#tealoranges and co
crazypenguintacofan · 11 months
Gonna repost this here bc the people really need to see it
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The polycule is canon and I don't wanna hear anything else from poylcule deniers.
[ALT: Two screenshots of three tweets.
Tweet 1:
User Morgane  Inciting (a) riot(s) (@malinconiae_off) says:
And now that the strike is over, I can post this again: Vico confirmed that the Olu/Jim/Archie polycule is canon. They talked excitedly about making it more obvious in S3 if we get it, and said about the “anchors” line: “I knew that those who *know* would pick up on this”.
Tweet 2:
User Polite Wife: That'll Be My Brand (@SHRAAAMP) says:
Where did they confirm this? I need it to be true (followed by three teary-eyed emojis).
Tweet 3:
User Morgane  Inciting (a) riot(s) (@malinconiae_off) replies:
To me directly when I met them. I was thanking them for their impact on the polyam community, which led to talking about this OFMD polycule, and that’s when they confirmed that it *is* a polycule and that the plan is to make it more obvious in S3 if the show’s renewed.]
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Ed looking at Olu (charismatic, intelligent, natural leader who was ready to strap a guy to an anchor and let him work it out with the ocean 5 seconds after becoming captain) and Jim (short, angry, no social skills whatsoever but brilliant at stabbing people) and just sighing like "you guys are just like me and Iz when were young..."
and Jim and Olu being HORRIFIED
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Listen I’m in favor of a healthy polycule for TealOranges and Co. But I also think it would be really funny if Olu tried to leave with Zheng as a sort of “lol fuck my ex I’m gonna be a trophy husband while they live through another Category 5 Breakup Event.”
(Jim does not know they are exes by the way)
Let my man be a little jealous and petty as a treat. He never even got to pine in a robe
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yerbamansa · 1 year
20 Questions for fic writers
I got tagged by @thetragicallynerdy, thank youuu <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
57 since 2018!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
494,281, the vast majority of which is from the last year and a half.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Our Flag Means Death, but previously Schitt’s Creek.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
to wild homes we return to (Schitt's Creek) (5,943 words)
an atypical emotional response to common sounds (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (6,612 words)
Made With Love (Schitt's Creek) (8,942 words)
What happened in Vegas? (Schitt's Creek) (1,000 words)
actually, the markup is very good (Schitt's Creek) (1,166 words)
I started writing Schitt’s Creek fic when the fandom was relatively small, so I suspect that accounts for the prominence here. Funny enough, the one OFMD fic in this list is the most recent thing I posted. The stats on that thing blow my mind a little (not that ever do, like, big name fan writer numbers).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I reply to every one if I can. Sometimes when people binge-read a multi-chapter fic and leave comments on several chapters I find it hard to come up with something to say in reply to all but the last (or specific things mentioned in the comment), but I love when that happens!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Gotta be in a time trap, an efficient little 5+1 not-exactly-a-fix-it OFMD post-S1 timeloop fic where Stede keeps waking up with Chauncey’s pistol in his face.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Skipping the Schitt’s Creek fics, because those are largely happy fluff to begin with… Probably the most uncomplicatedly upbeat happy endings are found in Disruptors and We’re Gonna Live In The Trees.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No one has ever said anything unkind to me on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, god, I’m fucking TRYING, and it is a TRIAL. It is NOT my default, but it’s personal shit I wanna work on, so. It’s generally not mlm, though ‘an atypical emotional response to common sounds’ is the one exception. Currently pushing myself to improve throughout the t4t tealoranges climate apocalypse fic the way things are going (with deep gratitude to tragic for their support and advice).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Heh, my first attempt at writing smut was a Schitt’s Creek/The Good Place crossover, Wine Tasting! Eleanor helps Stevie explore her bisexuality as a kind of soul-saving thing (look, I don’t know). I’ve written a few other things that are heavily inspired by other things, or rewrite/twist something into the current obsession (OFMD, always OFMD), but no full-on crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. That’d be weird.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah, though a few have been recorded as podfics. ♥️
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Ask Me Anything: A TealOranges SMAU was totally co-authored with @thetragicallynerdy, of course. I also like to say that Kitchen Mistakes & How To Avoid Them was in many ways a collaboration with my friend rose, who was muuuuch more than a beta reader, even if they won’t claim it as such. And oh no I’ve dropped the ball on this (it takes effort) but several pals in one of my group chats were co-writing a silly thing together, Public Relations: An OFMD Celebrity SMAU. I really enjoy collaborating on creative projects and would do it again! Though, uh, probably no more SMAUs. 😂
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
tbh ships in and of themselves are not my main approach to enjoying things, though I realize that’s the structure a lot of fanworks take (including my own). I really do love writing Jim/Oluwande and Ed/Stede. I know, boring ol’ canon ships, but whatever. Those guys can fit all kinds of wild AUs and personal shit!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ehhh, honestly, if I abandon a WIP, it’s probably dead. I have at least one thing that might look abandoned because I haven’t updated it since August but I swear it isn’t. Probably. Ennhhh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at picturing/researching the setting enough to shade in the details and make it feel real for the story. Dialogue, because I hear it in my head and rewind and play it back and write it down. Internal monologue/complicated feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh god, smut. Smut is SO hard. Describing bodies/clothes and probably to a large extent facial expressions, too. Em dashes. Tagging.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve really only done tiny bits of Spanish dialogue in fic. I took Spanish in school ages ago, but have never ever ever been fluent, so it’s pretty minimal and uses reference sites/translation tools to do my best that the phrases make sense in context, etc. If it were more than that, I’d want to confer with someone who’s a native speaker or has a lot of direct cultural experience, but generally I don’t think I’m ambitious enough to try to write outside my own experience in that particular way.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Schitt’s Creek, unless you count what might be considered songfic back when I was obsessed with Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead in high school in the late ‘90s.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm, an impossible question, really. Maybe all that i need is you and the sea (an accidental time travel amnesiac love story told in five parts), because it was perhaps my first experience with something that bananas taking over my head and just flowing out of my brain over the course of several days, and it touches on all kinds of themes and issues and jokes I include in other fics. I learned a lot working on it, too. I just think it’s neat.
Tagging some writers I <3 here who might've already been tagged (i will never catch up with tumblr scroll) or simply don't wanna, so feel free to take this as a friendly wave hello if anything: @emi--rose @epersonae @ghostalservice @bktrashcat @sassygwaine [am i currently re-reading ALTWSS? yes] @petrichorca or really anyone <3
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tv opinion: olu should be co-captain or at least co-first mate of the new revenge
They made him captain at the end of last season and then just...forgot. Oluwande you will always be *my* captain even if for some reason the writers robbed you!
Between that and what happened to TealOranges I'm convinced someone just doesn't like Olu for whatever reason
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yerbamansa · 2 years
been editing the theme and graphics for this tealoranges collab to go with my co-author's lovely artwork, and it's so soft and pretty and i think that will only serve to highlight the devastating bits we are still working on. 😂
yeah also writing?? for sure doing writing. yup. i mean truly.
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OFMD Tag Meme
I was tagged by @salamanderinspace for their OFMD tag meme! Thanks for the tag!
Rules: Fill it out and tag 5 people.
Tagging: @let-me-dream-with-the-stars @blakbonnet @co-captens @snake-snack-stede and @xoxoemynn
Your Name: Joy
How Many Sugars: Seven, I’m with Ed on this one.
Character(s) You Relate To Most: Oluwande, Stede
OTP?- Blackbonnet! (and TealOranges)
NOTP?- Blackhands (and Stizzy, but I hate Blackhands more. Only like it when done for comedic purposes)
If you were a pirate captain, what would you call your ship?- The Red Silk
What position would you have on a pirate ship (bosun, captain, powder monkey, master gunner, surgeon, etc.)- Captain with a library on board
Favorite OFMD Fics or Arts?- I have a tendency to read fics and immediately lose them, so I’m just gonna give a blanket shout out to the reunion fic writers!
Biggest Wish for Season 2?- The Gentleman Pirate learns intentional seduction
Favorite Quote: “Coming Nana, coming for some cake!”
Favorite Minor Character: Frenchie!
Favorite Episode: This is Happening. Has everything- OluJim, Blackbonnet first date, co-captains.
Has OFMD caused you to reevaulate your gender? Not really
Favorite Cast/Creator Quote or Interview: Con and Nathan at C2E2. Like what was even happening?
Do cats have knives in their feet? Frenchie I love you but no
Song that Makes You Think of Stede Bonnet: Skin by Sabrina Carpenter (it’s him @ Izzy seriously listen to it I’m right)
Song that Makes You Think of Izzy Hands: Invisible by Taylor Swift
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