#tedro professor dovey
petrichora-art · 2 years
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“Agatha, you dressed as a bride for Halloween." "Weddings are scary.” ― Soman Chainani
Sophie and Agatha, princess and witch, best friends.
etsy shop
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sapphoscompanion · 2 years
The School for Good and Evil bloopers!
“Yeah, gender neutral, bro!” -Sofie Wyle, 2021
(There’s even a clip of when Charlize broke the cane lmao)
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merakicharm · 1 year
Maleficent and Agatha running in frenzied circles to find the guy who can give true love's kiss to Aurora and Sophie in order to save them.
also Maleficent and Agatha being the ones to give them the true love's kiss and revive them from death.
Philip and Tedros : well... 😐
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max-is-a-giant-nerd · 3 months
SGE characters as random things my friends have said, part 2!!
Tedros: I'm so sigma, I have 19 testicles!!
Agatha: I'm dumping you
Evelyn: I wish i could date a gay guy, they just seem so fun.
Rhian (disguised as Rafal: uhhhh
A very drunk Emma: If I had a penis I would put it in orbeez
A VERY sleep deprived Dovey: I would put it in oobleck
Emma: But it would get all in the crevices
Dovey: Or rice, rice has a really interesting-
Sheeba Sheeks: Who would win in a fight, 50 4-year olds or one dude with a sword?
The rest of the class is spent arguing about the question
Kiko: Better head than dead!
Beatrix: Do you know what that means?
Hester: That's the type of pizza you could slap someone with
Dot and Anadil: Nodding and munching on their pizza
Lesso: There is such a thing as postpartum birth control, though i believe that's called homicide.
Aric: And you used that on me
Dovey: 😱🤯🙀
Hort: I remember when i was throwing the dall for the bog
Sophie: How are you a teacher?
Hort: I could ask you the same thing
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i am not sorry
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dovessoiscanon · 2 years
✨new year✨ at the sge
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forgot it was in drafts but oh well
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amistillreallyalive · 2 years
Clarissa hovering lesso aaaaa
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nerdylolo · 2 years
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The School for Good and Evil
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reddstuff · 1 year
Leonora:Truth or dare?
Leonora:I dare you to come over here and kiss me
Clarissa,preparing to leap across the circle and kiss her:Alright , fine
Tedros and Agatha:She didn't even say dare!?
Sophie *joking*:I think evil win this time
Emma *exhausted* :Y'all have to get used to it
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I don't know why I made this I was just bored
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SGE Characters as Midnights Songs
Hey! I thought this was a cool idea and it’s fun. So here’s which songs I think match each character the best, not including the 3am tracks because there just aren’t that many characters . A lot of songs match a lot of characters, these are just the ones that make the most sense to me and put some of the reasoning with each character.
Agatha: anti-hero
- all about her inner thoughts and insecurities that aren’t real
Sophie: midnight rain
- escaping her small life and putting herself first
- not being able to be with the nice guy or the prince
Tedros: you’re on your own, kid
- independent, had to do things on his own since he was young
- wanting love and trying to be perfect all the time but just ends up being alone
Hester: vigilante sh*t
- revenge, lord of anger
- loyalty to friends
Anadil: question…?
- analyzing everything, very smart and observant
Dot: bejeweled
- ignored and put down a lot but taking back her spotlight
Hort: labyrinth
- wanting love but always expecting the worst and doubting the relationship
Beatrix: lavender haze
- beauty and love, wanting to stay in a happy relationship without other judging
- ignoring what everyone else says and focusing on her own things
Rafal: mastermind
- always planning everything and manipulating those around him
Kiko: snow on the beach
- strange and not always loved but beautiful in her own way
- happy and in love
Dovey: sweet nothing
- peace and calm among the chaos and panic of the world
- kind and wants everyone to have love
Lesso: Maroon
- passionate about her cause but had a bad relationship in the past that she’s still recovering from
Aric: karma
- wants revenge and has long term plans that he’s devoted too
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my-blind-album · 2 years
Tristan x Female Reader (REQUSTED)
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@rachelcarroll1819 requested;
Hi i was wondering if you could do one where the reader is the daughter of alice and mad hatter and in a relationship with tristan( school foe good and evil?
Category; Fluff
Warnings; None
"Morning Evers! Another bright sunny day is upon us, so it's time to rise and shine!" Squinting my eyes from the bright sun rays that shone from the open curtains by the fairies who were making preparations in the room to start the day. "And don't forget Evers! The Evers Ball is in two days so make sure to get your partners as soon as possible, because this counts as your final grade to pass your first year!" Rising from my bed while stretching my arms followed by a long yawn. Hearing Dovey's overly cheerful voice through the microphone is tiring each and every day but I just decide to let it slide.
"Morning, Beatrix!" I hear another cheerful voice that also rings in my ear daily. "Morning, Kiko...Y/n" I turn my head to the source of the voice calling me and spotting a well-dressed and ready Beatrix piercing her green eyes at me with her mouth in shape of disgust. "Beatrix" I say turning my attention to the hyper-active Kiko who was standing next to Beatrix. "I would get ready if I were you, or at least get a comb" Beatrix says to me turning her lips to smirk before making her exit with Kiko following behind her. I look over to my nightstand table and picked up a mirror looking at my reflection my eyes widen at my hair which is in a messy state that not even my father, the mad hatter would have. I quickly jump off my bed and sprint in front of a mirror and grab the nearest brush I could find and try to fix my hair but whatever I try fails and my hair is stuck in its messy state. "Seriously?!" throwing the brush in rage I look at the time and realise that I am 20 minutes late to breakfast and I quickly run to the bathroom and getting ready and putting on an outfit made by mother before I left for school.
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I rushed to door quickly leaving trying to make to the Dining Hall without tripping or making myself looking more than a freak than I already do. Finally arriving I make my way to the hall following some Never students who gave me weird glances and I returned them back. Entering the room, all eyes are on me and the room falls silent for an amount of time before I start making my way to the Ever table spotting a laughing Beatrix having her hands wrapped around her so-called-lover Tedros who looked at me with a sad facial expression shrugging his shoulders and I look away from him in disappointment and shock.
Before I could confront them a confused Agatha blocks my view of the couple. "Y/n, oh my god, your hair" "Yeah no shit Sherlock" I say with a annoyed look and tune. "Who did this?" she asks her eyes still on my hair. "Why don't you ask your prince friend over there and his little girlfriend?" I respond pointing towards the couple behind him. "Y/n. wha- what happened to you?" I feel an arm making it's way around my shoulder and look to my side to see my boyfriend. Tristan "Apparently it was Tedros and Beatrix who made her look like she's gone mad- no hate or anything" she finishes in a reassuring tune "None taken" "We don't know why though" "Well I want to believe that it's cause Beatrix sees my family to be evil and should belong to the Never section all cause my mother was irresponsible enough to drink from a strange bottle"
"I don't think that the reason" Agatha and I looked over to Tristan confused. "You see, yesterday Kiko tried asking me to the Evers Ball but I declined her and Beatrix was there and asked me why I refused and I tried explaining that I had a date already- which is you of course" I nod, raising my eyebrow. "Then they asked who it was I said it was you and Beatrix tried to 'negotiate' with me to ditch you for Kiko but I told her that we're dating and she finally left me alone" "Wow" Agatha replies not surprised by Beatrix's scheme. ""I don't think that the reason" Agatha and I looked over to Tristan confused. "You see, yesterday Kiko tried asking me to the Evers Ball but I declined her and Beatrix was there and asked me why I refused and I tried explaining that I had a date already- which is you of course" I nod, raising my eyebrow. "Then they asked who it was I said it was you and Beatrix tried to 'negotiate' with me to ditch you for Kiko but I told her that we're dating and she finally left me alone" "Wow" Agatha replies not surprised by Beatrix's scheme.
"How are you feeling Miss Never-Ever?!" Beatrix screams from her seat laughing hysterically. "Beatrix what is your problem with me?!" "You wanna know what my problem with you is?" she asks as she gets up from her seat tossing away Tedros arms trying to knock her into some sense and she makes her way to me and stands in front of Tristan and I. "You're a Never the school made a mistake for letting you joining the school for good" she says bluntly then looking over to Agatha "Same thing goes for you too, Witch!" "HEY!" she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Babe-" "No, Tristan! I can't let this drama queen princess treat me and my friends like this just for being different!" I say to him.
"Beatrix let me tell you something about yourself, okay" she looks at me daring to go on. "You're an obnoxious, dramatic, egotistic, narcissistic, selfish, spoilt brat who can't see people who are actually liked for who they are getting things that you know you can't get! You know how I this? It's cause I see it with my own two fucking pair of eyes! You're jealous that Agatha gets attention from Tedros cause you know that Agatha is actually a real princess one who is selfless and that's the type of girl Tedros likes!" "N-no it isn't true" "Oh really then why were you so overprotective of him when Sophie talked to him? Cause you knew she ahs the beauty that you could never have as the child of sleeping beauty herself!" "No! Lies this isn't true!" "Just admit Beatrix! You're not a true princess! You're a fake bi-" Slap. "Oh my god! Y/n?" "Y/n! Are you okay?" "Yeah" Tedros came over to use and stood between me and Beatrix. "What is your problem?!" "My problem?! Teddy she-" "Was speak the absolute truth? I know " "You can't be serious?" Tedros makes him way to stand beside Agatha holding her hand. "I'm serious as I'll ever be"
"What is going on her!?" we all look at the entrance to the hall and spot the two deans looking at us. Tristan speaks up "Beatrix! She did something to Y/n's hair and now it's stuck in a messy state!" "Beatrix?" Clarissa looks over to the girl with shock and disappoint in her eyes. "Professor Dovey I can explain-" "Save it Beatrix, as an Ever I'm going to punish you for such behaviour and enough your parents about this" "Y/n come with me!" Lady Lesso calls me and I follow her with Tristan, Agatha and Tedros by my side and we arrive at the library. "Alright I'll just look for the book and your hair will be back to normal" "Um, no offence Lady Lesso but why are you assisting her instead of Dovey?" Agatha questions. "Because this isn't any ordinary spell if you Evers aren't to reserve it so has to be dark magic and it can only be undone by a Never" "How did Beatrix get her hands on dark magic?" "I don't know but by the looks on Dovey's face and the school rules and regulations of the school for good she might be suspended" "At least" I breath out.
Walking out of the library hand in hand with Tristan and Tedros and Agatha long gone to their lessons, I watch as Tristan's face goes red after I place a small peck on his lips. "What was that for?" "Standing up for me? Being there for me when Beatrix would humiliate me and most importantly being the best lover an Ever could ask for" "Well" he brings my hand to his lips placing small kiss on them. "I guess that makes two of us then" he says but we are sooner interrupted by a cough behind us making us jump to see the dean of evil watching us. "I would get to class if I were you" she says and we nod our heads making our way to our lessons. "Lovebirds" Lesso breathes out before leaving to her school.
This was trash cause I don't what it feels like to straight anymore so please forgive me @rachelcarroll1819 for this crappy story. Hope it met your standards. And apologize for the late posting, I kept seeing this in my drafts and contemplating between starting afresh or just posting...and I chose to post.
The fact that I'm starting school tomorrow and the time in my location is 15:56 (4 mins till 4pm)- 😭🙏
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velnias1 · 2 years
So…now that the movie came out y’all are gonna read the books and make content right? Right?
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missvifdor · 2 years
Here is a fanart of Tedros (still inspired by book 1)
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I'm glad this time I didn't forget to add the swan on the uniform like I did with the girls 😅 I'm not good at drawing guys, girls are more inspiring. Nevertheless, I did my best. I hope you like my work.
I think next on my list are Hort and Beatrix.
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chaand-sitara · 2 years
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Chapter III
Agatha and Absinthe walked towards the orientation hall, and then they saw Sophie standing in between the Nevers, all three of them run to each other but halt at the middle ramp, Sofie then looks at her friends "They gave you a gown!?" Absinthe then says "Are you okay?" then a person with the help of a wolf grabs Sofie and throws her down "Shut up, reader!" Absinthe then glares at the Wolf person "Hey! Watch it! The rest of them are tailing way more then she is!" with rage she didn't know about, which also made Agatha and Sophie look at her with disbelief, because never in their whole life they saw Absinthe's voice going louder then a squeak.
Agatha and Absinthe then sit down next to each other but suddenly Agatha falls back and the net of her gowns goes up, but quickly Absinthe grabs her dress and pushes it down and then helps her friend.Agatha then looks at Absinthe, who was still glaring at the wolf man "Hey, hey! Abbie, you okay? I never saw you angry?" Absinthe breaks out of the glare and looks at Agatha "No, no.. Just frustrated.. That's all.. Don't worry."
Suddenly the horns blew out startling Absinthe, then she sees Professor Dovey standing next to a woman with vibrant orange hair with a black attire and smiling "Welcome, first years! I am professor Dovey, Dean of the School Of Good!" all of a sudden the students around the both girls starts chanting 'Evers' loudly.
"And I am Lady Lesso, Dean Of the School of Evil." Lady Lesso says in a very, villainy manner, then the Nevers starts screaming 'Kill You.' to them, which makes Absinthe scared.
Beatrix looks at the scared girl and places a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry, they just say it, the princes will protect us."
Absinthe nods and smiles slightly at Beatrix. "As per tradition,the winning school from last year,us again imagine that! will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents gentlemen!"
She then banged her staff on the ground then in came the boys the girls cheered and the nevers screamed at them with insults
They grabbed thier sword and faced eachother and they started to fight but a boy dropped his sword he went to get he then looked at Agatha and Agatha looked at them the boy then grabbed his sword and went back to the fight
They then posed making the evers cheer more and the nevers booed them more the men stopped and put thier swords in and grabbed a rose and threw it to the princesses.
Suddenly two roses fell on Absinthe's lap, she looks up and sees a prince with red tunice and the other with black staring at her and then leave.
The Girl Next to Agatha squels "Oh my goodness! You got the roses of Tedros' best friends! The one with the red tunic is the son of Queen Rapunzel and King Eugene , Adrian and the other one was the son of Queen Ariel and King Eric,Malachi.You know, I have heard that Malachi and Melody, his sister goes for underwater swims as they can breath underwater, well of course their mother is a mermaid!" Absinthe looked at the two princes and bows slightly to thank for the roses.
Then suddenly the door at above opens up and a boy with black hair and blue eyes stand up there with a rope in his hands "if you boys are finished with dance class maybe you'd like to have a real fight what do you say?"
And then he jumps and goes down the floor and slid his way through the boys. Suddenly the girl next Agatha again screams "It's Tedros!"
Adrian and Malachi,who threw the flowers at Absinthe ran and hugged Tedros stood at each his side.
The three men then started to fight all of them "These three are the royal trio, they are good at everything." Agatha glared at the girl sitting next to her, got up and then pushed Absinthe next to her and sat next to Absinthe, not wanting to hear her talk so much.
After some while, only three of them were now standing and cheering at each other suddenly they heard someone say "Let's see how you do in a real fight boys.." and then a cyclops got up and walked towards the centre of the ramp, Tedros looked at his friends and smiled "Don't worry, I will take care of it, You can heal me later if I do get any injuries Adrian." the two boys nodded and went to the side and watched the show.
Absinthe closed her eyes, not wanting to see such fight as Agatha wrapped her arms around her. "It's okay, everything will be fine."
After sometime, Absinthe heard a scream she was about to open her eyes but Agatha covered them "Don't, not now." Absinthe nodded and followed the instructions of her friend, then suddenly Agatha's grip on her shoulders left and she saw a rose on her lap.
Tedros came near her and was about to say something but Agatha beat him to it "Yeah, that I don't belong here? I already know that, and I don't want your stupid rose." then Beatrice grabbed the rose from behind saying "It was not for you, you stupid girl." Then Tedros looked at Agatha and said "You know, you should let others talk too." then he moved and sat besides Beatrice, Adrian and Malachi looked at each other and shrugged, and sat next to Tedros as they kept looking at the mysterious girl in front of them.
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