#team snagem dark sky
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That was intense. @adventures-on-foster-island
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Little orphan baby had his first bath!
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Pistachio is such a good boy <3 <3 <3 his mom would be proud ^^
-credits to @jade-la-crystal (I ADORE YOU)
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untitledducklett · 1 year
[Attached is a photo of a lithe looking absol that almost resembles a mega absol without the wings. A dull sheen, like unpolished metal, can be seen on his headhorns and claws. His head is buried in Cael's skirt as if he's trying to somehow crawl into it and away from the pain]
Normally I don't post these sort of 'crowdfunding' type posts, not even back on my chattoter, but I'm really desperate and my boy isn't looking too hot.
Does anyone happen to have any cans, junk, or metalworking scraps? I was going to get some but, unfortunately, the rain hit before I could make it to the store. Thankfully we were able to get back to the apartment safely but Berior isn't doing too hot after the exposure. I live in Lumiose right across from Red Cafe; not sure if there's a safe way to get it over here yet but you're welcome to crash here. I also have a drone I can send out (made of plastic unfortunately or I would have scrapped it already). I've got a few more days worth of iron-rich meat but I've scrapped about everything I don't absolutely need.
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champofjohto · 1 year
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I just woke up from my all day nap and checked the news I’m sorry the world is What
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Saturday night, Ellisa began receiving emergency alerts from Hoenn. Some kind of storm, bad enough for a region-wide evacuation. "Maybe Kyogre and Groudon are at it again," she thought, "but better safe than sorry."
She gathered the staff for a meeting. "Act like there's a hurricane coming. Get all visitors and Pokémon indoors, do not let anyone leave. Pull down the plastic tarps over the garden beds and secure them well, and close the rainwater collection system so it doesn't flood. Be prepared to take in refugees. Lets also make sure our supply inventory is up to date in case we need to ration." As the island staff hurried off to help prepare for the worst, Lynn rubbed Ellisa’s shoulders from behind, planting a kiss on the top of her head.
"I need to go help on the mainland," he whispered.
"You are needed here, and I will not have you risk the lives of your Pokémon like that. They've barely had time to recover from your last trip," she reached up to squeeze his hands on her shoulders, "Walk with me to the docks?"
Lynn begrudgingly followed his partner outside, only to be hit in the face with a putrid odor. The sky was dark and stormy, wind howling in their ears, and they could see waves crashing high against the cliffs as they made their way to the docks where a few passenger ships remained. Captains and crew huddled together on the pier, looking out at the treacherous sea. One Captian stepped forward as the couple approached, "There's reports of a terrorist attack, some kind of acid rain across Hoenn and Johto. Ships are not to attempt to dock at either region."
"Well come on inside then, get warm and dry. Hopefully it will miss us," Ellisa ushered them up towards the main building, but returned to the docks again. Through the binoculars on the pier, she could see several other passenger ships approaching at great speed. "See, my love? I need you here. We've never had this many visitors at once," she turned her vision side to side and could see a wall of rain falling several miles out, and flocks of wild flying and water type Pokémon rushing to get out of it. "Oh Arceus, those poor things. Help me set up shelters please?"
Lynn grumbled but obliged, knowing he wasn't going to make it out past the storm. Their shared time at the ranger academy had given them the necessary skills to make quick work of dozens of shelters, both over the water and on land. As they finished, they began to hear shouting on the radio.
"Ellisa, you need to get back inside. The news reports... you have to see it for yourself but get back inside before you get caught in the storm, over."
The caretaker looked to her ranger and rolled her eyes, believing her staff to be over reacting. "I'm coming, I'm coming, calm down don't scare our visitors, over." The acrid scent on the wind was strong as Lynn and Ellisa made their way back towards the main building. When they arrived, the tension prickled their skin. A quiet murmur ran through the crowded building, eyes fixed on the television screens on the walls of the welcome center.
"Team Snagem leader Victoria holds the world hostage, demanding a battle circuit and Pokémon Centers for Orre. Sources say that she has captured and Shadowfied a Ho-Oh, and it's Shadow Sky is causing the acid rain. Please stay indoors, it is too late to evacuate at this time. Contact with the rain will cause severe chemical burns, and may cause death."
Things were far worse than Ellisa had imagined.
Late that night, once most guests and staff had gone to sleep, Ellisa poured over the books for the day. "At least my grant money is doing some good," she mumbled to herself. The staff had brought her a comprehensive list of every resource and every guest taking refuge on the island. Unbelievably, despite being near max capacity, they had an abundance of water and food to go around. Satisfied with her paperwork, but too anxious to sleep, Ellisa turned on the weather report to watch the storm move. "Lynn, Lynn wake up, you have to see this." She gently shook her partner's leg. After a few moments of fighting to go back to sleep, Lynn gumpily rubbed his eyes.
"What in Groudon's name could possibly be urgent enough.." he stopped talking when he saw the screen. The angry storm moved completely around Foster Island, avoiding it entirely, as if some kind of barametric force were pushing it away. "Well... at least everyone here is safe then. Please come to bed." He crawled back under the covers, pulling his partners arm as he urged her to rest.
When daylight broke, Ellisa checked the news before coming down to the main floor. Everything was awful. The death count was high, and images of the damage were unfathomable. They had to do something.
It only took a few hours to sort out who was willing and able to help and what skills they could use to their advantage. They found some seamstresses to stitch specialized raincoats for flying types, fighting types and stronger humans carried supplies, water types and their trainers filled and sealed containers with stored water, gardeners and grass types harvested fresh berries from the garden, everyone working together as one. By Monday morning, dozens of Flying types had been fashioned with protective gear and GPS trackers, and saddled with baskets of supplies, and sent off to find those in dire need.
To be continued??
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//team snagem shadow sky was sumn started up by @/ariados-anon !! It was honestly pretty insane tbh but your blog has its own continuity that might've been disturbed if you took part in it .. basically gonzaps daughter creates shadow ho-oh and covers entire regions in the Shadow Sky effect from xd gale of darkness
//ooc ohh!!! thank you i do appreciate the fill in! and yeah that would screw up my own lore that i have set up hahaha. i'm straying far from the rest of the Orre crew here on Tumblr lmao
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Yinny, I could take in Pistachio if you need someone to take him in. I'm sure he'd thrive at the sanctuary!
That would be much appreciated! But I'm gonna need to decline for now
He is still too little and fusses when I keep him away from his mother's grave for too long so I think parting with him when he is bonded to me at this point in his life could affect him negatively.
I'll write you down as an option, though!
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
I hope you're holding up well, despite everything, because wow, I was so naive to think that Alola was the worst it was gonna get. Instead we get FUCKING ACID RAIN FROM THE ARCDAMN SKY not a month, not a week, BUT A FEW DAYS ATER I GET OUT OF THE DAMN HOSPITAL.
Can you tell I'm stressed?? Anyway, if you need me to send some folks down, I'm more than willing. We need all the help we can get in times like these, yknow?
I'm worried to see what it did to Ecruteak City, those towers are extremely old and very sacred to us.
Despite everything, we are doing pretty good! Our supplies are enough for now and everything holding up pretty well.
Everyone is exhausted and I can understand that. Right now, we are under-staffed as a big chunk of the employees left when the rain slowed down to check up on their loved ones and deal with other stuff. If you can send some people, I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, I'm sending you Chamomile tea. Chug it, snort it, inject it straight to the vein I don't care. You need it.
Praying for those towers I took a million photos in fornth of them when I visited Johto
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
A little update from the shelter with a little surprise at the end;
With the acid rain stopping, the people who took shelter here left. This also means most of the employees left along with them, can't fault them though, they have families and friends they want to check up on. They'll be back. Thankfully @poke-nom has been a big help.
I can't leave since I have been leading the operation but called my mom. She is fine but pissed that her plants are dying so that's all the people I need to check up on.
The newborn nursery is getting too crowded which is concerning. I took out Undertaker the Chandelure to the second nursery with the baby Pokemon to stop the eggs from hatching so fast. Most of the babies are still too fragile to be put anywhere else so I'll need to find something for that.
We moved all the water Pokemon to the indoor pools and the caves with water. It's manageable so far but we need to periodically put the bigger ones in their Pokeballs since we can't have them all out.
On the sadder news; A wild Ursaring who came to the shelter herself with her egg so we could treat her wounds passed away early this morning, just a few hours after her egg hatched, and...
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It's a shiny male. It's healthy and eating well. He is a tad too little to fully understand that his mother passed away but I think deep down, he knows.
We buried her just outside the sanctuary and marked the grave. He doesn't like leaving his mother alone but it's too dangerous for now.
I caught him in a nestball but...I don't know what to do with him. Obviously, we can't put him up for adoption since everyone would just adopt him because he is a shiny. I refuse to sell him and...
I'm not sure if I can take care of it.
It's not a money or space issue, just, I don't know, I feel like I'm not ready for a 7th Pokemon.
I'm gonna keep him close for now, to make sure nothing happens to him.
I've been calling him Pistachio, he likes to be carried around like a baby, so, I've been carrying him around on my hip.
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(As part of my equipment project see here )
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Ok Aspen( @poke-nom ) base on your parameters I’ve sent a pair of heave-duty boots( a must for any Terran) and a shirt and pants made of a two metamaterial fabric blend . The fabric is very resilient to blunt and sharp force , fire retardant and chemically treated to resist acids and bases. I added some of an experimental metamaterial fabric that I’ve been toying with to the blend made of everstones micro filaments suspended in polyester. While commercially everstones are generally used to prevent evolution, in truth everstones generate an energy dampening field that depending on the quantity and purity of the substance can affect a lot more than just evolution and I’ve had it documented measurable effect on electronics , industrial laser and Energy based Pokémon moves. So The closing itself is resilient to energy based attacks .
I have also sent wearable protective pads and a modified convert cloak call a Utility Convert Cloak. I wove the fabric from the base Materials used in both utility umbrellas and convert cloaks to make a very general environmental shield that should be useful in a variety of environments and weather phenomenon . Of course I chemically treated it like the other cloth materials I have sent you to resist, acids and bases.
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champofjohto · 1 year
Damn it damn it damn it damn it-
I got everyone back inside, whether it was their homes, or the Elm Lab, but for Arc's sake, what the hell? I do not need to be straining Eyespy to make it back to New Bark Town before the weather hits, and then run all over Johto like a Torchic with it's head cut off! The closest city to New Bark, Cherrywood, was fine, but now I'm concerned, because that's the first city kids setting out from New Bark will pass through.
Doctors told me 'to take it easy, you're still recovering' well does this look like taking it easy?? I had to just about kill myself and Eyespy to make it in time, my poor Noctowl needed to be taken to a Center. Oh yeah, I decked a guy on my way. I-
J-it's the worst feeling in the world knowing you're responsible for so many and you can't help-
I-I need a break. We're getting the chalk to help neutralize stagnant acid, and if I find who is responsible I swear to arcdamn Lugia, I will kill you.
I will be busy, and would appreciate help, but I understand you all are busy.
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Do you need more supplies for taking care of the pokemon in the nursery? I work in a pokecenter a few blocks of the sanctuary
Well, we are fine for now so if you have some place else that needs it more you should definitely send it to them.
But I would never say no with our numbers growing, it would be much appreciated!
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Hi I’m from here in hoenn could you keep an eye out for a group of feral acting Alolan vulpix? They hatched recently and escaped and are attacking the wildlife now. They are purebred and definitely made for battle, they have the egg moves spite, disable, and moonblast so please take caution!
What is a deeply inopportune time for this to happen but I do hope their all right . I will inform the Rangers I’m working with, but with recent events it’s unlikely to be there top priority. I’m sorry.
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A little rain in every life must fall
(Part 1) (Part2) (Part3) (Part4) (part5) (part6) (part7) (part8) (part9)
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Sera Frigga
Sera had cashed in more favors in the past few days than she had in her entire career as a Ranger. Had indebted herself in ways that if Alexander ever woke up, she would never tell them. Things had grown more desperate in the days following the psychic probe she and the team of psychics had done on Alexander. She failed … and maybe made things worse , that was all there was to it . Alexander was dying. Sera knew in her heart that the shadow type energy in Alexander’s body was Weakening them , more and more with each passing day . Understood that the Pneumonia, seizure, and arrhythmia were only the beginning of the end if they couldn’t fix this soon. There are no “experts” on the subject of shadow humans or shadow energy effects on the human body. While shadow pokemon had been a known Phenomenon for decades shadowfied human were a relatively new condition . Treated ineffectively by systems of purification There simply was no standard method of treatment …It was all a gamble . Sera had watched Alexander’s care team and Prof.Apricot work Tirelessly to get in contact with Researchers , Devoured study, after study, in hopes of finding a cure or solution , Sera had watched in despair as they failed Alex too.
So sera took matters into her own hands and now she found herself here. In an abandon under ground parking lot in an undisclosed region a meeting had been set up . The air was stagnant here as the Massive underground fans that had once kept this place temperature controlled had been out of use for years. It Stunk of mildew and dust .Sera Understood that this place had been quite large, but only a single trail of lights illuminated the space , a path for her to fallow . She Wondered if that had been a deliberate act of the third party that had set the meeting or Or whether the woman who stood before her had done it herself . At the end of the path of lights sera faced Victoria Gonzap .Abuser terrorist, former leader of neo team snagem and The women Who orchestrated the shadow sky attacks and the Catalyst that Led Sera’s friend into their predicament. She had not come alone , Beside Victoria were two pokemon known to be in her possession an Ariados call Junior and a “NAT’Ss”(natural shadow, Pokémon) designated as a Galvirus called the Beast. Sera Could also sense the presence of other Pokémon in the darkness . Pokémon’s who minds shared a similar darkness to Alexander’s… like holes in the world . Sera could sense five voids in the dark . To be fair Sera thought to herself that she also had not come alone . Sera’s Unown X and Mystery floated around her their eyes watching .
Sera would have been lying if she said the women in front of her didn’t unnerve her , she had done her research, saw the videos of cruelty she wish she could forget done by the hands of this woman. If her acts alone, we’re not enough to unnerve Sera, Victoria’s body was a grim visage. A lovely face on a body strewn with slicing scars and bite marks . Smoothed scale flesh covered portions of her arms and neck. The scars of large stitch marks told Sara the joining of the Foreign substance had not been an easy one.
“Heelllooo Seerra “ Victoria drawled on in an almost jovial voice “ what does a ranger want from little old me?” An edge of playful threat in her voice .
“I want information Victoria “ Sera spoke without a shred of hesitation. she recognize the attempt at intimidating , and would not give her the satisfaction. Saw in Victoria lavender eyes the she too knew it wouldn’t work on her.
“ all business, then little ranger ,what information are you looking for? Is it for your friend?” She said giddily bearing her sharp teethed smile. Victorian already knew what she wanted Sera though. Her two arachnid Pokémon seem to vibrate with laughter at her giddy tone. Sera didn’t let the rage she felt hearing Victoria’s attitude show on her face or in her voice.
“ yes, Victoria. I am looking for any information pertaining to shadow-type energy’s effect on the human body and it’s treatment” Sera spoke
“Ahhh you want a cure” Victoria said more as a statement than a question
“ if one exists, then, yes” Sera said
A wicked grin spread across Victoria’s face. “What will you give me for it? Information like that doesn’t come without a price”
Sera was prepared to bargain if need be ,though a part of her would have simply like to tear her mind open and rummage through its remains for the information … but Sera could senses Victoria’s mind. It was … protected, a black wall filled with chattering , whispering teeth . Sara knew that chattering noise was a Broadcast. Could feel it “speaking” to the five voids in the dark. She understood that Victoria was not a true telepath that, in all likelihood, whatever mental abilities, she possessed, only extended to void like minds . She even would bet that if it came to a fight between them on this metaphysical field sera would win . But she also knew it wouldn’t be worth it. The teeth on Victoria’s mental walls looked like they would hurt and the physical fight,Sera guested would accompany it … she was less certain of that outcome she simply didn’t know enough about Victoria to make that guess. So Sera would try bargaining first .
“What would you want ?” Sera asked , she had brought a few Materials that she believed Victoria would be interested in and would use her response to gauge how much she would need to give. No reason to pay more when you could pay less Sera thought to herself.
Victoria wanted Nimbus. Alexander’s Castform that had been changed during the shadow storm . “ I spoke to Alex once about them giving me Nimbus so I could see what they would become” Sera had to restrain herself from lunging at Victoria , The sound of glee coming from this Monstrous woman was going to drive her to violence soon. “ Alex refused me but under these…”
“No” Sera said cutting her off
“What?” Victoria ask incredulously “ I said no , Victoria . I’m not giving you Nimbus . I know the beneficiary who got us in contact told you I was gonna bargain for information and you immediately wanted some thing that would be a non-starter. Sooooo that tells me you’re not really serious about that and that this whole meeting was a waste of time” Sera retorted
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There was a long silence after Sera spoke. Victoria expressed nothing on her face but Sera could sense the voids in the dark forces on her. Is she wanted a fight sera would giver her one, X and Mystery picking up on the growing tension stared into the darkness waiting.
Victoria broke the silence “ what have you to bargain that would interest me?
The Voids in the dark focus didn’t budge from her . Sera thought about offering the money she had acquired , or rare items she’d … stole for lack of a better term. Sera didn’t think they’d be worth much to Victoria but … she had hoped they’d satiate her . So Sera would not have to offer what she offered now.
“ I’m aware of your … passion for rare pokemon “ Sera said
“Ow really “ victory grinned at Sera “ have you brought me one?”
Victoria eyes where hungry
“NO, not exactly” Sera said “ I brought you this” sera held a glass and metal cylinder . In its transparent surface a dark material , speckled with dozens of white dots.
“ and what is that supposed to be “ victorias voice was filled with what could be described as confused distain.
“Seeds” Sera conveyed “SEEDS, seeds is all you’ve brought me ?” Victoria asked
“ if you’d let me finish and explain “ Sera said in an attempt to clam ,Victoria. Sara told Victoria about a Pokémon that had come in to Alexander’s care , made of the grafted pieces of an Oddish , Sunkern and Budew . Their name was Bud. How at one point Bud rooted themselves to the ground and produced black berries whose seed produced strange offspring. All had grown into Oddish’s possessing traits of atavism, hybridization, or both. That inside the container had been A mash of a few blackberries that have been put into cold storage for later study.
“ every offspring that Pokémon produced has been wholly unique one-of-a-kind Victoria. Inside that container is enough seeds to produce potentially 40” Sera didn’t let her think about the life those Pokémon would have if Victoria excepted.
Victoria’s eyes lingered on the container “ I think I’ve seen the Pokémon you’re talking about, Bud” she said their name like they were savoring its taste “ I think I’ve seen some of their children before” there was something terrible in her voice
“ and you’re telling me that this container contains potentially 40 seeds?”
Sera had committed herself to this , and her best sales woman voice said “ maybe more , for blackberries had been stored in that container the average berry has between 10 and 20 seeds I was rounding down”
Victoria’s lavender eyes almost glowed hearing this and in that moment, Sera knew the deal had been made. So Sera placed the container in Victoria’s violet, scaled and clawed hand . And refuse to let herself contemplate the future of that vile for a moment.
Victoria had come close to her to whispered . “There is no cure or magic potion that can expel or undue shadowfication in humans ,but I have noticed that in the few who have recovered it’s never been something they’re able to do on their own. It seam The strength it takes to overcome it is something, shadow type energy destroys in those it infects. That the strength it takes to overcome the walls around one’s heart, has to come from others. It seems like trauma The thing itself that creates shadow type Pokémon is Best treated the way you treat trauma itself, with a support net work. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that pokemon that literally evolve through the energy of friendship are so resistant to shadowfication process. I don’t know how to wake your friend, but the strength it will take to overcome this has to come from the outside. Perhaps you could try to probe again to wake them or exploit some aspect of Alexander, strange ability to conduced energy but the most effective thing you all could do is give them strength”
Victoria left after revealing this information, walking into the dark with avoids, followed her. Sera would contemplate this information on her return to the endless Mountains region .
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