#team bear
dankmemes23 · 5 months
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radifemsara · 4 months
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Dawg, would you look at that??😯😰😨
A trans"woman" just admitted he is a man and threatened a woman for 'hurting his feelings'. His Y chromosome must be acting up again!
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winterr-w0nderland · 4 months
The bear vs man is more than a little silly, especially when men being PISSED that woman are picking the bear but for shits and giggles I did a little experiment
I googled news reports of women being attacked by bears in the last 24 hours, and I shit you know THIS is the only thing that popped up
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Okay, the day is young and this is only the last 24 hours. But even then most bear attacks are,
A. Not fatal (people were injured but they survived)
B. The bear was provoked, confused or looking for food. Ya know. Doing normal bear things
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ALL of these were unprovoked (not accounting for the fact a lot of these were hate crimes), by trusted men in these women lives and while some survived they have far worst trauma than they would ever get from a bear. Men are capable of unique kinds of torture and hatred that a bear could never be able to comprehend.
Worst case scenario, the bear would just kill you. Meanwhile encounters with a random man (or possibly even a man you know and trust) have far worst outcomes.
And while yes if I searched bear attacks in the last year, week, or even month I'd get more results but compare it to the amount of times women have been attacked by men and that's JUST the attacks that have been reported by the news? Yeah, I'm on team bear.
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laikataru · 6 months
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liamrev · 4 months
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I have realized something about beauty and the beast
Belle had the choice between a man (Gaston) and a big hairy brown creature with big paws (the beast)
Belle was on team bear before ANY OF YALL
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canine-stimz · 6 months
Springfest teams (Splatoon) icons, requested by me.
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(pngs from this post.)
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spookyvampire666 · 5 months
If you are a man and you get offended when women choose the bear, you are the men we are scared of.
Plus bears are more respectful to women than men are.
A bear will not mansplain to me
A bear will not harass me
A bear would not punch me in the face
A bear would just kill me.
That’s it.
Plus bears kill to protect their cubs.
Men kill for sport.
Men are more predatory than bears
Bears are predictable
Men are not.
That is why women hate men and love bears!
Women feel more comfortable and safe with bears than they do with men.
Maybe you should look at yourself and have a self reflection and wonder why are you offended by simple answer that has literally nothing to do with you and wonder were that anger from rejection comes from!
Men DNI🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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hyperlexichypatia · 5 months
I was going to make a post about urscourse* but I got tired.
*Ursine discourse a/k/a "Would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods?"
A bunch of women said they'd be more afraid of running into a strange man in the woods than running into a bear, a bunch of men got Big Mad, and then a bunch of progressive feminists galaxy-brained themselves into the take that this is all very wrong because misandry is a real problem.
Y'all... we do not have to take bad-faith antifeminist arguments as sincere.
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No one, ever, is denying civil rights or human rights to men because they are men. No one is proposing denying civil rights or human rights to men because they are men.
The question is not "Should men be banned from going into the woods?" or "Should you call the police if you see a man in the woods?" or "Should men be discriminated against because of the bad actions of a few?"
Those things are not and never have been on the table.
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"Most men aren't murderers." Correct. But the vast majority of murderers are men.
"What about Good Men?" What about them?
"What about queer or otherwise marginalized men?" Again, what about them?
"Women do bad things too!" They do. It's just that stranger murder and stranger sexual assault are very, very rarely among them.
"Stranger violence is vanishingly rare already! Most assaults and murders are committed by someone the victim knows!" Yep. They're rare. And when they do happen, they're almost always perpetrated by men.
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"Gender is a social construct." Yes, it is! And the way gender is socially constructed is that people of one gender are allowed and encouraged to commit violence against people of other genders.
"Saying that men are more dangerous than women is validating gender essentialism or the gender binary!" No. Men teaching other men that the way to prove their manhood is by physically and/or sexually overpowering women, children, queer people, people outside the gender binary, other non-men, and gender-non-conforming men are attempting to reinforce gender essentialism and the gender binary. Women and non-men and GNC men who point this out are not the problem.
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"But how is feminists saying that men are statistically dangerous different from bigots saying that [minority group] is statistically dangerous?" Sigh. Okay. It's not just that the power differential is different. It's not just that the statistical accuracy of the claim is different. It is, more importantly, more fundamentally, that the solution being proposed is different.
When bigots say "Well, [oppressed group] might be DANGEROUS, look at these (doctored, decontextualized) crime statistics!" they are using that claim to advocate denying people's basic human rights. The conclusion (stated or unstated) is "...and that's why we should leave refugees to die" or "...and that's why police brutality against people of color is okay" or "...and that's why trans people shouldn't be allowed to use the bathroom" or "...and that's why neurodivergent people should be forcibly drugged."
If the question were "Should men be banned from walking in the woods because they're dangerous?" or "Should women call the police on men walking in the woods?" or "Should all men everywhere be locked up?" ...Then "Not all men" or "Most men aren't violent" or "Women can be violent too" would be relevant responses. But those aren't the questions -- those aren't the proposed solutions -- so those responses aren't relevant.
"What about oppressed men?" isn't relevant not only because oppressed men aren't oppressed for being men, but also because no one is advocating oppressing men for being men. The man is not being in any way, even hypothetically, harmed in this scenario.
The solution being proposed isn't even "Women should avoid strange men in the woods" -- the point is that most women already do avoid strange men in the woods.
The solution being proposed is "Men should stop culturally normalizing physical and sexual violence as part of masculinity."
We don't need to add additional nuance to that, because "Not all men are violent" and "Some women are violent" and "Gender is a false binary" are all true, but are irrelevant to the solution being proposed.
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"Gender shouldn't matter." I agree! Gender shouldn't matter! I would love to live in a world where gender doesn't matter! I would love to live in a world where I could run into a stranger in the woods without even thinking about what gender they are!
But in order to get to that world, men -- not "people," not "all of us," but specifically MEN -- have to stop basing their identity on physical and sexual violence against other people (especially non-men).
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lonelyvermonster · 5 months
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zetaaa · 9 months
Silly me, today I'm mad at one Jaime Lannister for leaving the sweetest girl behind. Ok, he did come back and rescue her in the end, but that was AFTER.
Idiot of a Lannister.
(posting Magali Villeneuve's "In the Bear Pit" with the hope the bear will trash him this time)
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dankmemes23 · 5 months
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Always bear. There’s no discussion
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letoarmitage · 4 months
Trigger Warnings : Profanity and Discussing Idiots
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eralea · 5 months
WW2 story
My grandmother often told us this story about WW2: During the Japanese invasion, she disguised herself as a man and camped out in the forests.
Our forests are home to the Malayan Sun Bear, and Malayan Tiger, and all kinds of crocodiles, and apes, and monkeys, and SOOOO many snakes...
But, as a young lady in her late teens, camping out with all the wildlife throughout the years of occupation was far safer than getting kidnapped by Japanese soldiers.
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oasis-nadrama · 5 months
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dargeereads · 2 months
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Mating Season Kitty Thomas (A Captive Bear Shifter Romance) Publication date: July 17th 2024 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Pop Quiz: You’re a woman alone in the forest… would you rather run into a man or a bear?
I’m lost out in the woods when I cross paths with a strange man. He offers to take me back to his campsite, feed me, get me warm, but every instinct in me screams NO!
He is an opportunistic predator, and I am his prey.
I run. He chases. And just before I’m traumatized for life, I hear a loud roar as a seven hundred pound Grizzly bear rips the man off me and mauls him to death.
So…. Team Bear?
If only it were so simple. This isn’t just any normal bear. He’s a bear shifter, and he’s convinced I’m his fated mate.
I appreciate the life saving and all, but I have goals and dreams, and I won’t allow fate to play matchmaker for me, no matter how otherwise appealing the shifter in question may be.
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo
I start to move off the dance floor when someone comes up behind me. A male someone. My first instinct is to have an embarrassing freak out… but he smells… wow he really smells good. What is that?
It’s strong yet subtle at the same time. Warm, musky. But also mossy. But somehow in a good way. I’m not sure I’m describing it right. I’m not sure mere words could convey it.
And the solid warmth of him pressed up against my back feels… comforting somehow. His hands skim my sides to land on my hips as he urges me to move with him. His erection grinds shamelessly against my backside as his arm wraps around my waist, urging me to press harder against his length.
It’s a heady cocktail of that powerful scent, pure masculine strength, sensuous movements, and stark primal possession.
He hasn’t spoken a word to me, and given recent traumatic events, I should be panicked, but all I feel is calm—and other things I’m going to ignore. Dark animal things.
I’m hit with a bolt of such overwhelming lust that suddenly I want this man more than anything I’ve ever wanted. I want him to hike up my skirt and fuck me right here in the middle of the dance floor. I want him to put me on my hands and knees and drive into me from behind in front of all these people—sweaty, writhing hot bodies that could never compete with the inferno building between us. I feel hot and cold all at once and the arousal between my legs thumps heavy with the beat of the music. The pornographic images flitting through my mind only grow stronger the longer we dance.
If you could call this dancing.
One of his hands has moved up to grip the front of my throat, holding me in place against him as he brings us impossibly closer. His other hand starts to slide up my thigh, under my dress, between my legs, his fingers barely brushing against the heat and wetness of my panties.
And then my fear starts to edge out my lust. No! I can’t let this happen.
Forgive me if I don’t want to just jump back out there and let a man touch me after… the woods. It’s normal to feel a bit of disgust toward all men when one tries to hurt you like that. It almost feels shameful to let any man touch you ever again.
So why the fuck am I letting this stranger so close? Why am I rewarding any man for the bad behavior of his kind? Bad behavior I have personally suffered. I don’t know him. He could be a fucking serial killer.
I come back to my senses and pull away. He grabs me and pulls me back to him, and instead of more fear, I feel a kind of rage I’ve never felt before. I stomp down HARD on his foot with my heel. He lets out a yelp, and releases me.
“Rosalie, wait!”
I shouldn’t be able to hear him over the noise of the club, but I do. I turn around, and there’s Cooper. I shouldn’t be surprised. Didn’t some small part of me subconsciously just know? It’s why I didn’t look back at him—just let him be a stranger, because the stakes are far too high with him as he really is.
He’s wearing jeans and a black T-shirt that pulls tight over his muscles. His tattoos wind down his arms, ending just above his hands. Those warm brown eyes… that closely shaven beard… No. Absolutely not. His agenda might not look as bad on the surface as the guy from the woods, but it still involves his fucking boner… and controlling me. No. I’m not his mate. I’m not dealing with this alpha bro You belong to me, bullshit. I’m not going to just swoon into his arms because he’s pretty and saved me, as though a man doing the decent thing somehow now obligates me to give all my freedom away to him.
Men really are just living on an entirely different planet.
And he doesn’t get to just decide any of this.
I fight to get through the crowd on the dance floor, but his hand is around my wrist before I can get away.
“Let GO of me!”
A few people start to notice the conflict and back away, and I see a bouncer eyeing us. I’m pretty sure even as large as the bouncer is, that Cooper could take him.
He holds his hands up in surrender and takes a step back. “Just talk to me. I just need to talk to you.”
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Author Bio:
KITTY THOMAS writes dark stories that play with power and have unconventional HEAs. She began publishing in early 2010 with her bestselling COMFORT FOOD and is considered one of the original authors of the dark romance subgenre.
To find out FIRST when a new book comes out, subscribe to Kitty's New Release List: KITTYTHOMAS.COM
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