#team taka event
Jugo hates fireworks.
That’s actually not true. In all honesty Jugo loves the exploding colors that paint the night sky. They sparkle brightly and all Jugo wishes to do is stare at their beauty in awe. What he actually hates is the noise.
Loud noises have always triggered Jugo into a fight or flight response causing him to lose control. It’s scary, especially now that he is no longer alone. Now he’s a part of a team, people he’s grown to care for as friends, friends that all he wants to do is protect. Still, for the first time in his life Jugo feels a sense of control of himself.
So when Karin offhandedly mentions wanting to go to a festival and see the fireworks in town Jugo slightly panic. He declines, making up an excuse of not feeling well enough to going out but Karin can tell he’s lying. Suigetsu tries to get him to come but Karin tells him to just let Jugo be, believing he just didn’t want to be crowded by so many people.
Sasuke however notices that Jugo seemed a lot more panicked than he usually gets. He tells Karin and Suigetsu to go without them. The two leave promising to find food to bring back.
Once the two leave Sasuke and Jugo sit in silence, but this silence is different. Sasuke looks over at Jugo, who is rocking back and forth with his hands over his ears.
“I don’t want to hurt you guys. I care about all of you but I’m going to hurt someone.”
“Jugo, remember that I will be your cage.” Sasuke cusps Jugo’s check with his hand. “As long as I’m here I won’t let you hurt anyone, including yourself.”
A tear slides down Jugos check and Sasuke quickly wipes it away with his thumb. “I love fireworks. I love the colors but the noise…”
Sasuke takes in the information but doesn’t know what to say. Eventually, Karin and Suigetsu come back with a whole bunch of different food. Karin pulls out a blanket to lay on the floor and the group has a picnic indoors.
While the three are distracted Sasuke goes out to ‘borrow’ some sparklers. When he brings them back the four do what they do best and be chaotic.
Karin tries to make pretty patterns with the smoke but Suigetsu keeps ruining the designs and attempting to get Sasuke to sword fight him with the sparklers. Sasuke claims he only joined in because he doesn’t need Suigetsu’s ego to get any bigger, it’s totally not because he is enjoying himself. Jugo enjoys staring at the brightness of the sparkler and actually feel himself relaxed.
They all come from different nations, belong to different clans, and barely anything in common, but that’s what made them special. Taka had no reason to stay together, yet they continue to work together side by side.
For the first time in years Jugo feels a chuckle escape his lips.
Jugo hates fireworks, but sparklers are a nice substitution.
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justsasuke · 2 months
Team Taka Matsuri 2024 day 3: Juugo.
He's not a big social media user, but his stories are all organized and his feed is filled with lots of "slice of life" things (so naturally he has a lot of followers haha). I imagine that he collects houseplants, takes photos of every animal he befriends, and has two birds as pets. He also spends a lot of time outdoors, and carves as a hobby. not pictured is all the photos he has of Sasuke (that Suigetsu airdropped him) in his camera roll. His handle is "Juu5" because 5 is read "go" in Japanese.
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mixelation · 1 month
i would rather have team taka tbh. just because i like them better not bc it makes any sense
nah team taka "makes sense."
team taka: actually worked for obito as part of akatsuki, had the uniform, failed to capture a jinchuriki with the best of them, basically Akatsuki Jr.
madara: nominatively on the roster due to identity theft, possibly never even knew about akatsuki, is affiliated because fans like him and he told obito to go fuck shit up i guess
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narutoversevacation · 11 months
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Signups are closed and assignments have been sent out, and we are so excited to begin our holiday around the Naruto-verse! Our contributors have started ideating and there are some pretty interesting holiday shenanigans in store 👀
If you missed the signups and would still like a chance to participate, fret not! You can still drop a message to the event mods @sonorous-cicada or @lightweaving, and we'll try to find you a slot!
It's going to be such oto-rageous fun!
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karminecorp · 2 years
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Défaite / Defeat
[FR - ENG Below] Nos pépites Valorant s'inclinent malheureusement 2-1 face à VLS signant ainsi la fin de la Last Dance. Le match aura était serré jusqu'au bout et malgré la situation délicate, nos joueurs ont tout donné. Ils nous auront rendu fiers tout au long de cette année passée à nos côtés. Allez félicitez nos joueurs et envoyez tout votre amour à Amilwa, TakaS et Mikee qui ne continueront malheureusement pas leur aventure avec nous en VCT. KC un jour, KC toujours. On ne vous oubliera pas, merci pour tout. Nous ferons un message individuel en temps voulu pour annoncer leur départ officiellement, les remercier et leur souhaiter le meilleur. Il le mérite.
[ENG] Our Valorant champs unfortunately lost 2-1 to VLS, bringing the Last Dance to an end sooner than we would have liked. It was a close game until the end and, despite the tough situation, our players gave it their all. They have made us proud throughout this entire year with us. Go congratulate to our players and send all your love to Amilwa, TakaS and Mikee who will unfortunately not continue their adventure with us in VCT. Once a KC member, always a KC member. We won't forget you, thank you for everything. We will write an individual post in due time to officially announce their departure, thank them and wish them the best. They deserve it.
Amilwa TakaS Mikee Shin Newzera
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“Sarada is the first Uchiha that awoke her MS out of a sense of pure love, unlike the rest of them that were rooted in hatred –she’s the first one to break the “Hatred Cycle” of the clan.”
*sighs* Listen, there’s nothing I’d like more than to leave Boruto and all of its byproducts behind for good, yet over and over again the rabid anti-Sasuke fandom comes back to trash on the original characters of the show for the sole purpose of chanting “old Uchiha bad, new Uchiha good” around a barely lit pit fire.
Allow me to quickly break this notion, as it doesn’t need much more inspection than a faint passing of our eyes through the original series to debunk it.
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After hearing Naruto is sealed away alongside Hinata and everyone blames Boruto, Sarada starts crying and, in desperation, asks her dad to “help Boruto”, awakening her Mangekyou Sharingan.
[Contrary to what I initially believed as I thought she might be asking for help as she couldn’t move, she’s not injured, she appears to be (at most) in shock due to everything that Boruto has to face, so, in case you’re one of those Naruto fans that are used to have pretty plot-relevant, emotional moments after the initial awakening of an Uchiha’s MS, let me tell you: That’s not happening, at all.]
Regardless of the minuscule and for real, for real, not sarcastic at all, very-well thought and constructed attempt to empower a character whose relevance to the main plot lies in the fact that she is the only daughter of Boruto's mentor, many stans of the child saw this opportunity to trash on Sasuke’s power as an Uchiha (you know, the reincarnation of Indra itself), and to justify such an awakening of one of the most powerful forms of the Sharingan under the premise that “it’s a different type of awakening because it’s linked to love, not hatred.”
So, in order to fact-check such affirmation, let’s see how other characters achieved the Mangekyou:
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Sasuke awakes his MS originally from learning the truth behind his family’s genocide; before this (and I mean, chapters before this, as his MS is dedicated a total of three chapters) Obito explained that the Uchiha were planning a coup and that Itachi, to protect Konoha and his brother, committed the annihilation of his entire kin following the government’s orders. We see him crying before a new resolution is reached: destroy Konoha. His MS awakes due to his pain which turns to complete anger.
However, you wouldn’t believe how Sasuke has conscious access to both Mangekyou:
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That’s right folks, he has conscious access over his right MS by thinking of those he wants to protect, Team Taka and Team 7. So this “hatred” cycle that powers up his Sharingan is fuelled by one thing and one thing only: love.
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Sasuke got conscious access over his left MS technique when trying to save Karin, as she’s a very dear comrade of his. Something similar happened when he awakened his Sharingan versus when he got conscious access to it when trying to save Naruto.
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[Sasuke awoke the Sharingan when he was eight years old, so the idea that “haha, Sarada awoke her MS when she was younger than him so she’s better!” is stupid as he awoke it when he was at least four years younger when facing the genocide of his people, unlike her that got it from daddy issues. In fact, awakening MS or the Sharingan before or after has nothing to do with the person's capacity as a ninja as it solely depends on the traumatic events that said person experiences. It's safer to say that her emotional threshold is significantly lower than her father's given the "peaceful" times in which she grew up than to claim a "superiority" based upon the age they both experienced traumatically enough events to influence their chakra and develop or evolve their doujutsu.]
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Obito, somewhat similar to Sasuke (and this is due to their feelings, as they’re heartbroken and such pain triggers their raw hate), awakes his MS when he sees the girl he loves get killed by the boy he started to consider a friend when he was twelve/thirteen years old. His feelings are so strongly connected to his Sharingan that they also evolve the doujutsu that Kakashi possesses.
However, there’s a striking difference between how Obito awakened his Sharingan (basic form) and how Sasuke or even Sarada did as he achieved such power when trying to save his comrades.
[Sasuke awoke the Sharingan due to the pain he felt when seeing his parents get killed by his brother, which turned into hatred when Itachi "explained" his reasons. Meanwhile, Sarada got her Sharingans due to the pain she felt when her father didn't recognize her, which turned into fear when he threatened to kill her.]
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Obito’s Sharingan was completely awakened by a sense of protectiveness over those dear to him, in other words, love. 
Every single Sharingan or evolution of the same doujutsu is driven by the same emotion. From there, it either derivates to different states (pain, hate, grief, and so on), or it doesn’t, but no Uchiha can access either form without feeling a strong positive connection with someone or something they are trying to protect.
P.S: Unrelated, but look how pretty Kishimoto's art is compared to Ikemoto's (who also sexualizes minors constantly, as this is the cover of the newest volume), Sasuke looks so ugly and Sarada's MS is the most awful thing I've ever seen. No wonder the manga is flopping. Yikes.
Edit to add: It’s devastatingly hilarious how the whole point of Sarada’s Mangekyou wasn’t even about her; nor her power, nor the relevance of her bonds, it was about making a powerful enough moment for Sasuke to believe her and help Boruto! Everything becomes, yet again, about Sasuke.
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chhaiya-chhaiya · 2 months
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Suigetsu hozuki
Made for the day 2 of the team taka event, hope you like it @justsasuke
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pokefangamebrainrot · 11 days
Do you have more hcs for Taka?
taka alcantara headcanons (part two electric boogaloo)
-he’s a very good singer. he was in the church of arceus’ choir for a little while (elias persuaded solaris to enrol him)
-he loves learning about the stars- he’s mapped out most constellations around reborn
-he’s very good with kids
-even though he grew up learning how to play classical instruments (piano, violin, etc) his favourite is the ukulele
-food is one of his main love languages, mainly because it was such a struggle for him learning how to cook. if he makes a meal for you, it shows he’s comfortable enough to try out a skill he’s vulnerable about around you
-he travels to ayrith for a little while and stays in darkroot (i just imagine he would like it there)
-in his history museum, there’s an entire segment on team meteor. he refuses to gloss over either the good or the bad
-he holds a lot of resentment towards elias. the two never quite bridge that gap
-even after the events of the game, he actually remains an atheist. he can’t justify worshipping a god that allowed the evils of team meteor to persist
-he comes to terms with what happened to solaris, and, eventually, finds some kind of peace with the memory of his father
that’s all we’ve got for now, but tyvm for asking and hope you enjoyed these!!
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sklives · 1 year
Some SK HeadCannon 🤩
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Comission by Iluhscat on Instagram 💕
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Well, I've always thought how Karin would confess to him. Just like Sasuke, she never would speak out lout, her character don't know how express this love she fell for him... Actually, when she try to do it, it's when she go all the way to hit on him.😅
So after all the cannon events on manga, team taka will travel together and after a while, each of them will follow their own journey. Juugo would go to kumokagure village, Suigetsu will find again his roots in the mist country an Karin returns to otokahure, join Orochimaru to find some cure for Juugo's curse.
The team will travel together until only Sasuke's journey left, but before that, in the last night they spent as a duo, Karin will have the courage to say, not with all the words, but she will tell 'The moon is beautiful, isn't?'
Seems weird, right? 🤭
Well, I studied Japanese for some time and in the Meiji era, the writer Natsume Soseki, when debating with some students at the time, suggested the phrase '月がきれいですね' which means 'the moon is beautiful, isn't it?' as a way of declaring to someone, a poetic way to say I love you (愛している). Why? Because in japanese culture it's not comum say 'I love you' directly.
I read recently other explanation that 月(tsuki) is phonologically similar to 好き(suki, another way to say 'I love you'), so it's almost like saying 好きがきれいですね。(loving you is beautiful, isn't it?)
Soooo, I wonder how Sasuke would react towards this confession and spontaneous momento of her. Sasuke seems clueless every time she hit on him, so here he would be somehow confused and after realizing what she does, Karin blushes and turn aways. In my mind Sasuke would confess with a gesture, so this can be way to a second part? 🤭
I like this idea because Sasuke is the representation of the moon in manga, and even if it hasn't been shown in the canonical work, Karin can be a representations for Maple trees.
That's just amazing because it's another contrast with NaruSaku. In Japan, just as the spring brings cherry blossom and hanami (flower-viewing) fastivals, the autumn welcomes moon viewing and momiji (maple) leaves, especially memorable when lit up at night.
It wouldn't be beautiful something like that?
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A funny thing that I've thinking with this role HeadCannon history is a interaction between Sasuke and Sai. Before leaving konoha with Taka, Sai give a book for him as a gift to help him with his new emotions 😬 and it would be a really nice interaction between them.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (D-G)
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Here are all the dabbles from the Headcanons to Dabble Event from D-F! :D (Previous Masterlist was too big- had to break it up)
Full Masterlist
Last updated: 7/4/24
Do The Thing? (Lee!Maki, Ler!Kaede)
Check-In! (Lee!Taka, Lers!Mondo, Leon, Chihiro)
Cheer Up, Kiyo! (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
Company (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Kokichi)
Foot Rest (Lee!Yasuhiro, Ler!Mondo)
Nails (Korekiyo x Reader)
Sibling Check (Switches!Ibuki, Hajime)
Sweet Talk (Nagito x Reader)
Death Note
Self Preservation (Lee!L, Ler!Light)
Demon Slayer
Air Tickles (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Hantengu Clones)
All Ears (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Bed Time (Douma x Reader)
Challenge Accepted (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Crybaby (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Cupid (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Douma's Army (Lee!Daki, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Ler!Gyokko)
Drummer Boy and The Pesky Spider (Lee!Kyogai, Ler!Rui)
Eye Contact (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Sanemi)
Elevator (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Eyes On Me (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
Feathered Touch (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Crow)
Fluster (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
First Aid (Lee!Tanjiro, Ler!Genya)
Five Seconds (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Frustration Cure (Lee!Tanjiro, Lers!Rengoku, Mitsuri)
Future Sightings (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Gone In The Wind (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Sanemi)
Heat Of The Moment (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Keen Sense Of Hearing (Lee!Tanjiro, Inosuke, Ler!Zenitsu)
Lavender Fly (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Shinobu)
Little hands, my only weakness (Switches!Gyomei, Nezuko)
The Look (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Medicine (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Shinobu)
Mending (Lee!Genya, Ler!Sanemi)
Messed With The Wrong Demon (Lee!Douma, Ler!Koku)
Mirrored Memories (Lee!Muichiro, Lers!Kagaya, Amane) 
Mirror (Lee!Nezuko, Ler!Tengen)
Munch (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Reader)
Off Button (Lee!Akaza, Lers!Daki, Gyutaro)
Ribs (Lee!Gyutaro, Ler!Rui)
Run (Lee!Rui, Ler!Douma)
Sit With Me (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Kagaya)
Smile (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
Snowflakes (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Spell It For Me (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Stripes (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Taisho Era Tickle Monster (Switch!Tanjiro, Lees!Zenitsu, Nezuko)
(Tickle) Fight Me! (Lee!Inosuke, Ler!Tanjiiro)
Team Work Makes The Dream Work (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Sanemi, Giyu)
Teenage Dream (Muichiro x Reader) 
Thick Skin (Lee!Douma, Lers!Daki, Rui)
Tickle Yourself (Lee!Aizetsu, Ler!Urogi)
Unexpected (Switches!Sabito, Giyu) 
Unshakable (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma) 
What I Like About You (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Who’s Better? (Lees!Sanemi, Muichiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
Dr Stone
Chair Sized (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa) 
Ballet (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Dad Mode (Lee!Senku, Ler!Byakuya)
Flower Language (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Heartbeat (Ukyo x Romantic!Reader) 
I Smell A Storm (Lee!Tsukasa, Ler!Ryusui)
Returning Hug (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Talk to me (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku) 
Traitor (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Fire Emblem
Retainer's Contribution (Lee!Sylvain, Lers!Dimitri, Dedue)
Splitting Sides (Lee!Claude, Ler!Hilda)
Fire Force
Begone, Devil! (Lee!Shinra, Ler!Arthur)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Ants (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Natsuya) 
Foot Rest (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Liar Liar (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Jog Your Memory (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nagisa)
Resting Bitch Face (Lee!Haru, Ler!Makoto) 
Temper Tantrum (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nitori)
Fruits Basket
Rival (Lee!Nao, Ler!Yuki)
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sueske · 11 months
team taka fans are getting on my nerves. they say naruto isn’t important to sasuke, their friendship/bond is useles because they were forced into a team, taka has a deeper understanding of sasuke (lol). when showed proof they say you are “possesive over sasuke” like what??
sasuke himself discarded them and stabbed karin& was about to kill her too if sakura didn’t decide to pull her pathetic show. if sasuke is secretly in love with karin wouldn’t he feel remorse or hesitate?? they like to say sasuke and karin like did it and their relationship has sexual undertones when sasuke bites her. like let’s give them the benefit of doubt ; it is sexual from karin’s side but sasuke makes it clear that he doesn’t want her that way. or how sasuke doesn’t push her (does anyone remember his face in war arc?)
also their bond isn’t that… close ig? karin is like sakura who wants sexual favors from sasuke, suigetsu’s reason is even more pathetic and for the life of me i don’t know why he sticks with team taka (to break karin and sasuke up that was his reason ig) and juugo’s is the only one that makes sense.
i used to didn’t care too much about team taka but their stans kinda ruined them for me with how they overblow their “friendship” out of proportions to mock sns
they wanted to reach out to each other when they were small but for various reasons couldn’t. before team 7 was even a thing.
I don’t think it’s correct to say that team taka understand sasuke wholeheartedly and is closest to him, when canonically the only one who can see inside his heart is naruto. though it is true team taka know what happened to sasuke, and they support him in his goal, juugo is there cuz sasuke is a remnant from kimimaro, karin is there cuz she loves sasuke, why is suigetsu there again? 😅 did he just stick along for the ride cuz of the swords… he said as long as it suits him he’ll follow but if it doesn’t serve him he won’t. when he released prisoners on sasuke’s order he mentioned sas being their saviour or smth… when sas wanted to go to the previous hokage and then to the battlefield, suigetsu wanted to dip cuz he was too scared.
sasuke put together team taka cuz of their skills, and in return cuz of their own reasons taka followed him. they spent time together, sas was their leader, the bonds of comraderie they formed (which also reminded him of the bonds of comraderie in team 7), affected them. and sas got Amaterasu powers to protect karin.
kage summit rolls around, sas left juugo and suigetsu behind, karin was really affected by the events and seemingly gave up on sas saying why should she care, I know like some people don’t ‘accept’ these actions cuz sas was in a bad state of mind, so I won’t dwell on it too much. tho the only person who was able to somewhat get through to sasuke was naruto here.
however when it came down to it, once their goal was over, even though their relationship developed from when they first met, once sasuke ‘calmed down’ (don’t think it’s the right phrase but so u get what I mean), he was willing to let them die, like the rest of team 7 sans naruto, like in the war with the bijuu bomb, he wanted to take juugo cuz of his natural energy cuz that was the only thing that worked against obito. before anyone comes for me sasuke didn’t take naruto just cuz he was strong, while protecting him sasuke said he wanted to be the one to kill naruto himself, he’s the one that will cut off the past, since naruto is the last bond he had to cut down to be truly alone. the last person to cut down in the memory of his brother <- all stuff sas said.
when u look at the times sas wanted to kill his ‘comrades’, it’s without hesitation, no emotional recognition from his part, no acknowledgement… except for his one and only… friend. oh yeah. naruto is sasuke’s closest/most intimate friend. did he use such words for any of his other comrades?
so where’s this profound bond sas has with team taka? It’s reminiscent of the one with team 7. I do agree tho that team taka were done dirty at the end, and that they’re better than sakura and kakashi (tho those two set the bar so low) and it would be nice to see team taka bonds develop, since I obviously don’t agree with the take that sasuke should ONLY have a bond with naruto that’s ridiculous, tho to say team taka understood naruto better than sasuke is wrong, it’s like those ppl don’t understand sasuke, it’s like they ignore his words and thoughts and actions based on their personal opinions. sometimes the actions naruto took towards sasuke weren’t the best and i have a post on that in my drafts but idk if I’m gonna post it but… just to get that out here that I don’t think naruto is ‘perfect’ by any means.
as for karin, at the start sas rejected her advances. during the war arc when he apologised and when she hugged him he didn’t brush her off but he looked uncomfortable at the physical closeness. in the middle, karin stole sasuke’s sweaty clothes for her uhm pleasure ig idk. If they were doing the deed why would she need to resort to his clothes… it is obviously sexual on karin’s side she liked it when sas bit her, but sas was chugging chakra down to stay alive it wasn’t sexual for him. kishimoto can write subtext well, he can draw it well too (like those 3 panels of yahikonan implying they kissed), but there’s no such thing in the manga where it’s hinted sasuke had sexual relations with karin.
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avenger-hawk · 2 months
I always think Sasuke is not fixed in Naruto ngl. Like too few people understand or try to understand him, and no i dont think Naruto did, not even with Jiraya's death (he knew that man only for 2-3 years), maybe if it was Iruka's. What a shame that only Orochimaru actually did understand and team taka knew where he come from. Anyways, bc i think he is not fixed in the shinobi system in naruto, my delusional ass throws him in other shounens that i knew and try to see what's up. One that stuck me the most is One Piece, it is not necessary for him to involved with luffy's gang, but with other organizations as well. The point is that i think sasuke somehow fit with op's world view, and i think he fit with the main crew, with how these background stories of the characters. The fuckass hyporite shinibi system seem fucking narrow minded and gray to op. Just want to know your opinion about sasuke in op's world. Or anykind of shounens that sasuke suit or anykind that will beat his ass?
I'm very sorry but I don't know anything about One Piece, I didn't like the drawing style so I never felt like reading/watching it. As for other shounen, my brain works differently from yours, so instead of placing Sasuke in other universes I like to stay in-universe, as despite its "flaws and inconsistencies" as Itachi put it, it's the universe where Sasuke exists, so when I wrote my fanfics and headcanons I focus on either explaining and/or expanding certain things and events, or I focus on what ifs, changing something and following that trail. Or just to focus on Sasuke's personality and interactions with in-universe characters.
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justsasuke · 2 months
Team Taka Matsuri 2024 day 1: Karin.
I've been wanting to do this for so long and I figured today was the perfect day for it. So I present to you: Team Taka, Modern AU (but set in-universe) instagram profiles. Karin version.
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Little Easter eggs I added: - The time in the first photo is her birthday - "Too Sweet for you" is a reference to "Too Sweet" by Hozier which is a song I feel like fits her vibe. - One of her favorite foods is okonomiyaki (often called "savory pancakes" in America for some unknown reason) - I headcanon her favorite Sanrio character to be Kuromi.
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Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 33
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Hello readers! We’re finally past the point of medical stuff, life is returning to normal, and that means gaming and updates are normal as well! Not that most of the recent delays were too bad, I think, but at the very least- if things do get held up again in the future, it probably won’t be because of any physical turmoil.
Also, update on that tagging thing: turns out, removing the tags on the previous chapter parts did not remove them from the Reborn tag on Tumblr. Even though it…really should have, because they don’t have the associated tags anymore. Just Tumblr being Tumblr I guess, a perfectly well-functioning website with no flaws or bugs whatsoever, providing turmoil in other ways. Um- sorry to the Reborn Tumblr community, sorry I messed up the tag, but at the very least it won’t be more of an issue in the future…?
But speaking of turmoil…last chapter. Oooh boooy, last chapter…what can I say about the last chapter? It was…a lot. I did say we were overdue for another grand confrontation with Team Meteor, and uh…Pyrous Mountain certainly delivered. How about I just…recap the events of last time, so you can understand the utter madness I witnessed last time.
Xera joins Cain and Victoria in approaching Pyrous Mountain; the latter takes care of a guard in front of the entrance before they all rush in. Xera and Victoria work together to hold off the initial guards while Cain runs ahead to help Cal, who according to Victoria is at the top of the volcano.
Xera and Victoria traverse Pyrous Mountain, draining lava and battling Meteors all the way. Eventually, they exit out onto the summit, where they spot a certain Absol who quickly bounds away.
At the top, Xera and Victoria find Cain and Cal seemingly in battle against Taka and Solaris, the former having all of his Pokémon just knocked out. There is not much time left, as the PULSE Camerupt is almost at maximum energy capacity. 
Solaris orders Taka to deal with Victoria; at this moment, it is revealed that Taka is Solaris’ son, though Taka himself seems rather indifferent to the whole affair. Solaris himself decides to battle Xera personally, boasting that he will need only one Pokémon to “delete” her.
Solaris utilizes his incredibly powerful Garchomp to take on Xera’s entire team- all of whom are beneath Garchomp’s level. However, with some clever Intimidate and Counter maneuvers, Xera manages to best the pseudo-Legendary against all odds.
Solaris is not impressed by Xera’s victory- after all, he can easily heal Garchomp back up with items. At that moment, Sensei Kiki appears, having climbed the mountain to join the fight despite her condition. She is not intimidated by Solaris and proclaims that, despite own weakness, she can make a difference in others’ lives. 
As such, Kiki calls out her Medicham and orders it to use Hi Jump Kick to destroy the PULSE. Just when it begins to leap across the lava, however…Solaris orders “Canis” to stop it. In that moment, Cal calls out his Magmortar, who catches and restrains the Medicham.
As it turns out, Cal is actually Agent Canis Minor, a member of Team Meteor for quite some time now, and was a willing conspirator in the Pyrous Mountain plot, to Victoria’s horror. At Solaris’ command, Cal orders his Magmortar to throw Medicham into the lava, slaying the Pokémon- an act he appears to regret afterwards.
Solaris himself then orders his Garchomp to “execute” Kiki, who is distracted and despondent over the death of her partner Pokémon. Garchomp’s attack is swift and decisive, and none of the others are able to stop it from cutting down Kiki immediately.
Victoria and Cal are horrified by the sensei’s death, with Cal proclaiming it wasn’t a part of the plan. Solaris berates Cal for his weakness, and Cal comes to truly understand and appreciate Kiki’s teachings about accepting his weaknesses. He proclaims that real weakness is standing by and doing nothing while the things you love are destroyed, and orders his Magmortar to launch an attack at the PULSE.
With one powerful blast, PULSE Camerupt is dispatched, and the eruption of the volcano is halted. Solaris claims Cal is as useless as his brother- Agent Canis Major- warned, since his betrayal of Team Meteor came too little too late. Even so, the operation is still a failure, and Solaris and Taka retreat.
Cal attempts to apologize to Victoria, but Victoria is having absolutely none of it, pushing him away and generally lashing out at him in anger, grief, and betrayal. In the end, all Cal can do is sorrowfully apologize one last time before retreating on his own. Cain and Xera then join Victoria in mourning Kiki, and in the end they all head back down Pyrous Mountain together.
Back at Apophyll Academy, Victoria laments how they all could have done more to save Kiki’s life, not to mention blaming herself for inviting Cal to the Academy in the first place. With some comforting words from Cain, Victoria remembers who the blame should truly fall to: Team Meteor themselves.
Victoria points out how there is a third PULSE in Byxbysion Wasteland, but Cain is hesitant to go home or possibly see his family again. Victoria snaps at him for his hesitation, but she almost immediately regrets this; unfortunately, she cannot apologize, as Cain quickly leaves the room due to her hurtful words.
Victoria explains to Xera that she can no longer continue journeying with her across Reborn or taking on the League; as Kiki’s chosen successor, she must prioritize the Academy above all else now. 
Victoria claims her role in this adventure has ended, but she implores Xera to keep fighting Team Meteor- to make sure they can’t hurt anyone else, and to save the Wasteland, the kidnapped children, and Reborn as a whole.
With one last look at the Academy and the ashen beaches surrounding it, Xera hops on Amaria’s boat to return to Reborn City and head to her next destination: Byxbysion Wasteland, where the third PULSE awaits.
So yeah! Kiki’s dead, Medicham’s dead, Victoria’s on a bus, Cain has trauma, Xera has trauma, I hate Cal even more than I already did (as a person, in a theatrical fashion, not as a character), I don’t even wanna know what’s happening with Taka, Solaris is trying to be Cynthia, and Coast the Pyukumuku is the Pyukumuku of all time! It was a WILD time! Goodness me!
Hopefully…well, I don’t know if this chapter will be more relaxing than last time, I mean we’re going to a completely new area in search of yet another PULSE, so who knows what’s gonna happen. All I know is, I really gotta be on my A-game from now on, I don’t want my reload counter to keep increasing at the rate it has the last four chapters. But I need to continue on at some point, so…let’s go.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
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karminecorp · 2 years
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[ENG] Go watch our players ScreaM and XMS live on Gotaga's twitch channel for an exceptionnal Valorant evening ! They will later be joined by TakaS and Nivera.
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
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