#ted lasso comfort fiction
roughroadhaley · 7 months
younger Roy laying in the ICU after his older teammate battered him, drugged up and in pain, regretting his cruel joke, swearing to himself he’d apologize to that guy the next time he saw him and just repeatedly thinking about how his grandad would be so disappointed in the man he’d become.
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@lunar-years has inspired an idea for some Jamie whump that I think I have an interesting twist for that I haven’t seen before but I want to crowd source something first.
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greyhavensking · 1 year
I found out you can buy an AFC Richmond jersey and now it’s all I can think about
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 2,880
summary: jamie refuses to let you go home alone again
A/N: what could THAT mean?
distractions masterlist | previous chapter
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After almost three months with the club, you and the team are now celebrating a seven game win streak. 
Rebecca has somehow managed to convince a star football player called Zava to join AFC Richmond (you still weren’t sure if that was his first name or last name) and they haven’t lost a match since. While very gifted at football, you wouldn’t exactly call Zava your favorite player to work with. He was self-centered but not at all self aware. For some reason the team worshiped him but you could hardly understand why. With what you heard about how much they couldn’t stand Jamie when he used to be more selfish and stuck-up, you didn’t get why they’re putting up with Zava. Maybe it was just the thrill of back-to-back wins. They were all the happiest you’d ever seen them so you kept your thoughts to yourself. 
Well almost all of them were happy. Anytime the team went out for drinks to celebrate their recent victories (even days after on a random Wednesday - any excuse for a pint, as Isaac would say) Sam convinced you to tag along. That’s how you started spending time getting to know more guys like Isaac and Colin and Dani. But even as you bonded with them, you couldn’t help but notice Jamie. You’d always find him sulking in a corner with a beer in his hand, or half heartedly making conversation with one of his teammates. You’d spoken to him a few times over the last several weeks, and while you’d talk about your weekend or share jokes about other players or even the coaches (apologies, Uncle Ted), your conversations were never lengthy or of substance. So you ignored the urge to check up on him during these nights. 
You’re out again tonight - except this time it's the entire club. Coaches, staff, and all are gathered at Sam’s restaurant Ola’s for an unofficial opening celebration in honor of the team’s seventh straight win. You’re sipping champagne by the bar with Rebecca and Keeley, when they have to introduce you to Rebecca’s old friend Sassy. You’ll love her! And of course you do. Everyone you encounter here is the best person you’ve ever met. Although your ears bleed when Sassy alludes to going home with Ted later. Rebecca secretly gives you a simultaneously apologetic and amused look, to which you can only laugh through your embarrassment. 
As you sip your champagne, you can’t help but look on as your work family mixes and mingles and laughs together. You try not to beam at Sam, who you’ve told you’re proud of a million times that night, as he talks to his chef friend. You look on curiously as Colin introduces a friend of his to some other members of the team. You even feel comforted when you see Roy sit down next to Jamie, hoping someone can get that boy out of whatever funk he’s in. Even Zava makes a surprise appearance but you keep from rolling your eyes.
You’ve really become comfortable here the last few months. You try to remember the last time you’ve felt this happy and content and you come up blank. You’re surrounded by people you actually like and a job that sustains you both financially and spiritually. Now if only you could write a word of fiction you were proud of, but baby steps will have to do.
You’re not a superstitious or paranoid person, but as soon as you start dwelling on how great your life is going, you know that you’ll jinx it.
And you do.
As Rebecca begins telling you and Keeley about the psychic reading she had recently, your phone buzzes in your back pocket. You figure it's a text from your dads and don’t want to miss an opportunity to connect with them even briefly, since you’ve been so busy. Instead of finding a text from your family group chat, you see an Instagram notification.
Mason_Andrews has posted for the first time in a while.
Stupid Instagram and their stupid irrelevant notifications.
You know you shouldn’t look. You’re having a great time, and you haven’t really thought about him in weeks. But you’re so curious. Besides, you really need to make the move to unfollow him and this could be the perfect opportunity to do so. 
So you click the notification banner and Instagram opens to a picture of Mason- with his arms wrapped around an eerily familiar red-head.
He’d told you he barely knew the girl, as the two of you fought that night; that she didn’t mean anything to him.
Apparently she did now. They looked extra cozy, all dressed up in cocktail attire at what must have been one of Mason’s work events. My girl, the caption reads simply. Your fingers move faster than your brain as you tap the image to see the girl has been tagged. Her handle tells you her name is Chloe. You know if you start digging any further you’re going to drive yourself crazy. But if you don’t look and go on the rest of the night trying to forget about it, you’ll feel even crazier. So you decide you need to get out of there as soon as possible. 
Under the guise of exhaustion, you bid your farewells to Keeley and Rebecca. You catch Ted’s eye over Sassy’s shoulder and wave. He mouths back a “get home safe”. You don’t even try to get Beard’s attention with his girlfriend Jane in his lap. Roy gives you a nod and you briefly make eye contact with Jamie as Keeley’s friend and coworker Shandy talks off his ear, giving him a small smile as you head to the front. You let Sam know you’re calling it a night, and he begs you to stay for a little while longer, but you just hug him tighter and promise to be his first customer when Ola’s officially opens. He flashes his contagious, thousand-watt smile and you almost feel better, accepting the green matchbook as a keepsake that you know you’ll never part with. 
Leaning against the brick of the restaurant, you mean to call an Uber, but end up giving in and immediately start cyber-stalking Chloe. You’re nearly a full year down her Instagram grid when the door jingles beside you, causing you to jump. 
“Jesus Christ,” you mutter, palming your chest to calm your rising heart rate. 
“Didn’t know you were so religious,” Jamie snickers from beside you, seemingly a bit more upbeat than he was earlier in the evening. 
You snort, relaxing a bit, “Says the guy with the cross earring.” 
He smirks, “It's a fashion statement, ever heard of it?”
“My sincerest apologies,” You hold your hands up playfully in surrender, “I’m surprised you're alone.” 
He raises his eyebrow. “Why?”
“Well it seems if Shandy had her way, you’d be leaving with her.”
Jamie takes a deep breath, “Shandy is…a lot. I think she wanted to take a bite out of me.” 
You laugh at the pained expression on his face, “What, you’re not into that sort of thing?” 
He gets a mischievous glint in his eye and you know you’re going to regret having said that, “Well, I’m usually the one doing the biting.” 
“My God,” you groan, closing your eyes.
“There you go with the religious expletives,” he tsks, “You know you shouldn’t use the lord’s name in vain.” 
“I will try to do better.”
Your breathy laughs die out together.
“So, what about you?” Jamie asks.
“What about me?”
“Don’t tell me you’re walking home alone again from here.”
You’re reminded of what you were supposed to be doing. “Oh, no, I was actually about to order an Uber.”
“Fuck that. My car is down the block, let me drive you.”
“Jamie, you don’t have to do that.” 
“I’m not letting you waste your money when I have a perfectly good car and empty passenger seat. Let’s go.”
He doesn’t give you another second to consider when he’s already rounding the corner of the restaurant. 
Moments later you’re putting your address into Jamie’s phone from his passenger seat, and you appreciate that he only made fun of you a little for almost getting in the driver's side. (“Hey, if you want to take a shot at driving on the correct side of the road, be my guest.” “Listen, It doesn’t make sense that everything is on the other side!”) You’ve been driving for a few minutes with only the soft sound of the radio playing when you finally let yourself ask.
“So, why the long face all night?” you inquire, “I don’t know much about non-American football, or American football for that matter, but I thought winning several games in a row was supposed to be a good thing.” 
Jamie shakes his head, “It is.”
“Thank you for clarifying,” you smile slightly, “But?”
“But,” he sighs, “I don’t love how we did it.” 
“What do you mean?”
“It's this whole Zava thing,” he admits, not taking his eyes off the road as you watch him, “Everyone is acting like he’s some God, and sure, he’s a great player, but we…stopped playing as a team. I liked it better that way. Now it's the Zava show.” 
You nod, “I get what you mean. I don’t get the hype about Zava either.”
He glances at you for a brief second before focusing on the road again. “You don’t?”
“Yeah, he’s all words and no substance. He says things but it doesn’t mean anything. It's irritating. Honestly, when he walked into Sam’s I had to force myself not to leave immediately.”
He laughs with you, “I feel like you’re the only other person who see’s through his shit.” 
“Yeah, well, I don’t really have patience for self-centered jerks. Even if they’re good at kicking a ball around or whatever.” 
Jamie’s smile falters a bit. “You know I used to be a lot like him.”
You bite back a laugh, “No way.”
Your sarcasm takes him by surprise. “I thought you weren’t into football?”
“Football? No,” you admit slowly, “One of my old coworkers, though, had an affinity for British dating shows…”
You swear you see a bit of color drain from his face under the glow of the street lights, “Ah shit.” 
You can’t help but giggle, “Yeahhh, I’m sorry.” 
“You’re sorry? You’re the one who suffered through watching that crap.”
You can’t help but join when a laugh breaks through his words. 
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“That bad? I was a total prick.”
“Oh yeah you were a douchebag, but it made great TV.” 
He can’t help but laugh with you despite himself. “Yeah, I guess.” 
“But you don’t seem like that guy anymore,” you reassure, “I don’t think the guy who broke Amy’s heart would offer to drive a girl you barely know home.” 
“I’m trying not to be,” he muses softly. “But you’re right about one thing. I barely know you and you’ve probably seen more of me than either of us would like to admit.”
You chuckle, feeling your face get hot. “'You saying you want to play 20 questions or something?”
“How about one? That being, why the hell did you come to Richmond?” he glances at you again as you suddenly find your hands more interesting than the boy beside you, “Sam says you had some fancy job back in America and now you’re basically a football club owner’s secretary.”
“We prefer the term personal assistant.” 
He rolls his eyes, “So what? Were you that desperate to learn about ‘non-American football’ or what?”
You take a long, deep breath. “You want the honest answer?” 
Jamie shrugs like it's obvious.
“I told my family I needed a change of scenery, but it was because of a guy. Pathetic right? Making a life changing decision because some guy broke my heart. But the truth is I’d been making a lot of my decisions because of him while we were together. Where to live. What friends to hang out with. I had my old job because he thought it would be a good fit for me even though it wasn’t what I really wanted to do. So, after we…broke up, I realized I didn’t really know who I was because my whole life was built around him and us. So, I knew I had to get the hell out of Chicago, panicked, quit my job, and…here I am; just trying to get a change of scenery and figure out who the hell I am.” 
You never admitted that to anyone. No one around you ever saw how controlling he was over your life. You knew your family would have called you out about it, but they never got the chance to spend much time with him. He insisted you spend holidays with his family and you went along with it. And when you visited yours, you went alone. You didn’t realize it at the time, but subconsciously you weren’t very proud of your relationship with him. You were blinded by the attention he gave you, all the while molding you into his definition of a perfect girlfriend. Until apparently you weren’t. 
You eventually glanced back over at Jamie, and despite paying attention to the road in front of him, you could tell he was listening attentively. 
“Damn, so once you finally saw how bad he was, you dumped him and left?”
You laugh humorously, “No, I dumped him after I caught him cheating on me.” That was also the first time you told someone willingly. 
“Jesus Christ.”
“Now who’s using the lord’s name in vain?”
“He sounds fucking awful. Glad you’re rid of him.”
“If only I’d come to my senses sooner.”
He shakes his head, “Don’t blame yourself when he’s the prick.”
You digest the sentiment as his car slows to a stop and you realize you’ve made it to your apartment. 
He angles his body towards you, “Seriously, I’m sorry that happened to you. No one…no one deserves that.”
Meeting his eyes, you get the sense that there’s more meaning behind his words that you don’t understand. Still you smile slightly. “Thank you, Jamie.”
He presses his lips together in a thin smile as well. 
You unbuckle your seatbelt as you continue, “Well, here’s hoping that quitting my job and moving halfway across the world actually does the trick and lets me move on, or else I might be a little crazy.” 
Jamie chuckles and you feel the energy shift back to lighthearted, “Well, you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
“Jesus Chr-” you stop as he raises his eyebrows playfully, and you start to smile. Not only do you let yourself laugh at his cheeky joke, you let yourself consider his words. Casual dating let alone sex wasn’t really your thing, but maybe it could help. At the very least it would be a well deserved distraction. You briefly consider trying out the Bantr app but you loathed online dating. And here you were with a perfectly eligible bachelor mere inches away from you. 
No. No. You couldn’t hook up with Jamie Tartt. 
He was a notorious playboy. And while you could now attest he wasn’t as bad as his on-screen persona made him look, you knew he still wasn’t a relationship guy. 
But that’s not what this would be. 
Maybe he would be the perfect guy to distract you for one night. He instantly made you forget about Mason earlier until he became the topic of conversation. And he was very pretty. 
Before you can second guess anymore, you push yourself towards him and press your lips against his. If Jamie’s surprised by your actions, it doesn’t last long. He quickly unbuckles his own seatbelt, so he can bring the two of you closer together, his hands squeezing your waist, as yours cup around his face. You kiss frantically for a few more moments, sneaking in breaths where you can, before you’re pulling away slightly. Your noses are brushing against one another as you blink up at him, “Do you want to come inside?” 
He doesn’t bother answering, letting out shaky breaths as he nods, bumping his forehead against yours lightly. You smile into another kiss and Jamie doesn’t break away as he starts reaching to unlock the car doors, eager to get into your apartment but a little less eager to part from you. Reluctantly you separate again so you both can fumble out of the car and up the stairs of your building. You feel his breath on your neck as you hurriedly unlock your front door. He gently leads you inside, only to shut the door and push you against it, picking up where he left off. His hands make their way down your body to your thighs, and without having to be asked, you're jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist. You mumble directions to your bedroom against his lips and before you know it, he’s lying you down across your bed. As his lips leave a trail down your neck and to your chest, you don’t even remember Mason’s name. Your mind is just clouded by Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. 
A/N: let me know what you think y’all!!! also taking this opportunity to let everyone know i’m not comfortable writing smut or things like that, but will obviously allude to this like this. hope everyone understands! ❤️
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
ted lasso season 3 is just PEAK comfort queer fiction. I mean it’s already the definition of a comfort show for me, but the authenticity and lovability of the queer characters topped with the love and support and kindness that radiates from the straight characters is just GORGEOUS. I’ve cried more times than I can count throughout keeley, trent and especially colin’s arcs this season and it’s just so special to me that we’ve got to this point where queerness in fiction really can just be THIS GOOD
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izzyspussy · 9 months
About Me!
I'm Jack! I'm 30-ish and I use he/him pronouns. This is my personal and fandom blog. I also have a writing and art sideblog @calicohyde. I'm also attempting a kink meme @izzyrarepairkinkmeme.
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itsalinh · 1 year
It’s 5:30am here and who needs sleep when we can stay up and talk about s03e06 Jamie and Roy?
Friendly reminder, Jamie used to have Roy’s poster on his wall when he was a kid. To every young kid out there, the one on their wall was their hero, a role model that they strive for every single day. Jamie grew up thinking that someday, he’d be like Roy Kent. You know, the Roy Kent who played for Chelsea, which arguably the most successful club in London, the Roy Kent who won a fucking European Champions League. This precious and reputable UCL trophy is the dream of every footballer. Some would measure a footballer’s success by how many prizes they got, and believe me, this trophy is a rock solid proof.
Jamie is a great player with so much talent, he signed for Manchester City (a real deal in EPL), and he also made it to the team line up every damn time. MC is always known for their squad-depth in every position, and it’s not easy to always be on the starting XI list. I’d like to think that Jamie looked up to Roy a lot, he keeps training and training, with a hope til some day he could win trophy just like his role model.
Jamie finally got a chance to play alongside Roy. He must have been crazy about it. But their early days was not so easy. Jamie came to realise Roy had changed, he was no longer the one Jamie idolised so much as before anymore. He felt angry and disappointed. Jamie became the one in charge of the locker room, directly against the team captain. Things weren’t going well.
Luckily enough, the new manager came and steadily alternated the locker room tensed atmosphere. Both Jamie and Roy acknowledged their own problems, as well as the other one’s. They finally understood each other better. That hug, oi, it was like a big smash to the final concrete wall between them. It was not the action coming out of a spur of the moment. Roy felt the urge to comfort his team member, his younger lad, his friend. He knew a hurt Jamie needed that.
This season saw a further change in their relationship. They trust each other more and more. And this time, they even open to each other about their utmost vulnerable thoughts and memories. Roy and Jamie are not the type of people who would share their feelings to somebody else. Roy hid them under his rage, while Jamie just suppressed them because of his “dad”. For the first time, Roy admitted that he let out all of his anger on Jamie, sometimes for no reasons. And goshhhhhhhh, Jamie did not even question that, he shrugged it off immediately and literally said “For Grandad”. Such a beautiful char arcs from both of them. In return, Jamie also share some of his traumatised and heartfelt memories with his “dad” and mom. I don’t think he ever told that to anybody, even with Keeley or Ted. So this is a positive sign for their mental health, and I love to see men talking about their feelings like true heroes.
These football himbos are taking up spaces in my mind. And honestly speaking, I’ve been really sad and disappointed and depressed while watching an actual football club recently, and another lighthearted fictional football club is making my days a lot better. So guys, say thank you to Ted Lasso!
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cranberry-writes · 5 months
Rules and Outline For Blog!
This is a mainly x reader blog! I will try to make the reader as ambiguous as possible (unless requested to do something specific) when it comes to gender, ethnicity, physical appearance ect. I will try super hard to not use Y/N and only use ‘you’ for the point of view, these are mainly just personal preference but i still felt it’s important to say!
While most of these will be romantic i’m more then willing to write platonic, familial, or another type of love! I want to try and include everyone, including aro/ace!
What I will write
-reader (any gender, sexuality, ethnicity, etc!)
-some gore but not any gore centric content
- MAYBE some smut later down the line, i’m not confident in my ability to write it well
- polyamorous relationships
- AU’s
- almost anything else! If your not sure feel free to send an ask, i promise i won’t be mean.
What I won’t write
- Underage reader x adult character or vice versa (parents fics are okay but under no circumstances will i write romantic implications. If you request this i will block you.)
- No zoophiles
- no r@pe or SA, i personally don’t feel comfortable writing it even in passing
- romanticized toxic relationships, writing about a pass toxic relationship is okay to me but i refuse to place a toxic relationship in a positive light.
- incest of any kind
- self harm, heavy drugs/drinking. I’m okay if it’s a passive smoke session or drinking for setting but with my personal relationship with the previous listed i won’t be writing about them out side of that.
-Reader x Real Person Fiction! It’s one thing to think a person’s attractive but i feel like writing about them as if they were a character is a tad weird.
This is planned to be a mainly x reader blog!
Characters/Fandoms i’ll write for!
Ghostbusters (just the movies (both OG and new ones), not the cartoon unfortunately)
Fallout (games and TV show)
Ted Lasso
Star Wars
Star Trek
Brooklyn 99
Criminal Minds
Bullet Train
The Boys (not homelander sorry)
Scream (1 & 2 exclusively i’m sorry)
Fandom/character you want me to write for and it’s not on here? Don’t worry! Send an ask and theirs still a good chance i’ll do it!
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mskinkyafro · 1 year
One final crazy conspiracy late night thought/ rant about Rebecca’s psychic reading as it pertains to what we’ve seen in other episodes and especially after tonight’s episode. I feel like something click in my head as we head further along. This is my thought process on how connected Tedbecca is and it potentially happening.
So let’s breakdown each of the psychic’s warnings so far:
Green matchbook: Sam (a Spark, match brings much need warmth and light when in the darkness but it doesn’t last forever, and wasn’t design to last forever. ) Usually it takes just one match, spark to ignite a fire. To accelerate a burning desire, start her on the right path to discover not only what she needs, wants, but also deserves.
A Shite in Nining Armor: John W, he was kinda shite only bc he was boring. A contrast to the typical “A knight in shining armor” (A key difference to white knighting, which I think we were conflating too much as the same when it’s not. )
But the latter is supposed to be perfect and John was but what’s the use of perfect if there’s no spark no joy, and well boring. Just okay.
Then we have her words are “She’s upside down, drenched but safe”
The canal in 3x06 and Rebecca initial being confused by Dutch Man but the directions of the bikes and being in the bike lane, and somehow not realizing she was. Potentially a big metaphor and visual to reference of she has no idea in what direction to move forward. Not realizing where she stands in her personal life. How said emotional/personal world was turn upside down last week and she is confuse on how to proceed in her future and her own purpose. However, enter Dutch Man to the rescue.
He made her feel safe and comfortable and this warm ,cozy/ at home feeling. A feeling that Rebecca wanted to stay and last and an indicator of what she realized this is what she wanted and what the designation is at. To reach this point and never leave. She’s been looking for not just that in a partner but in her life as a whole. She WANTS that.
The last thing is Thunder and Lightning. I think a key factor to include is Thunder, something that I’ve neglected to think about. And so has Rebecca. We know Rebecca has been searching for the person that makes her feel like she’s been struck by lightening since Roy told her that back in S2. But you can’t just have lightening alone. You need/ will have thunder as well. This big boisterous invisible force of sound. That is entangle by the energy of bright and crackling fire of lightening.
Is it possible that Rebecca has been searching for lightening this whole time not recognizing the thunder that has always been there? And who has always been in plain sight, with similar characteristic as Thunder. Coach Lasso, himself.
What if she’s the lightening to Ted’s thunder? Together simultaneously being both for one another is what makes them getting together even more special and perfect than just one person being one or the another. They are both one another’s Thunder and Lightning.
Literally if anyone else has said this or understood my crazy ramblings, then Bless you 😂. I think I’m just crazy over fictional characters at this point.
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delta-pavonis · 7 months
another get to know me meme
Tagged by @teejaystumbles and I am procrastinating so let's gooooo...
Who was your first fictional crush?
First ever? If you go back far enough that I didn't really realize it was a crush, probably Storm from X-Men. And Gambit. Tommy the Green Power Ranger. In terms of the first one I recognized as a crush? Probably Tobias from Animorphs (the book series).
What's the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?
First off I love the British English spelling of things, so I am not correcting it. Second, green.
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?
None that I can think of...
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?
Don't do this to me, there is so much more to take into account... spicy preferences, allergens... everything being equal, probably Curry Doria, which is my favorite comfort food.
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?
Of those? Lions. I'd rather say gryphon, thought.
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?
Severus Snape because I am an absolute whore for Alan Rickman.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?
I know of the movie, but haven't seen it.
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?
The vast majority of my top fandoms have plenty of regular old people running around, so I'd be fine. The Sandman, X-Men (comics), Ted Lasso, The Vampire Chronicles, The Dresden Files, Final Fantasy VII...
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?
As sorry as I feel for most of the women in Greek mythology, which is a lot.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?
I just apply my OTP to almost every song I hear. Recently, Maneskin's The Loneliest has been peak Dreamling for me. But on the car ride home from work today I was thinking Dreamling during songs by Arctic Monkeys, Billie Eilish, Twenty One Pilots, and Maneskin. *shrug*
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?
This changes a whole lot over time. Right now it is anything by Maneskin, but I also daydream with most songs, NGL. I also just daydream a lot. The fact that my inattentive ADHD went undiagnosed for so long is a goddamned wonder.
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Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Tagged by the talented @kvetchinglyneurotic
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
One! Two if you count the truly bad LOTR fic I wrote in high school.
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I wrote a story or two in high school and then nothing for a long time. I started really writing almost a year ago (just looked published my first fic on 5/21)
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Writing because I basically only read Ted Lasso fan fiction recently and it’s just slowed its output.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I’ve learned to outline a bit more than just winging it like I did for so long. I’m not sure if there’s a specific thing I’ve improved on, just generally I think (I hope).
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
How to make chloroform lol but mostly just injury related things, spleen removal, stuff like that. Total normal whump writer things.
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I truly love any and all comments, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I loved the long, detailed type with quotes, etc but I also love the ones that are just a sentence of reaction like one I got that just said “good fucking fic” and I LOVED that.
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
My online circle contains a lot of whump-enthusiasts but probably whump although gen stories sometimes feel very fringe.
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
All of them? I can’t do anything short, which is why whumptober was so hard to get though, I want the whump but then I want the comfort and I just don’t know how to write something concise that is satisfying to me.
9. What is the easiest type?
I don’t know if I find anything about writing easy. Different parts of the story are easier than others but I haven’t found a type that is easy.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Wherever I can, but usually from my couch. I use google docs but have wanted to look into other platforms but none seem to have exactly what I want. Whenever my brain tells me to write.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Hockey AU for sure, along with an idea I have for a post-series fic where Michelle and Henry move to London and Ted stays.
12. What made you choose your username?
I was looking for a new one that I could use here and on ao3. When I mentioned this to the brilliant @jamiesfootball they suggested something to incorporate my love of Noah Kahan (many many of my titles are from his songs) so jamietarttsnorthernattitude was born. I’d like to think Jamie and I share a Northern Attitude.
Trying to tag who hasn’t been tagged but these things spread quickly and I might have missed people so trying @fanficfanattic @jamiepoptart @nativestarwrites @lunar-years @providing-leverage and anyone else who would like to play
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meret118 · 4 months
Comfort/feel good show and movie recs?
ETA some of mine:
It's A Wonderful Life
Stranger than Fiction
The first two seasons of Ted Lasso
Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Moana
Hometown, Restoration Man and Project Restoration
The Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Only Murders in the Building
ATLA (animated)
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alloftheimagines · 2 years
⤏ welcome! ⤌
about me: i'm ray, 26, she/her. this blog is 18+. minors dni. my writing may contain triggering topics so please be sure to check the content warnings at the beginning of each fic before reading.
currently watching: grey's anatomy & the walking dead
𝄃 requests are closed 𝄂
find the themes/characters/shows/films I'd currently love to see requests for below the cut ⇣
for when I don’t have time to write full fics
joel miller, tess servopoulos
rick grimes, daryl dixon, glenn rhee, maggie greene, tara chambler, michonne hawthorne, jesus monroe
please try to avoid spoilers for later seasons — I will keep updating where I am as I go
kayce dutton, rip wheeler, beth dutton
mikey berzatto, carmy berzatto, richie jerimovich, sydney adamu
jack gibson, maya bishop, vic hughes, robert sullivan, lucas ripley
kaz brekker, nikolai lantsov, matthias helvar, zoya nazyalensky, tamar kir-bataar, malyen oretsev, david kostyk, genya safin, inej ghafa, and nina zenik
eddie munson (incl. vampire!eddie), jim hopper, robin buckley, and steve harrington
bucky barnes, natasha romanoff, steve rogers, tony stark, yelena belova, kate bishop, tasm!peter parker (I’m putting him here because adult), steven grant, mark spectre
david budd, mason kane, and leo west
sawyer and jack
michael, david, and star
spike, anya, and tara
tommy shelby and michael grey
andy barber, frank adler, and nick vaughan
enzo st. john , damon salvatore, bonnie bennett, caroline forbes, klaus mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, hayley marshall
diego hargreeves
roy kent, jamie tartt, dani rojas, and sam obisanya
nine, ten, eleven, rose tyler, and clara oswald
luke crain, theo crain, nell crain, jamie taylor, dani clayton, and peter quint
lucifer morningstar and mazikeen
anthony bridgerton
nicholas scratch and ambrose spellman
geralt of rivia, yennefer of vengerberg, jaskier
things i don't write ⇣
i'm happy to write steamy scenes with plot
e.g. where the characters are just related to reader
I only write fictional characters of 18+. not the celebrities who play them
e.g. mental illness, abuse, death etc. but please note i will do my best not to romanticise them
happy reading!
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 7 months
what a shame she's fucked in the head
https://ift.tt/GSRuOMn by SageLD Keeley Jones, Boss Ass Bitch and Independent Woman Extraordinaire, goes through the emotional ringer. She decides to ask for help. Words: 2390, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton Additional Tags: look this just spilled out okay ngl it was quite cathartic to write, i will fix it though i promise, our keeley girl deserves all the good things, I'm so proud of a fictional character for asking for help okay!!!, fuck all the way off mean gremlin brains!!, TW: mentions of disordered eating, TW: minor depressive episode, also like writing this realized that I can and SHOULD ask for help if I need it so!!, i think i covered it all but if you need me to add more tags pls lmk asap!, a hopeful ending!!, Keeley's comfort movies are also mine hehehe they are god tier straight up serotonin!!, didn't mean to get so personal here but uh....look away everyone lollll source https://archiveofourown.org/works/54184159 March 02, 2024 at 05:53AM
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izzyspussy · 2 years
About Me!
Hi, I'm Jack! I'm 29 and I use he/him pronouns. You might know me as @/calicojackofficial - which still exists as a writing and art sideblog, now @calicoy. On this blog you'll find fandom and personal posts. Everything is tagged for easy filtering.
Top Surgery Fundraiser!
ofmd | ted lasso | it (muschietti) | watcher | go (good omens) | leverage | dc | marvel | star trek | jirt (tolkien properties) | taz | black sails | holmes (various sherlock holmes iterations) | music | please (thirst tag) | hc (headcanons) | otplus (polyam 'ships) | gen (platonic 'ships) | my fic | my art | reading process (internet safety, media literacy, liveblogs) | fic rec | miscellaneous horror tag
jack facts (all original posts) | jack chats (asks, tag games, polls) | ft. jack (selfies, picrews) | soc (social issues, current events) | children are people tag | infinite diversity (disability & neurodivergence tag) | rodents of unusual size (capybaras) | rodents of regular size (mice, rats, etc) | wing of bat (bats)
Content Warnings
lemon (explicit content) | lime (mature content) | orange (suggestive content) | body horror/ | zombie/ | possession/ | medical/ | poison/ | gore/ | unreality/ | fire/ | drowning/ | death/ | abuse/ | flashing/ | incest/ | cannibalism/ | clown/ | rpf/ | spinning/ | optical illusion/ | war/ | suicide/ | needle/ | paranoia/ | current events/ | eye strain/ | I tag things I'm not sure about 'ask to tag' but you can ask for anything to be tagged and I'll let you know promptly and without judgement if I can do that for you
you are under sixteen years old
your main blog has a H4rry P0tter url
You might not WANT to follow if:
you are an "anti" or are pro-censorship, including for such content as RPF (Real Person Fiction), "non-con", etc. I do sometimes post this, but I'm also just generally opposed to moralizing them.
you are not comfortable viewing content about sex, romance, kink, polyamory, etc. This content will not be tagged unless it's explicit. It will not be hidden behind a cut unless it's very long.
you are not comfortable viewing fictional violence. This content will not be tagged unless I think it's particularly graphic. (I will never post real world violence for any reason.)
you are not comfortable with casual swearing/profanity, including reclaimed slurs. This content will be frequent and never tagged.
Ask & Chat Guidelines
DO send me asks about:
My WIPs, fic, and art | fandom figures I've blogged about or that you think I would like | yourself!
DO NOT send me asks about:
"Passing" | Race & Antisemitism | Wank/"Discourse" | the shitty stuff in the news | "Cis-Swapping" | Incest & Pseudo-Incest
DO NOT hit on me, send me sexual fantasies that involve me, or try to cyber with me. I'm comfortable with sexually explicit asks about fandom figures, original characters, sex/kink/relationships as a general topic, and even discussing real world experiences! But I am not "available" or a sexual object.
DO NOT call me by any pet name or title without permission.
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king-author · 1 year
LGBTQ+ Representation in Ted Lasso (S3 Spoilers ahead)
After speculating for years, fans of Ted Lasso were finally given confirmation that three supporting characters identify as LGBTQ+. And although my dream of Ted and Trent never came to be, the show did portray groundbreaking representation in the characters Trent, Colin, and Keeley, (portrayed by James Lance, Billy Harris, and Juno Temple, respectively).
It may not seem impressive, but according to the website SportingNews, “Blackpool FC star Jake Daniels has taken the inspirational step of becoming the first male English professional footballer to publicly come out as gay in over two decades.” Daniels is currently the only out player in UK’s Premier League, but he is likely not the only one. PinkNews cites prevalent homophobia and advice to stay in the closet as common reasons players refrain from coming out. One manager even went as far as to tell a player, “‘I think it’s best for you not to come out until we get you a transfer or into a different club.’”
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The image shown is Justin Fashanu, the first openly gay English football player. He came out in 1990, only to take his own life in 1998. Fashanu was posthumously inducted into the National Football Museum’s Hall of Fame in 2020.
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Pictured here is Jake Daniels, the only currently out member of the UK’s Premier League.
Although the show doesn’t dive too deeply into the ingrained homophobia in the sport, Ted Lasso’s Colin Hughs portrays the difficult and impactful decision of coming out in professional football. No matter how fans feel about the Emmy award-winning show's third and final season, we can all agree that the LGBTQ+ representation is nothing short of revolutionary.
For a television show bold enough to tackle generational trauma, mental health, and sexuality; the topic of positive LGBT+ representation seemed to be forgotten. Despite my appreciation for the portrayals, I feel more could have been explored within Colin’s storyline. As crucial as Colin’s coming out is, I can’t help but groan at the idea of yet another coming out story. Audiences nowadays don’t need stories exclusively containing coming-out plots. We need stories of queer characters living and thriving in the world – an unfortunately tall order for studios today.
I cannot express how ecstatic I was when Keeley and her girlfriend, Jack, kissed. It is so refreshing to see Trent Crimm and Keeley Jones be unapologetically themselves in season three; Keeley meets her girlfriend and Trent Crimm confides in Colin about his own struggles coming to terms with his sexuality. However, I couldn’t help but wonder, how would the fictional LGBTQ+ Richmond fans feel about seeing an out Colin on the pitch? Would they feel the same pride as I do when I see Keeley kiss her girlfriend in public?
Colin is in a precarious situation as he considers coming out publicly. He’s not just a member of a team – he’s a public figure with people looking up to him. If he comes out to the world, he’ll be in the history books as the first openly gay football player in the premier league. And although that’s a big responsibility, someone has to be the first. I wish we could have seen that be Colin.
The series ends with Colin celebrating the Richmond win by kissing his secret boyfriend on the pitch in front of countless fans and cameras. It is heartwarming to watch. The only thing that would make it better is if the show could portray the importance of representation by showing the fans’ reactions. Did Colin have any fans talk to him after the game? Were they comforted by the fact that they are no longer alone in both loving football and fearing losing it to their sexuality?
Ted Lasso is a show about forgiving yourself for past mistakes and becoming the best version of yourself. But, it’s also about representation and how it only takes one person to change the entire culture of a place. Ted’s positive nature, patience, and willingness to be called a wanker by nearly everyone in the stadium, are what allow him to succeed in making Richmond a tight-knit club off the pitch and a killer adversary on it. Thanks to Doctor Sharon, Colin finally feels confident enough to become the strong LGBTQ+ role model he was always capable of being.
Perhaps we’ll see Colin step up as a role model in the hinted-at spin-off series. But, for now, we can sit back, relax, and enjoy the wonderful LGBTQ+ representation in Apple TV+’s Ted Lasso.
For more articles like this visit Sapphire Society
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