jonahmagnus · 6 days
lol I had no idea you were such a Davy hater. My biggest fear rn tho is the chance of the stake hitting Cody’s heart in Davy’s chest
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
[after the eclipse]
me: okay. the eclipse is now my permanent obsession. but also, this is the last school drama for me.
[msp happened]
me: well, one more high school show won't do harm, i guess. and there's music!
*ended up adding msp to my permanent obsessions list along with the eclipse*
also me: that's it! no more school drama for me!
[home school came to the surface]
me: wow, this is intriguing! the cinematography is so good i love most of the shots. this gave me the 'something wrong with the school system' vibes, just like the eclipse, but with a totally different theme.
*might very well add this to that list of my permanent obsessions, but not so fast, depending on how it goes*
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devilwomcn · 10 months
THEA + SHAY / @brutcllysoft WHERE & WHEN: the capitol, before the 101st hunger games
For almost the entirety of this trip to the Capitol, Thea's been in another world. It had been a miracle that she made it there at all — she'd had to be practically dragged out of her house to the reaping and onto the train, her feet stubbornly dragging against the floor as her two (three now, Thea tells herself) victors reminded her that the Games aren't optional. But oh, how she wishes they were. The desire to fade away into nothing has become much stronger in the last year (yes, an entire year has passed, Thea must remind herself). There's a large part of her that wants things to just continue how they are, to retreat back to the isolation of her home so she doesn't have to confront all the things she's been hiding from since they all left the Capitol last. And there's a horrible part of her that still resents Shay, maybe even envies that she was able to be there during Ezra's final moments, while Thea was forced to watch from a screen as the love of her life took his last breath.
She tries her best to keep that part locked up, though — because it isn’t right and if she couldn’t be there with Ezra, it helps to know that Shay was the last person he saw alive. He loved all of the kids, of course, but Shay had taken an interest in his craft, the two of them always cooked together and truthfully, they both became a light in the darkness that is becoming a victor. It's the only thing that keeps her from completely losing every piece of herself. Because they had both wanted Shay to win (you agreed on this, nags that voice in Thea's head again). But that hasn't made facing Shay in the aftermath any easier — and if the younger woman's actions have been anything to go by, the feeling is mutual.
Any other year Thea would be bending over backwards to ensure Shay's comfort while she's here, to make sure she's getting the hang of things and teaching her all the ropes of being a mentor. Instead, she's barely been able to look at her, let alone leave her room at all. But a loud crash late at night breaks her at least somewhat out of the trance she's been in, and she soon finds herself face to face with Two's newest victor herself — hypothetically speaking, of course, because when things finally come into focus, Thea realizes that Shay is trembling on the ground with shards of glass surrounding her. "What—" her sentence breaks as she moves quickly to kneal in front of the other woman, paying no mind to the glass she might be stepping on in the process. She can barely feel a thing these days, anyway. "What happened?"
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animadiicristallo · 2 years
smettila di fare la cazzo di vittima, qua non ti crede nessuno.
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churlfriend · 4 months
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who's with me
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words-and-coffee · 1 year
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Alice Te Punga Somerville, Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised - Kupu rere kē
[ID: A poem titled: Kupu rere kē. [in italics] My friend was advised to italicise all the foreign words in her poems. This advice came from a well-meaning woman with NZ poetry on her business card and an English accent in her mouth. I have been thinking about this advice. The convention of italicising words from other languages clarifies that some words are imported: it ensures readers can tell the difference between a foreign language and the language of home. I have been thinking about this advice. Marking the foreign words is also a kindness: every potential reader is reassured that although you're expected to understand the rest of the text, it's fine to consult a dictionary or native speaker for help with the italics. I have been thinking about this advice. Because I am a contrary person, at first I was outraged — but after a while I could see she had a point: when the foreign words are camouflaged in plain type you can forget how they came to be there, out of place, in the first place. I have been thinking about this advice and I have decided to follow it. Now all of my readers will be able to remember which words truly belong in -[end italics]- Aotearoa -[italics]- and which do not.
Next image is the futurama meme: to shreds you say...]
(Image ID by @bisexualshakespeare)
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musa-solitaria · 1 month
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skeeverboy · 9 months
hi i’m a skyrim bandit my favorite hobby is keeping 12 gold in novice locked chests that i do not own a key for
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unrinconmas · 4 months
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Hey you. You're finally awake...
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ladydisofdurin · 22 days
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New Zealand’s second ever Māori queen, Nga wai hono i te po was announced as the new monarch of the Kiingitanga today on the final day of the tangihanga (funeral) of her father, King Tuheitia.
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argonphoenix · 2 months
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
i am still amazed at the way and the right timing each of these high school shows i’m obsessed with came to me. the eclipse. my school president. home school. different vibes. different feels. different thoughts. but all was a call out to certain segments of experience during a not-so-pleasant period of life that is a teenage era. i owe these shows my healing process. 
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devilwomcn · 10 months
THEA + OWEN / @selfmademythology​ WHERE & WHEN: the hovercraft, post 86th games
The waiting, Thea has come to find, is the worst of it all. At first she assumed it’d be the final moments — she’s had a tributes make it to the end, but none have come out alive. None until now, and despite the obvious grief she carries for the tributes she’s lost, there’s part of her hadn’t been angry about that. If she wasn’t producing enough victors they wouldn’t hesitate to replace her when the time came — and watching children she’s meant to protect die each year has taken a larger toll on her than Thea ever expected it to, so perhaps replacement wouldn’t be such a bad thing. But Owen was a different case. There was no world in which Thea was going to allow this boy she’d practically watched grow up die a meaningless death in the Games. So she’d worked harder than she ever has before, and it paid off — he’d triumphed over all of the other tributes, and he’d won.
Now, she waits. The buzzing of the hovercraft as it makes its way to the arena does nothing to calm her anxiety, her hands wringing in her lap as she sits properly in her seat. She had, of course, watched intently as Owen made his final kill — she’d seen the look of elation that spread across his features, had witnessed the pride he seemed to feel when he realized he’d won. Will he carry that with him in the aftermath? Thea hopes to God he does, because the realization of what she’d just done after her own victory had been one of the worst moments of her life. It’s been over a decade since then but she still remembers the wave of emotions that had flooded through her — the grief, the anger, and the betrayal because winning the Games had been all she’d worked towards since she was five years old. And she’d been forced to push all of that away, to let them pump her with silicone and anti-depressants and become the Capitol’s newest porcelain doll.
Thea won’t do that to Owen if she can help it. He’ll need to put on a brave face for the cameras, of course — she can’t protect him from feeding the monster no matter how much she’d like to. But she won’t force him to bury his grief, or his anger, and she certainly will do whatever she can to keep them from morphing him into a plaything. The hovercraft lurches and Thea realizes it’s time. Her hands brush against the skirt of her dress as she stands, shoulders rolled back as she makes her way to the space he’ll be lifted into. Any anxiety she’s been feeling quickly melts off of her once she sees him, her first victor, pulled onto the hovercraft from below — but Thea doesn’t make any sudden movements. She only forces a small smile across her lips, holds her hands out gently so he knows he can take them if he’d like to, and speaks softly so she doesn’t spook him completely. “Congratulations,” she says, and then as an afterthought just so he can be completely sure, she reminds him — “It’s over, Owen.”
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drusies · 5 months
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couldnt stop fucking thinking about this all day at work
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tru-cu-tu · 5 months
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dariann-garcia · 6 months
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