#thANK you for all the questions!!! i love to aNSSWER and these were very fun!
tangledinink · 1 year
For the Gemini twins.
If, after a fight, would big mama willing help them patch up or do they have to patch each other up on their own? Does it depend on Mama's mood? Does Leo have any 'privileges' like donnie does with tech? Would Mama destroy Donnie's tech if she was in a particularly bad mood? What's the worst punishment she ever gave them? Did they get into trouble a lot?
Sorry for all the questions, thank you!!
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-> big mama comes and visits them after every fight, and if they were still in need patching by the time she got there, perhaps she would take the time to bandage them up and tend to their injuries.
but we'll never know. because the twins have always taken care to patch each other up before big mama arrives. every other fighter in the nexus takes care of themselves, and they both feel confident that if they didn't follow suit, she would be disappointed in them. it always takes her a little bit to come see them after a fight, anyway... another cue, in their minds, of the expectation.
if their wounds are severe enough, they can seek care at the nexus infirmary-- but they've both gotten pretty good at handling things on their own by now.
-> leo doesn't really have 'privileges' the way donnie does, because he doesn't rely on physical items like him. sometimes he loses 'weapon privileges,' as does donnie. the justification from big mama is that always having tech in the nexus 'Bores The Fans--' they didn't come to watch donnie show off his tech, after all, they came for good, old-fashioned bloodsport! it really just depends on her mood, though. and refusing to let donnie bring his tech into the nexus isn't simply a punishment for him. it can just as easily be a punishment for leo, and all three of them know it.
-> she would and she has.
-> the worst punishment they've ever received...
-> when donnie and leo were little, they never got in trouble. they could do whatever the hell they wanted and big mama didn't give a single fuck. it drove all the hotel employees crazy 'cause they would get away with murder. once they turned eight, however, and were 'old enough' to begin training for their nexus careers, this abruptly changed. this was very difficult for the twins to process and adapt to, and they got 'in trouble' very frequently from around the ages 8-13 because they just... didn't know how not to. things that were once totally okay were now very much not, and they'd get in trouble for anything from speaking out of turn to being late to dinner to not standing up straight in public. by now, they have a pretty decent handle on the situation, though they still can't quite manage to stay out of trouble all the time... the rules are just a bit... unclear. and the expectations are very high.
[ gemini au ]
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