#tfw you think you're over your trauma
kominfyrirkattarnef · 6 months
Icelandic moots ik the new eruption is getting all the attention rn (rightfully), but mayeb spare a few good thoughts to us up in the westfjords tonight and tomorrow
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It's not that serious, but there haven't been any big avalanches this winter and this storm is just feeling like... something
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sarahsblog · 2 years
-Hate turned upside down-
Pairing: Eddie Munson X Aj (my best friend)-follow them @tfw-tajaaa
part 1 of (tbh idk, probably just 1 part and I never finish this :)
Word Count:650
Summary: After going through the trauma that you went through after discovering Russian spies underneath your town's beloved mall, and getting drugged, and then almost dying, you were hoping to have a calm senior year, but that plan was turned upside down.
Warnings:None, Graphic Words.
"Henderson, what are you doing??" Aj yelled when Dustin came running into Blockbuster and knocking off the dvd's that Aj had strategically placed on the counter to make them look pretty,
"Yeah you know Eddie Munson, and how Chrissy's body was found in his uncle's trailer?? yeah well he ran away and we're trying to find him so we can prove his innocence." Dustin said.
Aj did remember Eddie, they had some classes together junior year and she thought he was kind've cute and he always tried to make small talk but she'd tell him to "fuck off" because she likes not failing,. it made him stop talking to her, even though he thought she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen at that school, he had begun to put up a facade whenever she was around that made her think he hated her.
"Okay? and what about him? why do you need to prove his innocence? he obviously had something to do with it." Aj replied to him.
"No he didn't, i know he didn't, I-I just want to make sure everything's okay and to hear what actually happened." Dustin said
After 5 minutes of searching for who "Reefer Rick" is, they narrowed it down and found out who he was, so they left the shop and headed out towards where he lived.
Aj had pulled their flashlight out and stayed behind the rest of the gang, she moved it around to see if there was anything beside the house or behind it, when she moved it to the left she saw a barn.
"hey guys... I think there's something back out there." Aj whispered cautiously.
The rest of her best friends came down beside her and they all pointed their flashlights at the barn.
"Oh shit-" Steve said.
They walked down there and Dustin kept stepping on sticks and making noise, which made Steve punch him and tell him to shut up.
They opened the door to the barn and Dustin was talking out loud as if Eddie was in there
"Eddie...if you're in here you can come out, it's Dustin, from Hellfire.." he kept saying and reassuring himself that he was in the barn, hopefully alive.
Steve walked over to the hanging boat that had the tarp over it and Eddie himself popped out and pressed a broken bottle against Steve's neck,
"oh my god, okay, um hey let's play nice right??" Steve said while gasping for air and also trying not to get his neck sliced.
"Eddie, Eddie, its Dustin from school remember? I'm in the Hellfire club with Mike and Lucas."
Eddie turned to look at Dustin and his eyes met yours, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a spark or something that ignited in you like a fire.
"Yeah Eddie, I'm right here, Steve's cool, okay? So you can just put the glass down." Dustin said
He slowly put it down while staring at me and he let go of Steve.
"hey, um, what're you doing here?" Eddie said
Aj felt sad for him, he looked tired, sad, and scared.
"well, we're looking for you and the cops are looking for you, but we know you didn't do it." Dustin answered him.
(I had to stop so I could sleep lol)(Also if this like goes viral, um it wasn't meant to considering only 130 ppl follow me and they're probably all bots, but if it does, I'm so sorry, I've just had a writers block so).
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oh-atlas · 4 years
multiples of 5 + b, g, h for areli & westley!
tfw this has literally taken years ☠️ thank u nonetheless tabby!
What inspired you to create them?
ARELI was literally inspired by the combination of "oh hey my mutuals are making cool witcher ocs, maybe I should join in" and "here's how Renfri can still win-" and boy has she come a long way since.
WESTLEY was inspired in a similar manner of dumbassery and that is "hey remember the caleb widogast is a werewolf theory? that actually kind of slapped, i love the idea of a cagey dirty wizard hiding a wolfbite and awoo hours" so i riffed on it and waleb cidogast (now westley carter) was born :)
What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
ARELI's insistent and unwavering belief in her own (lack) of self worth is literally the root of all of her issues (alongside lots of childhood trauma), get you some self confidence and realize you're loved.
WESTLEY is the type of pretentious where I'd want to thump him constantly; especially because he uses intelligence in a way to make himself appear superior to others to hide his insecurities.
What trait do you admire most?
ARELI's tenacity is just kind of a double-edged sword because the fact that she's so damn stubborn is something I'd hate about her if she was real, however, it also drives her to go after what she wants and eventually helps her find what she needs.
WESTLEY is simultaneously methodical and yet, has no impulse control, and I have only one of those things and I would like the other as well. Sir, hand over your ability to pay attention to details.
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
ARELI is fairly mistrustful as a baseline and struggles to let people in.
WESTLEY is neutral, but gets quickly annoyed with people which doesn't turn into 'they're a bad person' but more 'they're not worth my time'.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
ARELI's is probably, "I'm fine." And I wouldn't say it haunts her yet.
WESTLEY's is hard to pin down because he doesn't particularly tell lies. Though, an idea I'll throw out for it because it's making me emotional is saying "No" when Minerva asks if he loves her 🙃🙃
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
ARELI sometimes rehearses what she wants to say, but also has a habit of blurting things out when frustrated or emotional. She is a decent speaker with tact when she wants to be, but usually does not care about mincing her words.
WESTLEY is very practiced with how he articulates himself and the languages he uses. It is rare to catch him off guard and fluster him to the point where he blurts something out. He is often reserved with his feelings and opinions for social convenience.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
ARELI struggles to even explain love.
WESTLEY would provide the academic definitions of course.
What are their thoughts on marriage?
ARELI secretly is a sap about the idea of marrying Amelia, what about it, don't @ her.
WESTLEY figures it's something that people do eventually.
Who do they most regret meeting?
ARELI is complicated because I want to say it'd be Orius but also, going to the cats led her to meeting Grey and Nysrugh and Amelia and later Maeve and all of the people that make her life matter, so I want to say him but also even if she was a trashbag, if she never met him, she wouldn't never met any of the people she loves.
WESTLEY regrets going on the errand that led him to meet a werewolf.
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
ARELI is pretty supportive of her friends and their interests so long as it isn't putting them in danger. If she thinks Maeve is going to go off and do something stupid she'll tell her outright lmao.
WESTLEY can honestly be kind of judgemental so it depends on what it is. He has few friends and those that he does consider friends are usually interested in the same things he's interested in. When Minerva comes to him with some sort of breakthrough on something he doesn't show his excitement in joy it's more in increased curiosity.
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
ARELI doesn't like thinking about her flaws but eventually grows to accept that she can be a little bit reckless and self-destructive.
WESTLEY denies he has flaws altogether, viciously, and then gets mad about it when he's called out on them and he realizes "oh maybe they're right."
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risingphoenix761 · 6 years
21 SPN Themed Questions
I was tagged indirectly by @sis-tafics ✌
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
The beginning! We kept up with it really well up until mid season...5? 6? Work happened around then and we were never home when it was on, but I stayed involved in it via internet until I got caught up, then started keeping up again during 12.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
Not fair. They've all got something to them. Once upon a time I might have been able to make this decision, but no can do. I love Dean's dedication to family, Sam's compassion for everyone, Cas's loyalty...I love all of them! Don't make me choose!
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE! They could all stand to be a little less stubborn, if you ask me, and the writers could really quit making shit decisions with them but I digress
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs
@bamby0304 @kittenofdoomage @kingofthecrxssroads and... Actually, I think most of the blogs I follow are SPN-ish, so...
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Hmm. Lemme think.
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6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
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Though I dearly love Jo and Meg 2.0 (which is some first class irony)
7. John or Mary?
Is that even a question?
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8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Dean - he's cute. I bet my sister already has a crush on him.
Sam - holy crap, he's tall! And he's a nerd like me!
Cas - did he just say angel? What the hell!
Jack - what the hell! This can't be good!
9. What's your favorite season?
Tough one. Gotta be a toss up between 5, 6, and 8
10. What's your least favorite season?
Also a tough one. Not a huge fan of 11, and I've been endlessly bitter and frustrated since the end of 12
11. Opinions on Destiel?
There's been hints, jokes, and subtext for years, so they might as well make it canon already. At this point, though, it would only be continuing to fuck with the shippers because of Cas's Buffy rip-off deal with the Empty. Personally, I just want to see something good happen to them, and they can't live without each other, so however they get to be happy is fine with me. Except there's that deal, which leaves Cas screwed, which ultimately screws Dean over, and I dunno, am I getting annoyed with the writing lately? Moving on.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Lately? They're getting very close, at the very least
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Is that even a question? The early years for me, thanks.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
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15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Yeah? Awhile ago? We got Jack out of it, and you're taking that precious cinnamon roll away over my dead body, but how much more can they get out of him without it feeling ridiculous? Now if we had different writers with some fresh ideas, who knows, but alas
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
Can't answer that one. Sorry.
17. What's your favorite Supernatural episode?
Oh shit... Yellow Fever, Mystery Spot, Weekend At Bobby's, The French Mistake, Swan Song, Sacrifice, First Born, Fan Fiction to name a few.
18. Do you like case episodes?
Does Dean like pie?
19. Who do you relate to most in TFW?
Again, that's hard to answer. That's one of the things I find most appealing about the show, is how relatable the characters are. I see my own best and worst in their best and worst, and that's pretty cool. It also sucks on occasion, but that's okay.
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
See above answer in terms of relatability. Also, the heart of the show has always been things that are really important to me, like family, loyalty, courage, and hope. It's why this show is always my go-to. Yeah, horrible things happen and they rarely make sense and there's always pain and grief and trauma, but there's also those other things, and they're worth holding onto.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
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The list is very likely that long. Lol. And I don't want them dead, exactly, but I can live without the hunters from the apocalypse world. That includes AU Bobby and Charlie. Ours are on that list!
Tagging anybody and everybody that wants to do this!
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