#thaddeus bradley
akralillianne · 2 years
Maybe Controversial Opinion: I don't want Lionel Shrike to be alive all along
With the classic “Never Found The Body” trope.
Him being alive would kind of ruin the plot of the other movies for me
Although I would accept if they alluded to him being alive, maybe making him one of the antagonists or some sort; hence, confusing our beloved characters, giving complicated feelings to Dylan but with the twist being that Lionel Shrike really was dead and they just made the Horseman believed he was alive.
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wwprice1 · 7 days
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Coming this January… Sam Wilson: Captain America!
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Theory about “Captain America: Brave New World” based on the new trailer:
Most of the movie will be about Sam Wilson trying to figure out who is behind the attacks on the President. Obviously, it’s Samuel Sterns/The Leader and the story will be about how he wants to establish a new world order based on gamma radiation people, yadda yadda yadda.
However, there’s a twist. Just as we start to think that this is going to be a straightforward good-vs-evil story, we learn that Sterns’ plan was to get the Avengers to become an official part of the U.S. military. It turns out that President Thaddeus Ross and Sterns are working together. Sterns is the brains behind-the-scenes while Ross is the face of the operation. The goal is to get America to accept their “new world order” by convincing the public to accept Ross as the president-for-life. Part of that goal is manipulating the Avengers into becoming their enforcers. Logically it makes sense, who’d want to challenge the new America if they have to deal with the Avengers?
So the terrorist attacks on Ross’ life are staged so that the public goes into mass hysteria. And when people are frightened, they become easier to control, which is what Sterns and Ross are banking on. Sam Wilson trying to figure out who is responsible for the attacks is meant to get him to reconsider his position on Captain America being an official U.S. military position. It’s to make him think, “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to work closer to the President so I can protect him better. Also, maybe the Avengers would be better off as an official organization rather than a group of vigilantes. At least we’d have the full support of the U.S. government”
And if the Avengers decide not to go along with Sterns’ plan…mind control (as we see with Isaiah Bradley).
Basically, it’s Metal Gear Solid in that Sam Wilson thinks he’s fighting the good fight, only to find out he was being manipulated behind-the-scenes the whole time. He thought he was protecting President Ross, turns out Ross and Sterns are on the same side.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
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agentem · 3 months
Cap4 teaster trailer! They clearly want us to be excited about Red Hulk but I just want to watch Isaiah Bradley fuck dudes up.
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steelbluehome · 3 months
‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Trailer: Anthony Mackie Takes Flight as Cap to Stop Red Hulk and a Presidential Assassin
By Jordan Moreau
Cap is back!
Marvel Studios has released the first trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” the fourth Captain America movie and the first starring Anthony Mackie‘s flying superhero Sam Wilson, formerly known as Cap’s sidekick the Falcon.
Mackie takes the Cap mantle over from Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers, who famously starred in the previous three “Captain America” movies and the four “Avengers” movies. At the end of 2019’s “Avengers: Endgame,” Steve bids farewell to his fellow superheroes and goes back in time to spend a new life with his beloved Peggy Carter. He gives his iconic vibranium shield to Sam, who vows to do right by the world-famous hero.
In the new trailer, Sam is greeted by Harrison Ford’s U.S. president Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, who wants to make Captain America a U.S. agent. The action heats up quickly as the superhero stops a would-be assassin at the White House. The trailer ends with a quick look at the new character Red Hulk, another gamma-irradiated monster, who is the alter-ego of “Thunderbolt” Ross in the Marvel comics. It’s unclear if the fourth “Captain America” movie will follow the same storyline as the comics, though.
The first time Marvel fans saw Sam suit up as Cap was in the Disney+ TV series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.” Sam teams up with Sebastian Stan’s antihero Bucky Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier, to take down a group of terrorists. The show received praise from fans and critics alike, in addition to five Emmy nominations.
“Captain America: Brave New World” will be the first time Mackie returns to the Marvel universe. The cast includes his “Falcon and Winter Soldier” co-stars Danny Ramirez, as the new Falcon, and Carl Lumbly as Isaiah Bradley; Shira Haas as the Israeli superhero Sabra; Giancarlo Esposito as a mysterious villain; and Ford taking over the role of “Thunderbolt” Ross from the late William Hurt. The movie also includes an MCU throwback by bringing back Liv Tyler, as Betty Ross, and Tim Blake Nelson, as the Leader, from the “Incredible Hulk” movie.
Julius Onah directs “Captain America: Brave New World,” which was written by Malcolm Spellman, Dalan Musson and Matthew Orton. The film hits theaters next year on Feb. 12, 2025.
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corikane · 3 months
About an hour ago, Marvel Entertainment released the following on its YouTube channel: ‘Lose the mustache or lose the election,’ I guess that’s a way to put a new face in the MCU. And Harrison Ford’s face at that. The recast followed the death of William Hurt who played Thaddeus Ross in several MCU projects – or maybe they would’ve done it anyway because we’re in the Multiverse and I’m not sure…
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pghlesbian · 1 year
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(via 27 year old Gender Nonconforming Thaddeus 'Tad' Keegan Bradley Killed)
Tad was injured by someone and then died. They didn’t deserve that. It doesn’t matter if they were using drugs or engaging in occult practices. They didn’t deserve to be left to die. The likelihood it was an accident grows more faint at the years pass by.   #GenderNonconforming #ThaddeusKeeganBradley #TadBradley #death #RIP
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wereverine · 8 months
rewatching now you see me and I think it's so funny how oblivious dylan pretends to be,, thaddeus bradley WHO,, the eye WHAT,, no sir I don't know anything abt the magic industry
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taraljc · 28 days
assuming Armor Wars actually happens One thing I hope they do is finally explain how War Machine's armor works since while we do see brief shots of Rhodey's heads up display, we've never had any hint as to the operating system and it couldn't have been JARVIS...
also, if they stick to the Secret Invasion director's intention that Rhody was in fact snatched and replaced after being hospitalised in Civil War then that raises a fuckton of questions. I mean imagine you've been hooked up to a machine to let someone else read your mind and you come out of it to find out it's been ten solid years and your best friend and your whole entire team with one exception (Sam) is dead or missing. Wanda, Vision, Cap, Tasha, the entire roster of his iteration of the Avengers just... gone.
Hawkeye is retired. Thor is wherever the fuck Thor is. Banner is Hulk all the time now and that is just too fucking weird. And Hulk has a half-alien kid and there's a She-Hulk now (but she is not the kid's mom and both she and Banner are completely grossed out when he asks).
He has no idea who the hell Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, and Ant-Man are. King T'Challa's dead. Maria Rambeau's dead. Maria Hill's dead. Monica Rambeau's MIA.
And like a cockroach, Thaddeus fucking Ross survived them all and that pompous asshole is still his goddamn boss.
(Unless Carol Danvers is leading The Avengers from now on which would actually make the most sense.)
Admittedly I am really excited to see him dealing with the fact that there are a bunch of goddamn toddlers calling themselves Hawkeye, Black Panther, Falcon, and Black Widow.
And then there's Riri.
I really am looking forward to all of the Riri Williams ever and Rhodey and Riri ending up bonding. And I am not going to lie, I really really hope they don't kill off Isaiah Bradley because I need Carl Lumley and Don Cheadle sharing the screen.
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Things I hope to see/or not see in NYSM3
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Merritt and Jack bullying Daniel (so hard- please)
Dylan being a mastermind but an absolute stupid idiot at the same time, the energy this man produces is such a vibe but I need that energy specifically.
I mean like this guy can do the tough act, it cool, great- BUT PLEASE ALSO LET HIM GIVE OFF SOPPING WET PUPPY DOG VIBES-
A Henley & Lula meet up.
The Eye explained more in-depth and set straight, it was pretty confusing the first two movies.
I’d also like to see Dylan’s fbi and magic sides combined, it was awesome to see it in the second movie so to see it again would be amazing.
Thaddeus Bradley sucks and i would not mind if they never mention him again unless it’s to bully him.
Each of the members getting to showcase their magic methods in-depth, like Jack is the card guy, Merritt is the hypnotist, I’m assuming Lula is the hardcore illusionist? (Idk the work for a magician who’s specialty is killing things and bringing them back to life and also doing very gorey things 🧍‍♂️) and Idk what the hell Daniel is doing so- y’know, more info would be great.
Sorry, that was mean (/ref)
I feel like Daniel was just coming off as the “I hate everyone” type of team member, but now that he’s finally warmed up to the rest of the team I hope they refine his personality towards the others in a fun way.
Also Lula literally says that she’s “not like other girls” in the movie- please refine that part of her or I will forever have mary sue subconsciously repeating in the back of my head every time I see her.
Lula and Jack couple moments, they became a couple last movie! You have to give me more content of the two if your going to do that!
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multiverseofseries · 2 months
Now You See Me - I maghi del crimine (2013)
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Un quartetto di maghi rapinatori di banche braccato dall'FBI in un gioco di prestigio e illusione nel quale spettatori e protagonisti non sono mai sicuri di chi sia un passo avanti ed uno indietro. Grandi premesse e grande cast per un film che parte col botto ma si incarta poi nello sviluppo e alla fine non convince del tutto.
Il trucco c'è ma non si vede
Un lungo prologo che precede i titoli di testa ci presenta uno per uno i quattro maghi protagonisti nel pieno dell'azione delle loro performance: J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), prestigiatore e seduttore; la sua ex assistente Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher) specializzata in escapologia; il mentalista e ipnotista Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson); Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) manolesta non solo con le carte e imbattibile con le serrature. Fino a quando i destini dei quattro non vengono ricongiunti da un misterioso committente che recapita ad ognuno una carta dei tarocchi con delle istruzioni da seguire e che li porterà ad incontrarsi in un loft a New York dove li aspetta un sorpresa. Li ritroviamo un anno dopo in tournée come the Four Horsemen, i Quattro Cavalieri, quattro maghi che hanno unito le forze per dare vita allo show più incredibile del mondo, all'apice del successo grazie al loro impresario e finanziatore il miliardario Arthur Tressler (Michael Caine): dal vivo sul palco del MGM Grand di Las Vegas riescono a svuotare magicamente il caveau di una banca di Parigi e far piovere le banconote rubate sul pubblico in delirio. Magia? Grande illusione? O una rapina bella e buona? L'FBI si fionda su di loro ma evidentemente è difficile incastrarli… a meno che non si voglia ammettere che la magia esiste! L'agente speciale Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) con la collega francese dell'Interpol Alma Dray (Mélanie Laurent) si mettono alle calcagna dei Four Horsemen, assistiti dall'enigmatico Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), un ex illusionista che ora si dedica a smascherare i trucchi e svelare i segreti dei maghi famosi.
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Comincia un inseguimento sfrenato, una partita a scacchi di abilità, intelligenza e furbizia per smascherare i Quattro Cavalieri, scoprire il loro trucco e impedire che colpiscano ancora nelle successive tappe del loro show che li porterà braccati dall'FBI prima a New Orleans e infine a New York. Chi sono i quattro maghi e perché fanno quello che fanno? Cosa c'è dietro? Novelli Robin Hood che rubano ai ricchi per dare ai poveri o abili truffatori che perseguono solamente i loro interessi? Chi è il misterioso deus ex machina che muove i fili e manovra il tutto nell'ombra, se ce n'è uno? Il film gioca col pubblico, così come i protagonisti tra loro, facendogli credere di essere un passo avanti quando invece è sempre un passo indietro, ovvero "pensi di sapere ciò che stai vedendo e invece non lo sai".
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E per un po' stare al gioco è divertente, l'idea è quella di portare lo spettatore ogni volta a credere di avere scoperto il trucco e puntualmente ad essere smentito dalla storia che invece prende un'altra direzione. Ricordate la massima di The Prestige? "Non è importante il prestigio in sè, quanto il trucco che si nasconde dietro". Più guardi da vicino tanto più facile sarà ingannarvi, ci ammonisce sin dall'inizio la voce di Jesse Eisenberg: un invito esplicito a concentrarsi sulla visione d'insieme, che però alla fine sembra sfuggire anche a regista e attori, non solo al pubblico, che forse può trovarsi un po' frastornato dai continui movimenti della macchina sempre in picchiata di Louis Leterrier, sicuramente più suo agio con gli effetti speciali e le scene d'azione che con i risvolti e le sottigliezze di un heist movie con la variante della magia. Il film offre comunque un intrattenimento di buon livello supportato da un cast interessante ed eterogeneo: Jesse Eisenberg è il più carismatico dei maghi, con i suoi tic e la parlantina, sue sono le battute migliori del film insieme a Mark Ruffalo, come al solito stropicciato e divertente. Woody Harrelson invece è colpevolmente sottoutilizzato, Michael Caine e Morgan Freeman al minimo sindacale. A forza però di deviare l'attenzione dello spettatore costringendolo in continuazione a guardare dall'altra parte per confonderlo e fare sì che non scopra dove sia il trucco che c'è dietro, regista e sceneggiatori perdono il bandolo della matassa e faticano a tenere alto il livello d'interesse del pubblico, come dire che dopo le premesse davvero magiche segue uno sviluppo della storia molto meno coinvolgente. La sensazione è che a forza di rimescolare le carte ogni tanto qualcuna sfugga dal mazzo o piuttosto che i protagonisti rimangano loro stessi incartati negli alti e bassi di una sceneggiatura lacunosa e con più di qualche buco, e alla fine, anche nel momento in cui il trucco dietro al prestigio viene finalmente rivelato, si rimane più confusi che persuasi.
Parafrasando il sopraccitato film di Nolan, se "ogni grande numero di magia è costituito da tre parti, la Presentazione, il Colpo di Scena ed il Prestigio", diciamo che Now You See Me per le prime due se la cava discretamente, ma al momento del Prestigio dove "succede l'inaspettato, dove vedi qualcosa che non hai mai visto prima", allora siamo ben lontani dal restare strabiliati.
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The Hedgehog's Dilemma/The Parker Dilemma
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57463501 by Mantis_Shimpish A group of Hedgehog's seek the warmth of each other through cold winter nights, but cannot risk getting too close to avoid hurting each other on their spikes. Penny used to seek the comfort of others, but has been hurt time and time again. She used to be an orphan, an experiment, a mentee, a hero, and a prisoner. By her fifteenth birthday, she's decided that it's not worth trying again. She has plans to clock out early, and reunite with all that she's lost. But it seems life would have other plans for our young hero. This is her story of resilience, loss, healing, and finding companionship in the most unexpected places. TLDR: Being a fifteen-year-old girl is hard in itself, but try balancing godly superpowers and an internship with a world famous scientist at the same time. Words: 1677, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Kate Bishop, Eli Bradley, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Gwen Stacy (The Amazing Spider-Man), Harry Osborn, Norman Osborn, Ned Leeds, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thaddeus Ross, Nick Fury, Aunt May Parker (Marvel) (mentioned), Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, ... eventually, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Bruce Banner & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Harry Osborn & Peter Parker (Past), Peter Parker & Original Male Character (Past), Uncle Ben Parker & Peter Parker (Past), Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Medical Torture, Trauma, Peter Parker has PTSD, military torture, Female Peter Parker, Hurt/very little comfort, Healing, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Hurt Peter Parker, Self-Harm, Bruce Banner Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, ... why do I always do this story?, writer has questionable mental health, aka she wrote this through a possible manic episode, read if you dare, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter is Penny, BAMF Peter Parker, Teen Romance, eventally, she has to get over trauma first, Not Beta Read, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, I swear guys just lemme cook, LEMME COOK 🗣️🔥, Possible Body horror warning?, ah why not I'll toss it into the growing list of issues this fic tackles, Body Horror, I'll give better content warnings for the start of each chapter ;), Mental Health Issues, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker-centric, Angst with a Happy Ending, a mixed bag of good and bad parental figures, radiation poisoning, It's like... oryx and crake level medical horror, mixed with a teenage coming of age supa hero redemption arc story, Guy's pls suggest tags I haven't published a long work since da cobid-19 read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57463501
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screenmovie · 1 year
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Morgan Freeman as Thaddeus Bradley,
Now You See Me, Extended Cut (2013), directed by Louis Leterrier and written by Ed Solomon, Boaz Yakin, and Edward Ricourt.
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steelbluehome · 3 months
The Verge
Captain America: Brave New World sends an Avenger to Washington in new trailer
First Captain America: Brave New World trailer introduces Harrison Ford’s President Thaddeus Ross.
By Charles Pulliam-Moore
Marvel’s movies don’t always tie directly into the series that came before them, but the new trailer for Captain America: Brave New World definitely makes it seem like something you’ll need to revisit The Falcon and The Winter Soldier for.
After years of providing air support to his predecessor, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) is the Captain in Brave New World’s first trailer, which opens up at a time when Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford) has become president of the United States. It gives Sam pause to hear that Ross is keen on making Captain America part of the American government once again in response to new mysterious threats. But when Sam witnesses a seemingly mind-controlled Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbly) — one of the first supersoldiers — attack the president, he has no choice but to reluctantly spring into action.
Though it’s tough getting a read on what Captain America will be fighting against this time around, it’s clear that the film is following in Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s footsteps by leaning into political intrigue. It’s also fairly obvious that a lot of Brave New World is going to feel like an expansion of the new normal established in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, which makes some sense given that this is Marvel’s first film with Wilson as a lead. But that could easily wind up being a bit much to ask audiences for when Captain America: Brave New World hits theaters on January (sic)14th, 2025.
The movie will be released on February 14th, 2025
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
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I’m sure the cast of Now You See Me - well, everyone but Isla Fisher, who bowed out of this sequel (actually, she was too pregnant to film, but I'd like to think she saw the first movie and said "Nope!") - were excited when a follow-up was greenlit. Writer Ed Solomon? He must’ve been sweating bullets. Now You See Me 2 is so convoluted it hardly makes any sense.
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18 months after framing Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), ruining Arthur Tressler (Michael Caine) and escaping the FBI, “Danny” Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merrit McKinney (Woody Harrelson) and Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) are fugitives waiting to see what Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo), their leader and connection to the mysterious organization known as “The Eye” will ask of them next. Joined by Lula May (Lizzy Caplan), they're asked to expose corrupt tech CEO Owen Case (Ben Lamb). When their mission goes wrong, the Four Horsemen are strongarmed into stealing a data chip by criminal mastermind Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe).
Now You See Me is a film that crumbles upon a second-watch, or even a first if you have a keen eye. On the sponge-like foundation, we’re now attempting to build another film. Jack Wilder faked his death. He, and everyone else, ditched their world-renowned personas as magicians to partake in some vendetta they had no association with. Their lives are essentially over, so what's next? No wonder they're thrilled about joining “The Eye”, a niche secret society that recruits stage magicians to combat crime. I bet they've got a long lineup of applicants with those restrictions.
Anyway, the plot kicks off when the Horsemen meet Walter Mabry. He wants them to steal a microchip that’s the size, weight and consistency of a playing card. If there was anyone in the world that could manipulate an object that size while being frisked by guards, it’s them… and that’s exactly the problem.
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As a picture featuring magicians, Now You See Me 2 has the same issues as the first: the tricks aren’t being performed live so there’s no wonder in them whatsoever. You know any screw-ups have been edited out or erased via computer. None of it is the least bit impressive. Like before, there’s no shocking reveal about sorcery and real-life incantations. The whole thing is nothing but a series of tricks - tricks people in this film should be able to see right through if the movie didn't constantly cheat.
If we look at Now You See Me 2 as a heist film, it also fails. Primarily because the “big score” is tossed in the middle of the movie and goes off so easily it’ll make you roll your eyes. This microchip they have to steal is passed from one person to the next over and over, and so effortlessly no human being alive, not with a million years of practicing could do it. The Horsemen? They hardly break a sweat. The key to any good heist film is that no single person is good at everything. The pickpocket can’t do the demolition. The demolition artist can’t drive the car the way the getaway driver can, etc. You might not be able to picture yourself as Danny Ocean, but you might recognize a bit of yourself in Frank Catton. You might not be Ethan Hunt… but you could imagine being chosen as Benji Dunn. Who are you in Now You See Me 2? You’re not even the bumbling FBI agent.
The film is edited in a way that makes actions nonsensical and character motivations just as puzzling. The Horsemen are insufferable so you don’t care whether they succeed or fail and all wind up with their heads on pikes. In theory, you might’ve gotten slightly attached to Lizzy Caplan - who is a great addition to the cast - but there’s so much going with the random storylines that eventually tie together (unsatisfyingly) that there’s no time to flesh out any of the characters. They’re just pieces moving in a Rube Goldberg machine that’s merely over-complicated instead of being over-complicated and entertaining/hilarious. Director Jon M. Chu cast Woody Harrelson in two roles and still leaves the audience feeling like he didn’t do anything in the entire movie.
Now You See Me 2 is a living contradiction. It lacks any innovation, which should make it predictable… but it leaves so much money on the table it'll bamboozle you more than once. It’s dull to watch but fascinating to talk about and dissect. With his association with the Harry Potter franchise, Daniel Radcliffe proves to be an inspired bit of casting but he’s awful because he isn’t the least bit intimidating. The movie makes no sense but goes to great lengths to assure us that none of what we saw was sponsored by sorcery and witch’s cauldrons. It’s a great heist film for people who are kind of dumb. (January 28, 2022)
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