#teehee ! or whateva ..
1027am · 4 months
manifesting a cross country roadtrip where we fuck nasty in every motel or parking lot we stay in this summer
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ricopop · 1 month
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Would you let him into your house yes or no. anyways i thouvht itd be cute if he was a mailman. okaayyy bye
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saltzerland · 10 months
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i'll mop the floor with you ♡
also version without all the gunk
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tried using something other than MSpaint today!
(i did not ljike it)
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moss-cola · 2 years
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This goat can fit so much transgender in them
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wiseatom · 2 days
not me working here for five and a half years and never seeing anyone transported but since i have begun watching the abc (formerly fox) procedural drama 9-1-1 i have met the [city redacted] fire department on three (3) separate occasions
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shrimpoe · 2 months
missed shrimpkin anniversary FUCK!!!!
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little bitty goofy minecraft screenshot redraw :3 gonna make a few more of these the more i play on this server with frens lol it's so fucking fun <3 currently just the three of us but thinking about letting more join at some point teehee
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recurringignition · 3 months
three times...
she came in me three times this morning
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hellogoodbyegirl · 2 years
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Stuck in a Loop | Teen Wolf x Reader
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A little story I had while listening to Emily Jeffri teehee😁 a little less focused on romance but whateva👼
If the end feels a little rushed, shhhh ignore it
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A soft bump on the road awoke you, causing you to slowly open your eyes. Clearing your throat, you lean away from the window of the car and reach for the nearly empty water bottle next to you, drinking the last of it, yet still wanting more.
“Do you have any more water?” You ask, voice still scratchy from your nap. Stiles looks away from the road for a second and seems to think before answering.
“Uh yeah I think. Check in the pocket behind the seat.”
You twist your body as much as you could to reach the back of your seat, barely reaching it before you feel the familiar shape of a bottle. Cracking it open, you take two full gulps before pulling it away, asking if Stiles wanted any and covering it back up when he declined.
You look up just in time to see you guys passed a speed limit sign, the bold 40 MPH making it hard to miss.
“Why does Scott want us to meet him again? I feel like it’s too late to be calling us for help.” You yawned.
“I don’t know, he didn’t really say anything, just told me where to go.” Stiles shrugged while rubbing his eyes with one hand and steering with his other. You grabbed his hand before he could place it back on the wheel, wanting to just hold his hand.
The boy looked at you once again with a smile, slightly squeezing your hand which made you smile in turn. You both were so caught up with each other that none of you saw the deer that suddenly appear on the road until it was too late.
A quick glance in front you had you shouting in fear.
It all happened so quickly. Stiles swerved to the left trying to avoid the deer yet served back to the right too quickly. The car was off the road for a second, touching the natural ground for a moment before the tire started giving out. Had they popped the tire?
Stiles tried his best to steer the car back but it was done. The front right tire caused the entire car to lean towards the right, flipping the car over and down the hill it once drove on.
Neither of you could yell or scream by the amount of flips the car made going down the hill. You hit your head against the window of the door, your head pounding against it the entire way down.
After what felt like an eternity, the jeep finally made one more flip before landing on its side at the bottom. The silence was deafening after everything was done
Glass was scattered everywhere. You were littered with cuts all over your body. Opening your eyes with as much strength as you could muster, you tired your head to look at Stiles.
He sat there motionless and full of cuts and blood, arms hanging limp by his sides. As much as you tried, you couldn’t move your hand to hold his, tears slowly falling down your bloodied cheek. Somewhere inside you knew he was no longer with you
You felt yourself slowly fading into darkness. Your eyes struggled to stay open, your body struggled to not lose consciousness.
Yet you let it all go.
You closed your eyes and let death take away into the night, just like it did with Stiles.
You slowly opened your eyes as a small bump in the road awoke you. Twisting your necklace, you stretched before glancing around in confusion.
You grabbed the nearly empty water bottle that sat next to you, staring at it with confusion as you held it in your hand.
“You good?” Stiles’ voice snapped you out of your trance, confusion and worry etched upon his face as he glanced at you
“Uh yeah, yeah. I just had a really weird dream. That’s it.” You say as you place down the bottle back in the cup holder.
You reach for the back of the seat, twisting your body enough for you to feel the shape of a bottle in the pocket hidden in the dark. Hm.
“I forgot that was there! I thought we were out.” Stiles said while gesturing to the bottle between you, still focused on the road yet continuously glancing at your silent frame.
“What?” You whisper in confusion, eyeing the yellow speed limit sign as you passed it. 40 MPH.
“You wanna, I don’t know, talk about your dream? You look like you've seen a ghost.” The boy said, a hint of humor in his voice. You glanced at him with a grimace. He immediately saw your apprehension and turned serious.
“I had a dream where everything that’s happening now, happened. Don’t look at me stiles, keep an eye on the road. After we passed the speed limit sign though, we were busy looking at each other to see a deer on the road.” Just as you said that, you saw a figure in the distance, the moonlight barely outlining it in the dark.
“There! Be careful!” Stiles had enough time to move to the left lane and carefully maneuvered the car back to the right lane. You look in the rear view mirror in shock as you stared at the deer, shrinking in the distance.
“How did you know it was there?” Stiles eyebrows furrowed. Your hand traveled to the necklace sitting on your neck, twisting it with anxiousness.
This had to be a dream, right? There was no way everything was repeating itself.
“What’s going on?” Whispering to yourself, you didn’t even see the car speeding towards you guys. And just like that, again, everything happened too quickly.
"STILES!" You gasp loudly, scaring the life out of the boy driving next to you.
"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!" The brunette hit his brakes a little too hard causing you both to slam forward as the car makes a halting stop.
You take deep breathes as you take in your surroundings, hands fiddling with your necklace in anxiousness. You're still in the car, next to your boyfriend, alive. You were alive. He was alive.
You reach to grab the water bottle from the back of the seat, staring at it in horror. Something was not right.
"Y/N! What's going on? You can't just go screaming my name while I'm driving!" Stiles turns to you, trying to make sense why you look close to crying.
His heart clenches at the sight of tears trailing down your face.
"I-I don't know! I don't know what's going on! We keep dying and restarting this entire situation over again but something is always happening! First it w-was the deer and hill, then it was the random car! Stiles I don't know what to do!" You could only sob into your hands as Stiles tries his best to comfort you.
"What do you mean we keep dying? Hey, hey, calm down. You're ok, I'm right here." Stiles rubs your back as he twists his body to hug you over the car console. It's a bit awkward for him and you can't help the watery laugh you let out as he continues to hug you.
"Um yeah. I know it's not a dream because I r-remember everything. Every time we've had an accident, I wake up in the same spot and everything. It starts all over again everytime." You rub your eyes in exhaustion. Is this a supernatural problem you're facing right now? After everything you've been through, the signs are pointing to yes.
"Ok so like a time loop? If you're the only one who remembers what's happened before, then it's probably gonna keep happening until you break it." The boy says thoughtfully out loud. He seems to think for a moment and you can't help but feel thankful for him.
He didn't question what you were saying and fully believed you. Even though he doesn't remember the previous events, he was making an effort to help you. Stiles looks back to you and gives you a reassuring smile. You return it with a small smile of your own.
"If we're actually stuck in a time loop than we gotta figure what's trapping us in it. I'm guessing the same things are gonna happen no matter what until one of us figures out how to get out. Man this is so cool, I only read about these kinds of things in books!" You give him a dark glare as he says that last part. Everything about this has not been cool whatsoever.
"I genuinely don't know. Everything has been the same until we drive past the speed sign. After that, the deer came in, and then the random car." Stiles hums as you say this. Then he claps.
"Ok that's something! You said it happens after we pass the sign right? What if we just don't pass it?" You give him a look of confusion as he changes gears and starts driving in reverse.
"Ohh that's smart! It could be the sign that's keeping the loop going!" You give his arm a pat as you smile.
"That's what I was thinking! We'll just head to the gas station like this and see if that changes anything." You both sit in silence as he continues reversing. 10 minutes pass before either of you talks.
In this time, you should have reached the station but it's as if it was a never ending road. Stiles seems to notice this as well and huffs in annoyance. Putting his car in park, he sighs and looks ahead into the night.
"I don't think we've moved from the spot we're in. We're definitely in a loop." Stiles groans after wasting 10 minutes of driving backwards. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, once again grabbing onto your necklace for emotional support.
"I think we only have one choice. We go forwards since we can't go backwards. Just... Just try to be alert and be ready to drive like a mad man. I don't want to lose you again." Stiles glances at you before taking your hand and kissing it.
"I promise we'll get out of this. You're not losing me again." He said it was such conviction that you finally felt a sliver of hope blossom in you. You nodded and kissed his hand.
"Ok, let's get it." Feeling pumped up, Stiles shifted gears and began driving forwards. You saw the sign in the dark distance, chills running down your spine as you read 40 MPH.
"Get ready. A deer's gonna be on the road, so drive to the left when you see it." As you finished, the deer came into view, it's head turning towards you as it watched the car grow closer. Stiles carefully maneuvered around it and settled back into the road.
"Ok now a car is gonna be speeding towards us! I think it's a drunk driver? Please be careful." You say as you shake in fear. This is what got you both last time.
"Got it." He murmured, gripping the wheel as he noticed a shadowy figure growing closer. From the way it was driving erratically, he kept his senses on alert. Soon the car was near them. Stiles swiftly moved to avoid the car that was driving straight towards them. You let out a yelp as the car bumped into the side of his jeep, but nothing else happened.
"Oh thank god! Keep driving, we never got pass that car. I don't know what happens now." Your boyfriend nods and continues driving. It wasn't long until something else happened. This was much more terrifying for you though.
Suddenly loud noises from all over sounded throughout the night. From howling to growls, the noise was deafening to say the least. You let out a scream as something hit your side of the car. Not only were the animalistic sounds carving its way into your brains, now the entire car was getting assaulted from all angles.
"What the hell is happening?! What's hitting us?!" Stiles yelled out, flinching as something hit his window.
"I don't know but I have a feeling we need to figure out how to break the loop now or something bad's gonna happen!" You yelled back, covering your ears and letting out a scream of terror as a black figure rammed its body into your window.
"You have to figure out what's keeping us in the loop Y/N! Think! Was something different when you woke up last time?! Or was it all the same?! There has to be something!" Stiles swerved to avoid hitting a shadowy figure on the road. Whatever was attacking you didn't plan on letting either of you go.
You sat thinking quickly as the hits on the car grew more aggressive. The first time you woke up, you drank your water and then saw the sign. The the deer showed up and that ended! Then you entered the loop! You drank your water, passed the sign, then warned Stiles about the deer. You survived that but then a car came into the picture!
And now in this loop!
"SHIT!" A hit on your side caused the car to skid to the left side of the road which caused him to lose control of the car for a second.
"NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO SAVE US!" You shut your eyes and tried to focus on your thoughts.
You woke up, the water bottle was the same, you passed the yellow sign and passed the deer. Then you passed the car! So whatever caused this loop had to have been something from the very start! After the deer situation, nothing could have caused the loop. What was different about the beginning?!
You pulled on your necklace and froze. Your necklace. Your necklace? You realized you never had a necklace to begin with. This wasn't even yours!
You furrowed your eyebrows as you yanked the necklace from your neck. It hurt a bit but you didn't care.
"What are you doing?! You just broke the chain!" Stiles looked at you with wide eyes as the animal sounds suddenly grew louder than before. You lifted the object and looked it. It was made from a black metal with a red stone in the center.
"When have you ever seen me wear this?! It's not mine!" Quickly, you rolled down the window and threw the damned thing out and rolled it back up. As you threw it out, an energy force boomed from the car and you watched with fascination as the energy wave flowed through the air. The sheer force of it had you sitting flush against the seat and forced Stiles to stop the car as well.
The banging, the screaming and howling had abruptly stopped. It was quiet, save from the huffs coming from the two of you. You felt your body go lax against the car seat as you closed your eyes.
Finally, it was over.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes, too scared to move in fear something else will pop out in the dead of night. After a moment, Stiles spoke.
"You did it. I thought we were gonna die." His body sagged against the steering wheel, head turned towards you, sweat falling from his hair.
"Me too." You sighed as you dragged your hands down your face. You were never going to drive this late at night ever again.
"I'm proud of you Y/N. You got yourself out of the loop." He let out a laugh and sat against his seat again.
"Well I literally couldn't have done it without you. I'd probably be on my, like, 6th loop if it weren't for you." You smiled and looked into the night. The moon's light touched your hand. It gave you an ethereal glow. How long has it been watching you for?
"I'm going to kill Scott. It was his fault for making us come out this late." Stiles dove for his phone and called Scott. After three rings, the werewolf finally answered.
"Hello?" A groggy voice called into the phone, obviously heavy with sleep. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"What is WRONG with you?! We almost died trying to get to you man!" Stiles yelled into the speaker, causing Scott to wince at the sound.
"What are you talking about? Where are you guys?" Scott suddenly seemed more awake, his voice scratchy from being woken up.
"You sent me a text saying to meet you and to take Y/N with me. Stop trying to act all innocent." You sat in silence as the pieces started clicking together.
"I never sent you anything. I've been asleep the entire time dude." Stiles made a face before searching through his for the message.
"Ok don't play with me. You literally sent me-" He paused midsentence when he pulled up his messages with Scott, only to see the most recent message was sent more than 5 hours ago.
"What the hell? I had a message right here telling us to go to this sketchy place. Where'd it go?" Stiles muttered in confusion.
"I think this thing, whatever it was, was trying to lure us away from the others. We fell right into it's trap." You stated. "Real question is why us two, and why target me specifically?"
All three of you sat in silence before Scott spoke up.
"Come to my house guys. This might be a new monster and I wanna hear what happened with you two. Now I'm actually saying this, not some copy version of me." You both agreed and hung up the phone.
"Wanna go back through there or take the long way?"
You let out a short laugh. "After all that, I'm never driving through here again. Long way all the way."
"I agree. Long way it is."
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c0derra4lyfe · 5 months
hey tumblings... i have a sneaky suspicion that cody might be a furry... (NOT HATING I SUPPORT OKAY..!) i literally had like a fursona or whateva in 2017.. anyway guys.. what are furries these days into?? need to learn more about this side of cody...... should i connect with him and bring him to a furry convention in vancouver? teehee....
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1027am · 5 months
I'll keep them in the vault for as long as you'd like me to <3
What I do with these (now mental) images,,,, that's personal ;3
now that's a good pup :)
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crowleywowley · 1 year
Some more modern Charthur headcanons below the cut bc I cannot be stopped 😈😈😈
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-they are BOTH freaks about the airport. Like getting there 3 hours early and rushing everyone just so they can get to their gate and sit there for way longer than necessary
-Arthur likes gross ass black coffee and Charles likes a yummy iced coffee with vanilla/caramel/etc. Argue with the wall on this one
-they’re absolutely the fun uncles to Jack/unnamed Marston daughter (bc in this universe everyone is alive teehee)
Arthur bawled like a baby for the birth of both children :’)
When they come over they definitely do fun/silly activities like finger painting or whateva
-one of them keeps buying bath and bodyworks candles and it’s not Charles.
-when they have Isaac for the weekend (bc remember ladies everyone is ALIVE) they catch up on all the movies they’ve been waiting to watch together and it always ends up with the three of them sacked out on the couch
-I said this in a different post but they are absolutely dog AND cat dads!!!! They adopted the dogs on purpose but the kitties were barn cats that they brought inside during a storm and it just stuck
-they absolutely have a little herb garden, as well as a flower garden but that one is a little trickier to manage
-Arthur wears those slutty ass plaid pajama pants and it makes Charles BARK!
I could keep going so plz let me know if y’all want more of my brain mush. I also have things to say about other characters like the Marston family so if anyone is interested hit me up 😼😼😼😼
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numberonecodwomenfan · 7 months
ok so because the new atla show came out (which i havent watched bc i havent found a pirated link but whateva) heres what kind of benders i think cod characters would be
starting off obvious, soap would be a firebender. because duh.
for price, im thinking earthbender?? idk it just feels right
gaz im thinkin airbender. again, why? i dont know.
ghost would be a waterbender because i can totally imagine him learning bloodbending. also i think the ice stuff that they do is something he would use.
i think farah would be an earthbender, and i think she would be able to do metal bending. alex would be an airbender because opposites attract teehee
alejandro would be a firebender, and rudy would be a waterbender, again because opposites attract
valeria is also a firebender but i think she specializes in lightning generation/redirecting
ok now for the kortac faves
i imagine horangi would be a firebender, the movements that firebenders use fit well with his personality and harshness.
könig gives waterbender to me. it’s got two sides to it, and i think that feels right.
roze would be an earthbender, and she would learn lavabending. because shes a badass.
hutch also feels like an earthbender but specifically metalbending because of his specialty in mechanics/electronics.
for callisto, i think airbender. idk idk im just going with vibes lol
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cakerollk · 11 months
Nobody move I've read Charlotte's backstory and lines. Am noting down some stuff for future drawing ideas heh
-loves sweets, cannot stand spicy food. Go white girl go
- her kamera was a gift from dad, who had his friend make a ton of neat enhancements to it like a self defence system + basically made it indestructible
- this bitch is crazy like you know how white girls will pet wild animals because teehee all animals are puppies or whateva, she's diving head first into drug rings to bust crimes like she's some contemporary romance slash detective series female lead. Wearing disguises and shit.
- ofc this gets her into tons of life threatening problems like she had to temporarily live at the steambird office building bc she's getting death threats and her residency getting vandalised.
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fl0w3l · 6 months
LOOKIN FOR A RP PARTNER TEEHEE (yes im cringe leave me alone)
hello slayers so this will be a fairly simple post im just looking for 1 (one) person (15+) who would be willing to play janus in a sanders sides royal au rp 🙏
the simplified plot is: roman and remus are princes of the kingdom named Emberhold. roman is the perfect prince and son who never goes out of line and is adored by everyone. that cannot, however, be said for remus, who openly rebels against the king and his rules, constantly sneaks out and gets himself and others into trouble. being fed up with remus's antics, the king hires the best knight in the kingdom - Janus - to get his son under control. bla bla bla, its an enemies to lovers demus thing where janus hates remus for being a reckless spoiled brat and remus hates janus for being a self-centred pr!ck <3
some important plot points: both remus and janus are flawed at the beginning, remus is genderqueer (he just doesnt understand it cuz its like the 19th century or whateva), and in my au theres background prinxiety but thats not necessary for the rp at all. also, fair warning, the character of the king is verbally abusive.
i have a whole google doc dedicated to this thing that i can send later, if anyone's interested, hmu!! dm me on here or on discord: @vampcatangel 🙏 just PLS i am desperate i have utter brainrot!!<3
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