#terence hill is a slytherin
mrskillingjoke · 2 years
Ok so I firstly watched "Gott vergibt … Django nie!/ zwei vom Affen gebissen" or "Dio perdona … io no!" or whatever...
And what the fuck! i didn't expected that! It's the First movie where both Bud Spencer and Terence Hill were in the mainroles (i Just googled it). It's darker than other movies of them.
But the real Thing what I'm so surprised at, how much of a fanfiction this movie is.
Like really:
Both know each other for a while, they Care for each other and you See it.
One have a Bad/dark History which is the Maintheme in the movie or fanfic.
The other try to find Out what it is and then they get kidnapped by the Bad guy.
The Story gets revealed.
Both been tortured.
One can escape, the other Just after that.
(Terence or Django or Cat got enslaved... Or at least it looked Like it)
At the end one become injured and the other Takes Care of him.
And then they both Ride right into the sundown.
It's right Out of a fanfic and I got so much fangirl attacs!
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slytherinprincesses17 · 2 months
Part 1:The boy who flew too close to the sun and the girl who was made of sunlight
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Summary: The part where Draco decides if you are the sun, then he must be Icarus
Author Note: Hello Everyone, This is my 1st Draco work! I'm very excited to share with you all, this takes pace in 4th year through 6th. I was inspired by Greek Mythology as well as Vincent Lima's EP Versions of Uncertainty. Reader is Terence Higgs, younger sister though it is not mentioned much in this one. Pure blood and one of the sacred 28 families. This going to be multiple parts! Im thinking maybe 4/5 !!
Please leave your feedback and comments!!
______________________________________________Draco Malfoy had known Y/N Higgs since childhood. His mother and yours were close from their Hogwarts years. So, you could often be seen frolicking throughout the manor. He recalls you picking flowers and handing them to the house-elves. Chasing butterflies. Lying about in the grassy hills, always under the blooming wisteria trees. Draco always felt drawn to you. Like spring after winter, you warmed those around you. He was no exception.
You murmured "Draco..." as you lounged in the garden one afternoon. As the brilliant blonde sat next to you with a Quidditch magazine in hand.
"Mhmm…" his head turned to you before he could think… like a sunflower to the sun, you commanded his attention.
“Will we be friends next year?” you inquired with a tilted head, fingers plucking at the blades of grass. You avoided his gaze, afraid of the blunt boy's answer. 
"Of course y/n, don’t be silly…. my mother's anger would erupt if I showed you any disrespect." Draco spoke in a flat tone.
He wanted to escape this moment, afraid you would see through him. That you would see it was he who disapproved of your exit from his life's circle.
“Even if I’m not a Slytherin?” you inquired, your voice tinged with melancholy, eyes narrowed.
"Of course, sunshine..." He said softly returning to his pages, looking up out of the corner of his eye at you. You had a matching rosy tint and a smile. 
“Good… That’s good,” you said softly.
To tell the truth, Draco thought you would never become a Slytherin. Simply because it wasn't in your nature. You are ambition and cleverness have always been present, but never cruelty. You were cunning and crafty, but never at anyone's expense. You were smart beyond measure, like a Ravenclaw. Kind and loyal, as they could come, like a Hufflepuff. And hard-headed and brave, like a Gryffindor. Yet he found himself corrected that 1st year at Hogwarts as you sat beside him in your green tie and beaming smile. Draco had never been more relieved to have been wrong.
From then on, everyone knew you, Y/N Higgs. You stood out as a remarkable Slytherin, distinct from the others. Walking with a gracefulness that compelled those around to turn their heads. Spending time showing 1st years around and volunteering in the Hospital wing. Even helping Hagrid with the magical creature care. You held friends in all the houses. Everyone would say you were uncharacteristically nice for a snake....
Draco always wondered. How could a pure-blood Slytherin, raised under the same pressures as him, be so kind? Still, you stayed close to one another. You kept your promise to be friends until one cold winter day in 4th-year during potions...
"You will work on this essay in pairs, and it will account for a significant portion of your final grade.”  Professor Snape droned on, explaining the assignment.
"I have preassigned your partnerships and will hear no griping or groaning about said matters. If you cannot work together, write your own 6 parchments on the effects and magical uses of a bezoar. These partnerships are absolutely final. Due Monday.” Snape said in his dreary, disinterested tone.
"Now…" Snape began to read off the pairs.
"Grander and Parkinson"
"Potter and Parvati"
"Zambini and Longbottom"
"Granger and Goyle"
"Malfoy and Higgs"
"Weasley and Finnigan."
Draco's doodling stopped at the sound of his name. Professor Snape was continuing down his list, leaving no room for complaints. As you plopped down next to him, your feet shuffled about. The scent of honey and wisteria filled his nose; you always smelled like home to him.
"Hello, Draco! How lovely… it’s like our summer studies at the Manor," you beamed, unpacking your quill and ink.
Draco nodded and returned a soft smile that was only reserved for you. 
"Not even our summer studies are this extensive. Leave it to Snape to dampen the weekend before the Yule Ball." You huffed out, defeated.
"About the Yule ball…..” Draco trailed off as you turned to look at him with hopeful, wide eyes.
"Who gets the pleasure of being your date for the evening?” he asked, his gaze slanting towards you, his breath suspended in anticipation. 
You see, over the years, Draco has grown fond of you as you have of him. Both too comfortable in your normal to risk something so dear, so both stood still. Suspended in the friend zone until he heard news that someone asked you to the ball. Lighting a newfound fire underneath him. He couldn't resist taking that leap, determined not to let the opportunity slip away.
"I was hoping you would’ve asked me by now, Draco. Though I take it you're opting for Parkinson.” You made a face when referring to Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin with a crush on the Malfoy boy.
He let out a gentle laugh in amusement. He cherished the moments your envious Slytherin persona emerged.
"No. No. No. I'm not attending with Pansy. I heard through the gossip vine that the champion asked you himself: Cedric Diggory, is it?" He grimaced at the name. From the start of the year, it was known that he fancied you.
But who didn't? You were a dream come to life. You were kind and smart, second only to Hermione. Yet, you never dated. You never agreed to Hogsmeade dates or study sessions with anyone. That includes Oliver Wood, Cedric Diggory, and even Saint Potter. No one knew why. But you did. If you never agreed, you'd find Draco next to you in the library, or arm in arm on Hogsmeade weekends. So why agree when your heart was already so full?
You declared, "He did, but I turned him down." You shrugged, refocusing on your homework. The air around your desk grew heavy as you huffed out a breath of frustration.  
You adored Draco. The parts of him reserved for you were warm and soft. He looked out for you and was always there. Waiting since the announcement of the Yule Ball for Draco to ask you, turning down everyone who wasn't him. You knew he was a bloody coward, even considering asking him yourself a few times. All you needed was confirmation. Reassurance that it wasn't only you who found yourself wanting more.
"Since we cleared the air and I'm not going with Parkinson, you're not going with Diggory. Shall I save you the embarrassment of attending alone?" He flashed a playful grin.
"Save me the embarrassment? No. No. No. Mr. Malfoy, you forget yourself. I have a line of willing suitors waiting for me." You laughed, noticing Draco's slight annoyance.
"Let me save you the ghastly displeasure of having Parkinson be your last resort... Of course, I'll go with you, Draco; why do you think I turned down the future Triwizard champion?" You gave him a sidelong glance. "I was waiting for your daft arse."
Draco's lips curved upward in a subtle grin of admiration at your boldness.
" Well, thank you for waiting for me to catch on... It is a pleasure to be on the arm of such a lady."
You shared a warm smile with him before resuming your tasks. A new excitement and giddiness filled you both. 
The following evening, you found yourselves in the library. Draco occupied the seat opposite yours. Surrounded by dim candlelight, open textbooks, and the smell of fresh ink in the air. You both discussed what colors to wear to the Yule ball and the Potions assignment. Which reminded you to write to your mother about the recent development. Both mothers grew anxious as they awaited news of your companions for the ball. They had hoped it would be each other after all. It was Narcissa Malfoy and Beatrice Higgs who watched all those summers. As childhood friendship bloomed into something only mothers could sense.
As the sunset and talk faded, you whispered, looking up at him through your long lashes.
"What do you wish to be when school is over?”
Draco set his quill aside, gazing at you with introspective eyes as he pondered the question.
“I know Father wishes for me to take a prominent position in the Ministry someday.” He muttered, shrugging his shoulders. "You know, following after him and all."
"No, no, no... what do you, Draco Malfoy, wish to be? Parents be damned!" You shook your head in disapproval and reached for his hand.
He let out a low, amused laugh and curved his lips upward. "A potions master, maybe an astronomer," he whispered, placing his icy hand on yours. You smiled back.
"I wish to be a healer, maybe a teacher. My parents likely want me to marry, and that would be the end of it." You huffed, your cheek resting in your palm.
“Parents be damned ….” Whispered Draco, tightening his grasp on your hand.
With soft smiles, hours passed and homework gave way to chat. The air was fresh and electric around you both. A want... no, more like a compulsive need to touch and be close grew and grew. As you worked through the weekend together in your safe little cove of the library. Transitioning from opposite each other to shoulder-to-shoulder. Any space between you both was too much.
The Yule ball night arrived suddenly. As Draco found himself standing at the bottom of the long stairs in front of the great hall with Theo and Blaise. All anxiously awaiting their dates to descend the stairs… all minus Theo. Nothing could have readied Draco for the stunning sight of you in candlelight. Your dark blue dress and gold accents shone like the stars that made the constellation….
You descended the stairs grasping tightly to Draco's outstretched hand. Everyone faded away as he drew near, his gaze locked on you. When you finally reach him, he spins you around to savor every angle, embracing you tightly.
"Wow, Higgs, I knew you would clean up exquisitely."
Theo Knott, the endless flirt, spoke. Breaking your gaze with Draco and ruining the moment. The blonde boy shot a piercing stare at Theo, who responded with a sly wink. 
“Thank you, Theo… you’re too kind." Your face flushed; you dipped your head in embarrassment.
"Lucky man, Malfoy." he said, still gazing at your glory as you stood, arm locked with Malfoy by your side.
"I know, Knott … by the way, don’t you have a floor of single women to save from a night of heartbreak versus harassing my date?” Draco spat with no real malice toward the Knott boy.
"Did you come alone, Theo?” you said, confused.
"Don't waste your pity on him Y/N… he chose to come alone on purpose," Blaise said, laughing. "It's all part of his grand plan to woo the hearts of many."
"Exactly correct... because why limit oneself to one date when one can save many from a night of loneliness?" Theo said rather proud of himself "Although, if you were my one date, Higgs... I'd accept the burden." He smirked.
Draco pulled you closer into his arms as he swung at Theo playfully, shoving him away. As you rolled your eyes at the boy's antics. 
Lorenzo Berkshire appeared from behind Draco, quickly taking your hand from his cousin’s grasp and spinning you in a circle.
“ My goodness, you are a sight Y/N” Enzo said laughing softly
“ Enzo, you are too kind” you stated slightly dizzy steading yourself with your to his chest and a smile
“ This is not flirting with my date hour…” Draco huffs in annoyance as he once again pulls you towards him tucking you under his arm tightly. You smile at him softly patting his chest in reassurance.
"And who is the lucky girl gracing your arm tonight, Blaise?" you asked, changing the topic.
“You mean unlucky… very unlucky, y/n," Theo added with a laugh.
Daphne Greengrass your best friend appears looking like a fairy princess in her dark green and silver gown.
“ That unlucky girl would be me…” She says shooting a glare at Theo “ And at least we have dates” she stick her tongue out in touché
The last of your group trickle in, complimenting one other and filling the area with small talk.
Soon Draco’s hand finds your waist as he leaned over and whispered in your ear too distracted by his breath on your neck to listen to Enzo speak anymore. You turn your attention fully to the Prince of the hour.
"Shall we find ourselves a spot inside Sunshine?" he whispered, only for you, against the shell of your ear. It caused goosebumps to travel up your body.
"Lead the way, love….” You gazed, captivated by his timeless black tuxedo with blue highlights. He looked like he came from a fairytale. His regal appearance captivated you. 
You walked in through the large doors, arm in arm. Heads turned to see that the Slytherin Prince had won the fair maiden's heart. Yet, it surprised none. It was only a matter of time before the Slytherin Prince captured the princesses.
As you danced the night away with your friends. You suddenly weren't heirs to pureblood fortunes. You were nothing but dumb teenagers in love at a school dance. And it was there... in that moment, as his heart raced. Not from dancing, but from looking at you in the soft candlelight. He decided: if you were a flame, let him be a moth. If you were the sun, let him be Icarus.
Draco decided he would gladly face your light and fire. Fearing no consequences if it meant being wrapped in your warmth for a second longer. Let his wax wings melt and he be drowned in the ocean. Let him plummet from the sky ungracefully if it meant being with you. Because you.... made of sunlight and sugar, were worth it.
"I don't want this to end..." Draco's soft voice fought to be heard above the blaring band and laughter as you stood beside the punch bowl. 
You lifted your gaze from your cup and furrowed your brow in puzzlement. Was he referring to the song? The ball? The night?
“Say what you mean, Draco." you urged as you stared into his icy eyes that held a fire behind them.
“I mean this feeling, this … whatever this is. I enjoy who I am with you at this moment. I don't want it to end." His voice held a sense of sadness and fear, like after the music stopped and the night ended, that would be that.
You declare “ Then let’s be like this… always.” As you grasp his hand tightly and pull him into a kiss. He meets you halfway, kissing back effortlessly. He wraps one hand around your waist and the other in your hair. Passion and years of yearning found itself exchanged in the kiss.
As you broke apart, heavy breathing and foreheads touching, you chuckled at the cliché of it all.
"Shall we get out of here?" Draco's red, puffy lips spoke softly against yours.
And you could only nod as he took your hand out of the great hall, smiling and laughing. 
Running through the halls hand in hand, up the tall winding stairs to the astronomy tower. Stopping only to kiss each other for a few moments. It was there on the ledge. The very ledge that would later and forever change the course of your life, that Draco gazed at you.
"Y/N, my love…” he reached for your hand and began playing with your fingers as you both stood leaning on the rail.
"I am enamored by you. You roam my mind, unrestricted at will. I wonder endlessly about your happiness. I wonder if you dream of me. If you ate. If you're safe." he rambles like a madman.
You smile, rubbing your thumb against his hand as encouragement…
"Please do me the honor, sunshine, of being mine." He draws a long breath, his eyes locking onto yours.
"Oh Draco…. You whisper, "I've always been yours," before you lean in to brush your lips against his. He responds with a fervent kiss, hands around your waist, yours buried in his soft hair.
You spent another hour in the tower. Draco pointed out his favorite constellations between fevered bouts of making out. His suit jacket wrapped around you. It smelled of mahogany, fresh apples, fresh ink, and silver. Nothing but more time could have solidified the night as perfect.
"Your lips are turning blue, sunshine." Draco chuckled as his fingers caressed your winter-kissed cheeks. His hand felt like ice, so you enveloped it in yours, pressing your lips gently to his skin. The winter air was becoming too cold to ignore, signaling the end of the night.
"I guess we should be heading back then." You groaned, throwing your head back.
Draco's laughter burst out as he rose to his feet, bending to grasp and lift you upright. He enveloped you in his suit jacket, tucking you in tight and kissing your cheek lightly. Leaving a warmth in their place. You smiled.
Walking back to the common room down the tower steps, hand in hand, a newfound contentment hung in the air.
The rest of the year went by rather quickly. Between classes, you and Draco made time for each other. Enjoying Hogsmeade weekends and late nights sneaking off to the astronomy tower. It all felt too good to be true. Which as fate would have it was true... nothing good lasts long.
There you were in the stands of the third Triwizard task. Screams and cries filled the air. Draco hid your face in his chest, holding you close and tight. As you stare in shock at the body of the kindest boy you knew... tears slipped slowly down your face. Time dragged on, after Cedric's memorial with the buzz of grief and you-know-who on the rise. Static seemed to be in the air… like a drop of water about to fall into a still lake.
If only you knew then what hung in the stars for Draco and you. What darkness was at play and how far your Icarus was willing to fall for you, his sunshine. 
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What are your FlintWood kids full names and meanings? Do they have godparents? Oliver team is close of course but what about Marcus team after.
😄 Happy to answer about the quidditch babies
Malva's full name: Malva Terencia "Terry" Flint-Wood
Malva Zebrina or Mallow Hollyhock is really beautiful flower (real flower). One of the flowers in Oliver mother's garden.
Terencia is in honor of Terence. Terence Higgs was Seeker for Slytherin and one Marcus best friends. He is Malva's godfather.
Landon full name - Landon Angelo Flint-Wood
Landon means "long hill or ridge". His friends call him Lando for short. His siblings call him Lan Lan.
Angelo - a masculine form of Angelina. In honor of Angelina Johnson, a Chaser for Gryffindor team. Angelina is Landon's godmother. Lucian Bole, Beater for Slytherin is his godfather.
Octavia full name - Octavia Persy "Tavy" Flint-Wood
Octavia means born eighth (I wanted an O name other than Olivia)
Persy is a variant spelling (I pulled out my ass honestly) in honor of Percy. Marcus own godmother Polyxene Fronsac made the suggestion.
Percy Weasley is Octavia's godfather. Percy was Oliver's roommate and friend in Gryffindor. Alicia Spinnet, Chaser for Gryffindor is her godmother.
Ian - Ian Flint-Wood
Ian is Scottish in origin means "God is gracious." Suggestion by Oliver's father. (@flintwoodandco helped pick the name)
Katie Bell, Chaser for Gryffindor and Peregrine Derrick, Beater for Slytherin are Ian godparents.
Adrian - Adrian "Dri" Flint-Wood
Named in honor of Adrian Pucey Chaser for Slytherin team, one Marcus best friends. (Adrian is baby anyway 😆). George Weasley and Miles Bletchley are his godfathers.
The Slytherin team that Marcus captained are very close knit family. They do involve Draco in gatherings too.
* in headcanon Oliver cousin is Hebert Fleet (Hufflepuff Keeper) dates Graham Montague. Graham is basically family already.
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galactic-vampirette · 7 years
Post 10 facts about yourself.
I was tagged by fangtastic @candymoonlight ♥ 
10 facts about me....seriously, I’m a rather boring person
1. I’m a whisky drinker....I’ll have any single malt, neat, thank you. 
2. I’ve never been in a relationship or even on a date. Whenever I try to ask someone out I get rejected. Sometimes it makes me feel quite miserable and unattractive. However, I made promise to my dear friend Clamor that if we’re both single by 40, we’ll get married and live happily ever after with 27 cats.
3. I cannot digest any meat as I have this weird food allergy. Last time I ate meat (9 years ago) I almost died of anafylactic shock.
4. I tend to have extremely vivid dreams that I’m occasionally able to control. My favourite dream so far has been this one: 
I was a vampire and Voltaire (the musician) was my best friend. I hunted bad guys and drank their blood in dark alleys and then he helped me to hide and bury their bodies. He also made sure I was tucked in my coffin before sunrise and wrote a song about me - My Little Vampire Girl (Bowie’s China Girl cover). It was a very sweet and jolly dream.
5. I usually don’t get along with cat haters. Cats are my favourite animals and I plan to adopt at least one. That doesn’t mean I don’t like dogs! All animals are great and humans don’t deserve them.
6. I have a silly crush on Andrew Eldritch and his voice as well as on Peter Murphy’s glorious cheekbones.
7. I work in health care, yet I’m not very good at dealing with living patients. That’s why I work in a pathology lab & morgue.
8. I’m a proud Slytherin, however, if I were accepted to Hogwarts, I wouldn’t care which house I would be sorted into.
9. I have been a fan of Spaghetti Western films since I was a child and Bud Spencer, Terence Hill and Clint Eastwood used to be my holy trinity.
10. My favourite outfit is my Pikachu kigurumi and I don’t mind wearing it outside.
Anyone who reads this is tagged, ha :)
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serpulas · 8 years
Okay but can you imagine if Oliver and Marcus grew up together, in the same little village where their families would vacation. The Flints didn’t care for the Woods and vice versa, but the two had taken such a liking to each other that their return was inevitable every summer. With a shared love of quidditch, they’d spend days rolling down Scottish hills and sneaking tarts. 
Oliver knew about what Mr. Flint used to do, Marcus had told him the night before his first year at hogwarts. His father wanted him to be just like him,a  loyal man for the saviour and Oliver understood what it felt like, to want approval from your father. But after being sorted into different houses at hogwarts they realized they couldn’t be friends. It wasn’t as real at first, because Marcus was older and maybe Oliver could be a Slytherin, if he really tried, he was smart after all, and it didn’t feel painful, it didn't come crashing at his feet and tumbling down into the pit of his stomach until he was declared a Gryffindor and within weeks he realized the true animosity that would stand between them. No more sharing sweets under the blankets at sleepovers, no grass and mud stains from rough pee wee games against the neighboring kids.
Marcus no longer told him how scared he was to be like his father, to follow his father, he'd pass it in notes. Easily discarded between practices and classes and they never exchanged words, only sentiments. However there was no more Marcus and Oliver, just Flint and Wood.
They spent their last summer together second year. In fourth year, Marcus grows close to Terence Higgs and Oliver stumbles upon them in the lockerrooms. 
By fifth year, Marcus and Oliver had the same love for quidditch, but not for each other. The Flint’s didn’t vacation in Scotland anymore, not since You-Know-Who was rumored to be in the midst of a return and Marcus was a star recruitment for the cause — a willing soldier. Harry Potter went to hogwarts that year.
Marcus graduated the year after, a stunning approval from Lucius Malfoy on his shoulder and an Oliver shaped hole in his lungs. You-Know-Who was his saviour, he knew it but he didn't feel it. Not the same way he’d felt Oliver’s distance. He was nearly numb to it now, but sometimes, sometimes, just a sliver of broom polish would remind him and a little part of him cracked.  
And after the war starts, when they’re at the final battle, Marcus meets his eyes across the courtyard when Voldemort falls and Oliver Wood has a smile, albeit small, that reminds him of the Scottish wind between every fiber of his hair and it’s vaguely remniscent of home. 
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mrskillingjoke · 2 years
I rewatched another Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movie. "Più forte, ragazzi!" or "all the way boys!" or "Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle" under whatever Name you know this movie.
And I mean... They are both husbands. Salud and Plata are so husbands and I Love it!
I Just wanna make a crack Video out of it, but unfortunatley I can't so... I made a shitpost out of my fangirling.
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mrskillingjoke · 2 years
I wanna sort Bud Spencer and Terence Hill (of course in all their movies and Not the actors) in Hogwarts Houses.
It's actually pretty obvious when you know the movies:
Terence Hill is a slytherin. He is cunning, have a target or a goal He wanna reach, He let fight Bud Spencer when he knows, he couldn't take it and he is pretty smart. Of course He also knows how to cheat.
But now there is Bud Spencer and first I were a little confused in which House he could be but then I just knew it. He is a hufflepuff.
He is a hard Shell, soft core kind of Person. He is annoyed by everyone but he literally adopts anyone who is needy enough. Especially Terence Hill.
So Terence Hill have always a reason to be friend with Bud Spencer. And Bud Spencer knows that there is a reason but he don't do anything about it (when you take out His grumbled), because Terence is needy and sticks to him like asphalt on the streets.
So Bud is Like: "Mh, he annoys me so much. But he can't take this fight so I have to rescue him."
So, yeah, Long Text short story.
Terence Hill is a slytherin and Bud Spencer is a hufflepuff.
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