#tempus infinitum
daimonaden · 6 months
Tempus Infinitum
Chapter 1 : Chronophobia
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katchwreck · 4 months
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Situm, ut longe et prope,
id tantum tempus,
invenio quaerit mundum;
oratio sine salutatione!
impua oratio sine salutatione! 🙏
ens et non ens in infinitum distant,
inter dicere, et facere, multa distantia est,
ad amicum longe,
editum iri accipiendam,
discooperior nos cursus,
quid est..?
invenio quaerit mundum;
oratio sine salutatione!
qui adesse ad enim paenitentium,
èom vivit per vivitfide,
oratio sine salutatione [nong] et,
impua oratio sine salutatione! 🙏
sicut [ad quod] enim amicus accedit;
utinam umquam iterum ad me viam invenias..
Veritatis Ori; meus [quoniam / do] apothegma.
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A New Kind Of Hell
Summary: Layla Bradshaw thought her personal hell was the worst thing she ever experienced. She was clearly wrong. *An alternate ending for my story How Soon Is Now? For Season 8 Episode 10. Please read with caution.* 
Second part to be out soon!
Layla stared at the fireplace with a look of misery. She knew he would enter the bedroom any second now.
Just like he always did around this time at night. It was their bedroom after all. Layla hated saying that aloud, let alone think about it.
It had been about a year since Layla arrived at the Sanctuary. A year after Michael defeated the rest of witches from her coven at Outpost Three.
After breaking the identity spell Layla and the others were under, the plan was for Mallory, a fellow sister witch and close friend, to go back in time by attempting Tempus Infinitum. It was supposed to send her back in time to when Michael was his most vulnerable.
Mallory would have succeeded, had Michael not gained enough strength to defeat Cordelia at the very last moment.
Michael had managed to burn away Cordelia's soul before transferring her powers onto Mallory. Not long afterwards he killed the remaining witches, taking delight in killing Mallory and Myrtle in the same way.
It was exactly how he did with the witches at the academy before he dropped the bombs.
Among those who were at the academy were Layla’s friends Queenie, and Harper who was one of the newer and younger witches at the academy she was mentoring. Along with Orion her trustful companion, Zoe the girl Layla loved with all her heart, and Kyle the mortal boy who she equally loved.
The attack that happened at the academy had been brutal and thinking about it the lifeless bodies of all her friends (who she considered family) made her want to weep all over again. Zoe’s and Kyle’s death made her especially sorrowful. But everyone died in such a horrific way.
Queenie had been shot numerous times, and Harper died with a single gunshot wound to the head after helping provide a distraction for Kyle and her. Hey loyal friend Orion was forced into his cat form by Michael. He showed no mercy to Orion, who he considered a traitor after failing to hand over Layla to him.
Even being so close to the fireplace didn’t stop Layla from shuddering. She remembered what Madison had told her after she came from Michael’s childhood home. How his Grandmother Constance explained that he would kill animals during his youth, and leave them for her as gifts.
Orion was not spared from this and his death was very similar to the way Michael would kill animals as a child. Orion was skinned and then hung, left behind on the front porch of the academy for all to see. After Cordelia astral projected into the academy, she had told Layla and the others who managed to escape the academy attack about what she saw.
Hearing about Queenie, Harper, and Orion's deaths broke Layla...but as much as it deeply hurt reliving their deaths, it didn't at all compare to the heartache she felt for Zoe and Kyle.
Her dear Zoe had been shot in the head by the robotic version of Miriam Mead, and Kyle...her poor Kyle got his heart ripped out of his chest by Michael. His death was by far the worst out of everyone at the academy and that was saying a lot. Michael hadn't eaten his heart...but instead stomped on it until it was nothing but a bloody unrecognizable mess on the floor.
And soon after that Michael burned all of their souls from existence.
What made it worse was that Layla at the time had been pregnant. It certainly wasn't planned, and at first she had doubts about having the baby. What kind of person...no...what kind of mother would she be bringing a baby into the world when her coven was at war with the one person who could cause the apocalypse?
That didn't seem right.
However, Layla's mind began to change after telling Kyle and Zoe.
Kyle had been ecstatic at the idea of having a baby with her and Zoe...the girl was over the moon. Layla was going to have a baby and they were going to be a family.
Sadly that dream never came to be.
When Michael found out about Layla’s pregnancy he was far from happy. His anger was shown with the horrific way he left the coven.
Layla herself managed to escape his hold but he still left his mark within her...or better yet...he left his mark within Tessa. What he ended up doing to Layla hugely affected her pregnancy.
The blood Michael forced down Layla's throat was the reason why her pregnancy went from being normal to abnormal, and was the reason why Tessa aged almost as fast as he had.
Despite having Michael's blood within her, Tessa was not at all like him. She was the complete opposite. She was very much like her and Kyle. Oh, how she looked so much like Kyle.
It really made Layla wonder why she never connected the resemblance when reuniting with Tessa again at Outpost Three. But that of course had to do with the identity spell she was under. Despite being under the spell, Layla had felt an instant connection with the young girl. Needless to say when Cordelia and the others arrived, Layla and Tessa didn't at all want to be separated from each other again.
But unfortunately they were.
Layla thought her heart couldn't break anymore...but she was wrong. It was the deaths of her remaining sister witches at Outpost Three that was her breaking point. Everyone at Outpost Three had died except for Layla and Tessa.
They were the only ones left standing. And as much as they wanted to keep fighting Michael, they simply were just too weak. Tessa had exhausted herself to the point where she was bleeding furiously from her nose and was close to losing consciousness.
Layla had thought they were done for, that Michael would end them too. Except she was left in complete shock when Michael offered her one last chance. A chance for her to be by his side...like he had always wanted. Layla almost said no but then she saw the hard stare he’d given Tessa who’d been leaning against her side for support. His stare was clearly saying what would happen to her daughter if Layla refused his proposal like she’d done so in the past.
Scared for her daughter’s life, Layla finally accepted.
And away she went with him to the Sanctuary.
This was now her life.
Layla jumped a bit from where she stood, her previous thoughts faltering when she felt arms wrap around her waist. She hadn't heard the bedroom door open but she knew who those arms belonged to. Her stomach dropped when she felt him bury his nose into her hair, taking big whiffs. She was quick to pull away before his hands reached for her chest.
When she turned around she saw Michael with an unhappy expression. No doubt it was because she had stopped him.
"My love, it's been a year now and you have yet to accept my touch." Michael took a step forward and caressed her right cheek. To his disappointment and annoyance, Layla reacted by putting more space between them.
His annoyance, despite wanting to keep it in check, emerged.
Michael lowered his hand as he stared at her with fiery eyes. "I've given you more than you deserve, don't you think? That daughter of yours is still alive because of me." He spat out, his irritation growing from mentioning Tessa.
Layla lowered her eyes. She felt his anger bubbling and as a result her own anger began swirling in her stomach.
Yes, but you're also keeping her away from me.
Ever since arriving at the Sanctuary, Layla only got to see Tessa once a month during their monthly visits. One day out of the month (a day of Michael's choosing) they would get to spend time together. Just one day. It was unfair but what did Layla expect when accepting Michael's proposal?
Tessa would be safe but there would be a catch. There was always a catch. Layla was just lucky she got time to be with her daughter. She knew how much Michael despised Tessa. His hatred for the young girl had to do with who her father was, who she looked a lot like. Her father. With her curls, facial similarities, and even personality. If Tessa had looked more like her it might’ve been a different story...but alas the now thirteen year old took more of her father's features than her mother's.
During the rest of the time when Tessa wasn't with Layla, Michael told her she was being watched over. Supposedly anyways. Layla had trouble believing that. But whenever she asked how Tessa was doing her daughter always jumped away from the question.
Her daughter did this as a way to lessen her worries, but if anything it just increased them. Every time their monthly visit came to an end both Layla and Tessa cried. Neither one wanted to leave but they knew what would happen if they put up a struggle. So after every visit came to an end, Layla would give Tessa a hug and a forehead kiss.
Michael calling out her name caused Layla to look at him again. She could see the impatience on his face. She realized she hadn't answered him yet. The angry side of her wanted to lash out. To yell at him for all the suffering he put her through.
This wouldn’t be wise though, so Layla composed herself. "No, I know you have. And I am thankful." She wanted to vomit after saying that. "It's just..." She paused, unsure on how to end that sentence. Her anger was being replaced with anxiousness now.
"Just what?" Michael asked, narrowing those unique colored blue eyes at her.
Those eyes...those damn eyes.
They were beautiful but their beauty didn't fool Layla enough to forget who he was, and what he'd done and could still do. Layla swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm just tired is all. It's been a long day."
Michael's eyes lost a bit of their intensity. "Then come here, let me help unwind you." He offered one of his hands to her.
Layla shakily accepted his hand, too afraid of how he’d react if she refused him. Her fear worsened as he led them towards their bed. The same bed they slept in night after night since her arrival to the Sanctuary. After that atrocious ceremony he called their ‘wedding.’ Layla would never call it that...but that's what it was to him.
It was one of the conditions Michael made if she wanted to continue seeing Tessa for their monthly visits. Layla accepted despite the dread that came with now being married to him. She knew what followed after the wedding. The consummation.
To her relief nothing venereal happened between them. Michael surprisingly had shown her mercy in that area. He’d given her space, but tonight felt different. Something told her that thing she’d been avoiding doing with him was finally going to happen tonight...and she was scared shitless.
Layla had only ever been intimate with Kyle and Zoe. She viewed sex as something special, and only ever wanted to do it with them. No one else. The thought of having sex with someone else made her feel gross.
Her stomach churned when Michael sat her down at the edge of their bed. He sat behind her with his hands massaging her shoulders. That didn’t calm her down.
"You're stressed out." Michael whispered into her ear. She could practically feel his smug smile as he spoke. "That much is expected when you're Queen."
Layla almost scoffed at the term. She was no Queen. She never thought of herself as royalty, and she never would. She was only Queen because Michael wanted her as his, to be beside him in this dark mess of a world he created. Layla hated it...but she had no choice. She had to think of her daughter.
Tessa was the only person she had left. Everyone else she cared about was gone. Layla's blood ran cold when she felt Michael place a kiss on her cheek. His shoulder rubbing came to a stop, opting to kiss down her neck.
Layla tried moving away. "I don't―" Michael pulled her closer, causing her to cease her talking and looked at him with wide eyes.
Michael raised an eyebrow. "Would you like me to pay a visit to your daughter then?"
The way Michael spoke wasn't harsh but Layla knew the real meaning behind it. She shook her head, tears formed in her eyes at the thought of him hurting Tessa. "No, please don't."
Michael moved, his hands cupping her face. "Then kiss me, my love."
With revulsion twisting in her stomach, and hatred swimming in her blood, Layla kissed him. Aside from disgust and anger, she felt absolutely nothing at the feeling of his lips on her. She had to stop herself from causing a scene once he pushed her down on the bed.
What Michael felt for her wasn't love. It wasn’t like the pure love Layla felt for both Kyle and Zoe. No, what Michael felt for her was an unhealthy obsession. He wanted her because he couldn't have her, (despite the deal her grandmother had made) and he did everything he could to get his hands on her. He killed the people she loved and cared about.
Kyle, Zoe, Cordelia, Myrtle, Misty, Queenie, Madison, Mallory, Coco, Harper, Orion, and her best friend Elijah. Even her mother and her low life of a father were gone.
Everyone in her life was dead except for Tessa. Her daughter was all Layla had left now. Layla didn't want to lose her. Tessa was such a sweet girl, and who deserved better after the life she had after being separated from her. Layla would do anything to ensure her daughter's safety.
That’s what she kept repeating in her head as she laid under Michael to be claimed by him. His clothes had long ago been discarded, while he bunched up her white nightgown to her waist.
Her reaction was a wince and a yelp when Michael finally entered her swiftly. A few minutes passed and the uncomfortableness and overall pain didn’t decrease. Her eyes welled up with tears the longer this awful act lasted. She suffered not only from the physicality but because of the immense guilt she felt.
I am so sorry, Kyle and Zoe. Layla thought to herself, brokenhearted. She suppressed a sniffle as Michael continued to move above her. His thrusts picking up speed, never faltering.
I have to do this for Tessa. She's all I have now and I have to protect her.
It felt so wrong, and Layla didn't want to do this but she had no choice. She did her best to keep quiet as a couple of tears slid down her face.
Michael tried kissing her on the lips, but she quickly turned her head to the side. If he’d seen her crying he made no comment on it. He changed tactics, still moving inside her as he kissed down her neck until he reached her breasts.
It took a lot of effort for Layla to stay, her arms by her side when he began pulling down the front of her nightgown. She couldn't help but scrunch up her face in revulsion at the feeling of his lips on her breasts.
His kisses and bites on her bosom did nothing to soothe her. Not like the kisses Kyle and Zoe used to give her. Layla decided to just close her eyes as this went on. She tried putting mental distance between what was happening to her. Her mind instead went to happier memories.
Memories with Zoe and Kyle. Memories of the whole coven. Memories to a time where Michael had not been a part of her life. Back to when she’d been happy in the coven with the others, her family. It helped for a bit but thinking back to all those happier times eventually made her sad, remembering that none of them were alive.
She let a cry out of sorrow at the exact moment Michael made a deeper, harder thrust. He mistook her cry as one of pleasure, and eagerly thrusted hard again. His lips found her own and pressed down hard on them.
Layla opened her eyes again, but quickly looked up at the ceiling. She didn’t want to his face while he was practically eating her mouth. As this happened she experienced regret, guilt, and a heavy amount of sadness.
Those three emotions were overtaking her. Michael, however, was too overjoyed at the action of being inside her that he hadn't noticed her distress. Or rather he didn't want to.
Michael finally had Layla where he wanted her, and he wasn’t about to let her slip away. It felt like hours to Layla before Michael let out a loud disturbing growl, finally sated enough to pull out of her. The mess he left inside made her whimper.
Layla whimpered at the mess he left inside of her. She wanted to get up and shower to get his scent and feeling of him off of her. But her whole body ached and the area in between her thighs hurt a lot. She never felt this kind of pain when she’d been with Kyle or Zoe. Sex with them had been soft and meaningful, even during their more passionate moments.
Sex with Michael was tortuous, his needs more important than her own.
Layla turned to her side, away from his view. Her eyes widened again when Michael wrapped an arm around her. She cried silently at the feel of his member pressing against her rear.
Michael twirled a piece of her hair with his free hand, pressing kisses behind her neck. "My precious Layla, we are finally one now." He softly told her, moving his other hand to rest on her stomach. After what occurred between them her stomach would soon become heavy with his child.
A wicked smile grew on his face at the images of a heavily pregnant Layla appearing in his mind. She was finally going to have his child. The child that she should have had in the first place instead of that good for nothing child Layla had with that mortal boy.
The girl's name left a bitter taste in his mouth. No longer wanting to think of that mistake of a girl, Michael put a bit more pressure on Layla's stomach with his hand. His fingers spread on her skin, drawing her closer to him.
Layla's skin felt warm against his own. Michael liked to think it was because of the being that was soon to grow inside her. He couldn't wait for the moment she found out for herself.
Layla, on the other hand, was not in a good emotional state. Her body ached as did her soul, She wanted him to leave so she could cry her eyes out without him there to see. But of course he stayed to watch the aftermath of his coupling with her.
Being with Michael was worse than the personal hell she experienced with her father when she did Descensum during the Seven Wonders. It wasn't the same kind of pain, but it still felt like hell to her. She actually would’ve preferred her personal hell than to be intimate with Michael ever again.
Layla ended up crying herself to sleep that night, not caring that Michael was there to witness.
Michael's hold on her remained until the following morning. Layla’s pain, both emotional and physical, didn’t go away when she woke up and she didn’t think it ever would.
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witchqueenofthemoon · 6 years
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Time casts a spell on you / but you won’t forget me
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sta-wars · 6 years
Tempus Infinitum
Chapter One
Title: Tempus Infinitum
Pairing: Mallory x Michael Langdon, Millory
Summary: Takes place when Mallory is reanimated and follows a familiar narrative. She climbs into the bathtub in Coco’s suite at Outpost 3 to travel back into the past using Tempus Infinitum, intent on stopping Michael, but things don’t go according to plan. A bathtub showdown for the ages. Both POV.
Rating: M
Warnings: Character Death, will add more as time goes by
Words: 1,181
Author Notes: Needs a beta, please let me know what you think! Not PWP. Slightly slowburn.
Taglist: Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future updates
Mallory loved her sisters and her Supreme without question. She thought her faith in them would never be shaken, and if you had asked her if in a million years she would ever think to turn against her coven, her immediate reply would have been never. Nothing could have undone her resolve to do anything to protect the coven. That is, until she woke up on the stone floor of Outpost 3, to learn that she had been placed underneath an identity protection spell. Seconds within being reanimated, everything she knew about herself was shattered into pieces. The things the people surrounding her were saying made no sense, but things began to click into place at a jarring pace. Mallory was a witch. Her magic powers along with her identity had been trapped within her under an identity protection spell, and they had been what surfaced during her interview with Michael, when she’d admitted that it felt like something was trying to claw its way out of her.
She’d admitted this in a daze, under some kind of hypnosis, as if she weren’t herself. Under Michael’s overly-familiar, honeyed suggestion. His words pried out the uncomfortable truth, and suddenly Mallory wanted nothing more than to run from what was buried inside of her. Her desperation to run away from her powers and who she really was couldn’t have been more obvious as she lost control in Venable's office. It was the opposite of what she’d felt when she’d been at Miss Robichaux’s, before she’d been placed under the identity protection spell. Or that’s what it seemed like at first glance.
The truth was she was full of doubts as the Mallory who worked alongside the coven. Once her role as the next Supreme was discovered, Mallory became troubled. Cordelia assured her that she would be ready to ascend, that she was unimaginably powerful, and would possess the strength and the power necessary to defeat an evil like Michael. Mallory wasn’t stupid, though. She knew Cordellia felt that she wasn’t ready to face Michael. Cordelia suffered from the loss of the members of their coven at the hands of Michael. Ever since they lost the witches at the Academy and found the remains of the Warlocks, something had broken within Cordellia. The decisions Cordelia made since then were ones Mallory tried hard to support, but they directly influenced her the most. How could she have agreed to Corderlia’s plan in the first place?
Cordelia was certain that if they faced Michael just then, they would lose. All of humanity would lose. Too much was at stake to risk it all with such a weak chance of winning. Everything fell onto Mallory’s shoulders and her ability to travel back in time to stop Michael. Her failed attempt to save Anastasia proved that she needed time for her powers to develop. If Mallory were to pose a threat to Michael, she needed time for her cerebellum to grow enough to support an influx of magical powers. Cordelia’s powers laid dormant for years, only growing in strength once Fiona began to rapidly fade. Placing Mallory under an identity protection spell and hiding her from the Cooperative and Michael was the only way to ensure she would one day become strong enough to succeed.
Even understanding all of that, Mallory couldn’t accept the necessity of discarding who she was. Being trapped inside of herself was the most horrible thing she could imagine. She hadn’t been aware of it but that didn’t stop it from being just about the most painful thing she’d ever experienced. Her memories didn’t even have time to come rushing back to her as she stood uselessly to the side during the witches’ confrontation with Michael on the steps of Outpost 3. Mallory tried to absorb what was being said around her and to grasp the situation. Too soon, she realized what was being asked of her-or at least some part of her did. The old part of herself that wasn’t full of anger and bitter resentment urged her to act quickly, while the others created a diversion.
Almost like a marionette pulled on strings, Mallory did what this part of her instructed her to do. She could feel her powers concentrating, surging forward at the potential of being unleashed, threatening to send her careening to the floor face-first. Somehow, she managed to climb into the claw-foot bath tub in Coco’s suite, taking a deep breath before submerging herself in water that came up to her shoulders.
Let go, a voice urged her. Strangely, it was Michael’s voice that spoke to her now, inside of her head. Mallory wanted to claw her insides out, knowing some part of him had bled over into her subconcious. She’d die fighting him, scraping him out if she had to, disgusted by everything he’d done to her kind. Don’t be afraid, Mallory, his voice entreated her. A voice that had lulled her into a suggestive state during her interview in Venable’s office, getting to the thing that had been deeply repressed by Cordelia’s spell. Michael had been attempting to influence Mallory to cast off her humanity, with no idea what lurked underneath. Neither of them had any idea.  Don’t be afraid of who you are.
Her body sank deep into the water, her spirit no longer in the tub at Outpost 3. Although she hadn’t spoken the words to the spell, she felt the words enter her and flow through her nonetheless, manifesting soundlessly. If she needed proof that Cordellia had been right about her needing time for her powers as Supreme to develop, here it was, in the form of nonverbal magic. It wasn’t just the spell she was submerged in now-it was pure magic, dark and vast, stretching all around her when she blinked her eyes open.
Here, her power, the ability to travel through time, appeared as a dark body of water, that threatened to drown her if she wasn’t careful. Each drop of water encompassed a point in time that called out to her. Her physical body remained behind at Outpost 3, in the bathtub, but here, her spirit floated through the vastness of time and space, in danger of becoming lost. You’re lost, she heard Michael’s voice say, and she blinked, remembering her purpose. She reached out a hand into the water and swam through a light, entering the past.
When she opened her eyes, she was standing in a street in a neighborhood, outside of a house. The sky was perfect blue, unmarred by the Nuclear Winter that had taken over the Earth in the present. Just a few hours ago, tears would have streamed down Mallory’s face to see the grass protruding from the lawn in front of her. Now it failed to move her while she could only focus on her purpose for being there. The smell of roses wafted on the breeze, and without knowing how, Mallory sensed this was the place where she was meant to be. Where it all began, and where she would find Michael.
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getlostsquidward · 3 years
Second Chances
Cordelia Goode x fem!reader
Prompt: ‘I never got to tell her that I loved her.’
Warning: canon character death but the timeline resets
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You could barely stand as you drag your limp leg across the hall of the bunker to get to Mallory, Cordelia, and Myrtle before the antichrist gets to them. You were out of breath, your heart thrashing uncontrollably against your chest, and there was an uneasy feeling that made your heart clench. Not that this whole ordeal was not uneasy as it already was, but this new one, you can’t quite figure out. Like there was something worse than all of this that’s about to happen.
Finally, you see a glimpse of Myrtle’s hair and the tub Mallory is in. Just a few steps and you can be near them, but the old witch’s cry made you stop in your tracks.
No. It couldn’t be what you think what had just happened. But then again, Cordelia has mentioned it before when they first tried Tempus Infinitum and failed.
Tears were now uncontrollably falling to the ground, but there was no time for mourning as you force yourself to the tub to help Mallory perform what needs to be done. Once you saw that the water turned dark, you felt Myrtle’s hand on your shoulder. You held her hand and squeezed it, a sad attempt to reassure her that everything is going to be alright even though you paid too high a price.
“I never got to tell her that I loved her,” you uttered under your breath, thinking of all the missed opportunities you had.
“You have your second chance right here, my dear Y/N. Use it wisely.”
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Cordelia’s voice pulled you out of your daze. Whenever you were at the greenhouse surrounded by plants and herbs, potions and powders you easily lose track of time. “Well, where else would I be?”
She smirked, walking towards your seat. “What are you making?”
“I’m trying to replicate your healing salve. But it’s for period cramps,” you turned to face her, smiling as always. Your lips always seemed to tug upwards at the sight of the Supreme.
Your glanced move towards the woman standing at the door. “I want you to meet Mallory. It’s her first day today, maybe you could show her how you make that? I have to go back and check the girls upstairs.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” Cordelia responded with a wink. The obvious flushing of your cheeks wasn’t gone unnoticed by Mallory.
You let the new witch take a seat beside you and started blabbering about the salve and potions you can remember. Having just met her, you can’t quite figure out why you feel so comfortable with her as if you have known her for a long time. Your conversation went from potions, witchcraft, gossips, and everything under the sun.
“Can I tell you something, Y/N?” Mallory asked with a fond look.
“What is it?”
“Tell Cordelia how you feel about her.”
“Um- I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s quite obvious. Your eyes would always shine and you always smile when you talk about Cordelia. You actually just blushed when I mentioned her earlier. No, scratch that. You’re blushing now,” she teased.
You open your mouth to protest, but words were caught up in your throat. Realizing it was futile to deny what has been very apparent, you laughed instead.
“I don’t know, Mal. I’m afraid I would ruin our friendship if I told her I love… that I love her.”
“It’s better than having no chance to tell her at all. Trust me,” Mallory urged with a determined smile.
You take a minute to decide, your thoughts all around the place but then it hit you that she’s right. Somehow, the notion that not having a chance to tell Cordelia how you feel at all struck your heart as if it happened already.
Quickly thanking the witch for her advice, you ran back to the house to find the Supreme. After asking the girls if they know where she is, you found yourself at the familiar white door of her office.
Heaving a deep breath, you brought your fist up to knock. Upon hearing her voice letting you enter; you open the only thing stopping you from confessing. But your feet had their will of their own and you were now inside Cordelia’s office. There’s no turning back now.
“Hey, uhm, Cordelia.”
The older witch looked up from her paper works. “How can I help you, Y/N?”
She gestured at the chair in front of her, closing the folder she was reading earlier to talk to you.
“Do you have a minute? Because I can go back later if you’re busy.” You scoffed internally at yourself for even trying to back out of this situation.
“For you, always.”
You feel your cheeks heat up once again. Sitting on the chair in front of her, you look at her in awe.
“So, what is it?” The ever-patient Cordelia has this overly sweet smile plastered on her face that makes your heart swoon every single time. Her eyes are smiling too, and you can’t help but mirror the look on her face.
Cordelia looks amused and finds your dazed stare at her face charming. She snaps her fingers in front of you, calling your attention back. “You’ve been staring, darling.”
“Oh, uhm, I’m just here to tell you that uhm,” you paused, looking down on your lap. When you looked back up, she tilted her head prompting you to continue. “I’m here to tell you that… I love you. That’s all. Thank you for your time.” You merely whispered those words hoping she didn’t hear them, and you abruptly stood up to get away as far as possible. But as you were about to open the door, the lock clicked and it wouldn’t budge anymore. Oh well.
You hear Cordelia’s heels clicking against the floor until you feel her warmth behind you.
“Can you repeat what you said, darling? I didn’t quite hear you the first time.” Her voice had a low drawl that made you shiver. You made the mistake of turning around (or is it really?) as she took a step forward making you step back until your body hit against the door.
“I- I uh… I love you, Cordelia. Not because you’re the Supreme, not because you’re the headmistress of the coven but because you’re you. You make my day better, and I miss you terribly if I don’t see you for even half a day. I crave seeing your smile even if it’s not for me or because of me.”
She gently held your head to look at her again, missing the tears welling up in her eyes as you profess your love for her.
“Please don’t cry,” you asked confusingly, bringing your hand to wipe her tears.
Cordelia giggled at the puzzled and panic-stricken look on your face. “They’re happy tears, Y/N. I’m just so happy you feel the same way.”
Now you were crying as well. “You- you feel the same? You… love me too?”
“Yes, god yes. I love you, Y/N. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to say that.” Cordelia leaned in, her eyes glancing from yours down to your lips. You meet her in the middle, and the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of her soft and plump lips on yours.
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mahllory · 4 years
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                                      *  TEMPUS  INFINITUM  .                                                         ( x )
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daimonaden · 1 year
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No light in your bright blue eyes (End III - Part II)
Read Part I and Part II
Read Part I of this ending 
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Part II- It's so easy, to say it to a crowd but it's so hard, my love, to say it to you out loud
The next morning, when she finally woke up from what seemed a horrible nightmare, she was in a totally different room. She was dressed in a purple sleeping gown. Everything was so blurry. How did she end up in this room? Dressed in purple? If Ms.Venable found her here she would have a serious problem.  
Where was Michael? What happened to him when he left the room? She thought that she felt him during her sleep, his presence next to her. That was probably a hallucination. The only thing she knew is that nothing of this situation was normal and there was only one reason why. 
What did he want from her? Why was she suddenly at the place of a purple? She stumbled out off bed. Why was she so weak? It didn’t felt right when the room started to turn around itself. She forced herself to stand up, helping her way to the bathroom with the wall. 
Her reflection on the mirror was the exact same. Nothing had changed on her face, so why did she felt so different? What has he done to her? She looked at herself so scared of what could appear in the mirror. Did he change her to be more like him? 
She jumped out of place when she heard the door of her room opened. Whoever that might be, it wasn’t good news. There is nobody in this universe that she wanted to see. She wasn’t in shape to welcome anyone.  
-You shouldn’t be out of bed. 
It was Michael, and to her surprise, he was worried about her state. However, she had n’t digested what he had done to her. Although she wanted to cry, she kept herself together, acting as cold as ice. 
-What do you want? 
-You should get some rest 
-What have you done to me? 
She knew he had done something, and she wanted nothing to do with him. As he approached her, like a wild animal she started to get tense. He could feel it, but that wasn’t going to stop him. 
-Don’t touch me. 
He wasn’t even next to her, but her warning wasn’t scaring him. And she only wished it did, because she really meant no harm to him. She was only protecting herself. And as his hand gently touched her bare skin, Michael found himself flying down to the bedroom. 
-I told you not to touch me. She screamed out. 
The young man had difficulty to stand up and deep down she hoped that this had hurt him, even a little bit. She didn’t mean too much harm, she was incapable of it, but she found herself in a situation she didn’t like. So she lashed out the only way she knew. 
When her magic leaves back her body, she fell on the cold floor. Michael approaches her with much more precaution this time, one of his hand went gently on her cheeks. He waited for her to accept his touch before taking her body into his arms.
She cried her eyes out, and Michael waited patiently for her to calm down, telling her that he was here, that she wasn’t alone. They had reversed the roles, when he was younger she was the one to comfort him. Now everything had changed, but for her he let down the facade he had built. 
When the storm had finally passed they were enjoying each other warmth. She raised her head and their faces were only a few centimeters from each other. She didn’t mean to, but it felt so natural. They spent what felt like a decade looking at each other, the blue of his iris was mesmerizing. He broke the small space between them, his nose caressing hers. 
For the first time, she felt that need to feel him, his lips against hers, his hands on her body in a way he had never touch her. She felt so guilty, she wasn’t allowed to feel that for him. He was a man now, not the little boy she used to know. There was no denying of the tension that was filling the atmosphere. 
Michael put an end at her questionnement, the same was haunting his head as well, but he wasn’t a little boy anymore and he wanted her. So he pressed his lips against hers, he had no attention to let her go now that he had her all for himself. It was sweet and rough as he deepened the kiss, leading their body to the bed. They were ready to give themselves up to the other. At this moment, cut in time, there was only the two of them. 
Her eyes opened slightly only to be filled with the darkness of the room. She finally had the sleep she deserved, it was warm, welcoming and peaceful. But that peace was only short-lived, when she realized he wasn’t on her side anymore. Michael’s place in the bed was empty, and a bitter-sweet feeling came to her.
With one flick of a hand, she lighted up all the candles in the room. But no signs of him what so ever. She was happy, really, she couldn’t deny that his love for her was bringing her joy. All the « I love you » he had given her in one single night in satin bed was surreal, especially for Michael. She answered every single one of them, a strangled feeling of love in her stomach. It was perfect. But yet she was so desperate to see him gone from her side, she thought she had won him on her side forever. The reality was quite the opposite, he had her on his side. 
The clock on her side reminds her that she had missed the Halloween Party that Ms. Venable gladly prepared. Something was wrong with Ms.Venable inviting everyone, even the greys, at the party. However she missed being by her friends’ side. But now that she was made a purple by Mr. Landgon’s commands, she could just wander around and not fear Ms.Venable anymore. 
She found only one thing in her closet that wasn’t some kind of Victorian purple’s gown. She wasn’t really fond of purple, but that silky soft dress will do much better than a corset. She found herself more comfortable barefoot, liking the sensation of the cold floor. So she left the room like this, the dress was maybe too revealing but she couldn't care less. 
Wandering around the endless corridor, she found not a soul who lived. She assumed they were all enjoying the party in the common room, but yet as she approached there was not a sound coming from there. She found herself overlooking the room from the balcony that had the room. The vision was horrific. Every single one of the Outpost’s residents were dead. She ran down the stairs, almost falling. She looked over every single body, they seemed to have been poisoned. However, she couldn’t find the body of Dinah Stevens, Coco or her dear friend Mallory. 
At first panic came, she was lost, had no clue what to do. She hoped for Mallory to be still alive somewhere, she had brought herself back to life but she had never tried on anybody else. Her thought then went to Michael, if anyone knew what happened it would be him.
She tried to push away the idea that he was responsible. But yet, she couldn’t lie to herself, she knew he was somehow responsible for this. When she arrived in his room, he wasn’t there. 
-That must be a joke. She told herself out loud 
Before she realized that Ms. Venable’s body was lying dead on the ground. She approached slowly, and show the blood on her white shirt, a single bullet through her heart. Not that she felt particularly sorry for her, no she was an atrocious person. But yet her death was strange. 
Her thought were cut out short because of a loud noise coming from the hallway. An explosion, but she wasn’t sure what had caused it. Were there some outsiders inside? Maybe Michael wasn’t the reason of this slaughter. The explosion was followed but multiple gunshots and she felt it again. That sensation in her stomach, punching her. The same she felt when Constance died leaving Michael all alone and afraid. Something had happened to him, she knew it. 
She rushed out of the room in the direction of the hallway. There were some screams coming from somewhere else inside. They were not alone inside. When she arrived in the hallway the first thing she saw was him. Michael was laying against the wall, in a pool of his own blood. His eyes were barely opened and she couldn’t tell if he was dead or fighting for life. 
Then her eyes caught the Blondie who hold the gun. It didn’t take her long to recognize her, it was Madison Montgomery, the witch that came to ask questions about Michael in Murder House. It seemed that she was surprised to see Y/N. Anger was growing inside of the young witch body as she approached slowly downstairs. 
-Do you really think you are the only one who can escape your personal hell, Madison? She sang with irony. 
While the two witches were focused on each other, Michael worked his magic to get back all the blood lost inside his body. It’s only when he stood up that Y/N looked at him with relief, on the other side, Madison hadn’t time to arm the gun again that her head exploded out of her body. 
Even for a witch, that was too much to take, even for a witch like Y/N who had seen so much blood and horrors. She was stuck into place, her eyes wide open looking through nothing but emptiness. Until warm arms circled her body softly, she started panting painfully. His touch wasn’t enough, and he had no time to comfort her. 
She heard him speak, but it was like she was underwater, she was out this world. He had no time, but he couldn’t bear to leave her here, alone, scared and lost. Plus, she was an easy weapon to use against him. He kissed her softly, hoping that a kiss would bring her back to reality. And it did when she responds by kissing him back. With regrets, he quickly put an end to it. 
-We have to go. He pressed, his eyes staring back to hers. Mallory is going to erase me from the planet. 
-What? Wait Michael, what do you mean? Mallory is alive? 
-Yes yes, we have no time. Please, she can use Tempus Infinitum. He grabbed her hand, leading their way upstairs.
During all her studies, Y/N has been told that Tempus Infinitum was only a legend, nobody was capable of such a thing. The only magical creatures that were known to be capable to do so was angels, Archangel Saint Michael’s descents. But all the angels were gone from earth, for thousands of years. 
It came like a revelation to her, Mallory wasn’t just a normal witch, like Michael wasn’t just a warlock. She might be the direct descendant of the Archangel. As the evil was born into Michael, the good was born into Mallory. And their destiny were to destroy one another. It made perfect sense and yet Y/N refused to live by destiny and fate, like she once refused to believe that Michael was born only for evil. 
His hand pressing gently on hers was her anchor to reality. When they both faced Marie Laveau, a powerful Voodoo Queen as she had learned in her coven, he stopped. To her great despair, she couldn’t see his face as he was looking at the Voodoo witch in front of him, but she could feel the amusement. They really thought that anything could stop him.
-I take care of this one, go. He said before letting go of her hand. 
-Michael …
-I said: Go! 
As he turned to look at her, his face was severe. There was no more explanation needed as she ran away from them. He knew that she couldn’t take any more of him killing people, and he had no attention to spare anyone who stood on his way. 
When Y/N heard the screams, she stopped a moment. What was she capable to forgive for love? She didn’t know, and she was actually scared of the answer. But if there was no one to forgive, then all of this would be for nothing. As she rushed around the corridor, she thanked the hours she spent washing the floor. 
And she finally found them, the rest of the witches. Mallory was there in a pool, almost unconscious, while Cordelia was holding her head up. Myrtle looked up at the young witch who just entered the room, she was suspicious. For good reason, Y/N was on Michael’s side, and yet she could help to feel hurt when she saw her friend in such a state. 
She kneeled next to them, and grabbed Mallory hand into hers. They all looked at her, Mallory couldn’t help to give her a soft smile, although she had regained her memories, she still remembered the support Y/N had given her during the time at the Outpost. 
-You’re alive. She mouthed softly, crying out as she saw her friend slowly fade away. No,  no, Mallory, no. Do you hear me? Stay with me. 
Why? Why her life couldn’t just be easy? Mallory dead was the solution to keep Michael alive, by her side. But yet she could come with the fact of leaving her friend die. There was something that could never be taken out of her, it was empathy. So much empathy for the living, she gave so much importance to life. She had never killed, and she was actually afraid to. 
-He is here. Myrtle informed Cordelia. 
The supreme stood up, and went to face him in the corridor. The conversation was pretty intense between the two of them, and yet Y/N couldn’t care less. All her focus was on Mallory, trying to keep her alive, comforting her. She knew it, she had been through death, it is a cold and lonely place until you realized where you are. 
Here her only concern was her friend, the one that had been here for her. She couldn’t help to feel guilty when her magic couldn’t bring her back. She tried Vitalum Vitalis, again and again, but it seemed to be a power that she didn’t have in her possession. 
-Cordelia! Myrtle cried out. 
The all room was filled with her sorrow, as Myrtle watched her dearest friend Cordelia plunged the knife through her heart. But Y/N’s attention went back directly to Mallory as she came back to herself, in shock but breathing. What she didn’t know is that Mallory was the next Supreme and Cordelia’s death had made her more powerful than before. 
-Tempus Infinitum. Screamed Mallory, creating the spell to return back in time. 
Everything else happened too fast for comprehension. A hand on her waist, the water around her, then everything was dark. And before she knew she was just in front of Murder House, where everything started. 
Michael was here too, he had dragged them both into Mallory’s spell, expending it so they could join the same space and time as the witch. They were both lost when they arrived, pushed back again the grass, they rolled for a few meters before stopping her body on top of his. 
Before she finally realized what had happened it was already too late to undo anything. She slapped him violently before standing up. Michael took a little longer to get back to himself as he used a lot of magic to take them here, but the burnt in his face brought him back to reality. 
-What have you done? She yelled at him 
Everyone who had been looking to the two strangely dressed persons had now hide back where they could, not wanting to worsen the anger of the girl. Her body was looking over his and for once she was the one in control. 
-If I can kill Mallory there I will do it now. 
-Do you ever think before you do something, do you? You are such a selfish and stupid asshole! You just erase yourself from this time by bringing us here. 
She was insensitive to his face, clearly confused and scared. Yes, he was scared of her, him the Great Antichrist scared of a Witch. He didn’t want to let anything through as he stood up, he took him some strength because for some reason he didn’t explain, he was really weak. 
Y/N was mad as hell about him. But yet to see him so weak, his face writhed with pain, she could help but to feel herself hurt as much. She didn’t understand what was happening to the powerful Michael Langdon, until she saw him. 
A younger version of Michael just passed the door of Murder House. His eyes were swollen with tears. He looked so young and vulnerable. But how could he be here, if Michael’s presence by her side had erased him. However the exact opposite of what she thought was happening. It was the older version of Michael who was fading away. Time was a dangerous thing to mess with and Michael was paying the price. 
The scene seemed surrealist as the two Michael made eye contact. The younger version of himself looked scared and lost as he observed the blood all around his older self. Then he saw her, his only hope at the moment, since his grandmother had rejected him. Y/N was for him, the closest thing to a mother while for his older version she was the love of his life. 
Tears rolled down her cheeks as this innocent version of him made his way to them. While the Michael on her side was going his way to him, they were attracted to each other like magnets. But then came the shock. A car rushing through the street drive over Michael, the innocent boy was projected on the floor already bleeding.  
Time seemed to freeze as the two adults on the other side of the road screamed watching him crawled on the floor. For him, it was the pain, his pain projecting into his body. For her, it was the horror of seeing this innocent boy that she loved so much hurt like this. But as they started running over them, the car reversed to run over Michael’s body once more. 
Constance came out of the house, she froze to place when she saw her grandson on the floor. But then her focus, as well as everyone else came to the driver of that car. Mallory. The witch stopped to look over at her friend, blocked in the middle of the road. It was hurting her to see her cry, but that monster by her side had killed every single person that counted for Mallory. 
-Mallory, I’m begging you. Stop! She screamed at her, hoping that her despair will make her friend change her mind. 
She couldn’t read the expression on Mallory’s face, so she decided to rush over Michael’s side, to protect him. He was already in agony, but maybe she could prevent him from suffering even more. She closed her eyes when she heard the car roaring again, and as if her prayers were answered, Mallory drove forward avoiding them. 
As soon as this craziness was over, her lover kneeled next to them. He was watching his grandmother, crying silently as he mouthed an apology. In the meanwhile, his younger self was gaging, the pain was unbelievable. 
-Y/N ….I .I .I’m scared. 
-It’s alright, I’m here, I’m right here, I’m not leaving you I promise. She cried. 
His head was resting on her laps as she was rocking him. Gently caressing his hair, making him feel her presence. She was only looking at his blue eyes, nothing matters more than his eyes. Until another asked for her attention. 
-Y/N … 
His body was becoming more and more transparent. He was disappearing, because it couldn’t exist two of him in the same place and time. Those were the rules of time and space and even the Antichrist himself couldn’t fight them. 
-Bring me back …
-I can’t. She was drowning in tears. I don’t have this power … I can’t. 
-You can! He assured her. You can save him, you can save me. I believe in you. 
He looked at her one last time, as his older conscience was disappearing, he mouth one last time « I love you ». The sharp pain she felt at that moment was even more monstrous than the pain of getting her heart ripped out of her. She screamed but not a noise was getting out of her throat, it was too strong that she thought she died again. 
But then she came back to reality when the boy on her lap was fighting for his life. But it was only a question of seconds, before his life left his body with his final breath. The shock of him, her little boy dying was such that she had forgotten everything around her. She only remembered his voice, he believed in her, she couldn’t be a disappointment. 
So she tried it, Vitalum Vitalis, give him a bit of her breath before inhaled again. But it didn’t work. She lost him, twice, on the same day. She was beating herself up for not succeeding, why, why was she capable to bring herself back but not her loved one. What was the point of she could keep them safe?
-I’m sorry. Her head pressed against his chest, she was crying a river over his body. 
But then she heard it, his heart beating slowly before he emerged back. He was searching for air as he rose to be seated. She didn’t understand how, but for all she cared is that he was alive, that’s the only thing that mattered. She captured his face between her hands befogging kissing gently his forehead. 
-Don’t let me die again. It’s scary. His voice was so innocent and pure. 
She laughed of relief as she took him in an embrace, holding him tight. At this moment she felt as if all the bad that one inhabited him had left with his older self. 
-I promise you.
Read Ending I - Ending II
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adeathlessgoddess · 6 years
Ad Astra - To the stars. Ad Vitam Aeternam - For all time. Ad Vitam Paramus - We are preparing for life. Ad Vitam - For life. Alis grave nil - Nothing is heavy to those who have wings. Alis volat propris - She flies with her own wings. Amor ordinem nescit - Love does not know order. Amor vincit omnia - Love conquers all. Ars Gratia Artis - Art for art’s sake. Audax at fidelis - Bold but faithful. Aude sapere - Dare to know. Audere est facere - To dare is to do. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - Either I will find a way or I will make one. Bona Fide - In good faith. Carpe Diem - Seize the day. Carpe noctem - Seize the night. Cedo maiori - I yield to a greater person. Ceteris paribus - All things being equal. Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed. Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am. Credo quia absurdum est - I believe it because it is absurd. Deus vobiscum - God be with you. Dies irae - Day of wrath; Day of judgement. Discere docendo - To learn through teaching. Dum spiramus tuebimur - While we breathe, we shall defend. Dum spiro, spero - While I breathe, I hope. Dum vita est, spes est - While there is life, there is hope.
Errare Humanum Est - To err is human. Esse Scire Facere - To Be, To Know, To Do. Esse quam videri - To be, rather than to seem. Facta non verba - Deeds not words. In Infinitum - To infinity; without end. In Memoriam - To the memory of. Luceat lux vestra - Let your light shine. Luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge. Manus in Mano - Hand in hand. Neutiquam erro - I am not lost. Non ducor duco - I am not led; I lead. Non timetis messor - Don’t fear the Reaper. Nosce te ipsum - Know thyself. Omnia mutantur, nihil interit - Everything changes, nothing perishes. Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars. Primum est non nocere - First of all, do no harm. Primus inter pares - First among equals. Quid me nutruit me destruit - That which nourishes me, also destroys me. Semper ad meliora - Always towards better things. Sic itur ad astra - Thus you shall go to the stars. Temet nosce - Know thyself. Tempus fugit - Time flies. Tempus neminem manet - Time waits for no one. Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered. Verba volant, scripta manent - Words fly away, writings remain. Veritas lux mea - Truth is my light. Vincit qui se vincit - He conquers who conquers himself. Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est - Life is more than merely staying alive. Vive ut vivas - Live so that you may live.
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Time knows no bounds
The summer before Elizabeth turned sixteen she reluctantly agreed to visit this family of hers in New Orleans. This Coven of witches in which until a year ago she had no idea she was part. After a few tests of Divination, Pyrokinesis, and Concilium, her distant cousin and Supreme Fiona Goode insisted that she come to their academy at least for the summer.
The idea of leaving Derry filled her with a heavy heart most of all there was a particular boy that could hardly remember a night in which they didn’t climb into one another’s windows to spend the night.
Stanley had been her best friend for years. The only person she found herself letting into the warped and tormented memories and trauma of her past. Yet, he didn’t leave. She might have been young but she knew she loved him. It was just hard for her to say - everyone she loved always hurt her in the end. Maybe that’s the reason she never told him about that summer and why she couldn’t tell him that the Coven had plans for her; what she could do? He knew she could heal minor cuts and invoke nasty blood curses on those who tried to hurt her friends, but she kept it at a minimum. He was too much of a rationalist to absorb everything that she was - the last thing she wanted was for him to be afraid of her.
That summer had changed her and opened her eyes to a world that most people couldn’t comprehend, and the things they were having her do. Testing her even though she was younger than most of the girls. She still woke up in cold sweat screaming from those times Fiona had her perform and test her for the seven wonders. Descensum was one of those so-called wonders, and even though she made it out from the netherworld, she remembers her hell so vividly it was like she was there again. Standing beside her father in their basement as he hands her the knife, urging her to cut into the flesh of a terrified tied up woman.
‘I’m not doing it...’ She’d protest only to have her father chuckle at her like she was five years old. It’s not bad after the first cut - then it feels good.’ As he proceeds to take her hand in his hand slice it through the unknown woman’s flesh. Seeing the light leave her eyes - she screamed while the voice of Oliver Thredson next to her mused You are my daughter. My legacy...’
When she was back home in Derry it was hard to explain to Stan why she woke like that every time. Not one to seek comfort or pity, she took it as a feat - here she was fifteen years old and was able to survive the most dangerous of the seven wonders. She had mastered how to find her way through hell and purgatory to reunite her spirit with her body. A few older ones weren’t so lucky and perished before her eyes.
While Robichaux was a place in which she found herself around others that have gifts like her. She found out that there had been many witches that made history - Anne Boleyn, Empress Josephine Bonaparte, Lilith, Morgan Le Faye, among others. She found out Marie Laveau was very much still alive and that the so-called White Witch was real and actually a member of a very famous seventies band. Then, there were times when even then she knew that she wasn’t like the rest. Not really; and her father wasn’t the only reason. The way that Fiona and Myrtle looked at her when she found a crushed hawk on the ground as they took a walk through the woods. Thinking of Stan and how much seeing this beautiful bird dead, the white-haired girl cradled it in her arms and just willed that its bones would heal, that its heart would beat and the blood would flow through its veins. Elizabeth hadn’t realized what she even did until she felt it peck at her fingers and she looked at it with a gaping mouth - it wasn’t just healed - she completely undid the damage that was done.
Then came the ability that had brought her to this current moment. Tempus Infinituum - Myrtle watched her in classes from the shadows with a look that she could only describe as fascination. One day after class which involves turning the color of a flower to what you willed, the red-haired matron pulled her aside. “Elizabeth, you have been excelling in every task we throw at you...” The words came casually. “It’s a pity we can’t convince you to stay here where you belong, with people who understand you...”
‘You don’t know me. You don’t know me at all...’ she thought but gave the woman a smile “Thanks but - I can’t - I can’t leave Derry...there’s...I won’t leave the family I made there...(I won’t leave Stan...)”
“Ah yes, that rather nice foster family...” Myrtle gave her a knowing look that only made her frown. “In any case, that’s not the reason I came to pester you, dear, I have been watching you and the things you have done. I believe your gift might involve the manipulation of time...”
Effie looked at her like she was crazy “Like being able to time travel - that doesn’t even sound real, even after everything I’ve witnessed here in this past month...”
“Technically it hasn’t ever been proven. It was an old Salem myth that proceeded back to a time I don’t know when. Those who have tried have died-“
Died. Well, that was a very forward way of putting things to the girl. Still, Elizabeth has never been one to care about taking risks that could get her killed. Stan was that voice of reason she listened to and he wasn’t there. “So I’m your test dummy?” The white-haired girl crossed her arms over her chest with an amused look on her face. Before Myrtle could sputter an excuse, Effie held up a hand “I’ll do it.”
It wasn’t something that Effie was sure she regretted or was glad that she did. Sitting in a bathtub fully clothed in candlelight while Myrtle chanted the words “Balneum Infinitum. Dona salui conductus...Tempus Infinituum" Over and over again until the water started to bubble and she was plunged into another time. A place the older witch wanted her to go. A mission to stop something that had happened nearly a hundred years ago. A cellar - a language she didn’t understand and a family about to be massacred. Young Anastasia Romanov crouched in the corner desperately trying to perform a protection spell on her and her family. Given the task of saving a fellow witch from the firing squad which only ended in failure and the girl emerging from the water screaming, blood pouring from her eyes and nose. She couldn’t leave them to die - she had to go back. She failed.
That’s not how myrtle saw it though and in secret this was performed many times. So much blood and pain and her body felt the after-effects but still, she persisted because failure wasn’t in her nature.
Soon enough it was time for school to begin in Derry and her sixteenth birthday. Coming back it was hard to separate what she had endured from the normal life she tried to lead there. She was haunted by what she wasn’t able to achieve as well as the words that Myrtle said the day she left.
“Fiona is growing weaker. It means a new Supreme is coming into her power - I wouldn’t get too comfortable with that life you have in Maine dear - we are positive the next Supreme is you...”
Not sure what the words meant, Elizabeth felt sick to her stomach and trapped in some sort of destiny she didn’t want a part of. Not if it meant leaving the only person she let herself love after her father.
In the presence of the losers, she was her old self if not a bit more reckless. The one person who really knew what went on in New Orleans was Richie who was basically the male version of herself. When she told him of what they made her do, especially the time travel - the boy was eager to see her do it.
One night when they were hanging out, he took her aside while the others were busy playing a game “You should show me that time travel thing you can do.”
“What? Why? I’d get all wet and it’s freezing outside.” The girl pointed out as the fall had flown by and they were in the midst of a freezing Maine winter.
“I want you to see what I’m going to be when I’m older like older. If I get the hell out of here...”
“Rich... I’ve only gone back in time - never in the future.”
The boy just shrugged “I think you can do it and if something happens I’ll pull you out okay?”
Glancing at the others who didn’t even realize they were gone, she looked back to the tall, gangly boy “With everyone here? What if something happens and they walk in and on I don’t know to see me doing a spell.”
Richie thought for a moment “Doesn’t Stan know?”
“Yeah, only a little bit. He doesn’t know everything I can do. You know he wouldn’t be able to process it and the others surely wouldn’t either.”
“Well it’s fucking hard for me to as well and to keep my mouth shut at the fact that one of my best friends is this powerful witch - it’s like your a superhero.”
“And they keep their identities secret. Besides word gets around - there’s already rumors from what I did to Greta...”
“That cunt deserved it...”
“Yeah, but you don’t think these backward old-timers weren’t thinking it strange how she started throwing up blood and convulsing at my feet? Yeah, it’s the 90’s but this place - Who knows if there would be a lynching squad...and I don’t want people looking at me like that...”
“Like what?”
After some more pleading, she reluctantly agreed and they snuck off upstairs; Richie with an arm full of candles from his parents' bedroom in his hands. Effie, taking one last glance at Stan who seemed to be looking around for her.
While Richie lit the candles, Elizabeth turned the water on and filled the bathtub, adding some ingredients she kept in her messenger bag into the water.
“Uh, you don’t have to ...like get naked do you?” He asked awkwardly.
“Fuck no.”. She retorted “Fully clothed, once again another misconception about witches - we don’t all strip naked and dance under the full moon.”
“Well, I didn’t fucking know...” Effie put a hand up to shush him as she took off her shoes and stepped into the tub, sitting down and crossing her arms pharaoh style against herself.
When the candles were lit, Richie turns the lights off and stood at the door. “Now what?”
“shh, I have to take myself to another place mentally.” Which caused the boy to roll his eyes. Then she began to chant the same chant Myrtle taught her “Balneum infinitum. Dona salui conductus...Tempus Infinituum" It didn’t take long this time for the air to change in the room and the candles to flicker wildly out of control. Out of instinct, Richie took a step towards her “Jesus fuck...”
She focused on the future and the friend standing lookout. Thinking of him as older, probably not wiser - older - like their parents' age. That was when the water began to boil and the candle flame intensified like kerosene was poured on them.
“Holy shit...” was the last words she heard- before she said the final “Tempus Infinituum...” and went under.
It was night time and she found herself standing outside of the Chinese restaurant in Derry. Time had passed - cars looked a lot cooler, but it didn’t give her much insight as to what she wanted Richie to find. If she was in Derry still, did that mean he got stuck here? Fuck - that would blow to tell him that. Then suddenly a group of people practically ran from the Jade in shock and fear. Her heart tugged at the sight of them because she knew - it was them. It was her friends. Snapping to her senses, Elizabeth ran and hid behind a car within the hearing range. They were upset and freaking out - It had come back. It was feeding again, killing. They didn’t want to be there but they made a promise. The white-haired girl heard the words “what the fuck does guess Stan couldn’t cut it mean?” and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She didn’t need to hear anymore - the drop in her stomach was apparent - Stan, her amazing Stan wasn’t in the realm of the living anymore. Feeling sick to her stomach, Effie poked her head up to look at the six and then she noticed it. Eddie - the neighbor boy who was the brother she needed to protect - he had a hazed halo surrounding him. Death was near and Eddie would soon join the boy she loved.
Suddenly the horror turned to anger and before she could control herself using transmutation, the white-haired girl found herself standing in the water of the barrens. “Come out here and show yourself you son of a bitch...” she yelled, hands clenching and unclenching in fury. She could feel the fire at her fingertips. ‘ It killed Stan, it killed Stan... Eddie...Georgie...all those children.”
She knew it was watching her, stupidly thinking she was prey.
“I call forth on the witches from the shade, those who came before me and died so that I may live and rise to power.” The wind began to pick up and that’s when she saw the clown standing on the water.
“You think you can stop me?” The drool dripped down its chin as it looked at her hungrily. “I am the eater of worlds and of children and what are you?”
“The witch who is going to end you for killing the only person I love...” Effie spat.
“Oh, You mean Stan? He was so weak and easy - just a little push and poof! He takes a bath and slits his wrists cause he knows he can’t beat me.”
The words stung and she faltered for a moment, then the anger rose up again as she began chanting “Turpis et infernos in terris pariunt. Et furniture verba haec locutus sum vobis...”
With her eyes didn’t leave the creature she could sense the fear it had in which she was doing so on instinct It lunged after her only to be burned when Elizabeth raised her hands turning the water into fire instantaneously.
It scampered back away from her “You...you wield the power of nature...it’s not fair it’s not so ...”
“You god damn right I am, and I’m coming back for you and you're going to burn in hellfire, so remember my name Elizabeth, descendant of Salem and child of Gaia, of Artemis, and Lilith will be the one to destroy you...”
She could feel herself fading back - she knew what her mission was. What she’d use her gifts for and she’d do it again and make it right - all if it meant she’d save him - save them all.
“What the hell is going on Richie?” She could hear Stan yelling but that was cut off as emerged from the water screaming bloody murder, her socks kept sliding but she couldn’t get out of that tub fast enough. Looking up at Stan and Richie, she could tell by the paled expression on their faces that blood was running from her eyes and nose. She was confused and incoherent and god did she feel like she was going to pass out, but hearing Stan’s voice, she looked up at him all she could think about was the fact that he was going to die. Not now, but that son of a bitch of a clown that tormented him for years would do him in. Not seeing his face, or his smile, his laugh. For the first time, she could recall she started crying as she practically leaped into his arms. She couldn’t tell him what was wrong and the way she clung to him for days afterward which was something that Stan definitely wasn’t used to.
All she could think about is that she needed to stop this. She had to warn him but not now, not at this age. She also had to kill that clown.
That was when she decided death or not she was going to go into the future again, this time before anyone got hurt and take care of it then and there.
(This is - well i don’t know what this is. It’s been in my head for days and I had to write it out)
That’s how she got here. Elizabeth didn’t necessarily have a guide book for doing this spell this way so when she found herself in a warmer climate that wasn’t Derry, she was beyond confused. Eventually, though, the white-haired girl found that she was in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a bit too close to Robichaux but at that point, she didn’t care. She was sent to this city for a reason. It was the beginning of 2017 which meant that she had time. She had to figure out what to do in the meantime so Elizabeth did the only logical thing. She went undercover and became a typical seventeen-year-old girl in 2017. It was a lot easier with magic in the mix. She went by Lizzie and aside from her mission, things weren’t that bad. Her father was long dead and there weren’t any witches coming to take her away to run their stupid coven.
It was a month and a half into her steak-out and honestly she still wasn’t sure as to how she was going to even tell an adult Stan that it would be coming back and that he’d be contacted by one of the other losers to go back. To tell him not to harm himself or to leave this place. That she’d kill it.
She figured he forgot all about her by now, for all she knew Fiona probably croaked and now she was heading the academy but someone else’s will but her own. Probably married with kids and some kind of job that totally fits him. That feeling left a hole in her stomach and even though she was a kid - she never thought of being away from him. It was part of the reason she didn’t go searching and instead tried to distract herself with this life she was playing currently.
It was one day in March that she was leaving the high school she went to downtown (because she had to blend in ergo school was a must), that she decided to wander down to the business section for the hell of it. It wasn’t like she wanted to go back to the motel she stayed in anyways. Her eyes were lowered to this newest gadget called an iPhone. Who would have known the future has such cool devices. Then there was this thing called youtube that she found herself obsessed with and these things called apps. That was when she bumped into someone and caught her phone just before it hit the ground. “Fuck, sorry man.” She replied but as she looked up her eyes widened in shock. There he was - only he was older and had reading glasses on. It was Stan. There was no doubt in her mind that he knew exactly who she was when he saw her. Everything seemed frozen at that moment and she wasn’t sure what to say. Did she tell him now and leave? It was still too soon, the moment wasn’t right. Elizabeth wasn’t sure when the last time he even has seen her. Was it the night she decided to perform Tempus Infinituum and come here to stop him?
Ignoring her feelings and how weird everything felt she blurted out the words “Look, if you get a call from Derry - don’t answer it and don’t do anything.”
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witchqueenofthemoon · 6 years
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You be the moon, I’ll be the earth
And when we burst, start over, oh darling
Begin again, begin again, begin again
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consultingsnowqueen · 5 years
Wasteland, Baby!  Part 8:  The Start of All Things that are Left to Do
Notes:  This is the end of Maureen and Michael’s journey.  I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!  Thank you all so much for the positive feedback as well!
Tags:  @tribble-from-wonderland @ladynuwanda
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Maureen watched as Marie made the first move that triggered the battle.  She immediately slit Dinah’s throat as a tribute for Papa Legba, who appeared moments later.
“I want his soul, Laveau!”
“No!” Maureen cried. “His soul is Heaven’s!”
Madison looked between Papa and Maureen.  “What’s so great about his soul anyways?”
“It’s powerful.  He’d make a great ally.  Our problem is that it’s currently the property of Satan. I’m guessing you all want his soul, too?” Angelo offered.
“Well, it’d be ideal,” Myrtle muttered.
The initial shock was over and the demons rushed forward to surrounded the witches.  Angelo and Maureen immediately began slaying the demons as Michael walked forward to talk to Cordelia.
“You’re too late, Miss Supreme.  My father has—”
He was cut off by a stream of bullets piercing through him.  Maureen screamed as his eyes rolled back and he collapsed.
“We don’t have much time before he wakes back up!” Madison yelled.  “Coco, take Mallory to the bath upstairs!”
Coco and Mallory immediately began running upstairs.
“I’ll go with you!” Maureen offered, taking down demons that appeared in their way.
“Maureen?” Mallory asked, when they were in the bathroom, away from any danger.  
“Yes?” Maureen asked, poised to shoot an arrow should someone enter.
“Thank you.  I know this must be hard for you considering how you feel about Michael.”
Maureen smiled at this and shrugged.  “This is my job.”
Angelo, Myrtle, and Cordelia ran upstairs to follow the others and hold off Langdon.
“What’s the plan?” Angelo asked, turning to the women.
“Mallory will do Tempus Infinitum and hopefully that should work,” Myrtle explained.
“Hopefully?” Angelo asked, looking quite exasperated.  “Gabriel said you had a solid plan!”
“That’s as solid as you’re getting.  Have some faith,” Cordelia snapped.
“I’m one of God’s best angels.  I run on faith, Ma’am.”
The screams of Marie and Coco hit them suddenly and they cringed.  Angelo shook his head, feeling quite hopeless.
“I hope you’re all ready,” he muttered.
Maureen suddenly appeared beside him.  “Angelo, Mallory is weak.  I don’t know if she’ll be able to go through with this.”
Myrtle cursed as Cordelia sighed.  They looked at each other and Cordelia smiled as she placed a hand on Myrtle’s shoulder. Myrtle’s face flashed with realization.
“Delia, you can’t be serious.”
“I have to.  It’s up to Mallory now.  She’s the next Supreme.”
Angelo swallowed thickly but immediately chuckled.  “At least you know your soul is saved.”
Maureen looked at him and snapped her fingers in a moment of realization.  “Michael said something a bit ago when we were alone and what you did to Andre reminded me of it.  I think I can stop him.”
Michael appeared before them looking quite tired… and bloody.  Angelo cringed at his torn and bloodied clothing.
“I can’t believe you got with that,” he whispered.
“Wait!” Michael cried out, holding out his arm as Cordelia, Myrtle, Angelo, and Maureen all got ready to attack.  Michael faltered, sighing, revealing how exhausted he was.  “Please… just wait.”
They relaxed as Michael sniffled and shrugged.  “I give up, Maureen.  You’re right. I don’t want this anymore.  My demons are below reveling in their victory as I promised to kill the Supreme.  The thing is… I don’t want to anymore.”
Cordelia and Myrtle looked at each other, furrowing their brows in confusion.  Suddenly, Madison, Marie, and Coco ran towards them from behind Michael.  Cordelia gasped and Michael smiled sadly.
“I can’t hurt anyone else. I want this all over with.”
Michael walked towards Maureen and cupped her face.  
“Maureen, my love. This apocalypse, this destruction, this world was never my kingdom, even when my father promised me that it was. This whole world was just a wasteland to me before I met you.  If I lose you, my world will end.  I love you, my angel.”
Maureen leaned up and kissed him, feeling tears stream down her face when she pulled away.
“Cordelia, can you fix this?” Maureen asked, looking back.
Cordelia smiled sadly as she hugged her girls.
“I think I can fix all of this.  However, I don’t know about Michael.  No matter what we do, his soul belongs to his father.  He is the Anti-Christ.”
Angelo frowned at this, turning away so he wouldn’t have to watch Maureen cry or reveal that he was crying with her.  Michael nodded, standing tall.
“Do what you have to do. I don’t fear my father anymore. The short time I had with Maureen was worth everything, and I would do anything to keep her safe.  Go on, drive your sword through me, Angelo.”
Angelo choked and shook his head with a sad smile.  “I’m not gonna to do that to you.  It isn’t my place.”
Maureen looked to Angelo for any sign of support, but he just shrugged and smiled at her. “Maureen, you’re the worthiest angel of us all.  Think.”
Maureen nodded, looking at the other women for support.  They followed Angelo’s lead, nodding.
“Michael, you said something before… that your soul was mine.  Is that true?”
Michael nodded, looking a bit caught off guard.  It was inappropriate to be so romantic in such a dire time, he supposed.  Plus, it was a passing comment.  True, but passing.
“Yes, of course it is. Everything I have, every part of me is yours.”
“Then I guess I can be selfish… and claim what is mine,” Maureen said, smiling with venom and laughing now.  Angelo nodded at her, proudly smiling as he realized that his student no longer needed him.
“Now Cordelia!” Maureen yelled and the other gasped as Cordelia plunged a dagger into her stomach. She smiled as Michael’s eyes widened and nodded to him.
“It’ll be okay,” she whispered.
Maureen backed up and aimed her arrow at Michael’s heart.  He looked at her, his face showing his scared, innocent side.  She almost turned back, but no.
“I claim this soul…”
There was only one chance.
“… For myself!”
The beam of light shot forward at Michael.  At the same time Mallory cried out, “Tempus Infinitum!”
The world went black for a few moments before Mallory woke up in a bed.  This wasn’t what she wanted.  Did she fail?  Was she at the Outpost?  No… this was her room at Miss Robichaux’s.  She did recognize it and Coco was sitting on her own bed.
“Mallory, hurry up! Zoe is going to teach us about tarot cards today.”
Mallory got out of bed and sighed in relief.  Perhaps she did do something right if Zoe and Coco were still alive.  Seeing the other witches alive was shocking, but in a good way. They greeted her happily, waving at her like she thought was usual… before everything else happened.  Coco and Mallory reached the dining hall where ornate cards were spread over the table.
“There you are, girls! Feel free to pick up the cards and look at them,” Queenie offered.
Misty Day was examining one and smiled.  “This one is my favorite.  It’s The Magician.  He represents new beginnings.”
Misty handed the card to Mallory so she could examine it, but Mallory almost dropped it when she saw the illustration.  It looked a little too eerie and reminded her of a certain someone from her past.  It was the Archangel Angelo himself.  The likeness of the card was too spot on to be anyone other than him.
“I prefer this one,” Zoe said, handing another card to Mallory.  “This one is The Lovers.”
Mallory looked at Zoe for a moment, almost afraid to look at the card.  It was just as she expected.  Two angels had their wings wrapped around each other as they kissed. One was extremely familiar to her… in fact, in another life they did everything together.  The other shocked her but it also confirmed that she’d done everything right.  Michael and Maureen were together in Heaven and now Michael was an angel.
“There was good in him, I guess,” she whispered.
“What was that?”
Mallory turned to see Cordelia standing behind her, smiling down at her student.
“Oh nothing.  It’s just my guardian angel… she must be looking out for me.”
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raleigh-ocean · 5 years
valencia goode & raleigh ocean | headcanons
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This is a crossover between Fly Me to The Moon (by @dramaticirony96) and Water Lilies Bloomed From Chaos (and Love) (by me!), because I thought it would be fun to see more OC’s stuff since it’s such a personal thing! And to show some love to our beloved creations it’s always good!
taking in count this is an AU, I’ll touch my own timeline to adjust to everything
so Raleigh actually went missing in 1993 instead of 1998
and both her and Cordelia are 38 by the time Coven starts
20 years missing and then you come back to your high school sweetheart and discover that she has a daughter? what a trip
Raleigh didn’t know what to do or think once she found out that 18-ish years old girl was actually Cordelia’s kid and not another witch
she was too dumbfounded to function, overall with all the changes going on around her
but Valencia was: eager to know about her
She grew up knowing about Raleigh’s existence thanks to Cordelia, which took her time to keep remembering her over the years
and now having her actually there? being that powerful as her mother claimed her to be? Vee absolutely wants to know more about her
however she takes her cue once Raleigh starts to show how much it still confuse the whole ‘Valencia exists’ fact
that cue turns out in Vee thinking Ray hates her
which is far from the truth
but how could she know if the woman kept hiding from her and trying to not talk with her?
Cordelia has to talk to Raleigh about the story behind of ‘hey i had a daughter two years later of your disappearance’ so the woman starts to understand that this situation is pretty much real
And after that conversation, Raleigh tries to get a bit closer to Valencia, just a tiny bit because her own situation has her very anxious in general and she is still taking baby steps
God, their first interactions are so awkward?
Ray tries to get along with her through their lessons together mostly
because out of that setting is an utter disaster
it doesn’t help at all that Ray’s attention is divided between Misty (once they start their thing), her own stuff and all the problems the Academy have
but still they have this strange connection in which Ray would do whatever for Vee
after all, she can’t say no to those brown eyes that are exactly the same hue as Cordelia’s
it’s not after the Apocalypse and the whole Tempus Infinitum that they have a chance to actually do something about being a bit more close
during those three years Raleigh spent hiding and locking her power, Valencia tried to search for her but she gave up when Cordelia seemed to have given up too
it didn’t help much that Goode-Day started to be a thing and Vee had too many questions about how they both seemed to ‘forget’ about Raleigh
when Raleigh came back, Vee felt a soft pang of guilty and betrayal since Mallory did everything behind her back
however she was the only one that actually welcomed her back in a more warmly manner along Queenie
When Raleigh learned about Mallory and Valencia being girlfriends, she was over the roof but at the same time had a little conflict about which one she would give the little ‘talk’ so she gave it to both. At the same time.
(the three of them were so embarrassed with the whole situation that they didn’t talk for a few days just because they couldn’t look in the eyes and not blush)
Vee tried to explain to Raleigh how things worked in the Academy in all that time she went missing again 
and also was in favor of her when Zoe and Queenie asked for Raleigh to start being useful again for the Coven
her vote was more like a confidence between Cordelia and her, because I see Cordelia trusting more in Vee for some stuff as time passed
Raleigh starts to feel more protective towards Vee little by little, more closer as stuff start to happen again
and Vee is one of the first people that knows about Oceanable (Raleigh/Wilhemina) as soon as Mina moves in with all of them to New Orleans
Sometimes Valencia wishes that Cordelia and Raleigh managed to be together again, but after she learns about everything that happened between them during Coven events, she starts to warm up to the fact that wouldn’t be possible
but seeing her being happy with Wilhemina and her mom being happy with Misty while they start to tend some bridges to fix their friendship makes Vee warm faster to it
Mallory once joked that if they ever have to choose a side, Valencia would have a breakdown over which side to choose 
Vee and Ray start to make Sunday mornings their time to share stuff from the week that they might oversee, all over a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate - it depends of the mood.
When the memories of her Future Sight and the Apocalypse are too much, Ray has little breakdowns and Vee has noticed them (without knowing about what) so she tries to help her through the day so she feels a bit better
Can I say that Valencia is always the middlewoman between Raleigh and Cordelia in arguments? because she is the only one that can make both not going full storming when they argue, since well, Vee is Delia’s daughter and Ray has already a soft spot for her
When Cordelia and Misty decided to have a baby together, Valencia went Ray to tell her about her own worries and Ray had to reassure her for some time until Vee felt confident enough to tell Cordelia about it, just because she wanted a second opinion that wasn’t biased.
When Raleigh and Wilhemina decided to have their own baby, Valencia was the one reassuring Ray about how she would be a good momma and that she proved it by taking care of all of them - referring to the main Coven girls (Zoe, Madison, Queenie, Mallory, Vee, Coco, etc) + with Goode-Day baby girl (Victoria) - in her time being there with them.
Raleigh never wanted to talk about the Apocalypse and what she saw and how she took away Mallory’s memories about it, but some days she thinks about telling Valencia out of all them just because she thinks she deserve to have all her trust
and Valencia notice at some point, because she took her time to analize her and be by her side, that Raleigh always seems to want to tell her something but she doesn’t pressure her about it or even ask, full knowing that if the woman wants to say something she’d say it at the right time.
Vee is one of the few that Raleigh allow and trust in to take care of her baby boy (Eric).
And she’s kinda proud about how the little boy always says he doesn’t have favourites but Mallory told her that he always seemed happier around her.
Aside of all this above, I picture them having this aunt-niece relationship in which they pretty much trust each other as partners-in-crime but also Vee knows that she can trust in Ray for anything she might need.
Maybe at first a little part of Raleigh ‘resented’ Vee, just because of what it meant Cordelia to Ray.
But as the years passed, that resent was totally erased from her brain to make room for all the good she would have given to Vee if she was her child.
Which in a funny note, once Raleigh - drunk as fuck - told Vee - drunk as fuck too - that she loved her as much as if she was hers too but they don’t remember about it and only Coco knows about this, which she keeps in secret and will keep it like that forever.
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marvxlousqueen · 6 years
Michael Langdon- Sanctuary of the Coven
Requested by @neuroticbrazilianlawyer  “Yay! Great! So... I think the witches should have done the same the umbrella academy did with the white violin. I hated when Mallory went back in time to kill Michael! He was just lost and confused, he turned evil because the only people who gave him love and a sense of purpose were the satanists. I would really like to read a fic where she brings him to be raised and cared for by the witches and turns to the good side, rejecting his father...” 
I hope this is what you were hoping for! so just to be clear this is not a mallory x michael imagine, it’s a sister figure!mallory where she cares for her little brother figure! michael because he really needs someone to care about him :))   (also i ended this fic where i feel like the show would’ve ended it if they had gone this route ya know)
word count: 1.2K words :)
warnings: nothing except sad michael :(  also i wrote this like michael was a kid bc technically he was like mentally 10 so he acts kinda like a kid
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“Tempus Infinitum!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Mallory woke up, gasping for air. She felt as though she was still drowning. She found herself in the hot sun of Los Angeles, California, right where she needed to be. She saw that she was still holding the necklace of Anastasia and her latest memories came rushing back. Cordelia. Gone. 2015.
Mallory knew how to do what she was sent here to do. And she knew just how to do it. She moved off the sidewalk where she was laid as her eyes fell to a black range rover across the street. 
“Go ahead. Put me out of my misery! But... but you won’t, will you? Because you’re a coward. And deep down inside, you know it.” Constance’s words stung Michael more than the slap she gave him across his cheek. His grip around her neck loosened and she pushed him off. Tears running down his face, he grabbed his jacket and ran. His bare feet jumped down the stairs and pushed out the door. He made it to the sidewalk about to cross the street, not bothering to look both ways.
Mallory sat in the Range Rover in front of the house, waiting. She saw Langdon making a run out of the door. She put the car in drive, ready to floor it. As she went to push the gas, she hesitated. He was crying. He looked so much younger and.. innocent. Mallory didn’t understand how just a few years could change him so much. He was just a child. She couldn’t hurt a child, she didn’t want to hurt a child. 
She quickly parked the car and jumped out. “Langdon!” His head turned quickly in her direction. Mallory what the hell are you doing? This isn’t the plan! You’re supposed to kill him, she thought. He wasn’t used to contact with others since Constance always kept him locked away. His eyebrows were furrowed, tears still running freely down his cheeks. “W-what?” Mallory walked slowly towards him, as if to not startle him. She knew what he would eventually be capable of, she just wasn’t sure what he was able to do yet. She didn’t want to risk it, she was already risking enough not killing him. 
“My name is Mallory. I just want to talk to you, Langdon. Please.” He stared dead into her eyes. In the future she had only seen a look of menacing evil, but now all his eyes showed was fear and sadness. “My name is Michael, not just Langdon. Michael Langdon, b-but how do you know that?” Mallory offered him a smile, trying to be as gentle and friendly as possible. “I can explain if we can just sit and talk.” Michael nodded and immediately sat criss cross applesauce on the sidewalk. He really is just a child, Mallory thought.  Mallory followed his suit and sat down across from him, a few feet between them. Michael began to poke at the grass growing between the sidewalk squares, waiting for her to speak.
“I.. I’m heading to a school. It’s an academy for people of particular talent.” Use smaller words, Mallory. He’s a kid. “I’ve heard of your skills. I’m just like you. Different. You don’t need to be treated bad just because you’re different. The people of this school and myself, we would all protect you and teach you to further your gift and control it.” Michael was staring at her now. He never had anyone promise to protect him, not his father, mother, or grandmother. Everyone who he thought so fondly of didn’t want him, but this random woman was willing to protect him. “You’re actually different?”
Mallory nodded, smiling. “Want to see?” His eyes widened as he nodded, a smile growing on his tear-stained face. Mallory had to take a second to think of what to do. Kids like animals, right? She picked a daisy that was growing out of a crack in the side, twirled her fingers, and a butterfly appeared, landing on her palm. She heard Michael gasp. She blew on the butterfly and it flew towards him, landing on his knee. He laughed and tried to pick it up, but it began to float away until in turned into a pile of falling flower petals. He looked back at her, facing showing awe. 
Mallory stood up and offered him a hand, which he took without hesitation. “Do you want to see this school, brother?” Michael went to nod his head, but stopped after hearing her words. “Brother?” 
“You and I are family. Everyone with our abilities are. We can take care of each other.” Michael, to Mallory’s surprise, gave her a hug and then jumped off, running towards the car, full of excitement for a home where he wouldn’t be hurt. Mallory stood in shock for a moment. Less than an hour ago she had seen this boy kill multiple witches. Now he was laughing and jumping with joy to meet those very same witches. 
She started the car, still shocked at how much he had changed- or how much he could change in the future. Michael buckled his seatbelt, excited to be riding shotgun. “How far is this school?” 
“It’s a bit of a drive. All the way in New Orleans. GPS says it’ll be about 27 hours.” Michael turned towards her. “27 hours!?” A laugh left Mallory’s mouth, “Come on! It’ll be so worth it!”
27 hours was a long time to spend in a car with a ten year old (even if he does look like a teenager, he is just as annoying as a 10 year old). Michael spent most of the time looking out the window and asking questions. He hadn’t left California before. He was rarely allowed to leave the house so Mallory made sure to stop at all the important places along the way to New Orleans. They even took a different route to be able to see the Grand Canyon, making their trip a bit longer. At first she was hesitant to take a route that would make her be in a car with him for an extra five hours but after seeing the look in his eyes and the smile on his face when he saw the view of the Grand Canyon she knew it was worth it. 
Michael’s eyes finally left the window as they pulled into a white house in New Orleans. He faced Mallory and she could see anxiousness in his eyes. She had grown to like him over the past two days they spent together on the road. She actually saw him as her little brother now, a boy she needed to care for since no one else would. 
She patted his head, “It will be fine. They’ll take care of us and you’ll love everyone. I promise.” He gave her a weak smile in response and opened his car door, climbing out. He grabbed his small backpack from the back seat, pulling a strap over his shoulder. It didn’t have much, just some new clothes that Mallory had gotten for him and a photo of them at the Grand Canyon. Mallory grabbed her bag, filled with just clothes as well, seeing as how she came from the future with no items of her own. Facing the home of the Coven she felt relief. She had watched her sisters die and now she would see them again, happy and healthy. 
It would be a chance for her to start over. A chance for both of them to start over. She walked towards the door confidently, knowing she was returning home. Michael followed with a little hesitation. Mallory knocked on the door and as Cordelia opened it, Mallory let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Her supreme was alive and well again. “Yes?”
Mallory smiled and replied, “My name is Mallory. This is- this is my brother, Michael. We want to join your academy.” 
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duncvns · 6 years
Nothing Like Normal (Michael Langdon) Part 2
Here’s part two! I’ve had this written for ages but I was busy with other one-shots and headcanons to finish proofreading this chapter. This chapter takes place before and during the episode Fire and Reign, next part will take place in the episode The End. 
There aren’t really any warnings: Slight religious blasphemy, mentions of Satan (it’s a Michael story, what do you expect)
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Life didn't feel real for Lilith anymore. She was out of herself, her soul, if she had one, had seemed to completely leave her body. Michael has never been anything but helpful and comforting to his partner over the difficult realization. He had no reason to be cruel to her if his father hand-picked her as his handmaid. They would merge and sculpt their powers together, creating beautiful monstrosities within the palm of their hands.
"You're so beautiful, my little demoness." He would run his large, ring clad fingers under her chin and back up onto her cheek, caressing her smooth, supple skin. She would flush at the nickname and place her hand on top of his, feeling the inevitable spark between the two of them.
They just fit so well together. Hell, they were made for each other, literally.
Michael had brought up the idea of sex to Lilith, but was automatically shut down. It's not that she was opposed to sex, she just had to get through her brain that she was actually going to perform the act with the antichrist.
He gently nodded, understanding how she felt. He went through the same ordeal after he found out his true identity. Little did Lilith know, his entire family turned on him, his own mother tried to kill him.
They would partake in rituals with their father whenever they felt the need to. Most of them were blood rituals, others were animal and human sacrifices. Meade would help with those when they needed help.
Lilith continued to dig through her powers, harvesting every dark gift her father equipped her with. She mastered Tempus Infinitum, being able to go back in time with a chant of a few words. Michael read Revelations to her shortly after her real identity was spoken of, revealing to her the immortality she possessed, just like him.
Today, however, Michael had a meeting with the infamous Cooperative. He insisted Lilith accompany him instead of Meade since she was his Angel of Death. He was dreading it since he had to speak to Jeff and Mutt whom he hated with a passion. Lilith convinced him to suck up his pride and carry out the meeting since it's what his father wants.
They were one step closer to the apocalypse and both Michael and Lilith were more than ready. The world needed to be cleaned of the scum on the streets and repopulated with select individuals that Michael or Lilith handpicked.
"This place is so strange," Michael sighed, curling his red leather clad fingers together. Lilith glanced up at him before looking back ahead of her. She tightened her grip around his arm comfortingly as they continued walking. "Why would the worlds wealthiest 0.1% choose to wear so much flannel and Patagonia?"
"They think true power lies in not flaunting theirs. Idiots." Lilith answered. Michael looked down at her with a smirk on his face. They continued their way down the brick walkway, passing the wealthy residents that strode past them.
"Well, I just hope I can pry them away from their horseback riding and hot yoga long enough to convince them to help me," Lilith stops and moves her hand from his arm, fed up with his uncertainty. He stopped a couple steps in front of her, his entire stance confused.
"You've got to be kidding me,"
"I'm just, I'm nervous." He reached his hands down and wrung his hands with Lilith's, drawing attention to the young couple.
"Against all odds, you found your way to this place and to the brink of fulfilling your destiny. And all those people are quaking in their overpriced boots because they know they're about to come face-to-face with true greatness." She spoke sternly, the authoritative tone taking Michael by surprise. "You're the one they're waiting for. They all pledged their soul to your father and to serving you, and they're starving for you to show them the way. It's time to do what you were put on this Earth to do: destroy it."
Michael took a deep breath and nodded before continuing down the brick paver, his angel of death held tightly onto his arm.
"Esteemed members of The Cooperative. World leaders, tech giants. Media moguls, and cultural influencers. The rumors you heard are true. My name is Michael Langdon, and I am the Antichrist." A burst of murmurs erupted around the room, scattered gasps spread about The Cooperative members. "This is my Angel of Death, Lilith. My spiritual and life partner," He extended a hand out to Lilith, urging her to step forward.
She took over, letting Michael retrieve the guides to the running of the outposts. "Humanity is at a crossroads. The world as it is today, the poverty, the hunger, the greed, and war, it's no longer sustainable. The time has come to wipe the slate clean. Friends, it's time for the apocalypse." Excited murmurs erupted again throughout the crowd of masked individuals before Michael hushed them with his voice.
"I understand your trepidation. But let me remind you are here because of the gifts bestowed upon you by my father. In return, you gave him your immortal souls. He owns you. Therefore, we own you," He extended his hand back out to Lilith at the mention of her. "We speak with one voice and our demands are his." He hands the large stack of black folders to Lilith who begins to pass them around to every one of the Cooperative members.
"Now, as you'll see from the handy guides provided by my Lilith, I do not intend to leave you and your families to die. When fire rains down on the unwashed masses, you and your families will be safely squirreled away in a network of luxury fallout shelters."
"You already have the resources." Lilith placed yet another folder down in front of another member. "You just bought land on New Zealand's South Island. You own half of Bora Bora. The bunker underneath your ranch in Texas could easily fit 20 people. With a little construction and some retrofitting, these sites will make the perfect outposts to ride out the end of the world." She handed out the last portfolio before standing back next to Michael. He grabbed her hand and intertwined it with his. Lilith smiled shyly, trying to hide the small act of innocence from the members.
"And with the admission price of $100 million, only the truly worthy will gain admission. Turn to page six, section one. Outpost Construction."
A couple weeks after The Cooperative meeting, Lilith found herself in the same bed as Michael, preparing for the initial blast that was happening in a few days time. She and Michael were finalizing sells for outpost tickets, already filling up all of the compounds on the East coast with the truly wealthy. They were discussing how they were going to ride out the initial blast. They eventually decided that Lilith was going to be locked under Michaels old warlock school, Hawthorn academy, with a wiped-clean Meade. Lilith was going to disguise herself as an elite, while Meade would take on an administrative role.
When he could, Michael would venture out into the wasteland and handpick the ones worthy for The Sanctuary. Only then will they see each other again, if he even made it that far.
The bombs would detonate with a code word only Michael, Lilith, and the cooperative knew. The world would be in ashes in mere seconds, leaving less than 100 people alive, safe, and healthy.
"Remind me to re-inform Jeff and Mutt to wipe Ms. Meade, the coke heads most likely forgot." He sneered, watching as his demoness took note. Lilith fell silent as she scribbled down an array of words, her hand moving inhumanely fast, guiding the pen easily on the rough, white paper. Michael watched her nimble hands work.
"Marry me, Lilith," Michael spoke. The fallen angel furrowed her eyebrows, parting her lips in slight shock. She chuckled a bit before turning her attention back on the neat scrawl she wrote moments before.
"I'm serious, Lilly." He knocked the pen and paper away from her effortlessly with a flick of his finger. He rose onto his knees and captured her smaller hands within his. "I know you're the one He sent for me. You're strong, abrasive, utterly intoxicating, and remarkably powerful. Let me make a vow to you, baby."
Lilith ran her tongue across her top lip slowly, letting his words sink in. "Isn't me literally being made for you enough already?" Michael heaved in a short breath before running his hands through his golden blonde hair and moving from the bed. "I mean- we're planning the fucking Armageddon right now, doesn't that alone prove my loyalty to you?"
"But I want to be able to call you my wife and not just my life partner." His cold eyes were sincere, something that nobody ever saw, not even Lilith. His cool, clammy hands ran across her jaw, tracing the perfect bone structure.
"Marriage is Christian, Michael. Under the eye of God, remember?"
Michael cringed at the mention of God, the word foreign in the air of their home. "Fuck all that wedding ceremony bullshit. It only matters in the eyes of our father. I don't care what we do, Lilly, I just want to be able to call you my wife."
Lilith rolled her pale eyes, before nodding. "I'll marry you, Michael, If that's what you want." He smiled in triumph before taking her face in his hands and pressing a long kiss to her lips.
"Thank you so much, Lilly." He murmured against her lips, sending vibrations down her entire form. She smiled against her lover, breathing in the warm scent of his happiness. "But I'm not wearing white and I'm not saying 'I do'."
Michael chuckled, brushing some of her long auburn hair from her face. "You're not going to be in anything, baby." He purred, licking over her bottom lip. She gasped, opening her mouth perfectly for Michael to lick into. Lilith wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. Body to body.
Lilith loved Michaels body. She loved how lanky he was, how he wasn't coursed with rough muscles. She loved his tummy. At night, when he was asleep, she'd run her fingers over the bare skin, mapping each and every dip and dazzle in his honey skin. He was perfect in the most imperfect way ever, and that drew her in more than she already was.
Michael pulled her out of her thoughts by pulling away from the kiss with a soft hum. He ran his hands over Lilith's face before pushing a piece of her long auburn hair behind her ear. "My father really knows how to make attractive specimens, doesn't he?" His voice was low and drawn out, nearly putting her in a daze.
"He made you, the most attractive specimen ever sculpted,"
"I could argue that, my gorgeous little angel of death."
A little birdie of Instagram told me to tag people in the stories I write, so I’m doing just that. If you want to be added or taken off of this tag list, please let me know!
@lanawintrs @wroteclassicaly @langdonsrapture @lvngdvns @katiekitty261 @holylangdon @icylangdon
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