain your nightmare to her, Bea begins to understand. She’ll make room on her bed to let you crawl in beside her and both of you would stay up for awhile talking. Bea doesn’t mind stay up for a few hours and wants to hear your worries. There will be points where Bea will try to encourage you to go back to sleep, but she’ll reassure you that she’ll stay close to you in case if you have another nightmare again.
-Bede will wake with a jolt if you shake him lightly. At first, Bede is disgruntled, but then notices your tears. He’ll ask what is wrong and you tell him your nightmare. You would ask, through your sobbing, if you could sleep with Bede for the night. Bede will make room and will share his blanket with you, making sure you are comfortable. Bede will cuddle close to you and will gently stroke your hand while whispering to you, saying that you’ll be okay and that he’s here. His whispering soothes you and, eventually, both of you will start to fall back to sleep.
-Oddly enough, Piers doesn’t sleep until later in the evening, probably at around two or three in the morning. He’s a creature of the dark and would spend his nights writing a new song. While he does, you come into his room and timidly ask him if you sleep in his room for the night. Piers will be confused but allows it. Having a younger sibling, Piers can tell that you had a nightmare and that the bad dream shook you up terribly. Piers will pause what he is doing to lie down beside you and will comfort you by singing a sweet lullaby that he used to sing for Marnie when she was much younger. Though his voice is more for rock and metal music, he can still sing nicely and it would put your mind at ease.
-As a mother, Melony has dealt with her kids having nightmares before. So, knowing that you had a nightmare and came into her room in tears, Melony immediately goes into mama mode. She’ll make room on her bed and tell you to sleep beside her. Thanks to cuddly body, she hugs you tight and peppers your face with warm kisses. She’ll put you at ease by either telling a funny story or sing a lullaby that she would sing to her kids when they were a lot younger. Melony would do this because it calms her children, so by doing the same thing to you, it helps to ward off your nightmares.
-Usually Gordie isn’t the type who know how to deal with someone’s nightmares as well as his mother. Still, the man tries. After you told him about your nightmare, Gordie would stay up, make a pot of coffee, and gather some blankets so that the two of you can talk. Despite coffee being a poor choice, it does its job by having both of you up and discussing your bad dream. That said, you two will get little sleep because of the caffine, but Gordie doesn’t mind. He wants to hear you out and will stay up no matter how tired he gets.
-By waking him up and explaining about your nightmare, Raihan is quick to pull you into his bed and getting you underneath his covers. He’ll grab his Rotom Phone and pull up some funny videos the two of you can watch, as a distraction from your nightmare. Afterwards, if the videos didn’t help, then well, Raihan would make love to you. Raihan thinks that by doing so can help take your mind off of your nightmare, plus he can put your mind at ease by making you feel good.
-Like with Piers, Leon has dealt with his youngest sibling having a nightmare, so he knows how to handle yours. He’ll make something warm to drink, whether that be hot chocolate or warm sweet milk to soothe your mind. After that, he’ll pull you into bed with him and cuddle you by stroking your hair and giving you kisses here and there. He can be a very cuddly like a Wooloo and will always be the go to person in case you ever have another nightmare again.
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masonscig · 4 years
otp tag
mason x detective sofía olmos
i was tagged by both @masonsfreckles and @havennly ! thank you so much !
not tagging anyone but if you wanna do this, take this as a sign!
[putting it under the cut bc it’s long and there’s some nsfw content lmao. also some of this is subject to change bc i’m still fleshing them out !]
who is more likely to raise their voice?
oh definitely mason bc he gets annoyed at everything, including if sofía is being too sympathetic (i mean look at the end of book 2 lmao he literally rolls his eyes at her if she says him being in the hospital bed is her fault)
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
sofía definitely lmao because she thinks it might get him to commit and it does not !
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
neither. they need each other too much
who trashes the house?
mason. sofía is a bit of a neat freak with her apartment (not her work space)
do either of them get physical?
oh no - he’d take a bullet for her (tho he won’t admit it). he’d never do that
how often do they argue/disagree?
usually petty disagreements at the beginning bc they’re learning more about each other - over time they share looks of knowing and instantly understand each other.
who is the first to apologize?
sofía to a fault
who is on top? who is on bottom?
mason but it starts switching as sofía gains more sexual confidence
any kinks?
i love how this early on in the ask game it just jumps into the horny shit LMAO with that being said, yes :) KSDFJKSDKJF nothing like too crazy but stuff like hair pulling, choking, dirty talk, edging, blindfolds, basic bondage, spanking, praising.. that type of stuff lmao
who has the strangest desires?
honestly sofía. mason’s tried essentially everything he’s ever wanted to try, so he knows what he likes. and sofía hasn’t had the most ~daring~ partners lmao so she asks things she thinks is very crazy and strange (for her) and mason is like “....ok sure” SDJKFKJSDJFK
who’s dominant in bed?
mason. tho he does enjoy being dominated as well 
is head ever in the equation?
*see book 2* LMAO but fr i wouldn’t say it’s like worshipping but yea it happens often <3
if so, who is better at performing it?
mason at first, since he’s way more experienced and sofía is a bit more timid, but over time she wins !
ever had sex in public?
yes even though pre-ub meeting she would’ve literally never dreamed of doing it out of embarrassment, but he brings her out of her shell sexually. again, *see book 2* LMAO
who moans the most?
i’d honestly hc mason as being more vocal at first bc he’s a heavy talker in bed, but since like i said, he brings her out of her shell, she quickly matches him. so ig equal later on in the relationship !
who leaves the most marks?
long lasting marks? definitely mason. seeing marks on her after they hook up and she’s desperately trying to hide it with her hair, a scarf, makeup, etc, excites the hell out of him. but in terms of short term? definitely sofía. but they heal quick
who is the more experienced of the two?
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
they definitely fuck, but poor sofía is secretly hoping it’ll turn into a more intimate session. bc as of book 2 she’s taking any of his even remotely gentle actions as a sign LMAO poor baby
how long do they usually last?
depends on how long they’ve been away from each other. either it’s frantic and rough and quick or it’s longer and passionate and prolonged.
rough or soft?
rough - she doesn’t mind that though because she’s never really had it that way. i can’t imagine bobby was skilled at sex if he was that bad at kissing LMAO. and before that it was clumsy teenage sex so she’s just glad to be doing something that she gets actual pleasure from LMAO
is protection used?
even though sofía is strict asf about wearing protection she kind of threw that out the window when she started hooking up w a vampire LMAO [me saying lmao like 6 times under the sex portion of this bc i feel like i’m being too horny on main and am weird ab it KJSDFJKSDFJK]
does it ever get boring?
maybe for mason if he thinks its too vanilla but he’d be very vocal ab being bored if it ever happened
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
not necessarily a place together, but i have absolutely no doubt that mason’s called her in the middle of something important and tried having phone sex with her and she’s flustered as fuck trying to keep it together and he’s just... talking to her like he does and getting her all worked up. since he absolutely livesssss to fluster her !
i have no doubt that they fucked while she was supposed to be patrolling LMFAO. probably more than once to be honest. more than twice. idk let’s just say that she def looks forward to patrolling with ub more than she used to
do they plan on having children/or have children?
hell no
if so, how many children do they want/have?
who likes to cuddle?
sofía does and it takes him a longggg time to warm up to it
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
mason of course LMAO dirty talk in the ear here, an ass grab there. ya know. that kind of stuff KJSFKKJFD
who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
mason again ! sofía is definitely curvaceous in the ass area [yes she has a fat ass and she deserves it] and he Does Not want to keep his hands off of her.
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
sofía is hot natured and it bugs the shit out of mason so he would grumble and move away... if he stayed :/
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
stargazing! tbh i hc mason as lowkey really enjoying astronomy bc space is so quiet and calm and dark LMAO his ideal place <3 SDKJFKSJD
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
he doesn’t really prefer cuddling but if so, definitely after sex before the afterglow wears off
who snores?
sofía snores VERY softly and it annoys the shit out of mason but then after a while he can’t sleep without it bc she’s like his own personal noise box
if both do, who snores the loudest?
just sofía snores !
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
share a bed (reluctantly at first)
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
so they always cozy up with each other at first, but since mason doesn’t need that much sleep in the first place he moves away when he’s uncomfortable/wakes up
what do they wear to bed?
sofía usually wears a tank top, free boobs it, and wears patterned pajama shorts that she’s had for years (mason always hates the pattern of the shorts bc he thinks they’re hideous, but he loves the way they hug her hips and ass). he’s usually shirtless, which is definitely weird since his senses get really overwhelmed. but the feeling of being pressed up against her and hearing her heartbeat blocks out any of his discomfort.
are either of them insomniacs?
sofía is a horrible insomniac. she’s usually up early and goes to bed late. she’s convinced she can run on a couple hours of sleep and coffee, but usually crashes on her days off and sleeps for like 12+ hours.
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
not to be h*rny but i mean usually if she can’t sleep he wears her out LMAO
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
usually she wraps her arms around him and he drapes his arms around her.
who wakes up with bed hair?
both of them LMAO
who wakes up first?
mason. he’s usually gone first, too.
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
mason would never, but sofía definitely does it for him depending on if he’s injured or angry at her
what is their favourite sleeping position?
she loves being the big spoon sometimes but mason much prefers being pressed up against her back, so she’s usually the little spoon. normally after he leaves, she sleeps on her stomach.
do they set an alarm each night?
she sets an alarm for herself but it’s purely a vibrating alarm because she’s scared she’s gonna hurt mason’s ears.
who has nightmares?
sofía. definitely. she hid it at first but started opening up to him about it and now without a word, he can tell what she’s seen, so he wordlessly comforts her.
can a television be found in their bedroom?
nope ! sofía is weird about always feeling productive and having her tv in her room makes her feel like she’s wasting the day away (even if she rots on the couch all weekend)
who has ridiculous dreams?
also sofía. mason doesn’t dream much in general, but she has the most wild dreams that are always completely out of left field. sometimes he’s in them and he can tell with the way she looks at him the following morning what type of dream it was KSDJFKJDFK
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
hmm, i’d have to say sofía again. she’s not a wild sleeper, but she does tend to lift her leg and tuck her arm under her head when she’s not cuddling him.
who makes the bed?
mason never makes the bed LMAO and she’s a neat freak
what time is bed time?
they’re both night owls, but just whenever she passes out from exhaustion mainly
any routines/rituals before bed?
sofía has a whole skincare routine since she wears makeup daily. 
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
mason’s always grumpy, but sofía never wakes up angry unless she was woken up when she thought she’d have more time to sleep 
who is the busiest?
both are pretty busy all the time, a fact that annoys the hell out of both
who rakes in the highest income?
um well mason doesn’t ever want for anything bc the agency provides them with everything. i mean cigs are expensive as hell so idk ??? i’m assuming he makes more than her.
are any of them unemployed?
nope !
who takes the most sick days?
mason. usually only if he knows he can get away with it bc he wouldnt wanna deal with griping
what are their jobs?
human liaison / detective and an agent
who sucks up to their boss?
sofía KSDFJSJKDF she sucks up to the captain
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
sofía may be a hard worker but she’s usually a few minutes late since she has to look good
who stresses the most?
sofía ofc lmao she can get pretty high strung over certain situations!
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
mason (confirmed by mishka) doesn’t have aspirations past being on ub, so i think he’s fine where he is and he’s putting his talents to use. i think sofía didn’t care much for her job at all, but she was hoping being a detective was going to be a change. she was pretty aimless until unit bravo showed up, so i think she’s happy with her job now.
are they financially stable?
definitely! sofía paid off her student loans pretty diligently since wayhaven is a cheap place to live (i’m assuming) 
who does the washing?
sofía bc like i said she’s a neat freak
who takes out the trash?
mason bc he ‘hates hearing her whine’ but he’s being nice
who does the ironing?
sofía bc she’s always looking nice and fresh and mason is wearing casual clothes that are prob wrinkled as hell
who does the cooking?
sofía ! she’s an enthusiastic cook but she’s still learning. she messes up a lot but she loves trying new recipes
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
mason would purposefully burn down the house. arsonist vibes
who is messier?
mason. a lot less possessions but somehow cares less about where they are in the house.
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
neither? ig?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
mason bc he just strips and throws his shit everywhere
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
probably both.
who answers the telephone?
sofía ! she’s way more professional
who mows the lawn?
god could mason even handle the sound of a lawn mower? i’m assuming they’d live somewhere remote and not that grassy to avoid that LMAO
who does the vacuuming?
sofía ! neat freak 
who does the groceries?
sofía again ! she’s very much an adult who does shit on her own and doesn’t really need mason’s help SDJKDFJ plus she likes feeling productive and running errands !
who takes the longest to shower?
sofía again – mason showers but i mean.... it’s painful when it happens so. sofía is one of those people that shaves her entire body methodically, exfoliates, all of that shit
is money a problem?
no because mason isn’t a huge spender but sofía does like to splurge sometimes. but it’s never enough to like wear their pockets thin. they live comfortably !
how many cars do they own?
probably 2! mason really just needs his for the cover since.... he can ya know.... just run everywhere LMAO
what’s their song?
well mason hates music LMAO but
do they live in the city or in the country?
country. mason couldn’t handle it! close though that sofía could still visit the city and get her fill, but far away enough that mason is content.
do they own their home or do they rent?
hmm in wayhaven definitely an apartment at first ! idk if mason’s huge on homeowning. i mean does he rly care? if its dark and quiet he’s happy
do they enjoy their surroundings?
sofía felt stuck and purposeless till mason showed up. she likes it a lot more now, but mason is still reluctant. they both tolerate it for each other, though.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
mason is protective as hell so he’s worrying ab her even if he doesn’t wanna admit it. and sofía is just worrying if he’s actually thinking about her or not. and she’s missing him of course. but also i think that overall mason could kind of go about his life but sofía couldn’t if they were away you know? she’d be reminded of him constantly but he could hold himself together.
where did they first meet?
at her office !
who spends the most money when out shopping?
def sofía.
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
hmm if this is an innuendo, mason. if this is just being flashy, def sofía. she’s got a couple expensive items she wears on the regular.
any mental issues?
sofía is generally pretty anxious and a huge empath so she can fall into depressive episodes quite easily. and she’s definitely traumatized from murphy
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
mason definitely laughs at sofía when she falls KSJDFKSDJKF
who’s terrified of bugs?
sofía’s scared, not terrified ! she would rather save a bigger bug like a spider instead of killing them
who kills the spiders around the house?
mason. he begrudgingly stomps on them if sofía chickens out of saving it. BUT after the first couple times, he just sighs and gathers it in his hands before letting it go outside.
do they have any fears for their future?
sofía is afraid of mason finding a replacement for her since she’s terirified he doesn’t care about her the same way she does as him. she’s scared she’ll get stuck in a rut again. she’s scared she’ll come face to face with murphy again. she’s scared of coming across another supernatural like murphy. she’s scared of a LOT of things. mason, however, is more nervous about protecting her.
their favourite place?
rooftops, cliffsides, anywhere they can stargaze away from the sounds of the town. and mason’s bedroom bc he has a lot more ~things~ to offer there LMAO
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
sofía would, but she’d never actually do it bc she knows mason wouldn’t like it
who pays the bills?
hmm both of them? not sure
who’s the tallest?
mason ! sofía is ab 5′2 / 5′3 give or take
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
mason definitely. and he’s done it before and he’ll do it over and over LMAO
who wanders around in their underwear?
definitely sofía. she doesn’t have to try hard to get his attn but she reserves a few lace thongs JUST for that occasion
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
sofía and mason hates it LMAO he prefers when she just hums along. it’s wayyyy more soothing
what do they tease each other about?
mason teases sofía about blushing so much and she teases him about his smoking habit
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
sofía at mason, definitely KSDFKJSDKJF she sees his henley with the neckline stretched out, wrinkled, with some cigarette burns and she just. gets so mad KJSDFJKSDJKF she’s so stylish compared to him
who crushed first?
sofía definitely had a crush first, but mason was physically attracted to her first
any alcohol or substance related problems?
nope ! sofía enjoys alcohol but nothing extreme.
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
sofía, definitely LMAO she has a little bit of a party girl in her that doesn’t come out that often but when it does....
who swears the most?
mason, usually. but when sofía’s upset, she has the mouth of a sailorrrrr
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faegrifted · 5 years
( if you’re still doing the ship thing? for con & kenzi ?)
Send a ship & I will answer…. for @rcprobate
Who is a night owl: Kenzi cause of insomnia. Given what Connor is though I’m willing to bet he has a few things to try to help her with that and probably does his best to make sure she gets a healthy amount of sleep. Whether or not he knows just being there helps a lot is anyone’s guess.
Who is a morning person: Still Kenzi if you count being up regularly till 3AM and sometimes later (help her omg). If it doesn’t definitely Connor. Man’s annoyingly good at getting up in the morning despite Kenzi’s valiant attempts to get him to stay and play hooky with her in bed for a few more hours. Besides, on the days where Kenzi is somehow up before Connor, it’s no guarantee that she’s actually awake. She’ll maybe stumble around in this pseudo-zombie mode where she mutters to herself, runs into shit, and knocks stuff over till Connor’s like “Kenzi just sit down. I’ll make the coffee.” 
Are they cuddlers: I think it’ll take a bit to get them there but once they are boy howdy. Connor is too much of a sweet lad to not be a cuddler and Kenzi is too touch-starved and smitten to not pounce on Connor once they reach that level. We’re talking about hair petting, legs tangling, skin tracing with fingertips, and hand holding. They do it all and go hardcore. They’re so gross.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Size wise you’d probably assume Connor holds the big spoon title. However, you’d be wrong. I think I’ve said it before that Kenzi does have a big love for jetpacking her taller partners and may just have a thing for holding Connor in her arms. She has a thing for being able to start and end the day by pressing kisses to his shoulders and neck and all the little marks there. She likes feeling like she can do something to make Connor feel safe, warm, appreciated, and loved cause… he is and she’s not always the best at wording that. This is one of the ways she shows him. And Connor? He seems quite content with it. It’s not exactly rare they switch though.
What is their favorite sleeping position: Well aside from Kenzi spooning against his back or vice versa Kenzi enjoys falling asleep against Connor’s chest. His heartbeat is soothing and she likes being able to trace her fingertips over his mastectomy scar while Connor likes being able to hold her and play with her hair. But honestly so long as they’re close and comfortable neither complain.
Who steals all the blankets: Probably Connor. Kenzi runs hot and tends to act like a little space heater in bed, so while I wouldn’t say he steals them it’s a thing that they tend to wake up with most of the blankets jumbled around Connor in the morning cause Kenzi probably pushed them off herself.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: I’m not saying Kenzi is against seeing Connor wearing her stuff but it doesn’t exactly fit. His body or his style. However, she is a certified shirt thief and has definitely made a habit of donning any number of Connor’s shirts and not much else in the morning. 1. He enjoys it. 2. Sometimes he enjoys it enough he forgets what time he’s actually supposed to be at work.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Both. They’ve both been through some shit. The nightmares tend to happen less when they’re together though and when they do they’re easier to get through with the other there.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: If it’s ever happened I guarantee it was Kenzi and she probably spent the next week apologizing to him for it uwu.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: It depends really. In public probably Kenzi. Touch-starved remember? I mean she could help herself. But she doesn’t. She likes holding his hand when they walk. She loves smoothing his hair back into place, especially when she’s the one who just messed it up. She enjoys watching his face flash fry when she slips her hands into his back pockets to pull him close to whisper something sweet or filthy or just for the joy of stealing one more kiss from him. In private it’s most definitely Connor who while not entirely against PDA is the shyer of the two and definitely more private about intimacy. But once they’re behind closed doors or at least only around friends oh boy.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Kenzi for sure. She’s always taking cute selfies of them and while Connor has a ton saved to his phone including a few candid ones he’s taken of Kenzi himself he’s still the more private of the two and those pictures are just for him.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: They both do. It’s kind of their thing. Little love notes. Event reminders. Special dates. Little hearts, X’s & O’s.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Kenzi. It’s not a part of her love language but I could see Kenzi one in a while buying Connor any number of things that catch her eye that she thinks Connor would enjoy or be interested in. She once got him a crystal set to see if it’d amplify his magic. However, they both tend to get each other gifs that have a lot of thought and significance to them.
Who initiated the first kiss: Definitely Kenzi. Their first kiss happened when this whole thing first started and Connor was trying to explain all the reasons why it wouldn’t work and how problematic it’d be just due to his alignment with the Dark, how he might not have time for her always because of work, how there’s definitely someone better for her out there. She kissed him to shut him up, she kissed him because she wanted to, and because she didn’t want him analyzing things.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Connor. Because he usually wakes up first. And cause he’s a sweetheart who doesn’t mind that she growls about being woken up at a decent time. Or complains that she has morning breathe and shouldn’t. And how that never stops her from stealing another.
Who starts tickle fights: Connor. The day he realized how ticklish Kenzi actually was was a day of war for these two and Kenzi found out how ruthless Connor can actually be.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Definitely Connor. Cause 1. polite boy 2. He knows the words “May I?” before he does literally anything does wondrous things to Kenzi.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Kenzi. Because she likes to see him and because Connor does have a tendency to overwork himself to the point that some days if she doesn’t he’ll skip eating entirely and that’s a NO.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: I think they both were tbh. That making things official and going on a real date together turned them both into silly morons despite that up until then they’d been doing similar things as friends with no problem. Luckily those nerves only lasted maybe the first 40 minutes of the date and they both realized nothing had really changed. That they both were still comfortable around one another, the easiness was still there if they let it, and that they still liked hanging out. Just now there was the bonus of being able to touch each other the way they’d been thinking about for a while now.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Connor handles all the spiders via the catch and release policy because even while Kenzi will refuse to come back inside till the spider is gone she doesn’t want to see them hurt.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: I can’t see Connor drinking to the point he gets this silly but Kenzi definitely has before. But rather instead of saying she loved him it’s more likely she went into a 30 long minute rant about the things she liked about Connor, even his most annoying qualities, and about how stupid pretty he is and how she’s pretty sure she’s the luckiest bitch alive. Connor probably had to carry her ass home all the while her still slurring sweet nothings and complimentary insults to him.
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omorainbow · 6 years
wassup everyone, here’s my absolutely garbage r/fa omorashi headcanons that nobody asked for or wanted (under the cut)
he has nearly supernatural healing abilities so i feel like he’d also have super efficient kidneys
honestly probably has the smallest bladder capacity in the rf/a lmao rip
(he canonically was shocked that se/ven and yo/osung hadn’t gone to the bathroom for three hours while watching a tv show.... honey, do you think that’s a long time?!)
wetting himself onstage would be his worst nightmare; he’s probably leaked up there a few times but never actually wet
the second worst thing that could happen to him would be wetting in front of j/umin- i think ju/min wouldn’t do much except either a. make a few snarky remarks about wetting yourself being unusual for an adult or b. actually attempt (with a 100 percent chance of failing, seeing as it’s jumi/n) to be ....considerate.... about it, depending on how upset z/en seemed, but either way ze/n would get mad. there’d be some tension in the r/fa chatroom for a while lol
despite his machismo he’d actually probably be a huge baby about wetting himself lmao. he needs a lot of comfort afterwards (specifically from you)
absolutely 0% into omo imo, he’d try it for m/c’s sake if she were into it tho
tends to overestimate his holding capacity... would definitely put off going to the toilet if he was gaming (or when he sits down to study) 
at the same time, he gets very whiny if circumstances (rather than his own choice) force him into holding. expect this boy to come whining in the r/fa chatroom if he’s ever stuck somewhere without a bathroom
if he drinks coffee it’s over for him
(pass out after drinking caffeine syndrome? more like piss yourself after drinking caffeine syndrome-)
has definitely had close calls during exams from overloading on coffee before, but he never learns
if he wets himself in front of anyone, he’d be as embarrassed as you’d expect and probably cry a bit (though he’d try to suppress it because he feels he’s already made himself look childish enough), but with some gentle comfort he’d get over it surprisingly quickly (expect him to get indignant if/when sev/en teases him later tho lol)
probably the worst thing that could happen to him is wetting in front of v (while wetting in class is a close second). this would be a disaster for everyone involved.
(v: it’s alright y/oosung, please let me help you)
(v: you’re right. i’m sorry. this is all my fault-)
definitely into holding for m/c (for reasons that are probably obvious to anyone who played his route lmao)
ja/ehee (my love)
jum/in probably doesn’t realize how often normal humans need bathroom breaks so after years of working for him she’s probably in the habit of holding for long periods of time
honestly tho, if she’s passed out from being overworked, she’s DEFINITELY wet herself from it
i imagine she’d get up and go when she absolutely had to, but if something came up on her way there she might not make it rip
also a coffee lover... doesn’t really pace herself with caffeine, make of that what you will
if she wet herself at work, she’d just die. her coworkers already don’t  respect her, and her job is hard enough... jum/in would probably allow her to go home but also would complain in the chatroom about it
ju/min: “It’s very difficult to work without Assistant K/ang here. She had to leave due to an accident.”
m/c: “oh no, an accident? is jae/hee okay?”
jumi/n: “I am sure she will be fine. Wetting oneself does not usually pose a risk to one’s health.”
ze/n: immediately fights ju/min
as there’s nothing to be done for it, she’d downplay how upset she was and probably find wetting more of an inconvenience than anything. that being said she’d deeply appreciate it if m/c gave her some comfort
omo is probably a deeply hidden guilty pleasure for her, she’d only try it if m/c suggested it but i feel she might really enjoy it in specific circumstances
very strong bladder capacity
would show no signs of being desperate except maybe a few tells like idk, occasionally fidgeting? the only people who’d pick up on these are people who know him very well (meaning like... v and m/c lol)
if he did wet himself, i think he’d show absolutely no emotion. once again, only someone who knew him very well would be able to tell he was actually upset
for most people, comforting him would be pretty difficult and probably a nightmare for both parties lmao
i think he’d be more accepting of it from you tho
it’s hard to write for him, bc i feel like situations in which he’d be desperate are rare
that being said, if he gets drunk enough (which is rare, seeing how his tolerance has built over the years) he might get to the point where he stops caring and just starts peeing. of course he’ll realize halfway through that this may not be a great idea, but it’s usually too late at that point lmao
he’s definitely into omo lol
high bladder capacity
that being said, also fucking terrible at self care (... they all are tbh but se/ven is the worst about it) and if he was working, he may not notice he needs to piss until he’s on the verge of wetting and he just doubles over at his desk like. swearing and wondering how tf he didn’t notice he had to go before
definitely has been too busy to get up for a bathroom break, usually would just piss in a bottle/can of phd pepper (i’m sure he’s got empty ones lying around his workstation)
if he didn’t he’d probably just piss himself right there as he continued to work and miserably resolve to clean it later
(vande/rwood, conveniently choosing this moment to drop by: damn, bitch, you live like this?)
seeing as he’s sleep deprived as hell, whenever he gets to sleep he probably sleeps like the dead, nothing able to wake him up... what i’m saying is he’s definitely had dreams where he was using the bathroom and woken up in the middle of wetting the bed
also probably into omo lbr. though he usually hates wetting, he likes doing it for m/c. he’s probably wet his maid uniform for fun
v (oh boy)
probably gets a nervous bladder
the least likely of the guys to just whip it out and go if he needed to
you know how everyone loves those characters who are too concerned about bothering others to mention they have to pee? that’s 100% v. you could keep asking him as he got progressively more antsy and he’d just keep insisting he was fine and that you shouldn’t worry. he might casually mention that he may possibly need a restroom, but isn’t super assertive or clear about it, so most people wouldn’t think it was a big deal (even though he’s dying on the inside)
he does get somewhat fidgety, adjusting his clothes and bouncing his leg, but it wouldn’t be obvious what the cause was; you’d just mistake it for nervousness. only people who know him well (such as jum/in or seve/n) would be able to figure it out
i honestly can’t decide what his number one worst scenario would be, but i think anything in public would be nearly traumatic for him. if he wet himself in front of the other r/fa members he’d just get real quiet and say he’s fine and that he’ll clean it himself, but in reality he’d be deeply upset
this makes comforting him all the more difficult, even when you’re trying to tell him it’s okay he’d probably just keep apologizing and telling you not to worry about him
probably not really into omo but would try it for m/c
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internallydeceased · 7 years
In The Mist (6)
alright so earlier i said “i may or may not be posting the next chapter of something today” so here it is my friends. (tbh i wasn’t even sure i was going to have this done and posted today.) i just want to thank all of you who’ve asked for more of this fic bc it is very near and dear to my heart and probably one of the only things i’ve done that i’m actually proud of. thank you to all my ladies over at tss who have helped me edit and much needed validation. 
prologue, one, two, three, four, five
Sauve Mon Coeur Sussex, Virginia 30th March 1858
If you found me, would you save me? If you touched me, would it break me? Will I come back from this? Come down, rescue my heart I'll drown, without you
The sun slowly began its ascent into the sky, kissing it with hues of pink and orange and blue. Streaks of gold radiated from the sun, breaking through the clouds and bathing the world in light. The frosted tips of grass and leaves melted away, an icy dormancy relenting into soft morning dew. A fog had rolled out from between the trees, briefly obscuring everything until it faded into a fine mist.
A doe emerged from the hazy treeline before stopping dead in her tracks. I suspected that she saw me and spooked, ready to make a run for it—but she didn’t. She was staring directly at me, our eyes locked onto one another’s. I don’t know how long it lasted, whether it was only a moment or twenty, but when I blinked, she was gone.
I was so lost in the world around me, I hadn’t heard him coming.
“Mind if I sit wi’ ye?” He spoke softly, as if I were a small child who’d just woken up from a nightmare.
I was still angry--upset. But I knew that he meant no harm,that he was only trying to comfort me and let me know that he was there. That he would listen without judgement or pity and just listen.
I nodded silently and moved over on the bench so that he could sit beside me. Immediately, I could feel the warmth that radiated off him, even through the cold and the layers of clothing between us.
I felt my anger melt away into something more somber that made my heart feel heavy, like something was squeezing it inside of my chest and the only way to get rid of it was to talk about it. Only I had already told him everything. Well, almost everything.
“Sassena--Claire. I just wanted to apologize for earlier… I ken what ye said about it, I just--”
“Stop, Jamie,” I cut him off, already knowing what he was going to say. I was upset and I blew up at him. In all my life, he was one of the only people who believed in me and cared and listened. Actually listened.
“You didn’t do anything wrong I-- I overreacted and you didn’t deserve that. You don’t need to apologize... it’s alright.”
The corner of his mouth turned up into a smile, and in that moment I could see the small red-haired boy he used to be whose grin lit up the entire room. “Aye, well.” He chuckled.
“It’s no’ just that…” He trailed off, his tone turned serious and his smile disappearing entirely.
I sat up a bit, intrigued. “What is it?”
He took a deep breath before continuing, “Do you remember when ye told me about what happened to ye?” His voice was deep and thick with emotion, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach as I realized what he was about to say.
I froze. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t speak, I felt like I falling and I was powerless to stop it.
He looked away, his eyes pinned to the ground. “I told ye that I knew Randall, an’ that something happened to me as well.”
He swallowed, and I noticed a tear roll down his cheek.
I wanted him to stop; I didn’t want to picture whatever it was that Randall had done to him. But at the same time I knew it was something he had to do--needed to.
I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded, allowing him to continue.
“When I left Scotland, I was also leaving Randall and wha’ happened behind. I promised myself that I wouldna think about it ever again, that I would leave the past in the past.” A breath. “ I’d been able to keep that promise, for the most part. But when ye told me what he did to ye…” I could almost see the anger and rage building in him as he spoke through gritted teeth.
“Not only did I remember wha’ happened to me, but I was seein’ you as well. Everythin’ ye said he did to ye--I can see it. Playin’ over an’ over again in my head-” He paused, squeezing his eyes shut as if to force the image out of his mind.
“It’s tearin’ me apart, Claire.” His voice broke, the emotions running through him too much for one person to bear.
I saw another tear roll down his cheek, and I felt my heart split in two.
“Oh Jamie…” I breathed, and felt a tear roll down my own cheek. Suddenly I was crushing him to me, wrapping myself around him as if to absorb some of the pain so he wouldn’t have to bear it alone.
“I’m so sorry…” I whispered into the fabric of his shirt, my heart breaking along with his.
I felt him wrap his arms around me and hold me tight against him.
“You don’t have to say it I-” I was unable to say anything more as Jamie kissed me hard on the mouth, stealing the breath from my body.
I melted into him, my mind immediately going back to my dream from the night before.
I had kissed him yesterday, in the heat of the moment and immediately regretted it. I hardly knew Jamie and he was there for me, made me feel safe. I had no idea if my feelings for him were reciprocated, but apparently, they were.
I sighed and made a noise of contentment as the rest of the world faded away, until I was only able to feel Jamie’s lips and body against mine.
My hands came up to rest on either side of his face, and I pulled away a little so that I could look at him. Really look at him. There were so many things I hadn’t noticed before: freckles speckled across his face like the stars in the night sky, his red lashes that were blond at the root and dark on the ends, the blue of his eyes that seemed to shine like crystals; flawless and perfect in every way. I could still see the silver trails of tears that ran down his face, shining in the sun. And then I remembered.
What if he was only doing this so he could forget?
What if he’s only doing this to distract himself?
What if he was only using me because I was there?
What did this mean?
Do I mean more to him than a friend?
What if he hurts me like everyone else?
What if he leaves?
But the way he looked at me… It wasn’t like anyone had ever looked at me before, and I could feel my heart reaching out to his. Could feel myself begin to heal and be okay again.
No, this was right.
I leaned in to kiss him again, my pulse starting to race. One of his hands came up and tucked a stray curl behind my ear, then moved to the nape of my neck and tangled in the hair that was there.
He kissed his way down to my chin and then my neck, giving my head a gentle tug to expose it.
“Jamie…” I sighed into the air trying to form some semblance of a thought.
I quickly pulled away, even though it took every ounce of strength to do so. “I have to get things ready for today.” I was winded, my body already missing his touch.
A faint blush crept up his neck and settled in the apples of his cheeks as he looked away briefly and smiled, though I could tell something was still bothering him.
“Aye, I’ll walk ye in.”
The day wore on, one minute seemingly longer than the last. There was a steady stream of patrons throughout the day, the nice weather bringing them in flocks. The sun had begun to set and soon I’d finally be able to have some time to myself again.
“‘Scuse me mistress!” The man had come in hours ago and had been drinking practically all day. “Scould you be sooooo kind n’ gi’ me an… anotherer…?” The man slurred in his inebriated state, leaning over the counter with his empty mug outstretched towards me.
I put down the mug I was drying and crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at the man. “I think you’ve had enough, sir.” I reached out to take his mug, but he jerked it out of my hand and slammed it onto the counter, anger coloring his features.
“I wasnae askin…” He hissed, his Irish brogue prominent.
I was taken aback by the drastic change in his behavior. I reached out again for his mug, this time me being the one to yank it away. “Neither was I.”
The man was furious, even more so than before, if that were even possible.
He dove over the counter and pinned me against the wall, causing me to drop the mug which subsequently shattered onto the floor around me. But I couldn’t focus on anything else except the man in front of me with his hand wrapped tight around my neck. Everyone was looking now, but no one moved.
Memories raced through my mind at an alarmingly fast pace, my entire life condensed into a few seconds.
Is this it? Is this how I’m going to die? After all I’ve been through, after all I’ve survived, I’m going to die at the hands of some drunken idiot?
His grip was tightening and it was getting increasingly harder to breathe. “I said, I wasn’t asking.” He hissed, his words clear and filled with venom.
I was frantic, my heart racing inside of my chest and my eyes flitting about the room at everyone standing by and just watching.
Why aren’t they doing anything?!
His face was only a few inches away from mine, threatening. “Now, I suggest ye ge-” He was cut off as the front door slammed open, revealing a very angry Jamie.
My heart soared at the sight of him.
Jamie stormed over and punched the Irishman square in the face, knocking him to the floor. Jamie stood tall, intimidating. “I suggest,” Jamie growled, repeating the same words that the man had just said to me. “That ye leave here afore ye have much more than a broken nose to worry about.”  
Blood was streaming from his nose, and you could see that he was absolutely livid, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He ran out after everyone else like a scared little dog, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
Once everyone was out of sight, Jamie turned to me with nothing but worry and concern. “Sassenach, are ye alright?Are ye hurt?” His hands rested gently on my shoulders as he frantically searched for any sign of damage.
“I am now.” I smiled, and he crushed me to his chest, his right hand cradling my head as he pressed me against him.
“God, Claire, I’m so sorry.” He sighed as he pulled away to look at me once again.
I know that I should’ve been in distress over what had just happened, and it’s not that I wasn’t, but the utter joy and relief that I felt at the sight of Jamie was overwhelming.
“Thank God you were here.” I whispered, mostly to myself, as I took in every detail of his face and burned it into my memory.
His wide smile returned and he hugged me again, both of us succumbing to the relief of the moment and the presence of each other.   
Jamie had started to laugh, shaking his head before looking back up at me. “Sassenach, I swear… Ye’ll be the death of me.”
I smiled, reached up and pulled his head down to mine and kissed him, long and hard and sweet.
I knew that we should talk about this morning and what Jamie was saying, but it could wait. After all, what difference would an hour or two make?
read the next part here!
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