#temporary business car insurance
briancampbell0706 · 2 months
Comparing Quotes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Best Business Vehicle Insurance Rates ?
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In the dynamic world of business, having the right insurance for your vehicles is crucial. Business vehicle insurance not only protects your assets but also ensures that your operations run smoothly without unexpected financial hiccups. In the United Kingdom, navigating through the various options for business vehicle insurance can be daunting. This guide aims to simplify the process, helping you compare quotes effectively to secure the best rates for your needs.
Understanding Business Vehicle Insurance
Business Vehicle Insurance is designed to cover vehicles used for business purposes. This includes cars, vans, and trucks that are integral to your operations, whether for transporting goods, meeting clients, or providing services. The coverage typically includes liability, collision, comprehensive, and sometimes additional options like theft and fire damage.
Why Compare Quotes?
Comparing quotes from different insurers is essential for several reasons:
Cost Efficiency: It helps you find the most cost-effective option that meets your coverage needs.
Coverage Options: Different insurers offer various coverage packages and limits.
Customer Service: Comparing can give you insights into the quality of service provided by different insurers.
Discounts and Benefits: Some insurers offer discounts for bundling policies or for having a good driving record.
Step-by-Step Guide to Comparing Business Vehicle Insurance Quotes
Step 1: Assess Your Needs
Before you start comparing quotes, it’s essential to understand your specific needs. Consider the following:
Type of Vehicles: Are you insuring cars, vans, or trucks?
Usage: How often and for what purposes are the vehicles used?
Drivers: Who will be driving the vehicles? Do they have good driving records?
Coverage Required: What level of coverage do you need? Basic liability or comprehensive?
Step 2: Gather Information
To get accurate quotes, you will need to provide detailed information about your vehicles and drivers. This includes:
Vehicle make, model, and year
Vehicle identification number (VIN)
Driver’s license information
Annual mileage
Purpose of use
Step 3: Research Insurers
Look for reputable insurers that specialise in Business Vehicle Insurance. Some insurers may offer better rates for specific types of vehicles or businesses. Consider both large, well-known companies and smaller, specialised insurers.
Step 4: Get Multiple Quotes
Using online comparison tools can be an effective way to gather multiple quotes quickly. Ensure you are getting quotes for the same level of coverage to make an accurate comparison. For example, if you need 1 day business car insurance or temporary van insurance for business use, make sure these specifics are included in your request.
Step 5: Compare Coverage
Don’t just look at the price. Compare what each policy covers. Important factors to consider include:
Liability Limits: Make sure the limits meet your needs.
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage: Check the deductibles and what is covered.
Additional Coverages: Some policies might include extras like roadside assistance or rental car coverage.
Exclusions: Be aware of what is not covered by the policy.
Step 6: Check for Discounts
Many insurers offer discounts that can lower your premium. Ask about:
Multi-Vehicle Discounts: If you are insuring multiple vehicles.
Safe Driver Discounts: For drivers with clean records.
Bundling Discounts: If you bundle your vehicle insurance with other business policies.
Usage-Based Discounts: If your vehicles have low annual mileage.
Step 7: Review the Insurer’s Reputation
Customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into an insurer’s reliability and customer service quality. Look for reviews specifically related to claims processing, as this is where service quality truly matters.
Step 8: Make an Informed Decision
After gathering all the information, compare the quotes side by side. Consider the overall value offered by each policy, not just the price. Choose the policy that provides the best combination of coverage, service, and cost.
Types of Temporary Business Vehicle Insurance
Temporary business vehicle insurance is a flexible solution for businesses that need short-term coverage. Here are some options:
1 Day Business Car Insurance
1 day business car insurance is ideal for those who need coverage for a single day. This can be useful for occasional business trips or test drives.
Temporary Van Insurance for Business Use
Temporary van insurance for business use provides coverage for a specific period, ranging from one day to several weeks. This is perfect for short-term projects or when hiring a van temporarily.
Temporary Car Business Insurance
Temporary car business insurance is similar to the above but tailored for cars. It’s suitable for business trips, short-term rentals, or when an employee needs to use their car for business purposes temporarily.
Short Term Business Car Insurance
Short term business car insurance covers periods from a few days to a few months. It’s flexible and ideal for seasonal businesses or temporary needs.
Temp Business Car Insurance
Temp business car insurance offers the flexibility to insure a car for short periods, ensuring that you’re covered without committing to a long-term policy.
Temporary Business Use Car Insurance
Temporary business use car insurance provides coverage for cars used for business purposes on a temporary basis. It’s perfect for freelancers or businesses with occasional travel needs.
Benefits of Temporary Business Vehicle Insurance
One of the biggest advantages of temporary business vehicle insurance is flexibility. You can get coverage exactly when you need it without paying for a long-term policy.
For businesses that don’t need year-round coverage, temporary insurance can be more cost-effective than traditional annual policies.
Easy to Obtain
Temporary insurance is often easier and quicker to obtain than long-term policies. Many insurers offer instant quotes and coverage can be activated almost immediately.
Peace of Mind
Knowing that you’re covered for the exact period you need provides peace of mind, whether you’re sending an employee on a business trip or using a rental vehicle for a short-term project.
Finding the best Business Vehicle Insurance rates requires careful comparison and consideration of your specific needs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision that provides the right coverage at the best price. Remember, whether you need 1 day business car insurance, temporary van insurance for business use, or any other short-term coverage, the key is to compare quotes thoroughly and choose a policy that offers the best value.
For more information and to get started with your insurance comparison, visit Temp Cover Now. They offer a wide range of options for temporary business car insurance tailored to your specific needs in the United Kingdom.
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cereusblue · 8 months
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Hi, all. So, I've had a day from hell and I'm too exhausted to re-explain on another platform. But here, I'll copy paste the story here. TLDR at the bottom. If you can't help, pass it on. Literally everything helps. Love you all.
Good day all, thank you for stopping your busy day to check my page.
Let me lay out the situation as best I can.
First off, some background for myself and my family. My fiancee and I only have(had) one functioning car between us when we took in a family member of his in an emergency CPS case. We are trying our hardest to take care of her and teach her how to be a person, but our schedules and only having one vehicle has made that a struggle. She has gotten a job just last week and is working hard to get on her feet. It's great and we are very proud of her! It's part time for the time being while she learns how to manage finances and how the world works.
However, since October things have started taking a turn for the worse. Between my fiancee and I, we both worked minimum wage and in October I bent over to put on a shoe and my back made a horrible crack noise. I went to the ER in immense pain and despite having insurance, I still got dumped with a hefty bill that to this day I am still trying to pay off. I have gone through physical therapy as requested by my doctor, since he didn't want to operate on someone of my age. However, it did nothing but agitate the problem. While I can now move around again, bending over and lifting anything past 15 pounds is strenuous. I'm in pain every single day and even sitting up is difficult most days. I can't stand up for long anymore before it becomes too much on my back. But things continue to happen, as they do. I was set to come back to see my surgeon this year but on Dec 29th in the last hour of the day, my job decided that an AI system could completely take over my job and laid me off. Getting unemployment as well as answers back from my previous work has been very difficult. My benefits were cut off with no chance to refill medications or see my surgeon. So, now my continued treatment to fix my back on top of my other health issues have all been put on pause. I've been working for almost two years now to get treatment and figure out what's wrong with my health, but I am now on a desperate search for a new job.
Which leads us to today. We are already strapped for money, and on a trip to an interview and my fiancee going to work, we got taken down a gravel road that looked deceptively fine. Driving across, the ice was far deeper than it appeared and it destroyed the grill, bumper, and wheel well (I believe that's what it's called) aka part of the frame that covers the front wheels broke and are hanging. That's not where it ends. So, I took the car to get it temporarily fixed so we could hopefully figure something out to get repairs done. The car got a temporary fix, and then I proceeded to take the car to pick up my fiancee from work. He and I began our drive back home, and as we were passing train tracks a doe jumped out into the road way too close to us. She only came into view as she appeared in the lights of the car, immediately getting bodied by the car. As you can see from the image, she destroyed the hood of the car and much more. I feel horrible for the poor thing and I hope she went quickly, noticing the fur and blood on the front bumper. We managed to get the car home, but the check engine light came on. This car is a Toyota prius. Anyone who knows anything about a prius knows they are basically tin cans. So, the worry is that the cooling system is busted now too. This will exponentially increase the amount we need to pay to repair the vehicle.
The worst part is, is that this is the only car we have to go to work and for me to go to interviews. I do have a car, but it's not in running condition right now. The poor thing is a 1999 and needs some parts replaced that we have not had the funds or availability to get a list of parts and have them replaced. The car also can't move anyway right now and would need towed. The prius is our only vehicle we have, and I don't have the funds to drop on fixing it. Insurance won't pay for it as far as we have been made aware by the body shop because of the type of insurance we have.
So, this is the current estimate we have to work with in regards to repairs. The entire front, hood, coolant system, and I know a few more pieces need replaced. The prius can run and be moved to a body shop at least, but paying for it will be a nightmare. If he can't get to work, we are in major trouble. My fiancee, his little sister, and I all rely on this car for work. While I'm still looking for work, I'm very limited because of my current physical state. We've spent a lot of money on my Healthcare already and every day are worried I'm going to reach for something and have my back crack again. While we are working on Medicaid, these things are proving a slow process. They also don't cover previous medical bills when I did have insurance. So, our only choice is to live off his income currently while I'm on a search for a new job every day. Our lives depend on this one car. Especially since we live out in the woods and work is 40 minutes away.
If you've read this far, I appreciate every single second of your time. Every single hand this gofundme goes through will be a huge help. If you can't help, that's okay, please don't stress your own financials if youre in a tough spot. If you can pass this along to anyone you can, that would be more than enough. Thank you again, and I wish you all better fortune this 2024.
For those who can't read the whole thing;
TLDR; Me and my family are already going through a lot of financial troubles with my health and being laid off, our only mode of transportation is severely damaged from an unmaintained roads massive pothole and hitting a deer in the same day. Three people rely on this one vehicle for all our jobs and interviews that are far from home. Donate if you can, if not, please share and thank you so very much.
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Also including another picture here for you all to see. Thank you all again, I wish you better fortune this year.
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
Chapter 2: The Temporary Chicken Rice
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Whew I'm ascending. Where do I even start with this episode? Wen pursuing Jim with everything he's got? Gaipa hearing he's got competition and IMMEDIATELY going over to stake his claim? The everything Heart and Li Ming are giving me? Praew eating every time she's onscreen like the queen she is? Saleng just Saleng-ing? This show is such a vibe, and also tugging at my heartstrings in very specific ways. I love a good slice-of-life family drama; I was devoted to shows like Friday Night Lights and Parenthood when they were on the air, and this is giving me such similar feelings.
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Look, it's only episode 2, but I would die for Heart and Li Ming. I would kill for them. I would do anything to keep them safe and happy. The way Heart's parents have isolated him, and how lonely he is, it makes me want to open-mouthed bawl. No wonder he was stealing his dad's liquor, he's 17/18 and he's not allowed to leave the house by himself AT ALL? FOR YEARS? I choose to think his parents are doing this out of some misguided sense of protection rather than hiding away their disabled son out of shame, but it's cruel either way. And his mum saying 'he understands simple hand gestures' ENRAGED me, like you can't learn sign to communicate fully and respectfully with your only son? Li Ming coming into his life and just hanging out with him and treating him like he's anybody else instead of like some kind of invalid must be so freeing. And for Li Ming, Heart just being happy to hang out and let him exist as he is, without pressures and expectations that he feels completely unable and unwilling to fulfil must also feel like freedom. Oh yes I understand exactly why these two gravitate towards each other.
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I loved Li Ming finding it easier to open up to Wen than to Jim or even Saleng, and Wen providing him encouragement and a listening ear, even as he gently admonishes Li Ming to talk to Jim about his future plans. Li Ming wants to escape so bad it's palpable. I can see Jim getting angry with Wen about this in the future, he will probably see it as Wen meddling in things that aren't his business, encouraging Li Ming away from the expectations Jim has for him, but somebody he can talk to about this stuff who can guide and encourage him instead of dismissing it outright is exactly what Li Ming needs.
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Saleng and Praew coming to Jim as though he's a parent when they find out Praew is pregnant really stood out for me. Saleng's parents are dead and Praew's seem to live far away, so I suppose for all intents and purposes Jim *is* their dad, which is reinforced by him going without car insurance to give Praew a dowry. I wonder how Jim ended up taking care of Saleng like this, were his parents the original owners of the diner? I'm so intrigued by their relationship.
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As for Jim and Wen, the chemistry continues to be absolutely insane. Wen is putting his whole pussy into trying to get Jim to be his man, because it's clear to everybody except Jim that Jim is totally that home he thinks he can't be for literally everybody around Moonlight Chicken. Wen feels Jim's warmth and presence in contrast to what he has with Alan (who remains absent this episode, and the longer he stays offscreen the more desperate I am to finally meet this character), and he is drawn into the orbit all the other characters inhabit around Jim. As for Jim, he says they can't be a thing, but literally EVERYBODY who knows him sees Wen isn't just anybody to him. Wen's mere presence galvanises Gaipa into a desperate attempt to lock it down, or at least look like he has it locked down to scare Wen off. And for somebody who insists that he's better off alone, he can't really leave Wen alone either. He could've walked away at the mall. He could've said no to lunch. He could have refused the fruit. He could have put up a firmer barrier when Wen asked to lean on his shoulder. But he ain't doing any of that, because Jim craves what Wen is offering him, which is somebody to talk to, somebody to share his burdens with, somebody to take care of him instead of needing him to take care of them all the time. Wen doesn't want or need anything from Jim beyond his heart and his presence, and it's why despite insisting they can't be anything Jim keeps inviting Wen in, allowing him to get closer and closer. In the end Wen makes a tactical retreat because he realises he needs a different approach, but he ain't giving up, not by a long shot.
Side Dishes
No but Li Ming, Saleng and Gaipa really clocked immediately that Jim is into Wen. It was especially funny how Jim tried to shoo Saleng away from the diner before Wen showed up, as though he wouldn't inevitably meet him anyway. And I loved Li Ming not accepting 'stay out of grown folks business' as an answer. Wen was in his house, stumbled into his room even, he has a right to know who this mans is.
Another person whose business is out in plain sight is Gaipa, whose heart eyes for Jim are being studiously but not unkindly ignored. Jim really doesn't want to hurt Gaipa's feelings, but Wen's gonna be the catalyst that forces him to.
So Li Ming doesn't appear to be in denial about his sexuality, but he doesn't broadcast it either. His crush on Heart is visible from space this episode, especially once Heart apologised, but I didn't expect him to ask him out!
Next week's previews are throwing up a few interesting tidbits, like Li Ming's mom not being supportive of Jim being gay.
Chin scritches are clearly a Gemini/Fourth thing, not just a Tinn/Gun thing.
Trying to make me believe Earth is in his late 30s is a stretch Aof, I'm just saying. I was expected to believe him as over 30 in ATOTS and almost 40 here...reaching. The suspension of disbelief on that one is hard.
I love how they're showing everybody's acne, sweat, stubble...it adds to the groundedness of the story that these people have believable imperfections on their bodies.
Next week it's Loy Krathong in-universe which puts them at the end of November 2022. I'm interested to see how all the relationships have developed with the passage of time. Also, if Alan is showing up next week that means that Wen will have been pursuing Jim for almost 3 months with Alan none the wiser, and I'm ready for the drama!
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General Motors (GM.N) on Thursday made a counterproposal to the union representing its U.S. hourly workers in a bid to avoid a costly strike, but United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain called the offer "insulting."
The largest U.S. automaker said it offered workers a 10% wage hike and two additional 3% annual lump sum payments over four years in its offer to the union ahead of the Sept. 14 contract expiration.
Last week, Ford said it had offered a 9% wage increase through 2027 and 6% lump sump payments, much less than the 46% wage hike being sought by the union. The UAW has said 97% of members voted in favor of authorizing a strike if agreement is not reached.
Fain, who represents 146,000 workers at the Detroit Three, said GM's offer was "an insulting proposal that doesn’t come close to an equitable agreement for America’s autoworkers.... The clock is ticking. Stop wasting our members’ time. Tick tock."
GM shares were down 1.3% in mid-day trading.
GM said the wage hike is the largest proposed since 1999. It is also offering a $6,000 one-time inflation-related payment and $5,000 in inflation-protection bonuses over the life of the agreement, along with a $5,500 ratification bonus.
Chrysler-parent Stellantis said Wednesday it planned to make a counteroffer to the UAW this week.
GM said that under its offer, current temporary employees will receive a 20% increase to $20 per hour wage and it would shorten the time it takes to get to the maximum wage rate for permanent employees - mirroring proposals from Ford.
GM President Mark Reuss said in a video posted on Thursday "we need a fair contract that both rewards our employees and protects the long-term health of our business."
A UAW strike that shuts the Detroit Three manufacturers could cost carmakers, suppliers and workers over $5 billion, Michigan-based Anderson Economic Group estimated.
With new car inventories tight, consumer experts have said that could translate into higher car prices - an important component of inflation.
Last week, the UAW filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board against GM and Stellantis saying they refused to bargain in good faith.
The union's demands include a 20% immediate wage increase followed by four 5% annual wage hikes, defined-benefit pensions for all workers, 32-hour work weeks and additional cost of living hikes. GM is proposing to give employees an additional paid holiday.
The UAW also wants all temporary workers at U.S. automakers to be made permanent, seeks enhanced profit sharing and the restoration of retiree health-care benefits and cost-of-living adjustments.
The UAW said Ford's profit-sharing formula change would have cut payouts by 21% over the last two years.
J.P.Morgan on Thursday said supply chain disruptions from a potential UAW strike would cut new vehicle production, drive up used car prices and put pressure on margins in the personal auto insurance business.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Sunday, September 3, 2023
No power and nowhere to stay as rural Florida starts recovering from Hurricane Idalia (AP) The worst of Hurricane Idalia left residents of a region of tight-knit communities trying to find places to live as they rebuild—if they decide it’s even worth it—and waiting potentially weeks for electricity to be restored after winds and water took out entire power grids. A power cooperative warned its 28,000 customers it might take two weeks to restore electricity. More than 100,000 homes and businesses in Florida and Georgia remained without power Friday, according to PowerOutage.us. And even with high temperatures below normal, the high humidity meant sweltering late-summer days and nights, with no power to run air conditioners. Emergency officials promised trailers would arrive over the weekend to provide housing in an area that didn’t have much to begin with.
Americans’ Ideal Family Size Is Larger Than the Birthrate Suggests (WSJ) What do you think is the ideal number of children for a family to have? Most Americans say the answer is two to three children, according to various surveys over nearly 90 years, even as actual birthrates drop lower than that. In fact, the share of people saying they want three or more children has risen as the actual number of children being born has dropped. Why aren’t people having the families they idealize or intend to have? All sorts of life happens, and you don’t necessarily end up with the family you expected theoretically in a survey.
.ai (Bloomberg) The Caribbean island Anguilla, a British territory, has made bank this year because their country-level domain address is .ai, and amid the AI trend they’re making a fortune off of new registrations. This year, registrations at the top level domain doubled to 287,432 on the year, which would mean that Anguilla will reap in the ballpark of $30 million for the year from selling the domains, up from $7.4 million brought in in 2021.
The Bolivian Job (Rest of World) An estimated 20 percent of the total vehicle fleet in Bolivia has been smuggled, mostly stolen in neighboring Chile and then driven across the desert to one of the 73 illegal markets that are remarkably easy to find. The Bolivian government is aware of the issue, and the car thieves have become a lifestyle of their own, called chuteros with their own TikTok scene and whatnot. Naturally, this has the Chileans furious, and local police are overwhelmed with reports. Chile’s even got a new AI-fueled startup, SafeByWolf, designed to identify boosted cars faster for the insurance industry.
More than 100 British schools may face danger of collapse (BBC) More than 100 schools in England are scrambling to make arrangements after being told to shut buildings with a type of concrete prone to collapse. The government gave the order just days before the start of the autumn term. Some pupils have already been told they will be learning remotely, in temporary classrooms or at different schools. Schools found with buildings containing reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) have been told they must introduce safety measures, which could include propping up ceilings. This came after the government was made aware of a number of incidents where RAAC failed without warning, not just in school buildings, but elsewhere too.
Russian students are returning to school, where they face new lessons to boost their patriotism (AP) Clad in white shirts and carrying bouquets, children across Russia flocked back to school Friday, where the Kremlin’s narratives about the war in Ukraine and its confrontation with the West were taking an even more prominent spot than before. Students are expected each week to listen to Russia’s national anthem and watch the country’s tricolor flag being raised. There’s a weekly subject loosely translated as “Conversations about Important Things,” which was introduced last year with the goal of boosting patriotism. A new high school history textbook has a chapter on the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and the “special military operation”—the Kremlin’s euphemism for the war, and some basic military training is included in a course on self-defense and first aid. “School ... is a powerful mechanism for raising a person subordinate to the state,” said Nikolay Petrov, visiting researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. “For a while the school was outside the active attention of the state. Today, it’s all coming back.”
As Ukraine’s Fight Grinds On, Talk of Negotiations Becomes Nearly Taboo (NYT) Stian Jenssen, the chief of staff to the secretary general of NATO, recently had his knuckles rapped when he commented on possible options for an end to the war in Ukraine that did not envision a complete Russian defeat. His remarks provoked an angry condemnation from the Ukrainians; a clarification from his boss, Jens Stoltenberg; and ultimately an apology from Mr. Jenssen. The contretemps, say some analysts who have been similarly chastised, reflects a closing down of public discussion on options for Ukraine just at a moment when imaginative diplomacy is most needed, they say. Given that even President Biden says the war is likely to end in negotiations, Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, believes there should be a serious debate in any democracy about how to get there. Yet he, too, has also been criticized for suggesting that it is important to talk to Russia about a negotiated outcome. “There is a broad and increasingly widespread sense that what we’re doing now isn’t working, but not much of an idea of what to do next, and not a big openness to discuss it, which is how you come up with one,” he said. “The lack of success hasn’t opened up the political space for an open discussion of alternatives.”
Pope, in Mongolia, laments earth devastated by countless conflicts (Reuters) Pope Francis, in words that appeared to be aimed at China rather than the neighbouring country he was visiting, said on Saturday that governments have nothing to fear from the Catholic Church because it has no political agenda. In an address to bishops, priests, missionaries and pastoral workers, he said Jesus gave no political mandate to his apostles but told them to alleviate the sufferings of a “wounded humanity” through faith. “For this reason, governments and secular institutions have nothing to fear from the Church’s work of evangelization, for she has no political agenda to advance, but is sustained by the quiet power of God’s grace and a message of mercy and truth, which is meant to promote the good of all,” he said. On Saturday morning, Francis called on leaders to dispel the “dark clouds of war.”
Typhoon Saola makes landfall in southern China but appears to cause only light damage (AP) Typhoon Saola made landfall in southern China before dawn Saturday after nearly 900,000 people were moved to safety and most of Hong Kong and parts of the coastal mainland suspended business, transport and classes. Damage appeared to be minimal, however, and some services were returning to normal by afternoon. Meanwhile, Taiwan issued a warning Saturday for a second typhoon, Haikui, which was expected to pass over the island Sunday, before traveling onward to the central Chinese coast.
Biden approves military aid to Taiwan under program normally used for sovereign states (NBC) On Wednesday, Washington approved a transfer of arms to Taiwan under the Foreign Military Financing program, which is normally reserved for use with sovereign states. Currently, neither the U.S. nor U.N. acknowledges the island nation as its own country in order to maintain diplomatic ties to China. Beijing voiced its “strong dissatisfaction” and “firm opposition” to the weapons sale, claiming that it hurt “China’s sovereignty and security interests” while damaging “peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.” Even as China-U.S. dialogue has picked up in recent months with multiple American officials visiting Beijing, the White House has continued funneling arms to Taiwan. Last month, Washington approved a $345 million arms package to the country, and is working to send $500 million worth of F-16 fighter jets to Taipei as well.
With wary eye on China, U.S. moves closer to former foe Vietnam (Washington Post) The United States and Vietnam are poised to significantly enhance their economic and technological ties, bringing the former foes closer at a time of increased Chinese assertiveness in the region. The deal, expected to be announced when President Biden makes a state visit to Vietnam next weekend, is the latest step by the Biden administration to deepen relations in Asia. For Hanoi, the closer relationship with Washington serves as a counterweight to Beijing’s influence. The establishment of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” will give the United States a diplomatic status that Vietnam has so far reserved for only a handful of other countries: China, Russia, India and South Korea.
The low, low cost of shipping (London Review of Books) The truth is that shipping is responsible, as Rose George put it in the subtitle of her classic 2013 book on the subject, for ‘90 Per Cent of Everything’. It is the physical equivalent of the internet, the other industry which makes globalisation possible. The internet abolishes national boundaries for information, news, data; shipping abolishes these boundaries for physical goods. The main way it does this is by being almost incomprehensibly efficient and cheap. As George points out, if you’re having a sweater shipped from the other side of the planet, the cost of shipping adds just a cent to the price. Another way of putting it would be to say that shipping is, in practice, free. This has had the effect of abolishing geography and location as an economic factor: moving stuff from A to B is so cheap that, for most goods, there is no advantage in siting manufacturing anywhere near your customers. Instead, you make whatever it is where it’s cheapest, and ship it to them instead.
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Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210638&_unique_id=66f2d9d68609a #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
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bravecompanynews · 2 days
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210637&_unique_id=66f2d9d587f60 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
0 notes
boldcompanynews · 2 days
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210636&_unique_id=66f2d9d482d98 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od #GLOBAL - BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspor... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
0 notes
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210635&_unique_id=66f2d9d323b53 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od BLOGGER - #GLOBAL For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
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onlinecompanynews · 2 days
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210634&_unique_id=66f2d8b340827 For service to the Jamaican Diaspor... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od #GLOBAL - BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
0 notes
Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210633&_unique_id=66f2d8b221a90 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
0 notes
briancampbell0706 · 3 months
Understanding Commercial Auto Insurance: What Every Business Owner Should Know ?
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For business owners in the UK, a reliable fleet or even a single work vehicle is often the backbone of daily operations. Whether you’re delivering goods, transporting clients, or running errands for the office, ensuring your vehicles are properly insured is crucial. This is where Business Vehicle Insurance comes in. However, navigating the world of commercial auto insurance can be confusing, especially when considering temporary coverage options.
This blog will equip you with the knowledge you need to understand commercial auto insurance in the UK, with a specific focus on temporary coverage solutions:
What is Business Vehicle Insurance?
Unlike personal auto insurance, Business Vehicle Insurance is specifically designed to cover vehicles used for business purposes. It protects your business from financial losses in the event of an accident, theft, or vandalism involving your work vehicles.
Key Coverages in Business Vehicle Insurance:
Liability Coverage: This covers your legal responsibility for injuries or property damage caused to others while operating a business vehicle. It typically includes:
Third-Party Bodily Injury: Covers medical expenses and lost wages of people injured in an accident you cause.
Third-Party Property Damage: Covers repairs or replacements for property damaged in an accident you cause.
Collision Coverage: This covers repairs to your own business vehicle if it’s damaged in a collision with another object.
Comprehensive Coverage: This covers damage to your business vehicle caused by events other than collisions, such as theft, fire, vandalism, or weather events.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Protects your business if the driver who caused the accident does not have sufficient insurance to cover all the damages.
Temporary Business Vehicle Insurance Options in the UK:
While traditional business vehicle insurance offers year-round coverage, situations might arise where you need temporary coverage for your business vehicles. Here are some common scenarios:
Short-term projects: If you need to hire a temporary van for a specific project, you might not need year-round coverage.
New employee training: When training new drivers on company vehicles, temporary business car insurance can provide peace of mind during the learning process.
Loaner vehicles: If your business offers loaner vehicles to customers, temporary coverage can ensure they are properly insured.
Unexpected situations: Emergencies happen. Perhaps a regular company vehicle needs repairs, and you need a temporary replacement to maintain operations.
Types of Temporary Business Vehicle Insurance in the UK:
The UK offers several temporary business vehicle insurance options, catering to different needs:
Temporary Business Car Insurance (1 Day Business Car Insurance): This offers short-term coverage, typically for 1 day to 28 days, perfect for short-term rentals or unexpected situations.
Temporary Business Van Insurance (Temporary Van Insurance for Business Use): Similar to temporary car insurance, this provides short-term coverage for business vans needed for specific projects or deliveries.
Short Term Business Car Insurance: This option offers coverage for a set period, usually a few weeks or months, ideal for temporary needs exceeding single-day rentals.
Benefits of Temporary Business Vehicle Insurance:
Flexibility: Tailor coverage to your specific needs, avoiding paying for year-round insurance on vehicles used only occasionally.
Cost-Effectiveness: Pay only for the period you need coverage, saving money compared to traditional annual policies.
Peace of Mind: Ensures your business is financially protected during temporary situations involving work vehicles.
Finding Temporary Business Vehicle Insurance in the UK:
Several insurance providers in the UK offer temporary business vehicle insurance. Consider factors like coverage options, duration, excess (deductible) amount, and price when making your choice. Providers like Tempcover Now specialise in temporary car insurance and may offer convenient online quote options.
Always compare quotes from different providers before purchasing temporary business vehicle insurance.
Read the policy documents carefully to understand the specific coverage details and exclusions.
Ensure the temporary coverage aligns with the intended use of the business vehicle.
Understanding your business vehicle insurance needs and the availability of temporary coverage options like Temporary Business Car Insurance and Temporary Business Van Insurance empower you to make informed decisions for your UK-based business. By utilizing temporary coverage strategically, you can ensure your business operations are protected without unnecessary financial burdens. Remember, navigating the world of commercial auto insurance doesn’t have to be complex. With the right knowledge, you can find the perfect coverage solution to keep your business moving forward.
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Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210632&_unique_id=66f2d8b0f0d08 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21. The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending … Read More
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Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-to-receive-od/?feed_id=210631&_unique_id=66f2d8af3f309 For service to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States, Dr Karren Dunkley will be conferred with the Order of Distinction (OD), in the rank of Officer, on National Heroes Day, October 21.The daughter of a corrections officer and an insurance salesman, Dr. Dunkley, whose mantra is “To serve is to live”,  recalls spending many summers in Elderslie, St Elizabeth, which is the birthplace of her parents and grandparents.Dr Dunkley grew up in Ensom City, St Catherine, where she attended St Catherine High School and graduated as valedictorian in 1989, before transitioning to Wolmer’s Girls for sixth form.She then moved to the United States on a student visa to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science and education at St John’s University.“When I came, like most immigrants, I had to work and put myself through school. Sometimes I was working three jobs at once. I waited tables, I had a cleaning company, just to make ends meet,” she revealed in a recent interview.  On completing university, her plan was to return to Jamaica, so she settled her credit cards, gave up her apartment, sold her car and then a phone call from St John’s offering her a full scholarship to pursue a Master’s in International Law changed the trajectory of her life.“I took that scholarship and the rest was history. I ended up being here from that time. I never went back home,” she notes.With a Doctorate in urban education from Columbia University’s Teachers’ College, Dr Dunkley has excelled as a deputy superintendent, principal, teacher, and coach, deeply committed to advancing educational equity and excellence.Though not physically in Jamaica, her passion for helping to develop the country has never wavered.She notes that she has several businesses in the land of her birth.“I have been one of those Jamaicans who have had the opportunity to come to the United States but have always planted roots in Jamaica and ensured the viability of the Jamaican ecosystem and infrastructure,” she said. From January 2020 to December 2022, Dr Dunkley served as the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Representative for the Northeast United States, which covers 14 states, where she played a pivotal role in fostering partnerships that advance Jamaica’s national development goals.“I led during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic with a team of phenomenal individuals across the 14 states,” she says, noting that some 52 events were spearheaded by her team over the three-year period.During her tenure, Dr Dunkley created infrastructure for inclusive engagement across states by establishing a think tank comprised of state leads and sector leaders in the areas of health and wellness, education and innovation, economic development and empowerment, crime and citizen security and faith-based partnerships.Along with her team, Dr Dunkley secured US$3.6 million in forgivable government loans and grants through technical assistance for more than 30 small businesses.Her team also provided temporary housing, food, financial, and counselling assistance for 125 international students who were displaced by the pandemic and collaborated with Remnant Church of God Seventh-day to feed 300 families weekly across Pennsylvania.In addition, she led the registration of more than 500 individuals across Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Census 2020; provided pro-bono immigration assistance to 25 international students through immigration attorneys; engaged in policy discussions and advocacy with various government ministries and agencies, primarily the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; and activated critical partnerships with the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington DC.Dr Dunkley’s contributions to academics, philanthropy and the diaspora have garnered her a long list of accolades.
“I am energised by giving and by serving. The greatest gift in terms of serving the diaspora in this capacity has been the Jamaican people. I have to commend the team – the think tank, our sector chairs and our state chairs, who are absolutely fantastic.“Even the young people who were stranded in Ukraine, we were one of the first calls, because people knew that we had built this ecosystem. I’m just privileged to have the opportunity to serve others,” Dr. Dunkley said.  She describes herself as a “quiet worker and giver” who has always believed in advocacy and national advancement.Dr Dunkley is humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the Order of Distinction.“I don’t do service with any expectation of reward, so it’s a tremendous honour and I share this honour with all my partners in the diaspora,” she said.“Diaspora stalwart Dr Karren Dunkley humbled to receive OD Loop News Reporter Tue, 09/24/2024 – 08:52…”Source Link: http://jamaica.loopnews.com/content/diaspora-stalwart-dr-karren-dunkley-humbled-receive-od BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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the-firebird69 · 3 days
These people are spent O. K. They're spent a long time ago. Right now, it's ridiculous. I've never seen so many stupid people blaming about nothing in my life. You need to have automobile insurance to rent a. rental car. You need to have automobile insurance to rent a rental truck. The reason why you need insurance is because the insurance companies do a check. and they make sure that you are a rentable person. They do background checks. They do. checks on your driving record and they verify it and they use the service. It takes like a day or two to get approved for. auto insurance. Or they use a system, and it checks all that stuff but it costs money and you have to be buying the policy. And U haul does not want to be in automobile insurance business. They're not. insurers of vehicles. And really, we can't stand you. What you've been saying is terrible. You're you're wrong all the time There's other things that are ridiculous. And we found them to be very trite. You're saying something like we don't understand. what you're asking about is not what you're saying. You're saying here's the answer and you're lying and you can go to jail. And he said you'll get beat up Outback and you probably will as well. by your own people. You're just sitting there saying stupid **** to them And this girl, Emily, does not know a **** thing about what he's saying. What our son is saying is I don't want to go to that stupid funeral on my own dime. I have no money to get there. And he said it before and he's been saying I can't actually get there and I don't wanna go there and there's no will and testimony and you just send me out there and say I'm trapped there in Florida's horrible. So you're making my life miserable because you're a **** idiot. This is some real cheesy **** What you people do is **** **** cheesy. When he's moving and stuff, he knows he has somewhere to go and some thing to do. And there's a game. Wha.... thing to do. And there's a game. What you people are are these cheap little **** who don't know what you're doing. That's a crap **** move. There's a lot to do there in Arizona. There's a huge number of things, but not right now. And the people trying to help you don't know what they're **** doing either. and they don't want him there because of the pseudo empire is not true. But you're not doing that. You're not doing a fake thing for them, and you're not using cover. You're just a bunch of **** bothering him and everybody else who wants to rent a vehicle. And Our sun said this.'cause
We actually know they have these policies, and people can get them. Now, these **** did not say anything about it. And it's really stupid 'cause they need trucks out there, and they probably just keep them, and they don't wanna send the trunks. They themselves have to move, and probably won't have insurance, and think that they do and they don't. Some of them are dumb, some are running a scam. Most of them don't know what they're doing. And we found this in the factories. They're a whole bunch of **** **** following the orders of this spinned TBI level 3 zombie. We have. that guy. He's a **** **** **** and he can't help it is true. But boy, is he nasty. He is a nasty **** **** **** It's probably because of this guy, Hawthorne. He's a freaking idiot too. He's running around. He's full of gibberish and yammering. It's like a street person. It. they're no longer around. OK, he's doing this piece, and he thought he was in that time, and he couldn't remember. I mean, he's, he's smoked. We have some things to report. Not a ton, but wow. What a bunch of jerks. This straightens it out. So we're gonna print, and you can all take a bath, and everybody's hatred and die.
Thor Freya
im gonna get you all a job at playtell testing out the shapes that go in the holes see ify ou cn handle it. prob not unsafe toy can fitup bja ass
Zues hahahah Hera
and we deserve it yes. eachand everly line item of his life we do this and i see the numbers are out. need yoou out you dont follow orders. dont tel him and she did as it is lame. fvery lanme cant go to the funeral dont care if he is in it was in a refer and then out after i leave and has cncer stage five level five grpo fivfe 5555 and shit. so this blwos. ok. fn stupid shit.
start a war here yeh w the psuedo empire and we cant do it. nope.
john r
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agarwaldomestic · 6 days
Packers and Movers in Rourkela, 8262850046. ADHR Packers and Movers
Moving from one location to another can be a daunting and stressful experience for individuals and businesses alike. ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela understands the complexities involved in relocating and is dedicated to making the entire process smooth and hassle-free. With a strong commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we offer top-notch services tailored to meet all your moving needs, ensuring a seamless transition to your new destination.
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At ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela, we provide professional relocation services with utmost care and responsibility. Whether it’s a household move or an office relocation, our team of experienced professionals handles every aspect with precision and dedication. Our goal is to make your move as easy and stress-free as possible.
We offer specialized packing and moving services for residential and commercial clients in Rourkela. Our team is trained to handle all types of goods, from fragile items to bulky furniture, ensuring that everything is packed securely and transported safely to your new location.
Transporting vehicles can be a challenging task, but with ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela, you can rest assured that your car or bike is in safe hands. We use specialized carriers to transport your vehicles, ensuring they reach the destination without any damage. Our drivers are well-trained and follow strict guidelines to handle the transportation process efficiently.
Secure Storage and Warehouse Facilities
We understand that sometimes there is a need for temporary storage during the moving process. ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela offers secure and well-maintained warehouse facilities for short-term and long-term storage. Our warehouses are equipped with modern security systems to ensure the safety of your belongings.
Hassle-Free Insurance and Documentation
One of the key benefits of choosing ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela is our comprehensive insurance coverage. We provide insurance services for your goods during transit and storage, giving you peace of mind. Our team also assists with all the necessary documentation, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.
At ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela, we value your time and strive to deliver your belongings promptly. Our efficient logistics team ensures that your items are transported and delivered within the stipulated time frame, without compromising on safety and quality.
Why Choose ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela?
Experienced Professionals: With years of experience in the packing and moving industry, we have the expertise to handle all types of relocations, be it local, domestic, or international.
Affordable Services: We offer high-quality packing and moving services at competitive prices, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every move is unique, and we provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs.
Customer Satisfaction: Our priority is to ensure complete customer satisfaction. We take pride in providing reliable, efficient, and friendly services to all our clients.
Get in Touch with ADHR Packers and Movers in Rourkela
If you are planning to move in or out of Rourkela, look no further than ADHR Packers and Movers. We are committed to providing you with the best moving experience, ensuring your belongings are safe and secure throughout the process. Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you make your move a successful one.
Mobile:- 8262850010. 8262850044. 8262850046.
Packing. Loading. Transportation. Unloading. Unpacking.
Local Moving Packing. Office Relocation. Warehousing Services.
Website:- https://aggarwaldomesticpackersandmovers.com
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