#tf2 yandere sniper x reader
wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
hi! do you write yandere content? if so, could you write anything with yandere sniper or scout?? thank u xxx - 🐌
Yandere Sniper
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Words: 215
Mick is the type of yandere you won’t realize is a yandere until he wants you to know he is.
While he likes the thought of playing cat and mouse with you, he would never actually let it happen. (Although down the line he may humor you.)
As a yandere he’s much more jealous of anyone who dares to interact with you.
He is hyper aware of how wrong and twisted his thoughts and feelings are.
But this doesn’t stop him from also being delusional, all those years alone seemed to have really messed with his mind.
Won’t kidnap you until at least a year down the line, but it’ll only happen if he gets pushed over his limit or you are put in some sort of danger.
Secretly has whole photo albums hidden around his van, all of which are dedicated to you.
If he does take you, it’s likely you won’t ever escape as he’ll have you trapped in his van.
The only ways you could ever leave, is if you were somehow prepared for your own kidnapping, or have previous experience.
Growing up he’s always wanted to settle down somewhere with someone (You), or even spend those years just travelling.
But he knows that very unlikely, so he settles for watching you.
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5eraphim · 1 year
Can I request a oneshot of nsfw yandere sniper x s/o with a predator/prey kink. ;)
Uh, so this one went in a super weird direction- but like, Sniper is sososo hard to write for! I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you were looking for, but I tried my best to incorporate the prompt, while twisting it into something fun to write. Sniper isn't my cup of tea, but with this dynamic- („ᵕᴗᵕ„) I've wanted to write something a little exophilic forever, and this request seemed like an apt enough place to do it! I hope you're ok with the odd way this turned out, and I really hope you enjoy!
In this story Reader is a hunter hired to poach a wild beast terrorizing a local's livestock. But when face to face with the monster their roles reverse and Reader has to try and escape becoming Sniper's newest prey.
Title: Poacher's Pride
Character: Werewolf!Sniper 🦘 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Dub-con, exophilia, mild terato, Dark!Sniper, werewolf, breeding kink, angst-y ending, stalking, yandere, possessive behavior, mates, size difference, forced cuddling/intimacy
Work Count: 5.6k
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You were a hunter. This was a fact. No matter how unfamiliar the terrain or how fearsome the prey was, you were the one with a gun, the killer. So long as you had your gun and wits about you, nothing would change this. The less charitable would call you a poacher, hunting down the rarest prey you could find to sell to the highest bidder. Perhaps this was more accurate, but you hardly cared as long as you had enough money to keep food on the table.
Tonight's mission was nothing special, a report of a wild animal feeding on a farmer's livestock and unnatural howling at night disturbing the farm's residents. While you found it unusual that the farmer who commissioned you to kill the beast couldn't identify the species, as you'd expect one who spent so much time working with animals would know their predators by now. But the farmer was an older man, likely a bit superstitious, and feared whatever creature it was preying upon his livestock was some kind of cryptid or supernatural entity. Though you were far too skeptical to really worry about the paranormal as you listened to the farmer recounting his stories of this monster striking every full moon, the other-worldliness of the howls he heard in the night, none of which you paid much mind to, but nodded and let him speak anyhow. 
Of course, it was easy to tell yourself you didn't believe in monsters during the daylight, but now that you were staking out alone in the middle of the night, you weren't quite so resolute. Despite your fear, you didn't move from your post; hidden in forest foliage a moderate distance from the livestock's pen, you sunk deep into the shadows. Milky-white moonlight illuminated the clearing around you, filtered through the canopy above. It was a full moon, and whatever it was you were hunting was sure to be out any moment. 
You couldn't help but notice the absence of nocturnal insects you were so used to hearing on nighttime stakeouts. You couldn't hear any buzzing from flying insects; no birds were around, nor any other nocturnal creature you could perceive in the darkness. Making you feel all the more alone as seemingly every other living creature knew to keep away from this area while this elusive predator was on the prowl. 
The wind rustling trees overhead helped break up the eerie silence that settled so heavily around you. As the wind picked up, you could hear the sheep beginning to bleat nervously, you swore you felt the hairs on the back of your neck prickle, but you weren't sure the sudden temperature drop was to blame. A tree in the distance swayed noisily, creaking as the wind continued to flow through the forest. 
Time moved painfully still, and you worried the night would never end until a twig snapping in the distance caught your full attention. Your head shot toward the sound, immediately noticing movement in the bushes diagonal to where you were hidden.
You steeled yourself, gritting your teeth almost painfully tight, forcing your eyes to remain focused dead ahead on the rustling bushes, waiting at any second for some kind of creature to emerge. You were expecting some massive wolf, or a cougar, or some kind of hulking mammal to crawl its way from the bushes, but when you watched an unmistakably humanoid figure crawling on all fours from the bushes, you couldn't believe your eyes. 
What you saw was like nothing you'd seen before, the mere sight of this creature freezing you in place; your mouth went dry as you lowered your rifle from the firing position with shaking hands. The beast sniffed at the air, turning it's head in your direction, eyes shining like shards of flint in the night, making your blood run cold, before turning his attention back to the sheep's pen. His head locked in their direction as he rose from all fours to standing upright, forcing you to realize just how massive this beast truly was. Your stomach flipped as the enormous creature's head tilted back to howl in some kind of hellish, animalistic scream, though disturbingly, with undertones of an unmistakably human-like cry. Like a man imitating a wolf's cry, but far, far more accurately than ought to be humanly possible.
This thing- it wasn't human, a man specifically. It was so massive you were too far away to guess its height, but you didn't need to come any closer to know that while standing on two legs. From the tips of its protruding wolf-like ears to its clawed feet, it was taller than any human you'd seen before. A bushy wolf-like tail flicked back and forth behind him, almost as distracting as the horrific way this creature's legs were visibly non-human, even while obscured under a thick coat of fur. 
You were utterly horrified, but you forced yourself to hold your ground, waiting for the monster to look the other way, allowing you to raise your loaded rifle to a firing stance and pull the trigger. The sound of the gun going off cut through the heavy silence of the night, though the sound was nothing compared to the sound of the beast's cry.
To your horror, despite the shot sounding as though it connected with his body, nothing happened. Your eyes were wide with fear and disbelief as you watched the creature turn its head in your direction, eyes narrowing as it growled. With fumbling fingers, you pumped the rifle, firing again to the same effect. Your heart hammered loudly in your ears as you saw the monster continue to growl, not at all fazed by the bullets as it lowered itself to all fours, tail straight out behind before charging in your direction. 
Without sparing a second to think about where you were going, you sprinted deeper into the forest. Too blinded by fear to realize how dangerous it was to run back into the woods like this, but currently, the only thing on your mind was getting as much distance between you and the wild animal as you could. You had a decent head start but didn't know how long that would last. Straying from the main path through the woods, you tried to weave your way through the overgrowth to throw him off your scent. While whatever it was chasing you down was much bigger and faster, you tried to use human agility to your advantage, doing the best you could to avoid getting clotheslined by any of the foliage in the forest. Earlier that day, it rained, and water still drenched the leaves and branches, soaking into your clothes as you ran by. But worse was the slick mud and puddles of water covering your track, making it all the harder to keep running as your feet threatened to slip out from under you at any moment. 
The thundering sound of footsteps in the distance spurred you on. You were too scared to even look back; hearing the snarling and barking of the creature behind made you afraid enough that you didn't need a closer look. The longer you ran, the less light seemed to reach you; the tree's overgrowth was so dense now, the dark shadows of the forest warping your visibility, making you flinch in terror at the sight of even the slightest motion in the corners of your vision.
It was only a matter of time before the wolf caught up to you. It was inevitable. You were on borrowed time and didn't have much longer. Your fate was sealed when you finally lost your footing. Before realizing what happened, you went from upright, running full speed, to crashing into the dirt. You hit the ground hard, bracing your fall with your forearms, enough to protect your face and head, preventing serious injury, though unable to spare yourself the pain of the impact. For just a beat, you lay motionless, too dazed from the fall to move. While you were lucky you hadn't accidentally knocked your head against something when you fell, you felt the wind knock from your lungs. The feeling is not exactly painful, but struggling to breathe only intensified your fear and disorientation. You were so far from home, and the night so dark the situation felt more like a nightmare than reality. 
Initially, you thought you slipped while running, but you soon noticed the feeling of cold metal around your ankle. Still in a daze, you craned your head over your shoulder, looking down at your leg, seeing a silver wire looped around your ankle, a snare. You blinked once, feeling closer to death than ever before, the wild fear flooding your mind now replaced with an icy certainty. You were about to die, and you could do nothing to save yourself now. Weeping bitterly, you saw the shrubs close behind parting, the monster's face for just an instance before you squeezed your eyes shut tight, ducking your head, wrapping your arms around yourself, curling into a little ball, and waiting for the killing blow. 
Time stood still as you cowered in fear, listening to the stalking creature drawing closer, knowing you had nowhere to run now. While you couldn't see him, keeping your head down and eyes shut tight, you could smell him. The blood caught in his fur mats, the scent of the forest trapped in his coat, the gore from his hot breath. He was getting closer. You couldn't take it anymore, and as you heard another low growl and felt a clawed "hand" wrap around your leg to pull you closer, your anxiety spiked, making you black out. 
For a long while, you were somewhere between awake and sleeping. Too scared and too dizzy to open your eyes or try to "wake up," but still, on some level, perceptive of the world around you. You felt like you were dreaming and silently hoped that if you were dead, the pain was already over, and this feeling of passing away would remain gentle forever. 
It was impossible to track time, too woozy to try, too numb to care, but after a while, you realized you weren't moving anymore. Laying in a heap of something soft and dusty-smelling, gingerly easing movement back into your body by groping at the material with your fingers and toes. A fire crackled a short ways away, and the air smelt an odd combination of fresh and stale. And finally, with a little focus, you managed to open your eyes.
Apparently, you weren't dead after all, but you couldn't guess where you were now. Some kind of shack, probably still deep in the woods somewhere. You could hear the rain picking up again outside as tiny beads of rain patted against the windows and tin roof. Fire danced in a fireplace on the other end of the shack, illuminating the chipped paint on the walls and cracks in the plaster. 
Your stomach dropped when you realized you weren't alone; sitting in the corner of the room, somewhat obscured by shadows, the werewolf sat staring at you, sitting back on his hunches, his yellow eyes watching you intently as you finally woke up.
Bizarrely enough, you realized the closer you were to the wolf, the more human he appeared. Despite the shaggy hair running down his neck and shoulders like a mane and wolf-like ears, his face remained strikingly human-esque. Aside from his yellow eyes and sharp teeth, of course. He looked almost docile like this, but you didn't dare move. 
He crept forward slowly on his hands and knees, making you sit up to push yourself away instinctively, but when you saw the blankets covering your chest fall away, you realized you were completely naked under the covers. Gripping the blanket tight in your hand to protect yourself, you looked at him, bewildered.
"Clothes were all wet. You were shivering… Warm yet?" He spoke in fragments, voice low and almost raspy, as though he'd just started talking for the first time in ages. You weren't exactly in a bed, more so a massive pile of blankets and a few pillows pushed into the corner of the room, but it was better than being back out in the rain. You nodded, watching him perching at the foot of the bed. 
In a weak voice, you managed, "Where?" 
You were too muddled to find the right words, but he responded. The wolf-man seemed able to pick up on your emotions, even if you couldn't elaborate verbally.
"My den. Other wolves were out. You're safe here." He spoke bluntly. You felt safe assuming while biologically he was, at best, humanoid, he was intelligent enough to communicate and, judging by the dirty shack he called a den, lived a lifestyle not entirely unlike a human's.
"They won't hurt you here." 
You didn't respond, just nodded. He was closer now, within reaching distance, but your back was against the wall; you could push away any further, even if you wanted to. His attention dropped from your face to the blankets you were nestled amid, reaching under the blankets until he found your feet while you eyed him wearily.
You tensed when he pulled them closer, pushing away the blankets to expose you from your shins down.
He began to lean down a little closer to your body, making you instinctively back up a little, making him pause, sitting at the foot of the nest frowning, looking at you with an almost child-like pout. "Won't hurt you. Can make it better." 
You didn't realize what he meant until he gestured to the laceration encircling just above your ankle, where you caught on the snare. Now that you were really looking at it, it was a bit deeper than you thought, and you'd gotten a few other nasty abrasions from your little game of chase earlier. 
Before you could do anything to stop him, you watched him gripping your injured leg in place with one hand as he leaned his head to the wound before running the flat of his tongue over the cut. You jolted, squirming a little in discomfort, but he wouldn't budge, ignoring your whines of distress as he continued to lap against the wounded skin.
Forcing yourself to breathe slowly, convincing yourself there was still some chance you would make it out of the night alive, you stopped fighting him, ignoring how his fangs would lightly scrape against your flesh as he licked up and down your leg. You had to suppress another spike of fear as he gently pulled the blankets away from you. His eyes flicked up from your wounds to your exposed skin for a moment as he continued working. After another moment, he pulled away, and you sighed in relief.
The respite didn't last too long, however, as he only pulled away so he could crawl on top of you, making your eyes widen, hands drawing into tight fists as you were unable to fully mask your rising dread. You held your breath until he stopped moving, sitting on his knees and elbows over your body. Despite the position, you couldn't ignore how bizarrely mellow he appeared. Very calmly leaning down to run his tongue along your shoulder, making you shiver as the wet muscle made contact with the sensitive skin of your neck. 
Aside from your fear, you had to strain yourself to keep a poker face and ignore the light ticklish sensation you felt. The feeling of his tongue running along your cheek finally caused a break in your composure. "What the hell are you doing?"
The werewolf cocked his head to the side. "I'm grooming you." 
He said it so bluntly, as though it were perfectly normal for humans to give each other tongue baths. While the shock and discomfort had greatly worn off by now, the feeling was invasive all the same. 
"Still hurt?" the werewolf asked. You hated how heartfelt he sounded, confused why a predator species would be so caring concerning your comfort and safety like this. For some reason, you almost felt reluctant to ask him to stop as he looked at you with puppy eyes, not understanding why you wouldn't let him get closer to you.
"No, but.." As he watched you, you trailed off, waiting for you to explain yourself. After a beat of silence, he resumed his work. Snuggling his head tight up against yours.
"Don't want this-" You protested, but Harold sounded sincere.
"Won't hurt you." His words were muffled as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling, coddling his face against your hair. You went rigid as you felt him take a test bite against your skin, his sharp teeth just barely scraping against the side of your neck while his hands palmed at your body beneath his. While the nest you were brought to was comfortable enough to work as a human bed, the smell of the dog was too distracting for you to relax too much. 
He moved his hands from your chest down to your own hands, clasping them with his own as he brought them from laying limp beside you to the sides of his scalp. Your fingers were instantly lost in the bird's-nest-like mess that was his shaggy mane. 
"Keep them here." 
He wanted scritches? In an act of morbid curiosity, you allowed your hands to ruffle at the fur, feeling his ears twitching a little as you brushed them with your fingertips. Your fingers moved on their own as they tangled into his hair. His hands dropped as you kept yours in place, and he made an odd, almost humming-moan, his tail beginning to wag steadily as you continued to work your fingers in his hair. When your fingers grazed the sides of his ears a little harder, you watched them twitching a little harder, and you couldn't help but stare, wanting to touch them so badly. He didn't pull away when you shyly traced a finger from the base of his ears to prod gently at the side, nor when you cupped your hand against the soft thing, letting you feel him up with curious fingers, smiling to himself, quite enjoying the gentle touch of another after so much time in isolation before now.  
"What are you?" You whispered to yourself, feeling him nuzzle into you.
"Human once, something different now." 
You were about to ask what he meant by this when you felt something hard grazing the top of your thigh, making you freeze. He was breathing much heavier now, pressing himself against you a little harder, pushing his pelvis forward to grind against the top of your thigh. You could feel the blankets originally piled somewhat neatly earlier starting to bunch up and the pillows falling to the side and tumbling in different directions. You could hear the sound of cloth tearing and realized it was likely the sound of his clawed feet getting tangled up in the blankets, accidentally shredding them in the process.
"Keep going- C'mon, more! I need more, more!" He begged and whined, still rutting against you, his hands finding yours again, guiding you to keep playing with his hair, scratching him behind the ear, doing whatever you were doing that was driving him crazy.
You felt an unwanted stir as he continued to grind against you, moaning and panting against your neck, into your ear. His hands separated to return to your body, wanting to feel your curves beneath him. As he continued to play with your flesh, you could hear the werewolf inhaling, catching the scent of something, pausing for a moment as he sniffed, his eyes drifting shut as he sighed, practically moaning out loud. 
"You like this?" His ears were perked upright, and pupils were dilated as he looked at you expectantly. Feeling blood rushing to your cheeks, you shook your head, feeling too overwhelmed to think clearly. But your reluctance only excited him more. He grinned ferally, mouth opening giving you a quick flash of his sharp teeth as he popped two fingers into his mouth, coating them with spit before pulling them out, watching you with eager eyes as they trailed down your stomach until they halted just above your clit.
Without stalling any longer, you felt his two fingers pressing up against the sensitive nub, feeling your heartbeat increase and blood rushing south as he got a little bolder. Collecting the slick between your legs, using it to glide his fingers in gentle circles against you, making your breath hitch and your body tense up. How in the world he knew how to pleasure another human, you couldn't imagine, but he was doing a damn good job of it. You swallowed hard, he was much more adept at keeping his claws to himself than you imagined, and his fingers felt inhumanly big in the best possible way. 
Everything was moving so fast; one minute, you were arching your back underneath him, and the next, you were face down under him. The werewolf pulled away just enough to kneel over you. The feeling of his hands on your waist brought you crashing back to reality, reigniting the fear you'd shamefully forgotten.
Before he could pull you any closer, you inched forward a bit, trying to keep your voice steady despite the wild beating of your heart. "It's not too late, just let me go- Please, if you just let me go, you'll never see me again! I won't tell anyone what I saw!" You pressed your cheek against the blankets trying your best to crane your face to the side and look at him but found no mercy.
"Don't want- you can't leave!" You paused, looking up at him, brows creasing. "Did he almost say he didn't want me to go?" you wondered, noticing how he caught himself, a bit of vulnerability breaking through his intimidation.
"If I let you go. You'll kill me." Before now, even when threatening or intimidating you, there was a note of playfulness to his voice that was gone now. Despite the morbid way the two of you met, he couldn't entirely hide his excitement of bringing a little fresh meat home and, by extension, not having to spend another night alone. 
"I-" He didn't give you a chance to defend yourself.
"Tell me again, what were you hiding out in those bushes earlier?"
You were paralyzed with fear, your mind going blank as his yellow eyes narrowed and his voice lowered to an animalistic growl. His lips drew back in a snarl, bearing his sharp canine-like teeth as you felt his hot breath against your bare flesh as he breathed heavily. You wanted to make up some lie about only shooting him because he startled you, but you knew something like that wouldn't work on him. While the beast wasn't entirely a wild animal, he didn't possess a human's capacity for reason. And with a sinking realization, you knew no amount of begging for mercy, logical reasoning, or threats of retaliation would do anything to stop him. You were now just moments away from meeting your fate, and you could do nothing but accept it. 
You might've cried if you had any strength left, but not anymore. The best you could do for yourself was close your eyes and try to flinch as you felt him peel away a little, sitting back on his haunches before pushing you over and repositioning you to lay flat on your stomach. 
You could feel his saliva and some of your slick still smeared along your sex and inner thighs as he used both hands to grab at your ass, hoisting you up as he positioned himself from behind. Forcing you to bend your knees and arch your back up as he situated himself on his knees from behind. Just the feeling of his head against your core made you squirm in discomfort, though unable to pull away from his hold. You moved your arms from your sides to in front of you, burrowing your head in your forearms. The position was the opposite of dignified, but at least he wouldn't have the satisfaction of seeing the look on your face as he took you.
"I can tell you're scared; I can smell your fear, and I can't say I blame you. But let's see if you'll make a better mate than a hunter." You couldn't tell if he was trying to comfort or mock you, as though that even mattered. The feeling of his tip prodding at your core told you, whether he tried to be gentle or not, you'd feel this in the morning. 
The thick fur covering his underbelly helped to conceal his size before now, even while hard, but you had a feeling he'd be big. It was so odd to feel an animal's fur against your thighs as you felt an unmistakably non-human cock push inside you. While terrified, you thanked God he'd taken the time to prepare your hole. 
While the feeling of stretching around his cock stung, but you couldn't ignore the satisfaction you felt; at last, the emptiness you'd felt was satisfied. You were expecting so much more pain and brutality, but the beast took his time. As though he wanted to make the moment last as long as he could. Given the sound of his labored breathing through grit teeth from behind, you could tell he was trying to hold back. Your thighs spread as you slumped forwards a bit as he pushed inside, making you bite down on your forearm to keep from whining.
"You're So warm! So, so soft inside- hah, S'good" He repositioned his hands from your hips to your back, shoving you down even harder as he pushed all the way inside. He was pushing your chest so hard into the nest it was hard to breathe. You had no idea if he could even tell what he was doing to you or if he was already so blinded by his own pleasure. 
His claws pressed a little harder against the flesh of your back, not enough to draw blood, but enough to remind you he could do so in a second if he wanted to. The beast kept one hand on your back, the other sliding forward to meet your own hand. Using his massive hand, he guided yours from in front of you back down to your side before fully seizing your hand, bringing it under your belly, groping downwards and around for a moment until he managed to find your clit. 
Forcing your fingers against your clit he growled, "Touch yourself for me. Wanna- I wanna know what you feel like when you come."
 Something about the loss of control, the fear and adrenaline overrunning your body, made perverse moments feel sickly exciting. And you didn't hold back much longer, your fingers rubbing circles over your swollen clit as he pulled out and began to rock back and forth. Your body limply moving in rhythm with the overwhelming force from behind. 
Your cheek flattened against the blankets as he dug his claws a little harder into your back, raking your bare skin as he began to pick up speed. The pain and pleasure overtook your mind as you felt yourself getting even wetter, your hand moving even faster over your clit. He was already so hard, but you could've sworn you felt him swelling up a little inside you. You didn't want to think about what would happen after he inevitably came inside you. The only thing on your mind now was your own climax, the smell of sex in the air spurring you on, making you hornier, needier, exactly like the wolf behind you.
Closing your eyes, you felt yourself tightening against the werewolf, your muscles acting with a mind of their own as you could feel your climax coming on; the feeling of your body so hot and painfully close to orgasm was driving him wild, knowing he wouldn't last much longer than you. And sure enough, with a breathy sigh of relief, you came. Feeling your body gripping against the werewolf as you grinded yourself against him, riding out your orgasm as long as possible. 
The afterglow set in not long after, making the feeling of the werewolf behind you thrusting in and out wildly much more bearable. You gasped out loud when you felt him bust, his seed fucked deep inside your body while you two were momentarily forced to remain connected. Fortunately, this didn't last as long as you feared it would, and not long after his climax, you felt the swelling between your legs going down, giving you enough wiggle room to pull yourself off him. As far away as you could while he was still pressing his weight down on your back. 
Feeling a bit more clear-headed after cumming, you began to try and pull further away from the monster behind, but he still had you pinned, and the longer you were like this, the more aware you were of the sting of the scratch marks on your back, making you feel like a cornered mouse under a cat's paw. Thankfully he eventually lifted his weight from behind you, finally allowing you to take a deep breath as he sat back on his haunches, likely enjoying the view of your abused body limp and sprawled out like this in his nest. 
After a moment, you heard him shifting behind you, repositioning the pillows and blankets in his nest as you lay face down in the center. He pulled you from your stomach to your side as you instinctively curled into the fetal position. The werewolf propped you against some pillows as though you weighed nothing before sliding into bed beside you, gently coaxing your body from a tight ball to wrap around him, tucking your head under his chin. Burying your head against his chest, you could hear the slow thumping of his heart as his hands smoothed against your back and hair.
Everything felt surreal; the creature you were so certain would end your life less than a few hours ago now had you curled up against him like a teddy bear. Making sure you were comfortable and not smothered by his thick tufts of hair. Your self-preservation instincts told you to let him do as he pleased with you. The last thing you wanted was to provoke him into another round of what you'd just endured. But even without saying anything, you felt his head shift away from you to face you. His brow creased slightly in what appeared to be confusion.
"You're still scared?"
"I don't understand… Why haven't you killed me yet? You're a predator- surely you could've done it by now; what are you waiting for?" You bit your lower lip, hoping desperately he wouldn't take that as a challenge.
"You're not my prey anymore." To your surprise, he didn't sound upset, his voice notably softer than you'd heard all night, as though trying not to frighten you. You wanted him to explain what he meant but were too scared to ask. You let him pull your back under his chin, his fingers twisting around your hair.
"I'll protect you. But if you try to leave me, I'll have to stop you." As quickly as it had come, the softness in his voice was gone. 
"We're one now. And the longer you're here, the closer we'll be." You didn't understand what he meant by this. You were still oblivious to what this creature was, and you were too terrified to speculate about what was now inside of you.
"You can't really think we'll be together forever after this, do you?" It was hard to tell if you were trying to convince him of this or yourself. 
You wanted to believe he was wrong, a wild animal with no concept of forever, but by now, you knew he was far from entirely bestial. "I… I don't understand." 
"We're mates now. We're bonded for life." You were well aware that it was dangerous to provoke him, but despite his bluntness, he sounded notably calm, and you couldn't keep your curiosity to yourself.
"What does it mean to be mates? How can you be so sure we're mated for life?" You had to choose your words carefully, trying your best to avoid saying something like, "your kind mate for life." to prevent the risk of offending him. 
"I know so." He was so blunt and sure of himself that it scared you, and you had a bad feeling he wasn't just trying to intimidate you. 
For a moment, he was quiet, as though trying to choose his next words carefully. "I've been a lone wolf for years now. It's miserable; I can't go back to that." 
He paused again, and you were unfortunately forced to remember the monster curled around you like a fur coat was once a human and, to some unknowable degree, still was. You didn't want to see him as anything but a brute, an animal acting on primal impulses, but you knew this wasn't true. And if you were in his position, spending years as a reclusive creature of the night, forced to live in the shadows like a stray, you might be just as desperate to escape such a purgatory. 
"But, I'm not like you; people are going to come try to find me-" The wolf interrupted Before you could finish the thought.
"I won't let them take you. I'll protect you. Keep you here as long as it takes for you to settle." 
It wasn't a promise; it was a fact. Just as it was a fact, so long as the werewolf lived, you weren't going anywhere.
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jermer10 · 1 month
If possible could I ask for yandere tf2 mercs (all or your favourites, whichever you choose!) with an enemy reader?
I imagine the mercs aren't too happy about this as most of their time is spent apart.
Keep up the fics!!
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TF2 yandere mercs with an enemy s/o
nsfw, gn reader | i love yandere mercs holy cow
tw: violence, yandere behaviour, sexual themes
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: - insanely delusional - just as he acts with pauling, he convinces himself that you are totally and utterly in love with him, that you're saving yourself for him and that you specifically target him during battles because you feel the exact same love-rage he does when he sees you!! - every shot to the head, every punch, kick, scratch leads him to becoming increasingly infatuated - he treats you as if you're already his partner, and i mean hey, why wouldn't you be? you're showing all of the signs! you're practically slobbering over him the same way he does to you! - goes into a fit of jealous rage when someone else kills you - he prides himself of having a domination streak over you, letting you know who the big guy in charge is - this likely only serves to piss you off, unfortunately you probably don't feel much of the same towards him - even if you do return his feelings, you'll often find yourself feeling far too overwhelmed with his infatuation
Soldier: - a clingy mess - for a man who prides himself on being 'the epitome of what independent, masculine america stands for' (whatever THAT means), it seems he has attached himself to your hip - is not afraid to harm or (in the majority of cases) straight up kill someone who tries to separate him from you and has done this both in front of you and behind your back - doesn't even register the fact that you are the enemy, he decides that it was a mistake and you were always meant to be on his team - your escape attempts barely cross his radar, he always finds you and when he does he always chalks your absence up to some sort of foul play - this usually results in another death of a random loved one because "OF COURSE THEY WERE TO BLAME! THEY STOLE YOU FROM ME!" - has no boundaries or limits, not outright violent or aggressive towards you but will do anything in order to keep you beside him - all in all not a huge threat to your safety despite the fact that he is supposed to be your combatant, he's just incredibly annoying
Pyro: - the epitome of a sadistic yandere - they come off as a sweetheart, out of battle they buy you things, shower you in praise, act as if you aren't even enemies - but pyro enjoys hurting you, and this especially works in their favour when you're on the opposite team - utterly ruthless whether they're physically harming you or taunting you from across the battlefield, you leave the match feeling miserable - they love seeing you cry, half-assedly comforting you, and in turn causing you to grow this needy codependency where they say that they "don't reeeeaaally mean it!" and you somehow continue to believe that bold faced lie - they will eventually kidnap you, and yes they will torture you whether you've been good or not - no one even knows it was them who did it, they're just that convincing in their unassuming facade - don't get me wrong! they do love you in some sick way! they just only know how to express it through violence </3 (and NO you cannot fix them)
Demoman: - another clingy merc, only this time you're best friends - yes, he is aware you're supposed to be enemies on and off the battlefield, but his feelings for you outweigh the not so gentle reminders from his teammates that he needs to shoot you when he encounters you, not flirt - extremely manipulative, he uses his alcoholism as a cover for how intelligent he really is - would charm you with words of affection and chaste touches, he ensures that you are 100% into him before asking you out - then he isolates you from everyone you love, preoccupying all of your time, supporting you in any interest that doesn't require you to communicate with other people - he is CONSTANTLY there, whether you're aware or not. you literally cannot get away from his, quite literal, watchful eye - if you realize what he's doing, you sure as hell haven't made any steps to try and remove him from your life, nor have you set boundaries - after all, where would you even run? who would you even tell?
Heavy: - controlling and protective - he refuses to harm you, nor let anyone on his team harm you, this leads him to completely incapacitating you during battle so you're essentially useless - your teammates hate the extra attention you receive, they hate even more that you can't help whatsoever, eventually they tell you to stay at base, no use for you to come with if you're not doing anything - eventually when you do go missing, they just assume you left - heavy corroborates this story, telling the Administrator that he heard rumours of you packing up during the night and fucking off - little do they know you're tied up, gagged, and blindfolded in an unused, heavily locked and guarded maintenance room - he will not let you leave, he's more likely to pack up and take you back to russia than to ever let you see the new mexico landscape again - you are going to rot in a maintenance closet, or die trying to escape
Engineer: - very chill and normal surprisingly? - or so you think. he doesn't come off as creepy or odd the way the other mercs do, he is totally and utterly normal to a fault - he fights you during battle, kills you, dies to you, thanks you for a good fight afterwards - and then your devices begin spasming, your anti viruses go off, your phone calls have a strange staticky sound and a beeping you've never heard before - against your better judgement, you go to engie for help. he "fixes" them for you, and in the process gains your friendship and trust - you start hanging out with him outside of battles, unbeknownst to you that he is observing your every move and thought through your phone and laptop - uses this information about you to become closer to you, buying you gifts you're unable to afford for yourself, performing the kinds of romantic gestures you read about - if he wasn't constantly watching you and obsessing over your whereabouts, he would barely even qualify as a yandere!
Medic: - this guy is creepy, off-putting, odd, and strange! - he doesn't bother hiding his obsession with you, he actually goes out of his way to push your boundaries to see how far he can go before he breaks you - depending on how you respond will decide your fate with him, either way he is not going to let you go so you might as well adapt! - if you show outright disgust or hatred he will kidnap you and store you in the medbay, experimenting on you for hours with no relief, punishing you for your insolence - if you reciprocate he will still kidnap you, only this time he treats you like a doll, treating your various cosmetic 'ailments' in order to make you the perfect creature - he is incredibly strict and commandeering, if you step out of line for even a second he does not hesitate to torture you - he only rewards you with sexual favours and new clothes, you are quite literally just a doll for his enjoyment - he tells you he loves you, but you're not so sure you believe it
Sniper: - likes to hunt you - he treats you like how one would hunt a deer, seeing you as the ultimate prize and reward for his patience - wants you to find out about him, wants you to find it endearing and sexy, wants you to make the first move - he is the most self aware, snapping out of his obsessive haze regularly and vowing that 'this time will be the last' as he aims his sniper at your head and blows it off - but it never is. he is totally and utterly addicted to you, and it only gets worse the longer he waits for you to offer yourself to him, so he takes action - he corners you in the middle of a battle and takes you then and there, you'd think it was sexy if he didn't kill you immediately after - then a strange, sadistic game of cat and mouse ensues, he stalks you day in and out and you know, you entice, and you keep this little thing you have going a very well kept secret - the only relationship between the mercs that becomes mutually beneficial
Spy: - by far the most manipulative and cunning merc - he can spend years leading you on, flirting, dropping subtle hints of his overwhelming, consuming obsession with you - he showers you will affection and gifts, with luxury holidays and designer brands without ever actually committing to you - he lies about sleeping with other people to keep you wrapped around his finger, he lies about having another family, kids, another life - he treats you as if you're his special side piece, that no one must know about you, that what you have is a secret - he constantly backstabs you (literally and figuratively), both teams know your deepest secrets, they know your favourite position, they know the names of all your stuffed animals - he treats you like shit and promises to be better, all whilst staying up every night concocting another way to keep you intrigued with him, to keep you by his side, it eats him alive - you have a love/hate relationship, the most toxic man alive istg
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 6 months
I have an idea, can you do a drabble of yandere sniper x reader? Like sniper spotted the reader when he is about to kill someone and instantly fell for her. He stalked her and kidnapped her, keeping her locked within his camper van. And hopefully, add in that the reader has stockholm syndrome and fell for him right back.
This idea had been boiling in my head for a while now.
A/N: This is such a yummy idea. Please take me and hide me in your van, Sniper
Mine, All mine.
Yan!Sniper x F!reader
CW: Kidnapping, Light torture(?), teasing, shooting/mentions of shooting, (some) Non-con aspects, blood mentions, language, loss of virginity, begging.
There is quite a long sex scene in this so.. uh yeah
You were the newest member of the RED team. They hadn’t really gotten around to getting your clone set up for BLU yet so there was just one of you. Which, only made you even more enticing. You ran into battle, screaming loudly as you began to violently tear apart the opposing team. Taking knives to their throats, snapping necks and shooting holes through their torso’s. The blood of the falling team members painting your face rather beautifully. Sniper noticed this, watching you through the scope of his rifle. Aiming just enough beside you and suddenly shooting a bullet. Effectively killing one of your team members. Making their head into a fine red mist. You look up and noticed the glare from his scope before he moved to hide. You only scowled and ran finished the battle, continuing to slaughter the opposing team for the remaining time. After the battle was finished you went to leave and clean up but Sniper stopped you just before you left the battlefield.
“Hey, Shelia.- he paused “What’s your name?” he stood tall, his rough hand resting on your shoulder.
“Why? Who wants to know?” you shot back aggressively.
“Well, I would. names Mick Mundy. I’m the teams Sniper.” he flashed a toothy grin at you.
“Y/n.” You muttered
“We aren’t on the same team im guessing. I’ve never seen you here before.”
You nodded “Couldn’t guess by the uniforms?” you laughed and cocked an eyebrow. “They haven’t gotten around to making my clone yet, so it’s just me.”
He smirked “One of a kind, huh?”
You nodded and pulled away from his grip as you walked away “See you around, maybe next time I’ll be the one whizzing a bullet past your head, hmm?”
He only smirked and chuckled as he watched you walked away. Admiring your figure and thinking of all the things he’d like to do to you. He shook his head and regained his train of thought before walking back to his van.
This continued for a few more days. Just silently watching you. From anywhere he could. Your teams base, your room, during battles, you name it. He just watched you. Soon a growing need began to form deep inside of him. Everyday felt the same. Same routine of trying to conjure up a plan on how to get you all alone. Like a jaguar stalking its prey before the strike. Yet, this one day in particular felt slightly different. He had finally formed a plan in his mind on *how* he could get you all to himself. Just to him. No one else.
He carried his gun to his van, waiting behind a wall. Lurking in the shadows as you walked out of the battle field and towards the exit. He pounced on you. A bowie knife to your throat as his other hand covered your mouth tightly. “Not a peep. Respawn doesn’t work outside of the battle field, Sheila and I have no problem with slicing that pretty throat of yours, and wouldn’t want that now would we?”
You looked at him the best you could with wide eyes and shook your head rapidly. He didn’t look like the type of person to make this kind of threat up.
“Good girl.” He nudged you to walk forward. Knife still to your throat as you walked up to a camper van. You were frightened. He instructed you to pull the door open and you did as you were told. He guided you inside the van and you stood there. Not making a sound.
“You try to leave and I’ll find you, Y/n. You’re staying here. With me. Understand that?” You began to cry as he locked the door, tucking a key into his vest pocket and sitting down to clean his gun and knife.
“Please.. why are you doing this, I didn’t mean any of that stuff I said.” You said through frightened tears as you looked around, noticing the jars of liquid, weapons and snuffed out cigarettes that littered the van which only fueled your rage and terror.
It was obvious that he had not been with a woman for some time and it finally started to get him. “Not about that.” He mumbled “Then what can I do. Please, just don’t keep me here” you dropped to moved to him more and dropped to your knees as you begged and cried. He just shrugged. You gripped onto his leg. He was still unbothered as he cleaned his gun.
“Look, roo.” He moved his hand to your chin “It’s dangerous out there. The last thing I want to happen to a pretty girl like you is to get yourself hurt or worse, getting stuck in that god forsaken respawn machine.” He looked away and let go of you “I’m doing this for you.”
You stood up and glared at him with disgust and. “Fuck off. You’re a psycho” he just hummed. Showing he acknowledged your statement. You moved to him and smacked him hard across his face. His glasses shifting off the bridge of his nose.. He shot you a glare. Then, stood up and fixed his glasses while holding his gun. “Not a good idea to hit someone with a gun, sweetheart.” He moved to you as you backed up and swept your feet from beneath you. He aimed the barrel against your forehead and your tears began to flow again. Harder this time as you tried to breath through the shock.
“No” you gasped “No, no! Wait I.. I was just scared.” You moved to hold his leg tightly again “S..Sniper”
He interrupted your pleads. Still holding the gun to your head. “Mick.”
You nodded “Mick.” You looked up at him with red cheeks and wet eyes. “I’m sorry, please forgive me! I.. I’ll never do it again, I promise.”
He fixed his aim. The sound of the gun movie sending a shiver of fear down your spine “Hmm. I don’t know, babe.” He tapped the battle gently against your head some “You promise?”
You nodded the best you could and gripped him tightly “Yes! Yes, oh god.. I promise! I swear!”
He just smirked “Beg for it.”
Was he seriously asking you to beg for your life right now?? How crazy is this sick motherfucker!?
Your tears flowed heavier as they wet his pant leg and you began to hyperventilate through sentences “Please Mick! Please don’t kill, Anything but that! I.. I love you too much! I want to love you forever! Please don’t take that from me!”
He smiled and removed the gun. replacing it with his hand “Good little girl.” He pulled his leg away from you aggressively and moved to sit back down. You fell forward onto your palms when he took your support away. He patted the bed. “Let’s lay down.” You nodded and moved cautiously to lay on the bed next to him. He gripped you tightly against his chest and you listened intently to his heartbeat. It was the only soothing thing about this whole situation. “Tomorrow I’ll go out and get you some new clothes” he said as he tugged at your shirt. You just nodded and sighed against him. He began to rub gently circles against your back but you were far too scared to fall asleep fully, however this was helping you rest your eyes for a bit.
Before you knew it, it was morning once again. “Wake up, roo.” He tugged you. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. “You’re sitting up front with me. Can’t have you trying to break down the door or a window while I’m driving.” He opened the door and held your wrist tightly. Opening the door to the main party of the van as you climbed in and sat eerily still. “Is my girl hungry” you shook your head silently. How could you be in a situation like this? He sighed and looked at you. You mumbled, scared you did something he didn’t like “What? What’s wrong, Mundy” you said hoping to tug gently at his heart strings. “Are you scared” what kind of question is that?? Yes of course you are.. but you lied. Afraid to say something to upset him “No, not at all” you leaned against him. He smiled and held you close “Good.”
Time skip (I’m lazy)
After you made it to the clothing store he purchased wonderful, new matching sets of bras and panties for you.. too bad noone was going to see them but him. Once he took you back to the van he drove to an empty area. Pushing you gently into the back of the van and locking the door behind him. “Try em on” he commanded. “In.. in front of you?” You asked. He nodded and leaned against the wall. You were hesitant at first but began to take your clothing off. He pulled out a matching set and tossed it to you “That one” he watched hungrily as you stripped fully and finally laid bare in front of him. He chuckled as you shivered and began to slip the panties and bra on. “You look so good, Sheila.” He said as he made his way to you and peppered your neck in kisses. Pulling you closer to him by your waist. You wanted to resist but you we’re unsure if he’d even listen at this point. He bit down harshly onto your neck and it sent a shiver down your spine, maybe you’d like it. Might as well try to enjoy something in this wretched situation. You leaned against the touch. Whimpering at the pain from his teeth.
“What’s my baby want me to do, hmm”
“I.. I’m not sure” you mumbled out
He moved his hands to the curves of your waist, then your hips as he gently squeezed and moved to tease you through the panties. You squirmed instinctively and clenched your thighs “Seems like I can guess a few things” he pushed you gently onto the bed. He took his hat and glasses off and set them on a nearby counter as he leaned over you. He continued to kiss your neck, he shoved two of his thick fingers into your mouth and pulled your panties to the side. Slipping his thick finger up your slit and he began to tease your clit. Gently rubbing circles as you whimpered. Once he got bored with that he moved to your hole. Slipping one finger in and curling it. You gripped his arm and held it tightly. Moans and whimpers escaping your lips as he worked you open, “That’s right, keep making those noises for me.” You nodded and exaggerated your moans some for his enjoyment as he fucked you on his fingers, rutting his hard cock against your thigh.
Once he figured you were worked out enough he slipped his finger out and licked it. Sucking up your nectar as he released his aching erection from its confinements. He tapped the tip on your clit teasingly before sliding it down your slit to your hole. Slipping in slightly. You were so tight. So tight, in fact, that he had to stop to level his breathing because his breath was already hitching at the feeling of you stretching around him.
“You a virgin or something? You’re tight as hell” he hissed out with furrowed eyebrows.
You just nodded as your legs shook slightly
“Why didn’t you say something” he leaned up to you and held your legs open slightly more. You only shrugged and gripped onto his back for dear life as he began to slowly move more. Breaking your bleeding, virgin pussy around his thick cock. You moaned at the feeling, the pain started to subside and you felt only the pleasure. His grip tight on you, as if he thought you’d run away. He started to pound into you faster, moving you to a different angle. You moaned out loud and arched at the feeling as you clung to his back.
“Yeah, you like that? That’s the spot isn’t it?”
You nodded frantically. He rushed a hand down to your clit and started rubbing vicious circles on the bundle of nerves, you were seeing stars as he mumbled praise and curses into your ear. Not slipping a single thrust as your orgasm crashed into you. Your legs shaking and your body convulsing as you clamped down onto him. He hissed at the feeling of you milking him of the orgasm he so gratefully gave you. He continued to fuck into your overstimulated body until he reached his own orgasm. Painting your virgin walls with his thick, hot, sticky cum. He hovered over you as you still clung to him, both of you trying to regain your breath.
“Good girl. Already so obedient, hmm?”
You nodded “I never want to disappoint you.” You were lying, again. You just wanted to stroke his ego He sat up and tucked himself away, covering you with a nearby blanket and kissing your cheek “Go to sleep. I’ll get you some food or something while we’re out.” You just nodded. You had to admit.. it was kind of sweet that he looked out for you like this. When he wasn’t threatening you he was actually quite nice. He left and locked the door. Before driving to a store and getting some snacks for you. He came back and seen you still laying on the bed, not fully asleep yet. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just got a lot things. Let me know what you like and I’ll get more of it next time.” You nodded and sat up, immediately moving to put the things away. He smiled
“No need to do that, doll.” You just stood there unsure if what to do “I want to. Please.” You said softly and waited until he said you could continue. He moved to sit on the bed as he watched you put the things away. “Can I sit with you” you asked meekly. He nodded “Yes of course” and then he leaned back pulling you to him as you sat down. He rested his eyes and you did the same as you leaned your ear against his chest. Falling asleep properly this time. Only to wake up to him gone. He was driving the van back to the base. You sat and waited patiently, rubbing your eyes. Once he pulled in and parked he walked back into the van. You perked up. He moved to grab his gun and knife. “Where are you going” your heart raced. “Work.” He said sternly. You jumped up and gripped at him “No, please! Don’t leave me here alone.. Mundy, what if you get hurt? I’ll be here all alone. I can’t lose you please just stay here with me!” he gently rubbed your back but then pushed you away “I can’t do that, darling. I need to make money so I can provide for my princess.” He kissed your forehead and walked out, locking the door. You cried to yourself. Sitting in the corner of the bed you shared for what seemed like hours until he came back. He was such a hypocrite. Isn’t that what he looked you up in here, to be safe?You heard the door click and immediately stumbled to meet him. Holding him for dear life. “I missed you.” You groaned and let your tears smudge against his shirt. He shushed you. “I’ll always come back to you, Y/n. You never have to worry about that, okay?” You nodded “I just got so scared..” he nodded “I know, but you trust me right?” “Mhm..” you whispered. “Good. Then I need you to trust I’ll always come back to you.” He gently picked you up and laid you down next to him, holding you tightly. Embracing himself with your scent and the feeling of you.
“I love you, y/n”
Your heart skipped a beat and you wiped your still wet face. “I.. I love you too, Mundy” and nuzzled into his touch.
This wasn’t a Drabble but.. who cares.
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scoutsbabygirl · 4 months
the butcher of badwater; (yandere) sniper x reader [part 1]
i think we can all agree that mick is this deranged son of a gun that would rip into his enemies arms and tear their flesh off with this crazy look in his eyes. the community has come to this unanimous decision that mick is this crazy, insane, obsessive psychopath and to be honest, im here for it. here's a little blurb of mick being everything i just said with a tad bit of possessiveness. enjoy this hot mess!
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red. his eyes were red. his cheeks were flushed red. he had tunnel vision on the man in front of him, blindly swinging his kukuri machete in all directions and angles. growls erupted from his vocal chords as he put more effort into each swing directed at the younger boy. high pitched screams of fear strained from scouts vocal chords at his limbs dodged every attempted strike of mick's knife. mick's words were unintelligible and hard to understand through his gritted teeth and yells.
"hey man!" scout yelled, jumping around in circles, looking back at the light glimmer off the blade of sniper's blade. "i-i-i i didn't do anything wrong!" he continued to stutter. nonverbal grunts emitted from micks' throat in an attempt to cut and/or stab the younger boy.
"i'm gonna fuckin' cut you up." the australian snarled under his breath solely concentrating on jeremy's exposed calves as he jumped around like he was being kept on an never ending loop. he knew that if he got to his legs- the thing that made him most valuable to the team would show him a lesson. one he wouldn't forget no matter how many countless times he sent him through and through respawn over and over again.
"boys! you're gonna get yourselves hurt!" dells left hand was cuffed around his mouth as he yelled, just beyond a rock far away to keep out of danger but close enough to witness the two mercenaries. a cold beer was in his in his other gloved hand. he was worried but he knew scout could easily outrun mick- hell, he could outrun anyone on the base. he's been able to outrun pyro and their flame thrower before which was arguably extremely impressive. maybe not you if he had taken your hairbrush or anything else you loved dearly, he wasn't ballsy enough to snatch your panties or bra.
he had contemplated it seriously a few times in the past before.
"you reckon i go down there and break all of that up?" engie looked over at you, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. he turned to you, with his hand over his shoulder, his thumb extended pointing to the two men. you noted how it was odd seeing him without those goggles. "i mean- what if he hurts him? then we're without our fastest guy." an audible scream of pain ripped through the air of his previous pleading and begging. his voice wasn't distinct nor comprehendible but his vocal chords emitted agony as. scout was sitting on the ground holding his left leg in the air. a big chunk of skin was hanging off his leg. it was graphic and grotesque.
as soon as your eyes saw this you inhaled sharply, making a "sss" noise through your teeth as you quickly looked away. yet, that image wasn't going to escape your mind anytime soon. covering your temple with your hand in an attempt to shield that sight away. it was already burned into a memory in your brain.
"oh darn, well, there goes our fastest guy." engie took a long sip from his drink, his eyes glued on the bloody scene no more than 30 feet away from him. the sounds of jeremy screaming at a dog whistle pitch and sobbing. "i reckon i'm gonna grab medic so he can fix him up. you want me to grab you a cold one from the freezer inside? there's one more newcastle. i don't know how you drink those nasty things, (y/n)." dell rambled on, nudging you in the arm, likely in an attempt to soothe your mind away from the trauma you just witnessed.
"dell- his skin was hanging off his fucking leg. did you..." you paused still shielding your wide eyes from his gaze. "did you see it?" this was your first time around one of these incidents, yes, the two of them could get in fights about nothing important where a verbal threats were common place for them sometimes accompanied with a gun drawn or a knife pulled out.
"it ain't nothing. i seen the whole leg off." sighing, he took another sip from his drink. "well, i'll be back!" he sounded annoyed. bothered that this was a commonplace event, he felt like he had to babysit them sometimes. you could hear his footsteps going farther and farther away. now, without dell in your ear you could hear more of their conversations from where they were.
jeremy was pleading for his life, repeating micks name.
jeremy never called him by his real name. it was always was "snipes" or "buddy".
you shot your head up to a scene right out of a horror film. scout looked like a mangled mess with a chunk of skin sliced off and his face beet red. mick was on top of him with the same bloody kukuri.
"dont. fucking. talk. to. my. woman. ever. again. cunt." mick screamed that birds would've flown off a telephone wire if there was one nearby. he was so loud it the noise made you cringe. between each word he brough the blade down into the poor boy's lower stomach, releasing this disgusting squelchy sound. the slushy sound sounded like when you were wearing boots and your sock got wet on the inside of the shoe. it was horrific. to you, this was amplified.
you gasped then covered your mouth. trying to make any sense of this. without thinking you ran towards them. you stumbled over a medium sized rock almost face-planting into the bright dusty new mexican sand littered on the ground. you were yelling anything to direct micks attention to you and away from mutilating scout.
"stop! stop! stop doing that!" you managed to grab both of snipers shoulders as he crouched in front of scout with blood covering the both of them and the ground surrounding the both of the mercenaries. "you're gonna kill him!" you shouted into his ear. this only caused mick to go even more crazy. thats what he wanted to do, sure, he knew he would be sent to the respawn in the base but just finally being able to cut into him to teach him a lesson was worth the lecture guaranteed from engie and/or medic later that evening.
you were crouched behind him, struggling to stay on your haunches and you rocked mick's body back and forth in an attempt to get him off jeremy. unfortunately, your much smaller frame wasn't able to do much despite your best attempts. you huffed trying your absolute best to get a hold of the much stronger and taller figure in front of you.
a few meek squeaks and a laboured breaths exited his mouth. you heard a thud from infront of mick, you couldn't see what it was due to micks' frame being in front of you but you could only assume it was scouts lifeless body hitting the ground.
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tf2redshot · 2 years
Hey!, ever thought if y/n likes yander sniper? like if the victim likes sniper but doesn’t know he’s crazy? And likes snipers company? eney thoughts queen? 💅✨
Yandere Sniper With A Dense Fucking Reader
TW: yandere, obsession, abusive relationship
This makes things so much easier for Sniper.
Sniper had to go through so many setbacks to get to you. He was always bothered with people who were interested in you, people who spent a lot of time around you, and those who've caught on to his behavior. It was bothersome, but he would go through anything for you. After all of this, he and you could finally be together.
It didn't take long for Sniper to catch on to your feelings. He'd notice your shy, but constant glances at him, or the way you stared at his hands as he deftly worked with his rifle. It was cute how you thought you were being subtle about it. He pretended to not notice for a while, obsessing over how you obsessed over him.
He wanted to experiment a little, to see how you'd react if you saw him talk to someone else, or if he stood close to you, or 'accidentally' left a piece of his clothing behind. To his surprise, you reacted even better than he expected. You would sometimes glare at the back of whoever he talked to. You'd blush and act up on your nervousness when he stood close to you. When he came back to look for his jacket, he found you burying your face in the piece of clothing. His heart leapt in excitement. You wanted him just as badly as he wanted you.
He finally made a move about a month after that, and naturally you said yes. He was incredibly overprotective of you. He didn't like when you talked to all the other men on the base, and would always let you know he was jealous. Why? Because you didn't seem to mind. You found it cute.
At this point your friends and family - heck, even the mercs, have caught on to everything, but are too afraid to intervene or have given up on trying to get you to change your mind.
"I don' think this is a good idea, frankly." Engineer says, approaching you after dinner one evening. You huff, knowing where this conversation is going, again.
"I'm fine, Engie. Everything's been going great. I don't get why you guys are so..." You trail off, using hand gestures to emphasize your point. You don't want to roll your eyes at him, but you do, and he's quiet for a moment, before he wordlessly nods and leaves you alone.
Ever since you two have gotten together, you haven't been around anyone else as much. You're so used to his company and get so worried when he's away - you can't focus on whoever you're with, because you're busy wondering if Sniper's okay without you. Slowly, your friends and family have just, disappeared. You've lost touch with any of them, because you're so attached to Sniper.
Your friends and family, the mercs even, constantly worry over you, but leave you be. This is your decision - they have to respect that.
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Wholesome Obsession (Scenario) Sniper X Sweet Little Darling Future Wife (TF2)
#Yandere #YandereSniper #YandereTeamFortress2 #YandereTF2 #YandereScenario #Scenario #TF2 #TF2Sniper #Sniper #SniperXReader #TeamFortress2Sniper #FemaleReader 
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, and here we are, My goal for 2023 is to get a lot of my old requests done, so here I am with another one, this one is from Team Fortress 1 and is Sniper. So yes please enjoy this!]
(Sniper) (Choosing A Bride)
(Sinper's POV)
Fucking hell, Ma and Dad are on my arse about having kids. So I finally decided to "Settle down" and have a family. I thought this would be easy, but boy was I wrong. Finding a good wife who will not ask too many questions, be a good match for me, and be willing to work with my hours... yeah this was not a walk in the park. I hunted down people over a year that were easier than this! I go to the bar to get a drink. Bugger, I am going to have to disappoint Ma again.
"Excuse me, can I get directions?" I hear a sweet voice says and turn to see a beautiful woman looking at the bartender. She had bags and a smile on her face she sounded like she was from (the place you grew up)
Sniper's heart began to race and he feels his palms becoming sweaty. Shit.
"Looks like you going a far way out, you might want to grab something to eat there, sheila." The bartender said and she nodded sitting down and looking at the chalkboard menu.
"You want any suggestions?" I ask her not even thinking.
She looked at me, a smile on her face that almost knocked me to my feet.
"Oh, that would be wonderful." She says. "I am (Name)."
She holds out her hand and I shake it. She was smaller than me and I did not want to let go- What the hell is wrong with me!?! We ended up eating together and sitting there talking. She just moved here for the summer and I decided to give her a ride in my van.
She thanked me and we headed out. Luckily enough she was renting the place next to my parents. I smile and helped her carry her bags. I do not know what she has done to me but I wanted her. That night I lay awake thinking about her. Only to get up at four no sleep and drink a pot of coffee.
It is her, she is the one! I ended up researching the shit out of her. She was beyond sweet and cute and loving and honestly, she was the perfect match for me. Not the perfect wife, but the more I learned about her the more I wanted her. I will have her as my wife. I just have to make her love me or get her to agree to marry me. I got to make a plan.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy, my sexy muffins!]
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cbsxreader · 1 year
Can I request yandere CBS trying to clean up reader in the bath after an unsuccessful escape attempt. Please and thank you.
Yandere Christian cleaning you up after an escape attempt
NSFW (Yandere themes, injuries, implied sexual encounters)
Ps.:You call him 'Brutal' in this story
You had tried to escape again, this time you almost made it. As you ran through the dark and vicious forest, you could see a small town or a village in the distance. Empowered by your 'lover' chasing you, you suddenly found all the strength in the world to get back to civilisation. But Brutal caught up with you before you could get noticed by anyone else.
After getting you back home, he gave you a painful beating and an awfully loud lecture before he decided to let his steam off on something else. Brutal had locked you in a cold, dark room with an old, uncomfortable cot in it and then left.
After a couple hours of crying into the mattress and not moving an inch, you heard the door being unlocked. Some light shone onto your shivering form. You were afraid to move, heartbeat immediately fastening and tears threatening to fall again. Brutal's footsteps neared closer, you closed your eyes, awaiting whatever he was about to do to you. Nothing. Tear streaks ran down your cheeks as you braced yourself.
"Get up." You heard his deep voice.
You pushed the upper half of your body up and slightly scrambled to move your legs to the edge of the bed. You placed your bare feet onto the cold floor tiles and stood up. Your arms remained at your sides and you avoided his eyes, looking down.
"Up. Here." Brutal said in a more stern tone.
You took a deep breath before you looked into his eyes. Your breath got caught in your throat as his red eyes bore into yours.
"Now listen here." His voice cut the tense silence "Take those clothes off. Or else Oi'll rip them off ya."
You were at the verge of breaking down again. If you don't take your clothes off, your body will be rotting in his basement. If you do take your clothes off, he'll fuck the living hell out of you before leaving you in your room again. You weren't looking forward to neither of the outcomes. But after your latest attempt, you gained a bit of hope. You slipped up a few times, yes, but if you had avoided your mistakes, you could have been free. And it was enough for you to choose the second option and have a chance at survival.
You took in deep breaths, calming yourself down, and started to take your clothes off. You nervously draped your clothing off of you and dropped each item in a pile. Brutal's grin grew wider as each piece of clothing came off of you. It unsettled you, but it was still better than getting killed.
In a few moments, you were completely naked. The cold, still air made you get goosebumps all over you and your nipples hardened. You closed your eyes and furrowed your brows, bracing for him to do whatever he pleased to you.
Brural hid his teeth but continued to smile. He placed his left hand on your waist and his right hand rose to your chin and made you look up at him "Look at you, so beautiful for me~" You opened your eyes only to notice he was looking at your chest instead of your face.
He seemed to notice you opening your eyes and looked back up at you "Come on, Roo, Oi've got something prepared for you." Brutal whispered barely loud enough for you to hear him.
He hooked his arm around your waist and lead you to the door. His arm made contact with yours and you couldn't help but raise your arms up and cross them over your chest. This kind of behavior usually got you in trouble, Brutal really didn't like it when you hid yourself from him. But he either didn't notice, or was too eager about whatever he had planned and didn't care. You knew you couldn't get used to it, maybe he's just in a better mood than earlier...
You soon reached the bathroom and before you could ask what he was going to do, he already opened the door. You were greeted with an...unusual sight. The dark, worn-down bathroom was accompanied by a clean bathtub filled with water instead of blood, some shampoo bottles, cleaning supplies and a single scented candle. You were confused, to say the least.
''So? Aren't you going to get in, Love?'' Brutal spoke again.
His voice made you snap out of your thoughts. You took in another breath and headed towards the bath, his arm slipped off from your waist. This wasn't too bad. At least...not yet. When you got close to the bathtub, you could see that the water was actually clear and you felt yourself become slightly less tense.
Your fear spiked again when he let out a dark chuckle. That was the sound you feared the most, because it meant he had an idea. An idea to do something to you. You kept your composure since you knew you were going to go in that bathtub one way or another. You carefully climbed into the bathtub. "Please don't undress, please don't undress, please don't undress" echoed through your mind. The water was strangely warm and relaxed your muscles, but you didn't want to relax. You wanted to be ready for anything.
You didn't even hear him when he came up behind you. Brutal was just suddenly there. He grabbed your scalp with a strong grip. You already expected the worst, but it turned out he was taking small twigs, leaves and other small things out of your hair.
Brutal took the shampoo, squeezed some of it on your head and massaged your scalp. The sound of foam getting pushed around fillied your ears. He got his long fingers entangled in your hair, still having a good grip on your head.
While massaging your head, he noticed something. He thought it was something he should take care of, but it turned out to be his own doing.
"Stay still, or else I'll cut yer head off and stick it on a pike." He threatened you, holding a knife to your throat.
The knife retreated back to him, leaving you wondering what he was about to do. Then you felt it, on the back of your neck, just below your hair.
The cold blade cut your skin, blood quickly making an appearance. You held in a sob, streams of tears ran down your cheeks and chin. He pushed the knife a tad bit deeper and started to carve something. Some time passed before you felt the blade leave your skin. You released a breath you didn't realize you were holding in and winced at the feeling of sensitivity from your fresh cut.
He then locked you in a room which later turned out to be asigned to you. After crying yourself to sleep, you woke up when the bleeding had already stopped. You found a piece of a shattered mirror and used it to look at the nape of your neck. Tears threatened to fall again when you saw "CBS" in stoic lettering carved in your skin.
Brutal knew he had to make sure everyone knew who you belonged to when he kidnapped you. The sick bastard smiled to himself, admiring his work. You could just feel it.
He continued to apply the shampoo for a few minutes before his hands left you. You saw him take what seemed to be a small cooking pot. Brutal scooped up water into it and, knowing his plan, you closed your eyes shut. He poured the water on your head before filling up the pot again. This time he entangled his hands in your hair to really wash the shampoo out. After a few moments of rinsing, he put the pot back down.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Oh you know, Oi just wanted to be close to ya'~" Brutal slid his hand down your body and stopped at your thigh.
"After you tried to leave me..again.." His voice was suddenly darker and he posessively groped your thigh.
You let out a small whimper, that voice meant he was upset. And when he's upset, he gets aggresive. And when he's aggresive, you get hurt.
He squeezed your thigh even more, before his hand suddenly relaxed and you could hear him take a deep breath and let it out. Did he..actually hold himself back from hurting you?
His hands suddenly left you as you heard noises that sounded like plastic bottles being pushed aside in a search for something. You decided not to risk seeing something you weren't meant to see.
Brutal was visible in your vision again. He had a cotton pad and a blue and green medicine bottle with him. He opened the medicine bottle and poured a small amount of it onto the pad, dying it a bright red colour. Curiousity has killed the cat before, so you didn't question the medicine.
Brutal lifted your leg out of the water and turned his attention to your heavily bruised knee. He took the cotton and lightly dapped the bruise. You were confused, why was he dapping the bruise if blood had already stopped? That confusion was replaced by surprise as you saw the small gashes close and your knee became good as new.
You were so caught up in wonder that you didn't notice Brutal tending to the cut on your arm. Same thing happened. Lightly dapped it, wound quickly closed and you felt like there had never been a cut on your arm. This repeated as he tended to other wounds.
Brutal finished with your wounds and put the cotton away. "Well, I think that's about it."
You got out of the bathtub with no hesitation while he searched for two towels. You stood there, dripping water onto the floor, before feeling the texture of a towel on your skin. He got every single inch of your skin dry.
Brutal gave you the two ends of your towel and you wrapped yourself up. He took the second towel and went behind you. A moment of silence.
"How do you wrap this on your head? I've only ever just let my hair dry naturally.."
● ● ●
Brutal must have been in a WAY better mood than before. Not only was he carrying you bridal style to your shared bedroom but he also let you dry your hair and brush your teeth. You still had your arms over your chest though. You had spent enough time together with him that you knew he was trying to see your vulnerable side by doing something nice.
Brutal pushed the door to the bedroom open with his foot. Once he had gotten so angry that he made the door unhinge, so there's that. He carried you to the bed and placed you down. You were facing away from him, but the sounds of him peeling away his clothing were too recognizable. Oh no...Tears pooled in your eyes as you felt the bed dip from his weight.
But, instead of his hard cock poking at you, he hugged you from behind. Brutal got as close as possible and you could tell he had kept his boxers on. He buried his face in your neck and let out a content sigh.
Your confusion spiked up again. Isn't he going to violate me? In any way? There was always something behind his actions, both kind and cruel, and you knew it. You couldn't stay quiet for long.
"Aren't you going to do anything?" You whispered.
"Heh, you'll get your brains fucked out in the mornin', love. For now, I want to admire how beautiful you are like this."
You wish this night never ends.
Again, I'm sorry this took so long to finish :,)
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respawned-dove · 7 hours
GOD your headcanons are so good... could i maybe get a short fic with a yandere sniper x transmasc reader.... doing gods work ouult here
I hope you don't mind it, anon, I heavily headcanon Sniper as transmasc as well, so this will be t4t.
yan! transmasc! Sniper x transmasc! Reader - NSFW
CW/TW: stalking, violence, noncon voyeurism, implied necrophilism (not descriptive, imagined by a character and not actually happening), marijuana & cigarette mentions, self loathing, sadism
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Worn leather boots trudge up sandy dirt as Sniper steps out of his camper, shifting the strap of his gun as he looks up at the buildings above him. In the dark, the apartment blocks and houses loom overhead with darkened windows. He’s been here often enough that he knows exactly the fire escape to climb, and the exact ladder from there that takes him to the roof. Settling into the highest point, he sets up his gun in a makeshift nest. The only reason he brought it, really, is the scope. His scope is a fucking nice one, he doesn’t even hazard a guess at how much it cost the people he works for. It’s perfect for seeing long distances, for seeing into the crevices of every place he’s not meant to look.
Through the small lens, he focuses in on a seemingly random apartment, seeking the content within. The lights are still on, and being so high up, you never close your blinds. It gives him a view of your bedroom window, like a private theatre screen. He checks his watch, which reads 22:00, around the time you get into the shower every night. Annoyingly he has some time to kill before you’ll be there to watch. Grumbling to himself, he pulls out a cigarette to smoke. Lit, he pulls a puff of smoke in, eyes still focused through the scope.
Sniper has been watching you for a while now, though what started it he himself can hardly remember. A bit too much kindness shown to a stranger in a public place, being followed home without noticing, and now you have a gunman’s sights trained on you for life. He closes his eyes as he takes a particularly deep breath of nicotine, something itching in his mind. It bothers him often, the idea of approaching you again. You wouldn’t remember him, surely. It would just be an organic meeting, an organic going out for drinks.
With a grimace, he puts out the cigarette on his own hand, scoffing at himself. As if he feels at place enough in a bar to take you out, or could have a normal conversation for once in his life. It’s not worth the risk of ruining the chance. He prefers the fantasy of you. The idea of having you to himself, without any of the practice required to maintain a relationship with a human being.
Before he can dwell on his moping, there’s movement in your room. You step out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. His cheeks grow ruddy and his hands grip tighter to his gun as he watches you move. He remembers the first time he saw you like this, the brief confusion at the towel being over your middle and bottom at once. But it came off and showed him the stars. Thinking about it stirs him up, and as the towel falls from you in his scope, he tugs his own pants off a bit, unbuttoning them to reach his own tcock.
Touching himself slowly, firmly, he watches you move around the room naked. Dumb thing to do with your blinds open, he thinks. Like you want someone to bloody stare at you. He bites his lip, hard, breathing out heavily. The thought that you know somehow, that you would want him to be seeing you like this, it makes his whole body hot. You’ve laid out on your bed, naked. Innocently relaxing post-shower. All while giving him the perfect view of your entire form.
Your body is softer than his. You’ve definitely not been taking testosterone as long as he has. Eyes half closing he pictures how warm and gentle your flesh would be, yielding to his hands as they would squeeze and prod at you. In his mind he pictures what your moans might sound like. He imagines how easily you might get aroused with him touching you, how easily his fingers would fit into you. He curls two into himself, imagining it’s your body instead. It makes him shudder and groan, adjusting the scope to zoom in on you even further. God, it’s like he’s right there in bed with you.
He bites a tooth into his fresh cigarette burn, crying out and groaning quietly. Would you do things like that for him? Would you hurt him? Let him hurt you? In the hot night air he’s drenched in sweat, jerking himself off to the sight of you, the idea of you. He imagines putting on a harness and using a toy on you. He’s never done that before, but with you he wants it. He wants it, to feel you pinned under him like a caught animal. Crying under him as he bites and claws you.
You’ve rolled onto your stomach on your bed, and he wants to be there, on top of you, feeling you, hurting you. He strokes his tcock hurriedly, feeling his knife split your skin, feeling his hands hurt you even beyond the ways he’s hurt men before. Hitting you, carving into you, smashing your head onto the ground until you’re silent. Warm blood coming from your skin. And his hands the cause of it all, pleasure, pain. He feels you cum. He feels you die. And then he cums to the thought.
The clarity of what he just got off to hits him before he’s even done orgasming, and he reels his face away from his scope, panting hotly. The redness in his face becomes one of shame rather than arousal, and he clutches a hand into his shirt as he tries to calm himself down. What kind of sick freak is he, what was that? He knows what it was. He thinks these things often, no matter how much he pushes them back. Even on the battlefield he feels that excitement, the arousal of someone dying by his hand. Pleasure found in splattering brains. But, you? Did he just think that of you?
There’s a reason you’re better off as only an idea to him.
He wipes his hand on his own clothes and packs himself back up in his van as quickly as possible. Drives far away, even past his team’s base, out into the desert. Quiet. It’s quiet out there. He parks, and rests his head on the steering wheel. Nothing but the sounds of night out there now. And him panting.
Sleep doesn’t come for him that night, and instead he spends it trying to stop thinking about you and how you’re sleeping. He smokes, then smokes weed instead, and watches the sun rising while telling himself he can’t even go back and watch you again, that he can’t let himself indulge in the sadism he can never wash his brain from.
But he will go back. And he will watch you again. And of course, he’ll cum to those exact thoughts, again and again.
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redamoureux · 2 years
> Team Fortress 2 | Madness combat
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( Edited: 21/4/23 )
Multiple characters:
Valentine Special (All Mercs) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part3
Sniper & Scout reaction with darling who has fear of isolation
Yandere BLU Pyro headcanons/short
Yandere Platonic Heavy headcanons
Platonic Engineer with someone who wants to be like him
Medic with darling who has the same interest as him
Medic with darling who passes out from stress
General Romantic Medic Headcanons
Sniper with darling who has a child
Yandere Spy assasinating darling's corrupt family
General Romantic Spy Headcanons
Canon divergence
General Emesis Blue Soldier short scenario
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jaydezsworld1 · 1 year
Searching for requests
Hi so this is my first post here and I want to start writing but I don't have any ideas. The fandoms that I write are South Park, Team Fortress 2, Modern Warfare 2, Demon Slayer, Genshin Impact and Yandere Simulator. Thank you for reading I guess even though it was pretty short for a first post here.
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isaactheterrible · 11 months
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Team Fortress 2:
Sniper And Demo Talking About Cryptids
Sniper Appearance Headcanon (Art)
Tf2 Main Cast Relationships With Religion
Tf2 Side Characters Rejecting Your Love Confession
Tf2 Main Cast Rejecting Your Love Confession
Soldier x Pyro
Soldier Nsfw Headcanons
Medic Nsfw Headcanons
Tf2 Main Cast Accepting Your Love Confession
Tf2 Side Characters Christmas Presents
Main Cast Christmas Presents
Main Cast Yandere Version
Tf2 Main Cast Queer Headcanons
Tf2 Main Cast Ideal Dates
Tf2 Side Characters Relationships With Queerness
Tf2 Main Cast Relationships With Queerness
Jeff x Nina Nsfw Headcanons
Jeff x Nina Accidental Pregnancy
Jeff x Nina (Smut)
Call Of Duty:
Ghost x Male Reader (Smut)
141 x GN Reader Surprise Birthday Party
141 Omegaverse Headcanons
Hector Doyle NSFW Headcanons
Retsu Kaiho SFW & NSFW Headcanons
Rules For Requests
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5eraphim · 2 years
The Yandere Merc’s Love Languages
Characters: Team Fortress 2
Rating: T
Trigger Warnings: Yandere Behavior, toxic relationship dynamics
Word Count: 2.5k
(song inspo)
Last Edited: 1/6/2023
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The Scout
Expressing: Physical Touch
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Close to an even split between expressing and receiving words of affirmation. Most would assume as much, given his infamous loudmouth reputation. But he finds using actions most effective to show how much he genuinely cares. Scout may fall back on words of affirmation as his most common way to express affection, but when he means it the most, he'll opt for the latter.
Scout can come off as a bit handsy when the two of you are out in public. He likes to show you off around other people and how much he loves you. He's always got an arm around your waist or hips. He's not afraid to get a little frisky with you, no matter who's watching, he loves the attention and double looks people give seeing him so brazenly intimate.
He is never one to control himself whenever infatuated, and you are no exception. He has this unknown subconscious need to keep you close when the two of you are alone and can be a natural cuddle bug when he's feeling extra needy. When he's feeling a bit more low-key, he'll like to spend nights with you, watching movies with your head on his chest. He loves seeing you smile and laugh. Nothing feels better to him than to feel the weight of your body against his, shaking with laughter.
As much as he likes to talk himself up and brag around other people when it's just the two of you, he's shockingly needy. Scout is desperate for your full attention and compliments and will lose his mind if he goes too long without hearing your praise.
Competitive to his core, even when utterly smitten. Scout always wants to be the most important person in your life, and when you see how insecure he is in private, you can't help but pity him slightly despite yourself.
The Soldier
Expressing: Acts of Service
Receiving: Quality Time
Solly always pours his total energy and heart into what matters most to him, which is especially true of you. Protecting you and acting as your lover grants him a sense of security and validation he's never known before, and he would do anything to guard this.
Despite his behavior, yandere Solly is at least somewhat aware of how other people see him as a fool, but he doesn't care about any of that. So long as he can prove to you his heart's in the right place, that's all that matters to him. And he will do whatever it takes to prove this to you.
He's low-key a mix of acts of service and physical touch, though he isn't nearly as touch-obsessed as Scout. The two are naturally drawn to more concrete displays of affection because of instant gratification.
Solly will expect your undivided attention and affection in exchange for his efforts. As your lover, he deserves nothing less. Any time he is off the battlefield or away from his duties to his team, he wants you by his side. Nothing is worse to him than being stuck all alone with his own thoughts.
In his mind, the time he spends with you equals rare moments of peace. In a sense, you represent his "end game" or his "idyllic peace." Finally, something to dream about after the war.
The Pyro
Expressing: Gift Giving
Receiving: Quality Time
Some might call them childish, but the way Pyro has preserved their inner childlike wonder is enviable. Not concerned with the incongruity between their perceptions and reality, Pyro lives to have fun and enjoy all the wonder and happiness life offers.
Pyro's something of a magpie. They love to collect and hoard cute little knick-knacks and trinkets which catch their eye when out and about and bring them home to you. Loves the way they get to share these little tokens of affection with you, their little way to give you back a bit of the joy you bring them. They may never bring home something as valuable or beautiful as you, but the best they can do is surround you with what they can gather.
Even the smallest gifts mean so much to them! There's so much cuteness and joy in the world when you're around; they want to show and share everything with you. They're also surprisingly perceptive of what you like and will do their best to bring back what they know you'd enjoy. 
Pyro is repulsed by how life feels so gray and bland when you aren't around, so they want you close by as often as possible. It doesn't matter if it's just loafing around, cooking, or doing chores. It doesn't matter what, so long as it's done with you They just can't get enough of the giddiness you bring them!
The one condition here is they would never want to bring you to the battlefield. They are at least a little aware of how they can lose themself while in combat, and they would never want to risk losing something as important as you so recklessly.
The Demoman
Expressing: Quality Time
Receiving: Acts of Service
No matter how little he may have to spare, Demo finds it vital to set aside time every day to spend with the people he loves. Considering how crazy his life can get, this little space where he can find some control and peace means the world to him.
Even though the time spent together matters the most to him, Demo is perceptive of your likes and dislikes and will do his best to ensure that as long as the two of you are together, he'll keep you entertained or, in some way, content. Drunken or sober, Demo would prefer to share his time in the company of others rather than all alone. (Though obviously, he'd seek out your companionship first and foremost.)
When sober, Demo will try to show you how much you mean to him. He'll want to make memories with you, his gentle way of convincing you how much happier you can be if you stay with him. If he's drunk, he would be more likely to manipulate you and claim he needs you around to keep him safe from his own recklessness.
It means a lot to Demo to have someone look out for him while he's sloshed. To him, it's a meaningful act, seeing it as a way for him to be vulnerable, unfiltered around you, knowing you wouldn't abandon him. 
Unfortunately, he's more likely to become more intoxicated when feeling affection-deprived. If Demo's feeling particularly sinister, he might even challenge you to drink with him, knowing how easy it would be to get you in a more suggestive state of mind.
The Heavy
Expressing: Acts of Service
Receiving: Quality Time
He's close to an even split between expressing and receiving acts of service but is slightly more apt to share quality time with you. Considering how hard it is for him to find time to spend by himself sometimes, he'd want to spend whatever he had to spare with you. 
Nothing is a greater sense of pride for him than being able to protect and provide for those he loves. And, in turn, nothing makes him feel more loved than keeping you safe. To the degree, Heavy considers this what he was born to do.
He's tormented by feeling as though he's already lost so much time with his loved ones away working. He would do whatever he needed to ensure his relationship with you didn't end up like that. Not only for his own loneliness but also for fearing you'd question if he really loved you.
Generally prefers to remain active when spending time with you. Heavy really appreciates when you keep him company while he's doing chores, cleaning his gun, or eating. Still, if he really did just have some time to kill, he would love to read you some classical literature in his native tongue if you were interested. He would love to try and teach you, though this isn't one of his strong suits.
The Engineer
Expressing: Acts of Service
Receiving: Physical Touch
Like many other mercs, he has the easiest time expressing himself through physical means, partially due to his nature and nurture. Engie was brought up around practical-minded people and learned to show he cares by following their example. He's not exactly touch-starved, but he's more the type to crave your touch specifically.
He might be old-school in some of his views on how relationships "ought to be." Engie believes it's his job to be the primary provider for his partner. You can bet this man will absolutely work wonders in the kitchen. (To this day, he holds onto some of the recipes his mother cooked when he was a little boy, and Engie's always dreamed of the day he found someone special to share these with. The day he met you, he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd have his moment to shine.) His little way of letting you know, so long as it was just the two of you together, you'd always be comfortable.
Hates the way he can get so lonely tinkering away in his shop for hours on end. If you were to stop by and offer to help, he would be over the moon. It wouldn't matter to him if you were exceptionally proficient with machines. It's not the help he's so happy about, not the skill. It's the consideration and loyalty of choosing to come and visit him and spend some time at his side, something he would never take for granted.
While he may not be the most touchy-feely person, Engie isn't shy either! If he were craving more intimacy, he'd let his hands rest against your body, pull you closer to him, and sneak sly kisses along your neck while he gently squeezed and ran his hands along your shoulders.
Loves a good back rub. The perfect mix of affection, physical intimacy, practicality, the whole nine. There's nothing Engie loves more than to come home after a long day and stretch out with you. He's lying on his belly shirtless, you straddling his hips while you work out the knots and tension in his shoulders and back. This is his heaven on Earth.
The Medic
Expressing: Quality Time
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Poor Medic is woefully out of practice and perhaps the most awkward with romance out of any of the mercs (second only to Sniper.) It's not that he's repulsed. He certainly craves affection and companionship, the same as any man. It's the initiation and enigmatic emotions which always trip him up, 
Naturally, he'd feel most at ease within his own element, keeping you around for companionship's sake, while he can stay busy and avoid getting overly flustered or awkward around you. Definitely prefers to keep active. The more focus he devotes to the task at hand, the less likely he will get tongue-tied expressing himself. So long as he knows you're around, it's enough to soothe him.
Much like Engie, he's not necessarily touch-starved. He can't help but crave the warmth and comfort your touch never fails to bring. Medic suffers from mild separation anxiety whenever he's away from you for too long or if he doesn't know exactly where you are. Might accidentally snap or lash out at you if you were to leave unexpectedly or for longer than you said you would.
While his own emotions can be so cumbersome to deal with, when you take the time to look him in the eyes, hold his hand, or express how you genuinely care for him, it eases his anxieties. Though there's always the voice in the back of his head telling him the only way to ensure you'll love him forever is if he's your only choice of a lover, he does his best to keep that part of himself under wraps at least for your sake. (Or at least for the time being).
The Sniper
Expressing: Quality Time
Receiving: Physical Touch
To be blunt, Sniper is down bad for physical comfort or really contact of any kind. But he knew what he was signing up for when he chose the Sniper profession. Though this does little to alleviate the sting of loneliness, he suffers amidst long nights of isolation.
To some extent, he's pretty discontent with how accustomed he is to live like a recluse. Even if he knows it is rather dangerous, he likes it when you keep him company in his van when he's out on stakeouts, though at a safe physical distance. He'd do anything to keep from feeling so utterly alone against the rest of the world.
Despite the dangers, Sniper is aware the closer he keeps you during dangerous times, the easier it will be to keep you safe. Additionally, the less likely you are to try and slip away from him, given the severe danger around you.
He's not the handsy type someone like Scout might be, but he is addicted to the warmth of your skin against his body in downtime. Can get a bit fidgety, so he'll usually be drumming his fingers against you or nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Really likes when you sit between his lanky legs so he can just kinda sprawl out around and on top of you. 
He's well aware of how people who aren't trained Snipers can become somewhat disturbed during stakeouts. You might find yourself lurking closer to him to keep away from the danger despite yourself. The hours of near-silence and darkness wear down on you, hindering your judgment considerably.
The Spy
Expressing: Gift Giving
Receiving: Physical Touch
Given that Spy is the most experienced in love and romance, he's more likely to try and get a read for you and play to what he'd suspect your love language would be and use this to his advantage as a manipulation tactic to appeal to you.
A lover of all things beautiful and precious, he's the type to try to show you how beloved he finds you by surprising you with little mementos and tokens of affection. Unlike Pyro, though, he's more discernible and only brings you the best of the best rather than Pyro's magpie approach.
He spared no expense, though given how espionage and theft go hand in hand, it'd be in your best interest not to overthink how exactly he managed to afford such lavishness. Despite the possessive behavior, manipulative streak, and possibly conspiring you in his crimes, even you had to admit, the man has spectacular taste. And to reject something so lovely and leave it to gather dust? Surely that's a greater crime than any theft, right? 🥺
Despite his smooth-talking, magnetic presence and charming allure, you can't help but worry he's just leading you on to get in your pants and likely are blissfully unaware of how deep his possessiveness runs.
The Spy's love of beauty and art is part of the reason he's so drawn to your physical form, and even if you think he harbors ulterior motives, he will do anything to prove his pure love for you.
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jermer10 · 7 months
i really liked your yandere sniper! could you do a oneshot? fluff or smut is fine and you don't have to do it :) -
TF2 his prize | sniper x reader
18+ only, afab reader | thank you so much for the ask anon!!!! i am NOT the best at yandere, but i put my heart n soul into this for u <3
tw: sexual content, somnophilia, stalking, yandere, noncon that turns consensual, hunt/prey dynamic, kidnapping
drabbles under the cut :P
He could stare at you for hours. Hours, and hours, and hours. You were pristine, soft, clean. You keep yourself looking good for him, he knows it. He sees the way you strip to nothing in your room, tits bouncing as you squeeze into your cute little pyjamas. You lived with your curtains wide open, something he had a love-hate relationship with. How many other men sat in the apartment across the street, staring at your figure through the scope of a gun? Probably not many, but the thought still enraged him. Mundy wanted you all to himself, he wanted to earn you, to indulge in the hunt. He didn't want you to gift yourself to him, not like you had to the other people in your life. He amount of people he killed for you, for less than cheap sex, for less than treating you shitty. For less than a dirty look.
Tonight was the night he was going to win you. He had begun to make himself known, lingering too long in your peripheral vision, becoming sloppy when exploring your apartment, leaving your window open, using your shower. He reveled in the way you begun to take precautions, and the way he had managed to avoid getting caught. You setup cameras, looked over your shoulder more often, made sure to check your locks multiple times. Tonight, it would all become worth something. He knew you were asleep, 2 years of monitoring you and he was certain of your sleeping patterns. The window slid with ease, you had likely forgotten to lock it, but to him this was a sign of surrender.
Mundy entered your room swiftly and quietly, making sure he had left the window opened slightly. If you did awake, he would need a quick exit strategy. He couldn't bring it to himself to kill you, so getting caught and running away whilst you were still in a groggy state was preferable. The smell of perfume hit him first. Then the feeling of the carpet beneath this shoes. Then the sight of you. Your face was scrunched in a sort of desperate, needy way. Eyes shut tight, hips grinding into the pillow between your legs. His cock stood at full attention, uncomfortably rubbing against the fabric of his pants. He wondered if you were dreaming about him? He wondered if the excitement of having a stalker ever turned you on? He crept behind you, sliding his pants down to his ankles, pulling his throbbing dick out from his boxer shorts.
He spat in his hand, and began to stroke the length. It was all too exciting for him, his breath came out short and hot, light sighs and moans extruded from his throat. This wasn't the first time he had masturbated over your sleeping form, but it was the first where he had the intention of fucking you. Precum dribbled from his dick into his hand, which he used as lube. He didn't typically enjoy edging himself, but the thought of finally being able to feel you wrap around him almost pushed him over. He had to regain his composure, cock twitching in dissatisfaction. "Lucky fuckin' pillow..." He mumbled annoyed, listening intently to your quiet moans. He was sure you were close, he had to act fast.
The creaking of the bed under his added weight should have been enough alone to wake you. He cringed at the sound, but your moans did not cease. Mundy almost ripped your shorts off of you in anticipation, the sight of your bare pussy up close could have made him cum then and there if not for his unwavering determination to fuck you. You were already slick with wetness, and Mundy was sick of waiting. He slid his length in, one hand on his cock and the other on your hip, slowly and deliberately. You stirred, mewling as he stretched you open. You felt so gummy, so tight around him. Mundy couldn't take it, this was his one chance and he wasn't going to waste it. He thrust into you sharply, you cried out. It was a wonder how you were still sleeping during this, he considered it a miracle.
Well, he knew you weren't going to be asleep for long. He thrust into you a second time, cock spasming at the sound of your throaty moans. Then again, and again, and again. He couldn't hold back, hands ravaging your body. He laid behind you, on his side, and as uncomfortable the position was, he didn't care. Mundy was pussy drunk, unrelenting and cruel. You shortly awoke, feeling his hands gripping onto your tits and the feeling of his dick rearranging your guts. You wanted to scream, to cry, to fight off the man behind you. You knew it was him, your stalker. But a part of you found the whole ordeal....exciting. More exciting than any mentally sound person should.
Mundy didn't notice you, and if he did, he didn't seem to care. He drove into you, the feeling was unbearably harsh, you were unbearably warm, you were in pain, and yet it all felt so good. Moans drawn from your already sore throat, your hands gripped the side of the bed and your eyes squeezed shut as you began to hit your orgasm. A low, reverberating moan from the stranger behind you and you were undone, walls spasming around his cock, a high pitched squeal emitting from you. Your breathing was heavy, exhausted. Mundy came shortly after, pulling out and spilling onto your back and bedsheets.
You were an even better fuck than he could have imagined, how could he bear to let anyone else experience you this way? To let anyone else have you? And so, a calculated decision was made. You awoke in a room you had never seen before, arms and legs bound to a beam in the middle of the cold, plain room. A stranger walked in, no, not a stranger, it was him.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 2 months
On the day of 10.08.2024, I'm back to writing! I do mostly canon x reader, can do canon x canon I do both HC and fics/oneshots Fandoms I write for:
The Amazing Digital Circus: - Everyone (Mostly HC but I might do some oneshots, but I like HC better for this show) - Including: Ragatha, Pomni, Jax, Kinger, Gangle, etc.
Amphibia: <ON HOLD> - Marcy Wu - Sasha Waybright - Anne Boonchuy - Others, just ask!
Spider-man: Across the spider verse: <ON HOLD> - Mainly Gwen Stacy - will do: Miles Morales, Pavitr, Hobie, Miguel, Spider-Noir and others
Voltron: - Pidge Gunderson - and others
DDLC: <ON HOLD> - Sayori, - Natsuki, - Monika, - Yuri
FNAF: - Vanessa Shelby (Fnaf movie) - Vanessa (Security Breach) - Vanny - Others, just ask!
TF2: - Ms. Pauling, - Scout, - Spy, - Medic, - Heavy, - Engie, - Soldier, - Demo, - Sniper, - Pyro (Mainly /p with Pyro)
Overwatch: <ON HOLD> !Venture/Moira/Mercy doesn't count! - Venture! - Tracer - Sombra - Mercy - Moira - Kiriko - Cassidy - Maybe others!
THE WALKING DEAD TELL TALE GAMES!!!!!!!!: - Kenny - Lily - Carley - Lee - Nick - Molly!!! - Jane - Violet - Louis - Clementine - Others, just ask! I love TWDG fr fr - Lowkey if you send me ref of your TWD oc I might do fanart of 'em.
Fallout: New Vegas: - Corporal Betsy!!!!!! - Boone - Others, just ask
Tangled the series: - Cassandra - Others
OTHERS - Just write the character and fandom from where they are, I might write them!
Basic Rules: - No full on NSFW, - Suggestive is fine, - Platonic and Romantic :3 - No yanderes, none - No fetish work - No proships, anything similiar - Light gore, full on angst, angst/no happy ending, are all okay!!!
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scoutsbabygirl · 4 months
the butcher of badwater; (yandere) sniper x reader [part 2]
part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/scoutsbabygirl/751123357519560704/the-butcher-of-badwater-yandere-sniper-x-reader?source=share
Tumblr media
"why the hell did you do that!?"
cautiously, on your hands and feet flat on the ground you backed up, lifting your ass off the ground. you always knew something was wrong with him (honestly, you brushed it off the isolation, loneliness of being adopted to even speculating he had some degree of autism) but this was something you could never imagine him doing. well, he was a killer but you didn't think he would kill his coworkers. rabbits, deer and other creatures around didn't count either as you knew he was an outdoorsy type of man and hunting game was his specialty.
"i don't like the way he looks at you." he stood up without warning and sharply turned his front to you. you only saw his back before. his face and aviators were covered in blood, his entire front look like he bought the clothes a crimson red and not a baby blue colour. "i don't like the way he talks to you" he eyebrows narrowed indicating he was concentration. you could see jeremy's body just behind him but you didn't dare to look. "i don't like how he tries to flirt with you." he scratched the back of his head with his right hand. he was acting like nothing out of the ordinary just occurred and more importantly that a body was laid close enough that he could bend down and touch his lifeless skin. "so i figured he'll learn from his mistakes".
there was an uncomfortable silence that washed over you. you were stunned, speechless.
blindly, he threw the bloody and bent kurki to the side. it hit a rock as the clang rang out into the air. you cringed at the loud noise. he was weaponless, at least. you were grateful for that. he walked a bit to get closer to you then crouching down to meet your eye level despite being a few inches taller than you. it felt weirdly intimate- not in a sexual way but one that may have provided you comfort if given much different circumstances.
"he never caused me any problems though?" you spoke quietly, your voice was breathy and sounded like you had just run a mile long marathon without any breaks nor water. "we were just friends?" your eyes wandered from his face, to his stubble covered chin to the grey rocks behind him realizing you had just used the past tense to describe one of your best friends.
he removed his sunglasses with both of his hands. "see, the question in your voice is what worries me." pausing, he attempted removed the blood and other innards from his glasses with his blue sleeve. "i don't think you would dare to betray me." there was hick in his voice. he looked down at you with a straight face, he was challenging you. he knew this scared you. he knew he scared you. normally, he would hate feeling this way but the anger overtook him. he wasn't that friendly bloke that talked a bit too much about the surrounding floral and fauna and starting campfires with sticks and mirrors but rather a cold blooder butcher. "i think he would try to sway you away from me, whether it be by early morning jogs or stargazing with him outside at night. i've seen it all."
your jaw went slack. in disbelief. you had an inkling that he was romantically interested in you but not to this extent he was acting obsessed. sure, jeremy would try his cheesy pickup lines that resulted in the both of you going quiet then laughing or the mindless hand touches but there wasn't anything direct. you thought of him like the brother you never had growing up as a little kid.
"why does this all matter to you, mick?" your eyebrows furrowed. you had so many questions but you didn't want to tick him off even more and cause harm to yourself.
"are you fucking re-" he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, catching his words. "jesus christ" he mumbled under his breath. he looked down at his midwestern styles shoes and your dusty white sneakers his eyes bouncing back and forth. "listen- i'm gonna stand up and walk to my van. i'm then going to grab my white washrag and douse it in chloroform. i'm then going to track you down and knock you out with it then drag you back to my van. i'm tired of worrying about these other fuckers taking you away, so i'm taking you away from them."
"what?" you blurted as your heartbeat speed up after every word in a struggle to comprehend what exactly he was trying to say. you watched as his left hand reached from something in his khaki pants, slowly taking out a swiss pocket knife. he flicked the pocket knife out of the red covering. mick studied the silver knife glimmering off the sunrays. you looked at the knife and looked back at him, unsure what to focus on. they were both weapons to some extent and that thought left you on the edge and anxious.
without speaking his whipped the small knife up to your jugular vein protruding out of your neck. you knew that if you moved it would tear open the skin and you would bleed out right there on the ground.
you repeated "okay" over and over again half trying to ground yourself and half in an attempt to convince him to remove the knife from touching your delicate skin. you knew he had the power to cut through you like a hot knife in butter. he laid the flat part of the knife on your neck which caused a shiver to travel up your spine leaving you to shake lightly for half a second.
"listen to me", his mouth was against your ear. "i want you to listen to everything i have to say", his voice was dark and gravelly which reminded you of how sandpaper sounds when rubbing the material against each other. "i have the knife against your throat and i want you to follow me to my van." the hairs on your neck stood up. "i don't wanna use it on you and i don't wanna waste my chloroform." he sat on his haunches with both of his legs on either side of your torso. this didn't allow you to run away nor escape.
you knew right then you had to follow all of his orders and instructions otherwise you knew you wouldn't make it out alive.
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