#terrorist killed in kashmir
labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 7 months
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ainews18 · 8 months
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gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
Shopian Encounter: शोपियां में मारा गया जैश ए मोहम्मद का आतंकी कामरान उर्फ हनीफ, सुरक्षाबलों का अभियान जारी
Shopian Encounter: शोपियां में मारा गया जैश ए मोहम्मद का आतंकी कामरान उर्फ हनीफ, सुरक्षाबलों का अभियान जारी
श्रीनगर: जम्मू-कश्मीर के शोपियां जिले में शुक्रवार को सुरक्षा बलों और आतंकवादियों के बीच हुई मुठभेड़ हुई। इस दौरान सुरक्षाबलों ने जैश-ए-मोहम्मद का एक आतंकवादी मार गिराया। आतंकवादी की पहचान कमरान भाई उर्फ हनीस के तौर पर हुई है। मारा गया आतंकी कुलगाम और शोपियां इलाके में काफी सक्रिय था। पुलिस अभी भी इलाके में तलाशी अभियान चला रही है। गुप्त सूचना है कि इलाके में 2-3 और खूंखार आतंकी छिपे हो सकते…
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jknewstoday1 · 2 years
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Ok BCs I am tired of all this shit
A 6 year old Hindu girl, was BRUTALLY r@ped and murdered in Kashmir! WHAT WAS THE GIRL'S FAULT? WHAT DID SHE DO?
Terrorists have attacked on the Kashmiri Hindus and news channels be like: aw man fvck that shıt we gotta show politics, that is bűllshıt
Ok i understand that without politics, the government won't work BUT CAN YOU NOT SHOW ONLY THAT SHĪT? BECAUSE I AM SICK OF THIS
Yea I also know that the NEET results came out, and what happened with the students so that is important too but CAN YOU ALSO SHOW/TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE KASHMIRI HINDUS?
Show them incidents, dear Indian news channels, don't be shy, because I do think that you are being incompetent about it :)
MORE THAN 16 FUCKING PEOPLE DIED! A CRPF soldier was killied in the Kathua attack on 11th June, more than 10 People were killed on 9th June in the Reasi attack, and 5 soldiers along with SPO are fucking injured. So i would like you news channels TO NOT SHOW POLITICS ANYMORE AND TO SHOW THESE EVENTS AS WELL, DAMNIT!
Ok I am sorry about my rant and all this but i am just pouring out my feelings about it. Ik i am just 13 but still, I think this is very very VERY wrong
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nohkalikai · 7 months
We are a group of individuals and collectives in revolutionary solidarity with the people of  Palestine. As a response to the feminist call to strike for Gaza on the 8th of March (International Women’s Day), we feel the need to put out this statement to recognise the occupational, genocidal deprivations perpetrated by the terrorist settler-colonial Zionist state of Israel that has led to a death toll of over 30000 Palestinians with countless trapped under rubble, decomposed, and millions displaced. We bear witness to the carceral violence, torture, humiliation and murder of Palestinians, especially those held captive in besieged Gaza and hostages taken by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). This includes a wide range of carceral forms of torture including the use of  Palestinian men as human shields, widely circulated dehumanising images of public sexual violation of Palestinian men, sexual assault of Palestinian women in Zionist prisons, enforced disappearance of children, and other acts of violence and debilitation. These largely go unreported, under-reported or misreported because of the Zionist hold over mainstream media.
Humanitarian aid is being withheld by Israel to intentionally starve Gazans as an instrument of ethnic cleansing and genocide. When the few aid trucks are allowed by Israel to finally cross into Gaza, or aid is airdropped by other countries attempting to break Israel’s siege, the Zionist army bomb, shoot, kill, and run over Palestinians rushing to food trucks as seen in multiple incidents including the recent flour massacre. Children continue to die from starvation and severe climate conditions; and those not dead yet are severely malnourished. Since October 7, Israel has incessantly bombed Gaza from F16s using 2,000-pound US-supplied bombs that blow up whole neighborhoods, internationally banned white phosphorus, and smaller lethal bombs dropped from the constantly circling drones. Israel has destroyed the 70% of the housing stock in Gaza, rendered all hospitals unable to provide care, and has further destroyed medical facilities, desalination plants that supplies clean water, schools and universities, public archives, cultural and historical landmarks, mosques  and churches, bakeries, roads and highways, and all civilian resources and infrastructure crucial for survival rendering Gaza unlivable. The sustained targeted attack on medical facilities have necessitated medical procedures like amputations and C-sections without anesthetics while the  neonatals and infants are dying on hospital beds and ICUs for lack of oxygen. Palestinian medics are not only overworked and severely under-resourced but under direct attack. Mass graves continue to pile up and Israel strips Palestinians of dignity even in death. Palestinian families are not allowed to recover bodies. Instead, the occupying forces attack and bomb graveyards and steal dead bodies for organs and skin to be used in Israeli forensic institutes. We have also seen the insidious images of Israeli soldiers posing with looted Palestinian women’s lingerie, mannequins, stealing children’s toys and making videos cooking inside houses Gazans have been forcibly displaced from. The entire population of Gaza has been subjected to collective punishment directed towards the acts of resistance forces, which is, in fact, the right of a colonized people for self-determination and autonomy. Israel has carried out  targeted attacks on journalists, medics, artists, academics and anyone who can help save lives and ensure the survival of Palestinian culture. The Zionist regime has killed over a 100 journalists to suppress news coming out of Gaza. Murdering journalists has been a tool to silence Palestinian voices throughout the 75 years of occupation. We recall the targeted killing of journalists like Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022 in occupied West Bank. We honour and learn from resilient voices like Wael Al-Dahdouh who survived an Israeli attack and whose entire family was murdered by Israel.
The Zionist entity also has a long history of pinkwashing, touting itself as a queer haven, and using that as a justification for genocide. We see IDF soldiers proudly upholding rainbow flags on rubble or others proposing to their partners amidst the horrors they inflict on the Palestinians. We see from various archives of queerness that Palestinian queers have always resisted this. Queer people all over the world reject Israel’s pinkwashing with the slogans, ‘Not in our name’, ‘Not Gay as in Happy but Queer as in Free Palestine’ and ‘No Pride in Apartheid’, and lately, ‘No Pride in Genocide’. We call for all queer comrades to include the liberation of Palestine in their imagination of queer liberation. Amidst the excruciating, incomprehensible ongoing physical and emotional trauma genocidal occupation inflicts, we call on our mad, queer, crip comrades to unflinchingly demand a free Palestine because disability and queer justice is intimately tied to Palestinian liberation.
On January 26 2024, in the case against Israel brought by South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that through the actions of Israel, Gaza is experiencing a plausible genocide. The ICJ ordered six Provisional Measures that under law, Israel must fulfill. The ICJ ordered Israel to take measures within its power to prevent genocidal acts, including preventing and punishing incitement to genocide, ensuring aid and services reach the Palestinian population in Gaza, and preserving evidence of crimes committed in Gaza. As we can see, Israel has completely ignored and defied all Provisional Measures.This also shows the impunity Israel enjoys because it is backed by imperial regimes. It reveals how colonial imperialism undergirds international law that has historically failed the colonised by protecting the interests of colonial imperialist regimes. Yet, the colonised have stood strong in their struggle for freedom and liberation, which has historically led to the downfall of colonial empires.
We understand that our liberation as oppressed people is deeply intertwined with struggles of the oppressed worldwide. We recognise India’s complicity in enabling the genocide and occupation of Palestine. A recent report by Pew Research Center, shows that India leads in support for autocracy and military rule among surveyed nations. Indian right-wing accounts are among leading amplifiers of anti-Palestinian fake news and have used it to fan and escalate anti-Muslim violence in India. As Azad Essa traces in his book Hostile Homelands, despite its official stance supporting the 1975 UN resolution that concluded Zionism as racism, India continued maintaining relations with Israel through security and defense engagements. For example, India adopted Israeli security systems in response to the November 2008 terrorist attacks on Mumbai. Thereafter India bought its mass surveillance systems infrastructure – the Central Monitoring System – from Israel, which can operate without court orders and access any individual’s communication data. The BJP-led Hindutva regime (under whose fascist vision of ‘Hindu Rashtra (state)’ crimes against Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Adivasis is at an all time high) upgraded this relation to a ‘strategic partnership’ following Modi’s 2017 Israel visit where the two parties signed a defense deal worth 2 billion USD. This deal included the Israeli spyware Pegasus, that the government used to arrest journalists, government critics, students, especially Dalit and Muslim organisers and throttle political opposition. India is now the top arms buyer from Israel, and our taxes fund Hermes 900 drones manufactured by the Adani Elbit UAV Complex (the first facility in India and outside Israel to manufacture this drone) which Israel uses to massacre Palestinians. Israeli drones ‘field-tested’ on Palestinians are imported to be used on Kashmiris, thwart Adivasi movements in Bastar, and are being used against the ongoing Farmers’ protest.
Much like Israel, the Indian state is a settler-colonial state occupying Kashmir. The abrogation of article 370 in Kashmir in 2019 that catapulted the facilitation of Indian citizens settling in Kashmir is starkly similar to Israeli settler-colonial policies. Kashmir has thus had a long history of what Ather Zia calls ‘affective solidarity’ with Palestine embodied through various ways of resisting whereby the Palestinian struggle is ‘inspirational, cathartic’ to Kashmiris. Following the article 370 abrogation, Palestine-Kashmir solidarity strengthened with the BDS movement’s call for solidarity for Kashmir. Pro-Palestine protests in Kashmir continue to be repressed, a history that goes back to 2014 where amidst chants of ‘Save Gaza’ and ‘Go India, Go Back’, the Indian Armed Forces shot at young boys who were stone pelting, killing a 14 year-old.
We also stand with the workers of India who have made their solidarity to the Palestinian cause clear – the water transport workers who have refused to aid the shipment of arms to Israel on 14/02/2024 as well as the major Indian trade unions who, on 09/11/2023, rejected the Indian government’s move to replace Palestinian workers with Indian workers in Israel. We extend our revolutionary solidarity to the workers of the world resisting the ongoing genocide. We stand with the students who have organised for Palestine and whose protests have been met with repression by several Indian universities. Indian academia continues to receive funding from and collaborates with Israel. We call for an immediate cessation of this act of enabling occupation. We call for a total academic boycott of the Zionist entity – no more enabling of the coloniser’s knowledge production, which is a tool for genocide. The Zionist regime continues to murder academics and destroy schools, universities and libraries. We recall and honour the memory of professor, writer and poet Refaat Alareer. We urge Indian academics to see how Zionism is directly connected to the Hindutva machinery that continues to imprison Indian scholars like Hany Babu, GN Saibaba among others and student organisers like Sharjeel Imam, Umar Khalid, Gulfisha Fatima, among others, arrested for being dissenting voices. Our universities have long been bastions of resistance and we should strengthen our solidarities in knowledge production with the people worldwide facing violence. We learn from and honour Palestinian resistance in every form and remember Rafeef Ziadeh’s words, ‘We Teach Life, Sir! 
Following the call for strike on 8th March we put out this statement and will be participating with various actions in individual and collective capacities in solidarity with the people of Palestine. We learn from and honour Palestinian resistance in every form and remember Rafeef Ziadeh’s words, ‘We Teach Life, Sir! Actions can range from actively engaging in the Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, raising awareness in-person and on media platforms, sending emails to government representatives to send aid to Gaza and push for permanent ceasefire, amplifying fundraisers, donating e-sims, and more. From Palestine to Sudan, Congo, Western Sahara, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Kashmir all the way to Haiti and Tigray—no one is free until everyone is free. We call for economic, academic, cultural and social boycott. We call upon organisers to honour the call for the strike by addressing and embracing the call for a free Palestine in their 8 March programs and events. We call for the end of patriarchal, capitalist, colonial regimes that oppress us. We demand immediate permanent ceasefire, end of the siege on Gaza, end to settler-colonial occupation and the dismantling of the Zionist state of Israel. We demand a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
Do make your support for the statement heard by posting on social media and handing out the handouts we have made here .
Do comment your organization’s name below to be added to the list of signatories.
Trans Queer Feminists in Solidarity with Palestine Feminists in Resistance, Kolkata  LGBT Academics collective, India COLLECTIVE, Delhi
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Hi, I want to ask a question. I've been seeing many posts about how the situation in I/P is like the situation is Kashmir, where India/Israel are colonizing Kashmir/Palestine. Can I get your thoughts on this? I love your blog, thank you for what you do!
Dear God, the terminally online community is back at it again, huh? India....colonizing Kashmir?... What?
Okay, so no, India is not colonizing Kashmir. If anything it is Pakistan. They took over land, claimed it as theirs and spread terrorists all over the area. They handed over OUR land to China. The Kargil War was a result of us trying to stop them from taking over MORE LAND. Kashmir was, is and always will be a part of India.
Meanwhile, Israel, the only land of the Jews has been struggling to maintain an identity between attacks by Islamic extremists. They were gravely hurt on October 7th, and like any country would, retaliated. Now, the thing about the difference between civilian deaths on both sides is that Israeli buildings have bunkers built into them. It is building CODE. Hamas keeps launching rockets, so they had to do it to protect their civilians. Meanwhile, Hamas steals aid trucks sent by countries to pad their booby-trapped tunnels and hide behind their civilians. And then they scream that Israel is killing its people on purpose. Really shows you how propaganda works, doesn't it? Leftist antisemites now just have to reason to harass Jews, even if they're critical of the Israeli government.
It's like, Oh you're a Jew? Well are you one of the "good Jews"?
Now y'all know why I stand with my Jewish friends.
Thank you for your kind words, they mean so much to me! <3
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i-cant-sing · 8 months
BJP didn't destroy a mosque there was previously a Ram Mandir that Babar destroyed in own Ram birth place after 500 years BJP made the Mandir
And in Kashmir all of Hindu pandits were killed they forced a mother to eat her husband bodies if she didn't they would kill her children's and they were killed and they did more horrible things
And don't forget about The Kerala Files
There are constantly terrorist attacks in India from Pakistan like the attack on Delhi or Mumabi and the taj hotel
Or the Kashmir were they are bombing it
Or the news were we keep hearing that Hindu girls are cutted in pieces and kept in freezer
Girl... look me in the eye and be so fr, tell me dead ass that Hindus haven't committed more crimes against Muslims. Actually, if you're a BJP supporter, just- leave. Hate NM, so there's no point in talking sense into his followers.
And yeah, you've mentioned a lot of crimes against Hindus and yeah, it's very wrong and terrible what happened to them, but what about crimes against Indian Muslims??? Or they don't count because they're a religious minority aka second class citizen.
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NOT TO MENTION THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ALL- Indians- of which many are Hindus- are going to Israel to work at this point in time- which would end up in supporting the Palestinian genocide.
AND YOU KEEP MENTIONING PAKISTAN- omg why are Indians so obsessed with making Pakistanis look bad??? Like there's so many bollywood movies where Pakistanis are the bad guys. It's like Hollywood's version of making Germans and Russians the villain every single time.
Don't even get me started on Kashmir. Do not-
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In the play Fat Ham, Juicy, a young queer black man, is confronted by the ghost of his father during a barbecue, who demands that Juicy avenge his murder. Juicy, already familiar with Hamlet's plight, tries to break the cycles of trauma and violence.
literally the best play i've ever seen in my life and yes that includes shakespeare's. won a pulitzer prize. a celebration of black queer love.
Set in India in 1995 during the (at the time) peak of the Kashmir insurgency, university student Haider returns home to learn that his father has disappeared, arrested for aiding terrorists. With no knowledge of where his father is now, Haider desperately searches for answers, until a strange man tells him that his father has been executed; due to Haider's uncle Khurram's betrayal.
Visceral. Good. Unfortunately still very relevant to current events (besides other violence going on, Kashmir has also worsened recently) but so it's a good way to bring eyes to this conflict. Hamlet is Muslim. STELLAR reimagining of characters and plot points from the original. Great acting. The supporting characters are clearly all considered individually and really thought out. Tabu kills it as Gertrude (Ghazala). Hamlet kills Ros and Guil (Salman & Salman) with a rock. Ophelia and Horatio are one character. The play within a play is a song. It's really great.
watch the play within a play song ('bismil')
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mashriqiyyah · 11 months
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Unveiling the evil agenda
What seemed like the aftermath of 9/11 which happened around 22 years ago, was a well-planned conspiracy. Intended false propaganda. A successful attempt to draw a clear picture of a terrorist in the eyes of the world. Torturing Muslim nations, hiding it ever so subtly under the guise of various uneven blames, then filming their resistance in the most brutal visuals and labeling it as terrorism. Every Muslim man who wore a skull cap, or sported a sunnah beard, every Muslim woman who wore a burqa or hijab or niqab was now a terrorist for mere choice of their clothing. Saying Allahu Akbar made people terrorists. Practicing Islam in public places made people terrorists. Revealing the Muslim identity and in fact, just existing as a Muslim made a person terrorist. Just because the USA painted 9/11 with a lie, that it was done by Muslims. Which in reality, was an attack launched by Israel; According to the US Army report. Ironically enough.
Now the world has memorized one lesson like a child memorizes rhymes. Every terrorist comes from Islam, even when the nations have gone through brutal oppression for ages for their faith are Muslims. In Uyghur, Sudan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, India, Palestine, Sri Lanka, France, Bosnia and the counting doesn't seem to cease. The world was made so Islamophobic by this propaganda so the real Terrorists would continue their assault and massacre smoothly while wearing "white" collars.
Today, with these videos surfacing we see, Jewish/Zionists/White supremacists/Racist people celebrating/chanting "Death to the Arabs" "Death to prophet Muhammad"
(NaudhuBiAllah) (ﷺ). All the while they continue to rain white phosphorus bombs over a huge population of civilians, including children, women, and elderly and unarmed men. The world calls it self-defense and not terrorism or genocide when it's as clear and broad as daylight.
Because the one being killed belongs to Islam. That child whose birth certificate was not issued, was he a terrorist?
That kid whose body could fit in a school bag of his brother, was he a terrorist?
They are conducting gatherings where they openly call for genocide, "kill them all!" "Wipe all Arabs!" But no one seems to take it as an extremist activity.
Why don't we ever call a jew a terrorist? Why don't Fox News, CNN, and BBC scream on television that "Judaism is the real cause of terrorism?"
These Jewish settlers are proudly announcing that they will turn the Gazza Strip into a cemetery, level it, and occupy it because they are good and "chosen" for that land. The prime minister on air says "children of darkness" to Palestinian children. The cold-blooded hate is ever so apparent on their faces, their demonic eyes show what viciousness they are harnessing against a population whose land they stole.
Yet, no one thinks to call Israel a terrorist state.
This was the agenda all over. A fire caused diversion, so the real terrorists could cross the borders. Now, it's the time when the oppressors and the oppressed both are before our eyes. It's the time we choose to see the truth we've been kept away from, for all these years. We remove that false flag, erase the fake image generated for terrorism, and see the flags with blue and white as flags of terrorism.
These two nations, the USA and Israel are two major terrorist states. They destroyed Afghanistan, they destroyed Syria, Iraq, Libya, and many more countries for their greed over oil, they have a known history of colonization, and occupation, and their divide-and-rule policy has created massive drifts between harmonious populations. And they are the ones who should be taken into international law courts for severe crimes, for the assassination of all those Muslim leaders who dared to expose their false propaganda and lies (King Faisal, Saddam Hussain) for example).
It's time the world unites against corrupt and greedy leaders who can kill their people to gain sympathy and catch attention. Just like they killed the people in World Trade Centre.
- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️
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cytherealarsen · 4 months
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🚨: Terrorist attack on Hindu pilgrims in Reasi district, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
In a tragic event, a group of pilgrims met with a devastating accident when their bus careened off the road and plunged into a gorge near Teryath village in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir. Reports indicate that at least ten individuals lost their lives, while over 30 sustained injuries in the incident, which occurred on Sunday. The bus, returning from the Shiv Khori cave shrine to Katra, a town renowned for the Vaishno Devi temple, was traveling along a link road of NH144A, navigating through dense forests and hilly terrain. Prompt response from locals and authorities led to rescue efforts, while security forces, comprising personnel from the police, Army, and CRPF, initiated a search operation to apprehend the assailants. The area, located 100 kilometers northwest of Jammu, has been cordoned off in response to the premeditated attack. Reasi SSP Mohita Sharma disclosed that the terrorists had orchestrated the assault, targeting the bus as it passed through the area. The driver was struck by gunfire, causing the vehicle to veer off course. Evidence, including bullet casings, was recovered from the scene, indicating the involvement of two masked assailants. Although the identities of the deceased and injured have yet to be officially confirmed, it is suspected that the pilgrims hailed from Uttar Pradesh. This incident underscores the potential spread of terrorist activities into previously unaffected regions, as Reasi district had hitherto remained insulated from the surge in attacks witnessed in neighboring districts such as Rajouri and Poonch. The Pir Panjal route, notorious for its rugged terrain, serves as a favored infiltration route for terrorists moving from the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch and Rajouri towards Kashmir. Intelligence sources suspect the participation of Illiyas Fauji, a former Pakistani army SSG commando turned LeT operative, along with two other militants from Pakistan who have evaded capture since the deadly assault on an IAF convoy in Poonch on May 4. This recent attack in Reasi follows a similar incident on May 13, 2022, when terrorists targeted a bus transporting pilgrims from Katra to Jammu using "sticky bombs," resulting in four fatalities and 13 injuries. The assault evokes memories of the July 10, 2017, attack on a bus ferrying Amarnath pilgrims, which claimed seven lives and left 19 others wounded. Despite facing heavy gunfire, the driver in that instance managed to safeguard 52 passengers. According to data from the Union home ministry, eight civilians have been killed in Jammu and Kashmir in the first five months of the current year up to May 31. Concerns regarding security have been heightened in anticipation of the upcoming Amarnath Yatra, prompting Jammu ADGP Anand Jain to oversee security arrangements on Friday night. The review encompassed preparations not only for the annual Amarnath Yatra but also for the Mata Kheerbhawani mela, Budha Amarnath Yatra, and Shri Machail Yatra, emphasizing the establishment of joint control rooms to enhance coordination among all concerned agencies. The Amarnath cave shrine, nestled at an altitude of 3,880 meters in the South Kashmir Himalayas, is slated to host its annual pilgrimage from June 29 to August 19.
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salomeherodias · 4 months
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I love when people drag Kashmir into conflicts like do you want to tell me you speak for the entire state as well as culture and the people.
Isn’t it funny for the hindutva movement to hold Kashmir up at everyone like a trophy but no one actually wants to know what is happening? If you care so much about Muslims killing Kashmiri Hindus, then name 5 things you can about Kashmiri culture beyond the romanticised Bollywood version. Tell me what was done to preserve the culture. We know you don’t care. You won’t care unless it fits your agenda.
You think we don’t see the way you fetishise the ethnic group as a whole? I’ve seen whatsapp posts about bagging “Kashmiri brides” alongside jokes of us all being terrorists. Don’t pretend to love us for good press.
The thing is, a temple being destroyed doesn’t hurt you. Not in the way of the oppressed. It hurts because you think it is your right to have it there. Like the oppressor.
-a Kashmiri Pandit (since I know people will want to know this before knowing my opinions ofc)
Say it louder for the sanghis in the back, anon.
-Mod S
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timetravellingkitty · 7 months
free kashmir?????? FREE?? KASHMIR??? are you fucking kidding me? you want kashmir to be a seperate state? kashmir has always been part of india! those kashmiris who say they want to be part of pak are brain washed (how do i know i am a kashmiri) kashmir does not have the means to be a independent country anf the people who oh so badly want to be with pak and go ahead and cross the border do you really think the exodus of pandits was right? man fuck u for the free kashmir ideology and tell me one more thing what do you think will happen to jammu if kashmir becomes a free state? more terrorism! how do i know because i have lived it my family members were stationed at an army cantonment that was bombed and they were KILLED WHO TF BOMMED? TERRORISTS! you dont know thw ground reality and hence you spew bs like this educate yourself pretty sure you are against removal of 370 too
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viswamitra · 4 months
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someoneintheshadow456 · 11 months
Hi! I recently found your blog, and I've seen some posts you've made/reblogged a long while ago about the political situation in India, like with the situation in Kashmir. I've recently seen some people say India is "brutally colonizing Kashmir" and other such things. I understand that this is a topic that is not being discussed at the moment, but some posts along these lines are quite recent and I wanted to know your thoughts on the Kashmir situation and these arguments, if that is okay with you.
It's the other way around. Kashmir is being brutally colonized by Pakistan.
Kashmir was originally a 60/40 distribution between religions (with Muslims having slight majority), and was ruled by a Hindu king. There was supposed to be a ruling to decide the fate of Kashmir in the 90s, however a mass genocide of the Hindu population in the area and an invasion by Pakistan happened before the ruling could even take place. In short - whatever the people of Kashmir wanted - Pakistan decided to ignore it and make the decision for them.
If you look at Kashmir's religious demographics, you will see the Hindu population suddenly rapidly drop in the 90s (to the point where less than 10% of the population is Hindu today) and most people will refuse to tell you why that happened, or brush it off as "migration." Many people will even justify the genocide by saying that Kashmiri Hindus were the "rich oppressors" and "had it coming" - the same reasons used to persecute Jewish people in Nazi Germany.
Kashmiri Hindus in India to this day live in horrible conditions because the government knows if they do anything to actually improve their situation beyond offering platitudes, fundamentalist Muslim groups will riot. In fact, most Kashmiri Hindus feel that it would be safer for the government not to notice them at all, because when they do, hate crimes against them increase.
Until very recently in Kashmir, only Sunni Muslim men had the right to vote and own property. When homosexuality was legalized in India, this applied to every state but Kashmir. Most laws relating to women's rights, domestic violence, child rights, etc did not apply there. It wasn't even a state for all Muslims - it was a state to benefit a very small pool of upper caste Sunni men in power.
When Kashmir went from being a special territory to statehood, the ones who were rioting were these upper caste rich Sunni men who were salty that they wouldn't be the only ones with exclusive rights anymore. And sure enough, after this ruling, hate crimes against the Kashmiri Hindu community rose.
Whenever you hear of the Indian army committing atrocities in Kashmir - it's usually tales of the Indian army retaliating against Pakistan-sponsored terror in the region, or cases when terrorists deliberately put their own people in danger and pin the blame on the army.
This video by Middle Ground (and the comments provide more information) will help you to understand the situation better. In it, the Kashmiri Hindu was the only one who had a loved one die because of the conflict (his father was killed when he was 15). And he was dismissed/mocked by the conservative Muslim speakers while the moderate Muslim speaker sympathised with him.
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