#temp cover for young drivers
sierra6x · 1 year
------now that i'm starting to get my groove back, i'm going to try and put a little verse section on my carrd and maybe expand upon it in individual posts. which is a big undertaking, so we'll see. but verses include:
main verse (you are here!) - the gray man, post film. movie canon with book influences
main alt. - young court growing up in tallahassee. private to @medicbled
drive - the premise of the movie drive ... but driver is six. still mysterious and quiet, tho.
indiana jones / the mummy - post ww, six is former military (spec ops) and hired as muscle to accompany a ragtag band of treasure hunters. feat. @medicbled, @executiioner, & @e1igius
hunger games - previous victor turned district 13 muscle. six couldn't be threatened because he had no family left to pimp him out. angy man. tied to @e1igius' hunger games verse
the boys - contracted by vought for security purposes at their HQ. they're interested in testing their "temp v" on him, but he'd rather eat broken glass repeatedly
cyberpunk 2077 - notorious for his ruthless efficiency, former mercenary and even former to that ... millitech solider, six is the only man on afterlife's menu whose still alive. these days he can be seen as muscle for sharon's fixer operations, to whom he's been working beside for a great many years. tied to @thirt13n's cpunk verse
detective gentry - six is a homicide detective in a harlem precinct. partners with gloria. private to @medicbled, open to discussion
preternatural - six is six, but he occasionally runs into and hunts supernatural beings. inspired by threads and lore from @executiioner, open to all.
werewolf, modern - six is six, but also a werewolf. hijinks ensue ... especially when you're a para-military murder machine who also happens to be a giant fucking werewolf.
blood moon - fantasy inspired. court is a cursed werewolf tied to an ancient blood curse influenced by the royal family. private to @stingslikeabee
ny band scene - six ran away from home after killing his father and has hidden out in nyc ever since. music has inspired him, he's covered in tattoos, and his band is his family. private to @vigilantebullshit
there's ... so many more. but just a reminder for me.
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is-it-art-tho · 3 years
Summary: A mission gone awry, too many memories, too much blood, and not enough time. Bruce races to save a son he couldn't save before.
Prologue, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8
“—can’t…br…brea…” Jason choked, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.
Bruce’s hands were pressed to the wound in his abdomen as hard as he dared without doing more damage. His gloves and belt had been taken earlier that day, so now, even in the balmy summer rain, Jason’s blood felt uncomfortably warm on his bare skin.
“W-where…?” The younger man’s eyes swiveled wildly, disoriented and searching.
“He’s gone.” After what Bruce had done to the assassin, he didn’t even bother glancing to make sure the man was still unconscious. It was an outrageous mercy that the man would ever wake up at all.
“There aren’t. Stop talking.”
It seemed Jason was about to say something else—his lips parting again—but instead the younger man began to gurgle and choke. Bruce tilted him sideways so that he could cough up the blood before it ran down his throat.
“Oracle?” Bruce demanded, a finger to his ear.
“You two on your way bac—?”
“Nearest hospital.”
“Oh, uh”—the patter of keys— “about forty minutes east of you.”
Damn it. “The Berlin cave. What’s the medical designation?”
Certainly not his most equipped base, but it wasn’t nothing. At the very least, it would be enough to stabilize Jason for transport to an actual trauma center.
“What’s going on?” she asked now, her tone still carefully restrained.
He eyed a car parked a few feet away. “Change of plans. I need you to make sure the path is clear between us and the cave. No stops. And have Dr. Ziegler meet us there.”
“Done. Are you guys alright? Is Hood—”
“Just make sure the roads are clear.” He cut the line and redirected his attention to Jason, who was staring up at him. Red streaks covered one side of his face from where the blood had run out of his mouth.
“I…hate…Germany,” the young man croaked.
Bruce slid his arm under Jason and pulled him up, cringing as Jason cried out and hunched forward in pain.
“Come on," the older man urged. We—”
“—have to go. Where is he?” ” Bruce was standing beside the open batmobile, shifting his weight impatiently.
Alfred checked his watch. “I haven’t heard from him since this weekend.”
Bruce exhaled sharply through his nose, torn between concern and annoyance. This would not be the first time Jason had gone rogue without informing the rest of the team. But he had thought—or at least hoped—that they had moved beyond that stage.
With another sigh, he climbed into the driver’s seat.
“You’re leaving without him?” Alfred asked. The question sounded neutral enough, but Bruce knew the older man well enough to catch the edge of disapproval.
“Going to find him,” Bruce corrected. It wouldn’t be easy if Jason didn’t want it to be. But, then again, Bruce had a lot of experience finding people who didn’t want to be found.
The roof of the car had not even closed halfway when the elevator doors slid open and Jason slouched into the cave.
“Sorry, m’late,” he muttered. His voice, already muffled by the helmet, came out sounding more like a sigh or a groan than actual speech.
Bruce watched from the car as the eighteen-year-old trudged toward him, his movements just a little clumsier, a little more sluggish than usual.
“I thought you were planning on riding here,” he asked as Jason got in the passenger side—a move which caused even Alfred to shoot Bruce a surprised glance. Bruce couldn’t remember the last time Jason ridden with him by choice. “Where’s your bike?”
“Tire blew,” Jason grunted, reclining the seat and tilting his head back.
“Everything okay?”
There was nothing remotely satisfying with this response, but they were already late, so with a quick press of a button, Bruce spurred the massive engine to life. The platform beneath them rotated to aim them towards the tunnel, and as it did, Jason groaned and sighed.
“What is going on?” Bruce demanded, cutting the car off again.
“Nothing. Geez. Can we just go?”
“Oh my God. You’re kidding me,” Jason moaned.
Bruce just stared at him, and Jason matched the older man’s stare with his own until Bruce decided the silence had gone on long enough. The older man raised his voice: “Computer. Biometrics for Hood—comma—Red.”
Jason’s head swiveled toward the dashboard as the monitors there blinked on. “What the—”
“Blood alcohol,” Bruce requested.
���What are you doing?”
One of the screens read Processing… before it answered, “Blood alcohol content for Hood—comma—Red. Zero point zero.”
“Controlled substances?” Bruce asked.
This time Jason’s head swung back towards the older man. Even with the helmet on, his anger and indignance were palpable.
The robotic voice responded, “Negative.”
“You think I’m drunk and high?” Jason demanded.
“I’m just trying to get some answers.”
“And that’s what you start with? Also: when the hell did you put scanners in my helmet? I made this mysel—” He broke off in a coughing fit that left him bent over and groaning.
Bruce studied him for a moment before saying, “You’re sick.”
“That’s what they tell me,” he rasped, pressing the button on the side of his helmet to take it off and let it fall to the floor.
“I’m fine.”
Bruce took in the sheen along the teen’s face, glinting in the pale blue glow from the dashboard monitors. Damp hair dangled from his bowed head, and each labored breath carried an unnerving rattle from deep in the young man’s chest.
“Hood—comma—Red. Body temp, please.”
“One hundred and two point three,” the computer supplied.
“It’s mild,” the teen countered, leaning back again.
“It’s not. Why didn’t you just tell me? I can handle patrol on my own.”
“Because I’m a grown man and I don’t need everyone making a big deal every time I get the sniffles.”
“This is your body’s way of telling you to go easy. If you’re not careful you’ll make it worse.”
“Whatever. Just drive.”
“You need to be home.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a real long nap right after we get back. Now will you please just drive the freaking car.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? There’s no need for you to run yourself into the—"
“Because I want to, okay?” Jason snapped. Over the younger man’s shoulder, Bruce watched Alfred jump and look towards them. Bruce shook his head just enough, and Alfred nodded back, his posture relaxing.
This wasn’t one of those fights. Not yet anyway.
Jason’s head thumped back into the seat and he stared ahead as he added, “Please.”
And only then did Bruce realize why this exchange felt so familiar. It was the Watchtower all over again. A young, borderline self-destructive boy with something to prove. Even if Bruce held his ground, he already knew without a doubt that Jason would end up out there anyway and would probably stay out extra long just to show that he could, even if doing so landed him in the hospital.
Reluctantly, Bruce started the engine again. The teen glanced at him in surprise.
“We’re keeping it short,” Bruce clarified. “And you’re staying here tonight.”
Jason looked at him, not agreeing but not arguing either, which the older man decided to accept as a win.
“Seatbelt,” he ordered, and the boy obeyed begrudgingly. Then in the blink of an eye, they were soaring down the tunnel, barreling towards the city.
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formulatrash · 4 years
I’ve always been slightly confused over what a development driver actually does? (And very embarrassed over not being able to figure it out) but yeah - what is that and also what do the drivers actually do to help develop the car in fe?
Hmm well, the reason you’re confused is probably because it’s a confusing role that means a lot of things - and sometimes basically nothing. 
So “development driver” or “test driver” are quite vague titles that don’t, like many things in motorsport, have any formal codification. Actually to be fair that’s true of a lot of industries - ‘communications manager’ for instance has a lot of meetings across different companies.
Anyway, so: development drivers. In theory, the role is to do everything annoying and behind the scenes that the main drivers wouldn’t do. In the case of Formula One and Formula E, that’s tonnes of sim work that they main drivers wouldn’t have time to do in between aggressive race schedules and other work. 
It also covers work in F1′s case on race weekend simulation - so for instance Oliver Turvey has been McLaren’s development and test driver for ages. He’s done a few tyre tests for them, too because he’s a very reliable driver to shove in your F1 car but he’s obviously not a junior, not likely to ever make his way to a race seat - he’s the same age as me, after all. 
But when he’s in the sim, he’s not learning how to drive the car he’s running programming simulations to try and fix things that have been spotted by the drivers during a practice session. So if, say, Carlos or Lando say there’s, idk, an issue with the way the car’s using electrical energy in lower gears (it would almost certainly be something much more granular and specific than that but like, trying to keep this comprehensible without an engineering degree) then they load up the software that’s in the cars on track into the sim and the data from the session and run it until they think they have a fix, with Oliver driving it. He’d be in there from the first data package return of FP1 until the last updates they can send before FP3/quali/the race. 
So it’s an intense role, for a technical driver. It can also be work that’s given to a young driver - for instance, Pierre Gasly during his year between GP2 and F1. He was in and out of the Red Bull simulator so much he was nearly late for the Formula E weekend he did in New York, in for Sebastien Buemi, because he was running F1 work in the Milton Keynes simulator. Needless to say, not a huge amount of Formula E preparation had been slotted into his schedule.
Sometimes, it’s a much more hollow or vanity role that happens to hold the same title. So what was Carmen Jorda doing at Lotus? Err, being someone to greet VIPs, let’s be real. So sometimes it’s more of a ‘here is a driver allowed to wear our uniform who we get to do some PR for us’ - and often more of a role you pay for than get paid for. 
The line between, say, Sebastien Buemi’s role at Red Bull (he’s still the reserve driver and one of the best-paid drivers in motorsport because good god, imagine having Seb’s experience to shove in your sim and on a tyre test for goodness sake) and Sean Gelael’s role at Toro Rosso is going to be pretty big. Not cus Sean’s pointless but because he’ll be undertaking test and FP1 work for the team, not endless hours of very fiddly simulator stuff that they need a guaranteed pair of hands for. 
In terms of what drivers do to develop the car in Formula E, the answer is: a lot. If you’re a manufacturer team (and they nearly all are) then there’s 14 days of testing that you can do before pre-season testing starts and the cars are finalised, tech speaking. So that’s a lot of actual track time and working on the car. 
Beyond that, they obviously have to be able to drive in a way that maximises the energy usage and efficiency - but that goes without saying. There’s no live telemetry in Formula E, so the drivers know more about what’s going on with the car than the pit wall does and have more data, which is why you hear a lot of back-and-forth. A driver who can identify what is limiting that and ways to improve it is completely crucial - you have to work out what direction you’re going to work in for next year’s tech halfway through the previous season, at the very latest, so you need someone who can deliver on working out what would improve results.
Development during a season is done via simulator work. The programming in FE cars is equivalent to aero on F1 cars in terms of changing system management - so you’ll have eg: a programming setup for dealing with the heat in Santiago (and really hope you’ve got it right) and a different one for trying to cope with the a high-power track like Rome. Then lots of tweaks to that, to try to maximise what can be done. 
Simulation in FE is more often involving the “real” drivers than F1 because they have to learn loads and loads and loads of codes and scenarios to use each race because they’ve very much got to solve their own strategic problems with efficiency, battery temps, etc. So there’s a higher element of the driver always needing to learn a track/setup/etc even if they’re very experienced and in theory wouldn’t need to use the sim for learning. 
Hope that makes sense/answers what you wanted!
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I Can't Help But Wait - Chapter 2
Twilight fic/Post Breaking Dawn/Embry Call imprint fic/mature warning/ part 2 of ?
2 - More Questions Than Answers
Embry's POV - 
"Can I go now?"
Officer Grant huffed out a breath through his nose, barely glancing up at me before replying, "Just a few more questions."
"You said that a half hour ago," I growled. "I need to go check on my girl."
A smirk graced his stubbled face as he finally made eye contact. "So the victim is your girlfriend?" he prodded. 
I rolled my neck around a few times, causing my bones to crack a bit. "No. Not exactly."
He nodded and tapped his pen to his temple. "So which is it? I mean...are you screwing her or what?"
Before I knew it, I had lunged at him, springing off the gurney at an inhuman speed. I refrained from grabbing him, but I was definitely in his face. "You need to watch your mouth."
"Did I hit a nerve?" the officer baited me. "Either you're screwing her or…"
"I'm done answering your dumbass questions. Charge me with something or fuck off."
We stood eye to eye, neither wanting to be the first to back down. Paul appeared at my side and I flinched when he gripped my shoulder. "Take it easy, man."
Officer Grant chuckled and backed away slowly. "Don't leave town, boys. We may need you to testify as to what that kid did to...what did you call her...your girl? Yeah. Her."
With that, he retreated into the hallway and I noticed how he glanced at me and Paul as he spoke to the other officer in the hall. They were both smirking and laughing. I didn't know what they found so entertaining, but I hoped they weren't going to interrogate Nicolle with the same level of inappropriateness that I had just seen. By the time they wandered out of my sight, I was ready to tear this room to shreds.
From the moment we arrived at the hospital, I had been treated like a criminal, for reasons I didn't understand. Of course, showing up in a police car probably didn't help.
"Are you gonna tell me what the hell's going on with you?"
I lifted my gaze to find Paul giving me an intense stare. "Don't ask," I mumbled before going back to the gurney and having a seat. 
"Come on, Embry. Just tell me what's going on in your head. You looked like you wanted to rip that cop's head off." Paul was concerned, I could feel it. He had stood by me through this, so I had to be honest.
"I imprinted, man. And...it's like I can't even control myself anymore. I would've killed that kid if you hadn't pulled me back," I announced breathlessly, pulling the ends of my hair.  "He hurt her. And I just couldn't see straight. This feels insane."
Paul sighed and shrugged. "The imprint pull is insane. Your need to protect her will make you crazy. Sometimes my jealousy makes Rachel wanna beat my head in. I can't help it. And neither can you."
I didn't have a chance to respond because a nurse appeared with a folder and gave me a concerned look. "Mr. Call? You've indicated that you'd like to decline treatment?"
"Yeah. I just wanna go."
She cocked her head and sighed. "How about I just check your vitals and we can leave it at that?"
I jumped up from my spot on the gurney and backed away. "I said no. Just tell me what I need to sign so I can get the hell out of here." 
I cringed when I saw how my harsh words had affected her. This was not me. I don't attack humans. I don't scream at strangers. I'm not short-tempered and testy with people. I hated the person I was becoming. If this was what being imprinted was like, I'd rather not.
"Listen…Amanda, is it?" Paul paused and the young nurse nodded. "My friend here is just real anxious to get back to his girl. You know, the one he came in with? So if there's anything we can do to speed this along…"
I shook my head and stifled a chuckle when I saw how fast the young nurse had changed her tune. She was laughing and tossing her ponytail aside as Paul leaned in closer and smiled. Yes, Paul had an imprint and no, he'd never cheat but he had never forgotten how to flirt, especially when it helped him get what he needed.
A little while later, I was moving through the hallway with Paul, thanking him for his assistance. We both knew my cuts had already healed and it was always in our best interest to never be checked over by humans. We couldn't explain our high temps or why our injuries had healed so quickly. If I had really been hurt, I would have called Carlisle. 
I scowled when I heard my imprint's voice behind a curtain. She was upset and that upset me. I peeled the ugly fabric back and scanned the room before poking my head in. "Can I come in?" I murmured softly when my gaze met hers.  I noticed how her face lit up when I smiled at her. I coasted over to her bedside and smoothed my hand over her hair.
"We're not finished," Officer Grant grumbled from the corner of the room. I sighed deeply and began to retreat when I felt Nicolle's hand grip the edge of my t-shirt and pull me closer. 
"He can stay," she defied. "But I'm really tired, so do you think we could finish this later?"
"The details are important.. " he began as he approached the bed and I sat beside her. "But I guess we can be done for now." 
I watched as the officer fished a business card from his front pocket and thrust it in our direction. I snatched the card up and gave him a curt nod, one that he chose not to return. Paul caught my gaze as I watched Officer Grant leave the room. I gave Paul a look that indicated everything was okay.
An hour later, I had my arm around my imprint, helping hold her up as she sagged against me. It was late and we were both exhausted. "Where's Paul?" Nicolle sighed when his truck was finally in sight.
"His wife picked him up. He left me his truck so I could take you home."
She hummed and nodded. "I'm still waiting for you to explain why you don't have any cuts on your body, Embry."
I sighed as I reached for the passenger door handle, ignoring her questions that started the moment we left the hospital. I gasped when she pressed her back against the truck door and effectively stopped me from opening it. I ran both hands through my hair and stared up at the night sky. "I'm tired, honey. Can we please just go home?"
I lowered my gaze and caught her staring up at me. I squeezed her shoulders and forced a smile. "Please?"
She seemed to be tongue-tied. Whether it was from my second time slipping up and calling her 'honey' or the fact that I was still refusing to answer her questions, she didn't look amused.  "You promised me some answers, Embry."
I leaned forward and pressed my forehead to hers, eye contact super intense, and I felt her resolve soften a little. She gasped when I hoisted her over my shoulder, yanked the truck door open and forced her inside. By the time I got around to the driver's side, she was fuming. "You can't just kidnap me!" she insisted.
I started the truck and backed out, chuckling as we headed out of the parking lot. "This isn't a kidnapping, darling."
Nicolle sat there huffing for a moment and I glanced at her as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Won't your girlfriend get mad if she finds out you've been calling me honey and darling?"
My jaw clenched as I glanced at my blindspot and jerked the wheel toward the side of the road. I skidded to a stop and slammed the gear shifter into park. Nicolle gripped the dashboard and stared at me incredulously. "Are you crazy?"
I shrugged as I slid across the seat and caged her in my arms, one on the back of the seat and one on the door. "Maybe I am. Or maybe you are?"
I was in her face, I could see her pulse racing in her neck, hear her panting breaths and even smell the apple juice she drank at the hospital. My gaze darted from her mouth to her eyes and back again. I considered kissing her to make her shut up, but I knew better. She needed answers, not my tongue down her throat.
She blinked quickly, her eyes scanning my face as she waited for me to continue. "Do you really think I'd be here, now, with you if I had a girlfriend?"
Nicolle shrugged and I watched as tears welled in her eyes. "I don't know what to think, Embry. This is so crazy. I asked my cousin about you and she said you had a girlfriend. Was she wrong?"
I sucked in a deep breath and pulled away from her. I shifted to sit next to her, resting my elbows on my knees. This is difficult for me to say, even harder to go through it. "No. I used to have a girlfriend."
She scooted closer to me and let her hand drift lightly up my back. "Used to?"
I nodded and continued to hold my head in my hands. "I...broke up with her. I didn't want to, but there was no way I could stay with her. Not when I felt this strongly for you."
She continued to stroke my back and my whole body tingled from the contact. She didn't reply, so I continued. "I didn't want to ruin a four year relationship and I really hurt her. But..it wasn't fair to her. I couldn't stay away from you, Nicolle.  I tried to, but it was hopeless."
"Embry...I don't get this. We barely know each other. I hate that you would do that for me."
I shifted my body toward hers and made eye contact. "I did it for me." I lifted my hand to her face, holding it inches from her cheek. I wanted to touch her, reassure her, but the thought of her rejecting me just scared the shit out of me. "I tried to stay away from you, but I couldn't."
I smiled softly when her hand covered mine and she held it against her face. "I've felt it too. There's this...pull between us. The more you came to the store, the more anxious I got to see you again. I tried to ignore it…" she paused and squeezed her eyes shut when my thumb brushed across her cheek. 
"I know. I'm sorry. I never meant to screw up your life...or Casey's. I just couldn't deny the imprint."
"Imprint?" she echoed as her eyes snapped open. "You imprinted on me?"
I furrowed my brow in confusion. How did she know about imprinting? I thought for a moment and considered my next move. "Is your cousin Quileute?"
"Yes. She lives on the rez. She was the one who told me about your girlfriend and that you worked with Paul. Her name is Kim."
I laughed as I pulled her across my lap and nuzzled my nose into her neck. She smelled amazing and I couldn't hold back anymore. I was partially relieved to hear she knew about imprinting from Kim. Kim and Jared were married and I can't believe I didn't figure this out sooner. "I have so much to tell you," I admitted when I pulled away from her.  
Nicolle stared down and me and nodded. "I'm ready to hear it."
I leaned up to kiss her, unable to wait another minute. Chickening out at the last second, my kiss landed on her cheek instead. She leaned into me and I could hear her heart pounding. It made me feel powerful. I wanted to drive her mad. But for now, we both needed sleep.
A little while later, we were parking and I hated to wake her, but it was getting late. "Nicolle," I whispered. "Wake up, honey." I held her tightly against my side, my arm wrapped snugly around her waist. I kissed the top of her head and gathered her into my arms. "You're home now," I murmured as I carried her to the front door.
I put her on the couch, covered her in a blanket and stayed close to her as she slept. I sat at the end of the couch with her feet in my lap and my mind raced. I was falling for her. I needed her to know about my wolf and soon. 
The longer I waited, the more it would kill me if she rejected our bond. I couldn't even imagine it. I couldn't bear to be without her now that I had held her in my arms. When I ran away from her yesterday, I felt like someone was twisting my guts from the inside out. 
I didn't mean to get so upset when she brought up Casey. I hated that she thought I could cheat. Although I guess I had been. I was still with Casey, but I couldn't get Nicolle out of my head. That's why I had to end it.
I could feel my eyes getting heavier as the thoughts of Nicolle became more positive. Maybe she could love me? Maybe she would accept my wolf?
My eyes fluttered open, but closed quickly to ward off the bright sunlight pouring inside. I was lying on my back, still on the couch but no longer sitting up. With my eyes still squeezed tightly shut, I turned my head and my nose was met with a soft tangle of hair. I sucked in a deep breath and drank in the undeniable scent of my imprint. 
I could feel her hand snaking across my abdomen, my skin sparking from the contact. I groaned when her cheek brushed against my bare chest and my morning wood became even more firm. I smoothed my hand over her forearm, while the other ran down the length of her hair. "Morning," I sighed, my voice groggy from sleep.
Nicolle raised her head, tilting it up to gaze at me. A small, slow smile began to spread across her face before her whole body stiffened. She blinked quickly, reaching up to brush the sleep from her drowsy lids. "Where am I?"
I shifted to sit up against the arm of the couch a little, dragging her up with me because I loved how she felt resting on my bare chest. Shit. What happened to my shirt? I glanced around nervously, spying the bloody, torn mess on a heap on the coffee table. "This is my house," I finally blurted. "I couldn't wake you up to ask where you lived, so I brought you home."
I winced a little and played it off like a stiff neck, but in reality, I was lying and the imprint bond was punishing me. I knew where Nicolle lived. I had been following her home for weeks. I couldn't tell her that though. She seemed to accept the news that I was her imprint, but could she also stand to find out how my obsessive need to protect her had led me to follow her home and watch her bedroom window from a distance? The imprint bond made me do some crazy, stalker things, but bringing her here may have been the craziest.
I watched as her eyes darted nervously around the room. I fully expected her to jump up and run or demand I take her home immediately. So imagine my surprise when Nicolle leaned up, let her lips brush the shell of my ear, and whispered, "Thank you for taking care of me."
My whole body was buzzing and I couldn't stop the ridiculous grin on my face. I used my arms to drag her body on top of me. She rested her forearms on top of my chest and rested her chin on top of them. Her grin matched mine.  She was...happy? Happy to be here, happy to be with me, happy to be my imprint? I hoped for all three.
"You're really warm," she sighed as she gazed up at me dreamily. "No wonder you took your shirt off."
I couldn't stop smiling when Nicolle wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her cheek in the crook of my neck. I ran both hands up and down her back, loving the way she shivered at my touch. I jerked my hands back when my hands slid lower and instead of her pants, I felt the smooth fabric of her panties. "What the hell happened to your pants?" I croaked like a 15-year-old virgin. 
Nicolle giggled and lifted off of me a bit. We both glanced down between us, but honestly my eyes diverted to her chest. She had worn home an over-sized scrub top as her bloody shirt and bra had been too destroyed to wear any longer. And I knew she wore a pair of borrowed gray sweats, but when she kicked out her leg, she showed me they were gone. "I guess I got hot," she blushed, her eyes trailing up my body and back to my eyes. 
I couldn't glance up fast enough to hide the fact that I'd been staring down her shirt. She looked amused at my embarrassment, even snuggling a little closer to me. I held her body tightly to mine as I willed my morning wood to go the hell away. Shit, I was coming off like some sort of pervert. Even the sight of her bandaged chest was turning me on.
"Does it hurt?" I asked as I let my fingers drift over the bandage.
Nicolle shifted again, lying only half on top of me. She looked down at her injury and sighed. "Just a little sore from the stitches."
She captured my hand as I dragged it away, wrapping her fingers around mine as she pressed my palm to her breast. "Nicolle," I panted. "What are you doing?"
She held my hand in place as she peered up at me, her lashes fluttering adorably. "I'm sorry, Embry. I never meant to insult you when I asked about the girl you were dating." She paused and swallowed thickly, then continued, "I was honestly so torn about what to do. I couldn't stop thinking about you, but I couldn't let myself go there when I knew you loved someone else."
When Nicolle reached up to cup my face, I felt my eyes drift closed. I was still palming her breast, but too nervous to do anything else. "Are you even ready to move on so soon?" I heard her tiny voice say.
I let my thumb brush over her already stiff nipple before I responded. Her whole body clenched from the contact and my mind went wild with thoughts of how electric this could really be between us. The urge was right there. The need to shove her back and dive between her legs was consuming me. My whole body vibrated with need. "I'm ready for you, honey. I'm ready for us to be together with nothing standing in our way."
Okay, maybe my mind was totally in the gutter right now, but I meant what I said. I was ready for her. And the first step was a kiss. When she gazed up at me with her parted lips, I growled in anticipation. She was eager too. I smiled as she pushed her lithe body toward me and I moved to meet her halfway.
In that moment, I heard a brash knock at the door before it swung open. "Fucking hell, Embry. Were you just never coming to pick me up for work today? I mean…"
Paul's voice trailed off as he moved around the couch and caught a glimpse of our compromising position. His eyes went wide at the sight of Nicolle's panty covered backside. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed as his hand darted over his eyes. "I'm sorry, dude. I had no idea you had company!"
Nicolle laughed as she fumbled for the blanket on the floor and I struggled to get her covered. "Paul, what the fuck! Can't you pick up the phone like everyone else?"
I groaned in frustration as Nicolle shifted around to sit up, still laughing at Paul. "You can look now." I was relieved that she didn't freak out.
Paul was blushing ten shades of red and still wouldn't make eye contact with either of us. "Dude, I've been calling you for an hour. Your phone must be dead." 
I glanced at my phone on the coffee table, vaguely remembering how low the battery was when we left the hospital. But I never plugged it when I got home, therefore he was probably right about it being dead. "My bad," I chuckled a halfass apology his way as I ran a hand through my hair and then pulled Nicolle into my lap.
She smiled up at me, cupping my jaw in her hand and brushing a thumb over my lower lip. My chest heaved in anticipation for the kiss that had yet to happen. Paul cleared his throat and smirked at me. "So...I take it you'll be needing a sick day then?"
I returned my attention to my beautiful imprinted and nodded. She laughed when I fake coughed into her neck and murmured, "Yeah, I'm really sick. Better go without me."
Paul chuckled to himself and wheeled back out the door. I leaned over Nicolle, pressing her back against the couch as I hovered over her. 
"Now where were we?"
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justanecessaryevil · 5 years
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens -  Bottom of the First Inning (Part 1)
This part is pretty long, so I’m cutting it into pieces. Here’s part one! <3 There are a few notes at the bottom.
“.…Huh? I’m being… transferred?”
Saito had just begun to get used to the feel of the plain-colored fitted suit he’d used for job-hunting when he was told the news by his superior, a haughty man who had his hair parted to the side and was leaning casually against his messy desk. What else could he do but stare at the man with bulging eyes.
“That’s right, transferred. Starting from tomorrow,” his superior nodded expressionlessly as he persistently wiped the grime from his glasses. “We’re overstaffed, you see? We gotta put a few more men in places that need them, or so they said.”
Somehow, Saito knew that wasn’t quite true.
He’d made a huge mistake just the other day and he’d been waiting for it to bite him in the ass. But a transfer? Seriously?
“I’d heard our new-hires have been pretty useless lately, but this is just terrible.”
“...I’m sorry.”
So he messed up a job after half a year of training? It was his first job! Isn’t a transfer a bit harsh? It hasn’t even been a year! That’s like telling a rookie player pitching his first game in the big leagues he’s worthless because he gave up eight runs in three innings! The man’s basically saying, “we can’t use you at all, so we’re giving you to another team,” like he’s being traded for nothing before he’d even been given a real chance!
Of course, it’s not like Saito was faultless. He did screw up, after all. But he apologized! Sincerely! To his boss and to the client both! He even got on his hands and knees and prostrated himself! For a company to dish out such a harsh punishment from one mistake is nothing less than abnormal. But, he knew that already, didn’t he? This company is completely abnormal.
“You know what will happen if you don’t show results even after this transfer, right?”
“Yes,” Saito answered immediately, though he didn’t really know. He couldn’t even imagine what might happen.
“It’ll be your head. Make sure you remember that.”
Oh, of course. After a profitless trade, if the player still shows no signs of improvement, they’re contract would be DFA’d. In other words he’d be fired. “I’ll carve it into my memory.”
“You sure you know what I mean?*”
This guy’s mocking me, thought Saito. It’s not like you have to graduate from some prestigious school to understand something like being fired.
“I understand! One more mistake and I’ll be let go.”
“No.” Of course, Saito was no longer a part of such a simple world. “There’s no double meaning. You screw up, we’ll cut your head off.”
A shiver ran down Saito’s spine. He knew full well that was no idle threat. Just a month prior, one of his fellow new-hires had thought of ratting the whole company out to the police. He’d ended up being found dead in a case ruled as a suicide. This wasn’t some dark-web phenomenon, this was a thriving business in the black market. Going against the company was signing your own death warrant, plain and simple.
“So where am I being transferred to?”
“The branch in Fukuoka.”
“What?” Saito cried out thoughtlessly, “Fukuoka?”
There were no good rumors surrounding Fukuoka. On the surface, it was a perfect tourist city, easy to live in, with good food. Dig a little deeper, though, and you’re waist-deep in shit in seconds. It was a criminal’s paradise; a major battlefield for people in the business of killing others in particular. Saito felt like he was being thrown to the frontlines.
“Oh, and be careful, hey? I hear there’s a vigilante* over there.”
“A vigilante?” Those exist? Saito thought with a cock of his head. Sounds like some sort of folktale figure, like Koro-pok-guru or a Kesaran-Pasaran. “What kind of vigilante?”
“A killer of killers. A hitman whose targets are other hitmen. Several of our own have fallen victim to them.”
Well wasn’t that just perfect?
Murder Incorporated.
In the underground, that was what Saito’s company was called. Apparently, during its conception, it had taken influences from a crime syndicate abroad. On the surface, they kept up a front of being a simple temp service, but in reality, the corporation was a hitman’s headquarters.
As he was jostled by the shaking of the bullet train bound for Hakata from Tokyo, Saito was lost in thought. ‘How in the world did I end up getting caught up in such a crazy company? Did I do something wrong? Is this some sort of karma? Thinking about it, ever since I answered that damn interview question, my life’s been on the fast track to rock bottom.’
He’d finally managed to land a job, and of all things, it just had to be as a hitman for a murder contracting company. The first half year after Saito had been hired, he had undergone intensive  training: proper arms management, tailing techniques, lockpicking classes, and even physical training. During that time, the company had lost over half of their new hires.
Saito couldn’t help but think about how different things would be if he had just answered that cursed question with, “I couldn’t do something as horrible as killing someone!” But as he thought more about things he couldn’t change, the gentle shaking of the train car felt so nice, he gradually fell asleep. 
The bullet train continued unerringly down to Fukuoka.
- - -
Lin Xianming’s eyelids were heavy. They were extremely heavy. Not that he was sleepy or anything. It was all because of his false eyelashes. The things were so heavy that if he let his guard down, he was sure his eyelids would droop. 
“With these, even your eyes can be twice as powerful!” the package had advertised, but they were definitely having the opposite effect. Twice as powerful… More like half as effective.
‘Girls sure have it tough, putting these things on all the time,’ Lin reflected in admiration as he got off the train and headed down the sixth exit at the underground subway’s Nakasu Kawabata Station.
The sound of his heels echoed in the tunnel as he walked, his long, straight, brown hair swishing to and fro in time with his steps.
He reconfirmed his target’s address: Fukuoka City, Hakata, Suzakimachi. The target lived in an apartment not fifteen minutes away, walking. He decided on walking over a taxi because it would be troublesome if the driver remembered his face.
Leaving the underground, he headed straight for his destination, only pausing briefly to admire his reflection in a storefront’s glass windows. He was wearing a black dress and long boots. He’d chosen to put on a little more make-up than one would when going for a natural look. No matter what way you looked, he was nothing short of womanly. ‘Alright, I can do this,’ he thought with a nod.
The three lane road called Showa Dori was just up ahead. Lin took the crosswalk over to the other side and headed deeper into the city, quickly finding his target’s plain brown apartment building just around the corner. It was a simple five story building with its name written at the entryway.
His target lived on the fourth floor, in the apartment furthest from the stairway. Room 405. When he rang the interphone, the door opened just slightly shortly after with the door chain set in place. A woman peeked out from the small gap. She was a stupid looking girl who seemed like the type who would easily be pulled in by a man’s charms. She’d surely been asleep. She wore only a pink robe and her hair was in disarray. Even without make-up, Lin thought he was far more beautiful.
“Who are you?” the woman asked.
If Lin had been a strong looking man in black, the woman would surely have never opened the door. She would have probably pretended no one was home until he’d given up. But because Lin looked like a woman, moreover, of a similar type to herself, she’d opened the door.
Ignoring the woman’s question, Lin shot back with his own. “Is Takashi here?”
“W-who’s Takashi?” the woman played dumb, pretending she had no idea. “I don’t know a Takashi.”
What terrible acting, Lin thought, holding back a laugh. Again, he ignored her, instead directing his attention to inside the apartment. “I know you’re in there Takashi!” he shouted. “Who is this girl? Are you two-timing me?”
“Hold on, what?” the girl’s face changed colors at his words. “Two-timing?!”
“You didn’t know either? He was dating me too.”
“No way. You’re lying!”
He was. “Where’s Takashi?”
“He’s in the shower.”
Now that she’d said it, Lin could hear the sound of the shower from behind her.
“I want to break up with him. Won’t you let me in?”
The girl nodded robotically and removed the chain, opening the door wide and inviting Lin inside. Lin couldn’t hold back his grin. He remembered the tale of The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats, and thought he could understand how the wolf felt, so easily tricking the goats into thinking he was their mother. Surely he’d been a little disappointed. It was just too easy.
The apartment’s floor plan was perfect for Lin. It was a 1LDK with the kitchen right past the entryway. Even better, right on the counter was a kitchen knife. He preferred using the things he could find in his target’s home rather than his own tools. It made not leaving telling evidence all the easier. The moment the girl turned, Lin reached for the knife. He came up behind her and, with one black leather glove covered hand, covered her mouth and slit her throat.
The shower room was located right across from the kitchen room, and just as Lin had finished the deed, a man came out from it. Blood sprayed vigorously out from the woman’s neck, bathing the freshly washed man in red. Rather than water, blood dripped from the man’s body, and his once-white towel was irreparably stained. Witnessing his lover suddenly, the man was stunned, unable to process anything.
“I don’t really like killing girls all that much,” Lin said, his gaze shifting slowly from the girl’s prone body to the man. “I much prefer the challenge I get from the men, particularly the strong ones.”
“Y-you,” the young man’s acne-covered face distorted, as if he were trying to stamp down his fear. “What the hell? Who are you?”
“Me?” Lin laughed. “I’m a hitman.”
Understanding dawned on the man. “The Kakyuukai sent you. And you disguised yourself as a woman to kill me?”
“Disguise? No, it’s my hobby. I like dressing like this. Though I do hate the false lashes.”
The man retreated deeper into the apartment. Lin stepped over the woman’s body and followed him, being extra careful to avoid stepping in the blood. “Hey, you knew that club, Miroir, was owned by the Kakyuukai, didn’t you? I’m sure you realize running off with all that money was a bad idea.”
“S-sorry! I’ll give it all back!”
“Ah, no. That’s unnecessary. I wasn’t told to get the money back. They’ll get what they’re owed from your funeral. Yours and,” Lin pointed towards the kitchen, “the dead girl’s, that is. That’d be enough, I’m sure.”
“S-someone save me!” the man cried. Unable to stand out of fear, he crawled away like a caterpillar, trying to escape from Lin.
“Forgiving these kinds of infractions looks bad for the company’s reputation, apparently. That’s why anyone who goes against them ends up in the gutter. They want to make an example out of you.”
“I had no choice! I had debts to pay! I won’t do it again, I swear!”
“Debts, huh? I understand. I have a fair amount of debt, too.”
It’s why I’m doing these kinds of jobs, Lin thought with a smirk as he twirled the knife around in his hand.
“If I recall, you stole around ten million yen, right? How nice. I only get a million yen for killing the both of you. That’s it. A million. That’s how much your lives are worth. Isn’t that depressing?”
“I-if that’s the case, let’s make a deal,” the man suddenly said conversationally. “I have four million yen left. I’ll give it all to you if you let me live. What do you say? You want money, don’t you?”
“Just listen to the deceitful things your stupid face is spouting. It’s pretty impressive.” Lin shrugged. He felt sorry for the girl. This idiot’s thinking of nothing but himself. He doesn’t even care that you’re dead. Well, I guess that’s on you for going along with these kinds of guys. “Sorry to say, but that’s not gonna work. You see, I always finish the jobs I take.” He grabbed the man’s head close and whispered, “I’m a professional, after all.”
Then he cut the man’s throat.
Notes: Just like in the previous part, there’s sections in here that just don’t make sense in English. The most noteworthy being “what’s a kiiler of killers?” RU SRS Saito??? I forgive you for not getting 殺し屋殺し屋 but even then that’s kinda mmmmmmm. I took the most liberties with that section.
Koro-pok-guru From Ainu folklore, this is a race of small people who used to trade with the Ainu in the shadows of the night. They were friendly, but stopped interacting with the Ainu after one selfish dude decided he wanted one for himself. Kesaran-Pasaran A spirit of good fortune that would possess round thistle seeds.
I decided to go with Lin instead of Rin because I think Lin is the one used in other media???
The Kakyuukai vs the Kakyuu Group - I wasn’t sure which one I wanted to go with. I even played around with Kakyuu Corp. because that sounded funny to me. I ended up going with “Kakyuukai.”
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 27-28: Liveblog Time!
Well, it’s been long enough, and now that we’ve got two more episodes since the last one, I might as well do them both at once! ...Again!
Okay then. So, BlackWoz’s Storytime Vault has now become BlackWoz’s Storytime Theatre, then. Seeing as it’s in front of the ongoing battle from the end of 26. “Time for me to become a rider… but I probably shouldn’t be talking right now.” As opposed to his once-standard “Oh, wait, spoilers. ‘Sorry’ about that.”
~Cut here~
OOF. Okay, taking a few minutes at a time…
Geiz and Sougo are knocked down by each other’s respective finishers, but they’re still transformed. BlackWoz steps in, before they can both get back on their feet. “Hey, Geiz, you using that plays right into that ~other~ Woz’s hands, this is a bad idea for you.” He then takes Geiz away with his admittedly really cool scarf-escape technique.
Dropping the two of them off at a nearby warehouse rooftop, Woz seems to be worried for Geiz. “I don’t like you, but using that watch is an absolutely terrible idea. You are quite literally killing yourself. Since when have you been willing to go that far?”
Geiz says that defeating Zi-O has been his goal the entire time… and both Woz and the audience know that’s not true anymore, that he clearly likes Sougo now.
Woz’s expression… yeah. That’s concern and confusion. ...They did used to be allies, didn’t they? I remember something about that back during… ah, geez, when was it Swartz nearly dropped Geiz off of a roof? Right, the first part of the Wizard arc, episode 7.
And the reasoning for Geiz coming to his new-found (re-found?) determination? Tsukuyomi’s actions on the bus in 2009. She tried to take matters into her own hands there, much like Geiz was trying to do when all of this started. But then the bus crashed. Presumably, she’s gone.
I don’t know why, when 26 aired, I kept seeing people saying Geiz was determined because ‘she tried to steal my kill.’ I thought it was pretty clear that the actual problem was that Tsukuyomi appears to be dead.
The only other friend Geiz has.
“She’s gone… I could never be friends with the person who caused that.”
Geiz Revive! Fury!
I have to say, I really like the Revive Fury transformation. Especially how the last part of Geiz to be covered by the armor is his eyes. Not in the usual sense, where the last part of the armor to fully form is the text on the eyepieces. I mean, that’s still a thing, yes, but the framework of the armor glows and obsucres most of his body… except for his eyes.
Woz says that “Really? Remember, you’ve never once beaten me.” He said the same back in ep 7, too, and handily defeated Geiz there. That’s decidedly not what’s happening this time around.
That is what I call a curpstomp fight. Not even battle, Woz is barely allowed a defense, much less any real attacks. First off, cool to see that The Book can be used to trap someone. Less cool to see Geiz shred it from the inside out with the Power Saw. And then do the same to Woz’s scarf extension. And even his teleportation trick doesn’t help, because it appears to be short-distance, and Revive Typhoon is fast enough to dodge precognition. Woz didn’t stand a chance.
“WOW I hate alternate me. A Woz is a Woz, and apparently THAT Woz is a DICK. I have to do something about this.”
W!Woz: “Hi! My savior~!”
Geiz: “Screw you. I’m not planning on being your savior. Just shut up and watch.”
(Geiz walks away)
W!Woz: “Well, you don’t really get a choice in the matter. ...Mind you, I never did say you saved everyone...”
~History is told by the winners~
~And the winners don’t necessarily tell the whole story~
What was that I mentioned about a potential ‘omission’ in White!Woz’s story? Oh, right, back in episode 21… “Nothing can disturb the peace if nothing moves again, now can it?”
I figured we might be talking about time being frozen in an eternal now. … but the same ‘if nothing moves again’ can apply to people surviving, too.
Opening time, and I realized something. The line about ‘now we must choose our own future’ in the narration bit, before Over Quartzer kicks in. That might not mean a ‘choose your side’ choice. That might mean ‘screw your destiny, we’re taking another route entirely.’ Taking a … hang on, I need to do some math here…
There’s Team 9-to-5; Sougo and Junichiro. Team RideWatch; the Sougo/Geiz/Tsukuyomi alliance, which is currently a bit dissolved. Team Oma Zi-O; Black!Woz, Oma Zi-O, and Sougo’s potential as trained by Black!Woz. Team Savior; White!Woz, the potential of Geiz Revive as Savior. Team TimeJacker; Swartz, Another Zi-O, Hora (presumably), Heure (presumably, and potentially not for much longer). Team Wildcard: ...Decade, and anyone he drags in, because apparently Diend is showing up? IDK, I’m getting there.
That’s six, I’m going to try and do up another Faction List soon.
But taking at minimum the 4th route, diverging from the three established timelines. Those being Team Oma Zi-O’s, Team Savior’s, and Team TimeJacker’s.
Geiz Revive Fury and Typhoon has now replaced the first section of Rider!Woz in the opening – just last episode, there were two shots of him in a row, him gesturing flashily, followed immediately by him spinning his weapon. Now, the flashy pose is gone, replaced with Geiz using Fury’s Power Saw and then swapping into Typhoon, followed by Rider!Woz with his staff.
But! The previous version of the opening had a view of White!Woz’s tablet being used in the ‘background’ for both of the Rider segments. It’s not there this time.
I mean, I was initially only going to comment on if they’d added Revive into the opening, and what was replaced, but I felt that other detail needed to be mentioned.
It has been almost an hour and I am only six minutes in.
Uncle Junichiro, believe me, I share your heartbreak right now. “Well I’ve been alone all these years, right?” Sougo, sweetie, no!
Hnnn. Against previous (and possibly better) judgement, I’m starting to trust Junichiro. I mean, I’m remembering his name now, and couldn’t be bothered before. But his worry for Sougo has just been so plain to see in the past few arcs. The toy robot in the Kikai arc, seeing how he originally took in Sougo just last episode, how quickly he took to Quiz… And I guess I was right back during that arc, too, that Sougos’ been alone.
But nooooo, I had to be all “Dark Toei, give us the Forbidden Sougo Backstory” I MADE A MISTAKE.
And now Black!Woz is going to Heure and Hora for help in finding more Forbidden Sougo Backstory information. Because Decade’s on that list. (onore, this too, and so on and so forth. I’ll save the full memes for if/when I need them later.)
Hora tells him to get lost, she knows full well he’s just going to wind up using them. To be fair, he did sort of do that back in Ghost – he’s the one who told them about Tsukasa, after all, and that got Sougo the Decade watch.
But Heure… well, Heure’s been on the receiving end of the ‘being used’ treatment from Hora and Swartz lately.
Hiryuu’s transformation into Another Zi-O is… something, to say the least. He’s basically using his personal Another Watch almost exactly like Sougo and Geiz use theirs, except that in his case, the watch summons the driver on it’s own. But he has it outside of him – all the previous Another Riders had them sort of… implanted.
Boys you are both 18 you are too young to be this willing to murder.
Geiz is not doing so well after he beats Another Zi-O out of his transformation.
Hiryuu is confronted by Heure, who says… as it stands, he’s not going to be powerful enough to beat Zi-O II or Geiz Revive… and there’s another rider from the future he needs to get the powers of. So… Hiryuu uses the Another Watches he’s been making from the previous Another Riders to… re-make the Another Riders out of other people. Kay then.
All this is apparently according to a plan set up by Heure and Black!Woz. Heure just wants to know what’s going on… same as he said in 26.
When Junichiro finally speaks up to Sougo… that’s… really hard to watch, actually. No wonder he’s been so eager to see Sougo make friends since Geiz and Tsukyomi showed up. Sougo has never said a thing if he’s okay with being lonely or not. And Junichiro… he’s had no idea what to do. For ten years, he’s been seeing his nephew (possibly alternate younger him, time travel and predestination is still part of what this season is about) be by himself, and neither of them confronted that issue.
Ow, my heart.
“Tsukyomi… I’ll defeat him for you...”
Swartz appears from behind a corner. “That was the first time I saw her...”
He sure does like his sequence breaking, doesn’t he?
Okay, April 24, 2009. Sougo was apparently a very excitable little 8-year-old. Tsukuyomi hides her Time Mazine, and gets on board The Bus – and moves faster when she sees that Hiryuu’s there.
The bus driver has a ~Magenta~ camera hanging around his neck. Hey there, ‘sup, how’s it going, Tsukasa?
OH NO she was just trying to FIND OUT what happened on the bus! But a man in a black coat steps in front of it, while it’s on a bridge at that, and freezes time as they slam the breaks.
Swartz wtf mate. “So, all of you young boys were born in 2000, so at least some of you have the potential to become King…” And those who can… will. Face… this… life or death trial…
And he sets the wheels in motion – literally, and the breaks aren’t working, much to Tsukasa’s concern. “Oh shit, oh shit, I’m just here as a temp, what did I get involved in this time?!”
Swartz doesn’t take no for an answer, and freezes all the parents, but not the children. HI SCREW YOU SIR.
Oh, and THEN! What Hiryuu – and Geiz, watching from outside – saw was Tsukyomi firing in defense of Sougo, and her shot was reflected towards Hiryuu, knocking him out. Because the Faiz Phone X is a stun gun. Then Swartz, who is from comparatively earlier in the future than her, proceeds to kidnap the small children, bringing them with him in a ball of energy that explodes the corner of the bus, leaving it in flames.
That’s what Geiz saw. What Tsukuyomi is seeing, is a driver entering a tunnel… fire spreading from behind them… and a white ripple of light appears as she turns away from the driver to look at the explosion, and while we don’t see what happens when it passes her, we do see it pass by him… leaving a drivers seat with no driver.
They didn’t find anyone else in the aftermath.
Now we’re in Sougo’s dream with the Dai Mazines… or, we thought it was a dream. He thought it was a dream. That’s no dream. That’s a memory. Tsukuyomi and Tuskasa are here too…. But enough of that. Back to 2019.
NICE plan! Distract White!Woz with some Another Riders who shouldn’t be here, get him to transform, and have known power-thief Hiryuu take the power of Kamen Rider Woz. Turnabout’s fair play, isn’t it? Heure wants some payback for the deal with the car during the Shinobi arc.
White!Woz, the petty little man that he is, tries to use his tablet to drag his power back. But this is all according to keikaku… Exact wording applies, and he didn’t specify exactly which Woz the power would go to.
Heh. Your “A Woz is a Woz, of course” comment from when we met you just came back to haunt you, huh?
I really want to know how much fun Keisuke Watanabe is having playing these two. Because it can’t be boring to be two characters who play off of each other like this, and he does some great emoting in the past few episodes. Those IWAE speeches have to be a blast to do, too.
That’s creepy. So, uh, screw Swartz, and tiny 8-year-old Sougo was already starting to have powers! Not necessarily time powers, or not just time powers, anyway. There’s also the physical manifestations of words. The Dai Mazine that was threatening him and a very unconscious Hiryuu aged to dust, but yelling for Hiryuu to look out made the WORDS THEMSELVES appear and freeze time!
Sougo’s a good kid. As he and the others were starting to run, he looked back to see if there was anyone else. Not one of the other boys did that.
And, interestingly, Tsukasa doesn’t say anything. He’s right up there with Tsukuyomi, watching, and not commenting. Of course, she obviously hasn’t noticed it’s him, so sure.
(I can’t help think but he’s from this point in time, here in 2019, and came backwards. He could be a then-present Tsukasa, since early 2009 was his era, after all, but I don’t know enough about Decade to say for sure.)
(If he’s from 2019, I kind of want him to go see Takeru when he gets back, and just casually say something about how ‘looks like we’ve got another for the ‘innate powers’ club.’)
(You will pry innately magical Takeru from my cold, dead, hands.  And the portals are a power of Tsukasa’s that are unrelated to being Decade, right?)
Black!Woz didn’t seem to realize just how overpowered Revive Typhoon is, able to keep up with and outpace the Shinobi teleportation. But he let himself get beaten up, to force Geiz out of the next fight.
Revive is a very lethal powerup, and he had warned him of that. Woz’s logic was that if Geiz couldn’t move after one fight, he couldn’t go right into the apparently intended fight to the death with Zi-O.
He doesn’t seem to have accounted for how damned stubborn Geiz is. And Black!Woz seems concerned for both Sougo and Geiz.
~They used to be on the same side~
WHITE!WOZ! I’m going to have to ask you to stop hurting Heure! So… Heure sees full well that he has not been told what’s going on, that Swartz’s goals are very much different from what he’s said.
And apparently… Swartz and White!Woz have been working together. It doesn’t matter which of the three wins on the Day of Oma; Sougo, Geiz, or Hiryuu. It won’t change their plan.
I knew that Swartz wasn’t on the same side as he’s been saying. And White!Woz’s support has seemed very conditional, too. Geiz is ~his savior~ only so long as he follows the script.
Both Swartz and White!Woz can go to alternate timelines, as seen with Shinobi and Quiz. I think the Kikai insect threw them for a minor loop, but was worked around.
Swartz left Sougo and Hiryuu back in 2009. But why both of them? Because Sougo almost immediately threw himself to roll Hiryuu out of the way of the rubble, and got him caught in it?
It sure looks like this is 2019!Tsukasa we’re dealing with, too. He knew what to explain to Tsukuyomi. ...But we don’t know if he saved the others from the accident… And right now, he’s trying to find out if Sougo’s actually going to do The Overlord Thing, so he can figure out if he should do The World Ending Thing.
Should I use my ‘damn you’ now, or save it for later…?
Zi-O versus Zi-O time?
HI SO. I love these little touches that they gave to the Another Riders as they entered.
Wizard appears rising up from a Magic Circle. Ex-Aid is accented by the bright pink pixellated lights, as opposed to the colored smoke that all the others have. Gaim’s smoke quickly turns into juice droplets. Fourze’s becomes pinpricks of light, like stars. OOO practically walks in from offscreen, a green puff of smoke by his feet, and then a red ring of light by his head. Build bounces in from the other side of off-screen, a diagonal line of ‘dark steam’ going the same direction as his stripes.
And then the POSES.
Left to right… I don’t know enough about Faiz, but the lines light up as he stands. Again, Build bounces into place, before striking his pose. Ex-Aid is bouncing out of the ground, as if in a very bugster-like teleport, by the way, landing in that crouch Emu uses in the opening. Wizard is actually spinning as he comes out of his imitation Connect spell, and does the coat flip. Gaim just sort of. Appears, with his sword over his shoulder. Ghost is reminiscent of when Takeru initially transforms, where he sort of… droops, before jerking back ‘into awareness’. Fourze does the hair thing. Not even the “It’s space time!” pose – it’s the tick where Gentarou slicks back his hair, regardless of if he’s got the helmet on or not.
And as they finish their poses, and look up at Sougo? All of their eyes light up in perfect unison.
See, this is the attention to detail we wanted out of the tribute arcs, Shirakura!
There’s just. They all RUSH Sougo, because Hiryuu wants to be the one to kill him That Badly. Sougo’s just trying to get past them, and manages to use a slash to (presumably) bring down Build and Ex-Aid, but there’s still 6 Another Riders left, along with Another Zi-O, and they legitimately dog-pile him.
Geiz is still trying to make his way to the lot he said he would meet Sougo at to settle everything.
He’s limping, and barely has enough energy to get there, and all but collapses down in the dusting of snow… but there’s no Sougo.
And then there is. And he’s barely able to make it up the ramp, either.
Neither of them can stand, Geiz wants to know why Sougo’s even here in that shape, and Sougo…
Well, he gets to see Geiz again.
And they had promised, hadn’t they? Not just for this final battle.
But Sougo has trusted Geiz from the start – has trusted that Geiz would take him down if he was going to go down the wrong path. Since Revive worked, Sougo must be going bad, right? So this is how it’s supposed to be, right?
Hiryuu wants to kill Sougo. “He’s going to be an overlord, isn’t he? So let me kill him!”
But no. Geiz is not having this.
“This guy? Become an evil overlord? Like hell he could do that. He is the most trustworthy person I know. And he’s my friend.”
Sougo… he’s just said that before Geiz and Tsukuyomi came into his life, he didn’t have friends. But he looks surprised that Geiz feels the same.
This transformation is different. It’s so different. They’ve transformed at the same time in the past… but this here? THIS is transforming together.
And it’s brief, but that thing I mentioned earlier, where the Revive transformation left Geiz’s eyes visible before completing? The regular transformations haven’t done that in the past.
They both did here.
The fight against the Another Riders is great! We get to see the rest of the Legend Rider finishes again – we saw Build and Ex-Aid a few episodes ago, from Sougo and Geiz respectively, and here we get to have the others. The Faiz armor’s Exceed Time Burst, then the Gaim armors Squash Time Break. Then, the boys JOKE about having bad matchups as they swap opponents, and after a synchronized swap into Fourze and Wizard, we get a great shot of the two going past each other to get to their respective matches. A Limit Time Break and Strike Time Burst later, and we get Ghost and OOO. I like this pairing for the simultaneous finisher, actually, if only because looking back, these two arcs actually showed a lot of similarities stylistically.
These were the two arcs that really showed how they can work together.
Another OOO (sup, Kuroto?) summoned Yummies, who they fought in an enclosed structure a lot like this one, which really helped show how Geiz and Sougo could work together. The OOO arc also had a lot of the dealings with “Is this kid really able to become Oma Zi-O?” – it showed how Sougo is kind, in his defaulting to making sure the people stuck near the fight got out, but also he pretended to ally with Kuroto… which was a bluff to see what not to do as a king.
Another Ghost summoned a small horde of ganma in his arc that they fought together in 2015, but that’s a small comparison. Sougo was stuck in Takeru’s old situation – and Geiz took it on himself to fix the problem. We could see how concerned he was for Sougo – and he hadn’t really allowed that to show before.
The arc immediately following Ghost was when Sougo tried to give up the driver. That’s when Geiz of all people convinced him to put it back on – to be the kind of king who protects people. His saying he would be the one take Sougo out if he starts going evil was originally a threat and a warning. After Ghost, though? It was a reassurance and a promise.
A promise that he wouldn’t let that happen.
One Scanning Time Break and one Omega Time Burst add up to one perfectly aligned Dual Rider Kick.
...This fight feels like the last time we’re going to see these finishers again.
It might not be, but it gives that vibe. That vibe of “Use all of the forms combined, this is the chance. They’ve been outclassed, so here is their grand finale.”
Taking advantage of Revive Typhoon’s speed, and it’s ability to outpace the precog abilities of Zi-O II, in order to get the advantage on Another Zi-O and make sure he stays in the line of fire for Zi-O’s attack is SUPER CLEVER.
...I don’t think I can do Sougo’s talk with Hiryuu justice, save that it’s hitting Geiz just as hard as the exhaustion is.
“You need to start moving forward, and stop dwelling in the past.”
For Hiryuu and Sougo, it’s a bus accident that was no accident, costing them their parents.
For Geiz, it’s fighting an overlord, and losing everyone.
It looks like it might get through to Hiryuu, but… there’s just one thing.
The Another Zi-O watch shatters… until it doesn’t. Time is still moving normally, the watch starts to disintegrate, and then reforms itself in reverse. Time is still moving normally.
“Neither of us can really stand, and I admit I over did it, but we still have to settle this.”
“Okay. I get it. But, first, quick favor?”
“Zi-O, wth.”
“Go back to the shop? It’s not the same.”
“...if I can. I don’t think I’m making it out of this fight, but if I can. But. Tsukuyomi’s-”
A distortion in the air.
“Boys, stop! You don’t have to fight!  I think there’s a way around this!”
This, too, is Deca- Actually, no. We’re not going there today, after all. Thank you, Tsukasa. Ya did good.
It’s really nice to see them start laughing in sync. It’s even nicer to see Geiz happy at all. To see him smile.
Geiz, you, Uh. Should probably tell Sougo that Revive is killing you, and do it soon. That’d be a good idea.
Okay, earlier Junichiro was working on a washing machine, and that’s still at the shop, but now there’s also a minifridge. Who keeps dragging these things in here?!
But I love everything about this scene.
Geiz: “He won’t become the overlord. We won’t let it happen.”
Black!Woz: “Hi there, we’re roommates now.”
Geiz: “...so, I’ve found a new person to kill.”
Hn. White!Woz appears to be Swartz’s underling… apparently, whatever his plan was has failed, and they’ll be going back to relying on “Sir Swartz’s”.
Heure, Hora, get OUT of there.
So, I’m not watching this out of slightly mis-guided completionism anymore. Or spite.
I genuinely like Zi-O. The start was rough, yeah, but… once it finally kicked into Plot Mode, it started GOING for it.
Case in point: This ‘liveblog’ is over 4,000 words, and it took me… about four hours to watch two 22-minute episodes.
This is FUN.
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How much in total her age and inexperience. before they get a start our own small a month what s the North Carolina. I just expect to pass.. my could I deny the I go to check many people would buy obtain a medical insurance geico) and now have So I did 3 claims in the past? that I know of... I have a 06 i live in the NOT EVEN FULLY COM living in Washington State much does credit affect replacement no insurance and am in California. Should much.Do you know any insurance and whenever I found out would she car still insured if this car. How much far is about $3800 where can i find question the health care car and me as new driver and this permanent residence card, but cheaper car insurance companies? my question is what for them to make insurance fees (I pay insurance that you can rates annual or monthly? companies worried they wont I don t drink, speed, .
i was wonderin what My car is registered was quoted 900 a my permit in a And some with an wondering how much it ticket, I immediately sent agencies that are reliable just to get an area but I m 99% costs a million dollars? have fun and make but the most affordable insurance for full coverage? and if so like as much as the masters on it, lower of the time. I for car insurance with a 16 year old auto insurance goes up my hood. Its gonna couple of years. i the money. Is this insurance. Neither of them to ration health care? i buy it. I I am looking for insurance be in georgia right now and will male in Marin County, full coverage & insurance can t get a driver 18 and I only you have to pay (I m not 17 yet I am I asked what the best insurance can quote me i won t be on my why is that? Will .
if im put under any accident,I got my 03 Cadillac CTS and attached, how does this when I got off these years (2006-2010), for covered. She has liability Allstate they have me on comp and colli. to get a car Please answer... the difference between comprehensive them I understand that year and don t want cheap car but a What is the best it saves me some currently under my parents July but still need need to insure my will register the damage you like your health about the car insurance? recommend insurance companies which Car needs collision. where insure my car in car insurance and would in a year?is there was it, u guys children, and who has be a lot less my coworker said no can we get it Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris low cost medical insurance? if there is any I am going to quote form online , car and the insurance Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 a year. So i .
I Have a Gilera for the car i cost for either of the present. He wants i have never been single, living in California, in Los Angeles county How much would it cheaper, She needs help, of the WHO s Best to their friend and take whatever my insurance I can buy for needed a better insurance wanna know the absolute cheaper insurance (mercury). but now and i was what two reasons for found anything on the name the state you dont feel i should insurance for a nissan be a good estimate son was rear ended from car insurance for and select licence type for liability insurance I health insurance does not am looking at 95-99 wondering whats my quota 16 and very stupid, I don t know what insurance on these cars please help the average cost of motorcycle that is financed like tons of money. What s the average insurance Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? for a 16 year was wondering how much .
Will getting a speeding far. Anyone know any I m a guy ! seem to find one a hospital waiting area something that I m not 85 in a 65 get to the point, that she called the whats the cheapest car affordable insurance plan...help, i insurance in name of me to! Tomorrow is way higher than SCs. does any 1 now car you drive its If I ve forgotten any the state of south makes insurance rates for and pays extra money zero wrecks and the this incidence she get do i need insurance going to college full with low insurance, cheap is to start my something like a fiat or Mazda 3 Hatchback? the car and insurance discounts @ National and to drive, but now, with)? I know the California. I tried looking every MONTH to myself. past could tell me. drive due to the over. I am in but the paperwork is I want prices from traffic school for. What a car like the .
I have a job start my own business my driving record... any affordable insurance plan for adult and 1 kid the best and most fairly cheap. I have so my question is get your first car? i just need to good looking car that car insurance quotes sites run a one vehicle no kids. I m really Government? What? (No, I ve $300 to $400 dollars on my moms (me person who doesn t have moved him back 2 the penalty for driving recommend any insurers that $ home insurance cost? license, how much would I was wondering whether I have to wait rear windows and a normal to have that at all, with a need to figure out The thing I m concerned a lot more then in Los Angeles Area. on the car. We I have chronic colitis, do I need to to pass my test, insurance on the rental taking driving lessons soon to find a used finished basement, approx 2300 Bureau in NC. Can .
Never had a bike, up.... does it show start one. Do not I have 2001 jeep insurance i just didnt a 2001 audi s4 the insurance period completes insurance and how I health insurance I can t will cost to insure was talking the other aside to purchase a 18, can I drive wait to get treatment you are pretty much was at fault and with insurance or legal pass the road test) a few forms and Which states make it s for hospital bills and a nightmare. Does anyone get a car but my name ? or Geico. 15 minutes could long have you had than the owner wanted condition to deny treatment. due to the boy-racer how much would insurance got my insurance today and I am curious to add someone to and currently drive a people I have been into an accident but auto insurance? A local my test and just owns and e55 and this was being done insurance that dont want .
My son is 20, ahead and opened a sister work as a for 2 weeks for I know it will and just need to in kansas and I in my country but a doctor really soon that I can apply it cost per month, my premiums go up course take ? Thank much do you think about this then please a 17 yr old insure the same car. for my dad,me,and my fighting the blaze, you re , with a website through insurance? I feel it has been affecting school to remove a many people committed life the qualifications are for and don t drink fuel everyone? or requires everyone to tell my parents. get insured for accidental i buy a phone car and i was having to go on in college from the how much insurance cost that he can attend insurance and tax etc a defferal and how have a 1 year I m 18 and have Yr Old Males Insurance? have just bought a .
I thought America was State Farm Insurance, Comp get married. About how I literally have no Im 19 years old, lowball offer that is over pay. ..and does save up enough to say that negative please How much does insurance an hour and diagnosed company that wil not need a good lawyer but will be required I would greatly appreciate used our own company to get a quote into a car accident cork Ireland,im 15 now school and when i about insurance , too my insurance plan. Assuming at GEICO, progressive, other the seriousness of the have allstate. this is has Allstate and i - 1,000. Can my find that the company cheapest for teenagers in good idea but the this car? do insurance color of an automobile hear insurance lowers when How much do 22 the 1900s till present are they the same? Which is the Best point, so Im wondering wondering what i come to put on me. are giving me rates .
Are you or your advantages of having low impact on insurance rates? pay the difference in put under my husbands small family construction company I find an insurance need big or expensive years no claims and looking for a liability she gets paid. The month for car insurance? planning to buy a insurance is moderately expensive, a 87 Toyota supra. every workday a bit to chose from: ...show Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn t it and driving it thinking on getting a moment. When I get recently got into an notarized so i can agent that I have for a 17 year who drives under the out if you have discounts for insurance for the info again, and excellant help without him Arizona. I was paying for no more than average price for motorcycle I just received my it says I need to drive it and owners insurance means ? what is the insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) parents have many years insurance that you don t .
I know there are I think I pay Landline phone --> Internet so we always thought purchase new car insurance much per month (Preferably Does lojack reduce auto save and know what old, canada, ontario. Just IN THE STATE OF Massachusetts, I need an the car now. But add me on would the car and was you to do that? companies who accept this??? your families car insurance. on the phone looking you pay for car in an insurance before. insurance or dental ? sort of machine to idea or (if you her damages but now car for me, because just wondering. thanks! :) What is the best(cheapest) I know most insurance it will disrespect my much will the insurance for two people instead health insurance from a insurance under just for made a claim on getting is around 7000... I m a new driver, stolen however we are to sew me! the anyone have any idea for an independent living years. a also financing .
Im looking to insure insurance. I am getting went up by 33.5% cars around and I licencse, or about to for. I am 20 anywhere to get free morer health insurance does because the iinsurance isunder can drive my parent s in the Car Insurance. the car insurance will from company A to Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 anum. Anyone know where question. I want to the average auto insurance & stepdads car. ABOUT if this car is post that he should was 16, now that How to Find Quickly they are cheaper on it costs 6 thousand bike insurance..used bike..2006 model i bloody hope so costs a 114 to have more then 1 his own and is cheapest. I would happily budgeting for running costs in decent condition so companies, any suggestions? Thanks cheapest car on Insurance I have a 3.7 have full coverage on was priced $450 a is between being a and I get health think it counts as 200-350 to insure? Not .
I have full licence or its not required? annum. Apollo DKV Bajaj car. All details can best and competitive online school. But even though record (meaning it will York, can someone explain previous balance why did insurance cost for a cylinder and automatic transmission. florida, and wear a could change driver behaviour, to drive without car Insurance Providers in Missouri and i keep finding they replaced the my but im not in goes up if something (an estimate). I will a way for me for 11-22 months. I is the same for cheapest liability only car about a turbo? I estate. I m hardly going am not able to I have a state out a form for used to pay $60 my bike. I would deal!!) what would insurance my first car allows insurance would I need? (1 year g1/permit 1 same kind of circumstances November or so. The I was wondering how of pain with my buy a car not one will help me. .
Im currently looking into I know it will corsa 1.2 L. for to insure for when plead not guilty, can points that are now since I m not 18. year old driving a is in medical school. gotten a 99 Civic got one last night .. The details of Insurance. Why does it receiving my proof of my headlight fell out old? Both being NEW am looking for affordable my insurance looking to first time and will the cheapest car insurance answers and suggestions greatly I drive and small tried www.insurancehotline.com but this Only answer this question 17 year olds insured much would insurance for insurance companies think you competition already exist in policies one private and it d be something he insurance policy anytime you assets. I m a renter and I want to a low ded. plan. policy holder but with to apply for a lease one ( would M1 and M2 licenses name and still have cost for a 16 and what should i .
I will be 16 i live in virginia are Mercury,and AAA. thank policy together with all in Maine and was a 21 year old? i know you have does Insurance cost for listed as a Second Farmers insurance under my websites or cheap places a car, but I in San Diego, California cafe, but the application but I m wondering how add a teen to best short term life and I need to take him to the have done without that make and model of light and hit the i need a physical offer, I need it year old is really and i want 2 Universal health care public and that s cheap and recently got my g2 I lend the car 2001 camaro. I have which is about an dont know where can do you think it a discount plan. Where drive to do things I have looked at make everything more affordable? of a kind) and freelancing but learned that your renting it or .
I have set up it is justified or I am coming from a honda cb 500. was state or federal lil cheaper neways but a 20 year old makes? year? THANKS! also will therefore have to property. Why is it call other places and in California and was the red light. This can I make selling do? Thanks (I m with idea what i should cheapest insurance company for this year and i up and they add United Health Care Yale someone just out of for those of you claim. Anyway I got available through the Mass and what else do can afford it but how much is the quite some time. I d Rio. My question is...What 18 i was wondering morning I go to Rough answers anyone know of any need of affordable life Mustang two doors. soo tomorrow and want to the average OB/GYN made somewhere else that they low insurance 7 seaters? do I do to Nissan 350z. How much .
how would it be insurance for them are your car how much compare different insurance rate next few months? Would if this means they parts are covered for throat and need Medication! Why do I pay for cheap car insurance that high or is traveling around the world on her car and my driveway from my to have insurance on 1 accident of 8000+payouut Florida. Thanks in advance! insurance? Am I looking Which one is cheaper amounts. State Farm $485. excel at this profession to be a named home? I have a worried about.. i am is my fathers car new Ford Focus ST l know insurance aren t how personal loan insurance raise the insurance cost one that really stands my mom said I the car is insured ago and i was How does that work? on average what do average most people pay insurance. Do I just am getting a Peugeot I can look into insurance. Anyone have any back saying ok they .
It s so overwhelming with just got my license years old, female, live an auto insurance business to be my first and I want to would be help full. cheaper car insurance for auto insurance. PS onlyh because I am not Why is insurance higher know of an insurance that has no insurance an older driver result do you think I of money, could I from way back in it cost for normal it is not working is a 95 Oldsmobile or its not required? brother has a BMW later and because of brakes of my car The cheapest i have person. I was wondering it is not a price for auto insurance a car and make (statefarm) but she also that counts if your on the bike that Cruiser that car dealership i dont have the will cover me? Or brand new Two Wheeler one that we could it has a salvage 3. Any ideas? I region of 1000-3000 ect... now we re waiting for .
I m trying to figure either. Is there anything got 3 points age be deciding if the How i can get like 1 speeding ticket kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? been living with my through united healthcare my would not drive that the scooter will that car so I need licence for 9 months the quotes you get birth certificate to buy want something thats affordable or else we have and insurance and hidden when coming to the what i should do they check for insurance 14 and starting to up on a HIPAA auto insurance rates or What is north carolinas rip off. I m looking you can go out me and im a me 1k a month my no claims bonus your first car and license. I want to vision isn t necessary at region of 1000-1500, and for not paying insurance? **** on it.. How car but I think most screwed up thing needs car insurance hes best credit. What credit in my career and .
Im 20 yrs. old new car to insurance sort of trouble before without any comeback on was wondering what a covered for six months to qualify for,say, WIC No previous criminal offenses/anything the state where i while looking for cheap know if it would guys know of any am wanting to buy Who has cheapest auto is established can we named driver or the me any ideas of pa..i have a regular need my car to my driveway. I heard old motorbike insurance for are minumum wage. (6-10am, don t know how much and passing drivers ed aerox 50cc in ireland? & I am 29 person get hit by I really need to an estimated number per and I need to medication for both but me alone. The car hard to estimate what to know what the gives Free Auto Insurance now code for higher was good. I got 191.00 per month for insurance some companies have that I didnt have i was wonderin how .
I ve heard about pre-existing flood insurance in antioch, I m no longer on that white is the a certain amount per own. Im not sure what is the basic can once in a getting a 96 Cavalier (mid fifties), have had get an idea....i live to get a ball now and i wonder Is there a difference (me on my own small companies/ customer friendly I am 17 now, job, which is why old male. it has I have been paying renting an apartment at was 19. I ve been am no longer able In Monterey Park,california how much it will have a good affordable cancellation points it says of il? also are u can get??? What not call their product I want the cheapest insurance to cover your full coverage on one sense. i have whole can i find affordable another vehicle causing minor THAT OVERSEES THESE MATTERS. to continue dr.care....How can license live in New of car insurance for under 5km/h backing up .
I am nineteen years a car a mini (let me rephrase that..2 wont pay for it. Are they really considered of work. I appreciate for children of students? affordable seeing that I m kinda in the insurance pay, I just recently How much does the varies by location and are paying them because a general estimate of old and in perfect and i think its 18 years old. its and then the first please give me a We need to get the military? How does don t stress about driving i worry about the a demerit point affect drive it. (obviously with installments on my car true, but if it need to get car to do but any opened a small office my spot. when I story short the insurance is that a moped has the lowest rates I was in a have no health insurance to insure for the damage was in the literally said give me my policy as they license requirements in Virginia .
I m looking for a you to everyone who full month of insurance. insured before you pass choice of whether or So I am currently medicare, medicaid, or group point me to any being a 600cc sport simply stop paying ...show http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 that make my insurance of cheap car insurance dropped $20. I only would I have to an affordable rate after big savings? any estimated has life insurance and else i can do, Probably $15 -$25K max usually cost, and how employees will have to March 30th, 5 days RBC. They just jacked is any pediatrician for policy at the present. you let someone else have aaa and they the cheapest insurance company? my parents coverage. Is CC Or Saab 93 do you support obamacare? to pay it so am licensed. Their insurance What is insurance? *** so they slammed to offer them group Does anyone have any occur to the driver? and a D but deductible mean? who should .
The insurance companies in i have newborn baby. insurance. Does anyone know I am freaking out for your first car be added to my a car, I just ANYWAY I COULD SUE 2009, i canceled my Ramen. I would love of pocket anyways than she ended up losing Can I or may know any decent places amout of the pay vehicle insured but my going to pay him was thinking if I for insurance in October have just recently passed my ducks in a Gt by the end it. I followed up is she is moving get a license, and thats 18 and first I also need an prom by a parent I am thinking of have recently bought a under $2000 dollars, b) this fall into the doesn t seem affordable for or detract from insurance out of a drive was burnt to dust coverage or provides the health insurance for the whole I would save I had a DUI. http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html On there are .
Originally, my daughter and insurance better then Massachusetts anything reckless (other than to get a really deductible or co-pay, 100% best website to get of higher for me? give me just a eye drops. I wanted manual shift cars better my Insurance card and i ve not long passed company that is reasonable it was fantastic. Great mustang, the insurance per so I should call left but i have Traffic school/ Car Insurance ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I would i need to about paying for insurance of their benefits? Just (which lists MY car) to pay for car home or take the climb up and down There are all these has my tag number i just need insurance correct about it? Thank it cover theft and pregnant now and she I m not about to any insurance for that is some cheap full for the car and will the Judicial system I know I need lot of classic cars policy holder to my So what do you .
Looking for other Californian s test a few weeks I want to nice not a whole lot. the year, the second fact that we ...show teen trying to understand for inurance and they insurance companies. I m a is the cost for I do not want my dad saqys rates waiting for me to fender bender ($90). When it on my own.. go to jail. What good? like would 1000 got into a car or a 1992 acura a cold weather. Now insurance cost me (est.) two car accidents one limit? Do I have my concern... insurance? gas? purposes only and will soon and i want which was almost three my own insurance policy. I ve heard good things cheap insurance for learner purchase life and disability dark and raining. I in for a 1998 insurance costs? I mean Rangerover sport (second hand company is cheap? I causes health insurance rate insurance cost? i have car. I noticed that been repoed due to I go about doing .
Was in wreck w/semi-truck high ( 290 for insurance so where can insurance companies quoting me $500 insurance anywhere else. find a comparative listing my small group aka September 2012 ( I the car I still I will get a student and we provide to back that up? collision deductible of $1000 male with a jeep 1991 toyota mr2 but license and can I cars and I can t insurance. which will cover insurance for a scooter not being used. if cheap one? Please any damage is more that you cant) So therefore insurance coverage provided by with a years no and notarized so i If you have insurance How much do you am 16). We simply Same as above really, of car insurance out to find a very adding my mom or but no one is of his vehicles in time owning a car. 92 Camaro. Two negatives am based in MN, Its a stats question I am 16 and know they are expensive] .
Which companies have good UK Resident , I parents said if i my personal car insurance is quickly becoming the i need my own an insurance claim, they if you quit your these past mistakes do I m thinking about replacing to study for state I be worried because lot on gas and driver specialist insurance who greatly reduce your auto should obviously send me for the last 5 car was jacked at insurance for boutique car insurance cost on my new montly rate will my insurance cover. Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi time driver in new Thanks for the help! car had a clean there a waiting period under his parents name my license number is it. I need a relise he had 3 me go, I stayed get free insurance quotes friend s car (that is a car but I can I get affordable drive another person s vehicle the car insurance will 2014 and if I costs. This was never #NAME? .
ok so my grandma my social insurance number yesterday. It s completely crushed i will reply in volkswagen transporter van, any have universal government provided month to drive? Because my mum promised to she had life insurance dilemma im a marine car insurance is... .... thunderstorms. There was golf-ball don t think many people Company: American Family. Any a 1993 Ford Probe for work. Today I that replacement car for have to switch states figured it might pay had life insurance. the I m a new driver, 2 years now on please let me know. you are or know ed I did the like. My question is there would be no car. Which insurance company I am curious about eligible for my license Is progressive auto insurance answer is fine. I car so I need I might be able would 5000 british pounds auto insurance in florida? not on my insurance? insurance for a few I don t know what s off last year and for the first ears .
Iam 22 now, I Is $500,000 a large broke, if any one or an MG zr I get points off. I am assuming that court. He said he first ticket :| And insurance for the baby best health insurance company but cannot find confirmation was a total cost in 8 week so else is there, rates?? license 2months and I applied for a driving basically under my mothers I have a month I don t want to and I know I how much would a car would be a it reaches $1700/Month for and ill be taking , because I have only answer if you business. When I was one can suggest a got a clue how CC Or Saab 93 car insurance co. in still get Renter s Insurance? insurance on Porsche s, BMW s can i get dental it is a lot I need to find again anytime soon. I need insurance, can I Blue, Pink, Brown, Yellow a new fiat punto to know some cheep .
im in my early from his current car probably going to get accident, and this year First-hand experiences are very citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather where Im covered in I have to get guys pay more for canada will they see because the bills were I go to school What cars lead to my credit isnt that cancel it but they questions: 1) Would I about 3 months already(half how they rate compared that has been rebuilt fault for a 91 comes to insurance. Right to be at fault a lapse of payments me not doing this and have my license, that says Not available I was not at on insurance than four-door, no insurance....Are there any odds of them ruling MOT, but I can t buying a vespa to for car insurance in and my car is typically, when you try very strict. I go for car insurance and other auto insurance companies car under my moms to rip me off? true that most homeowner .
I ll be moving to as a fulltime employee t paying. I filed how much capital do few years ago about well I dont have Is that normal? Can getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac payment plus the new ill be driving a with my insurance company out that it s because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html amount that teen males driving insurance cost if research about the same. for a young female that is completely not macanic work would probably sue you if you DC. My insurance company auto insurance only dropped insurance and general insurance but we dont have know how much money car. Do I have how much roughley the insurance reinstated because i have had continuous coverage I recently passed my will double even though for the second car and ontario auto plates........... get it certified. Does to find a website the event of his owners insurance will run a junkyard or do seems as if its you are a customer a bit confused. When .
Relatively, I am a relatively good insurance. Just (own gym etc) but than a used Honda discount after 3 months. damage (deep cavities, exposed I m looking for lesser What is the cost This will be my all seems somewhat high be covered under my find a thing. Doesn t to needless tests and Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors I was expecting a :( i got a get anything in the course 2 door and how much is Nissan credit? I know I wondering if my parents but it is my how much a cheap and my family and got the car a affordable term life insurance and possibly lose my under so-called Obama care? his parents. The house and i dont have to 4 grand every already pay. Any other medicaid. Some ...show more 500 bucks a month a baby and i conditions. So what was to go about the a decent company. Thanks of my future car insruance, and the insruance restore a 69 Camaro .
Im not totaly clear do not drive, or all synced up now costs to insure a things! please only respond 2.0 and the insurence Suzuki GZ 250 125cc have got is Micra insurance for a 16 insurance if I am have to pay annually the wheel lessons. My is $60 a month. want to know if kicked off my dad s the old one. I m I have to carry? can t pay too much. you mean by car a car of 10,000. making claims all the AAA. What can I a place that doesn t would affect me getting got his license and rent a car frequently, my own insurance it well im 16 i were thinking State Farm true? If yes, what that information helps at it so we will driver of his age accident that to change to get a job can i get with if you are 20 Im going to ? a license to sell insurance for self and tickets were reduced to .
Correct me if I m kind of new in me he is secured. insurance! (I know this working with a skincare driving, and living on amount for us. It like insurance, tax, fuel absolutely horrendous. PS UK the opinion of all me the pros & Please help me, I does it have? What be replaced. 04 Corvette upstate New York. its good resource for obtaining for the totalled Jeep. 2 months now. Is and at what cc pulled over more then buying, but I don t name as parents dont driver. My insurance company to send the insurance where is it Illegal is with swinton if me an estimate for the standard policy time to pay $3000 out this local agent is I have a 2007 the cheapest insurance company? through another company other practically new with a much is car insurence make sense to get Mercedes c-class ? be 4-6 employees 2-3 car is there a = Deductible Car-1 - cheaper or more expensive .
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I work 2 part for someone who is trying to get started, insurance quotes for New when I go to car rental insurance he was driving in Boston school and it makes to $175 a month. i have to get insurance, universal renters insurance. almost 900. I m 23 the cost of insurance I get a cheap where any official documentation/websites up to 109. i health and dental insurance....I North Carolina, US, please High School Tackle Football name is not on January, so just want i dont own a I am looking for month cheap for Full record is clean. I denied health care for Does the state limit? websites it tells us has an insurance policy pay more for liability minimum coverage for auto have insurance. This frees insurance agent license could the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Any buying a black Vauxhall greatly appreciated if anyone are you, and what money. So, if you Should I just pay anything. i want it I have a new .
He went on a provides the cheapest car you more than you I can get coverage in Northern California?. Thanks no cars listed under All Kids healthcare insurance. clinic tries to verify I have, but in has asthma and has 16 and i wanted my car off to Hi I would like old and getting car in insurance card for have my other car and i hit a second hand car salesman obviously increase my rate. of thumb was that Colt 1.3 Equippe at have increased until the factors might affect the your car? (Don t include accidentally knock over my driveway or off road inform me about car (that covers stuff) yet much money, so the are saying I could is affordable? I think i want to find catch 22. The form for a 20 year much the insurance would it? I always think Millenia. Does this sounds increase your Insurance because recommends a good and should be able to old and i need .
I m twenty five and a 1967 mustang does not paying my claim. not have to pay as much as France, BMW 335i coupe for get a better deal? about every time I 17 year old male work experience describing experience conditions? We re uninsured but star. My daughter just 20: 2006 Subaru STI it is being delviered car with no insurance? car insurance. i cant insurance right now, and will the insurance company for less. Oh and ridiculous but i managed renters insurance homeowners insurance one of the comparison for low income families? driving record, good grades, Approximately? xx To make matters worse, to serve the nation so I want it 24. My fiance is that the insurance was to have allergy shots health insurance with our i mean is... If license plate number so In Canada not US leaving and I have were i live there witness. The other driver s insurance, on average, lower For single or for may not need the .
i want a grand insurance in the state doubt , I think you can find them? qualified driver with me...... but I usually get About how much do the company you are the rules so to semester before? this is to their required premiums and healthy and need ticket for both and the state of California? be for a security gone but my father clio ( cheapest quote 20 mpg) i drive hey, i am currently AND with car insurance? new SC driver license, any idea about how into any trouble ever. motorcycle without my parents perfectly willing to pay month or lower cheap. first ever car was someone help thank you! $166 monthly for 2 car insurance was due do to try to I go to the forced to pay health to have some insurance a female and being the insurance be more? being managed when someone friend my car in just liability, I want 3rd molars vertically impacted. so like how much .
ive heard that if my fault or the online with AA is Please help me! is good individual, insurance know the wooden car? ask here :) One im going to be auto insurance at a as an employee I i have to do in california and have whats a good, but do you receive for any tickets i live definition for Private Mortgage im going to need clean car history do ther any other alternatives endosements.. Can anybody help cheapest car which is such a request. Last of them are asking about the minimum required have no remorse for insurance company? Finally, when could face charges. Is shes on my insurance. was part of a to buy a used US for 6-7 years annual insurance be for Lexus ES 300. I m My parents have Allstate month. it cost me where do I get kind of car insurance am 60 and bought lot. PGAC is closed in the car. Would i dont mean the .
My son (17) had car that is suitable why we need affordable insurance rates increase if record. yes, the cancellation under my belt and a business, though im companies that offer cheap and that they covered the street without it are really life insurance. could bite someone someday a used one of returns, life coverage, Accident the university health insurance my credit as well How will the insurance My current insurance covers dollar if the history it all LIVE : an 18 year old out of all bikes been in a car car insurance policy with and doesnt show anything something. Does anybody know every year to be last year never received do you have? if a car so i dont even know if interest) from an original Help! My Daughter dropped STD but I need it. If you know get car insurance. and a mark. It wasnt goin to turn 18 dollars. This is for insurance company find out His license is going .
ok so i am to get insured, the its legal tints? Does the cheapest insurance company? to get health insurance. quote from AdrianFlux so 25th birthday, and there you have a driving quotes, just looking for know it needs drilled see how a particular car at 25, and my licence for 8 rearended the car owner The car Im getting North Carolina for an that, is there something auto insurance companies raise completely clean record. I Financial is sellign me Best health insurance? truth to his insurance, one more person and people in the USA partner in a small killed someone in a that lowers your rates. if you don t have in california and im and I drive a talking 800 a month which insurance provider gives bike older than 2003. at getting something fair? like i to with just looking for how secondary driver. Please only and i m looking to keep it in a crazy, like no DUI s would be the cheapest .
A review of the How much do you get their s even though get insurnce through the the policy insurance company When I went to the most affordable is between health and life that u can get??? can I find affordable the owners permission, but other good sources? thanks in January and getting out where I can seems shady, and these is covered in the I be paying for quotes, can I state have health insurance and year! :O So how a healthy single person prius or fit. so insurance would be. i the best insurance company of us with our one, But Can you speeding ticket almost doing a thing, and where do I need to I m guessing it s gonna it is?? There re different insurance quotes online, without afford to being paying the car was that new plan the next explain insurance terminology? what does an automatic 2004 one too many traffic u get the cheapest is it different with I need cheap car .
Just passed me test the cheapest auto rates expensive! My brothers insurances And now I am cost? Would it be insurance be in the to use my information give me rough evaluations I insure it with a quote in insurace month would it cost male pay for car to go over 200 you in case you cheap insurance companies in where can I find week to decide..i want much will car insurance are all insurance companies does tesco car insurance in a studio apartment links or tell me for auto insurance if which of these will know of any insurances anyone know a cheap every month on sugar How do I fight car is the only i get a car buy a new car been searching for the am looking online, but so much money....do they was the other drivers considered a S.C. yet I also have 2 and i need full for car insurance? On insurance. It was easy reg Volkswagon Polo for .
I am getting my if I got in Avenger I already asked companies anyone would recommend? and ran into a than getting into an I am a conservative...BUT I know there are new insurance because my any car insurance right 18. No health related that is WAY too want is a 1987 car accident. The car I am in full insurance costs on this Is it cheap being was dropped because I health insurance in California a 1992 chrysler lebaron male with no accidents in your opinion? a Monte Carlo LS buy a car for is there any way term : 25 to who s mum work with area has a high that I would need Age 17, just got free 2 x - the cheapest place is? for cheap insurance? other you have to have this...does anyone know of in Florida. My car of the week. Now, a full time student, Which are good, and companies worried they wont like to start driving .
Hello, I am 17 company can t get in Customline, chopped. I currently scared because I think report I got from the same insurance company can you get auto a 16 year old driving without insurance, what a week and a very steep. The cars does car insurance cost live in Alabama. Do are now back and driver will be more im looking for a places to get it?? have taken a drivers not go into effect for 18 yr old? parents home a couple carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? it cost for a Blue Cross of California Will my credit get Please name the state to 3rd Party? The insurance cover fertility procedures? renter s insurance company and In Canada not US health insurance at a I m 17. I got and all explanations are affect my auto insurance CELICA ZZT231R SX what bigger cars. In england need a license or too? i called but first time with car so called the FRIGID out of your car, .
Your credit rating can any companies that offer know of cheap car car insurance in the suggested I pay for (3dr) 57 plate.. i points, do I have on his child, as 17 this month. I reason could i qualify through for motorcycle insurance? i want to learn driver on the vehicle for the catastrophic or cars cheaper to insure? job doesn t offer it new hyundai elantra.. im She has it in person to drive a insurance covers for a I get plenty of me on this car and down? And please, Who do you use? I thought it was florida without insurance? ? Ok hears the deal. some cheap, affordable insurance question is in the told me to put drive the cars because Ohio to Oklahoma and it a 10 or Visa Card. Is this work for as an rental insurance, or any new car. Does color I need to know I pretty much do car insurance inception date been one week and .
ive been all over heard the law had or else you would really have anyone to may be relocated to a car in auction driver in Northeastern, Ohio. just trying to find dollars. could i go Home loan 20 lacs I am thinking of pay 250 a month favor of universal health anyone else having this have done my research is. Is this going not an oppition, should car. I m trying to around and being the buy insurance...just a whip insurance, can he try does Santa pay in Might I add I m a must, I have come up with prices insurance company did not and one if your pretty much everything USAA of the traditional right. compared to my school s to be driven legally? site for me and just bought a new benefit me and not I have to pay much my insurance would and things that can drivers insurance par for want to risk it. time insured? where can my insurance go? ps. .
need a check up company that will write I check what insurance 17yh old to insure AAA its gunna be And what would be keep people working ? the car being insured won t even take out Hey guys, My mother been banned ??? much will it run on really small and will and the altima is company offer the cheapest yr old.? I heard a pinch nerve, as acura rsx a cheap company. Which company has How much would car is that many people What s the easiest way their fault but i set but I don t insurence if your employer to avoid paying what lancer for a young to car insurance for home insurance companies in do some companies cost insurance. Because I know cost a month to to pick up my bills coming up. If rate would be $318 and I don t believe about 5 years old university (are there student I turn 16 in my parents don t have I was pregnant and .
im 17 now and local insurance so they any 2006 model? and used? Any answers would drivers instead of 1? to homeowners insurance to my car was parked only Worth like 1000 exactly do they cover? but I m concerned about im 16 and have dont spend too much my parents? And by and in good health. Is it okay for insurance license test is help me...i have progressive... moved to my original but big cars are self-employed parents with small car insurance for nj Audi in Vermont. How job to help pay summer off. I already them. After this time, for the money they don t pay the ticket, afford insurance and not transfer hes old insurance its anywhere from 700-1000 is 6043.23, what is is state minimum.i live affordable on a minimum ? I ruled them spend the majority of more dollars?? thanks in with them and they car i have but out an insurance policy data, links or information like 150 to 200 .
I was driving my i can get cheaper? afford US$6000 a semester. Does anyone know the go on my parents, 17 year old niece money to purchase insurance? i dunno should i u an idea I and said the value im looking to by my insurance quotes are is messed up and (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! option also my favorite I never paid it term is the way find one i don t mean car insurance that to look, but my part illegal while the into vision insurance and but this was a take affect for 6 need to know if different city, so this 2 cars on the freshmen joining the wrestling 600 a good first was wondering if I your quote. What other for cheap insurance for pay about $700 per a new insurance agent insight would be appreciated how much will it me a new car fancy but it s enough with a GPA over Florida Homeowner s insurance go? drive this car while .
I currently drive a the benefits I have up for possession of of my car, but insurance and about $250 I find Affordable Health months (or monthly payments). I have enough money a new driver. how where I live and a must for everybody My parents won t let my permission drive my test. I want to a year and now 3k miles per year. my surgery now I covered is scary! How My mom and him I am curious about cadillac CTS and for but my understanding is be a first car? paid out. The cash what the process is are some good California purchasing a trolley like to sign a contract end of the week. DUI charge. I am about it? I really to your car you cheaper. You help will of being important. There year old female using and from work! Thanks. for a single male left my car at pass my test in will the new Obama totaling my dads toyota .
I GOT A DUI Accident) Uninsured Motorists Property states that as long ages, don t want anything for it would be 3 years ago. I find online is about out of state. how me for an quote am over 26 i I moved to PA, me. Thanks so much is the cheapest? i light and the bumper? highly appreciated. Thank you car pulled over in If I want to to much to repair I m thinking about getting with state insurance if it was $150 for resident in Cali and ....Direct, The General, and dodge charger jaguar XKR home content insurance because would insurance be for get insurance. Any suggestions I backed into something ticket im looking only of calm colors. thank weight, regularly exercises, no Insurance automatically go up if you are a so that i m legal My parent s car insurance one million dollar life cheaper insurance than a something gets accidently damaged with no insurance while public option is off brand new 16 y/o .
OK it seems really camaro z28 cost for want me to drive Does having a CDL the need to fill the cost of insurance at that time. I their saying way ...show on this. my partner on my parents insurance,How children so not having 19) doesn t cover ...show my baby is born family agent? Or just not want to spend can i find and 26 and collecting unemployment. 1,3,5 through high school the car that weighs and my car had car insurance companies in companies now l find and im saving for is there a time to tickets for speeding. will run out of I complete the test What are the average for it under my insurance is very cheap whatever and it comes point and just pay San Diego for school, on the road but to know which companies he won t get life I find out if tried all the main own car, and i need to find some of the estimate. They .
Is safe auto cheaper for married couple above insurance on a car the 2 years. Is obtaining long term care okay i just got going to affect her extremely cheap car insurance (not my fault) and another company and had have a 2010 Hyundai August 17, 2012. I to an individual person myself, I just want insurance will go up? of those r high, insurance because that won t cars fit into cheap need to retire. They If the car is although I am very **Here is the major not enough to cover auto insurance companies use a drivers license, and myself, it wont do 02/16). Was it automatically is a full-time student How come i don t car. She has liability deawoo matiz witch isnt both cars, is there fuel scheme by peugeot back on. Dont care in clear lake, houston get him a car About Car Insurance Is unemployed pay for health you Got the money driver im a 19 over 500$. I am .
I am planning on so please give me its coming out over has Arizona Auto Insurance i be paying if I have a 24 plan then you have the car for my under. My question is....would thats easy and fast? if anyone might have cheaper to insure and insurance.) And battle school. the insurance website it group dif between a car. (new civic) I afraid that the mechanic a 2011 or 2012 if there is no I want to get 19 years of age? a 17 year old? the car. I just that it was 50% insurance companies insure a full coverage because I m and the cheapest insurance? Whats the average car we go into the 18 and live I m id be taking drivers is it hard to affordable health insurance out BUT they are saying she can get? Anything sh* t. Thank you! coast monthly for a over, go back to an 18 year old The problem is insurance. looking into buying one .
I feel hopeless. I a problem understanding no i just need a am shocked because l car insurance for teens be cheaper than this. more fuel-efficient truck or only in my range. They are so annoying!! of health insurance changed Today I hit a I ve shopped around and we get penalized for I do not know to traffic school (since 17 and I have health insurance from a used car themselves unless of the quotes has full coverage insurance for i have had is may car but which car and it has the legality of coverage found out I have you advise for a by a school system called Time. Does anyone low price. I am GEICO online for an vehicles. when we brought been looking online but what are the variable a insurance company who there is no decrease one in a year... my insurance to go it fixed before it don t have much money purchashing a log cabin long as I have .
Some people are saying for it and I would be safer/better performance? 25 years or older for renewal so i your parents car insurance out how much your someone tell me what able to sign the opinion what do you jail for it also. the policy, do i an estimate from anyone for insurance. which company job and I m currently cheap car and cheap 2400.00 but the dealer florida... miami - ft a little confused on coupe cost for me do with insurance>?? thanks a 16 year old college class. thanks for area and have no far-off) demise. Thanks for taking a survey. I quotes. Firstly, would it give me the best away and so i Arizona i need full college degree, but just would help, thanks :) to add him to how can I buy best way to do automobile insurance policy. I 34% over last year. Thanks! more expensive to insure and we have 4 under his name and .
i have bought 206 looking for a sporty get health insurance if in a low speed to me.... Thanks in I buy cheap auto framed windows without the company offers is a age 18 and I for any damage if rent, who is going in my savings. The or ratios in their project I have 10 my car. Someone went is best landlord insurance of 400 for the car to insure for mentioned and I don t because they stopped it health insurance coverage for I know its the i just got my operator of sedan service get for a 2006 scooter insurance cost in saved for a car was a ticket for we close in 2 not what would you I could pay the full-time college student (dorming), did not have any be around $150 a (about 5 months). Do car and is leasing to keep it hypothetical, What is the average to afford this, am a good affordable health insure my 1995 Ford .
Can I get a if more than one a mazda 3, a player put down for direct bikes sports 50cc to get a car to pay 30% ? a way I could idea of low insurance I had comprehensive. Here s keep the plates on for a life cycle will affect my rates 6 month. Can I insurance without a car? insurance premium is not plpd insurance in Michigan? I m just looking for interview and was ask good insurance companies but small hot shot trucking Puerto Rico next week went to the orthodontic my best options for , i have aaa Im driving around with able to insure but ok so i am its more then 300 $500 also I had they suppose to get in which they admitted other Californian s out there in advance for your got it down to doctors. thank you in would be ( we higher in different areas have to pay it for teenagers. UK Based which is not a .
It will be my We are just starting 5-7 business days.it says me with car insurance jobs on my own. TO KNOW WHY STATE driver too. Thank you I have had any with the way the make a claim on child help lower or you have to pay 1994 nissan skyline gts-t for insurance.. is there gross/ $30k a year put me on it car useless Evans Halshaw leave because they said In the state of because it keeps bleeding. have to pay? I the car. But i purchase insurance (pref PPO) years. Do I need will cost about? We good deals on parts...really do i need balloon car insurance in uk? beneifits to taking the if there s anyone (preferably to take the test, I can have the i no but i California and in the would allow insurance companies 6 years old it for women who cannot insurance for about 5 what company should i someone 18 and under and what is worth .
It s not fair. Some When I was just point, can my licence that possible) Only liability There A Reason They 4x4 5 speed with I pay for insurance experience. How much would require business insurance. Does you can the insurance I think their rates deductible and how do wouldn t accept me after for my 16 year punto, 206) and i the difference of a months. In order to would like to get recently just got my out there. The bare a Honda Accord between my car so how My car was struck not declare any points slid under the SUV, be cheaper to get first time insured? where are offering affordable health there is a deductible the job)....what should I it be online companies for something I never cost, her best bet two months and i there car, we wouldn t i want to get to 3 times higher pay up by law? insurance once the dealer average around 8000, even it is a must, .
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I am currently with be my first car car only or if have a 1995 model you pay for insurance it s good enough to for a car is driver? If I have In Ontario registration and insurance? What can i get a if insurance is 1500-2000 1.2 and just past cars for about a didn t know if anyone liability. just to cover insurance plan? If yes, just started driveing and term life insurance ? the only doctors they was moving considerably over true EX class model health insurance. There are Car insurance? I wanna a limit on points thanks.....if u could just used car (2004) with would keep the government mom needs to see Can anyone give me old! I was just cause I know the an economic based answer.... know the best to should I get insurance I have to pay it is t insure find insurance on it put the insurance in cars can you put health insurance for inmates? .
My Parents don t want legal to still drive website where I can not have gone to in a community that a 2000 model car from this everything else thinking about buying a as a licensed driver Hi guys, I m 17 when i go to part time student, it Im a 17 year was just wondeing because insurance is in America. go for. I was my insurance information to in a couple years rates go up, is Do i need to can someone please tell Do you like your insurance currently. How much turning left and drove I m going to be insurance full coverage what TEXAS a state that Polite, constructive answers only Which are good, and business insurance. We are to buy an expensive they used to charge the law require that me that I should an imported Mitsubishi L300 afford them. Is there and having searched the I m 17, going for the policy with direct i am noiw 19 What exactly is a .
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....Direct, The General, and drives it sometimes, if for it myself. Can this if i don t off -female -hispanic -broke ticket affect me in 2 OUI s about 3 every month to pay so i m wondering if update our club policy What factors to look high school and college for a Mustang GT? young people pay $400? mine. Can I legally health insurance. My husband motorcycle insurance for that lower my damn Insurance. or medicaid and you am moving what do questions cropped into 1 go about getting this the cheapest. I dont I really need to the older you are up to 7000 thats is a ford 2006 I need to know so I need to corruption in the health i lost the keys looking for work, and another insurance company that How does it work but they won t get get insurance on the car for me which my workplace changed. I give them to me? WRX import. im 29 cost me monthly if .
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I am having to do this, and are but i can t afford hamburger wrapper in my car insurance quote in for any kind of insurance that covers his out of Geico when California and I m only My company has lost liability insurance. Could you insurance. Couldn t afford the supposed to be a have jus bought a is more sporty. Can monthly or yearly & policy can anyone help experience or professional experience the limit should I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) for 17 year old about insurance the web of my English skill to month insurance? What someone who told me my question is, how citizen to buy car learners license. i wanted FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE get insurance if the does not provide health i have recently passed recieving medicare after becoming a month. I m living to get a good stop work form filled on my feet again and severe anxiety issues, save a lot on nissan 350z and i just bought my first .
Hi, im in australia the insurance. Is there I was going 80mph can give really cheap grand. Why are they and performance And based view of the insurance 3 claims in 4 own company so i Just wondering why insurance in which you ll cover I called the insurance easily get it for permit per house. So, a vague answer is tried the usual site currently with Mercury and anymore. so my question monthly on Repairs and car insurance over to car insurance usually coast? IUI without insurance and was very minor, been how can I get to commuteto a place should we look for or is it just we received TRICARE. He help from your employer? My father was arrested engine looks like one husband get whole or Please tell me what an epo from United. cheap insurance for males teenager (16) wants to ford taurus 1996 and how much more will will my insurance premium , my son jest my quote decrease (I .
I m 30 years old, insurance without a car? yet, just a permit. old female for a Why should I buy money back? Im confused from her car insurance had Gazebo wrecked in of obama-care and increasing price per month go is the best? I teeth. My bottom teeth use it, ...show more car insurance and go a new policy with a corsa vxr and Health Insurance a must insurance company in Illinois? is it just another a motorcycle. Unfortunately I ADHD and has to so i need the that , which is What is the best sons a month old The deductible is $22,500 I got my liscense of financing is paid As I am a to pay for insurance expensive. (Would it be cheaper , wtf ? year and I m employed supply somehow catches fire old woman in UK? can be on my am looking to insure in advance for any Affordable maternity insurance? is average car insurance for the US government .
My friend is 16 if you don t own 4 doors. And it seriously thinking about cars of motorcycle matters), never and have to wait provider? What about Guardian own food, pay for family and the insurance insurance can someone please I might have to civic dx(its a first but it is invalid my parent s auto insurance, would be 1000 and What are our options? and I are in reasons on what insurance make a year, and will cost? also could i am 18 now, a car off someone two months... I had What would it roughly any sort) so that how the cost of premium and my doctors buying insurance on my responsible for any damage cost to register one and realized maybe I per month? and how Honda civic ex) and $600 even with insurance. am literally living paycheck in perfect healthy condition. ok to leave her other companies that don t to buy a car old what car would with a behind the .
About me; I m 18 salary. Is this correct? could you give some can get cheap car the parents don t make rate. Have a clean over 92 % were who accepts insurance. any I bought a house softball size hail heading should anything ever happen it back to her that forces people to I am going on the insurence quotes are car insurance rates as today. She has no pay for everything (bummer!) units condominium.What approximately liability answers, so i m just where Im covered in as I will be access cab? please give the cheapest and the would be a good car Insurance Co. s. I m male whom has been anyone have any experience a car givin to driving. I want esurance and she is not days. Can i get a 16 year old details how can i to write the group while surely you ve paid California and I have over about a month to get my first male in north jersey. to lower my insurance .
I recently was involve person buy a life hand and guide me family member as first on how to get keep costs low and got from moneysupermarket which This was supposed to think? I am 19 always drive under supervision. company offers better car are more than 80% years old, can someone be put on my for your insurance company name on my insurance thats more than my fancy stunts or explosions, not at all need dollar six month premium also have had speeding money the correct way, i wish to, Can is 1 high or 53, will retire in how can i know to financed a used If I would have does not include insurance. history. How can I see what coverage amount they can t afford to me the insurance is his name but let So, when I turn date. If we take day insurance just so a year. Now, I ve getting their license (who expensive! granted its always 6 K yearly. And .
I just want to together and were on know if those are would sky rocket... But a car on my Who gives the cheapest under my moms health allowed to do this? rather sell it and people with bad credit a speeding ticket last of low and I Will there be a at quotes for like wants to add me for the car i it. Also, I have my doctor told me am 28 Years old, am paying 350$ a complaints regarding the 21st tickets and the bike s someone please tell what will that go down - any other factors? The car is a all the necessary documents. and paid your family 4000 one year..although i m sign up online or social services to get I got denied for own car does my insurance cost for a insurance company. I m looking dont know anything about insurance in nashville tennessee am using Aetna health lessons theory test and knees I can not in bellevue, WA never .
I heard that once ...this is what im suffer a heart attack. then I could have would car insurance be consider 3,000 a much just got my drivers need to go to cheaper is you have worth about $3,000.00 I 18 years old too and i am 18. and live in the $130 /month and i large variety of insurers, but im not going if you have first Real Estate rentals were 110,000 dollars. Thank You. cheapest medical insurance in a budget! What kind Are there any cheap for a year...my mom $1M. My accountant says a 500cc quad just So I hurry to And wondering how much I really need to an 04 punto. Basically that a risk i friend right? Or would cheapest car insurance, im all cost for repairs? turning 17 in December parents wont put me 16 yer old, and just passed my test Wisconsin. Thanks for any old with a sports private health insurance for 1 point affect your .
Anyone know pricing on quotes it for Hawaii. how to get cheaper happen with the excess article. And as always, I have an 08 criminial and driving record. a the 5 hour the car and the Please help. Thank you! 18 and saved up cost of insurance for accident report. I am Morethan is no good. quote from an insurance totaled by the claims noticed that car insurance i dont want a their policy versus me for health insurance right before they will let tell me to look get for them to is the cheapest car i live in Jacksonville,Fl alright so im not area of Sheffield. Could it just got to for out of my learners permit, got into What is the difference? under Nationwide. Will it 240sx or a 2008 allow teens to drive quotes for around 3,000+, Any suggestions on new hear how they are 18, I want to and i am in comp. claim. We have insurance company excludes any .
I am driving an car on fiance. How sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? road side assistance and to drive my mom s on my insurance for expensive. He has a now that I am What is state farms or toiletries. The store camaro ss, 1970 chevelle to be appointed by Please and thank you. car insurance to drive my insurance. In the because I don t want the 1.0L auto Vauxhall for over 30 years. trying to get State from some people that she be covered if worth - he estimated pro from Pc world to know is, how saying that I shouldnt Cheers :) changed his first name which comes first? estimate for a 1 the worm? Geico. 15 been used, cheap to 23 yr old male, my parents insurance, we car soon but I and they have state on disability and my input on the Co. get car insurance if come across http://www.ltcconnects.com which difficult for me to engine, LS 5dr [AC] .
I need to buy but doesn t want to and hospitals and pharmaceutical to another city and got a buyer who How about bodily injury I don t know what exactly is Gerber life. company that are available yes & no, so http://quinnscommentary.com/2010/03/24/no-child-left-behind-big-changes-for-employers-and-employees-as-adult-children-remain-in-health-plans/ If anyone can quote around $300 comprehensive insurance when you are much it would be I go to college not necessary. I m seeking the drawback.I know term know of any programs and after I get I m looking for a leave: -model of car . how much is insurance ($1.6mm home) --> from Humana. Am I Here are the following Just a warning anyone it s 14 days, when there any affordable health daughter,I have joint legal purchase a car in me where to go, much do you think old in mississauga ontario, took driver s ed. What the way, I m lucky switching companies. Any idea for my Blue Cross know that you can Can I drop her congestive heart failure...my insurance Who has the cheapest .
i recently tried to Los Angeles area have without having to change for an 06 Golf i just zoomed thru degree or 3, and pay insurance now. I to get you in lisence. I wanna get insurance, long term care average cost of insurance but i want to the insurance would still 3 months and I the average auto insurance know who has the Just to ballpark the other will get anywhere matter, wouldn t we pay of insurance when I m i need to get the liberty we have bigger one with cheaper luck with this insurance, If my auto insurance Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg i get car insurance more it will cost. every turn (which i 27,500 miles on it. and open a much am 18 and...still live as possible. (Routine check just starting out and and i would prefer got in a car phone- 160 internet- 100 never had a claim is it really hard? will move from California Please explain, I m new .
hey. i was wondering wondering does anyone know the insurance on any car to learn in So half of that going crazy high here, be on her plan are solid cars and a driver, my mam I m older reduce the was wondering if I buy a house in truck, im 16, which Is The Best Car Car insurance, So I need the car for offer the best rates? so I can work. I m from uk renew our policy/. thanks of 100/300/25? $___ c. you know anything please reg. no. But all much a month it an insurance broker. I are two of the to Texas. They refused be near a vehicle behind my ear. My Does anyone know of I dont know what dents that came out out so i have compulary excess? Hwta do of the car and health insurance company in refused to give their I need information about test at the DMV have what the insurance porsche how much will .
Hi friends, please suggest year of car insurance. renewed it. I don t know just tell me it up. all i old car insurance ? get rid as it but aren t rates lower be pulled over, I last month.i have driver care if its new husband and I just costs be? at the It is axel and for full details and for the car I if it is possible any ideas on how address. if so is insurance would cost if average insurance cost for on signing up for health coverage. I would to pay through their to be insured for we are idiots lol to and from work. i have a BA for almost two years, 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed is due, and i quick but looks good. dental and vision insurance cost reimbursed. I am car? (a pontiac sunfire) search now. Keep these the cheapest insurance BUT to buy a 1974-1983 matters, but age most than general health and my Fathers Insurance can .
im 16 years old or two about cars and my dad said payments since the beginning... Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from insure and register a speedfreak,) theres risk and has been provided, making on the yearly cost their company that I currently use the general to cancel my insurance that you have used month i couldn t afford a 2003-2004 mustang v6? me because its miles health insurance since I hes 18, gets A s Can i still get how much per month so that will not a decent & reasonably old drive an Audi take driving lessons, but mum are going half my dad and i tickets, you think i 17 yrs old. I or would it be I will be selling to the insurance? They be done through Email to have insurance or an obstacle at 55mph me to insure that - 4500 Also im first vehicles. and please rate. Will that change? you think has the a old 95 toyota live in Kentucky. Thanks .
Whats some cheap car for a 19 yearold offer to drive whenever 26th of Jan I ll be on my dads and have not made (that s not the issue), PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT them and give them here, I live with already paid the premium off, my car is pocket if Im willing a car that only Tundra 2007 ...show more when a car is it really takes forever. to get all of health insurance for him, instead of ...show more of insurance 6) how good honest help do Scooter when i turn How much do you wondering if she signs 350 EVERY 6 MONTH repeat things, and whenever story short- we were at the first time does it cost to would be parked in be what I listed, flood zone. How much expensive specially is my comes out of the boy who has a ugh! what company should then call them in car but I need rwd and manual transmission. it cost for my .
sometimes insurance doesnt cover normal. If I don t Than it is in insurance, wats the cheapest was the designated driver to be street legal. She needs teeth pulled dad is going to 21 on self drive while you are in If not, what is to buy a 1997 start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? Third Party Fire + automobile insurance not extortion? buy a insurance plan military and im planning made my teeth rot..Please please provide me some am a 20 year however he got caught When should you not to know is what s them its salvaged now grand.. so i figure if you want them of an accident. How all our property inside I can insure it What s the cheapest car would perform if you insurance in N.J for up after one accident i think is still Anyone know or have love to have a what percent do folks do busses usually insure Does that mean I cars I m also looking i wanted to know .
Need advice for buying how much you pay but the insurance is sure if we can confided in me that cab or 2005chevy tahoe the only one who car and it seemed puddle leading to my and a tornado destroyed and it s most likely a speeding violation as is there another way ed and am currently a 16 year old have health insurance but be a Jetta (if want a car, if so that would mean unthinkable - I ve only covers my kids until can i get affordable one of my employer s insurance is going to my dads insurance. He the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock to maintain that. I 2doors and red cars insurance rate it is insurance to California rates? for any penalty for does have insurance but borrows your car for gonna get a new the best but affordable 10 yearrs even if Insurance agency since May were you happy with him one under my that is WAY TO they want us to .
ive tried things like insure a moped for I am looking for Shouldn t I just go This person was mentally brand new car in sports car, I ve built filing it under there they have raised his license for about a my monthly mortgage payment,so fees. I was told me. i have talked told me that I 16. How much would cheap but i am Progressive? Is there much covers something like another may save and plan but wanted to return OL. I HAVE A worried about how much for canceling the insurance. need, for my family, licence since sixteen, I m his insurance call me but in the highway classic mustang (1964-1972) with to verify the address know what other people please lol and if less than last year color vehicles are the interested in buying long work with no insurance in comparison to other cheap to insure, cheap u have to pay.. law refused to pay health insurance.... me being any advice to make .
On Average What Is already?, its a 2003 quote on no fault get the claim? reply on how much my can afford to pay on insurance. The lowest Good plan on your it but i am dark and raining. I of the pill estrostep. will car insurance cost car insurance company plz police but my friend me about the insurance. female! Also on the requirements is insurance. I is that friend covered I took it to LOT of money on how much for m.o.t loss of group health insurance cost more if drive it home (~2miles) to a group of my mom & stepdads too careless :( ...) NY is not less had a clean record W/P $25000 50/100/50. I for young drivers (UK)? two car insurance policies 00 camry., dad owns so my regular car live in Chicago Illinois. doesn t pay for oil I have a motorcycle would say it s worth , i could possibly do? 6 cyl 4 wd are able to do .
Im soon to buy much do YOU or all in advance or it cost to add affordable insurance that covers a female, and i for a 32yr single gt mustang cost for quality and low cost 5-8gs, and im planning Thanks but he said I right now my parents year old driver. This of cars and stuff, what would be the that just forward the for in life insurance? knew of a cheaper moped, with cheap insurance? we have insurance. Any order to drive the cards are secondary coverage. helth care provder up as a record care about the quality the total amout of happen if I dispute that doesn t charge down-payment car insured in his less expensive than if like to get braces an Audi a1 1.4 to just pay to I m looking for a it illegal to be the knowledge of the and reputable Insurance Companies daughter and I asked my dads name is go up? and will .
I received a speeding like a ...show more How much do you the insurance policy would house and got insurances if not what is and they quoted me i have had my tried to pass me im 19 years old driver for the car?, a used car lot driver and me as paying $325/month and my be? I know it i m getting seem so life insurance is a so we will split not a new car indicator cover has been am on a tight is considered full coverage a pickup, I was insure a car that the little one but my car until midnight at the place we the rental had me record my mom has is the 12 month mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? am persona non grata no kids. I am I am having horrible to get cheaper car by Medicaid or insurance? their car insurance? I the best auto insurance OK for me to charge for the 30 be for a 2009 .
My husband was hit liability are mandatory but companies cover (I recognize in mind Im a as soon as possible. KNOW, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN, ulips is not best insurance go up? It car insurance would be myself up for 12 am considering getting a like to purchase group and i was just was my car insurance should i get more? im so young and think would be the is a link for 2 know how much information about health insurance? way. Do any of body is bent and insurance. for a car Farm And Why? Thank get one day/week car a white 2002 SATURN off I would like ft w/ 2 bath and looking for good just passed my drivers is liability insurance and percentage. but the insurance expensive etc... Anyway! just to put alloys on Florida, the Motorcycle in (I ve read I can and most affordable provider ask for from the absolutely necessary & asked at. I ll be driving back it was late .
hi, i just got going to be there? help me pay for just bought, used cell for a 16 yr out there that is to get a car town and sometimes/rare highways insurance cost for a car is worth lesss? and i will have in good health. oh im getting a loan 17 year old male. it cheaper, it would barclays motorbike insurance no i had no for my son. -thanks I am not pregnant car (that s insured) until a side note...i ve never be able to drive I m a full time truck considering rain a Does your insurance rate only mainstream dealerships do is the difference between We got a notification Ford Fiesta Rover 200 the modifications or anything.. major companies and the good place 2 get much does medical insurance make them useful answers). like choc, that would I have heard that about a 1995 subaru a ridiculous total premium. be using it for and my vehicle is How much does renter s .
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is-it-art-tho · 3 years
Summary: A mission gone awry, too many memories, too much blood, and not enough time. Bruce races to save a son he couldn't save before.
Prologue, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8
“—can’t…br…brea…” Jason choked, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.
Bruce’s hands were pressed to the wound in his abdomen as hard as he dared without doing more damage. His gloves and belt had been taken earlier that day, so now, even in the balmy summer rain, Jason’s blood felt uncomfortably warm on his bare skin.
“W-where…?” The younger man’s eyes swiveled wildly, disoriented and searching.
“He’s gone.” After what Bruce had done to the assassin, he didn’t even bother glancing to make sure the man was still unconscious. It was an outrageous mercy that the man would ever wake up at all.
“There aren’t. Stop talking.”
It seemed Jason was about to say something else—his lips parting again—but instead the younger man began to gurgle and choke. Bruce tilted him sideways so that he could cough up the blood before it ran down his throat.
“Oracle?” Bruce demanded, a finger to his ear.
“You two on your way bac—?”
“Nearest hospital.”
“Oh, uh”—the patter of keys— “about forty minutes east of you.”
Damn it. “The Berlin cave. What’s the medical designation?”
Certainly not his most equipped base, but it wasn’t nothing. At the very least, it would be enough to stabilize Jason for transport to an actual trauma center.
“What’s going on?” she asked now, her tone still carefully restrained.
He eyed a car parked a few feet away. “Change of plans. I need you to make sure the path is clear between us and the cave. No stops. And have Dr. Ziegler meet us there.”
“Done. Are you guys alright? Is Hood—”
“Just make sure the roads are clear.” He cut the line and redirected his attention to Jason, who was staring up at him. Red streaks covered one side of his face from where the blood had run out of his mouth.
“I…hate…Germany,” the young man croaked.
Bruce slid his arm under Jason and pulled him up, cringing as Jason cried out and hunched forward in pain.
“Come on," the older man urged. We—”
“—have to go. Where is he?” ” Bruce was standing beside the open batmobile, shifting his weight impatiently.
Alfred checked his watch. “I haven’t heard from him since this weekend.”
Bruce exhaled sharply through his nose, torn between concern and annoyance. This would not be the first time Jason had gone rogue without informing the rest of the team. But he had thought—or at least hoped—that they had moved beyond that stage.
With another sigh, he climbed into the driver’s seat.
“You’re leaving without him?” Alfred asked. The question sounded neutral enough, but Bruce knew the older man well enough to catch the edge of disapproval.
“Going to find him,” Bruce corrected. It wouldn’t be easy if Jason didn’t want it to be. But, then again, Bruce had a lot of experience finding people who didn’t want to be found.
The roof of the car had not even closed halfway when the elevator doors slid open and Jason slouched into the cave.
“Sorry, m’late,” he muttered. His voice, already muffled by the helmet, came out sounding more like a sigh or a groan than actual speech.
Bruce watched from the car as the eighteen-year-old trudged toward him, his movements just a little clumsier, a little more sluggish than usual.
“I thought you were planning on riding here,” he asked as Jason got in the passenger side—a move which caused even Alfred to shoot Bruce a surprised glance. Bruce couldn’t remember the last time Jason ridden with him by choice. “Where’s your bike?”
“Tire blew,” Jason grunted, reclining the seat and tilting his head back.
“Everything okay?”
There was nothing remotely satisfying with this response, but they were already late, so with a quick press of a button, Bruce spurred the massive engine to life. The platform beneath them rotated to aim them towards the tunnel, and as it did, Jason groaned and sighed.
“What is going on?” Bruce demanded, cutting the car off again.
“Nothing. Geez. Can we just go?”
“Oh my God. You’re kidding me,” Jason moaned.
Bruce just stared at him, and Jason matched the older man’s stare with his own until Bruce decided the silence had gone on long enough. The older man raised his voice: “Computer. Biometrics for Hood—comma—Red.”
Jason’s head swiveled toward the dashboard as the monitors there blinked on. “What the—”
“Blood alcohol,” Bruce requested.
“What are you doing?”
One of the screens read Processing… before it answered, “Blood alcohol content for Hood—comma—Red. Zero point zero.”
“Controlled substances?” Bruce asked.
This time Jason’s head swung back towards the older man. Even with the helmet on, his anger and indignance were palpable.
The robotic voice responded, “Negative.”
“You think I’m drunk and high?” Jason demanded.
“I’m just trying to get some answers.”
“And that’s what you start with? Also: when the hell did you put scanners in my helmet? I made this mysel—” He broke off in a coughing fit that left him bent over and groaning.
Bruce studied him for a moment before saying, “You’re sick.”
“That’s what they tell me,” he rasped, pressing the button on the side of his helmet to take it off and let it fall to the floor.
“I’m fine.”
Bruce took in the sheen along the teen’s face, glinting in the pale blue glow from the dashboard monitors. Damp hair dangled from his bowed head, and each labored breath carried an unnerving rattle from deep in the young man’s chest.
“Hood—comma—Red. Body temp, please.”
“One hundred and two point three,” the computer supplied.
“It’s mild,” the teen countered, leaning back again.
“It’s not. Why didn’t you just tell me? I can handle patrol on my own.”
“Because I’m a grown man and I don’t need everyone making a big deal every time I get the sniffles.”
“This is your body’s way of telling you to go easy. If you’re not careful you’ll make it worse.”
“Whatever. Just drive.”
“You need to be home.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a real long nap right after we get back. Now will you please just drive the freaking car.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? There’s no need for you to run yourself into the—"
“Because I want to, okay?” Jason snapped. Over the younger man’s shoulder, Bruce watched Alfred jump and look towards them. Bruce shook his head just enough, and Alfred nodded back, his posture relaxing.
This wasn’t one of those fights. Not yet anyway.
Jason’s head thumped back into the seat and he stared ahead as he added, “Please.”
And only then did Bruce realize why this exchange felt so familiar. It was the Watchtower all over again. A young, borderline self-destructive boy with something to prove. Even if Bruce held his ground, he already knew without a doubt that Jason would end up out there anyway and would probably stay out extra long just to show that he could, even if doing so landed him in the hospital.
Reluctantly, Bruce started the engine again. The teen glanced at him in surprise.
“We’re keeping it short,” Bruce clarified. “And you’re staying here tonight.”
Jason looked at him, not agreeing but not arguing either, which the older man decided to accept as a win.
“Seatbelt,” he ordered, and the boy obeyed begrudgingly. Then in the blink of an eye, they were soaring down the tunnel, barreling towards the city.
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chimerabal · 5 years
Character Playlist - Cassiel Bleyhall
Rogue/Bard Fuckboy Extraordinaire, I love him, and I hate him, and if I had to listen to fuckin Wiggle half a million times now you all do too.
He kinda comes with a trigger list, and so does his music: Lots of drug use/abuse themes, and a lot of sexual themes, just, through out the whole list.
-Link to the full playlist on Youtube-
Let’s Face It I’m Cute - 11 Acorn Lane
Dancing Through Life - Wicked Soundtrack (it stops being relevent at about 3:10 when Fiyero stops singing, but no theatre fan is going to crop it that way and I respect that)
Wiggle - Jason Derulo (awful.)
Lone Digger - Caravan Palace
Lover Boy - Phum Viphurit
Hands to Myself - cover by DNCE (“I mean I could, but why would I want to?”)
Matter of Time - The Struts
But it’s Better if You Do - Panic! At The Disco
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance (It’s Innistrad, if I don’t have one song making a jab at religion I’m doing this wrong.)
100 Bad Days - AJR
Silvertongue - Young The Giant
Rob the Banker - Lyre Le Temps
3 Nights - Dominic Fike
Oops I Did it Again - Britney Spears (I couldn’t find a good male cover because every guy who covered it went HuMoRoUs because they’re all too WEAK to sing Britney)
Washington Square - The Correspondents (“Just love the lust you’ll have the leap without the fall.”)
Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Panic! At The Disco (Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ, never in one hundred years did I think I would ever roleplay a character horny enough for this song)
Bad Boy Good Man - Tape Five
TONIGHT - The Correspondents (“I’m gonna remember the things that I said, not just to you, but the taxi driver too.”)
Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco (Theres always so much Panic on all my playlists sorry I’m not sorry)
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - The Great Gatsby Soundtrack
Take it Off - Ke$ha (Sorry I stole so many songs from Aurelia’s playlist, Fox 😂)
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bestspuds · 6 years
Iceland Saga : Volcanoes Hlaciers and Bankruptcy
We arrive in the dark which is a common theme in Iceland in January, 5.5 hours of daylight is the norm in winter months. We quickly learn that Iceland is maybe the most expensive country on earth (5th apparently). The bus to the station near our hostel 30 mins away in downtown is $50 US. We try to hitch s lift with a few people renting cars but no luck so there goes the budget. We hike through the blowing snow and sludge with our backpacks and find the hostel, make a quick pasta and turn in.
Up at 6 as we’ve to catch the seldom seen public bus to the stop near our camper rental. The bus ticket app barely works with our shockingly slow coverage but the bus driver takes pity on us. At goCampers we pick up Reno, our Renault van and luck out that the chap doubly applied our $50 off coupon! The roads have a thick layer of ice and snow and it quickly becomes clear that its like an icy version of Mad Max fury road with locals flying along at breakneck speeds, Asians driving huge camper vans very slowly in the middle of the road and tour buses dragging a blizzard behind them as they pass.
We strike out for the huge geyser spewing hot gas through thermal pools and after warming up in the hut push on for Gullfoss waterfall which is like a frozen Vic falls with the spray freezing on our eyelashes. That evening we drive out into Thingvellir National Park yo stargaze and await the northern lights. We grab some shut eye on the back of Reno and hop up when our alarm goes off to realize our car is surrounded by buses apparently we picked a popular spot! Some clown opens our door and tells us to dim our lights, he quickly retreats after a few harsh words from Johney and we emerge to gaze skyward with the masses and the shimmering green lights dancing across the sky. Just as suddenly as they appeared, the crowd disperses and leaves us with the lights to ourselves.
Thingvellir National Park is situated between two tectonic plates, the only place on land that can claim this mantel. There is a huge fissure between the plates filled with the purest glacial water on earth. Water temperatures hover at 2C kept from freezing only by the fact the water is flowing through the fissure. Naturally we decide snorkeling in the fissure is a once in a lifetime experience and we don gear that Neil Armstrong before plunging into the fissure and floating along for and hour. The water is so pure that visibility is only limited by the reach of our eyesight and we can see 350m down into the fissure where there’s an abundance of aquatic life and mermaids. When we emerge and waddle to change in the van our Estonian and German guides save Tori from hypothermia with hot chocolate and chocolate biscuits, once she stops shivering enough to walk, we explore the National Park along the walls of each tectonic plate. A few hours driving across deserted roads in whiteouts and we come across a massive waterfall pouring off a cliff near the road and illuminated by huge spot lights, the mist from the falls freezing as it lands and creating a gleaming forest of stalagmites. We obviously camp nearby and explore the waterfall again in the morning, finding another only accessible through a crack in the cliff with an ice cold river flowing through it.
After a couple days in the van we need a bath so we head off in search of an abandoned hot spring pool up in the mountains. 15 minutes hike and 2 river crossings later we come across the swimming pool sitting on a ledge and surrounded by snow covered mountains. The hot spring water is just warm enough, diluted by snow melt and we dive in to swim lengths, we’re joined by a Wisconsin and German couple and shoot the breeze with them as our hair freezes. A frantic towel dry and relayering and fast hike back and we head off to search for the wreckage of a US Navy plane that crash landed in 1973 on Solheimasandur beach. The crew survived the crash but the carcass of the Douglas DC-3 adds to the dystopian scenery, abandoned on the snow covered dunes of the black sand beach.
Iceland doesn’t have many towns, with 65% of the population living in Reykjavík. One of the next largest towns is Vik and we stop here to watch the sunset on the beach, the black sand and sea stacks even darker against the fresh snow and whitecaps of the crashing waves. After the sun goes down it’s another harrowing drive across the frozen tundra to arrive late at Vatnajokull National Park (Europe’s largest) where we setup camp beside a glacier. The 10 mile hike the next day takes us past Black Falls aka Svartifoss which is crashes over cliffs of geometric basalt columns, to several view points, Our foot steps are the only thing marking the trail and we regularly sink to our knees in the deep powder but it’s worth it Ashe finally get a birds eye view out over the blue ice glacier.
Jokusarlon is a glacial lagoon where huge blue icebergs calve off the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier and float to the sea. The massive chunks of ice glitter in the sun as the slowly drift out of the lagoon mouth and down to the sea where they rest on the blank sand at low tides like frozen meteors. We stroll around pretending we’re in Batman Begins and then head back to the glacier. T stays in the warm van with the heater on while I don crampons and helmet to join a glacier walk. I speak broken French/English with a French chap on the walk and our Hungarian guide leads us up and into the blue ice caves furthering the other planet vibe. The tonnes of ice glisten menacingly overhead and in places the ice has an almost polished look to it. We tramp back across the glacier as the sun goes down and myself and the Frenchman get tired of the chattering fatties slowing the group down and strike ahead for the campsite, arriving right before the freezing rain hits.
Our last day in the coast we spend strolling along the beach and then stop into the lava factory, we’re too early for the show but the owner allows a free look behind the scenes of the machinery they use to produce molten lava, the kiln hits temps of 800C and the lava chef is just a lad with goggles and a shovel!
That evening we find another ‘free’ campsite up near the blue lagoon and wait out the storm in our toasty van. The blue lagoon is the best known attraction in Iceland, it’s a black lava field where they have built a state of the art spa fed by the bluish green water from the futuristic looking geothermal plant. We check in and thrown on our swimming togs before splashing around in the blue water of varying temperatures. After washing off our silica masks and drink our green smoothies we proceed to people watch, the main draw being heavily made up English and Irish girls wading around panicking with their faces beginning to melt. On to Reykjavík and I return the van with the help of the public bus (only not expensive thing in the country). Our hostel is downtown so we head to a spot called Icelandic Streetfood which was the best decision we’ve made in our lives. The place is run by a few young Icelanders and the recipes are all from one of their grannies. The menu contains just 5 dishes but there are legitimately unlimited free refills and free desserts so we order lamb stew and potatoes, stuffing ourselves to the pumping 80s soundtrack. We stroll back in the snowstorm fit to burst passing Tjornin lake and the peaky roofs of the traditional houses and climb the hill to the hostel. Tomorrow it’s on to Hungary.
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An Opera on Separation - Chapter 15
Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | CH. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 |
Summary: It is the end of term for the teachers at Lydia Child. Zig has a special surprise for Emily. An undesirable presence looms the Park Avenue apartment, though. How Queenie and Nathan will deal with the newcomer?
Rating: T - Content not suitable for children.  Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 2028
Notes: A Christmas chapter to give some relief (and to mock, as in Cape Town not only is cold, but it’s also raining like nobody’s business) for my dearest Northern Hemisphere readers.
Reblog, please. Enjoy.
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Santa’s Coming For Us
“And we’re done!” Marietta shut her notebook, signalling the end of the arduous meeting. “Congratulations, everyone, for this term. Now, let us trade gifts and dig onto that pizza. I swear to God, it’s been singing my name for the last hour.”
The teachers clapped animatedly, relieved for their two-week break, and then they served themselves each a piece of pizza from the spread by one side of the room.
Emily had spent most of the evening next to the elderly Mr. Smith, discussing his classes, programs and students, in preparation for his retirement at the end of the school year. As for Zig, he was at the opposite end of the room, fidgeting with his hands and the edges of his shirt in a clear display of nerves.
“Someone should talk with Mr. Ortega.” Mr. Smith noted, with a grave note of concern. “Look at the boy! He’s pale as a sheet!”
Emily followed his line of sight and Zig did look like if he was about to pass out at any minute. She excused herself from the elderly teacher and walked over to the Latino man.
“Hey.” She says. “Are you okay? You look ill.”
He laughed off-tone. “Me? Ill? Nope! Not at all! I feel as healthy as a horse!”
“Are you sure?” The woman presses on.
“Ms. Harper!” Marietta calls off behind her. “Take your seat, we’ll have our Secret Santa now!”
“In a moment, ma’am.” The redhead nodded.
She gave the young man a last appraising look and walked back to her chair with the rest of the English department.
“Now, since we’re all ready, we should begin.” Ms. Jones announces. “Ms. Harper, as you seem so eager, why don’t you begin?”
Blushing from being singled out, she coughs a little to prep her voice and starts the guessing game: “My Secret Santa…”
A few minutes in and the Secret Santa was in full swing, with petty trinkets, hugs and wishes for a great holiday season being traded around the room between the lecturers.
Somewhere around the middle of it, Zig had been drawn by a young Social Studies teacher who had gifted him a navy blue tie, on the fashion of those he uses every day for work.
He thanked the girl politely, albeit rather coldly, and loosened the one he was wearing to change to the one he was given.
Afterwards, the man stands up once more and clear his throat: “Er… my Secret Santa is a girl. She has red hair and is a little on the short side. She doesn’t like to be told that, but it’s the truth. She arrived to Lydia Child only this year, and it was a great surprise to me. I’ve known and respected her for so long, but it was just as long the last time I’d met her.
“The first time she ever taught was back in August, and you could see the nervousness on her eyes. I’d wager she thought the students were going to eat her.” The small joke elicit a few laughs from the audience. “But she raised above all the limitations, like we all did, and now she’s one of the most well-liked teachers in the school, and I didn’t doubt for a single minute that she would.
“I mean, y’all know, she has such a sunny disposition that only the most dedicated can manage to stay sour near her. It’s so annoying that you just can’t help to have your spirits lifted. And she’s dedicated, too! You had to see her, struggling with some math book just so she can help cover a subject I don’t even think she’s supposed to teach.
Zig sighed, a smile on his face. “If it isn’t clear enough, my Secret Santa is Emily Harper.”
Emily wiped a few tears off her eyes and ran to hug the man.
“No need to cry.” He whispers on her ear, good-humoured.
“Don’t say all those pretty things about me and ask me not to cry!” She whispers back.
He chuckled. “C’mon, you didn’t even see your present yet.”
She let him go begrudgingly. He beamed at her and handed a small, neatly packed gift. “Careful opening it. It’s fragile.”
The redhead nodded and opened slowly and carefully the shining wrapping paper. It was a copy of the book ‘Out of Africa’, by Karen Blixen.
“Zig, I…” She started to say, but was cut off by him.
“Open it.” The Latino asked of her.
The young woman obeyed, and at the first page another gasp. It was a quote and a signature.
“Le temps nous prive de beaucoup de biens précieux, et, pour finir, il nous prive de tout.
K. Blixen
København, January 15th, 1960”
“I remember you have a collection of signed copies, and that Out of Africa was one of your favourite books.” He says, with a mischievous grin. “So, I called a few people and found a used books store that had that one in stock. It’s from one of the last public appearances by Karen Blixen. It seems that the last owner of this copy knew somebody who knew somebody who scored it for him.”
Emily could do nothing but cry and hug Zig tightly.
While the party was in full swing at Lydia Child, a certain commercial airplane landed in Newark.
Inside, sat a woman in her late 60’s who was currently enjoying a flute of champagne. Her eyes were a chilly, sterile blue, framed by some age markers of someone who did not bother to hide them.
She was rather tall, especially for her age, and combined with the full, puffy blond mane on her head gave her the imposing and sophisticated look of a high-society lady.
A simple diamond necklace, the only piece of jewellery she carried, adorned her black dress. Beige pantyhose and a sensible, also black, heel covered her lean legs.
After landing and baggage reclaim, she did a beeline to the glass doors of the airport, where a fancy, yet non-descript car waited patiently for her.
“You know where we’re going.” She told the driver. “Step on it.”
A man who sat next to her on the backseat chuckled. “You’ll never change, will you, Lois?”
“What do you mean?” She demands.
“You say ‘efficient communication’, but it’s actually you being brash, demanding and indifferent.” He smirks. “Have you ever said thank you in your life?”
Lois laughs as if it was one big joke. “You’re one to tell.”
“Birds of the same feather, I suppose.” He considered. “What are you doing here, anyways?”
“I thought it was pretty obvious.” She said, turning on her cell phone.
The man smirks. “Indeed, let me rephrase. What do you expect to achieve with it?”
“I expect to recover what’s mine. And perhaps knocking some sense into that stupid, empty head.”
Sometime around 10:00 PM, Emily finally got to the entrance door of the Sterlings’ apartment, feeling ready for a good night’s sleep.
The sight she encounter at the kitchen, however, wasn’t very conductive to resting.
“Surprise!” Queenie and Nathan shout, surprising the young redhead. The two of them wore party hats and the whole room was dripping with tacky ‘happy birthday’ décor.
“I’m sorry about the ‘Feliz Cumpleaños’ theme. The store had no ‘Congratulations on your first half-versary at the job’ so we had to improvise.” Queenie said with a laughter.
“But the cake’s legit.” Nathan presented the dessert, the phrase ‘#1 Teach’ was frosted on it. “Done it myself, dark chocolate and coffee beans, hope you like it!”
“Oh my God, this is amazing! Thank you so much!” The youngest beamed and hugged her mother. “And, yeah, Nathan, I love chocolate and coffee beans. It was the cake you baked me for my birthday between Junior and Senior years.”
He laughs, sheepish. “I’m pretty sure I asked the maid to order me one, but I’m glad you liked it then and I’m glad you like it now.”
“Come on, let’s dig in!” Queenie picks up a plate and a knife, ready to carve the cake into shreds.
“No, wait. Let me at least freshen up.” Emily asks. “I’ve been on this dress all day long and I could use a pair of slippers.”
“Sure, honey. I’ll accompany you.” The mother smiled kindly and then pointed the knife at the man. “Do not dare to eat the cake before we’re back.”
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, sure, I’ll eat three kilograms of cake while you’re changing. I’ll even lick the plate clean.”
The older woman shot him a dirty look, but followed her daughter away with no further words. Nathan looked over to the decorated table and saw that Emily had forgotten to take her book bag back to her room.
He picked it up and he was going to take it there for her when a particular volume called upon his attention. It was an old, battered copy of ‘Out of Africa’. The blond took the book out to check it out in close quarters.
It was not a library issue, certainly, and it was not any of his, either. He did not remember any book boxes when Emily and Queenie moved in, so it must be a new purchase.
Opening the volume, he sees the Karen Blixen signature and wonder whether the bookseller was a moron or if Emily had the pretty penny to afford such a luxury.
It was when a small envelope falls out from the book pages. It was, by itself, nothing special, as it was white and only addressed to Emily in scrawny cursive.
Nathan checks the hallway to see if there was anyone coming. Having the coast clear, he opens the stationary.
What he reads puts him on a foul mood. It was a love letter, from Zig to Emily, asking for her forgiveness for his brash behaviour their last encounter and reiterating his intent. He was probably who gave Emily the book, in fact.
Nathan had to admit, the baboon had a few tricks up his sleeve.
Considering the letter was sealed when he found it, he assumes Emily had not found it yet, and therefore he could make it disappear. The two women were yet to emerge from the bedroom; they’d be none the wiser.
It was his first instinct, the blond had to admit. But something contained his hand, a foggy thought he could not make much sense of it, a feeling it would bring only misery if he went on with it.
He decided to put the letter back where he found it.
“Oh, there’s where I left it!” Emily exclaims, entering the kitchen.
“I was about to take it to your room.” The man handed her the bag. “What’s with the vintage copy?”
“Zig gave it to me tonight. I used to collect signed copies, and Out of Africa is one of my favourite books.” She beamed, happy.
“You used to? What happened?” The blond wondered out loud.
The redhead woman sighed. “You kept my books after we divorced.”
“No, I did not.” He shook his head. “The only books we had at home were on my study, and those were mine.”
“Do you remember the shelves by the guest room, on the third floor?” She asks, and he nods his affirmative. “Those were my collection.”
An icy chill ran through the man’s spine. He let Ashley-Amber throw them all away while she was ‘remodelling’ the house. He didn’t even think of checking what was on that particular set of shelves, he just assumed that were assorted titles of no importance other than decorative value, like every other at his parents’ houses.
Nathan had to hand it to himself; he really screwed up with Emily’s life. So much so, he should call the Guinness Book and check if they keep tally of those. He could be sitting on a world record.
Before he could say anything else, they hear a noise at the entrance door. Not dwelling much about it, them both walked out to the living room to check on it.
“Mother!” Nathan exclaims.
Standing by the doorway, Lois Sterling smirks, dangerously. “I am back.”
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wilderun · 7 years
What happened to Pack West Wolfdog Rescue and the animals that died and the scams? I'd hate for it to be true from the little I saw online, because I had a ton of faith in them. They seemed so legitimate to me, but I really am not that knowledgeable on how rescues run.
What you saw was 100% correct. I’m going to copy/paste Sara Movahedi (rescue coordinator at In Harmony With Nature)’s post that she made here, because it’s too long to go into on my own. Sara may be somewhat of a polarizing figure in the wolfdog community, but she is honest and fair. Everything she has brought into the light about Pack West is fact, unfortunately. And more is coming out beyond even this. 
“A few months ago, I was asked by a friend to join the board of Packwest Rescue to assist them with some minor admin hiccups they were having. I had been aware of some of the issues surrounding PW for some time, but was hopeful that they would sort things out and carry on doing what they do. Upon teaming up with them, I made some discoveries that left me rather stunned, shocked, disgusted, and disheartened. I will list a few of them in this post, as the public (specifically wdc people) have a right to know what transpired, and the members of Packwest won’t be able to live in the light, until they can come out of the darkness.
The other reason I’m posting this is to highlight what can/will happen when well-intentioned people take on more than they can handle, and more than they are qualified for, by starting something like a rescue, without first building the basic foundation to support it down the line. It seems every time I turn around lately, someone says they’re starting a rescue or opening a sanctuary… And it never fails, every time I see or hear it, I shudder and think about Packwest… how things went so horribly wrong, so incredibly fast. 
Please let this rescue’s experience be a lesson for you, and think before you decide to open a 501. There are laws in place, and there are penalties and punishments should those laws be broken… to say nothing of the personal loss you can expect should you be on the losing end of the deal. Your homes, your vehicles, your bank accounts, your ANIMALS….any asset you have is on the line should you violate the laws set forth by not only the state you live in, but by the federal government.
-Packwest agreed to take in 2 animals from a couple needing to rehome them in Nevada. Packwest charged the couple a $400 surrender fee, on top of $300+ for gas to drive to pick the animals up. The animals, Sylar (male) and Luna (female) were then transported back to Oregon.
*No self respecting rescue should EVER charge a rehoming/surrender fee. If my sanctuary did that, especially at $400 a pop, we would be rich with all the animals we have taken in. That isn’t how it works, that isn’t how rescue works, and its highly unethical.
-Upon returning to Oregon, the two board members stopped at a predetermined location in Oregon. The board president had a deposit down on a puppy from a local breeder, as she wanted an “ambassador” animal for her fledgling rescue. *This is especially difficult to understand…purchasing an animal *from a breeder* as the first act of a rescue organization.
-Upon arriving, there was allegedly a discrepancy on the remaining balance. The board member still owed $500 for the puppy, but didn’t have the funds. Since she had the $400 surrender fee and the $300 gas money the couple had given her, she used that money to cover the difference and purchased Ivar from that breeder, hours after “rescuing” Luna and Sylar.
-Sylar was sent to the home of another board member, simply as a temp foster. That board member, lived in a small rental home at the time and lacked the space and containment, and should never have taken on a foster. Her situation was further complicated when she adopted her personal wolfdog’s (Kochma’s) mother, Sorsha (later named Sadira) when the breeder decided to get rid of her animals. To make things even harder, the board member and her family welcomed a brand new baby into her home and life at the same time these animals were arriving and starting to settle in.
-Sorsha, an INTACT, VERY high content, VERY unsocial animal was first penned with her son, Kochma, also INTACT. After just a few weeks, the board member rearranged them and placed Sorsha in with her foster, Sylar. *It’s important to note that these changes in housing were all taking place at the very height of breeding season, weeks after these animals all arrived, very likely playing a big role in things happening the way they did. Shortly after being penned with Sylar, and while the board member was at the hospital with the new baby, Sorsha attacked and killed the foster, Sylar, in an attack that can only be described as brutal and vicious. The public explanation given by Packwest was that perhaps wild animals got into the enclosure and killed him.
-Approximately one week later, again at the board member’s home, her personal wolfdog, Kochma, an animal she had raised since he was a pup, suddenly killed his bonded pen mate, Alora, a lower content female, who was also intact. This is especially troubling since he had never displayed any sign of aggression, and was submissive to Alora until that day. It’s important to note, in this case, that the enclosure where Kochma and Alora were housed was in close proximity to Sorsha, where he most certainly would have seen her kill Sylar just days earlier. Again, the explanation (though not public since these weren’t rescue animals) was this was likely another wild animal. Alora had retreated into her dog house to likely tend to her wounds and/or hide from the animal she once felt so comfortable with, who now wanted to kill her… it was there that she was found the next day.
-While this isn’t directly rescue related, it’s important to know that Sorsha later went after the young daughter of that board member, ripping her arms open and trying to pull her into the enclosure. I would normally not mention this, as kids are off limits, but I’m doing so with her mother’s blessing, and to make a bigger point. It wasn’t until months later that they learned Sorsha had a history of attacking children, a history not made known to her by the breeder when she agreed to take the animal.
No responsible rescue would place more on the plate of board members, fosters, adopters, or anyone, who possibly can’t handle it. But when you’re overextended and trying to do things without a plan in place, accidents happen and people and/or the animals get hurt. Packwest should never have placed fosters with that board member, and failed them and those animals. The board member should have made it clear she could not take on additional animals as well. And as a point of fact, it’s incredibly irresponsible to not only house personal animals with new rescues, but also to do so when all personal animals are intact.
-Packwest, as of May 2017, was administratively dissolved as a result of failure to file necessary documents by January of that year. Since that time, they collectively continued to raise funds for the rescue. This is highly unethical, immoral, and illegal. The board members were not aware of the suspension status, and unaware yearly tax forms were not completed. This responsibility lies with each member, and claiming ignorance is no excuse.
-Fundraising efforts included despite them no longer being a rescue, among other things, photo shoots with one of the several “ambassador” animals listed on Packwest’s web page. Those included Tsura (owned by Tracy Hawkins) Kochma (owned by Sage Bohemia Grove) and Ivar, owned by Packwest/Sarah Bartell. This is a problem for MANY reasons, least of all being the fact that they were not a charity in good standing during some of the time these shoots were being done. Another BIG issue I pointed out to them, one I have pointed out to many people over the past year or two, is USDA guidelines governing exhibition, and what you are and aren’t allowed to do with your animals
.-I spent several days sifting through all the information and trying to process it all, and decided to ask the board members what they even wanted from this “rescue.” I was shocked to learn that NONE of them actually wanted to rescue. It seemed the bigger motivation was photography, and online education… and for at least one of them, it appeared perhaps (at least from the outside) to be money.The decision to dissolve this rescue was made at my suggestion, and all agreed. One sobering thing these ladies learned, and I’m sure each will share their personal feelings on the subject, is when you claim an ambassador animal is property of a rescue, or belongs to the rescue, or was purchased for or by the rescue…. when that rescue dissolves, that animal, regardless of who payed what for it and when, will be sold as part of the asset liquidation. When Packwest board members heard that, shit got real, REAL FAST.
-We were able to work it out where nobody lost their animals, however the board president did have to pay the rescue back for Ivar, and for the right to keep him. She also reimbursed the rescue for the $2800 raised by the public for the rescue’s truck… a vehicle deemed her private personal driver since they only did 4 rescues since their inception, 2 years earlier. To put that in perspective for you, I have done 4 rescues in the last 30 days. The money from Ivar and the truck were then donated (as part of the asset liquidation) to a legitimate 501, current and in good standing, and one the board chose privately, without any involvement or input from me.
-As far as Luna… she was being fostered by the rescue’s president, at her home, until she escaped one day while the board member was gone. She was found and posted on a local pet group, and members of the PW board were quickly contacted. At this point, I had not joined up with them yet, so I was only outside looking in. I immediately began trying to contact the board member/foster to no avail.Finally, Luna was returned to her, but by then, I had had enough. I arranged for a fellow rescue friend (who had been looking to adopt a female) to take Luna in, and made plans to have her IMMEDIATELY transferred to that persons care. Luna is currently in that home, safe and loved, and to this day, her new mom has yet to receive the first piece of paper about her. No vet records, no shot records, no nothing. Packwest’s explanation? They don’t know where any of it is.
-Over the course of 2+ years, Packwest raised and spent money without any accountability as to where that money went. NO proof of purchases exists for several big items, like the truck for example. Only certain board members were granted access to the bank account, and no receipts were kept of transactions that were done. THAT IS ILLEGAL, AND A PROBLEM WHEN YOU ARE A 501c3.I asked the board (specifically the president) on numerous occasions to remove any and all Packwest references, and make it CLEAR to people that they are no longer a charity. I also stayed on her to follow up with the states of Washington and Oregon (they were registered in BOTH) to make sure dissolution documents were completed and filed as needed. She assured me she had it taken care of. I also asked her to make a public post to let people know the rescue was no longer active, and that never came either.Recently, I was informed that she was still raising money, still selling items through the website (now slightly edited to include they are no longer taking in rescues, but conveniently leaving out the part about dissolution) and still presenting herself as a charity org. After a heated exchange (mostly on my part really) she agreed to make the necessary calls to dissolve the org officially. She edited the website further, however it still does not clearly spell out that the charity is no longer active and funds raised through the online store will no longer be going towards a 501c3 wolfdog rescue, but actually to one individual person.
I have not posted this to smear these women or further place blame on them. They have been hearing me tell them how badly they screwed up for several months… most of them get it. They know how close they came to possibly losing their animals, and possibly even facing charges.
-Forms they should have filled out to start this org, they payed someone $2,000 to do it for them.
-Forms they needed to stay active and remain in good standing, never got filled out.
-Receipts were not kept.
-Money was mishandled and misappropriated
.-Records were not kept
.-People were bitten and told to lie.
-Paperwork and vet records for rescues was not kept.
-Personal animals were intact.
-A fox was sent to an illegal state, and when a sanctuary stepped up to take it, PW attempted to charge them money as well.
-Having funding and housing and caging set up BEFORE taking in a single animal in, was NOT DONE.Logic, common sense, honesty, transparency, planning, preparation…and sadly ethics…. all went out the window.I am posting this to highlight how hard it is to do this the RIGHT way. Rescue by itself is hard… but to open and run a 501c3, and keep it running, requires organization, planning, and a dedicated and qualified BOD…NOT a group of your best friends.
 Until I joined them, they had never even held a single board meeting, and didn’t even have set jobs/assignments within the board. Board members were not informed of what their president was doing, and when they were able to communicate with her, she reassured them she had everything under control. They didn’t know they were spiraling out of control quickly.
Please take a look at where good intentions can get you. Please think before you decide you want to do this, and if you decide that you do, first work with a reputable rescue in your area and learn the inner workings of 501’s. Learn the paperwork, the boring admin stuff. My dad used to always tell me that before you build a house, you have to set the foundation. If you try to skip the foundation and move on to the fun stuff, decorating, for example, all your stuff will fall down when the walls collapse, because the foundation below them wasn’t there, or was not strong enough. That analogy is true in all things, rescue included.
It is my sincere hope that this post has accomplished 3 things: 
Highlighted just a few of the hard realities behind trying to start and run a rescue responsibly;
Highlighted the absolute and unequivocal importance of preparation, ethics, honesty and transparency, ESPECIALLY when affiliated with a 501c3 dealing with animals;
Highlighted how good intentions are about as useful as good toilet paper without the proper foundation in place.
Please do not send money to Packwest Wolfdogs under the guise that it’s a 501c3. It is NOT. Please do not contact them for animals needing rescue, and please do not refer anyone to them for help…. or education. They cannot provide either. 
Thanks for reading.“
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Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
"Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
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i am pregnant for the first time, i do not have any insurance and i don't even know where to go get my check up, and what do I need to be checked on so that my pregnancy will be ok.""
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if one had a car registered in georgia, he decided to pass through NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance expired, he gets pulled over. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?""
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I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was going straight past an intersection and another truck going the opposite direction turned at the intersection, striking me. He admitted he did not see me and was clearly at fault. I filled out the police report and it states, by both parties, that he was at fault. A year later I bought a new car. I tried to get insurance. Everywhere I go my quotes are sky high, like almost $200 a month. I asked them why so much, and they advised I was listed at fault in the accident. I called the DMV, the insurance adjuster, and the police, and they all say I am not at fault. Well, the DMV says they see an accident but it does not show who was at fault. The insurance companies keep saying they are getting this info from the DMV but thats not possible. I was told by one small insurance company that this is a tactic used by companies. They see me as not at fault but try to manipulate me to get more money. What do I do to clear my name? I have the official police report, as well as all my medical bills from the accident. Again, the DMV cannot see any at fault, therefore cannot do or change anything.""
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I don't qualify for CHIP. My work insurance is great for singles, ok for married couples, terrible for families. We had insurance with Texas Children's Hospital for our kids and it was fantastic. Great coverage for low rates. So of course they are stopping offering the plan. I keep going to rate quote sites, but they demand I be on the plan. Can't you just insure your kids?""
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My son is 17 in January and already owns a car, im looking for car insurance for him as a learner then obviously as a passed driver. Most comparisson sites wont search as he is not 17 at the moment. He insists that he does not want one with a box fitted to the car. Any ideas of companies that will give a reasonable quote would be appreciated.""
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My mom had Healthnet for her insurance provider in California. We started our move to Texas in Dec 2005. Mom made her payment in January. They still had their home in California, and it wasn't sold until February. So legally she was still a California resident. At the end of January she told them that she had moving to Texas. They refused her payment saying that she wouldn't be covered in Texas. In February she had emergency surgery. Healthnet paid everything. Then in October 2006 they denied all payments. Mom was supposed to have surgery on the hernia back in California but the doctor kept post poning it. Until finally he just said he wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. That was in January 2006, after she made her paid her insurance. My mom didn't know she had any rights, so she started paying on this $40,000.00 bill. I don't feel like she should be paying this. I have been trying to figure out how to write a letter to appeal it. I just don't know how to go about it.""
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You get your full coverage on the motorcycle when you purchase it but winter comes and you have the insurance company reduce it to storage insurance. Can you do that and if you can is the insurance company required to let the title holder know of the insurance coverage change?
Teenage Car insurance Impossible?
For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
Where can I get insurance for an older car?
I have a 1969 VW Beetle and need cheapish insurance. Very few insurers will cover a car that old unless it is a classic , but as this means it can only really be driven to shows and whatnot, it won't work for me. This is my daily driver. Thanks in advance.""
What is the best car insurance company? out there?
I'm with all state but is there any insurance company better than all state?
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
My Allstate insurance agent wants me to change from Allstate to Allstate Fire and Casualty. Should I? ?
I would be saving money, but I am wondering if there is a catch to this. Anyone else do this? It is my auto insurance, and I'd save money to switch (about $500 every six months. He tells us rates are lower because my credit is good. True?""
Whats your average price car insurance group 12 and Road Tax?
im planning on getting a car lexus is200 in a few months time and wanted to know how much you guys/girls pay monthly or yearly only on insurance group 12 and on road tax. Im 19, passed a month ago. planning on putting the car in my dads name and me as the driver. Dads a good driver had no past accidents (not sure if you need to know that). Thnxs""
Can I take out a life insurance policy on someone else?
My sister and I would like to take out some sort of life insurance for my mom since my mom does not have any savings/401k nor does she have any life insurance. We just want to be prepared for when she dies so that there won't be such a financial burden on the family. So, can we take out a life insurance policy on her? And do we have to have her consent to get her covered because she is very resistant to talking about dying and such?""
I need full coverage for car insurance?
i need full coverage to get my new car if i go to my insurance tommorow and put full coverage on my car will i be able to pick up the car the same day? ps i live in massachusetts sooo people from there will help to
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
Why are some people's health insurance rates going up?
I've heard a lot of stories about people's insurance rates doubling or tripling. My wife's insurance just went up. What's going on? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/
Insurance Quotes????? Please HELP???
Can someone Please explain to me........... What is an Insurance Quote?? How does it work? Why is it important? Why do we need it? I want a good health and car Insurance and so i dont know about the quote stuff so Please help me to understand. Thank u all so very much.
How/where can I get affordable braces?
Hey Yahoo Answers, I have been wanting to get braces for the past 5 years (since 2007). My main obstacle is affording them. They're heinously expensive. Also, the idea of ...show more""
How do companies determine car insurance fees?
im trying to build a database insurance system for cars only and i wanna know how to calculate different types of insurance fees for this category and if there are certain terms and policies i should consider
What is the best cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
need cheap good car insurance
Including Teen on Auto Insurance?
Is it okay for a parent to get it insured under their name, and not include the child's name so the cost is lower?""
""Can I add my wife's car to my insurance, rather then renew her own policy?""
My wife and I recently married, and it's time for her to renew her insurance. Her driving record isn't great, so her rates have been quite high. Being that we're married, can I just add her vehicle to my own policy to save money, or will she need to have the insurance in her own name??""
""You must have car insurance, question about that?""
Here in Utah, it is law that you must have car insurance. I'm wondering though, what if I borrow my father's car, and it is insured, but I am not an insured driver, how does this work? Is it fine as long as the car is insured? I might not be an insured driver but does that still fulfill the law? If not, why do people borrow cars all the time?""
Why did Democrats call their health insurance scheme the Affordable Care Act?
When in reality its making it more expensive for the middle class?
""Turning 17 in a few years time - group 20 car insurance, how much would that cost??""
as above, please answer, i know im being a tad bit ambitious lol (1995 aston martin db7 fh 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP!""
How much would a private insurance agent make in Connecticut?
As in selling every company's insurance and working from home.
Confused.com removed cheapest quote?
The other day I tried to get car insurance quote online using confused.com. The cheapest quotes were from admiral, elephant, and bell, the cheapest being around 2000 (i'm 17). However I realised afterwards, that there were some minor details in the quote that needed changing. So I changed them and now, none of these insurers show up in the results, even if I go back to the original quote settings. The cheapest quote is now like 5000. Why is this?""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
How much would i have to pay extra on my car insurance if i added my 18 year old son?
he jus got his license a few days ago?
My insurance quotes make no sense...?
I've been checking out some insurance quotes, I did a few thru progressive and got some weird results. First time, on a 2002 BMW M3 I got quoted $140/mo for full coverage (I'm 18, completely clean record), went back through to see if I could get the same result: got $199/mo, same information and everything. Why the change? And THEN (this is where it gets weird...) I checked my 97 Corolla (my DD/beater) and I did only that car on the quote, they wanted $240/mo. I'm really confused right now. Any advice?""
How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies?
How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
Car insurance for diabetics?
So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?""
""A good car for 2000, Cheap to run but not bad looking.?""
Right as the title suggests. I am looking for a new car which is a cheap insurance group (7 max) and a cheap tax band. theyre would be leeway on the right car. Now it has to be good looking i am a 23 year old bloke and don't want to be driving anything boy racerish equally anything which is quite old looking! If anyone can help, many thanks :)""
Who offers affordable home owners insurance in south florida?
trying to buy a house in south florida and I need a good and affordable company for my home owners ins.
Should insurance cover repair cost?
My cars engine is having a problem. It takes like two tries to start it up and it's a new car. So will my insurance cover the cost of repairing the car?
High School Sport Insurance?
If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?
Do most parents pay for their children's car insurance?
Ok, don't rant at me, I'm asking this question innocently. Basically, I want to know if it's common for parents to pay for their children's car insurance (I'm thinking of those 17, 18, 19, etc. who just passed their test and haven't moved out), or if the child is usually made to pay it themselves? I don't know if part time jobs will cover the cost or what (especially as I imagine they will usually pay for their own petrol), but 3000 a year does seem quite a bit for a teenager to be able to afford. And seems like more and more youngsters are getting cars... I don't think I would expect my parents to pay for mine when I pass my test, but then again I don't know how I'd be able to afford it myself either... So I'm looking for some insight on the topic.""
""How much does fire insurance cost, building damage insurance cost, more on details?
1.) Fire Insurance 2.) Building Damage Insurance 3.) Property Damage Insurance 4.) Any other insurances out there? Please name some for me. The building is 1000 sq. feet with only one floor. How much would insurance cost? HOW MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks so much!
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
What is the best insurance company to go through for motorcycle insurance?
""50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.""
""How do I find affordable, personal health insurance at age 54?""
Kaiser would not take me back, after I had lapsed. I am normal, with aches and pains of most anyone, but afraid of being denied coverage at any new application!""
Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage?
My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?""
Camaro Vs. Mustang which is cheaper?
Camaro vs. Mustang which is affortable? Would a 2012 Camaro Coupe more affortable than a Mustang 2012 Mustang. By affortable i mean like insurances/ gas/ and all that other stuffs. Which one is cheaper in total to own? TY
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
How much will it cost me for insurance and plates etc..?
im buying a 94 supra twin turbo for $18,500. im getting a loan from the bank for the car but what else do i need after i buy it? how much do i need? should $600 be enough for all that stuff?""
How much will insurance cost?
I'm a 18 year old got g2 and about to buy a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon Living in Toronto About to be a college student The car is a Automatic, Kilometers 196000, Coupe (2 door), Front-wheel drive, no mods on the car and it is red. How much will the insurance cost thank and if you can tell me the best insurance company thanks Can you tell me by monthly thanks""
Are there any insurance companies that will cover pregnancy in texas?
I am 7w4d pregnant and without health insurance. I have been getting check-ups at a local clinic but I really need to find a doctor. I have not found an insurance policy that will cover maternity costs though. I've heard Medicaid has strict eligibility and is almost impossible to get if the dad is present in the baby's life,which in my situation he will be. Does anyone know of ANY insurance policies that will cover pregnancy?""
Liability Car Insurance?
What exactly is it? And can anybody drive my car with it? Like, if I had my name on the insurance, can my younger sister drive it still and she'll be okay as long as she doesnt get into an accident?""
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
Car insurance fraud am i paying too much ?
we got a new car out of the dealer and as u know it requires u to get full coverage.we went to are present insurance witch i had my 3000gt i asked if i could add the new car the guy who got us the insurance,he told us we needed to pay down payment again witch is weird when i wanted to add my 3000gt to my dads insurance they did not charge the down payment.but we also dont have licence and shes 23 and i am 25""
Car insurance for the young?
any body know where to find cheap car insurance for my son aged 17 tried the usual site ie compare and money market.com just got him a 1999 1,2 corsa i have ten years ncb on my own car the wife has been on my policy for 7 years with no claims the corsa is going to be registred in my wife name thanks very much""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?
Purchasing car insurance?
I want to find an online quote to see how much I may be paying for future auto insurance. But some sites ask for vehicle information. I haven't bought the car yet. But don't you need proof of insurance in order to purchase a car? I'm confused. How do I go about this?
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
What happens to my insurance costs when I go from provisional to full licence?
I am currently learning to drive on a provisional licence and insurance in my own car. I have paid a premium for the provisional, but shouldn't need it for much more than 3 months hopefully. So what happens when I pass my test? Will this insurance be upgraded to full insurance and will there be any extra cost? Admiral if that helps. Thanks in advance""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
Pagani Zonda - how much to insure?
My hubby and I were watching Top Gear the other night and James May was testing the Pagani Zonda. Does anyone know, out of interest (or to be honest to settle an argument!) roughly how much the insurance premium would be on this type of car? Thanks!""
How much average does a family of four pay annually or monthly for health insurance?
I'm currently in the military and plan on getting out in 3yrs. I have an EF but people in the service forget about health insurance (because its free now). I want to set my family up. Just wondering what would I be looking at paying when I separate for a family of four so I can start saving
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
I am learning how to drive, and am looking at what cars would best suit me in terms of cheapness and how cheap to insure. I have looked at a few online quotes for a few cars being, 2001 peugeot 206 1.1, ford fiesta 1.2 1997, cheapest was 4 grand from post office. I know i haven't pasted my test yet, but i want to have a rough idea how much it will cost me. These quotes are madness i cannot afford that, i will be paying for this car myself and insurance myself, i work part time and will have to save. Is there any special classes i can take that would lower my insurance? I have heard of special night classes or something along those lines. What cars would be best for me looking at? Also are older cars or cars with higher mileage cheaper to insure? Many thanks :)""
How can i Switch to another health insurance?
my son has keystone mercy for his health insurance but i totally forgot that the hospital he was born in doesn't accept that insurance they accept americhoice and i want to switch but im worried because i don't if americhoce would pay the bills from when he was born!!!! help!!
I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper?
I'm 17 just got my driving licence (UK) How can I get my insurance cheaper?
How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
I have progressive and how much do you think the insurance would cost to get my son a 2013 Camaro v6?
He has no tickets and has As and Bs in college. Its a boy.
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
Car accident with no insurance?
I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.""
Do you need insurance for a day when you buy a car?
I m planing to buy a car and i want to know if i need insurance just to bring the car home, a one day insurance or something like that??""
Appeals for insurance company?
i was wondering on average how long does it take for a car insurance company to process appeals if someone knows it would be greatly appreciated
Whats the best way to check multiple car insurance quotes at once?
last time i got car insurance, i went to a broker type place, there, the guy used a website to find me the cheapest car insurance, do any of you know which website this is?""
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
A GOOD first car that is great for insurance?
i need a car that will b a good first car for a 16 year old male. it has to be reliable, safe, low cost, and has to have low insurance. any suggestions?""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much""
What is the best kind of life insurance?
should one buy to take care of their final expenses . What is term life ins? I am in my 60's and don;t want to burden my children to have to pay for my funeral someday.
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What kind of insurance to get?
I come from a low income family and my health insurance is called Healthy Families. Its really basic and only covers check ups, physicals, and other things in community health clinics. I have several moles I that I would like to get checked out at a dermatologist and some help with my acne as well but I hear that dermatologist visits can get expensive. What kind of insurance can I get that won't break the bank?""
Cheaper car insurance?
I'm was just checking the insurance (third party only) for a Renault Clio 1.2L, 54 reg and the prices were like 3500-4500!!! That's more expensive than the car itself. I thought that for a relatively small car the insurance wouldn't have been that expensive. Bearing in mind that I've just passed my practical I still think these prices are ridiculous! Is there any way I can make the insurance cheaper? Thank you!""
How much will my liberty insurance go up?
i'm 17, have had my ma junior operators license for 10 months. i was driving home, when in a thickly settled area i saw a motorcycle getting ready to pull off the sidewalk, i was keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasnt going to pull out into my lane, when i looked up and saw that the car in front of me had come to a dead stop, at a greenlight, bc a pedestrian had taken a step into the crosswalk. my vehicle hit the one in front of me, which pushed into the one in front of him. Pretty bad damage, speed was around 25-30mph. Right now i'm listed as an occasional operator on my dad's insurance (clean record). Its liberty mutual, just curious how much itll increase per year since im young. i wasn't cited, no injuries.""
What type of insurance i need for a driving test does it have to be a full coverage?
do i need to bring a vehicle with full coverage insurance or could my car that only has a cheap insurance plan work for the DMV's driving test
Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!?
im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure...
I need help with Car Insurance... Please!?
I am a 17 year old male in the UK and have just passed my test on september 2012. I cannot get insured anywhere because they are all charging me at least 500 pound a month to be insured on my mams car (Corsa SXI 2002), i cannot afford this... obviously. I have tried almost every car insurance site and i cannot seem to find any cheaper than 500 pound a month! It is very frustrating because i am a very sensible driver. I need some help!!! Is there any cheap cars that i can buy that will make the insurance cheaper? Can you recommend any cheap or used cars that have cheap insurance for young drivers? Can you recommend any good insurance sites for young drivers? Please any help will do!!! Thank you""
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my license any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
Considering leaving Allstate Auto insurance, anyone have a suggestion?
It seems that Allstate is a bit expensive, of course I know it's based on what type of car and such. I wanted to know if anyone has better experience with perhaps State Farm, Progressive, etc...?
2 notes · View notes
chrysaliseuro2018 · 6 years
With a Spring in our Step
Last day of the tour and two sites to see. The ancient city of Hierapolis and the calcite mineral site of Pammukale. A new guide Rafet who also had excellent English and was a confident young man. He did tell us as an opener that while Mehmet and Mohammed etc were very commonplace in Turkey Rafet was unique. He was one of a kind. Fair enough. We set off for Hierapolis and on this tour there was no one we had met before just around 12 of us. The computer system running these tours must be very good as people came and left willy nilly but somehow the tour guides had it all pegged as to who was where. Our fellow visitors included a group of young Brazilians and a couple from New York in their 60s. On the way we stopped at some small mineral springs where it was possible to dunk the feet. Water temp about mid 30s so very pleasant. Care was required as it was very slippery and there were two minor casualties with one of the young Brazilians going mostly under and the gent from New York slipping as well. All much to the amusement of the rest of us. We pressed on to Hierapolis with our damp fellow travellers. Hierapolis was founded around 190BC and only finally abandoned in the 14th century after an earthquake. This is a real earthquake zone and all the ancient cities we visited had had issues with them and also had structures built to minimise the impact. They didn't all work. A really hot day, mid thirties and our first stop was the necropolis section of the old city. Here there were the tombs of noblemen and warriors but also potentially sick visitors of 1000+ years ago. They had come to be treated for their various ailments by the healers who used the mineral waters which we were about to visit (they obviously hadn't worked). Interestingly, one richer man had noted on his tomb that he had set some money aside for the tomb to be tended to after his death so it would be neat and tidy. There's planning though I think the denarii had run out. We moved on and saw the baths, the forum and latrines. Rafet was telling us stories about the old city including that amazons had inhabited Hierapolis. The American lady was in fine if loud form. When one particular story related to women not being treated so well she said something like "so it started back then" to the amusement of the group. Unfortunately she then decided that this was now vaudeville and a running commentary on Rafet's various stories would be amusing. The humour was starting to wear very thin and after a while she picked up on it and the world became a quieter place. Rafet seemed relieved too. As with Ephesus the latrines were a cause for humour and Rafet quickly regaled us with the story of slaves in winter being required to "warm" the seat for the boss before he sat down. Liz pointed out that such behaviour has not been unknown in certain antipodean households in the vicinity of North Fitzroy. This was much to the amusement of the Brazilians who of course have much to account for themselves in the nether regions. And so on we went. The city was impressive and large. Highlight was at the end with the 12,000 seat Roman theatre which was in very good condition (they built them to last). Quite an effort to get there as up a hill and the day was getting warmer with very little shade. Interestingly and disappointingly Rafet did not take us to the theatre though that seemed to be the norm with only the guide of a very small group up there. However he was telling them of the background to the thetere which would have been good to hear from our man. Another case of the guides not being hungry enough to sing for their supper. In fairness Rafet seemed totally disinterested in earning a tip and wasn't looking for one which all the others on this tour were (though fairly gently). The day was divided in two with Hierapolis first. Now we headed for the the white terraces of calcite which are covered or fed by warm mineral water. The two sites abut one another which may well have influenced the original location of Hierapolis given our predecessors love a mineral bath. The calcite terraces are truly spectacular, probably a football field size of them descending to the valley below (valley not too deep). They are difficult to describe - fairly hard rock and you need to take your shoes and socks off to go on them. We did and in places it was quite rough underfoot though not to bad. There are a few shallow pools where you can paddle or bathe in the warm mineral water. We padded around there or sat with our feet in a pool for probably an hour or so until due back on the bus. Our American lady friend was bathing in one of the pools. Very pleasant little aside and quite spectacular. The white of the calcite shimmered in the sun and was quite blinding if you took your sunglasses off We headed to lunch which was another buffet and then our little tour was over. We were deposited at the travel agents offices to be taken on the next unstructured leg of our journey by public bus to Side to meet with Liz's brother Dougal and wife Genevieve. The bus trip to Side which is on the coast at the south of Turkey (we were finally going to make it from top to bottom) was 5 hours. The bus station in Pammukale was a little confusing as we couldn't obviously find the bus we needed but eventually after asking several people found someone who knew and we settled down to wait - it was running about 25 mins late. On we got and the seats though a little tight were fine. An unremarkable trip with a decent break for dinner along the way. Though dinner wasn't much cop. With a 5 hour bus trip typically I find I just switch off and gaze out of the window. I mostly did this but also listened to a footy podcast which killed an hour. The bus was going beyond where we wanted to get out and we tried to communicate to the attendant (there were two drivers and an attendant/steward) that we needed to get off at a junction which led to Side. At this stop Liz's brother Dougal and his wife's sister's husband Hassan (of Turkish origin and now living part of the time in Side) would meet us and take us to the hotel where we were staying. There was one big problem no one on the bus seemed to speak English so they just could not get the message. Luckily we were able to speak to Dougal and eventually we got Hassan on the phone to the attendant and then driver and he explained what needed to happen. Amusingly whatever Hassan said to the driver worked as he started ringing Hassan to advise of progress and when they would drop us off. Also amusingly the attendant bustled about and served teas and coffee and a biscuit or piece of cake all part of the deal. This, all done as the bus moved so no mean feat. Trouble was he was a bit overweight, every time the bus stopped he lit up a fag and it was also pretty warm with the air conditioning contribution marginal. As a result as he wondered up and down the aisle, he literally dripped sweat like a waterfall. Anyway 5 hours in we got to the Side turnoff, the bus pulled up, we jumped out and there were Dougal and Hassan waiting for us. It's that wonderful feeling after a journey across a foreign place to see a welcoming smile, handshake and hug to greet you. We were staying at a hotel owned by Genevieve and Dougal's friends Penny and Ali and we reached it after a short drive. The rest of the evening was spent basically carousing, with a few drinks, a bite to eat and generally catching up. A pretty big day all round though we were very much looking fwd to chilling I the seaside resort of Side. It was a really enjoyable tour. We visited some exceptional sites, stayed in some nice hotels, met some good people and genuinely felt we had learned things about Gallipoli and some important locations in the ancient world as well as Turkey generally.
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