#tesla code secrets system
lost-technology · 6 months
SEEDS Security Codes and Why They Matter
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So, I've been thinking about one of the details in Trigun: Stampede that was not present in either '98 or the manga. In '98, Knives just hacking into the SEEDS codes was left as-is. He walked up to Captain Joey and shot him and apparently took his pilot's seat. Did the Captain have the navigation open at the time? Was it closed and Knives had to do some hacking? Anyway, there, he did it on his own. Now, in Trigun Maximum, which treats Vash and Knives' childhood differently (just Rem there raising them), there is a foreshadowing of what is to come. In Volume 6, Rem is depicted waking up to an emergency signal in the middle of her sleeping-hours. (Aw, she sleeps in her regular clothes, mom-jeans and all...). Panicked, she yells at Knives for him and Vash to lock themselves in their rooms and not to come out or speak up for ANY reason, even if they hear voices outside. She tries to handle the situation, but it goes from bad to worse and the automatic crew-wakening protocol goes into effect, which she is very concerned about (for reasons that we who have read the manga know about)!
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In the beginning of Volume 7 the crew wakes up, there's a situation-update. The ships are going off-course and will collide if things are not corrected. They're working through the issues and suddenly, there's an unknown factor that kicks in to correct the course. Rem then gets the crew all settled back in again for nappy-time... And proceeds immediately to Vash and Knives, where she scolds Knives with (Rem's angry mom-face, my beloved)! Knives was playing around with the ship codes and systems. He'd apparently hacked his way into the system and was curious about SEEDS' functions. (One would assume that Rem changed some of the codes after this, but I bet they were in some kind of hacking-war, with her trying to stay one step above curious Plant-twins). Knives did not mean to nearly cause a catastrophe, but this shows that he can and is a foreshadowing to when he DOES mean to cause one later. Now, in Trigun Stampede, it is stated by Nai / Knives that Vash gave him the ship-codes, also that he spent a lot of time and trouble changing the codes for every human ship. (The manga lists the ship they are born on as the Mothership, presumably guiding the entire fleet, in Stampede, it is just Ship 5, which implies multiple guides with multiple navigators). I am wondering where Studio Orange is going with this. Will it be a situation like the manga where the kids are just playing around? Little prank-war with Rem? Maybe Vash is sharing a ship code innocently, as part of their games? Or is it going to be darker, more sinister? I wonder if Vash was originally of the thought of "maybe we need to crash the ships and kill all humans (except Rem) because they're scary and dangerous because of what happened to Tesla" and then had a change of heart and backed out of it? - I can see that happening... him having his cathartic alone-time with Rem as in the manga and then talking things out with Nai and thinking that they weren't going to go through with it. And then Nai betrays him. I've been wondering about the guilt Vash carries over the Big Fall in Stampede. Is it an unnecessary, undue guilt like he seems to have about a lot of things? Or is there a guilt born from "I had originally planned disaster / we had originally planned disaster" and it came true even after he'd backed out? It's just that... in both '98 and Maximum, he does carry his cross (that is not Wolfwood's), but he seems to feel less specifically guilty over this (the Big Fall). He's really more like "Knives, how could you do this to everyone / Rem?!" He just seems more guilt-ridden in Stampede than in the other media and I am wondering if there is a dark secret behind it. I can see it going either way.
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avs-serotonin-area · 2 months
i wanted to compile all the results i got- mainly so i can reference it but if it’s helpful to anyone else that’s great! definitely not complete and there are 100% better lists though lol
when you type in:
Mabel - makes glowy stars appear!
Dipper - before this there was a message for Dipper to stare at the sun to see some secret writting
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the image in then all black
Stanford -
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Stanley - ebay link for gold chains or brass knuckles
Soos - his entry trying to dissuade you from trusting Bill, its like 3 pages long
Pacifica - her entry trying to dissuade you from trusting Bill
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Wendy - you guessed it!
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Gideon - audio of him humming and saying "I love you forever Mabel"
Robbie - messages between him and Thompson. They find Bill and are scared for life basically.
McGucket - youtube link for Cotton Eye Joe
Bill - a Sesame Street video about a jazzy triangle and a square??
Blanchin - video on blanchin vegtables
Abuelita - video on best vaccum for walls and ceilings
Trigonometry/math/Greece/geometry -
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Blind eye -
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Journal 1 - “The journal of fun”
Journal 2 - “The journal for you”
Journal 3 - “The journal for me”
Mystery - “?”
Book of Bill -
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Ducktective -
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Disney -
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Tad Strange - it’s just a video of someone cutting bread… i think it has something like a romantic instrumental in the background
Toby Determined - takes you to a google search on “restraining order”
Triangle - i could’ve sworn it said “tri harder than that” or something along those lines but after typing it again i just see “ ) “ it’s just an end parenthesis
Gravity Falls - “never heard of it”
Season 1 - “season -1: antigravity falls”
Season 2 - “season 1”
Season 3 - “season 2”
Mat Pat/game theory - a video of mat pat saying he can’t help us this time
Weird - a video of weird al. he’s stuck in the computer
Baby/daddy -
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Gun - “oh yes oh yes oh yes they both”
Mason -
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Alex Hirsch - takes you to a google search for flannel
History - “‘I have received a message from the universe: 1 2 3’ - Nichola Tesla
Cipher - take you to a wiki page for the eye of providence
Portal- “portal.exe has been deleted. i bet you could build one”
Giffany - 1st time “Input deleted. AI antiviral activated” 2nd time “warning: secondary firewall breached” 3rd time "fatal warning. system under attack" 4th time "Soos!! I still love you (the distorted) we will be together" 5th time "Now downloading girlfriend. this action cannot be undone" 6th time a distorted giffany video pops up and the file is downloaded.
Blendin - “time agent lost and presumed incompetent”
No - “your loss…”
Pines - “a good family tree”
Death - “life’s goth cousin”
Fuck (other swear words etc) -
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Mystery shack - takes you to a search for “confusion hill”
You’re insane - “sure i am what’s your point?”
Filbrick - “im not impressed”
Waddles - takes you to pigplacementnetwork.org
Who are you - “i could ask you the same question”
Reality - “is an illusion"
Divorce -
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Disco girl - a singing audio presumably of dipper listening to disco girl
T.J. Eckleburg - “never mention that name again”
Kings of new jersey - downloads a “secret code” file
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Love -
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Axolotl- "you ask alotl questions"
Craz/Xyler - Jem and the Holograms theme song
Im still on your mind- seems to be a video of Stan and Ford on their boat...
Theraprism -
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Rat - "Thurnburts' number?"
Deer teeth - "for you, kid!"
Tourist trap -
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Paper Jam - picture of paper jam dipper. you can print him!
Fordtramarine -
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Any "gen alpha term" and various other terms may result in this - "Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas."
Bubble - I cant tell what it does if anything. Doesn't get a big red X though? edit: if you type in mabel after you enter bubble you get an eye sticker! if you keep entering mabel you get more stickers. the lab is now "fully mabelized"
Pinata - video of a child hitting a Bill Cipher pinata, with added sound effects
Dippy Fresh -
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Weirdmageddon -
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"Vallis Cineris (found when lightning flashes on the upper left corner of the wall) - "Why did you do it?"
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misfitwashere · 15 hours
Shortly after the apparent second assassination attempt against Trump, Elon Musk responded in a now deleted post: “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔 ????” 
Musk later said his post was intended as a joke. But it could be interpreted as a call to murder Biden and Harris — at least by one of the 198 million followers of Musk who initially received it. Presumably this is why the Secret Service is investigating it.
Under 18 U.S. Code Section 871, threatening a president or vice president or inciting someone to harm them is a felony that can result in a large fine and up to five years in prison. 
Yet even as Musk posted a potential death threat against the sitting commander-in-chief, his multiple defense contracts with the U.S. government have given him access to highly sensitive information. 
Reportedly, Musk has been given security clearance notwithstanding his admitted use of drugs (Musk says he has submitted to random drug testing at the request of the government), including smoking weed in public and using ketamine (for which he claims to have a prescription).
Quite apart from the drugs, when was the last time the U.S. government gave access to sensitive national security information to someone who posted a potential death threat against the president and vice president, even if he later called it a joke? 
Underlying this is a broader question: When in history has one unelected individual held such sway over American national security? 
Musk’s SpaceX has nearly total control of the world’s satellite internet through its Starlink unit. With little regulation or oversight, Musk has already put more than 4,500 Starlink satellites into orbit around the globe, accounting for more than half of all active satellites. Musk plans to have as many as 42,000satellites in orbit in coming years. 
Space X and its Starlink system have become strategically critical to American security. Starlink is providing connectivity to the U.S. Navy. The U.S. Space Force signed a $70 million contract late last year to provide it with military-grade low-earth-orbit satellite capabilities. According to Reuters, the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees U.S. spy satellites, has a $1.8 billion contract with SpaceX. 
This gives Musk — the richest person in the world — remarkable power. Single-handedly, he can decide to shut down a country’s access to Starlink and the internet. He also can also gain access to sensitive information gathered by Starlink. “Between, Tesla, Starlink & Twitter, I may have more real-time global economic data in one head than anyone ever,” Musk tweetedin April 2023. 
Meanwhile, NASA has increasingly outsourced spaceflight projects to SpaceX, including billions in contracts for multiple moon trips and $843 million to build a vehicle that will take the International Space Station out of commission.
Conflicts of interest between Musk’s ventures around the world and U.S. national security abound, and they are multiplying.
When Putin attacked Ukraine, Musk and SpaceX’s Starlink provided Ukraine with internet access, enabling the country to plan attacks and defend itself. (This was not a charitable move by Musk; most of the 20,000 terminals in the country were funded by outside sources such as the U.S. government, the United Kingdom, and Poland). 
But in the fall of 2022, when Ukraine entered territory contested by Russia, Musk and Space X abruptly severed the connectivity. Musk explained at the time that “Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate U.S. sanctions against Russia!” 
But who was Musk to decide what actions would or would not violate U.S. sanctions? 
In fact, Musk was trying to push Ukraine to agree to Russia’s terms for ending the war. 
At a conference in Aspen attended by business and political figures, Musk appeared to support Putin. “He was onstage, and he said, ‘We should be negotiating. Putin wants peace — we should be negotiating peace with Putin,’” Reid Hoffman, co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, recalled. Musk seemed to have “bought what Putin was selling, hook, line, and sinker.” 
Soon thereafter, Musk tweeted a proposal for his own peace plan, calling for referenda to redraw the borders of Ukraine and grant Russia control of Crimea. In subsequent tweets, Musk portrayed a Russian victory as virtually inevitable and attached maps highlighting eastern Ukrainian territories, some of which, he argued, “prefer Russia.”
U.S. foreign policy experts also worry about conflicts of interest posed by Musk’s acquisition of Twitter (now X), given his business relationships and communications with the Chinese government. China has used X for disinformation campaigns. 
Some are concerned that China may have leverage over Musk due to his giant Tesla factory in Shanghai, which accounts for over half of Tesla’s global deliveries and the bulk of its profits, and the battery factory he’s building there. “Elon Musk has deep financial exposure to China,” warned Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee. 
Most of these concerns, by the way, came before Musk reactivated the accounts of conspiracy theorists and white nationalists on X and began pushing his own right-wing narrative on the platform, and before he announced his support for Trump in the upcoming election and posted a potential incitement to assassinate Biden and Harris. 
Elon Musk poses a clear and present danger to American national security. The sooner the U.S. government revokes his security clearance, terminates its contracts with him and the entities he controls, and builds our own alternatives to Starlink and Space X, the safer we will be. 
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rallamajoop · 2 months
Would love to read your thoughts on mankind divided/jensard scenes in system rift dlc.
Anon, my apologies for leaving this message unanswered in my inbox for so long! I've had draft versions of this sitting around unfinished for months now (seriously, you just try and stop me sharing my thoughts on this series), was always going to have thoughts to share on DX:MD, but being me, they have gotten long. So consider this post 1.
Anyhow, without further ado:
I have too many thoughts about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (1/2)
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It probably sounds a little odd to tell you that I put off playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for a lot longer than I might have if I hadn’t enjoyed its predecessor, Human Revolution, so much. For all its inarguable flaws, I still adored that game for its characters and the gameplay. And keen as I should have been for a sequel, Mankind Divided has a general reputation as a bit of a disappointment (and to summarise the whole rest of this review right here: it was).
Worse still, once I’d finished playing it, that was going to be it. No more Deus Ex sequels that might be better, no more playing as Adam Jensen. And given that the latest news on the DX series involves the cancelation of a game no-one even knew was in the works until they admitted they’d just scrapped it (WTF, people?), that looks final for the foreseeable future.
You know you’re invested in a property when you’re having that kind of reaction to it.
And having finally played it… yeah, Mankind Divided may be a much prettier game, and I definitely did have some fun playing it. But it’s a disappointment on every front I cared about. There are some genuinely good new gameplay elements, but it offers substantially less challenge than its predecessor, it’s buggy as hell, the characters are ill-used and bland, the worldbuilding has not improved, and the plot feels like an extended filler episode. Every really interesting plot beat alluded to here either had its resolution left for future installments, or has already happened off-screen.
So oh boy do I have thoughts on this one. We’ll start with worldbuilding and gameplay, because my thoughts on just those are long enough as it is.
Well, let’s start with the good. I genuinely enjoyed some of Jensen’s new augments. Being able to remote hack cameras, robots and other devices quickly became my preferred way of dealing with them. Letting you extend platforms and ladders via that mechanism was a great way of adding extra ways to get around too. Seriously, I’m a little amazed a toy that’s this much of a game-changer wasn’t introduced with a little more fanfare: many players probably never try it out at all.
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I also dug the Tesla (multi-target non-lethal takedowns? Yes please!) and the new Icarus Dash aug, though I didn’t find nearly as many uses for them. Some of Jensen’s new augs even started to feel like you’ve got systems working together in genuinely creative ways! Smart vision + remote hacking will let you hack devices you can only see through walls, and the Tesla auto-targeting seems to work based on Jensen’s optics too. It’s not much, and god knows if it was even intentional, but I’m finally starting to feel like there’s real benefit to wiring all this shit into Jensen’s neurons, rather than being left wondering what all these augs even do that a bag full of gadgets couldn’t, and that ain’t nothing. (It’d be nice if Jensen’s super-secret-probably-doesn’t-even-exist new shielding aug wasn’t somehow in use by every other augmented enemy in this game, but hell, what can you expect at this point?)
Also in positives: no more scrapping robots and mech suits completely with a single EMP blast! EMP now only shuts them down temporarily so you can get some real hits in (takedown moves included). Flying drones make a solid addition to the enemy roster too. Also, using passwords to open doors now nets you EXP (so I feel a little less obligated to hack literally everything even if I’ve got the code), and your Ghost bonus is worth less, so I feel less bad when I miss out on it. There are a lot of little improvements like these.
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Finally, though DXMD famously contains only a single proper boss battle, it was way better constructed than most of DXHR’s – engineered from the get-go to allow players to beat it with stealth tactics or by going in guns-blazing. (Technically, there’s also a second boss battle in an optional side-mission, but YMMV as to whether that counts.)
But many hours into the game, it was beginning to dawn on me that I’d had to actually use that new robot-disabling process all of once. I was well into my first trip out of Prague before I ran afoul of my first mine too, and even that was hidden in a very-optional area. There were still deadly areas full of gas or electrified, but upgrading for immunity seemed pointless, because there was always a convenient valve or off-switch close enough to reach just by taking the damage, even on the hardest difficulty. And where were the Boxguards? Drones and dudes in mech suits are all very well, but none of them have the wow-factor of a giant spider robot that can unfold out of a huge crate. DXHR had me navigating through fields of mines and infiltrating a huge military facility before I’d finished my very first stint in my home city, but 95% of DXMD was just regular human enemies. What gives?
Your milage may vary on how good HR’s boss battles were, but what it did have were some truly memorable set pieces. My original review made plenty out of the events where Jensen is trapped in a penthouse suite with an incoming SWAT team, or where he and his pilot Malik find themselves under assault from a large military force (PLUS boxguard!) forcing the player to make the call on whether to stay and defend her or just run. Figuring out how to make it through those sequences was an engaging challenge – even more so when you’re trying for non-lethal. Even after finishing the game, I found myself replaying both all over again just to try out different solutions.
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But where HR gives you a 10-man SWAT team programmed to back each other up like pros, for its own analogous ‘set piece’ moment, DXMD locks Jensen in a room with… three drones. Which will never actually find you if you stay in the room you start in, and go down with a couple of shotgun hits each with regular ammo (and did I mention I was playing on the highest difficulty?) Another nominally-big "they’re coming for you"-moment sees Jensen’s apartment invaded by about three regular human enemies, no augs or mech suits, nothing. Is this a sequel aimed squarely at people who thought the last game was too hard?
The closest moment to the big Malik-rescue is an early event when a fellow agent comes under fire, and you have to try and get him out alive. But this fails to deliver for a couple of big reasons: one, the guy is a complete stranger to the player, so who cares if he lives or dies, and two, it happens so early in the game that I was still barely getting the hang of the controls again. Saving the dude’s life does mean that your coworkers will be less annoyed at you, and you can have a brief conversation with him back at home base that contributes nothing to the plot, but that’s it. It feels like something added as an afterthought.
There is one lovely set-piece moment later in DXMD which I enjoyed very much, in which you’re tasked with disabling ten security guards who might be carrying an important keycard at a public function without raising the alarm. That kind of stealth mission is exactly the kind of bullshit I play these things for. It’s followed by a section where you have to reach a well-guarded destination under a strict time limit (also good, though you won't have to go far to reach it). But the unwillingness of this game to ever turn the octane up past maybe a 4 made for a very monotone experience. Jensen can unlock so many crazy new powers in this game, but with this level of challenge, what are they even for?
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None of this is helped by how damn buggy this game can be. Using a password not only gives you EXP, it will sometimes (but not always) give you that EXP multiple times over. More than one quest location just doesn’t appear with markers on the map at all – I had to resort to google to figure out where to go. The ghost bonus is given out so inconsistently that no-one on the internet seems sure what the requirements even are. And if I had a dollar for every crazy physics accident or enemy body that got stuck halfway through a wall and refused to let me pick it up and hide it somewhere… I mean, I wouldn’t be a millionaire, but I’d be able to afford a decent lunch at least. Jensen is much better at dragging enemies around corners out of sight during takedown moves than he used to be, but he’d better be, because that might be all the moving-the-body you get to do.
And plenty of the new ‘additions’ to this game are truly frustrating. There’s a crafting system now, because every game apparently needs crafting, but there’s only one kind of crafting material, and everything you can craft with it is available from the get-go. A player never need be stuck at a locked door anymore, because you can always craft yourself a magic device that will unlock anything at any time (unless it requires a special-unhackable-keycard, which is not really better). Out of crafting material? No worries, you can also install an aug that lets you disassemble unwanted crap into more! Out of energy? Same solution – just craft yourself more!
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And if you thought you weren’t wasting enough inventory space on ammo back in HR, well, now all guns take three different types of ammo: standard, EMP, and armour-piercing. Out of EMP grenades? No problem, you can now disable any robot just as easily with a regular handgun with EMP ammo! Or using your Tesla, or your stun gun, or EMP-generating throwable machines, or your remote hacking power… I mean what are EMP grenades even for anymore? Oh, but not every gun actually takes all kinds of ammo – your regular shotgun only takes standard and EMP, and you’ll need a special shotgun to use armour-piercing ammo – at which point the question becomes, so why are we calling them all shotgun ammo? Realising too late I’m carrying the wrong-calibre ammo is not the kind of realism gaming needs, and this is no trivial problem: all those ammo types still look the same, and you may not even know which you’re picking up until it’s in your inventory.
You don’t even really need armour-piercing ammo – as covered above, a couple of regular shotgun blasts will take down a drone just fine. But by god, can you end up with an inventory full of ‘shotgun ammo’ that doesn’t actually go in the shotgun you’re carrying. Yay!
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The game also boasts multiple different collectibles that do something if you link your Squeenix account or whatever – and god, the amount of shit in this game that was clearly included by mandate of some marketing committee makes me very sad. I will never know what it could’ve been without all this bullshit tacked on overhead, but I’m betting it was a much better experience.
The one big criticism of DX:HR that the team behind MD have clearly tried to address is the complaint that it’s ""not enough like the original Deus Ex,"" but the most obvious new callbacks are like the punchline to a joke. The most obvious ‘authentic’ new feature is that many ‘merchants’ are now not proper shops at all, but just some dude who will offer you up to three different items you can buy from a dialogue prompt, which was a laughably outdated way of implementing a ‘shop’ even when the original Deus Ex did it. Worse, map icons don’t distinguish between these bozos and real shops, so if you’re looking for somewhere to offload valuable items that are clogging up your inventory space for cash (and you will be, because praxis kits are expensive), you might go through several non-shops where you can’t actually sell things before finding a real one. Surely this is exactly the Deus Ex experience everyone was missing!
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Oh, and you can throw pot plants now. Whoop-de-do.
So here we are. Mines aren’t a problem because there aren’t any. Environmental hazards aren’t a problem because you can always switch them off. Hacking isn’t a problem because you can make your own keys. Maintaining your Ghost Bonus for not being detected is hardly worth the trouble, because you probably won’t get it anyway. Drones do pose some new hazards in that you can be seen from more places, but robots still mostly aren’t a problem because there are a million ways to deal with them. Good set-ups for double-takedowns are so much fewer and further between, and you still can’t use them if one guy is sitting down. And this game’s idea of a high-octane ‘challenge’ is three drones in an area with plenty of hiding places.
Human Revolution was the game that got me into FPS gameplay and made me to adore stealth mechanics. I went into it as such a complete newb that I almost gave up a single mission in, and came out such a total convert that I’ve gone on to fall in love with whole other FPS franchises (RE7 and 8 mostly – I still can’t really do lethal gun violence against human enemies). So to come to MD, seasoned and keen for more, only to find they’ve filed off every edge the thing had is insulting. The challenge was never a bug, it was a feature.
Worldbuilding & Environment Design
When it came out, Human Revolution (rightly) took a lot of criticism for its ham-handed attempts to build a plot around the moral quandaries of human augmentation. Here, with the sequel, we can clearly see that the writing team have understood none of that criticism whatsoever.
In the wake of the uninspiringly-named ‘Aug Incident’ at the preceding game’s climax, augmented people are now an oppressed minority – treated like second-class citizens, hassled by police at checkpoints, and expected to ride in a separate car on the train.
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I do have to give the game some credit in that putting the player through all that is pretty effective at making you feel Jensen’s own frustrations. But the attempt to turn literal cyborgs into an oppressed minority works about as well that time David Cage tried to do it with robots, or that time Netflix tried to do it with Orcs, or god knows how many other examples of ill-considered fantasy racism that really do not hit the mark. The ‘victims’ here are people who’ve bought into a questionable new technology and been burned when it went horribly wrong, and MD is trying to portray that through a world where they’re all being made to sit on the back of the bus? Ai-yai-yai.
It does not help that this new struggle for augmented rights is now the whole damn story. Yet again, a single issue defines the whole universe, and yet its handling is one big mess.
It's staggering just how blind the writing is to the impact that capitalism ought to be having on y’know, their cyberpunk universe – let alone the fact that augmentation does give people, y’know, superpowers. A technology as game-changing as this doesn’t just disappear overnight because public perception has shifted, there’s far too much money in it. Where are the shady companies starting huge factories in augmented gettos, taking advantage of all those workers with handy superstrength and no other job prospects? The new augmentation manufacturers insisting their augs are the only safe ones? MD would have us believe that public opinion has shifted against the augmented so definitively that there are no longer even any augmented soldiers working in military or security firms. But surely whoever finds the best way to sneak secretly-augmented soldiers into their ranks ought to have an insane advantage – especially with so many augmented soldiers suddenly out of work and willing to do almost anything to make a buck?
In their rush to reduce the augmented to just another oppressed racial minority, everything that ought to set them apart gets ignored. This is a group of people a) with superpowers, b) that may be completely invisible to the casual observer, and c) a history of going suddenly apeshit and attacking people – so where’s the fear and paranoia? Anti-aug prejudice means you’ll be hassled by cops and showered with slurs out in public, because everyone knows you’re an aug at 20 paces, and isn’t scared of you. But no-one’s giving you a wide berth because you might have a fucking gun welded into your arm. Cops aren’t calling for all the backup in the fucking district before hassling you about taking the wrong train carriage. No-one’s getting beaten up after being incorrectly mistaken for augmented when they’re just a regular guy with a weird scar. Is this really the best we can do? Prejudice against different groups takes different forms, even in the real world where no-one gets superpowers out of the deal!
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There are a handful of breadcrumbs scattered through the game to reflect that fact that being augmented has some original consequences. That neuropozine now has a lively black-market street trade makes plenty of sense. You do meet one poor guy still dealing with the trauma of having killed his own grandson in a psychotic haze during the Aug Incident (seriously, his story broke my heart in the best possible way), another still suffering neurological damage after having his own neural augs removed, and have to figure out whether a messed-up former Belltower soldier might be responsible for the death of his ex. The guy building the next big ghetto is definitely trying to profit off the situation, and seems to be hiring augmented folks to do the building, but the notion that being augmented might make them better workers goes unacknowledged. You don’t even get to meet anyone suffering from neuropozine withdrawal, even when you do visit the ghetto. The world isn’t suddenly full of amputees who’ve had their augs removed, there’s no underground black market for human limb transplants – it’s absurd how little thought’s gone into this.
But as so often with fantasy racism, maybe the biggest problem is that, in a world where we’ve firmly established that augmentation leaves you vulnerable to being driven haywire at the push of a button, too much of that public distrustis justified. Even without the mind-control element, many augmentations make people dangerous in ways the public shouldn’t have to be okay with. Nor is it a major source of conflict that dovetails well with whatever the Illuminati is actually supposed to be up to in this game. Kidnapping a bunch of scientists as in Human Revolution may be a huge cliché, but at least it’s a goal that adds up.
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Setting-wise, most of the game is set in Prague this time, which is at least different – you won’t find many big-budget games set in any Eastern European city. But though there are plenty of Czech natives in the main cast of characters, I could not tell you why Prague was chosen. It’s a reasonably logical place to put a major Interpol office, but, just for example, how does this new anti-aug movement compare to past racial tensions of the region? I don’t know enough about Prague to tell you, and if an answer is buried somewhere in the many in-game documents I skim-read in playing MD, I did not notice it.
Maybe Prague natives will have got as much of a kick out of seeing their city in this game as I did seeing an Aussie running an Interpol division, or maybe they’re all up in arms about misrepresentation. But to say the setting feels under-utilised is pretty much par for the course of everything else in this game. I don’t even know how Jensen feels about living there, if he’s got any opinion on it at all.
The highlight of your away-missions is a trip to the new aug ghetto, aka the Útulek Complex, aka Golem City. The whole structure is an intimidating maze of prefab cube-houses, and it’s the one place that feels like we’re finally committing to cyberpunk dystopian vibe. It’s not pretty or nice to navigate, but it shouldn’t be: it’s a great location that feels refreshingly unique. Solid work, no notes.
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Other locations mostly don’t deliver you much beyond the same generic office or para-military environments you’ve seen a thousand times. There’s a mission to Switzerland, so the outside is full of snow and mountains, and a mission to London, so the outside is a helipad and you won’t leave the building. And there’s an intro mission to Dubai, where you have to fight some terrorists, because some fuckwit decided to open this game by trying to convince everyone we’re playing a generic military shooter for some fucking reason. Oh, and the outdoors is sandy, of course, but you’ll pretty much just see the one building anyway. Otherwise, hope you like Prague, because Prague is pretty well it.
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MD has dutifully stepped up to the expectation of giving us multiple different ways into every location, but most left me feeling that less can definitely be more. There are so many different ways into some buildings that I kept getting lost in them: this isn’t simply giving the player choice, it’s building redundancy on top of redundancy. I like exploring new environments, but losing track of what I’m even trying to do isn’t a plus.
It's hard to feel like the team behind DX really get cyberpunk, and not just because capitalism confuses them. A minor plot point involves a cult who worship a machine god (another weak callback to the original DX). One of their members has been busy trying to develop a way for their members to upload themselves – only to be found in a mysterious coma. So obviously, he’s succeeded in digitising his own brain, right? Or at least mind-wiped himself in the attempt? But no, whatever happened to him is never commented on whatsoever. Not even when a group of his fellow cult members attempt to upload themselves using his work. It’s like the payoff has been lost in translation somewhere.
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Though to at least end this segment on a more positive note, when Mankind Divided does, inevitably, send us to the Obligatory Brothel Set, we do find male sex workers among their employees, who will flirt with Jensen (you know, in addition to the many more female ones). So the franchise that promotes itself with so many filthy shirtless!Jensen pics has at least acknowledged, in universe, that there are people willing to pay for hot male cyborg eye candy. You can always enjoy the little things.
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There’s another level to the worldbuilding, of course – the question of how well it serves the plot. But to get into the plot, I’m going to need a whole new post.
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blogchaindeveloper · 2 months
Is Prompt Engineering a Real Job?
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Artificial intelligence (AI) drastically changes our environment by simplifying activities and stimulating creative thinking. Even if new technologies provide us all more power, it begs the issue of how, in an age where everyone has access to the same technology, we can all still be unique and creative. Furthermore, how can we ensure that our work stands out and gives our companies a competitive advantage? The secret is to become an expert in quick engineering.
The developing field of prompt engineering focuses on creating and perfecting natural language prompts, which are used as inputs for AI models such as language models and chatbots. An AI prompt engineer is qualified to manipulate the behavior of sophisticated generative AI programs so that they serve our purposes and yield the results we want.
Is prompt engineering, however, a legitimate job? And what steps are involved in becoming one? Here are seven things to think about:
There is a substantial and growing demand in the sector of quick engineering 
As generative AI becomes more widely used by businesses in various industries, including research, education, customer service, and content production, there is an increasing demand for qualified experts who can maximize the effectiveness and caliber of these AI systems. Prompt engineering is an increasingly important skill set for accomplishing this goal.
Indeed.com has 446 prompt engineer job openings and vacancies in India as of June 23, 2023. The salary for these roles is handsome and can reach up to Rs 2.50 crore annually. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the need for timely engineering is expected to grow.
The discipline of prompt engineering extends beyond technical proficiency
Although some expertise with AI models and tools is necessary, computer scientists and engineers are just some who can accomplish it. Quick engineering uses general abilities that go beyond computer science. Proficiency in language, inventiveness, critical thinking, effective communication, and subject matter competence are all essential qualities in this field.
One of its key features is that rapid engineering only requires a little coding experience. It is a low-code or no-code activity that uses natural language to communicate between computers and people. 
In a tweet from January 2023, Andrej Karpathy—the former director of AI at Tesla—emphasized that English is currently the "hottest new programming language."
This suggests that anyone can pursue prompt engineering, regardless of technical expertise, if they have good language skills and can articulate their ideas accurately.
Quick engineering involves both imagination and focus on specifics
It entails more than just providing AI models with instructions. It also involves learning their strengths and weaknesses, spotting bugs or hidden features, and developing new uses. Engineering promptness is a combination of art and science.
A skilled, prompt engineer needs a keen eye for detail and a creative and resourceful mentality. They have to play around with different words, phrases, symbols, and forms so that the model can produce relevant and high-quality writing. The model's responses should be evaluated and analyzed for correctness, consistency, logic, style, tone, and other factors.
Quick engineering calls for the use of a variety of methods and approaches
There is no one-size-fits-all method; instead, it relies on the task, the AI model, available data, and the intended result. Prompt engineers can use different techniques and approaches to improve their prompts and get better output from AI models.
Prompt learning, often known as prompt-based learning, is one method. It entails employing prompts to turn tasks into a dataset so that a language model can be trained. Researchers could attain remarkable outcomes by optimizing a pre-trained model (T0) with structured prompts for twelve natural language processing tasks. This method fared better than pre-trained models and only trained on single tasks.
Chain-of-thought prompting (CoT) is another method. By assisting them in producing a sequence of intermediate steps that lead to the solution to a multi-step problem, it seeks to improve the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
Prompt engineering is a context-specific ability that does not apply to all AI models or jobs
It depends on the situation at hand. Diverse kinds of data, prompts, and evaluation metrics are needed for diverse areas. Prompt engineering in healthcare research necessitates thoroughly comprehending medical terms, concepts, and ethical issues. It entails familiarity with legal vocabulary, precedents, and the capacity to craft strong arguments in law practice. When creating content, prompt engineering considers audience, audience tone, originality, and inventiveness. To provide pertinent and precise prompts for specific situations, prompt engineers must be subject matter experts or work closely with domain experts.
Prompt engineering faces potential and challenges in the rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence
Prompt engineers must deal with issues, including creating user-friendly models and guaranteeing dependable AI outputs in delicate areas. They must generate monitoring techniques and address any hazards like prejudice. However, there are other chances to investigate AI applications in different fields, such as media and education. Problems in the real world can have solutions brought about by innovation and collaboration. Additionally, prompt engineering is an opportunity to further AI research and suggest methods for improving model performance.
Prompt engineering is a respectable career with actual skill requirements
This is not a fad or a trick; instead, it's a valuable set of abilities that significantly improve the efficacy and performance of AI models. Prompt engineering can be used to investigate the many uses and benefits of AI models in various domains and circumstances.
How can you improve your quick engineering abilities?
To become a better, more prompt engineer, you must practice and learn from the best. One practical strategy is to enroll in a fast-track engineering course and earn AI certification.
Enrolling in a course can teach you the primary and advanced methods of prompt engineering, including prompt-based learning, prompt patterns, chain-of-thought prompting, and other techniques. Case studies and real-world examples will show how prompt engineering is used in various industries, including marketing, legal, healthcare, and education.
Obtaining a timely engineering certification will boost your reputation in the workplace and prove your abilities. A prompt engineer certification boosts your professional reputation and validates your skills and knowledge. It allows you to show potential employers or clients your experience and reliability. Joining a prompt engineering community will enable you to network with other prompt engineers and exchange experiences, knowledge, and helpful advice.
To sum up, quick engineering offers excellent professional and personal development opportunities in AI technology. It provides opportunities for societal influence, intellectual stimulation, creative expression, and problem-solving fulfillment. It's a demanding yet rewarding career that encourages imagination, creativity, curiosity, and discovery.
If you want to improve your prompt engineering abilities, consider taking a Certified Prompt Engineer course and becoming certified by the Blockchain Council. The Blockchain Council, a respectable association of industry professionals and fans, advances Blockchain technology research, development, and understanding. They cover basic and sophisticated prompt engineering strategies in their course, such as prompt patterns, prompt-based learning, and chain-of-thought prompting. Practical applications are demonstrated through case studies and real-world examples from various disciplines. Sharing insightful experiences, advice, and experiences with a community of prompt engineers is another benefit of engaging with them.
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the-secret-survey-pdf · 11 months
Tesla Code Secrets Review ( Scam? )
I spent years being frustrated in relationships because I did not understand men on a fundamental level. The fact is that they are not like us in many ways and we will never completely understand each other. What are the best ways to understand a man's feelings? Philosophically, we can never experience other people's feelings. The fact is that they are not like us in many ways and we will never completely understand each other and it is okay. The best way might be that try to imagine the feelings he describes and try to put ourselves into their situations and imagine how we feel. If you want to have a happy and healthy relationship with the man you love, it is important for you to be able to understand what he thinks and what he wants. The relationship expert Michael dire has actually interviewed tens of thousands of men and he has found a consistent theme and answer among almost every one of them, and it is exactly what you are looking for. A man can open up to you the way you want and give you what your heart desires if you are able to understand their inner thoughts and that is exactly what you will learn in this program.
The Secret Survey by Michael Fiore is based on 8 step by step lessons that show women what they need to do in order to correctly identify how men feel about them and their true intention without him saying even a word.  According to the author, the main reason why many women usually end up with the wrong man is because they don’t know how to correctly identify signs that shows that he is not the right man. All the instructions and knowledge of the men’s thought, psychology and desires provided inside this program is completely based on the real experiences of the author. The program contains some real life examples. He lays out the facts, focusing on what you need to hear — not what you want to hear. All the secrets of the men including psychology, thoughts, desires are laid out clearly and scientificly that help you could study about how to understand your man easily.. Physical beauty may be a romantic turn on for women but it’s not the only thing your man is after.  He lays out the facts, focusing on what you need to hear — not what you want to hear.  The program contains some real life examples. 
Similar to other programs by Michael Fiore, such as Capture His Heart, the Secret Survey system is very easy to follow and Michael Fiore always present his lessons in a fun but profound way that everyone can understand. The topic that the author has included in program will keep you glued until when you read the last word. The author has also used simple language that is easy to understand. He has explained a complicated topic using very simple language that users can easily understand. This program is suitable for women of all ages regardless of their current situation. So whether you are single, married or divorced and you are looking for tips and tricks to help you get the man of your dream, then this program will help make your dream a realit. With high quality videos, professional looking guides, excellent audios and active members area there is no doubt that Secret Survey is one of the most comprehensive relationship training courses available for women online these days. Michael Fiore offers a full, no-hassle money back guarantee for 60 days for every woman that will buy the Secret Survey Program. This decent guarantee makes his program completely risk free and imply about the confidence level that Mr. Fiore has in the quality of his Secret Survey system.
Click Here to Download The Secret Survey eBook Now!
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The magic of numbers 3 6 9 Tesla code
It has become common that repeating positive affirmations or phrases reduces stress and improves the quality of life, academic performance, and work, and in general, makes people more receptive and dependent to behavioral changes, according to modern neuroscience studies, many may have touched those positive effects of affirmations in their lives or work in general, and recently it has also become common affirmations with the number 369, so what is this number, and what is the secret of the number 369 in achieving goals. The Secret of the number 369 in the Law of attraction The first to reveal facts and secrets about the number 369 was the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla, who was famous for his pioneering work in the field of Electrical Engineering and his contributions to the development of modern science, and also famous for his mathematical theories and fascination with numbers, specifically the number 3, 6 and 9, which Tesla believed to be the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. What is Tesla's theory It says that the universe is based on these fundamental numbers and that they have a profound energetic effect on the formation of frequencies specific to the structure of matter itself.  Tesla believes that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are the most important numbers in the cosmic system and that they explain all the other numbers. Tesla's Tesla theory of 369 is based on the concept of adding up the sequence of numbers until you reach one number, in this way: 369 (3 + 6 + 9 = 18، 1 + 8 = 9. #Self_development #secret_law #The_cosmic_code #Tesla_code #Code_numbers 3_6_9 #Law_of_Attraction #Mental_energy #Super_Mind 
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Things You May Not Know About Elon Musk
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Elon Musk is one of the richest people in the world, and he’s currently shaping the global economy. But these facts are no secret. He’s been the talk of several circles for some time, but there are still some facts about him that might surprise you. Here are some things you may not know about Elon Musk.
A Young Entrepreneur
Elon Musk has been an entrepreneur since before he even reached high school. He found a passion for the technology industry at the age of 10 when he saw his first computer in a store. From there, he learned to program and develop code for a video game called Blastar, which he sold by the age of 12. A computer magazine purchased the game for $500 in 1984.
Movie Consultant
Elon Musk is an actor and a movie consultant—sort of. You might not have noticed him before, but Musk appeared in an immensely popular movie: Marvel’s Iron Man 2. Actor Robert Downey Jr. felt it was only fitting to place him in the film because Elon Musk played a role behind the scenes. While Downey was preparing to play Tony Stark, he turned to Musk for inspiration. Aside from the suit and saving the world, Musk does have some characteristics that are similar to the fictional character.
New Business Ventures
When you hear about brands such as Tesla and Twitter, you likely think of Elon Musk. But there are other business ventures Musk is considering going into as well. Nothing is really set in stone yet, but there have even been some rumblings about Elon going into the HVAC business. There’s some talk about him using the current cooling and heating system for Tesla inside homes. There would need to be some adjustments, but he does see the potential and is eager to start.
Founder of Tesla?
Is Elon Musk the founder of Tesla? Believe it or not, he isn’t. While many people make this mistake, the truth is that Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning founded the company in 2003 and brought Musk (and his money) aboard a year later. He invested a nice chunk of change in 2004 during the first-round venture—$6.35 million—and he’s now the CEO of the company. It’s easier to hear the word CEO and think founder, but there are many CEOs who had nothing to do with the start of their companies. There are just a few things you probably didn’t know about the billion Elon Musk. The complete list of facts about him is certainly much longer! Read the full article
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darkagefull · 2 years
Dark Age Defense Reviews (Updated) - The Best Digital Survival Aid?
Additionally, the Dark Age Defense system has lessons on how you can generate an “invisible force armor” to keep your home burglarproof and safe. According to the “cheat code,” the technology attracts electric impulses from the air enough to electrocute intruders and thieves. Also, the Infinity Coil systems provide you with details on how to turn on a “dead” car using basic technology. According to the creator, the Infinity Coil size is dependent on the number of occupants in your house and the amount of power you require to run all your appliances.
Dark Age Defense Bonuses Apart from getting a 24/7 supply of power, the Dark Age Defense author provides the readers with a “compass” to ensure you have an adequate supply of necessities in case of a disaster or calamity. Thus, each purchase comes with additional bonuses, including:
Water on Demand Water is crucial for survival. Statistics indicate that water shortage leads to the fast spread of water-borne diseases. Today, most people buy clean water and have zero ideas about making any water sterile in a disaster. Water on Demand is a step-by-step manual on creating, filtering, and reserving clean water safe for human consumption.
It incorporates details on identifying clean water, including store-bought mineral water. Also, the author provides comprehensive details on how you can manufacture your clean water at home using basic filters to remove pollutants and toxins. Some of the three basic lessons include:
How to conduct a 10-seconds submarine test that provides you details on the quality of water How a toilet paper roll creates a “Water Force Filter” that ensures you consume clean and safe water How to improve the water taste using minerals Produce Oasis Food is another essential commodity that determines whether you survive a calamity or disaster. The Dark Age Defense tutorial provides readers with details on how they can grow nutritious foods. The author explains how the “sock fertilizer method” can help you grow nutritive superfoods using an old sock, ice, and soil. Some of the lessons in this tutorial include:
How to cultivate “Three Vampire Super nutrients” which help you stay in great shape and health Secret “junk” food that offers multiple health benefits to your system Paul’s Climate foods that grow in all ecosystems and do not require refrigeration Bulletproof Bugout Some emergencies may require you to leave your home for safety. The Dark Age Defense system helps you design a 3-day “special forces survival kit.”
Off-Grid Escape It includes details on a sanctuary that can help you and your loved ones thrive in case of ‘Blackout Day.”
Dark Age Defense System Availability and Pricing The Dark Age Defense System guide is only available on the official website. The creator claims that the current prices plus bonuses are offered for a limited period. When you purchase the Dark Age Defense System via the official website, you get a 60-day money-back guarantee. Additionally, you get a membership to a private community (B.O.S.S – BlackOut Survival Specialists) that involves members across the US sharing the same values and beliefs as the writer. For only $67, you will get access to the entire Dark Age Defense manual, all the bonus guides, and B.O.S.S. membership.
Conclusion Dark Age Defense is a technical manual that provides details on keeping your home’s power on even after a blackout. The author states it uses one of Nikola Tesla’s researches to make an infinity coil that is burglarproof, safe, and practical. The Dark Defense System offers bonuses that ensure you have a clean supply of water and food and how to evacuate safely and thrive after evacuation.
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primorcoin · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/elon-musks-boring-company-to-accept-dogecoin-doge-for-payments/
Elon Musk's Boring Company to Accept Dogecoin (DOGE) for Payments
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The Boring Company – an underground tunneling system company established by Elon Musk – diversified its operations by launching a new perfume.
The firm allowed customers to pay for the product with Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency – Dogecoin.
DOGE Is Among the Payment Options
It is no secret that the world’s richest man – Elon Musk – is a keen proponent of the first ever memecoin -Dogecoin. Over the past few years, he had admitted investing some of his personal wealth in it and had praised the token’s merits on multiple occasions.
In August, the entrepreneur opined that Dogecoin has a better transactional capacity than Bitcoin. To prove his point, he noted that it takes 60 seconds to complete DOGE transactions, while such with BTC take about 10 minutes.
Unsurprisingly, some of the companies that Musk runs are also supportive of the asset. The EV giant – Tesla, the spacecraft manufacturer – SpaceX, and the tunnel construction services firm – The Boring Company – have all embraced DOGE as a means of settlement.
In a recent tweet, Musk revealed that The Boring Company introduced a rather unusual product: a fragrance whose aroma reminds of “a candle at the dinner table.” Apart from paying in fiat currency, customers are able to buy the perfume in Dogecoin, the billionaire outlined.
And you can pay with Doge!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 11, 2022
Once again, Musk’s latest interaction with the token positively affected its valuation. It currently trades at $0.060421, a 2.3% increase compared to yesterday’s figures.
Despite the recent price pump, DOGE is far from its all-time high records from last spring when it reached $0.74.
Dogecoin’s Reaction to Musk-Twitter News
Earlier this year, the South African-born entrepreneur purchased more than 70,000,000 Twitter shares (9.2% of the company), displaying intentions to eventually buy the social media platform for $44 billion. Hours later, DOGE skyrocketed by 33%, surpassing $0.15 per coin.
While Twitter agreed on the sales conditions, Musk had not yet said his final word. In July, he claimed that the organization had not “complied with its contractual obligations” and did not solve its issues with fake accounts and scams, leading to the termination of the agreement.
Last week, Tesla’s CEO changed his stance, saying he is ready to buy Twitter for $54.20 per share – approximately $44 billion, which was the original bid. Hours later, DOGE soared by over 8%.
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mothercareguide · 5 years
Tesla Code Secrets Review (2019) ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Watch This First!
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emilybusroh26-blog · 5 years
Tesla Code Secrets Review (2019) ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Watch This First!
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Nobody thought about the 369 Tesla theory? It's science and Louis likes science
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The Golden ratio was used to achieve balance and beauty in many Renaissance paintings and sculptures. Da Vinci himself used the Golden ratio to define all of the proportions in his Last Supper, including the dimensions of the table and the proportions of the walls and backgrounds. The Golden ratio also appears in da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa
Scientist Marko Rodin (Discoverer of Vortex Maths) believes these numbers represent a vector from the third to fourth dimension which he calls a “flux field.” This field is supposed to be higher dimensional energy that influences the energy circuit of the other six points (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8).
There are patterns that naturally occur in The Universe, patterns we’ve discovered in life, galaxies, star formations, evolution, and almost all natural systems, and The Golden Ratio is one of them
Is it possible that there is something special about these mysterious numbers, 3, 6, and 9, tesla 3 6 9? Was 3 6 9 Tesla’s code? Is it possible that Tesla uncovered this profound secret and used this knowledge to push the boundaries of science and technology?
We don’t know, but we definitely find it fascinating how these numbers do relate to the universe in some way.
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manifest9money · 3 years
Wonderful Strategies To Manifest Your Desires
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The higher cortisol that is launched reacting to undesirable encounters along with ideas, the much better difficult it might develop to become, with hrs, to produce new positive remembrances. So using this week’s publish I desire to talk about 12 suggestions as well as practices that could have helped me - and yet aid me - to be able to steer clear of and to overcome my own unwelcome thoughts about the other hand also the negativity that is from time to time about me.
Begin experiencing all of the prosperity and prosperity you need by planning to the 369 Manifestation Code site. The sounds you get with this particular certain program is likely to make a supernatural incidence which helps you with exhibiting regardless of you wish in your very own own lifestyle.
Even though Concha states you may use manifestation to supply a unique specific for your needs, you are not able to purchase them to fall basically, madly, profoundly in accurate take pleasure in with you. After this calls for position, it is really really trouble-free to get rid of faith inside the law of attraction also as have each and every small point spiral downhill from that point. Somebody by performing with a greater vibration will produce their desires less complicated, far more rapidly as well as considerably more properly than somebody who is experiencing a less costly vibration.
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Selmaoui et al exhibited that night severe make contact with with possibly ongoing or sporadic 50 Hz linearly polarized magnetic causes of 10µT is not likely to influence melatonin secretion in mankind. Currently, there has been couple of operated lab studies on sleeping EEG below very low frequency electrical and magnetic job areas. The relationships in between being open to the magnetic pushes having a frequency of 16.7 Hz and also man health have been intensively studied in railway workers.
The focus needed for color along with other imaginative projects helps eliminate the concentrate from issues and negative pondering. A further valuable technique is to "positive evaluate." It means when you notice you will be negatively judging someone, oneself, or maybe a situation, research for just about any positive outstanding also. Simply 369 Manifestation Code Program for the reason that it really is entirely achievable that a volume of the days and nights, folks and also ladies will truly be essential and also judgmental towards you, it is essential that you may deal with denial as well as judgments.
According to the article writer, Darius, 650,000 folks have obtained a huge alteration of their day-to-day lives with this system. Contrary to almost each other manifestation techniques, the Tesla Manifestation method breaks down to perhaps you have just do connected with anything unexciting like imagining things, perfecting new methods, and plenty of other people The Tesla Manifestation System choices 369Hz audio, which clears the foundation chakra and alterations the brain waves. According to the Darius, Tesla Manifestation has assisted over 650,000 people from over 32 nations accomplish their monetary achievement.
If you’d like to go the extra mile and also make sure that your manifestation great outcomes, I’ve unveiled a down-loadable workbook to aid you to almost every move of the way by way of this technique of manifesting your " particular " specific. How could it come to feel should certainly you be with every single of the distinct man or woman you wish? Neville Goddard’s visualization method is in essence essentially the most exact method to manifest almost any desire. Through acquiring rooted within the guidelines also as aligning your methods also as values together with your desire, precisely what the law claims of Attraction is available living. The ultimate, also as possibly most significant, stage of the Law of Attraction manifestation technique might be to allow precisely what you’re asking for inside the long term for you.
Thus if you tune in to the 2 binaural beat tones, your thoughts will get the beats by suggests of a beat frequency, manipulating your brain into cortical synchronization. With EquiSync you receive a powerfully created, all-inclusive, cost-effective option that's a lot more effective in comparison towards the higher-listed brainwave music applications available presently.
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justkurotingz · 4 years
“riles” (mac x riley)
first macriley short ever 🥺🥺 please please enjoy LMAO <3 this is very much based on episode 4x12
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word count: almost 1K words
“riles.” that one word sent riley’s heart spinning, but she forced herself to push the feelings down. “you’re family mac.” she said softly, glancing at the blonde haired genius sitting next to her. “still...you didn’t have to do this.” almost a day ago, mac broke out a codex operative that was currently sleeping in the backseat, and stole tesla’s super weapon from phoenix foundation. and of course, because riley was a “ride or die” type of best friend, she helped mac escape with the weapon. and now they were headed directly to codex to betray their friends- or at least trick them into believing they were betrayed.
good undercover doublecrossing operatives don’t let anyone on either side know their true intentions. “mac. you’re my best friend. i’d do anything for you.” before mac could respond, scarlett stirred from behind them. “home sweet home.” she said drowsily, but the welcome back was not a pleasant one.
“hang on!” riley veered off into a sideroad to avoid being further shot at. “We tend to be a little wary of outsiders.” scarlett offered, but after the gunfire didn’t stop when she tried for peace, she settled in the back with a sigh. “well, that’s not good.” eventually, the trio got rid of the two attackers, and continued to the ranchhouse.
before roman and the soldiers could take out the truck, gwen thankfully recognized mac’s morse code. “hell..fire incoming. GET EVERYONE INSIDE!” as the operatives and their families ran to the ranchhouse and the secret city underneath, riley pulled into the gravel driveway.
“we have a gift.” mac said before anyone could say anything, and riley smiled softly, looking at mac. “got it bad huh.” scarlett teased her and riley quickly found somewhere else to look as mac uncovered shiva. “really roman. he brought us shiva and you were going to shoot him for it?” gwen reprimanded her head of security, and riley went to help mac load up shiva. “what’s that gonna do against a hellfire?” roman lowered his weapon and mac glanced over. “hopefully it’ll act as a mini missile defensive system. the electromagnetic pulse should scramble the missile guiding system.” “hurry!” scarlett stated the obvious from behind them.
riley and mac let out the biggest sighs as the missile flew right past the ranchhouse and crashed into the woods with the pulse mac shot at it. gwen and roman exchanged triumphant smiles but before anyone could say anything, riley stepped forward. “hey mac... how many missiles does a reaper drone carry?” the drone’s figure was nearing the group. “i’m guessing two.” he started to crank up shiva again, but the drone was approaching too fast, even for tesla’s superweapon.
mac stopped cranking and the group stared at the drone in terror. without a word, mac reached over and took riley’s hand. her heart exploded, but she didn’t dare look at mac’s face, or their intertwined hands. if this was the end, this was a hell of a way to go.
“thank god.” scarlett said, as the drone flew right over, crashing in a field. mac chuckled breathily, and exchange a knowing tilt of the head with gwen. “ella!” scarlett rushed towards her sister and riley smiled at the reunion, stepping a bit closer to mac. being separated from someone you love was the hardest thing a person had to go through, riley thought. “thank you.” the look in scarlett’s eyes was so desperate and grateful, that riley felt her sincerity in her body. “of course.” scarlett gave her a small smile about mac and riley blushed, looking down.
“so what changed your mind?” gwen walked forward with mac, riley on their tail. “as hard as i tried, i couldn’t find a hole in the logic of file 47. my mother was right, i’m glad you were here to show me that.” they paused and mac looked directly into his aunt, giving her a small smile. “so am i.” she smiled back, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight. “and your girlfriend?”
as much as riley would have loved mac to say she was her girlfriend, she spoke up. “you know i’m not his girlfriend.” but gwen simply gave her a small smile. were her feelings really that obvious? “you also know the skills she has to offer. we’re a package deal.” mac finished, smiling at gwen.
“then you both understand what a huge commitment you’re making? any lingering doubts?” riley swallowed hard, not wanting to say anything, but luckily mac answered. “we just betrayed our friends to stop a missile dropping on your heads so... i’d say that ship has sailed.”
“okay.” gwen chuckled then glanced at riley. “i can think of many other ships that have sailed... or that could sail.” with that she pulled out a transmitter of sorts and dialed in a number, leaving riley more confused than she had been before.
the wooden sides of the ranchhouse opened to a secret elevator that took them down to the underground city. “welcome home angus.” gwen disappeared and riley stammered. “this is... unbelievable.” cars and bikes filled the roads, and the streets were lined with coffee shops, markets and pedestrians. “so what now?” riley’s gut dreaded the answer. “improvise.”
“mac?” riley turned to him and mac looked at her. “yeah?” “please don’t leave me.” riley expected a “of course not.” or something of the sort, but didn’t expect the hug he pulled her into. “i dragged you into this mess riles. i’m not letting you go before we take this thing down.” he pressed abkiss to her temple and riley smiled in pleasant shock. “i’m glad we’re on the same page then.” she pulled away, and the two of them continued down the street in the same anxiety filled excitement stupor, ready to see what they’re tackling next.
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The magic of cosmic numbers - cosmic secrets
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