#team archer
tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 1 (ALL SERVANTS)
Team Foreigner got Van Gogh's composure to 0! Something is happening!
Echoing laugher. Triumphant laughter. The laughter of a Servant who had lost everything. The laughter of a Servant who had gained everything.
Van Gogh. A patchwork Servant from beyond the void. Laughed.
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VAN GOGH: "Ah... my deception ends here. Look upon 'Van Gogh'... the false Servant named Van Gogh... isn't it horrible? Isn't it beautiful? Ahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
A pulse emanating from the Servant shattered the bounds of the digital landscape that had been called 'reality'. This was the power of the Foreigner-class. The true power of the Foreigner-class, when deprived of the chains of 'logic' that bound it.
Six other Servants were hit by the pulse, the world around them collapsing, throwing them into hell. Havoc overwhelming. Chaos overflowing. A wave of utter madness, grabbing the minds of the enemy Servants and rending them asunder.
First, the Assassin.
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Assassin: "...Where the hell am I... what the hell is that?!"
The Assassin drew his sword, uncharacteristic fear filling his mind and body. A shadow formed, vaguely in the shape of a Servant, unsettlingly enough. It lunged forward, as he stepped back, trying to defend himself as more shadows appeared.
Shadows from his peripheral, shadows that he couldn't see but hear, shadows that he couldn't hear but see.
Shadows that weren't real.
Shadows that were far too real.
Then, the Rider.
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Rider: "Back off! Get away from me!"
He yelled, trying to add as much authority as he could as the false illusions patched together by real madness inched closer.
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Archer: "...You're not real! You're an illusion, like Caster's Noble Phantasm!"
He yelled, as he tried to lie to himself, fingers rending at the stark white of his clothing, causing it to dye red. His own fingertips rent asunder as the skin on them began to wear down and redden as he scratched and screamed at nothing.
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Saber: "Come at me! I'll cut you to pieces!"
She yelled, her sword swiping forward. It drew blood, before she screamed, clutching at her own shoulder as it bled profusely as it was struck in an identical spot.
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Lancer: "Heh. You think you're cute, huh? We'll see how cute you think you are when this spear goes right through you!"
...An alliance, formerly airtight, splintered in seconds by the maddened wave of the unleashed Foreigner. Their identities began to crumble, as they engaged in bloody warfare.
Only two Servants stood in the wave unaffected. Perhaps both of them had already reached the crux of their madness to begin with, or perhaps they had already witnessed hell, and so this void was nothing but a reprieve.
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Tortured Youth: "...So this is what you can do, Foreigner? I hope you're not plannin' on killin' me like the others?"
Patchwork Servant: "Ehehehe! Play with me, Avenger! Spin with me! Dance with me! Sing with me! Paint with me! Create with me! Don't mind the pain! Thrash and scream! Let's kill each other, and use our blood to repaint the world!"
Tortured Youth: "...Thought so. And here I wasted that mana boosting you up. Well, that's just my luck. Whatever, this little game sounds like fun either way. Let's play, Foreigner!"
Reality itself began to unravel, already thin threads snapping apart under the pressure of the Foreigner-class Servant!
Team Foreigner got Van Gogh's composure to 0! Team Foreigner used 'Wave of Madness'! With Van Gogh's composure at 0, she temporarily gains access to all of her skills until the battle ends!
Alliances are temporarily severed within Void Space! It's utter chaos! This is a battle for survival!
If Van Gogh wins first place, she'll inflict 2 wounds on every Servant!
If Van Gogh doesn't get first, then any Servant that scores under Van Gogh will sustain 1 wound!
Any non-Foreigner-class Servant that ends up in last place will sustain 3 wounds and be destroyed instantly!
Any non-Foreigner-class Servant that ends up above Van Gogh will be safe!
If Van Gogh gets last place, she'll sustain 3 wounds, but will lash out and inflict 1 wound on every Servant! if she gets anything other than 1st, she'll simply sustain 1 wound!
Skills such as 'Battle Continuation' or 'Independent Action' are nullified! Servants who perish in Void Space are gone!
Van Gogh's 'Wave of Madness' gives every other Servant a -10% demerit! …Angra Mainyu's been spared from the demerit?!
Angra Mainyu gave Van Gogh a +5% boost!
Musashi and Arjuna have been cursed by 'Soul of the Water Channels'! They have a -3% demerit for this round! This will stack with the current application of 'Soul of the Water Channels', meaning Musashi and Arjuna have -6%, and the others have -3%!
Final Score Augmentations:
Van Gogh: +41% Angra Mainyu: -40% Miyamoto Musashi: -29% Mandricardo: -36% Okada Izou: -36% Cu Chulainn: -21% Arjuna: -39%
Active Servant Skills and Current Statuses:
Van Gogh (Foreigner):
Het Gele Huis (A+) - When winning first place in a Free-for-All, inflict 2 wounds on the bottom Servant, rather than just one. If engaged in a one-on-one, inflict 2 wounds instead of one upon victory. Additionally, reduce Servant bonuses by 10%, and if the gap between scores is greater than 35% when winning, recover from a 'wound'.
Soul of the Water Channels (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +10% boost, and inflict a persistent 3% demerit on enemy Servants for this round and the next. When fighting one-on-one, gain a +5% boost, and inflict a -2% demerit to them for this round and the next.
Void Space Fine Arts (B+) - If receiving a demerit from enemies larger than 10%, convert it into a +10% boost. Gain a +5% boost, and add another +3% if going against a Servant who has been cursed by the demerit from 'Soul of the Water Channels'. Gain the ability to sustain one more wound than normal.
Existence Outside the Domain (A) - Gain an immunity from demerits, and also reduce enemy Servant boosts by 5%.
Insanity (C) - Gain a +5% boost.
Item Construction (B-) - Lower the victory gap for the 'recovery effect' of "Het Gule Huis" from 35% to 25%.
Divinity (B+) - Lower enemy boosts by -5%, and increase own buffs by 3%.
Curse of Sunflower (A) - When on her final wound, gain a +7% boost.
Van Gogh has [2/7] wounds!
Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (C) - Reduce enemy Servant boosts by -3%.
Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (C) - Gain a +3% attack boost.
Annihilation Wish (A) - When fully healed, gain a -20% demerit to his final score. With one wound, the demerit is reduced to -10%. With two wounds, the demerit is changed to a +20% boost.
Grail Curse, All The World's Evils (EX) - When part of a battle that results in a Servant dying, absorb a part of their essence. Take a random one of their combat skills for Avenger's own use and recover one Command Spell. Those are the only effects. ...Probably.
Angra Mainyu is uninjured!
Miyamoto Musashi (Saber)
Heavenly Demonic Thundering Eye (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain +10% to your final score, and reduce their scores by -5%. If fighting a Servant one-on-one, if the gap between scores is above 20%, inflict 2 wounds.
Battle Continuation (EX) - If she loses a confrontation while on her final wound, if there's only a 10% difference between the scores of her and her opponent (non-allied Servant), she can slip out unscathed.
Musashi is on her last wound! 'Battle Continuation EX' is nullified within Void Space!
Mandricardo (Rider)
Brigliadoro's Neigh (A) - Increases the Rider-class trait to +5% rather than +3% in free-for-all brawls.
Armor of the Nine Worthies (A) - When attacked, reduces the amount of the Servant's final combat poll result by 10%.
Mandricardo has [1/3] wounds!
Okada Izou (Assassin)
Man-Slayer (A) - When fighting a Servant that possesses a wound, gain a +3% boost. When fighting a Servant that possesses 2 wounds, gain +5% instead.
Izou has [1/3] wounds!
Cu Chulainn (Lancer)
Rune Magecraft (B) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +5% to combat score results. Additionally, any skills that reduce scores against Lancer will have their effectiveness reduced by 1%.
Battle Continuation (A) - Is able to take 4 'wounds' instead of the normal 3. On his last ‘wound’, gain a permanent +5% boost to final combat poll results.
Protection from Arrows (B) - When going against an Archer, Caster or Assassin-class Servant, gain a +5% to final combat poll results, and reduce their results by 5% as well.
Cu Chulainn has [2/4] wounds!
Arjuna (Archer)
Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
Mana Burst (Flame) (A) - Gain a +8% boost to combat poll results when attacked during 'playing defensively', rather than +3%. When not ‘playing defensively’, gains a 5% boost to final combat poll results instead.
Independent Action (A) - After receiving his third 'wound', he has one more round to attempt to attack before fading away. (Cannot be healed during this period via Command Spell).
Arjuna is on his final wound! Independent Action is nullified by Void Space!
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golden-nocturne · 2 years
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sazkus · 2 months
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basically the whole point they took over the radio tower
redraw of this meme that is going around!
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jadeazora · 8 months
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I think I got this accurate enough lol (Piers isn't really a villain himself btw, I still consider him the leader of a more mildly antagonistic group tho)
Maxie's is in reference to this btw:
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trustymikh · 7 months
I just wanna stop by real quick to say that I really adore your Gio art, especially the little scenes with Persian... They're so good and you draw them so distinctively, they're all visually so full of character <3 Thank you!
awawawa thank you!!! :D
to me Giovanni is a perfect combination of that villain trope, 'horrible person who treats their pet better than anyone else' and someone who I can project my cat ownership experiences onto
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I imagine she looooves to snuggle with him and every morning Giovanni cannot get up without giving her 'good morning' kisses first
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hijinxx · 11 months
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Pokeemon is my favorite crime drama
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deoxysacid · 4 months
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marketable hgss timeskip plushies
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exiledsummer · 2 months
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had to hop on the trend
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moldspicy · 1 year
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i just think they are very neat ✨
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grey822aaa · 9 days
Mind if I ask for originshipping and launch shipping minis?
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Well, of course you are cunning
I won’t draw two anymore, you're a lover of turquoise-blue relationships
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tabrisangel · 1 year
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one of my favorite things about archer’s one and only weak ass battle is that when you encounter him he’s not even looking out the window or something cool he’s staring right at the wall. hes looking at the wall. i think he was contemplating bashing his head into it
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tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another Start: Wave 1 - Day 1 (Team Avenger, Team Foreigner, and Team Archer)
Heed my words… My ████ creates your body, And your sword creates my ███████… If you heed the Grail's call, and ████ my ████ and ██████, then answer my summoning…
A Servant was summoned. Beautiful and ephemeral, like a sunflower. Vines gripping and corroding the wood of the church, and the data compiling the Holy Grail War.
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The purpose of the Foreigner Servant was clear. Annihilate the other Servants. Claim the Grail. Annihilate the other Servants. Annihilate the other Servants. Annihilate the other Servants. Annihilate. Annihilate. Annihilate. Annihilate. Annihilate!
'FOREIGNER': "Masters... Masters... are you all my Masters...? I'm Van Gogh... let's repaint this world... together... ehehe... ehehehehe!"
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Angra Mainyu: "...Well, I tried. Your Servant is here. Congratulations. I sealed some of her skills, so this won't be awful, I don't think. And I'm not dead thanks to you, which is also neat. That being said, going from 'outside threat' to 'internal competitor' is a fine change, but still makes her dangerous. Guess this'll be my first real fight as a Servant!"
As he readied himself to fight, another Servant burst in through the doors of the Church, readying his bow for battle.
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Angra Mainyu: "Finally, the cavalry is here! Okay, let me catch you up to speed. That's Foreigner. Bad news, honestly. So… let's work together on this one, Archer."
Arjuna: "…I'll agree to that, simply because the other Servant seems more dangerous. Though… I can't say that 'teaming up' with a Servant like you is an idea I'm fond of. Just looking your direction is giving me the impulse to rend you asunder."
Angra Mainyu: "Yeah, yeah. Believe me, I don't like you very much either, but I'd prefer NOT dying. Anyways, since we're in a new phase-- ahem, some 'things have changed' in the Grail War, I guess we're dealing with new mechanics! Uh, 'new' mechanics? Overseer?"
[ Avenger has forged a temporary 'alliance' with Archer!
If an allied Servant wins first place during a Free-for-All, then their partner won't sustain a wound! When fighting alongside an allied Servant, they both gain a +5% boost! Additionally, they're immune to ally debuffs!
Due to the nature of this alliance, it will fade once the battle ends if not renewed by the Masters of Archer and Avenger! ]
Angra Mainyu: "Look at that, making old mechanics make sense. Better late than never, so... go us! Here's the thing though… I'm basically a lost cause, so as much as some of you will probably hate this, you'll need to dump as much mana as possible into Archer or things will get ba--"
The connection crackled and shorted out, before a voice came out from the other side.
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'FOREIGNER': "Masters... Masters... It's me, Van Gogh... I've answered your call... I came here as fast as I could..."
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VAN GOGH: "Can you lend me some of your mana...? I can work on commission... ehehe... just a Gogh Joke...!"
As Masters who summoned the Foreigner-class Servant, Van Gogh, it seems as if you can command her! Which means... you CAN win the Grail War with her if you band together to support her, just like any other Servant! Maybe her winning the Grail will unlock a 'special ending'? While the other Servants may stand against her, that doesn't make her any different than the others. Though... it doesn't seem like she has proper Command Spells?
Well, that's a topic for later. For now... fight on, Masters of Foreigner!
Angra Mainyu is uninjured!
Arjuna is on his final wound!
Van Gogh is uninjured!
Angra Mainyu and Arjuna are allies! They both gain +5%!
Based on skills, augmentations to the final score are:
Angra Mainyu: -12%
Arjuna: +3%
Van Gogh: -3%
Active Skills:
Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (C) - Reduce enemy Servant boosts by -3%.
Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (C) - Gain a +3% attack boost.
Annihilation Wish (A) - When fully healed, gain a -20% demerit to his final score. With one wound, the demerit is reduced to -10%. With two wounds, the demerit is changed to a +20% boost.
Arjuna (Archer)
Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
Mana Burst (Flame) (A) - Gain a +8% boost to combat poll results when attacked during 'playing defensively', rather than +3%. When not ‘playing defensively’, gains a 5% boost to final combat poll results instead.
Van Gogh (Foreigner)
Het Gele Huis (A+) - When winning first place in a Free-for-All, inflict 2 wounds on the bottom Servant, rather than just one. If engaged in a one-on-one, inflict 2 wounds instead of one upon victory. Additionally, reduce Servant bonuses by 10%, and if the gap between scores is greater than 35% when winning, recover from a 'wound'.
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barbwalken · 9 months
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Rocket boys doing rocket boys things.
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curestardust · 2 months
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jadeazora · 4 months
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I feel like I would never trust Lysandre with a kid for obvious reasons, but at the same time, would probably rank his anime self as "ok" at it given that he seems to treat Mairin pretty well while Alain is out on assignment for him. (Plus, he apparently did plan to let her live since he sent a Grunt to retrieve her. Definitely a blurry line between legitimately appreciating Alain's help enough to accept her as a chosen one, and a useful tool for keeping Alain in line tho.)
Volo constantly ditches work and while I don't think he'd harm a child unless that child has a connection to Arceus (not counting the world erasure thing), I'd fully expect him to dump that kid off on Ginter or Cogita.
It seems from various other media, kids tend to like Cyrus going by Hareta, Dia, and Sophocles. He's not great at it, but he did talk to Sophocles for what's implied to be hours in Masters over their shared interest in machines and technology. I think if he was looking after kids with similar technological interests, he could be pretty decent at it. (He could also fix or walk you thru fixing game systems.)
There's likely been at least one instance where Leon shoved a probably-too-young-to-really-remember Hop off on Rose for a short while while he needed to go do something right quick. He's also probably one of the safest villains to leave your kid with since he's got benevolent intentions, just a lack of patience. I also feel Archer would probably have babysat for Silver as a kid.
Penny just puts on some anime or plays video games with kids, and Piers has plenty of experience from babysitting Marnie when she was young. Archie is also shown to be pretty good with and protective of kids in Masters. Easily the top three.
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trustymikh · 11 months
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Archer, not everything is about you
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