#tcw revan au
bojangos · 7 months
bo, bo, bo.....please please how did revan become Tarre's master?
why is revan in the clone wars now? please how does this f-- up palpatine's plans please. i need to know
the typical way a padawan gains a master actually laksdjfl;sdj revan just Chillin' at a outer rim temple, sees this funky little mando initiate and gets very curious. the fic i'm writing(ish) for it actually goes over t his in more detail
i am assuming though you mean timeline wise! this also answers for tcw: they are just. Immortal for some reason (the Will of the Force, or as Revan says, 'The Force Won't Let Me Die'), a la Legends Jedi Master Fay (though they're older than her, even). I have a lot of issues with the novel and SWTOR's treatment of revan but i'm using the sith emperor using revan as a force battery as the closest thing to an explanation for why they stopped aging.
they actually don't mess up with palpy's plans Too badly at first because like. They're not omniscient, they don't know palpy is the sith lord. they're Sus as Hell but at first just going through the motions of War (and then palpy does get nervous when they are Much better at war than any other jedi).
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a worse foe
The blaster bold freezes in mid air, and Krell and the clones all stare at it as it crumbles to nothing.
"Fives," a voice, filtered through a voice modulator, says softly. "Take Dogma's blaster."
Lord Revan is standing at the entrance to the cellblock, tall and imposing and crackling with the energy they know as the Force. Fives takes the blaster from Dogma and unarms it, then tosses it aside. Dogma looks small at his side as Revan approaches, and lays a gloved hand on the side of his neck, thumb brushing just above where Dogma's blacks end.
"It's alright," Revan says softly, and leans forward slightly. Dogma meets him, resting his forehead against the cool, emotionless metal of Revan's helmet. "Fives, take your little brothers back to the barracks. Rex, can you stay?"
"Yes sir," Rex says. "Jesse? Kix?"
"We can stay, sir," the troopers answer.
"Good," Revan says, and everything is quiet as Fives gathers Tup and Dogma and heads to the barracks.
Once they're gone, the rumbling Rex has felt in the air becomes a roar, and then Krell is slammed against the wall.
"You don't scare me," Krell snarls. "You carry his name, but you are just a knight wearing old armour."
"Is that so?" Revan says, quiet. His hands go to the release clasps on his helmet, there's a hissing sound as the suit depressurises, and Revan lifts the helmet free.
It falls unceremoniously to the floor, and the sound echoes out across the room.
Rex sees Krell's throat contort as he swallows.
Revan's eyes are burning, flickering from red to gold to green, every line of his handsome face twisted in rage. His hands are clenched, muscles shaking, the Force roiling around him like a cloak. "You believe you can control the Dark?" Revan asks, and he pulls an unfamiliar lightsaber from inside his robes. "You believe you could be a Sith? You are nothing. You are an insect, vermin, compared to the Sith I have known. Have trained. Have inspired!"
The saber lights, and a ruby blade illuminates the room.
Krell's body is lying smoking and decapitated only a few hours later, tortured with lightning and lightsaber and terrible mind tricks that leave him screaming and babbling for mercy. For death.
Rex doesn't feel sorry for him as he picks up the decapitated head and hands it, smoking stump and all, to Revan, whose eyes still flicker between red and gold and green, but he's relieved to see the green appear more often than any other colour.
"Did Wolffe tell you?" Revan asks, taking the head and shoving it into a cryo-bag. "About-"
He holds up the lightsaber with the red blade, giving Rex a pointed look.
"You being a four thousand year old Dar'Jetii who is also the hero of the bedtime stories Fett used to tell the CC's?" Rex says. "No. General Skywalker complains about you a lot, some of that confidential information slipped out and Ahsoka filled in the rest."
Revan nods. "I want Dogma transferred," he says. "The 104th would be better for him that the 501st, he's lost his trust in the Jedi...Plo will be good for him."
"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Jesse asks.
Revan nods, and picks up his helmet.
"You'd be better for this army if you took command," Jesse says. "If you're really...really the Conquering Jedi-" Revan sighs at the title "-then you should be leading us, not the Council, not the Senate. You...you've done this before. You beat a better army than Grievous and Dooku."
"Mand'alor the Ultimate was a challenging opponent, yes," Revan says. "But after, the Republic faced a worse foe, one I could not defeat."
"Who?" Kix asks, always one for the stories. His eyes are big and full of wonder.
"Me," Revan says, and puts his helmet on. "The reason the Jedi don't want me heading an army is because they're worried I will turn it against them, like I did the last time someone gave me an army."
"But you wouldn't!" Jesse exclaims.
"Maybe I might," Revan says. "Perhaps I might start a war over you all."
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redbean-nom · 1 month
au that's the opposite of a time travel fixit. angry baby boba ends up in phantom menace and blows up the temple trying to kill windu. revan, malak (alek/squint), and cassus get deposited into the mandalore arc in tcw. jedi dooku and qui gon get launched into the middle of the death star throne room.
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ipreferfiction · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
@spyscrapper tagged me (shocking for everyone, i'm sure). thanks beloved
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
337,006 (a chunk of which is cowritten)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
posted, i have star wars (totj, kotor, swtor, prequels, and tcw), lockwood & co., and asoiaf. i've also written hotd-era asoiaf fics, a couple of unfinished mdzs fics, and something for grimm floating around.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Bond Between: fic i wrote for a tcw zine, Ahsoka & Obi-Wan. 137 kudos.
(note: technically the second fic is one that got hit by the kudos bot, so i am taking it out of the ranking because i cannot trust its numbers)
How Far We've Come: Lockwood & Co., written and set right after TCS. Kipps and the crew. 62 kudos.
Wasteland: prequels/tcw/original trilogy, Obi-Wan on Tatooine having a truly questionable time. 60 kudos.
Dragon's Rise: asoiaf, post-series. Dany, Jon, Tyrion, and Arya go to Old Valyria so Dany can break the Doom and rebuild the Valyrian Freehold. i hate several things i did with characters here, truly, and i am never going to finish it; i'm keeping it up so i can see comments and kudos, because it got a lot of engagement (posted right after the show ended), but i would change so many things now. 54 kudos.
tremble for yourself, my man (you know that you have seen this all before): kotor - Cassus Fett dies on Malachor and wakes up six years in the past, with the knowledge that something is manipulating the war. he kidnaps Revan and Alek right off Dantooine at one point to help him. extremely full of torture! also the cousin of found family, sibling acquisition via kidnapping. 50 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to, but i haven't been great at it for a while. so occasionally it takes me a few months, lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
posted? probably my mando wars novelization. none of the really angsty stuff is finished, and i also tend to shy away from bitter endings because they make me depressed. and i do mean depressed, i have depression and i tend to get a little too into my characters' heads, which is not great when they're having bad times.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uh. um. the... ahsoka and obi-wan one maybe??
8. Do you get hate on fic?
the only ones that actually hurt me were on a years-old asoiaf fic. i've gotten two or three in recent years when i've been writing star wars stuff, but they're so out of pocket they're absolutely hilarious to me. i make fun of them with my friends. shoutout to the person who told me not to use bitch because it was a slur against women when the context was literally a man calling his long hair a bitch to deal with. i am NEVER getting over that, it's so funny.
9. Do you write smut?
periodically, yeah. it's fun, i just am also horribly embarrassed trying to write it lol. i have very little posted, but i've got a handful of half-finished ones in docs.
10. Do you write crossovers?
nnnnnnot really? i toss them around for some of my OCs and original works (between each other), but i don't really write them or post them. now, fusions? yeah, i write those. the hp au is the only one i've posted, and also is my favorite. read the main fic before you read the oneshot, though, because besides being utterly awful (affectionate) it also makes no sense without context. not that the series has given basically any of that context yet, but, yk. it's coming. eventually.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as i know. there's less theft in really niche communities like the stuff i tend to write.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
yes!! @spyscrapper (i keep typing revanchxst as your url beloved when will you change it back) is my coauthor for the hp au and for our big swtor novelization, plus a couple of totj fics.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
frankly, a couple of my ocs who live rent-free in my head at all times, from one of my original works. 1920s monster hunters, secret government organization, repressed queer people (person. the others are not at all repressed he's just a dumbass about emotions), constant threats of violence, morally grey pov characters, murder. i am literally insane about them. also a different set of ocs from fic that developed their own original work as well: magic university, depressed gay people, Plots, the usual. i am constantly chewing on them. in fandom, knight/scourge and cassus/ultimate, probably.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
most of my asoiaf stuff, tbh
16. What are your writing strengths?
prose. give me a good several paragraphs and i will give you gorgeous prose. flowing, poetic, great imagery, the works. i am not afraid to say that's what i'm good at
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
FUCKING dialogue. i hate dialogue so much. no more talking society has progressed past the need for talking. i can do a sentence or two, but full conversations? evil.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'll throw in a word or two without translating, because single words are easy to remember and write a glossary for at the end of the chapter. full sentences, though? They're either in italics (if the fic is generally speaking one language and this is another), or unmarked except by dialogue tags (much rarer, generally only do it if the pov character would mostly be speaking another language and so marking it as unusual doesn't make sense. e.g., Cassus talking to other Mandalorians isn't gonna be italicized because it being in Mando'a is expected.)
19. First fandom that you wrote for?
sherlock, i think? i wrote an OC fic that has now evolved into its own original universe because i ended up hating sherlock after season 4, and also the fandom was so fucking annoying. i was writing doctor who and supernatural OC fics around the same time, but i'm pretty sure sherlock was first.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
tremble for yourself, my man (linked above) or start a war, for posted fics. for unposted stuff, a cassus wip i will eventually. eventually finish
tags: @zaolat, @hermitmoss, yeah that's all i've got lee got all the other people i know lol
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prowlingthunder · 2 years
WIP Title Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS*.
Got tagged by @ann-i-inthestars
*yeah okay that’s not happening.
A Child of Blood
Birds of a Feather
[sybil and athena]
A Mother’s Love
Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
Minor Troubles
Roses in Stained Glass
The Ripple Effect
Des and Noct swap places
Dragon’s Breath
[Eddie Finch]
[Jake Finch]
[Killing Stalking/Fallout3]
In a God’s Bedroom
Brothers And Sisters
[CSI NY Lupercalia]
[Dark Matter sequel to Pack and Pups]
Hell Hath No Fury
The Devil’s Luck
(Best Laid Plans)
Big Town Blues
Line-dried Laundry
(Porns Start Like This)
[Inside Pandora’s Box]
[Pandora’s Divide]
Russian Roulette
[Silquinn scarmarks soulmate kidfic]
Snow Angels
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Winter Animals
All The Things I Didn’t Say
[silquinn daemonfic]
Justice for All scriptflip
Ascendent Ab Infernis
to abstain from doing harm
A General Gift
Cathedral of You fanfic
The Feral Coeurl of Galahd
Cor/Ariel Sealion dress fic
[legion beaucoup] sequal
Terrible Things
[modern ardyn/ravus au]
Cor/Ariel Sealion dance fic
[transplant fics]
Vipers Victim
Caleb first heat in insomnia
give a brother wings
Clonebaby genderbender au
Zag/Achilles/Pat afterbattle comfort
Caran Dagra
Starlight, Starbright
Blood and Water
Black Cats and Broken Mirrors
Step Two
[Bioshock ABO]
[Heron/Seraphim fix-it]
(This is what it’s like)
(wolf fur and dragon teeth)
All The Little Children
Puppy At Heart
Brad Wayne
[Genji Lives]
[Yuuma Op]
Nest of Vipers
[Genji Lives Path]
[McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans]
Taijo Aitai fanfic
Kagome, Kagome
Coal Dust
Blood and Ashes
The Chosen Ones
What Happened To Gavin
[RPF: PT meets lR]
Son of Sands
[Jeeri Stormwitch thing]
Monsters in the Dark
A Pocket Ful of Sand
[tcw/ep7 timetravel]
Sempiternal Energy
The Prophecy
Abo gullet fic
broke down my walls because of you
so I'm just a dead man crawling
Safe sex
Shmijango slave au
Everybody wingfic
[cohabitation fic]
Bad Plan
Marching Band
What Big Sisters Are For
[Arrow/RW Multiverse]
Empty Letters for the Yiling Patriarch
Little shadows far reaching
[keith and marie]
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renesassing · 3 years
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it's ya boi commander nova again, this time with a face. i didn't draw his paint pattern bc its tedious and i already have it down so. lmao. anyway i might give him tattoos i haven't decided yet.
uh, fun facts about him include: he's four inches taller than the average clone, he has a sweet tooth and always has snacks on him, he's a huge pyromaniac but he's very polite about it, and he's red-green colorblind.
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azems-familiar · 3 years
friday, august, and hours for that time themed question thing
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever written?
oh god this is a difficult one actually. i feel like tbh that would have to be the hp au? like. ah yes let's combine two extremely niche fandoms with a juggernaut fandom that we have to completely rewrite 2/3s of the worldbuilding to make it less horrible, what other possible reason is there to do it other than self-indulgence?
sharing beds like little kids (but that will never be enough)
august: are any of your fics associated with certain genres/artists/songs/etc?
this one should be obvious but uh. i associate most of my fics with the songs that named them, for the most part, but there is rarely a fic more associated with a song than i associated war has let this age begin (it's where we've gone and where they've been) with oblivion, like, that song was completely perfect for it and i'm not sure i'll ever quite find a song that worked so well for a fic again. (though little things give you away works terrifyingly well for my Malak pov betrayal scene ngl)
hours: longest wip or completed fic?
oh god so. if we're going with longest cowritten fic, that would have to be, uh, do you love me, which comes in at 175,868 words long, but i'm only responsible for about half of those. longest solo fic that is a wip would have to be quantus tremor est futurus (quandus judex est venturus), which i do not recommend reading because i Do Not Like It Anymore, but that one comes in at 118,589 words. longest completed solo fic would be my mando wars fic, war has let this age begin, which i linked up above; that one clocks in at 111,025 words!
my kotor novelization is probably gonna put all of those to shame, though, if i ever finish it, and we aren't discussing how the hp au is at 40k words only 3 chapters in.
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myserie · 4 years
Emperor: Dooku
Crown Prince: Obi-Wan
Prince: Revan
TW: Brief mention of a trainer hitting Rex
Rex stared up at the Emperor in awe, then remembered his training and dropped to one knee, head bowed. “My Lord,” he managed, trying to sound less like the scared boy that he was.
“Your name, young one?” The Emperor asked simply.
“CT-7567, My Lord,” Rex answered.
It was Crown Prince who spoke next. “Your *name*, little one,” he said, voice gentle and kind. “And stand up, we wish to talk.”
Rex stood, wary, clutching his training helmet to his chest. “R...Rex,” he answered. The Emperor nodded, reaching a thin hand out (he had the Imperial Signet on his finger, Rex realised) and lifted Rex’s chin, a calloused thumb smoothing over a bruise under Rex’s eye.
“Training accident?” The Emperor ask, releasing him.
“I wasn’t fast enough, my lord,” Rex admitted. “The Trainer thought I needed re-enforcement.”
The Crown Prince scowled. “We’ll have him dealt with,” he promised. “Do you know why we’re here, Rex?”
Rex shook his head, swallowing.
“My son, the Prince,” the Crown Prince said. “Is becoming...restless, wishes to leave the Palace, see what will one day be his Empire.”
Rex nodded.
“We’d like you to come to the Palace,” the Emperor continued, and Rex’s heart leapt into his throat. “Your aging will be slowed to a normal rate, and we want you to...serve the Prince. As a friend. A protector.”
“Me?” Rex squeaked. “I...I’m just a clone, My Lords.”
“An exceptional cadet,” the Crown Prince corrected. “And intelligent, so we’re told. I think you’d be a good fit for the Prince, you’ll be coming with us when we finish our tour of the facility.”
It was two days before the Emperor and the Crown Prince left the facility, and Rex was given less than an hour to say his goodbyes and report to the landing pad where the ship was waiting to take the Royal Family back to the Imperial Frigate waiting in Kamino’s orbit.
It was a rare mild day when Rex stepped out of the Facility that had been his home his whole life, only a light mist of rain that clung to his Cadet uniform. He hurried across the platform, dodging full grown brothers preparing to ship out to their new assignments and droids loading the transports.
In front of the Imperial Transport, a sleek, shiny cruiser in bright crome with the symbol of the Empire painted in deep red on its side, were two men. Both were in Mandalorian armour, sans their helmets, the older one’s armour was silver with blue accents, while the younger’s was entirely pained a deep orange-gold with black accents.
Rex stopped dead, eyes widening when he realised who these men were.
He never thought he’d ever meet the Template. He was just a CT; a CT with a discrepancy, at that. Only the best got to train under Jango.
The even better ones got to train under his son.
“This the one?” Jango Fett asked, gruff and flat, as Rex clambered up into the Royal Cruiser.
Kote Fett nodded. “Best of his age range,” the man said, and laid a hand on Rex’s shoulder. Rex swallowed, feeling himself blush as Jango’s hard gaze studied him. The trainers never told them they were good, and Rex was unused to praise.
“He’s blond,” Jango grinned, sharp and feral, and reached out a gauntleted hand to ruffle Rex’s platinum hair. “What’s your name, kid?”
Rex opened his mouth to recite his number.
“The name you gave yourself,” Kote interrupted. “You’re a person, Cadet. We don’t want the number the Kaminoans have you.”
Rex nodded. “Rex, sirs,” he answered, and they politely ignored how his voice cracked with emotion.
Jango nodded, approving, and Rex tamped down the urge to preen. The Template likes me, he thought, almost giddy with the feeling.
He kept himself locked in parade rest, fighting back the grin trying to break out on his features.
Kote gripped his shoulder and gave it a light, playful shove forward, deeper into the ship. He tripped a little, and fought a blush as the Mandalorian Bounty Hunters chuckled at his little stumble.
“We’ll be briefing you on your assignment,” Kote called, and Rex hurried to catch up with them. “I’ve been the Prince’s primary protector since my father and I were hired to work for the Empire, but my job was simply an extension of the fact I’ve been close with the Crown Prince for the past few years.”
“Why can’t you continue as his protector now?” Rex asked.
“Because I can’t be in two places at once,” Kote answered. “My place is at the Crown Prince’s side, I can’t do that and stand watch over his son when they aren’t together all the time.
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425599167 · 2 years
For the writers ask, 18 & 21!
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
I think I mentioned before that the Revan holocron could've been outright evil and planning to steal Barriss's body early on. If you're a fan of Amphibia, Darcy shows exactly what Revan!Barriss would sound like and how they would interact with Ahsoka.
Reviss: Ah, the famous Ahsoka. Dumber than a bag of rocks, and yet somehow, the Rebellion's last hope.
I'd brainstormed the plot for Obsolete Products before TEotS ended, and it was originally going to be part of that story, but since Season 7 of TCW was coming I decided to remove that arc and work on it after seeing the finale.
More recent, Barriss's encounter with Yoda could've become much more hostile, including Barriss demonstrating her form of Force lightning. I decided it didn't make sense to escalate that far, and made the meeting more somber. Meeting F, the Jedi survivor from "The Village Bride", was also a possibility, but that could be its own story.
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Animated series, definitely. Most of the stories are meant to be visualized like a Clone Wars episode.
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iconac · 3 years
a little info on revan’s tcw knight au !
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revan was born in 58 BBY; as a firrerreo they have a longer lifespan than baseline humans, so despite their age they are both physiologically and psychologically in their mid-twenties at the time of the clone wars.
revan’s career as a jedi is, as in their original era, primarily defined by a long history of friction with the jedi order, the high council in particular. due to their power in the force it was rumored they could be the chosen one, though that theory was often doubted by those who saw revan struggle with the dark side. (the idea was completely abandoned with the arrival of anakin) revan being taken as an apprentice came to the surprise of everyone invovled, revan included, who assumed they were ‘too volatile’ to be a good jedi knight, and instead had set their sights on the argicorps. even after being selected for training and becoming a knight, however, they maintained connections with the agricorps.
originally they spent much of their time as a knight pushing for the jedi to either commit to being a political weight or retreat from galactic affairs entirely, as they felt the jedi order should not be as beholden to the senate and the republic. they viewed the republic as decaying and believed it would take the jedi down with it. after qui-gon died during the battle of naboo, however, their attention turned to the sith. revan believed that maul’s appearance heralded the return of the sith, and dedicated themself to studying as much as they could about the long-forgotten enemies of the jedi even if it meant directly disobeying the council. this commitment kept them away from the temple for extended periods, and in the mid and outer rim they began to see the signs of war approaching. however, due to their rough history with the order (which is honestly their fault, mostly), their warnings fail to make much of an impact upon the council, so they end up making their own plans.
revan remaining a part of the order was actually a topic of debate both among the jedi and for revan themself in the years leading up to and through the separatist crisis. frustrated by the ‘blindness’ of the jedi council, they were actually on the cusp of leaving the order to join dooku’s movement, unaware of sidious’ larger hand in it, when word of the clone army on kamino reached them. as the clones were commissioned by a jedi, they feel an obligation to see the war clone situation through to its end. so, like many of the jedi in the order, they were granted the rank of general and given a corp.
as in their original era, revan flourishes during the clone wars, rising to prominence due to their tactical brilliance and natural charisma. while this makes them popular in the republic, it further divides them from the jedi order, who (rightfully) see revan’s ruthless edge as a major concern. revan falls to the dark side over the course of the war but remains loyal to the soldiers under their command, and by extension the republic and the jedi order.  
tldr: you know that meme with the cops about to break in a door and the lock is kept in place by a cheeto? the cops are the dark side, and the cheeto is revan’s attachment to their soldiers. that’s the power of friendship, baybee
some info that will probably never be relevant but im putting it here anyway. they lose their clone commander CC-4546 (Nova) in 21 BBY. they survive order 66 due to their regenerative abilities and their connection to the dark side, slaughtering their way through their corps to survive, and their grief drives them to hunt down the reason for the betrayal. they eventually die at the hands of vader, but not before getting some Real Shit done for the rebellion and doing their best to preserve what little remains of the jedi.
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rinrinp42 · 4 years
okay, since @i-am-ct-5555 confirmed that I have not explained TTH, let me (this ended up kinda long the TLDR version is Jango and Obi-Wan are from ancient times and time travel to TCW):
So TTH is an AU where Obi-Wan and Jango are actually from the era of the Mandalorian Wars (32478 TYA (3975 BBY) to 32493 TYA (3960 BBY) and the Jedi Civil War (32494 TYA (3959 BBY) to 32497 TYA (3956 BBY)).  While Jango did fight in the Mandalorian Wars as a Mando’ad answering the call of Mand’alor the Ultimate, Obi-Wan wasn’t a Revanchist and thus was able to stay away from a majority of those wars (but he and Jango have ways to show they are connected as seen in the Boba snippet so as to avoid having to fight those closest (i.e. Arla would see it and know to back off of Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan’s Sister Padawan Nomi Sunrider would do the same if she came across Jango).
During the Mandalorian Wars Obi-Wan raised a Padawan (Lyssha Modoll) who Jango pseudo adopted/helped raise.  It is only after she’s knighted that Jango and Obi-Wan marry (also after the Mandalorian Wars are over).  Boba is also born during their long courtship, though in this he isn’t a clone of Jango, but I haven’t decided on all the details pertaining to him yet.
Due to Mand’alor the Ultimate being killed by Revan (who then hid a ceremonial (?) buy’ce that would denote someone as Mand’alor, there was a period where the Clans were scattered and there was no Mand’alor.  A few Clans came together and named Jango their Mand’alor, but he disappears before Revan takes Canderous Ordo (Mand’alor the Preserver) to where he hid the buy’ce and basically installs him as Mand’alor.
Jango and Obi-Wan marry in 32494 TYA (3959 BBY) but don’t get a honeymoon until 32498 TYA (3955 BBY) due to the whole Jedi Civil War where Obi-Wan did have to fight (against fallen Jedi who had become Sith).  While on their way to their honeymoon, they encounter.... something, which sends them forward in time.
They come out of it at the Battle of Christophsis.  From there they have to figure out what is going on.
On the Clone Wars side, Qui-Gon survived Naboo and became Anakin’s Master.  Within the fic I’ll dive into the differences this made from canon.  I’m still debating a few background things like if/who was on Naboo with Qui-Gon and died in his place, what excuse to leave the Jedi Dooku used, and consequences for there not being an Obi-Wan in this timeline.
The Clones might still be Fett Clones, but not Jango Fett Clones.  Probably not going to actually come up.
So part of the fic is a pair of ancient warrior who dealt with far worse than Dooku, Ventress, and Maul for their Sith get to enter the war, I’m planning on also dealing with the entire mess that is Mandalor/Mandalor’yaim as well, but we’ll see how that goes.
Also, Obi-Wan’s Master was Thon.  Who’s basically space triceratops.
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bojangos · 2 years
i am Thonking on a ‘revan in the clone wars’ au universe, but i am STRUGGLING to come up with what revan’s unit(s) are like.  
personality and name mostly, because i know they are absolute Wackos because:
1. they are made up of like 50% commando units if not more 2. the unit standard color is black.  and I don’t mean black stripes, i mean they all look like fuckin’ purge troopers in glossy black plastoid 3. they are like the Blackest of Black Ops. the armor is a pun 4. they absolutely can and will Destroy anyone who gets in their general’s way, including their brothers, other jedi, and the supreme chancellor himself 5. their commander is an Alpha-Class. enough said
this is all to say! Help me name some clone children!  some Personalities for these wackos! can’t guarantee i’ll use anything but I need to get the gears turning!
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ladydisofdurin · 4 years
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oh dude I have like so many. I tend to read Star Wars fic abt highly specific shit that nobody else actually cares about so uhh here’s what immediately came to my mind that should work the Star Wars timeline is so huge bro send help 
Re-Entry & Journey of the Whills - this series to be an absolute must I rec it to everyone who breathes in my direction tbh if you haven’t read this yet it’s well worth it spans most canon eras you will manage to find something you like in there ...read legacy as well bc it’s a fantastic sith obi and tbh that shits just fun
tragically  i can’t rec u mando or baby yoda specif content cause I haven’t read any yet lmao sorry the show itself is keeping me feed well enough atm
also I’ve been going bonkers over this  specific double agent Vader au & spy leia au it’s fuckin wild I love it to bits  the world building in this is so lovely 
on the edge of the devils backbone rebels crew but make them imperial defectors + inquisitor kanan. I love love love this fic  I’ve legit been following this writer for years and I adore @bedlamsbard work no joke all their writing lives in my brain rent free 
They’ve also written wake the storm which is essentially tcw era anakin appearing in empire time  and force ghost obi wan being like .... oh fUKC  and the rest of the series explores the ramifications/ consequences of future knowledge and I’m also a little in love with her oxygen and rust series too 😘
Ok kotor time  echos  - Revan and exploration of her life and relationships with the Jedi/Galaxy pre and post the mandalorian wars / dark side fall  + the Galaxy wide ramifications of what the Jedi council did to her
 I loved Rome more kotor au where revan knows she’s revan the whole time 
Look ok I have abt fifty million cando the mando fic recs  but this post  is getting long  af if you want follow my fic /media rec blog I’ll be clearing my book marks and posting on there over the hols I read so much send help
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iconaclysm-a · 4 years
me trying to write revan’s tcw knight au so it stays true to their character as i write them as an inherent revolutionary and would-be reformist, conforms with established canon meaning they cannot revolt or reform, doesn’t interfere with the spotlight of the actual protagonists of the prequel era (aka: the skywalker drama) but doesn’t downplay their power or influence as both aspects are also integral to my depiction of them, and trying to keep shit coherent. 
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bojangos · 2 years
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more doodling for my ‘revan trains tarre vizsla’ au train.  they are simultanously exact opposites and very similar akljsdflk;asdj
revan is 5′4 and Tarre is like 6′6. revan weighs nothing to his very large very strong son.  they have absolutely fastball special’d revan on assignments before.  it works every time
tarre has some mysterious non-human ancestry that manifests in hair that literally is metallic silver and dark sclera.  this is mostly so I could say there is old mandalorian heroic poetry about ‘his hair doth shone of beskar, and his gaze reflects the stars yonder - he speaks with the voice of the ka’ra and the ground quakes on his approach’ (revan fucking losing his mind any time he reads this stuff.  shows it to Tarre’s holocron like ‘can you believe what they write about you still lol’)
the shriek-hawk symbol of house vizsla actually started as a simplified version of the jedi crest, that over time became more and more mandalorian-ized into what we see in TCW.
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prowlingthunder · 2 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. I have been tagged by @revanchxst and congratulations I lowkey hate you this isn’t even all of them you’re a monster. I have over four hundred wips.
Tagging @mtraki, @mandakatt and @thelavenderhimbo
A Child of Blood
Birds of a Feather
A Mother’s Love
Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
Minor Troubles
Roses in Stained Glass
The Ripple Effect
Des and Noct swap places
Dragon’s Breath
[Eddie Finch]
[Jake Finch]
[Killing Stalking/Fallout3]
In a God’s Bedroom
Brothers And Sisters
[CSI NY Lupercalia]
[Dark Matter sequel to Pack and Pups]
Hell Hath No Fury
The Devil’s Luck
(Best Laid Plans)
Big Town Blues
Line-dried Laundry
(Porns Start Like This)
[Inside Pandora’s Box]
[Pandora’s Divide]
Russian Roulette
[Silquinn scarmarks soulmate kidfic]
Snow Angels
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Winter Animals
All The Things I Didn’t Say
[silquinn daemonfic]
Ascendent Ab Infernis
to abstain from doing harm
A General Gift
Cathedral of You fanfic
The Feral Coeurl of Galahd
Cor/Ariel Sealion dress fic
[legion beaucoup] sequal
Terrible Things
[modern ardyn/ravus au]
Cor/Ariel Sealion dance fic
[transplant fics]
Vipers Victim
Caleb first heat in insomnia
give a brother wings
Zag/Achilles/Pat afterbattle comfort
Caran Dagra
Starlight, Starbright
Blood and Water
Black Cats and Broken Mirrors
Step Two
[Bioshock ABO]
[Heron/Seraphim fix-it]
(This is what it’s like)
(wolf fur and dragon teeth)
All The Little Children
Puppy At Heart
Brad Wayne
[Genji Lives]
[Yuuma Op]
Nest of Vipers
[Genji Lives Path]
[McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans]
Taijo Aitai fanfic
Kagome, Kagome
Coal Dust
Blood and Ashes
The Chosen Ones
What Happened To Gavin
[RPF: PT meets lR]
Son of Sands
[Jeeri Stormwitch thing]
Monsters in the Dark
A Pocket Ful of Sand
[tcw/ep7 timetravel]
Sempiternal Energy
The Prophecy
Abo gullet fic
Safe sex
Shmijango slave au
[cohabitation fic]
Bad Plan
Marching Band
What Big Sisters Are For
[Arrow/RW Multiverse]
Empty Letters for the Yiling Patriarch
Little shadows far reaching
[keith and marie]
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