#tell me this isnt the cutest man youve ever seen in your life
getbacktoworknovice · 4 years
🐎Snarky, Handsome Devil
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[an AU in which you are a summer time employee who works at a riding ranch for kids and have a massive crush on one of the instructors Jacob Frye~ (this is part one of a series (reposting some older Ao3 stuff~)]
You always looked forward to summer.
A chance to get away from school, your siblings and your parents for three glorious months. Not that you didnt love your family of course, it was just a nice break from the reality you were stuck in nine months out of the year.
Every summer, ever since you started high school, you worked part time at the Frye Riding Ranch, a sort of summer camp for underprivileged kids to get a chance at taking care of and learning how to ride horses.
The people who ran it, Ethan Frye and his twin children, Jacob and Evie Frye, were very generous being that they only charged the families one dollar for the three month camp and in some cases, they let children join for free.
Apparently they had come from hard times as well.
You yourself were an actual hired hand, hired on by Ethan your first year at high school and kept on as he seemed to like your personality. You were hoping he would, after all, you loved kids AND horses and this was like a dream come true to you.
Kids were always so much easier to deal with than adults and they adored when you did your funny little voices, especially the British one as the owners whole family were Brits. Adults tended to give you odd looks.
Especially Jacob.
But then he would just give you that annoyingly charming half smile of his and go back about his business as if he hadn’t been looking at you at all. He rather loved kids too (which was part of why you found him so attractive) and even referred to them as his little “Rooks”.
He was kind with the horses as well. You’d caught him before as he was giving one a bath, talking to her sweetly and patting her lovingly as he got her cleaned up. It was the cutest thing you ad ever seen. Though you were certain he would deny he ever did such a thing if you asked him.
To be perfectly honest he had annoyed you at first. On your first day he had paired you with the worst horse they had to “break you in”, he’d doused you several times with the power hose and made you shovel so much manure you couldnt smell anything but for three days after.
You definitely hadnt had much of an appetite your first week, making Evie worry for you and then give Jacob a harsh telling off when she found out what he’d done. He wasnt a bully, she assured you, he was just…a pain.
Needless to say you’d avoided him for a month afterward but towards the end he came around. Apologized even. Which surprised you. You didnt realize you had a crush on him until you came back the next year and he gave you a big hug…
and you could feel every muscle he had.
He was every inch the rugged cowboy you’d seen on many a cover of romance novels. Muscled, rough around the edges, wild hair and eyes…and that damn smile of his! Yes indeed to you every inch of him was rugged and wild…and you loved it.
You just wished you were able to tell him. He was four years older than you and you just figured it was a passing fancy. You’d get over it. Yet every time you saw him and tried to still your beating heart it never worked. He would smile and nod at you, or say something that made you laugh, or stand too close to you when you saddled the horses for the kids.
He was the sweetest asshole you’d ever known.
You actually looked forward to getting up in the morning.
Today was turning into one of the funner days you’d had in the last three years. It was the day before graduation and to celebrate they always had a giant bonfire and a mini rodeo of sorts where the kids got to show off what they’d learned and earn a “badge of honor” for their efforts.
They were just cheap plastic sheriffs badges, but to the kids they might as well have been solid gold trophies. They got the biggest smiles on their faces and your heart just melted at the sight. Even Jacob took it a bit easier in terms of joking around, taking the event as seriously as the kids did.
You were in charge of getting all the firewood ready for the bonfire the next night as well as making all the certificates the kids would be receiving along with their badges. You were sitting at one of the tables in the rec room with Evie, writing out all the kids names neatly on their certificates, while Evie printed out the pamphlets for the parents.
“I do hope it doesn’t rain.” She was saying as you finally finished with the “S” names, rotating your wrist a bit to work out the soreness in it. You loved calligraphy but it hurt. Looking up when you heard her words you gave a curious gaze out the window, noting it was a bit stormy looking.
“Maybe it’ll blow over.” You said hopefully as you didn’t want it to ruin the kids’ fun. “If not I suppose we could hold the ceremony in here.” She said just as rain started to pelt outside. You gave a bit of a groan as now you’d have to go and cover up the wood with a tarp.
“Shit…” You grumbled as you grabbed up your coat and headed out the door. Te bonfire pit was a good ways away from the rec room and cabins so you had to book it to the barn to grab up a tarp. By the time you made it to the bonfire it was pouring down rain.
Quickly you began tucking the tarp into the corners of the pile, doing your best to get the wood covered so it would actually burn tomorrow, but it was getting windy and every corner you managed to get covered would pry itself loose by the time you got to the other end.
You were about to lose it when you felt someone grab the other end of the tarp to assist you. Giving a relieved sigh you looked over to see it was Jacob. You felt your heart begin to beat wildly again and you couldn’t control it. “Jacob…!” You started but he only yanked on the tarp.
“Dont just stand there like a fish!” He insisted as the rain pelted him without his jacket. “Move!” That snapped you out of it and you began to help him, tucking the tarp into place and covering it to help it stay safe from the rain.
With his help you got it done rather quickly and one he was certain it would stay the two of you took cover in the barn. You were both soaked but Jacob had gotten the worst of it, his black t-shirt stuck to him and his jeans were soaked through.
You were so glad you’d grabbed a jacket.
“Thanks,” You managed to say after you’d caught your breath. “I was about to give up there for a minute.” You admitted and Jacob laughed. “Wind was bein’ a bit of a bully wasnt it?” He grinned, taking off his baseball cap and wringing the water out of it best he could.
“Oh yeah, just a bit.” You teased in return with a smile that quickly turned into a blush when you saw him strip off his soaking shirt. You never knew he had a tattoo, but you turned your head so quick you didnt actually see what it was.
“What’s the matter love?” You heard him tease. “Never seen a man without a shirt before?” You felt your face get redder. “I-I…n-no…I mean…!” You were so flustered you couldnt even get a word out. “Sh-shut up!” You finally grumbled but he only laughed.
“Oh come now, you dont have to be so harsh with your tongue.” He said as he took your shoulder and leaned in close to your ear. “Your not having dirty thoughts are you?” He teased and you whirled on him to tell him off.
But stopped short as you felt his lips against the corner of your mouth.
Giving a small squeak you jumped back, your eyes wide in surprise. “J-Jacob, what the hell!?” You stammered, completely flustered. Jacob however only smiled that cocky little smile of his. “Been wantin’ to do that.” He said as he wrung out his shirt.
“Wh….what? What do you mean youve been wanting to do that?” You stuttered and he gave you a sideways grin. “Why, precisely what it means. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time.” He said in plain terms.
You felt your knees buckle a bit and your heart began to thump in your chest. “R-really..?” You asked slowly. You felt like you must be dreaming. Youd had a crush on him true but you never in your life expected it to be reciprocated by him.
That question seemed to get to him as his cheeks actually turned a little pink. “Well…because I like ya.” He said with an honest shrug, putting his shirt back on. “I thought that was obvious but I guess I went about showin’ ya the wrong way.” He admitted sheepishly.
You gave a snort. “Yeah, making me shovel maure isnt the fastest way to my heart y'know!” You insisted with a swat to his arm. Jacob laughed aloud, a laugh you’d grown to love. “I guess I did fumble that one up a bit…” He admitted, giving you a soft look with his brown eyes.
“So…how is it you feel about me?” He asked and it was your turn to flush in the cheeks. You honestly didnt know what to say at first. “I..I mean I really like you Jacob. I’ve…I’ve had a crush on you for a while…” You hated to admit that out loud.
“I just…I feel like I’ve known you forever,” You said as you looked up at him. “I know it sounds silly but I’ve really come to like you.” You said, feeling a sense of relief at finally getting that out in the open.
Sensing your relief he gently took your cheek getting you to look at him. “Well since I like you and you like me….ya wanna try that kiss again?” He asked. He wasnt pushy about it or trying to force himself. His stance was relaxed, and his hand gentle.
How could you say no?
Leaning up towards him his lips met yours halfway, cupping your cheek as he kissed you long and deep. It was the most amazing kiss you’d ever tasted in your life. When you finally pulled away from him he rested his forehead against yours.
“So…theres only a week left of camp,” He said as he looked down at you with a bit of curiosity in his gaze. “I dont suppose you’d be willing to…let me come visit you in the city sometime?” he asked. You just gave him a smile and kissed his nose.
“You can visit me anytime….just make sure you come by car. If you ride a horse into the city people tend to freak out.” You teased. Jacob only laughed aloud.
“I make no promises.”
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: wow i can’t seem to get my umbrella op— OH GOSH I THINK I JUST HIT YOUR CROTCH || meet-ugly au (LMAO)
requested by: @doyuwung (thank you queen!!)
(A/N) my first request! love u queen thank u for requesting! okay i don’t know how this is all gonna go,, but lets hope for the best! ummmm pls leave me some feedback! a girl is STILL self concious but here we are!! but anyway,, lets get started QUEENS 😪 also omg this isnt even a college au so... clickbait?????? its barely mentioned but its there!! hope u enjoy anyway
it was a rainy day at your campus and u were NOT having a good day
u woke up LATE
u didnt eat anything BECAUSE u were late and u didnt even drink coffee
oh and ur stupid umbrella wouldnt open
you were speed walking to ur first class while trying to open it right? w ell
u stopped for like TWO seconds trying to open it and then BAM
u got it to open but then u heard a thud right in front of u and u F ROZE
SO you start moving your umbrella REALLY slowly to see what the FRI CK fell and mid way u heard a groan of pain omg u feel so ba d
“d-did i just hit ur crotch oh gosh” as if this day couldnt get any worse
well now theres a guy in front of u, rolling in the wet floor, holding his crotch and is in p a i n
and u had no idea what the HELL U WERE SUPPOSED TO DO
but u had to get to class so u rushed out an apology and RAN
the whole time in class u felt so guilty omgjdjcjsj
so anyway you go to lunch to meet up with ur bestie xuxi since the rain has cleared up a bit
and he says that he wants you to meet his other friend that recently transferred here
and on your way u spot him and see someone with him, but the person has their back to you so you cant see them
but when u DO see them all you want to do is hide in a corner and hope that your red cheeks l e a v e
and u contemplate turning and texting yukhei that u dont feel well bUT HE SEES U
and he waves you over with so much enthusiasm that the guy turns around and he freezes
and so do you
oof he changed his clothes from this morning i mean who wouldnt the poor dude was in a PUDDLE holding his crotch smh abby
so you turn bright red again while slowly approaching them
and yukhei gives you the biggest smile and says “i want you to meet my friend jungwoo”
and ur all like hahahhdhshdhs hi jungwoo im y/n
and then u cringe and ur about to tell yukhei that haha u hit this guy in the crotch earlier today
but jungwoo beats you to it but hes ?? grinning?? ok man u probs ruined his chance to have kids but i mean i guess
and it looks like they been talking ing about it cause yukhei just LAUGHS so hard while saying “omg SHE was the one who hit you?? course she would” LMAOOOO
yukhei wtf whats that supposed to mean
ANYWAY you take a seat and avoid his eyes cause even tho u already said sorry u still feel guilty
so u are just,,, there,,,
and for a while u dont really talk and just eat some food
but like after an hour yukhei says that hes gonna go buy something and leaves u and jungwoo
and cue the crickets my dudes
but anyway you two looked up at the same time and tried to speak and u guys do that Super Cliche thing
and then u eventually talk saying how sOrry u were BECAUSE U FELT SO BAD CNSNXN
And all he was doing Was Smiling w t f
and so he just laughs a little and he says that hey it was an accident!!! no problem!!
so you guys start to talk and start to get to know each other
he even offers to buy you a new umbrella HAHAHDNSN but hes joking cause u both are 🅱️roke college students
its been 3 hours: yukhei is gone
oop but you dont care u made a new friend 😪😪 and so u guys swap numbers cause its getting late and u gotta go
and he walks u back to ur dorm (A GENTLEMAN 🤧🤧)
and yall part ways !!
but after that!!! you guys talk and talk and talk and yukhei : living for it
although hes annoyed that ALL U DO IS TALK ABT JUNGWOO LMAOOO he still lives for it
and jungwoo just talks about you all the time 😪😪😪 but u dont need to know that
and so time skip 2 months
and u guys are mutually pining after each other but u guys are literal headasses so u dont know that u guys like each other
and all of ur friends know that u guys like each other
u guys r just oblivious smh
BUT that all McChanges when jungwoo asks u to hang out at the park with him
bro this aint even a college au anymore
when you meet him at the park u get c o n f u s e d because u cant see him anywhere
he texts you saying to walk to the fower field cause he got a SURPRISE for u
and when u do walk there, theres this BIG TREE RIGHT!! and hanging from the tree are umbrellas of all shapes and sizes and u want to LAUGH
cause!! u hit him with one wow but there are also!!! words!!!
‘You remind me of a thunderstorm,,,, positively striking get it cause u STRIKED him in the nuts,,, will u be mine?’
and u want to laugh so hard but all u can do is smile so so so big because!! he asked u out!! he likes u too!!
so u run to him and jump into his arms and then!! u fall on the ground oop
but he still catches you :,) and you guys!! kiss!!
the kiss is short and sweet cause theres so much adrenaline and u just feel so many emotions
so u guys are together now,,,
ANYWAY!! bf college jungwoo!!!
cute ! as ! heck ! because he gets you coffee and waits for you when your class is about to end
he always walks you to your dorm and sometimes comes in to just: sleep
and cuddle
and kiss
good life,,, im suffering,,,
and he walks you to ur classes
AND WHEN ITS RAINY HE HANDLES THE UMBRELLA 😪 he even bought u a new one
when ppl ask how u two met u always cringe but he LAUGHS omg
and he says that u attacked him with ur umbrella but hey!! its good!!
but anyway!!! u guys would be the god tier uwu power couple at ur college cause everyone loves u two
u two are so soft for each other and just SOFT IN GENERAL
and u guys are just living the good life with each other :’)))
life is so good
anywho!!! end!!! jungwoo is the REALL UWU KING😪😪 his as ur bf: real uwu hours since hes so freaking sweet
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tofnew · 8 years
honestly i dont even really know how to begin this like??? i feel like i have so much to say it was just the best day of my Entire Ugly Life. im so honored i really am it was just the most beautiful experience ever nd also so funny lkafsfsa i can’t wait to share with you !! 
so first off: the Boys 
onew: i,,, i honestly cant believe such a human exists he was so beautiful i really couldnt take my eyes off of him (duh) and surprise surprise i cried so much seeing him. i was seeing my 1of1 in the Flesh yet again but this time i was much closer!! he came to my side a lot nd thank u @ god for this smiling tofu. he really just made me smile so much my face started to hurt. I LOVE HIM WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING I WAS A MESS THE ENTIRE EVENING 
jonghyun: yall his pictures dont do him justice he is STUNNING in person and i really mean that. it was so amazing to be able to witness him up close this time. when i was at the fanmeet i was in p2 but this time i was p1!! he no joke is such a smol bub its so cute kafdsafsa. THE BIGGEST CUTIE 
minho: tol. tol. tol. tol. sO TOL. i mean holy moly those legs went on for DAYS my friends. he never stopped smiling the entire show i just,,, he loves us so much and it shows! he made so many cute gestures nd teased key all night i Lov it
key: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL. THE MOST STUNNING. THE MOST ETHEREAL. but ofc thats to be expected by my mom. honestly he was serving so many looks and to see his cute dimples up close was such a treat. ALSO HIS ENGLISH MAKES MY HEART FUZZY EVERY TIME 
taemin: the most handsome meme to ever walk the earth! he’s actually shorter in person which was interesting to me but boi he has Long Legs. when he came back out in the 2nd to last segment with those black pants i was Shook. he didnt talk too much bc he was SO shy but i found it very endearing. jong kept poking at him like “we should make taemin say ___” aljlfkdsafda he looked like he was ready to Pounce him 
so they started with hitchhiking nd we were Ready ok like im not even sure you could hear the bg music bc of all the screaming it was insane. right when i saw taemin waltzing out i was at my feet screaming at my favorite meme !! god, their live voices are just too hard to explain. it feels like a warm hug if that makes sense 
JULIETTE GUYS J.U.L.I.E.T.T.E  JFDAS aka shinee’s top bop. i was banging so hard and key’s solo break dance was iconic. @ sm ent when will you stop sleeping on key’s talent???? it was incredible you could really tell they enjoyed performing that song 
when prism started playing my lungs were set on fire. i was ready for key’s ass shake nd my phone was out but the security chic was so annoying about it and right when his move was about to come up she was like “you cant have that out” ….. i WAS TWO SECONDS AWAY FROM RECORDING IT. lmao whatever she didnt catch me recording sherlock (—: 
as youve guys have probably already seen because its EVERYWHERE key’s gucci clothes got burned nd i was laughing so hard i was choking. he was just like “funny story right? ////:” HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN TO A PERSON but tbh his new outfit was a+++ king of wearing good clothes
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i mean look @ it he was wearing a shawol colored suit Amazing. nd those heals… just kick me in the head??? 
yall knew i was gonna talk about sherlock. me: cried the entire song ((((: i was waiting for it tbh like i knew the line up of the songs so i was Ready when i heard that BRRrrRrRRRRRrrrr. i felt like i was the only one doing the chant it made me sad but im sure lots of others did it i just didnt hear!! i was yelling so much ik those girls next to me were annoyed. when onew did That Thing where he body rolls ajlfdsafdsa saved my entire 2017. 
hi this ended me: 
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I DIDNT GET TO HEAR WHAT HE WAS SAYING BC THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE SCREAMING (relatable) buT ISNT THIS JUST THE CUTEST THING LAFDSA HE MAKES ME SO HAPPY I LOVE HIM MORE THAN ANYBODY. this was jongyu’s talking segment when the others got changed!! jong lovs onew so much he just smiled at him the entire time 
taemin’s goodbye stage i…i dont even know how to say this bc there are no words to described how i feel. like i was so immersed in his performance that i forgot to wave my lightstick. i just couldnt stop staring at him??? some people were born to perform nd that person was lee taemin. that high note took me There 
minho is the new dancing machine taemin is Cancelled (no jk aljfsda) but for real his dance break in lucifer was so hype! i wish i could have gotten a video of it but that security lady was out to get me istg. if you see it watch it !! 
jong was v close too hes so beautiful and has crisp golden skin i…
omg jongyu’s duet… to hear it in the flesh… it was like their voices were made for one another. they both had their eyes closed and were so into it like that was more beautiful than a new born puppy. god i just want to keep hearing it over and over again
MY FAVORITE PART OF THE WHOLE ENTIRE SHOW WAS taemin was talking about, you know, how he was feeling about the show and being in dallas again nD KEY BROUGHT BACK UP THE DAMN GUCCI CLOSES BURNING nd taemin went “we aren’t talking about that” I LAUGHED SO HARD I SNORTED AND OFC TAEMIN WAS TOO. he’s such a little shit jklafsda
ONEW FELL DURING READY OR NOT HE WAS SO EXCITED AND HYPED ND HE FELL I WAS LIKE !!!!! I WAS ABOUT TO PRESS LIFE ALERT. my sweet babu he was just having the time of his Life. lajkfsa i was scared when he was on top of the metal stand spinning i was just asking god to protect his Clumsy Ass  
key tried to trick me with that “i know my english is…” YOU JUST WANT TO BE PRAISED HUSH ALFSLJ I WILL PRAISE YOU 
taemin’s little shimmy butt shake in 1of1 is so cute i cant believe i witnessed that in person. also onew smiled so much too i kljfdsafda !!! 
now you KNOW my ass caught on camera onew spinning his microphone stand during dream girl. i never whipped out my phone faster. HIS ARMS WERE SO TONED I WANT HIM TO WHACK ME IN THE HEAD WITH IT
youre probably asking yourself “did mich Die during sherlock” nd the answer to that kids is yes… yes i did 
also jongkey is Confirmed. literally every single time key opened his mouth jonghyun just laughed his head off and slapped his knee. hes such a good bf!! 
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the most visual bfs 
jonghyun said that he loved our energy!! he said that the reason they were trying so hard for us was because of it and he wanted us to have a good show. well jong congrats i had the best evening of my entire 19 years of living on this god forsaken planet
no shocker here but i cried my eyes out during an encore. all the boys lit up when they saw the banners and onew closed his eyes and swayed back and forth smiling. it just makes me happy bc shinee really loves us so much 
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i have like 1905233 pics of onew doing his windmill but look at him Go!! he’s doing That 
at the end they were all saying their goodbyes and telling us how much they enjoyed us and dallas! i think it was either jong or key but they said they definitely want to come back so you know my annoying ass will be there again to see shining shinee. ALSO THEY SAID TO EXPECT GREAT MUSIC SOON SO YALL KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS. they bowed to us and thats when the tears started happening again. it truly was such a magical evening and im so sad that it has already ended. i cant wait to see you boys again! please stay safe and healthy for the rest of 2017 and on!! 
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