#team lima
sccpmccabe · 1 month
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Today, August 15, Tarciane gave an interview to a podcast and gave some details about the clash between Brazil and Spain in the semi-finals of the Olympic Games.
"I think we respect it too much sometimes, you know? Of course that we know that in cases, like against Spain, we are facing the best in the world, Putellas, Aitana, etc, we know that. But they need to respect us too, because we are representing our team, and they are representing theirs, we are playing the same game, the same competition. So we have to face them as equals because we are. In several games they (other teams) look at us as if we were nothing on the field. Against Spain in the last game (the semi-final) was a chaos. At the last moment in the tunnel before entering the pitch I thought, wow, dude, you're not going to play today. In the tunnel they were saying "they're afraid of us, relax, they're nervous" . The goalkeeper there, Cata Coll, turned around and said that we were afraid of them after I shouted "Go Brazil!" to motivate the team. When we were lined up and went to shake hands with each other, she squeezed our hands tightly, as if she wanted to hurt us and try to intimidate us with that. After that, when we sat down to talk before the game, I said, "Come on, guys, today is the game of our lives, look at how arrogant they are towards us.""
If what she said is true (and I believe it is, because I know my player) this explains a lot of the events on the field involving the Brazilian players and Cata and also the reactions after the game and especially after Spain's defeat and the statements that the players made.
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dollpartprincess · 3 months
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“yea, my favorite celebrities are matt stone and trey parker. how could u tell?”
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darksaiyangoku · 5 months
RWBY Witcher Tales
—The Seventh Paladin—
It was a cool morning in the Kingdom of Céline and outside of a small cottage was a young, blonde-haired boy named Jaune Arc. In his hands, he he held a long stick and came face to face with his opponent; a crudely made dummy of rags and straw. Jaune circled the dummy and delivered several hacks and whacks to it.
Jaune: Hah! Hiyahh! Hah!
Jaune was channeling every ounce of strength into each attack, smirking as he saw bits of straw fall to the ground. With a deep breath, he held the stick up high and smacked the "head" of the dummy with tremendous force, tearing it off.
Jaune: *pants*...maybe I overdid it a little. *chuckles*
The sound of trotting hooves alerted him to a nearby horse and cart. The driver, an elderly man named Barry, arrived on the road to pick up Jaune for work.
Barry: Still messin' around with that stick, young man?
Jaune: It's called 'training', Barry.
Barry: *chuckles* Oh Jaune, I thought you would've learned by now that your trainin' is worth dirt. No commoner in the history of Céline has ever rose to the rank of knight.
Jaune: *smiles* Then I'll be the first! Prince Carson is holding a competition to find worthy candidates and I'm gonna beat every single one of them!
Barry: *laughs* You'd have a better chance of findin' lost Elven treasures than beating a noble! Stop dawdlin' and get on the cart, you'll be late!
Jaune tossed the stick onto the dirt and jumped onto the cart. As Barry rode off, Jaune looked at the bright blue sky as he tried to cheer his spirits. No one ever took his ambition of being a knight seriously, as the only ones who were eligible were the children from the noble class. When he was younger, Jaune used to read fairy tales of simple folk who would accomplish great deeds, like fighting dragons, saving people and becoming heroes. He'd imagine himself in those stories and was desperate to show that they were possible. That a common boy could be something more.
Jaune: *whispers* Just you wait. I'll show all of you and become the greatest knight in all of Remnant!
[Kingdom of Céline - Claremont]
Claremont was a tailor shop located in the city of Céline, owned by Robert Claremont. He was a white-haired man of middle age, yet had the spirit of a youth. He could work on 10 or 15 clothes a day, and they would come out absolutely pristine! Jaune had been his apprentice since he was 10 years old and while he wasn't at Robert's skill level, he was showing good signs of improvement. Today was especially busy and Jaune was sweating from the workload. His eyes strained as he tried to focus on the last stitch of a green tunic.
Robert: Are you alright there, Jaune?
Jaune: Yep! Just gotta finish this... almost there... got it!
Jaune stood up and inspected the tunic, making sure everything looked good. It wasn't the fanciest of clothes but he was happy with his work and wanted to make sure the customer felt comfortable.
Robert: Not bad, my boy. I'm sure the customer will appreciate it. He'll be arriving today. Make sure you have your chin up, we have a lot more orders to complete.
Jaune: Yes sir!
Throughout the day, Jaune was hard at work measuring, cutting and sewing, nearly pricking his fingers a few times. One by one, the clothes were flying into the hands of satisfied customers. Soon, the last 5 minutes of work time was approaching and Robert was about to close up the shop. However, he was stopped when someone placed his foot between the door. Robert raised his eyebrow in confusion and remained calm as he tried to shoo the unruly stranger away.
Robert: *ahem* I'm sorry, but we are about to close now. You're free to visit on Monday morning, now please remove your foot from my door.
Stranger: I'm just here to collect my order. It won't take long at all. Please?
Robert: I- oh alright, but make it quick.
The stranger opened the door and stepped inside. Jaune's face turned pink as soon as he saw her. She had messy, white-blond hair and wore an ashen black leather corset, a tight green shirt, ripped black trousers and long, cream-coloured leather boots. On her back, she carried two shortswords, a bow and a quiver of arrows. Two features stuck out to Jaune the most; a pair of violet, cat-like eyes and a silver-coloured medallion in the shape of an eagle's head.
Jaune: *blushes* U-Uh um *ahem* D-Do you have y-your ticket, ma'am?
Stranger: Right here, darling. *shows ticket*
Jaune hurried to the back room and returned holding a crystal white sleeveless dress.
Jaune: I-I hope it's to your s-satisfaction, Mademoiselle.
The Stranger glanced at it and picked it up. She gave Jaune a satisfying smirk and bowed her head to him and Robert before departing. Jaune leaned over the counter, still smiling from ear to ear.
Jaune: Wow.
Robert: I wouldn't get too attached with the likes of her, Jaune.
Jaune: Hm? Why not? She seemed nice.
Robert: If you knew the line of work she does, you'd stay far away from her as possible. But enough about that, you did very well today. *smiles* Good work. Here you go, *tosses purse* your month's pay.
Jaune's hands nearly fell to the floor as he caught the purse. It was quite heavy. He slowly opened the bag and his eyes gleamed. Inside were 150 silver lien coins.
Jaune: My god! M-Maître Robert, this is way too much. I-I can't accept-
Robert: *chuckles* It's perfectly fine. You've come a long way these past two years and I am proud to have you as my apprentice. You've earned this coin. Take it.
Jaune was in awe and rushed over to hug his Master. Bidding goodbye, he left the shop and strapped the purse on his belt. Jaune walked with a skip in his step, not caring about who looked at him. But the further he walked, his happiness started to fade. He stopped in the middle of the street as the image of the silver lien pieces burned into his memory. It was a lot of money and Jaune knew that if he kept improving, he could make enough for his family and support them alongside his two older sister's jobs. But what would that mean for his desire to be a knight? Should he just give up? Stick something more normal and safe?
Suddenly, Jaune was knocked over as a sharp pain hit his back. He stumbled across the floor and his purse tore from his belt, the silver flying everywhere.
Jaune: *grunts* Agh! Ow!
Jaune looked up and glimpsed at his attackers. His eyes shrank as he recognised Cardin Winchester, son of the Bishop of Céline. Surrounding him were his friends, Dove Bronzewing, Skye Lark and Russel Thrush. Each of them bore an emblem of a golden cross that was crudely sewn onto their chests.
Cardin: Well, well, well. That's a lot of coin there, Arc. Now where would a commoner like you find such treasure?
Jaune: *pants* Agh... it's mine... I... earned from my job...
Cardin: *snorts* Why would a tailor waste his good fortune on someone like you? In fact, this *takes purse* should be donated to those who rightfully deserve it. The Eternal Fire thanks you for your contribution.
Jaune: Hey give that back!
Jaune sprang up and tried to grab his purse, only to be kicked in the stomach by Skye and Dove. He doubled over and fell to his knees and Cardin laughed sadistically.
Cardin: Oh give it up. You've been weak as a lamb ever since we were little and even if you could beat me, your ass would be sent straight to prison along with the rest of your family.
Skye and Dove held Jaune's arms while Cardin and Russel started punching and kicking him. He tried to escape, but the grip was too tight. His face and body stung with intense pain. Cardin was about to deliver the finishing blow when a hand gripped him tight and pulled him away.
Cardin: Hey! What do you think you're-
Cardin backed away in a rare moment of fear as he saw who interfered. Jaune gasped as he recognised the woman who purchased the dress from his shop.
Cardin: W-We need to run. Now!
Russel: What? But-
Cardin: Do as I say! If we stay here, she'll place a curse on us!
Skye and Dove dropped Jaune to the ground and followed Cardin and Russel as they ran away screaming. Jaune coughed and wheezed, still feeling the injuries dealt to him. The Stranger offered her hand and lifted him back up.
Stranger: Are you okay, darling?
Jaune: Agh! A-A little. T-Thank you, Madamoiselle.
Stranger: It's no trouhle and please, call me Robyn.
Jaune: O-Oh. Well thank you, Robyn. I'm Jaune. Jaune Arc.
Robyn: Nice to meet you. Who were those boys ans what was their problem with you?
Jaune: Ugh, they're Cardin Winchester and his little gang called 'The Eternal Fire'. They like to cause trouble for all the kids here, but especially nonhumans. Lately, I've been their favourite target. Why? I have no idea.
Robyn: Kids can be pretty cruel. What's stopping you from fighting back?
Jaune: *sighs* Even if I wanted to, I'd just get into trouble. They're all sons of nobles and if I defend myself, I'll be the one blamed for everything.
Robyn: Hmmm, I see. Tell you what, why don't I get you cleaned up and give you a hot meal?
Jaune: Wha-? I-I don't-
Robyn: *ruffles Jaune's hair* It's absolutely fine. After what you've been through, you could use some cheering up.
[Reynard Tavern]
Inside Reynard Tavern, Robyn chuckled as she watched Jaune devour a plate of sausages and baked potatoes.
Jaune: *munches* Ow!
Robyn: You might want to slow down a little. You haven't even healed yet from the beating.
Jaune: *feeble laugh* Sorry. I guess I was a little hungry.
Robyn: Clearly.
Jaune: *mouthful* Sho waz za dreff fo?
Robyn: ...
Jaune: *gulps* I meant to ask what the dress was for? Are you going to Prince Charles' banquet?
Robyn: Oh I wish. No, I have a mission to take care of that involves me looking my best.
Jaune: Hm? What is it?
Robyn: *chuckles* Nothing to worry yourself with. *ruffles his hair*
Jaune: Hmph. *small pout*
Robyn: So tell me, Jaune, what's it like working for a renowned tailor like Robert Claremont? He doesn't let just anyone work for him.
Jaune: Well he and my father used to go to the same school when they were children and, on my 12th birthday, it was decided that I'd become his apprentice as a favour. I wasn't sure at first, but I grew to like it. We get to meet so many interesting customers. Some of them local and some of them from other parts of Remnanf.
Robyn: That's wonderful to hear. I bet your family must be proud.
Jaune: Yeah I guess, but... being a tailor isn't really what I dream of.
Robyn: Hm? Then what is?
Jaune: I want to be a knight. A hero to defend my kingdom! Riding on horseback in shining armour! Brandising a sword at my side! Earning the glory of the kingdom!
Robyn: So you want fame and fortune? Not very chivalrous.
Jaune: Hey, it isn't about that! I just... I wanna prove to everyone that a commoner can be jusf as worthy as a noble to don armour. *clenches fist* That blood and status don't determine success.
Robyn: Hmmmm, I see. That does sound admirable and I do agree with you. Blood and status mean absolutely nothing. It's a flawed system designed to cause mistrust and anger among us all. *taps table* But first thing's first, do you even know how to use a sword?
Jaune: Um, I do practice a lot every morning before I go to work. I don't have a waster, but I use a stick.
Robyn: And do you practice with anyone at all?
Jaune: *shakes head* The things I know about sword fighting were from old books. The stances, the techniques, everything.
Robyn; I won't lie to you, you won't have a chance at joining the knights.
Jaune: ...o-oh. *hangs head*
Robyn; Which is why I'll train you myself.
Jaune: *looks up* What? Really?
Robyn: Of course. If you are serious about this and willing to put in the work, then I'll train you.
Jaune: Thank you so much! *grins*
Robyn: *raises hand* Don't expect this to be an easy ride, however. It will be gruelling. You will be beaten, bruised and bloodied almost daily. We'll treat our sparring sessions as real fights. Can you handle that?
Jaune: *nods head* Yes Robyn! I won't let you down!
Robyn; *smiles* Good. We'll start tomorrow. *leaves table* Bonne nuit.
Jaune waved goodbye as she left the tavern. His eyes sparkled with elation. For the first time in his life, someone didn't mock his ambition and was actually going out of their way to help him achieve it. He smiled again and made a vow not to let Robyn down.
[Arc Cottage Field]
Jaune yelled out as he was forced to the ground from Robyn's waster. His face, arms and legs were covered with bright red bruises and his lungs were burning fiercely. Robyn stood over him playing with her waster.
Robyn: I think it's time we took a break.
Jaune: *wheezing* No... I... can still... carry... on...
Robyn: Jaune, we're stopping here. You're tiring yourself out and that's dangerous. Your enemies will take advantage of that and kill you. So let's take a break.
Jaune: *groans* Fine.
Jaune and Robyn sat by a tree and she pulled out a small, glass bottle filled with light blue liquid. She gently poured some of it over Jaune's wounds, making him grit his teeth as it stung.
Robyn: I know it hurts, but you have to bear it. This medicine will help and you'll be fighting fit in no time.
Jaune: What is this thing?
Robyn: It's called Sunshine. It's a mild form of potion designed for healing.
Jaune: *winces*This is mild?
Robyn: Compared to the other potions I have. If you took those, you'd be in big trouble.
Jaune: *chuckles* I have to say, you're much nicer compared to what everyone says about Witchers.
Robyn: *raises eyebrow* I don't seem to recall mentioning I was a Witcher.
Jaune: Well you're not exactly hiding it. Aside from your eyes, your medallion is giveaway.
Robyn: *laughs* I suppose I haven't done a good job of blending in. I am curious that you never mentioned anything until now, though.
Jaune: That's because I wanted to see if any of the rumours were true and so far, you're not living up to them at all. You saved from Cardin, bought me a hot meal and are even going out of your way to train me. I'd say you're a good person.
Robyn: *smiles* You're a kind boy, Jaune. Never lose that. How are your wounds?
Jaune: They should be healing up soon.
Robyn: Excellent! Although since you know I'm a Witcher, I'm going to take this up a notch. *taps waster in her hand*
Jaune: Ehehe, you're joking... right?
[6 Months Later]
For many days and nights, Jaune trained hard. His body had seen a slight growth in height and muscle, he was more agile and his technique was more focused. Today was the last day of summer and many of the citizens were invited to Prince Charles' castle for a banquet. No matter their social status, everyone eas welcome be they peasant or noble. The Arc Family gathered with everyone in the courtyard and clapped along as Noir and Blanc, the youngest twins, joined the dance circle.
Saphron: Whooo!!! Go Noir!
Rouge: Show them how it's done, Blanc!
Verte: Hey Jaune, why don't you join in? Who knows, you meet even find a lucky lady. *winks*
Jaune: Wha- Verte! *blushes* Th-That's not why I'm here!
Rouge: Yeah, yeah, you're here for the swordfighting contest. Try to lighten up a little, we're just having fun.
Jaune: Hmph!
As the morning turned to evening, the main event was about to be begin. Arriving in the courtyard was the young man himself, Prince Charles of Celiné. He had ashen black hair with a large, cyan streak at the front, emerald green eyes and wore a long, white linen tunic that stunned the crowd. Beside him was his best friend and leader of his Six Paladins, Orlando Lima. He was tall and green-haired, with brown eyes and wore lightweight green armour. Charles turned around to see his audience as they bowed to him. After a few minutes of speeches, it was time for contest to commence. However, this was no ordinary contest, as Charles had made an interesting addition to the rules. The winner would be offered an official membership into the Paladins. Within the crowd, Jaune soon became nervous. There was no way he could compete with the other swordsmen, he had only trained for six months. One by one, many of the compeitors had been defeated and standing victorious was his old enemy; Cardin. Jaune was about to turn away until his brothers blacked his path.
Blanc: Come on, big brother! Go!
Noir: Yeah! You got this!
Jaune: Hold on, I- gwagh!
Jaune was pushed into the centre where he came face to face with Cardin, who laughed mockingly..
Cardin: Oh this is too perfect! The Eternal Fire has blessed me with victory if he sent you as my challenger.
Jaune: L-Listen Cardin, I-
Cardin: Don't worry, Arc. I'll make this quick as to not humilate you. Haaaaah!!! *runs*
Cardin raised his waster high into the air and tried a downwad slash. Without even thinking, Jaune parried the incoming attack and elbowed him in the chest, staggering him. For a moment, Cardin was in shock but quickly regained is composure as he resumed his attacks. Jaune dodged each one with graceful agility and thwacked him from behind. The crowd gaped in excitement and intrigue, as did Charles and Orlando. Cardin, however, was gerting angrier and carelessly thrashed around. Jaune blocked and countered each strike and landed several blows across Cardin's stomach, arms, shins and his face. Cardin reached his limit and yelled as tried to thrust, only to be kicked to the ground as Jaune disarmed him. He couldn't believe it. He had lost. Jaune put his waster back in its sheath and bowed his head to the Prince.
Charles: *claps* Marvellous! Absolutely marvellous!
Jaune: Thank you, Your Highness.
Charles: What's your name?
Jaune: It's Jaune. Fourth child of the Arc family and the first son.
Charles: Hm. I don't think I've heard of the Arc family before.
Jaune: *chuckles nervously*We're not exactly famous. We're a common family with jobs like servers or tailors.
Orlando: And yet your technique with a sword was impressive. You must have had an excellent teacher.
Jaune: You could say that.
Charles: *smiles* Well now since there's no more challengers, I declare Jaune Arc as the winner!
Jaune: Excuse me?! Y-You mean I get to be one of your Paladins?
Charles: *nods head*
Cardin: What?! *gets up* Your Highness, I demand that he be disqualified from this contest! He had no right to join this contest in the first place! He's not of noble blood!
Orlando: Now, now settle down. The contest was open for everyone to compete in. Status doesn't matter at all.
Charles: And Jaune won fair and square. As such, he will be a squire for the Paladins. *turns to Jaune* Do you accept?
Jaune: *bows* Yes, Your Highness!
The room erupted with applause and Jaune's face turned rose red with embarrassment. But the loudest shouts and claps came from his family. He had done them proud. Amidst the cheering was a violet-eyed woman in a hooded cloak, smiling proudly. History was made that day; the day when the Seventh Paladin had arrived.
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I was hoping they were waiting to say something bc they were trying to reschedule but i guess not
Given how tightly scheduled this tour is, not to mention that since the show was cancelled just before start time, the budget for this date was already spent (press and advertisement for the show, flights, hotels, meals, transportation and security for the band and their crew, transportation for the stage and equipment, labor for the stage that was already built, etc), I would imagine that cancellation rather than postponement was the most practical solution.
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tvshowscouples · 20 days
If you love Alex&Maggie (Supergirl) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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arugan · 1 year
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the fashion icons are here !
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sunshineandlyrics · 4 months
🇵🇪 ✈️ 🇨🇴 Louis and team went straight to the airport after the Lima concert, about to depart Peru for Colombia, 26 May 2024.
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beatrack92 · 1 year
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Lindsey Butterworth 🇨🇦
2019 Pan American Games (Lima)
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mxxferr06 · 1 year
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bikeaospedacos · 7 months
Mecânico brasileiro fecha com a Team BMC para 2024
A BMC apresentou sua primeira equipe de fábrica. Ricardo Lima se juntou como um dos quatro mecânicos para 2024.
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sccpmccabe · 2 months
the medicine for a crazy person is an even crazier one. looks like renard found her medicine.
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brasildaily · 2 months
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Willian Lima | Men's Judo -66kg 🥈
Rayssa Leal | Women's Street Skateboarding 🥉
Larissa Pimenta | Women's Judo -52kg 🥉
Caio Bonfim | Men's 20km Race Walk 🥈
Beatriz Souza | Women's Judo +78kg 🥇
Rebeca Andrade | Women's Artistic Gymnastics All Around 🥈
Rebeca Andrade | Women's Artistic Gymnastics Vault 🥈
Rebeca Andrade | Women's Artistic Gymnastics Floor Exercise 🥇
Beatriz Ferreira | Women's Boxing 60kg 🥉
Gabriel Medina | Men's Surfing 🥉
Tatiana Weston-Webb | Women's Surfing 🥈
Augusto Akio | Men's Park Skateboarding 🥉
Edival Pontes | Men's Taekwondo -68kg 🥉
Isaquias Queiroz | Men's Canoe Single 1000m 🥈
Alison Dos Santos | Men's Hurdles Athletics 400m 🥉
Ana Patricia/Eduarda Santos | Women's Beach Volleyball 🥇
Team Brazil | Women's Gymnastics 🥉
Team Brazil | Judo Mixed Team 🥉
Team Brazil | Women's Football 🥈
Team Brazil | Women's Volleyball 🥉
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roosterforme · 10 months
Always Ever Only You Part 22 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley was never one to shy away from a dangerous mission, and this one had a lot at stake for a lot of reasons. As you tried to pass the time without him at home, it was frustrating having no idea when he might return. Then a phone call when you're out shopping almost brings you to tears.
Warnings: Swearing, mission related angst, smut, fluff, mentions of hostages
Length: 5100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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Bradley sat in his unmarked F/A-18, ready to launch from catapult two, and the only lights he could see came from the deck of the USS Nimitz and the radar screen reflecting onto his canopy. As soon as he was launched and his teammates were in the air as well, the aircraft cruiser deck would go black. His radar screen would be dimmed. The moon and stars overhead would become more prominent. He would be flying in the darkest conditions of his career.
This seat felt foreign to him. The whole jet did. He really missed his own aircraft which was sitting on the tarmac in San Diego. You were in San Diego. He couldn't believe he just talked to you over facetime a handful of hours ago. It felt like he hadn't seen you or heard your voice in a year. Every minute felt like a hundred. Every breath he took felt like it made his harness straps just a little bit tighter. 
The headset in his helmet crackled to life. "Rooster, prepare to launch in one minute."
"Standing by," he replied, running his thumb over his silicone ring one more time before pulling on his gloves. He waited and waited, ready for action. His adrenaline was waiting just under the surface. When he launched off the deck followed by Havoc, Dugout and Richmond, he gained a little altitude and led them in a slow loop around the carrier, watching for the lights on deck to go out.
Then they did, and it was just darkness all around. It was more disorienting than he anticipated, and his breath caught in his throat as he thought of you in the dark bedroom at home, alone. He needed to get back there.
Bluebird and Wilbur were already miles ahead, working with the slower comanche which was trying to get crystal clear real time imaging for the Seal team. "Approaching the coastline," Bluebird said, and Bradley heard her through his headset. "Comanche in position. Fly, Rooster."
And that was the code not only for Bradley's team to move toward the airstrip at maximum speed, but also the signal that the only conversation allowed now would be through a specific code. "Juniper whiskey," he spoke, realizing he would sound like an idiot to anyone who wasn't involved with Operation Loophole. But in his side mirrors, he could see the barest outlines of the other jets following him at his current speed of 600 knots. 
When he gave the verbal command to steadily drop altitude, the lights of the cities and towns below grew brighter as they approached the coastline. "Idaho whiskey."
It felt strange to drop altitude so quickly once they neared the airstrip. Bradley's initial reaction was to ready missiles for deployment, but there would be no weapons used today. He wasn't even equipped with a single missile let alone the six he normally was. They were not to fire upon anyone; they were to avoid being hit at all costs. The only thing they had on their side was the surprise attack and the plan that they cobbled together. 
"Lima Lima," Bradley said once he could see the airstrip, and he and Dugout dipped so low, Bradley could tell what color uniforms the officers walking around the well lit tarmac were wearing. So low in fact, he could hear the alarms blaring before he and Dugout hit six G's for a fast altitude gain. Bradley could see Havoc and Richmond outlined by the moon as he climbed. Without a single WSO on the mission, there was nobody to inform him whether or not the enemy jets were taking to the sky. He had to wait until Havor or Richmond saw something of use. And then he finally heard it. 
"Hot sauce."
Bradley smiled at the word he'd chosen to signal that the plan was still on track. Richmond must have eyes on the enemy below, and when Bradley flew a loop, he was surprised to see the moon reflecting off of an enemy fighter a lot closer to him than anticipated. He throttled back up to 600 knots after saying the command word; and now it was time for the rodeo to begin. 
He felt calm in spite of his adrenaline, and Bluebird was the only voice he heard now as he headed for the darkness of the open water with his team. "Bell Bottoms," Bluebird said clearly, and that meant the SEAL team was given the go ahead to breach the building where the hostages were housed. 
Then Bradley saw the streaks of orange directly behind him, and it was a miracle he hadn't been hit by any of the barrage of bullets being fired at him as he saw nothing but the darkness of open water below. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath. He checked his radar and throttled up fast. "Whiskey gold," he called out, inverting to try to see who had shot at him.
He saw a flash of moonlight on a silver wing and knew that's who it must have been. His fingers flexed on the throttle, and he wanted nothing more than to dive back down and ruin their day. But he couldn't. So he kept to the plan. He could see his teammates in tight formation on his radar, but then he saw more orange streaks in the night. "Shit." 
Bradley checked his fuel capacity and nudged the throttle up to 650 knots, letting his teammates know to do the same. They needed to loop back around south toward the USS Nimitz, but they needed to time it just right so the enemy aircrafts were running too low on fuel to go after the Navy SEAL team and the hostages. If the SEALs were even able to get them out. 
Bradley was starting to sweat. He hadn't heard an update from Bluebird in nearly three minutes. That was way too long for the hostage recovery to have been successful. Now he was all too aware of his breathing and the sound of his heart in his ears. One of the hostages was a seventeen year old kid. Another one was pregnant. 
He felt sick to his stomach as he waited, but he knew he only had another few seconds before he had to draw everyone further south. He counted to ten in his head, ready with the command word on his tongue as he checked his fuel gauge. And then he heard Bluebird say, "Bottoms up."
The SEALS were out with the five hostages in the heavily armed transport van. Bradley commanded his group to move south, and sure enough, one by one, the enemy aircrafts headed back toward land. Whether they were going to attempt to go after the hostages or not, Bradley wasn't concerned. They had to be nearly out of fuel just like his team was. The only benefit he had was the fact that the aircraft carrier was nearby, waiting in the quiet darkness below. 
So let them try to go after the SEALs. It didn't matter. They had too much of a head start. As Bradley neared the exact coordinates where the carrier should be, he turned his regular longer distance radio on again and said, "Omega one."
The answer came in the form of the carrier deck being lit up in red lights, signalling that it was safe for them to land one by one. And when a second set of white lights came to life in the tower, Bradley pumped his fist in the air. That meant Bluebird and Wilbur were successfully on their way back with the comanche.
Bradley was the first one to touch down on deck, and he scrambled out of his jet in time to see Havoc's tailhook catch. Then the other two landed. The four of them ended up lining up alongside Warlock and Jackal who remained completely quiet until fifteen minutes later when the comanche touched down followed by the last two unmarked F/A-18s.
When Warlock started walking, Bradley followed him down the spiral of stairs and into the well lit classroom. Bradley realized he was soaked with sweat as he sat down in the back row alone and watched everyone else file in. He counted the beats of his heart, and as Cyclone walked inside, he closed the door but kept his hand on the knob. 
"Operation Loophole was highly successful. The five hostages are in a secure location along with SEAL Team 7. Please keep in mind that the sensitive details of this mission are considered top secret. Now, go get some rest. Eat a good meal when you wake up. We'll meet back here at 1200 hours to debrief and discuss plans to get you back home."
Then Cyclone turned the knob, and he was gone. Bradley took his time walking back to his bunk, and he showered before collapsing into his bed. Selfishly, he let his mission overwrite some of the damage Slayer and Dean had done to his ego. The adrenaline hadn't quite worn off, and he doubted it would until he saw you again, but the sense of relief he felt let him drift off into a comfortable sleep. 
You were at Costco trying to decide how much chicken to buy when you got the phone call. If Bradley was going to come home this weekend, you'd make a double batch of Marry Me Rooster. If he wouldn't be home this weekend, and would subsequently miss spending his birthday with you, then you would only need to make a smaller batch.
When your phone rang in your pocket, you assumed it was your mom and dad finalizing plans to fly to San Diego. If Bradley wasn't back for their visit, then you could cancel their hotel room and have them stay with you. But your phone screen said RESTRICTED CALLER, and you almost dropped the pack of chicken on the floor. 
Your heart was pounding in your ears, and the metallic taste of fear filled your mouth. Someone was calling you about Bradley. It had been a few days since you talked to him in the shower, and now someone else was calling you.
"Hello?" Your voice was hoarse and soft, but you didn't even want to clear your throat and cut off the person on the other end of the call. You had to grip the cart handle as a cheerful voice greeted you.
"I'm calling in regards to your husband, Lieutenant Commander Bradley Bradshaw. Could you please confirm your full name and date of birth?"
You rattled off the information for her and went silent again as she took her time with whatever information she had for you. She didn't sound like she had bad news, but you just weren't sure. It hurt to take a deep breath, and your eyes were starting to burn when she finally said, "Okay.... it looks like he'll be flying back into San Diego International on Saturday night. That's June 27th at 10:45 pm."
"Oh my god," you gasped, leaning against the refrigerator case and forcing air in and out of your lungs.
"Can you pick him up?"
"Yes," you replied. "Of course. I'll be there."
"Have a great day!"
Bradley was coming home on his birthday. You started laughing as happy tears filled your eyes. You decided to get the big pack of chicken. Then you walked around the store and thought about the time you'd called him Daddy while you shopped together last year. Your heart twinged at the thought; you knew he actually wanted to be a daddy, and you wanted that for him, too. But you and he had really enjoyed yourselves that day. 
You ended up buying way more than you probably needed, including everything to make him a lemon cake to go with his birthday dinner. When you brought him home around midnight on Saturday, the two of you could stay up and eat together if he wasn't too tired. Then on Sunday, you'd keep him in bed all day, alternating between snuggling with him and having birthday sex. 
The countdown was on. Just a few days to go. Giddy and excited, you drove home to get the house cleaned up a bit. You gave Tramp a bath and then cleaned the bathroom. You vacuumed everything and got caught up on your laundry so Bradley's dirty clothes could go right into the machines. You had to force yourself to go to sleep around midnight even though you felt like you could run a marathon. 
At lunch on Thursday, you finally ran into Bob. You had called him on Sunday, asking if he was still looking for a new place to rent. When he told you he was, you mentioned your old apartment and Maria. "Oh. Thank you. Let me think about it," was all he told you. 
Now he was just ahead of you in line in the cafeteria, and you cornered him by the condiments. "Hey, did you give any more thought to moving in with Maria?"
Bob looked up at you as he continued to pump the ketchup, flooding his tray of French fries with it. "Yeah," he said, sounding very unsure about himself. "I thought about it. But I don't think it's a very good idea."
Your brow scrunched in confusion. The apartment was great, and Maria was one of your best friends. "Well, why not? Maria is amazing."
Bob's cheeks were pink as he set the saturated fries down on his lunch tray and avoided your eyes. "Yeah, she's great. I think it would actually be me who was the problem," he muttered.
You shook your head. "But Bob, you're great, too."
He smiled softly at you before he picked up his tray and looked around the room. "I think I would end up making it awkward. You've seen me around attractive women. You know how I am."
"Oh," you said as you looked at him. "But you're not awkward at all, Bob. Maybe you're a little quiet around women, but definitely not awkward."
You saw Maria across the cafeteria, and she waved to you. Bob immediately ducked in the other direction toward Phoenix, and you let him go. When you sat down across from Maria, she immediately asked, "Why didn't you bring Bob with you? I was going to mention my place. And besides, he always smells so good."
"I don't think it's going to work out," you said carefully. "Are you interested in him?"
She scoffed. "No. He's not my type. He's quiet and kind of shy and has those rosy cheeks. Nah. Not my thing."
"I didn't think so." But as you watched her watching him, you really weren't so sure. 
On Friday, you stopped out in the tower in the afternoon when you had some free time in your schedule, and as soon as you poked your head into the rec room, everyone was calling your name.
Nat jumped up from the couch when you walked inside. "What are you doing out here?" 
You gave Fanboy a high five and accepted a hug from Payback. "Just saying hi. Is Bob around?" 
Just then, he walked in with his flight suit sleeves tied around his waist. He was all sweaty, his hair was attractively mussed, and he was drinking from a reusable water bottle while his Adam's apple bobbed. 
"Speak of the fucking devil," Nat said collapsing back onto the couch.
Bob was already blushing as you walked over to him and quietly said, "Hey, I'm not trying to pressure you at all. But I can assure you that Maria doesn't think you're awkward in the least bit."
His eyes darted around the room where Fanboy and Payback were in the middle of an argument, and you knew he didn't want them to overhear. "She doesn't?"
"Not at all. She thinks you're kind and courteous and that you smell good."
"She does?" he asked in disbelief.
"Yes. I promise. She's also almost never home, so if you moved in, you'd probably hardly ever see her. She does taekwondo and kickboxing and she volunteers all the time." His eyes lit up, probably at the prospect of having the place to himself most evenings. "And I don't think you're really her type, so any awkwardness at the beginning would probably vanish right away."
He was nodding at you with a very serious expression although now he looked a little sad. "Okay. I'll talk to her."
"Great," you said, giving him a quick hug before you turned to leave. 
"Wait," Nat called out as she ate a twinkie and tried to kick Coyote off the couch where he was napping. "Bradley's coming back tomorrow? Hard Deck night?"
You were hoping for something a little more private with him, but you just smiled and said, "His flight doesn't even land until almost 11 o'clock. Next week? Wednesday night maybe?"
She nodded and gave you a thumbs up. When you left the rec room, you walked right past Jake and Cat making out next to the stairs. They turned to look at you but made no move to separate. 
"Wait, I think I hear Hondo coming," you said loudly as you started to run away with a grin on your face. Jake just flipped you off, and that was fine with you. The only thing you really cared about was getting home and preparing for Bradley. 
After you took Tramp for a long walk, you started on Bradley's lemon cake. You made a second confetti cake as a decoy, just to make him laugh. You could always drop it off for your elderly neighbors on Sunday after you clocked the thinly veiled annoyance on your husband's face. Then you got to work on a massive batch of Marry Me Rooster. He always came home hungry after being away, usually complaining about the food that was served on the carriers. 
You paused while you were working and took a minute to just be thankful that Bradley was coming home to you after only two weeks away. You were in a much better headspace after this short time apart, and you were very thankful for that as well. Tomorrow was Bradley's birthday. Your period was over. You were picking up the calendar in the morning, and you were picking Bradley up tomorrow night. 
"Get ready, Tramp. Daddy's almost home."
Bradley was so antsy on his thirteen hour flight from Seoul to San Diego, he could barely sit still. Even the business class seat did little to help him get comfortable. He felt too aware of every part of his entire body. His arms felt too big. His legs felt too long. His fingers were practically twitching with the anticipation of seeing you and touching you. He should have jerked off on the carrier when he had the chance.
Now he was counting down the hours while he wrote a little bit in his notebook, but even then, the pages read like a dirty movie starring you and him. He had actually written the sentence I like to take my wife hard when I return home from deployments. 
"What the fuck," he whispered to himself, trying not to disturb the person who was sleeping next to him as he closed his notebook and tossed it into his backpack. When he tried to stretch his legs out, all he could think about was how it felt to be in his king sized bed with you where there was plenty of room. Plenty of room, sure, but you always ended up on top of him. You were always touching him, running your fingers along his tattoo and up into his hair. 
Bradley jolted upright in his seat, practically panting as he took his phone out to check the time. Two more hours. Two more fucking hours. He wouldn't make it. Maybe he should jerk it in the lavatory? But no, he already knew his hand wouldn't satisfy him now. He needed your body. There was something about the successful completion of Operation Loophole that made his adrenaline run hot and stay that way. It was like he could feel his blood pumping through his veins and needed to do something about it. 
When Cyclone and Warlock pulled him aside and called him 'a hell of a good pilot', it was like he could hear your voice right next to his ear. Praising him. He went back to his bunk to pack for home, but all he could think about was you with your hands all over him. Just you, whispering something soft and innocent that slowly turned into something filthy.
By the time the commercial jet started its descent into San Diego, Bradley had both fists clenched on the arm rests. He was back to practicing the steady breathing techniques Bob taught him, but his cock was a little hard in his jeans regardless. He was ready to go. When he turned off airplane mode and checked his text messages, yours was right at the top.
Baby Girl Bradshaw: Happy birthday! I can't wait to see you! I'll be in baggage claim, ready to take you home!
Bradley grunted as he slowly deboarded the plane, and once he was free of the crowd of people around the gate, he started walking with longer strides. Home. When he got you back to the craftsman, he was going to fuck you until you couldn't talk. Until you couldn't move. He could practically taste your skin already. He could hear the way you were going to whine for him.
As he approached the baggage claim area, he squeezed the rubber handrail of the escalator like he wanted to kill it. There you were, looking up at the arrivals board with your back to him, wearing one of your little dresses. He could pick you out of a crowd of hundreds. Maybe thousands. He could find your pretty face or the perfect swell of your ass anywhere. He knew the way you shifted from one foot to the other by heart. He knew exactly what it looked like when you anxiously checked your outfit, running your palms down over your hips. 
When Bradley released the handrail, there was nothing that could keep him from you. One, two, three, four, five steps in your direction, and he was calling out your name. His voice sounded tense and a little bit stern, and when you spun to face him, your pretty little dress swirled around your thighs. He'd have that thing up around your waist so fast, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. 
"Roo," you gasped as you rushed toward him. But you must have known. You always knew. Your lips were parted, and your eyes were wide. There was no doubt in his mind that you knew what he needed as he reached for your body. "Roo," you moaned softly as his lips met yours while he backed you up against a pillar. 
He didn't say a word. He just tasted the inside of your mouth with his tongue as your arms went around his neck. Bradley's hands were on your ass, and through the flimsy material of your dress, he was certain you weren't wearing any underwear. He grunted into your mouth as he used his teeth, and you were already whining softly. 
When he brought one hand up to your neck, he was less than gentle. The softness of your body against his had him growing harder and harder, and there was no doubt in his mind that you could feel him against your belly. You raked your fingers through his hair as he released your lips, and you whispered, "Happy birthday."
He brought his lips to your neck and dragged them up to your ear where he grunted, "I need to fuck you."
When you sighed and pressed your body tighter to his, Bradley could feel your nipples through your dress. His brain was screaming at him to unzip his pants and bend you over right here. Take what he needed. Your hand cupping his length as you smirked at him wasn't helping at all, and then you said, "I think that can be arranged, Daddy."
Fuck. As soon as the baggage carousel started up behind him, he snatched his duffle off of the belt, his other hand still firmly on your ass. You already looked a little dazed as you led him out to the quiet parking garage. There was nobody around as Bradley tucked his hand up inside the hem of your dress, finally feeling that supple skin against his rough palm. 
"Roo," you gasped, trying your best to walk along with your keys in your hand while he let his middle finger drift down closer to your pussy. But you didn't tell him to stop, and he knew how you were. There was nobody around anyway, of that he was certain, but even if there had been, you probably wouldn't have minded.
"Where did you park, Sweetheart?" he asked, his head on a swivel as he looked around the dark corner of the garage for his Bronco. 
"Over there," you gasped, gesturing toward a massive pickup truck. And sure enough, your shittly little car was tucked between it and the wall. Bradley stopped in his tracks with his hand on your ass and pulled you closer so your front was pressed against his. 
You were clinging to his tee shirt as he asked, "How the hell am I supposed to fuck you in that thing? Why didn't you bring the Bronco?"
You whimpered and kissed his chin. "I took the Bronco out earlier, and I forgot to get gas for it."
Bradley kissed your lips hard and squeezed your ass before letting go of you in favor of your hand. He would have to work with what he had, because he was at the point of no return now that he was in your presence. 
You ran along next to him as he walked to your car, and with shaky fingers, you unlocked the trunk for him. Once he dropped his duffle and backpack inside and slammed it closed, he picked you up in his arms. "I love you," he whispered, voice harsh as you whined his name. "But next time, bring the Bronco." 
You nodded as you reached for the door handle, and Bradley eased himself down onto the back seat with you straddling his lap. It was such a tight fit, his head was grazing the ceiling, and his knees were digging into the back of the driver's seat. But your lips were on his, and your fingers were tugging at his hair. He was ready to completely lose control. He needed to. 
Your wide eyes met his as you slammed the door closed. Without hesitating, he reached between his body and yours and worked at the fly of his jeans. His cock was throbbing painfully now that you were on top of him, your pussy rubbing against the back of his hand. "Jesus, Baby Girl. You're soaking wet."
"I know," you whined before sucking on his bottom lip. "I need you."
Bradley bunched the fabric of your dress up around your waist so he could watch as he thrust himself up to meet you. The relief he felt was immediate as you took all of him like a champ, sinking down around his cock until he bottomed out. You were gasping and moaning into his mouth, and he had known all along that you were the only thing that could satisfy him like this. 
When he rolled his hips up, giving you more pressure, you tipped your head back. "Harder, Bradley."
Your voice begging him for more was music to his ears as he wrapped his arm around your back and grabbed your hip. He thrust up again, but you just moaned louder and begged him for more. "Harder," you whispered, your voice breaking beautifully on that single word. 
"Sweetheart, I can only do so much here," he grunted, diggin his left knee into the back of the seat and bracing his right foot against the center console as he pistoned up into you. Your squeals of delight as your tits practically bounced free from your dress brought a smile to his face. How were you always even better than what his imagination and memory could provide?
"Harder, Roo," you gasped, your eyes bright and excited as you braced yourself on his shoulders. "Harder, Daddy."
He'd give you anything you wanted right now. Your pussy was tight and perfect and just for him. You were the only thing that could relieve this constant adrenaline rush. And he wanted to be just as good for you, too.
Lips locked with yours, inhaling every sound you made for him, Bradley braced his foot and fucked you has hard as he could. Sweat broke out on his forehead. The back windows started to steam up. You sounded like you were going to cry. But he didn't stop. He just went harder as you begged him for more and more. 
"Oh! My god!" you cried out, your hands pulling his hair as you ran your lips along his sweaty face, not quite kissing him and not quite licking him as you came. He was close now, his balls rejoicing in the impending release he could feel building up in his spine. 
"Fuck yes, fuck yes," he chanted softly as your voice rang out in the backseat of your piece of shit car. He thrust one more time, and he filled you with his cum as he heard a loud cracking noise.
It took him a few seconds to realize that the center console was no longer pushing back against his right foot, but he was too caught up in you to care much. Your soft giggles were right next to his ear, and the fabric of your dress had fallen back down over his hands which were now softly resting on your hips. 
"I love you." Your breath was soft on his neck as you spoke, and the words were laced with a smile. "And I missed you."
Bradley caressed your soft skin in the dim backseat of your car, but he didn't dare move an inch. You felt too fucking good right now. He just held you and closed his eyes, and he could have fallen asleep still inside you when you started to shift. His eyes fluttered open to look at your pretty face as you sat up straighter on his cock and smiled. 
"My wife is the prettiest thing I've ever seen," he whispered, and you stroked your fingers along his scarred cheek. 
"Let's go home. You can have your birthday presents, and I'll run around and cater to you all day tomorrow."
He couldn't help but laugh as you kissed his forehead. When you eased yourself off of him, his cum dripped out of you and onto his jeans which just made him smile more. He was finally completely sated, and nothing was going to mess with that. 
"What the fuck?" you gasped, turned around to face the front seat and nearly kneeing him in the balls in the process. "Bradley! What did you do?!"
Mission accomplished, and now Roo is home! All of that adrenaline...oof. And what the fuck did he just do to her car? Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Alex&Maggie (Supergirl) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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gravedangerahead · 2 months
Saldo de Medalhas 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
03 Medalhas de Ouro de Ouro
🥇Bia Souza no Judô 🥋
🥇 Rebeca Andrade Solo Ginástica Artística🤸🏿‍♀️
🥇Ana e Duda no Vôlei de Praia 🏖️🏐
07 Medalhas de Ouro de Prata
🥈Caio Bonfim | Marcha Atlética 🚶🏾‍♂️
🥈 Willian Lima | Judô | -66kg 🥋
🥈 Rebeca Andrade | Ginástica artística | Individual geral
🥈Rebeca Andrade | Ginástica artística | Salto
🥈Tatiana Weston-Webb | Surfe
🥈Isaquias Queiroz | Canoagem velocidade
🥈Time de Futebol feminino
10 Medalhas de Ouro de Bronze
🥉Larissa Pimenta | Judô | -52kg
🥉 Rayssa Leal | Skate Street
🥉Brasil | Ginástica Artística | Disputa por equipes - Rebeca Andrade, Flávia Saraiva, Jade Barbosa, Júlia Soares e Lorrane Oliveira
🥉Brasil | Judô | Equipes mistas - Beatriz Souza, Rafaela Silva, Larissa Pimenta, Ketleyn Quadros, Daniel Cargnin, Rafael Macedo, Léo Gonçalves, Guilherme Schimidt, Rafael Silva e Willian Lima
🥉Bia Ferreira | Boxe | 60kg
🥉Gabriel Medina | Surfe
🥉Augusto Akio | Skate Park
🥉Edival Pontes "Netinho" | Taekwondo | -68kg
🥉Alison dos Santos | Atletismo | 400m com barreiras
🥉Brasil | Vôlei feminino
50 Outras Medalhas de Ouro
🏅 Eliminar Pedófilo no vôlei de praia 🏖️🏐
🏅Espanha chorona fora do pódio ⚽
🏅Augusto Akio faz malabarismo com o skate na boca 🛹
🏅Peitando o Dream Team e não perdendo por 40 como eles disseram, só por 35
🏅Primeira final de Ginástica Rítmica e uma atleta se esforçando para nos representar mesmo lesionada
🏅Kamehameha no pódio a pedido do filhinho
🏅Nossa cerimônia de abertura melhor de longe e a organização em geral também
🏅A linha ainda é mais rápida! Recorde do tuiteiro César Cielo se mantém
🏅Tiny Desk do Milton Nascimento
🏅 Futura medalhista de ouro olímpica na ginástica artística Ana Luísa Claro
🏅Sem medalha pra Turquia no vôlei
🏅Todas as melhores fotos das olimpíadas
🏅Todas as melhores comemorações enquanto os gringos ganham ouro com cara de tacho
🏅Filiprimos e Taiprimos brigando por quem é nosso melhor amigo
🏅 Melhores memes
🏅Tocando parado no bailão e o amor tem sabor em baixo da torre Eiffel após o ouro no vôlei de praia
🏅Todos os ouros foram de mulheres e todos tiveram pelo menos uma mulher preta
🏅 Representatividade míope por parte das nossa mulheres de ouro fofíssimas, Bia Souza e Rebeca Andrade
🏅Bia amassando uma Israelense
🏅 Rebeca pensando em receitas antes de saltar
🏅 Estados Unidos sofrendo e tendo que lutar para ficar na frente no quadro de medalhas, sua hegemonia cairá
🏅A música das olimpíadas O Show Tem Que Continuar com mil edits incríveis
🏅Nossa atleta paralímpica de tênis de mesa estreando já nas olimpíadas
🏅 Cachorrão batendo recorde com tempo que teria sido ouro em Tóquio
🏅 Cachorrão nadando a maratona aquática de 10 km sem ser ser dessa categoria só porque estávamos sem representante
🏅 Cachorrão desistindo de nadar do esgoto que é o sena no meio da prova
🏅 Nenhum dos nossos atletas aquáticos pegou difteria, leptospirose, gonorréia, sífilis, intoxicação alimentar, escorbuto, ou qualquer coisa nadando no esgoto ou comendo comida podre
🏅Ana Sátila competindo o tempo todo e amando os memes
🏅O nosso atleta que MUDOU DE PERNA NO SALTO por conta de lesões e conseguiu fazer uma performance ótima começando quase do zero
🏅A nossa jogadora de handebol carregando a jogadora Angolana lesionada e causando crises de sexualidade ao redor do mundo
🏅Rayssa Leal mantando aula para ser amuleto da sorte 🧚🏾‍♀️
🏅Não passou ainda, mas nosso teaser do Rio no encerramento de Londres vai ser muito melhor que o teaser de Los Angeles no encerramento de Paris
🏅Pessoas escrevendo RPF da Rebeca com a Simone
🏅O chute da Marta na cabeça daquela lá
🏅 Rafaela Silva tendo a chance de lutar e ganhar a lura decisiva do bronze de equipes
🏅Bronze em equipes com um atleta lutando na categoria de peso acima da sua
🏅Flavinha servindo looks competindo depois de abrir a cabeça
🏅Jade modas acabando com a crise estética do país
🏅A nossa esgrimista competindo com um tumor
🏅O 10 (9.9) do Medina
🏅Gente do mundo inteiro falando que é lindo assistir brasileiros alegres, desde as ginastas até os medalhistas no pódio
🏅 Primeiro não asiático ou europeu a disputar medalha no tênis de mesa
🏅 Thaísa marcando o ponto do bronze e ganhando uma terceira medalha olímpica antes de se aposentar
🏅Marta encerrando suas últimas olimpíadas sorrindo e beijando a mulher dela, com uma seleção feminina mais jovem que provou que a categoria lela qual ela lutou a vida inteira tem futuro
🏅Todo vídeo maravilhoso da Rebeca dançando ou até CANTANDO com as medalhas e soltando as madeixas maravilhosas na celebração, e o vídeo da mini Rebeca feliz de treinar com a Daiane dos Santos sem saber que ia fazer a Daiane chorar um dia
🏅A nossa celebração do bronze por equipes na ginástica ofuscando a celebração do ouro das estadunidenses
🏅Rebeca se tornando a maior medalhista olímpica da história do Brasil
🏅Cunhar o termo Dopados Unidos
🏅A cadelinha surfista Cacau ganhou ouro no surfe para cachorros
🏅Miss Simpatia: ouro em carisma de todos os brasileiros
Com 70 ouros nós estamos em primeiro lugar no quadro de medalhas
Tumblr media
Obrigada a todos pelo apoio ao Time Brasil!
Nos vemos no dia 28 para as Paraolimpíadas!
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month
How do the gods feel about Percy being an 'It Girl'? Idk, every time I think of her, i just imagine all the popular girls from high school 😭
omg i gotta talk about this in detail forgive me 😂😂
you know those tiktok stories ppl post about their glow ups? like they'd show pics of them when they were kids or in middle school, to how they look now in high school/collage/working adult????
percy canonically was seen as a loser in the earlier books. she was constantly shuffled around boarding schools, which are EXPENSIVE btw, and in my fic the explanation for that is that these schools willingly took percy in with free tuition/lowered tuition because of how HORRIBLE her record is, and they wanted to take her in in hopes they could "improve" her and make their school look better cuz "hey we took this criminal poor child in and we made her a stellar student! we're so much better than the other schools, so give us donations and send ur kids to us because we actually work!" and that obviously just... never happened lol 💀
BUT ANYWAY, those schools are expensive and usually filled with wealthy kids from wealthy families, and they can CLEARLY tell percy isn't one of them. maybe because she's always wearing the same shoes, or she can't afford to get another uniform so she's always got the same crummy one with rips or stains they couldn't get out or "hey i saw percy and her mom walking to the laundromat, they're so poor they don't even have their own washing and drying machine haha!", or "guys i saw percy working at the macy's parade! hahaha, she's so poor she's gotta work during summer break!", etc.
like EVERYONE always knew her as that kid with no money and no dad who's always committing crimes ("hey isn't that jackson girl a terrorist?!"), she's a loser with barely any friends, and the friends she DOES make are losers too (grover and tyson were always looked down on, and in my fic she attends the di angelo's school, and they were looked down on too).
so imagine seeing that kid grow up into her teens and then get hit with the biggest glow up you've ever seen (cuz her face claim's adriana lima) 😂😂😂😂 i think her life started getting better around the time she she started attending goode high (a regular high school, not for elites like her previous school, so no one there knows her aside from her "crimes" on tv). and it's not just the glow up too, she's also a little more outgoing and confident in herself, more comfortable in her skin, etc. she's got a glow up inside AND outside. like imagine strolling around ur school and a girl who looks like a victoria's secret super model just walks by and she NOTICES you and just waves and says "oh hi! 👋😄"
percy has always been seen as a poor loser, but then high school happened and BAM she's now suddenly the most popular girl in school 🥺 she probably has a lot of mortal friends too. so not only is she popular in the demigod/godly world, but also popular in the mortal world (her high school, i mean lol). she's on the swim team, she's the ✨it girl✨ she probably got a ton of juniors or seniors trying to ask her out to prom/homecoming and shit despite being a freshman/sophomore 😂 and because she's got so many friends from school, she most DEFINITELY spent a lot of her free time hanging out with them, like just shopping in new york, going to skate parks, walking around the city, etc. (and with her demigod friends too ofc if they're in new york at the time). her insta, tiktok, and twitter's probably FULL of pics/vids of her just hanging out and being social 😂 she's the girl that's everywhere but home, always out and doing shit 😭
okay okay, i rambled too much im sorry, i just really love talking about percy being an ✨it girl✨ everywhere she goes
but anyways... the yanderes...... WOULD FUCKING HATE IT 😂
poseidon and beelzebub are the biggest introverts EVER. the thought of going out and touching grass would actually give them psychic damage 😂
poseidon's so lucky he was never in sally's position because he wouldn't be able to handle it. his daughter is everywhere BUT HOME 😭😭😭 like pls go home already child, stop hanging out with people, what do you mean you're at a SLEEPOVER RIGHT NOW? NO, COME HOME. do you even know the ppl you're talking to? YOU JUST MET THEM???? DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS, IDC IF THEY'RE COMPLIMENTING UR OUTFIT 😭😭😭 poor percy, in ror verse her life of excitement's gone, no going around hanging out with friends and doing random shit, she's got an overbearing dad now 😭
beelzebub's screaming, crying, throwing up, dramatically sliding his back down the door and everything 😭 going to midgard with percy was already hard enough for him, he literally had to handcuff her because she just WOULDN'T. STAY. STILL. and everyone kept staring at her and everything (remember when he read the mind of that one taxi cab driver and he lost his shit 😂). percy ALWAYS wants to go outside and he can't fucking take that shit, but he loves her so he takes her out anyway and it kills him every time 😭😭 BECAUSE EVERYONE ALWAYS WANTS TO TALK TO HER, AND SHE NEVER DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT like sweetie..... stranger danger 😭
hades would be crying internally like "pls.... stay home.... just stay home pls 😭". he's glad his niece is so well-liked, she deserves to be adored by everyone!!! but maybe... maybe this is just a lil too much popularity... 😭 he'd burst into tears from the sight of her social media accounts alone, she's always out and about and rarely home, always with different ppl. it's so shocking to him cuz he's more comfortable hanging out with ppl he's close to like family and stuff, what do you mean percy's got different friend groups and she's always hanging out with them, what do you mean she's in hundreds of group chats in various texting apps, what do you mean seniors were asking her out to dances, STAY AWAY *HISSSSSS*
APOLLO WOULD BE SO HYPOCRITICAL 😂 he is ALSO a very popular god who's very extroverted and outgoing but holy shit would he meet his match in percy and he starts to see the downsides to such popularity 😂 he's soooooo glad that all of percy's old friends are universes away, but if that starts happening again in THIS universe he'd be on his hands and knees begging her to stay home and stop hanging out with ppl 😭 he now understands why poseidon kept her in the palace, cuz once she's out, she's going EVERYWHERE and meeting EVERYONE and nothing's gonna send her back home unless they drag her 😂
anubis is extroverted af so he definitely understands!!!!!!! jk. he'd be fine with it for the first few 24 hours, then everyone starts to become a threat to him because they keep stealing percy's attention. he'd be like "can't you stay home 🥺 pretty please 🥺🥺🥺 kebechet and i miss you so much 🥺🥺🥺 ur rarely home nowadays 🥺🥺🥺" and he and kebi would work together to guilt her into spending more time with them, and it would work 💀💀💀
loki would make the fatal mistake of taking her around valhalla and meeting other gods and shit, and then immediately regret it once he realizes that he's got a super sociable ✨it girl✨ in his hands who easily befriends everyone she meets 💀 he'd probably try to horde her in the palace, but that doesn't work cuz now she's helping servants out with the cooking and cleaning, having tea parties with odin, petting huginn and muninn, doing thor's hair, hanging out with the valkyries, etc. into the basement she goes, i guess! 😭😭😭
cú chulainn 1000% also understands what it's like to be popular. i'm pretty sure all of ireland knew him; ladies loved the dude and men feared and hated his ass cuz he either killed someone they cared about or fucked their wives and daughters 💀 so yes he definitely understands, but karma strikes him and it strikes him BADLY because percy is absolutely gonna be 100000000% more popular than him. like, he takes her out and looks away from her for ONE SECOND, and she's suddenly got 61341 friends already, half of which are probably in love with her or some shit 😭 hell, she'd probably unknowingly steal the hearts of the girls who crushed on him and all those dudes who hated his ass? yeah now they forgot about him cuz "wow who's the pretty girl next to him?? 😳😳" he'd be so stressed fr, he can't take her ANYWHERE cuz they all WANT HER. deserved karma if you ask me 💀
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