#tears fir the red hair tbh
finnsucks23 · 4 years
Can you please write about Shiggy crying during sex because he feels so loved? 🥺🥺🥺
A/n: Cry baby Shiggy makes me weak in the knees. Tbh just all of Shiggy makes me weak in the knees.
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"Are you okay?" You leaned down, swiping away at the bangs that framed his face. You watched as his nostrils flared, his lips staying thin and tightly pressed together.
"Tomura, you have to tell me if it's too much for you. Okay?" You tried to assure him that it was okay to say something, that if he didn't like it then he didn't have to bare it.
Tonight, Shigaraki finally agreed to let you be on top. Usually on nights like this, he was aggressive in every way... but when he walked into your bedroom he felt off.
The pale blue haired man didn't say anything as you questioned his mopping attitude, you put down your Nintendo Switch and patted your lap. Without a word, or even a sound, he laid his head on your chest and softly kissed at your neck.
He was never this soft, but he just felt needy. You were the only person he could truly trust, and he wanted you fir everything you had. However, not in his usual way.
You were just following routine when you began to submit like usual, climbing under him and slowly undressing yourself. It was only then your heart felt heavy with concern when he flipped you two over, your thicker thighs on both sides of his body as his boney hips pressed into your skin.
You slipped off the night shorts you wore to bed, lifting yourself up to help him pull down his own jeans and boxers. You smiled lightly when he grabbed your thighs, squeezing the flesh between his fingers and staring at the way his fingers made indentations with such interest and intensity.
Like he was trying to focus on something else than what was really going through his mind.
You grabbed his cock, holding it in place as you began to rub your cunt along him. Making him slick with the arousal you created, you wanted this to he easy for both of you.
You positioned yourself above him, getting ready to sink down when you asked him if he was okay, still with no response but his poker face you sighed.
"Shiggy, I'm not going to unless you say some-" before you could finish he grabbed your hips and slammed you down, you let out a cry that was a mixture of pain and pleasure.
You expected him to use you like he usually did, to fuck you senseless. Instead, after the intial first push, he let go.
His fingers found their way back to your plush thighs, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion wondering if he was sick or knew something bad was about to happen to him.
It worried you deeply.
You brought your palm up to his cheek, cupping it and running your thumb over his pale flesh.
You slowly began to move your hips, trying to find what would feel best for the both of you to enjoy.
After no more than ten minutes you found a soft rythm, letting out little whimpers as you moved. He felt amazing dragging along your walls and hitting your cervix in such a light way, you looked down to where your bodies connected with such enamoured interest. Honestly, you could've been drooling by just seeing the erotic sight of his dick disappearing into your cunt.
You were so mesmerized that you almost didn't hear the small sniffle coming from the man below you.
"Shit- are you okay? Did I hurt you?" You began to panic, trying to move off of your boyfriend only to have him hold you down tightly.
You looked up to see his face, one arm was draped over his eyes as he bit at his lip as it quivered. Tears stung his cheeks, making them a shade of candy apple red.
"What's wrong?" You whispered, grabbing the arm covering his face and moving it away. You ran your fingers across his knuckles as he wouldn't look you in the eye.
"We... we dont have to talk about it if you don't want to." You assured him, feeling your heart break in two.
"I'm sorry..." he let out a broken sob, his voice cracked with each word making your eyes sting with tears of your own.
"What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong, honey." You grabbed his hands, and interlaced your fingers with his.
"I'm always so fucking awful to you-" he choked, chest heaving with his words, you shook your head, feeling the tears flow.
"You show me nothing but love and... I-I've just never had that. I don't know how to show you that I love you." He swallowed, tilting his head to the side to avoid looking at you anymore.
"I know you love me. Everyone shows it in different way, ya know?" You gave him a watery smile.
"I know! But... I feel like I'm going to lose you to someone better than me." He sniffled, closing his eyes and letting the tears fall freely.
"No one is better for me than you are, Shiggy. I promise." You let go of one of his hands, titling his face to look at you as you leaned down and pressed your lips to his with a smile.
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Pure (Red Daughter x Morgana AU) 
Lena brings books -- mountains upon mountains of books -- to the DEO, and Red Daughter pleads for Morgana to read them to her, because her voice is beautiful – rich, like wind through the fir trees back in Kaznia, she says.
Sometimes Red Daughter speaks to her of Lex, and all he was to her, and her voice becomes small and broken when she remembers that all of it was a lie
The Kryptonian hates the name Red Daughter now, she winces every time she hears it, as if it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. So Morgana calls her by a different name.
Katya, the name suits her, Morgana thinks, and the Kryptonian smiles widely – her smile a brilliant living thing on her face – when Morgana tells her the meaning of the name. Pure.
AU in which Morgana is Lena’s “dead” twin, who was turned radioactive with Kryptonite by one of Lex’s experiments. 
Look, these babies both deserve a happy ending, okay, and I need Red Daughter to live
So, I’m still a little pissed about how they “resolved” the Red Daughter storyline, so of fucking course, I made an AU, and I gave her her own OTP, cos baby girl deserves it.
This AU has 3 different versions. And in each one of them, I gave Lena a twin (before you dismiss it, hear me out):
In this version, I made her twin Morgana.  Yes, Morgana is the other half of this OTP in this AU, cos she also deserves a good ending.
I deliberately didn’t change her name to an “L” name for this one. (I actually named Lena “Magdalena” in this to match Morgana but that’s unimportant, except for the fact that Alex teases her mercilessly about it when she finds out).
So, Lena and Morgana are twins, but Morgana “dies” when they’re around 16 or so.
Morgana is “the forgotten Luthor” (I hc an article Kara found on her with this title when she was researching the Luthor family history when she first became friends with Lena). There’s very little information to be found on her.
Lena and Morgana were close growing up, sharing secrets and ideas, keeping each other safe in the treacherous waters of Luthor family life.
Morgana was the more outgoing one, charming, the one who easily adapted to their luxurious lifestyle in elite social circles.
Lena was more quiet, the one who got her knuckles rapped for reaching a little too eagerly at the table, who always got the disdainful look from Lillian (“Straighten up, Lena! Luthors don’t slouch!”)
In bed at night, Lena cries into Morgana’s shoulder, and Morgana tucks a stray hair behind her ear. “It’s a show, Lena. It’s all a show, like the ones we used to put on for Mum, remember? We just have to give them a good show.”
Growing up, Lex tries the same psychological tactics with Morgana as he did with Lena. Y’know, belittling her inventions and all that.
EXCEPT for this one invention she made when she was 16 that he realized would be helpful in eradicating Superman.
See at around this time, Lex has already starting to get obsessed with ridding the world of the “Kryptonian menace”. He had just started making his synthetic Kryptonite, but it was too unstable to use.
When he finds out about Morgana’s breakthrough he immediately starts trying to manipulate her into giving it to him
Her invention is Inception. Yeah, going-into-a-person’s-subconscious-and-manipulating-their-perception-of-reality Inception
Lex figures that he can use Inception to bring down Superman, because as Morgana later tells Kara and Red Daughter “Even Kryptonians dream.”
Morgana, who is about 16 at the time, realizes Lex’s plan and realizes how determined he is to get a hold of Inception (in one other version of this that includes Gwen, Arthur and Merlin, it involves isolating Morgana from her friends and killing off Arthur, but that’s a long and complicated story no one wants to hear)
Morgana attempts to foil Lex’s plan by destroying all of her research on Inception, as well as the machine she used for it.
Inception only exists in Morgana’s mind now, and since no amount of manipulation will make Morgana yield to Lex’s plan, he eventually kidnaps her and keeps her captive in one of his labs.
Basically Lex tries experimenting on her and torturing her so she’ll give him Inception.
One of his experiments involved injecting her with some of his concentrated Kryptonite stock. Like the pure stuff, actual Kryptonite from Krypton. He did it to see how the human body would process it and if it could be synthesized, since he failed in synthesizing his own Kryptonite
The end result is that Morgana literally becomes radioactive. Like how radiation chemo makes people radioactive but WORSE. She literally can’t touch anyone. Because in this AU Kryptonite is harmful to humans too.
Which is why when Morgana eventually escapes Lex’s lab she doesn’t go back to the person she cares about most, Lena.
Lena doesn’t know about any of this. All she knows is that her sister died in a failed experiment. The family has a quiet funeral, Lena is the only one who cries and stays at the graveside.
Lillian scolds her in contempt “Luthors do not cry, Lena.”, and tries to get her in the car. But for the first time, Lena is immovable. She doesn’t wipe her tears or compose herself like a lady. She just kneels in the dirt and shakes with quiet sobs. Lillian finally leaves her there
Fast forward years later, to when Lex eventually goes to prison and Lena takes over L-Corp.
During this time, Morgana has been living almost completely isolated all these years, because of her radioactivity.
She does have one ally. I don’t remember if Daxamites are immune to Kryptonite (tbh I didn’t really pay attention to that part of the show), but let’s say they are.
Morgana uses a Daxamite, Mor-Dred to conduct most of her business with the outside world (yes, that Mordred). Her house has been safeguarded for her radioactivity, and most of her business is conducted within it. On the rare occasions when she does have to go out, she wears special lead-lined clothing.
Fast forward to Red Daughter running amok disguised as Supergirl under Lex’s orders. I’m just gonna disregard the ending they did for Red Daughter, cos it pisses me off.
Morgans reveals to Lena and the rest of the DEO that she’s alive, and volunteers to stop Red Daughter since she is pretty much Kryptonite on two legs.
The Kryptonite weakens Red Daughter, and they manage to capture her. But since Lex brainwashed her, she’s still under his influence, so Morgana uses Inception to find out exactly what Lex told her so she can undo his work, she uses Inception to implant the doubt in Red Daughter’s mind.
Kara decides to help reprogram Red Daughter from her brainwashing, and convinces the DEO to let her stay in the facility.
Morgana is another problem, however. Since she is literally the Supers’ weakness and toxic to everyone else, the DEO refuses to let her run around free. They keep her in a lead-lined cell, “for everyone’s safety ”
Lena, Alex and Supergirl try to protest but to no avail. Morgana is kept in the cell across from Red Daughter.
At first, she only talks to the Kryptonian because she’s trying to see the effects of the idea she implanted in her during Inception. If the doubt she’d sown was enough to undo Lex’s brainwashing.
It’s there, she finds, and Red Daughter is susceptible to deprogramming.
So Morgana decides to stay for a while (cos let’s face it, Morgana being Morgana AND a Luthor in this AU the only reason she stayed in that cell was because she chose to; if Lex couldn’t keep her contained, what chance did the DEO have?)
Morgana tells herself it’s because it’s nice to have company again after years of self-imposed isolation, necessary though it might be. It’s also nice to be able to see her sister every day again, even if it’s through lead infused glass
But she’s beginning to enjoy the other Kryptonian’s presence. She’s a clever one, this Red Daughter. So curious and eager to learn, so very lovely in her earnestness. She listens so intently to Morgana’s stories of the world she doesn’t know, not knowing that Morgana herself hasn’t known the world in many years.
Lena brings books, mountains and mountains of books, and Red Daughter pleads for Morgana to read them to her, because her voice is beautiful – rich, like wind through the fir trees, she says.
Sometimes Red Daughter speaks to her of Lex, and all he was to her, and her voice becomes small and broken when she remembers that all of it was a lie.
The Kryptonian hates the name Red Daughter now, she winces every time she hears it, as if it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. So Morgana calls her by a different name.
Katya, the name suits her, Morgana thinks, and the Kryptonian smiles widely – her smile a brilliant living thing on her face – when Morgana tells her the meaning of the name. Pure.
(I literally can’t with the name “Linda”. I cannot write smut with “Linda”. So she’s Katya now)
But eventually, Morgana knows it’s time to go. Captivity is acid to her soul. She’s lived through it once, and she won’t go through it again. A life of hiding and isolation may be lonely and dangerous, but it’s her own.
As she leaves, she turns to Katya, the closest she’s made to a friend in all these years – even closer than Mor-Dred – and takes pity on her, the beautiful broken Snowbird, betrayed by a Luthor and stashed away like a toy the world would rather forget about.
Morgana frees her. And there’s a moment, just before the cell doors open, when Katya – lovely Katya with her pure, earnest eyes – asks Morgana to take her with her.
Morgana meets those eyes, and a voice inside her whispers “Maybe…. maybe…”
But then the doors open, and the moment glass parts and Morgana steps closer, glowing green veins begin to creep over Katya’s face, and she begins to wince involuntarily at the pain.
And Morgana shakes her head at her own folly, her own wishful thinking.
She presses a kiss to Katya’s cheek, and Katya hisses in pain despite herself.
Morgana draws back regretfully. She smiles wryly and pulls away “it’s been a pleasure, zvyozdochka.” (Little star)
Morgana goes underground, since she’s effectively a fugitive again (She has some safehouses prepared in case something like this happens, but they’re not as radiation-proof as her home).
Kara finds out Katya escaped, and takes her in to hide her from the DEO. But eventually, Katya runs away. To find Morgana.
(I have a vague scene in my head where Katya, poor Katya who has no social filter and doesn’t know to conceal or label her feelings, confesses them to Morgana)
“I was so lonely without you. Kara tried, she helped, and Lena visited me everyday  - but they’re not you. When I’m around you, yes, I’m in pain, but that is nothing to the pain I felt without you. It hurt. It hurt so much, Morgana. Why does it hurt so?”
Morgana tries hard to keep herself cold, to harden herself against Katya’s sincerity.
“Didn’t you learn your lesson from Lex? We Luthors are not made to love. He poisoned your mind, and I am built to poison your body. The love of a Luthor is a wicked thing. You should know this by now, Katya. We bring more harm than joy to the ones we love.”
Katya shakes her head vehemently, tears running down her face. “I don’t care. I don’t care! If you feel the same way, – if being with me makes you feel as warm and light as being with you makes me feel, if you hurt as much as I do when we’re not together – I don’t care about anything else.”
Katya takes Morgana’s face in her hands and presses their foreheads together. Immediately, green starts to snake over her face, seeping into her eyes. She doesn’t have her strength because of the Kryptonite, and it’s almost easy for Morgana to wrench her hands away.
“You may not care about yourself getting hurt, but I do. I won’t be the reason for your pain.” And she walks out and puts as much distance between them as she can in the safehouse.
Also, I hc that Morgana likes to keep her hair long and curly (which is how people used to tell her apart from Lena because Lena has straight hair). And despite her radioactivity and the traces of Kryptonite in her hair, her long tresses are Morgana’s one point of vanity that she refused to chop off after being tainted by Kryptonite. Her one indulgence in a life of restraint and control.
Katya sees it long and loose once while they’re at the safehouse.
She can tell Morgana is inside the room, the telltale Kryptonite churning of her stomach alerting her to the other woman’s proximity. Even muted by the lead lined walls, it’s still enough for her organs to want to expel their contents. But the sick sensation is almost welcome after the hollow emptiness she’d felt without the other woman.
Katya moves closer to the room when she sees the door is open a crack, fighting the nausea and the beginnings of acid in her blood.
Morgana is standing at the foot of her bed, clearly still getting ready for the day. Her high-necked blouse and her signature black gloves are still on the bed.
She’s clad in nothing but her skirt and bra, but Katya can’t even see the rest of her body because it’s covered by the living black mass that is Morgana’s hair
She’s only ever seen Morgana’s hair up, always meticulously arranged in an elegant but severe updo that doesn’t hint at the wild beautiful tresses on display right now. It makes her want to see it all the time in its untamed, uncurated state, flowing unchecked down Morgana’s shoulders and back.
It makes her want to bury her hands in the black mass - as surprising and mysterious as the woman herself. She wants to feel the texture of each curl and strand, to discover the secrets buried in the rich darkness.
It’s only the tendrils of sick glowing green that snake up from her fingers up her arm that stop her reaching out her hand to open the door and just touch.
Instead she watches Morgana slowly gather her hair and painstakingly curate each curl. She’s just as lovely with her hair up, but it paints a sadness in the center of Katya’s chest, like an ink blot spreading, that it’s even necessary, that she’s forced to hide this part of herself.
Of course, since I need a happy ending, Morgana eventually gets cured.
In one version of the AU, they discover Lex knows a way to extract the Kryptonite from her system, and Morgana uses Inception to find out how to do it. While inside his mind, she also implants an idea in him. Three days later, they find him dead with a gun in his mouth and a bullet in his brain.
When Morgana gets cured, Katya is right there beside her. She’s the first person Morgana touches (in like 10 fucking years).
It starts as a soft, tentative touch at first – gloves are removed and trembling fingertips touch Katya’s palm – but Katya being essentially Kara is super tactile and it ends up being the tightest embrace Morgana can remember. She ends up breaking down and crying.
Also, in this AU, Lena finds out that Kara is Supergirl through Inception. When Morgana first enters Katya’s subconscious, she takes Lena with her (kinda like how Kara took Lena and Alex to Juru), and it’s revealed that Katya knew about Kara’s identity.
Like in the show, Lena doesn’t reveal to Kara that she knows. Instead, she slowly separates herself from Kara and begins isolating herself, ashamed of how she’s let herself be fooled, of how much she’d revealed, how much sentiment she’d let herself indulge in.
Morgana doesn’t let her. “You think you know what it’s like to be truly alone, Lena? You have no idea. For years, I lived with no other company but my own shadow. No human contact. I haven’t touched another person in ten years because my very skin is poison. I’ve lived in the shadows, in unease, afraid of killing someone, or Lex killing me. You may think you’ve got no one, but look around you -- you have a family, Lena! The one thing we never thought we’d truly have again outside of each other. And it’s a family that loves you, that cares for you. Yes, she lied! The woman you love -- don’t even bother denying it -- lied to you, for years! Perhaps she did it for a good reason, perhaps her reasons aren’t good enough. You’re allowed to be angry about that -- rage, cry, scream all you want! But don’t isolate yourself. You still have a choice, I don’t. I know what it’s like not to have the luxury of that choice. Don’t choose to be alone.”
Eventually, Lena forgives Kara (but that’s a story for another time).
By SorrowsFlower
I just really needed a nice happy ending for my baby Red Daughter, also my baby Morgana. So here it is. Sort of. What am I gonna do for the rest of the hiatus???
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greyzipupjacket · 7 years
Vaccines (I Blame the Cows)
No pairings, just cute momma-garnet and lil baby Steven
Mentions vaccines so if you’re touchy about that. Light violence -- nothing gore-y, tbh not much worse than the actual show is.
Greg had explained the science behind vaccinations to the gems many times. He was almost always extremely patient when discussing human things with them. Especially when they pertained to the wellbeing of Steven.
Steven was five years old. And it was time for his 5 year old check up! Which just so happened to mean that he had to get a vaccine, a "shot." Just the word had made Garnet nervous. So she had insisted on taking Steven herself. Greg, trusting Garnet's future vision (and desperate for a nap) agreed.
So here Garnet was, holding Stevens tiny hand, and staring at the building. There were only a few outcomes of this trip. In most of them, Steven cried. Garnet couldn't stand that. Hopefully, her intimidating presence would be enough to prevent these "doctors" from hurting him.
Garnet checked them in and went to wait. She could do little but grin as Steven, the little cutie pie, completed farm puzzles and made sure Garnet knew exactly which animal said "quack" and which said "oink." Steven had just finished putting together a 10 piece puzzle of a barn, and was proudly showing Garnet, when they were called back.
"'Ere we go, cutie pie," Garnet smiled, picking Steven up and putting him on the weird paper-covered sofa. Steven wiggled, interested in the crinkle of the paper.
"Thanks Garneh!" The boy smiled brightly, and Garnet ruffled his hair. She sat down in the chair beside him and waiting for the nurse to send in the Doctor.
"There's a lotta waiting at dockers, huh?" Steven mused, kicking his feet.
"Yeah. But tha's okay. We can play one of your li'l' games or-"
"Can we play eye spy?" Steven asked excitedly. "There's so many pickters on the wall."
"Yeah, why no'," Garnet agreed and removed her visor for a moment. "Is i' cheating if I use all three eyes?"
"No, I don' think so," Steven replied, "but I'll go firs', okay?"
"Yeah, go on ahea', Steven," Garnet answered, and tried her best to forget how for every animal he could've chosen, there was a different future. Most of them ended with the boy in tears. "Found one yet?"
"Yeah," Steven grinned, "I spy, with my little eye, something spotted!"
Garnet looked at the mural of some great boat zoo. "Is it a giraffe?"
"The cheetah, then?"
"Let's see..." Garnet smiled, "Can you gi' me another hint?"
"It's black and white spotted," Steven grinned, "I know you can do it, Garneh!"
"Awe," Garnet held back a smile. "Well, if you've faith in me li' that, then how can I no'? Le's see now..." She scanned the walls once more. "Is i' a cow?"
"Yeah!" Steven cheered, just as the door to the tiny office opened. "Oh, hi!" Steven smiled to the doctor.
"Hello there," she replied, smiling. She placed a clip board on the counter and offered her hand to Garnet. "You must be his mother."
"Yeah the best one. Innit tha' righ', Steven? You can't tell Pearl, though," Garnet teased, slipping her visor back down and grinning as the little boy laughed.
"Ha ha, yes," the doctor muttered awkwardly. "Well. I'm Doctor Maheswaran, and I'll be performing Steven's check up today. Are you ready for that Steven?" Steven nodded brightly and Garnet's mood darkened lightly at the thought of what today's visit held.
Doctor Maheswaran checked the boy's weight and height, showing Garnet how much he'd grown in the past year. Garnet agreed, but didn't pay much interest to the numbers: in the whole galaxy, only the States used inches, and she hadn't the time to learn how to convert from metric yet.
The doctor checked the child's reflexes while asking Garnet about his past medical history. Garnet remembered the few facts Greg had previously told her of, and she rattled them off dully.
"Well, Steven, it seems that you're growing up perfectly. You just hang on in here and as soon as the nurse gives you your shot, you can go on your way! You did very well!" Doctor Maheswaran praised and Garnet's heart melted at how Steven puffed up in pride. The poor boy hardly even reacted to her mention of the vaccine.
"Wha' do you say, Steven?" Garnet prompted all the same.
"Thank you Docker Mahisswarin."
"You're very welcome. The nurse is just down the hall. He'll be right with you."
It only took a moment for the nurse to replace Doctor Maheswaran in the tiny room. He had with him a cart with needles and vials on it, and started preparing the injection.
"Good afternoon, Steven! You ready for your chicken pox vaccine?"
"Yeah!" Steven replied smiling. It was then that Garnet realized that the child didn't even know what a shot was.
"That's the attitude I like to see!" The nurse smiled, and Garnet felt herself start to panic. He prepped Steven's arm skillfully, a Spider Dude bandaid already half on. "You ready, Steven?"
"Mm-hmm," Steven mumbled and glanced to the injection. "Whatcha gonna draw on me?" He asked, shattering Garnet's heart.
"Oh, I'm not drawing anything on you, kiddo. I'm just going to poke you with this so you won't get chicken pox in the future. It's nothing more than a pinch," the nurse promised. Garnet stood then, and put her hand on Steven's tiny shoulder.
"You sure?" She asked warily, but the nurse replied positively all the same.
"If it's justa pinch, I can take it!" Steven smiled up at Garnet. "Crystal gems can take anything, right, Garneh?"
"You betcha," Garnet replied as convincingly as she could. Steven smiled up at her, and in that moment, the nurse chose to inject the vaccine into Steven's tiny arm.
First, Garnet saw his shock.
Second, she saw his smile fade.
Third, she saw his tears.
Then, all she could see was red.
As Steven whimpered and rubbed his arm, Garnet punched the nurse squarely in the nose, knocking him back against the wall. It was a happy medium (that kept her from becoming unfused) between merely wiping Steven's tears and killing the so-called "medical professional." She calmed herself quickly and picked up her charge.
She made her way to the nearest pharmacy, holding the little boy protectively in her arms. As they walked in, she put a five dollar bill on the counter, and told the cashier over her shoulder "The bar code's 08152289."
She made her way back to the first aid aisle, set Steven on the ground, and ripped open a box of "Crying Breakfast Friends" bandaids.
"Dumb nurse dinnit even know what the best cartoon was," she murmured. Rather than replacing the Spider Dude bandaid with the Crying Egg one, which she saw would only cause him more pain, she placed the Breakfast Friends bandaid over top of the first one. "There." She handed Steven the torn box and picked him back up. "Tha's better."
Steven looked from his new bandaid, back up to Garnet. Quickly, tiny arms were wrapped around the fusion's neck in a hug. "Thank you, Garneh," the little boy smiled brightly. "You're the best."
"Yeah, I know," she winked at him. "Almost as good as you."
Steven giggled at her, "you can't be better than the best!"
"Well, I can't," Garnet replied quietly. "But you already are." She hugged the little boy tightly and he returned it as strongly as his little arms could. "Now, c'mon," Garnet sighed, "le's ge' you home."
Greg received a call from Doctor Maheswaran's office later that evening. After apologizing profusely, he decided that it was just best to choose a new family doctor. And to never again tell Garnet if Steven had a check up.
When he came to pick his son up, though, he couldn't be mad. It took a lot of patience to let a five year old cover you in colorful bandaids, and apparently Garnet had that patience.
Just not with medical personnel.
(Later, when telling Amethyst and Pearl, Garnet would swear that if Steven had picked any other animal than that cow, they would've been in a time line where the nurse hadn't been knocked unconscious. That began a new habit of the fusion's: always blame the cows.)
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