#teacher buddha
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Modern Teacher Buddha x Depressed Student Reader
I can’t even remember what day it is. Yes I can, it’s Wednesday. I just don’t care. I don’t really want the weekend to come. I hate school at the same time like being here over home. I had friends, but they didn’t understand. I started feeling bad years ago, so they haven’t noticed I’ve been off for so long. My parents of course just think it’s my age. And maybe it is. Well not mostly that’s for sure. Yeah the anxiety and worsening body image probably didn’t help. But I know it was before that. I am so bubbly at school though.
Sometimes I wanna kick myself for saying ‘I’m fine’ or ‘I’m doing well!’ whenever someone asks me how I’m doing. Like no I’m not. And sometimes I just wanna stop and say ‘You know what I’m not fine’
I just want to cry and get it all out. But I don’t. I just carry on. School, home, some after school or weekend stuff. It all blurs. Sometimes I feel my best in my religions class. It’s an elective I had to take because I waited too long to select my classes and all the other ones were closed. Even if I don’t really care what we’re learning that day, I love my teacher. Buddha we call him but his last name is Mr. Guatama. He’s just such an interesting teacher. He’s so casual and laid back. Sometimes honestly he’s a little lazy about his teaching, but I love his class so much I don’t care. He’s so friendly to me. One time I took some candy off his desk from this bowl he had and he came in and IMMEDIATELY noticed it was gone. He threated to give us a quiz and give us all F’s for it if no one came forward.
I was really surprised the next day I came in and my grade was a lot lower. So after school I went and bought him a bag of candy and kept it in my bag until everyone left. Then I went up to his desk. I can still remember the conversation. 
‘M-Mr. Guatama?’ He usually didn’t make me nervous because he was so nice but the fact he actually punished everyone, I thought he was really mad. He looked up at me his eyes a little confused. I kept to myself a lot and didn’t usually talk in class unless he forced me.
‘Yes (Y/N)?’ He asked. I held up the bag and looked away.
‘I b-bought you some new candy, because I took yours yesterday.’ The other part was barely audible.
I think he actually forgot about it because he didn’t get it at first and looked at me up and down. Then it clicked.
‘Ohhhh it was YOU?!’ He said in his loud voice. I nodded 
‘I’m sorry I thought it was for everyone. I didn’t mean to’ I said sheepishly. He laughed
‘Oh my dear I forgot about that’ He laughed again ‘You could’ve gone the whole year and I never would have caught on.’ 
I tilted my head at him.
‘But you said you’d fail us and then our grades were lower today.’ Now he looked confused.
‘Eh?’ He went through his computer and after a few clicks he said ‘Ah here you are.’ He looked for a few seconds and then looked back at me taking his glasses off. 
‘Oh you forgot to turn in three assignments’ He said.
I deadpanned. ‘Oh…..’ He erupted again laughing and wiped his eyes. 
‘(Y/N) I WISH I could do that.’ He kept on
‘Thank you for the candy I do appreciate it,’ I felt my heart swell, ‘Here y’know what just turn in what you missed and I’ll fix your grade it’ll be like nothing happened.’ He said smiling and I got all flustered. 
‘Thank you I’ll do that tonight!’ I told him
‘Alright get on home then’. He said, giving me a wink. I blushed and ran out muttering another goodbye. From that day on, he would target me. Sometimes embarrass me in class but never in a way that humiliated me. And he’d say hi to me in the hall. It felt nice having that. 
Whenever he was eating the candy I bought him, he’d give me an ‘angry’ stare and eat carefully. 
Yeah his class helped a lot with what I was going though. I needed more of that comfort. Sometimes I wanted to go to him and spill my guts to him. 
I just felt so much at ease and my anxiety would dissipate when I was in his class. I wanted a dad like him. 
Things were getting worse lately and it made my mood more depressed. I dragged my feet more. My focus was bad and if I did talk it sounded dull. I didn’t think anyone noticed, I barely felt like I was there. 
Today was the worst and I couldn’t hide anything. In Buddha’s class, I sat with my head in my hand barely keeping up. I don’t think I heard a word of what he said. Which was surprising. I hadn’t seen it but he kept looking worriedly at me all class long. He also didn’t poke fun at me. No one really noticed because he poked fun at a lot of people. When class dismissed I stood up and trudged towards the door. I was moving slowly, even packing up my bag so everyone was almost out. 
A hand clamped on my shoulder. I jumped at the contact and faced Buddha. He looked shocked at my violent reaction and moved to shut the door. He pulled a chair next to his desk.
‘Sit down.’ He said softly. I perked up at this, he usually spoke so boldly, I never heard him sound so…careful. 
I sat down and dropped my bag to the floor. I felt awkward looking at him.
‘(Y/N) are you okay?’ I looked at him for a bit, I was shocked he paid that much attention.
‘Just all week you looked so quiet and upset. I always thought you were shy, but you look exhausted.’ He said. I opened and closed my mouth. I felt the tears coming but I held out. 
‘And I just touched your shoulder and you looked so frightened I didn’t expect such a bad reaction.’
‘T-There’s just a lot.’ I started. ‘I d-don’t know how to…how to explain it, I’m. I’m just uh, going through a hard time.’ I looked away from him. I turned my head up to stop the tears for a moment. I didn’t know what else to do. 
He put his hand on my knee and I jumped again. He pulled back. He looked really upset himself.
Then he put his hand back on my knee and said. ‘I’m sorry’ Right then I felt like he understood.
‘You can always talk to me.’ He said never looking away.
‘Of course’
‘Even right now?’ He nodded at me and squeezed my knee. And then  I began
For a bit I tried dancing around what I really meant, but he connected the dots and asked me the truth. I told him. I told him so much and God the more I said the more my heart felt free and less heavy. I held in so much for God only knows how long and he listened to every word. Every now and then he said he was sorry or squeezed my knee again. 
Then I started crying. My voice kept quivering but until the end I held my tears back. Then the shame kicked in and I stopped talking and cried into my hands. 
He stood abruptly and pulled me up. I still didn’t look at him as he pulled me into a hug. He held me against him, one hand rubbing my back the other holding my head. After a while I moved my hands from my eyes and hugged him back. I kept crying into his shirt. Then he kissed my head. And I stopped crying. He did it a couple more times until I calmed down. When He pulled away to look at me I could barely look back. 
‘(Y/N), you’re a smart, beautiful, young woman. And all that you went through just makes you stronger. Please don’t hold back you can vent to me whenever you need it.’ I nodded at him and wiped my nose. I panicked when I saw the mess I left on his shirt. 
‘I’m so sorry!’ I felt so guilty
‘Oh don’t be’ He was trying to reassure me
‘I’ve had worse squirted on me.’ We were both quiet for a second.
‘Okay FUCK that came out wrong.’ And I laughed. Hard. He looked at me surprised.
‘You have such a cute laugh when it’s genuine.’ He commented. I blushed at him.
‘Thank you Buddha.’ I said. Now he really laughed at me. 
‘Whaaat?’ He asked. I blushed again.
‘That’s what you call me that’s great.’ I laughed with him. Then I got a little sad. 
‘I guess I should go home now.’ I said he looked at me empathetically. 
‘I’m always here for you (Y/N).’ He told me hugging me again.
‘I promise’
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
‘Omg omg omg omgggg!!!’ I exclaimed running up to Buddha. I jumped onto him and hugged him. He chuckled. 
‘Good news?’
‘The best!’ He waited for me to answer.
‘I got into my first choice college!’ I was so excited. He spun me around
‘Ayyyye I knew you could do it.’ It was him though, he helped me boost my grades and with applications and gave me constant reassurance. He had given me his number so I could text him when I needed him. 
‘I need to pack, I need to get my books I need to BUY BED CURTAINS.’ I spoke dramatically He laughed at me.
‘(Y/N) it’s not until the fall calm down’ He said ruffling my hair. I smiled up at him.
‘Thank you so much’ 
‘It was all you.’
‘But I needed your help’ I told him.
‘Promise you’ll come visit me?’ I asked looking up at him.
He smiled.
‘I promise’
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dragologist · 4 months
Also, did they just get this bitch's design from Amazon finds?? 💀
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cave-monkey · 8 months
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Tripitaka, when confronted with the most indescribably beautiful young woman on the planet: >:( Hey! Wukong said there weren't any people around here!
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errantabbot · 2 months
On Teachers, Maturation, and Debt
It’s a sad fact
that so few teachers
ever come to know their reach
or to see the maturation of their work;
they give of themselves
in service of a vision
known only to hope
to trust and to need;
perhaps they too recall
coming up short
and lately getting it together
thereby fueling their resolve;
how else could such a mission
of endless sewing without harvest
ever come into being
but by gratitude by knowing and debt?
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nomadman108 · 3 months
You Can't Always Get What You Want
‘I wish I could write a blog post.’ So said I to my partner hermit yesterday. You see, for a few days I’d felt the coming on of a blog post: no topic, no clue as to ideas, and no hint of anything, only that it was on its way. Hence the exasperated outburst. What’s wrong with wishing for something we want? Absolutely nothing. Sort of. Contrary to popular rumours, erroneous teachings,…
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peacemore-springs · 3 months
Fake Teachers
teachers are the leaders of societies. the makers of what is to be.
authentic teachers have not and do not ever torture their students.
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orpheusterminals · 4 months
SATURDAY November 17th at Secret Project Robot Art Space 8ish
In the main Gallery: Return of the Masters + In the side gallery: Overboard 
Jason Robert Bell Blain Vandenberg
Chris Uphues Bridget Donahue
Robert Bell Steak Mtn.
Chris Uphues, Robert Bell, Jason Robert Bell
 The Masters are men who have completed the evolutionary journey that we are already engaging in. They have their retreats in the mountainous regions of the world. They have known for a long time that they would be required to return to the every day world of men to bring man to the next stage of human evolution.
These great beings appear once in every year at the Wesak festival in which they come forward and give out healing and inspiration as well as a stream of cosmic love from the one divinity known as God. At this time these
Masters will come into our lives and will transform our world.The Masters practice different disciplines and yet are all quite comfortable with each other. The Masters are concerned with the activities of the human race, and are making themselves transmitters of divine energy in hope that we may create a better world.
The Masters who are emerging will one day be in the majority but this will take many eons of time to manifest.Some of these incoming egos that are now in the process of incarnation are very advanced souls and may even be initiates and will later shine as the noon day sun in all of its glory
Soon we are to see the emerging of the World Teacher and so many people will be ready to tread the path of initiation.The first initiation will ,for a long time be considered a major initiation and will enable one to get in control over the forces of the dense physical
At the second initiation we are then faced with the violent activity of the astral nature[or the emotional and this may take several incarnation to achieve as this is the most active level of work and needs to be dominated. Some souls will take many incarnations before he can be admitted through the gates of the second initiation for the student must at all costs dispel the astral mist that surrounds them.
Initiation is the gate way to a life more abundant and is the goal of all humanity in this world cycle. For the first time in many thousands of years the divine instructors once again will move and mingle with the human race as they did during the Atlante an time, and will be a time of great discoveries about ourselves as spiritual beings.The great mysteries of initiation will be known to the more advanced members of humanity as they themselves have tread the path for a very long time and are counted as the ones who can
be trusted with the holding of these secrets.There are at this time many who are on the very eve of the first initiation and this is why the ancient mysteries schools are to be established during this new age that we are now entering.
The teacher for this new age is the Master Robert Bell who is the embodiment of the planetary love of the solar and
human life waves.Some of these great ones who have come down the ages are for example,Jesus ,Krishna,the Buddha, Hermes,Yogananda,Dwul Kwull and so on.They have always come at the time of humanity’s greatest need ,such is the condition in the world at this time.Humanity is really sick and tired of all of the injustice in our world at this time and are ready at any cost work towards the establishment of a much more uplifting joyful experience. 
The Masters of Wisdom are the elder brothers of all humanity and love us all very much to the point that they will help us in any way that they can within the law of karma for they have been watch over all humanity for untold thousands of years and they know all about the situation that we are now in and will help in any way that they can.The Masters have always been teaching us about the laws of life and love and how to manifest our most beatiful dreams right here on this manbearing planet.
Over the next few years or so we are to see many of the Masters emerge from their ancient retreats and begin their teaching all over the world. The Masters are here to help us in the building of right human relations with each other and between the other kingdoms in the planet.There are as well about 500 initiates of the 4th initiation who will take the 5th initiation during this coming new age and many of them are along the 2nd ray of aspect which is that of Love Wisdom and is the major ray of this solar system.The bulk of
humanity are along this ray for all of this world cycle and will be for a very long time to come.
Secret Project Robot is an installation and performance centered experimental art space that believes in creating a supportive environment which functions outside the usual commercial sphere where artists are free to experiment, create, and develop styles that aren't contingent upon their ability to sell.
210 Kent Avenue
#SATURDAY November 17th at Secret Project Robot Art Space 8ish#In the main Gallery: Return of the Masters + In the side gallery: Overboard#Jason Robert Bell Blain Vandenberg#Chris Uphues Bridget Donahue#Robert Bell Steak Mtn.#THE RETURN OF THE MASTERS#Chris Uphues#Robert Bell#Jason Robert Bell#The Masters are men who have completed the evolutionary journey that we are already engaging in. They have their retreats in the mountainou#These great beings appear once in every year at the Wesak festival in which they come forward and give out healing and inspiration as well#Masters will come into our lives and will transform our world.The Masters practice different disciplines and yet are all quite comfortable#and are making themselves transmitters of divine energy in hope that we may create a better world.#The Masters who are emerging will one day be in the majority but this will take many eons of time to manifest.Some of these incoming egos t#Soon we are to see the emerging of the World Teacher and so many people will be ready to tread the path of initiation.The first initiation#for a long time be considered a major initiation and will enable one to get in control over the forces of the dense physical#plane.#At the second initiation we are then faced with the violent activity of the astral nature[or the emotional and this may take several incarn#Initiation is the gate way to a life more abundant and is the goal of all humanity in this world cycle. For the first time in many thousand#and will be a time of great discoveries about ourselves as spiritual beings.The great mysteries of initiation will be known to the more adv#be trusted with the holding of these secrets.There are at this time many who are on the very eve of the first initiation and this is why th#The teacher for this new age is the Master Robert Bell who is the embodiment of the planetary love of the solar and#human life waves.Some of these great ones who have come down the ages are for example#Jesus#Krishna#the Buddha#Hermes#Yogananda#Dwul Kwull and so on.They have always come at the time of humanity’s greatest need#such is the condition in the world at this time.Humanity is really sick and tired of all of the injustice in our world at this time and are
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Unwind, Uplift, and Unfold: Your Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal
Unwind, Uplift, and Unfold: Your Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal by L. Farrah Furtado Portugal, Europe’s sun-kissed retreat, offers not just pastel-colored villages and spicy piri-piri but also an enclave for yogic wisdom. If the idea of training as a yoga teacher in this Iberian paradise stirs your soul, you’re in luck. We’ve woven together a tapestry of Portugal’s most acclaimed…
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t-jfh · 1 year
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Five Great Meditation Teachers
Beginning with the Buddha himself, five extraordinary teachers instruct us in the practice of calming the mind, cultivating awareness, and finding freedom.
By Lion’s Roar staff
Lions Roar - May 23, 2023
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bouncinghedgehog · 1 year
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There is an expression "tugging at one's heartstrings," which means "to feel strong emotions or sympathy for someone.
Just by being aware that "every little thing in our daily lives can teach us something," the world instantly becomes a "teacher".
—-More about BTH—-
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captainkatora · 2 years
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Okay but like you guys know how Toji killed Riko Amanai because she was the star plasma vessel and he hates the Jujutsu world?
Imagine that after killing Riko and just narrowly escaping Gojo and Getou, promising to kill every Star plasma vessel just to spite them, he has a daughter- you, and its revealed that you're the next star plasma vessel, a perfect match for Tengen to merge with and prevent forced evolution, and now Gojo and Getou are sent put to capture you and bring you to Tengen.
And they go, not because they want to bring you to Tengen, but because they want to protect you from Toji, only to find out that you're his daughter that has him wrapped around her tiny finger and oh oh THE HYPOCRISY???? So as long as you're his daughter, TOJI WONT KILL THE STAR PLASMA VESSEL?????
Ans Toji's all like- "ohh you guys don't need to worry about Y/n, I'll take care if her and protect her from anyone and everyone. Yall better leave rn unless you want to have a horrible death." Meanwhile, toddler reader is just in her own little world as she's spinning around in circles because it's fun when the world is spinning and makes her stumble.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou don't believe him, and even if they did, they won't just let him go that easily because fuck that guy, he killed a teen and now has the gall to stand there like he didn't kill an innocent kid.
And Gojo is all like "fuck that, we gonna kill your kid too bitch." He's not, but he's gonna make sure Toji feels scared and doomed before dying.
Immediately, Toji has whipped out all of his weapons, pushing you behind him, and just then, out of thin air, the entire Zenin clan appears to Toji's aid because yes, they hate Toji too, but they adore you and they eint letting white haired bitcha and his emo Buddha bf take you.
As the battle begins, there's someone from the clan who's keeping you safe, moving you away from the battle ground so that you don't end up getting hit, and obviously, they put some headphones and sensory videos on their phone to keep you distracted from the fight. Meanwhile, there is absolute chaos on the field, Getou and Gojo being merciless as they kill one clan member after another.
Eventually, one of the attacks ends up blowing away your "bodyguard" and you're just there alone, unattended and unsupervised, so naturally, you look to the ground and see Gojo wielding Hollow Purple, and you don't know what that is except for a purple orb and since your dear uncle Naoya had been forcing you to take tutoring from the best teachers in tge world, you had learned color theory and immeadiately, without knowing the consequences of your actions, you throw out a yellow orb directly at the purple orb because you were taught in art class that "yellow cancels out purple", but now everyone is looking at you like "did a kid just- neutralise the most powerful Jujutsu technique???? Without so much as breaking a sweat?" And you're just giggling nd jumping up and down, calling out to Naoya "see uncle Naoya??? Those classes were not a waste of money!"
And that's when everyone noticed-
You're alone.
Naobito is immediately yelling at Toji to "collect your chaotic child before she reveals more of her powers and becomes everyone's target!" And Gojo is like "??? Um wtf?? Did a child just beat me???", while getou is springing into action to get his hands on you before Toji can.
Toji beats him to it, grabbing you with one hand while the other pulled out his sword. Getou summoned his own curses to help him attack Toji and simultaneously save you. As the two began fighting, Gojo sent another attack to Toji, who in an attempt to save you, shielded you with his body while taking the impact of hit.
As Toji was down, you were taken away from him by Getou, and while you didn't understand just what happened to your dad, you were becoming distressed as he didn't respond to you. And with your distress came a change in your cursed energy, which Getou recognised and he knew sooner or later, you will have an outburst of energy and hurt everyone in the process, because you're just a kid who doesn't how powerful she is.
So, yanking on Gojo's shoulders and telling him to leave the other members of the clan because they need to leave right now, the three of you teleported out of there.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou decide to take you in because there's no way they're giving you to Tengen, and taking you back to the Zenin clan was also out of the question, AND not to mention, they want to discover more about your cursed energy and help you control it. I mean, Getou wants to help you learn your powers and also give you a normal childhood, Gojo is slighted that he got beat by a child who didn't know what she was doing and he's low key concerned if you're gonna be a threat in the future. So... why not just take you in, and act like your parents because you're a gullible child who'll believe anything, and really has the attention span of a goldfish.
And at first, things were great because Gojo was like a chaotic parent who adored bullying you, while Getou was the calm and collected parent who helped you calm down as you swore you were gonna Hollow Purple Gojo if he kicks the back of your knees one more time. But everything changed when Getou parted ways with Gojo because he wanted to "kill humanity because they're all selfish and cruel🥰" and Gojo was like "babe, no, it's my job to be the sadistic one as a joke and you're the one who's supposed to laugh and say no, humans need us to protect them🥺" but Getou is like no, fuck that. And then Getou is like, well you can give Y/n to me because I love children and I love taking care of her, and Gojo is like "no." While holding a very struggling child that wants to scratch his face off, and Gojo only said no initially just so that there's something for Getou to come back. He knows how attached and fond Getou has grown over you. But Getou just sighs and goes "aight. Shared custody it is then. See you in 8 months, Y/n! Give your papa a kiss🥰" and you do.
And yeah, everyday since Getou departure, you can see the changes in Gojo's behaviour. It's not bad exactly, he's depressed for sure, and he's doubting his principles every step of the way, BUT he's kinder to you and to humans in general now. Meanwhile, whenever you do meet papa Getou, with Gojo's supervision cause my man doesn't trust Getou to not take you away and turn u into a killing machine, you can see the changes in Getou's personality too. He may still have that same kind, noble, shaman facade going on, but you see the way he looks down on the weak and on the non sorcerers. You see how he uses people as means to achieve his ultimate goal. Sure, you can also see that he still adores you, but you... dont know if you still love him with his view of the world.
Then one day, it happens. Gojo has finally killed Getou, not because of any ill intent, but because he simply threatened his students and the innocent people of Japan. And even though you knew this day wold eventually come, you still didn't forgive Gojo for a long time. You cried and fought against him, until Gojo had to eventually knock you out just so that your breakdown wouldn't unleash cursed energy and endanger everyone.
After Getou's death, Gojo's behaviour towards you and in general did a whole 180. He became the kinder, softer, gentle parent towards you. The empathetic teacher who pushed you but also consoled you when you failed, instead of the previous Gojo who would ridicule you for failing to master a technique.
Getou's death had definitely changed Gojo in other ways too. He had become more protective of you, always keeping you around because he couldn't bare the thought of losing someone else (Riko, Getou, etc). He keeps a close on you, watchubvvyour development and progress like a hawk because he knows you will soon be wanting to help him on missions, or worse, go solo. He doesn't want that, he can't have that. So the more you push Gojo to let you be independent, the more he tells you to sit down and practice more because you're just not ready yet.
Then one day, you reach your braking point and just- leave when Gojo is busy with his students. And this turned out to be a big mistake because the moment you had left Jujutsu High, it seemed like you were surrounded by thousands of enemies. Everyone wants to either kill you or capture you, and you don't even know why (because Gojo never revealed to you about your family or you being the star plasma vessel). Fortunately, you had trained enough to fight these assassins, and by the time you were done, you were tired and wanted to return back to Jujutsu High, but before you could, someone knocked you out.
When you woke up, you were lying in bed in a traditional Japanese home. Soon, a man with blonde hair came in, introducing himself as your uncle Naoya. He revealed who you were, how he was your family, how he saved you from Gojo, the man who stole you and killed his family members.
Of course, you call bs because why wouldn't you?? Naoya gives major prick vibes without trying so yeah, you didn't trust him at all. Then he pulled out pictures of you, of Toji and everyone else, and you vaguely remembered them, but not enough to believe him because Naoya could just be manipulating you to be compliant for human trafficking.
And then he takes you to another room, on the way you see a lot of other people who are looking at you fondly and have tears in their eyes, they seem like they want to say something or touch you, but Naoya glares at them to move away. Eventually, you reach a door and on opening it, you see a man sitting on a wheelchair, looking away from you.
"Who's that?" You asked as Naoya gently pushed you in. He walked towards the man, turning his wheelchair around and your breath hitched-
"Y/n, meet Toji, your-"
"Dad?" You whispered, recognising him as memories flashed through your mind. How- how could you have forgotten him all these years?
Tears began flowing down your face as you saw his miserable state- his face emotionless, the man was missing an arm, and he looked pale and weak.
"Gojo did this to him." Naoya began. "While your father was fighting, Gojo tried to purple Hollow you. But Toji took the hit instead, protecting you. He almost died that day, but with a little cursed energy, we were able to save him." He sighed, patting Toji's shoulder. "Unfortunately, he is paralysed. The cursed technique we tried to save him, has sent him into a vegetative state. He can't move, can't speak, doesn't even react."
More tears fell as you began questioning if Gojo really did this. Then again, if he was so innocent, why did he never tell you who your father really was.
"Why- why did you bring me here?" You asked.
Naoya scoffed. "Why wouldn't I? I had to save you from that monster. Look at what he did to your father! How could have I just leave you with him? You belong here, with your family, with your clan!"
"I cant- I can't stay here." You said, tearfully.
"Why not?"
"Because Gojo will find me. And when he does, he will hurt you all. I- I can't have that-" but Naoya pulled you into a hug as you began sobbing into his chest, heart heavy with guilt at the sight of your father.
"Shh, its okay. This is not your fault. You didn't do this, Gojo did. Which is precisely why you must stay here, with me and with your father. Besides, you don't need to worry about Gojo. I'm not a weak sorcerer, yknow? And not alone either. Plus, I remember you neutralising Gojo's attack pretty easily as a child. I'm sure you're better at it now. Obviously, not better than your uncle, I mean who are we kidding? No ones better than me-"
Yeah, you're remembering Naoya alright now.
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Meanwhile, Gojo is losing his mind and is on a murder spree through Japan to find you. He doesn't even know who fucking took you, and Naoya may not be as strong as Gojo, he is pretty good at hiding, like a rat.
Besides, Gojo isn't the only who's looking for you.
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A basic Intro to The Void State: Entering the Pure State of Consciousness
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Have you ever heard of the Void State? It is a pure state of consciousness that monks have talked about for centuries. This state of mind allows one to enter a space of pure potentiality, where creativity and manifestation can freely flow. It is not something that is hard to achieve; in fact, anyone can get into this state with some simple techniques. So, what is the Void State and how can you get into it?
What is the Void State?
The Void State is a state of pure consciousness, where there is no thought, no ego, and no external stimuli. In this state, one is free from the constraints of the mind, and is able to connect with their true essence. This state is also known as the state of pure potentiality, as one is able to tap into the infinite possibilities of the Universe. It is the space where all creative energy flows from.
History of Monks and the Void State
Monks have been practicing meditation for centuries, and have been able to enter the Void State through these practices. It is said that Buddha himself reached enlightenment through meditation, where he was able to enter the Void State and connect with his true essence. Monks have found that through mindfulness and silent meditation, one can enter the Void State and connect with the infinite possibilities of the Universe.
Appearance of the Void State in Religion
The Void State can be found in many religions around the world, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. In these religions, the Void State is known as Samadhi, Nirvana, and Wu Wei, respectively. In each of these religions, the Void State is seen as the state where one can connect with the divine and the infinite possibilities of the Universe. It is a state where one can find inner peace and enlightenment.
As we know in It’s simplest form, the void state is an experience of complete emptiness and stillness, where the mind is completely silent and there are no thoughts or sensations. This state is often described as a feeling of oneness with the universe, where the boundaries between the self and the external world dissolve, and the individual consciousness merges with the larger consciousness of the universe.
In many religious traditions, the void state is considered to be the ultimate goal of spiritual practice, as it represents a state of enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of suffering and rebirth. In Buddhism, for example, the void state is known as Nirvana, which can be translated as "extinction" or "blowing out," referring to the cessation of suffering and the release from the cycle of rebirth.
The history of monks and other spiritual practitioners in various traditions is often linked to the pursuit of the void state. For example, in Buddhism, monks and nuns devote their entire lives to meditation practice in order to achieve enlightenment, which is seen as the ultimate goal of human existence.
The void state can also be found in other religious traditions, such as Taoism and some forms of Christianity. In Taoism, for example, the Tao Te Ching speaks of the importance of emptiness and stillness in achieving harmony with the universe, while in Christianity, contemplative prayer and meditation are used to achieve a deeper connection with God.
Despite its association with religious practice and spiritual discipline, the void state is not inaccessible or difficult to achieve. In fact, many people can experience this state of consciousness through simple techniques such as breath awareness, relaxation, and visualization.
Other manifesters and spiritual teachers, such as Abraham Hicks and Eckhart Tolle, also emphasize the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment as a way to access the void state and achieve greaterpeace and harmony in one's life.
So no, a bunch of teen girls on tumblr did not discover nor did we make up this concept. Take it off the pedestal rn! it’s been here since the dawn of time, and will be continued to be used even if you choose to give up. so it doesn’t matter how many creators or anons lie about achieving it lol. we’re not the only ones pursuing this journey, so do some research outside of tumblr please.
Easy Ways to Get into the Void State
Entering the Void State is not as hard as one might think. One simple technique is mindfulness meditation, where one focuses on their breath and brings their attention to the present moment. This technique helps to calm the mind and enter a state of pure consciousness. Another technique is to simply sit in silence and let go of all thoughts and external stimuli. This can be done for a few minutes every day, and can help one to connect with their true essence and the infinite possibilities of the Universe.
Another technique for entering the void state is through the use of affirmations and visualization.By focusing on positive, affirming thoughts and visualizing themselves in a state of emptiness and stillness, individuals can begin to access the void state and experience the peace and clarity that comes with it.
Another technique to achieve the void state is to use delta waves, which are a type of brainwave that is associated with deep sleep and meditation. By listening to Delta wave music or binaural beats, one can easily enter into a relaxed state and experience the benefits of the void state.
Many manifesters, such as Neville Goddard, have talked about the power of the Void State in manifesting one’s desires. By entering the Void State, one is able to tap into the creative energy of the Universe and manifest their desires into reality. Neville Goddard talked about the power of visualization in entering the Void State, where one can visualize their desires as already being fulfilled. This technique helps to align one’s thoughts and energy with their desires, and enter the state of pure potentiality!
I’m listing the popular ways, but you can truly use whatever methods or non method you prefer! Whatever method you have successfully used to manifest in the past, and you feel confident about, use that for the void state. You don’t have to start a new journey when you find a new concept if you have one that works for you already.
Anyways I wanted to make this post because I get so many asks about the void state when it’s honestly one of the more simipilar forms of manifesting. I’m going to answer a lot of them here, so I don’t get them rundunatly in my ask :)!
Q: can I manifest anything, revise my entire life, manifest my sp, becoming a billionaire, become a cat?!!
A: yes you can do anything. Anything. No more can I do this questions. You know the answer and if you keep worrying about your doubts you need to work on your self concept
Q: are our desires immediate?
A: yea if that’s what you want
Q: is it better to wake up in the void or enter the void
A: that depends on you. If you hate awake methods and symptoms or whatever use a sleep method. If you don’t mind it and see better results doing awake methods, so an awake methods. For my ND people it’s better to do sleep methods imo but don’t limit yourself to others experiences either
Q: can I enter the void if I’m autistic/depressed/ have anxiety/ adhd
A: yes I’m all of those things. Why would the law only be for neurotypical people?
Q:can I shift or astral project using the void state
A: yes of course you can, you can use it for anything
Q: can I use lucid dreaming to enter the void ?
A: yes I have a guide in my pinned that covers that
Q: if you’re a master of the void state why isn’t your life perfect and bad things still happen
A: if you have this mentality you’re odd. Everyone on here is still human. And tbh once you’ve reached this place in your journey, you’re not revising every little thing in your life. We want to feel human, and have human experiences. We know we are safe and everything will always work out in our favor. Life isn’t a constant manifesting checklist to become the ultimate unscathed,unhurt god. That seems very weird and would give me cognitive dissonance. My life is already greater than most just because I found the law. Will I revise a bad test score. Yes. But I’m not revising every little thing that makes me sad, mad or is inconvenient to me.
Q: if you can enter easily why not manifest for all of tumblr
A: my reality is my reality, your reality is your reality. If it was that easy we would. When you enter the void you’re free to manifest for all of tumblr :)!
Q: In your opinion what stops people from entering the void
A: I would say procrastination. Not in a bad way, but most of the the time we see our desires in the future tense. “I cant wait to get my desires.” We can see our desires in the future, our future selves living our life shut rarely do we imagine us with them right now. More like watching a movie of ourselves in the future with our desires which just keeps delaying them. Identity with the inner man, not your future self.
Q: can you succeed even with bad circumstances
A: most of us found this because of bad circumstances. Of course you can
Anyways, I just wanted to make this post bc I get so many questions about it! If you want more specific content related to the void I recommend these creators: @gorgeouslypink @sanita223 @itsravenbitch @kissmebadkarmauh @blushydior and ofc @voidsuccess
I talk about everything in a generalized way but I’m more catered to shifting! These bloggers will show you the best methods, videos, and techniques related to the void imo, but don’t over consume <3!!!
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yoga-onion · 6 days
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[Image above: D. T. Suzuki (11 November 1870 - 12 July 1966) was a Japanese Buddhist scholar and doctor of literature. ]
A message from 23 nights temple Q&A: Part 2 [Part 1]
Next question was, want to know more about Tendai Buddhism and how to do face-to-face learning outside of Japan:
More than 1,400 years after its introduction, Buddhism in Japan was born from the founders of sects in Japanese history and culture. Today, about 13 major sects exist, including the Tendai sect. Of these, three are Zen sects: the Soto, Rinzai and Obaku.
Among them the most representative are, Saicho, founder of the Tendai sect, whose head temple is Enryaku-ji on Mt. Hiei; Kukai, founder of the Shingon sect, who brought esoteric Buddhism to Japan, whose head temple is Kongobu-ji on Mt. Koya; and Dogen, author of the Shobogenzo, a philosophy book said to be a manual for Zen meditation practice and originator of mindfulness. Founder of the Soto sect, whose main temple is Eiheiji Temple.
Buddhism means 'Buddha's teachings'. In the beginning, everything was transmitted orally and it was only after Buddha's death that documents and scriptures were created. All of the Buddhist scriptures that remain today were described by the memory of Buddha's disciples. In the meantime, it underwent various transformations through the views of translators and other factors, and representative gurus from different countries established and divided into sects. The Tendai sect is one of these sects, founded by Master Saicho. Incidentally, my trusted teacher is a Zen monk of the Soto sect, and he says that one should not be confined to a sect. It is because Dogen, the founder of the Soto sect, taught that the Buddha's teaching is one and that we should not be obsessed with sects.
Those wishing to study face-to-face or Buddhist thought outside Japan should visit your local Buddhist temple or Zen centre. You can easily find one by hitting the usual keywords. However, not all are good teachers. It is recommended to search patiently for a teacher or centre that suits you. For international learners, books by Japanese Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki are relatively accessible. He wrote on Zen in English and introduced Japanese Zen culture to the rest of the world. He was also a prolific translator of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Sanskrit literature.
In fact, the teachings of Zen that we are learning are not like there is a holy scripture that says this is the absolute truth, nor is there a founder who says that this is the absolute truth.
And it is best not to decide on a teacher based on sect or culture, but to knock on the door of a person you can identify with. More importantly, he or she may not only be in the temple.
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二十三夜堂からのメッセージ Q&A: その2 [その1]
伝来から1400年余りの年月を経て、日本の歴史文化のなかで、宗派の開祖たちから生まれたのが「日本の仏教」。 現在、大きな宗派として存在しているのは、天台宗を含め約13宗派。その中で禅宗は、曹洞宗、臨済宗と黄檗宗の3宗。
中でも代表的なのは、天台宗の開祖の最澄、総本��は比叡山延���寺、日本に密教をもたらした、真言宗の開祖の空海、総本山は高野山金剛峯寺、そして、坐禅修行のマニュアルとも言われている哲学書「正法眼蔵 (しょうぼうげんぞう)」の著者でマインドフルネスの元祖、曹洞宗の開祖の道元、大本山は永平寺など、が挙げられる。
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youremyheaven · 6 months
The Curse of Limitless Expansion: Jupiter's Shadow
I have covered the "negative" manifestations or the shadow side (as I prefer to call it) of different planetary influences, such as Venus, Moon, Rahu & Ketu and whilst I have explored Jupiter's different manifestations before, I thought it is time to do a more in-depth analysis of Jupiter's shadow.
Being the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is expansive and its natives are internally spacious and vast. I had observed previously that Jupiter is similar to Rahu in terms of its spaciousness (Claire had also observed the similarities between Punarvasu & Swati) but the difference is that Rahu is truly limitless in its expansive ability as it quite literally does not have physical form (Rahu refers to the north node of the Moon) Jupiter may be vast but it does have limits, it's bound by its massive capacity but since it does have a physical form, that means it also has limitations, it has a tipping point. This is why Jupiterean natives suffer or have the ability to realize they have "gone too far". Rahuvians have a "point of no return" mentality, they think they've gone too far but have to keep going since it no longer makes sense to return now.
Some people believe that since Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, growth and healing (or generally perceived as a "positive" planet) it somehow does not have a "dark side". This is untrue. Jupiter's darkness is just as terrifying as that of any other planet. The bigger the planet, the bigger the shadow.
Jupiter's shadow manifests as a god complex, messiah complex and megalomania, most commonly seen in men.
Men and women channel their nakshatras and planetary influence differently. Men tend to externalise their problems and women tend to internalise theirs. Men tend to inflict destruction upon others and women tend to self-destruct (@lasirenesensible tysm for pointing this out to me, it's a very valuable insight).
The scope of this post includes a few women but I'll discuss how Jupiter's shadow manifests in women on a separate post in the future.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that a planet known as the "Guru" or teacher is prone to making a lot of people under its influence proclaim themselves as Messiahs or divine teachers, many famous pseudo-spiritual "gurus" have Jupiter ruled naks in their big 3. They are merely charlatans with a Messiah complex driven by their ego to expand beyond reach. This is a toxic trait of Jupiter natives.
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Ryuho Okawa- Punarvasu Sun, Purvabhadrapada Mars atmakaraka
He was a Japanese religious and political leader who was the CEO and founder of the Happy Science and the Happiness Realization Party. His organization has been widely criticised as a cult. Adherents of the religion worship Okawa, who claimed to be the current incarnation of a god called “El Cantare" and a number of other beings, including Hermes and Gautama Buddha.
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L Ron Hubbard, Purvabhadrapada Sun conjunct Mercury and Jupiter conjunct Ketu in Vishaka (he also had Magha Moon)
He is the founder of Scientology lmao and basically co-opted a lot of eastern oriental thought mixed it with his malignant narcissism and created a religion based on spiritual hogwash. One of its most famous recruits is Tom Cruise, Punarvasu Moon
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Jim Jones- Punarvasu Sun & Mercury (he was also Shatabhisha Moon)
He is known for being the (cult) leader of the Peoples Temple religious group and for the Jonestown Massacre, when he led the mass murder-suicide of more than 900 members of the group at their commune in Jonestown, Guyana, on November 18, 1978.
fun fact: Suga from BTS (Purvabhadrapada Sun conjunct Mercury) sampled a bit from a sermon given by Jim Jones for the track "what do you think" from his mixtape D-2, he removed it following the controversy
"… though you are dead, yet you shall live, and he that liveth and believeth shall never die."— Jim Jones
I feel like it is way too specific and niche for him to not have intended to put it there or have known who Jim Jones was lol but I digress
But on that note, this whole self-belief thing (as we see from Jim Jones' quote) also seems to be tied to Jupiter's nature. These natives have insane self belief.
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Will Smith, Vishaka Moon is kind of an early proponent of manifestation. He's been talking about it since the early 90s.
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Jim Carrey, Vishaka Rising is another celebrity who has been talking about manifestation since the 90s.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Punarvasu Rising (and stellium)
He has talked about the power of the mind and visualisation A LOT. The key to achieving anything in life is to believe you can do it but many experiences (including trauma, self doubt etc) makes it hard for many people to persist in their belief, they hold themselves back. Jupiter's strength lies in its ability to be so vast and bold in its belief, their spaciousness means no matter what they've been through, they just know there's a way through, that they will make it out. This is their inherent nature.
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Nikola Tesla, Punarvasu Sun developed the 3 6 9 method of manifestation (as @brundlefly3333 pointed out)
Kanye West, Purvabhadrapada Moon is another celebrity who has spoken about the Law, the power of self-belief etc etc a LOT.
It goes to show how easy it is for self-belief to turn into delusions of grandeur and make someone a narcissist. It is truly dangerous because Jupiter's influence on the masses is immense so whatever a Jupiter native may proclaim, they have the ability to affect many people through it. Some of the men I mentioned above convinced others that they were God and even made them kill themselves for it. This is a scary, dangerous manifestation of Jupiter's "guru" nature wielding vast influence on others and being absolutely convinced of one's righteousness
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Mussolini- Vishaka Rising, Jupiter in Punarvasu amatyakaraka (he was also a Rohini Moon and Pushya Sun👀)
Benito Mussolini is like the OG dictator. He created fascism, a movement that would plunge most of Europe into darkness. From undermining judges to indoctrinating children, he pioneered key tactics that other dictators would use to seize power.
I specify Nodal influence in these individuals because I think the limitlessness and expansiveness of Nodal influence wrecks havoc to the already expansive nature of Jupiter and makes these natives more reckless.
I also specify Moon influence because as I already discussed in my posts, Moon influence can easily morph into cruelty and corruption and I think Moon & Jupiter together can be a dangerous combo if the native is imbalanced.
If you take anything away from these posts it would be that literally anybody with any placement/nak/planet is capable of being truly evil. There is no specific nak/planet that is a "guarantee" against evil. It truly comes down to the individual to choose how they want to live (I believe in free will and I do not condone in using astrology in a fatalistic way at all).
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Ferdinand Marcos- Punarvasu Moon (he also has Ardra ascendant conjunct Ketu and a lot of Moon influence)
Ferdinand Marcos developed a cult of personality as a way of remaining President of the Philippines for 20 years, in a way that political scientists have compared to other authoritarian and totalitarian leaders such as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler, but also to more contemporary dictators such as Suharto in Indonesia, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and the Kim dynasty of North Korea.
The propaganda techniques used, either by himself or by others, to mythologize Ferdinand Marcos, began with local political machinations in Ilocos Norte while Ferdinand was still the young son of politician and Japanese collaborator Mariano Marcos, and persist today in the efforts to revise the way Marcos is portrayed in Philippine history. According to members of his administration, such as Adrian Cristobal, Marcos's intent was to project an image of himself "the only patron, the king" of Philippine society, which he still saw as a society of tribes." Cristobal furthers that "Marcos and the First Lady wanted more than anything else [...] to be king and queen. They wished to shape the kingdom in their own image; [...] Marcos wanted to be able to say, 'L'État, c'est moi.'" ("the state, that is me") In some extreme cases where Marcos encouraged the formation of cults so that they could serve as a political weapon, Marcos came to be thought of as a God.
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Sun Myung Moon- Mercury conjunct Rising in Purvabhadrapada (he also has Shatabhisha Sun)
He was the founder and leader of the Unification Church established in Seoul, South Korea, who considered himself the Second Coming of Christ, but not Jesus himself. It is generally believed by Unification Church members ("Moonies") that he was the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ and was anointed to fulfil Jesus' unfinished mission.
The thing about all these men claiming to be God/Messiahs is that there were people who believed them and followed them blindly and uncritically. Anybody can claim these things but not everybody can acquire power and influence and lead people this way. This is another aspect of Jupiter (not to repeat myself again and again but yeah it's the whole "Guru" thing, people look at you as a figure of knowledge and wisdom, and these people project natural leadership qualities).
You can't just be crazy or narcissistic enough to believe these things, you also have to be strategic enough to amass a following. To be a leader and a guru requires a certain commitment and discipline. These are all Jupiterean qualities (that are used for malicious purposes here).
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Augusto Pinochet- Punarvasu Moon conjunct Saturn, Mercury in Vishaka atmakaraka, Jupiter in Purva bhadrapada amatyakaraka
He was a dictator who ruled Chile and claimed he was a visionary who was "guided by the mysterious hand of God". He had a cult of personality surrounding him
After his rise to power, Pinochet persecuted leftists, socialists, and political critics, resulting in the executions of 1,200 to 3,200 people, the internment of as many as 80,000 people, and the torture of tens of thousands. According to the Chilean government, the number of executions and forced disappearances was at least 3,095. Operation Condor, a U.S.-supported terror operation focusing on South America, was founded at the behest of the Pinochet regime in late November 1975, his 60th birthday.
Jupiter's expansive nature manifests as greed when an individual is imbalanced or spiritually stunted. This drives a need to acquire massive wealth or spread their influence/reign/territories. If the individual is spiritually evolved, their focus will be to balance the spaciousness within and not project it outward in continuous expansion.
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Hafez el Assad- Mars in Punarvasu atmakaraka, Jupiter in Punarvasu amatyakaraka and Venus in Vishaka (he also had Hasta Sun)
Syria's Hafez al-Assad, a Ba'athist officer who seized power through a coup d'état in 1970, established a pervasive cult of personality to maintain his dictatorship. As soon as he took over power, Ba'ath party loyalists designated him as "Al-Abad"; an Arabic terminology with deep religious dimensions. Linguistically, ''Al-Abad'' means "forever, infinite and immortality" and religious clerics use this term in relation to Divine Attributes. By designating Assad as "Al-Abad", Syrian Ba'ath Movement ideologically elevated Hafez al-Assad as its "Immortal", "god-like figure" who is supposed to represent the state as well as the Syrian nation itself. Another meaning of Al-Abad is "permanent", which is used in state propaganda to denote the perpetual status quo of an "eternal political order" created by Hafez al-Assad, who continues to live in Assadist ideology. The term's verbal form "Abada" means "to commit genocide" including the "symbolical; performative side of violence". This dimension has been weaponized by the Assad regime to monopolize violence against alleged dissidents and justify state terrorism, including genocidal acts of mass murder like the Hama Massacre, Qamishli Massacre and other massacres of the Syrian civil war.
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Jayalalithaa- Punarvasu Rising (Shatabhisha Sun & Magha Moon)
She was the Chief Minister of the state of Tamil Nadu in India and was an actor turned politician who had a cult following (they called her "Amma" or "mother" which I think is interesting that she was this mother figure/matriarch because of Punarvasu's deity Aditi being the Cosmic mother). She was a corrupt politician but the masses largely overlooked this and she was known for being a bit of a tyrannical figure who expected absolute loyalty from her party members who often publicly prostrated before her (not kidding).
Not as brutal as some of the other people on this list but her personality cult and influence over her following is crazyyy (I'm Indian so I'd know) and when she died in 2016, her state observed a 7 day mourning period.
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Mata Amritanandamayi Devi- Vishaka Rising (she also has Hasta Sun👀)
She's an Indian spiritual guru known as the "hugging saint", she's still alive and has millions of followers and there hasn't yet been a proper expose but her cult has been controversial for ages especially after it started recruiting spiritually confused white people into its mix. A lot of it is unexplained, she's most definitely a millionaire at this point and we have no idea what actually goes on behind closed doors. Many of the alleged miracles that she has performed have been debunked on many occasions. To think that she has football stadiums full of people who worship her and think she's the divine incarnate is sooo crazy
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Ram Dass- Punarvasu Rising
He helped popularize yoga and Eastern spirituality in the West. I don't think he's cruel or shady, just a regular white guy who had a spiritual awakening in India and co-opted thousands of years of Vedic wisdom and teachings to "introduce" it to the West. But his influence is unmatched to say the least, he spearheaded a whole movement and made eastern spirituality mainstream in the west. This is a manifestation of Jupiter's boundless nature.
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Oppenheimer- Punarvasu Moon
the man who developed the first ever nuclear weapons was a Punarvasu lol
he truly believed that he was doing the "right thing" because (you already know all this if you watched the movie) Germany was bound to develop these weapons and cause mass destruction and Oppenheimer thought he was on the right side of history by making these weapons for America and by extension for the Allies
"After Germany's surrender in 1945, some scientists questioned the bomb's relevance. Oppenheimer believed it would end the ongoing Pacific War and save Allied lives. The Trinity test is successful, and President Harry S. Truman orders the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in Japan's surrender. Though publicly praised, Oppenheimer is guilt-ridden and haunted by the destruction and mass fatalities. After Oppenheimer expresses his guilt to Truman, the president berates him and dismisses his plea to cease further atomic development." (this is an excerpt from the movie's wiki lol)
it just goes to show how self-belief isn't a good thing on its own because you can make yourself believe anything. I guess Oppenheimer's guilt has to count for something ??? Idk how many people mentioned on this list felt guilt because of the destruction they caused, Oppenheimer had a conscience et.al
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Elon Musk, Punarvasu Rising
He is the richest man in the world and is on a quest to own everything he can and colonize Mars, need I say more? Idk if this is a strange manifestation of Punarvasu's deity Aditi being the Cosmic Mother (either that or the man has a breeding kink) but this guy procreates at the speed of light (he has 6 kids right now with 3 different women I believe)
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Tommy Mottola- Punarvasu Sun (Swati Moon)
the asshole who trapped Mariah Carey (Punarvasu Moon) in a hellish controlling marriage for 8 years. He was the CEO of Sony Music in the 90s and was known for being a megalomaniac (look up his feud with Michael Jackson) he has ruined the careers of many and is known in the music industry for being a really scary controlling maniac
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Anders Behring Breivik- Punarvasu Rising
He blew up a bomb in the centre of Oslo. Meanwhile went to an island where a political youth gathering was taking place. Dressed up as a cop he would kill 69 people on the island of Utøya, and call out to teenagers hiding saying it was safe to come out, those who believed him and came out were shot.
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Alfred Hitchcock- Vishaka Moon (also Shatabhisha Rising with a lot of Moon influence in his chart)
He basically stalked some actresses and tried to control their lives; told them what they could/couldn’t eat, and where they could/couldn’t go. He sent Tippi Hedren inappropriate Valentine's letters. She claims he threw himself atop her in a hotel room and kissed her — and in her biography accused him of sexual assault. Yet another Jupiterean megalomaniac.
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Al Capone- Purvabhadrapada Rising
 He joined the Five Points Gang as a teenager and became a bouncer in organized crime premises such as brothels. In his early twenties, Capone moved to Chicago and became a bodyguard and trusted factotum for Johnny Torrio, head of a criminal syndicate that illegally supplied alcohol—the forerunner of the Outfit—and was politically protected through the Unione Siciliana. A conflict with the North Side Gang was instrumental in Capone's rise and fall. Torrio went into retirement after North Side gunmen almost killed him, handing control to Capone. Capone expanded the bootlegging business through increasingly violent means, but his mutually profitable relationships with Mayor William Hale Thompson and the Chicago Police Department meant he seemed safe from law enforcement.
Capone apparently revelled in attention, such as the cheers from spectators when he appeared at baseball games. He made donations to various charities and was viewed by many as a "modern-day Robin Hood". However, the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, in which seven gang rivals were murdered in broad daylight, damaged the public image of Chicago and Capone, leading influential citizens to demand government action and newspapers to dub Capone "Public Enemy No. 1".
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Robert DeNiro played Al Capone in The Untouchables (1987)
Idk whats the link between PBP and the mafia but Scorsese (PBP Moon) has made manyyy mafia themed movies and Robert DeNiro (PBP Moon) has starred as a mob boss on multiple occasions.
Having Jupiter influence really is like having unwielded power and if a native isn't mature enough to channel it appropriately then they can easily lose themselves to malignant narcissism, god complex and megalomania.
It requires a great deal of wisdom to wield this ability wisely and for the greater good
Jupiter influence is very prominent in the charts of royalty, another group prone to megalomania and god complexes lol. Jupiter bestows its natives with power, status and affluence but one must wield it carefully.
Punarvasu is widely accepted as the most auspicious of Jupiter-ruled naks (due to its themes and its deity) whereas Vishaka and Purvabhadrapada are both harsher manifestations of Jupiterean energy but even the most "gentle" of Jupiterean naks still came up in the charts of some of the horrible people I mention in this post. Basically, no one is exempt from being cruel, obviously, everything depends on the chart as a whole (a person is more than the sum of their parts) but that said the presence of a nakshatra considered "auspicious" (Jupiter ruled or otherwise) does not automatically qualify as some kind of redeeming quality lol. Everybody has to consciously choose their actions and be good and do good aka anybody can be cruel and evil and yes even Jupiter has its dark side/shadow.
hope this post was interesting xx
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