#tf bliztwing
transphormers · 6 years
And the fight scenes had some kind of actual order and choreography to them!! You could SEE what was going on and even if it had some faster shots they actually gave slower ones right after so you could find the order again!!
The emotional scenes were also well constructed they didn't feel forced nor out of place and you could feel they were genuine + (mostly) knew and understood where they were coming from!
And another thing! The characters were so well done!? You could understand so much about them without needing to have someone tell you all about them!! Even characters who only appear briefly (cliffjumper lol, but also bliztwing) are well fleshed out! Of course you dont know everything about them but you can get a sense of them and thats so much more than the other films did for their minor characters (and some main too)
Idk im basically lying in bed monologuing about this movie. I'm just so happy it was made and I really hope it influences future tf movies, both in terms of design and treatment of their characters
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okay hi my name is jamie and me and @dedede-get-ipad made a high school au for TFA because some folks in the tf rp chat are making a general high school au, since me and whirlibird rly like TFA rn we decided to make a TFA centric one
Optimus Prime is a sophomore with a really nice charismatic attitude who’s captain of the school’s basketball team.
Ratchet's a senior who's currently job shadowing the nurse in the main office so he's usually found in there volunteering and helping out. but he has a super shitty attitude, school has taken so much out of him and he just wants to Graduate and never have to wake up early ever again. 
Bulkhead is a junior and like that kid in the back of the class who's playing video games. Fell behind in all of his classes except for woodwork and excels in that. His teachers know he’s trying his best but he still has 5 F’s. 
Prowl is a sophomore and is the resident anime nerd who watches naruto in class instead of doing his work. Constantly naruto runs in halls. Somehow seems to turn in all his work on time regardless.
Bumblebee is a freshman who thought he could make quarterback on the football team. He didn’t. He got kicked out of the football team due to accidentally launching a ball at Megatron and joined the basketball team out of spite.
Ultra Magnus is a senior who’s been basketball captain for all but one year, which Sentinel was for a time and then Optimus came around. Expects a lot from Optimus. Hangs out with Sentinel and tries to keep his ass in line since he ain’t a senior yet and can’t be making fun of the freshmen.... Yet. 
Sentinel Prime was the previous basketball captain in freshman year, super pissed that he isn’t this year especially since he’s a junior and will be a senior soon. Gives Optimus a bunch of shit for because of it. Likes to make fun of underclassmen
Jazz is a junior and also an anime nerd, he’s president of anime club and will literally pay you 100 bucks for a racer miku figurine. 
Blurr is the school senior track champion who's won the state championships 3 times in a row since he was a freshman. He talks really fast and is actually a brainiac. Everyone thinks he’s running off some kind of energy drink of coffee, no. He’s just like that.
Grimlock, Swoop, and Snarl are the school furries/scalies who constantly pretend to be dinosaurs and everybody avoids them at all costs. 
Wreck-gar is a freshman and the resident trash kid who’s locker is full of papers and fallen pens and looks like a mess. He rarely takes a shower and always blurts out the answer out in class (albeit it wrong). He’s hyperactive and doesn’t really know what he’s doing with his life but he’s having a good time
Megatron however is a senior who’s captain of the football team and has been since he was a freshman, but Optimus showed up and has been one-upping him for two years and he’s getting pretty sick of it
Blitzwing and Lugnut are Megatron's lackeys. Bliztwing is a junior and is that one kid with a temper problem but despite his shitty temper he's like the class clown, always cracking jokes and saying stupid answers. Someone says the word ass because they were reading the passage from the book? Bliztwing sneers loudly and causes everyone else to laugh. However at times Bliztwing is known to stay quiet and avoid talking to people. Nobody knows why.
Shockwave is a sophomore and the school's resident outcast who seems to get along really well with Megatron. The two have known each other since childhood and Shockwave recently went through a whole new personality and look make over for high school, however only Megatron knows who the real Shockwave is. 
Lugnut is a freshman who's been going to the same schools as Megatron since elementary and basically has seen his rise to glory as a hella good football player and is like 'DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO MEGATRON IS??? HE'S BEEN THE CHAMPIONSHIPS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. HE'S AMAZING SHUT YOUR MOUTH.' 
Starscream is a junior running back who’s pissed that for the third year in a row Megatron was voted as team captain over him and has been actively trying to sabotage Megatron for years and have him get into an ‘accident’ during practice so he can be voted as temporary captain as Megatron’s in the hospital. (This however fails and he ends up in the hospital instead.)
Black Arachnia is a sophomore who used to be Optimus's girlfriend back in 6th grade but because of an accident she had to move away. she recently transfers back to school with them but now she's a goth. that accident being she got bullied hella hard and Optimus was too much of a wuss to go and help her despite Sentinel thinking he could square up but Optimus was like 'it's no use we'll all get beat up', and she's super pissed about it still. 
Waspinator is a freshman who used to be one of the ‘cool kids’ on the football team. However due to an accident involving Megatron and a rake, he was kicked off the team and suspended from school. Having been grounded by his parents he basically went silent for a month. When he came back to school however he was a changed man. He was a lot more antsier and wanted to take out his problems on Bumblebee, who is the reason he got suspended and grounded in the first place.
Thundercracker, Skywarp, Ramjet, Sunstorm and Slipstream are Starscream’s siblings. They’re sextuplets who Starscream absolutely despise and they despise him in return. Welcome to Osomatsu-san seeker edition. Thundercracker is the second oldest and the snarkiest of them all, often gloating about how much better he is than Starscream. Skywarp is the third oldest and middle child, very timid and often the one to keep his siblings from fighting. Ramjet is a compulsive liar and is constantly lying whether it be stretching the truth of a story or outright denying doing anything shady. Sunstorm often times kisses up to Starscream to get favors, actually he does this to everyone to get favors. Especially Swindle. That favor being free weed. Sunstorm is a stoner. Slipstream is the youngest of the sextuplets and is overall the most logical one out of all of them. She’s the one who makes sure all of her brothers stay in line and don’t go off doing something stupid.
Swindle is a junior who sells stuff from his lockers. Pens, test answers, snacks, energy drinks, you name it. All for a fair and reasonable price of course. You can catch him hanging around his locker during lunch or passing period with somebody passing him money and he fishing something out of his Mary Poppins-locker. However if you have the money to buy it, Swindle can sell you some booze in water bottles or a bag of weed. However when the drug dogs come sniffing he’s always first to get busted and is constantly suspended because of it.
Soundwave is a freshman who's entire character is basically built by Megatron. He was a nobody who started hanging around Megatron and through his influences he became a little punk who likes to listen to his music a little bit too loud. 
Lockdown is the school bully, but not in a conventional way. People pay him to beat up other kids. He doesn’t care, he usually gets sent to the principle’s office because of it but he always finds a way to worm himself out. He uses the money to buy weed from Swindle.
i’ll add more characters as i see them, i’m still watching TFA so i haven’t gotten to everyone yet.
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