#terrified blind
ok but Foul Legacy with a blind reader
you like going out of the Harbor for walks, to get away from the hubbub of the city. you're quite adept at navigating the plains and mountains of Liyue, even if you can't see them, having lived in the nation of Geo your whole life, and it's on one of these excursions that you come across a stranger in the forest.
or rather, you hear a stranger's footsteps when you're stopping to rest. you turn your head in the direction of the noise and the footsteps, heavy and slow, pause. for a moment you simply stare in that general direction, then face forward again- if this person wanted to harm you, they would've already done so, and you go back to enjoying the peace and quiet. the footsteps approach again, then stop as the dry grass crackles and bends, presumably as the stranger sits down beside you to admire the view you can't see.
it becomes a bit of a routine, as the curious presence continues to return whenever you walk that route, inching closer to you every time you sit. it's comforting in a way, and you find yourself growing more and more used to this mysterious someone, whoever they are. on days without wind you can hear them breathing deeply, relaxing- almost basking- in your company. occasionally you hum a song, quiet and absentminded, and you swear you hear a growling croon from your new friend, but you're not frightened in the slightest.
one day, the creature- you're sure it's a creature now- dares to even rest their hand over yours, all armor and claws compared to your soft flesh, and you smile, giving their hand a quick squeeze of affection.
Foul Legacy nearly squeaks in delight when you- the one human who doesn't fear or hunt him- lace your fingers with his, and he settles next to you as usual, a soft, steady purr running through him from sheer joy.
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payasita · 8 months
please look at my new seasonal affectivity lamp i have been laughing all fucking day about it
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shipping-all-ships · 15 days
Midam AU where Adam makes a joke about the last guy that wanted inside him at least wine-and-dined him first and that's how they had their first date (after Michael asked his horrified siblings what that meant).
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ifellintothestyx · 3 months
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Never forget when Shen Qiao cut a man's tendons, basically crippling him in one hand.
He could have cut off the arm or the hand itself to achieve the same effect. No, he cuts the tendons. This is even more chilling when you know that Xuandu Mt. also teaches medicine. Shen Qiao knows the human body so well he can cut out a man's tendons while in combat.
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aimasup · 2 years
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Made Valiant/Heroic AU references
last one based on song here
I also realize how much wander over yonder played a part in my life and writing
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ventique18 · 2 years
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Also I really love that when Jamil talks, 90% of the time he's using his RIDICULOUS faces rather than his default portraits 😭
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szecretary · 2 months
okay so against my best judgement i bought the rainbow crate aftg boxset, i will be agonizing over the shipping announcement from now on but i solemnly swear to share the short stories for the peeps who can't get the special editions 🤎
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bespectacled-bookwyrm · 6 months
Colress: Um, Grim? W-why are you pretending we're all chummy with Ghetsis?
Grimsley: We need money.
Colress: So you’re scamming him?
Grimsley: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him.
Colress: *who is VERY aware of what the Shadow Triad and Ghetsis are capable of* What? No way.
Grimsley: Why not? We already stole his puppet king.
N: Hi, new uncles.
Colress: No, we didn't. N is a bright young man - he can do whatever he wants.
N: I wanna steal.
Colress: *mortified gasp*
Grimsley: *cackles*
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Blind starscream shenanigans, kidnaps rafael to lure the autobots into a trap, accidentally gets attached to 'the human sparkling' and doesn't have the heart to actually go with his plan, letting him go, and Rafael ends with a new perspective on the blind starscream, a softer side, how would the autobots and decepticons react to this sudden soft side of the deadly seeker?
Nice, more blind Starscream AU. I love writing about my favorite flier.
Mission Failure
The plan was simple: Kidnap one of the fleshy organics that the Autobots loved so much, lure the Autobots out, kill the flesh bag to make a point, and hopefully teach the Autobots to fear him while also doing what Megatron asked of him. It was supposed to be a straight forward plan, one that could be accomplished with minimal difficulty. After all, Starscream had slaughtered plenty during the height of the war, what was one more number to his kill count?
After weeks of careful research on Soundwave's part, Starscream set out with the intention to capture one Rafael Esquivel to play the part of the human hostage. It was not at all difficult even with his blindness to hunt down Rafael and pluck him from his bed through the window in the dead of night. The child did not even have the chance to scream before Starscream threw him into his cockpit and took off into the sky. When Starscream arrived at his designated position he dropped Rafael into a cage without much thought, not caring for the organic spawn at all... until he heard Rafael whimpering and felt him desperately feeling around for something.
Curious, the blind seeker waited and silently used his heightened sensitivity to observe as Rafael cried, searching for whatever it was he seemed to need. The closer attention Starscream paid to the boy, the more it became obvious that Rafael had issues with his sight. He was doing what Starscream did for months while he adapted to his blindness. Feeling around for obstacles, looking around blankly and not really seeing... they were all things that Starscream was familiar with. Sensing the human boy weakly struggle to find his primitive vision enhancing visor broke something in Starscream. He couldn't sit back and leave another being to struggle as he had, especially not a organic sparkling.
And so not really thinking that hard on it, Starscream gently plucked Rafael from his cage and held him against his chassis. Rafael flailed at first, but as Starscream tenderly hummed and ran a digit down his back with utmost care, he calmed quickly. Rafael had no idea what had prompted Starscream to treat him so kindly, but he did not object to the seeker's loving touches. And as several hours passed, Rafael and Starscream even managed to have a few conversations, bonding over their shared disablement.
Rafael: I was born with weak eyes. Without my glasses everything looks super blurry.
Starscream: Can you not just get replacement optics? It is not a difficult repair to undergo.
Rafael: Maybe its easy for you Cybertronains, but humans don't work like that, most of our body parts can't be replaced at the drop of a hat.
Starscream: Then why not use something better than these primitive 'glasses' you wear. They are flimsy, inefficient, and get in the way.
Rafael: I use them because humans haven't made anything better yet, at least not anything I can get ahold of for cheap.
Starscream: You can't get replacements and your human government won't even give you proper prosthetics? Ridiculous. Your government is no better than the slagging senate.
By the time the Autobots arrived to rescue Rafael, Starscream could no longer even consider harming the human sparkling. The human sparkling was like him, injured, and without proper care, he could never harm him. And so instead of fighting, he carefully passed Rafael to Bumblebee and flew away without so much as a taunting exclamation. But not before giving Rafael a gentle pat on the head and ruffling his hair, muttering something about him being a tolerable companion.
The Autobots were dumbfounded, none of them, especially Optimus, had ever seen Starscream doing anything remotely kind for anyone, much less a human. Their first reaction was to scan Rafael repeatedly, searching for trackers, a bomb, or some other sort of trap. They even went so far as to give him a full body examination, all of them paranoid that the notorious blind seeker might have done something foul. But upon finding nothing, the team collectively shrugged and kept Rafael at base for a few days to monitor him with the excuse of a weekend long sleepover for his parents.
Rafael was unsure how to feel about the whole situation. On one hand he had been captured by the most dangerous Decepticon aside from Soundwave and had his life hanging by a thread. But on the other hand, Starscream had treated him kindly, talking with him and not so much as leaving a scratch on him. Not only that, but they actually had a lot in common, and while Rafael did not voice anything, he personally wouldn't have minded meeting the blind seeker again. It was nice to talk to someone who understood the difficulties of poor, or in Starscream's case, nonexistent vision. In light of this he may or may not have begun messaging Starscream over a secure channel on his laptop, but of course no one can confirm or deny that possibility.
Back on the nemesis Starscream gave a random excuse, something along the lines of 'the Autobots got there too quickly' before returning to his personal quarters. It had been a very long time since he had felt kinship with anyone aside from his deceased trinemates and Knockout on occasion. The human sparkling was odd, but Starscream couldn't help but feel protective over the boy. He was so small, so weak, and nearly blind. He needed someone to watch over him. What would the human sparkling do if he lost those 'glasses' things? How would he feed himself if he couldn't see his fuel or sense it like Starscream could? How would he go anywhere and protect himself from possible predators? Starscream had seen videos of the terrifying organic creatures that prowled around on earth, Rafael wouldn't stand a chance without his vision or a frame made of metal.
It drove Starscream up the wall, leading him to spend days pacing around trying to deny his sprouting affection for the human sparkling. But in the end he found himself not hating the idea of watching over the child, it couldn't hurt anything right? Especially if the child didn't even know he was there.
Knockout: Starscream... are those... cameras?
Starscream: Yes.
Knockout: First off, how are you even viewing them? Second, why are they focused on a human school?
Starscream: The camera footage is sent directly to my processing units through a cable connection. And to answer your second question: It doesn't matter to you, so go frag off.
Knockout: Someone is in a foul mood it seems.
Thus began Starscream's unofficial helicopter parenting. He could care less about the Autobots and Rafael's two human trinemates, but he did care about the boy. Whenever possible he took the time to keep track of Rafael, messaging him back through his personal device and dropping by on days where he was not at base just to sit with him. The visits quickly became more and more frequent, to the point where Starscream and Rafael developed a habit. On Sundays when Rafael was not at base or school, he would head out to a private area in the territory surrounding Jasper and there he would meet with Starscream. They would then usually talk about all sorts of things with both being enthusiastic scientists, sometimes spending hours out just enjoying each other's company. Then when all was said and done they would return to their respective residences and not speak in person again until the following week.
When Rafael appeared on the battlefield, Starscream always took great care to avoid him and even remove him from the active battle, taking him and putting him somewhere safe. He even directly went against Megatron's orders on numerous occasions to keep fire off Rafael and his companions. While Starscream held no love for the other human sparklings, he understood just how much trinemates mean to a bot and so never harmed them either. Starscream only grew bolder with time, even fighting to protect the children alongside the Autobots if things got bad enough to warrant it. No one touched HIS little blind brother/sparkling, not the Autobots, not MECH, not Megatron.
While the Autobots were incredibly concerned with Starscream's apparent attachment to Rafael at first, they warmed up to it with time as it guaranteed the children would be safer. Even if watching the normally terrifying seeker gently coo at Rafael unsettled them, they opted to not look at that hard. No use looking a gift horse in the mouth.
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makorragal-312 · 7 months
Wow, this episode is REALLY focused on relationships, huh?
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sailorgundam308 · 7 months
I have this headcanon about berserker Karlach where she simply loses control of her rage.
(It’s based on a type of berserker rage that exists in DND and my own OC’s canon)
Kinda like her moment after defeating the paladins of Tyr - but worse. Much worse and chaotic, more violent and less aware.
I keep thinking what if she went berserk like that during the blood war - pure blind carnage, no consciousness? It could happen sometimes after she consumes a soul coin, when she has a close call, and, bam - she goes NUTS. She slashes through enemies and allies and anything in her way. Until she drops down, having quite literally run out of fuel.
What if one day Astarion is in a very bad situation, suffering or close to death - or she thinks he’s been killed? What if, even without a soul coin, she just loses it?
Her eyes aflame - when she screams you can see the glow of hellfire inside her throat. She turns into something TERRIFYING. It’s like seeing the true Demonsbane of the Blood War right there in the Sword Coast. It’d catch her unexpectedly. The sight of something so overpowered unleashed would seem horrifying for those looking.
It would then become clear why Zariel put her in the frontlines.
I assume once she’s done with raging (someone might have to incapacitate her just to make her stop), she takes all damage and pain at once, collapses unconscious and burning from the inside for days. She’s not supposed to burn so hot outside of Avernus.
Even in Avernus, going berserk like this would put her out of commission for s while, and she’d need repairs. Even if she could predict or control it, raging like that should be unnecessary outside of the Blood War. So when it happens in Faerun, it’s sort of a stunning thing to behold.
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shroudandsands · 14 days
Prompt #12: Quarry
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She felt it before Sawyer saw it. Her two wings whipped around on a wind born of realization, of sightless eyes whirling with her step to witness as the Hawk’s ammunition rocked the ground under them. As her own grip on the spell couldn’t stabilize, couldn’t hold, couldn’t root the earth that crumbled under the feet of the archer as he’d backed away- She was over to the edge in a jet from her wings. Her fingertips grazed his. The curse he screamed shot ice through her veins.
The moment, frozen as her limbs, screeched to a teeth-grinding halt. He was still within the range of her senses. Her wings could reach him if she pulled the other two away from Sawyer right then and there. She would be fine without them. But would they have enough power to lift him? Could she get them to cushion his fall? What about wind magic? Was there something she could channel fast enough to negate the fall? Could she cast it fast enough to still be able to get him while she could sense him? Her magicks got weaker the further her wings got from her- Could they speed down there while still being potent enough? Could she just get them moving before this resulted in a death that she was unsure she could- A realization shot all of these questions dead. She didn’t know how far down the ground was. Time shocked back into motion as she heard his axe-wielding partner scream, as she heard her own partner shout, as she felt her own voice wrenched from her throat.
Ah. She still didn’t know how to fly.
Her wings were already ablaze as she outran her scream down the cliff. Wind rushing, her feet grazing loose stone and debris along the wall, every twice-damned cell in her body screaming in deadlocked fear of what are you doing and even then it wasn’t enough to stop her from rocketing directly towards the ground. She’d have time to think about it after- She slammed into him first, then around him, then under him- her arms going under his in some vain attempt to pretend she had the strength- he grabbed onto her with a strength that could almost crush her in his panic- her wings swirled in a frenzy of gusts and jets as she scrambled to get them pointed anywhere that might stop them from splattering into the dirt- His feet scraped the ground as a squall of aether blasted dust, dirt, and rocks like a bomb as she slowed their descent. From something lethal, his head pointed towards the ground, to something bruising and bone breaking; held, holding, kept for what felt like just a moment too long- They thumped into the crater caused by the raw blast of magic. His bow thudded into the ground, snapping, in the distance.
“Twice now…” The highlander rubbed the back of his neck. His partner stood behind him, a worried frown still adorning him like cracked armor, as he gripped his shoulder. “You’ve saved him. Now me. Hells, the both of us more than we could ask for.” He looked at Sawyer as she gave them a polite shake of her head. He bumped his partner behind him, who cleared his throat. “We ain’t exactly done much to warrant being saved once, let alone twice like this. We were talking- Neither of us know what to do to repay you for…” His maimed arm swung wide as he let out a noise of disbelief. “Any of this. Hells we didn’t even realize you two had been the folks starting us off. I know it’s supposed to just be business. That’s what you do- That’s how the guild works. But.” “No buts. You’ve said it yourself. My heartlight and I- We’re far from saints. This is part and parcel of our work.” Sawyer sighed, setting aside pieces of her disassembled gunblade. “You needed help in the pursuit of helping others. We would be remiss, in occupation and action, to not do our part. Especially given that the latest danger was, in part, my own fault.” The archer banged his fist on the bench he rested on. “It ain’t! I shouldn’t have been there! I should’ve known better that the ground would be unstable. It’d just rained, that blasted band was detonating bombs left and right-” His partner’s grip on him tightened. He flinched as his words cut short, as he looked away. The silence in the wake of it was, in a few words, awkward as fuck. His partner cleared his throat. “Is she… feeling better yet, anyways?”
At that, Sawyer’s lips pursed. The noulith sheathed in her bandolier twitched at the mere mention of her bough’s presence. She took it out from its place to hold it gently, to stare into the crystal as if it was a window to somewhere else. It had been not but a sun since the moment of it. The immediate after had consisted of a shocked and despondent Amesha being all but carried back to their inn. She’d not moved much and had said little more. Frankly she more than wished she was still there with her… But there wasn’t exactly anyone else to write about the incident and confirm that the two of them were safe. The glow of it dimmed as her Oasis’ proverbial eyes looked away. Sawyer sighed once again.
“…She’ll be fine soon. But perhaps do not make a habit of making her catch you.”
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So is it me? did i do something to piss of AO3? cause i cannot read in peace rn and i'm about to stab someone or something if we can't get it together. I'll call whoever i need to: tech support, a priest, scooby-doo. Idc just let me stay logged in for more than 1 chapter. please?
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lvstharmony · 11 months
​beyond grateful for the people that are surrounding me in my life, just as i am grateful for the people i’ve parted ways with, for without them, i would not be the person i am today.
#i have left so many people throughout my life#and#if someone would ask me if i’d regret any choice i’ve made i would say no#i regret hurting people yet i wouldn’t change a thing if i could#without the suffering the sacrifices and the lessons i would not be the person i am today that i can finally say i’m proud of#whenever i read the question “would you want to be your friend if you’d meet yourself?” deep down my answer was no#i was a good friend and i always tried my best to be there for everyone#but i was so blinded and overwhelmed by my pain that i tried so hard not to project on others that it was exactly the thing i’ve done#i was extremely caring sensitive loving and selfless but my ”bad“ traits were just as extreme#my emotions were so overwhelming that they were scattered all over the place that it didn’t allow me to have any control over them#i used to be so terrified of being alone. all i’ve felt was a great loneliness that was residing within me#until i’ve gathered the strength to leave an entire friendgroup with people that meant the world for me#they weren’t good for me anymore just as i wasn’t for them#since that day i’ve grown a lot i became a better and healthier version of myself#i learned how to be alone and to find the peace in it and in myself#all i’ve had was Allah swt. and He is all i will ever need.#without the hardships in terms of friendship i wouldn’t have been able to learn how to be alone and love and enjoy it#without it i could not say that i could easily give up the people in my life#i could if i had to bc i have Allah swt.#but i’ve learned how to choose and to choose the right people#i don’t need you and never will but i choose you bc i want you in my life and i think that makes it so much more special#i can finally say that i love the person i am today and can’t wait to see myself grow even more as the cycle of growing is never ending#I still have so much to learn and I will let it come to me with open arms#an open mind and an open heart#above all the most precious gift i’ve earned is to learn how to have tawakkul.#everything that happens every trial that is afflicted upon us has meaning#and it’s beautiful.#being able to pick out the khair in everything is the biggest blessing#alhamdulillah for the things that bruised my soul alhamdulillah for the things that mended it#alhamdulillah for everything bc truly; Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.
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penofwildfire · 9 months
Lloyd and Bentho are tragic yaoi to me. Like I love healthy Deepseaenergy dynamics, but to me they're young and fall in love too fast and suddenly their relationship is too serious and they aren't ready for it and even though they love eachother and they're the best thing that ever happened to eachother it's all just too much and they feel too broken to maintain it.
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tomato-ace · 8 months
karen was going down the slide at the park next to tokyo tower when hikari told her she was going to move to london and they were going to be separated for a long time
12 years later from the top of that same slide karen reached out her hand to hikari who took it and climbed up to stand beside her as they decided to try and win the auditions together
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